VOYAGER Vol. 22 2019 F/W Ever Rich昇恆昌機場誌第22期

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昇 華 之 熱 CHAPTER






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016 V SELECT 風格選物 016

無論妳是帶刺的玫瑰、高雅的蘭花,還是開朗又高貴的 鬱金香,只要忠於最適合自己的花語,就能讓美麗自由 又率性地綻放。

008 V SPOT 熱點推薦


事不可不知?千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。 Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you!

010 V BADGE 大勢品牌

為滿足品味旅人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納 入珍藏的高端精品,以及風格獨特的設計師品牌。

To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands.


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Whether you are a rose with thorns, an elegant orchid, or a bright and fancy tulip, let your beauty bloom naturally if you are true to yourself.

022 V VIEW 名家視野

喜歡大都會的新潮繁華,也愛地方人文風情的張維中, 旅居東京多年,分享了小鎮時光的魅力;長年在部落格 上深度評析世界甜點趨勢的陳穎,別出心裁規劃了一趟 品味巴黎的甜點之旅。

Zhang has been residing in Tokyo for years. While he loves the hustle and bustle of big cities, he is enthusiastic about the wonder of non-urban lifestyles. Chen has always been an active blogger, contributing her in-depth insight to the field of desserts. She has planned a dessert pilgrimage to Paris and would love to share her experience with those who just can't live without something sweet.

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030 V TOPIC 主題企劃

雖 然 咖 啡 店 的 遍 地 開 花, 使 得 臺 灣 茶 的 勢 力 漸 趨 式 微, 仍 有 人 懷 抱 信 念, 堅 持 傳 遞 臺 灣 茶 的 美 好, 本 期

《VOYAGER》 將循傳統、新穎路線,介紹全臺 6 處品茶


The rise of cafés throughout Taiwan has led to the relative decline of tea. Nevertheless, many persistently hold on to their faith in the beauty of Taiwanese tea. In this issue, VOYAGER is proud to shine some light on six tea shops throughout Taiwan that vividly contrast modernization with tradition.

044 V LUGGAGE 名人開箱

身兼玩偶製作師、時尚工作者的陳振龍,每趟旅行總滿 載而歸,既帶回當地的所見所聞,也收藏了不少時裝、 公仔、書籍,聽他娓娓道來那些旅遊教會他的事。

As a doll maker and fashion designer, Chan is always proud of his trips, with a hefty harvest of both material and spiritual gains. He is a collector of fashion goods, dolls, and books. Allow him to share what he has acquired from his rich travel experience.

050 V TAGS 流行關鍵字


13 組關鍵字、87 件“IT”items,秋冬絕對得好好留心 一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These thirteen keywords and 87 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2019 F/W.

068 V SCENES 遊歷記事


022 出版發行:昇恆昌股份有限公司

Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation 發行人:江松樺

Publisher: Simon Chiang


Supervisory Manager: Samuel Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chiong 總編輯:張勝傳

Editor-in-Chief: Markus Chang

地址:11494 臺北市內湖區新湖二路 289 號

Address: No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei 11494, Taiwan, R.O.C.

客戶服務電話:0800098668 Service Line: 0800098668

網址 編輯統籌:黑潮文化股份有限公司

Editorial Coordination: Kuroshio Culture Co. Ltd. 主編:賴宗炫

Managing Editor: Kenneth Lai 設計統籌:謝喬伃

Design Coordination: Joy Chiao-Yu Hsieh 封面插畫:Johnnp

Cover Illustration: Johnnp


Editor: Kirstie Wang, Letter Chen, Jamie Huang, Chenjou 英譯:張志芃、蔡雅婷、郭咏杰、黃志健、金家如、陳穎

Translator: Chang Chih Peng, Tsai Ya Ting, Kuo Yung Chieh, Wong Chee Kin, Chin Chia Ju, Ying C. 攝影:洪上鈞、留榮鋒、王思予、張季禹

Photography: Uliz Hung, Luke Liu, Emma SY Wang, Yu Chang 英文校稿:謝志明

Proofreader: Anatoly Semenov 本刊編輯內容之版權為本刊所有,非經本刊同意與授權不得作任何形式之複製或轉載。 Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.

眼界就有多寬。玩味生活,讓每個日常隨著玩心變得多 姿多采。

Your vision will shape your reality. Embrace every adventurous moment to make your life shine brighter.

074 V GUIDE 城市指南

最快認識一座城市的方式莫過於有人帶路,本期《VOYAGER》 將帶你體驗西伯利亞鐵路上一路流動的風景。

In this issue, VOYAGER invites you to take pleasure in the swiftly passing scenery on a Trans-Siberian train.

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EDITOR’S NOTE 這 期《VOYAGER》 裡 我 們 首 度 公 開 了 臺

北 松 山 機 場 全 新 的 美 妝 香 氛 品 牌 概 念 店, 包 括

In this issue of VOYAGER, we bring you the news

about our newly opened beauty and fragrance

了 GIORGIO ARMANI、YSL, 國 人 非 常 喜 愛 的

concept stores at Taipei Songshan Airport, including

頂尖國際品牌 TOM FORD。希望未來由松山機場

and top international brand TOM FORD which is a

KIEHL’S、JO MALONE, 及 首 度 進 駐 昇 恆 昌 的 出境的旅客,能夠享受更高規格的免稅購物樂趣。

such brands as GIORGIO ARMANI, YSL, loved by

our Taiwanese customers KIEHL'S and JO MALONE, new addition to our Ever Rich store. We hope that


in the future the passengers departing from Taipei


American writer Henry Miller said: "One's destination



Songshan Airport will enjoy the highest level of taxfree shopping.

is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."


In this issue of VOYAGER, we also try to look at the


who through her unique lens language takes us on a


張維中介紹了他眼中的日本,並告訴我們為什麼 臺灣人這麼喜歡去日本旅遊的原因;巴黎甜點界 知名 KOL 陳穎(Ying C.)帶著我們以甜點品嚐 世界甜點首都⸺巴黎。


這個美麗的地球最近正以極快的速度毀滅中,在 各地的氣溫屢創新高的同時,植物體內的水分降 低就變得易燃,不只亞馬遜雨林發生大規模的火

world in some new ways. We invited three celebrities:

Kat Leung, an experienced writer and photographer tour through the pristine northern scenery on TransSiberian railway; Zhang Weizhong, a travel writer who

introduces his favorite places in Japan and explains

why Taiwanese like to travel there; and Ying C., a famous KOL who unveils the story behind the best pastries in the world's dessert capital, Paris.

We travel because we want to see the beauty of the world. But natural disasters on our beautiful planet

have been happening at a very fast speed recently, with the temperatures in many places reaching new


records and as the result, the plants get dehydrated


rainforests of the Congo Valley, known as the “Lungs


各地旅遊美景時,我們也希望大家要以更愛護地 球的方法看世界,讓「環保」不只是口號或是發

生在新聞事件中的議題,而是你我生活中都需盡 一份力的生活態度。

and become flammable, leading to large-scale fires

in the Amazon rainforests and Siberia; the tropical

of Africa”, have also experienced catastrophic wildfires which are still continuing. This issue of VOYAGER

introduces the beauty of the local tourism, and we hope that everyone will look at the world in a more

sympathetic way, so that "environmental protection" is

not just a slogan or a topic that appears in daily news, but something that all of us have to deal with in our daily life.

總編輯 張勝傳

Markus Chang, Editor-in-Chief


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哪裡有好看、好吃、好用、好玩的?哪些新鮮貨、新鮮事不可不知? 千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。

Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you! Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Translated by 黃志健 Wong Chee Kin


喜歡黑巧克力的人看過來!愛 爾蘭規模最大的奢華巧克力製

造商 BUTLERS 推出迷你黑巧克


濃度分別包裹有海鹽焦糖、焦 糖、 杏 仁、 柳 橙 等 風 味 內 餡, 專門用來裝甜點的那個胃準備 好了嗎?

Bittersweet BUTLERS, the largest fancy chocolate maker in Ireland, has launched dark chocolate mini bars in the cocoa luxuriant flavors of 85%, 78%, and 70%, including Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Crunch and Dark Almond and Orange. Are you ready to try them? If you love dark chocolate, DO NOT MISS out on BUTLERS Chocolates!



承宗,自 2016 年起開始一系列的大型裝置藝術創作。作品中總能見到

老物件的設計元素或快失傳的製作技法,被賦予尺寸、功能截然不同以 往的新生命。

Recommendation The artist Cheng Tsung Feng has been engaging in a series of artistic mega installations since 2016. He excels at finding what is hidden in old things and reinterpreting them in his own way. His craftsmanship blends innovation and tradition to bring new life to old things.

【從傳統學創造——范承宗的空間裝置藝術】 Learning to create a design from tradition: installation art by Cheng Tsung Feng

2019/07/26 - 10/31

BUTLERS 迷你黑巧克力

桃園國際機場第二航廈 C1 文化藝廊 C1 Art Gallery, Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport

Dark Chocolate Mini Bars


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V S P OT | 熱 點 推 薦

深獲旅客喜愛的 KIPLING,繼去年推出昇恆昌


賣的 8 種包款。戴上太陽眼鏡的猩猩吊飾及彩

色織帶,洋溢著輕鬆旅行的風格,男女皆適用。 Meaning of Travel



臺中國際機場 1 樓入境大廳 1F Arrival Hall, Taichung International Airport

The KIPLING exclusive for Ever Rich collection was a hit in 2018, and a new collection has also been launched in 2019 with eight exclusive styles. The gorilla in sunglasses charm and colorful band present a carefree style ideal for both men and women.

昇恆昌嚴選茗茶、來自臺灣的安心優質鮮乳、赤崁的黑 糖,保留山谷裡的甘美汁液,以及優質原物料自身的濃醇 香甜,純粹的風味佐上熱情的溫度,讓旅客入喉的每一口 都能嘗到回甘的幸福好滋味。 Come STAY FUN Ever Rich has carefully selected premium tea, high-quality local fresh milk, and Tainan's brown sugar, preserving the mellow flavor of mountain tea and the distinctive taste of fine ingredients for our customers. The authentic flavors mixed with passion bring happiness to customers in every cup.

昇恆昌獨家商品 Ever Rich Exclusive KIPLING DEFEA UP 手提肩背兩用包


【我是李根在】是設計師李根在自 2002 年辭掉大學教職赴

紐約後的第一個創作,建基自安迪沃荷七〇年名言,以個 人名字、所思所想、對社會觀察等進行的一系列創作。究

竟由設計衍生的創作行為和傳統設計之間的關係,能創造 出什麼樣的可能? Linear Art “I am Lee, Ken-Tsai” is the very first creation, made as the designer Lee Ken-Tsai left for New York in 2002 after resigning from the faculty. Inspired by Andy Warhol quotes from the 1970s, he conducted a series of creations using his name and his personal thoughts and perspectives, apart from his social observations. What kinds of sparks can his blended design of tradition and creativity bring?

【我是李根在】字體美學概念展 “I am Lee, Ken-Tsai” Typography Aesthetics Concept Exhibition

2019/07/17 - 11/13

臺北松山機場文化藝廊 Cultural Gallery, Taipei Songshan Airport


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BADGE 流行趨勢如光速般更迭,時尚型人的眼光也越來越挑剔;為滿足品味旅

人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納入行李箱珍藏的高端精品,還 有風格獨特的設計師品牌,讓每一趟旅程、每一場冒險,都充滿獨特的 回憶與自信。

Fashion trends change quickly, fashionistas become pickier. To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands to ensure special memories and confidence after each journey.

Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung

Translated by 張志芃 Chang Chih Peng

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V BADGE | 大勢品牌

擁有百年歷史的丹麥皇室精品 GEORG

JENSEN 以銀製工藝起家,擁有精湛技術與


永恆、原創的設計美學,為北歐高級珠寶第 一品牌,承載著丹麥設計獨有的純淨與高雅,

不隨波逐流的精神,讓每件作品都有如頂級 雕塑品般歷久不衰。


GEORG JENSEN 完美工藝的特點,其柔和與



現代風格的清晰創作,流露著設計師對大自 然的迷戀,無論是月光、水波、光影與花蕾, 都是他的設計靈感來源。若你也喜歡 GEORG JENSEN 作品觸動人心、能為人帶來寧靜平

和的氣息,不妨在啟程前至昇恆昌開設的全 新櫃位,好好感受一場斯堪地那維亞的生活 美學。

1. Offspring 18K 黃 金 鑲 鑽 戒 指 18K Y.G. Diamond Ring / 2. New Fusion 18K 黃金白金鑲鑽石鏤空鍊墜

18K Y.G. Diamond Pendant / 3. Mercy 純銀紐結耳


環 Silver Earrings / 4. Vivianna 圈 鑽 手 鐲 錶 Bangle

Watch, Diamond Bezel / 5. Mercy 純 銀 渦 紋 耳 環 Silver Earrings

商店資訊 Shop Info


昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store /昇恆昌免稅購物網 011

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1 今年 32 歲的義大利籍時尚部落客


Chiara Ferragni,十年前原本只個平 凡的大學生畢業生,靠著成立個人部 落 格「The Blonde Salad」 分 享 穿 衣

心得與搭配技巧在網路成名,如今在 Instagram 上 已 擁 有 1 千 7 百 多 萬 追



1. 後背包 Backpack / 2. 短袖 T 恤 T-Shirt / 3. 亮片平底鞋 Gliter

2010 年成立了同名女鞋品牌,以一只

商店資訊 Shop Info


Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store /昇恆昌高雄

俏皮的眨眼標誌擄獲粉絲的心,其亮 最愛不釋手的熱門單品,風格活潑且 獨具個性的妳絕對要擁有。


昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu / 昇 恆 昌 桃 園 國 際 機 場 店 Ever 國際機場店 Ever Rich Kaohsiung Int’l Airport Store /昇恆昌免稅購物網

MARC JACOBS 的 包 款 就 和 設 計 師 本 人 一 樣 向 來 大

膽、 多 變, 在 時 裝 周 街 拍 擁 有 超 高 曝 光 度 的 Snap Shot 相

機包即是近年最火紅的單品,擁有繽紛配色、各式皮革拼接 與亮眼的寬背帶,包身硬挺又耐用,加上價格平易近人,是 許多小資女必入手的清單之一。

除了 Snap Shot 相機包,能手提的 The Little Shot 以

及形狀正方的大容量包款 The Box Bag 皆是百搭的包款,

背去上班、參加派對或側背搭配休閒造型皆相當合適,背帶 的款式、長短更可以依照不同場合任意更換,徹底滿足了實 用性與時尚度。

Mini Compact 皮夾 Wallet

商店資訊 Shop Info

肩背包 Little Big Shot

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu /昇恆昌高雄國際 機場店 Ever Rich Kaohsiung Int’l Airport Store 012

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V BADGE | 大勢品牌

TOM FORD BEAUTY 一直是眾多女性心中的夢幻彩

背景的 Tom Ford,也將他對光影、線條、結構與色彩層

題與搶購風潮,又以設計師 Tom Ford 一生中重要人物

華的代表―TOM FORD 私人調配定制系列香氛,以 26


命名的「BOYS & GIRLS」唇膏系列最具話題性,標榜無 色差的顯色度與高質感包裝,一直是 TOM FORD 唇膏 中最值得入手的系列。



次感的敏銳度投注於彩妝與香氛產品中,如香水界最奢 款私人調香展現 TOM FORD 對「專屬」與「獨特性」 的注重,可以說是此生必敗的香水。 商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌臺北松山機場店 Ever Rich Taipei Songshan Airport Store 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


Private Blend Lost Cherry


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Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai

2.0 版的免稅購物原來可以如此享受

The new look of Taipei Songshan Airport

Enjoy shopping at the upgraded Ever Rich Duty Free Shop


「創意生活 +」及「舒活有氧休憩區」於去年底開幕,

加上今年「美妝香氛區」全新落成,近期從松山機場出 境的旅客,候機時肯定有煥然一新的感受。一改過往空


JO MALONE 英 國 梨 與 小 蒼 蘭 珍 藏 版 香 氛 組 合 English Pear & Freesia Collectible Tin Set


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間的限制,昇恆昌以 2 年的規劃、耗時 8 個月擴建裝修, 2019 年更引進眾多國際香化品牌進駐,如今進化過的 松山機場更增添不少獨樹一格的魅力。

熱銷商品 DIPTYQUE 肌膚之華淡香精 Fleur de Peau

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品牌專賣店 打造非凡購物享受 全新的美妝香氛區在松山機場首開先例,像是導入

Beauty World 將品味進行到底 值得一提的還不只如此,座落於品牌專賣店旁偌大


的「Beauty World」,昇恆昌同樣挹注了大量心力,從



道上,密集度遠勝桃園國際機場;更獨步全臺機場,率 品牌,種種規劃無非是為了提升旅客選購的樂趣。



以及 展 現 新 氣 象的前提下,最終選出 5 個代表品牌: KIEHL'S、JO MALONE、GIORGIO ARMANI、YSL、 TOM FORD,其中不乏初次進駐松山機場,或是首次在 臺灣機場開設專賣店的重磅品牌。

5 間品牌專賣店的陳列設計都延續著品牌原有風


獨賣加大版,還有品牌優惠套組;此外,開放式設計讓 購物空間更舒適,走在店內旅客能拿起商品實際試用,

好好了解商品特色,加上店內免費提供的快速妝容體 驗、護手保養等服務,完全顛覆免稅店「買了就走」的 刻板印象。

最根本的空間設計便能明顯感受到。呼應旅行概念的空 覆以往免稅店就是白牆白櫃的刻版印象,改以金屬鑲邊

設計,提升精緻度;更別具巧思地將展示櫃及囤放商品 的抽屜刻意設計成行李箱外型,透過極富旅行感的細節 加深時尚氣息及購買慾望。當中更有著專屬臺灣製品的

商品專區,陳列多款臺灣品牌保養品、面膜,由此可見 昇恆昌推廣臺灣的用心用意。

看到這是不是已經迫不及待想體驗 2.0 版的松山機

場美妝香氛區?下回出遊時不妨親自走訪一番,包準能 感受到截然不同的免稅購物新體驗。透過極富旅行感的 細節加深時尚氣息及購買欲望。


AVEDA 蘊活系列特惠組 Invati Advanced™ System


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Text & Styling by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung


又高貴的鬱金香,只要忠於最適合自己的花語, 就能讓美麗自由又率性地綻放。

Whether you are a rose with thorns, an elegant orchid, or a bright and fancy tulip, let your beauty bloom naturally if you are true to yourself.

Floral Design by 章淨涵 Jessie Chang、徐穎 Ingi Hsu Translated by 黃志健 Wong Chee Kin

TOD’S 手提包 Top Handle Bag / SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Zeri 芭蕾平底鞋 Ballet Flats / BALLY 卡夾零錢包 Coin Card Holder / GUCCI 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses 0 0 11 6 6

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V VS S EE L LEECCTT | | 風 風格 格選 選物 物


SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Flower Heel 瑪麗珍跟鞋 Mary Jane Pump

GUCCI 獅頭戒 Lion Head Ring

GUCCI G-Timeless 女錶 Watch


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CHLOÉ C LOGO 手提肩背包 Top Handle Shoulder Bag


SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Vara 亮片低跟鞋 3cm Pump GUCCI Strawberry 項鍊 Necklace

0 01188

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V SELECT | 風格選物

BURBERRY 帆布手提包 Canvas Belt Bag TOD’S 零錢包 Coin Purse

GUCCI 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses

SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Varina 芭蕾平底鞋 Ballet Flats


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昇恆昌免稅購物網 ! 放大免稅購物樂趣 online With Ever Rich is like a shop, every trip al shopping festiv Kenneth Lai Text by 賴宗炫




外再 3 折起的驚喜快閃優惠價,買到專櫃化妝品及一線

的只是想買齊親友託買的商品;面對琳瑯滿目的商品, 烈出國旅遊時是否曾有過這樣的煩惱?你的心聲我們都 聽見了,昇恆昌免稅購物網將免稅商店直接搬進你的電 腦裡,下次出國,儘管把多出來的時間用來醞釀玩心。

放大購物時間——免稅購物 1 天變 7 天 親友託買的免稅品一站搞定,再也不必東奔西跑,

只需在班機起飛前 7 天至 4 小時,於昇恆昌免稅購物

網完成線上下單,機場提貨 24 小時服務,即使搭乘紅 眼班機也能放心選購。此外,更能即時掌握免稅獨賣商 品資訊方便比價,加上網路限定優惠活動、多重優惠併 用,用最聰明的方式買到最划算的心頭好,真的一點都 不難。

放大旅行預算——網路獨家優惠更好買 不說你一定不知道,昇恆昌免稅購物網提供線上獨

家現金折扣,全館滿 NT$7,500 元現折 NT$400 元,無


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贈禮。週年慶期間,每月 7、17、27 三日更能用免稅價 國際精品等精選商品。


禮 行事曆

單筆消費滿 NT$5,000, 將 獲 贈 以 代 表 角 色「 太 空 人 」 為 題的行事曆。內頁圖案採 手翻書方式設計,每頁連 翻會出現趣味動畫效果;

掃描內頁 QR Code 進入 驚 喜 活 動 網 頁, 再 享 購

物 金、 香 水、 化 妝 品 或 精 品 等 好 禮, 總 價 超 過 NT$1,400,000。

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放大商品 CP 值——免稅獨賣大容量 與其去百貨公司週年慶拿著大包小包人擠人,真正

內行的旅客反而會選擇在昇恆昌免稅購物網上,用優惠的 價格買到大容量或多瓶裝的特惠組,不但免去東奔西跑的 舟車勞頓,更能替荷包省下一筆。

周年慶攻略心法 ✓ NT$7,500 元折 NT$400 元累折無上限 ✓ 7、17、27 最狂閃購日,最低 3 折起 ✓ 潮包、行事曆,獨家滿額贈 ✓ 80 大品牌豪華加碼禮 ✓ 信用卡刷卡金回饋


單筆消費滿 NT$20,000, 將獲贈透明旅行兩用包。

透明硬殼、標語揹帶、可 肩揹可手提的潮流設計,


作為旅行時的收納盥洗包 使用,也能當成平日出遊 的隨身小包。

放大服務地點——新增臺北松山機場提貨點 作為國內民航的空運樞紐,同時擁有直飛日本

羽田機場、上海虹橋機場等熱門航線的臺北松山機 場,由於進出市區的交通極為便利,近年來更是不少 國內外旅客、商務客來臺出國首選。隨著百萬網友敲 碗呼喚,昇恆昌免稅購物網已擴大提貨服務範圍至臺 北松山機場,名符其實把每次出國都變成週年慶。


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離不開日本—— 小鎮時光的魅力 The Charm of Villages—Why You Can Never Get Enough of Japan

日式老屋像是電影中穿越時光的場景。Retro-style houses take visitors back in time.

Text and Photography by


Zhang Weizhong

張維中。旅居在東京,喜歡日本大都 會的新潮繁華,也愛地方小鎮的人文 風情。近作包括旅記《日本小鎮時

光》、《東京小路亂撞》、小說《餐 桌的臉》、散文《東京模樣》和少兒 繪本《麒麟湯》等書。

Zhang Weizhong, who resides in Japan, is not only greatly enchanted by the hustle and bustle of urban Japan but also fascinated by the culture of local villages in the country. His recent works include The Time in Japanese Villages, Scrambling and Wandering in Tokyo (travel journals), Visages on the Dinner Table (novel), Model of Tokyo (prose), and Qilin Hot Spring (children’s sketch book).

Translated by 郭咏杰 Kuo Yung Chieh

住 在 臺 灣 的 朋 友, 三 不 五 時

就 有 人 來 東 京 拜 訪 我。 在 他 們 之




中,有人是原本就非常喜愛東京, 訴過我,其實並不那麼喜歡東京。 因 為 人 口 過 度 密 集, 生 活 節 奏 太


論似的說:「要不是你在東京,應 該不太會來日本吧。」

然 而 ,當 我 默 默 安 排 一 場 小

旅行,帶領這些「覺得不太會來日 本」的朋友,走訪日本的地方小鎮 以後,他們卻全部翻盤了。


日本旅遊。還是會來東京,但只是 當作轉乘地而已,在與我碰過面以 後,就奔向鄉間小鎮旅行。


許許多多藏在大景點之間的山城、 海濱與小鎮。

例 如, 廣 島 縣 的 竹 原。 很 多

人 到 訪 廣 島, 多 半 鎖 定 在 廣 島 市


這些地方長年以來早已成為觀光 勝地,旅行團和散客進進出出,很

難真的享受旅行的寧靜時刻。對於 渴求慢步調旅行的旅人而言,還未 被過度觀光開發的竹原,更能夠令 人在舒緩的步伐與開闊的風景中 放鬆身心。

特 別 喜 歡 竹 原 老 街 保 存 區。







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許 多 年 來, 身 邊 的 日 本 朋 友




彩極淡。漫步在江戶建築圍起來的 的 日 常 感。 恍 若 瞬 間 穿 越 時 光 隧 道,回到江戶年代。

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V VIEW | 名家視野





原 封 不 動, 安 安 穩 穩 的 保 存 在 這

替沈默的時光更迭,人生的潮起潮 落,做出輪迴的見證。

除 了 竹 原 以 外, 鄰 近 的 大 崎


海,從竹原港搭渡輪到大崎上島大 約半小時,沿途經過許多小島嶼,

隨季節變遷,也能欣賞到不同風貌 的瀨戶內海風情,令人心曠神怡。


車,可以帶著車搭渡輪上島,若沒 有,也可以來到島上租借。

挑 一 間 喜 歡 的 旅 店, 帶 著 一

點 點 和 城 市 拉 開 距 離, 但 又 沒 真

的那麼與世隔絕的心情來到此地, 什 麼 也 不 做 都 好, 純 粹 放 空, 就 是幸福。

對 我 來 說, 日 本 之 所 以 擁 有





或小區域,雖然不如夜空中的月亮 星,從南到北,為這塊列島,點綴 出無比的豐富性。

於 是, 你 將 明 白 去 過 這 些 地

方,那裡就會是你最離不開的日本。 I have friends living in Taiwan who would occasionally come to visit me. Some of them are huge fans of Tokyo, but some just come to pay me a visit. Some are just not that into Tokyo because of its overwhelming population density and the frenetic pace of the city’s vibes. They are also not that interested in shopping by the way. “We probably would not have considered coming to Tokyo if it weren’t you,” they said. However, I managed to shatter their stereotype of the country by aweing them with a trip to a number of villages that sparked their love for Japan. That trip marked the beginning of their annual visits to Japan, in which they would merely use Tokyo as a layover before heading for the marvelous

tranquility of the villages. For years, my Japanese friends have asked why the Taiwanese are so obsessed with Japan and how they can never get tired of it. I would simply say, on behalf of all Japanophiles, “They just can’t get enough of it.” Indeed, visitors have this irresistible fascination. Once you come here, you can’t help but come back. Every time you return, you will want to explore more and take on new adventures. After submerging yourself in the hectic crowds, you begin longing for the attractions lurking in between the mountains, along the coast, and in the rural areas. Ta ke h a ra , H i ro s h i m a p re f e c t u re , for example, is popular among the Taiwanese. However, the city center of Hiroshima gets most visitors and, to a lesser extent, Itsukushima Shrine. Th e s e a tt ra c t i o n s h a v e b e e n s o popular among tourists that they have become deprived of their tranquility. On the other hand, Takehara is an excellent choice for those who desire t o re l a x o n t h e p ro m e n a d e a n d bathe in the beauty and openness of nature, without being thoroughly overwhelmed with tourism.

1. 充滿百年前江戶時代風情的竹原老街。Old streets in Takehara characterized by the century-old Edo style.

2. 日本威士忌之父竹鶴政孝的出生地竹鶴酒造。Taketsuru Whisky Refinery: Birthplace of Masataka Taketsuru, the founder of Japan’s first whisky industry.


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I am particularly fond of the wellpreserved old streets in Takehara, which is home to mostly residential buildings and is a great retreat from the hustle and bustle of business activities. Taking a stroll around the blo cks surrounde d by Edo style buildings, one can enjoy modernity and a sense of tradition at the same time, as if taking a tour back in time. Here, architecture with absolute preservation dating back more than a century stands steadfastly still. The buildings provide a glimpse of old and new Japan through a kaleidoscope of chronology, as if a biography epitomizing the ups and downs of an ordinary person’s life.

A visitor to Takehara may want to include Osakikamijima in the itinerary, which is located in the Seto Inland Sea a half-hour ferry ride from Takehara. Along the way, passing by intriguing rocks and islands, the spectacular scenery will surely blow away any visitor. This place is perfect for biking. If you manage to get one, bring it with you on the ferry. If not, you can rent one on the island. Pick whatever hostel you like. Enjoy being far from the clamor of the city with a retreat atmosphere, but not quite a get-away-from-it-all mindset. Sit back and chill. That’s all we need.

To me, the country stands out with charms that never fade. It is a colossal gravitational system composed of numerous dazzling galaxies, both big and small, in which small towns and villages surround the metropolises like satellites, stars, and stellar remnants orbiting the galaxy’s center of mass. Looking from above, the small towns and rural areas may not blaze like the cities, but they radiate their own glamor, painting the colorful profusion of Japan together with its mega cities. In short, once you experience these places, you’ll understand their overpowering allure.




1. 瀨戶內海上的小島風景令 人心曠神怡。One just can’t get

enough of the spectacular island scenery from the Seto Inland Sea.

2.NHK 晨 間 劇 「阿 政 與 愛

莉」的故事場景就在竹原。 Takehara is where the NHK-aired drama Massan was filmed.

3. 在大崎上島上放空,享受 遠 離 塵 囂 的 幸 福。Chilling on

the island of Osakikamijima helps you get away from the hustle and bustle.


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V VIEW | 名家視野

以甜點品嘗巴黎 ——無與倫比的 甜蜜饗宴 Paris, a sweet feast like no other Text and Photography by

陳穎 Ying C.



作者。巴黎社群媒體界知名意見領 袖,「Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎」部

Mori Yoshida 的檸檬榛果巴黎布列斯特泡芙。檸檬的清新平衡了榛果的豐潤,相當有特色。Paris-Brest

from Mori Yoshida, the refreshing lemon flavor balances the richness of hazelnuts.

落格格主。自 Ferrandi 斐杭狄法國

高等廚藝學校畢業後,歷經米其林星 級廚房及其他知名甜點店的嚴格考

驗。著有《巴黎甜點師 Ying 的私房


Ying C. is the first writer in Chinesespeaking community to unveil the s e c re t s o f Fre n c h p a s t r i e s a n d t o offer in-depth analyses on the world’s latest pastry trends. Known in Paris as Instagrammer @applespoon, she also runs a blog at, where she keeps all pastry-enthusiasts updated on what’s new in the industry. She holds a diploma from Ferrandi Paris, a renowned French school dedicated to culinary arts and boasts experience with Michelin chefs and some of the most prestigious Parisian pastry shops. She is the author of Ying’s Favorite Addresses in Paris.

