VOYAGER Vol. 21 2019 S/S Ever Rich昇恆昌機場誌第21期

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040 006



006 V SPOT


哪 裡 有 好 看、 好 吃、 好 用、 好 玩 的? 哪 些 新 鮮 貨、 新

Vogue is never common and is always unique. Personal style cannot be ordinary; instead, it must be tailored for you.

鮮事不可不知?千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅 給你。


Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you!

020 V VIEW



為滿足品味旅人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納 入珍藏的高端精品,以及風格獨特的設計師品牌。

To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands.


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馬拉松運動與旅遊愛好者歐陽靖,旅居東京多年,分享 日本居酒屋文化的獨到觀察;擁有法律人背景卻不想當 法律人的貪吃鬼——美食部落格格主高琹雯,獨家傳授

Gin Oy is known as marathon runner and travel enthusiast. She shares her cultural observations after living in Tokyo over a number of years. While Liz Kao is a qualified lawyer, becoming a gourmand is what she always wanted to be. She shares how to plan a trip for a gourmand.

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028 V TOPIC 傳統旅行的包山包海,從辦護照、規劃行程、飛機食宿、 採買導覽,一應俱全,當然是很貼心的服務。但對新世

代來說,「自己來」,似乎更重要。旅行不再只是玩樂, 而是生命體驗。歡迎來到新創旅遊時代!

Traditional travel methods will continue to be embraced, including obtaining passports, planning trips, booking flights and accommodation, shopping, and using guides. However, the next generation seems to place more importance on "DIY" travel. Traveling is no longer just for fun, but it is rather a way to experience life. Welcome to the brand-new way of travelling!


040 V LUGGAGE 愛旅行探索世界味道的自由料理人劉永偉 Soac,最愛

用食物紀錄旅行的味道,每趟帶回家的行李,總承載了 許多難忘的旅行片刻。

Soac Liu loves to travel and explore the tastes of the world, but most enjoys using food to record the taste of his travels. Every time he comes home from a new adventure, he brings back many unforgettable moments of his travel.

046 V TAGS 論品味養成必得先了解流行,既然如此,以下整理出 的 7 組關鍵字、46 件 “IT” items,春夏絕對得好好留


Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These seven keywords and 46 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2019 S/S.

056 V SCENES 一筆一畫,一點一滴,需要時間醞釀是藝術和美酒的共 通點,正因如此,越是懂得品味的樂趣,生活也就越多 姿多采。

Stroke by stroke, bit by bit, fermenting wine and creating art both take time. As a result, the more you understand the taste, the more diverse your life will be.

072 V GUIDE 最快認識一座城市的方式莫過於有當地人帶路,本期 《VOYAGER》自亞洲三大熱門旅遊城市,嚴選出 9 間當 今最受矚目的酒吧、餐酒館。

Local guides quickly show you the city. This Issue of "VOYAGER" invites you to the nine hottest bars and bistros in the three popular Asian tourist cities. Have a nice trip!




Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation 發行人:江松樺

Publisher: Simon Chiang


Supervisory Manager: Samuel Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chiong 總編輯:張勝傳

Editor-in-Chief: Markus Chang

地址:11494 台北市內湖區新湖二路 289 號

Address: No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei

11494, Taiwan, R.O.C.

客戶服務電話:0800098668 Service Line: 0800098668

網址 編輯統籌:黑潮文化股份有限公司 Editorial Coordination: Kuroshio Culture Co. Ltd. 主編:賴宗炫 Managing Editor: Kenneth Lai

設計統籌:謝喬伃 Design Coordination: Joy Chiao-Yu Hsieh

編輯:王翎珊、陳信方、黃巧惠、梁大文 Editor: Kirstie Wang, Letter Chen, Jamie Huang, Kat Leung 英譯:張志芃、蔡雅婷 Translator: Chang Chih Peng, Tsai Ya Ting

攝影:李培煬、洪上鈞、留榮鋒 Photography: Sean Lee, Uliz Hung, Luke Liu 英文校稿:謝志明 Proofreader: Anatoly Semenov


Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.


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EDITOR’S NOTE 在現今世界我們已離不開各式各樣的 apps,



規劃,或是讓人能在旅途中更便利地解決語言、交 通等問題,本期《VOYAGER》介紹多款專為旅人量

身打造的 apps,它們的出現不僅使旅行變得更加

便利,也象徵著旅遊在某些型式上實質的改變。去 年昇恆昌推出的「iRich App」便是其中一例,針對 消費提供紅利點數回饋,讓旅人可在免稅購物的同 時,再享有更多附加好禮。

are everywhere, even when we travel.

In this issue of VOYAGER, we introduce various apps specially designed for travelers making it easier for

people to deal with language and transportation

problems, as well as those providing useful travel tips

from local guides; these apps not only make travel life

more convenient, they also symbolize a substantial

change in tourism. The "iRich App" launched by Ever Rich last year is one fine example of such apps; it

helps travelers to collect bonus points for purchases and allows them to enjoy more rewards and gifts while duty-free shopping.


尋周而復始生活以外的體驗,這次編輯團隊特別以 「旅遊時的夜生活」為構想,製作出一個有趣的主

題企劃,邀請到 3 位 KOL 介紹自己居住城市的特 色酒吧,要是有機會,下次造訪這幾座城市時,除

了日間的豐富行程外,也抽空去一窺當地人推薦的 品酩好店。

When it comes to travel, most people are looking for experiences beyond their recurring life routes. Our editorial team has specially created a fun-themed

project based on the concept of "nightlife travel," inviting three KOLs to introduce some special bars

in their native cities. So next time when you are in one of these cities, don't limit yourself to busy

daytime activities and check out the fabulous bars recommended by locals.


的拍攝和主題介紹,帶來許多第一手的免稅商品資 訊,讓雜誌除了原有的豐富內容外,也提供給喜愛 shopping 的您於閱讀時有更多的樂趣。

These days apps are an integral part of our lives; they

In this issue of "VOYAGER" we want to share with

you amazing stories with exquisite photos providing first-hand information about duty-free shopping. We hope our shopping fans may find the contents of the magazine original and entertaining.

總編輯 張勝傳

Markus Chang, Editor-in-Chief


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第一重 填問卷抽好禮

2019/5/1 至 2019/8/29 止,填寫 Voyager 讀者問卷調查並成功送出,即有機會 獲得 WEDGWOOD 莎拉花園杯盤組、Hello Kitty 行動電源、 PoutyWorld 造型 兩用枕、昇恆昌 iRich 點數 1000 點等超值好禮。

第二重 iRich

Club 會員再加碼

於問卷填寫讀者本人的 iRich Club 會員編號,即贈 ( 趕快翻開雜誌第 66 頁,下載 App 加入會員 )

掃 QR CODE 填問卷



◉ 每 月 抽 出 WEDGWOOD 莎 拉 花 園 杯 盤 組 1 名、 Hello Kitty 行動電源 2 名、PoutyWorld 造型兩用枕 5 名、iRich 點數 1000 點 20 名

◉ 抽 獎 & 公 布 日 期:2019/05/31、2019/06/28、 2019/07/31、2019/08/30, 於 抽 獎 當 天 下 午 5:00 公 佈得獎者名單於活動網頁

◉活動須知及注意事項,請參考活動網頁。 00 00 55

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哪裡有好看、好吃、好用、好玩的?哪些新鮮貨、新鮮事不可不知? 千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。

Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you! Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng


GODIVA 最新商品——脆糖榛果

巧克力,每一層都以濃郁的頂 級牛奶巧克力和香脆榛果細細

包覆,一口咬下隨即能感受到 明顯的酥脆口感,品嚐到經細 緻烘烤過的榛果香味,包準能 滿足巧克力控那張挑剔的嘴。 Royal flavor The famed chocolatier Godiva

offers its latest product - Chocolate Domes 28 pieces; each piece is covered in rich milk chocolate

and crunchy hazelnuts. The taste

of delicately roasted hazelnuts will surely satisfy even the most demanding chocoholic.

GODIVA 脆糖榛果巧克力(28 顆裝) Chocolate Domes (28 pieces) 免稅限定包裝 Duty-free exclusive



格,新銳藝術家黃湘,因深受大眾喜愛的筆觸,獲邀舉辦過不少展覽 和活動,如今她把這股幸福的暖流帶到了高雄,準備跟你一塊分享。 Find happiness Combining the profound foundation of painting with electro-painting design, the new and dashing artist Huang-Shiang has developed her

unique style which is appreciated by many people. Now she shares her happy feelings with you in Kaohsiung.

【島南小室日日晴】黃湘創作個展 【Small Room in Southern Island and Sunny Days】 Huang-Shiang's Solo Creative Exhibition

2019/03/26 - 06/24

高雄國際機場 3 樓中央藝廊 3F Central Art Gallery, Kaohsiung International Airport


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V S P OT | 熱 點 推 薦


隨「2018 臺 中 世 界 花卉博覽會」揭幕,

中華郵政特發行相 關 主 題 郵 票, 近 日

更擇桃園國際機場 展出,現場一系列百 合、文心蘭、劍蘭、


產花卉的主題郵票, 猶如一場花園盛宴。 Paper garden


免稅限定包裝 Duty-free exclusive


especially issued


stamps featuring

The golden years

Chunghwa Post has commemorative

the "2018 World

Flora Exposition” in Taichung City; these stamps depicting the

flowers that flourish 2018 臺中世界花卉博覽會紀念郵票展 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition Commemorative Issue stamp exhibition


i n Ta i c h u n g w e r e

recently exhibited at Taoyuan International Airport.


Want healthy skin that looks like a plum in the

snow? Bloomstay Vitalizing Serum Special Set is a collection of essences extracted from plum

blossoms. It enhances skin vitality, repair signs of aging, and make skin reproduce plum-like feel of smooth skin.

SULWHASOO 雪御活顏精萃套装 Bloomstay Vitalizing Serum Special Set

2019/03/06 - 08/31

桃園國際機場第二航廈 C7 郵政候機室

C7 Postal Office Waiting Lounge, Terminal 2,Taoyuan International Airport


KiKi noodle bar 進駐桃園國際機場即廣受好評,川味擔擔

麵、川味嗆麵、成都乾麵、蒼蠅頭拌麵等多元麵點,搭配 口水雞、老皮嫩肉、夫妻肺片、水煮牛肉等人氣菜色,光 看菜名便教人胃口大開。

Hot and spicy Sichuan noodles KiKi noodle bar recently opened at Taoyuan International

Airport, offering Sichuan Dan-dan noodles and Chengdu dried noodles; it also serves steamed chicken with chili sauce and Sichuan-style sliced beef.

KiKi 麵 KiKi noodle bar

桃園國際機場第二航廈 4 樓餐飲區(管制區內) 4F, Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport (within the restricted area)


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BADGE 流行趨勢如光速般更迭,時尚型人的眼光也越來越挑剔;為滿足品味旅 人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納入珍藏的高端精品,以及風格 獨特的設計師品牌,讓每一趟旅程、每一場冒險,都充滿獨特的回憶與 自信。

Fashion trends change quickly, fashionistas become pickier. To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands to ensure special memories and confidence after each journey.

Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung

Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng

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V BADGE | 大勢品牌



1. 高筒帆布鞋 High-top Sneakers /

2. 連帽衛衣 Logo Hooded Sweatshirts / 3. Jumping Tiger 上衣 Pullover

日本設計師 Kenzo Takada 算是七 〇


的日本設計師相比,他所打造的 KENZO 在設計上並不是特別標新立異,卻富有濃


東方民族特色的圖騰,一直是 KENZO 最

吸引人的地方,結合運動休閒風格的剪 裁,讓每一季的伸展台都有如青春少年在 街頭狂歡。

KENZO 在 昇 恆 昌 內 湖 旗 艦 店 的 專

櫃,以大面積的白牆和銀色展示櫃為室內 主調,讓繽紛的作品一進門便搶入眼簾, 若想為春末夏初的旅行裝束增添更多看 頭,可千萬別錯過。

2 K e n z o Ta k a d a i s t h e f i r s t J a p a n e s e d e s i g n e r i n Pa r i s i n t h e 7 0 s . U n l i k e his peers, KENZO was not peculiar in style but filled with hedonism. KENZO is famous for vivid colors and oriental ethnic totems. The fusion with the athleisure style turns the runway into a street carnival filled with teenagers. At the boutique of the Ever Rich Ta i p e i D o w n t o w n S t o r e , N e i h u , t h e interior adopts a large white wall and silver showcases to highlight colorful items. Come here to shop if you need something fashionable for travel. 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 2F 2F Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu


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Clutch for Girls


APM MONACO,在 instagram 上一直是歐美時尚部 落客們的寵兒,其簡約、百搭、多變且價格親民等特

女用後背包 Back to School



APM MONACO 以「創造時髦又不褪流行的時尚」

為宗旨,傳承了超過 30 年的珠寶切工技術,每項商

品都是以顯微鏡手工鑲嵌訂製而成;擁有高級珠寶的 精緻度,又能融入日常穿搭,讓每位女性配戴起來都 能擁有輕盈、無負擔的自信。

APM MONACO jewelry from the South of France is trendy among the Instagram fashion bloggers in Europe and the US. Simple, easy-to-match, variable, and affordable, this brand has become very popular in recent years. APM MONACO's motto is "Chic but Timeless Fa s h i o n " ; w i t h o v e r 3 0 y e a r s ' j e w e l m a k i n g experience, each item is finished with microscopic manual incrustation. The refinement of fine jewelry matched to everyday outfits ensures each lady's light and carefree confidence. 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 2F 2F Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu 昇恆昌免稅購物網

說 到 MOSCHINO, 就 一 定 會 想 到 設 計 總 監

Jeremy Scott 不受拘束的創意與瘋狂,讓人會心一 笑的幽默和反諷驚喜,也呼應著 MOSCHINO 愛戴者 的個性:渴望自由、跳脫傳統、享受浪漫。而子品

牌 LOVE MOSCHINO,更貼近年輕族群的心,延續著 MOSCHINO 的笑臉、愛心與和平標誌,喚起對世界的 關愛,也為生活苦悶的現代人添上更多樂趣。

最經典的 LOVE MOSCHINO 配件,以招牌的小

熊、亮片愛心和斗大的 Logo 字樣為主角,可愛又大

膽的視覺,讓人難以忽視,對街頭潮人來說,更是吸 眼球的最佳利器。

When it comes to MOSCHINO, Director of Design Jeremy Scott, with his wild creativity and seeming madness, not only amazes us with humor and irony b u t a l s o re f l e c t s t h e p e r s o n a l i t y o f M O S C H I N O lovers: free-spirited, unconventional, and romantic. LOVE MOSCHINO gets closer to youth with smiley faces, hearts, and peace signs and not only calls for TLC for the world but also adds some fun to urban routine. The classic LOVE MOSCHINO accessories are i n s p i red b y t h e s i gn at u re t ed d y b ea r, gl i tt e r i n g heart, and big logo. The cute and daring design is statement. For lovers of the street style, these items will catch everyone's eye.

商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 2 樓 2F Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu

昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan International Airport Store

昇恆昌高雄國際機場店 Ever Rich Kaohsiung International Airport Store

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V BADGE | 大勢品牌


護膚品牌——COSME DECORTE 黛珂,一直是許多女性


求極致的抗老化產品,並採用「乳液優先」的保養方式, 強調先以保濕美容液柔軟肌膚,再提升化粧水和精華液 的效能與吸收度。

黛珂最受愛戴的明星商品,莫過於「頂級 AQ 」系

列(Absolute Quality),深入了解輕熟齡女性的肌膚

與心靈需求,不單只著重美白功能,更同步調理因環境 和氣候而帶來的肌理絮亂、暗沉、乾燥,並以溫和的「曇 花」香氣使身心靈獲得舒緩,讓每次的保養過程都能得

由裡而外得到安撫與穩定感,達到肌膚的永恆之美,對 剛入門頂級保養品的女性來說,絕對是最佳選擇。

COSME DECORTE, founded by Kozaburo Kobayashi, is the premium skincare brand affiliated with KOSE and is essential to women's skincare. With edgy skincare science committed to premium age defying products, the emulsion-first skincare procedure is introduced to soften skin with moisturizing essence for advanced potency and absorption of lotion and essences.


Moisture Liposome Perfect Moisture Trio

When it comes to Absolute Quality premium products, this collection knows what is essential for mature women's skin: not only whitening and toning red, dull, and dry skin caused by climate and environmental factors; it also soothes body, mind, and soul with t h e n i g h t - b l o o m i n g c e re u s s c e n t , a n d i s a n i d ea l collection for prime skincare beginners.

