Voyager Vol.07 Oct-2013昇恆昌機場誌第7期

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oyager V issued by

Oct 2013



NEVER TOO MUCH 秋冬宣言 2013

全新桃園中正機場 候機室首度曝光

昇恆昌珠寶 愛相隨系列新品上市



Oct 2013


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Voyager issued by


October 2013 No. 07

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每一段精彩航程的起點與終點,都在機場。為了讓每位出入境旅客留下 美好印象,由昇恆昌免稅商店贊助,邀請台灣在地藝術家及產業代表為 桃園中正國際機場進行一系列主題候機室改裝企劃,以「台灣特有民俗 文化」為出發點,讓各國旅人從中感受到福爾摩沙之美。



知名台灣藝術家李真的雕塑,量體雖龐大墨黑,感覺卻又似乎很輕盈。 透過每次的創作他想表現自己對變動世界的看法,同時留下空間給人們 去思考。








無論當下時尚舞台刮的是哪陣風潮,「奢華」絕對是每個女 人最無法抵抗的流行風格,設計師以不同手法詮釋「奢華」 的各種面貌,女人也樂得多了個理由撒鈔票。


管它GDP指數指到了哪裡、生活痛苦指數又飆到了多高,錙 銖必較的聰明女孩把眼光瞄準經典包款,強勢入場穩賺不賠 的時尚投資。

昇恆昌珠寶 愛相隨系列新品上市


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Voyager issued by


October 2013 No. 07



入秋後氣溫不穩定,肌膚在短時間內承受劇烈變化,導致老化現象產 生。在冬天正式來臨前,讓肌膚回復健康狀態,才能讓後續的保養工作 事半功倍。

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當香氣襲來,有的甜美清柔,有的世故洗練…除了增添女性的特質,更 代表著每個人的個性與語言。

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2013年昇恆昌珠寶推出首款婚嫁系列珠寶,以蝴蝶為題,要讓您感受 最浪漫細緻的鑽石系列經典。




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選購鑽錶或是金錶的最大原則,不是閃死人,而是能看到品牌對工藝的 嚴謹程度;相較於機芯內部的打磨,錶殼的打磨、鑽石的鑲嵌,則是各 品牌的角力場,要搏輸贏,就趁現在!

從台灣文創小物、時髦花店、文具到各式各樣的雜貨用品,隱藏在大小 巷弄之間的生活店舖,正是這座城市最迷人之處。


一顆葡萄的香氣,綻放出讓人驚訝的香氣與口感,干邑就是最好的例 子。透過生命之水的調和,每款干邑都彷彿有了自已的生命。於是,在 我們對飲眼下的生命之水前,是否也看到了背後超群絕倫的卓越工藝與 堅持?


Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation

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發行人:江松樺 Publisher:Simon Chiang 策劃監督:吳錫顯、江建廷、常春媚 Supervisory Manager :Jack Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chiong 地址:11494 台北市內湖區新湖二路289號 Address:No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road,

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Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.

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明星魅力與極致的女性風華之美,是成就寶格麗 在珠寶界地位的關鍵基石,也因而促成這次全新 頂級珠寶系列-「DIVA」的誕生。法國總統夫 人- CARLA BRUNI SARKOZY 擔 任 廣 告 代 言人,為獨特的高級珠寶作品製造話題。

BVLGARI’s renowned standing in the jewelry industry was built by combining the allure of movie stars with the pinnacle of feminine beauty. These qualities are behind the Diva collection, BVLGARI ’ s all-new, luxury jewelry series, which was immediately thrust into the spotlight when Carla Bruni Sarkozy, the French first lady, served as a spokeswoman.

為了紀念品牌今年的第一百歲,決定將艾曼紐二世拱廊這個品牌的發源地 重新擴建,以全新形態的「PRADA GALLERIA」重現這個嶄新的男裝 銷售空間,滿足頂級性消費者的奢華願望。

In celebration of Prada’s 100th anniversary this year, the brand launched the Prada Galleria at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, where its founder opened his first boutique. Prada Galleria offers a new space dedicated to men’s fashion that can satisfy the shared desire for luxury among high-class consumers.


FENDI 配 飾 設 計 總 監 SILVIA VENTURINI 特別針對亞洲市場推出 迷你版「2JOURS」並取名為「PETIT 2JOURS」。每款包包忠於品牌 理念-二元性,結合兩種不同材質來 強調經典低調的奢華。

Exclusively for the Asian market, Fendi creative director Silvia Venturini released a smaller version of the 2Jours handbag called the Petit 2Jours. Each remains faithful to the brand’s design philosophy of dualism — the marriage of two elements to portray luxury in a low-key, classic style.


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自 1998 年 起,CHOPARD 與 坎城國際影展共同譜出一首紅地 毯上的雙人舞曲。在今年的影展 上,CHOPARD 專門設計了以 「愛情」為主題的頂級訂製紅地 毯系列,結合了心形鑽石、花卉 圖案及亮眼的彩色寶石,使女人 的美麗綻放光芒。

Since 1998, Chopard and the Cannes Film Festival have celebrated an ongoing romance in the form of the Red Carpet Collection. For this year’s festival, Chopard created a high-class, custommade collection of jewelry themed on “ love. ” Through a combination of heart-shaped diamonds, floral patterns and shimmering precious stones, the collection let the feminine figure radiate forth in all its beauty.

為了展現出 TOD’S 全新「SELLA」系列優雅華美且活力兼具的一面,攜手 與當代藝術家兼攝影大師 DAVIDLACHAPELLE 打造出一段夢幻旅程,賦 予傳統的馬鞍世界一個嶄新”POP”的美學視野。

To exemplify the elegant dynamism of Tod’s new Sella bag, the brand invited contemporary artist and photographer David LaChapelle to bring a “pop” sensibility to the traditional world of saddlery.

對 於 BURBERRY 來 說, 一 件 富有機能性以及美麗外形的風衣 幾 乎 等 同 於 品 牌 的 註 冊 商 標。 此次品牌邀請了五十餘位來自 上海的知名人士,穿著 BURBERRY 風 衣, 由 中 國時尚攝影 師許闖掌鏡,於上海各個街頭景 點 拍 攝 肖 像, 而 拍 攝 的 肖 像 也 將 展 示 於 ARTOFTRENCH. COM 中。

Burberry’s trench coats are more than just functional with a striking appearance – they are the brand’s most iconic item. For a special promotion Burberry invited 50 well-known figures from Shanghai to wear its trench coats while visiting the city’s landmarks. These scenes were captured by the Chinese fashion photographer Xu Chuang and displayed in portrait form on the website

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由 GUCCI 創意總監 FRIDA GIANNINI 及義大利 FIAT 繼承人 LAPO ELKANN 所 共同設計,為 GUCCI MADETO MEASURE 頂級訂製服服務中的專屬系列,以獨特 的傳統理念融合 GUCCI 精湛的工法工藝,打造嶄新的男裝設計,展現非凡的品味。

Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini and Lapo Elkann, the Fiat heir, designed this Made to Measure capsule collection. Conceived to combine unique traditional concepts with Gucci’s sartorial expertise, the collection presents all new menswear designs that encompass an unusually refined taste.

NEWSPAPER 全 新「 L I M E L I G H T GALA」 系 列 腕 錶, 出 色 的 腕 表 外 型 -「9」 與「6」, 令 人 印 象

深 刻! 而 廣 告 影 片 全 以 巴 黎 為 背 景,演出都會女性日與夜的浪漫邂 逅故事。

The remarkable appearance of the all-new Limelight Gala series from Piaget can be attributed to the memorable s h a p e o f i t s l u g s. W h a t ’ s more, the Paris backdrop of its advertisements serves as the perfect setting to describe romantic encounters experienced day and night by the modern urban woman.

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美國時尚品牌 COACH 與中國最具影 響力的時尚攝影大師陳漫合作,拍攝今 年秋季鞋款系列平面形象廣告。靈感來 自 COACH 女 郎 隨 興 優 雅 的 風 采, 以 「SHADOW HER STEPS」 為 題, 以鏡頭紀錄不同鞋款所代表的個性與生 活型態,是一系列很寫實的風格影像。

The highly influential Chinese fashion photographer Chen Man joins Coach to shoot images for the American fashion brand’s 2013 Fall shoe collection. With the theme “Shadow Her Steps,” Chen draws inspiration from the carefree grace and elegance of the Coach woman by following her throughout the day, capturing realistic images of the character and lifestyle represented by various shoe styles.

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DESIRE 今年秋冬的時尚採買,由慾望清單為你一一唱名。 執行 FELIX PHOTO SIMON TEAH

LOEWE 雙色經典手提包,Amazona 28 Bag Coral/Magenta。


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GUCCI 芥末黃皮革手提包,Bree Medium Dome。

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TOD'S 乳牛圖案漆皮豆豆休閒鞋,TOD'S Gommini Mocassino。

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BVLGARI 蛇形裝飾黑色太陽眼鏡,Serpenti Sung Black/Gold。

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BURBERRY 橘色迷你肩背包,Mini Blaze Crossbody Bag。

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VALENTINO 寶藍色鉚釘鍊帶包,Chain Shoulder Bag。 實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店

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AGENDA 10-12 2013

Text Kc Photo 各單位提供

電影「侏儸紀公園」裡,科學家利用封存在琥珀裡的蚊子 血液,讓恐龍返回現代,這讓大家注意到琥珀中種種生物 和瞬間凍結的生命現象,讓生物學、考古學等科學家們, 有了良好的素材與證據,本次特展共有多達 500 件的展 品,等你來探索。 時間:即日起至2013年12月22日 地點:國立台灣博物館

In the movie Jurassic Park, scientists used mosquito blood preserved in amber to bring dinosaurs back to life. Because of this movie, people started noticing the fact that organisms preserved in amber are frozen in time and provide biologists, archeologists and other scientists with good material and evidence to work with. This exhibition features over 500 exhibits for you to come and explore. Time: Till December 22, 2013 Where: National Taiwan Museum

長毛象YUKA特展 看過《冰原歷險記》的人一定知道,生活在冰原的長毛 象,這次的展覽主角YUKA,便是來自於3萬9千年之前, 並且是全球首例取出腦部組織的長毛象,經過還原之後重 見天日,快來看看這些已絕跡的生物物種吧。 時間:2013年11月16日至2014年3月2日 地點:國立中正紀念堂中正藝廊

Anyone who has seen the movie Ice Age knows about the woolly mammoths that live on the icy tundra. The main attraction of the exhibition is Yuka, a woolly mammoth that lived 39,000 years ago and is the first mammoth that scientists have recovered brain tissue from. She has been put on exhibit after undergoing restoration, it's a very rare opportunity to see these extinct animals in real. Time: November 16, 2013 to March 2, 2014 Where: Zhong Zheng Art Gallery , National Chiang KaiShek Memorial Hall

東方熱:塵三個展 創作已超過40餘年的塵三老師,擅長以東方的人文思維融合西方筆觸,藉由西方油 畫將東方的山水墨畫表現出來,為藝術帶來一股清泉。 時間:即日起至10月20日 地點:穎川畫廊(台北市仁愛路一段45號2樓)

Master Chen San has created art for over forty years. He is adept at integrating Eastern humanist philosophy with Western brushstrokes to express the essence of Eastern Shan shui ink paintings in Western oil paintings, bringing a refreshing style to art. Time: Till October 20, 2013 Where: River Gallery (2nd Floor, No.45, Sec. 1, Ren’ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)


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ROBOT KITTY未來樂園 大家等了很久的ROBOT KITTY未來樂園互動展來啦!可愛的會場內備有各式獨家限 定紀念商品,讓您絕對玩的盡興! 時間:即日起至10月20日 地點:台北松山文創園區2、3號倉庫

The long-anticipated Robot Kitty –Amusement Park of the Future interactive exhibition is finally here, where you can also find various exclusive limited-edition Kitty souvenirs, Kitty Fans will deifinitely have a fun time here! Time: Till Ocotber 20, 2013 Where: Warehouses 2 and 3 in the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

代謝派未來都市展 當代日本建築的源流,由東京「六本木之丘」都市開發案中,最重要 文化機構之一的日本森美術館,與來自台灣的忠泰建築文化藝術基金 會聯手,將此展覽自日本移植來台,將帶給民眾在1960年代,日本 建築大師們眼中的未來城市與實驗性的建築作品,展覽精彩可期。 時間:即日起至11月3日 地點:中山創意基地URS21(台北市民生東路一段21號)

The Mori Art Museum of Japan, one of the most important cultural institutions in the Roppongi Hills development project, is working with the JUT Foundation for Art and Architecture to move this exhibition from Japan to Taiwan. This exciting exhibition shows how the city of the future looked in the eyes of Japanese architects back in the 1960s. Time: Till November 3, 2013 Location: URS21 Chung Shan Creative Hub

AGENDA 10-12 2013

2013 澎坊音樂節 日暮西下,黃橙色的夕陽灑在海平面上,輕踏著沿岸的暖沙,徐徐的 海風吹來,再來杯沁涼的啤酒,隨意在沙灘上坐下,耳朵傳來陣陣美 妙的音符。與澎湖花火節搭配舉行的2013澎坊音樂節,這一次三與 歌手陣容強大,除了阿福、陳勢安之外,還有入圍第24屆金曲獎最 佳新人獎的白安。今年花火節首創從橋面拉到堤防,利用現場五個施 放點所構成的點線面,讓煙火視覺度加分許多,ㄧ邊看著海面上煙火 的迷人倒影,ㄧ邊同時聆聽動人的流行音符,讓數以萬計的各地遊客 一起在世界最美麗的海灣-澎湖,度過ㄧ個難忘的中秋節! 時間:2013年9月14日 地點:澎湖觀音亭