Translated by 郭咏杰 Kuo Yung Chieh、

陳穎 Ying C.

許 多 人 為 了 建 築、 電 影、 藝

如 果 你 和 我 一 樣 著 迷 甜 點,

術、 美 食 來 到 巴 黎, 但 不 是 所 有

可 能 也 注 意 到 甜 點 依 販 賣、 品 嘗

世 界 甜 點 首 都、 許 多 甜 點 愛 好 者

可 以 在 甜 點 店、 餐 廳 與 飯 店 等 處

人 都 會 想 到, 這 座 城 市 同 時 也 是

的朝聖之地。18 世紀法國大革命 之 後, 名 廚 從 王 宮 貴 族 之 家 到 了

民 間, 其 中 也 包 含 了 甜 點 師。 巴 黎 的 甜 點 從 業 人 員 在 20 年 內 翻

倍、 更 發 明 了 許 多 新 的 蛋 糕。19 世 紀 末 電 燈 時 代 來 臨、 生 活 水 準

提 高, 商 家 開 始 現 代 化, 甜 點 麵

包店從原本黝黑陰暗的場所搖身 一 變, 成 為 華 麗 敞 亮 的 都 會 時 尚

空 間, 從 此 進 入 黃 金 發 展 時 代。

的 場 合 有 不 同 的 分 類。 在 巴 黎, 品 嘗 到 不 同 類 型 的 甜 點。 甜 點 店

通 常 是 販 賣 一 人 份 的 蛋 糕, 適 合 外 帶 回 家 品 嘗。 巴 黎 的 甜 點 店 不

像 亞 洲, 多 半 沒 有 內 用 空 間, 如 果 時 間 許 可, 建 議 可 以 向 店 家 索

取 餐 具, 在 附 近 的 公 園、 河 堤 邊 找個地方坐下,以巴黎人的悠閒、 花都美景和甜點相佐。



饗 宴, 可 以 事 先 預 訂 高 級 飯 店 的

體、 特 別 是 Instagram 之 賜, 作

評 判 標 準, 在 各 項 表 現 中 都 是 最

各 種 風 格 理 念 紛 呈, 再 拜 社 群 媒

品 快 速 傳 播 至 全 世 界。 巴 黎 的 甜 點 主 廚 們 年 年 獲 得「 全 球 最 佳 甜

下 午 茶。 法 國 有 自 己 的 豪 華 飯 店 高等級的「palace」宮殿級酒店,

全 法 目 前 只 有 25 家, 其 中 11 家

點 師 」 的 榮 耀, 法 式 甜 點 熱 潮 席

在 巴 黎。 華 美 富 麗 的 環 境、 專 業

語 言。 來 到 這 裡, 怎 麼 能 不 把 握


捲 全 球、 成 為 世 界 甜 點 師 的 共 通 機 會、 體 驗 別 處 難 以 比 擬 的 甜 蜜 饗宴呢?

的 服 務、 細 緻 的 甜 點 作 品, 都 會 回 憶。Hôtel de Crillon、Hôtel Plaza Athénée、Le Meurice、


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1 2


1. 全球最佳甜點師 Cédric Grolet 主廚風靡全球的擬真水果系列作品,可以在 La Pâtisserie du Meurice par Cédric Grolet 品嘗到。World-

renowned fruit sculptures (French: fruits en trompe-l'œuil) by Cédric Grolet, best pastry chef of the world, available at La Pâtisserie du Meurice par Cédric Grolet. 2. Des Gâteaux et du Pain 的繡線菊野莓塔,呈現了巴黎初夏時的美好風景。Fragaria Vesca from Des Gâteaux et du Pain, a delicious

metaphor of summer time in Paris. 3. 夏天的塞納河畔,是野餐和體會巴黎風情的好地點。La Seine in summer, where having a picnic and enjoying the

laid-back city is not to be missed.

Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme、The

假 設 時 間 不 足, 只 能 去 一 家

Peninsula Paris 等都是上佳之選。




後。餐廳的盤式甜點由於是準備好 後立刻上桌享用,較甜點店的蛋糕 有更多表現空間。甜點主廚將餐盤 當成畫布,或恣意揮灑、或苦心雕

琢。冷熱的對比、不同層次的口感、 瞬 間 即 逝 的 元 素, 都 能 在 盤 中 呈

現。Four Seasons Hotel George V

Paris 的甜點主廚 Maxime Frédéric

一人總理飯店內 3 個星級餐廳,根

據餐廳特色設計風格各異的作品, 如果有機會品嘗到他的代表作⸺

L’Orangerie 餐廳(米其林一星)

的「蛋白霜之花」,相信會刷新你 對甜點的認知。


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de Pâtisserie》 開 設 的 同 名 甜 點

創作、不定期更新,不僅可以一次 品嘗到多位甜點人不同風格的作

品,更能一窺當季最新熱潮。幸運 的話還可能遇到特殊活動,能與甜 點主廚們近距離接觸、品嘗活動限 定的品項。


的饗宴。」而美好的甜點,正是盛 筵成功的關鍵。

Tourists flock to Paris for its architecture, film, art, and cuisine. However, not many are aware that the city is also a mecca of pastries that attracts tremendous enthusiasts. After the

French Revolution in the 18th century, many chefs and pâtissiers alike started their own businesses as the aristocracy was abolished and they became u n e m p l o y e d . Th e f o l l o w i n g t w o decades saw a rise of pastry industry. The number of pastry chefs doubled. Many new pastries were invented. As the world embraced new inventions like gas lighting system and electricity, France's pâtisseries (pastry shops) became chic and modern spots as opposed to dim, dull kitchens. The industry has entered its golden era since. Numerous talents, various styles and diverse concepts are seen at the present time. Thanks to the rise of social media, France has established an unshakable reputation on the world stage of pastries and continues to set the bar high. If you are in Paris, how could you not take the chance to indulge in such a sweet feast? If you are as passionate about pastries as I am, you may have noticed that

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V VIEW | 名家視野

pastries vary according to where they’re served and when they’re enjoyed. In Paris, pâtisseries, restaurants, and hotels offer different kinds of pastries. Pastry shops sell pastries and cakes in individual servings, which is perfect for takeaways. Unlike in Asia, dining in is usually not an option here. Instead, one may ask for a fork or spoon and sit down in a park or by the river side to enjoy in the Parisian style, not to mention all the beauty and romance the city has to offer.

If you can only visit one shop due to a tight schedule, then you don’t want to miss Fou de Pâtisserie, the pastry shop opened by the renowned French magazine dedicated to pastries. Featuring the latest work crafted by famous pastry chefs in Paris, it offers a wide array of items, reflecting latest trends. If you are lucky, you may even come across a special event and have the opportunity to meet the chefs and delight your palate with pastries of limited editions.

If you long for a high-end treat, try booking a table for your afternoon tea at a luxury hotel. In France, they have their own standards for luxury hotels. Only 25 hotels in the whole country are recognized as a “palace”, 11 of which are in Paris. You won’t regret your Paris trip for one second if you get to indulge in an elegant, deluxe setting with irresistibly mouthwatering pastries and desserts accompanied by an impeccable service. Hôtel de Crillon, Hôtel Plaza Athénée, Le Meurice, Plaza Hyatt Paris-Vendôme, and the Peninsula Paris are some of the best choices.

Desserts are key to a successful banquet, and Paris has what it takes to succeed, for, as affectionately contended by Ernest Hemingway, “ [it] is a moveable feast."

Another place for tasting desserts is in a restaurant. Desserts are the last course of the meal and are served immediately after being prepared, rendering more room for originality. Pastry chefs are like artists. Using plates as a blank canvas, they portray their pieces of art by ingredients and techniques inspired by his or her artistic savvy and talent. These sweet delicacies are marked by contrasts in texture, flavor, and even temperature. Go treat yourself a visual and palatepleasing feast prepared by Maxime Frédéric, executive pastry chef at Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris, where he manages three affiliated restaurants and customizes desserts for each of them. His signature dessert Fleur de Vacherin (Meringue Flower) at L’Orangerie, a one-star Michelin restaurant, is guaranteed to blow you away.

1 2 3

1. Fou de Pâtisserie 在 Rue Montorgueil 街 上 的 第 一 家 店 ,能 夠 同 時 品 嘗 到 不 少 精 選 大 師 作 品。 The first store of Fou de Pâtisserie, located on Rue Montorgueil, where you can indulge yourself with

selected works by prominent pâtissiers. 2. Maxime

Frédéric 主廚的代表作「蛋白霜之花」會隨季節 更換口味。柔美細緻的蛋白霜花瓣是一片一片用 手擺放上去的。Fleur de Vacherin by Maxime Frédéric,

a dessert made with delicate, soft meringue petals carefully plated by hand. Its flavor changes according to

the season. 3. Park Hyatt Paris Vendôme 2018 年 聖誕節的下午茶甜點組。Afternoon tea menu created for Christmas 2018 at Park Hyatt Paris Vendôme.


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迷人老派 VS 摩登新生

Tea consumption——A daily routine in Taiwan Fascinating tradition vs. Innovative modernity Text & Styling by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Photography by 王思予 Emma SY Wang Translated by 郭咏杰 Kuo Yung Chieh、黃志健 Wong Chee Kin


過的庶民日常,臺語有句話是這樣說的⸺呷 茶配話,意思是在喝茶的時間順便聊天,伴著 茶湯話家常、談生意。喝茶是一種沒有階級之

分的消遣娛樂,唯一有差別的就是茶壺裡沖泡 的茶種、茶款。


咖啡店的遍地開花,使得臺灣茶的勢力漸趨式 微。面對越來越多飲品選項搶佔市場,仍有人 懷抱信念,在這片土地上用心用意經營茶屋、 茶館,堅持傳遞臺灣茶的美好,想讓更多人品 嘗臺灣茶,無庸置疑,它們的存在是認識臺灣


傳統、新穎 2 條路線,介紹北、中、南 6 間品 茶空間,帶你領略臺灣茶迷人老派、摩登新生 的多變風情。

Tea consumption used to be as much habit as any other meal for Taiwan’s citizens. As is said in Taiwanese, "You only get to talk over a cup of tea," highlighting how much people used to schmooze and talk business while sipping tea. Practically everyone from all walks of life could actually take pleasure in this custom. The only difference was the tea leaves and utensils. As the Eastern culture became infused with the western influence, coffee shops and cafés have begun to outshine teahouses. Even with the market flooded with all kinds of beverages, some people are still deeply convinced of the unshakable value in the beauty of tea culture and consumption. These believers play an important role in bridging traditional tea culture with modern trends and breathing new life into tea customs. In this volume, VOYAGER presents three dichotomies of tea shops in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan, showing you the fascinating contrast between the oldfashioned and modern.


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃



傳統臺灣茶按焙火程度共有 3 種:









Based on the degree of roasting, Taiwanese tea can be categorized as follows: raw tea, halfripe tea, and ripe tea.


According to the official 2018 statistics provided by the central agricultural authorities, Taiwan produces 14,738 tons of tea leaves annually, and the average annual output per hectare of tea farm totals 1,264 kilograms. The country's tea is produced in 14 different cities and counties.

傳統臺灣茶的沖泡壺具材質共有 7 種:

金、銀、鐵、瓷、玻璃、 紫砂、柴燒

Traditional Taiwanese teaware can be made of seven materials: gold, silver, iron, ceramic, glass, Yixing clay (a.k.a. purple clay), or firewood clay.

新式臺灣茶的沖泡方法共有 4 種:

冷泡、熱泡、茶酒、 氣泡飲

Common brewing techniques for modern Taiwanese tea include: cold brew, hot brew, tea wine, and carbonated/sparkling drink.






The international standardized tea brewing formula used in competitions features 150 ml of hot water, 3 grams of tea leaves, and 5 minutes of brewing.

傳統臺灣茶的沖泡方法共有 3 種:

壺泡 蓋杯泡 碗泡(開天泡)

Traditional brewing can be done using three different techniques: in a pot, in a covered cup, or in a bowl (open-air)

傳統臺灣茶的沖泡器具共有 9 種:

茶則、茶倉(茶罐)、茶匙、 匙置、茶壺、壺盛、茶杯、 水盂、茶海(茶盅、公道杯)

The components of traditional Taiwanese teaware include: caddy spoon, tea caddy, teaspoon, spoon holder, teapot, tea cozy, teacup, water jar, and tea serving pot.

傳統臺灣茶依發酵程度共分成 4 種:


半發酵的青茶(烏龍茶、包種茶、鐵觀音、東方美人) 全發酵的紅茶


As for fermentation, Taiwan classifies tea into four categories: Non-Fermented (Biluo Spring Tea, Longjin Tea), Medium-Fermented (Oolong, Baozhong, Tieguanyin, Dongfang Meiren (A.K.A. Oriental Beauty Or Baihao)), Well-Fermented (Black Tea), and PostFermented (Pu-Erh).


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The Fascinating Tradition of Taiwanese Tea Let's take a sip of the quintessence of tradition


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TAIPEI: A glance at Taiwanese tea 就 連 臺 北 人 也 不 見 得 知 道, 被 外 國 旅 客 稱 為「 臺 北 原


動,還可坐下來好好喝杯臺灣茶。鄰近捷運站出口的八拾捌茶 輪番所,建築前身原為西本願寺臺北分院的宿舍,近年隨臺北


市政府推動「老房子文化運動計畫」,成了主理人周潔鈴推廣 臺灣茶的空間。

在這處滿佈日式情調的茶館中,提供超過 80 款以上的臺

灣茶葉,常見茶款外,遵循古傳花製法精選臺灣花卉、在地特 有草本、木本植物、水果,搭配茶種品性製成的窨製茶相當少

見。分成碗泡、蓋杯泡、壺泡、銅銀烤茶的 4 種品茗方式, 隨沖泡手法不同所能體驗到的茶香、茶韻、風味層次也各有其 趣,尤其推薦又稱開天泡的「碗泡」,通常只有對茶葉品質有



色一覽無遺,能看出茶葉的揉捻程度是否一致、有無添加香 精,主理人對茶葉品質的嚴格控管自然也能由此取得驗證。參 考古時貢茶前經炭火烤過的做法,自行研發出的「銅銀烤茶」 更是值得一試,利用純銀導熱時釋放銀離子的特性,經由翻炒 把茶葉裡的濕氣逼出,能將好茶的風味發揮到淋漓盡致。

Not even Taipei locals know that they can enjoy a nice cup of refined Taiwanese tea in the hectic, trendy complex of Ximending, also known as Taipei's Harajuku or Taipei's Myeong-dong, a hub of young fashion and trends. Eighty Eightea Rinbansyo, whose building used to be the dormitory of the Nishi Hongan-ji branch in Taipei, is a tea shop near Exit No. 8 of Ximen Station. The shop has literally become a gallery of Taiwanese tea exhibition owned and run by Ms. Jie Ling Zhou thanks to the cultural campaign project for outdated edifices launched by the Taipei City Government. In an environment enriched with Japanese sentiment, this tea shop offers more than 80 types of tea leaves and many tea-based drinks mixed with locally grown flowers and local herbs and fruits. Tea is prepared four ways here: brewing in a bowl, brewing in a covered cup, brewing in a pot, and roasted tea in silver-bronze containers. While different techniques and accoutrements bring out various textures of tea flavors and different notes of charm to the palate. In particular, I would recommend open-air brewing in a bowl, a technique only used by tea connoisseurs to scrutinize the stretching of tea leaves, the color of prepared tea, the rolling of tea leaves, and any additional fragrance. This shows how meticulous Zhou is about

3 1. 萬華百年老店「二和珍」與多家臺灣知名點心鋪,以及茶葉特製 茶點搭配而成的菓子拼盤,小巧精緻,用心程度可見一番。2. 人氣 蔬食套餐之一的舞菇炊飯是每日手工新鮮製作。3. 銅銀烤茶沖泡步 驟雖繁瑣,實際體驗過後卻能明顯感受茶葉的茶香、甜韻。

1. Er-he-jen and many other renowned snack shops in Wanhua, Taipei and their delicate assortment of tea snacks. 2. Fresh, handmade steamed rice with mixed mushrooms, one of the most popular combo sets in the store. 3. Many steps and considerable attention to detail are necessary when making roasted tea with silver-bronze teaware, but one gets to indulge in the attractive aroma and delightful sweetness of tea, which is surely worth the effort.

overseeing the quality of tea leaves. She is also proud to recommend her unique invention: roasted tea using silver-bronze teaware, which releases silver ions when heated and facilitates the drying of tea leaves when stir-frying, thus crafting and preserving the quintessence of tea's aroma, taste, and flavor.

