Strategy For a Healthy Weight Gain If you are skinny and looking for weight gain, you might have searched for relevant information on google and may have read many articles on weight gain. Losing fat is easy when compared to weight gain. When you are keen on gaining weight, you have to understand the difference between simply piling up fat which is an unhealthy way for weight gain and the healthy way to put on weight. Putting on weight by simply having whatever comes into your sight is not at all advisable. Weight gain is not an overnight process; it needs a strategy and patience. Staying focused is mandatory to gain weight in a healthy way. Let us discuss how to increase weight in a healthy manner. When we talk about healthy weight gain, it involves increasing muscle bulk and some, hardly 10 to 20% fat of total body weight. Be aware that muscle tissue is more heavier than adipose tissue, and building muscle is a time taking process, so be patient and stay focused. Following are few simple ways to gain weight in a healthy wayBoost your metabolism: Metabolism rate means the speed at which your body utilizes the calories to produce energy. It is the ratio of how much we have consumed and how much we have spent in speculated time period. Slow metabolism makes you sluggish. Boost your metabolism to increase your appetite, which helps you to eat more and also keeps you more active. This cycle has to be in a successive progression. To enhance the metabolic process, •
Eat meals at regular intervals
Add more fibre to your food
Drink plenty of water
Small and frequent meals: We think eating huge lunch and dinner will help us to gain weight. It may increase the weight but not in a healthy way, it results in indigestion and fat accumulation. Adopt a method of eating small meal portions at regular intervals. Divide the food you consume daily into smaller portions, and have them in 3 to 4 hours of intervals. It aids in easy digestion, and keeps you active and energetic throughout the day, boosts the metabolism, and thus results in healthy weight gain. Maintain a time Frame while you eat: Research shows that brain gets a signal to stop eating after twenty of your eating. So plan eating within 20 minutes without any disturbances. Make time to eat in a relaxed way, don't eat in a hurry. Arrange everything you need before you start eating and complete the session within the speculated time.
Eat Healthy Food: Healthy refers to food stuff that is easily digestible. Avoid extra oil and fat so that body can easily digest the food. It also allows our body to eat more food. Good hygiene in foods aids our brain to accept more food. Prefer low glycemic index food: Low glycemic food is slow in absorption, allowing our body, a continuous supply of energy. High glycemic food is easy in digestion but fails to provide energy for long periods. Keep in mind that high fat food is different from low glycemic food. Regular breakfast: Never skip breakfast, when you wake up in the morning, your body is in demand of energy. If you skip breakfast, you body will be in a state of fast and lack of energy till the noon which keeps you low throughout the day. So supply sufficient carbohydrates early in the morning. Regular consumption of breakfast boosts your metabolism, supplies energy and helps you to gain weight. Workout Daily: Adding regular work out will contribute to a lot to improve your muscle mass which means a healthy weight gain. Stretch your muscle and put some pressure with free weight lifting in order pump your muscle. If your muscles are increasing your BMI, no need to worry about high BMI, you are healthy. Increase food intake gradually: As you are keen in gaining weight, it is obvious that you need to increase your food intake. Although, you need to give space to your body to accept little more food. Increase your food intake gradually, eat few extra calories and allow some time to your body to accept it. Then add little more calories to existing. This strategy will definitely help you to achieve your target weight in a healthy way. Add fats: You may surprise, but, yes, body needs few fats to increase the weight in a healthy manner. However, you need to add good fat (HDL), not bad fat (LDL). Fat gives shape to your body, aids testosterone production and mobility of joints. So don't ignore the fats. Be Aware that weight gain is not a quick process, not automated, needs commitment, patience, and motivation. So, stay focused to make the things happen. Read More Health Articles & Tips at