One can watch the yellow-orange rays of the setting sun on the surface of the sea, walk on the warm sand by the shore, feel the gentle sea breeze caressing one’s face and enjoy a cup of ice-cold beer while sitting on the beach and listening to beautiful music at the 2013 Profond Music Festival. This festival was held at the same time as the Penghu Fireworks Festival that featured popular Taiwanese singers A-FÜ, Andrew Tan and Ann, a nominee for Best Newcomer at the 24th Golden Melody Awards, to perform at the festival. This year’s Penghu Fireworks Festival was moved from the bridge to five different points on the levee, creating a three-dimensional effect that greatly enhanced the visuals of the fireworks, givin tens of thousands of tourists an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival experience at Penghu, the most beautiful bay in the world. Time: September 14, 2013 Where: Guanyin Pavilion in Penghu

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台北當代藝術館× 赤峰街區藝術展



「日本SD株式會社」與日本知名動畫公司「東映動畫」結合,將日本國民卡通偶像鬼太 郎,以3D幻視藝術為主題,讓你輕易化身為鬼太郎的夥伴,和他一起冒險! 時間:即日起至2014年1月5日 地點:國立台灣科學教育館

捷運中山站至雙連站周邊的光能里、赤峰街區打造了「街 大歡囍」藝術節慶活動;2013年的「街大歡囍•漫步赤 峰」街區藝術展,共邀請18組藝術團體進駐,有興趣的人 不妨前往感受一下。 時間:即日起至11月3日 地點:赤峰街區、台北捷運中山地下書街、創意秀場

This year's Street Fun•Fun Street•Wandering in Chifeng street art exhibition, brought to you by MOCA has invited 18 art groups to contribute artwork to the exhibition. Anyone that is interested should go and take a look. Time: Till November 3, 2013 Where: Chifeng Street, Taipei MRT stations

SD Corporation, Inc. of Japan is working with TOEI Animation to bring the popular Japanese cartoon idol Kitarou to Taiwan. The exhibition uses 3D trick art to transform viewers into Kitarou’s companions and allow them to go on adventures with him! Time: Till January 14, 2014 Where: National Taiwan Science Education Centre

「旅行的意義- 『全球百大旅行家』」機場特展

南島音樂節 今年夏天,昇恆昌首度舉辦「南島音樂季」,邀請 包括舒米恩、望嘉國小等多組台灣原住民歌手及 樂團在高雄國際機場現場演出。「南島」是一個語 系、是一個民族的泛稱、也是在太平洋與印度洋等 大洋之間,討海生存的島民代名詞。這支族群北起 東亞的台灣,南至大洋洲的紐西蘭;西至東非的馬 達加斯加、東到美國夏威夷。其中台灣的原住民, 更被部份學者視為是南島語族的發源地。本次活動 希望能透過「南島音樂」純淨天然的曠野感染力, 讓更多國際旅客在離台前,都能感受到台灣原民清 亮高亢與充滿大自然能量的歌聲! 時間:2013年8月8日 地點:出境東區尾端菱格窗前空地(音樂會)

This summer, the Ever Rich Duty Free Shop held the first Austronesian Music Festival and has invited established aboriginal singer Suming Rupi, the Wàngjiā Elementary School and many other Taiwan aboriginal singers or music bands to perform live at the Kaohsiung International Airport. We hope that the infectious purity and natural feel of Austronesian music can give more foreign tourists the opportunity to experience the bright, sonorous and natural energy-filled songs of Taiwan aborigines before they leave Taiwan! Time: August 8, 2013 Where: Kaohsiung International Airport.

第五屆「旅行的意義-『全球百大旅行家』」選拔 活動機場特展陸續在台灣的台中機場國際線航廈、 高雄國際機場,以及離島的金門水頭商港、金門尚 義機場等文化藝廊盛大展出。自2009年起財團法 人昇恒昌基金會開始推出旅遊界網路徵選活動, 並立即獲得廣大迴響,共超過1,000件作品角逐競 賽,創造超過120萬次活動瀏覽量。延續至今已是 第五屆的比賽,更將層級提升,以「旅人眼中的美 景-世界級視野」為主題,每件作品以短文搭配主題 圖片,將每位旅人在旅程中最深受感動的一幕呈現 給大家。以「投票」、「決選」之分數總評分,本 次活動分別選出台灣50名、大陸50名優秀作品, 成為「2013全球百大旅行家」得獎名單;再經由 兩岸評審團從其中共同選出最終「年度十大最佳傑 出旅行家」。 時間:2013年10月-2014年1月 地點:台中機場國際線航廈、高雄國際機場、金門 水頭機場、金門尚義機場

The “Why We Travel 2013– The Top Hundred Travelers” selection event and airport exhibition will be held at the International Terminal in Taichung Airport, Kaohsiung International Airport, the Shuitou Port in Kinmen, the Kinmen Airport and other cultural art galleries. In order to promote travel and photography, the Ever Rich Foundation has organized an online travel photo contest each year since 2009, and it became an instant success. This is the fifth year that the contest has been held, and Ever Rich has chosen “Beautiful Scenes from a Traveler’s Eye - A World Class View” as the theme of the contest. A short essay needs to be provided alongside each picture entry to express the heart-touching feelings that the traveler felt when he/she took the picture. The entries will be scored using a multiple-stage voting and selection process, and fifty entries from Taiwan and another fifty from China will be selected to be on the recipient list for the “Top Hundred Travelers of 2013” award. A panel comprised of judges from Taiwan and China will select the “Ten Most Distinguished Travelers of the Year” from that list. Time: Till January 2014 Where: Taichung Airport, Kaohsiung International Airport , the Shuitou Port in Kinmen and the Kinmen Airport.

探索無限-國家地理125年經典 影像大展 擁有125年歷史的《國家歷史》雜誌,將舉辦「國 家地理125年經典影像大展」,回顧自1888年創刊 至今的經典作品,包括1984年阿富汗綠眼少女、 1991年探勘鐵達尼號海底等知名作品,同時國家 地理頻道更規畫「台灣老影像」專區,提供1920 年至近代的台灣影像,非常值得走一遭。 時間:即日起至11月24日 地點:華山1914文創園區,中4B之1、2樓 “ A New Age of Exploration – National Geographic at 125” exhibition gives viewers a

look at all of its classic works since the magazine was founded in 1888. These works include the photo of the green-eyed Afghan girl in 1984, the expedition to explore the Titanic in 1991 and many others. The National Geographic Channel has also designed an “Old Images of Taiwan” exhibition area that features images of Taiwan from the 1920s to the present day and is definitely worth a visit. Time: Till November 24, 2013 Where: First and second floors of Building M4B, Huashan 1914 Creative Park


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每一段精彩航程的起點與終點,都在機場。為了讓每位出入境旅客留下美好印象,由 昇恆昌免稅商店贊助,邀請台灣在地藝術家及產業代表為桃園中正國際機場進行一系 列主題候機室改裝企劃,以「台灣特有民俗文化」為出發點,讓各國旅人從中感受到 福爾摩沙之美。Text

Stoney Photography 昇恆昌

Flights that bring an added dose of excitement to any trip start and finish at the nation’s gateway. To leave a good impression on all incoming and outgoing travelers, Ever Rich Duty Free Shop sponsored Taiwanese artists and industries in renovating the waiting lounges at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Each chose a special Taiwanese theme — such as local cuisine, nature, culture, ethnic groups, and folk art — to create waiting lounges that could convey to visitors from around the world a sense of Formosa’s beauty.


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商業與公共服務的完美平衡 The Finest Commercial and Public Service 與舊航廈比一比,新航廈顯得更寬敞與明 亮,其幕後推手主要得歸功於昇恆昌的努 力與投資。歷時五年打造,延邀本地各領 域藝術家及高手,以「台灣之美」、「台 灣之光」與「行銷台灣」為靈感,共同為 第一航廈打造多達14間台灣主題候機室, 更請來入圍今年金曲獎最佳女歌手徐佳瑩 譜曲演唱專屬於桃園中正機場的主題單曲 -「在旅行的路上」,將台灣的自然、人 文風貌融入於音樂之中,讓所有人深深感 受到這塊寶島的濃厚人情味。 Anyone who has had the experience of visiting Taoyuan International Airport before and after terminal renovations recognizes that the new terminal is far more spacious and brighter. Much of the credit for these improvements goes to Ever Rich Duty Free Shop for its behindthe-scenes work. Over a period of five years, Ever Rich invited Taiwanese artists and businesses to treat the airport as a canvas. Together in Terminal 1, they used the themes “Beauty of Taiwan,” “Pride of Taiwan,” and “Promote Taiwan” as inspiration to decorate 14 waiting lounges. Also Lala Hsu, a nominee in 2013 for best female singer at the Golden Melody Awards, was commissioned to compose and perform a theme song for Taoyuan International Airport, called: “ Airport Song — On the Road.” Hsu’s moving performance and lyrics cast Taiwan ’ s natural and cultural elements in a musical light, giving listeners a chance to experience the deep emotions that can be felt on this beautiful island.

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雙人創意打造 機場新形象 配合 14 間重新改造的候機室正式 啟用,主辦單位特別請來台灣兩 大當紅創意人,一個是歌壇的創 作才女,ㄧ個是新銳導演,透過 影音傳播,讓更多人看到全新桃 園中正機場的美好。

「我用思念在醞釀,牢記你的模樣。揮揮手再見,祝你旅途平安。」擷自由方文山老師為機場改建之一的企畫所作的「文學之牆」中,讓 歌手LALA最有感觸的一句。她說:「機場,是旅行的起點,亦是終點,不一定能環遊全世界,但只要當你背起行囊,踏進機場的那一 刻,思念就不由自主地產生。」 “I use my yearning to form an indelible image of you in my mind. I wave goodbye, wishing you a safe trip.” This is the line of poetry on the“Wall of Literature”created by Vincent Fang as part of the renovations for the Taoyuan International Airport that made the deepest impression on the singer Lala. She said that“An airport is the start and finish of a trip. It’s not always possible to travel around the world, but once you pick up your luggage and step into the airport, you involuntarily start to feel a sense of longing.”

專訪《機場之歌-在旅行的路上》演唱者:徐佳瑩(LALA) Interview with Lala, the singer of “The Song of the Airport- On the Road” Q:當妳第一時間得知將參與此次機場候機室改建計畫的感想? 徐:哈!當然毫不猶豫SAY YES!當下先是很驚訝,下一秒就是 覺得很榮幸、感謝,但隨之而來也不自覺感到壓力,因為會想要 做好。 Q:What was your first reaction when you heard that you

were going to be a part of the airport lounge renovation project? Lala: Ha! I said YES without hesitation! When I first heard of this, I felt very surprised, and the next second I felt honored and thankful. But later on I also felt a sense of pressure because I wanted to do a good job. Q:這一次合作的心得? 徐:打從我答應為這首機場之歌譜曲、演唱後,主辦單位相當積 極並願意花時間與我進行討論、開會,頓時覺得:這一是件馬虎 不得的“重要事”!我必須用相對的心情將這次合作盡善盡美。 而且最讓我起雞皮疙瘩的是,約莫一年多前,我跟我同事經過那 一面由方文山老師提詞的「文學之牆」時,兩個人還打趣的自以 為是明星拍 MV ,殊不知現在竟然真的為這首詩譜曲、演唱、拍 影片,是很玄的注定。 Q: Any thoughts on this project?

Lala: The top management from the organizers were very active and would spend long periods of time discussing various issues with me from the moment I said I would compose a song for the airport and give a performance. Their actions made me realize that I was part of something important and that I needed to give it my full attention! I had to adopt the mindset of the organizers in order to make this collaboration a success. What really gave me

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goose bumps was the fact that about a year ago, my colleague and I was at the airport and passed by the “Wall of Literature” created by Vincent Fang, and we had some fun by pretending to be celebrities shooting a music video (MV) in front of the wall. I had no idea that I would be composing and performing a song based on this poem and would also film a music video for the song. Now that I think of it, it’s has been an incredible twist of fate. Q:令妳印象最深刻的歌詞? 徐:最喜歡的這首歌的最後:「揮揮手再見,祝你旅途平安。」 我想.....任何人看到一定都非常有感觸吧!

Q: What is your favorite part of this song? Lala: My favorite part of the song is the last part, where it goes “I wave goodbye, wishing you a safe trip.” I think that everyone will feel emotional when they hear that part. Q:作為一位歌手最重要的使命? 徐:創作都是打從自己真實的感受、情感為出發。就像這次透過 方老師先前於機場迴廊的牆壁上所寫有關於旅行回憶的詩而作的 譜曲,一句句令人感動與深刻的字眼加上朗朗上口的旋律,讓聽 的感受就如同旅行後所遺留下的美好回憶般忘不了,並且烙印在 心底。 Q:What is the most important mission for a singer?

Lala: I think the most important mission for a singer is to compose songs with his/her true feelings and emotions. I’ve put all my heart into composing this song, which is based on Vincent Fang’s poem that adorn the halls of the airport and is about the memories of travels. The heart-touching lyrics and comfortable, catchy tunes of the song leave a deep and lasting impression in the minds of everyone that listen to it, much like the memories of their travels.