八拾捌茶輪番所 Eighty-Eightea Rinbansyo

臺北市萬華區中華路一段 174 號

No. 174, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City


11:30am ~ 09:00pm 033

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TAICHUNG: Legendary teahouse with a Michelin Star




喧囂吵雜的都市中,竟有如此的世外桃源,讓人能好好洗去身 心上的疲憊。

2011 年獲米其林綠色指南青睞,被列為國際旅遊景點二

星推薦的無為草堂,開業至今已有 25 年歷史。店主深感年輕


時忙於創業,無暇好好享受生活,希望能有個讓人慢下步調的 人文空間,於是開設了這處專供人品茗、欣賞藝術藏品的庭園

式茶館,並引用老子《道德經》「無為而治」的無為二字命名, 多年下來早已積累出一票鐵粉常客,其中不乏臺灣藝文創作圈 的大師級人物,如今每週六晚間更有揚琴的現場演奏,讓專程

到此的客人能伴著繚繞的琴聲細細品茶。館內提供的臺灣茶共 有 4 款,每款皆是與中南部的茶農合作,契作嚴選出的冬茶、


專門請鹿港老師傅手工製作的芋籤糕、由臺中向上市場老店客 製的傳統客家小吃草仔粿,或黑糖糕、山藥地瓜球這類夜市點 心,美味程度由常客們大推不已便可得知。

With its low-key secluded look, Wu Wei Tsao Tang does not match the nearby skyscrapers; instead, it is a spot to relax our body, mind, and soul as we enter to find Shangri-La amidst the hubbub of the city. Opened 25 years ago and named "Wu Wei" which is associated with the Taoist concept of human conduct "Wu Wei Er Chi" (letting things take their own course, or inaction), in 2011 the Michelin Green Guide listed Wu Wei Tsao Tang on the 2-star recommendations of international tourist attractions. The owner found that contemporary youngsters had no time to enjoy life and thus wanted to offer a humane space to slow down their fast pace. This garden-style teahouse was specifically opened so that the public could savor tea and view art collections. Over the years, a group of diehard fans and regulars, including masters in artistic and creative circles in Taiwan, have come here; furthermore, live music on Saturday nights allows guests to enjoy their tea while listening to the sounds of the dulcimer. With a contract with tea farmers in central and southern Taiwan, we select four premium winter teas and spring teas. The local specialty

3 1. 使用生魚片等級新鮮鮭魚製作的「香煎檸檬鮭魚套餐」是店內人 氣一品。2. 店主收藏的藝術品多為臺灣在地藝術家的創作,不定期

會更換,近期館內展示的作品主要是梁奕焚、陳來興的油畫。3. 茶


1. The Grilled Salmon Fillet Combo made with Sashimi-class fresh salmon is very popular. 2. The owner's collection consists primarily of artworks by Taiwanese artists and is changed occasionally. The most recent exhibition mainly displays a collection of artworks by Liang Yi-Fen and Chen Lai-Hsiung. 3. The harmonious interior decor matches the traditional tea sets.

cuisine shines in the meals and side dishes. Offerings on the menu include Taro Gao/Taro Cake, specially handmade by a skilled pastry chef in Lukang, Caozaigua/Grass Cake, the old-school Hakka snack customized by an old pastry maker in Taichung’s Xhiangshang Market, and Brown Sugar Cake and Yam and Sweet Potato Balls, traditional night market snacks; their deliciousness has received great reviews from gourmets.

無為草堂 Wu Wei Tsao Tang

臺中市南屯區公益路二段 106 號

No. 106, Sec. 2, Gongyi Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City


10:30am ~ 09:30pm 034

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半九十茶屋 Tea for the Last Ten Miles of a Long Journey

高雄市新興區中正四路 71 號

No. 71, Zhongzheng 4th Rd., Xinxing Dist., Kaohsiung City


11:00am ~ 10:30pm


KAOHSIUNG: Elaborate teahouse for sophisticated adults 美麗島捷運站附近的半九十茶屋,開店 10 年多以來一直

深受當地居民、遊客的喜愛。店名「半九十」的英文是 tea for the last ten miles,意謂「最後十里路準備的茶」,之所以會

由此著眼,主要覺得不論所謂的成功人士或魯蛇,每個 40 代 的大人已經都很努力了,應該獲得肯定才是,希望透過絕不馬 虎的茶,讓上門來的大人都能免除繁文縟節的形式,簡簡單單 和自己、和親友們恣意享受一盞茶的時光。


入任何一種風格設定,取而代之的是以多元的老臺灣味元素, 例如:採用蛇紋石、磨石子磚嵌銅條等元素拼貼,融合出一股 絕無僅有的質樸、含蓄氣質,也因如此,與其說是品茶空間比

擬,生活藝廊反倒更為合適,舉凡器皿、音樂、書籍、氣味、 畫作、裝置,堪比擁有生命的裝飾,蘊藏想法與溫度。店內現 供應的臺灣茶以核心產區為主,依 3 種發酵程度、6 大茶類, 總計共 14 款,熱泡時服務人員會送上不易吸附味道的白瓷茶

具,同時示範如何沖泡,熱泡之外每日亦備有 4 款冷泡茶。配

The “Tea for the Last Ten Miles of a Long Journey” teahouse is situated near Kaohsiung MRT Formosa Boulevard Station. Since opening more than 12 years ago, this teahouse has been loved by both local residents and visitors. The name refers to tea prepared for the last ten miles, alluding to the concept that the older generation aged 40 and over, with so many efforts dedicated to life and work, should be respected by younger generations. Accordingly, we hope that our fancy tea carefully brewed for each guest will allow them to simply enjoy that cup of tea alone or with their family and friends unencumbered. The interior design adopts serpentine and terrazzo flooring embedded with bar copper to present a multi-faceted Taiwanese flavor and producing a primal but subtle atmosphere that is second to none. Therefore, it is not only a tea tasting space but also a living art gallery. The tableware, music, books, scents, paintings, and installations are all decorations of life, full of discussion and various temperatures. Fourteen Taiwanese teas are brewed at the site and are primarily harvested from the core tea farms with three fermentation grades out of six teas. The odorless white tea set is used to simultaneously serve tea via onsite demonstration, and four cold steep teas are offered daily, in addition to the hot steep teas. Some handmade snacks are also available, such as Lotus Root with Sweet Olive Sauce, Snow Cake (Chinese Pastry), and Glutinous Rice Cake. Intriguingly, each snack placed on its own plate differs from the other, and such elaboration and dedication will surely move the heart.



你留意到這樣的細節與用心,說真的很難不為那分深情款待所 感動。

1. 儘管店內的椅子、桌子風格迥異,擺放在一塊時卻意


外和諧,搭配牆上的畫作,真的像是走進了藝廊般。2. 櫃 檯上古早味的玻璃櫃放著茶罐、小型禮盒,以及自鳳山中

藥行引進的橄欖、金桔、梅子等果乾皆有販售。3. 家常

菜色「糖醋午仔魚」份量不小,擺盤、盛裝的器皿也都是 經過構思,足見品味。

1. Harmony created through a set of chairs and tables in various styles that match the paintings on the wall and literally turns the teahouse into an art gallery. 2. Some tea canisters and jars, small gift boxes and dried fruits from a Chinese medicine pharmacy in Fengshan like olive, kumquat, plum, etc. are displayed in the vintage showcase on the counter. 3. Family-style Sweet and Sour Fish, a large-portion main dish is presented with a deliberate and elaborate table setting and tableware.

2 3


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Modern newcomer of Taiwanese tea Come! Take a beautiful photo with a cup of tea


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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃


TAIPEI: New-generation teahouse 雖說上門來的客人,不少是衝著上相的空間設計,但不


的香港、中國旅客大有人在,絡繹不絕。主理人 Franco 家中 從事茶業生意已有超過 150 年的歷史,身為茶葉世家第五代的 他,深刻體認到當前年輕人鮮少有品飲臺灣茶的意願,於是和

設計師背景的共同創辦人 Branda 合力打造全新品牌,以簡約 路線、白色系的設計、開放式的空間規劃,開設了專門提供單 品茶的新世代茶屋。

to the four steeping methods in order to promote Taiwanese tea in the one-tea-only (non-blended tea) unsweetened and unflavored style. Furthermore, the hot steep on ice, which removes heat with ice cubes after hot steeping, and the ice drip, which is inspired by ice drip coffee, differ from the hot and cold steep, making it challenging for a tea master to steep tea with a thick taste but no bitterness. The signature cold steep tea is brewed with premium scented cured leaves that are cold steeped for 15-17 hours and the figures 00, 05, and 10 on the bottle refer to the firing hours. The various firing hours render variation to tea hues, as well as to its aftertaste. Certain tea time sweets turn the stereotype of a teahouse on its head: Green Tea Plum Pound Cake, Banana Walnut Pound Cake, and Rum Raisin Cookie. This teahouse, which can satisfy the stomach and the eyes at the same time, is still a popular Facebook check-in spot after two and a half years since its opening.

傳統熱泡、冷泡外,主理人 Franco 更試圖打破框架,探


沖冰、冰滴,再按品種、製作、風味、香氣、韻味,梳理 4 種 沖泡法適宜的臺灣茶款,最終嚴選出 13 款,採不加糖與調味

料的單品茶型態推廣臺茶,而不管是熱泡後再使用冰塊降溫的 「熱沖冰」,還是靈感取經咖啡的「冰滴」,由於沖泡方式與




精心選用能萃出香氣的茶葉,經 15 ~ 17 小時冷泡處理,瓶 身上數字:00、05、10 代表茶葉烘焙時間的長短,隨烘焙時


點:包種茶梅磅蛋糕、香蕉核桃磅蛋糕、蘭姆葡萄夾心,更是 完全顛覆傳統茶屋的刻板印象,一次滿足配茶、拍照的需求, 難怪開幕 2 年半多就躋身臺北人氣打卡熱點。

While the elegant setting for enjoying tea attracts guests, SHI JIAN TEA is definitely a fine tea supplier, not just a fancy interior design. As a result, many visitors from China and Hong Kong are attracted to it. Franco, the founder and the fifth generation of a 150-year tea merchant, realized that too few contemporary youngsters had the intention of tasting Taiwanese tea and thus managed to build a new brand in association with Branda, the cofounder, ultimately opening a new-generation tea salon that specifically offers a one-tea-only tea tasting style with a simple space planned with an open-style design in white. In addition to hot steep and cold steep, Franco looked outside the box for more possibilities. Following countless trials and errors, he came up with two innovative steep methods: hot steep on ice and ice drip before and after; based on the breed, firing, flavor, scent, and aroma, he managed to identify 13 Taiwanese teas appropriate

2 1. 海拔近 2,000 公尺產區生產的茶葉沖泡而成的冰滴,由於沖泡方 式特殊,得費工揀選生產製造時風鼓機吹出的茶粒,或用手工拍碎

後的碎葉才能沖出理想香氣,也因此每日數量有限。2. 透明玻璃材

質的冷泡瓶,頸口細窄,茶湯剛好分作 6 口飲畢,堪比傳統品茗時 6 泡茶,這種喝法恰好能喝出茶的香氣、滋味。

1. Ice drip tea steeped with the leaves from tea farms at almost 2,000 meters above sea level in a specific steep method requires perfect tea drops or handmade tea shreds for an ideal aroma, so it is subject to availability each day. 2. A sheer cold steep glass bottle with a fine narrow bottle neck makes the drinker finish the tea within six sips, which rivals the traditional high-end tea tasting style since this method provides tea tasting with premium scents and taste.


臺北市信義區忠孝東路四段 553 巷 48 號

No. 48, Ln. 553, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City


11:30am ~ 08:00pm 037

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TAICHUNG: Boutique teashop in the tea beverage industry 矗立臺中大英街巷弄內的吃茶三千,空間前身是一幢屋齡

超過 40 年的老建築,整修時刻意留下原有的紅磚、混凝土結


店般的摩登氣息,恰好呼應深耕中部地區 20 年的手搖茶飲品

牌⸺喫茶小舖,創設吃茶三千時所設定的精緻型茶飲定位。 去年 11 月才正式開幕的大英概念店,空間一共 3 層,穿梭樓


層間不時能聞到梨山烏龍茶製成的茶牆飄散出淡淡茶香。一入 店右側的品鑑區能品茗 5 種烘焙程度的烏龍茶;再往上走,2

1. 高人氣茶飲「國王珍珠」使用的珍珠為坊間

佳視野的站吧區;3 樓則是首創的茶窖熟成室,專門用來發酵

數次測試研發出的獨家專利萃茶機 LION,可按

的 1.5 倍大,喝時會有炒糖的香氣,再加上濃厚


的鳳眉紅茶茶味,是不少客人的心頭好。2. 經無


茶磚,一旁別出心裁移植茶樹的空中茶園可近距離看見茶樹、 茶葉。


加料、糖度、冰量,6 款茶種簡單劃分為淺色茶、深色茶 2 大


現萃茶湯,如有意提升口感,建議另外挑選調味、加料,總計 有近百種以上的喝法。風味輪圓弧狀的品鑑區吧檯,不時有專

業沖茶師比照國際茶葉競賽品評標準,使用符合賽事規格的茶 具,現沖且逐步解說沖茶過程,介紹 5 種烘焙程度展現出的風

味變化。今年 6 月,店內使用的 7 款茶葉全數獲比利時 iTi 國

際風味品鑑大賽的星級認證,在號稱食品界米其林的星星加持 之下,臺灣茶搖身一變成為精品保證。

Situated in the alley of Daying St., Taichung City, CHICHA San Chen used to be a 40-year-old building. However, renovations have now preserved the original red brick and RC structure but have transformed the interior with French windows and steel frames to present a fancy tea-beverage positioning that has successfully managed a modern touch as if a boutique, matching the rooted image of TEA SHOP, the local bubble tea shop run for the past 20 years in Central Taiwan. CHICHA San Chen Daying Concept Teashop, a three-story building, was officially opened last November with the faint scent of Lishan Oolong from the tea walls of each story. In the tea evaluation zone on the right hand side of the gate on the first floor, Oolong is fired at five grades; in the humane gallery zone on the second floor, a standing bar zone has an overhead view of the teashop, displaying the core figures of the team; the third floor features a tea cellar maturing chamber specifically for fermenting tea


的參數,將變因降到最低,確保客人每回品茗時 獲得最佳體驗。

1. Bubble Milk Tea, the most popular tea with tapioca 1.5 times the common size, has the scent of fried sugar and has become the signature tea for lots of guests due to its strong black tea flavor. 2. LION is the exclusive patented Teapresso machine resulting from constant R&D and can minimize tea-steeping variables to ensure that each guest enjoys the best tea tasting experience every time since the parameters for the best flavor can be set under the breed, flavoring, and topping options.

bricks, with a sky tea garden planted with trees nearby and real trees and leaves visible in the near distance. With almost 100 ways to taste tea, the tea expert CHICHA San Chen customizes teas pursuant to the following methods: separating tea tasting by breed, flavoring, topping, sweetening, iced, and steeping six teas into light tea for a light, fresh taste and dark tea for a dense, strong flavor. The tea is not steeped on the spot until the order is received at the counter. For those fond of texture, they are advised to additionally pick the flavored or topped tea. A professional tea master is occasionally at the arc-shaped tea evaluation zone bar with the flavor wheel using a proper tea set to meet the competition standards as if in an international tea tasting competition. Said master demonstrates on site how to steep tea and explains the entire process in detail, step by step, in person, introducing how tea flavor varies at the five firing grades. This June, all seven teas used by the teashop received the star-class certification of the Taste Evaluation Awards by the International Tea Institute (iTi) in Belgium, and such honor by iTi of the Michelin Guide in the food industry definitively proves the premium quality of Taiwanese tea.

