Navigator - Fall 2014

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Halvorson Cancer Center

NAVIGATOR A publication of the Halvorson Cancer Center, a collaboration of the SCCA and EvergreenHealth

FALL 2014

elcome to the Halvorson Cancer Center NAVIGATOR

This quarterly newsletter is intended to help Halvorson Cancer Center patients with news and information in support of your care and to help you and your family and friends access all the services this center offers.

Cancer Screenings Save Lives

Laurie Kidd credits mammogram with saving her life

Laurie Kidd and her puppy Bandit

Laurie Kidd was having a bad day in October of 2013. Her husband David had just been hospitalized for extremely high blood pressure, and her 91-year-old mother was not feeling well at all. Unfortunately for Laurie, things were about to get worse.

While driving to take care of her mother, Laurie’s cell phone rang. The mammogram that she had had the day before at EvergreenHealth showed something suspicious. Laurie was told she would need an ultrasound. Because she has a mammogram every year and because she had always been told she was at low risk for breast cancer, Laurie was not too worried. “I never felt a lump,” she said. “I never noticed any changes.” She came in for a repeat mammogram that Friday and then an ultrasound-guided needle biopsy the following Monday. Regrettably she learned it was, indeed, breast cancer. “It was a total shock. It was devastating,” shared Laurie. “I just kept thinking, ‘This cannot be happening. I have a sick mother and a sick husband. This cannot be happening.’” Laurie was diagnosed with Stage 1B (negative nodes) breast cancer. Unfortunately her tumor was fast growing, and she needed to be treated rather aggressively. “Thankfully I have had yearly mammograms since 40 years old. With this fastgrowing tumor, I was fortunate they caught it when they did.”

Looking back, Laurie can see silver linings, but at the time she was very worried and afraid. “I knew a lot of women who had passed away because of breast cancer,” she said. “I also didn’t like the idea of having to tell my 91-year-old mother I had cancer. I was really down, but after a while, I knew I had to change my attitude. I had to start thinking positively.” And so she did. Laurie was offered the option of a lumpectomy or mastectomy and she opted for a mastectomy with Halvorson Cancer Center participating board-certified surgeon Dr. Marion Johnson. She went through six months of chemotherapy, took five pills daily and went for an infusion treatment every Monday. “Six months of chemotherapy was the pits!” Laurie said. “But I made it.” Laurie received all of her care at EvergreenHealth through the Halvorson Cancer Center. “I worked at Evergreen from 1981 until I retired from being a Health Unit Coordinator in 2008,” Laurie explained, “so I knew I was in good hands. “Everything just flowed so easily through the system,” she went on. “From my mammogram, to diagnosis, to surgery and treatment, I had nothing but good Continued on P.2 • 425.899.6000 • Nurse Navigator & Healthline: 425.899.3000


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experiences at EvergreenHealth. Every interaction with staff, doctors and nurses was a positive one – nothing but the best, in fact.” Today, Laurie has been off chemotherapy for just over a month. “I’m still a bit tired,” she said. Her most recent blood work showed that her white blood count was increasing. “I look forward to hearing those magical words from Dr. Lonergan: complete remission.” (Dr. Matthew Lonergan is Laurie’s boardcertified medical oncologist at EvergreenHealth’s Halvorson Cancer Center. Additionally, he is the Medical Lead for the Division of Community Oncology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington.) In the meantime, Laurie continues to take care of herself. “I’m eating better, exercising, losing weight. I’m taking some time for myself,” she said. “Being diagnosed with breast cancer was a real eye opener. It may sound cliché, but I am truly trying to live each day to the fullest…because you just never know.” Laurie also has a bit of advice to the women over 40 who are not getting yearly mammograms, “You need to have your mammogram!!! Sure, it may not be the most pleasant thing you ever do, but a few seconds of tiny discomfort can save your life. “I know it saved my life.”

