The EXIT Achiever Vol 10 Iss 2

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3 Cheers for our EXIT Champions! Relive our annual award celebration inside

VOL 10 ISS 2



04 Reflections on 25 Years with Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris

05 It’s Our Time with Co-Chair, Tami Bonnell

14 The Truth About Ownership with Regional Leader, Rick DeLuca

18 EXIT’s 2021 Award Winners

A celebration of EXIT’s award-winning offices, teams, and associates.

24 Start Your F.I.R.E. EXIT helps young professionals achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early.


10 Words to Live By with Lori Muller, President - U.S.

51 Just Imagine with Dir. of Leadership, Bob McKinnon


34 Markets Don’t Dictate Success EXIT has the tools to help you launch and maintain your success.

37 The Trouble With Sponsoring

Once Franchisee, Vickie Grimes started, she just couldn’t stop.

42 Making Key Money Moves with VP of Regional Services, Laura Roussel


27 The Closer

Tips from Cindy Strait on how she closed 96 transactions in one year.

47 Agent of Change

Li Song is bringing true multiculturalism to the shores of the East Coast of Canada.

48 A Nod to a Good Neighbor

A look at the work of recent NAR® Good Neighbor Award Winner, Brent Gieseke.




The EXIT Achiever is the exclusive corporate publication of EXIT Realty Corp. International. Not intended to solicit agents or franchisees already under contract with other franchisors. Each EXIT office is independently owned and operated. Any use of the contents of this publication without the express written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Despite the care taken in reviewing editorial content we cannot guarantee all written information is complete and accurate. Subsequently we assume no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions. We cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher.

2 Volume 10 Issue 2
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Volume 10 Issue 2 3 24 14 18 YEARS OF EXCE LLE NCE 42 40 34 04




I’ve been in real estate 45 years this year. In my early days as a sales rep, I knew what it was like to put three deals together in one night and that sinking feeling of a double-ender falling through. As an agent and later as a manager, I spent time road testing what worked and what didn’t and discovered my passion of teaching selling to salespeople rather than selling products to customers.

Real estate is a business all about people. I learned if you get the good agents, you get the good business. However, most managers had a “step-aside” attitude – their people were disposable and their favorite four-letter word was “next.” They didn’t specialize in getting the most and the best of out of their agents because they didn’t put a value on people.


EXIT Realty launched on September 3, 1996. Timing is everything. Over the past 25 years, we’ve set out to build and stabilize the most productively successful real estate company in the world, with a bottom line of 100,000 agents who love and respect the company, positively, constructively, and harmoniously working arm-in-arm to create a future where there wasn’t one before.

Our immediate objective is for every associate to introduce an average of three agents to EXIT every year. It’s not about inventing more new stuff. We’re rolling up our sleeves with a single-minded focus on this objective. It’s what we want and expect to have happen. We’ve buttoned down technology and administration. We have the right people and backups in place. In this business, the first 10 years proves you can survive. The next 10 prove you’re a contender, and the 10 after that is when you turn your ideals into reality. It’s a different run at this point. We’re wiser than we were.

As I look back on where we’ve been, and forward to where we’re headed, I’m tremendously thankful, grateful, and appreciative of the efforts of everyone who has played a role in our growth. Where is EXIT Realty going? Right to the top!

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Celebrating a milestone like 25 years as a corporation is exciting, and I’m even more thrilled about where we’re heading. This is our time and not just because of putting in the time, or even putting the right leaders in place to exponentially grow. The market is positioned for EXIT. We find ourselves in the midst of a very unique time, and we’ve grown through it in every area from selling multiple new regions and opening over 100 new franchises, to several mergers and acquisitions as well as agents joining our brand. Agent sponsoring and per person productivity has seen tremendous gains, and the list goes on. Clearly there are reasons why, and it’s because conditions are continuing in our favor.

We have a system that puts the focus on the person behind the agent, because if you lead people, profits will follow and so will others. We have attracted greatness in leadership who have made people sit up and take notice. If you pay attention to the business currents, and the needs of this industry by staying well-read, you can see how EXIT’s Formula and culture are the standard professionals and clients are coming to expect. Now more than ever, people are focused on their priorities; what they truly want in their lives and for their legacy. This past year and a half was a wakeup call for everyone. There’s a want to be part of something better now, to build for the future and the next generation. We want to contribute to our local economies, and the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program allows EXIT associates to touch more lives, and help more causes, and is rooting EXIT offices into their communities. People want flexibility; to grow personally as well as professionally, and they can do that with EXIT’s Formula, culture of family, and mentorship. They’re Zoomed out and realize that although technology is a great tool for greater reach, it’s no replacement for human connection or skill. Our intuitive, single entry, and stackable technology puts professionals in control of their business, allowing them to be plugged into their careers no matter where they are, while still having the freedom to play. Our tools allow you to work from anywhere with instant access.