吃茶三千 CHICHA San Chen

臺中市南屯區大英街 607 號

No. 607, Daying St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City


10:00am ~ 10:00pm 038

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

永心鳳茶 Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar

高雄市苓雅區中山二路 404 號

No. 404, Zhongshan 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City


11:30am ~ 09:30pm


KAOHSIUNG: Chic and new Taiwanese-style teahouse 4 年前高雄知名臺菜餐廳「老新台菜」第二代執行長薛舜


臺灣茶,決定成立全新品牌「永心鳳茶」,把「喝茶」包裝成 一件沒有距離感的日常事項。如今除高雄外,永心鳳茶的足跡

也邁向臺北、臺中,全臺總計 5 家門市,空間設計主要為新舊 混搭的概念,隨地點不同門市細部設計也會有所變化,據地域 性再佐上在地特有的風格元素。


改建的 3 層樓空間中,透過品牌標誌的藍、黃兩色,混搭霓虹


茗好所在。店內現供應有 12 款臺灣茶,品飲方式僅限冷泡或

熱沖 2 種,茶種大致分成烏龍茶、紅茶 2 類,其中主力茶種

「烏龍茶」依照烘焙程度,風味從清爽、花香、果香一應俱全。 另一項特色茶飲⸺奶茶,經多次測試取得的絕佳比例,喝得 到恰到好處的奶香、茶香,每日新鮮現煮之餘,按門市所在地

客人偏好的口味,甜度也會有些微差異。餐點擺盤力求展現細 緻,每道菜色都有專用的承裝器皿,不管視覺還是味覺,都希

Four years ago, Shun-Ti Hsueh, the second-generation CEO of Old New Taiwanese Cuisine, was lamenting that westernized youngsters fond of coffee overlooked the beauty of Taiwanese tea and became determined to found Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar, a new brand that re-established tea drinking as a daily routine ordinary in today’s modern life. These days, in addition to its Kaohsiung locations, Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar can be found in Taipei and Taichung, with five bars currently. The interior design adopts the concept of mixing and matching new and old with various styles and components designed specifically for each bar. For example, the first bar on Zhongshan 2nd Rd., situated in Sanduo Shopping District, was renovated from an old three-story building, decorated with the brand signature colors: blue and yellow blended in neon lighting and conventional home furnishings, and added with elaborate plants, ultimately building a retro but edgy tea tasting venue. Twelve Taiwanese teas are offered in cold steep or hot steep only. The types are mainly Oolong and black tea. The signature Oolong fired at various grades renders the taste from a fresh, floral scent to a fruity aroma. Milk tea, the shop’s specialty brewed with a perfect proportion thanks to various trials and errors, creates the best-matched milk aroma and tea aroma. In addition to daily fresh tea steeped on site, the locally preferred taste has resulted in a sweetened variation. Elaborate plate setting is essential, so each dish is placed on a specific plate. When it comes to the senses, hopefully every guest can enjoy a perfect journey full of fancy enjoyment when dining and tea tasting at the bar, just like its name in Taiwanese: Wholehearted Tea Serving.

望能讓人進到店裡用餐品茗時,體驗到的是一次完美享受,恰 如品牌名的臺語諧音⸺用心奉茶。

1. 以高腳杯品茗的創新冷泡茶喝法,顛覆傳統刻板印象,替臺灣


茶注入時髦品味。2. 架上擺設的茶罐貼有替茶葉新起的命名,由

來取材東方文化、與茶有關的故事,替店內增添摩登氛圍。3. 永 心鳳茶的人氣甜點⸺千層蛋糕,口味多元,可視個人偏好的茶

味為濃厚還清爽自行挑選。使用茉莉綠茶加上紅心芭樂水果泥的 「茉莉芭樂千層」口感清爽,喜歡奶茶的人,不妨試試茶味偏重 的「臺東紅烏龍奶茶」一起享用。

1. Iced tea in a goblet turns the stereotype of tea tasting on its head but brings a chic taste to Taiwanese tea. 2. The tea canister is labeled with the new name inspired by the oriental culture and tea-associated tales to add a modern touch. 3. It is strongly recommended to try the Crepe Cake, a signature sweet with many flavors available pursuant to the light or strong tea taste personally preferred, while the milk tea lover can try Taitung Red Oolong Milk Tea with a strong tea taste along with fresh and light Jasmine Green Tea Guava Crepe Cake made with jasmine green tea and guava puree.

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來!用一杯茶的時間挑伴手禮 Come! A cup of tea as a souvenir Text & Styling by 陳信方 Letter Chen



三件組,大小套杯 (55mm / 65mm) 剛好能一體收納。 壺身採雙層設計,隔熱防燙。高溫陶以 1,250 度高 溫燒製,釉色平均。仿石釉設計的材質,摸起來有 粗陶的磨砂感,質感十足。

紅點旋紋攜行裝茶組 ( 禪風黑 / 富貴紅 )

拿下德國紅點設計大獎,一壺四杯的組合,輕巧耐 用。壺身雙層中空結構,不僅隔熱防燙,也增加內

部容量。全手工打造,外觀經典,仿石釉的設計質 感溫潤。





取自宋代六大窯之一,「定窯」螭龍紋,透過一筆 菊紋,採半懸浮中空設計,降低泡茶時的壺身熱度, 拿取更便利。壺蓋的特殊菊紋設計,可懸掛在壺身 上,也有蓋置的作用。


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水質好,日夜溫差大,讓茶葉翠綠、茶湯甘醇、茶香 雅緻,當成伴手禮更顯得情深意重。

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V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

上山找茶碳焙 烏龍茶禮盒

TaipeiSweet 鳳梨布朗尼 / 草莓布朗尼



採自雲霧飄渺的 區,葉片厚實、 富含果膠。採摘 後用龍眼木炭小

火 反 覆 烘 焙 40 個小時,將水氣

轉為溫厚炭焙香,不僅茶葉本身帶有龍眼香氣,泡出 來的茶湯也帶花香。茶湯金黃,香氣淡雅,滋味卻濃 厚,喝完口齒留香,餘韻無窮。

日本高人氣 Tokyo Banana,與昇恆昌跨海合作,結合日 本和菓子技術、具本土魅力的鳳梨、法國鮮奶油和比利時 綿 密 細 緻, 包 裏 清

甜不膩的鳳梨果醬, 底層布朗尼口感紮

實。 好 評 再 推 出 草

莓口味,微甜帶酸, 搭配凝縮可可風味

的 巧 克 力, 多 層 次 口感令人驚豔。

DayDay 禮盒高山烏龍茶


山茶葉,以原葉型態放入經 SGS 認證的 PLA 玉米澱粉茶包中,三角 立體的茶包,讓茶葉完整泡開,茶湯更豐醇,喝杯好茶無需再透過 繁瑣過程。茶包禮盒以插畫設計,展現送禮「新」意。


以臺東關山米及土鳳梨為基礎,設計出「一口」這種 適口便食,昇恆昌秉持著對土地的愛惜,主打在地、 天然、純粹地串連起臺東農作物,推出咖啡、紅藜與




來自臺灣最肥沃的嘉南平原產出的糯米,彈牙不粘膩, 還散發獨特濃郁的香氣,咀嚼後常讓人想念起小時候

的味道。包進了花生、芝麻、紅豆、綠豆、芋頭等餡料, 口感更為豐富。同時,昇恆昌設計 Q 版三太子造型, 在以白色為基底的包裝上更顯活潑生動。


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Yam Chan: What I Have Learnt from Traveling Text by 歐陽辰柔 Chenjou Photography by 留榮鋒 Luke Liu

Image Courtesy of 陳振龍 Yam Chan Translated by 郭咏杰 Kuo Yung Chieh

從時尚設計圈跨入模型製作,陳振龍始終跟隨自己的心, 開拓屬於自己的道路。夏日的某天午後,我們造訪他兼作 工作室的房間,看見他這幾年努力投入的作品,也聽他娓 娓道來旅行的趣事。

Straddling fashion design and model production, Yam Chan has always followed his heart and walked his own path. One summer afternoon, we visited him in his studio, which is both his home and office, where he showcased his works created throughout the years and shared with us the stories of his journeys.

版 型 硬 挺 俐 落 的 上 衣, 纖 細 的 身 材, 無 瑕 疵 的 漂

買、或根本買不到的角色,例如:Baby Face、長腿、



亮 臉 蛋, 再 配 上 文 青 眼 鏡 和 銀 色 耳 環, 陳 振 龍(Yam 相關。過去主修時裝設計,曾到英國時尚圈工作 2 年,

最 喜 歡 的 是 Nicolas Ghesquière 擔 任 創 意 總 監 時 的

翼手龍和小丑著手。「我常常做一些壞蛋,因為沒什麼 癒,可以把自己的黑暗面投射上去。」




在很流行沒有縫邊用燙的工法,但 Nicolas Ghesquière


說邊攤開一件珍藏許久的褲子,訴說對偶像的憧憬。「現 十幾年前就這麼做了,這整條褲子都是燙出來的,很機





跨領域新嘗試 用作品為內在發聲


雖然迷戀這種走在時代尖端的品味,但 2016 年和

家人一起從香港搬來臺灣後,卻逐步淡出了時尚圈。「那 裡的人太複雜。」陳振龍淡淡地說。剛來臺灣時有大把 時間,因緣巧合下,一頭栽入模型製作領域,用黏土做



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停不下來的購物欲 外表摩登,內心卻纖細的陳振龍,一直喜愛旅行,



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V LUGGAGE | 名 人 開 箱








出於喜愛玩具的心,曾在日本秋葉原購入合計多達 100

公斤的模型,其中最多是怪獸類。小時候本來就愛恐龍, 在倫敦工作時會抽空去自然史博物館(Natural History


1. Skogafoss 瀑布是冰島前五名的大型瀑布,又稱彩虹 瀑布,來這裡有 95% 的機會能看見彩虹。Known as the

Rainbow Waterfall, Skógafoss is one of the largest waterfalls in Iceland. Visitors have a great chance—95% I would say—of seeing

a rainbow or two. 2. Jökulsárlón 傑古龍冰河湖,到達後可 改搭破冰船欣賞壯闊景色。Jökulsárlón is the largest glacial lake in Iceland. The lagoon boasts a breathtaking view, which

one can enjoy from an icebreaker boat. 3. 陳振龍也收藏了 許多日本 CD,數量遍佈整面牆,算得上是 J-POP 超級 資 深 粉 絲。A huge J-Pop fan, Chan is a zealous collector of Japanese albums, which literally cover his entire wall.



還是淪陷,現在更霸佔了家人的房間,疊放這些滿滿的 戰利品。

當然,旅程也有發生意外的時候。今年 6 月興高采



機上超級空虛的。」如今回想起來,那段經驗還是令他 心疼不已。

以音樂記載旅途回憶 縱使買衣服、玩具能使人精神百倍,說到至今最教

他難忘的旅行經驗,卻是一座遠離塵囂,沒有光鮮時尚 或物質迷障的國度⸺冰島。那裡的氣溫極冷,冷到萬

物一塵不染,整排房子都是乾淨的粉色系。搭乘破冰船 看冰河,當時正值夏日,所有石頭都覆蓋著一片青苔, 如夢似幻,那色彩和氣味久不能忘懷。


而且通常我都隨身聽音樂,日後每當再播起當時聽的歌 曲,便會想起旅行的時光。只要有這項元素,我就會覺

得整趟旅行很完整。」冰島的音樂是碧玉(Björk),原 始的,來自喉嚨的聲音。像第一次到臺灣旅遊,在九份

一邊聽《神隱少女》的配樂,一邊看著傍晚細雨綿綿地 下,一切朦朧的景色,隨著旋律,混雜成一幅留存在記 憶深處的畫。


快還不夠,永遠只有更快。這幾年緩了下來,從緊縛的壓 力中解放,回到手中的模型,也在出走時,找到兒時買 玩具的喜悅,以及漫步體會自然的感動。這些心境上的體 悟,反倒讓他學習用更開闊的心情看待事物,慢慢累積出 新生活的能量。旅行當然是不會停的,當我們問起下次計 畫什麼時候出國,他保守卻俏皮地說:「要先好好存錢, 畢竟每次真的都有太多想買的。」


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Dressed in a chic, tapered outfit and wearing hipster glasses and silver earrings, Yam Chan has a rather slim build with a flawless beautiful face, radiating a unique attractiveness. Associating him with fashion, his field of expertise, is not difficult. Chan majored in fashion design and then worked in the UK’s fashion industry for three years. He is particularly fond of BALENCIAGA led by Nicolas Ghesquière, the then creative director. “His cutting is totally beyond the realm of ordinary imagination,” said Chan as he straightened a pair of pants in his collection and carried on and on about how he adores the fashion master and everything about fashion. “Today, the seamless ironing technique is in vogue, but Ghequière began doing it more than 10 years ago. Do you see how much these have a robotic and futuristic sense?”

New undertaking in a different field: Inner voice uttered in art works Despite his obsession with leading fashion trends, his appearance in the industry began to dim in 2016, when he moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan with his family. “They are too complicated,” Chan said lightheartedly. His life in Taiwan began with plenty of spare time, which allowed him to engage in the production of models using such materials as clay. He boasts a collection of some of the characters from the Disney cartoon Toy Story that are not so popular on the market, e.g., Baby Face, Legs, Pterodactyl, and Chuckles the Clown. “I am really into bad guys because not many others are interested in them, and so they are not really available. I find that making them has a soothing effect because I get to imbue the works with my dark side.” The undertaking put an extra title on his name card, which he applied to exhibitions in both Taiwan and Hong Kong. He then became fascinated with ball-jointed dolls, into which he breathed his aesthetic ideas. One work is a doll called Mich— which means “myself” in German—dressed in a one-piece white dress and wearing a long queue with iron wire mesh covering the face. It is actually a portrayal of himself, who, in his own words, is “tough and weak at times when it comes to expressing himself and is forced to hold back to prevent saying something regrettable, like the doll’s sorrowful eyes in the iron mask reflecting the difficulty of really being who you are in this society.”

A total shopaholic… As modern as he appears on the outside and as delicate on the inside, Chan has always been obsessed with travel as a means for satisfying himself materialistically and spiritually. He loves to dress himself up in different looks every day, refraining from a monotonous style. “People stare at you all the time, but when you are traveling, it doesn’t matter at all. I already paid for my excess luggage on my way out.”