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Deco 在主題候機室的美化改建過程中,昇恆昌同時也邀請到曾獲得威尼斯影展「國際影評人周最佳影片」的台灣新銳導演- 林靖傑,分別為14間主題候機室拍攝微型幕後紀錄片,上山下海跑遍全台各地,14支微型紀錄片紀錄每一處富有台灣特 色的人、事、物,讓旅客領略到台灣之美與台灣之光。

During the renovation and beautification process of the themed airport lounge, the Ever Rich Duty Free Shop has invited the young and talented Taiwanese director Lin Jing-jie, who received the International Critic’s Week Award at the Venice International Film Festival, to film 14 short behind-the-scenes documentaries for each of the themed lounges. To make these documentaries, Lin traveled to many locations all around Taiwan and recorded footage of the people, events and things that showcased the unique qualities of Taiwan. These 14 mini-documentaries will be played in the lounges to allow travelers to see and understand the beauty and glory of Taiwan.


Interview with Lin Jing-jie, director of the documentaries shown in the lounges of Taoyuan International Airport Q:請簡略介紹與主辦單位合作的起源? 林:也許是因為昇恆昌看中我身為導演過去所拍過的一些具備台 灣人文、風情等影像作品而覺得符合這一次企劃。 Q:Please tell us briefly how you got involved with the

project. Lin: I think Ever Rich Duty Free Shop probably noted that some of my previous works were centered on humanist and scenic aspects of Taiwan, thus they felt I was suited for the job. Q:拍攝主題是你們雙方共構想的嗎? 林:是對方早先設定好的主題,他們事先也已分別與每位負責的 藝術家討論過,影片拍攝的部分則是企劃當中的一環。應該是說 先有企畫主題,才有後續相關的製作。 Q:Did both sides come up with the theme for the docu-

mentaries? Lin:The themes for the 14 lounges were decided very early in the process. The organizers had discussed the themes with the artists in charge of each lounge in advance, and filming the documentaries is but a part of the overall project. So the theme for each lounge was set before we began to produce the documentaries. Q:你如何透過這次的影片去串起各藝術家作品來呈現台灣的文 化與精神? 林:大部分是主辦單位當初跟我提出來的一些概念、雛想,我在 將它實體、影像化。拍攝的過程蠻艱辛的,比如說:台灣曾被譽 為「蝴蝶王國」,卻因為環境影響而快速減少中,因此當我們去 拍關於蝴蝶主題的影片時,早已不若以前滿山滿谷蝴蝶的盛景, 難處就在於-要如何捕捉一隻隻蝴蝶,運用拍攝手法與借鏡營造 出當時盛況,並讓觀者從中回憶起台灣過去的「蝴蝶王國」美 名。至於要如何表現出與藝術家作品之間的意境聯想?這又是一 項難處。很需要透過當事者的實際參訪、感受週遭環境,將自身 體驗轉化成創作的能量,讓作品與影片產生密切關係,這點是相 當重要且必須做到的細節。 Q:How did you use these documentaries to showcase

the Taiwan culture and spirit present in the artwork of each lounge? Lin:I mostly tried to turn some concepts and ideas that the organizers provided into concrete images. The filming process was quite arduous. For example, Taiwan used to be known as “The Kingdom of Butterflies”, but the number of butterflies has been dwindling rapidly because of changes to its environment. When we were filming a documentary on butterflies, we found that the mountains and valleys were no longer teeming with butterflies. So the challenge we faced was to capture the butterflies one by one, then use filming techniques to recreate the grand

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spectacle of large groups of butterflies to allow viewers to reminisce the days when Taiwan was known as the Kingdom of Butterflies. It was also a difficult task to showcase the Taiwanese culture and spirit present in the works of each lounge. I had to visit the locations, people and things depicted in the artwork and experience the surrounding environment, then convert the knowledge and experiences I gained into creative energy to make the documentaries express the spirit of the works and create an inextricable link between the two. I believe this is a detail that is very important and which must be done. Q:想必你一定很常因為工作而走訪許多地方,「旅行」對你的 意義呢? 林:我們每天都生活在一個“慣性”的環境,你早已習慣、麻痺 這一切,對週遭事物很難再有任何感覺。唯有透過“旅行”,不 論遠近,只要偏離你本來習慣的軌道,將自己置身在一個完全陌 生的地方,身、心靈才會因此放開,重新體會、親近生活的美好 事物。 Q:You must have visited many places because of your

job. What is the meaning of travel to you? Lin:We live in a static environment every day. You grow accustomed and numb to everything, and it’s very hard to develop feelings for anything around you. The only remedy is to travel, no matter how far, because only by traveling can you leave familiar areas and place yourself in a completely new and foreign place. Only then will your body and mind open up and allow you to re-experience and appreciate the beautiful things in life. Q:機場呢?不覺得就像是車站般,每天上演著每一位穿梭於此 的旅客的背後故事? 林:你說的沒錯!機場的候機室就像是車站月台,每一位旅客都 在此坐下等候著上機時間,整頓、沉澱自己,同時可發現他們臉 上的情緒也都很不同,也許是大夥出遊的開心表情,也許是獨自 前往他鄉打拼、讀書的認真表情等等,真的很有意思,也多少讓 人思考這地方對我們的深重意義。 Q:What about the airport? Doesn’t it resemble a train

station where there is a story behind every traveler that passes through the station each day? Lin: Certainly! The lounges in the airport can be compared to the platforms in a railway station. Travelers sit down at airport lounges to wait for their flights and allow their emotions to settle down. Upon close observation, we can see that the facial expressions of each traveler are different. It can be the happy expression of someone who’s about to go on a vacation with friends or the serious expression of someone who’s about to travel to a distant place to work or study. I find this very interesting, and it makes us think of the significance of airport lounges and what they mean to us.

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主題候機室.推廣台灣文化 Promoting Taiwan’s Popular Customs and Culture in Themed Waiting Lounges 首創「主題候機室」的創意公共空間規劃概念,受到世界各大國際機場的矚目,除北京首 都、韓國仁川等國際機場派員組團考察外,以報導全球觀光旅遊零售業著稱的英國媒體 《The Moodie Report》,更由總編輯 Martin Moodie親自來台訪問,在新加坡國際免 稅展出版的特刊中發表專題,邀請全球各大機場CEO及高階管理人員,都應該買張機票 來台取經,看看結合在地景物與人文風貌,才能把國際機場的特色與創意,發揮到更高的 層次。 As a trailblazer in the area of themed waiting lounges, Taoyuan International Airport’s creative use of public space caught the attention of major international airports the world over. Already, Beijing Capital International Airport and Korea ’ s Incheon International Airport sent delegations over on inspection visits, and Martin Moodie, editor in chief of “ The Moodie Report, ” a well-known British publication that specializes in reporting on the global tourism, travel and retail industries, personally visited to report on the lounges. Writing for a publication on an international duty free exhibition in Singapore, Moodie urged the CEOs and executives of major airports around the world to buy a plane ticket to Taiwan so they too can see the lounges firsthand. The waiting lounges show how the integration of local scenery and culture can bring the unique creativity of an international airport to an entirely new level. 蕭青陽.A9台灣歌仔戲候機室 Xiao Qing-yang — A9 Taiwan

Opera Waiting Lounge 書法名家董陽孜、當代設計師 蕭青陽,這兩位大師級藝術家 在候機室美化中碰撞出新的火 花。以金黑底色襯托白馬,加 上巨幅當代書法題字,在候機 室呈現傳統與前衛的戲曲風格 設計,更讓表台灣文化的歌仔 戲藝術躍昇至國際舞台。

Two major artistic talents, the famed calligrapher Tong Yang-tze and designer Xiao Qing-yang, joined to bring a creative spark to this waiting lounge. The design, which features white horses set against a black and gold background, is enhanced by large, modern calligraphy. The result is the marriage of tradition and avant-garde using opera as the theme, reminiscent of the union between traditional and modern arts in Taiwanese opera. Bringing these ideas into the airport setting allows the artists to share with the world this important piece of local culture.

郭令權.B8萬花織豔候機室 Lynch Kuo — B8 Glamorous Textile Art Waiting


Taiwan Faience Waiting Lounge 交趾陶是台灣彩陶中最具歷史與廟 宇亦異的特色工藝。交趾陶工藝設 計師陳忠正以台灣宗教文化衍生出 來的彩陶精神融入作品當中,並以 嘉義阿里山的山櫻為主題,動員五 位資歷至少30 年以上的工匠之手 工與至少四個月時間之後,終於完 成此項創作,希望藉此喚醒台灣傳 統工藝再生。

Any discussion of the evolution o f Ta i w a n e s e c e r a m i c s must include a mention of Koji pottery, which has the richest history of the colored ceramic arts in Taiwan and is the ceramic art form most synonymous with Taiwanese temple culture. Koji pottery artist Chen Chung-cheng takes the spirit of colored ceramic arts inspired by Taiwanese religious culture and infuses it into his work. For the waiting lounge, he took the cherry trees of Alishan as a theme in the hopes of reawakening Taiwanese traditional arts. Five artisans, each with decades of experience, spent about four months working together on this project.

紡拓會設計新人獎得主 – 郭令權老師,運用原住 民、客家藍染等圖騰及臺灣織品的鮮豔色彩與布料 的紋理質感,進行對比拼貼,創造萬花筒般的視覺 張力。同時利用上下兩端的金屬結構固定,以強化 布料的延展效果,展現由平面轉為立體張力的布料 裝置藝術,織就出臺灣紡織的國際競爭力。

Lynch Kuo, recipient of a best new designer award from the Taiwan Textile Federation, used images drawn from indigenous sources, printed cloth, and Hakka indigo, along with the bright colors, functionality, and texture of Taiwan textiles, to create a collage full of contrasts for this waiting lounge. The result is a visual kaleidoscope. Kuo fastened the collage elements at top and bottom with metal, which served to enhance the stretch effect of the fabric while transforming it from a flat to a 3D image. The work represents Taiwan’s international competitiveness in the area of textiles.

楊莉莉.A4蝴蝶青花候機室 Lili Yang — A4 Blue and White Butterflies

Waiting Lounge 在雷射雕花的蝴蝶窗棱設計上,以「蝴蝶為 主題、青花彩繪為手法」,並透過「青花瓷 大師」楊莉莉實地親筆手繪,加入東方牡丹 花的圖騰元素,讓成群青花蝴蝶翩翩舞動於 牡丹花叢間,傳遞對旅人的祝福,重現臺灣 「蝴蝶王國」的美譽。

Reflecting the laser-carved butterfly window lattice, Lili Yang, a master of blue and white porcelain, decorated the waiting lounge in a butterfly theme with eastern peonies. She drew the design on-site and made it look as if the butterflies were flying gracefully among the flowers. In the process she created a waiting lounge that could wish travelers well while spreading Taiwan’s reputation as a butterfly kingdom. 鞏文宜.B7科技綻揚候機室 Kung Wen-yi — The Glory of High-tech Waiting Lounge 臺灣高科技產業於世界發光、發熱的原始創意,有了「科技綻揚候機室」的設計發想。本巨型裝置 藝術作品共耗費數千片回收主機板,經環保再利用所構成,成品總重高達一噸。第一層是臺灣島嶼 輪廓立基於第二層的圓形地球之上,並構築第三層的「MADE IN TAIWAN」字樣與LED光點線條, 傳遞象徵「臺灣科技、世界發光」的意含。 Taiwan’s worldwide reputation for creative, original work in the high-tech industry served as

inspiration for this waiting lounge. The installation, which weighs about 1 ton, was built using thousands of recycled motherboards. It is layered, with the first layer, a silhouette of Taiwan, placed upon the second layer, a rounded earth. The third layer consists of the words “MADE IN TAIWAN.” LED lighting brightens the installation and embodies the idea of Taiwanese technology shining on the world.

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陳忠正.A1-A3台灣彩陶候機室 Chen Chung-cheng — A1-A3

邱雨玟.B4紙藝蘭花候機室 臺灣為全球首屈一指蝴蝶蘭出口 國,屢屢栽培出讓世界驚艷的美麗 蝴蝶蘭。知名剪紙藝術家邱雨玟老 師,以高難度的大型剪紙藝術,將 蝴蝶蘭優雅姿態飄舞在空間中。垂 掛在候機室中的上萬朵純白紙藝蘭 花,透過粉彩與光線,讓候機室的 氛圍從冰冷轉而為溫馨,並散放寧 靜的力量。 Chiu Yu-wen — B4 Taiwan

Orchid Waiting Lounge As a leading exporter of Phalaenopsis orchids, Taiwan cultivates flowers that captivate the world. Ever Rich Duty Free Shop commissioned modern paper-cutting artist Chiu Yuwen to use these orchids as inspiration for creating a highly difficult paper-cutting installation. Chiu brought the grace and beauty of Phalaenopsis orchids to the waiting lounge by suspending more than 10,000 paper-cut orchids from the wall. Using a subdued pastel color and light, Chiu brought warmth to what had been a cold waiting lounge, and in the process, showed the power of tranquility.

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Deco 林鳴皋.B1-B3自行車候機室 Michael Lin — B1-B3 MIT Bike Waiting Lounge 現任太平洋自行車有限公司總經理林鳴皋說:「設計師和工程師不一樣,要讓設 計師天馬行空,而工程師則是要有功力將設計實現出來。」而談起台灣,它洋洋 得意地說:「我們是自行車的天堂,台灣自行車大廠無論在製造與設計皆屬一 流。」這也正是林鳴皋想讓世界旅人從這裡所看到的台灣驕傲!