People grow when they’re in an environment they trust. When they have the opportunity to learn it and do it they go on to mentor others. EXIT’s relevance resonates because we invest in people, which is the best investment you can make.

Volume 10 Issue 2 5

We Invest In You

It’s time to start building each other up and creating more outcomes that invest in us all; helping everyone achieve, and realize dreams once thought out of reach. Because when we give, we get back in excess and ignite a spark of goodness within each of us.

EXIT Realty is a collective of professionals, empowering one another and seeking the residual effects that result from showing others a better way. We believe in making the choices today that create and provide a better tomorrow. That investment is you.



Would you like to know where the real estate industry is heading? You’re not alone. The “bubble is going to burst” analysts that started warning us years ago have yet to be correct. Yet, where were those same early predictions of a roller coaster ride of scarcity in listed homes and jaw-dropping rises in sale prices?

My father, who passed before Christmas last year at the ripe age of 92, sold the first single-family home that he built for just over $2,800. Yup, land in. Both young and old reading this are shaking their heads because of where the market has gone. All of this has happened in the midst of a global pandemic, heat waves, environmental disasters and so many divisive opinions on how to move forward. There’s no doubt that we have certainly proved one thing is for sure during this time. We. Are. Resilient. Change continues to shape us. We’re re-evaluating our priorities, re-thinking our purpose, and re-inventing how we see ourselves and our world. There’s an old saying about facing challenges that goes to the effect of, the deeper the valley that we fall into, the higher the mountain we are later able to climb. Perhaps this is true for many of us that suffering has been and is the birthplace of our own epiphany of a deeper understanding of ourselves, changing our perspective and sparking our creativity for a better life to live.

I think that we can all agree that more change is to come. And although change (especially when you aren’t asking for it) can be very uncomfortable or even terrifying, it can also uncover some of the greatest treasures in life. Sometimes this happens quickly, however, often that’s not the case. Life has a way of using time to its advantage and often hope is our only ally. Hope, though, is powerful. It’s a belief and expectation for better things to come. Sometimes it’s a kind word or smile from an unexpected source, an encouraging medical report, a payment in the exact amount you needed, or someone showing up with exactly what you needed. As change keeps presenting itself, in all of its many forms, let’s choose to see what is possible on the good side of it. Let’s help others to stay in their best possible feeling space as they face their struggles. Let’s remember that we continue to be blessed, working in one of the best industries on the planet with uncompromising, dedicated leadership. Just as EXIT Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris says when he shares a famous Margaret Atwood quote at the finale of our Broker-Owner Training, “As you ramble on through life, Brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.”

Volume 10 Issue 2 7


Sometimes you wake up and find yourself somewhere you never expected. If you would’ve asked me 17 years ago when I first joined EXIT, if I ever saw myself leading this company in a CEO role, I would’ve said it just wasn’t in my long-term plan and certainly not something I was interested in. Here I am today however, and I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Whether or not I was “born” for this, my life experience has prepared me for and brought me to such a significant role.

I’m no reading enthusiast, (I tend to daydream sometimes and find myself re-reading pages I just finished) but every now and then a book or a chapter in particular will get my attention and I spend extra time on the words and what they mean to me. Recently, reading Good to Great by Jim Collins, I was learning about the CEO pedigree. I wanted to understand where they come from in terms of how they ended up with the position and what special traits they possess. What I learned is that I’m not so special or different after all. The CEO position is one of leading, identifying, serving, as well as amplifying the strengths of the company. My goal is to focus on responsible growth and meeting our ambitions, which is where all of you come in. We have assembled a strong and dedicated leadership team whereby everyone is in the right seat on EXIT’s bus. Promoting Lori Muller to U.S. President will allow me to focus more on the big items and assist Tami Bonnell in making sure we are positioned and poised with industry watchers. Joyce Paron leading Canada means we’re certain to strengthen and grow with the strong momentum it takes to make an impact.

Our future is solid and with the real estate market showing signs of strength for the next three years, we have a huge opportunity to attract the finest individuals to our company, expand our footprint, and dominate in our category and class. I ask you all to consider that you have a voice and can impact our company in a big way; you can be part of helping us build and reach the highest potential by growing this amazing company. You see, EXIT Realty deserves to win, and we will win because we have the best model, systems, and leadership. We have the most caring and involved associates, and we believe in each other. Thank you for the important part you play in our quest for excellence.

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My goal is to focus on responsible growth and meeting our ambitions, which is where all of you come in.”


Toronto, ON - Steve Morris, EXIT Realty Founder and Chairman, announces key executive appointments in celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary

Tami Bonnell has been appointed Co-Chair after serving as C.E.O. since 2012. She joined EXIT in 1999, and is a 40-year veteran of the real estate industry. An internationally renowned and respected leader, Bonnell has been recognized as one of the 200 most powerful and influential people in residential real estate and among the top 10 women leaders.

