VOYAGER Vol. 23 special issue Ever Rich昇恆昌機場誌第23期

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入珍藏的高端精品,以及風格獨特的設計師品牌,更不 008

006 V SPOT 熱點推薦


事不可不知?千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。 Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you!

008 V SENSATION 五感漫遊 春祈報平安,曙光獻興旺

Year of the Rat: New Aspirations

012 V BADGE 大勢品牌




To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands and the best in dining and entertainment.

018 V SENSATION 五感漫遊 找到自己的「臺灣山林之美」

Come With Me: Finding Beauty in Taiwan’s Mountains

020 V TOPIC 主題企劃

摩拳擦掌期待第二屆東京奧運來臨前,《VOYAGER》精 心規劃了一份開箱文替你暖身,裡頭包含 3 個東京都心

主要場館的旅遊路線推薦、10 項隨奧運而生的最新科技, 以及 1 篇由長年關注日本設計的觀察家⸺吳東龍所撰 寫的專文,詳述近代日本設計與奧運的關係。

In the meantime, as you get ready for Tokyo’s second Olympic Games, VOYAGER is bringing you an introduction that summarizes strolling routes around three Olympics venues,

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3

special issue 2019.12-2020.03 10 up-and-coming new technologies, and Tomic Wu, a longtime observer of Japanese design, reviewing the relationship between the design and the event.

046 V TOPIC 主題企劃

適逢東京奧運來臨,昇恆昌推出「力臻完美⸺昇恆昌 12 道運動家服務精神」主題年曆,為臺灣體壇出一分心


心,更貼身紀錄了其中的 3 位新生代明日之星,跟著我 們一窺他們的世界吧!

As the Tokyo Olympics approaches, Ever Rich is releasing a brand new themed calendar -- “Striving for Perfection—12 Athletes”. It is a tribute to the dedication of Taiwanese sportsmen and expresses the commitment of Ever Rich to provide top-quality services to our customers. We have interviewed three athletes featured in the themed calendar. Let's learn more about their world!

060 V TAGS 流行關鍵字


10 組關鍵字、64 件“IT”items,節慶時刻絕對得好好 留心一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These 10 keywords and 64 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2020 Holiday Collection.

060 出版發行:昇恆昌股份有限公司

Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation 發行人:江松樺

Publisher: Simon Chiang


Supervisory Manager: Samuel Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chiong 總編輯:張勝傳

074 V SENSATION 五感漫遊

我們的旅行不是從故事開始,而是從「探險」開始! The story behind the Black King Kong Peanut Brownie

Editor-in-Chief: Markus Chang

地址:11494 臺北市內湖區新湖二路 289 號

Address: No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei 11494, Taiwan, R.O.C.


076 V SCENES 遊歷記事

Service Line: 0800098668





Your vision will shape your reality. Embrace every adventurous moment to make your life shine brighter.

Managing Editor: Kenneth Lai


Editorial Coordination: Kuroshio Culture Co. Ltd. 主編:賴宗炫


Design Coordination: Joy Chiao-Yu Hsieh



Editor: Tomic Wu, Kirstie Wang, Letter Chen, Jamie Huang 英譯:金家如、劉楚珺、潘柏璇、黃志健、蔡雅婷

Translator: Chin Chia Ju, Chu Chun Liu, Po Hsuan Pan, Wong Chee Kin, Tsai Ya Ting 攝影:洪上鈞、吳東龍、留榮鋒、周二

Photography: Uliz Hung, Tomic Wu, Luke Liu, Erh Chou 插畫:Miyabi Shuu

Illustration: Miyabi Shuu 英文校稿:謝志明

Proofreader: Anatoly Semenov 本刊編輯內容之版權為本刊所有,非經本刊同意與授權不得作任何形式之複製或轉載。 Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.


EDITOR’S NOTE 運動,一直都是一件渲染力十足的事。 還記得 2017 年世界大學運動會在臺北舉辦,

Sport has always been a symbol of high emotions. I still remember the year 2017 when the World

雖然只有短短的 12 天,但那個夏天的臺北,應該

Universiade was held in Taipei, and although it only


sport can make a city so different.

讓包括我自己在內的許多臺灣人畢生難忘,原來 2020 年奧運重回亞洲,也讓東京成為全球

唯一一個舉辦過 2 次奧運的亞洲城市。

且 看 奧 運 如 何 讓 東 京 再 次 改 頭 換 面, 這 期

《VOYAGER》就以東奧為主題介紹了一些相關訊 息,我們更特別邀請了相當熟悉日本的知名作家 吳東龍,就他的觀點解析東京與奧運的關係。

此外,我們也選定了 3 個賽事場館,以散步


lasted twelve days, most Taiwanese including myself

will never forget that summer, it’s unimaginable how

With the return of the 2020 Olympics to Asia, Tokyo becomes the only Asian city in the world to host two Olympics.

In this issue of Voyager which focuses on Tokyo Olympic Games we would like to introduce some relevant information and to show to our readers how

the Olympics changed the face of Tokyo, we also invited Tomic Wu, a well-known writer specializing in

Japanese design, to share his views on the relationship between Tokyo and the Olympic Games.

Ever Rich upholds the spirit of taking from Taiwan

昇 恆 昌 秉 持 取 之 於 臺 灣、 回 饋 於 臺 灣 的 精


這次東奧奪牌的臺灣選手們。我們也特別讓這次 贊助的選手搭配昇恆昌員工製作了 2020 年曆,以

「力臻完美 × 昇恆昌 12 道運動家服務精神」為

主題,在為臺灣體壇出力的當下,也希望傳遞昇 恆昌團隊在各機場國門提供高品質服務的用心。

and giving back, and by taking real actions of sports

sponsorship; we support a number of Taiwanese athletes who have the opportunity to win in the 2020

Tokyo Olympic Games. In particular, we have released

a themed annual calendar – “Striving for Perfection

– 12 Athletes”, and we hope to convey team spirit to provide high-quality services at the airport gates.

2020 is Year of the Rat, Rat is the first animal in Chinese

zodiac and it represents a new beginning. Ever Rich

2020 年是中國的鼠年,鼠是十二生肖之首,

has prepared some New Year porcelain souvenirs


these cute porcelain figurines symbolizing new hope

一個全新的開始。今年的昇恆昌新春賀歲瓷罐以 結合鶯歌陶瓷工藝,獻上祝福。也感謝這一年來

持續支持昇恆昌的朋友們,期待在新的一年和大 家一起迎接曙光,一起看見希望。

made in the shape of "rat" (“rat” also sounds as the word "dawn" in Chinese), and we sincerely believe

will bring you good luck . We also express gratitude to Ever Rich friends for your continued support, and

together with you we look forward to the new year with new hopes.

總編輯 張勝傳

Markus Chang, Editor-in-Chief


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哪裡有好看、好吃、好用、好玩的?哪些新鮮貨、新鮮事不可不知? 千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。

Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you! Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Translated by 金家如 Chin Chia Ju



仔, 向 來 備受藏家關注。特別 講 究 的 細 節、附可更換配件、

豪華包裝,大大增添收藏價值, 由昇恆昌獨家引進臺灣,勢必 將再度掀起一陣狂潮。 Grand Arrival BANDAI Highly focus Figures of the classic anime series "Dragon Ball, With many accessories, luxurious packaging, especially EverRich exclusive.


回收玻璃、精煉玻璃砂再到重製產品,以老師傅工藝奠基的「春池玻璃」 近幾年帶起一陣玻璃熱。「W 春池計畫」藉由回收、再製的循環經濟模 式,展出各式著眼「未來」進行創作的作品,讓人領略玻璃的再造可能 與可利用價值。

Transparent Aesthetics Recycle glass, refine it into glass sand, and remake it into products. Based on the crafts of the old masters, "Spring Pool Glass Industrial Corporation" has created a new glass trend in recent years. Through the circular economy of recycling and remaking, the "W Glass Project" exhibits works created with a focus on the "future" so that people will realize the possibility of remaking glass and the value of reusing materials.

昇恆昌獨家引進 Exclusively at Ever Rich BANDAI 美版七龍珠可動公仔 BANDAI Dragon Ball Figure


【從循環生活美學】春池玻璃 【Circular Life Aesthetics】Spring Pool Glass Industrial

2019/12/24 - 2020/03/24

桃園國際機場第一航廈 B7 文化藝廊 B7 Art Gallery, Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport


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V S P OT | 熱 點 推 薦

看過黃沛瀅作品的人一定不難發現,她的創作 經常圍繞在一種具有人文溫度取向的關注上, 經由冷硬工業製品像是瓦愣紙、金屬墊片等媒 材打造出的角色,建構出一座充滿張力的異想 世界,讓觀者得以身歷其境,於作品的時空中 細細玩味生命的無限能量及奧妙本質。 Fun with Paper It's not difficult to find the humanistic warmth in the creative works of Huang Pei-Ying. Using m e d i a o f s u c h c o l d i n d u s t r i a l p ro d u c t s a s corrugated paper and metal gaskets are applied to create characters and construct a fantasy world full of tension so that the viewers can have a personal experience and carefully appreciate the boundless energy and mysterious essence in the time and space of the works.

BOSE FRAMES 經典藍牙音樂太陽眼鏡


BOSE FRAMES Classic Bluetooth Music Sunglasses

革命性的開放式聽覺體驗!音響領導品牌 BOSE 推出穿戴式 音響產品「BOSE Frames」,將無線耳機、太陽眼鏡合二為 一;搭載迄今最小、最輕便的聲學系統,具觸控、語音控制 功能,使用方式多元簡便,展示個人風格之餘,亦可毫不受 限與外界自在互動。 Show Your Style The revolutionary open audio experience is here! The leading acoustic brand, BOSE, presents the wearable product "BOSE Frames," which combines wireless headphones and sunglasses. Accompanied by the smallest and most portable acoustic system, it has both touch and voice control functions and diverse and convenient usage methods. Besides showing personal style, users can also freely interact with the external world without limit.

【流光藝彩】黃沛瀅創作個展 “Flowing Light and Art Color” Huang Pei-Ying Solo Exhibition

2019/10/23 - 2020/01/30

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 5 樓文化廣場 5F Cultural Square, Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu


新銳編舞家張堅豪打破大眾對藝術的刻板認知,跳脫傳統媒材、 美學思維,以所有人再熟悉不過的「身體」作為媒介,結合畫 布、顏料進行創作,這代表在有限空間中有著無限演繹可能。 他將如何展示臺灣舞蹈藝術的生命力?拭目以待。 Linear Art The new choreographer, Chang Chien-Hao, breaks the public stereotype of art, thinks outside the box of traditional media and aesthetic thinking, adopts the "medium" of the body as the most familiar to everyone and creates with canvases and pigments. This means unlimited possibilities of interpretation in a limited space. How does he display the vitality of the dancing art in Taiwan? Let's take a look. 【一塊身體的記憶】張堅豪概念展 "Little Pieces of Memories" Chang Chien-Hao Exhibition

2019/12/20 - 2020/03/20

桃園國際機場第一航廈 A 區 A9 文化藝廊 A9 Art Gallery, Terminal 1, 007 Taoyuan International Airport

Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai

祈旺鼠瓷罐禮盒-富貴紅 Year of the Rat Porcelain Jar (Red) 蘋果杏仁捲 *5、原味杏仁酥糖 125G 高山烏龍茶 3g 袋茶 *5 包 香脆杏仁捲配上蘋果口味,帶出特殊香脆甜的口 感;原味杏仁酥糖以現做的奶油糖,溫柔的拌入 杏仁,顆顆香脆,顆顆酥爽;高山烏龍茶以三角 立體型茶袋,方便攜帶隨身可喝。

鼠年曙光興旺禮盒 Year of the Rat Gift Box 杏仁堅果塔、榛果堅果塔各二 花生牛軋糖、花生酥心糖各 150g 採用優質堅果,推出健康又美味的杏仁、榛果堅果塔, 搭配老師傅 40 年經典手藝製成的花生牛軋糖、花生酥 心糖,讓您親友相聚,好事發生,鼠歲豐登。

00 00 88

VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l .l2. 2 33

春祈報平安,曙光獻興旺 Year of the Rat: New Aspirations



僅增添年節喜氣,其釉燒之精美瓷罐,更適合成為家中時尚 裝飾,迎接全新的一年。

昇 恆 昌 團 隊 呈 獻 臺 灣 在 地 傳 統 工 藝 新 風 貌, 以

「希望」為主題,釉彩燒製鼠年曙光故事,在破曉前 來到地平線上,黯淡的穹蒼逐漸明亮,曙光點開朵朵

花草,呼喚鳥獸鳴唱,一起迎接曙光,一起看見希望。 曙光,是太陽允諾我們的第一道光明,因為陽光

帶來生命,陽光指引方向,陽光也帶來希望。我們探 尋眼球與陽光最短的距離,為的就是要見得那美麗的

瞬間,讓曙光告知人們一天的開始,引領更多的光明, 喚醒更多生命,一同為世界喝采。


出之地,最後找到長滿繡球花的眺望點。漸漸地,海 面暗藍的夜空緩緩變亮,當第一縷曙光劃破沉默的天


祈旺鼠瓷罐禮盒-平安綠 Year of the Rat Porcelain Jar (Green)


年。整體故事藉由「曙」音似「鼠」音,將「看見曙光, 看見希望,迎接新的一天,邁向新的旅程。」呈現在 賀歲瓷罐之中。



貴、花果結緣;而瓷罐本體則以親子雙鼠為設計,帶 出多子多孫、富貴榮華之意;當親子雙鼠結合之時, 亦會發現賀歲瓷罐呈現蘋果外型,意寓平安順遂;更

取名為「祈旺鼠」祈求來年事事充滿希望、事事皆能 興旺。

好事納福來,存錢財運旺 發 生 好 鼠 撲 滿 以 花 生 為 主 圖, 隱 喻「 好 事 發

生」,而花生也有多子多孫、智慧吉祥之象徵,與 鼠年相輔相成。

2020 年,由新春賀歲瓷罐為您訴說新年故事,

從工藝師的燒窯工藝中,獻上新年祝賀,迎接新希 發生好鼠(事)撲滿 Year of the Rat Piggy Bank


00 00 99

BADGE 流行趨勢如光速般更迭,時尚型人的眼光也越來越挑剔;為滿足品味旅 人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納入行李箱珍藏的高端精品,尋

遍風格獨特的設計師品牌,更不遺餘力帶領您跟上所有吃喝玩樂的最新 趨勢,讓每一趟旅程、每一場冒險,都充滿獨特的回憶與自信。

Fashion trends change quickly, fashionistas become more demanding. To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to bringing you the high-end collections, designer brands and the best in dining and entertainment to ensure special memories and confidence after each journey.

Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung

00 1 21 2


VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l .l2. 2 33

V BADGE | 大勢品牌




3 1. Active One 運動鞋 Sneakers / 2. Urban Trek 運動鞋 Sneakers / 3. H222 運動鞋 Sneakers / 4. H383 運動鞋


義大利精品集團 TOD'S SPA 旗下的都




會鞋履品牌 HOGAN,創立於 1986 年,以 僅重視生活實用性,也能滿足奢華的都會時 尚風格。近年品牌大舉革新,推出各式兼具

運動元素與前衛造型的鞋款,更強調高舒適 度與精雕細琢的製鞋工藝。

其 忠 實 顧 客 包 括 Bella Hadid、Gigi

Hadid、Jessica Alba、Katie Holmes、

George Clooney、Uma Thurman,以及華

敬 騰、 甄 子 丹、 方 大 同 等 都 選 擇 HOGAN 日常休閒可著用,混搭西裝、裙裝或晚宴服

更能創造獨樹一格的個性,讓你的穿衣風格 優雅、自在也跟得上潮流。

商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu



熱愛實驗的態度不僅實踐於服裝設計,如今也延伸 至香氛產品上,試圖將生命中的美好片段,淬煉成 令人難以忘懷的香味。

品 牌 知 名 的 REPLICA 香 水 系 列 即 是 以 一 年 四

季、生活中的細節為靈感,如「沙灘漫步」、「慵 懶週末」或是冬季裡溫暖的爐火「溫暖壁爐」;以


花香為基調的 Flower Market 取材自巴黎花卉市場

中人流熙攘、花香撲鼻的氛圍;淡雅的 Lazy Sunday Morning 則以慵懶的週日早晨為靈感,豐盈白麝香

與鈴蘭構成的雅緻香調,令人想起清晨在床上醒來 的悠然自得感覺。

REPLICA 系列香水 REPLICA Collection

商店資訊 Shop Info

1. 花卉市場 Flower Market

昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


2. 慵懶週末 Lazy Sunday Morning


Innis 代 表「 島 嶼 」、Free 代 表「 自 由 」, 藉 此






2 1

1. 我 的 真 萃 綠 茶 面 膜 套 組 (20 片 入 ) My Real Squeeze Mask Set 20

Sheets - Green Tea / 2. 綠茶平衡肌膚保養套組 Green Tea Balancing

Skin Care Trio Set


商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌臺中國際機場店 Ever Rich Taichung Int’l Airport Store

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3

V BADGE | 大勢品牌




亮彩尼龍防潑水後背包 Backpack

CILOCALA(日文讀來的意思為「從白色開始」), 以突破年齡、世代且任何年齡都適合背帶的簡約


共享的家庭樂趣,成為日本近年的親子潮牌。其 亮彩的防潑水尼龍面料,係以「先水洗、後染色」 的細膩工法製成,耐磨更耐汙,能伴你自信出遊, 遇雨也不怕濕透。 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌金湖廣場 Ever Rich Golden Lake Plaza 昇恆昌免稅購物網


人,對 NEW ERA 這歷史悠久的美式運動品牌一

定不陌生。創立於 1934 年,以男帽起家,首款職





業棒球帽正是克里夫蘭印第安人隊的主客場用帽, 如今 NEW ERA 已是美國職棒大聯盟官方球帽唯

一的製造經銷商,最著名的即是官方比賽指定的 專用棒球帽「59 FIFTY」,其帽舌上的圓形貼紙

也是品牌的最大特色,又被潮流人稱為「最撕不 得的貼紙」。熱愛美式街頭時尚的您,衣帽間裡 絕對不能少了這頂。

1. MLB CAP 洋基球帽/ 2. MLB CAP 洋基球帽/ 3. DISNEY CAP 三隻小豬球帽 / 4. DISNEY CAP 大野狼球帽

商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu 昇恆昌臺北松山機場店 Ever Rich Taipei Songshan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌金湖廣場 Ever Rich Golden Lake Plaza 昇恆昌免稅購物網 015

在日本掀起「起司蛋糕革命」的 PABLO,來自社長嵜


試驗,以烤牛排的熟度概念來製作糕點,成功研發出可選擇 熟度的起司塔,也帶來前所未有的驚喜美味,其著名的半熟 起司塔也在臺灣掀起排隊旋風。

此外,PABLO 的起司餅乾與抹茶餅乾也繼承了招牌蛋

糕的豐厚口感,酥脆的餅乾內以滑順、濃郁的起司和抹茶醬 侵襲味蕾,是下午茶時光撫慰人心的最佳夥伴。

如今想嘗一口 PABLO 餅乾的滋味不必再大老遠跑一趟

日本,只要到昇恆昌免稅店,就能輕鬆購得這美味的伴手禮。 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌臺北松山機場店 Ever Rich Taipei Songshan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌臺中國際機場店 Ever Rich Taichung Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌高雄國際機場店 Ever Rich Kaohsiung Int’l Airport Store 昇恆昌水頭港店 Ever Rich Shuitou Pier Store 昇恆昌免稅購物網

Sabrel Cheese 起司餅乾

Sabrel Cheese Matcha 抹茶餅乾


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東京奧運開箱文 3 間賽事場館散策路線、1 篇名家視野、10 項來勢洶洶新科技一次打包

Text by 吳東龍 Tomic Wu、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai、陳信方 Letter Chen Photography by 吳東龍 Tomic Wu、周二 Erh Chou

Illustration by Miyabi Shuu・Image Courtesy of shutterstock

Translated by 劉楚珺 Chu Chun Liu、金家如 Chin Chia Ju、潘柏璇 Po Hsuan Pan

關於東京奧運能談的實在太多,先是 1938 年因資源

不足忍痛歸還主辦權,接著 1964 年捲土重來成功舉辦了 第一屆,2020 年更打破紀錄成為亞洲唯一「二度」舉辦


關注、重視的社會風氣上。國定假日「體育之日」的設立、 體育品牌始終不斷研發新技術、經常座無虛席的各類運 動賽事,從上到下都能明顯感受到日本人骨子裡對運動

的高度熱忱,而那一份執著的影響力甚至遠遠超過想像。 第一屆東京奧運舉辦時,日本傾盡全力展示二次世


中至藝術、設計,甚至是日常習慣的小細節也都沒有馬 虎,無不讓人見識到其出色的落實能力,當中不乏影響

延續至今的關鍵項目,像是新幹線通車、新宿車站重劃、 首都高速公路整備……等。如今 56 個年頭過去,究竟 2020 東京奧運日本葫蘆裡賣的會是什麼藥?將如何超越 先前所曾創下的紀錄?全世界都正引頸期盼。

在 你 摩 拳 擦 掌 期 待 第 二 屆 東 京 奧 運 來 臨 前,


含 3 個東京都心主要場館的旅遊路線推薦、10 項隨奧運

而生的最新科技,以及 1 篇由長年關注日本設計的觀察

家⸺吳東龍所撰寫的專文,詳述近代日本設計與奧運 的關係。



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Unboxing the Tokyo Olympics A summary of strolling routes around three venues, one expert’s view, and 10 up-and-coming new technologies

Several things ought to be mentioned when it comes to Tokyo hosting the Olympics: in 1938, Japan returned the privilege due to insufficient funds, then in 1964 the city hosted the event for the first time, and now, in 2020, Tokyo will set a record by becoming the only Asian city to host two Olympics. Its persistence in pursuing the Olympics is reflected in the scale and depth with which the country focuses on sports. With Japan establishing ”Sports Day” as a national holiday, sporting brands constantly showcasing products with new technology, and sporting events frequently selling out, the traditional high spirit of the Japanese is fundamentally infused with sports, and the influence of such determination is beyond imagination. When Japan first hosted the Olympics, it went all out to show the world their restored power after the devastation of WW2. From architecture and mass transit through art and design and down to the daily details, Japan's outstanding implementation capability included significant projects that continue to influence others, such as the completion of Shinkansen, the Shinjuku station re-design, and the Shuto expressway, to name a few. Today, 56 years later, the world is watching to see what Japan has prepared for the 2020 Olympics and how they have outrun their own records. In the meantime, as you get ready for Tokyo’s second Olympic Games, VOYAGER is bringing you an introduction that summarizes strolling routes around three Olympics venues, 10 up-andcoming new technologies, and Tomic Wu, a longtime observer of Japanese design, reviewing the relationship between the design and the event. Let's get ready and go!


路線一: 新國立競技場

Route No.1: New National Stadium




Back to Square One: The New Tokyo Landmark 新國立競技場 New National Stadium of Japan

由日本知名建築大師隈研吾設計、肩負 2020 東京奧

運主場館重責大任的新國立競技場,所在地前身正是第 一屆東京奧運主場館「國立霞丘陸上競技場」,拆卸重 建後預計將於 2019 年 12 月完工,屆時包準會是東京人 氣最高的熱點。靈感取自奈良古廟法隆寺五重塔的垂木,

場館外圍 360 度的木造屋簷使用了日本 47 個都道府縣產

的杉樹,寓意全國上下一心;木柱及鋼筋構成的中空屋 頂,可讓場內觀眾免於風吹日曬,同時兼顧觀賽視野。

明年有計劃一訪東京的人,可千萬別忘了把它排進行程 裡。

With the primary responsibility of serving as the main stadium of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the new national stadium, which formerly served as the main stadium for hosting ceremonies and sports events at the 1964 Summer Olympics, features a design by the celebrated architect Kengo Kuma. The original design was replaced, is expected to be completed in December 2019, and is certain to become the most popular hotspot in Tokyo. Inspired by the rafters of Hōryū-ji (Temple of the Flourishing Law), an ancient temple in the Nara Prefecture, the 360-degree wooden


awning on the periphery of the stadium utilizes cedars from all 47 of Japan’s prefectures, symbolizing the unity of the entire nation. The hollow roof formed by wood columns and reinforcing bars protects spectators from exposure to sun, wind, and rain and allows them to enjoy an awesome view of the games. If you are planning a trip to Tokyo next year, do not forget to include the national stadium in your itinerary.

新國立競技場用途規劃 Purpose Planning of the New National Stadium ⇨ 2020 年東京夏季奧運會:開幕及閉幕式、田徑及足 球項目 2020 Summer Olympics: opening and closing ceremonies, track and field events, football ⇨ 2020 年東京夏季帕運會:開幕及閉幕式、田徑項 目 2020 Summer Paralympics: opening and closing ceremonies, track and field events ※ 註:(帕運會即「帕拉林匹克運動會 Paralympic Games」,又稱「傷殘奧林匹克運動會」) Note: The Paralympic Games, also known as the Paralympics, are a periodic series of international multi-sport events involving athletes with a range of disabilities.

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奧運主題空間 OPEN Olympic Theme Space 日本奧林匹克博物館 Japan Olympic Museum

為讓更多人了解奧運,2019 年 9 月中旬鄰近新國立

競技場的「日本奧林匹克博物館」正式開館,館內館外 都能見到和奧運息息相關的訊息。館內 1 樓免費展區展


驗活動,參訪民眾也可親手製作加油卡片替選手打氣。 2 樓付費展區將歷屆奧運的演變過程、主辦單位代表性的


incorporating texts with animations, pictures and images, historical relics, and various types of interactive installations. You can compete with the score results of the Olympic athletes by taking simple tests in the experience area at the back. The highlights of the previous opening ceremonies are played on rotation in the screening room just before the exit. This may be where you experience your closest contact with the Olympic Games.