葉文勇.B5花漾世界候機室 Yeh Wen-yung — B5 LED Waiting

Lounge LED燈環保與可細微調控的特性,讓 照明美學於空間設計領域嶄露頭角, 也使得台灣照明產業鏈更趨完整,提 供光學於生活應用的深度與廣泛。在 花漾世界候機室中,看著一朵朵繽 紛發光的LED燈花,由內向外漸層變 色,完全脫離科技一般予人冰冷的印 象。

As aesthetic and functional machines, bicycles present a challenge to designers. Michael Lin, the president of Pacific Cycles, said: “Designers and engineers are different. Designers want to be bold and free in their work while engineers want practical needs to drive the design forward.” When discussing Taiwan, he proudly states: “Our nation is a kingdom for bicycles. Whether it’s manufacturing or design, our companies are first rate.” Lin’s objective for this waiting lounge was to share this message with travelers from around the world.

There many advantages to LED lights. They are environmentally friendly, can cut electricity costs by half, and provide a stable source of illumination for an extended period of time. They also can be controlled to great precision, opening up new possibilities in the area of spatial design. Taiwan’s strength in the LED industry sustains a more advanced optoelectronic supply chain and allows it to further integrate optics into everyday life. In this waiting lounge, travelers can see a rich array of shining LED lights gradually change color, showing how technology can provide a feeling of warmth.

紀政.B9體育之光候機室 Chi Cheng — B9 Glory of Sports Waiting Lounge 經過重新打造,偌大的候機室呈現有如體育館的弧面造形,成為 一座立體展示壁面。當中的體育之光櫥窗系統展示包括首位摘下 奧運獎牌的台灣女運動家紀政、網壇名將盧彥勳、跆拳國手陳怡 安等多位台灣體壇界重量級人物或球隊的珍貴文獻。紀政也在此 說到:「不管在開發中或已開發國家,運動都是一項感性、吸 睛、凝聚國民向心的文化活動。」藉由這面體育之光牆,台灣國 民也能展現應有的“行動力”,向前衝衝衝!

Renovations turned the large B9 waiting lounge into a virtual sports hall of fame. The arc shape of the room serves as an exhibition area to display documents and artifacts related to some of Taiwan’s greatest athletes and teams: Chi Cheng, a female track and field star who won Taiwan’s first Olympic medal; Lu Yen-hsun, a famed tennis player; Chen Yi-an, a national tae kwon do athlete; and the Golden Dragon little league baseball team. At the waiting lounge, Chi said: “Whether a country is developing or developed, sports is a type of cultural activity that can spark emotion, capture attention, and bring people together.” The Glory of Sports wall in this waiting lounge shows that Taiwanese athletes have a propensity for action that allows them to rush forth!

希巨蘇飛.A6原鄉藝術候機室 Siki Sufin — A6 Taiwan Aboriginal Arts 洪易.B6台灣水果候機室 Hung Yi — B6 Taiwan Fruit

Waiting Lounge 因為從小與水果有不解之緣的 背景,視覺藝術家洪易很快就 決定以各種水果為主題,運用 打表面思維的視覺創作構成一 幅想像力豐富、熱情、快樂的 台灣水果王國,讓優質的臺 灣水果成為最受歡迎的外交大 使。

蘇家賢.A5台灣小吃候機室 Su Chia-hsien — A5 Taiwanese

Local Cuisine Waiting Lounge 以「台灣夜市人生」為主題,融入民 眾所票選出的台灣十大美食,如小籠 包、香雞排、珍珠奶茶等,透過知名 3D地景藝術家蘇家賢(圖龍)先生的 手繪功力,以凌空角度多景端3D立體 噴畫的方式繪製而成,生動營造熱鬧 的寶島夜市景觀。

The theme of this waiting lounge, Taiwan’s night markets, features the 10 leading Taiwanese snacks chosen in a poll, including favorites such as steamed buns, fried chicken steak, and pearl milk tea. They are brought to life by the famed 3D street artist Su Chia-hsien (also known as Tu Lung). Using an air spray gun, Su overcame the visual depth limitations of the waiting lounge to create vivid aerial views of a bustling Taiwanese night market.

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From youth the visual artist Hung Yi had constant, close contact with fruit. This experience inspired him to produce a creatively rich, passionate and joyous fruit-themed installation in conjunction with Ever Rich Duty Free Shop. Hung crafted an image of Taiwan as a fruit kingdom. By bringing these sweet, juicy fruits to the nation’s gateway, Hung created the opportunity for them to serve as popular diplomatic ambassadors.

Waiting Lounge 在創作的過程中,希巨蘇飛來來回回改了很多 次主題,一直心想著:「什麼事物、文化才 是最能代表台灣?」最後,他決定使用擅長的 漂流木木雕,揉合原住民傳統元素,勾勒出臺 灣、族群與大自然間的緊密連結。

When design began on waiting lounge A6, Siki Sufin thought long and hard, changing the main theme numerous times. His question: What objects and cultures are most representative of Taiwan? In the end, he decided to use the art form he was best at — driftwood sculpture. It presented the perfect medium for using traditional indigenous cultural elements to show the connection and diversity of the island, its ethnic groups and nature.

李宗仁.A7台灣百嶽候機室 Lee Tsung-jen — A7 Taiwan Alpine Waiting

Lounge 台藝大藝術博物館李宗仁教授,以「台灣百嶽 玉山」為題進行繪畫創作。再由「春池玻璃」 所提供環保回收的廢玻璃重新加工,以特殊亮 彩玻璃貼成山嶽景觀的方式施作。在型、色、 肌理的強烈對比中,玉山精神象徵的鮮明意象 令人肅然起敬。

Professor Lee Tsung-jen, a master of Chinese ink painting and western oil painting at the Art Museum, National Taiwan University of Arts, decided upon the theme of Yushan for his waiting lounge artwork. He gave the mountain view a unique appearance using bright, recycled glass furnished by the Spring Pool company. The sharp contrasts in shape, color and grain allow the spirit of Yushan to emerge and leave a deep impression on viewers.

徐暋盛.A8臺灣好茶候機室 Hsu Min-sheng — A8 Taiwan Tea Waiting Lounge 早期臺灣茶葉從生產到製成,都與竹製品息息相關。本候機室以「茶」為題,由竹藝藝術 家徐暋盛透過染色竹編手法,製作「採茶女」及「茶園梯田」等作品,做為候機室全幅視 覺的焦點;加上書法名家周月雲女士之草書書法,並結合「元稹茶詩」,傳遞台灣觀光的 人文內涵。

Early Taiwan tea manufacturing relied heavily on bamboo for everything from baskets and hats to sieves. The importance of this material to the tea industry led the bamboo artist Hsu Min-sheng to choose dyed wickerwork to create a special installation featuring a tea-picking women and terraced tea fields. The famed calligraphy artist Jou Yueh-yun also contributed by writing tea verses created by the Chinese writer and poet Yuan Zhen. Together, they produced an artwork that transmits Taiwan’s rich cultural meaning to visiting tourists.

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Exhibition Deco


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墨黑雕塑既重又輕 台灣之光李真法國辦展 巴黎凡登廣場開展

“Monumental Levity” of Ink-Black Sculptures Li Chen, the pride of Taiwan, holds an exhibition in Paris’s Place Vendôme

Li Chen Sculpture 李真的雕塑世界

知名台灣藝術家李真的雕塑,量體雖龐大墨黑,感覺卻又似乎很輕盈。透過 每次的創作他想表現自己對變動世界的看法,同時留下空間給人們去思考。 在混亂的年代中,他的作品是我們最好的慰藉。Text


The famed Taiwanese artist Li Chen uses a heavy, ink-black material to create sculptures light in appearance. This is Li’s way of showing his view on the ever-changing world while leaving room for contemplation. In a disturbing age, Li’s works provide an important sense of comfort.

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從台北到巴黎 今年一整個9月,聚集眾多頂級珠寶精品的巴黎凡登廣場展 出了台灣藝術家李真四個創作系列、共12件作品,開幕當 天不但邀集包括諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健、凡登廣場委員會 主席暨 Chaumet博物館館長Béatrice de Plinval、愛馬仕

(Hermes)藝術/設計首席顧問 Alice Morgaine等超過1500

media organizations that came to cover the event. 本次的國際大型個展經過1年半的時間籌備,克服巨型作品 裝吊運輸、結構、風阻、古蹟承重等許多難題。凡登廣場 號稱「巴黎的珠寶箱」,自法王路易十四下令興建以來,





At the Place Vendôme, a square in Paris renowned for having displayed many treasured artworks, throughout

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the international art world through the many leading

(Salvator Dali, 1904-1989)最為著名。能登上凡登廣場, 是一道門檻也是一個機會。本次李真的參展不只意味著藝術

September the Taiwanese artist Li Chen displayed a


dozen sculptures from four creative series. More than


1,500 important guests and collectors attended the

This international outdoor sculpture exhibition was

opening ceremony, including Gao Xingjian, the Nobel

a cross-cultural collaboration between Paris, the

literature laureate; Béatrice de Plinval, chairwoman of

Netherlands, Italy, Taipei, and Beijing. A year and a

the Vendôme Committee and the curator of Chaumet’s

half preparation was needed to overcome a series

museum and heritage; and Alice Morgaine, the art

of obstacles such as transportation and lifting of

director of Hermes. Taiwan gained further attention in

monumental sculptures, structural difficulties, wind-

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resistance, and loading capacity. Success was shown by the display of a dozen sculptures from four series: “Energy of Emptiness,” “Spiritual Journey Through the Great Ether,” “Soul Guardians,” and “The Beacon.”

東西交流的起點 「既重又輕」是觀賞者對李真藝術的共同感受。李真指著其 中一件參展作品《飛行樂土》當中人物在軟綿綿的雲端漂浮 沉睡模樣:「你真的能夠像他睡得安穩嗎?」他用這個方式 表現對變動世界的看法,更留下空間給人們去思考。李真結 合中華儒、道、佛哲學與詩詞滋養下的當代創作量體雖然龐 大,但人物散發祥和、輕盈感,是現代人在忙亂的塵世中的 慰藉,同時也淨化人的心靈。從外觀技術的細膩度來說,如 此東方意味濃厚的作品到了法國更顯突出,許多法國人與旅 客看到李真的作品都會心微笑,顯見李真充滿當代東方風格 的藝術是一種超越國界的國際語言。

幽默感中 藏着一種智慧;有些作品則隱喻大自然的力量,

Ink-black, monumental sculpture is one of Li’s


trademarks. Many French artists were impressed by Li’s


technique of layering through matte and glossy surfaces


on black bronze sculptures, and in terms of physical


appearance, the sophisticated skill and eastern aesthetics

In the art world, sculpture is considered “heavy

of the artworks was more eye-catching in France. Fan

industry,” which is one reason why art historians and

Di-an, the director of the National Art Museum of China,

scholars believe that a distinguished sculptor is harder

said: “Their extremely characteristic faces and intense

to develop than a painter. Preparation for Li’s exhibition

mannerisms make people exclaim over their perfection,

in Paris required long-term work by a professional

just as if beings from the outer reaches of space were to

team, including considerable manpower and machinery

cross over our vision, or scriptures from remote antiquity

to move the massive sculptures into Place Vendôme.

were to take on a paranormal experience.”

Difficulty of the undertaking was underscored by the logistics needed to move the largest piece, “Floating

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Heavenly Palace,” which is an astounding 9-meters


(3-stories) high and weighs 2 tons.


From the sculptures’ facial expressions, posture, and


body we see a childlike innocence, a theme concealing

中最大者《天闕輕舟》高達 9 米、 3 層樓高,重達 2 噸。這

great wisdom behind humorous narrative. Some works


are metaphorical presentations of natural power, such

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as the series “Soul Guardians,” which demonstrates our desire for spiritual salvation in an age of disasters and calamities. Li's artwork is an integration of eastern and western artistic language based on traditional Chinese culture, a “transcendental” experience of levity through monumental sculptures. For instance, when pointing to the character sleeping on the lofty cloud in “Float to Sukhavati,” the artist asked: “Can you really sleep well like him?” This is Li’s way of showing his view on the ever-changing world while leaving room for contemplation. Li’s monumental works, replete with Chinese classical thought from Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhist philosophy, and poetry, are also imbued with peacefulness and levity. In this disordered, messy world they provide comfort to the modern viewer and spiritual purification for the disturbed mind. Li said: “In a time of rapid change and uncertainty, I yearn for a spiritual space.” 法國哲學家羅蘭巴特說:「莫泊桑常在艾菲爾鐵塔上用午 餐,雖然他並不很喜歡那裡的菜餚。他常說:『這是巴黎唯 一一處不是非得看見艾菲爾鐵塔的地方。』」這個19世紀西 方工業革命的里程碑在巴黎聳立,時隔一百多年,2013年9 月2日,在巴黎市區的另一端出現了墨黑色的雕塑群像,華 人藝術家李真東方的雕塑和內在精神,為這個工業史、藝術 史、時尚史匯流的城市巴黎,貼上了標記,銘刻著東西交流 的起點。 Commenting on a French author, Roland Barthes, a French philosopher, once said that Maupassant often

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had lunch at the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower despite

black sculptures appeared on the other side of the city.

not particularly liking the food. “This, he would say,

Sculptures produced by the Taiwanese artist Li Chen

is the only place in Paris where I am free of seeing

that contain the spirit of the east have left their mark on

the thing.” The Tower is a symbol of the 19th century

Paris, a city where industry, art, and fashion meet. On a

Industrial Revolution. More than a century later, on

grander scale, they present a starting point for eastern-

September 2nd, 2013, a group of monumental ink-

western exchange.