Joyce Paron has been appointed CEO of the company’s Canadian organization. She joined EXIT within months of the company’s inception as a District Owner selling franchises in Ontario. Her entrepreneurial drive, along with a background in land development and business management, were the precursors to her being named President of the Canadian Division for EXIT in 2001.

Craig Witt has been appointed CEO of the company’s U.S. organization, and has been with EXIT since 2004, owning and operating multiple EXIT offices and rapidly rising through the ranks. Since assuming the role of President - U.S. Division in 2017 he works with all levels of the organization to expand EXIT’s footprint across the U.S.

Lori Muller is the successor appointed as President - U.S. Division. Until recently she owned three EXIT offices in Wisconsin and was appointed Vice President of the company’s U.S. Division in 2020. Since joining EXIT in 2007, she has had a passion for growing people, serving both the National Association of REALTORS® and Women’s Council of REALTORS® in leadership roles locally and nationally.

Volume 10 Issue 2 9
These individuals all have long and esteemed careers with EXIT and unparalleled depth of knowledge and wisdom. They work harmoniously in the leadership of our company.”


It doesn’t matter where you are in your business or personal life, three words can impact every decision you make, door you decide to open or close, and path you take. They’re the three exquisite ingredients of success; try to separate them, and you’ll always fall back on the other two.

CHARACTER  The foundation of your personal and professional growth is your character. It’s who you are, not to be confused with your reputation, or who people think you are. The trust that others have in you is the core of your character. When you have a great reputation and an authentic, trustworthy character, you’ll start drawing others to you; building your referral business, attracting agents to your brokerage, or those wanting a franchise in your region.

COURAGE  We’ve all had those moments where that one decision we made had such a monumental impact on the trajectory of our lives. For me, it happened at age 20 when I was struggling with who and what I wanted to be. I made the decision to answer an ad in the local newspaper with the headline, “Travel the USA - Fun in the Sun.” That was on a Wednesday. By Saturday I quit my job and school, and said goodbye to life as I knew it. I traveled the country for almost 10 years selling door-to-door, and from that moment on I didn’t let anything, or anyone, hold me back from where I wanted to go or who I wanted to be.

CONFIDENCE  Being courageous builds character, trust in yourself and others, and a shield of self-confidence that no one can take away from you. When you’re courageous you inspire others to be as well, and this is how we multiply. This is how you build a referral business, residual income, and your team. The exciting part of having a strong, authentic, and trustworthy character is that your confidence grows! Because you take the time to invest in yourself and then pay it forward to invest in others, you build their confidence as well. Confidence now comes with empathy, not ego, and this is how we surpass EXIT Realty Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris’, “sponsor 3” initiative across the entire North American continent.

10 Volume 10 Issue 2
a new, recurring DREAM column by Lori Muller in The EXIT Achiever that helps you get what you want, by helping others get what they want. Dreams are contagious. Join her and dream big together!
Fear is temporary, but regret is forever. Be courageous, be fearless! We trust you. We believe in you. And we’re confident in EXIT’s trajectory.”


Most agents start researching one to two months before they switch their license to a new brokerage, so start by reaching out to the cross-selling agents who’ve recently completed a transaction with your brokerage. I recommend implementing a proven, consistent system that’s effective for sponsoring productive agents. If you’re an owner, consider engaging your agents in the process to increase your conversation percentage, and help further build a culture where everyone benefits from the brokerage’s growth.

Volume 10 Issue 2 11
Photo by Daryan Shamkhali on Unsplash
It’s a transitional time of year; one where many professionals strategically plan for growth, and in some cases making a move. Now is the time for you to plant your recruiting seeds.


Your first call starts with thanking the cross-selling agent for doing a transaction with you or your brokerage. True interest builds rapport and relationships, so focus on them and extend your congratulations for closing the deal.


As a follow up call, ask the cross-selling agent for feedback on your, or your agent’s performance. This is an authentic conversation about being a work in progress and gaining valuable insights into execution for optimal training and mentoring, which illustrates that agent development, and an agent-centric culture is at the forefront of your brokerage.


Finally, send a thank you email to the cross-selling agent for closing the transaction with your brokerage and providing their feedback. A few other steps you’ll want to take in between are to have your Admin/Broker Manager send a closing checklist, adding the cross-selling agent’s contact details to your recruiting CRM, and if the deal was through another agent in the office, contact them for feedback on the cross-selling agent as well.

Those are just a few steps of an 8-week system that I have customized for crossselling agents as well as those newly licensed, top earners, team leaders, buyer’s agents, and more that include ways to keep in touch and create opportunities for sharing information. Let’s set up a coaching session today, to develop a system specific for your needs of tomorrow.

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EXIT Realty has paid out over 1/2 a billion dollars in single-level residuals to its associates and their families since its inception. That’s weddings, tuitions, and vacations paid for, dreams come true and priceless memories made.


3Truths About

Franchise Ownership

Twenty-six years of traveling throughout North America consulting with real estate office owners, and conducting training sessions for both managers and agents, has made a few ownership complaints very clear to me. I’ve heard the same things so often that when it came time to choose a brand for me in which to re-enter the industry, I made a promise to not commit these same mistakes.

