EvergreenHealth Monitor Summer 2013

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Celebrating the Next Generation

Families return to embrace trusted maternity care with each new generation


NICU Families Pay It Forward Parents find healing in caring for others in need of support


Finding the Best Childbirth Team For Your Family Important questions to consider when you’re expecting



Family-centered Care

A philosophy pioneered by EvergreenHealth maternity providers continues to thrive today

EvergreenHealth Medical Center in Kirkland, including Home Health and Hospice

24-Hour Emergency Care in Kirkland and Redmond Urgent Care in Redmond and Woodinville

Blaire, Tyler & Graham Henebry, Redmond

Primary Care in Canyon Park, Duvall, Kenmore, Monroe, Redmond, Sammamish and Woodinville

17 Specialty Practices in Kirkland

EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline 425.899.3000

Message from the CEO Robert H. Malte, Chief Executive Officer

Dear Friends, Welcome to the summer issue of Monitor, our quarterly opportunity to share insights and resources for helping the members of our community live healthy, active lives. We are dedicating a large part of this edition of Monitor to our regionally and nationally recognized Family Maternity Center, where the team of professionals has passionately embraced a familycentered approach to bringing nearly 5,000 new lives into our community each year. As you’ll discover through the stories in this issue, the Family Maternity Center is one the most comprehensive maternity centers in the Puget Sound region, providing families with a range of choices as they work with their providers to create their desired birth plans. Our advanced capabilities meet patients at every step along their journey, offering the ability to provide care and services for all families, including those for whom the risks of pregnancy complications are greatest. And this spring, with the help of our community, we raised $1.2 million to help support families served by EvergreenHealth’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)


with expanded space and innovative technology to care for critically ill and extremely premature infants during their vital first hour of life. This edition will also give you an in-depth view of the growth that EvergreenHealth has experienced as we look back on our 40th anniversary and prepare to serve the next generation for a lifetime of health and wellness. In this issue—as we do once a year—we’ve included a copy of our Community Annual Report, which highlights our mission in being a trusted partner in your family’s health, and our commitment to the values that guide our care. In this spirit, join me in embracing the health of our next generation as we embark on our next 40 years of service. In good health,

Robert H. Malte Chief Executive Officer

At EvergreenHealth, new beginnings take place every day. We have the privilege of sharing and celebrating those transformational moments with patients, neighbors and community members who make EvergreenHealth part of their family’s growth, generation after generation. For some families, a new beginning is marked by the birth of a baby—that extraordinary moment when a breath of new life transforms an expectant woman into a mother, a supportive mother into a grandmother. Over our 40-year history, we’ve seen many families return to EvergreenHealth to celebrate those milestones with the birth of each new generation— an honor that humbles us time after time. For others, a new beginning may involve recommitting to a healthy lifestyle, discovering a new way of life after a medical treatment, or embracing ways to live fully and actively with each passing year. As we look back on our first 40 years, we find our organization poised to begin anew, as well. As we begin our 41st year of service to the community, we remain focused on our purpose to enrich the health and wellbeing of every life we touch, while we also look ahead to preparing the members of the next generation for a lifetime of living at their healthiest best selves. In this issue of Monitor, you’ll meet some of the people who have made EvergreenHealth part of their multigenerational family history, and we’ll offer a few tips and resources for ensuring your family’s health and wellness for generations to come.



Embracing Family-Centered Care


Celebrating the Next Generation


NICU Families Pay It Forward


Finding the Best Childbirth Team for Your Family


Discover Women’s and Children’s Services at EvergreenHealth


Halvorson Cancer Center Celebrates Grand Opening

EvergreenHealth Providers Featured on New Day Northwest

Breast Health Center Celebrates Two Years of 3-D Mammograms

Hold the Date for Upcoming Events



Message from the CEO


Healthiest Best at Any Age


Health Classes


EvergreenHealth Foundation


Primary, Urgent, Emergency and Specialty Care







“The entire team was so


accommodating, and really helped us

stay focused on meeting our new baby.”


For thousands of years, women across cultures and historical eras have shared the experience of giving birth and becoming a mother. While science has brought about technological advances and improved safety practices, the extraordinary experience of childbirth is something that has continued to bond women and families in ways that few other life events can. In recent history, teams of nurses and providers in obstetrics and women’s care have dramatically improved the way providers prioritize patients’ preferences and have created a more comfortable, inclusive environment for welcoming babies into the world. EvergreenHealth was at the forefront of that movement nearly 30 years ago, pioneering the philosophy of family-centered care. Today that approach continues to resonate with families and their childbirth teams who partner together throughout this incredible journey.


Over Dr. Chuck Heffron’s 30-year career as an obstetrician in the Family Maternity Center, he, with a group of dedicated doctors and nurses, partnered with the organization to make bold, patient-focused changes that inspired the philosophy of family-centered care that is embraced by many today. In retirement, he continues to advise the organization as it continually seeks to improve the patient and family experience in childbirth and beyond. PICTURED At LEFT: Charles Heffron, MD

When Blaire Henebry discovered she was pregnant, she called her sister in Montana for advice on the important next steps she would take in planning to have a baby. Her sister, having connections in the Northwest, referred Blaire to the Center for Women’s Health at EvergreenHealth, which happened to be just 10 minutes from Blaire’s Redmond home.

The team started by looking at every aspect of the experience from a patient-and-family perspective, keeping the patient’s and family’s choices and comfort at the center of every decision. “I was particularly intrigued by the notion of moms and babies not having to change environments,” Dr. Heffron says.

Blaire chose Dr. Karen Wells, the center’s medical director, as her obstetrician, and Dr. Wells immediately put Blaire’s anxious nerves at ease. “I was paranoid about everything,” Blaire remembers. “But Dr. Wells really set my mind at ease, and helped me feel in control and educated about what to expect.”


And, before any other hospital was doing it, EvergreenHealth introduced single labor, delivery and recovery birthing suites and eliminated was particularly intrigued its well-born nursery. Along with those changes, the hospital also did away by the notion of with visiting hours and prescheduled feeding times for newborns.

moms and babies not having to change environments.”