物、互動裝置等多元形式展出;後方的體驗專區能藉著 簡單的測試,和奧運選手成績一較高下,出口前的放映

室中則輪播著歷年開幕式的精華片段,這裡很有可能是 你離奧運最近的距離。

To allow more people to gain a better understanding of the Olympics, Japan Olympic Museum, located near the New National Stadium, began spreading relevant information of the Olympic Games both outside and inside the museum in mid-September of 2019. The free exhibition area on the first floor displays the mascot and derivative objects of the Tokyo Olympics, together with experience activities and regularly held lectures. Visitors can also create handmade cards to give encouragement to the players and athletes. The feebased exhibition area on the second floor demonstrates record data, the evolutionary process of all previous Olympic Games, and the representative design of the organizers by


營業時間 Opening Hours:10:00 ~ 17:00(週一固定公休 closed on Mondays) / 東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町4-2 / 4-2 Kasumigaokamachi,Shinjuku City, Tokyo

吃它千遍也不厭倦 No one ever tires of eating it KIPPY'S COCO-CREAM


機椰奶、椰子水、生蜂蜜取代奶製品、麩 質、砂糖,主打新鮮、自然卻又不失好滋 味。每日早上手工現做,嚴選百分百天然 食材入冰,卡路里也比一般冰淇淋要低,

咖啡、巧克力、柳橙等 10 數種風味,任 你吃個夠也不怕被說不重養生。

Originating from the State of California, this ice cream shop has developed its signature fresh, natural, and flavorful ice delicacies by

replacing dairy products, gluten, and crystal sugar with organic coconut milk, coconut water, and raw honey. Handmade fresh every morning, the ice creams are made with natural, carefully selected ingredients. This low-calorie treat comes in dozens of flavors, such as coffee, chocolate, and orange. You can choose your favorite, eat as much as you want, and still be healthy.

營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:30 / 東京都渋谷区千駄ケ谷 2-6-3 / 2-6-3 Sendagaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo




As much white as you want #FFFFFFT 賣店。假如你也著迷於白 T 恤的魔力,去之前切記留意

每週僅限一天的開店時間,運氣好的話你還能聽見店主 閒聊四處尋寶時的私房故事。

誠如店名 #FFFFFFT(色卡的白色編號)所示,店裡

頭清一色都是白色 T 恤,它們全是店主夫妻自世界各地



As shown by the store’s name, #FFFFFFT (white RGB color code), all the t-shirts in the store are white. They are the precious objects that had been searched for and collected from all parts of the world by the owners. With so much love within, the couple decided to set up a specialty store. If you are fascinated by the glamour of white t-shirts, remember to check the business hours beforehand since the shop only opens one day per week. With a little bit of luck, you just may get to hear the shopkeepers tell a tale of their secret treasure hunts. 營 業 時 間 Opening Hours:12:00 ~ 19:00( 每 週 六 營 業, 不 定 時 店 休 open on Saturdays, irregular closing schedule)/ 東京都渋谷区千駄ケ谷 2-3-5 / 2-3-5 Sendagaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo


Cry out for a little happiness in the center of Tokyo’s Metropolitan Area 鳩森八幡神社 Hatomori Hachiman Shrine 帶來保佑與幸福,靈驗與否見仁見智,不過可以肯定的 是,從 6 公尺的塚頂上見到的景緻比起平地要美麗不少。

到日本不去能量景點那怎行?相傳建造於 1789 年、

隱藏鳩森八幡神社中的富士塚,乃東京都內現存歷史最 悠久的人造塚。據說跟攀登富士山一樣,會替攀爬的人


How can you miss such an energetic attraction when traveling to Japan? Built in 1789, according to legend, the mound made in the image of Mt. Fuji hidden within Hatomori Hachiman Shrine is the oldest existing artificial mound in Tokyo’s Metropolitan Area. Just like Mt. Fuji, the mound is said to bring happiness and blessings to anyone who climbs it. Whether doing so actually works is surely a matter of opinion. However, any visitor will undoubtedly appreciate a much more charming and breathtaking view from the summit of the 6-meter-high mound. 營業時間 Opening Hours:09:00 ~ 17:00 / 東京都渋谷区千駄ケ谷 1-124 / 1-1-24 Sendagaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo

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Stationery fans, beware of butterfingers PAPIER LABO

3 位年輕有為的設計師攜手開設的 PAPIER

LABO,最初是一間專門提供多元紙品、印刷 服務的設計工作室,希望喚醒人們重新感受紙

張所帶來的感動,沒料到不斷拓展品項的結 果,如今在這更能找到各式各樣的文具用品, 想替辦公桌添點質感小物,來這就對了!

Jointly founded by three young and promising designers in the hopes of reawakening people to experience the heartwarming feeling brought by paper, PAPIER LABO is a design studio specialized in providing a number of paper products and printing services. The results of their ceaseless expansion have surpassed everyone's expectations: one can find a wide variety of stationery here at PAPIER LABO. If you want to decorate your desk with some quality accessories and small articles, then you have come to the right place!

營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:00(週一固定公休 closed on Mondays)/ 東京 都渋谷区神宮前 1-1-1 原宿タウンホーム/ Harajuku hometown 1chome-1-1 Jingūmae, Shibuya City, Tokyo


路線二: 日本武道館

Route No.2: Nippon Budokan


音樂人心中的一級聖地 The sacred place for musicians 日本武道館 Nippon Budokan

1964 年舉辦第一屆東京奧運時,專為柔道項目大動

土木興建的日本武道館,八角形的造形設計源於奈良的 法隆寺夢殿。自第一屆奧運結束後到 1988 年東京巨蛋完

工以前,先後有許多日本、世界頂尖的音樂人於此舉行 過公演,其中頗具代表性的莫過於 1966 年披頭四的初登

陸演出。即使今日音樂人多半都以巡迴 5 大巨蛋為目標, 但日本武道館仍舊有著不可動搖、無可取代的聖地地位,


面對即將到來的第二屆東京奧運,日本武道館正重新翻 修中,準備以回春後的樣貌迎接來自世界各地的老朋友、 新朋友。

Built upon the large-scale construction exclusively for judo tournaments during the first Tokyo Olympics in 1964, Nippon Budokan has been designed in the shape of an octagon inspired by Yumedono (Hall of Dreams) of Hōryū-ji in the Nara Prefecture. After the first Olympic Games ended in 1964 until


1984, when Tokyo Dome was completed, many professional Japanese and foreign music professionals held shows at Nippon Budokan: the most representative one is certainly the initial landing performance given by the Beatles in 1966. Even today, most professional musicians make it their goal to tour the five major domes. Nevertheless, Nippon Budokan is still considered an unshakable and irreplaceable sacred place. Those who perform on this stage are guaranteed to enjoy great popularity. Facing the upcoming second Tokyo Olympics, Nippon Budokan is now under renovation and reconstruction, as it gets ready to receive new and old friends from around the globe with a fresh, new look. 日本武道館用途規劃 Purpose Planning of Nippon Budokan ⇨ 2020 年東������:����手�項目 2020 Summer Olympics: Judo and Karate ⇨ 2020 年東���帕��:��項目 2020 Summer Paralympics: Judo

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卡哇伊甜品溶你口也融你心 Adorable dessert melts in

your mouth and your heart

ホワイトカラーヨーグルト White Collar Yogurt 坐落在世界最大古書街「神保町」裡的

優酪乳專賣店,嚴選富士山麓高原上 100%牛


冰淇淋連續 2 年獲食品界的米其林「iTQi」肯 定,黏稠度超乎想像。店內人氣品項下方是優 酪乳,上頭鋪滿優酪乳冰淇淋,可愛到不行的 造型讓人忍不住想拿著拍照!

from "iTQi" -- the world’s leading taste experts -- two years in a row. The store uses only strictly selected 100% milk from the plateau of Mount Fuji and insists on nothing but healthy fructose. In the store, visitors can find yogurt with popular toppings, finished off with yogurt cream. With its cute and adorable profile, visitors simply can't help taking photos!

This specialized yogurt store is found on the world's largest and greatest antiquated book street, 'Jimbo-cho," and has received affirmation


營業時間 Opening Hours:12:00 ~ 18:00(週日固定公休 generally closed on Sundays)/ 東京都千代田区神田錦町 3-16-11 / 3-16-11 Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo

市民大推的賞櫻賞楓好所在 Highly Recommended

Maple and Cherry Blossom Viewing Location 北之丸公園 Kitanomaru Garden

早期為皇室專用庭園,1969 年開放一般民眾

參觀。每年 4 月櫻花季,沿著皇居護城河千鳥ケ

淵的櫻花大道,綴滿盛開的櫻花,風景美不勝收。 由鄰近日本武道館的田安門或清水門走入,可深 刻感受到舊江戶城門的歷史風味,公園西側遍植

了 230 株紅葉樹、2,000 株落葉樹,每當秋天來臨, 一整片楓紅景象更是會讓人不由自主地待上好一 段時間。春秋時節到訪東京,十分推薦一遊。

Once the royal garden, Kitanomaru Park was first opened to the public in 1969. Every April during cherry blossom season, the cherry blossom boulevard along Chidorigafuchi, the moat of the imperial palace, is studded with sakura in full bloom. The picturesque scenery is just breathtaking. By walking into the park through Shimizumon Gate or Tananmon Gate of the adjacent Nippon Budokan, visitors can fully experience the historical charisma and atmosphere of the city gate of the old Edo Castle. The west side of the park features 230 red-leaved helica and 2000 deciduous trees. The beautiful scene formed by maple leaves in autumn will certainly persuade visitors to linger all day. It is highly recommended that you visit Kitanomaru Garden if you are planning a trip to Tokyo in either springtime or fall. 開放時間 Opening Hours:24 小時 24 hours / 東京都千代田区北の丸公園 1-1 / 1-1 Kitanomarukoen, Chiyoda City, Tokyo




Savor nostalgia and reminisce at this hundred-year-old store 御菓子司 寿々木 Suzuki

明治 29 年創業的甜食老鋪,至今已有 120 年以上的


選擇障礙的人可能得花點時間才能選出心中所愛,雖然 店內座位數不多,人氣時段來有可能得等上一會。如果 你剛好也喜歡抹茶,不妨試試店內的熱賣品項「抹茶套 組」,夏天店內還有限定的季節刨冰能消暑。

This old dessert shop was founded in the 29th year of Meiji and has a history of more than 120 years. With a wide variety of Japanese snacks showcased outside the store, they indeed dazzle anyone passing by. Since seats are limited in the store, visitors may have to wait a while during popular hours. If you enjoy matcha, why not try the store’s popular "matcha set"?. During the summer months only, a seasonal selection of water ice is also available in order to quench your heat.


營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:00(週六、週日公休 closed on Saturdays and Sundays)/ 東京都千代田区九段南 1- 4-3 / 1-4-3 Kudanminami, Chiyoda City, Tokyo


A “must-see” for the fans of old European and US magazines magnif 感期刊,甚至當年隨刊的周邊品項、街頭雜貨小物也都 有機會在此找到,前提是願意花時間細細找好好翻。

"Magnif," which is hidden within Jimbo-cho, is definitely a must-visit store for design magazine fans! With a whitewashed interior, fresh yellow window frames, red counters, visitors are likely to discover a large number of secondhand fashion magazines, out-of-print magazines from the 50s to 70s from all over Europe and America, magazines of Japanese trends, quality of life periodicals, and even peripheral items published along with the magazines, as well as local groceries and sundry goods, here, as long as they are willing to take the time to browse.



位的店內空間,擺放有大量二手時尚雜誌,五〇~七〇 年代的絕版雜誌舉凡歐美國際版、日本潮流誌、生活質


營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:00(不定時公休 occasionally closed)/ 東京都千代田区神田神保町 1-19-7 / 1-19-7 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo

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Light up your artistic micro cosmos 東京國立近代美術館 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

1952 年開館的東京國立近代美術館是全日本最早的

國立美術館。1969 年正式喬遷到以大量碎石、石板所包

覆的現址建物中,外觀看似樸實極簡,不過裡頭館藏了 1907 年以來,日本繪畫、雕塑、工藝等不同現代美術領

域作品,總計約 5,300 件之多,而同樣位於北之丸公園

內、步行約 3 分鐘可達的工藝館,建築主體是明治時代

的西洋風格紅磚建築,定期展示各式日本工藝、設計作 品。沒事就喜歡跑美術館的人找尋靈感的人,走過路過

of modern art, including painting, sculpture, and crafts since 1907, accumulating a total of 5,300 pieces. Visitors can walk just three minutes to reach the handicraft museum, which is also located inside Kitanomaru Park. The main body of the building is the western-style red-brick building of the Meiji era. The museum regularly exhibits all kinds of Japanese arts and crafts, as well as other design works. If you like to visit art museums in search of creative inspiration, you should not miss this craft workshop and should stop by when paying a visit to the National Museum of Modern Art.