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This is perhaps the single biggest reason an owner chooses to franchise. Today’s real estate owners wear multiple hats, and often must personally produce to generate an income to make it all worthwhile. Many find themselves disillusioned to learn that paying a franchisee fee doesn’t equate to the franchisor handling trainings and delivery of new programs or tools.

For years my passion has been training, however, I recognized when I took on the challenge of growing a five-state region with EXIT Realty, that I simply wouldn’t have time to be conducting a lot of teaching. It was imperative that the training provided would be both high-quality and time sensitive. What impressed me about EXIT was their strong belief in MINDSET training, and their approach of why it’s so important to do something, not just teaching what to do. Without this emphasis most don’t take completion of the activity seriously.


Franchises charge their fees in various ways, but the ownership perception is often that they’re paying a lot of money, only to discover there are additional, unanticipated costs. It simply rubs many the wrong way, which causes negative consequences.

At EXIT, you gain access to better technology than I’ve ever seen for owners and their agents. You simply cannot survive in today’s world without stateof-the-art technology. A primary consideration for me was not just having technology tools, but a brand that is a leader in technology. I’ve also spent my career creating systems, discovering early on that without a systematic approach to things, like many, I would be all over the board. Having access to these tools, systems, checklists, direction, and guides all in writing, was paramount in my choice.


With very few people to turn to in hopes of assistance, real estate ownership can feel like a lonely position. Many franchisees would jump at the chance to learn from their fellow owners and there’s a desperate need to bounce ideas off people who are challenged in the same ways. There’s a general frustration with the lack of sharing in what’s traditionally a competitive business. Like other types of sales, franchisor promises wane as the months turn into years, and I’ve often heard complaints that franchise representatives assigned to help had little real estate experience and were stretched so thin, the value was questionable at best. I’ve seen just about every business model this industry has to offer. My final consideration was to align myself with a company that offered a truly unique model; something so simple, yet so complex and expensive to create, no one else would attempt it. That’s exactly what Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris has done with EXIT. It’s a straight-forward, simple to execute model that encourages a synergistic culture, offers a third revenue stream, with an unparalleled Franchise Support system and network of sharing.

Of course. I simply decided why shouldn’t I reward myself by joining forces with the BEST?”

Volume 10 Issue 2 15
“After considering how this brand addresses all the complaints I’ve heard from other franchisees, plus my ‘must haves,’ my options were very few. As a matter of fact, EXIT was the only one that checked all the boxes. Are there other good franchises?

Alabama/Mississippi Kathy & Troy Dooley 855.811.3948

Arizona Deanna & Keith Weaver 602.628.3060

Arkansas, Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Upstate NY, Utah & Wyoming Lori Muller 920.410.8805

Colorado Margaret & Kevin Hamilton 970.691.9980



Connecticut & Rhode Island Melissa Shea 631.343.8700

Delaware, D.C., Maryland Pennsylvania & West Virginia Janett & Jonathan Rundlett 240.450.2061

Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee & Texas Stacy Strobl & Kenny Lynn 615.364.8122

Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North/South Dakota & Wisconsin Bill Pankonin - 612.414.4022

Idaho & Montana Tina & Max Coleman 406.375.9251

Louisiana Wayne Hall 337.463.1000

Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont Mike Wohl - 617.318.7933

North & South Carolina Michael Washburn 843.343.3947

New Jersey Jack Da Silva & Shana Meyer 973.466.0003

Marie Kozak 647.404.5691


& El Paso, Texas Chris Harrison - 575.496.0141 Joseph Arnone - 575.644.6300

New York Metro Hector Castillo 631.421.3948

Virginia Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks & Randy Barrows 800.906.3948

Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Hawaii & California Rick DeLuca 541.312.3076

16 Volume 10 Issue 2
Plant 613.706.0633
705.942.6500 South Western
& Greg
519.312.8644 Greater Toronto




Sandra Hussey, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Group, ON

International Region of the Year

Troy & Kathy Dooley, Regional Owners – EXIT Realty Alabama/Mississippi

#1 Franchise Sales

Kenny Lynn & Stacy Strobl, Regional Owners – EXIT Southeast

#2 Franchise Sales

Troy & Kathy Dooley, Regional Owners – EXIT Realty Alabama/Mississippi

#3 Franchise Sales

Bill Pankonin, Regional Owner - EXIT Realty Upper Midwest

Top Gross GCI in North America

Sandra Hussey, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Group, ON

Top Unit Producer in North America

Kyle Johnson, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

Top Lister in North America

Jeremie Fontaine, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

Top Sales Volume in North America

Sandra Hussey, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Group, ON

Million Dollar Circle

Sandra Hussey, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Group, ON

Kyle Johnson, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

Tatyana Sturm, Associate Broker – EXIT Realty Denver Tech Centre, CO

Marc Austin Highfill, Franchisee - EXIT First Realty, VA

Carl Vasile, Sales Representative - EXIT Real Estate Properties, FL

Maggie Tessier, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Matrix, ON

Chad Schwendeman, Franchisee - EXIT Lakes Realty Premier, MN

Chantal Albert, Sales Representative - EXIT Realty Associates, NB

Kristopher Snarby, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Inter Lake, NS