That feeling of comfort and confidence was central to the experience Dr. Chuck Heffron envisioned for maternity patients back in the early 1980s, when he along with a team of doctors, nurses, staff and dedicated volunteers spearheaded the family-centered care philosophy that is embraced by so many today.

“Our goal was to eliminate hospital inconveniences and maximize the time families spent together in a setting where we could provide them with the tools and techniques to educate new parents and help give them confidence,” Dr. Heffron adds.

The family-centered approach quickly became the standard of care adopted by the Family Maternity Center, balancing absolute patient safety with an individualized patient experience.

“We had a real opportunity to take a more progressive approach to how we partnered with and cared for our “From the inception of a family centered pregnancy and patients and to maximize the childbirth experience, birth center, we—the entire staff—all understood how but it had to be genuine and accepted by everyone across enriching the experience can be when family members the department,” Dr. Heffron says. are included,” Dr. Wells comments.



“After attention to safety, our role can be to help make the experience of childbirth as personalized and patient-centered as possible.” Last August, when Blaire Henebry’s delivery day arrived, she was determined to have the natural childbirth she and Dr. Wells had discussed. But standing at just a hair over 5 feet tall, she knew her birth plan might not go as she had hoped. “My labor was long and rocky, but I knew I was in good hands the entire time,” Blaire recalls.

Blaire says of the moments, and then days, following her son’s birth. And Blaire hasn’t left the EvergreenHealth family, either. She is one of thousands of moms who participate in parent-baby educational classes that help families navigate the new discoveries of parenting, together. “I like to tell women that they are every bit as good as the millions of women who have come before them,” Dr. Heffron explains. “The goal is simply the best experience and outcomes for mom and baby. Our role is to help ensure the safest and best possible experience of childbirth and as personalized and patient-centered as possible.”

She labored for 31 hours while her husband’s and her extended families waited anxiously in the family support areas for nearly two days. “The birth of a baby is one of the most intimate ‘family affairs,’” Dr. Wells adds. “The inclusion of spouses, siblings, grandparents and other family and close friends starts with joyously announcing the pregnancy, continues with emotional and physical support along the way and builds toward the awesome experience of a birth. It’s important to us to support our patients and families at each of those significant steps along the way.” “The entire team was so accommodating, and really helped us stay focused on meeting our new baby,” Blaire says. After two grueling days of labor, Blaire and Tyler Henebry’s son Graham was delivered by C-section on August 20, 2012. For many moms like Blaire, EvergreenHealth’s family-centered approach remains paramount to the childbirth experience. When natural childbirth isn’t an option, providers strive to emulate the natural experience at a C-section delivery, providing moms with skin-to-skin time—an important part of motherbaby bonding—in the operating room just after the baby is born. “From the moment Graham was born, he didn’t leave our side,”

LEARN MORE IS YOUR FAMILY EXPECTING? The EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline can refer you to our network of providers who specialize in childbirth services. We can also connect you to our EvergreenHealth Parent-Baby Groups, which bring new families together to navigate parenting successes and challenges in a supportive, educational and hands-on environment. We invite you to call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000. PICTURED ABOVE: Blaire and Graham Henebry, Redmond, & Karen Wells, MD




Pictured above: Kelsey Staub and daughters, Redmond

Every day at EvergreenHealth, families welcome the arrivals of their newest additions, with many moms and dads taking their first steps on the journey of parenthood in the Family Maternity Center. Over the center’s 40-year history, many of those journeys have lead parents and grandparents back to EvergreenHealth to celebrate the birth of second and even Pictured ABOVE: Amanda Dise, MD


third generations in a place where their families once began.



the next generation Like many moms, Kelsey Staub was thrilled to learn she was pregnant with her second child. What she did not expect, however, was to be pregnant with twins. The Kirkland mom had no idea she was carrying twins until her first routine pregnancy checkup. But Kelsey was no stranger to childbirth surprises. During labor with her first child, she learned she would need to change her birth plan and deliver the baby via C-section. She was told that a specialist had been called in to help with the surgery.

“When we heard his name, my mom looked at me with a shocked expression and said, ‘oh my gosh,’” Kelsey remembers. The specialist was Dr. Wayne Hill—who was among EvergreenHealth’s first obstetricians, and the same physician who had delivered Kelsey when she was born at the hospital years earlier. Though she hadn’t yet met him as an adult, knowing that Dr. Hill was joining her childbirth team gave Kelsey an immediate feeling of calm. Dr. Hill assisted Kelsey’s obstetrician, Dr. Amanda Dise, and together they delivered Kelsey’s first child, a girl she named Nicole. Two years later, after Kelsey learned she would be having twins, Dr. Hill helped deliver her children once again. “It made it really special,” Kelsey says in describing the full-circle experience of Dr. Hill’s involvement in the birth of all three children.

Kelsey’s multigenerational story rings familiar to Nancy Lawrence, a nurse of more than 30 years who had her own twins delivered by Dr. Hill, as well. In 1982, Nancy joined EvergreenHealth Medical pictured ABOVE: Wayne Hill, MD Center’s Critical Care Unit as a charge nurse and soon after chose the hospital as the place to have her three children—first a son and then twin daughters. A generation later, when the time came, EvergreenHealth was where her daughter Vanessa decided to give birth, too. In all her time as part of the EvergreenHealth team, Nancy has shared in the special moments of countless families, including her own. But few moments can compare with witnessing the birth of her granddaughter. “I felt like I was passing the torch,” says Nancy about watching her daughter become a mother. “It was one of the highlights of my life.” For Vanessa, there was no question that she would begin her new family at EvergreenHealth. “It’s always felt like an extension of home,” she says. As Vanessa welcomed her new daughter, Alana, into the world, she was surrounded by her family, including her mother and twin sister—the three of them sharing the miracle of birth together again. Pictured LEFT: Danielle Brown, Kenmore; Nancy Brown Lawrence, Kirkland; Vanessa Smith and daughter Alana, El Paso, TX



Andrew spent 95 days in the NICU while doctors worked to treat the deficiencies resulting from his early birth. “The reason our babies are healthy today is because of the EvergreenHealth NICU,” Tricia says. “We were so thankful and wanted to find a way to support other families and give back to Evergreen.” Tricia and Natalie both joined the NICU Parent Advisory Board about two years ago. “Our goal is to make ourselves available to other families. Whether it’s being a familiar face in the hallway or someone to talk to, we’re there to bring support and hope to other families,” Natalie explains. pictured above: Tricia Fanning, ReNTON, and Natalie Delorey, duvall

Holding your baby or breastfeeding for the first time is a precious moment that many moms relate to, but when your child is receiving care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), those events can be even more meaningful.