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When Chan is traveling, he never stops indulging himself in shopping, for whatever is on sale or some cool secondhand outfits. To him, London is a shopping mecca, ranked just behind Hong Kong. He once brought models—mostly monster dolls—weighing more than 100 kilograms from Akihabara, Japan. He is also a fan of dinosaurs. He went to the Natural History Museum on his business trip to London and brought some ore to make his own rings. In recent years, he’s fallen for Godzilla and gone manic about buying all related accessories. Then it got totally out of control, as he may have speculated. Now his home is swamped with his treasures, including the rooms of his family members. Everybody comes across good and bad fortunes at one time or another. On a trip to the UK and Rome in June, he got a batch of new clothes, and some nice goodies were stolen on the day of his flight back home. “I spent the entire flight just feeling so ripped off,” he lamented.

Recording memories with music Shopping for clothes and toys fills him with energy. However, what truly made its mark on him was his trip to Iceland, a retreat from the everyday hustle and bustle and a country without considerable materialistic desire. It was so icy cold that everything looked so pure and clean. The buildings were painted in pleasantly light colors. He was in awe of the scenery of rocks covered in moss along the path of an icebreaker he took in the summer. The eight-hour trip was like a dream, but left an indelible hue and scent in his memory. “A wonderful journey involves a place that means something to the traveler. Normally I travel with music along the way. Whenever I play it, I think of the good time I had. I will feel integrity as long as I can enjoy music.” To him, Icelandic music is represented by such artists as Björk, whose voice is primitive and throaty. Chan’s first trip to Taiwan was accompanied by the Spirited Away soundtrack and a misty drizzle all night long in Jiufen, which together created a vividly sentimental scene for him. He has always been moving fast and furious, chasing glamor, trends, and excitement in the world of fashion. However, he’s been trying to ease his pace in more recent years and release himself from as much stress as possible by engaging in creating models, indulging in the childhood joy of purchasing toys, and pursuing the simplicity of nature. These sources of inspiration breathe new life into the way he approaches people and sees things around him. He will certainly never put an end to his enthusiasm for traveling. Whenever asked about his next trip, he grins and responds, “I have to bulk up my savings. I just can’t get enough of shopping.”

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V LUGGAGE | 名 人 開 箱


What a doll-maker & fashion professional carries in his suitcase 1. 珍藏已久的鬼馬小精靈娃娃,右邊脖子上有一個拉 環,拉出後會發出一連串的笑聲。

2. 最近購入的小魔怪玩偶。美國經典喜劇電影的角色, 不能碰水,不能半夜吃東西,不然會發生可怕的事情。

3. DIOR 的眼鏡和 TOM FORD 的香水。由於十分講究 出門在外時的裝扮,對配件和氣味也同樣挑剔。

4. 時裝界傳奇編輯 Grace Coddington 自傳《Grace: A

Memoir》,除了文字之外還有作者的手繪。她跌宕的 人生讓陳振龍著迷,也欣賞她的勇氣,特別買了裝幀講 究的原文版。

4. Grace: A Memoir by Grace Coddington, a legendary

fashion editor. This masterpiece features both illustrations and text, fascinating Chan with the ups and downs of her life and valor. Out of reverence, he bought the hardcover in its original language.

5. FASHIONPEDIA is a dictionary that provides explanations

and definitions of a fashion glossary, like the measurements

of size S. The team that composed the dictionary consists of Chan’s friends. The practicality of this reference book has made it a huge hit.

6. Victoria-style pin cushion purchased when working in London. Each pin comes with a little different-sized stone on the tip, shining like a star.


詞 彙 的 字 典, 例 如 S 號 意 指 三 圍



識。Fashionary 團隊是陳振龍的好


6. 倫敦工作時入手的維多利亞時






7. 名為「Mich」的自製球型關節 人偶。洋裝刻意做了皺摺表現立體



感,還用茶葉染上極淡的褐色。髮 型則參考清朝剃半邊頭的造型,中 西 混 搭, 甚 至 從 臉 也 辨 認 不 出 性 別,是一尊帶著中性美感的分身。

8. 出 國 工 作 時 會 攜 帶 的 製 作 服 裝




個品牌,共同點是這些工具都有著 他喜歡的銀色,有精神又亮麗。

1. Casper doll in Chan’s collection. With a ring-pull on the

right of its neck, some giggles will follow when pulled.

2.Gremlins, a recent purchase by Chan. A character featured

in an American comedy, it must be kept away from water and midnight snacks to prevent horrible things from happening.

3. Glasses by Dior, perfume by Tom Ford. Highly fussy about

his appearance, Chan has his own taste for accessories and fragrances.

7. He has a ball-jointed doll named Mich, whose dress is

marked by wrinkles to highlight the 3-D look and dyed a

light taupe using tea leaves. Her hairdo coolly references

the Manchu men’s hairstyle with half of the head shaved, representing a genderless mix of East and West.

8.He packs the tools required for fashion and model making

when he travels. He is not particularly into any specific brand, but the commonality of the tools is that they are all of a silver hue, a color he considers invigorating and bright.


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MBT_拉.pdf 2 2019/9/2 下午12:52


論品味養成必得先了解流行,既然如此,以下整理出的 13 組關鍵字、 87 件 "IT" items,秋冬絕對得好好留心一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These thirteen keywords and 87 key items are essential for any fashionista in 2019 F/W. Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang、黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai

Translated by 黃志健 Wong Chee Kin



野性 印花


Animal Print 尼龍腰包 Nylon Bum Bag

充 滿 野 性 的 動 物 印 花,

自 去 年 秋 冬 起 便 是 伸展台上


的 常 客, 大 面 積 的 蟒 蛇 紋、

Deer Print 手拿包



如 TOM FORD、GUCCI、 BURBERRY 等 皆 紛 紛 祭 出 充

滿 叢 林 氣 息 的 印 花, 而 且 一 定得穿成套才稱得上時髦。

走 向 秋 冬, 這 股 野 性 風


Kira Exotic 鏈帶包


Chain Bag

潮仍持續吹拂,無論是鞋履、 手 袋 或 太 陽 眼 鏡, 似 乎 都 想 和 動 物 紋 沾 上 邊。 若 妳 的 冬 季 造 型 總 是 千 篇 一 律的大地

色 系 或 低 調 的 灰 與 黑, 不 妨



Varina 芭蕾舞鞋 Ballet Flats

Snake-Print 後背包 Backpack

考慮從配件開始跨出舒適圈: 以 俐 落 簡 約 的 卡 其 風衣或黑

色 皮 夾 克, 搭 配 暗 色 調 的 蟒

蛇 紋 斜 背 小 包 或 低 跟 鞋, 再 點 綴 上 絲 巾 或 復 古 珠 寶, 即 能 展 露 極 富 八、 九 〇 年 代 風 味 的 復 古 造 型, 展 露 野 性 之 餘,也能穿出優雅。



Dreamer 肩背包

Shoulder Bag


Leopard Print 平底鞋 Loafer


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V TA G S | 流 行 關 鍵 字




森林綠 神秘的森林綠,不僅代表春夏的綠蔭,也呼應了





霓虹綠即是個最佳例子。今年秋冬,明度各異的森林 勃的氣息,看似低調卻令人難以忽視。

冬季衣櫃中常見的大地色單品,或成套的駝色、墨綠 深灰或黑色系穿搭畫龍點睛,值得妳趁著這波森林趨 勢大膽一試。


Whitney 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Sofie 女錶 Watch


Top Handle Bag

BOTTEGA VENETA ARCO 33 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Serpenti 鏈帶包 Chain Bag


Troupe 托特包

Tote Bag


Tabby 26 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


Medium Monogram Print 腰包 Bum Bag



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新幾 何風


要挑戰的是更俐落、鮮明的線條與幾何色塊。無論 是搶眼的字母印花、色塊拼接、縫衍工藝,包款上

皆融入幾何形圖案,賦予經典包款更現代、活潑的 個性。



太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses


母的尼龍包款,不僅適合運動風裝扮,更能混搭半 正式裝束,讓整體造型看起來更有個性。



Small Quilted Monogram


Lambskin 鏈帶包 Chain Bag

Cassette Bag


GG Marmont 肩背包 Shoulder Bag


迷你斜背包 Mini

Cross-body Bag


Parker 肩背包 Shoulder Bag



Top Handle Bag


Small Monogram Print 腰包 Bum Bag



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型、凸顯個人特質,也更好發揮搭配創意。華麗的彩色寶石以及纖細的手 鏈、項鍊,依舊是輕珠寶時尚的主要趨勢,時髦搶眼的大耳環與戒指也是 近年伸展台上最不可或缺的配件。


細手鏈要配寬戒,戴上大耳環就得換上細頸鍊,同理,穿得越簡約就越適 合配上一對份量感十足的耳飾。無論是上班、約會或出席派對,只要掌握


Iconic Agnes B. 項鍊 Necklace



Lion Head 手環 Bracelet



Ironie 耳環 Earrings SWAROVSKI

Black Baroque 手環 Bracelet



Strawberry 戒指 Ring

Moonsun 耳環



Symbol 耳環 Earrings


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追憶系列香氛 Mémoire


d'une Odeur

球知名美妝保養品牌,不但引進它們的完整商品線,更 緊追新品上架速度;現如今炙手可熱的 GUCCI,臺灣

百貨公司剛剛才引進 Gucci Makeup,昇恆昌也很快將 於桃園國際機場展店;同時也引進更多專營單類型商品 的品牌,率先引進臺灣的免稅市場,例如來自巴黎、人

文藝術感濃厚的 DIPTYQUE,以及代表專業彩妝權威、

強調獨特性的 M.A.C,都讓出國旅行又多了一個教人

期待的理由。旅客在候機時不僅能體驗到最新、最完整 的品項,而鍾愛獨特香氛品牌的旅客更能在每一次旅程


傾色絲潤唇膏 25* 高迪紅

Sheer Lipstick Goldie Red




EDT Eau des Sens



Le Gemme Desiria



White Candle Baies


超激光炫彩餅 Extra

Dimension Skinfinish Double Gleam




歡沁玫香女士香水 Rose

Goldea Blossom Delight

Matte Lipstick Chili


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限量 包裝


的品質,在於使用過後廣受市場好評的反饋。這些商品 從推出以來就受到青睞,商品本身的好壞最為重要,用




Taiwan Ultra Facial Cream



保濕霜 2019 Kiehl's Loves



包裝,假期版、限量版,或是充滿臺灣元素、專為臺灣 市場推出獨特款包裝,更值得粉絲收藏。即使是第一次

接觸的使用者都能放心,Top Sellers 的經典地位會說話,

買給自己或者作為送禮都不會失準,別出心裁的新包裝 更能為你的好眼光做認證。


無油無慮礦物控油蜜粉限量組 No Sebum Mineral Powder Special Set

CK One 2019 限量版淡

香水 CK One Collector’s Edition 2019


迷情摯愛女士香水(AMORE 限量版)SI Passione EDP Limited Edition



華 Damage Remedy™


乳木果潤手霜 2 入(臺灣限定) Destination Shea Butter Duo

Daily Hair Repair Special Edition


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機能 主義

隨著 GUCCI 掀起的華麗復古的風格逐

漸退燒,富有未來感的機能風則迅速崛起, 連以皮革工藝著稱的精品大牌們皆紛紛推出

相關設計,諸如大口袋、尼龍織帶、彈性束 繩、防水面料、安全帶插扣等都是常見於機

能單品的元素,又以黑色、軍綠、深藍或螢 光色系為主要配色。




Rivington 後背包 Backpack

後背包、尼龍腰包即是不可或缺的要素,搭 上同色系的機能手錶、運動鞋或鏡款,就能

輕鬆突顯穿搭主題。若擔心自己穿得「太過 機能」,變得像要去叢林裡打仗,不妨參考



Conquest V.H.P. 男錶 Watch

秋冬伸展台如何利用戶外單品混搭正裝,讓 你的搭配更高超。



Norman 後背包 Backpack

Jemison 後背包



Tonino 休閒運動鞋 Sneakers

THE NORTH FACE 後背包 Backpack


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Logo Print Convertible 腰包&後背包 Bum Bag & Backpack

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秋冬的 GIVENCHY、SAINT LAURENT 的男裝皆瀰漫著帶有未來感的暗黑

氣息,PRADA 則是將經典電影《科學怪人》的元素搬到伸展台上,探討 人性、童話與科幻性,為暗黑注入了感性與浪漫。


最佳利器,或再大膽一點,嘗試帶有刺繡印花或未來感線條的單品,讓你 的暗黑風格不只是一片漆黑。



Academy 後背包 Backpack


Occhiali Da Sole 太陽眼鏡



Signiture 公事包 Briefcase


Gucci Print 手拿包 Leather Pouch




Soft Grain 後背包



單肩包 Academy Pack


Vogel 斜背包 Cross-body Bag


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想要穿出科幻風情,就要大膽嘗試高彩度配色。除了早先流行的銀色、紫色,主 宰今年春夏男裝伸展台的珊瑚橘、螢光粉、罌粟紅與檸檬黃也持續延燒,即便時

序入冬,你仍可嘗試以融合圖騰印花或色塊的亮色系配件,搭配黑或深色系套裝, 一掃秋冬的沉寂,也能讓整體造型顯得更加年輕。





太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses GUCCI

Neo Vintage 抽繩後背包 Drawstring MCM Camo 腰包 Belt Bag COACH

Rivington 腰包 Belt Bag


Ocean Star

男錶 Watch


Moonshot 271 後背包 Backpack


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Medium Leather Trim Monogram Print 後背包 Backpack


Le Pliage LGP 後背包 Backpack

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環宇飯店.pdf 1 2019/8/21 下午1:21


一直以來,FITBIT 以「Fit for Everybody」

作為品牌核心理念,並以提供數據,激勵與引導 人們達成目標,致力於協助所有人過著更健康、


更積極的生活。FITBIT 設計的產品和體驗記錄 每日健康與健身數據。並擁有各式充滿創新、廣

受歡迎的產品。FITBIT Versa 智慧手錶及 FITBIT

Charge3 健身手環,具有時髦設計、採航太級

鋁合金外殼、康寧 Gorilla Glass 3 耐刮玻璃螢幕 製成。配有安全的感應支付、全天候心率追蹤功

能、15 種以上運動模式、GPS 連線功能及訊息

通知等功能,可與多項平台相容。此外,4 天以 上的電池續航力、深達 50 公尺防水等功能,帶


1. FITBIT 智能運動手錶 Versa / 2. FITBIT 智慧手環 Charge 3



創 立 於 1989 年 的 Garmin, 初 期 以 尖 端

航空 GPS 導航設備引領市場,過去 30 年逐步

將 GPS 技術擴增至穿戴式產品,跨足航空、航 GARMIN

高爾夫 GPS 腕錶 Approach® S60


球領導品牌。高爾夫 GPS 腕錶 Approach S60 內 建 有 全 球 超 過 4 萬 個 全 彩 球 道 地 圖, 新 增 PlaysLike 坡度距離建議功能,可依玩家所在球

道的上下坡位置,顯示果嶺建議的擊球距離, 輔助球友進行球道攻略,此外,完備的果嶺指

向輔助、前中後距離測量,及預覽圖等功能, GARMIN

本我系列 GPS 腕錶 Instinct

透過高感 GPS 定位精準判別所在位置,更可提 升擊球準確度;擁有長達 14 天電池續航力依美

國 軍 規 標 準 MIL-STD-810G 打 造 的 GPS 腕 錶 Instinct,內建多項室內及戶外運動模式,提供


另外,搭載電子羅盤、氣壓式高度計、3 種全

球衛星定位系統的設計,不管使用者身處哪種 戶外環境,皆能自動校時與精準定位。


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S7910 Shaver


親肌 3 模式設計讓使用者能自行根據




皮膚狀態,選擇推薦的速度設置。刮刀上 與皮膚間的摩擦,乾刮或濕刮都能帶來舒 適感受。內建的鬍鬚偵測傳感器能自動感

生共同開發的 app,更可收到專為用戶量 離就差這一步。



家 360 度旋轉、變化轉接插頭設計,可於

世界五大洲、150 國使用,多國旅行再也 不用擔心插座不對無法充電。針對電子產

品設計的 2 組 USB 插座,最高可提供 6A 的總電流量,內建保護保險絲能確保充電 時的用電安全。

TRAVEL BLUE 環球通用轉接插頭 +2(USB 孔)Twist & Slide World Travel Adaptor + 2 (USB)