Donnita Hill, Associate Broker - EXIT Rocky Top Realty, TN

Tanya Myre, Associate Broker – EXIT Realty Matrix, ON

18 Volume 10 Issue 2


Multiple Offices

1. Sonny Downey and Ray Rivera - EXIT Real Estate Gallery, FL

2. Marc and Sheryll White – EXIT Realty Denver Tech Center, Cherry Creek, Pikes Peak, CO

3. Steve and Izabella Forbes – EXIT King Realty, FL

4. Kris Klair - EXIT Realty Consultants, CA

5. Maggie Tessier – EXIT Realty Matrix, ON

Single Office

1. Parise Cormier – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

2. Dave Sawler and Philip Duplisea – EXIT Realty Advantage, NB

3. Joe Arnone and Chris Harrison – EXIT Realty Horizons, NM

4. Sterling Stephens and Linda Smardon – EXIT Realty Metro, NS

5. Susan Hamblen and Jeff Mistretta – EXIT Realty Achieve, NY


1. Chad Schwendeman - Chad Schwendeman Real Estate Group, MN

2. Carl Vasile - Team Vasile, FL

3. Maggie Tessier - Tessier Team, ON

4. Marc Austin Highfill - The Marc Austin Highfill Team, VA

5. Mark Seamone - The MarkthatSOLD Home Selling Team, NS

6. Jeramie Taber - Taber Team, TN

7. Gregory Vurganov - Vurganov Group, MD

8. Chris Messecar - Messecar Team, ON

9. Tanya Myre - Tanya Myre Team, ON

10 Justin Wrigley - Wrigley Team, ON

Volume 10 Issue 2 19
“Change is never a matter of ability. It is a matter of motivation and drive.”



Top Sponsor - Producing Agent

Dee Barino, Sales Representative - EXIT Flagship Realty, MD

Top Recruiter - Franchisee / Management

Joseph Scillieri, Sales Representative - EXIT Right Realty, FL

Superior Growth & Development

Nick Libert, Franchisee - EXIT Strategy Realty, IL

Superior Brokerage Expertise

Sheryll & Marc White, Franchisees

EXIT Realty Denver Tech Center, Cherry Creek, Pikes Peak, CO

Superior Brokerage Expertise

Kristen Trembinski & Jamie Coccimiglio, Franchisees - EXIT Realty Lake Superior, ON


West USA

Kris Klair, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Consultants, CA

Central USA

Brad Sanderson, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Midwest, IA

East USA

Sonny Downey and Ray Rivera, Franchisees

EXIT Real Estate Gallery, FL


Parise Cormier, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

20 Volume 10 Issue 2


West USA

Brandy Brown, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Mountain View, CO

Central USA

Jaclyn D’Andrea, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Solutions, IN

East USA

Sharon Henry & Michele Calloway, Franchisees - EXIT Realty Quality Solutions, GA


Rob Dipiero, Sales Representative - EXIT Realty Specialists, NB

Ambassador Award

Jeff Mistretta, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Achieve, NY

Humanitarian Award

Shawn Sorensen, Franchisee - EXIT Alliance Realty, CA

Positive Mental Attitude

Debbie & Mike Murdock, Franchisees - EXIT Realty Pro, TX

Positive Mental Attitude

Julie Jenkins, Franchisee - EXIT Realty Twin Bridges, ON

Phoenix Award

Lana & Glenn Mohs, Franchisees - EXIT Greater Realty, WI

Administrator of the Year

Leah Brevik - EXIT Realty Midwest, IA

Nasby’s Knuckles

Cathy Korpi, Sales Representative - EXIT Lifestyle Realty, ON

Technology Engagement Leader

Kelly Vessels, Sales Representative - EXIT Realty Pro, TX

Award of Expertise

Annette Anthony, VP of Technology Engagement

EXIT Realty Corp. International

*based on production between 7/1/20 and 6/30/21

Volume 10 Issue 2 21
“What you see depends mostly on what you are looking for.”


Opening a brokerage is saying yes to opportunity, but owners never really know what the future holds, let alone where their operation will be in 20+ years. It’s a feeling many franchisees, like those at EXIT Realty Inter Lake, know all too well.

“We really had no idea how big we’d become and what success we would have,” recalled Franchisee, Mark Seamone, of their humble operation that’s grown from three to 30 agents in Bridgewater and Liverpool, Nova Scotia.