Screening for Cancer

Hearing the word “cancer” brings up a wide range of emotional responses. One response is often helplessness; however, there are several ways to empower oneself against cancer. Here are some ways to take control and reduce cancer risk: • Stay away from tobacco. • Stay at a healthy weight. • Get moving with regular physical activity. • Eat healthy with plenty of fruits and vegetables. • Limit how much alcohol you drink (if you drink at all). • Protect your skin. • Know yourself, your family history, and your risks. • Have regular check-ups and cancer screening tests. The importance of screening for cancer cannot be understated. Screening increases the chances of detecting certain cancers early – in their most treatable and curable stage. EvergreenHealth and the American Cancer Society offer these screening guidelines for breast, prostate, colon and lung cancers.

Breast Cancer Screening • Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health. • A clinical breast exam (CBE) is recommended about every three years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over. • Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any breast change promptly to their health care provider. Breast selfexam (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s. • Some women – because of their family history, a genetic tendency, or certain other factors – should be screened with MRI in addition to mammograms. (The number of women who fall into this category is small: less than two percent of all the women in the U.S.) Talk with your doctor about your history and whether you should have additional tests at an earlier age. From 2010 through 2013, 58% of EvergreenHealth breast cancer patients were diagnosed due to a screening mammogram verses 35% due to symptomatic reasons. Are you overdue for your mammogram? If so, please consider scheduling a mammogram with EvergreenHealth. Breakthrough 3D mammography is available at the Breast Health Center or in the mobile mammography coach in various locations throughout the community. Both locations provide an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, with soft robes and the MammoPad breast cushion to help minimize discomfort. You may make an appointment online or by calling 425.899.2831.

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Prostate Cancer Screening The American Cancer Society recommends that men make an informed decision with their doctor about whether to be tested for prostate cancer. The American Cancer Society believes that men should not be tested without learning about what we know and don’t know about the risks and possible benefits of testing and treatment. Starting at age 50, men should talk to a doctor about the pros and cons of testing so they can decide if testing is the right choice for them. If they are African American or have a father or brother who had prostate cancer before age 65, men should have this talk with a doctor starting at age 45. If men decide to be tested, they should have the PSA blood test with or without a rectal exam. How often they are tested will depend on their PSA level. Colorectal Cancer Screening Beginning at age 50, both men and women should follow one of these testing schedules: • Tests that find polyps and cancer: o Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years*, or o Colonoscopy every 10 years, or o Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years*, or o CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years*. • Tests that primarily find cancer: o Yearly fecal occult blood test*, or o Yearly fecal immunochemical test*. * a colonoscopy should be performed if the test is positive The tests that are designed to find both early cancer and polyps are preferred if these tests are available to you and you are willing to have one of these more invasive tests. Talk to your doctor about which test is best for you, and consider your personal history and family history in that conversation. Lung Cancer Screening The American Cancer Society does not recommend tests to screen for lung cancer in people who are at average risk for this disease. However, there are screening guidelines for individuals who are at high risk of lung cancer due to cigarette smoking. If you meet all of the following criteria then you might be a candidate for screening: • 55 to 80 years of age • have at least a 30 pack-year smoking history • currently smoking or have quit smoking within the last 15 years.

Lung cancer is the number one cause of adult cancer deaths in the U.S. – more than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined! The signs and symptoms of lung cancer are usually not experienced until the late stages of lung cancer. Detecting lung cancer at the earliest stage and treating it early greatly increases the 5-year survival rate. If you meet the criteria listed above, you may be a candidate for the Lung Cancer Screening Program at EvergreenHealth. Please discuss it with your primary care physician or call EvergreenHealth’s Nurse Navigator Cindy Rossman, RN, BSN, at 425.899.5555 to learn more.