The Parent Advisory Board, made up of several volunteers who have “graduated” from the NICU, meets weekly on-site at the EvergreenHealth Family Maternity Center and invites new families to join them to share their babies’ challenges or progress. “We will do anything to help,” Natalie says. “We know it’s a roller-coaster ride of emotions, and a lot times we’re just there to lean on and make their lives easier, however we can.”

NICU Families Pay It Forward

The moms of EvergreenHealth’s NICU Parent Advisory Group understand firsthand those special milestones and use their experience to support families with babies currently receiving neonatal intensive care.

“It can be such an isolating experience,” says Tricia Fanning of Renton, whose son Jack, born at 27 1/2 weeks, spent 159 days in the EvergreenHealth NICU before he was big enough to go home with his family. “Having someone you can lean on, who understands what you’re going through, makes a big difference.” Duvall mom Natalie Delorey shared a similar feeling when her son Andrew was born prematurely. Like Jack, Andrew was born at 27 weeks, weighing less than 3 pounds. “It’s really hard to say, ‘I couldn’t hold my baby today,’” she explains.


Beyond emotional support, the Parent Advisory Group often provides advice on other ways families may navigate their NICU experience, helping them, for instance, to start a blog to keep friends and family up to date.

“I tell families to take a picture of their baby every day. It’s amazing how much they change in a short time,” Natalie adds. Today, Natalie’s son Andrew is 3 and Tricia’s son Jack is 4. Both are perfectly healthy, growing boys. “Being part of this group has been a life-changing experience,” Tricia says. “There is a lot of healing and peace in helping other people. It ends up helping you in the end.”


Finding the Best Childbirth Team for Your Family Learning you’re expecting marks the beginning of an incredible journey—one that’s filled with joy, excitement and a new experience, along with many decisions to make and questions to answer throughout pregnancy and long after a new baby has joined your family. Choosing your healthcare partner, who offers both clinical expertise and emotional support, is one of those important early decisions.

EvergreenHealth and its affiliated practices—which include compassionate obstetricians, midwives, nurses and support staff—offer suggestions to consider when selecting a team who can best partner with your family during this time. When you’re beginning your search, recommendations from your friends, neighbors and colleagues who have recently had a baby are often part of what families consider in choosing their own team. Many patients also find it’s helpful to look online, as many websites offer insight into a provider’s experience and philosophy. Once you’ve identified a potential partner, you might wish to have an introductory meeting to ensure the chemistry feels like a fit, and that trust and communication come easy. When you’ve found your best childbirth team it’s often helpful to ask plenty of open-ended questions, and to share specific goals, concerns or desires with your provider. Having open communication can help you learn about your provider’s personality and childbirth philosophy to ensure your partnership is the best match for you and your family when it comes time to deliver.



Discover Comprehensive Maternity Care at EvergreenHealth

EvergreenHealth’s nationally recognized range of maternity services meet families along the wonderful journey of childbirth. We offer the highest-level of care, advanced technologies and a compassionate family-centered approach to pregnancy and maternity care—all delivered by providers, midwives and nurses who are experts in their field. Discover our spectrum of personalized services that align the resources new families need for a healthy start.


Family Maternity Center

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

EvergreenHealth’s Family Maternity Center provides comprehensive, patient-centered care services that help families create an individualized pregnancy and birthing experience. From childbirth education classes to high-risk pregnancy care, EvergreenHealth supports families with a range of needs. The Family Maternity Center offers:

Infants born prematurely or with illnesses require a special level of care. EvergreenHealth’s Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides a high level of lifesaving medical care when babies need it most.

The state-of-the-art unit provides: • private care rooms for infants and families • 24-hour Neonatologist on site care • gynecology services • Giraffe isolette neonatal intensive • antepartum care care bed to simulate the uterine • triage and obstetrical emergency environment department care • dedicated teams of nurses • labor and delivery supported by: • caesarean sections – pediatric ophthalmologists • trial of labor after c-section – speech therapists (TOLAC) – physical therapists • post-delivery recovery – respiratory therapists • postpartum care – registered dieticians • board-certified lactation – board-certified lactation consultation consultants • 24 hour OB and hospitalist – pediatric pharmacists & anesthesiologist on site – social workers

Maternity Care Services

MaternalFetal Medicine

Postpartum Care and Breastfeeding Center

Most health care professionals recommend breastfeeding as the best source of nutrition for your baby’s first 12 months. EvergreenHealth was the first hospital in the nation to be recognized by the World Health Organization as a Baby-Friendly Hospital. The designation means • prenatal consultation EvergreenHealth promotes • prenatal testing and diagnosis breastfeeding and offers new moms • accredited, high-quality obstetrical ultrasound screening resources to support successful for low-and high risk pregnancies, breastfeeding. including: • board-certified • the highest resolution 3-D lactation consultation and 4-D imaging • on-call phone consultations • first trimester fetal-health during off-hours screenings and more complex • post-hospital consultations second and third trimester for postpartum maternal care screening for complex congenital heart diseases diagnoses • consultation with board- certified maternal-fetal medicine specialists and Baby & Family Boutique sonographers EvergreenHealth, Coral • genetic counseling Suite 320 • diabetes management 425.899.3603 • multiples program Hours: • pre-term labor management Monday-Saturday • twin-to-twin transfusion 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. syndrome Sunday: Closed • fetal therapy EvergreenHealth Maternal-Fetal Medicine perinatologists care for women with high-risk pregnancies, helping to diagnose, treat and manage potential complications. Specialized services care for a range of pregnancy complications and include:


Baby & Family Boutique The in-hospital Baby & Family Boutique offers quality and hardto-find products to help new families during pregnancy and throughout a baby’s first year. From specially sized preemie clothing to breast pumps and countless other accessories, the boutique offers a range of useful products for all families.