After converting from a small independent and moving to a new market where no one had heard of EXIT before, this 23-year-old office has seen much growth and evolution over the years. Time would take all but one of the three who originally established the office, and Jon Walker, the owner at the time would eventually partner with a young, new sales representative and professional hockey player, Mark Seamone. Whenever we have an opportunity to be with EXIT people, we take it,” Jon explained with dignity. “We learn from one another, and the synergy just rubs off. From there, growing our brokerage has been a whirlwind of activity. It took on a life of its own.”

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In its time EXIT Realty Inter Lake has helped EXIT become a household name on the East Coast, threading itself into the lives of those in the community through incredible charitable efforts and outreach. It has grown into two locations, and it was the first office to celebrate it’s 20-year milestone with the brand. The company’s success comes from its ability to keep pivoting with the times. Continually transforming, it has undergone another changing of the guard recently after Jon, wanting a change of pace, stepped back from ownership responsibilities and handed the reins to Mark. Naturally, Mark chose a new ownership partner in Kristopher Snarby, another one of the office’s long-time agents. “Our continual #1 marketshare in our region speaks volumes of the hard work that our agents continue to put forth in their careers year after year. They’re always learning new things and growing as individuals, which also allows us to modernize, adapt and grow as a company,” Kristopher proudly shared of their perpetual expansion. “Our most recent move in Bridgewater was to a modern building which is highly efficient, has great visibility, and is a professional space our agents are proud to show off to their clients.” There’s pride of ownership, but many EXIT franchisees would agree with Mark and Kristopher that you gain so much more when you open the doors to EXIT. Not only do you join a proudly Canadian company, with a network of owners across North America who are there to help and support you, but you also have access to top leadership throughout the continent that genuinely invests back in you.

True to the EXIT model, Mark has sustained an investment in his agents that the office has always upheld saying, “With all of EXIT’s available training and pass-me-down wisdom, we’ve watched and been part of the growth of many young men and women who start their careers at a young age, to develop into full and prosperous professionals. We take pride in their success and continue to try to support them to be the best that they can be. It’s rewarding to watch them evolve and be so successful.”

Mark and Kristopher now look toward the unknown future with hope, just as Jon did years ago, because “like any business, change happens,” Mark mused, “but the foundation of this company has stayed true to its roots and the possibilities are endless!”

Volume 10 Issue 2 23
When we attended broker training early in 1998, we saw that what we bought into was much bigger than we ever dreamed.”
“We really had no idea how big we’d become and what success we would have.”


The passage of time ushers in a new generation of real estate agents; ones who are learning their craft through college degrees and bringing a breadth of technology prowess that accelerates their growth, but unlike generations before, they’re unabashedly seeking to carve out the career landscape they desire. With a heavy value on participation, belief in success as a team, and nurtured confidence that anything is possible, young professionals want to start their F.I.R.E. More than a simple acronym or phrase thrown around via text; this is a way of life. It’s about achieving Financial Independence and Retiring Early and only EXIT Realty provides the spark.

“I believe my generation brings energy and innovation to the industry. A lot of professionals brought up in previous work environments have been used to conventional nine-to-five jobs that ultimately turn into careers. In today’s world of business, you have to be ready to innovate, try new things, and create your own opportunities,” shared EXIT Realty Genesis Franchisee, Matthew Grant. He’s one of EXIT’s newest, solo owners in Kitchener, ON, who often finds himself the youngest in the room. “Getting into franchise ownership at age 27 is something that’s definitely pushed me to the next level in real estate. I also feel like the best way for me to move forward in life is to intentionally put myself in rooms where people are more experienced than I am.”

Thirty-one-year-old, Jacey-Kay Carter, Franchisee of EXIT Realty Property Pros in Lumberton and Beaumont, TX, often feels the same, and she too prefers it that way saying, “I honestly believe it’s never a good idea to be the smartest person in the room, because that takes away the ability to grow personally

24 Volume 10 Issue 2

and professionally. Spending time with people who are willing to share their career successes and failures is something in which I find great value. Real estate at EXIT is a business with no limitations with so much to offer. Don’t let age hinder you from taking the leap because there is room for everyone at the table. It was a big endeavor for me to become an owner, but it was also the best decision I made for my career.”

Being the “little fish” as 33-year-old Franchisee, Stuart Peterson, refers to it can feel intimidating. He knows because he’s been there, but now he thinks of it as an opportunity to learn too. That’s why having access to all of EXIT’s unparalleled support means so much to him.

“I love the accessibility to Franchise Support, they couldn’t be more helpful. You just open a quick chat, and you have somebody. If you need to call them, you can call them. It’s so simple,” he said, but it goes further than that. “There’s MINDSET Trainers, and top Executives like Co-Chair, Tami Bonnell, and U.S. CEO, Craig Witt who make themselves available, which is amazing, but what I think is so valuable to us as owners is they’re accomplished owners themselves. They’ve grown and moved up the ladder organically and understand what it takes to be successful.” These fellow entrepreneurs saw huge potential in the ability for an EXIT agent to earn additional income streams through a unique Formula of sponsoring and residuals.