Comparative Outcomes Data: Compelling Statistics to Support Cancer Screening

What is “comparative outcomes data”? It is looking at data collected from the outcomes at one facility and comparing that data to another facility or group of facilities across the state or the country. The Navigator posts Comparative Outcomes Data in each issue with a different focus. This issue, as compelling evidence to support our screening guidelines listed at left, we focus on breast cancer, digestive cancers and prostate cancer. Note that the overall 5-year survival rate at Halvorson Cancer Center surpasses the national average across all three types of cancer.

Overall 5-Year Survival Rates (Percentage of patients still living five years after diagnosis)* National Cancer EvergreenHealth Data Base Breast Cancer



Cancers of the Digestive Tract 49.6%


Prostate Cancer 92.6%


* Cases diagnosed in 2003-2006 data from 1489 programs. Source: 2014 National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) Commission on Cancer (CoC); August 18, 2014. • 425.899.6000 • Nurse Navigator & Healthline: 425.899.3000


Save the Date!

Mark Your Calendar - Plan to Join Us Prostate Awareness Tailgating Event – Wednesday, September 17, 2014 September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Mack Strong is a former fullback for our local professional football team and is an advocate for prostate cancer awareness. He is joining EvergreenHealth again this year for our Prostate Awareness Tailgating Event. Visit Café 128 Wednesday, September 17, between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to partake of stadium fare, play games, enjoy special activities, have a look around the Seahawk-mobile, and chat with Mack Strong. Remember to bring your camera or smartphone to have your picture taken with this Seattle legend!

Fashion for a Cause – Tuesday, September 23 Don’t miss EvergreenHealth Foundation’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month Kick-off Event: Fashion for a Cause! Now in its third year, Fashion for a Cause is a fall fashion preview event at Neiman Marcus at the Bravern in Bellevue. It benefits EvergreenHealth’s Breast Health Center. Proceeds provide uncompensated mammogram screenings for women in our community. This year’s event will include fall fashion trends, cocktails and appetizers, and a mystery door prize drawing. Visit and click “Special Events” to register and learn more about this event.

Kilometers for Cancer - Sunday, September 28 Join Kilometers for Cancer for their second annual 10K/5K Walk/Run on Sunday, September 28, at Log Boom Park in Kenmore. Participation in this event raises money for the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Register today at

Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatment Options for Cancers that Affect Men – Thursday, October 16 or Saturday, October 25 Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the symptoms, risk factors and treatment options for cancers that affect men. Screening guidelines and symptom management will also be covered. Dr. Frank Lohrasbi and Dr. Scott Van Appledorn, both of Washington Urology, will be our panelists. Join us on October 16 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. or Saturday, October 25, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Halvorson Cancer Center. Register for either by calling the Evergreen Healthline at 425.899.3000, Monday thru Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Get Your Rear in Gear – Sunday, November 2, 2014


The 4th Annual Get Your Rear in Gear 5k Run/Walk is November 2nd at Marymoor Park in Redmond. This family-friendly fun run benefits EvergreenHealth’s Cancer Services and the Colon Cancer Coalition. The event includes refreshments, tech shirts and medals for age group winners. Get Your Rear in Gear provides a special opportunity to honor survivors and those lost to colon cancer in our community. Visit www.EvergreenHealthFoundation. com and click “Special Events” to register and learn more about this event. • 425.899.6000 • Nurse Navigator & Healthline: 425.899.3000

Classes at Halvorson Cancer Center

Cancer Lifeline at EvergreenHealth - Free Classes

Participate in these classes and activities from Cancer Lifeline at EvergreenHealth.

Classes and Support Groups at Halvorson Cancer Centeror visit online at To register, call 206.297.2500 or 1.800.255.5505

To Register for these classes, call Cancer Lifeline at 206.297.2500 or visit


Room Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 DeYoung Rainier 272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272




9/8 - 10/20/2014

9:30 - 10:45 am

Gentle Yoga - Session 1 (Mondays)

Exercise and Movement

11/3 - 12/15/2014

9:30 - 10:45 am

Gentle Yoga - Session 11 (Mondays)

Exercise and Movement

9/5 - 10/24/2014

9:30 - 10:45 am

Gentle Yoga - Session 1 (Fridays)