Childbirth Education Services EvergreenHealth’s childbirth education begins with pregnancy and continues all the way through a baby’s first year to help ensure that new families get off to the best start. Classes include: Prenatal Classes • Family Maternity Center tours • Labor & Birth Basics • Labor Coping Skills Review • Labor & Birth for Teens and Young Adults • Labor & Birth–Multiples • Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond • Pumping classes • Pelvic Health class • Day About Baby • Siblings classes • Yoga for Pregnancy • Pre-Diabetes Prevention Class • Gestation Diabetes Class Postpartum Classes • Bringing Baby Home Workshop • This is Not What I Expected • Starting Solid Foods • Breastfeeding Your Older Baby • Conscious Fathering • Spanish Tours • Car Seat Inspection Clinic • Car Seat Safety • Fit4Baby • Happiest Baby on the Block

Parent-Baby Groups Since 1991, EvergreenHealth’s Parent-Baby Groups have been providing education and support to help families learn about their new babies and parenting with a group of other new parents. Weekly groups help provide knowledge and camaraderie, and encourage parents to share successes and challenges—and to get practical, hands-on information to make the journey a little easier. Snugglers (0-3 months) Tuesdays & Wednesdays 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Explorers (9-12 months) Thursdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Gigglers (3-6 months) Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Shakers (12-15 months) Thursdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Movers (6-9 months) Thursdays 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Visit www.evergreenhealth.com/parent-baby to see this month’s calendar or call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline to register for a class: 425.899.3000.

EvergreenHealth celebrates the extraordinary compassion and care of our nurses every day, and recognizes outstanding service with the international DAISY Award. Family Maternity Center nurse Patty Olmstead was recently awarded a DAISY for her excellence in nursing. You can nominate a nurse here: www.evergreenhealth.com/daisy


Maternity Care Services


Women’s Services and OB Practices The practices affiliated with the Family Maternity Center all share EvergreenHealth’s commitment to quality, family-centered maternity care. They partner with patients and families, listening to the desires for each family’s birth experience, working together at every step to make it happen. A Women’s Clinic at Evergreen www.awomensclinic.com

Evergreen Women’s Care www.evergreenwomenscare.com

Maheen Fallah, MD; OB/GYN Bonnie Gong, MD; OB/GYN Kathy Partida, MD; OB/GYN Lorraine Robertson, MD; OB/GYN Theresa Tsang, MD; Gynecology

Jonathan Cook, MD; OB/GYN Stephen Hyde, MD; OB/GYN Patrick Morell, MD; OB/GYN Dawn Russell, MD; OB/GYN Debra Stemmerman, MD; OB/GYN

Eastside OB/GYN www.eastsideob.com

EvergreenHealth Midwifery Care www.evergreenhealth.com/midwife

Kent Davis, MD; OB/GYN Jean Dydell, MD; OB/GYN Mary Tsuang, MD; OB/GYN Mary Beth Wittman, MD; OB/GYN

Heather Bradford, CNM, ARNP Shana Burton, CNM, ARNP Michele Jackson, CNM, ARNP Kim Meyers, CNM, ARNP

Center for Women’s Health at Evergreen www.womenshealthcare.org

EvergreenHealth OB/GYN Hospitalist Services

Sheemain Asaria, MD; OB/GYN Michele Delorit, MD; OB/GYN Amanda Dise, MD; OB/GYN Guoli Johnston, MD; OB/GYN Amy Tu, MD; OB/GYN Karen Wells, MD; OB/GYN Evergreen Women’s Health Center www.obdoc.com Mary Brumfiel, MD; OB/GYN Maura Cardwell, MD; OB/GYN Angela Chien, MD; OB/GYN Luanne Schocket, MD; OB/GYN Josephine Wang, MD; OB/GYN


Brenda Flake, MD; OB/GYN Shaunie Keys, MD; OB/GYN Terrence Pheifer, MD; OB/GYN Jennifer Porter, MD; OB/GYN Susan Rutherford, MD; OB/GYN, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Suman Tewari, MD; OB/GYN

EvergreenHealth Maternal-Fetal Medicine Services www.evergreenhealth.com/ maternal_fetal_experts Josephine Amory, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Darcy Barry, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Robin H. de Regt, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Daniel Gavrila, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Caroline Kline, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Bettina Paek, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Vivienne Souter, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Martin Walker, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Peter Wall, MD; Maternal-Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN

To find your perfect fit health care partner, visit www.evergreenhealth.com or call the Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000.


Be your

Healthiest Best at all ages!

16 20 30 in your teens

in your twenties

in your thirties

40 in your forties


Take charge Young people are faced with plenty of changes, including your body’s evolving needs. That’s why your teen years are the perfect time to begin taking hold of your own health. Start by becoming comfortable asking your doctor lots of questions, and remember that no topic is off limits.

FOREVER YOUNG Sunscreen is your number-one defense against aging. Apply a daily sunscreen with SPF 30 to help prevent brown spots, wrinkles and leathery-looking skin. Not to mention, sunscreen protects your skin from sun damage that can lead to skin cancer later on in life.

Smell the roses Juggling all your responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming, but it’s essential to regularly include time for relaxation in your busy schedule. Whether it’s by meditating, taking a yoga class or reading a good book, learning early on how to relax and manage stress will aid you throughout your life.

SCREEN IN 3-D Beginning at age 40, women should schedule an annual mammogram and clinical breast screening. The EvergreenHealth Breast Health Center offers 3-D screenings, which significantly improve our ability to catch cancer at its earliest stages.

Healthiest Best

50 in your fifties

60 70 in your sixties

in your seventies

80 90 in your eighties

Listen to your body If you begin noticing any menopausal changes, address them with your doctor. Also, women over 50 should get 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day to protect against osteoporosis. Take vitamin D supplements to help your body absorb the most calcium possible from your diet, especially during winter, when sunlight levels are low.