Established in 1952, the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo is the first national art museum in Japan. The museum officially relocated to the buildings that were wrapped with a large number of crushed stones and slates on the current location in 1969. With a quite plain and simple exterior, the museum inside has collected works from various domains

營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 17:00(週五、週六閉館時間延至 20:00,週一固定公休 closing time extended to 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays, closed on Mondays)/ 東京都千代田区北の丸公園 3-1 / 3-1 Kitanomarukoen, Chiyoda City, Tokyo


路線三: 皇居外苑

Route No.3: Kikyo-Mon Gate



Exceptional View of an Urban Tokyo Oasis 皇居外苑 Kikyo-Mon Gate


丸之內商辦高樓區域、皇居之間,1924 年起才當作國民

公園正式對外開放,佔地廣大,遍植松樹,鋪設大量細 石子,擁有繁茂的綠地、水景,是東京都心之中的綠洲

地帶。近年來隨著路跑風氣興盛,時常能在此見到跑者 暢跑的景象,也是喜歡旅跑的跑者們造訪東京時,必定 會前往朝聖的景點。要想好好一覽皇居風情,不妨沿著 皇居外苑、皇居東御苑、北之丸公園、皇居走上一圈,

大約需 1 個半至 2 個小時,途中能一覽 12 座城門,每座

城門周圍都栽種了不同花卉、樹種,因花期、不同時節 到訪皆可明顯感受到大自然的千姿百態。

Kikyo-Mon Gate of the Imperial Palace sits on the left side of Tokyo Station and is also known as the Front Square of the Imperial Palace. Located between the high-rise area and Imperial Palace in Marunouchi, it was officially opened as the National Park in 1924. Covering a vast area, the park is well planted with pine trees and laid with a large number of fine stones; given the lush green scenes and water features, it is considered an oasis in the heart of Tokyo. In recent years, the sight of runners jogging around the spot can be easily


perceived with the increasing popularity of road jogging, and it is a "must-visit" spot for jogging enthusiasts who visit Tokyo. If visitors want to have a good view of the Imperial Palace, they may take a lap along Kikyo-Mon Gate of the Imperial Palace, the Eastern Garden of the Imperial Palace, Kitanomaru Park, and the Imperial Palace. The route takes about oneand-a-half to two hours, and visitors can see 12 gates along the way. Various kinds of flowers and tree species have been planted around each of the gates. Because of the diverse flowering period, visitors can experience different stages of nature in all four seasons.

皇居外苑用途規劃 Purpose planning for Kikyo-Mon Gate of the Imperial Palace ⇨ 2020 年東京奧運:競走項目(2019 年 10 月中,國際奧 會有鑒於舉行賽事時氣候過熱,恐造成選手身心狀況不良, 決議將比賽場地移轉制北海道札幌,如後續有任何異動請 依 2020 東 京 奧 運 官 網 為 準。)2020 Summer Olympics: Racewalking (In the middle of October 2019, the IOC announced that racewalking events will be moved from Tokyo to Sapporo due to heat concerns. Follow the official website of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics for any further changes.)

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Unconventional Cafe to Recharge your Day Marunouchi Happ. Stand & Gallery


物」為概念,約 10 坪大小的 Marunouchi Happ. Stand

& Gallery 就像一本實體化的餐飲雜誌,店內的啤酒、咖

啡豆每一款都嚴選自獨立的產製單位,搭配上攜手農家 共同開發的獨家自製餐點,不論平日還假日、早中晚哪 個時段來、內用或者外帶,相信都能撫慰你的胃和心。

the exclusive homemade meals are jointly developed with farmers, so that whether visitors are t h e re t o e n j o y t h e store or have a drink a n d a m ea l , e i t h e r way, visitors will be comforted by the store’s mindset anytime.

Marunouchi Happ. Stand & Gallery is like a materialized restaurant magazine. Although the store occupies only a space of about 10 pings, it attracts customers with its concept of "seasonal conversion" and "forms that have never appeared in Marunouchi". The beer and coffee beans sold in the store are carefully selected from independent production institutes, while


營業時間 Opening Hours:08:00 ~ 22:00(週六、週日 11:00 ~ 22:00 11:00 to 22:00 on Saturdays and Sundays)/ 東京都千代田区丸の内 2-5 / 2-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo


Understanding the True Nature of Beauty 資生堂ギャラリー SHISEIDO GALLERY 說到資生堂你會想到什麼?早在 1919 年,品牌創辦人

福源信三便相信美感的培育絕非化妝、保養品而已,更多 的是 lifestyle 的養成,於是先後成立起畫廊、發行品牌專 刊。延續著他對美的這份熱忱,2001 年啟用的「東京銀座

資生堂大樓」,地下一樓設有挑高近 5 公尺高的大型展場,

定期舉辦當代藝術作品展覽,想要品味何謂生活之「美」? 來這錯不了。

What does speaking about Shiseido conjure up for you? In 1919, the founder of the brand, Fukuhara Shinzo, believed that the cultivation of beauty was not based on makeup or skin care products, but more on the development of a particular lifestyle. In continuing his enthusiasm for beauty, in addition to addressing consumers’ external beauty, he paid much attention to spiritual sensations. As such, he then set up a gallery and published a special journal for the brand. In 2001, "Tokyo Ginza Shiseido Building" was opened with a large exhibition hall nearly 5 meters tall at the first floor of the basement. Regular exhibitions of contemporary art works are held within this venue, and if anyone would like to have a taste for the "beauty" of life, this is definitely the right place to do it. 營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:00(週一固定公休 closed on Mondays)/ 東京都中央区銀座 8-8-3 東京銀座資生堂ビル B1F / Tokyo Ginza shiseido building B1, 8 Chome-8-3 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo



貴族皇室鍾情的甘味優雅 Royal Taste of Sweetness 銀座 緑寿庵清水 Konpeito Ginza


的緑寿庵清水,其生產的金平糖被喻為日本最高等級, 每一粒都是經過職人嚴格控溫、耗時 20 天不停翻炒所製

成。2017 年年底首度插旗銀座,開設了全關東地區第一

間直營分店,有計畫一探究竟的甜食控,務必留意季節 限定和數量限定款,通常售罄便不再補貨。

Konpeito from "Ryokujuan-Shimizu" (Ginza Konpeito) is considered and noted as the most fancy and classic dessert in Japan. Each piece of candy is made through strict control by the staff and requires 20 days of stirring before it can be


made. Since quality is of the greatest concern, it can only be rendered in the physical store. At the end of 2017, the store opened an outlet in the Ginza area, which is the first direct store in the entire Kanto region. Therefore, candy-lovers who want to find out more about this sweet must look out for seasonal and quantity restrictions. In general, the store will not replenish limited items after they sell out.

營業時間 Opening Hours:11:00 ~ 19:30(週六、週日 11:00 ~ 18:30, 週三固定公休 11:00 to 18:30 on Saturdays and Sundays, closed on Wednesdays)/ 東京都中央区銀座 6-2-1 / 6 Chome-2-1 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo

哇!沒見過那麼會玩的 mall

Revive the Next Generation of Mall Experience 日比谷中央市場街 HIBIYA CENTRAL MARKET 代設計,濃濃的復古時髦感,哪怕不買東西逛逛拍照也 值得。



持著這樣的想法,日本知名創意總監南貴之在百貨「日 比谷東京中城」(TOKYO MIDTOWN HIBIYA)裡,企

劃了一區名為「日比谷中央市場街」的空間,全新型態 的開放式商場中,眼鏡行、食堂暨居酒屋、琴酒小屋台、

選物店一應俱全,特別是重現懷舊風情的書報亭和理髮 院,從椅子、招牌燈飾、工具、櫥窗,完整復刻昭和時


Every time one travels to Europe, traditional markets hidden in the alleys always provide visitors with some most unexpected finds. Therefore, the famous Japanese creative director, Takayuki Minami, planned the space of “Hibiya Central Market Street” in the department store of “TOKYO MIDTOWN HIBIYA” in order to share such unforgettable memories with everyone. In such open-air shopping malls, glass store, canteens and Izakayas, liquor and piano bars, and select shops are all available, as are those nostalgic kiosks and barbershops. Most of all, the settings from chairs, signboards, tools, and shop windows have completely reenacted the design of the Showa era. With such a strong sense of retro fashion, a round of window-shopping alone is worth it, even if not buying anything. 營業時間 Opening Hours:店舖區 11:00 ~ 21:00 in the store section. 飲食區 11:00 ~ 23:00 in the dining section / 東京都千代田区有楽町 1-1-2 東京ミッドタウン日比谷 3F / 3F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho Chiyoda City, Tokyo

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揭秘! 2020 東京奧運的新花樣和新高度 The Secret Is Out! New Technology and New Height of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games 為迎接 2020 東京奧運,如今日本舉國上下正齊心協

力準備著。相信不少人都很好奇―究竟「未來日本」的那 一面會被如何展現?答案不外乎:「超智能」、「智慧科

技」、「永續發展」,而隨著這 3 個關鍵詞,屆時將有哪 些嶄新科技趨勢問世?《VOYAGER》帶你先睹為快。

Everyone in Japan is working together in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Many people may be wondering what side of “future Japan” will be revealed? Of course, the answers are “super intelligence,” “smart technology,” and “sustainable development.” What brand new technology trends can be illustrated with these three key phrases? Take a glimpse with VOYAGER.

78,895 噸廢電子再生獎牌 78,895 Tons of E-waste Recycled into Medals 透過一項名為「都市礦山!大家的獎牌」計畫,


其中的金屬取出,用來製作奧運獎牌。這是奧運史上 第一次,所有獎牌都使用 100%回收材料製成,更是 第一次召集全民參與的活動,說是奧運之外最美的風

100% 可回收的床組 Recyclable Cardboard Beds 力求環保是第一訴求。在選手村內,採用可承受

200 公斤重、耐熱而且防水的硬紙板床架,以及可以 拆分成三塊的組合式聚乙烯床墊,讓選手依個人喜好 的床墊軟硬自由組合。奧運過後,床架與床墊都可回 收再利用,製作成其他紙製品與塑料用品,不豎起大 拇指稱讚不行!


Through the “Medal Project: Towards an Innovative Future for All” the organizing committee asked Japanese citizens to collect and donate waste electronic devices and then extracted the metal to make the medals for the games. This is the first time in the history of the Olympic Games that all the medals are made from 100% recycled materials, not to mention the first project with complete citizen participation. Apart from the games themselves, this can be considered one of the most beautiful acts of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Environmental protection is a top priority. In the athletes’ village, heat and water-resistant cardboard bed frames with a weight capacity of 200 kg are adopted. The assembled PE mattresses can be disassembled into three pieces and freely adjusted to each athlete’s personal preference for mattress firmness. After the Games, the frames and mattresses can be recycled, reused, and remade into other paper and plastic products. Thumbs up to this practical and sustainable design!


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

來自未來的酷炫接泊車 Cool Futuristic Shuttle Vehicle 另一款小型電動接駁車「APM」,採用人為手

動駕駛。車輪完整包覆在外殼裡,一體成型的外觀, 看起來就像是全車漂浮在空中般酷炫。無車門的開

放式設計,再加入扶手和立桿,讓車內空間既穩定 又沒有束縛感,車停後自車底延伸出方便上下車的


哪來那麼有故事的運動用品 Sporting Goods with Stories 猶如日本之光的運動品牌,亞瑟士當然也不


號召全日本民眾捐助「充滿回憶的運動服」,從 這些二手運動服中抽取出聚酯纖維,再生成運動 服與運動鞋的部分材料,剩餘的材料也將用於燃



Another small electric shuttle vehicle, the “APM,” adopts manual driving. The wheels are completely covered under the shell. The one-piece exterior has a cool appearance, as if it were floating on air. The open design, which has no doors but rails and poles instead, makes the interior space steady and unconstrained. When the vehicle makes a stop, a ramp is extended from the bottom for boarding and alighting to cater to the needs of seniors and physically challenged people. It is both stylish and friendly.


Asics, a glorious Japanese sports brand, is never absent. By launching the “Reborn Wear Project,” Asics also asked all citizens in Japan to donate “sportswear rich with memories.” Polyester will be extracted from the second-hand sportswear and remade into materials for sportswear and athletic shoes. The remaining materials will also be used as fuel. “Loaded with memories” is no longer a mere slogan, but is now a legend being passed down.

360 度最即時的轉播 360-Degree Most Instantaneous Relay 全新的 3D 運動員追蹤技術(3DAT),是由 Intel 研發,

國際奧會與東京奧會攜手合作的技術,透過使用 4 個移動的攝


工智慧演算出每位運動員的運動情況,馬上呈現每個人的速度 並提供分析,讓觀眾宛如親身經歷般地體驗。

Intel has developed the latest 3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT). The technology of cooperation between the IOC and the Tokyo Organizing Committee captures accurate depictions of the athletes as they sprint through the four moving camera arrays. The built-in artificial intelligence calculates the sporting condition of every athlete, presents everyone’s real time speed, and carries out analysis so that the viewers at home can watch the game as if experiencing it in person.


V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

每天都在求進步的翻譯軟體 Translation Software Making Progress Every Day 大數據的使用已經更深入生活,由日本信息通信研


結合了對譯數據和深度學習的神經元翻譯法,用大量的 範圍統計出最佳的翻譯結果,可說是大數據的最佳運用。

東京奧運期間還加強了東京的旅遊景點、交通機構、商 店、醫院等資料庫。

The application of big data has penetrated deep into life. The translation software “VoiceTra,” developed by NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) combines translation data and the neuron translation of deep learning and gathers the best translation results from the resulting statistics on a large scale. This can be considered the best application of big data. During the Tokyo Olympic Games, the database will be further reinforced with tourist spots, traffic servers, shops, and hospitals.

