Rebranding Nomad Games

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NomadGamesRebr a nd Li v ebr i efs etbyNomadGames ,agami ngcompanyi nWa r r i ngt on t hathav ewor kedon number1s el l i ngcons ol egamesand3D s i mul at or si nt endedf ormi l i t a r ypur pos es . Theconceptoft hebr i efwasf ocus s ed ont he t eam atNomad, whocol l ect i v el ya r eagr oupof wel l t r av el l edgamedev el oper s wi t hov er1 8y ea r sofex per i enceonawi dev a r i et yofpl at f or ms . Thes y mbolus ed i sf oundi nnomadi cmy t hol ogyandr ef er ences t heel ement sofea r t h,wi ndandfir e.

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