Hit the road While it may not be possible to maintain the same levels of exercise as in your youth, don’t let physical fitness fall by the wayside as you enter older adulthood. There’s no need for an expensive gym membership, either: according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a brisk 20-minute walk each day can help fortify your body for the years ahead.

Be a social butterfly Almost 10 million Americans older than age 65 live alone, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Living alone can lead to loneliness and depression, which can harm a person’s overall health. Stay socially active with people who share your interests or get involved in community events

Balancing act Practice balance exercises daily to minimize the risk of accidental falls, which can lead to wrist or hip fractures. Using a table or wall for stability, practice standing on one leg at a time and slowly work your way up to standing freely when you feel firmly balanced. Tai chi is also an excellent balance-improving exercise.

Pay it forward A long, healthy life is the best gift we can give ourselves and the ones around us. Share your secrets to good health with your loved ones.

in your nineties




EvergreenHealth Providers Featured on New Day Northwest

Pictured Above: The Halvorson Cancer Center

Halvorson Cancer Center Celebrates Grand Opening In March, EvergreenHealth and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance presented a series of events to celebrate the grand opening of the Halvorson Cancer Center. Patients, community leaders, providers, staff and volunteers came together to dedicate the new center to the community and to all those who believe in a place where hope lives. Through EvergreenHealth and SCCA’s collaboration, the Halvorson Cancer Center provides a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to cancer care unlike any other on the Eastside. To learn more, visit www.evergreenhealth.com/ halvorson or call 425.899.6000.


EvergreenHealth recently partnered with KING-TV to become a regular health care contributor to the morning talk show, New Day Northwest. The lifestyle-focused program covers a range of topics for Northwest viewers and includes a new health care segment called “Wellness Wednesday.” Throughout the year, the show will continue to feature EvergreenHealth providers sharing insights on “Wellness Wednesdays” to help members of the community live as their healthiest selves. Look for guest appearances by EvergreenHealth providers on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. on KING 5. Pictured Above: Dr. Jeffrey Roh explains the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery.

Breast Health Center Celebrates Two Years of 3-D Mammograms This summer marks the second anniversary of EvergreenHealth’s addition of 3-D mammography to the Breast Health Center’s diagnostic imaging tools. Since July 2011, the advanced three-dimensional imaging technology has detected 44 cancers that would have been missed by a traditional 2-D screen. Now, with two years of experience offering the latest in cancer-detection technology, EvergreenHealth continues to improve its ability to detect cancer at its earliest stages.

EvergreenHealth Hospice Care and EvergreenHealth’s Department of Spiritual Care invites the community to honor the memory of a deceased loved one at their annual Rose Garden Ceremony. Inspirational messages, soothing music and the hospice gardens in full bloom create a healing environment in which to share feelings of grief.

The latest data shows that nearly one-third of women who would have needed an additional screening to confirm their results instead received peace of mind after one appointment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Memorial celebration begins at 6:30 p.m., reception at 7 p.m. The Gene and Irene Wockner Hospice Center www.evergreenhealth.com/rosegarden

Advanced 3-D mammography is available at the EvergreenHealth Breast Health Center and aboard its mobile mammography coach. To Schedule your mammography or for more information visit www.evergreenhealth.com/mammography


Health Classes

Register for Classes Online or by Phone For your convenience, you may register and pay for classes 24/7 online at www.evergreenhealth.com/classes. You may also call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Pre-registration is required for all classes. Checks, VISA and MasterCard are accepted. Refunds and rescheduling will only be given for cancellations two business days prior to the class. Let us know if you need special accommodations to participate.

Free Seminars BREAKTHROUGH TREATMENT FOR PAIN There’s nothing worse than pain that keeps you from your work, your favorite activities or just getting out of bed in the morning without hurting. At our free seminars, learn how our advanced treatment therapies and technologies can help you get back to life pain-free. Knee or Hip Pain July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 24 Please call 425.899.3000 or visit the website for times, locations and registration. Shoulder Pain Sept. 26, 6:30-8 p.m. Back Pain Dec. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. WEIGHT-LOSS SURGERY– IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU? Experts from the EvergreenHealth Bariatric Center will discuss surgical options, postoperative follow-up, lifestyle changes, financial information and nutrition support. Aug. 19, Sept. 4, 16, 6-8:30 p.m.

Parenting & Relationships COUPLES COMMUNICATION Couples will understand effective communication skills, fair fighting rules and the dynamics of anger. July 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $20 p/p or $30 per couple.

Emergency & Safety Education BABYSITTING BASICS Teaches sitters ages 11 to 16 the developmental differences of children, proper hygiene and

care for infants and children, good nutrition and first aid techniques. Aug. 17, Sep. 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $40. KARING FOR KIDS Teaches basic First Aid for pediatric medical emergencies. Participants receive an infant/ child CPR and First aid card valid for two years. Aug. 10, Sep. 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $45.00. INFANT AND CHILD CPR Participants receive an infant/ child CPR card valid for two years. Aug. 10, Sep. 14, 9 -12:30 p.m., or Jul. 16, Aug. 20, Sep. 17, 6-9:30 p.m., $40. $15 discount if also enrolled in Babysitting Basics. COMMUNITY CPR Participants receive a CPR card valid for two years. Jul. 27, Aug. 3, 31, Sep. 7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., $40. COMMUNITY FIRST AID Participants receive a first aid card valid for two years. Jul. 27, Aug. 8, 31, Sep. 7, 1-5 p.m., $40. COMMUNITY CPR & FIRST AID Participants receive a CPR and first aid card valid for two years. July 27, Aug. 8, 31, Sep. 7, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $75. HEALTH CARE PROVIDER CPR Participants receive an American Heart Association health care provider CPR card valid for two years. Aug. 17, Sep. 21, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or Jul. 2, Aug. 6, Sep. 3, 6-9:30 p.m., $65. ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT For health care providers. Twopart class begins Aug. 8, 4-10 p.m., $245; includes textbook. Recertification students only need to take second day of class.

PEDIATRIC ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT For health care providers. Two-part class begins Sep. 12, 4-10 p.m., $245; includes textbook. Recertification students only need to take second day of class.