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BVLGARI 蛇頭裝飾鏈帶包, Serpenti Karung Bag


NEVER TOO MUCH 2013 奢華宣言

無論當下時尚舞台刮的是哪陣風潮,「奢華」絕對是每個女人最無法抵抗的 流行風格,珍稀皮革、動物圖紋、亮麗色彩、金屬裝飾,設計師 以不同手法詮釋「奢華」的各種面貌,女人也樂得多了個理由撒鈔票。


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(由左至右)MICHAEL KORS 亮粉紅鎖頭皮革提包,

Hamilton Large Tote、 LOEWE 桃紅零錢包,Amazona Coin Purse、 LONGCHAMP 桃紅皮革手提包,3D Hand Bag

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GLAM LIFE 華麗風範 BOTTEGA VENETA 雲石白緞面編織手拿包,Knot。


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BOTTEGA VENETA 紫玉色水蛇皮手拿包, Ayer Clutch

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(由上至下)TOD'S 豹紋小型手提包,TOD'S Bauletto Mini、 GUCCI 豹紋高跟鞋,

Kesha Heel Pump、 GIORGIO ARMANI 豹紋墨鏡(TBC)

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(由上至下)VALENTINO 紅色鉚釘高跟鞋,Rockstud Sandals、BURBERRY 黑色鉚釘長夾,Penrose Wallet、

BURBERRY 金色鉚釘皮革手拿包,Mini Blaze Clutch、CHLOÉ 黑色鉚釘皮革提包,Paraty Military Handbag


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FALL YOUR EYES ONLY 秋冬墨鏡預覽 夏季早已收尾,頭頂上的秋陽

依舊耀眼,一付造型獨特又能 夠展現時尚態度的墨鏡是每個

FASHION PEOPLE 一年四 季必備的流行單品,我們為您 整理出本季各大品牌最新的墨 鏡力作,歡迎您挑選入荷。





3 4

1.PRADA玳瑁紋粗框墨鏡。2.GUCCI 古銅黑膠框墨鏡。3.TIFFANY 深紫色粗方框墨鏡。4.PRADA 粉紅色造型眼 鏡。5.CARTIER 皮革裝飾細框墨鏡。6.BURBERRY 寶藍色金屬光澤造型墨鏡。 實際銷售價格請洽昇恆昌免稅商店


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Fashion SAINT LAURENT Sac De Jour 為聖羅 蘭重新改頭換面的Hedi Slimane推出了個 人操刀的強打包款Sac De Jour,簡單的線 條、超大的容量,有哪個女人看了不愛?

Hedi Slimane, the man who reinvented the SAINT LAURENT brand, has released the Sac De Jour, a bag which he personally designed. What woman can see the simple lines and extra-large capacity of this bag and not fall in love?



管它GDP指數指到了哪裡、生活痛苦指數又飆到了多高,錙銖必較的聰明女孩把 眼光瞄準經典包款,強勢入場穩賺不賠的時尚投資。執行


No matter what the GDP is or how high the Misery Index gets, smart women that obsess over every detail always have their eyes on classic bags, daringly venturing into the world of fashion investment where one is guaranteed to make a profit.


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TOD'S Sella Shopping Media Tod's 全新 Sella Bag 以花式騎術賽所用的馬鞍為設計 靈感,由優質皮革製成,線條蜿 蜒而簡潔。

The design of the brand new TOD'S Sella Bag was inspired by the saddles used in dressage races. High-quality leather is used to create the Sella Bag, and its lines are curved, simple and elegant.

PRADA Saffiano Lux Double Color Bag 實 用的雙層置物空間以 及簡約優雅的外形讓 PRADA的Saffiano Lux 系列一推出就廣受好 評,而漸層雙色的色彩 搭配,以及壓紋的皮面 紋理增添了一絲趣味。

BVLGARI Isabella Rossellini Handcarry 以義大利知名女 星 Isabelle Rossellini 為靈感,珠寶巨擘 BVLGARI 所推出的 I. Rossellini包款一直是優雅女性的包款首選,完美地詮釋出女性的 風韻特質。

The I. Rossellini bag from the Italian jewelry giant BVLGARI is inspired by the famous Italian celebrity Isabelle Rossellini, and it has always been a favorite of elegant women because it perfectly interprets the charm and grace of women.

The Saffiano Lux series of bags from PRADA received many rave reviews after it was released due to its practical duallayer pockets and simple but elegant design. The dual color graduation design and embossed leather give Saffiano Lux bags a dash of fun.

BOTTEGA VENETA Palermo handbag Palermo包款使用 富有異國情調的水蛇皮和拉菲草混搭羊毛面料,使這包款更加柔 軟、質感舒適,讓人愛不釋手。

BOTTEGA VENETA uses ayers leather and raffia wool in it's Palermo bag to give it an exotic flavor, and to give the bag a softer and more comfortable texture, making women want to carry it around all the time.

BURBERRY Animal Leather Draws Little Crush The Little Crush就像它可愛的名字一樣, 體積雖小卻讓人一眼愛上,完全符合當下手拿包當 道的時尚潮流。

As its name suggests, BURBERRY's The Little Crush is small but makes people fall in love with it at first sight, making it perfect for today's world where clutch bags are all the rage.

SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Batik Bag 活潑有趣的撞色設 計,讓一向優雅的 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO女人也年輕了起來。 The lively and fun contrasting color design in this SALVATORE FERRAGAMO bag allows the always elegant Salvatore Ferragamo woman to feel young again.

GUCCI Bamboo Shopper Medium Bag 說到 GUCCI,又有什麼能比BAMBOO SHOPPER更能 代表這個義大利時尚品牌的奢華DNA?本季推出了 更多亮麗色彩,準備讓時尚女孩的荷包再次失血。

What bag is more representative of GUCCI's luxury DNA than the Bamboo Shopper bag? Gucci has released more color variations for the Bamboo Shopper bag this season in order to get fashionable women to part with their money.


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POWER SKIN RESOLUTION 天氣漸涼,衣服也開始跟著轉換。做好保濕與抗老工作,留住妳的青春臉龐。 Text Ms.Boy Photography 各品牌提供


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ESTÉE LAUDER 全新 DNA 特潤再生超導修護露 立基於 DNA 與 同步自律生物領域30餘年累積的豐富研究與深厚的專業根基, 雅詩蘭黛今年推出前所未有的全方位完美肌膚修護新科技── 全 新 DNA 特 潤 再 生 超 導 修 護 露 (ADVANCED NIGHT REPAIR SYNCHRONIZED RECOVERY COMPLEX II)。雅詩蘭黛運用肌 膚細胞淨化再生機制 (CATABOLYSIS) 的突破性研究結果,研發出 有史以來第一瓶可以強化肌膚天然運作機制的夜間自體再生的革命 性修護再生保養產品,使肌膚達到前所未有的年輕狀態。 Advanced

Night Repair Synchronized Recovery ComplexII 100ml Advanced with exclusive repair technology, it is proven to significantly reduce major signs of visible aging. Take advantage of the restorative power of night and see your skin look smoother, younger, more radiant.

LA MER 海洋拉娜濃縮精華露 宛如肌膚的「能量水」,全新海 洋 拉 娜 濃 縮 精 華 露 能 讓 肌 膚 浸 潤 於 傳 奇 的 濃 縮 精 華 MIRACLE BROTHTM 中,賦予肌膚展現強大美麗轉變的關鍵步驟,蘊藏 四大活膚功效— 再生修護、保濕滋養、舒緩調理、勻亮膚色, 如同肌膚的能量電池,為肌膚活力充電,讓後續保養產品發揮 極致功效。 The Treatment Lotion Like “liquid energy,” this rich

and silky hydrator visibly awakens the complexion and drives moisture deep into the skin to improve texture and even tone. Skin is perfectly prepared to receive the full benefit of the LA MER regimen that follows.

SK-II 肌源新生賦活精萃 今年 SK-II 究極抗老再突破,結合 突破性生物細胞科技與全新升級抗老成份,推出史上第一瓶 抗老精華液「肌源新生賦活精萃」,全新「肌源再生複方 ES(Stem-Acanax ES) 」,含兩倍濃縮肌源再生複方、朝 鮮薊萃取物及全新成份旱金蓮精萃,可啟動肌膚活力再生之 「細胞活力閥」,直抵肌膚底層注入能量養分,修復同時極 升肌底回彈力,一次解決各項肌膚老化問題。 Stempower

Essence New SK-II Stempower Essence contains the new ingredient Stem-Acanax-ES, which boosts your inner resilience to give you poreless bouncy skin.

LANCÔME 超抗痕微整精華眼霜 採用獨家科技 ,強調多重功效的 「2 in 1超激活抗痕膠囊」,塗抹於眼部之後,瞬間破裂,並立刻 釋放淡黑眼素與智慧分子。除了有效啟動眼周微循環,改善黑眼圈 問題之外,更超越傳統保養品只能發揮於表皮層的侷限,功效能 深入肌膚真皮層,更有效對抗皺紋。Visionnaire Eye Advanced Eye

Contour Complete your visible skin correcting routine and discover new Visionnaire Eye, our ultimate advanced eye contour corrector, also containing our innovative molecule LR 2412, after weeks of usage, you will see the difference

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SHU UEMURA 暢銷潔顏油組合 一次買齊三款植村秀暢銷潔顏油。 經典的潔顏油,源自 1960 年的經典配方,融合山茶花油和薑根油 等植物精華油,能溫和洗淨肌膚、保持水分平衡。綠茶版的植物精 萃潔顏油,以更清爽的配方讓妳的卸妝更簡單也更乾淨。紫和梅煥 白潔顏油則是首創將淨妝 煥膚 美白 3 合 1 ,針對防水性彩妝淨妝 力的 「 URS 極效卸妝乳化系統」以及全新 DCE 潔顏分子,可在高 效淨妝之餘,為皮脂層強化保濕。至於全新果酸雞尾酒複方與獨家 「粒腺體恆白複合物」配方,可淨除肌膚表層黑色素,使肌膚從 表面至深層,展現表裡如一的勻亮透白。 Cleansing Oil Best sellers

A collection of SHU UEMURA's best selling cleansing oils for 1-step cleansing and make-up removal. An ideal gift that contains the new Anti/Oxi, brightening and fresh cleansing oil to wash away pollutants, brightening and pore concerns.

BIOTHERM 深海奇肌修護精華+ 深海奇肌6D修護眼霜組合 蘊含最高濃度 淡水束絲藻萃取、深海黃金巨藻萃取、 PTP 礦物舒活因子等三大修護抗 老成分的深海奇肌修護精華與深海奇肌 6D 修護眼霜,是品牌的抗老巨 作。深海奇肌修護精華細緻、高滲透的「水包油」凝露質地,水嫩毫不 黏膩,能帶給肌膚持久親膚的潤澤感,特別加入天然珍珠母貝微粒,使 肌膚瞬間透出宛如天生的明亮淨透感。深海奇肌 6D 修護眼霜則不同於傳 統市面上的眼霜,碧兒泉首次定義奇蹟眼周 6D 區域,強調可ㄧ次修復 眼周六大區塊的老化。 Blue Therapy Serum & Eye Set Advanced with

exclusive repair technology, it is proven to significantly reduce major signs of visible aging. Take advantage of the restorative power of night and see your skin look smoother, younger, more radiant.

KIEHL'S 超能量無痕彈力旅行套 這款組合套裝包含了 2013 年 推出的超能量無痕彈力霜,含最新晶礦抗老元素,能有效激活 纖維母細胞活力,進而提升肌膚彈力、撫平紋路以及縮 小毛 孔。另外,緊緻撫紋菁華則含珍貴的 10.5% 精純左旋 C ,在淡 化細紋與膚質的改善上有明顯的成效。 Kiehl's Powerful Wrinkle

Anti-aging set Powerful Wrinkle Anti-Age Set comprise the newly launch Powerful Wrinkle and Pore Reducing Cream which is Formulated with a powerful combination of micronutrients, Copper PCA and Calcium PCA Significantly reduces wrinkles, smoothes skin texture and minimizes pores. Together with Powerful Strength Line Reducing Concentrate which can provides anti-oxidant protection and exfoliates skin to reveal healthier-looking skin.

SHISEIDO 莉薇特麗 全效抗痕美白套裝 莉薇特麗全效抗痕誘白 精華, 採用資生堂首創的抗老活化系統,添加尿囊素、維他 命 E 衍生物,促進肌膚循環。 內含品牌獨家抗老成分 VP8(Vital Perfection) ,訴求改善 8 大肌膚機能,全方位改善因增齡產生 的皺紋、鬆弛與暗沉。 此外,兒茶萃取精華與維他命 C 乙基成 分,可抑制新斑點形成,並淡化已形成的黑色素。 再搭配使用 莉薇特麗全效抗痕白金霜,再造妳的完美無瑕肌。 Revital Vital-

Perfection Whitening Set Give vitality and resilience to your skin. Achieve a youthfully radiant look.