“With EXIT, you can build a professional business and achieve the level of success you want, all while continuing to be the person, spouse, or parent you want to be,” Jacey-Kay explained, a concept which meant a lot to her after recently having a baby, running her two offices, and earning a six-figure income without missing a beat.

Just over a year into opening his EXIT Realty Partners office, Stuart is actively seeking recruits as well because he sees sponsoring as a valuable asset that often resonates with the younger generation.

“I don’t know anybody who has one job and one job only,” he admitted. “Everybody has a side gig; everybody has a hustle for their ‘splurge money’ they’re saving to invest. Things are expensive these days. There’s a need for additional income to continue daily life, so I think that’s why it’s so enticing.”

“There’s simply no other real estate brand that has a business model as good as EXIT,” Matthew said of the extra earning potential, an essential aspect that allows him to dream big and why he chose EXIT. “When I received my first sponsoring bonus, I knew that my life was about to change. Every REALTOR® needs to experience that feeling.”

By offering associates the opportunity to earn single-level Sponsoring Bonuses that convert into Retirement Benefits that they can enhance or denote as Beneficiary Benefits, Jacey-Kay feels EXIT has rooted agents into brokerages and created real office cultures, not just hype.

“Sponsoring produces supplemental income and tremendously reduces the pressure this industry can sometimes create. It’s not only a key part to the success of the individual, but it also helps in the success of the brokerage overall and promotes mentoring and coaching, which are very important to me. When agents engage relationships are built, and a family is formed within the brokerage. I believe this approach cultivates an atmosphere where agents can push themselves and our team to the next level.”

Extra is definitely an apt way to describe the last couple of years, and by opening their doors during or on the heels of this time, each of these young professionals have certainly weathered their fair share of ups and downs, some like Stuart quite

Volume 10 Issue 2 25
Real estate at EXIT is a business with no limitations with so much to offer. Don’t let age hinder you from taking the leap because there is room for everyone at the table.”

literally with natural disasters growing more potent in his area every year. But while they “celebrated the peaks and pushed through the valleys” as JaceyKay said, each are comers in new and hot marketplaces, looking to make a name for EXIT like never before.

“As young professionals, time is our biggest weapon. With information being so accessible these days our learning curve may be 10 times shorter than what it was for other, more experienced owners who went through their startup phase before. Get on the phone and talk to people who have done this already,” Matthew urged other young real estate agents thinking about ownership. Staying in touch with his mentors, and his previous Franchisee, Daryl Ruff, and EXIT’s Canadian Supervisor of Growth and Development, Mike McCarron, has served him well. “Use the internet to your advantage. Video marketing is huge right now, so I’m planning a creative space in the office to allow agents the ability to produce high-quality videos to help brand themselves. We use webbased systems for everything in our office so that information can be shared easily, and we have an open-door approach where we encourage professionals from all industries to come into the office when we’re having different meetings or events.”

With his extensive background in commercial sales, Stuart works on being accessible to agents in his office in addition to targeting the investment sector, something he noticed was missing in his Rosepine, LA, market saying, “A lot of other agents want to buy rental properties and invest, or they have clients who are investors who want to work those deals, so they want to dabble in commercial, but a lot of offices don’t have that experience here. Just the accessibility too; being there for agents and trying to foster a fun competitive environment. That’s what I’m trying to differentiate here. I don’t want people to just come to an office, I want them to come to a fun atmosphere, where their coworkers are friends and there’s good, healthy competition.”

These three professionals are proof positive that there’s no right or wrong age to get into franchise ownership. Stuart encourages the conversations that will ensure you learn from the mistakes of others, just as Jacey-Kay believes that pairing a stellar work ethic and determination with EXIT’s tools will help you build a successful business as an owner. Like owning property, Matthew suggests, the sooner the better.

26 Volume 10 Issue 2
When I received my first sponsoring bonus, I knew that my life was about to change. Every REALTOR® needs to experience that feeling.”
Everyone has a hustle for their ‘splurge’ money. There’s a need for additional income to continue daily life, so I think that’s why EXIT is so enticing.”


While working multiple jobs, her children finally grown and pursuing their lives, Cindy Strait was left with an insistent feeling that it was time to open a new door in her life. Today, after her first year as a full-time agent, she’s surpassed 96 closings and took home one of EXIT’s Gold Awards during the corporation’s 2021 virtual award ceremony.

“With the amazing education and mentoring programs EXIT offers, and the help and attention I received from other agents and my broker, I was off and running in no time! Other companies can’t hold a candle to what Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris has created in EXIT.”

Her EXIT Riverside Realty Franchisee, Vincent Esposito, couldn’t be prouder of Cindy and put things into perspective saying, “What she has accomplished is nothing short of spectacular! With two sides to every transaction, she has 192 satisfied clients and customers in, this, her first year! She’s a shining example of ‘you get out what you put in’ this business.”

Admittedly not a big social media fan, Cindy’s success is commendable during distanced times, and she used these start up tips to get her going, but there’s no doubt this is just her beginning.