商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 4F 4F Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu


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REBECCA MINKOFF Spring 2019 Ready-toWear





1. Edie 鏈條斜背包 Edie Xbody / 2. Kate 雙層拉鏈斜背包 Kate Double Zip Xbody / 3. Edie 鏈條斜背包 Edie Xbody / 4. Minimac 透明肩背鏈帶包

來自美國的 REBECCA MINKOFF 成立於 2005 年,

由八〇後的年輕設計師 Rebecca Minkoff 獨立起家,



僅是街拍達人們手上的常客,也深受好萊塢女星喜愛, 如 Jessica Simpson、Lindsey Lohan、Agyness Deyn 等皆是品牌的忠實粉絲。

即 便 如 此 火 紅, 具 備 精 品 氣 質 的 REBECCA

MINKOFF 價格卻相當平易近人,對熱愛奢侈品的小資

女來說,絕對值得關注。如今昇恆昌已獨家引進多項 REBECCA MINKOFF 包款,早已久聞大名的粉絲們, 出國前就盡情在昇恆昌免稅商店穿搭選購吧。

REBECCA MINKOF, founded in 2005 as a new startup by Rebecca Minkoff, is the iconic“athluxury”brand from NYC. The signature design includes a genuine leather touch combined with metallic parts or tassels. The brand is essential to street fashionistas and female stars in Hollywood, including Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan and Agyness Deyn. Des p i t e i t s f a m e a n d h i gh -en d n at u re, i t s p r i c e s are low which makes this brand ideal for lowbudget beginning fashionistas fond of luxury. Ever R i c h h a s m a d e a n u m b e r o f R E B E CCA M I N KO F F b a g s a v a i l a b l e . Co m e a n d b u y y o u r f a v o r i t e s at the boutique at Ever Rich Duty Free Shop before going abroad! 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 2F

2F Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu


Ever Rich Kaohsiung International Airport Store



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STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Text & Styling by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng


人風格也不能隨風起舞,一定得認清適合自己 的姿態。若想「袋」得出色,不如嘗試突破框 架、跳脫千篇一律的眼光。

Vogue is never common and is always unique. Personal style cannot be ordinary; instead, it must be tailored for you. Want a fabulous BAG? Then step outside the box and stand out from the crowd.

GUCCI 珍 珠 鑲 飾 貓 眼 造 型 眼 鏡 Cat Eye Metal Glasses with Pearls / BOTTEGA VENETA Piazza 手 提 包 Small Hand Bag /

SALVATORE FERRAGAMO 果凍低跟鞋 Jelly Ballet Flats / COACH 肩背包 Parker Quilted Shoulder Bag

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V SELECT | 風格選物

SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Reda 蝴蝶結低跟鞋 Slingback Pump GUCCI 超大號方型鏡框太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses

BVLGARI Serpenti Forever 鍊帶包 Chain Bag

部分商品數量有限,售完為止。實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店。 015

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VALENTINO Garavani VLTN 鉚釘肩背包 Rockstud Spike Bag

DIOR Stronger 亮面鏡片太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses GUCCI NY Yankees™ 貼飾卡套 Card Case CHLOÉ Mini Roy 水桶包 Bucket Bag

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V SELECT | 風格選物

GUCCI 印花背包 Gucci Print Backpack

CHLOÉ 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses

GUCCI 撞色迷你相機包 Camera Bag GUCCI 相機包 Camera Bag



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歐陽靖: 我們居酒屋見! Gin Oy: Let's meet at Izakaya!

Translated by 蔡雅婷 Tsai Ya Ting

Text and Photography by

歐陽靖 Gin Oy


愛好者。人生中曾歷經長達 6 年的 重度憂鬱症,後因愛貓離世,決定改 變人生,開始接觸跑步,自詡為「跑

步傳教士」,希望將跑步帶給自己 的美好傳達出去。著作有《吃人的

街》、《我們,都是末日殘存者》、 《歐陽靖寫給女生的跑步書》、《旅

跑日本》,6 月即將出版新書《歐陽 靖的裏東京生存記》,分享多年來旅 居東京的文化觀察。

Gin Oy is known as professional writer, actor, marathon runner, and travel enthusiast. Her works include "The AllDevouring Street", "Survivors from Doom", "RUN! GIRLS RUN!", "Travel Running", and in her newest book which is to be published in June she shares her cultural observations after living in Tokyo over a number of years.






宿歌舞伎町的居酒屋喝酒,面對牆 上全都是手寫的平假名、片假名菜

單,比手畫腳亂點一通後,發現上 桌的全是些再普通不過的料理,結 果只好一邊喝著微苦的啤酒,一邊 立志學好日文,想著總有一天要體

的 24 小時居酒屋,為的只是要看

哪 種 人, 他 們 大 多 是 退 休 的 歐 吉 桑,不然就是剛上完大夜班的男男 女女下班後喝一杯放鬆一下,教人

意外的是會在這個時段喝酒的人竟 然還不少。

驗道地的居酒屋文化,打那時起, 但凡有機會到東京,我必定會把居 酒 屋 規 劃 進 行 程 裡。 直 到 三 年 多

前結識了現在的未婚夫 RK 後,長 時間以來的心願——深入居酒屋世


到日本居酒屋世界博大精深的那 一面。



像是該如何點菜點酒才不會失了禮 儀、當地人必點的酒款菜色又有哪

些 ......,總有新鮮的事物等著我去


禁 止 酒 駕


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比起以肉類燒烤為主的燒肉店,其實內臟燒烤 在東京還更常見,意外地,日本人其實很喜歡

吃油膩的食物。店裡的菜單以牛、豬內臟為主, 完全是品嚐油脂的鮮甜味,但內臟通常很油膩, 台灣人較難以接受。

Grilled marinated offal (Horumonyaki) In fact, offal barbecue is even more common in Tokyo than the meat-based barbecue. The Japanese like greasy food, and the menu choices are mainly beef and pig offal.

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V VIEW | 名家視野





事、長官、客戶應酬也是再平常不 儀的日本人同樣沒有馬虎,有著一


定要點飲料,就算不喝酒也得點, 點飲料時第一杯要視在場最高階的

人 點 了 什 麼, 最 好 是 點 同 樣 的 飲


裡游,視覺極具日式風雅韻味,另 喝的時候需要把名為「Hoppy」的

風味氣泡飲倒入裝有燒酒的杯中, Hoppy 又分做黑跟白 2 種,口感有 點像啤酒。

至 於 下 酒 小 菜, 像 是 酸 梅 子





不能先喝;點餐順序是先點飲料再 食當作「しめ」,當作結束前的收 尾料理。

汁醬油或麻油一同食用的生牛肝 ルモン焼き),記得初嚐時都對我 帶來相當大的文化衝擊,即使它們 有的我試過一次就再也不敢嘗試, 但有的哪怕吃完會沾滿油煙味,毛 細孔都是油臭味,我也心甘情願一 吃再吃。

underground、indie 的 在 地 文 化, 縱 使 去 過 那 麼 多 回 東 京, 這


而言很難得會聽過、見到它們,除 非有熟門熟路的人領著。下町地區

的居酒屋才能喝到的酒款「金魚」, 使用燒酒兌冰水,裡頭還有半顆乾

肝)Shark cartilage with pickled plum (Umesuisyou)

Mashed plum is mixed with shark cartilage, a musthave dish in any Izakaya in Tokyo, but very few foreigners know about it.

three years ago when I met my fiancé RK that my long-cherished wish to explore the Izakaya world was fulfilled.

More than drinking alone, it is most common for one to go out with friends, colleagues, bosses, and clients to get a drink after work. Even as they move from the workplace to pub, the Japanese, who value etiquette so much, remain strict and reserved. For example, everyone must order a beverage whether they can drink or not; when ordering a beverage, one must observe the first glass by the highest-ranking person

大 都 市 裡, 接 觸、 認 識 那 些 很




I remember when I first visited Tokyo more than a decade ago, and I didn't know any Japanese. Since I wanted to experience local life, I went to Izakaya (pub) in Shinjuku, where the menu was written in Japanese on the wall and ordered some dishes with hand gestures. Those were very simple dishes. From then on, whenever I visited Tokyo, I always planned a visit to Izakaya. It was not until about

相 反, 我 偏 好 在 大 家 都 熟 悉 的



一 趟 居 酒 屋 吧, 相 信 探 索 過 後 你

家 冒 險, 我 喜 歡 的 冒 險 方 式 恰 恰

It is the unique taste of Izakaya from Shimomachi and I have been fascinated with it lately. Definitely worth a try!


With the same fondness for Izakaya culture, he would often take me along for a drink, and I have come to know how one should order wine and dishes and discovered new things. Take "Morning Drink" as an example; at a 24-hour Izakaya in Ikebukuro I learnt that those who start drinking in the morning are mostly retired “ogisan" (men and women who finished the midnight shift and like to have a drink to relax). To my surprise, a lot of people drink at this time of day.


Hoppy 東京下町居酒屋獨有的味道,是我近期迷上的 酒款,十分值得一試!


座 城 市 獨 有 的 文 化、 店 家 你 未 必 真 正 感 受 過。 下 回 到 此 一 遊, 走 會重新認識東京。

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shark cartilage mixed with mashed sour plum, raw beef liver mixed with ginger sauce or sesame oil, and visceral barbecue (horumonyaki). I remember when I first tasted these dishes, it was quite a culture shock. Some dishes, after I had tried them once, I would never dare to try them again, but some others I would still eat again and again, even if my body stinks after eating them.

present, and others should order the same drink. Also, you order drinks first and then food, and the main course is ordered at the end as the "finale". I personally have been especially impressed with some wine and side-dish choices and would like to share them with you. "Goldfish" at Izakaya in Shimomachi: shochu is mixed with ice water, a dried chili added in it, so it looks like a small goldfish swimming in the cup; it is very Japanese and visually elegant. "Hoppy" is another drink you should try: pour flavored bubble drink called "Hoppy" into a cup with shochu, the mixture turns black and white and tastes a bit like beer. As for side-dishes to go with t h e s e d r i n ks , I re c o m m e n d t h e "Umesuisyou", which is made of

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塩辛下酒菜與 Hoppy

塩辛是醃漬烏賊內臟拌生烏賊,非常鮮美不腥, 是居酒屋絕對會有的下酒小菜。鮪魚拌納豆也 是很常見的吃法。

Salted and fermented viscera (Shiokara) and Hoppy Salted and fermented viscera is made of pickled squid viscera. Tuna mixed with fermented soybean (natto) is another very common dish.

Some travelers prefer going to the 3d World in search of adventures. For me, though, the adventures I like are just the opposite, I prefer to get in touch with and understand the underground and indie local culture in cities that everyone knows, like Tokyo in my case. When you go back to this city, take a trip to Izakaya and you will learn more about Tokyo.

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V VIEW | 名家視野

高琹雯: 如何規劃一次剛 剛好的美食旅行

Liz Kao: How to Plan a Perfect Foodie Trip Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng

米其林二星餐廳 Le Grand Restaurant 的一道藍龍蝦。Spin lobster by two-Michelin-starred Le Grand Restaurant.

Text and Photography by

高琹雯 Liz Kao

擁有法律人的完整履歷,卻不想當法 律人的貪吃鬼。「Taster 美食加」網

路媒體創辦人,「美食家的自學之 路」部落格格主,著有《我的日式食

物櫃》、《Liz 關鍵詞:美食家的自 學之路與口袋名單》,作品散見於各 大媒體 。

While Liz Kao is a qualified lawyer, becoming a gourmand is what she always wanted to be. To reach her goal, she founded Taster, started a blog called the "Self-taught Gourmet," and even published books like "My Japanese Pantry" and "Liz Keywords: Self-taught Gourmet and Bucket List". Her works can be found in various publications and online platforms.


門旅行更是如此,決定每一餐都很 慎重,只差沒求神問卜。

當 然 不 必 求 神 問 卜。 旅 遊 行

程 能 安 排 得 多 盡 善 盡 美, 關 乎 蒐

於世界五十最佳餐廳的 Arpège, 主廚曾來台中樂沐客座的 Le Grand

Restaurant;在倫敦,2018 年世界

最佳女主廚的餐廳 Core by Clare Smyth,另一間世界五十最佳餐廳

的 常 客 The Clove Club。 這 些 餐

集 資 料 的 能 力, 以 及 旅 人 有 多 了


為, 吃 貨 如 我, 太 明 白 美 食 能 如


解 自 己。 慎 重 決 定 旅 行 餐 食 是 因 何 指 點 一 地 風 光, 滿 足 口 腹 之 欲


當 然 很 好, 但 若 能 在 生 理 的 愉 悅 之 餘, 再 進 階 理 解 一 地 的 人 文 脈

絡、 地 理 風 土、 歷 史 政 經, 美 食 絕對是輕鬆的入口。




緻餐飲(fine dining),你可能也

老是在蒐集放在心上的夢想餐廳。 今年二月底、三月初我前往巴黎與

倫敦旅行,就是為夢想清單打勾的 好時機,我很快就鎖定幾間餐廳:

在 巴 黎, 登 上《 主 廚 的 餐 桌 》 的


Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris.



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1 3

2 4

1. Arpège 主廚 Alain Passard 是蔬食之神,一道經典菜色是甜菜根韃靼。Alain Passard, Chef of Arpège, is called the God of vegetables. . His

signature dish is roasted beetroot tartare. 2. 登上世界 50 最佳餐廳的 The Clove Club is one of the World's 50 Best Restaurants. 3. Ikoyi 是倫敦正在

竄起的當紅餐廳。Ikoyi is an up and coming restaurant in London. 4. Clare Smyth 去年榮獲世界最佳女主廚,她的餐廳 Core 的一道羊肉煮胡蘿 蔔。Clare Smyth received The World's Best Female Chef award in 2018 and her signature dish is Lamb Carrot.

決 定 好 大 餐 廳 後, 再 來 安 排

小 餐 廳。 我 說 的 小 餐 廳 主 要 指 二 類,一類是當地小食、傳統飲食,





然 後 在 歐 美, 想 念 亞 洲 食 物

的 時 候 就 不 要 客 氣, 盡 量 去 吃 印

度 菜、 泰 國 菜、 韓 國 菜, 味 蕾 需 要休息。






高見(現在往往看 Instagram),

連二頓吃 3 小時大餐太逼人,通常


Time Out 通常都可看,但我不看


了解文化,後者是去了解趨勢。這 友下手,再搜查網路意見領袖有何

再 參 考 當 地 可 信 賴 的 餐 飲 指 南。 Trip Advisor; 日 本 用 Tabelog、

澳 洲 用 Zomato、 美 國 用 The Infatuation。

己放棄太多美食以外的觀光行程。 天 午 餐、 晚 餐 都 排 fine dining,

是一餐大一餐小,若有一餐太大乾 身體狀況息息相關,吃到撐會有食

傷,吃到膩就沒胃口,為了保持最 佳狀態,必須保留餘裕。



紀念品,或就是在路上走來走去, 用全身去感受。對於當地的理解也 會幫助你理解美食。


是吃飯,沒有比這更理所當然的方 式了。


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V VIEW | 名家視野

Foodies enjoy good food wherever they go. I care about the smallest details in each meal. A perfect trip relies on prior research and the level of personal understanding of oneself. Treasuring every meal is vital since I know all too well how local delicacies represent the landscape and scenery. Of course, we all must eat to live, but it is nicer to gain a deeper understanding of local culture, nature, history, politics, and economy through food. Oftentimes my trips are dotted between one restaurant and another. If you are a fan of fine dining like me, you might also put together a list of your dream restaurants. This year I traveled to Paris and London and it was only natural to visit the restaurants that have long been on my bucket list. The Paris list covers Yam'Tcha on Chef's Table, Arpège, which has 3 Michelin stars and is named among the World's 50 Best Restaurants, and Le Grand Restaurant whose Chef, Jean-Francoise Piege, visited Le Mout in Taichung last December. The London list covers Core by Clare Smyth, 2018's World's Best Female Chef, and the Clove Club, one of the World's 50 Best Restaurants. Reservations are available via the Internet, but it is strongly recommended to pay attention to when bookings are


熱 湯 麵, 就 去 吃 越 南 牛 肉 河 粉。Beef

Pho is what I get if I want to have soup noodles in Paris.

opened, and you may even have to plan one month in advance. After securing bookings of more established restaurants, I would arrange some casual meals. What I mean by casual meals is grouped into two categories. One is for local food and old-school cuisine and the other is for local trendy restaurants that are not yet internationally known but loved by locals. The former is to understand the culture, and the latter is to understand the trends. How can you compile a list? Ask your gourmet friends, browse the internet, read trusted local dining guidebooks. Time Out is a good one. I never look at TripAdvisor. I recommend Tabelog for Japan, Zomato for Australia, and The Infatuation for the US. Here comes my point: It is important to make sure your itinerary is balanced between established restaurants and casual meals.