CLARINS 煥顏緊緻日夜保養套組 富含高效植物精華的突破性 抗老產品,有助強韌肌底結構並重塑肌膚彈力網絡。立即使用 後,肌膚更持久緊緻、平滑提升。 針對 106 名亞洲女性參與的 測試結果, 2 週後,肌膚更緊實富彈性,皺紋明顯減少。 Extra

JURLIQUE 草本再生修護套裝 強 效 的 草 本 再 生 修 護 套 裝 , 蘊 含 珍 貴的抗氧化植物精華,有效擊退肌膚細紋,使肌膚柔軟、緊緻、回 復光采。 Herval Recovery Age Prevention Duo Indulge your skin

Firming Partner -Extra Firming Day Cream ALL SKIN TYPE 50ml -Extra Firming Night Crema ALL SKIN TYPE 50ml Rich in powerful plant extracts, this breakthrough anti-ageing skin care helps to reinforce the key elements of the skin’ s structure. Immediately, skin is lifted, smoothed and refined. In 14 days, skin is firmer, more elastic, wrinkles less visible.

with a powerful duo designed to address signs of ageing with precious plant oils and antioxidants, for smooth, firm and radiant skin everyday.


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BOBBI BROWN Lip Gloss Trio 唇蜜三件

採買剛出爐的各式繽紛彩妝品, 為即將到來的聖誕佳節做好萬全準備。

BENEFIT 搖滾俏妞蜜粉盒

Text Ms.Boy Photography 各品牌提供


DIOR 迪奧亮妍腮紅盤 Diorblush


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SHU UEMURA 3秒魔法全能眼線膠筆

LANCÔME 絕對巴黎修容盤

OPI 舊金山秋冬地景系列

YSL奢華緞面鏡光唇釉 Rouge Pur Couture Vernis a Levres Glossy Stain

DIOR 藍星唇膏



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Ms.Boy Photography 各品牌提供

The scent of some perfumes is sweet, clear and soft while others are sophisticated and refined. Perfumes accentuate the femininity of women and represent the personalities and language of each person. 1.LANCÔME La Vie Est Belle Légère 精選最珍貴的天然香水原料,歷經 5521 次配方試驗,成就 LANCÔME最極緻香氛:香調主軸為稀有且昂貴的 佛羅倫斯香 根鳶尾。充滿女人味的小花茉莉及突尼西亞香橙花為香水中調,香草、薰草豆、胡 桃糖、廣藿香之心等組成的後味香氣,完美打造出屬於喜悅、微笑與自由的香氛。

Only the best and rarest natural ingredients were used in creating the La Vie Est Belle, and it went through 5521 test versions before becoming Lancôme's most exquisite fragrance. This fragrance perfectly expresses the feeling of happiness, joyousness and freedom. 2.GIORGIO ARMANI SÌ 黑色花果香調結合花香與柏香散發ㄧ股溫暖力量,SÌ 女性香水呈現出前所未有的「黑色花果香調」,黑醋栗果花蜜前味、格拉斯玫瑰 (五月玫瑰)中味,以及琥珀木後味,散發融合彷彿香甜利口酒與清新草木香, 讓這款香氛具有令人難以抗拒的恆久、溫暖力量。Floral and cypress scents

form a dark floral and fruity fragrance that gives off a warm strength, and the Giorgio Armani Si for women exudes a never-before-seen dark floral and fruity scent. 3.CHLOÉ Roses De Chloé 清新玫瑰與佛手柑的優美香氣,牽引大馬士革玫瑰精油 和玉蘭花優雅曼妙共舞;隨著白麝香與龍涎香的優雅旋轉,見證Chloé香氛的經典。 玫瑰色粉紅緞帶綴飾著瓶身,純銀包覆的瓶口及透明的瓶蓋,呈現經典香氛一貫的高 雅奢華。An elegant trace of white musk and amber represent the signature Chloé

scent. Enlaced with a blush pink ribbon, the luxurious glass bottle is crowned with a silver top and transparent cap, displaying the graceful luxury typical of classic Chloé fragrances. 4.BVLGARI Omnia Crystalline Eau de Parfum 這款木質-花香調香水以蓮 花為主調,細緻空靈的中調對比乳脂香調的性感魅力,既純淨又奢華。香水大師

ALBERTO MORILLAS,他靈活自如地融合了針貴天然成份與品牌特有的地中海 氣息,融合優雅與純淨和諧的花香,散發出如同喀什米爾披肩一樣溫暖細緻。The master perfumer Albert Morillas has cleverly integrated rare natural ingredients wit the classic Bvlgari Mediterranean scent, combining elegant, pure and harmonious floral fragrances to give the perfume a warm and refined feel of a cashmere shawl. 5.Elizabeth Arden Untold 獨一無二的鑽石菱格香水瓶身從每一個角度都展現出不 一樣的形狀造型, 象徵著現代女性在生活中所展現的多重角色, 即可以是職業女性 、 也可以是慈愛媽媽、溫柔妻子、孝順女兒, 百面玲瓏。也象徵著女性的多重性格, 散 發神秘氣質。就是這樣的特質讓女性充滿魅力。 這淡香精帶著獨特的果香與花香調 伴隨著溫暖的檀香點綴。A luxurious and modern floral composition, UNTOLD

celebrates the sophistication and intrigue of the multi-faceted modern woman. From her vibrant optimism and refined femininity to her mysterious aura and magnetic sensuality, UNTOLD takes you on a journey .


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6.ESTÉE LAUDER Very Estée 這款為現代女性而設的花香木質香水柔和優雅, 初調為蓮花,小蒼蘭,粉紅胡椒和黑醋栗;中調為保加利亞玫瑰,巴西梔子花和茉 莉,基調為檀香,雪松,麝香和羊絨木,這位飄逸的仙子擁有透明的膚色與溫柔的 魅力,宛如義大利文藝復興時期藝術大師筆下個性堅毅又高雅的女性。

中注入一抹迷人夢幻的紫色調,與低調甜蜜的愉悅花香,延續著寶石般的不規則切 割瓶身,從裡到外展現出活潑輕快的層次感。In 2013, Issey Miyake Launched the

This soft and elegant perfume with floral and wooden fragrances is designed for the modern woman. The very Estée woman is a fairy that has transparent skin tones and a soft gentle charm, making her resemble the strong and elegant women created by the paintbrushes of Renaissance artists. 7. ANNA SUI La Vie De Bohème 刻有雅緻玫瑰圖案的立體瓶身,閃耀著明

brand new Pleats Please Eau de Toilette. The new version retains the happy and lively personality of the original version and adds a clash of mesmerizing and fantastical violet-purple hues to its already lively colors, giving it a low-key, sweet and joyous floral scent. 9.MARC JACOBS Honey HONEY淡香精散發陽光花香的誘人香氣,充滿甜美、

亮的薰衣草紫幻色澤。古典金色的瓶蓋頂端佇立著一隻自由熱情卻勇於冒險的 蝴蝶,象徵女孩蛻變為小女人後的魅力誘人形象。前調始自陣陣土耳其玫瑰與 晶瑩剔透的梨子清香,揉合酸甜豐富的小紅莓與火龍果氣息,舞動嗅覺。中調 迎接而來的是紫牡丹花香的活躍、歡樂,愉悅地喚醒女孩率性而為、熱情奔放 的靈魂。歷經心境轉折,後調散發著透明麝香、黑色香草混和白檀帶來俏皮而 深沉神秘的木質調,感受小女人的隨興性感。 The elegant flacon with rose

淘氣、隨興的氛圍。新鮮西洋梨的幸福氛圍環繞著嗅覺神經,柑橘花散發嬌媚的迷 人氣味;溫暖的蜂蜜彷彿被陽光環抱於溫暖臂彎中。The Honey Eau de Parfum is

patterns carved into its sides shines with a luminous lavender hue. A free, passionate and adventurous butterfly sits atop the antique gold cap, symbolizing the charm and allure of a girl after she transforms into a young woman.

8. ISSEY MIYAKE Pleats Please 2013 年三宅一生再度推出全新PLEATS PLEASE淡香精,維持著PLEATS PLEASE歡樂、活潑的調性,在原有的活潑色彩

a sunny, delicious floral-energetic and alluring, with a sweet, mischievous and freewheeling aura. The warm honey base tone makes women feel as if they're in the warm embrace of the sunlight. 10.Kenzo Flower In The Air 凱卓幻想一朵絕對自由且有代表性的花朵。罌粟從地 面上升, 盛開到天空中, 把整個天空包圍著獨特的香味。清新, 女性化的花香。Kenzo dreams of absolute freedom for its emblematic flower.The poppy rises up and blossoms the sky with a new exceptional fragrance. A fresh, ultra-feminine floral fragrance.



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創立於2011年的EVER RICH JEWELRY 昇恆昌珠寶,是以台灣自然人文藝術為設計 主軸的珠寶品牌,並定時推出特色主題,透過 當代美學詮釋,展現出獨一無二的創意精神。


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愛相隨系列- 玫瑰金鑲鑽石戒指、墜鍊 2013年12月推出的首款婚戒系列,在設計輪廓上 以「經典」為定位、以象徵愛情的「蝴蝶」為題, 用浪漫細緻的玫瑰金線條與車工完美的鑽石,閃耀 晶燦火光,輝映有情人終成眷屬。

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愛相隨系列-玫瑰金內鑲小鑽對戒 對戒內側分別鑲嵌小鑽及相隨的蝴蝶, 將彼此的真情藏於心中,翩然共舞。


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愛相隨系列-白K金對戒 於親密接觸的指圈內雷射「蝴蝶拼圖」,象徵互託終身的誓言。


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選購鑽錶或是金錶的最大原則,不是閃死人,而是能看到品牌對工藝 的嚴謹程度;相較於機芯內部的打磨,錶殼的打磨、鑽石的鑲嵌,則 是各品牌的角力場,要搏輸贏,就趁現在! Text Edward Images Courtesy of 各品牌

The most important principle when purchasing a diamond or gold watch is not to choose the flashiest watch, but a watch that allows people to see the meticulous work and craftsmanship that the manufacturer put into it. People cannot see the polishing done on the movement of the watch, so brands compete with each other in areas like the polish of the case and the setting of diamonds. Now is the time for the brands to fight for victory!

AUDEMARS PIGUET Jules Audemars 手動 上鏈腕錶,採用 18K 金 玫瑰金錶殼與錶鍊,錶 圈鑲有60顆美鑽,備有 時、分、小秒盤顯示, 並採愛彼自製3090手動 上鏈機芯。

Jules Audemars handwinding wristwatch. It has an 18K pink gold case and strap with 60 diamonds set in the bezel. The watch has hour and minute hands with a small seconds display, and it is driven by the handwinding Audemars Piguet caliber 3090. Jules Audemars自動上鏈腕錶,採用18K玫瑰金錶殼與錶鍊, 錶圈鑲有72顆美 鑽,機芯採用愛彼自製3120自動上鏈機芯,備有時、分、秒及日期顯示。 Jules Audemars self-winding wristwatch. It has an 18K pink gold case and strap with 72 diamonds set in the bezel. It is equipped with the self-winding Audemars Piguet caliber 3120. The watch has hour, minute and second hands with a date display.


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BLANCPAIN 寶鉑大日曆計時碼錶,腕錶採用 18K 玫瑰金 錶盤,錶圈鑲有 40 顆圓形美鑽。內部搭載 Blancpain自製自動上鏈機芯,錶背自動盤也 特別雕刻成花瓣的形狀,美輪美奐。

This Blancpain Chronograph Grande Date has an 18K pink gold dial with 40 round diamonds set in the bezel. It uses a Blancpain self-winding movement. The petal-shaped oscillating weight at the back adds grace and beauty to the watch.


GP 芝柏錶今年所推出的 1966 系列最新腕 錶,設有日期顯示和9時位置的小秒針顯示。 玫瑰金41毫米錶殼配備鑽石拋光打磨斜面錶 圈,更見靈巧纖細。

This is the newest wristwatch in the Girand-Perregaux 1966 series. There is a date display and a small seconds display that is situated at the nine o’clock position. The pink gold 41mm case and diamond-polished sloping bezel enhances the finesse of the watch.

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OMEGA 海馬Aqua Terra 18K金男仕 腕錶,搭載8501同軸擒縱機 芯,18K玫瑰金打造錶殼鍊帶 搭配白色甲板紋理錶盤。

The Seamaster Aqua Terra 18K gold Gent ’ s wristwatch is driven by the Co-Axial caliber 8501. It has an 18K pink gold case and strap and a white “Teak Concept” dial that resembles the wooden decks on luxury boats.


全新登場的Ladymatic雙金腕錶以精鋼搭配18K 金打造而成,雪花鑲嵌鑽石錶圈搭配18K玫瑰金 與精鋼交織的鏈帶,造型更加瑰麗奪目。

The brand-new Ladymatic Bicolor wristwatch is built using a lustrous combination of 18K gold and stainless steel. The snow-set diamond-paved bezels along with the 18K pink gold and stainless steel strap make for a magnificent and eye-catching watch.

Hermes今年推出新的一款時間暫停腕 錶,錶徑38mm,並採用自動上鏈機 芯,並備有小秒盤與自動暫停功能, 透過單按把可瞬時追時。

Hermes has released a new Arceau Le Temps Suspendu wristwatch this year. The diameter of the watch is 38mm, and it has a self-winding movement, a small seconds display and automatic time suspension function. Simply press the button to instantly return the watch to the correct time and date.

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ROLEX Yacht-Master II 倒數計時功能腕錶,時、 分、小秒盤、計時碼錶功能,並備有倒數 十分鐘機制。

The Rolex Yacht-Master II regatta chronograph has hour and minute hands with a small seconds display. It also has chronograph functions and a ten minute countdown mechanism.