Wellness & Healthy Living SELF-HYPNOSIS BASICS Self-hypnosis is a beneficial, do-it-yourself tool that can help you ease stress, relieve pain, and enhance the healing process. Discover how to use your mind to help your body. August 7, 7-9 p.m., $20 p/p. Material fee of $10 per family will be collected on the first day of class. Cash only. “PFILATES”—PERSONALIZED PELVIC FLOOR FITNESS Pfilates is a fitness system created by a women’s health MD for strengthening your pelvic floor, hips, glutes and lower core. In this fantastic workshop, you’ll learn 10 signature Pfilates exercises and how to incorporate your favorite into your everyday habits and existing fitness routines so you can achieve pelvic fitness in 10 minutes a day. Aug. 24, 10-11:30 a.m., $60 p/p includes a Pfilates DVD and fitness ball. STOP SMOKING: NICOTINE SOLUTIONS Discover proven step-by-step, cutting-edge techniques that can help you stop smoking or chewing. Smoke while you learn how to quit without drugs or weight gain. Nicotine Solutions has a 90% success rate and lifetime support. Participate in a free 1-hour preview lesson July 31, 10-11 a.m. or 7-8 p.m.

Senior Health Classes In addition to the classes offered at EvergreenHealth Medical Center, we offer classes and health screenings at other convenient community locations. Visit www.evergreenhealth.com/ horizons for class schedules and locations. To receive the free quarterly EvergreenHealth Horizons newsletter, call 425.899.1858 or email Horizons@evergreenhealth.com. AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM Interested in improving your driving skills and possibly receiving an insurance discount? This program, designed and conducted by AARP, provides eight hours of classroom instruction, covering the effects of aging and medication on driving, basic driving rules, license renewal and more. Aug. 10, Sept. 7, Oct. 12, 9 a.m.5 p.m., $12 AARP members, $14 nonmembers. MANAGING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Get the lowdown on high blood pressure, including risk factors and current treatment options. Learn how you can manage high blood pressure. Aug. 15, 12:30-1:30 p.m., free. METHODS FOR RELAXATION Learn and practice basic mindfulness meditation, visualization, and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and achieve inner peace. Sept. 19, 12:30-1:30 p.m., free.

For detailed information on each class, visit www.evergreenhealth.com/classes. Register online, Register oronline, call theorEvergreenHealth call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator Healthline & Healthline at 425.899.3000 at 425.899.3000 • Monday-Friday, • Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. 7 a.m.-7 p.m.



Neurological & Movement Disorders EvergreenHealth Neurological Care offers classes and support groups to aid patients living with a variety of neurological diseases and movement disorders. PARKINSON’S TELEHEALTH View live, interactive educational talks designed to help patients and families improve their knowledge of Parkinson’s disease. Second Monday of every month, 2-3:30 p.m., free. For more information, visit www.nwpf.org. DANCE FOR PARKINSON’S Learn to stretch and strengthen muscles, focusing on balance and rhythm through many styles of dance. Saturdays 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., free. To inquire about the summer series start date, please call the Healthline at 425.899.3000. COMMUNICATION GROUP Improve your communication skills. For those with stroke, Parkinson’s or other neurological changes. Second Thursday of every month, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., $5. NEUROLOGICAL EXERCISE GROUP Gentle stretch and strength exercises done in a chair or standing. For patients affected by neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, stroke and multiple sclerosis. Four-week sessions begin Aug. 6, Aug. 8, Sep. 3, 1-1:50 p.m., $20 for Tuesday only or $30 for Tuesday and Thursday. FROM-THE-GROUND-UP STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY This mat-oriented class includes elements of yoga, tai chi, dumbbell exercise and exercise bands. Every Monday and Friday, 2-3 p.m., $5/per session. LIVING WELL AFTER STROKE Information and support for stroke survivors and their care partners. First Tuesday of the month, 2-3 p.m., free.

EVERGREENHEALTH MEN’S GROUP Support group for those affected by neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and stroke. Second Tuesday of every month, 3-4:30 p.m., free. THERAPEUTIC YOGA FOR MS Restore, renew and regenerate your energy. Therapeutic yoga for people living with MS develops mind-body awareness, stability, coordination, balance and calms your nervous system. Our teacher team’s adaptive yoga training and experience creates a safe, skilled and compassionate environment in which to explore health, wholeness and well-being. Class is accessible for all levels and capacites. Six-week series begins Sept. 10, 9:30-11 a.m., $30. THERAPEUTIC YOGA FOR MS WORKSHOP This workshop will refine your proprioception and help you cultivate a healing relationship with your body. Class targets those who are new to yoga or who have limited mobility. Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $20.

Childbirth Preparation For class dates and times or to register for classes, go to www.evergreenhealth.com/ childbirtheducation or call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator and Healthline at 425.899.3000. Register early during your pregnancy, as classes fill quickly. MATERNITY CENTER TOUR A free 20-minute tour for those researching their birthing center options. Registration required; also offered in Spanish. WARM WELCOMES This class series, taught by our labor nurses, helps newly expectant parents understand their pregnancy and plan for their birth journey. Celebrating Your Early Pregnancy (1st trimester), Kickers (2nd trimester) and Getting Ready for Baby (3rd

trimester). A great introduction to the Family Maternity Center, and a good way to connect with other parents who have similar due dates. Call the Healthline for details. LABOR & BIRTH BASICS This core series for first-time parents covers labor and birth, pain management, cesarean birth, interventions, breastfeeding and postpartum care. Includes a tour of the Family Maternity Center. $145/couple. LABOR & BIRTH BASICS– TEENS AND MULTIPLES This core series for teens and multiples covers labor and birth, pain management, cesarean birth, interventions, infant feeding and postpartum care. $120/couple. HYPNOBIRTHING®—THE MONGAN METHOD Use guided imagery, visualization and patterned breathing for a safe and satisfying birth. Five-week series, $135/couple, plus $25 materials fee due at class. SIBLINGS CLASS Prepare siblings for the arrival of a new baby. For children ages 2 to 6. Parents attend with children. $15/one child, $25/two or more. CONSCIOUS FATHERING New fathers learn to anticipate their baby’s five basic needs through hands-on instruction and practice. $40. FIT4BABY PROGRAM A total-body interval workout adjusted to the various pregnancy phases of the attendees. Includes cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises. Six-week session, $90. HEALTHY EATING FOR PREGNANCY AND BEYOND Improve your diet with practical tips on shopping, dining out, healthy snacking and more. $15.