“Balanced” means not pushing yourself beyond your limits. You would not drain out your appetite and stamina, and you would not give up sightseeing only for the sake of eating. Be flexible. I usually enjoy one big meal and one minor meal. If one big meal is too much, then the minor meal can be skipped. How good the food tastes is closely related to how well your body feels. Being too full spoils the appetite. Being too tired weakens your energy. Feeling too full and tired must be avoided for the optimal dining experience. If you miss Asian cuisine while you are travelling in Europe or the US, try Indian cuisine, Thai cuisine, or Korean cuisine whenever your palate needs a break. If your itinerary is entirely filled with restaurants, your trip would become detached and unrelated to the true colors of one place. I would also like to reserve some time for museums, famous landmarks, souvenir shopping, or simply strolling down the streets. Understanding local vibes could also enhance your understanding of the food you have consumed. As a foodie, there is no better way to explore the world than eating your way through.

Yam’Tcha 有 登 上 Chef’s Table, 賣 的 是 融 合 中

菜 元 素 的 法 國 菜。Yam'Tcha was featured on Chef's Table for French-Chinese fusion cuisine.


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歡迎來到新創旅遊時代! 6 款 apps 開啟漫遊新視界

These 6 apps take you to a new horizon Text by 陳信方 Letter Chen

Image Courtesy of KKday、TourTalk、HereNow、Creatrip、 Grab、gettyimages、shutterstock Photography by 李培煬 Sean Lee

Translated by 蔡雅婷 Tsai Ya Ting


遊書導覽了。你知道首爾的美,不是只 有首爾塔或東大門設計廣場之類的景

點;北村和景福宮,更不用當作必要的 踩點搜集。拿出手機打開「KKday」, 買一張兩天後在大學路的「尋找金鍾 旭」音樂劇門票,付了錢馬上就收到電 子憑證。

當天下午,出了地鐵站,遍尋不著公演 地點,還好有「TourTalk」,提供如親

辜(韓文的「朋友」之意)般即時真人 翻譯服務,化解了找不到路的尷尬。終

場落幕後,靠著韓國在地「Creatrip」 的推薦,鑽進現下最夯、韓國年輕人最 愛的益善洞首爾咖啡,品嚐一份看似平 凡但卻美味極了的甜點。

完美的一天,其實就像當地人一樣生 活,這才是 2019 年的旅行。 歡迎來到新創旅遊時代!

You are familiar with the beauty of Seoul, and the Seoul Tower and Dongdaemun Design Plaza are not the only attractions in Seoul. And now you, a seasoned traveler, can take out your cellphone, open "KKday," and easily buy a ticket to the musical "Finding Mr. Destiny" performed on University Road. Once you have paid using your phone, you will immediately receive an electronic voucher. You can conveniently rely on yourself rather than trusting any travel guide. That afternoon, after leaving the subway station, I couldn't find the venue of the performance. Fortunately, there was "TourTalk," which provides a real-time human translation service, and it helped me find the way. After the musical, I relied on the recommendation of South Korea's local "Creatrip" app and headed to the best-selling Seoul Coffee at Ikseng-dong, a very popular café among young people in Korea, where I tasted a seemingly ordinary but delicious dessert. A perfect day, in fact, is spent like a local, and this is the way to travel in 2019. Traditional travel methods will continue to be embraced, including obtaining passports, planning trips, booking flights and accommodation, shopping, and using guides. However, the next generation seems to place more importance on "DIY" travel. Traveling is no longer just for fun, but it is rather a way to experience life. Welcome to the brand-new way of travelling!


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃


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盤點 4 大新創旅遊趨勢



旅遊體驗趨勢:據美國市場調查,每 4 位年輕人就有 1 位過去 2 年內曾獨







術模式)。它們也緊抓了新世代消費者對小眾、在地、 量身定做行程的需求,大量推出由在地編輯撰寫的內

容(工具模式)。最重要的是,每個人既是消費者同 時也是導遊,在平台上的「分享」成了另一種新體驗 (社



旅遊科技趨勢:過往消費者習慣以桌 上型電腦查詢資料、行程、購買票券

與 支 付 款 項, 如 今 隨 應 用 軟 體 的 優




鏈技術,未來 5 ~ 10 年內首先主導 B2B,更有可能


就曾以上述的 4 類模式來分析旅遊新創平台,這些平 台依照本身的條件與優勢,幫助消費者創造出全新的 旅遊體驗。

蔡宗保認為,2019 年有 4 大趨勢值得關注(編按):

趨勢 一

旅遊消費趨勢:年輕人更喜歡自由 行,而年長者傾向於團體遊。尤其


出遊變得更容易,花費較少的情況下,也讓年輕人更 願意出國旅遊。但年輕人不是不想花錢,而是願意把

錢花在更值得的事情上,譬如,在旅途中在當地吃一 頓米其林餐廳的餐點。甚至有超過半數的遊客認為,

付款程序變得更簡單便利。另外,值得關注的是區塊 改變網路旅遊的發展


旅遊合作趨勢:台灣有超過 3,000 家

的旅行社搶食市場大餅,因此彼此間 的合縱連橫變得更為重要。如何放大

品牌自身優勢推出更多元的產品,製作更有深度的內 容,透過自媒體或社群媒體的操作經營接觸到更多消 費者,這些都是當前最重要的課題。近幾年興起的網

紅或 KOL,也是進行異業結盟時極為重要的夥伴,彼 此拉拔才能創造雙贏。

接下來《VOYAGER》將盤點 6 款崛起自亞洲的新


創旅遊 apps,帶你漫遊新視界!


*編按:獲得蔡宗保授權,參考引用「旅遊研究所」,《回顧 2018



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與探討 2019 旅遊產業趨勢》

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

Check out the 4 new major travel trends The focus of this new tourism platform is no longer popularization, but rather more precise marketing segmentation. The platform attracts a new generation of consumers (product models) through in-depth travel information and a customized itinerary. At the same time, it uses the advantages of technology and marketing with a solid online user interface that allows continuous optimization (technical model). Furthermore, these models have also grasped the needs of new generation consumers of niche, local, and tailor-made itineraries with a large amount of local content written by local editors (tool model). Most importantly, everyone is a consumer and a tour guide at the same time. “Sharing” on the platform has become another new experience (community model). An online watcher of trends who runs the "Tourism Research Institute" blog, and now works as an associate professor at the Department of Leisure Management at Yu Da University of Science and Technology - Kevin Tsai, has analyzed the new tourism platform based on the above-mentioned four models. These platforms can help consumers create brand new travel experiences. Kevin Tsai believes that there are four major trends (according to the editor) Trends in tourism consumption: young people 1 prefer to travel freely, while seniors tend to travel in groups. Especially since the popularization of LCCs, young people are more willing to travel abroad, saving on airfare while spending more money on something more worthwhile, such as eating at a local Michelin starred restaurant. In addition, more than half of the visitors believe that tourism brands should provide solutions to different needs focused on different consumers, rather than giving all the itineraries to consumers and letting them choose. Spending money cleverly seems to be the motto of the new generation.



amount of money

increase ratio


120 億美金

US$12 billion

2015 年

270 億美金

US$27 billion

2020 年

表一:在線預定的產值(由全球旅遊行銷研究公司 Phocuswright 研 究調查)Table 1: Scheduled online output value (research and investigation

by the global travel marketing research company Phocuswright)

2018 年




2017 年 手機預定比例

ratio of mobile reservations



ratio of desktop reservations

表二:旅遊商品預訂媒介的產值(由旅遊與活動軟體商 Trekksoft 研 究 調 查 )Table 2: Output value of reservation mediums for travel products

(research and investigation by tourism and activity software vendor Trekksoft)


the same slice of the market. The coalition and integration of each other has become an important factor. It is critical for these agencies to grasp the popularity of tourism, increase their advantage, introduce more diversified products, and create more in-depth content to connect with more consumers through their media or social media management. Online celebrities, or KOL, are also very important partners for tourism brands and businesses, and they can help each other creating a win-win situation.


This issue of "VOYAGER" reviews 6 new travel apps emerging from Asia and takes you to a new horizon!

Trends in travel experiences: according to a US market survey, one out of every four young people has traveled on their own within the past two years. And wealthy consumers prefer spending money on cooking classes or yoga instruction rather than staying at chic hotels. Tourism technology trends: with improvements in software and development of mobile technology, reservations of online travel products, such as hotel or airplane/admission tickets, became much more simple and convenient.


Trends in tourism cooperation: there are more than 3,000 travel agencies in Taiwan competing for

(According to the editor: authorized by Kevin Tsai with reference to the "Tourism Research Institute," and "In Review of 2018 and an Investigation of Tourism Industry Trends in 2019")


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創新模式 Innovation model

產品模式(以目的地之旅遊及活動)+工具模式(行程規劃) product model (travel and events based on destination) + tool model (schedule planning)

關鍵字 keywords


DIY tour, local experience, e-commerce

為自己打造一生一次的獨一無二 Create a once-in-a-lifetime trip for yourself


訂,量身打造專屬於自己的旅行行程與體驗,同時也透過 體驗分享,讓消費者更能做出選擇。2014 年成立於台北, 是台灣第一個在地旅遊體驗電子商務平台。

This mindset allows travelers to experience local tours at different destinations around the world and book their own travel itineraries through online reservations. It also helps consumers make decisions through experience sharing. Founded in Taipei in 2014, this is the first e-commerce platform where travelers can experience local travel.

「提供在地旅遊體驗」,KKday 打破原有地域性

的行程規劃,一開始就完全鎖定自由行的族群,強力 招募在地特派員的加入,深度挖掘在地旅遊體驗,並 透過簡單易懂的選單模式,讓旅程的安排更簡單、快 速、自在與安全。為了讓行程更多元,KKday 更將在


(上)用手機隨時隨地都能預定你想要的任何行程,6 大類主題體驗分類,

帶你深刻體驗每個城市最在地的人文精神。Book any itinerary at any time


on your cellphone; six categories of theme-based experiences allow you to learn


費的型態。Users will enjoy its simple interface and convenient payment options:


外活動」,以及第一次就上手各種車票、地鐵卡購買 等「當地交通」六大類。更通過誠實評價、專家帶隊 與嚴格篩選等三大優勢,逐漸累積出優良的口碑。

2016 年起,KKday 更與亞洲萬里通聯盟,通過預定 行程可以累積里程回饋,讓旅客透過 KKday 享受更多 旅遊上的便利優惠。

"Providing a local travel experience", KKday targets independent travelers and recruits local agents to enhance the local travel experience. Then, it makes use of easy-to-understand models to help make planning


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about each city's local spirit.(下)使用介面清楚,付款方式輕鬆,收到電

子憑證後即可使用,免去使用紙本票券的不便,充分體現新時代旅遊消 the electronic voucher can be used directly, avoiding the inconvenience of paper ticket.

your journey simpler, faster, more comfortable, and safer. For more diversified trips, KKday has classified local experiences into six different categories: "local itineraries"(shopping and gourmet food arrangements); "admission to scenic spots" (booking tickets in advance); "humanistic experiences" (guided art and history tours); "experience courses" (cooking and handicraft lessons); "outdoor activities" (outdoor attractions and games), and "local transportation" ( transportation options). Since 2016, KKday has partnered with Asia Miles to accumulate mileage more easily. V O YA G E R v o l . 2 1

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

創新模式 Innovation model

社群模式(分享經濟、垂直分眾) community model (sharing economy, vertical demassification)

關鍵字 keywords


smart shopping


VIP treatment and perks 於昇恆昌免稅商店結帳時,出示手機 iRich App 輕輕一掃, 即可獲得相應紅利點數。這些點數不僅可以用來兌換昇恆 昌商品抵用券、飯店住宿券、餐飲抵用券,另有額外的會

員專屬尊榮禮遇,像是專屬禮賓服務、市區預售中心免費 接駁、機場尊榮接駁服務、環宇商務中心尊榮通關等,提 供給較高等級之會員使用。

When paying for purchases at Ever Rich duty-free shop simply show your iRich App and have it scanned to obtain corresponding bonus points. These points can be used not only in exchange for Ever Rich merchandise vouchers, hotel accommodation vouchers, and catering vouchers, but also additional VIP privileges for members, such as exclusive concierge services, free shuttle to downtown store, airport transfers, and Prestige Customs Clearance at Huan Yuan VIP Terminal, among other perks only available to priority members.

Established in 1995, Ever Rich has strived to create a “convenient tax-free shopping environment for passengers", and it aims for "internationalized operation and localized service to promote the duty-free industry of Taiwan to international community." In addition to setting up strongholds at Taiwan's airports and ports, it has also established urban pre-sale centers in Taipei and Kinmen. Furthermore, Ever Rich's iRich Club fully updated its membership system. For the new generation of tourists, it has designed a mobile App "Ever Rich -- iRich" and launched four different classes of membership: Lily (download the App and complete the simple registration process), Flying Fish (with annual purchase exceeding NT$90,000), Owl (with annual purchase exceeding NT$200,000) and Sun (with annual purchase exceeding NT$1 million). From time to time, iRich Club also sends virtual discount coupons so that members can enjoy exclusive merchandise discounts.

1995 年成立的昇恆昌,一直致力於打造一個「讓


服務在地化、把台灣免稅產業推向國際」為職志,除 了在臺灣各機場港口設立據點,也在臺北、金門開設

市區預售中心。昇恆昌 iRich Club 全面更新會員制度, 為了新世代遊客設計「昇恆昌 iRich App」 ,推出百合 (下載 App 完成註冊輕鬆入會) 、飛魚(一年累積消

費滿 9 萬元)、貓頭鷹(一年累積消費滿 20 萬元)

及太陽(一年累積消費滿 100 萬元)共 4 個會員等級, 不僅提供最新促銷訊息,消費時出示行動會員卡,即 可享受紅利點數累積的權益;也可以直接在 iRich App 用紅利點數兌換多項精彩好禮,不定期還會推出虛擬 會員酬賓券,獨享昇恆昌會員專屬商品折扣。

下載 iRich App 除了可以即時收到促銷活動通知;註冊成為會員,還

能享有消費集點換好禮的福利。Besides receiving immediate notifications about promotions, users who downloaded the iRich App and became registered members can also redeem gifts by accumulating bonus points.


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創新模式 Innovation model

創新模式=社群模式(個人對個人)+工具模式導向(旅遊工具) innovation model= community model (person to person) + tool model orientation (travel tool)

關鍵字 keywords


real-person translation, real-time interaction

隨身翻譯跟著走 Handy translator

語言是旅遊過程裡很重要的關鍵,良好的溝通能讓旅程如 魚得水。由台灣團隊研發,把因為科技而變得冰冷的「翻

譯」,透過真人、即時的線上詢答,讓溝通變得更有溫度。 同時,也大幅改善了翻譯軟體制式化的翻譯語法,彷彿隨 身帶了一位翻譯朋友在旁。

Language is an important factor when it comes to travel, and good communication can make the journey more enjoyable and successful. Developed by Taiwanese team, cold and impersonal "translation" technology has become friendly and warm through a real-person and real-time online inquiry. At the same time, it has also greatly improved the stereotyped translation syntax of the translation.


告詞,更是我們在面對數位化時代時,應該要秉持的 態度。語音翻譯變得方便以後,以往我們在國外旅遊 所碰到的語言障礙,也逐漸消弭。但語言其實日新月

異,不斷進步,尤其對話溝通強調的是「口語化」, 要如何像「母語使用者」(native speaker)般的流暢

說話,其實得時時俱進。訴求「全世界最有溫度的旅 行平台」,「TourTalk」回歸「人」的角色,透過事前

預定規劃,隨時隨地、一對一「真人」線上翻譯的服 務,即時幫助旅客解決溝通問題,小從買東西大至護

照遺失、就醫,不必再擔心害怕開不了口。目前提供 了中日、中韓、中英等 3 種雙向翻譯,從 5 天、7 天、 10 天等以日計費的服務模式。

"Technology comes from humanity". When the translation of speech becomes convenient, language barriers we encounter abroad gradually disappear. As "the world's most warm and friendly travel platform," "TourTalk" returns itself to the role of a "human," and provides a "real person" online translation service which can help passengers solve communication problems anytime anywhere. Furthermore, the app helps users in many situations - from shopping to the loss of passport and getting medical care. At present, three kinds of two-way translations are provided: Chinese to Japanese, Chinese to Korean, and Chinese to English, and the service models are billed on a daily basis varying from 5 days, 7 days, and 10 days.