Rolex Daytona Cosmograph 腕錶,備有小秒盤與計時碼 錶功能,錶圈並帶有測速儀功 能。

The Rolex Daytona Cosmograph wristwatch has a small seconds display, chronograph functions and tachymeter on the bezel.

Rolex GMT-Master II金質腕錶,時、分、 秒、日期顯示,並備有兩地時間功能。

The Rolex GMT-Master II gold wristwatch has hour, minute and second hands with a date display and the ability to show time in two time zones.

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MICHAEL KORS 素雅的金色 錶身搭配華麗的水鑽嵌鑲,並 以橘紅色水鑽取代原先的時標 功能,閃耀又迷人。


This Marc by Marc Jacobs watch replaces the numbers on the dial with the letters “By Marc Jacobs”. Swarovski crystals are embedded in the Marc lettering, giving the watch an air of magnificence and grandeur.

This Michael Kors watch has a simple but elegant gold case with beautiful crystals set in it. Orange-colored crystals have replaced the hour numbers on the dial, giving the watch a brilliant and charming design.

MARC BY MARC JACOBS 錶圈上 有一品牌字樣,並在時標部份以彩色 水鑽取代,潮流味與趣味性兼具。 This Marc by Marc Jacobs watch has the brand name on the bezel, and colored crystals have replaced the hour numbers on the dial, giving the watch a trendy and playful feel.



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GUESS 將迷人的豹紋與閃亮 的錶殼相結合,全新的 Fierce 豹紋腕錶系列誇張奪目,值得 大膽的你嘗試。 In their new “Fierce”

SEIKO 將金色錶殼搭上色彩 亮麗的施華洛世奇水鑽,並以 隨意書寫的阿拉伯數字設計時 標,形塑時下女性追求自由與 悠閒的無限心境。

collection of wristwatches, GUESS has combined alluring leopard print with flashy cases, giving these watches an exaggerated and eye-catching look and making them worthy timepieces for the bold and daring.

SEIKO has set brightlycolored Swarovski crystals in the gold case of this watch. This, along with the cursive Arabic numerals that adorn the dial, symbolizes modern women's boundless mindset in their pursuit of freedom and leisure.

DKNY 純淨素雅的錶面,搭配錶帶的 大量亮片裝飾,反而呈現出一種獨特的 視覺風格,日後也為穿搭帶來更多的無 限可能。

This DKNY watch has a clean, simple and elegant dial. The gold glitters on the strap give the timepiece a unique visual style and allows for infinite mix-and-match possibilities with your wardrobe.

腕錶除了計時功能外,還另外身兼造型功能,以選購配件的方式選購彩色腕錶, 你也可以在秋冬亮麗登場。

Besides keeping time, wristwatches also serve as a fashion statement. Choose a colored watch as you would an accessory, and you can give yourself some extra flair during the fall and winter. Text Edward Images Courtesy of 各品牌


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從台灣文創小物、時髦花店、文具到各式各樣的雜貨用品,隱藏在 大小巷弄之間的生活店舖,正是這座城市最迷人之處。

Text Felix Lin

Hidden within the alleyways of Taipei, the small lifestyle stores that sell creative products, stylish floral designs, stationary and other general merchandise are the most charming parts of the city.

FUNFUN TOWN 選擇在人煙相對稀少的靜巷開店,也不刻意舖張宣傳,在這約莫 10 坪的店面內商品包羅萬象。Funfun Town 不僅羅搜來自世界 各地的設計商品,更鼓勵台灣設計師在此揮灑創意,如傢俱新銳設計師 Rick 所創的 Risk Studio、台灣與瑞典設計師聯合開創的 Checnkarlsson 等,從家飾、燈具、傢俱和居家雜誌皆由主理人細心挑選,更親自與設計師交流,期待能讓消費深入體會商品背 後的設計歷程與理念。

The store showcases designs from RiskStudio, founded by the rising furniture designer Rick, and Checnkarlsson, which was founded by Taiwan and Swedish designers. Xiao Guang carefully chooses the household decorations, lights, furniture and home living magazines that are sold in his store, and he personally interacts with designers because he wants to allow his customers to see the design background and ideas behind the products in his store. 台北市富錦街 359 巷 1 弄 2 號 1 樓 TEL:02-27665916


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VVTHINK 之前的「好樣」、「好樣餐桌」和「好樣棒棒」讓很多台北 人體驗了不同生活面向的品味,這一次負責人 Grace 選擇 在華山一文特區百年紅磚屋裡建構出另一種思路的「好樣思 維」,帶大家回歸到美好生活最理想的狀態,從味道、視覺 到生活都是細嚼慢嚥的,腳步也會不禁跟著鑄鐵網上那對巨 大的機械翅膀與齒輪聲節奏緩慢移動。 一樓端上桌的是浪漫的法式甜點與咖啡,二樓則是老件、書 籍、雜貨和生活器具,其中還包括了 Grace 想倡導的職人精 神,因此,在生活道具區有許多來自日本職人廣田硝子所打 造的器皿,甚至是青森縣為了當地蘋果農特製的梯子…等, 還有充滿手感的台灣服飾品牌林果和蘑菇的包包。好樣思維 可說是好樣集團的綜合體,各個商品都帶著許多人性,從味 覺、觸覺到視覺,皆讓人轉向關注生活中最微小的幸福。 After VVG, VVG TABLE and VVG BonBon, Grace Wang, the owner of VVG, has chosen the Red Brick Building at the Huashan 1914 Creative Park as the location to build the alternative style VVTHINK restaurant to take us back to the best moments of life. While romantic French desserts and coffee are served on the first floor, vintage wares, books, general merchandise other articles for daily use are showcased on the second floor. Since Grace wants to promote the shokunin spirit of Japan, there are many wares made by Hirota Glass in the household items section of the store, and there’s even a ladder specially made for the apple farmers of the Aomori Prefecture among other items. There are also clothes from the Taiwan brand O’Ringo and bags from Booday. The taste, texture and look of VVTHINK’s wares all make people pay attention to the small bits of happiness in life. 地點:台北市華山文創產業園區.紅磚六合院 C 棟 TEL:02-23225573

FAVVI 強調與全球時尚零時差的 FAVVI 也不例外, 對生活的洞察力更不亞於流行,在台北南京 西路街頭設立的 FAVVI@TUBE 2 網羅了家 具、音樂、雜貨,帶來全新的生活提案,期 望能滿足所有城市人挑剔的品味。 目前店裡大部分是來自日本,陸續在開發其 他國家的品牌,除了自己採購以外,還網羅 了一些對傢飾雜貨有熱情的台灣收藏家在這 裡做寄賣,因此店內商品舉凡北歐復古、法 式工業 & 鄉村、英式古董 & 現代、日式鄉村, 從台灣老件到日本鄉村雜貨、歐洲老件皆能 在這裡找到。

Most of the products carried by Favvi are from Japan, and it ’ s gradually importing products from brands in other countries. Besides its own selection, some Taiwan collectors who love furniture and various products have consigned some of the items they own to Favvi for sale. Whether it is vintage Taiwan wares, Japanese country-style products or vintage European items, people can find what they want at Favvi. 台北市南京西路 1-3 號 TEL:02-25632787


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禮拜文房具 開幕沒多久,「Tools To Liveby (禮拜文房具)」即招來了文青界 的高度注意,甚至連英國重量級雜 誌《Monocle》 都 跨 海 採 訪 並 收 錄於「Best Shop in Taipei」單 元當中。這裡頭賣的可不是普通文 具,主理人 Karen 說:「我特別 喜歡有歷史、經得起時間考驗、不 跟隨潮流的品牌。」店內所進的各 式文具小物,以歐美、日本的老牌 子居多,每ㄧ件都是經典商品,而 且背後都有個精彩故事。對文具迷 來說這裡絕對是個有趣的天堂。

霽 FLOWER 綻放在許多人熟悉的富錦樹 Fuji Tree 門口,「霽 Flower」主理人 Josh 以他本身建築設計的 背景打造了一個前所未有的機動店面,簡單利用木板、鐵網和幾片層版設計了一個這樣似虛似 實的空間,遠看這完全開放的店面,卻又在許多高掛錯落的乾燥花遮蔽下顯得有點含蓄。 在節日特多的秋冬,店家還會推出符合節慶的限量商品提供送禮選擇。在重要的節日前來一 趟小花店,觀賞 Josh 如藝術品般的花藝,順便為最親愛的家人朋友挑上一件花語小卡或能 長期保存的花畫,相信會是給自己和愛人最難忘的禮物。 The owner, Josh, has used his background in architectural design to build an unprecedented mobile storefront. Josh used wooden planks, metal fencing and plywood to create a surreal space. From a distance, this open storefront looks a bit reserved under the cover of the dry flowers hanging from the rooftop. Come visit Clear Flower during an important festival to see Josh’s artistic floral designs and pick up a floral card or a long-lasting flower painting to give to your friends and family members. It will be an unforgettable gift for you and your loved ones. 台北市松山區富錦街 355 號 TEL:02-87327847

Soon after its opening, Tools to Liveby has attracted the attention of many literary youth. Even Monocle, a heavyweight literary magazine in the U.K, has traveled to Taiwan to interview the owner and to put the store into its “Best Shop in Taipei” segment. Tools to Liveby does not sell ordinary stationary, and Karen, the owner, says that “ I especially like brands that have history, can stand the test of time and which does not follow trends. ” The stationary in Tools to Liveby are mainly from old brands in the U.S, Europe and Japan, for fans and enthusiasts of stationary, Tools to Liveby is a definitely a fun heaven. 台北市樂利路 72 巷 15 號 1F TEL:02-27391080

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品墨良行 累積十幾年實務經驗,王慶富將設計結合手 作雜貨,於幾年前創立了台灣原生品牌「品 墨良行」,規劃出「品墨設計」、「小花花」、 「小餅乾小兔子茶店」以及「藝術家」等四 大主軸,除了發行平面刊物、文具、包包等 生活用品外,還不時與藝術家合開個展、講 座,拉近生活與設計之間的距離,讓有機設 計成為隨處可見的簡單美學。

After accumulating over a decade of practical experience, Wang Qing-Fu combined design with hand-made merchandise and opened the original Taiwan brand Pinmo Pure Store a few years ago. The store publishes print media and sells stationary, bags and other articles for daily use. It also sometimes works with artists to organize exhibitions and seminars to close the gap between life and design, allowing organic designs to become a simple aesthetic that we can see everywhere.

MOT FLOWER 走進這塊簡約精小空間,絕對不會看到一座座封裝花束的冷 凍庫和雜亂的盆栽,只見充滿藝術感和時尚性的創作素材, 從店面的落地櫥窗延伸至牆面的展示櫃,編織出各具風情的 藝術舞台。 它企圖顛覆傳統花店了無新意的販售型態,更尊重花藝、美 學與顧客需求之間的關係,以「時空花品」永恆不朽的美麗 為概念,突破了花卉的真實花型與季節以及氣候限制,更在 花藝創作中環扣藝術性與時尚美學。店內以來自歐洲的高品 質人造花材為主軸,搭配各式自然素材,運用手染顏料的色 彩與裝飾物為每件花藝作品灌注專屬主題,創造空間中最具 張力的裝置藝術。

台北市永康街 75 巷 10 號 TEL:02-23968366

MOT Flower tries to subvert the old and uncreative sales model of traditional floral shops by respecting the relationship between floral designs, aesthetics and the needs of customers. It uses the timeless beauty of “timeless flowers” as the concept to transcend the shape and seasonal and climate restrictions of flowers, and it has integrated artistic and fashion aesthetics into its floral designs. MOT Flower uses high-quality artificial flowers from Europe as the base for its designs, and it incorporates various types of natural materials, hand-dyed colors and decorations to infuse each of their floral designs with their personal theme, creating installation art that is filled with tension. 台北市八德路二段 332 巷 12 號 TEL:02-27783188

61NOTE 說 真 的, 諾 不 是 被 門 口 的 小 招 牌 所 點 醒, 你 很 難 會 相 信 佈 滿 植 物 外 觀 的 61NOTE,是如此可以輕鬆的走入;這裡是專賣日本好物以及日系雜貨的空間, 第三代大阪華僑的老闆可不隨波逐流,運用個人品味仔細挑選來自日本的生活雜 貨品牌,例如現在當紅東京的帆布包 TEMBEA、畫家最愛的畫材老店月光莊、 工房 AIZAWA 純銅鍍銀的餐具、松德硝子的手工玻璃杯 FOG 的純麻餐墊、紙 の工作所的創意商品 ...... 等等。61NOTE 想表達的宗旨在這些商品的設計簡單, 即使經過時間的變化,也能一直使用,是不退流行且經典的設計。 台北市南京西路 64 巷 10 弄 6 號 TEL:02-25505950


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COGNAC 一顆葡萄的香氣,綻放出讓人驚訝的香氣與口感,

干邑就是最好的例子。透過生命之水的調和,每款 干邑都彷彿有了自已的生命。於是,在我們對飲眼 下的生命之水前,是否也看到了背後超群絕倫的卓 越工藝與堅持? Text

Silent Images Courtesy of 各品牌

For a glimpse of how the aroma and texture of grapes tantalize the senses, look no further than cognac. Each variety seems to have a life of its own, making it apparent why this beverage is known as the water of life. And each is the product of incomparable craftsmanship and an unsurpassed commitment to quality.