粗活勞動有它幫忙 Help with Heavy Labor 日本在機器人的技術上,一向是獨步全球,但是把

機器人運用在執行迎賓、運送球類、協助輪椅觀眾等項 目,更是創舉。這些包括了吉祥物機器人 Miraitowa 和

Someity、可遠端遙控的 T-HR3、負責即時轉播的 T-TR1、 引導座位的 HSR、回收鉛球的 FSR 等,也算是另類的奧 運吉祥物。

再也不用記住那麼多人臉了 Face Recognition Data 早在 2016 年里約奧運期間,東京奧運籌委

會就已經在部份媒體身上,使用了這套由 Intel 與 NEC 研發的人臉辨識系統。但東京奧運則將

Japan’s drone technology has always been second to none in the world. However, applying drones to guest reception, ball transportation, and assistance for audience members in wheelchairs represents an unprecedented breakthrough. They include the mascots, Miraitowa and Someity, T-HR3, which can be controlled remotely; T-TR1, which is responsible for instantaneous relay; HSR, which leads guests to their seats; and FSR, which retrieves shots. They can also be seen as unconventional mascots for the Olympic Games.


作人員、記者與志工身上使用人臉辨識系統, 將更有效的掌控人員進出,比起人工識別也將 省下一半的時間。

As early as the Rio Olympic Games in 2016, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games applied the facial recognition system developed by Intel and NEC on part of the media. However, the Tokyo Olympic Games will be the first in history to have an overall application of the facial recognition system for athletes, sponsors, staff, reporters, and volunteers. It will thus conduct access control more effectively, as well as save half the time compared with manual ID checks.


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

幫你開車的可能是「嘿!夥計」 “Hey Dude” Will Drive for You 無人駕駛的計程車,也許會比真人開的還安全?

這不是天方夜譚,明年將在奧運期間於東京街頭真實 上演。由多個日本企業分別投入研發,透過內建超

精細 GPS 地圖、多面向感知傳導感應器,在固定的

路徑上、與限定時間裡行駛,已經在偏鄉地區開始運 作,負責人員與物資的接送,距進入市區服務的目標 倒數計時中。

Taxis without a driver may actually be safer than those with a driver. This has been made possible and will be staged on the streets of Tokyo during the Olympic Games next year. Several Japanese corporations have engaged in the development of such vehicles. Using an extremely detailed built-in map and multi-faceted sensors, they drive on a fixed path in a set time. Their operation has started in remote areas, where they are in charge of the transportation of personnel and materials. The countdown is on for service in the city.

沒有二度污染的氫燃料電池 Hydrogen Fuel Cell without Secondary Contamination 尋找石油取代品,一直是能源使用的重大課題,東京

奧運負責交通運輸的氫燃料巴士「SORA」十分值得當作 參考範本。SORA2K7 電池儲能密度高,續航距離更超過

500 公里,3 ~ 5 分鐘就能充滿高壓儲存罐,大大完勝充

飽電量需 60 分鐘之久的鋰電池。更別說相較於我們現行

Finding a way to replace petroleum has always been the major issue in energy use. The hydrogen fuel buses “SORA” responsible for transportation in the Tokyo Olympic Games are good examples. SORA2K7 has a high density for energy storage in cells with a cruising distance of more than 500 km. The high pressure storage tank can be filled up in 3-5 minutes, which surpasses lithium batteries, which take 60 minutes to be fully recharged. What’s more, compared to commonly used lithium batteries, hydrogen fuel cells have no recycling problems and will not cause environmental pollution.

慣用的鋰電池,氫燃料電池沒有回收問題之餘,也不會造 成環境污染。


回到美好年代的 TOKYO 1964 The Belle Epoch Tokyo 1964

Text and Photography by


Tomic Wu

2006 年起於華文地區出版《設計東 京》系列迄今,文字、設計作品見於 兩岸三地,除作家、設計師、講師、 電台主持人,多次擔任設計競賽評 審、任教實踐大學,亦為東喜設計工 作室與選品店〈東喜鋪〉主理人。

Wu has been sharing design-related topics over “Design Tokyo” in Mandarinspeaking regions since 2006. His works and articles can be seen in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. A member of the jury of many design competitions, Wu also writes, designs, hosts radio programs, lectures, and teaches as an instructor at Shih Chien University. Wu is currently the principal manager of Tomic Design Atelier and the concept store <Kodawari Ya>.

Translated by 潘柏璇 Pan Po-Hsuan

〈江戶東京博物館〉裡收藏了 1964 年東京奧運的海報與珍貴文物。Posters and historical relics of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics are on display at Edo-Tokyo Museum.

東京是全球唯一舉辦 2 次奧運

的亞洲城市,當大家歡欣期待 2020




東奧來臨,在半世紀前的 1964 年 日絕有過之而無不及!原來時代環

境與種種氛圍促使了這股強大的能 量,而我趕在東京奧運倒數一年前 在東京墨田〈江戶東京博物館〉看 了檔名為「江戶運動與東京奧林匹 克」特展,彷彿搭乘時光機來到第 18 屆東京奧運,發現美好年代裡的 種種榮光及其劃時代意義。


川 家 康 進 入 江 戶 後 約 400 年 間 迄 今,從「江戶」經明治維新成為「東 京」的歷史軌跡。建築由代謝派建

築大師菊竹清訓以四柱二樑的特殊 架高結構為其設計特色。外觀被戲 稱為大木屐,偌大的內部展區則分


侷限於貴族階層,家境富裕的社會 著裝配件毫不馬虎。當時的武士素

養有馬術、弓術、劍術、水術等在 藩校都有教導,卻因實無戰事而顯 無用武之地。


在 1868 年的明治維新,到日的外

國人將現代運動一併帶進日本,軍 隊與學校有外籍老師進行教學,學 校裡則有運動社團、課後活動與運

動會等,加速運動風氣的蔓延。但 傳統劍道在現代軍隊裡轉變為精神

意志的鍛鍊,相撲因少了將軍、大 名(土地領主)的贊助,被認為不 文明而一度有要求廢止的聲浪。

至 於 柔 道, 有 關 鍵 人 物 嘉 納


治 五 郎 的 出 現, 將 其 技 術 制 度 化


世界。1909 年嘉納成為國際奧委




及理論化更加普及,之後更散播至 會委員,積極將奧運介紹給國人認

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

識,培育許多體育能手,自 1920 年




參加奧運比賽陸續有所斬獲,日本 在嘉納的運籌帷幄,東京成功

申 請 1940 年 的 奧 運 主 辦 城 市, 卻 因 1938 年中日戰爭被奪回主辦權,


1964 年,進入到迄今令人懷念


急速起飛,還發展了新三神器:彩 色電視、窗型冷氣、汽車,為了奧

跨越語言藩籬,山下芳郎設計 20 種 福田繁雄、橫尾忠則與榮久庵憲司

際奧委會,也讓下屆主辦國墨西哥 補足其它競技項目延續至今。

1961 年發表第一張官方海報,


美軍駐軍用地的原宿、代代木區。 大興土木,由丹下健三設計足以代 表上個世紀建築地標的〈代代木國

立競技場〉,以混凝土打造薄屋簷、 懸吊系統吊掛屋頂,完成當時全球 最大張力構造、外觀有如螺貝般有

眼光。中間象徵紅太陽的紅圓,下 初次舉辦奧運的期待。隔年第二張 海報,則以各國跑步選手起跑的瞬 間照片作為主要視覺,在過去盡以 插圖為主的創作來說是一大突破, 無論在構圖、光線與層次感等皆展 競技之美,彰顯日本各方面技術的 成熟與國際水準,迄今仍為經典。

1964 那年,聖火還傳到台灣。





特色的寺廟屋簷,強勢彰顯設計技 當時參與奧運的設計師幾乎都



照片紀錄了選手在傳遞聖火的情景: 柳宗理設計的聖火火炬,莊嚴神聖 裡,似乎就要將聖火帶進會場。





留下什麼?在期待 2020 之餘,更令

討視覺規劃,包括 Symbol Mark、


of 1964's design adopted mining lamp features and worked safely during in-flight transportation and at lodging places.


交通網絡,以及首次啟用衛星來直 作為日本首都的東京,拿回原

泊地裡具安全性的設計。The flame


裡頭的 Symbol Mark 抓住了大眾的



等, 在 3 個 月 內 完 成 36 款「 設 施



潔 又 具 張 力 的 現 代 設 計 風 格。

2. 1964 年聖火火種燈,是比照炭坑

「競技 SYMBOL」與年輕設計師:


計 的 第 一 款 海 報, 構 圖 表 現 出 簡



1964 年成功舉辦奧運時讓日本人特 境回到世界的運動場上揚眉吐氣,

1. 龜 倉 雄 策 為 1964 年 東 奧 所 設


PICTOGRAM 圖記號的設計系統,



Yusaku Kamekura designed the very first poster of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The composition shows great simplicity and tension in modern design.

後也因二次大戰使得奧運接連停辦 2 屆。這個遺憾,或許也是為何在


什麼?在半個世紀後又代表什麼? 人擁有無限想像。


Tokyo is the only Asian city to host the Olympic Games twice, first hosting the event in 1964 and now expecting the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Compared to today, the 1964 metropolitan may have outplayed its future self in this global event in many ways. Looking back, the era, the global environment, and the atmosphere at that time all contributed to this strong record. I visited the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Sumida, Tokyo just one year before the Tokyo Olympics to see the special exhibition of “The History of Sports in Japan - From the Edo Period to the Tokyo Olympics”, where visitors time traveled back to the 18th Olympic Games in Tokyo to rediscover the honorable records and the epochmaking development of the era. Four hundred years ago, when the Tokugawa clan came to power and settled in Edo, the village grew rapidly, ultimately becoming “Tokyo” as we know it. The history of the transition, including the Meiji Revolution, is well preserved in the Edo-Tokyo Museum, an elevated two-beam fourpost structure designed by Kiyonori Kikutake (one of the founders of Metabolism trend). The building’s ex t e r i o r re s e m b l e s a “ b i g g e t a” (Japanese footwear), while the interior


space is divided into two, “Edo” and “Tokyo”. The exhibition I visited combined the documented “Edo” and the Olympics history records in “Tokyo” to showcase a cohesive, forward-going experience. Sports like Sumo and Kemari (ball kicking) were already popular in the Edo era. Instead of being limited to the aristocratic class, ordinary people also took sports very seriously and were uncompromising in the clothes and accessories made for certain sports. While horseback riding, archery, swordsmanship, and water sports were taught and trained in “Hankou”, due to the long peace of the era, military training eventually became futile. In 1868, the Meiji Revolution adopted western ideas, including sports. With foreign instructors teaching in the army and schools and the development of sports clubs, afterschool activities, and athletic competitions in schools, the entire nation was bathed in sports. The army began to practice traditional Ke n d o a s a t ra i n i n g m e t h o d f o r stronger spirit and will, while Sumo, now lacking sponsorship from military generals and landlords, was regarded as an uncivilized sport and even underwent a request for abolition.

W h e n Ka n o J i g o ro, t h e f o u n d e r of Judo, developed a systematic, theoretic technique to sports, it helped the Japanese tournament to grow widespread and internationally. In 1909, when elected as a member of the International Olympic Committee, Kano spared no effort in introducing Olympic Games to his country and training athletes for competition. Since 1920, after achieving some status in some Olympic Games, Japan began to think about becoming a host of the Games. Under Kano’s effort, Tokyo successfully obtained the hosting right for the 1940 Olympics. However, it was rescheduled due to the War between Japan and China in 1938, followed by the Games being cancelled two more times due to the outbreak of WWII. Japan was beyond excitement when it finally hosted the event in 1964. This served as a path for the country to return to the global stage and regain its national faith after being defeated on the battlefield in WWII. In 1964, in the middle of the Showa era, Japan's post-war economy accelerated under the development of color television, window unit air conditioners, and automobiles,

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marking the time a memorable one. To facilitate the Olympic Games, the country erected the Shuto Expressway and Tokaido Shinkansen, making the rapid connection between east and west Japan possible. This time, the Olympic Games first went live on TV through satellite broadcast. A s t h e c a p i t a l o f J a p a n , To k y o recovered Harajuku and Yoyogi, where the US military was stationed during the war, and began the construction of Yoyogi National Gymnasium. Kenzo Tange’s modern, powerful design made the venue an architecture landmark of the 20th century. With thin concrete eaves and a suspended roof, the building with the highest tension in the world had a curvy exterior like a spiral shell. With its roof plan making reference to the ethnic background, the gymnasium properly presented the design, craftsmanship, and architecture capability of the country. Most Olympic designers became legends of the generation. The Art Director Katsumi Masaru gathered Yu s a k u K a m e k u r a , H a m a g u c h i Ryusuke, and Hiromu Hara to decide visual planning, including symbol marks, tones, and fonts; young designers Kohei Sugiura and Ikko

Tanaka, industrial designers, and architects all joined for Olympic stadium production: The Olympic flame torch by Sori Yanagi, the torch b a s e b y Ta ro O ka m o t o, a n d t h e memorial badge co-designed by Okamoto and Ikko Tanaka.

next year’s poster, which captured the moment where global athletes initiated their running, the second poster stood out from the illustrationbased creations and displayed the aesthetics of competition through composition and light. Japan was elevated to international standards with its mature techniques in multiple visual dimensions, and this poster is still one of the classics.