Consumers don't have to deal with an impersonal mobile phone anymore, but rather experience real-person chat that can solve all sorts of travel problems.


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

創新模式 Innovation model

工具模式(媒體內容、行程規劃)+社群模式(垂直分眾) tool model (media content, schedule planning) + community model (vertical demassification)

關鍵字 keywords


creativity, artisan, guide by expert


Visit wonders here and now 由日本線上平台 HereNow 開發的線上導覽,消費市場橫 跨日本、韓國、台灣、新加坡、泰國等地。由在地創意工

作者及編輯們領軍帶路,提供讀者從各式商店、咖啡廳、 餐廳、住宿、藝廊、特色景點等多元豐富的探險方案。

Regarding the online guided-tour developed by Japan's online platform HereNow, its consumption markets include Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, and many other places. This guide is led by local creative workers and editors and provides its users with a variety of rich adventure programs - shops, cafes, restaurants, accommodation, galleries, and scenic attractions.



試。最主要訴求「這裡」(Here),和「此時」(Now) 到底發生了什麼新鮮事。透過 app 為媒介,將深度的


企圖以「貼近生活的旅行」為理想藍圖,「HereNow」 用編輯的方式,邀請活躍於當地的創意工作者與在地 作家,攜手一起寫出「現在這裡最迷人的據點、最有

趣的活動」的 hot spot 提案,捨棄那些旅遊書上千篇 一律的景點,也不要那些媒體炒作的名店,藉由收集、 篩選、融合與傳達,帶給讀者們精實的獨家情報。透

過這些獨家,建構起獨一無二的城市導覽。從古今流 傳的經典行程,到現下火紅的文化風景,將在地最具 魅力的特色,為讀者一步步進行深入介紹。

The travel information platform "HereNow" has been developed by Japan's largest art and information media "CINRA.NET" based on the concept of a city tour. Its main appeal is to provide the latest occurrences of new things "Here" and "Now." It provides in-depth travel experience to

(上)目前已經推出東京、京都、福岡、沖繩、台北、高雄、首爾、香 港、曼谷和新加坡,讓內行人帶路,小路上就是風景如織。Such services

are now available in major cities in Japan and Taiwan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Bangkok,

and Singapore, so that visitors can enjoy the best local experience.( 下 ) 透 過 在地職人、編輯、創意人,為你發掘出更多平凡生活裡的真正不平凡。

Local professionals, editors, and creative artists help visitors experience a truly extraordinary trip away from the daily grind.

the “intellectual youth” who like art and cultural activities. The purpose is based on "Get-close to life" concept; "HereNow" invites creative locals to work together and compose a list of hot-spots with "the most fascinating stronghold and the most interesting activities". "HereNow" likes to give readers exclusive information through collecting, screening, integrating and communication. All in all, classic journeys that are passed down from the old days to the modern times so that the current popular cultural landscapes are rendered, and the most attractive features of the locality are introduced to the readers step by step.


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創新模式 Innovation model

產品模式(以目的地之旅遊及活動)+工具模式(行程規劃) product model (travel and events based on destination) + tool model (schedule planning)

關鍵字 keywords


local tour, guide-tips, schedule planning


Planning a DIY Travel Itinerary

reach to Busan, Ulsan, Daegu, Chuncheon, and Incheon. In addition, "Creatrip" has also launched corresponding activities according to different seasons, such as flower season in spring. Special discounts are also introduced, and visitors can make advance reservations.

主打「像當地人一樣旅行」,所有景點皆為親自造訪。不 僅提供線上服務、旅遊導覽、行程預定,及在地商家特約 優惠,全面滿足在地旅行的食、衣、住、行、育、樂。

The theme focuses on "traveling like a local," and visiting all the scenic spots in person. It not only provides online services, travel guides, itinerary reservations, but also special offers at local businesses to fully satisfy the user's every need in terms of food, clothing, accommodation, transportation, sports, and entertainment.

為 了 把 韓 國 真 正 的 美、 真 正 的 好, 介 紹 給 每 一

位 外 國 遊 客, 僅 25 歲 的 林 惠 敏, 在 2016 年 決 定 成立一個「由真正韓國人所提供的韓國旅遊資訊平 台」,正是以台灣與香港消費者為主要訴求群眾的


告,而是用一篇篇的優質內容,短短 2 年內便在粉絲 專頁累積 10 萬粉絲追蹤。「Creatrip」從首爾出發,


川、仁川,由各地的特派員親身探訪好吃的餐館、好 喝的咖啡廳、好玩的地方,透過在地人的推薦,讓你 更快上手。另外,「Creatrip」依不同季節也會推出相 應活動,像是春光閃耀的花季,為了滿足許多想穿著 韓服在地遊的消費者,特別推出了優惠折扣,如提前 預約還可到現場實際參加時再付費。

To introduce the true beauty of Korea to every foreign tourist, Lin Hui-min decided to set up the "Korea tourism information platform provided by real Koreans" in 2016. "Creatrip" was created with consumers from Taiwan and Hong Kong in mind. Abandoning the purchase of many keyword ads, "Creatrip" rather resorted to using highquality content and accumulated 100,000 followers in just 2 years. "Creatrip" started in Seoul and extended its


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(上)Creatrip 合作的韓服商家高達近 30 間,大多數都提供免費預約、現

場付款享折扣的優惠,甚至比人在韓國消費更便宜。As many as 30 hanbok

stores cooperate with Creatrip and offer free appointments and discounts with on-

site payments, so you can enjoy more discounts while in Korea.(下)時下火紅的

SNS 打卡熱點——咖啡廳 Beam Balm,特別提供了會員消費即可享 95 折 的優惠。A popular SNS check-in spot, the coffee shop Beam Balm offers a special

5% discount to members.

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

創新模式 Innovation model


technical model (search and parity) + community model (sharing economy)

關鍵字 keywords


sharing, motorbike tour, car tour

搭摩托車在東南亞遊透透 Ride-on motorbike around Southeast Asia

起始於馬來西亞的叫車程式,在併購 UBER 後一躍而成星 馬地區最受歡迎的 app。橫向整合計程車、私家車、摩托

車等各式車款,更垂直整合旅遊上下游的旅行服務,從旅 行社、交通運輸到行程規劃,無一不包。

Originating from taxi reservation software in Malaysia, following the acquisition of UBER, it has become the most popular app in Singapore and Malaysia. It integrates reservations of taxis, private cars, motorcycles, and other types of vehicles and integrates upstream and downstream travel services within the industry, and now it is a comprehensive App that ranges from travel agencies and transportation to travel planning.

簡單、舒適、便宜、方便 4 大過人優勢,讓 Grab

從一開始,就立於不敗之地。一開始定位在「東南亞 的 Uber」, 跟 Uber 一 樣,Grab 以 自 行 開 發 的 app


的服務。Grab 更致力於打造「在地化 Uber」,深刻



同的體驗方式,有平價車、豪華車、房車、跑車,甚 至摩托車。Grab 透過提供乘車優惠與折扣,短期內吸

引大量會員下載註冊。更啟用現金支付,以因應東南 亞消費者的使用習慣。戰線遍佈全球的 Uber 終於在

2018 年敗下陣來,將印尼、新加坡與馬來西亞的業務, 全數售予 Grab,退出東南亞市場。Grab 的觸角已從

租賃、共乘,延伸至在地導遊、行程規劃與網路訂餐。 Grab has four main advantages: it's simple, comfortable, inexpensive, and convenient. Initially positioned as the "Uber of Southeast Asia," Grab uses a self-developed App to connect drivers and passengers, providing passengers with car rental and real-time ride-sharing services. Grab is committed to creating a "localized Uber" that has a profound understanding of the needs of both taxi drivers and passengers. Cheap cars, luxury cars, recreational cars, sports cars, and even motorcycles are available for selection. By providing ride privileges and discounts, Grab has attracted many members who have downloaded and registered in just a short period. It also allows users to pay in cash pursuant to the habits of Southeast Asian consumers. Grab's reach extends from rental and ridesharing to local guides, itinerary planning, and mealordering online.

(上)不需要為你的朋友擔心,凡走過必留下痕跡,手機就能隨時隨地掌控行車進度,方便又安全。Driving progress can be tracked on the cellphone anytime and

anywhere, so you don't have to worry about your friends’ safety.(下)跨領域的服務也越來越能滿足消費者的生活,叫車送餐樣樣行,只要拿出手機點選,吃什

麼、要去哪,生活就在手指間。Cross-domain services can be customized to accommodate consumers’ modern lifestyle, whenever you need a car or a meal, just grab your phone and make your choice.


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Soac Liu: Discover a world of taste Text by 梁大文 Kat Leung Photography by 留榮鋒 Luke Liu

Image Courtesy of 劉永偉 Soac Liu Translated by 蔡雅婷 Tsai Ya Ting

大學畢業後誤打誤撞進入烹飪教室工作,打開了 Soac 對


持起電視節目。這位熱愛旅行探索世界味道的自由料理人, 最愛用食物紀錄旅行的味道,每趟帶回家的行李,總是承 載了許多難忘的旅行片刻。

After graduation from university, Soac entered the world of food and cooking by accident. This freelance cook loves to travel and explore the tastes of the world, but most enjoys using food to record the taste of his travels. Every time he comes home from a new adventure, he brings back many unforgettable moments of his travel.

走進 Soac 的料理工作室,看見一整櫃餐具器具,

他已急不及待分享每件從旅行時帶回來的選物。桌上 幾杯為我們沖泡的茶,所使用的茶杯極為細膩素雅,

是他自日本購得的陶藝家清岡幸道作品。一如電視節 目裡般妙語如珠、風趣幽默,談到最近在公視上映、

與楊貴媚、張軒睿一同在實境節目〈阮三个〉裡共同 經營宜蘭民宿,他說「我本來以為節目會很輕鬆,就

是在一間房子裡忙一整天招呼朋友,但到宜蘭住下來 才發現要兼顧拍攝,準備時間都很緊湊,不過我做的 料理都很簡單,因為我深信食物簡單是最好的。」那

段在鄉下生活 2 個月的時間,十分緩慢的生活步調,

對如今行程滿檔的 Soac 來說,更是一段彌足珍貴的 回憶。

專注台灣菜 搜集寶島上的飲食記憶





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到日本藏王滑雪,扛著雪板徒步爬了 30 分鐘的雪地,抵達山 頂時 Soac 力氣幾乎已經用盡。When Soac went skiing at Zao in

Japan, he carried the skis through the snow for almost 30 minutes, so that when he reached the summit he was totally exhausted.

菜的他,更自主性發起「台灣燙 Taiwan Tongue」計

畫,致力搜集台灣寶島上的飲食記憶和資訊,透過以 台灣味道、食譜和記憶為主軸的中英文網站推廣,更 不時線上傳授,讓台灣味道回到日常廚房裡。工作、


譜書,「希望以更現代感的視覺把食譜書設計更親近, 顛覆大家對台灣菜傳統印象。」他說。

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V LUGGAGE | 名 人 開 箱

因為工作,Soac 也經常造訪國外,像去年他便

第一次參與紀錄片拍攝,與韓國太空人 SoYeong、中

國演員吉麗,去了日本東北 10 天,拍攝 Discovery 頻

北的咖哩麵,那份厚實滑潤、香料甜韻與魚露在舌尖 流連的味道,讓他回台後特別去找到對的薑黃和香料。

道的〈福島展望新生〉記錄片,深入了解當地海嘯 7 年後的生活樣貌。「要振興東北、幫助無辜農民不是

一件簡單的事,我在當地與很多人聊天,有許多人上 午出門下午回家家就沒了,真的很感慨。」這次難能


後搬回鄉下,為傳統產業注入新的視野,教人很感動。 挑戰自己每年出國滑雪 談到屬於自己的旅行,Soac 笑稱自己已經老了,

不像從前會費很多力氣做功課,用盡心力去看、去了 解當地飲食文化吸收知識。「以前甚至會認真一間一 間餐廳吃,現在或許也是去多了,出門更重要的目的

是暫離工作完全放鬆,起床後向住處管理人詢問推薦 美食,或者問一下在地朋友準不會錯。」近幾年他多

了一個旅行習慣——每年固定出國滑雪,「今年是第 四 年 去 滑, 從 最 初 一 直 摔, 到 現 在 能 自 在 地 控 制 身 體。」從來不愛速度感的他,也形容學滑雪好像是在 挑戰自己、訓練自己完成一件事,沒想到學著、滑著 變成一項熱愛的興趣。

旅行時,Soac 堅持不拜訪名廚餐廳,沒有指定


但總有些地方在旅行時不會錯過,例如:當地選物店、 跳蚤市集。「我曾在法國跳蚤市集買廚具器皿,買到

最後,量多到竟得郵寄回來,每次回國用著這些餐具 盤子,都是那個城市的回憶。」隨手拿起的幾本食譜



下。我覺得大家都輕視了食譜書的設計,有好的攝影、 封面及印刷質感,它其實就是一本藝術書。」 用食物紀錄旅行的味道



1 2

1. 因拍攝日本東北紀錄片,實地走訪宮城外海,看看當

地人海嘯後的生活。After shooting the documentary in

Northeast Japan, he visited the sea near Miyagi and came to have a view about the life of locals after the tsunami.

2. 泰國清邁旅行時享用到非常美味的泰北咖哩麵,回台

北後還因太過想念,試著做了幾次。Soac enjoyed the

most delicious curry noodles in northern Thailand when he traveled to Chiang Mai. When he returned to Taipei, he tried to re-create the taste because he missed it so much.

旅行之於 Soac,早已從昔日吸收料理養分、尋





在福島工作時,吃到新鮮活海膽印象也很深刻。我總 著重現。」前陣子跨年時,他去了清邁旅行,吃到泰

下他對料理的想法——不用過度繁複與費力,過程中 人難忘的美好時光。


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As we walk into Soac's cooking studio, we find a whole table full of utensils that he brought back from his trips. We sip tea from elegant cups which he bought in Japan, made by artist Kiyooka Koudou. Like a TV show host talking with great humor and fun, he tells a story about the reality TV program "We three people", which was recently shown on Taiwan Public TV. It is about three people running a hostel in Ilan. Soac explained, "I originally thought that the show would be quite relaxed and that I would be busy greeting my friends in a house all day. But, when I stayed in Yilan, I found my schedule to be very tight as I had to take care of filming and preparing meals. Luckily, the dishes I made were very simple because I believe that the best food should be simple."

Focus on Taiwanese cuisine and collect food memories of Taiwan From networking and brand marketing to graphic design, he has now dived into the world of cooking. In recent years, he has shifted a great deal of his attention to Taiwanese cuisine and has independently launched his "Taiwan Tongue" project as he strives to collect food memories and information about Taiwan. This year, he plans to publish a new recipe book and he hopes “that the design of this book can be more contemporary, overturning the traditional impression that everyone has about Taiwanese cuisine." Because of his work, Soac must travel abroad often. For the first time, he participated in filming a documentary and went to Northeast Japan for 10 days with Korean astronaut SoYeong and Chinese actor Gili to shoot the documentary about Fukushima for Discovery Channel. The purpose of the project was to learn more about the life of locals seven years after the tsunami. This rare opportunity has helped him see a lot of young people who moved back to the countryside after the tsunami and have injected brand-new visions into traditional industry.

wake up is check with the hotel residence manager for recommendations or ask local friends for suggestions because they are never too wrong." In recent years, he has come up with an additional travel habit - going skiing abroad every year: "This year is the fourth time I have gone skiing. In the beginning, I kept stumbling, but now I can control my body easily." Much to his surprise, skiing has turned into his passion. When traveling, Soac insists on not visiting celebrity restaurants, nor setting down an itinerary. On the other hand, he will never miss some local shop or flea markets. He explained, “Once I bought so many kitchen utensils at a French flea market that I had to mail them back home. Later, whenever I am home using these pieces, they remind me so much of the city." He also brings home from abroad some recipe books: “Sometimes, I buy these books just because I like the photo on the cover. In fact, I think many people underestimate the design of a cookbook, but it truly is a book of art with good photography, slick cover, and good printing."