Remy Martin Centaure de Diamant 人頭馬此款干邑直 取頂級生命之水的稀少與罕 見,僅取大香檳區前10%最 優質的原酒調合,其中包含 了 300~400 種酒液,由首 席調酒大師PierretteTrichet 用數年時間甄選而出,每種 生命之水如同鑽石的一個刻 面,以完美成熟的比例調 配,展現出卓越豐富的層次 口感。而瓶身上的鑽石雕 刻,恰好映照出人頭馬對干 邑的無上尊崇。嗅聞時可聞 到洋李與漿果香氣,並帶出 一絲橘子甜香,入喉後更可 感受到萬花芬芳的香氣,圓 順的口感與餘味在口中飄散 不去,甚是驚人。

Hennessy Paradis Imperial 源起 於一本歷史手札,原先為沙皇母親 特殊訂製的酒款-為的是送給她兒 子,沙皇亞歷山大一世的 42 歲誕 辰之禮。而後這款高貴的生命之水 配方就一直被鎖在品牌的手札紀錄 裡,直到YannFillioux將其重新發掘 出來。重新登場的Paradis Imperial 擁有許多讓人讚嘆的皇族氣息,瓶 身一絲不茍的精雕,襯以基調繁複 的干邑美酒之香,此物可說超美絕 倫。

Remy Martin Centaure de Diamant: A cognac as rare as it is exceptional that is the work of Remy Martin Cellar Master PierretteTrichet. Using decades of experience, she selected between 300 and 400 eaux-de-vie, only the best 10 percent from the Grande Champagne region.

Hennessy Paradis Imperial: From the pages of history comes Paradis Imperial. Originally custom ordered as a 42nd birthday gift for Tsar Alexander I by his mother.

飲 酒 過 量 , 請 勿 開 車 068

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Martell Creation Grand Extra 來自擁有三百年歷史的干邑酒廠馬爹利,為首席釀酒師Bruno Lemoine的驕人作品,每一口都綻放出醇和圓潤而馥郁的清新花香及豐盈沉厚的果味,晶瑩 剔透的深琥珀色中帶有鮮甜乾果、橘子和薑的迷人香味,那份豐富又細膩的層次口感令人著 迷,如絲般輕柔的口感,散發出持久醇厚的氣息,最後以胡桃及柏木香作結,完全的一派經 典干邑風味。其瓶身由法國著名設計師Serge Mansau打造的拱橋形酒瓶,有如巴黎凱旋門 般的優雅,亦突破了馬爹利傳統的設計概念。

Martell Creation Grand Extra: From Martell, a cognac house with three centuries of history.. In each sip blossoms forth smooth, mellow flavors with strong floral and fruit undertones. The dried fruit, orange marmalade and ginger notes. The rich, exquisite layers and captivating, silky texture carry a lasting flavor which culminates in a walnut and cedar finale representative of the classic cognacs.

Camus Extra 以極富現代感的瓶身造型登場 的卡慕Extra,更叫人驚艷的是其絕美的干邑滋 味。干邑的香氣於開瓶時即撲鼻而來,帶有花 香調,又有濃烈的木質香與菸草、皮革香氣。 入口可以感受到圓潤滑順的堅果味與滑順感, 是款不可多得的頂級干邑之選。

Camus Extra: Opening releases an aroma filled with light floral signatures and rich wood, tobacco, and leather notes. Such delight is amplified when a sip reveals a smooth walnut flavor and slippery texture that make this cognac a rare, top notch selection.

Hennessy Prive 細究軒尼詩Prive這款酒 的瓶身,或許能感受到強烈的 Art Deco 風格。時值 1920 年,軒尼詩酒廠傳人 James Hennessy 希望總調酒師 Alfred Fillioux調出一支「私藏酒款」,好將這些 特殊的版本贈與身邊出類拔萃的好友們。 一個世紀過去了,號稱軒尼詩私藏酒款中 最豐富的作品再度面世,它同時具備了過 往 20 年代的高雅,與現在追求成功的企 圖。讓人感受到它不朽的生命力。全球免 稅市場限量獨賣。

Hennessy Prive: In 1920, James Hennessy, a member of the renowned Hennessy lineage, requested that lead blender Alfred Fillioux crafted a private cognac that Mr. Hennessy could share with his friends. Now, nearly a century later, the cognac that was called the richest in James Hennessy’s private collection is back. Exclusively at duty free and travel retail.

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當你輕叩Lindor外殼,無法抗拒的絲滑軟心流入口中,輕輕 觸動你的感官。內含四種繽紛口味。(牛奶巧克力、白巧克 力、 60%黑可可巧克力及榛果牛奶巧克力。) Discover the deliciously creamy flavours of LINDOR. When you break LINDOR’s delicate chocolate shell, the irresistibly smooth filling starts to melt, gently caressing all your senses. With 4 different LINDOR flavours to suit everyone’s taste. (Milk, white, dark 50% cocoa and milk/ hazelnut)

The scent of some perfumes is sweet, clear and soft while others are sophisticatedand refined. Perfumes accentuate the femininity of women. 不論是給情人、家人、朋友還是給自己,

SWEETS for M 巧克力永遠是最好的送禮選擇。Text



旨志孕育青年設計師,Godiva聯同享負盛名的比利時視覺藝術學院 ─ 剛勃國家 視覺藝術高等學院的學生,創作了一系列全新的風景巧克力禮盒。Godiva台灣 風景巧克力禮盒精選15顆極致美味的頂級巧克力,配搭獨具台灣特色設計的精美 禮盒,是送給摯愛親友的完美禮物。 Dedicated to nurturing young designers, Godiva partnered with graphic design students from one of Belgium’s most prestigious art and design school, La Cambre, to create the new exclusive souvenir collection. Innovative packing design inspired by Taiwan magnificent landmarks with a delicious assortment of 15 Godiva chocolates, it is the ultimate present to give to those you love from an extraordinary destination.


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GODIVA經典心形巧克力禮盒 GODIVA COEUR ICONIQUE GRAND 靈感啟發自比利時新藝術飾品和蕾絲刺繡的 獨特心形禮盒內,包含 14 顆 GODIVA 經典 心形白、牛奶及純巧克力,是送給摯愛的完 美禮物。 Godiva’s iconic Gold collection is reinforced with a new interpretation of the Cœur Selection, in line with the Belgian heritage, combining the Art nouveau style with the cut out lace trend. The exquisite 14 chocolates (white, milk and dark) in the gift box, makes it the ultimate gift to offer for any person sharing one’s life, to say to this special someone “I love you”.

r MY SWEET GODIVA極致松露巧克力禮盒 GODIVA TRUFFLES PREMIERES Godiva巧克力大師以世界頂級食材,配合其對完美巧克力的無盡創意靈感,締造出超 乎想像的口味與質感。此款尊貴限量的極緻松露巧克力禮盒,讓你沉醉在無與倫比的極 緻味蕾體驗,值得巧克力愛好者珍藏品鑒。 Live an unparalleled chocolate experience with this precious and sophisticated Limited Edition gift box. This rich assortment of pieces is expertly crafted with authentic ingredients from specific regions in the world, reflecting Godiva’s strong savoir-faire in creating unique recipes.

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手作傳承的在地好味道 台 灣 深 厚 的 文 化 底 蘊, 藉 著 本 土 工 藝,承載著在地美味,在機場的免稅 商店分享給各國人士。當他國機場免 稅店逐漸縮小食品販售的比例時,昇 恒昌反其道而行,企圖讓台灣人驕傲 的美食文創故事,透過機場,發揚世 界各地。Arrange & Text

Stoney Photography


Taiwan’s deep cultural meaning, present in its local industrial arts and cuisine, is shared at airport duty free shops with people from around the world. As many duty free shops in other nations are reducing the proportion of foods they carry, Ever Rich is going against the norm to further spread stories about the food that brings such great pride to Taiwan.


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傳統手工味 在地人的情感連結

EMOTIONAL CONNECTION 這些台灣的傳統糕餅店始終被一群老饕擁護著,護的不外乎 就是它那傳統、樸拙、迷人、眷戀的糕餅味,儘管前陣子食 品業普遍因某新聞揭露事件爆發,瞬而造成人們普遍的不信 任感,但相信只要是嚐過這些源自老一代的台灣古早味的人 就知道,流露出來的香味可不是人工香料,扎實厚勁的口感, 也吃出食材本身的原味。

Ever Rich Duty Free Shop cooperates with famed food producers from across Taiwan to give more travelers the opportunity to try authentic Taiwanese cuisine. Their cooperative efforts integrate agricultural specialty products with local folk customs, including the beloved Santaizi dancing god, to share favorite central and southern Taiwanese foods with people who otherwise might not have the chance to try them. In the process, travelers from around the world witness the charm of Taiwanese traditional culture and spread their newfound knowledge across the world.

The cake and pastry shops that Taiwanese grew up with are sustained by food lovers who treasure the traditional, simple, and tempting tastes they remember from their youth. Recent news reports damaged the credibility of some Taiwanese food products, but anyone who has tasted traditional Taiwanese items knows that the flavors they contain are not artificial and the firm texture directly reveals the raw materials used.




爾今,昇恆昌為讓更多旅人嚐到這個正港台灣味的好滋味, 決定與散佈台灣各地知名名產廠商攜手合作,以台灣民俗文 化為主題,結合在地農特產品,並將台灣民俗神話人物-三 太子化為可愛逗趣的主角,不僅傳達台灣中南部的本土文化 親和力,更讓各國旅人從中知曉台灣民俗文化的魅力,行銷 全世界。

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Ever Rich’s Go Rich online shopping p l a t f o r m , a t w w w. g o - r i c h . c o m . tw, provides a variety of carefully monitored and prepared pineapple cakes, snacks, teas, and folk art items. These and other specialty products combine traditional flavors with innovative ideas, designs, and local Taiwanese characteristics to provide a series of excellent souvenir options. For each item, Ever Rich remains committed to quality and customer satisfaction. We want you to be happy with your purchase and feel secure when consuming our food items.

昇 恆 昌 GO RICH 購 物 網 www.go- 提供了多種昇恆昌自行監 製的鳳梨酥、茶點、茶葉、民藝品等台 灣特色商品。我們堅持使用台灣在地的 天然食材,除了提供您最新鮮的產品, 也將這份承載著本土文化的美味,傳遞 給每位客人。優良品質、無添加、現點 現做,我們堅持讓您品嚐到最好的。Go

Rich 的每項商品,都是經過嚴格的把關 與精心挑選,在最佳的賞味期限內提供, 給您最幸福的好滋味。對於每一項產品, 昇恆昌始終堅持品質、重視所有消費者 的心,更通過 SGS 檢驗,在包裝上只 要以手機掃描 QRcode,即可取得檢驗 報告,讓您吃了”食”在安心 !


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傳統風味 在地發光 當民俗文化 icon 三太子 遇上昇恆昌獨家商品 當台灣民俗文化遇上在地農特產品,會激盪出怎麼樣的火 花?昇恆昌以酷炫活潑的三太子為主視覺,運用卡通趣味 造型呈現,饒富喜感與童趣,以文化創意塑造親切形象, 受到廣大歡迎。

EVER RICH has launched many products with local specialty to expand the product series of SanTai-Zi, in order to offer customers more choices. The theme of cute San-Tai-Zi represents Taiwanese folk culture. It appears as a child with lovely and childish innocent looks. Therefore it is chosen to represent the affinity of local culture in Central and Southern Taiwan with its lively and innocent image.

人氣伴手禮大推薦 三太子系列—土鳳梨酥

嚴選民雄產地的新鮮鳳梨,精心挑選、削皮切片,再歷經 八小時細心熬煮,完全不添加任何香料及防腐劑,只為了 保留鳳梨最佳的原始風味,絕對讓您忍不住驚呼:這樣紮 實飽滿的口感,帶有細緻的酸甜,每一口都化為舌尖上的 感動!禮盒中還附有一張硬紙卡,上頭繪製了鳳梨和三太 子的圖案,您可將圖案沿刀模直接取下,當作個人專用書 籤使用,讓可愛的三太子陪伴您度過愉快的閱讀時光!無 論送禮或自用,都提供您視覺與味覺的雙重饗宴,「三太 子土鳳梨酥」絕對是您的最佳選擇!

Pineapple cake made in Min-xiong, requiring much time and efforts in the manufacturing process, tastes sweet but slightly sour with firm texture that every bite takes you by surprise. It is surprising that the unnoted native pineapple can produce such flavor.

三太子系列—麻辣鍋風味花生 昇恆昌嚴選「麻辣鍋風味花生」禮盒,以精選台灣本土特 級花生,搭配台灣麻辣鍋底特有的花椒與辣椒,口感紮實 豐富,令人忍不住一口接一口。台灣花生品質優良,特色 是香味濃郁、結實飽滿、圓潤大顆,佐以花椒香麻、辣椒 帶勁,醇厚餘韻在口中繚繞不絕。小包分裝不僅食用方 便,並能避免受潮及維持最佳口感,在冬令時節成為您飽 足口慾之最佳零食首選。

These peanuts are seasoned with Sichuan pepper, the unique flavor exclusive to Taiwanese spicy hotpot, where the strong and spicy aftertaste in the mouth together with the aroma of the peanuts. It preserves the natural and original taste of the peanuts without adding any sweeteners or preservatives..

Go Rich 購物網 給您最新鮮的臺灣伴手禮

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阿里山下頂級渡假會館 品嚐綠意渡假 回到嘉鄉的擁抱

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Book Store

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