“PICTOGRAM”, a graphic symbol system designed by Yashiro Yamashita, was introduced to represent each sport and facility, successfully crossing the language barrier. With the young designers Shigeo Fukuda, Tadanori Yokoo, and Kenji Ekuan, in just 3 months the team came up with 36 facility symbols, all in extra bold shapes, thus founding the guidelines of symbol-making. After the Games, they even transferred the design to the International Olympic Committee and renounced their copyrights so that Mexico, the host of the next Olympic Games could continue using the designs and develop more for other sports. The system is still applied today.

In 1964, the Olympic Flame even passed through Taiwan. The last poster published prior to the opening of the event recorded the journey of the flame in a photograph: in the early evening, just above the horizon, the lit torch designed by Sori Yanagi was held in serenity, seemingly about to be carried into the stadium. After 56 years, the Flame is finally returning to Tokyo. What will it bring this time? What does it represent after more than half a century? What impression will it leave after the event? Looking forward to the Games, we sure have a lot to think about.

The first poster of the Tokyo Olympics was published in 1961 and grabbed everyone’s attention with its Symbol Mark. Underneath the red round sun was a nationally anticipated five golden rings. Followed by the




1. 1913 年 起 有 名 為「 東 洋 奧 林 匹 克 」 的 競 賽, 包

括 日 本、 菲 律 賓 與 中 華 民 國 等 參 與。The first “Far

Eastern Championship Games” held in 1913, whose participating nations included Japan, the Philippines, and the Republic of China. 2.〈江戶東京博物館〉的建築由代謝派大師菊竹清訓

以四柱二樑的架高結構為其設計。The elevated “two-

beam four-post structure” of Edo-Tokyo Museum was created by the Metabolism Master Kiyonori Kikutake. 3. 展覽中將半個世紀前東京奧運裡從選手制服到票

卷等設計做了完整的呈現。From athletes' uniforms

to entrance tickets, the exhibition completely showcased the Tokyo's first Olympic Games from more than 50 years ago.



臺中市立大甲國中 手球隊

昌興保全 安全勤務員

為目標而努力 向運動精神致敬 Strive hard to reach goals—Our Tribute to Athletes

Text by 黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai・Photography by 留榮鋒

Luke Liu・Translated by 黃志健 Wong Chee Kin、劉楚珺 Chu Chun Liu、蔡雅婷

Tsai Ya Ting

2020 年將是充滿活力與動力的一年!適逢東京奧運

來臨,昇恆昌推出「力臻完美⸺昇恆昌 12 道運動家服

務精神」主題年曆,為臺灣體壇出一分心力的同時,也 希望傳遞昇恆昌團隊提供高品質服務的用心。



昌,對於臺灣體育選手的艱苦訓練感同身受,有鑑於此, 今年昇恆昌特別在推出的年曆中,羅列了足以代表品牌


服務;與講求團隊分工的手球隊相同,市區預購機場提 貨的機制更仰賴緊密的相互配合與絕佳默契,才能將服 務品質臻於完善,這些一再精進的細節在在都是為了目 標而努力。

全新制服 兼具「國際」與「專業」 而身為機場第一線服務人員,昇恆昌除了不遺餘力

提供高品質服務外,為求專業形象再升級,給予國人、 旅客不同以往的嶄新感受,制服也於年末全面換新。


的 12 道運動家服務精神,透過「運動場上的運動員」與








服的設計則聚焦在展示「有溫度的時尚」,利用深邃藍 期望以接軌國際的設計,塑造煥然一新的國門形象。新 制服的許多設計細節不僅易於穿搭,更寓含象徵意象、 高實用性,像是客服員的小王子飛行領巾,象徵串聯航

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點間的線條,以點、線、面概念連接世界;守護昇恆昌 品質的主管代表,以簡潔的黑色西裝外套及微窄版的長


質,再加上獨創的營業員寶貝包,實用性高且易於收納。 昇恆昌明白服務是一場沒有終點的競賽,無論是位

居服務前線或是後勤支援,每位夥伴都能不斷超越期待, 提供高品質且更貼心的服務。「以人為本,服務為先」

向來是昇恆昌最引以為豪的企業哲學與待客理念。在機 場服務來往旅客,也歡送迎接每位「臺灣之光」,昇恆

昌把支持化作實際行動,隨著「力臻完美」年曆的發行, 陪伴臺灣健兒們邁向東京奧運的光榮之路。

本期《VOYAGER》更特別貼身紀錄年曆中的 3 位運

動健兒,其中 2 位已確定明年將代表台灣征戰東京奧運,

另一位則被視為是重點奪牌選手,有望於明年初拿到奧 運賽事入場券。現在就跟著我們一窺他們的世界吧!

2020 will be the year of energy and power! As the Tokyo Olympics approaches, Ever Rich is releasing a brand new themed calendar -- “Striving for Perfection—12 Athletes”. It is a tribute to the dedication of Taiwanese sportsmen and expresses the commitment of Ever Rich to provide topquality services to our customers. The dedication of Taiwanese athletes in their extensive training regimes is similar to Ever Rich’s dedication to



improve service quality. The themed calendar launched by Ever Rich features 12 sportsmen who are aligned with the value of the brand. Ever Rich wants to pay tribute to every member who is dedicated to their work through the normal yet spectacular moments of "athletes at stadiums" and "frontline employees at work". Similar to the way tennis players focus on flexible defense and effective offense, our security team provides the best and reliable back-up for our customers. Like the way karate players treat their opponents with courtesy and respect, our customer service team provides the best service for tourists with the most sincere attitude. Like the excellent division of labor adopted by the handball team, the "pre-order the duty free items and collect them at the airport" system relies on close cooperation between various departments to provide excellent quality of service. Every Ever Rich member perfects the finest and smallest details to make our ultimate goal stand out. Brand New Uniform Design with the focus on Internationalization and Professionalism As frontline service team members at the airport, Ever Rich is dedicated to providing top-quality services to our local residents and tourists. To upgrade our professional brand image to a fresher look, Ever Rich changes its uniforms by the end of the year. Ever Rich has introduced local features by adopting “Taiwan Flower Cloth” to illustrate the passion of Taiwanese. Whereas the new uniform design focuses on“warm fashion”, using the contrast of deep blue and coral pink to express the


image of professionalism with the warmth and care in our service. With the alignment of international design, we aim to create a brand new image of the country. Different details of the new design have not only made the uniform easier to wear, but engrossed symbolic images with high practicality. The Little Prince flight scarf for our customer service team represents the routes between different destinations and shows the connectivity of the world through points, lines, and dimensions. The simple black suit jacket and slightly narrower trousers for our executives display the energy and determination to safeguard the service quality of Ever Rich. The new design for our sales team exhibits fashionable temperament, and the exclusive organizer bag is also extremely practical.

support for our Taiwanese athletes participating in the Tokyo Olympics. Ever Rich wishes them a great success! In this edition of VOYAGER we have interviewed three athletes featured in the themed calendar. Two of the interviewees are already confirmed to represent Taiwan in the Tokyo Olympics next year. The third has high hopes for winning a medal and is expected to qualify for the Olympic Games early next year. Let's learn more about their world!

Ever Rich understands that the pursuit of service quality excellence is an endless competition. Whether frontline service or logistics support, every employee must provide a high-quality and sincere service to exceed our customers’ expectations. Service Excellence has always been the core of our corporate and hospitality philosophy. Ever Rich welcomes all the passengers and "The Pride of the Nation" who arrive or depart from Taiwan's airports, and the release of "Striving for Perfection" calendar is the best proof of our


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臺灣泳史奧運 A 標第一人

Ta i w a n ’s f i r s t s w i m m e r e v e r to meet the Olympic A-level qualifying standard

臺灣男子 200 公尺混合式、 400 公尺混合式、400 公尺自由 式全國紀錄保持人(長水道)

Taiwan’s national record holder for the men’s 200-meter individual medley swimming, 400-meter individual medley swimming, and 200-meter individual freestyle swimming (long pool)

臺灣男子 200 公尺混合式、 400 公尺混合式、400 公尺自由 式全國紀錄保持人(短水道)

Taiwan’s national record holder for the men’s 200-meter individual medley swimming, 400-meter individual medley swimming, and 200-meter individual freestyle swimming (short pool)



Universiade Taiwan’s first swimmer ever to win a medal 全國運動會男子組自由式 800 公尺、400 公尺、200 公尺金牌 Universiade Men’s 200-meter, 400-meter, and 800-meter Freestyle Swimming Gold Medal 全國運動會男子組混合式 400 公尺、200 公尺金牌

Universiade Men’s 200-meter and 400-meter Individual Medley Swimming Gold Medal



Representing Taiwan in the 2020 Summer Olympics (Tokyo 2020)

1999 / 6 / 5 臺中出生,20 歲

Born on June 5th, 1999 in Taichung City, 20 years of age


Wang HsingHao


王星皓和他的游泳世界 Wang Hsing-Hao and the World of Swimming



分別是「A 標」、「B 標」,凡達到 A 標的選手得直接


前一屆奧運前 16 名選手的成績,計算出 2 種資格標準, 參加奧運,待各國 A 標名額排定,才會按比例釋放名額 給達到 B 標的選手。今年 8 月,當王星皓在香港游泳公 開賽上憑著超過奧運 A 標 0.23 秒的成績,一舉取得奧


裡脫不了身,反而消磨殆盡對游泳的熱情,王星皓總會 進越是困難辛苦,再怎麼辛苦怎麼累絕對都不是你的極 限!」因為極限是自己設下的障礙,如果出現障礙要想 突破就難了。

不用這麼累了!」不說你可能不知道,在他之前有機會 站上奧運賽場的臺灣選手們,每一位都是靠超過 B 標的

身分取得參賽資格,也就是說,其實在他取得奧運資格 的同時,也創下臺灣泳史未曾有過的紀錄。


生沒幾個月就把我丟下水,他們說我每次被丟下水都在 哭。」與如今比賽時奮力一搏、渾然忘我的模樣天差地


史。儘管自王星皓有印象以來,雙親一直都從事游泳教 練的工作,不過他正式投入游泳訓練的起點卻出人意料 地晚。國小 4、5 年級時「游泳」只是他用來逃避去安

親班的藉口,直到國小 6 年級跟著國中的學長們一同進

行晨操訓練,有了更多接觸游泳的時間,漸漸萌生把游 泳當作生活一部分的想法。


中時便開始參加各式比賽的王星皓,卡關的時間是在高 二全國中等學校運動會前夕,那時壓力曾大到讓他思考 過要不要繼續游泳,「現在遇到這種精神上的壓力覺得

▲ 2019 年 7 月 世 界 大 學 運 動 會 200 公 尺 混 合 式 項 目, 王 星 皓 的


national record in men’s 200-meter medley swimming at the 2019 Universiade in July, Wang Hsing-Hao has also become the first Taiwanese swimmer to ever win a medal at Universiade.

疲累時,我都會要求自己不要想,全然抽離游泳進入另 戲」他說,當個「阿宅」是他的另一種換氣方式。


上打破全國紀錄,並贏得 6 面金牌、2 面銀牌,不少選

手會逼著自己要去突破最佳紀錄,一旦突破後,接下去 的練習又得要比先前更拼,但再怎麼拼,身體會累、手



獎 牌 的 選 手。Besides achieving excellent results that broke the

Before each Olympic Games takes place, FINA always calculates and stipulates two qualifying standards: A-level (Olympic Qualifying Time) and B-level (Olympic Selection Time) according to the score results of the top 16 selected contestants during the previous Olympic Games. Athletes

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who attain A-level qualifying standard are allowed to directly participate in the Olympic Games, while the quota of athletes who have met the B-level qualifying standard will be released pro rata once the A-level athletes from each country are selected. When Wang Hsing-Hao finished his swim 0.23 seconds faster than the Olympics’ A-level qualifying standard at the Hong Kong Open Swimming Championships, the first thought that crossed his mind was “What a relief. At last I can finally get some rest!” You may not know this, but the Taiwanese athletes who have participated in the Olympic Games before Wang HsingHao had all attained the B-level qualifying standard, which means that Wang Hsing-Hao actually set a new national record at the same time that he qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics. “I started to learn swimming when I was very small. The joke is that my parents threw me into the water just a few months after I was born. They said that I would cry all the time each time they threw me into the water.” Entirely different from his focused and enthusiastic look during the competition, Wang Hsing-Hao laughed at the comical black history he had heard but could barely remember. Although his parents had been swimming instructors for as long as he could remember, he was unexpectedly quite late in officially engaging in swim training. “Swimming” was just a perfect excuse to avoid going to the cram school during fourth and fifth grades of elementary school. It was not until sixth grade that Wang Hsing-Hao had time to learn more about swimming through morning training with other classmates from junior high and gradually began considering swimming a part of his life.

Having failed to get a head start, he naturally hit the wall a little later than most. Wang Hsing-Hao started participating in all types of competitions and finally got stuck sometime before the National High School Games in the second year of senior high school. He felt so stressed that he even considered giving up swimming. “Now, when I feel totally worn-out as a result of emotional stress, I have learned not to think, to abandon those negative thoughts, and withdraw myself from swimming until I enter another world. This is why I tend to stay home and play online games all day on my rest days.” said Wang Hsing-Hao. To him, being a “geek” is a way of taking a much-needed breath. The day before our interview, Wang Hsing-Hao had just broken the national record in the National Games and won six gold medals and two silver medals. Many athletes tend to force themselves to break the best record and have no choice to practice more than ever once that new record is set. However, no matter how hard they try, the human body still gets tired, and the arms and legs ache. Some are so afraid of that physical pain that they cannot tolerate and get through it, and their passion for swimming eventually wears down and burns out. Wang Hsing-Hao always encourages himself, saying “competition results are like the submarine trench that is too deep to be seen. It only gets harder when we try to move forward. This can never be your ultimate limit no matter how difficult and tiring it is!” According to this outstanding swimmer, limits are only obstacles that one sets on his/her own, and then such barriers become impossible to overcome if they appear.


