Risk factor and prevention of stroke risk

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Proven ways to Reduce the Stroke Risk According to a new research report by American heart Association, a study on lifestyle modifications to minimize the stroke risk, there are seven health factors which can reduce the risk of developing heart stroke. Researchers designed a study to calculate stroke risk among people aged 45 and above. They included 23,000 Americans in the study and observed them for five years.

Following health factors have been taken as measures for assessing the stroke risk,       

Active life Low cholesterol levels Healthy diet Controlled blood pressure Maintaining an ideal weight Controlled blood sugar Tobacco free life

Researchers categorized study participants into groups, namely, 1. Inadequate (zero to 4 points), 2. Average (5 to 9 points), 3. Optimum (10 to 14 points).

Further, while calculating the risk percentage, a one point increase was equivalent to 8% lower stroke risk. The increase in score that is stickiness to healthy lifestyle decreases the risk of developing stroke. This means, people with optimum scores were at lower risk when compared to those who were with inadequate scores in their study. People with average score were at more risk according to their study. The study reported that within the duration of five years of study, 432 strokes occurred among the participants, in which, blood pressure showed more influence in causing stroke. People with controlled blood pressure showed 60 % lower risk of developing stroke in future. Further, people who are non smokers had a 40 % lower stroke risk when compared to smokers in the study. Researchers concluded that study once again proved that adopting healthy lifestyle habits is the best way to minimize the stroke risk. Though, you’re suffering from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, keeping them under control will help you to prevent further complications. Along with controlling those conditions, controlling cholesterol levels by working out regularly, maintaining an ideal weight, healthy diet and staying away from both active and passive smoking will help you to reduce the stroke risk to maximum extent. So, know the importance lifestyle changes, adapt them in daily life and stay healthy. Read More Health Articles & Tips at eVaidya.com

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