Use food to record the taste of travel As a cook, everything related to food during travel naturally becomes the most important memory for him; he recalls, "I remember traveling to Central America right after I graduated. I was so excited when I tried ceviche. Or, when I worked at Fukushima, I was so impressed by the fresh sea urchin. I can always recall the taste of the dish, and after returning to Taiwan, I worked very hard to re-create it." For Soac, traveling has already changed from taking in nutrients and finding work inspiration to traveling purely for personal

pleasure. Just like his ideas

towards cooking, there is no need for excessive complexity and effort, as laughter, love, and simple tastes are always around

in the process. They are brewed

together into a delicious dish, like a wonderful, unforgettable moment.

Challenge himself while skiing abroad When talking about his own travels, Soac laughs and says that he is getting old now. Soac notes, "what I do now after I


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Soac 總以真誠的態度面對食物,料理出一道道簡單味美的好 菜。Soac prepares his food with open heart, and the simple dishes are always delicious.

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V LUGGAGE | 名 人 開 箱


Disclosure of chef’s luggage contents

近年出國旅行 Soac 總用輕鬆心態

打包行李箱,裡頭必要的有手機、 信用卡、耳機、酒壼等,也會帶一

些輕巧的做菜用具,方便在當地隨 時能買菜料理。

In recent years, Soac has resorted to a relaxed mindset when packing his suitcase, and the necessities include mobile phone, credit cards, earphones, wine carafe, and other things. In his luggage he also brings along some light cooking utensils and tools, so that he can buy ingredients and prepare local dishes any time.



Left side Plate (at the top): plates purchased in France.


Wine carafe (top right): easy to bring along so that you can


States, and the bowl is the famous blue pottery bowl from

盤子+碗(下):美國買回來的盤子與沖繩馳名的 瑞士軍刀:出門必備,切菜、切水果都可以。 小刀:法國買回來最常用的小刀,切起司抹醬

drink with style.

Plate+bowl (bottom): the plate was bought from the United Okinawa.

Swiss Army Knife: it is a must-carry item, and can be used to cut fruits and vegetables. .


Pocket knife: the knife from France is ideal for cutting


for cutting dough.

輪刀:法國跳蚤市集購入的輪刀,專用來切麵皮。 起司刨:帶出國使用,因為出國最常做義大利麵, 也很常刨起司果皮與乾香料等。 右側

食譜:2 本設計精美的食譜書,同樣都購自國外。

肉捶:米蘭旅行時購得。台灣肉捶外型太過工業感,這 款外型卻很雅緻。如果是全金屬材質不易使用,


cheese and spreading sauce.

Rotary cutter: the rotary cutter from a French flea market is Golden net: this treasure was bought in Thailand, and I like its meticulous beauty.

Cheese grater: I bring it out of the country for use because I prepare pasta most often when I go abroad. I also use it to grate cheese and dry spices.

Right side Recipes: two beautifully designed recipe books from abroad.

Meat mallet: bought in Milan. Meat mallets from Taiwan look too industrial, while this one looks elegant. This meat mallet is a perfect combination of metal and wood and is easy to use.


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Mom Looks Beautiful All Because Of You 媽咪,因你更美麗 母親節快到了,不知道送什麼禮物? 如果想送首飾,又該選什麼珠寶?

Got any ideas about what to buy for Mother's Day? Got any ideas about what kind of jewelry to select? Image Courtesy Ever Rich Jewelry / Translated by Maggie Tsai

Breathtaking 美好 無限美好的鑽石,見證永遠美麗的妳。 A breathtaking diamond will stand as a witness to your everlasting beauty.

Glowing 光彩 璀璨俐落方鑽,煥發佳人專屬光彩。 A dazzling princess cut diamond will give your loved one a beautiful glow.





即便時光流逝、物換星移,它依然堅定,所以有「永恆之愛」、 「女人永遠最好的朋友」的美稱。送給妻子鑽石首飾,是真愛誓言的重申; 送給媽媽或岳母,則是對她愛的讚美:「如同鑽石,永遠燦爛迷人」。

Formulated under high temperatures and pressure, diamonds have the highest hardness of all natural gemstones. As everything else changes with time, the diamond remains unchanged, which is why diamonds are also known as "eternal love" and a "woman’s best friend forever". Giving a diamond to your wife will reaffirm your love. Giving a diamond to your mom or mother-in-law will represent her enduring beauty and charisma, just like the everlasting diamond.

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Elegance 丰韻 Love 珍愛 散發幸福珠光的 南洋珠,紀錄每個珍愛時刻。 Emanating a joyous light, the south sea pearl records every sweet moment that a couple spends together.


油桐花的花影,化作不對稱的 雙色珍珠,展現綽約風姿。 Under the shadow of tung flower designs, asymmetrical pearls with two contrasting colors have been made into a pair of earrings to bring out the greatest elegance of a beautiful woman.



每顆亮麗珍珠的誕生,都是貝類經年累月忍受痛楚的結晶, 如同母親十月懷胎,千辛萬苦地生下兒女,因此不論是丈夫、兒女或女婿, 都能藉由珍珠表達對偉大母愛的感謝之情。再者,珍珠所散發的細膩、溫潤光澤, 最能代表默默付出、溫暖照亮全家的母親,及展現女性溫柔、堅毅、優雅與高貴的特質,所以 不論在哪個國家,珍珠一直是母親節禮物的首選。

Behind every beautiful pearl is the pain that the oyster had to endure during the years-long crystallization process, just like a mother endures nine solid months of pregnancy before giving birth to her child. Therefore, any husband, son, daughter, or son-in-law can express their gratitude for the great motherly love by sending her a pearl as a special gift. In particular, pearls demonstrate the elegance, warmth, and luster that a mother naturally shows for her family. Pearls also show a woman’s tenderness, perseverance, grace, and nobility. Throughout the world, pearls have always been the first choice for Mother's Day gifts.

Flower Dance 舞媚

Lovers 蜜侶

清新的油桐花,飄舞 錯落頸間,嫵媚動人。 Beautiful tung flowers dance around the neck of the wearer in a charismatic and elegant way.

蝴蝶雙宿雙飛,散播甜蜜種子。 Butterflies fly in pairs to sow sweet seeds together.




由於黃金是稀有的貴金屬,開採、挑選後, 還需經過提煉的過程,才能成為高純度的黃金, 所以數千年來一直被視為皇室與財富的象徵。加上黃金具保值性, 送金飾給愛漂亮又務實的媽咪或老婆,代表她是家中尊貴的皇后,絕對能討她歡心。

Scarce in quantity and high in value, gold undergoes a refining process after being mined and selected to become high-purity gold. As a result, gold has been considered a symbol of royalty and wealth for thousands of years. With great preserved value, your mother or wife will absolutely love a piece of gold jewelry that represents their noble status in the household.

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論品味養成必得先了解流行,既然如此,以下整理出的 7 組關鍵字、46 件 “IT” items,春夏絕對得好好留心一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These seven keywords and 46 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2019 S/S. Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang、黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng


GUCCI Web Snake 絲巾 Scarf

森林 元素

在設計總監 Alessandro Michele 的改

革下, 極度浪漫又充滿神話感的 GUCCI 無 TORY BURCH

Fox 鑰匙圈 Key Fob

疑為時下年輕人的最愛,也成了最會帶動 風向的品牌,而常出現於希臘羅馬神話的

虎頭、眼鏡蛇、蜜蜂 ...... 皆是 GUCCI 熱門 包款上最耀眼的主角,也讓動物與花卉等 森林系元素,再度活躍於近幾季的伸展台

BURBERRY The Rucksack

上, 如 KENZO 最 經 典 的 老 虎 頭 系 列、 充

印花軍旅背包 Backpack

滿 少 女 情 懷 的 COACH 復 古 印 花 包, 甚 至 連 BURBERRY 也將富有童趣的動物園搬上 GUCCI Queen Margaret 肩背包 Shoulder Bag



釦,讓輪廓四方的經典包款不再呆板,若你 不愛大面積印花或刺繡,這些飾有精緻五金 的單品會是不錯的選擇。又或者,運用些可 愛的動物系吊飾、絲巾妝點你原有的包款, 也算是跟上流行了。


Floirat 肩背包 Shoulder Bag

Coach spring summer 2019


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COACH Parker 肩背包 Shoulder Bag

The romantic and mythical GUCCI, led by Director of Design Alessandro Michele, is not only a brand loved by the young but is also an icon for fashionistas. On its popular bags GUCCI not only features tiger heads, cobras, and bees commonly seen in Greek and Roman mythology but also applies woodland images like animals and flowers to items recently presented on the runways. KENZO's tiger head, COACH’s vintage print bag with girly naivety, and BURBERRY's fun zoo are all trendy. Vivid floral and animal buckles revive the classic square bag. If you are not a fan of vast printing or embroidery, then items with fancy buckles could be a nice option. You can attach a cute animal charm or scarf on your bag to make it look trendier. V O YA G E R v o l . 2 1

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走 過 了 去 年 隨 處 可 見 的「 紫 外 光 」, 色

V TA G S | 流 行 關 鍵 字


Robinson 小皮夾 Mini Wallet

彩權威機構 Pantone 發布的 2019 年春夏流行

代 表 色 多 達 12 種, 其 中, 象 徵 活 力、 熱 情、 自信與節慶感的「嘉年華紅」與「橘紅色」,

CARTIER Panthère de Cartier 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses


彩。此外,帶有一點黑色的「傑斯特紅 Jester Red」蘊含深度與優雅的氣質,則是最適合大城 市女性的色彩。

Valentino Spring 2019 Ready-to-Wear



氣候振奮心情,若是妳夠大膽,不妨嘗試換上 紅色或粉色系套裝,或以大紅唇呼應紅色包款

的強大氣勢,絕對能成為街頭或宴會上的眾人 焦點。

Ultra Violet was the Color of 2018; Pantone Color Institute has announced the lineup of 12 fashion colors for 2019 S/S. Fiesta Red represents vitality, passion and confidence, while Living Coral was trendy for New York fashion week designers in 2019. Jester Red, with its dark sophisticated tone and composition, is ideal for cosmopolitan women.


PVC Logo 托特袋 Tote Bag

The coral and red tones adopted by leading brands in 2019 S/S can revive the low mood in spring. If you are bold enough, try a red or coral suit or be aggressive with vermilion lips and a red bag. It will definitely highlight your personality on the streets or at a party.


Fursten 腰包 Belt Bag


Candystud 手提包 Top Handle bag


Joy Small Hobo 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Dreamer Carryall 手提包 Carryall Bag


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2019/4/12 下午3:15

# FLORA 櫻花系



櫻花系女子的純真,總有著能感染人心的 魔力;又像是善良少女,只是一抹微笑就 能撫慰每一顆世俗之心。 Cherry blossom

玫瑰 系



Cherry blossom signifies splendor, brightness, and pure happiness. Cherry blossom can lead you to a wonderland. The purity of a Sakura woman is magical. Her warm smile can calm a weary mind.

情少不了玫瑰,玫瑰則為愛情帶來幸運。玫瑰系女子,熱情 嫵媚,百分百勇於綻放自己。 Rose

Loyalty, love, shyness, and lust. Rose signifies attraction. In European mythology, Venus and Rose were born at the same time. Love needs Rose, and Rose blesses Love. A rose woman who is tender and full of love is bold enough to be herself.


櫻花身體乳 Cherry Blossom Body Milk

LANCÔME 絕對完美 黃金玫瑰修護乳霜 Apc Soft Cream

ISSEY MIYAKE 一生之水綻放女性淡香水 Ei Pure Petale De Nectar EDT 048

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玫瑰金漾女性淡香精 Rose Goldea EDP

ELIZABETH ARDEN 白茶 花綻野玫瑰香水 White Tea Wild Rose EDT

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V TA G S | 流 行 關 鍵 字



是懂得欣賞的人才看得透徹的傾城絕代。花中之王的高雅,或許 有些距離,但不正是那骨子裡的萬千貴氣才教她美得出眾。 Peony

The peony signifies wealth, prosperity, and sophistication. A peony woman is inspiring and unique. The sublimity of the Queen of Flowers cannot be touched but impresses the world with her luxury.


SHISEIDO 激透光水乳霜 Swl Brightening Gel

光采修護菁華油 Radiant Multi Oil



牡丹與胭紅麂絨 古龍水 Peony & Blush Suede

ESTÉE LAUDER 櫻花微分子肌底原生露


(5 月上市) Micro Essence Skin Activating

Treatment Lotion Fresh With Sakura

Ferment (Upcoming new item in May)

YVES SAINT LAURENT 慾望巴黎淡香木蘭版 Mon Paris Floral EDP


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維生素 A 具備有效提升彈力


維生素 B5 除能有效保濕,亦




擇含維生素 B5 成分的保養品,較




Skin lifting

Vitamin A can promote elastin regeneration to lift the skin, it helps to erase fine lines, improve pigmentation, and correct unevenness for the best skincare results. 1. ELIZABETH ARDEN 玫瑰金 抗痕膠囊 60 入 Ceramide Caps & Retinol 60ct


Repairing+Replenishing Vitamin B5 is an effective moisturizer and helps to improve your skin. Those with dry skin but don't want a greasy feeling can apply skincare items with Vitamin B5 for a light silky feel. 3. KIEHL'S 老虎草 B5 保濕修護霜 Centella Sensitive Cica-Cream



2. SHISEIDO 全效抗痕白金抗皺精 華乳 SVP Wrinklelift Cream



4. LA ROCHE POSAY 全面修復霜 Cicaplast Baume B5


維生素 C 的強效抗氧化性,

維生素 E 號稱人體的抗氧化



化,肌膚中原有的維生素 C 會逐





Anti-oxidation+Brightening Vitamin C is a robust antioxidant and is an important nutrient for stabilizing skin’s condition. Aging reduces Vitamin C in the skin, so extra supplementation is essential. 5. DR.WU 膠囊面膜 ABC 綜合 18 入特惠組 A to C Capsule Mask Set

6. CLINIQUE 鮮萃瞬效日夜修 護 (C+A) 活性安瓶 Fresh Pressed Clinical™ Daily and Overnight

Boosters With Pure Vitamins C 10% + A (Retinol)


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防皮膚乾燥,進而達到保濕作用。 度,加速效用。

Hydration+Antiaging Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant for the human body and a common ingredient in creams and lotions for preventing dry skin. A vitamin E gel can advance hydration. 7. JO MALONE 維他命 E 凝膠


Vitamin E Gel

7 部分商品數量有限,售完為止。實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店。

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高街 潮流



性與機能性的元素還越演越烈,如 TOD’S、

KENZO Tiger 休閒便鞋 Slip-On Sneakers

VALENTINO 等 精 品 大 牌, 皆 已 向 運 動 風 靠 攏;兼具奢侈品的精緻度,以及年輕潮牌充

滿 酷 感 的 設 計, 讓 高 街 時 尚(High Street Fashion) 成 為 都 市 型 人 展 現 態 度 的 最 佳 方

KAPPA 運動外套 Jacket

式,除了考驗混搭的功力,也能透過色彩與印 花圖騰大秀玩心。

High street fashion is common. Practical and functional components are blended with fashion to create the look. TOD'S and VALENTINO offer sporty collections. High Street Fashion with luxe and trendy designs is the best way for urban fashionistas to express themselves. It is a test of mixing and matching, as well as the opportunity to play with colors and prints.

MCM Jemison 後背包 Backpack

BEATS NBA Collection Studio Wireless

Headphones 耳機

NIKE Air Max 98 運動鞋 Sneakers

NBA 直營店及昇恆昌獨家販售 Exclusively at NBA stores and Ever Rich


紳藍 腕錶


已遠超越計時,更多是個人品味的象徵,大器 的深藍錶盤搭配不鏽鋼錶帶,讓正裝不顯得沈

悶,搭配休閒裝束也不會過於嚴肅。而除了外 在,腕錶的內涵也要夠深厚,如擁有百年製錶 歷史的萬寶龍與泰格豪雅,皆是結合傳統工藝 與高科技智慧功能的最佳代表。


Carrera Aston Martin

紅牛車隊特別版鍊帶錶 Red Bull Racing Special Edition Watch


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Tradition 系列不鏽鋼自 動機芯腕錶 Automatic Watch

For a detail-oriented gentleman, a watch is more an icon of personal taste than a device for telling time. The watch features a dial plate in indigo and a stainless-steel watch band to accentuate both its formal and casual aspects. The watch is magnificent inside and out. MONTBLANC and TAG HEUER, watchmakers founded 100 years ago, are icons of blending craftmanship with high technology.