Ting Hua-Tien 丁華恬 2002 / 10 / 11 新北出生,17 歲

Born October 11th, 2002 in New Taipei City, 17 years of age



The National Games Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Individual All-Around Gold Medal


世界競技體操錦標賽平衡木項目排名第 10

Artistic Gymnastics World Championships Women’s Balance Beam Ranked no. 10


臺灣首位以自創動作名列國 際體操規則的選手

Taiwan’s first selected contestant whose own gymnastic routine was admitted into the gymnastics rules & regulations.

臺灣女子體操暌違 51 年後首 位取得奧運參賽資格的選手

Ta i w a n ’s f i r s t f e m a l e g y m n a s t qualified to participate in the Olympic Games since 1968.



Artistic Gymnastics Asian Championships Women’s Balance Beam Gold Medal 全國運動會女子組競技體操平衡木金牌

The National Games Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Balance Beam Gold Medal



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丁華恬和她的體操世界 Ting Hua-Tien and the World of Gymnastics


今年世界競技體操錦標賽後,除確定 2020 年將代






有定下什麼目標時?學姊想都沒想便脫口答道「參加奧 運」,換她回答時,她心想奧運實在太遙遠,於是說了


期許能站上奧運舞台,別說別人了,就連她本人都沒想 過這一段美麗的誤會竟有成真的一天。

字命名的地板動作獲得國際體操總會認證,正式編入國 即便如此,也不會因為這樣就成為個人招牌動作,每次

比賽都刻意將它編入,因為之於她而言,更重要的是想 練好動作的念頭,「我很喜歡練體操動作成功時的成就 感,當我成功做到一個動作,很像是我過了一關,可以 進階到下一關」她說。


假育樂營,起初純粹是出於興趣,約莫大班時開始以當 選手為前提訓練,上國小後的訓練辛苦程度更要比以前 多上許多,長時間打下的基礎終於在國小 6 年級那年有

了回報,一口氣拿下多面金牌,國二時更躋身國內優秀 選手行列,就她自己的形容是「慢慢一步步有比較優異 的表現」。去年立下目標後,一星期 6 天、每天 4 小時


法參賽,幸好皇天不負苦心人,她終究如願以償拿下奧 運資格,成了臺灣暌違 51 年後首位取得奧運參賽資格

的女子體操選手,「即使比賽時有失誤,表現不如預期, 後來得知還是可以參加奧運,第一時間只覺得『真的是 奇蹟』,還以為是在做夢」。



選手都會面臨到的課題。「我覺得已經會的動作卻做不 出原本應有的樣子是最大的挑戰,那種心裡明明想要做

到身體卻無法做到,而緊接著就要上場比賽,真是很痛 苦的經驗。」丁華恬舉身經百戰的體操界前輩⸺知名


樣,但凡重心不穩很容易便會失誤,能像他那樣面對整 場滿席的觀眾,仍舊頂住內心壓力完成動作、好好發揮 出實力,是她接下來對自我的期許。

“To be honest, I never thought that I would be a gymnast who could participate in the Olympic Games. It was not until last year after the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships that I accidentally discovered that I might actually be able to give it a try with my competition results. It then became my goal.” Ting Hua-Tien recalls being interviewed by a television station together with a classmate while in elementary school. When the interviewer asked them about their goals, her classmate blurted out, “I want to participate in the Olympic Games,” without a second thought. Thinking that the Olympic Games were too far away, the little girl answered, “I wish to partake in the National Games” when it came to her. She had no idea that the message would be later misrepresented, and everyone thought that she had always expected herself to become an Olympic athlete. She could not have imagined that such a beautiful misunderstanding would one day become true.


Ting Hua-Tien’s first experience in gymnastics took place at a recreational camp held by the school during winter and summer when she was in kindergarten. Starting purely out of interest, she later began to receive training to become an athlete. After entering elementary school, her training increased, and she had to make much more efforts than before. The solid foundation she laid and all the hardships she went through eventually paid her back during her last year in primary school: she won several gold medals consecutively. During her second year of junior high school, she became one of the country’s outstanding athletes, describing her journey: “it is possible to accomplish excellent performance if you take one step at a time.” After setting her goal last year, she started to practice four hours a day and six days per week. She even injured her back and wrist before the competition, making it almost impossible for her to participate in the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships. However, fortune always favors those who help themselves; Ting Hua-Tien ultimately obtained the qualifications for the Olympic Games and became Taiwan’s first female gymnast to qualify for the Olympic Games since 1967. “When I first learned that I could still go to the Olympic Games despite having made some mistakes at the competition and my performance not being as good as expected, I was astonished. I felt it was totally a miracle, like I must be dreaming or something.” No matter how long and how much athletes practice, they still have to learn how to avoid being influenced by stress before a performance and bring out their full competence and skills. All athletes have to deal with this task. “I think


the biggest frustration is when you fail to perform a move that you know you can already do the way it ought to be. I mean, you want to perform it well, your mind is telling you how to do it, but your body just won’t listen; then it is your turn to go on the field. It is a very painful experience.” Ting Hua-Tien takes Lee Chih-kai, the veteran gymnast and the celebrated national champion, as an example. Although he is apt at the pommel horse and an expert on the balance beam, just like herself, he can still easily make mistakes when losing balance. Being able to withstand both the inner and outer pressure, complete the performance, and redeem herself in front of all the spectators like Lee Chihkai is what she expects from herself. In addition to representing Taiwan in the 2020 Summer Olympics (Tokyo 2020) after the World Artistic Gymnastics C h a m p i o n s h i p s t h i s y e a r, T i n g H u a -T i e n e v e n s e t another record - a floor exercise was named after her and was officially admitted into the gymnastics rules and regulations with the International Federation of Gymnastics’ accreditation. This has never happened before in the field of Taiwan’s gymnastics. Nevertheless, this move will not become her personal signature move or be purposefully included in her performance during the games. To Ting Hua-Tien, the most important thing is practicing her routine and trying to make everything perfect. “What I like about practicing gymnastic exercises and moves is that it gives me a sense of achievement every time I successfully complete the routine. When I smoothly perform a movement, it feels like I have finally overcome an obstacle and can finally advance to the next level,” said Ting Hua-Tien.

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Taiwan’s first player to win the men’s singles championship in the East Asia Hopes Table Tennis Championships



Taiwan’s youngest representative team player ever to set a new record in the World Table Tennis Championships


T2 桌球鑽石聯賽馬來西亞站冠軍

2019 Champion of the Asia Pacific Table Tennis League, Malaysia 全國運動會男子組單打、雙打及混雙賽三冠王

Universiade men's singles, doubles, and mixed doubles champion 男子世界盃桌球賽銅牌

Bronze Medal at Men's Table Tennis World Cup



Expected to represent Taiwan in the 2020 Summer Olympics (Tokyo 2020)

國際桌球總會 (ITTF)男 子 球 員 世界排名第 7

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) male player ranked 7th in the world

男子世界盃桌球 賽有史以來最年輕 的銅牌得主

The Youngest Bronze Medalist of the Men's World Table Tennis Championship

林昀儒 2001 / 8 / 17 宜蘭出生,18 歲

Lin Yun-Ju Born on August 17th, 2001 in Yilan County, 18 years of age


林昀儒和他的桌球世界 Lin Yun-Ju and the World of Table Tennis

15 分鐘是林昀儒練習一個動作的時間,一個動作結


小時,一週 7 天之中唯獨一天不碰桌球,沒什麼意外基


束緊接著下一個動作的練習,早上 3 個小時、下午 3 個 本上出國比賽以外的日子他都是這麼度過,按理說對才 剛滿 18 歲的青年而言,如此規律的作息多少應該有些



在比賽場上的表現不愧對身邊幫助自己的每個人,這是 他唯一想得到也有把握能做好的事。

動力,長時間的練習也就不會覺得煩,或許相較其他人, 我少了很多能玩樂的機會,但是反過來想,我覺得現在 有能讓自己認真鑽研的事物也算不錯,不然整天閒閒沒 事做。」


從「整天閒閒沒事做」開始。國小 2 年級準備升 3 年級

的暑假,參加了宜蘭大學舉辦的暑期育樂營,一個禮拜 打 1 ~ 2 小時桌球,那時只覺得好玩;國小 3 年級正式

轉到桌球班,開始練習一天休息一天的生活,一年之後 竟成了全年級冠軍,國小 5 年級更遠赴國外參加比賽,

創下該賽事首位臺灣選手奪冠紀錄,此後「桌球神童」 的封號便如影隨形地跟著他,今年 T2 桌球鑽石聯賽馬

來西亞站,林昀儒甚至締造個人桌球生涯最佳紀錄,擊 敗球王級選手樊振東、馬龍拿下冠軍頭銜,國際桌球總

▲ 2019 年 7 月的 T2 桌球鑽石聯賽馬來西亞站上,林昀

儒擊敗球王級選手樊振東、馬龍奪下冠軍獎盃,意義非 凡, 更 因 此 於 國 際 桌 球 總 會 的 排 名 擠 進 世 界 前 10。Lin

Yun-Ju won the championship by defeating the kinglevel players Fan Zhendong and Ma Long in the Asia Pacific Table Tennis League Championship in Malaysia and successfully became one of the world’s top 10 male players recognized by International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

會的男子球員排名一口氣擠進前 10。



是最不像選手的選手,身體的體型、體能都跟印象中的 運動選手不同,不過這也才是特色,要當頂尖的選手就 一定得有特殊性。」任職宜蘭大學休閒產業與健康促進

學系的林爸爸說道,當他說這段話的時候,神色裡滿是 驕傲。事實上,自國小 4 年級聘請個人教練、2 年多前

自費翻修整建國家標準級的練習場地,再到近來量身規 劃一週 3 天的體能訓練,他總是默默付出,比誰都還關 心林昀儒的發展。

不久前拿下 2019 年全國運動會男子組單打、雙打、

混雙賽 3 面金牌的林昀儒,更在 2019 年男子世界盃桌 056

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

Lin Yun-Ju practices a single exercise for 15 minutes, and the next exercise immediately follows. He practices three hours in the morning and another three hours in the afternoon, six days a week. This is how he spends his days when he is not traveling abroad for tournaments. For a teenager who just turned 18, such a regimented life and daily routine should seem boring and monotonous, but Lin Yun-Ju does not seem to mind at all. “Perhaps it is because I have my goal to achieve, which has become my driving force, and so I am not annoyed by prolonged practice periods. It may seem like I am given less of a chance to have fun than others, but I think it is nice to have something in which I very much like to be engaged, or I might just goof around all day.” Interestingly, looking back to when Lin Yun-Ju started to learn about table tennis, it was exactly when he truly had nothing to do but goof around all day. In the summer between grades 2 and 3 in elementary school, Lin YunJu attended a summer recreation camp held by Yilan University. There, he played table tennis for a couple of hours each week just for fun. He officially transferred to table tennis class, where he began practicing table tennis every other day in the third grade of elementary school and unexpectedly became the champion of the entire grade level. In the fifth grade, he traveled abroad to participate in international competitions and became Taiwan’s first player to win a championship in that game. The title “child prodigy” henceforth followed him everywhere. Lin YunJu even defeated Fan Zhendong and Ma Long, both king-level players, and won the championship by setting the best record of his personal sports career this year in the Asia Pacific Table Tennis League Championship in Malaysia. He successfully became one of the world’s top 10 male players according to the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

Despite such fruitful results, anyone who sees Lin Yun-Ju just walking on the street may not consider him an athlete if they didn’t recognize him. “He is an athlete who does not look like one. The shape of his body and physical fitness are extremely different from the impression we have of traditional athletes. However, this is exactly what makes him distinctive. You need to have a specific particularity to be a top player,” said Lin Yun-Ju’s father, a teacher from the Department of the Leisure Industry and Health Promotion at Yilan University. We perceived a confident and satisfied look in his eyes while talking. In fact, he hired a private coach in the fourth grade, spent two years renovating and rehabilitating the practice field to national standards at his own expense to tailor-make the three-day-per-week physical training program; as a father, he always made behind-the-scenes contributions, showing great concern for Lin Yun-Ju’s future development. Having just won three medals for the men's singles, doubles and mixed doubles at the 2019 Universiade, Lin Yun-Jun clinched yet another bronze medal at the 2019 Men's Table Tennis World Cup and became that game's youngest bronze medalist in history. The new-generation star in Taiwanese table tennis circles, Lin Yun-Jun is now preparing to challenge himself to qualify for the 2020 Summer Olympics at the end of the year. He admits that he does not have many thoughts on this matter and tends to let nature take its own course. His only hope is that he can give a performance that meets the expectations of those who have helped him along the way on the field. This is all he thinks of and feels quite confident that he can do it well.



Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang、黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、陳信方 Letter Chen.Styling by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang. Photography by 洪上均 Uliz Hung

論 品 味 養 成 必 得 先 了 解 流 行, 既 然 如 此, 以 下 整 理 出 的 10 組 關 鍵 字、 64 件“IT”items, 節 慶 時 刻 絕 對 得 好 好 留 心 一 番。 Trendspotting comes

before sophistication. These 10 keywords and 64 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2020 Holiday Collection.



PRADA 手提包 Handbag / GUCCI 肩背包 Shoulder Bag /

BURBERRY Horseferry Print 肩背包 Shoulder Bag / SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Boxyz 迷你手提包 Minibag

0 06 60 0

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V TA G S | 流 行 關 鍵 字





今年秋冬,GUCCI 伸展台即帶來了眾多色調深邃





取代張揚的正紅色,成為冬末初春最迷人的流行色彩, 充滿力量的意義。

的提包,在華麗的造型中增添了戲劇感性,搭配柔和 妳在一片暗沈的冬季大膽一試。


Cassette 肩背包 Shoulder Bag



水桶包 Bucket Bag

G-Timeless 女錶 Watch



Small Aby DAY

肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Quilted Check Color Block Lola 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Parker 肩背包 Top Handle Bag


肩背包 Shoulder Bag

SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Studio 肩背包 Shoulder Bag



SWAROVSKI Palace Y 字頸鍊 Necklace / SWAROVSKI Nice 珍珠密鑲羽毛耳環 Earrings / APM Les Hirondelles 不對稱燕耳環 Earrings / APM ROCK 鑲酒紅色環扣戒指 Ring / APM Pop Lucky Eye 璀璨之眼戒指 Ring

VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l .l2. 2 33

0 06 6 22










大衣、圍巾和毛帽披披掛掛的冬季,只要戴上精緻、內斂的輕奢珠寶就能輕鬆跳脫厚 重的造型。


隨著身體擺動,自然地搖曳生姿,也能延伸頸部線條,展現柔美、飄逸的風格,更適 合色彩極簡的穿搭。


Nice 羽毛晶串

長耳環 Earrings


ROCK 鑲酒紅色

環扣手鐲 Bracelet


Naughty 黑羽毛

流蘇耳環 Earrings


Boyfriend 藏青母貝戒 Ring


Nice 羽毛雙線

晶串頸鍊 Necklace



Boyfriend 藏青橢圓片金手環 Bracelet

Nice 羽毛晶串 Y 字頸鍊 Necklace 部分商品數量有限,售完為止。實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店。









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超未來肌因賦活露 100ml

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光萃肌活露 50ml

Reset Oil in Serum 50ml CNY


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皇家蜂王乳平衡油 50ml

Abeille Royale Youth Watery Oil 50ml 2020 CNY


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CK ONE CNY Edition EDT 100ml


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Mega Mushroom Treatment Lotion 200ml CNY 2020 Limited Edition


紅妍肌活露 100ml 限量版

Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate 100ml



First Care Activating Serum Duo CNY Limited Edition


00 66 55

# SANDY 內 斂 沙色


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0 06 68 8

VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l .l2. 2 33



精緻 黑潮


反而更講究細膩度與質感。隨著機能風潮的興起,防刮的 PVC 皮革與大口 袋設計的後背包越來越受年輕型男們歡迎,這種在面料或剪裁上些許的粗獷 感,反而能帶給簡約的穿搭更多層次,也不會顯得過於老氣或正經。

象 徵 個 性 與 地 位 的 腕 錶 也 是 如 此, 全 黑 錶 盤 的 機 械 錶 與 黑 色 錶 帶

的 結 合, 成 了 近 年 最 耀 眼 的 男 性 配 件, 也 恰 好 搭 上 從 去 年 吹 拂 至 今 的 「Cyberpunk」暗黑科技風潮,搭配運動裝束也相當合適,讓你看似低調卻 不單調。


後背包 Backpack GUCCI

相機包 Camera Bag


手拿包 Clutch


手提包 Top Handle Bag

公事包 Briefcase


Hydro Conquest 男錶 Watch


Multifort 男錶





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以美國橡木桶及 250 公升桶熟成,採用最優質原物


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蘇格登格蘭都蘭 41 年單一麥芽威士忌

The Singleton Glendullan Aged 41 Year Old

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1988 PX Sherry Cask Finish

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V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3


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高品質的精緻巧克力為目標,全新、獨一 無二的開心果口味,完美結合了牛奶巧克

力,不管是包覆著開心果的巧克力球,或 是研磨之後摻入製成精巧片狀,送禮自用

兩相宜。重點是這款新口味,只在免稅店 銷售!



1. 限 量 版 開 心 果 軟 心 巧 克 力 桶 裝 禮 盒 Lindor with

Pistachio Limited Edition / 2. 限量版精緻綜合巧克力

片開心果禮盒 Assorted Naps with Pistachio Limited Edition





樂為而聞名全世界。此次與眾多知名 IP 聯 名:全球最知名的小小兵,環遊世界點心桶

採創新外型設計,內附貼紙能打造出專屬的 小小兵。侏羅紀公園裡最受歡迎的迅猛龍、

霸王龍和三角龍,也化身成栩栩如生的外盒 造型超吸睛。冒險女孩則兼具實用以及時尚 性,巧克力吃完後外盒還可變身為手拿包。 KINDER 健達

a. 小小兵環遊世界出奇蛋 Surprise T6 Minions

b. 冒險女孩出奇蛋 Surprise T3 Adventure Girls c. 侏羅紀公園出奇蛋 Surprise T3 Jurassic


b V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3


老字號的比利時巧克力品牌 Neuhaus 是皇室的指


Ⅰ. 珍巧典藏禮盒 History Collection Box


Ⅱ. 咖啡夾心巧克力原裝禮盒 Coffee & Pralines Origin Box

力禮盒,內含從 2 種咖啡豆所衍生出來 6 種風味、共 24 顆巧克力。珍巧典藏禮盒則收藏 Neuhaus 從 1857

年創立以來,14 個重要階段的不同經典風味。禮盒設 計精巧美觀,還附贈優雅購物袋一只。

II I c


00 77 33

我們的旅行不是從故事開 始,而是從「探險」開始! The story behind the Black King Kong Peanut Brownie

黑金剛花生布朗尼 Black King Kong Peanut Brownie

獨特的三段式口感,結合黑金剛花生蛋糕和扎實的巧克力布朗尼, 中層使用臺灣特有的黑金剛花生醬。一盒 9 入,原產地臺灣。

昇 恆 昌 免 稅 商 店 2016 年 與 東 京 香 蕉(TOKYO


BANANA)風靡全亞洲的日本伴手禮大廠 GrapeStone

客們最愛打卡拍照上傳到 IG 發揮無限創意。雖然臺灣

誌外型輕巧好攜帶,在今年 11 月誕生了新口味,以臺


合作:Taipei Sweet 主打「可以吃的雜誌」為主題。雜 灣特有之黑金剛花生製作日式和菓子,這期封面人物以


描述人生就像一場旅行,每段路都是一種領悟,細細 品嚐布朗尼的同時,靜心閱讀第三期封面人物的獨家專

訪,或許能有不同的體悟,多一分察覺自我,踏上探索 自己的旅程。


面積不大,秘境之美,魅力卻毫不遜色,小小的土地上 讓人回味無窮的自然景色,尤其臺灣的山青水秀,高山


說,旅行的 DNA,就是探險!於是他走遍世界各國,

臺灣是他最愛的國家,而且每年都來,問他是什麼原因, 讓他年年必訪? 「是黑金剛花生!讓我念念不忘。」黑 仔靦腆笑說。





硒、鈣、錳、鐵、銅等各種維生素、礦物質及 19 種人

不多話,內心充滿著源源不絕的行動力,靠著敏銳的感 食,是公認最敢玩的探險王!


體必需的氨基酸,是普通花生的 10 倍之多,而透過日 本的技術,將黑金剛花生的精髓打入布朗尼中,其香味 與濃稠度均超越一般花生。


曼·梅爾維爾 : 「真正的地方永遠都不會出現在地圖上。」 這部小說充滿隱喻象徵與探求未知的勇氣,正如同第三 期雜誌「探險號」的封面人物-黑仔將帶領讀者們到臺

灣的各個角落,探究每一處秘辛,挖掘神秘的力量,把 勇敢探險的態度,分享給旅行愛好者。

00 77 44

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3






Fantastic Summer Party

Text by 黃巧惠 Jamie Huang・Translated by 蔡雅婷 Tsai Ya-Ting

為感謝 iRich VIP 長期以來的支持,特別規劃了一場

別開生面的親子活動,以「音樂 vs. 夏日」為主題,透

過精彩豐富的演出、寓教於樂的手作,陪大小朋友度過 開心的午後時光。

於昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 HOME GARDEN 餐廳舉辦的

這場活動,開場前就已經感受到大人小孩共聚一堂的熱 鬧氣氛。當天昇恆昌別出心裁地安排了氣球師、魔術師 與在場來賓近距離互動,炒熱現場氣氛。


鼓的序幕奏開場,瞬間吸引了現場所有的目光;接著以 律音管結合戲劇的呈現、酒瓶敲擊聲搭配行進小鼓,演 出詹姆斯龐德系列電影、動畫〈妖怪手錶〉等膾炙人口



亦邀請小朋友上台互動玩起敲擊樂,引領台下觀眾一同 敲擊小型樂器,把歡樂氣氛帶到最高潮。


隊帶領親子們一同進行音樂盒 DIY,木質的材料讓人感

受到自然所帶來的愉悅與幸福,多款造型繽紛可愛的零 件,讓 DIY 組裝充滿驚喜樂趣。現場大小朋友們各自發 揮創意,設計專屬的音樂盒,完成手作後,還帶著成品



開心的回憶紀念珍藏,替幸福滿載的一天畫下完美句點。 Thanks to the long-standing support of iRich VIP, Ever Rich specially organized the "Music vs. Summer" event, which featured rich and colorful performances, as well as instructions

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 3

V SCENES | 遊歷記事





1&2. 活動正式開始前,氣球師、魔術師與在場貴賓們互動,為稍後的活動暖場。Before the event officially begins, the balloon artist and magician interact

with VIPs at the site to warm up for the event. 3-6. 鼓玩擊樂團以各式敲擊樂器進行演奏,帶來極具感染力的演出,並邀請小朋友上台一同表演。The band

“Good One Percussion” performs with a variety of percussion instruments for a most inspiring performance, and children are also invited to perform with them. 7&8. 下半場的音樂盒 DIY 體驗,現場大、小朋友們發揮創意,充分享受手作的樂趣。With the DIY music box experience, all of the adults and children

demonstrate their creativity and fully enjoy the fun and pleasure of making something by hand.

for entertaining using DIY hand-made activities; friends of all

During the show, the performers also invited children to

ages enjoyed this wonderful parent-child experience.

enjoy interactive percussion music and led the audience to tap small instruments together, achieving an atmosphere of

The event was held at the HOME GARDEN restaurant

complete joy.

in the Ever Rich flag-ship store, a balloon artist and magician were invited to perform and interact with our valuable guests.

The second half of the event was also related to music.

Even before the event started, everyone who participated in

The Ever Rich team led parents in creating a collaborative

the parent-child activity could feel the joyful atmosphere.

DIY music box. The warmth of the wood delivered a magical wonder and happiness from nature. The colorful inner parts

At the beginning of the event, the well-known band

of various designs allowed everyone to enjoy the fun of

"Good One Percussion" opened with drum-head buckets

DIY activity. At this event, friends of all ages displayed their

and Taiko drums, which instantly grabbed the audience’s

individual talents as they designed their exclusive musical

attention. Then, the band presented boom-whackers

boxes. After completing the hand-made work, they were able

combined with their playing, as well as wine-bottle knocking

to bring their DIY creations to the photo area for photos.

with a snare-drum march as they performed some well-known

At the end, Ever Rich helped with printing the photos taken

theme songs from the James Bond film series and animations

at the event and framed them beautifully, so that all of the

like "Yo-kai Watch". With their passion and energy, the

distinguished guests can cherish the wonderful memories of a

performance earned a round of applause from the full house.

fun time, a perfect ending to a happy day.



Shopping Directory A


APM 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

EMPORIO ARMANI– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

ASUS 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

ESTÉE LAUDER 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網


EVER RICH JEWELRY 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BALLY 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網


BIOTHERM 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

FITBIT 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BOSE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄


BOTTEGA VENETA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 BURBERRY – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 C CALVIN KLEIN – 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CHLOÉ– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 CILOCALA 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

GOPRO 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 腕錶 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 GUERLAIN 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

COACH– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網



HUGO BOSS– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

DIPTYQUE 機場免稅商店 – 松山

HOGAN 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店

I INNISFREE 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 臺中


Shopping Directory K


KIEHL'S 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

PABLO 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

KINDER 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 L LANCÔME 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 LINDT 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 / 基隆港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 L'OCCITANE 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 LONGINES 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 M MAISON MARGIELA 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 MIDO 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 N NEUHAUS 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 NEW ERA 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 O ORIGINS 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

PRADA – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 S SALVATORE FERRAGAMO– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SAMSUNG 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SHISEIDO 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SULWHASOO 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SWAROVSKI 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口|網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 ※ 太陽眼鏡於昇恆昌全區賣場提供選購

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