Beats 和 Apple 技術深度合作的高性能運動耳機,

搭載 H1 晶片滿足全方位的生活需求。聆聽時間最長

可達 9 小時,採用 FastFuel 閃充技術,電量不足時充

電 5 分鐘即可播放 1.5 小時。穩固貼合的可調式耳掛,

日常時使用舒適感、穩定度兼具,體能訓練時使用可 抗汗抗水。左右耳皆可控制音量和歌曲,同時提供語 音、自動開啟/關閉功能。

BEATS 完全無線藍牙耳機 Powerbeats Pro






年,2018 年推出 AI 語言翻譯機後,一舉



最 多 支 援 43 種 世 界 主 流 語 言, 全 球 190 詢,21 國拍照翻譯功能無論點餐、閱讀文 件、當地查詢也一併照料。

WONDER 離線雙向語言翻譯機 Offline Multilingual Translator


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2019/9/19 上午12:38

# EXCLUSIVE 臺灣免稅獨賣



味⸺乾果香與生薑香氣融入淡淡柑橘香而更圓潤柔和,此款佳釀獨 獻臺灣免稅通路,也是麥卡倫首度嘗試創作國家限定的威士忌。


澄光單一麥芽威士忌 Aurora Single Malt Whisky



自挑選最高級 Oloroso 雪莉桶陳年的傳統工藝,最終

調和的「皇家禮炮 21 年稀世威士忌」,蘊含眾多高年



方得到如此真摯芳醇的威士忌。格蘭花格 #7117 蒸餾


單寧感與麥芽香,尾韻溫暖且綿長。限量 214 瓶,繪


於 1988 年,無花果乾和風乾草莓的蜜香、甜味,揉和 有臺灣孔廟的酒標,增添收藏價值。


Private cask 1988 Cask 7117

21 Year Old The Last Blend

禁止酒駕 001_084_內頁_0918.indd 62



1988 昇恆昌選桶 #7117



21 年稀世威士忌

未滿十八歲禁止飲酒 部分商品數量有限,售完為止。實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店。

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# FLAVOR 濃郁香醇




直接想到巧克力,之所以會有這 樣的聯想多半要拜 BUTLERS 所

賜。 投 身 巧 克 力 製 作 至 今 已 有 近 90 年 歷 史,BUTLERS 始 終

嚴選最優質的原料和非凡技術, 生產風味濃郁香醇的巧克力,再


加上華麗精緻的包裝設計,令人 很難忘記它的存在。尤其包裹有 70 % 黑 巧 克 力 松 露、 白 巧 克 力




點 的 8 顆 裝 禮 盒, 推 出 以 來 人


1. BUTLERS 松露黑巧克力 70% Dark Chocolate Powder Puff / 2. BUTLERS 粉紅香檳松露巧克力 Pink Marc De Champagne Truffle Powder Puff / 3. BUTLERS 巧克力禮盒 Dessert Menu / 4. BUTLERS 香檳松露巧克力禮盒 Champagne Menu




品牌⸺福灣巧克力,過去 2 年累

計共奪下 45 個國際獎項,亦獲米 其林餐廳及五星級飯店青睞指定使

用,除了各種世界經典產地巧克力 口味,更將屏東在地農漁產如櫻花

蝦、愛文芒果、荔枝和巧克力結合, 把臺灣的風土故事味帶上世界舞 台。與昇恆昌合作的特別限定版禮

盒,匯集了福灣巧克力多款代表作; 使用生態永續漁法的東港日曬櫻花

1. 福灣巧克力 36% 櫻花蝦巧克力禮盒 FU



蝦, 搭 配 36 % 超 高 可 可 脂 白 巧 克



001_084_內頁_0918.indd 64


探險。無論是哪一款保證都能為你 的味蕾帶來絕妙新體驗。

WAN CHOCOLATE 36% Pink Shrimp Chocolate / 2. 福灣巧克力 昇恆昌限定禮

Limited Edition Gift Box


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illy.pdf 1 2019/8/21 下午1:23

A for Gift Perfect


必勝 ! 戀愛助攻禮

你,不知道如何表達心意? 該送什麼禮物,才能讓關係更進一步或保鮮?




在關係還不明確的階段,挑選價格親民的輕珠 寶,就能讓她感受到你的心意,而且雙方都不 會有太大壓力。曖昧初期,基本款手鍊是最安 全的選項,不用擔心尺寸不合,還能讓她和身 邊的手鍊、手鐲混搭,更重要的是,當她戴在 手上,就會隨時想起你;如果是戀人未滿的狀 態,靠近胸口的項鍊,能明顯透露你想走進她 心裡的意圖,把握幫她戴上項鍊的時機,或許 還能一舉衝破曖昧雲霧。另外,適時以禮物的 設計概念試探自己在對方心中的定位,還可作 為進入下一階段的依據。


Soulmate 妳是我心心相印的心靈知己。

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Perfect Match

夕陽餘暉映在海面上透出迷人的粉 色寶石。一起去墾丁看夕陽吧 !

如同尊貴的龍與鳳,我們 是天造地設的一對。





熱戀中的你們,想讓愛火持續熊熊燃燒?穿情 侶裝又太高調?這時候,一起戴情侶墜或對戒, 低調又能公開曬恩愛,不但展現你們是心靈和 品味都契合的伴侶,也能強化情侶關係、帶給 她安全感。不善言辭的你,就算在熱戀期,也 不知道該說什麼甜言蜜語?不用苦惱,只要選 擇適合你們故事的禮物,就能讓她感動,感情 當然會更加甜蜜。


Start 這是我們兩人開始在一起的紀念。

/ 禮


My Love My Love,遇見妳,是我生命中最幸運的事。



想為穩定的關係增添火花?其實,不用特別安 排長假,週末到鄰近海島來趟小旅行,再拿出 精心挑選的禮物,就能一起重溫浪漫的熱戀時 光。在這個階段,尤其適合送她代表「永恆之 愛」的鑽石,不論是墜子或是耳環,都能讓她 散發迷人光彩,再度吸引你的目光,重燃情侶 間的熱情。

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一個人的品味高低終究取決於玩心、眼界,玩心有多大,眼界就有多寬。玩味生活, 讓每個日常隨著玩心變得多姿多采。

Your vision will shape your reality. Embrace every adventurous moment to make your life shine brighter.

Text by 黃巧惠 Jamie Huang、賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Photograph by 張季禹 Yu Chang

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V SCENES | 遊歷記事

滿滿玩心 FUN 一夏

A summer filled with shopping and fun 每年暑假都會精心準備驚喜的昇恆昌,今年也不例

外,別出心裁地在桃園國際機場舉辦「2019 SANRIO 家族好友同樂會」活動,除此之外,因 Marvel 漫威 80

週年、TOY STORY〈玩具總動員〉最新系列電影上映,

主題快閃店鋪也同步登場,為的只有希望炎炎夏日裡, 替旅客創造難以忘懷的旅途記憶。

Hello Kitty 和三麗鷗好友開心同樂


適逢 Hello Kitty 45 週年紀念,昇恆昌和臺灣三麗

鷗共同規劃「2019 SANRIO 家族好友同樂會」活動, 分別在桃園機場第一航廈童心世界商店,以及第二航廈

C3 Hello Kitty 候機室,安排了 Hello Kitty 和三麗鷗人 氣明星與旅客相見歡,幫大小旅客的候機時光增添童真 趣味。

活動當天上午,Hello Kitty 親臨第一航廈的童心世

界商店擔任一日店長,現場除抽抽樂活動,旅客還有機 會和 Hello Kitty 合影,熱鬧氣氛瞬間爆棚;下午於第二

航廈 C3 Hello Kitty 候機室的見面會還邀請布丁狗、酷

企鵝也一同出席。難得同聚的 3 位大明星更邀請旅客們 組隊,挑戰「好友連連看」九宮格記憶考驗小遊戲,測 試彼此的記憶力與好默契。

2 1. 因應暑假,昇恆昌與臺灣三麗鷗攜手於桃園國際機場舉辦「SANRIO

家族好友同樂會」活動,邀請大小朋友一起來同樂。2. 活動當天,三麗 鷗家族人氣明星 Hello Kitty、酷企鵝、布丁狗都現身活動現場,與旅客 一同度過歡樂時光。


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漫威、玩具總動員快閃店限量選購 無獨有偶,今年 Marvel 漫威也邁向 80 週年,除了

桃園國際機場 C3 登機門附近的「野獸國」售有漫威系 列商品,暑假期間昇恆昌更特別設立漫威主題快閃店,

周邊商品琳瑯滿目,T 恤、行李箱、公仔、紀念錶款……


在臺上映,櫃上也能看到蜘蛛人帽 T、風衣外套及帽子



動員》最新續集上映,昇恆昌亦設置主題快閃店,搜羅 各式各樣的周邊商品,萌樣征服了所有人的心。現場更 設有巨型火箭造型夾娃娃機裝置,旅客開心和三眼怪合



9 款精選商品 FUN 大你的玩心





1. TRAVEL HELLO KITTY 好姐妹行李束帶 Luggage Strap

3. TOY STORY 4 三眼怪存錢筒 Little Green Man Piggy Bank

公分延長到 180 公分。


易於辨識,也能防止行李箱爆開,長度可隨行李箱寬度調整,能從 100

歡慶〈玩具總動員 4〉回歸首次推出的超大型三眼怪存錢筒,三眼怪的

2. MARVEL 鋼鐵人戰損版鋁框行李箱 Mark 41 Bones Wheeled

4. MARVEL 蜘蛛人男性香水 Spider-Man Fragrance



Suitcase 20"

面特殊戰損傷痕式樣,完美擬真鋼鐵人的經典盔甲。 070

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V SCENES | 遊歷記事



1. 桃園機場 C3 登機門附近的野獸國店鋪展售漫威系列商品、星際大戰限量款公仔及周邊商品。 2. 昇恆昌以暑假人氣動畫電影《玩具總動員》為主題開設的快

閃店,現場還有三眼怪夾娃娃機造型裝置,供旅客合影留念。 3. 昇恆昌為漫威迷特別設立的暑假限定漫威主題快閃店,周邊商品一應俱全,讓旅客在登機前可 以逛個過癮。





9 免稅限定 Duty-free exclusive

7. TRAVEL HELLO KITTY 親子空氣包 Backpack

材質輕盈且表層布料經防潑水加工。3 種尺寸,具拉鍊內袋、隱藏式拉 鍊,方便整齊收納。 免稅限定 Duty-free exclusive

8. TRAVEL HELLO KITTY 好姐妹鋁框行李箱 Aluminum Frame


20 吋容量,多段式拉桿加上萬向滾輪,箱身具防水功能,內箱分隔多

5. TRAVEL HELLO KITTY 好姐妹護照套 Passport Holder 沾染髒污。

Suitcase 20"


6. TOY STORY 4 絨毛藍牙喇叭(鴨霸與兔崽子)Plush Doll

9. MARVEL 鋼鐵人藍牙燈光喇叭 Iron Man Bluetooth


由漫威正式授權的 Q 版造型設計,極致重低音效果,可調 LED 燈。底

Bluetooth Speaker - Ducky & Bunny 絨毛外觀還可避免音箱碰撞損壞。

Speaker With Light



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EVER RICH DIOR PRESTIGE Beauty Class 見到 DIOR,即令人聯想到優雅、高貴,而這份與

心規劃了「迪奧獨家精萃再生花蜜系列護膚 VIP 體驗活


花朵、Miss Dior 香水經典香氛交織而成的幸福氣息,伴


同時他也身兼調香師,無論是彩妝、香水亦或肌膚保養, 迪奧先生十分明白女性之美,懂得如何為女性打造脫俗、 雍容的高貴氣質,尤其在近五十年前便踏足肌膚保養之 領域,為的就是要領先時代,焠鍊出能使肌膚凍齡的美 容奇蹟。

同樣長期關注女性之美的昇恆昌,為了感謝 iRich

Club 的 VIP 會員一直以來的支持,特別攜手 DIOR,悉


001_084_內頁_0918.indd 72

動」,讓會員們在佈滿玫瑰花的場域裡,浸淫於由新鮮 隨著茶飲香檳與法式古典音樂的悠揚樂符,度過迷人的 午後時光。



打造如花般綻放的女子。自創立以來,花朵在 DIOR 的

品牌歷史中始終是不可或缺的一項元素,更是護膚系列 的 精 髓 所 在 ,例 如 :1967 年,DIOR 研 膚 中 心 從 吸 取

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V SCENES | 遊歷記事 4



1. 永生花插畫藝術家 Stella 老師帶領貴賓們體驗不凋花花藝手作。 2. 迪奧亞太區域零售培訓總監 Eve Wagner(中),和迪奧中國及臺灣免稅品部資深區域總監

Lynn Chen(右)、昇恆昌麥子慧副總經理(左)共同出席。 3. 迪奧獨家精萃再生花蜜系列護膚 VIP 體驗活動會場,佈滿玫瑰裝飾與完整產品系列。 4. DIOR 精萃

再生花蜜微導精露。 5. DIOR 品牌大使 Jonny 現場為會員貴賓們展示卸妝、護膚保養及上妝示範。6. DIOR 精萃再生花蜜護膚系列。

日月精華的萬千花朵嚴選出 Virtue 玫瑰及鮮蘊玉蘭花,




最終研製出首款 DIOR 專屬的潔膚配方,或是取自迪奧

蜜」,都不難看見花朵與 DIOR 密不可分的關連。

結合 DIOR 的信念──專注不凡與卓越,DIOR 品

作時的專注神情,恰恰展現了迪奧先生最希望捕捉的、 收到令人驚喜的 DIOR 香氛世家 Maison Christian Dior


牌大使 Jonny 近距離帶領 VIP 會員們體驗「精萃再生花


等,逐一細心解說,親身體會花朵所帶來的神奇力量。 此外,為留給貴賓們更加深刻的回憶,邀請 Stella Lai's fashion illustration 帶領貴賓完成不凋花手作花藝,結合


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2019/9/19 上午12:38

一路流動的風景—— 西伯利亞鐵路 Journey of Surreal Scenery

Text & Photography

梁大文 Kat Leung

梁 大 文。 生 於 香 港, 流 落 臺 北。 先 後 於 香 港

《明報》擔任旅遊記者、倫敦設計大獎 D&AD Awards 策劃、臺灣設計生活雜誌《PPAPER》、 潮流生活誌《M.Mag》主編。目前從事編輯企

劃及攝影獨立工作,專注藝術設計、文化及生活 等領域。喜歡漫無目的地旅行,喜歡旅行中的


緬甸、巴爾幹半島、西伯利亞,還有大城市如倫 敦、紐約、莫斯科,記錄了許多百無聊賴的鐵路 風景。

Hong Kong-born Kat Leung is an independent writer and photographer with years of solid experience working in lifestyle, travel and design media. With her lifelong wanderlust and curiosity to discover inspiring places, Kat’s editorial and commercial writing and photography work span the travel and lifestyle sectors and have been published in various titles and publications across Asia. She is currently based between Taipei and Hong Kong. Instagram: @unknowndrifters

Translated by Ryn Ting-Ru Lin

1. 西伯利亞鐵路的 K19 路線跨越中俄兩國,由北京出發經邊境滿州里進入俄羅斯 邊境城市外貝加爾斯克慢慢向莫斯科前進。沿路風光隨著國家、地域、天氣、文化 與人物不停變化,緩緩流動的風景就是鐵路旅行最迷人的地方 K19 Route of the Trans-

Siberian Railway starts from Beijing, through Manzhouli on the Chinese border to Zabaykalsk, a very quiet Russian border city and slowly approaching the final stop Moscow. Enjoying the change in countries, geography, weather, culture and people all the way in the train is definitely the highlights of this journey.