Exercise and Movement

11/7 - 12/19/2014

9:30 - 10:45 am

Gentle Yoga - Session 11 (Fridays)

Exercise and Movement

9/15 - 11/17/2014

6:30 - 7 :30 pm

Lebed Health Steps

Exercise and Movement


12:30 - 2:30 pm

Cooking for Cancer Wellness

Nutrition- Cooking Class


1:00 - 3:00 pm

Naturopathic Approaches to Cancer Care



1:00 - 3:00 pm


Artistic Expression


12:30 - 2:30 pm


6:30 - 8:30 pm


1:00 - 4:00 pm

Jewelry Making: Felt Flower Pins

Artistic Expression


1:00 - 3:00 pm

Intro to Thai Chi

Exercise and Movement


6:30 - 8:30 pm

Healthy Expressions Through Writing Session 2

Artistic Expression

Tan 117


11:30 - 1:30 pm

Beginning & Continuing Meditation

Stress Management & Relaxation

Green 1270/1272


6:30 - 8:30 pm

Healthy Expressions Through Writing Session 3

Artistic Expression

Tan 117


6:30 - 8:00 pm

Introduction to Food Safety

Presentation - Nutrition


12:30 - 2:30 pm

Seasonal Foods for Winter

Nutrition - Cooking Class


6:30 - 7:30 pm

Scarf-Tying 101



12:30 - 3:30 pm

Jewelry Making: Bead Bouquet Brooches

Artistic Expression


1:00 - 3:00 pm

Five Wishes



12:30 - 2:30 pm

Healthier Holiday Treats

Nutrition - Cooking Class


12:30 - 2:30 pm

Warming Winter Soups & Stews

Nutrition - Cooking Class

Foods to Help Your Digestive System During & After Cancer Treatment Healthy Expressions Through Writing Session 1

Nutrition - Cooking Class Artistic Expression

American Cancer Society Classes at EvergreenHealth: To register please call 1.800.237.2345

Tan 117 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272

Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272 Green 1270/1272


1:00 - 3:00 pm

Look Good, Feel Better Workshop


Green 1270


1:00 - 3:00 pm

Look Good, Feel Better Workshop


Green 1270

Lymphoma Research Foundation Puget Sound Chapter meets at EvergreenHealth For more information please call 1.800.237.2345

Support Groups at Halvorson Cancer Center Bosom Buddies

Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10a.m. to noon – Green 1270 Sessions with Presentations: 9/17/2014 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 11/5/2014 Living in the Midst of Change 12/3/2014 Holiday Potluck

Breast Friends Breast Cancer Support Group

Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7 – 8:30 p.m. – Green 1270 Sessions with Presentations: 9/16/2014 Lymphedema: What You Need to Know 10/7/2014 Intimacy & Sexuality After Breast Cancer Treatment 12/16/2014 Holiday Potluck

Living with Cancer Networking Group (for patients, caregivers and friends) Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. – Green 1270 Sessions with Presentations: 9/9/2014 Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques 10/14/2014 What to Eat During & After Cancer Treatment 11/11/2014 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Health & Wellness 12/9/2014 Palliative Care - An Important Part of Cancer Treatment

Lymphoma Networking Group Meets the 1st Wednesday of every other month, 7– 8:30 p.m. – Green 1270 Sessions with Presentations: 10/1/2014 Cancer, Anxiety & Depression 12/3/2014 Holiday Potluck

Oral Head & Neck Support Group Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. – Green 1270 Sessions with Presentations: 9/10/2014 SPOHNC as a Resource 10/8/2014 Small Steps to Managing Stress 11/12/2014 SSDI, SSI, SSA: Demystifying the Social Security Alphabet Soup 12/10/2014 Holiday Potluck For more information about groups or the free classes that Cancer Lifeline offers, please call the 24-hour Lifeline at 206.297.2500, 1.800.255.5505 or visit the website at

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