YOGA FOR PREGNANCY Strengthen childbearing muscles, increase flexibility during pregnancy, and learn deep relaxation for lifelong health. Locations in Kirkland and Redmond. Sessions and price vary. PELVIC HEALTH CLASS Learn how to minimize pain during pregnancy and birth, optimize healing, and avoid future pelvic floor issues. $20. FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR EXPECTING PARENTS Learn about the importance of basic financial planning tools including, but not limited to, savings, protection, proper insurance coverage, college savings plans and long term financial sustainability. July 25, 6:30-8 p.m., free.

Baby Care & Safety DAY ABOUT BABY Learn about diapering, bathing, soothing, infant carriers, intro to breastfeeding and more. $75/couple. BREASTFEEDING BASICS AND BEYOND Information about breastfeeding benefits, anatomy of the breast, breastfeeding cues, special feeding needs, partner’s involvement and more. $35/couple. PUMPING CLASS Focus is on pumping and safe storage of breast milk, the different kinds of pumps available, and tips and techniques for pumping. $20/ couple. CAR SEAT SAFETY Learn about selecting and using a car seat specific to your needs. $10/couple. CAR SEAT INSPECTION Four out of five car seats are not used properly and motor vehicle crashes continue to be one of the most common causes of injury to children. Let EvergreenHealth and Safe Kids Eastside help you keep your family safe in your car.

For detailed information on each class, visit www.evergreenhealth.com/classes. Register online, or call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000 • Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.


Health Classes

Have your car seat checked by a certified child passenger safety technician. Donations welcome for this service. BRINGING BABY HOME WORKSHOP Expectant couples learn how to avoid marital meltdown and cope with the normal stressors of becoming parents. Two-day workshop, $150/couple. HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK Learn how to soothe even the fussiest baby in minutes. $60/couple. Fee includes CD and DVD. HOP TO SIGNAROO® BABY SIGN LANGUAGE Use American Sign Language to communicate with your baby. Details at www.hoptosignaroo. com. Four-week series, $128/both parents or parent/grandparent, plus $19 supply fee payable at first class.

LISTENING MOTHERS: THE MINDFUL PARENTING PATH FOR FAMILY WELL-BEING Staying calm in moments of stress and exhibiting selfcompassion (forgiving yourself in moments of self-criticism) models important skills that help your child develop resiliency, trust and well-being. This eight-week research-based program, for mothers with babies who are up to 6 months old, offers mindful-based skills that cultivate nurturing relationships with your entire family. $150/mother. PARENT-BABY GROUPS Weekly discussions of age-specific baby topics and support from other new parents. Visit www. evergreenhealth.com/parent-baby for schedule. Class for babies 0-3 months is free, $97 for 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 and 12-15 months.

TODDLER SERIES This four-week evening parenting series, taught by Parent-Baby Group leaders, will cover toddler development from 18 months to 3 years old. $80/one or both parents.

BABY & FAMILY BOUTIQUE Clothing, nursing bras and supplies for pregnancy, breastfeeding and your newborn. Visit www.evergreenhealth.com/ boutique.

THIS IS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED Support for new parents experiencing symptoms of postpartum distress. Meets the first and third Thursdays of the month, free. For more information, call 425.899.3602. STARTING SOLID FOODS Learn practical and researchbased information on the healthy feeding of solid foods for babies 4 to 12 months old. $25. BREASTFEEDING YOUR OLDER BABY Education and support for moms continuing to breastfeed beyond the first six months. $10.

Join us this summer at more than 80 community events in your area! Redmond Derby Days

Woodinville Parade & Community Festival

Kirkland Summerfest

HealthPoint Family 5k Walk/Run, Bothell

July 12-13, 2013

August 10, 2013

August 9-11, 2013

August 24, 2013

Follow EvergreenHealth’s For detailed information updates on onFacebook each class, andvisit Twitter www.evergreenhealth.com/classes. for the latest news on local summer events. Register online, Foror more call information, the EvergreenHealth call the Nurse Healthline Navigator at 425.899.3000 & Healthline•at Monday-Friday, 425.899.3000 7 a.m.-7 p.m.



pictured top left to righT: Kerry ReAd, Kerry Burke, Duncan Libby • Bottom left to right: Cary Burns, Oakley Allred, Kae Peterson, Christie Elliott

Meet the Foundation 2013 EVERGREENHEALTH FOUNDATION STAFF Kae Peterson, Vice President, Executive Director Christie Elliott, Events Officer Duncan Libby, Major Gifts Officer Kerry Burke, Annual Giving Officer Kerry Read, Office Manager Oakley Allred, Development Associate Cary Burns, Development Assistant

2013 EvergreenHealth Foundation Board of Trustees Officers Majdi Daher, Denali Advanced Integration, Board Chair Kinnon Williams, Williams & Williams, PSC, Vice Chair Chuck Brockway, Fortune Bank, Secretary Jeff Cashman, Cashman Consulting & Investments, LLC, Treasurer Lucy DeYoung, Simpson Hawley Properties, Campaign Co-chair Teddy Overleese, Community Volunteer, Immediate Past Chair

Seasons of Hope Luncheon Join the EvergreenHealth Foundation for the fifth annual Seasons of Hope Luncheon, benefiting EvergreenHealth’s Hospice and Palliative Care Programs and Services. These services provide for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people suffering from chronic and life-limiting illnesses as well as those who love them, regardless of ability to pay. Hospice and Palliative Care isn’t about giving up—it’s about providing hope to people facing life-limiting illness—hope of continuing their journey free from pain, without fear, and in the comforting circle of family and friends.


To carry out this mission, EvergreenHealth Hospice and Palliative Care Programs rely on your generosity. Please join us for a very special luncheon in support of these valuable services to our community.


Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Lynnwood Convention Center $45 per person; $450 for a table of 10 For more information, contact Christie Elliott at 425.899.1906 or caelliott@evergreenhealth.com.


Evergreen Gala: A spectacular black-tie evening raises $1.2 million to support new life At this year’s 12th annual EvergreenHealth Foundation Gala, more than 700 community leaders, patrons of EvergreenHealth, leading physicians, and executives from top local companies joined in raising $1.2 million to support the lifesaving treatment provided by the EvergreenHealth Family Maternity Center and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Guests reveled in a beautifully appointed tent structure set in King County’s historic Marymoor Park, and enjoyed this year’s “Essence of the Sea” theme, while raising money to support EvergreenHealth’s Golden Hour project. Caring for mothers and their newborns has always been at the heart of EvergreenHealth. The first hour of life is critical to the long-term survival and development of a newborn, with decisions made in the first hour impacting the baby and their family for a lifetime. This first hour is called the “Golden Hour.”

UPCOMING EVENTS Visit us online at www.evergreenhealthfoundation.com to learn more about each event in the coming weeks and months.

September 2013: Fashion for a Cause at Neiman Marcus in Bellevue. Our second annual exclusive fall fashion preview event benefiting EvergreenHealth’s Breast Health Center. September 22, 2013: All Porsche Grand Display at Carillon Point in Kirkland. A display of all things Porsche benefitting uncompensated care at EvergreenHealth.

The gala’s proceeds will support the remodel and updating of space to coordinate care at delivery for critically ill newborns and their families. This new space, the Infant Stabilization Room, will be adjacent to the delivery room so that mom and baby can be close to one another but cared for efficiently and effectively by the highly trained teams of professionals demanded in such situations.

November 3, 2013: Get Your Rear in Gear 5K run and walk to support colon cancer awareness and promote early screenings and detection. Held in King County’s Marymoor Park.

Save the Date Saturday, April 26, 2014 King County’s Marymoor Park

November 14, 2013: Seasons of Hope Luncheon at Lynnwood Convention Center. Our annual luncheon to support EvergreenHealth’s Hospice and Palliative Care Programs and Services.

For more information, contact Christie Elliott at 425.899.1906 or caelliott@evergreenhealth.com. www.evergreenhealthfoundation.com



12040 NE 128th Street Kirkland, WA 98034 www.evergreenhealth.com

Multiple Locations for All Levels of Care We make health care easy and convenient with seven primary care practices, two urgent care centers and two 24/7 emergency departments. Our primary care practices offer night and weekend hours, with Sunday walk-in care available at Canyon Park. We also provide more than a dozen specialty practices. For hours and directions, see our website at www.evergreenhealth.com. Call our 24-hour Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000. Primary Care Canyon Park 1909 214th St. SE, Ste. 110 425.488.4988 Duvall 14720 Main St. NE, Ste. 109 425.788.4889 Kenmore 18208 66th Ave. NE, Ste. 200 425.485.6561 Monroe 14841 179th Ave. SE, Ste. 210 360.217.1155 Redmond 8980 161st Ave. NE 425.899.2273 Sammamish 22850 NE 8th, Ste. 103 425.898.0305 Woodinville 16916 140th Ave. NE 425.481.6363

Urgent Care Redmond 8980 161st Ave. NE 425.883.3333 Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. seven days a week Woodinville 16916 140th Ave. NE 425.488.2273 Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-8 p.m. S-S, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Emergency Care EvergreenHealth Medical Center 12040 NE 128th St. Kirkland 425.899.1700 Redmond Medical Center 8980 161st Ave. NE Redmond 425.899.1111

Specialty Practices Anticoagulation 12333 NE 130th Lane Tan 415 Kirkland 425.899.2783 Booth Gardner Parkinson’s Care Center 12039 NE 128th St., Ste. 300 Kirkland 425.899.3123 Heart and Vascular Care 12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 320 Kirkland 425.899.0555 General Neurology Care 12039 NE 128th St., Suite 300 Kirkland 425.899.3135 Internal Medicine & Primary Care 12333 NE 130th LN #310 Kirkland 425.899.6700 Lipid Services 12333 NE 130th Lane Tan 415 Kirkland 425.899.3796 Maternal-Fetal Medicine 12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 240 Kirkland 425.899.2200

EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners Al DeYoung Bothell/Duvall/Woodinville Jeanette Greenfield At Large Rebecca Hirt Kirkland/Kenmore R. August Kempf Redmond/Sammamish

Midwifery Care 12040 NE 128th St. Kirkland Coral Suite 225 425.899.4012

Chuck Pilcher, MD At Large

Multiple Sclerosis Center 12039 NE 128th St., Ste. 300 Kirkland 425.899.5350

Photography: Keith Brofsky

Pulmonary Care 12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 225 Kirkland 425.899.6972 Radiation Oncology 12040 NE 128th St. Green 1290 Kirkland 425.899.1860 Rehabilitation Care 12039 NE 128th St., Ste. 200 Kirkland 425.899.1960 Senior Services 11521 NE 128th St., Ste. 100 Kirkland 425.899.6800 Sleep Services 11521 NE 128th St., Ste. 130 Kirkland 425.899.4280 Sport & Spine Care 11800 NE 128th St.,Ste. 530 Kirkland 425.899.1220 Washington Interventional Spine Associates 11800 NE 128th St., Ste. 200 Kirkland 425.899.1210 Wound Care Services 12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 400 Kirkland 425.899.2160

Editor: EvergreenHealth Marketing & Public Relations Group & Firmani + Associates Inc. Design: Arscentia Follow EvergreenHealth on: FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ evergreenhospital.org TWITTER:


YOUTUBE: youtube.com/user/ evergreenhospital You may contact the Commissioners by email at Commissioners@ evergreenhealth.com. EvergreenHealth Monitor is published as a community service by EvergreenHealth. Its contents are not intended to replace professional health care. See your health care professional for information relevant to your medical history. EvergreenHealth is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. For career opportunities at EvergreenHealth, visit our website at www.evergreenhealth.com.

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