西伯利亞鐵路 ( Trans-Siberian Railway ) ,聽起來




又遙遠又陌生。記得移居臺灣那年, 一直鼓勵我拍照的 坐西伯利亞鐵路火車一路到北京,他在寒冬裡與西伯利

亞人、俄羅斯人、中國人擠在狹小的車廂,沿路拍下許 多動人黑白寫真。想是那些畫面深刻地烙在腦海裡,十 多年來潛移默化教我迷上坐火車那一路流動的風景。火

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車廂裡的風景轉移,對座的人來來去去,從人們的打扮、 故事來。

去年許願想在 40 歲前坐上西伯利亞火車,沒想到


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V GUIDE | 城市指南

2&3. 每次停站,不管多久,大家總會衝下車走走呼吸新鮮空氣,連一起坐西伯利亞鐵路的貓咪也不例外。At every stop, whether long or short, everyone rushed out of the train to breathe some fresh air. The cat on the train was no exception.

4. 貝加爾湖冬天冰封時不能捕撈新鮮魚,當地人總會吃烤過的魚乾 Omul,每次一停站,便有許多小販擁上前手拿魚乾販賣。Lake Baikal is covered


2 3 4

with ice in winter. Without fresh fish, the locals eat dried fish like Omul. Whenever the train stopped, lots of vendors would rush forward to sell dried fish.

旅。1904 年建成的西伯利亞鐵路,曾經是農作物、與





K3 列車,每到夏天都一票難求。我與好友退而求其次選 坐從北京出發,經哈爾濱至邊境滿州里,進入俄羅斯往

莫斯科全程 8,981 公里的 K19 列車。14 天中途停駐多

站,跨越中俄 6 個時區的旅程,體驗了舒適四人冷氣包

拍,坐上層偷偷窺看下層乘客動與靜,也在不分早午晚 美食,一到站一起衝往月台上雜貨店買冰凍可樂。原以 為百無聊賴前路漫漫的火車日子,別人認為可有可無的 火車旅程,卻再一次成為我記憶裡最深刻的風景。


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V GUIDE | 城市指南



8 7


5&8. 有些人會選擇一路從北京坐到俄羅斯,但更多

人會選擇在伊爾庫茨克下車,前往世界上水容 量最大且 1996 年已被登錄為世界遺產的貝加 爾湖(Lake Baikal)遊覽。貝加爾湖面積幾乎 像臺灣那麼大,我們選擇乘渡輪前往湖中小 島 Olkhon Island 休息幾天,時晴時陰且一望 無際的湖泊風景,常教人以為身處海洋之中。

Some people choose to travel from Beijing to Russia without stopping, but most choose to get off at Irkutsk to visit Lake Baikal, the lake with the world’s largest water capacity and a world heritage site since 1996. Lake Baikal is almost as large as Taiwan. We took the ferry to Olkhon Island on the lake and stayed there for several days, some sunny, some cloudy. Looking out onto the boundless lake, we felt as if we were in the middle of the sea. 6. Olkhon Island 島 上 人 口 只 有 約 1,500 人, 民

風簡樸,小朋友在破舊的鞦韆下,仍然玩得自 在 開 心 。Olkhon Island only has a population of

about 1,500. The people are unsophisticated, and the children play under the shabby swing. 7. 沿北京繞過東北經哈爾濱駛往俄羅斯邊境,隨

著安檢變嚴密中國火車站月台變得異常冷清, 另一邊鐵軌的綠色中國列車沒有 K19 的舒適豪 華,都是些尋常通勤風景。 Starting from Beijing, we headed to the border of Russia through Harbin in northeast China. With stricter security checks, the platforms in China became abnormally quiet. The green Chinese train on the other track was not as comfortable and luxurious as K19. It was a normal commuting scene.

9. 跟中國的火車站很不同,西伯利亞沿路的火車

站總是擠滿人潮,乘客以外,多是來送別親友 的 人。Unlike the stations in China, the stations in

Siberia were always crowded with people, not only passengers, but also lots of people seeing their family and friends off.


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10&11. 三等車廂沒有包廂分隔,大家幾乎都沒有隱私,但也

造就了乘客之間的交流,跟爸爸一同坐火車回家的 俄羅斯女孩,不懂英語但也努力地跟我們聊天,爸 爸還跟火車乘務員買了俄鐵紀念品送給我留念。The

third-class car has no compartments and offers no privacy, but the passengers have more interaction with each other. The Russian girl taking the train together with her father didn’t speak English but tried hard to chat with us. Her father bought me a Russian Railways souvenir from the train attendant.

12. K19 列車由俄羅斯鐵路營運,從北京出發經滿州里進

入俄羅斯抵達伊爾庫茨克,我們在共有 4 張床的 3 號 車 廂 經 歷 了 4 天 3 夜。The K19 is operated by Russian

Railways. From Beijing, through Manzhouli, and to Irkutsk, Russia, we spent four days and three nights in Car 3 with four beds.

The Trans-Siberian Railway sounds distant and strange. I remember a good friend of mine who always encouraged me to take photos, quit his job and went on a long journey the same year that I immigrated to Taiwan. On his return trip, he took the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow all the way to Beijing. During the cold winter, he crowded with the Siberian, Russian, and Chinese people in a narrow car and took many touching black and white photos along the way. Deeply engraved in my mind, those pictures unknowingly enchanted me for the past ten years with flowing scenes of a train trip. Compared with planes, the speed of the train seems to make everything clearer. The shifting scenes both outside the window and inside the car, the coming and going of the people sitting in front, and people's clothing, attitudes, baggage, and even their appearance when enjoying the scenery have all inspired my imagination. Last year, when I made a wish to ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway before turning forty, I never expected to embark on the world’s longest transcontinental railway journey between Europe and Asia as soon as this year. Built in 1904, 078

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the railway used to be an important link between Europe and East Asia for transporting crops and war supplies. More recently, it has become a popular travel route. Every summer, getting a ticket for the classic K3 route, which goes through China, Mongolia, and Russia, is nearly impossible. My friends and I settled on the K19, from Beijing, through Harbin and Manzhouli on the border, to Moscow, Russia. During the fourteen days, the train stopped at many stations. On the journey, which crossed six time zones from China to Russia, we experienced the comfortable air-conditioned compartment shared by four people, but also crowded ourselves into the third-class car full of barefoot passengers. We frenziedly checked in on social media and took selfies in the compartment, peeked from the upper berth at the passengers' movement below, ate endlessly regardless of time, shared with strangers delicacies brought from our hometown, and dashed to buy ice-cold Coke at the grocery on the platform as soon as the train stopped. A train ride that others may regard as long, tedious, and unnecessary became a profound scene in my memory again.

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Text by 賴宗炫 Kenneth Lai Translated by 蔡雅婷 Ya-Ting, Tsai

樂遊臺北 easy 購

Ever Rich launched a new Sightseeing Bus route Fun tour around Taipei for easy shopping 喜愛到市區免稅店購物的老朋友們,對經營超過 20


addition to pick-up and drop-off service, a map of Taipei's tourist attractions is available on the bus free of charge.

物消費習性的趨勢及考量臺北市區店點分布,昇恆昌自 7 月起將市區民權店整併到內湖旗艦店,以更舒適的購

物環境服務旅客。為了提供舊雨新知完善的購物體驗, 昇恆昌特別攜手臺北市雙層觀光巴士,提供每日定時定

點的免費接駁車服務,從信義商圈直達內湖旗艦店,結 合旅遊、購物的觀光路線,無論是想逛還是想買都能一 次滿足。

Friends who love shopping are no strangers to Ever Rich Taipei’s 20-year-old Downtown Minquan Store. In response to tourism shopping trends and consumption habits and in consideration of store distribution in Taipei, the Minquan Store has been integrated into Ever Rich Downtown Store, Neihu in July 2019, to provide a more comfortable shopping environment and service quality. Furthermore, Ever Rich has teamed up with the Taipei City Doubledecker Sightseeing Bus to provide free scheduled shuttle bus service from Xinyi business district to Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu combining travel and shopping, to accommodate all tourists’ needs in a single trip, whether they are looking to purchase or just window-shopping.

臺北「遊」此去 Taipei "Day Tour"


車,每日提供 5 個固定班次,全線共 4 個停靠站:臺北 101 大樓站(松智路)、信義威秀站(松壽路)、市政府 捷運站(4 號出口,出站往後方步行約 70 公尺)、昇恆

昌內湖旗艦店,除接送服務外,巴士上還有臺北市觀光 景點地圖可免費索取,購物之餘還能吃喝玩樂遊臺北。

Ever Rich has worked exclusively with the Taipei City Double-decker Sightseeing Bus to provide free shuttle bus service, so that visitors can enjoy some sightseeing in addition to shopping and entertainment. Five fixed shuttles are provided every day, and the bus stops at four spots along the route: Taipei 101 Stop (Songzhi Road), Xinyi Vieshow CINEMAS Stop (Songshou Road), Taipei City Hall MRT Stop (Exit No. 4, walk about 70 meters after you exit), and Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu. In

百家品牌 買好買滿

Brand variety for the ultimate shopping experience! 擁有 5 層樓寬敞購物空間的昇恆昌內湖旗艦店,匯

集國際精品、時尚品牌、香水美妝、電子 3C、文創及

特色伴手禮等逾百家品牌,一站購足的消費體驗,如今 有了臺北市雙層觀光巴士的加持,更增添不少便利性, 於此同時,昇恆昌亦貼心地推出多項優惠方案,讓來臺 自由行的旅客和即將出國的國人,享有預先於市區輕鬆 購物、出境前機場提貨服務,滿足每一顆想要買好買滿 的心。

Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store in Neihu has five floors of spacious shopping space, bringing together more than 100 brands from international boutiques, fashion brands, perfume and beauty items, electronic and 3C products, and cultural and creative gifts. Visitors are offered a onestop shopping experience with the added convenience of the Taipei Double-decker Sightseeing Bus. Meanwhile, Ever Rich has also launched a number of preferential schemes so that both independent travelers and Taiwan citizens going abroad can enjoy easy shopping downtown in advance and have airport pick-up service before their departure, thus accommodating everyone's shopping needs.


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接駁車路線圖 & 接駁車班次表

Route map and schedule of the shuttle bus ① 臺北 101 大樓站(松智路) Taipei 101 Building (Songzhi Road) ② 信義威秀站(松壽路)


③ 市政府捷運站(四號出口)

出站往後方步行約 70 公尺 MRT Taipei City Hall Station Exit 4 (the bus stop is about 70m after you exit)

④ 昇恆昌內湖旗艦店

Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu






















1. 上述各停靠站皆與公車站牌相同。2. 車輛到站及發車時間以行駛實際路況為準。3. 接駁車服務全年無休,如遇天災不可抗力因素將配合臺北市政府公告停止

上班,當日將全面停駛。4. 出發購物前,請確認是否攜帶護照或入臺證及航班資訊(圖檔或影本皆可)。 1. Each of the above stops is the same as the public bus stop. 2.

The departure and arrival time of the shuttles depends on current traffic conditions. 3. Shuttles run all the year round. In case of natural disasters or force majeure, the shuttle service will be suspended for the day in accordance with the announcements of Taipei City Government. 4. Please bring your passport or Exit and Entry Permit for the Taiwan Area of the Republic of China and flight itinerary before going shopping (graphic files or copies are acceptable).

免稅價再優惠 最高可省 NT$15,900

Additional discounts for duty-free products, with savings up to NT$15,900

◉ 優惠第一重 First round of discount offer 免稅價再優惠

國際精品、珠寶、手錶現抵 10% 香水、化妝品、流行飾品現抵 5%

Additional discount for duty-free product

10% off for international brands, jewelry, watches 5% off for perfumes, cosmetics, fashion accessories

◉ 優惠第二重 Second round of discount offer 刷 62 銀聯卡可再享 3%回饋

活動期間:即日起至 2019.12.31 UNIONPAY EXCLUSIVE!

Additional 3% off if you use UnionPay Card starting with “62”. This offer is valid until December 31, 2019.


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◉ 優惠第三重 Third round of discount offer

至昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 4 樓客服櫃台,出示 QR CODE 即 可享折價優惠及來店小禮。

P l e a s e a p p ro a c h t h e 4 F c u s t o m e r service counter at Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store in Neihu, present this code to enjoy the discounts and collect your free gift.

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第一重 填問卷抽好禮



2019/9/15 至 2019/12/31 止,填寫 Voyager 讀者問卷調查並成功送出,即有機

會獲得 WEDGWOOD 莎拉花園杯盤組、 Ever Rich×膳魔師聯名四小英雄保溫

杯、Hello Kitty 旅行袋、昇恆昌 iRich 點數 1000 點等超值好禮。

掃 QR CODE 填問卷

隨機 1 款不挑色

第二重 iRich

Club 會員再加碼

於問卷填寫讀者本人的 iRich Club 會員編號,即贈



( 請至網頁下載昇恆昌 iRich

◉每月抽出 WEDGWOOD 莎拉花園杯盤組 1 名、Ever Rich×膳魔師聯名四小英雄保溫 杯 2 名、Hello Kitty 旅 行 袋 5 名、 昇 恆 昌 iRich 點數 1000 點 20 名 ◉截止日期:2019/09-12 月,每月月底

◉公布得獎日:2019/10/08、2019/11/08、 2019/12/10、2020/01/10 ◉活動須知及注意事項,請參考活動網頁。

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Shopping Directory A


AGNÈS B. 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店.機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄

EVER RICH JEWELRY 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

ALLSAINTS 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 AVEDA 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 B

F FITBIT 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BEATS 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

FU WAN CHOCOLATE 福灣巧克力 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BOTTEGA VENETA 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店. 機場免稅商店 – 桃園


BURBERRY – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 BUTLERS 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 BVLGARI – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄 BVLGARI – 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 C CALVIN KLEIN – 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CHIARA FERRAGNI 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CHLOÉ– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店.機場免稅商店 – 桃園 COACH– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 D DIPTYQUE 機場免稅商店 – 松山 082

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GARMIN 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GEORG JENSEN 機場免稅商店 – 桃園.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GIORGIO ARMANI– 美妝 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GIORGIO ARMANI– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 GUCCI– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 I INNISFREE 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 K KIEHL'S 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 高雄.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 KIPLING 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 V O YA G E R v o l . 2 2

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Shopping Directory L


L'OCCITANE 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

TAG HEUER 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店.機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園

LONGCHAMP 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 高雄 LONGINES 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 M M.A.C 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店.機場免稅商店 – 桃園 MCM 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 MICHAEL KORS– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 MIDO 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 桃園 / 臺中 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

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MONT BLANC – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 臺中 / 高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

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※ 以上列出本期《VOYAGER》介紹的商品品牌,於昇恆昌

PHILIPS 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 / 金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 / 臺中 / 高雄.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 R REBECCA MINKOFF 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 / 高雄.網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 S

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