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重視臺灣產業也重視品質的昇恆昌,希望讓在地好茶 走入尋常百姓家,實現「日日喝好茶,日日是好日」 的理想,手工揉捻的高山茶葉,以原葉型態放入經

SGS 認證的 PLA 玉米澱粉茶包中,要想喝杯好茶無需 再透過繁瑣過程。

Mountain Oolong


免稅限定包裝 Duty-free exclusive

GODIVA 全新推出的 G Cube 系列,匯集型格、


Tea is essential to daily life in Taiwan, but the quick pace of modern life prevents people from enjoying a pot of tea. Ever Rich values the tea industry in Taiwan and its quality, shares the vision of Good tea every day and Every day is good and hopes the consumers can enjoy excellent local tea. Fine hand rolled mountain oolong is packed in the SGS-certified PLA sack for real tea lovers.


可以是隨時隨地為自己準備的小驚喜,或是可與摯愛 一同分享的喜悅。GODIVA 向所有巧克力控傳遞「熱 愛生活,讓每一天充滿美好與喜悅」的生活理念。


The new GODIVA G Cube collection is stylish, trendy, and elegant. The taste is very creamy thanks to the rich double-layer chocolate butter. Individually wrapped chocolates are great when you're on the go. The squares are a treat for yourself or for sharing with loved ones. Love your life and fill each day with joy and delicacy GODIVA's message to chocolate lovers.

GODIVA G Cube 系列 22 顆入:綠茶松露牛奶巧克力 /

草莓松露黑巧克力 / 精選松露牛奶巧克力 / 精選松露黑巧

克力 G Cube Truffle 22 pieces: Milk Chocolate Matcha G r e e n Te a / D a r k C h o c o l a t e S t r a w b e r r y / M i l k Chocolate Assortment / Dark Chocolate Assortment

Taipei Sweet Hocha 系列


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Day Day 高山烏龍茶包禮盒 Alishan High Mountain Oolong Tea Bag Pack





出產的馬鈴薯,宜蘭的青蔥,臺中、苗栗、屏東、高 雄等地的芋頭,確保新鮮無虞。製程中使用低溫真空 乾燥技術,既保留蔬果原味也鎖住食材營養,最重要 的是大幅減少油量,儘管嘴再饞也不用有心理負擔。

Veggie Snacks “HOCHA” in Taiwanese means “yummy” and represents a snack collection of local veggies free of preservatives that are perfect for a picnic or using at home. The fresh, premium ingredients produced in places all over Taiwan include potatoes from Yunlin, Chiayi, and Nantou, spring onions from Yilan, and taros from Taichung, Miaoli, Pingtung, and Kaohsiung. The flavor and nutrition are perfectly maintained through low-temperature vacuum drying technology. Most importantly, the oil is reduced greatly. Enjoy this snack without feeling guilty.


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藝術 一筆一畫,一點一滴,需要時間醞釀是藝術和美酒的共通點,正因如此,越是懂得品味 的樂趣,生活也就越多姿多采。

Stroke by stroke, bit by bit, fermenting wine and creating art both take time. As a result, the more you understand the taste, the more diverse your life will be.

Text by 黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai

Image Courtesy of 倪士珍 Ni Shyn-Jen、傅星翰 Fu Hsing-Han、賈茜茹 Chia Chien-Ju、 鐘仁杰 Chung Jen Chieh、丹之寶畫廊 Tansbao Bhutan Art Gallery Translated by 蔡雅婷 Tsai Ya Ting

0 5065 6

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2019/4/12 下午3:15


V SCENES | 遊歷記事

Take a Step to Discover Your True Self 牆面上色彩亮麗的兔子繪畫,線條簡單而有力,

勾勒出兔子的形體輪廓,彷彿能感受到兔子們奮力躍 起的力量,這是藝術家倪士珍去年 11 月底起,於桃園 國際機場展出的「趨光 _ 耀步」雕塑概念展。


眼簾,空間裡一隻巨型的兔子端坐椅子上,背後天花 板懸掛著紫、粉紅及藍色玻璃紙製成的兔子。擅以兔

子作為創作主題的紙雕藝術家倪士珍,大學畢業於美 國 William Paterson University 藝術系,主修雕塑,此

倪士珍透過巨型兔子紙雕塑及飛舞空中的兔子形玻璃紙裝置,講述 追尋自我的歷程。Ni Shyh-Jen makes use of giant paper-rabbit sculptures

and rabbit-shaped cellophane installations to explain the process of her selfdiscovery.

次展出強調身為個體,每個人都有著其不可取代的獨 特性,「我們都是獨一無二、耀眼奪目的珍寶。到處 走走,也許是找尋真我的第一步。」她說。


生存、生活的我們,總習慣將自己隱藏在預設的渺小 裡,只願躲在「這樣就好」的粉紅泡泡裡。其實,試

著擺脫走出同溫層的恐懼,向不可預測的未知走去, 相信自己擁有面對困境勇於突破的心志,但凡邁出閃 著耀眼光芒的那一步,人生自然會有所改變。

The brightly-colored rabbit painting on the wall, with its simple yet powerful contours, has delineated the shape of the animal to make you sense the power of leaping rabbit. This piece comes from the sculpture conceptualization exhibition by the artist Ni Shyh-Jen, whose work "Glamorous Steps Toward Light" has been displayed at Taoyuan International Airport since the end of last November.

As soon as you reach the gallery’s back wall, the stunning work catches your eye at once. You see a giant rabbit sitting on a chair while many smaller purple, pink and blue rabbits are hanging in the air. Ni Shyh-Jen, a papercarving artist specializing in rabbits as her creative theme, graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at the William Paterson University in the United States, where she majored in sculpture. This exhibition emphasizes that every individual has his or her own irreplaceable uniqueness, and she further commented, "Each individual is unique, and every time I walk may be the first step that helps me find my true self." By choosing rabbits as a symbol of purity and kindness, the work points out that to live and survive in the real world, we habitually hide ourselves in the preset small world and simply wish to grasp at the "it's just fine" pink bubbles. In fact, if we try to conquer fear as we leave our “stratosphere” and head towards the unpredictable unknown, then we can have the mindset to confront challenges, as well as the bravery to break through them. When we dare to take the step that shines brightly, life will change naturally.

【趨光 _ 耀步 Glamorous Steps Toward Light】 倪士珍雕塑概念展 【Glamorous Steps Toward Light】 Ni Shyh-Jen's Sculpture Exhibition

2018/11/23 - 2019/04/30

桃園國際機場第二航廈 C1 文化藝廊 C1 Art Gallery, Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport


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The Lion Dance Culture Evolves 舞獅會令你想到什麼?東方傳統神話、招財獻瑞

的吉祥物,還是可被重新詮釋的藝術元素。屬於東方的 本土文化,而今更成為競技比賽,在國際間大放異彩。


的全新作品,於桃園國際機場亮相。擅長用廢棄媒材、 噴漆罐、廢鐵、鋼筋、木材、磚等各大小生活回收物,


及雕塑藝術兩種他所喜愛的元素結合,打造出一系列帶 有街頭氣息的立體作品。



材畫作,懸掛在展出空間牆面,搭配展場內刻意擺設、 供民眾零距離體驗的舞獅裝置,平面及立體、廢棄與 重生,感受多元視覺美學所交織出的活力。

What does the lion dance remind you of ? Traditional Oriental mythology, a symbol of fortune and wealth, or is it an artistic element that can be reinterpreted? Considered a part of local Eastern culture, the lion dance has also become a tournament game and it has already yielded unusually brilliant results in the international arena. Ever Rich Foundation has invited the regenerative street artist, Fu Hsing-Han and his brand-new works to debut at Taoyuan International Airport. Fu is particularly skilled at using recycled media, spray paint cans, scrap iron, steel bars, wood, bricks and other recyclables and has been arranging colors to render regenerating artworks. He resorts to the combination of realistic painting and sculpture, his two preferred artistic expressions, to create a series of 3D works with street style and attitude. Inspired by the wildlife in mountainous areas of Taiwan, such as Taiwanese macaques, blue magpies, hawthorns, pangolins, and black bears, composite media paintings are created and hung on the walls of the exhibition space, arranged with the deliberate display of lion dance gear for people to freely experience from any distance. The contrasts between 2D and 3D, as well as the abandoned and the reborn, help viewers to experience the vitality intertwined from the multi-visual aesthetics.

【傳畫誌】傅星翰再生藝術創作特展 【Legend-Graphy】 Fu Hsing-Han’s Special Creation Exhibition

2019/01/18 - 04/19

桃園國際機場第一航廈 B7 文化藝廊 B7 Art Gallery, Terminal 1, Taoyuan International Airport



1. 舞獅作品展現出傅星漢擅

用廢棄媒材創作再生藝術的 功力。Lion-dance works are displayed to present how well Fu Hsing-Han can utilize waste materials for regeneration art.

2. 以台灣原生動物作為發想


Taiwan native animals are the source of inspiration for creating such works.


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V SCENES | 遊歷記事

Before introducing the works of Chia Chien-Ju, one must understand her definition of “ready-made object." In her creations we can always find the existence of "them" "because of her concern for the relationship between everyday objects and people, since different places have their unique flavor and style. In fact, an object’s color, shape, and reason for being created are all usually generated from human needs and further reflect some hidden local spirit."

賈茜茹運用台灣常使用的黃色,搭配生活裡常見的器具組合,勾勒出 台 灣 在 地 生 活 意 象。Chia Chien-Ju adopts the color yellow, which is often

used in Taiwan and works in conjunction with utensil combinations frequently found in our life in order to present local images of livelihood in Taiwan.


The Most Familiar Daily Scenery 要介紹藝術家賈茜茹的作品以前,有必要先談談何


之所以會如此安排,她解釋道:「因為關心日常物品跟 人們之間的關係,不同的地方會有不同的品味跟風格;

Some time ago, Ever Rich Foundation invited Chia ChienJu to follow her previous series of works “City Color” to create something brand new for Taiwan. If color is used as a metaphor, what color would Taiwan be? During the creative process, she asked herself this question many times and finally chose "yellow" to delineate local life, showing the facade of everyday life from temples to streets, and from street vendors to daily needs. Overall, she adopted yellow color and common local household utensils to create a painting full of authentic character and imbued with vibrant Taiwanese flavor. In “City Color_Taiwan Chapter " exhibited at Taoyuan International Airport, a lot of red in addition to yellow is used. For Chia Chien-Ju, the signboard scribbled with red Chinese characters against a yellow background seems to spread with an indescribable charm, sharing the delicious, traditional, authentic, and long-standing history of Taiwan. Most of all, they further extend towards the concepts of trust, history, humanity, and others, and all of them are considered the elements of Taiwan that she wanted to share with the whole world.

物品的顏色、形狀或是被製造的理由通常是來自於人們 的需求,進而反應某種隱晦的地方精神。」


的系列作品「城市色彩」,為台灣進行全新創作。如果 要用顏色比喻,台灣會是哪種顏色?創作過程中她不斷

反覆問著自己,最終選擇以「黃色」作為連結,勾勒出 在地生活,展示自廟宇到街頭,從攤販小吃到日常需求


藉由台北市小 吃地圖燈箱說 明台灣著名 美 食 特 色。

The illuminated Fo o d m a p o f Taipei shows the most famous local snacks.


桃園國際機場展出的「城市色彩 _ 台灣篇」,除

黃色外也大量使用了紅色,對賈茜茹而言,寫著中文 字的黃底紅字招牌似乎蔓延著不可言喻的魅力:好吃


信賴的、擁有歷史的、具人情味的 ...... 等想像,那是 她想向世界介紹的台灣。

【城市色彩 _ 台灣篇】藝術家賈茜茹桃機創作展 【City Color_Taiwan Chapter】 Exhibition of Creative Works by Chia Chien-Ju at Taoyuan International Airport

2019/03/22 - 06/21

桃園國際機場第一航廈 A9 文化藝廊 A9 Art Gallery, Terminal 1, Taoyuan International Airport


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Adventure With Maps and Guides in Kaohsiung 許多人到訪過高雄後,便在心裡為它留了個位置,

鐘仁杰也不例外。大學時就讀美術系的他,踏入社會後 曾有過穩定的正職工作,在廣告公司裡專事插畫繪製,

六、日開放」的旅遊資訊 ......,鐘仁杰對細節的精心 設計與安排,大大地加深了觀賞時的趣味,「高雄觀

光大使『高雄熊』與代表昇恆昌的旅客好夥伴「輝熊」 也不時出現在畫面裡與遊客互動」他說。很難想像如 此巨幅的作品,竟然只花一天時間便完成草稿,這多 少也能反映出他對高雄的極度喜愛。


作生活,讓鐘仁杰有了遠赴高雄旅居一年的機會,那時 他想都沒想過,未來有天竟能把自己的所見所聞轉換成 創作的養分。


的雙重角色,為高雄國際機場入境廊道別出心裁地創作 了長幅插畫作品,向往來的旅人們分享個人親身體驗過 的高雄之美。思考到展出空間的形狀、所在位置、作品 目的,最終交付出一幅從白天到黑夜的高雄即景,廊道 前端是一張標有多個景點的地圖,步入長廊後,隨行走 方向能看見地圖上出現的景點,被串成一條觀光路線,

此外,他亦分享了私人推薦的必遊去處,透過豐富、鮮 豔、生動的畫面,傳遞出令他難忘的高雄風貌。

作品中有 2 顆太陽,接近傍晚的那顆準備下班,

手上拿著的卡片上頭繪製的不是時間而是溫度,用以 傳遞高雄的炙熱氣候;攀爬在高雄 85 大樓上方的高

雄國際機場親善大使「高高雄」是對經典電影〈金剛〉 致敬;「瑞豐夜市」招牌上寫有「每週二、四、五、


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廊道末端的方形作品裡,鐘仁杰更把近來旅遊高雄時的熱門大眾運 輸工具——環狀輕軌帶入創作,尤其能感受到他推廣高雄觀光的用 心。In the square works placed at the end of the corridor, Chung Jen Chien

has brought a popular means of transportation-- circular light-rail transit -into his works; through this, we can especially feel his intention and efforts to promote Kaohsiung tourism.

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V SCENES | 遊歷記事

高熊、高雄熊、 雄深具指標性的景點,皆能見到高 島站、高雄 85 大樓、瑞豐夜市等高 運美麗 Public Library, 高雄捷 Main 總館、 iung Kaohs 圖書館 to 雄市立 Ai River (Love River) 蓮池潭龍虎塔、西子灣、愛河、高 n and Tiger Pagodas, Siziwan, and From the Lotus Pond of the Drago and other Kaohsiung landmarks, them 性。 in 趣味 Bear 作品 Hui 提升 and 大大 Bear find Kaohsiung 輝熊 悄悄 現身 其中, g Night Market, visitors can easily MRT, 85 Sky Tower, and Ruifen Formosa Boulevard of Kaohsiung of his works. greatly enhancing the playfulness



少人還特別停下腳步,拿出手機來拍。」這樣的反饋 讓鐘仁杰覺得一切的辛苦都是值得的。有空的話,不 妨隨著他的腳步,按圖索驥來一趟深度探訪,相信你 也會跟他一樣,在心中為高雄留個位置。

After visiting Kaohsiung, many people then have a special place in their hearts for it, and Chung Jen Chieh is no exception. In college, he studied at the Department of Fine Arts. After graduating, he found a stable job creating illustrations for an advertising company. Three years ago, he decisively quit his job and devoted himself to art creation. The great freedom of creative life gave Chung the opportunity to travel to Kaohsiung and live there for a year. At that time he never imagined that one day this experience would become the source for his creations. Invited by the Ever Rich Foundation, Chung Jen Chieh has played the dual roles of author and guide to create a long and extensive illustration for the Arrivals corridor at Kaohsiung International Airport, sharing with visitors the beauty of Kaohsiung as he has experienced it. At the front side of the corridor, viewers can find a map with multiple attractions, and along the way they see those sights as if they are on a sightseeing tour. In addition to city’s landmarks, Chung has also added some of his personal favorite places worth visiting. Through this rich, colorful, and vivid picture he successfully conveys the unforgettable style and images of Kaohsiung.

represents not the time but the temperature, indicating how sultry the weather in Kaohsiung can be. The wellorganized design and details greatly enhance the interest of viewers, and Chung further explained, "as the tourism ambassadors of the city, "Kaohsiung Bear" and "Hui Bear" represent good companions as well as travelers and they occasionally appear in the work to interact with tourists." Chung also pointed out, "When I was on the scene making arrangements, I heard the airport employees and just arrived passengers talking about how lively and interesting the decorations were. Some people even stopped and took their mobile phones to take a picture." This kind of feedback made Chung Jen Chieh feel that all his hard work was worth it. If you have time, why not come and follow his footsteps along the map to conduct an in-depth visit? You too will then have a special spot for Kaohsiung in your heart.

