Healthy diet for obesity

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Healthy Diet Plan for Obesity It is widely accepted that diet is the main focus in Obesity Treatment. Exercise of course plays a very important role but treatment for obesity begins and ends with A Diet Plan. But this is precisely where we fail to persist. We start off really well though. An all fruit diet or a bowl of steamed veggies for breakfast. No looking at junk food. Taking the stairs to office. Having home cooked carb free lunch. And dinner??Oh that is just a formality! A family function , an office party , night out with friends - you just tasted a few fries, a little bit of carbs, a sprinkling of cheese...... Next day you are too lazy to work out. You promise yourself to start from the next day, procrastinate it to the next week and that's it. You have to restart it all over again.

How about trying a reasonable diet plan? Yep it doesn't give you results within a few weeks. It may take a few months. But haven't you been trying to lose weight for years now? Why not adopt a practical approach this time over and actually succeed!

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Breakfast - Keep it simple. Oats, cornflakes, cereals with milk. You can have a veg paratha(not alu though and cut down the ghee) or upma and idly once or twice a week. Lunch - this should be a complete and a balanced plate. A bowl of veggies, a bowl of rice( a little bit of carbs will not harm you) or rotis, dal or some form of protein and some yoghurt ( yoghurt has probiotics that improve digestion) Evening snack - a bowl of fresh fruits and green tea. Dinner - a bowl of veggies with roti/wheat flakes/brown rice. Remember, no proteins ( that includes pulses and milk products) at night.



Work on improving your fat metabolism - have three to four glasses of hot water in between meals, include ginger, garlic ,cumin and asafoetida in your diet, substitute honey with sugar wherever possible, a glass of barley water taken daily . These simple diet changes work very well in improving your fat metabolism. When you falter - there are days when you have to attend parties or family functions and you are tempted to eat fatty food. No sweat. The next day have about two litres of warm water, and about two to three cups of herbal tea ( herbal tea is prepared out of spices that improve digestion and works on your fat metabolism like cumin, cloves, cardamom etc).

This may not exactly remove the effect of the unhealthy foods that you have consumed but it puts your digestive system back on track. The key to losing weight is to ensure that you are not taking in more calories than necessary for your body. But when your diet plan starts to feel like a punishment, you probably are not going the right way. Remember a happy mind is as important as a healthy body. For more Health Tips and Online Medical Consultation, Visit

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