鐘仁杰【福爾摩莎 - 高雄熊瞰圖】 【Formosa - Kaohsiung bear's - eye view】 by Chung Jen Chieh 高雄國際機場入境廊道 Arrival Corridor of Kaohsiung International Airport

In this work, we find two suns, the one close to the evening is ready to leave the work, while the one holding a card


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Art Nouveau Trend from Bhutan Debuts in Taiwan 不丹,喜馬拉雅山下最後的香格里拉,被譽為雷


地。當地的藝術家創作,幾乎皆以藏傳佛教文化為主題, 除了傳統的佛教藝術,不丹還有一群現代藝術家正開創

出全新的當代佛教藝術風貌。今年,昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 文化廣場盛大展出的不丹當代藝術之父 Asha Kama 海 外首展——《行雲鎏光》,把不丹的新藝術浪潮帶來台 灣,讓更多國內藝術愛好者有機會一睹大師風采。

Asha Kama( 本 名:Karma Wangdi) 生 於 1958

年,畢業自國家傳統手工藝設計學院,受唐卡繪畫的正 統訓練,其後領取公費赴英國肯特郡藝術與設計學院深 造,為不丹首批旅外藝術家。返國後,Asha 為藝壇帶

來創新的美學思維與繪畫表現,1998 年於首都廷布成 立 VAST 藝術中心,致力於培育新銳藝術家及當代藝術 教育推廣。VAST 藝術中心現已成為不丹的當代藝術匯 集處,至今已舉辦過上百場當代藝術展。

擁有超過十年的完整嚴格唐卡訓練的 Asha,在佛

像的繪製手法上傳承自深厚的唐卡技法,海外深造回 到不丹後,深感「佛法即生活」,認為佛教藝術不只


the Buddhist Mecca, as well as the Land of the Thunder Dragon, which is the place many consider a perfect Utopia. Most local artists create their works based on Tibetan Buddhist culture. In addition to traditional Buddhist art, a group of modern artists in Bhutan are creating a brandnew facade for contemporary Buddhist art. The grand public display of the “Lingering in Gold”, the First Overseas Exhibition of Works by Asha Kama, Father of Contemporary Art from Buddhist Bhutan" at the Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store this year will help bring the nouveau artistic trend from Bhutan to Taiwan, so that more domestic art lovers can have a chance to view the demeanor and bearing of the master. Born in 1958, Asha Kama (birth name: Karma Wangdi) graduated from the National Traditional Handicraft Design Centre and was trained in authentic Thangka painting. He was later awarded a government scholarship to study at the Kent Institute of Art and Design in the UK with what is considered the first batch of overseas-trained artists. After returning to Bhutan, Asha demonstrated innovative aesthetic thinking and painting performance. In 1998, the Voluntary Artists Studio Thimphu was established in the capital city, Thimphu, dedicated to cultivating new artists and contemporary art education. VAST has now become a collection of contemporary art in Bhutan and has hosted hundreds of contemporary art exhibitions.

《Swaying of the Black Hat》的豐饒色彩引人入勝,邀請觀者一同探究 佛教的神秘樣貌。The rich colors of “Swaying of the Black Hat” are fascinating and invite viewers to explore the mysterious expression of Buddhism. Swaying of the Black Hat, acrylic on canvas, 2019

架,勇敢在不丹掀起創新的自由創作風潮,花費 20 年 時間,開創出佛教當代藝術的全新風貌。其作品多以 佛陀為主題,生涯目標要畫滿 1,000 幅佛陀藝術,向

佛法致敬;新系列的作品則以各式儀軌法舞、曼陀羅 等為創作主題,將佛教中各式神秘的古老元素轉換為 當代而摩登的藝術作品。

Asha 可謂開創不丹當代藝術的先驅,而後所有的



星飯店廣為收藏。此次在丹之寶畫廊引薦下,首度來 台於昇恆昌內湖旗艦店舉辦海外個展,日前他更親臨

台灣,舉辦講座與導覽活動,讓台灣觀眾能更加貼近 不丹當代佛教藝術的豐富生命。

Bhutan, the last Shangri-La in the Himalayas, is known as


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V SCENES | 遊歷記事

After more than ten years of complete and strict Thangka training, Asha inherited profound Thangka painting technique for his paintings of Buddha statues. Returning to Bhutan after studying abroad, he deeply feels that "Dharma is life" and that Buddhist a r t c a n b e e x p re s s e d i n o t h e r w a y s besides the strict performance of Thangka technique. He thus bravely broke free from traditional framework, helping to set off a wave of innovative free creation in Bhutan. He then spent 20 years creating a brandnew facade for contemporary Buddhist art. Most of his works are based on the theme of Buddha. His career goal is to create 1,000 Buddha artworks to pay tribute to Dharma. His new series of work is based on various ritual dances, mandala, and other traditions incorporating the mysterious ancient elements of Buddhism into contemporary and modern art. A s h a i s c o n s i d e re d a p i o n e e r i n t h e creation of contemporary art in Bhutan, and all subsequent contemporary artists in Bhutan have been deeply influenced by his creations. In recent years, he has been invited to exhibitions around the world, and his works have been widely collected by Bhutanese royal family, enterprises, and international five-star hotels. Following the recommendation of Tansbao Bhutan Art Gallery, he first came to Taiwan to hold an overseas solo exhibition at Ever Rich Downtown Store in Neihu. Recently he has been giving lectures and guided tours in order to bring the Taiwanese audience closer to contemporary Bhutanese Buddhist art and further enrich their lives.

《Yoepami Buddha》 透 過 當 代 的 詮 釋手法,賦予古老佛像藝術新生命。

“Yoepami Buddha” has employed a contemporary interpretation method to endow new life into the ancient art of Buddha image. Yoepami Buddha, acrylic on canvas, 2018

【行雲鎏光】不丹當代藝術之父 Asha Kama 海外首展 【Lingering in Gold】the First Overseas Exhibition of Works by Asha Kama

2019/03/23 - 05/20

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 5F(台北市內湖區金莊路 129 號) 5F, Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu

(No. 129, Jinzhuang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11469, Taiwan)


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分享歲月極致珍稀的美 The beauty of maturation

珍 稀, 意 指 珍 貴 而 稀 少, 能 以 此 形 容 的 事 物 必

然有著不凡之處,放眼威士忌領域,如今稱得上「珍 稀」的夢幻酒款,不少都出自素有「全世界最尊貴威 士忌」美譽的大摩(The Dalmore),為與 iRich Club 的 VIP 會員共享其傳奇品味,昇恆昌攜手大摩於 Home Garden 餐廳舉辦了一場別開生面的餐酒盛宴。


款「星宿系列」的非凡,搭配現場小提琴獨奏的絕妙音 色,完美演繹大摩的低調奢華,每一處細節都盡顯極致


大使 Adam Knox 引領 VIP 會員們品酩世界上唯一在 5 種不同葡萄酒桶陳釀的單一麥芽威士忌「第五元素」,

以此介紹大摩獨到的釀造工藝及堅持,更獻上星宿系列 1991 年和台灣免稅獨家 16 年、19 年威士忌與會員同 饗,走入華貴、光榮的美酒世界。

Rare and precious, these two words are only used for something truly preeminent. In the world of whisky, few are as rare and precious as The Dalmore, the “world’s most honorable whisky”. To savor the legendary liquor with iRich Club VIP members, Ever Rich co-hosted an unconventional feast with the Dalmore at Home Garden restaurant. Decorated with humanistic and cultural elements, the elegant setup portrayed the legend of the extraordinary “Dalmore Constellation Collection”. The sensuous flowing sounds of the violin complimented every element of its kingship, the modest opulence of the Dalmore. To start the feast, Adam Knox, the Resident Whisky Expert, brought our VIPs into the Quintessence territory, where only singlemalt whisky is matured in five different wine casks, and from there, to the craftsmanship and perseverance of the Dalmore’s distilling technique. Adam further presented the Constellation Collection 1991 and Taiwan travel retail exclusive 16-year and 19-year whisky, leading our esteemed guests into the lavish and glorious domain of skilled distilling. To achieve such distinction, there is no path but the

禁 止 酒 駕


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V SCENES | 遊歷記事



摩傳承超過一世紀的品牌哲學,正因如此,大摩每每推 出的威士忌窖藏都彌足珍貴,堪稱傳世之作,這點同樣

也反映在星宿系列瓶身設計上,世界頂尖水晶瓶製造工 藝,以人工吹制而成的酒瓶,瓶身上鑲嵌有 12 支鹿角


尊貴,增添收藏價值。藉著此次專為 VIP 所舉辦的獨家 活動,昇恆昌也正式宣告未來會持續帶來令 iRich Club 會員、威士忌藏家雀躍不已的大摩酒款,一同分享歲月

determination for details and the pursuit for perfection. More than a century of heritage makes each Dalmore collection even more precious, a legacy to the world. The shape of the Constellation Collection bottle speaks of its excellence. Mouth-blown bottles from the world’s finest crystal glass-maker embellished with the iconic crest of the royal stag's antlers, the elegant bottle represents the content with glowing brilliance, elevating the collectability of every bottle. At this exclusive VIP event, Ever Rich officially announced its continued collaboration with the Dalmore to bring more thrilling whisky to iRich Club members and whisky collectors to savor the beauty of maturation.



大摩星宿系列獨特處在於按照原桶强度裝瓶並保證原始色 澤,確保每瓶出產酒款都是獨一無二,真實體現了大摩威 2

士忌的複雜度和多樣性。1979 年歐洲橡木桶雪莉酒桶(33

年),帶有多果香、濃縮咖啡、橙皮、堅果太妃糖、糖蜜、 薑糖等香氣與口感特色,無論收藏或是品飲都能替生活增添 超凡品味。數量有限,售完為止。

1. 大摩品牌大使 Adam Knox 向 iRich Club 的 VIP 會員介紹大摩傳承超

過一世紀的品牌哲學。Adam Knox, the Dalmore's Resident Whisky Expert,

introduces the century old philosophy of the Dalmore to the iRich Club VIPs.

2. 模特兒展示珍稀威士忌窖藏,一趟大摩經典品酩之旅就此展開。

The model presents a collection of rare whiskeys, unveiling a tour of classic Dalmore drinks.

The unique character of the Dalmore Constellation Collection lies in the bottling of the same strength of the original cask, guaranteeing a genuine hue; each bottle of whisky is a one-of-akind, representing the complexity and variety of Dalmore whisky. Matured in 1979 in European Oak Sherry cask for 33 years, the liquor is enriched with the notes of fruit, espresso, citrus peel, nutty toffee, molasses, and ginger syrup. Whether you want to extend your collection or simply savor a glass, the limited Dalmore is the best addition to your extraordinary life. Orders are subject to availability.

十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 065

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行動購物聰明買 iRich App 集點全攻略

Smart Mobile Shopping iRich App Rewards Tips Text by 果果 Image Courtesy of freepik、shutter stock Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng

4 種會員等級 開通即贈 250 點

凡下載 iRich App 註冊成功後就可

以獲得 250 點,邀請好友加入,雙方

都可以再得 50 點,等於不用消費就有 300 點入帳,且會員生日當月,還可得 生日點數 250 點。


分為 4 種會員等級,依序有百合、飛



獨享優惠愈尊榮」,以同樣消費 100 元為例,百合等級可得 2 點,而太陽 等級可得 4 點。此外,若升等到貓頭

鷹及太陽等級,更可享有額外的專屬禮賓服務、市區預 昇恆昌為打造全方位購物服務,並回饋 iRich

Club 會員更多優惠推出 iRich App,除了提供即時的 當季促銷活動訊息外,還有一大特色——手機就是行 動會員卡,會員只需於消費時出示 App 中的會員條

碼掃描,即可累積消費金額及紅利點數,得到的點數 可兌換現金抵用券、飯店住宿券、餐飲券或者精選贈 品,聰明買輕鬆換!

The iRich App was released to offer iRich Club members fine shopping and great rewards. The newest feature is that the smart phone can now be used as a mobile rewards card. Members can earn rewards with each purchase by showing the App membership barcode on the smart phone to the cashier. Rewards include vouchers, hotel and meal coupons, and fancy gifts. Great rewards for great cardholders!


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售中心免費接駁、機場尊榮接送禮遇、環宇商務中心尊 榮禮遇通關等優質服務。

4 membership classes and 250 points for new users New users will get 250 points just for successfully downloading the iRich App and registration. When a user invites a new friend that joins, both will get 50 points each, so 300 points are awarded even without consumption, and members receive 250 points in the month of their birthday. The rewards cards are grouped into four classes according to the total purchase amount prior: Lily, Flying Fish, Owl, and Sun, with the best rewards going to the highest class of membership (Sun). For every NT$ 100 spent, the Lily cardholder earns 2 points, while the Sun cardholder earns 4 points. Furthermore, certain prime services are only available for Owl and Sun cardholders, such as VIP services, free shuttle to Ever Rich downtown store, airport transfer service, prestige customs clearance of Huan Yu VIP Terminal, etc.

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下載 iRich App 5 步驟好 Easy !

Set up the iRich App in just 5 steps. 卡別 Class

百合 Lily

會員效期內 累計消費超過

NT$ 90,000

During the validity of the membership accumulate purchases over

單筆消費 NT$100 元可 獲點數


Flying Fish

貓頭鷹 Owl

NT$ 200,000

太陽 Sun

NT$ 1,000,000

Total no less Total no less Total no less than than NT$90,000 than NT$200,000 NT$1,000,000 before expiration before expiration before expiration





3 points

4 points

4 points


900 點 900 points

2,000 點 2,000 points

10,000 點 10,000 points


900 點 900 points

2,000 點 2,000 points

10,000 點 10,000 points

Rewards points given for every NT$100 spent

2 points

Upgrade gift

Renewal gift

會員升等 好禮相送



消費達升等卡別的門檻,可獲得升等 禮點數;會員效期內,消費達到續卡 門 檻, 即 可 獲 得 900 點 ~ 10,000 點

不等的續卡禮。最新一波點數兌換活 動昇恆昌祭出了以下超值好禮。

Gifts for upgraded cardholders This is a tip for quick collection of rewards. Each rewards card has an expiration of one year. Upgrade points are only given to those who upgrade to the next level before expiration. Renewal points of 900-10,000 are given to those who attain the renewal level before expiration. In the latest rewards campaign, the gifts are as follows:


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iRich App 集點全攻略 iRich App Rewards Tips

台灣至亞洲指定航點經濟艙 單人來回機票一張

One round-trip flight ticket in economy class for one person between Taiwan and a specified airport in Asia

澎澄飯店璀璨行館 一晚住宿券

One-night voucher for a Villa Room at Discovery Hotel, Penghu

200,000 點

Smart rewards tips 密技一

還 不 是 會 員 的 您, 現 在 下 載 iRich

App 並註冊成為百合等級會員,如果首

One-night voucher for a Superior Room at Golden Lake Hotel, Kinmen 100,000 點

200,000 points


金湖飯店 精緻客房一晚住宿

100,000 points

30,000 點 30,000 points

下載 APP 註冊並單筆消費 150,000 元

共得 5,650 點 再送滿額禮 TUMI 托特包(價值 NT$4,000)

Download the App and sign up for membership! After making an initial purchase of NT$150,000, you will get 5,650 purchase points, as well as the threshold gift, a TUMI tote (=NT$4,000).

次單筆消費超過 150,000 元,除可獲得 註冊禮、升等禮、滿額禮,該次消費集 點也直接以飛魚等級——每 100 元得 3

註冊禮 250 點

點來計算,總計可得 5,650 點,集點速 度提升 1.5 倍。

250 points Signup gift

升等禮 900 點

900 points Upgrade gift

Tip 1 For new users, download the iRich App and sign up for Lily membership. After making an initial purchase over NT$150,000, the cardholder will receive the signup gift, upgrade gift, and threshold gift all at once. This initial purchase will be calculated under the Flying Fish rewards card, i.e. 3 points/NT$100, which is equivalent to 5,560 points, gaining 1.5 times the reward points.


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TUMI 托特包 TUMI tote

4,500 points Purchase points

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iRich App 會員 獨享好禮

Gifts for iRich App users




計算消費點數。以購物第一筆消費 4 萬元、第二筆消費 5 萬元


為例,累積達 9 萬即可由百合升等到飛魚。第一筆消費集點以 百合等級可獲 800 點;讓您達到升等資格的第二筆消費,會


按飛魚等級的消費獲得點數——每 100 元得 3 點回饋,等於全 部點數共有 2,300 點,比以原百合等級計算的點數多出 500 點 的回饋。 Tip 2 This is a tip for total rewards collection! The rewards for purchases made prior to the upgrade level can be included in the upgraded class! A member can be upgraded from Lily to Flying Fish once two purchases of NT$40,000 and NT$50,000 are completed. Rewards for the 1st purchase are counted under Lily i.e. 800 points, while rewards for the 2d purchase that upgrade the cardholder are counted under Flying Fish, i.e. 3 points/NT$100. The rewards for the two purchases are 2,300 points with additional 500 points earned in the Lily membership class.

消費 4 萬 百合等級 可得 800 點

Spent Nt$40,000 Earn 800 points as Lily

3 4

再消費 5 萬直接 升級飛魚等級 可得 1,500 點 Spend NT$50,000 more Get an upgrade to Flying Fish and earn 1,500 points

消費 9 萬 共得 2,300 點

With total spending of NT$90,000 you earn 2,300 points

5 069

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金湖廣告_拉.pdf 1 2019/4/10 下午2:51

金湖廣告_拉.pdf 2 2019/4/10 下午2:51

GUIDE Text by HereNow Image Courtesy of HereNow

最 快 認 識 一 座 城 市 的 方 式 莫 過 於 有 當 地 人 帶 路, 本 期 《VOYAGER》自亞洲三大熱門旅遊城市,嚴選出 9 間當今最受

矚目的酒吧、餐酒館,趕緊跟上腳步,一趟豐富美好的旅程正 要開始。

Local guides quickly show you the city. This Issue of "VOYAGER" invites you to the nine hottest bars and bistros in the three popular Asian tourist cities. Have a nice trip!

Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng


位 於 昏 暗 樓 梯 底 端 的 「Operation Dagger」, 彷

彿是過去秘密販售酒精飲品 的 真 實 版「 地 下 酒 吧 」, 是


個 結 合 高 質 感、 美 味 調 酒,

以 及 時 髦 氛 圍 的 絕 妙 場 所。 Operation Dagger, located at the bottom of a dim staircase, like a real underground bar selling bootleg alcohol in the past, is a fabulous venue that offers fancy fine cocktails in a chic atmosphere.

帶路人 Guided by

Chris Lee

新加坡設計工作室 Asylum 的創意總監,也擔任國內外的品牌規劃及策略設計,也在世界各地的藝術大學及講座積 極推廣設計思維與方式。

Creative Director of Asylum, has engaged in brand planning and strategic design both home and overseas to proactively promote design thoughts and methods at seminars and universities worldwide.

Operation Dagger 「Operation Dagger」位於聚集許多個性餐廳

和酒吧地段,連續入選亞洲前 50 最佳酒吧,不管是 酒吧氛圍、調酒和調酒師的手藝都獲得了極高的評 價。根據「提供未知體驗」的概念,不僅是味道,

就連外觀和香氣都極為講究的自製調酒和料理都極 受歡迎,每 3 個月更換菜單,樣樣皆精心設計的成

The nearby Operation Dagger ranked among the top 50 bars in Asia, attracting the public with vibe, cocktails, and bartenders' skill. The concept is to offer a new experience. The homemade cocktails and cuisines are popular for their fancy taste, presentation, and fragrance. The menu is changed every three months. The impressive menu amazes guests with a high-end and unique hospitality.


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7 Ann Siang Hill, Singapore 069791

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V GUIDE | 城市指南

Crackerjack 「Crackerjack」指的是卓越、完勝一切的非比尋

常,以此為店名的全天候的餐食吧,位於丹戎巴葛路 上,引以為傲的是主廚、甜點師與調酒師們的專業與

餐飲經驗,帶給顧客無法複製的餐飲體驗!這裡整體 氛圍輕鬆,但料理、咖啡與雞尾酒等卻不忘以高水準 的方式呈現給當地民眾。店裡的大片落地窗,讓自然 光進入店內,早晨、午餐都非常適合,到了午後,更 是可一邊感受夕陽落下的城市美景,一邊享用美酒的 絕佳基地!

A 24/7 bistro, Crackerjack signifies the exceptional and extraordinary, surmounting everything on Tanjong Pagar Rd. The guests can enjoy a dining experience unseen elsewhere with the expertise and culinary skill of its executive chef, pastry chef, and bartenders. Despite the breezy mood, the cuisine, coffee, and cocktails are sophisticated. The bar enjoys natural lighting through the French windows, making it a perfect venue for morning, noon, and afternoon sunlight, with a truly special feel at sundown!

43 Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore 088464

Jigger & Pony 2012 年 5 月 開 幕 的「Jigger & Pony」, 可 說 是

新加坡當地復興經典雞尾酒的先驅。所謂的「Jigger」 和「Pony」指的是調酒師專用的雙錐形調酒量杯的

兩側,而 19 世紀時留下的雞尾酒配方裡,也正是以 「Jigger」和「Pony」作為酒水比例的紀錄單位,從 店名多少可知,調製雞尾酒的精準與專業,不僅是這

間酒吧店名的由來,同時也象徵了其精神所在,喜歡 品飲調酒的人務必要來這品嘗特調的雞尾酒。

Opened in May 2012, Jigger & Pony led the revival of classic cocktails in Singapore. The name Jigger and Pony refers to the two sides of the double-coned measuring device used by bartenders. Jigger and Pony are units for alcohol and water ratios in cocktails recipes written in the 19th century. The name, which represents precision and expertise, is not only the origin of the bar's name but also a symbol of the spirit. If you love cocktails, come here and enjoy a truly special one. Amara Singapore 165 Tanjong Pagar Road Singapore 088539

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帶路人 Guided by


活耀於多個創作舞台,既是一名創作型歌手,同時是音樂家和女演員。除以自由設計師和創意總監從事各項活動。 Active in a number of creative projects, Notep is a singer-songwriter, musician, and actress engaged in activities as a freelance designer and Creative Director.



式家常料理、各種調酒、 生啤以及紅酒、白酒,

白天是辦公商圈,晚上則化身為不夜城的 Sala


Daeng 裡,有一家由 40 年屋齡的老房子所改裝而成

令你失望喔! My friend and I run this place,

的人氣餐廳「Bitterman」 ,提供泰式家常料理,及

offering Thai family cuisine, cocktails, draft beer, and red and white wine. The mood and interior are chic, and you will definitely be pleased here!

融合美式及亞洲風味的無國籍創意餐點。店內一隅 的玻璃屋座位區總是一位難求,午間從綠葉間灑落 的陽光與樹影交織,日落後則由蠟燭微光點綴出溫

暖的氛圍,日夜風情變化萬千。店內的飲品及酒水 種類豐富,杯觥交錯宛如電影畫面,彷彿任何浪漫 情境都可能在此上演。享用餐點飲品之餘,週末午

間的 DJ 表演、音樂活動、藝術展覽也都相當有看頭。

120/1, Saladaeng Road, Soi 1/1, Silom, Bangkok

Near Sala Daeng, the office area by day and sleepless downtown by night, Bitterman is a popular restaurant in a renovated old house; it offers Thai family cuisine and American-Asian fusion cuisine. During the daytime, the sun shines through the green leaves, and at night, a warm touch is brought by candles. With glasses in the air, romance is never far. In addition to dining and drinking, fine art exhibitions, DJ shows, and live concerts take place on weekend afternoons.

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Tep Bar

V GUIDE | 城市指南


居 海 外 的 老 闆 們 於 2015 年 成 立「Tep Bar」, 在 各 個小細節中堅持泰國的傳統,並加以洗練的現代風格

打造出這家概念型的店舖,一瞬間便成為話題所在, 現已是曼谷代表性的酒吧之一。店裡尤其值得介紹的

有:該店自製、使用約 20 種香草浸泡而成的泰國藥酒

(yadom),可單杯或調製成調酒飲用;每晚 7 點半 開始使用傳統樂器的現場演奏,每晚有不同的表演可 以欣賞。

Tep Bar, founded in 2015 by the owners who travelled overseas for a long time, aims to convey fabulous Thai traditions and cuisine. The bar is designed with a sophisticated modern style combined with traditional Thai details, making it the talk of the town and one of Bangkok’s iconic bars. The bar offers homemade Yadom made of 20 medicinal herbs. Live shows using traditional Thai musical instruments begin at 07:30 p.m. The contents vary daily.

Teens Of Thailand

69-71, Soi Yi Sip Song Karakadakhom 4 Alley, Pom Prap, Pom Prap Sattru Phai, Bangkok

MRT Hua Lamphong( 華 藍 蓬 站 ) 附 近 的 小 巷

Soi Nana 一帶,近來有不少舊式建築改建而成的藝廊 和酒吧,儼然已成為時尚人士的新據點,隱身其中的

「Teens Of Thailand」蒐集了歐洲、非洲 ...... 等來自 世界各地共 200 種以上的蒸餾酒和琴酒,是一家以琴


而是從黑板上手寫的琴湯尼和各式調酒中選擇,各式 風味調酒皆出於對琴酒無所不知的調酒師之手,廣受 眾多愛酒人士的青睞。

Nearby the Hua Lamphong MRT with its many galleries and bars in renovated old buildings, Soi Nana has become the new spot for fashionistas. The nearby Teens Of Thailand has collected over 200 kinds of foreign distilled spirits and gins from Europe and Africa and is known for its gin cocktails. With no printed menu but gin tonic and gin cocktails handwritten on the blackboard, cocktails made by bartenders knowledgeable in gin lure many fans.

76 Soi Nana, Pomprab, Bangkok

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L'escamoteur 店內讓人 心跳加速的各種小機關,


間店都充滿了濃濃的娛樂 氣氛。恰到好處的昏暗燈 光下營造出的愜意氛圍,

在這裡一人獨酌也是種無 上的享受。L'escamoteur


is filled with thrilling devices, along with the owner's hospitality, for a thick fun mood. The dim lighting creates a c oz y a t m o s p h e re, f o r a d e l i g h t f u l p e rs o n a l drinking experience.


帶路人 Guided by


任職京都精華大學附設藝廊空間「kara-s」,擔任營運與企劃,2015 年 5 月個人籌劃的藝廊「VOU/ 棒」開幕,主 要販售藝術家作品及以 VOU 為品牌的企劃商品。

Kenta Kawara who works at “kara-s” gallery affiliated with Kyoto Seika University, is in charge of operations and planning and opened his personal gallery VOU in May 2015, selling artworks made by artists and VOU-inspired items.

L'escamoteur 2015 年 2 月開幕的「L'escamoteur」 ,是一間


店名是「魔法師」一詞的古法文。店主 Christophe

本身是一位資深的魔術師,更是個帶給人們驚奇與 歡樂的專家,在這個超現實的空間裡,有許多小把

戲正等著上演。店內階梯上的紅毯,以及鞦韆座椅, 別出心裁的陳設散發一股特殊的魅力。許多在日本

相當少見的酒款、經典雞尾酒、珍奇的利口酒、還 有氣泡葡萄酒等等,都能在這喝到。

Near Sala Daeng, the office area by day and Opened in February 2015, L'escamoteur is a bar inspired by the magical theme of the western world a century ago. L'escamoteur means “the magician” in an ancient French. Christophe, the owner and an experienced magician, also specializes in pleasing and surprising people. Many tricks await you in this surreal space. The unusual décor, like the red carpet on the stairs and the swing chairs at the bar, portrays a peculiar charm. Drinks that are uncommon in Japan, classic cocktails, precious liqueurs, and sparkling wine are all available.

京都府京都市下京区西石垣通四条下ル斎藤町 138-9 2F F2, 138-9, Saitocho, Shijosagaru, Saisekidori, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

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V GUIDE | 城市指南

酒処てらやま 每 天 遊 客 如 織、 餐 廳 林 立 的 木 屋 町 裡, 有 家 老 饕 們 都

知 道 的 隱 藏 好 店, 藏 身 巷 弄 之 中。「 酒 処 て ら や ま( 酒 處 Terayama)」是一家只有 10 個吧台席的小店,老闆抱持著「開

一間讓像我一樣喜歡喝酒的人,一個人也能輕鬆小酌的店」的 想法,開了這間小店,店裡提供著各種與日本酒非常搭的美味料 理,像是整年提供的熱呼呼關東煮就十分對味。因老闆娘出身洋

食料理店,這裡還能嚐到肉料理、三明治、咖哩等洋食風味餐點。 Bar Terayama, is a small bar with only 10 seats, is hidden in Kiyamachidori, an area filled with tourists and restaurants. The owner runs the bar with the desire "to allow anyone fond of drinking like me to enjoy a glass." Japanese cuisine that pairs well with Sake is available year round, such as Oden and other delicacies cooked in broth. The female boss also offers western cuisine like meat, sandwiches, and curry.

京都市中京区鍋屋町 212-3

212-3, Nabeyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

Cinematik Saloon, located on the seventh floor i n t h e b u i l d i n g at t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f S a n j o a n d Kawaramachidori has no sign board yet as it was moved from Osaka to Kyoto in July 2016. Owner Yasuda said, "My door is open for my guests, and I manage to make a venue here that fulfills what they have in mind." With the huge bar, the soft light of the antique chandelier, and the cozy music, many musicians and music lovers come here. Come and get a glass of Ron Zacapa while enjoying the music at the bar.

Cinematik Saloon 隱身河原町三条交叉口旁的大樓 7 樓內,2016 年

京都府京都市中京区河原町通三条上ル下丸屋町 410 7F F7, 410, Shimomaruyacho, Sanjoagaru, Kawaramachidori, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

7 月自大阪搬遷至京都重新開幕後,便沒有設置招牌,

城市導覽線上媒體 Herenow,由在地創意




人心中所求的地方。」大型吧台放射出的存在感、古 董吊燈的柔和光亮,以及老式音響放著的舒適音樂,

工作者及編輯們帶路,穿越大街小巷,為 入在地、充滿創意,並期盼這些經歷能為



is an urban guide online service provider. Local creative


creative. Hopefully, our readers can enjoy a beautiful life full of

不妨試試一手拿著 Ron Zacapa 萊姆酒,一邊把自己

workers and editors roam the city to bring its readers rich

urban adventures. HereNow is committed to being local and interesting scenery.

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Shopping Directory A APM MONACO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

DR. WU 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網



BEATS 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

ELIZABETH ARDEN 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BOTTEGA VENETA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 BURBERRY – 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 BVLGARI – 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄 BVLGARI – 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 C CHLOÉ– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 CLÉ DE PEAU BEAUTÉ 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CLINIQUE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 COACH– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

EVER RICH JEWELRY 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 G GODIVA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 / 基隆港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 I ISSEY MIYAKE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 J JO MALONE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 K KAPPA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 KENZO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 KIEHL'S 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網



DECORTE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店

LA ROCHE-POSAY 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山


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Shopping Directory LANCÔME 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

SULWHASOO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 T

L'OCCITANE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

TAG HEUER 市區預售中心 - 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 - 松山 / 桃園

LONGCHAMP 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄

TOD'S 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

LOVE MOSCHINO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 M MCM 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 MONT BLANC – 腕錶 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 N NIKE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 R REBECCA MINKOFF 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 S SALVATORE FERRAGAMO– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

TORY BURCH 市區預售中心 – 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 V VALENTINO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 Y YVES SAINT LAURENT– 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 ※ 太陽眼鏡於昇恆昌全區賣場提供選購

※ 以上列出本期 Voyager 介紹的商品品牌於昇恆昌免稅 商店入駐據點。還有更多知名品牌於昇恆昌全區賣場供您 選購。


內湖旗艦店 台北市內湖區金莊路 129 號 民權店 台北市民權東路 3 段 72 號 B1

金湖廣場 金門縣金湖鎮太湖路 2 段 198 號 網路預訂 昇恆昌免稅購物網

SHISEIDO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 台北民權店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網


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