“I completed a business success plan in my first month. I set a goal of 30 closings for the year, creating a salary that would match what I was making before, until I realized how much I thrive on recognition and being in the EXIT Regional Newsletter each month.”

“I benefited from the programs, videos, and reading on the Resource Center (RC). I absorbed so much through the RC when I first started. I still love to check out new information when I find the time. It helped me create ads, flyers, and keep up with all my listings and reports.”

“I read Steve Morris’ book. After reading Accelerated Farming I was inspired to do mailings. Then I started mailing letters to all expired and FSBO listings in the area and got such amazing results. I found other internet sources, like Zillow, Opcity, Boomtown, and but it was a trial-anderror process.”

“I work my floor time at the office. I work hard to follow up with EVERY lead, big or small. They ALL add up! At this point most of my new business comes from referrals from other agents, my past customers, and new clients.”

Volume 10 Issue 2 27



Marquis Diamond Circle (3,000 sides accumulated)

John Farrell, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Homeward Bound, NY

Maggie Tessier, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Matrix, ON

Teal Diamond Circle (2,000 sides accumulated)

Chad Schwendeman, Franchisee – EXIT Lakes Realty Premier, MN

Diamond Circle (1,000 sides accumulated)

Val Connell, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Town & Country, NS

Jeremy Cowan, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Metro, NS

Wade Mitchell, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Acceleration, ON

Ron Young, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Specialists, NB

Emerald Circle (750 sides accumulated)

Chantal Albert, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Associates, NB

Irma Chavez-May, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Horizons, NM

Henrietta Duvall, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Seaway, ON

Robert Farrell, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Homeward Bound, NY

Chris Harrison, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Horizons, NM

Kathy Hobbs, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Pinnacle Group, TX

Sandra Hussey, Sales Representative - EXIT Realty Group, ON

Jae Kim, Franchisee – EXIT Real Estate Solutions, SC

Corey Lancaster, Franchisee – EXIT Right Realty, MD

Jayson Maguire, Franchisee – EXIT Realty Connection, SD

Richard Reid, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Platinum, NB

Justin Wrigley, Sales Representative – EXIT Realty Matrix, ON

Ruby Circle (500 sides accumulated)

Pierre Basque, Carl Bougie, Santiago Carrera, Dino Cates, Jimmy Coates, Ricky Cote, Dean Crocker, Dave Doran, Donna Fairchild, Josh Foster, Tammy Fredericksen, Barbara Frye, Eric Gossard, Kyle Johnson, Sherry Keeble, Kinga Korpacz, Amanda Lumley, Patricia Macleod, Gary Mailman, Krista Martin, Tanya Myre, Sherry Sheldrick, Kristopher Snarby, Jeremy Stansbury, Susanne Zimbelman

28 Volume 10 Issue 2

Sapphire Circle (250 sides accumulated)

Humberto Alcazar Jr., Janie Andrews, Cynthia Arriaga, Lana Barnes, Carol Beatrice, Ron Becker, Andre Boudreau, Lori M Buck, Lynn Butkus, Cody Craig, Alexandra Daigle, Heather Driscoll, Tonya Farris, James Ferguson, Katie Friars, Kimberly Gibbs, Mike Glass, Kristen Graves Kuiack, Jennifer Greenmun, Annie Grondin Dube, Jerry Grosenick, Rob Hamel, Tamara Harrald, April Harrington, Carol Karas, Kyle Kickham, Bill Kiser, Robin Koikas, Marlene Letourneau, Shannon Linton, Josie Livingstone, Jonathan Lum, Jamie Lynch, Maria A. Mascola, Greg Mayers, Russell McGuire, Kathlene Meadows, Lori Muller, Curt Najdzion, Alan Oberholzer, Mary Ogle, Derek Power, Carrie Poyser, Thomas Reid, Nick Rendleman, Rebecca Richards, Kelly Richter, Van Royal, Jill Santandrea, Carlos Saramago, Lenny Simonetti, Adam Smith, Matthew T. Smoot, Bill Standiford, Andrew Stephens, Craig Summerall, Brock Thompson, Leny Torres-Arevalo, Rob Trembinski, Donna Van’t Hof, Lyn Ward, Debbie Wold, Stephanie Zarr




Titanium (150+ sides closed)

Chantal Albert, Dino Cates, Jamie Coccimiglio, Shauna Denton, John Farrell, Jeremie Fontaine, Marc Austin Highfill, Sandra Hussey, Kyle Johnson, Nicole LeBlanc, Tanya Myre, Chad Schwendeman, Kristopher Snarby, Gregory Vurganov

Platinum (100+ sides closed)

Angie Brown, Irma Chavez-May, Jaime Lyon Cooper, Ricky Cote, Kerry Culberson, Alexandra Daigle, Kent Davies, Pam Doak, Mike Doiron, Adam Foland, Tammy Fredericksen, John Gillam, Flor Gonzalez, George Green III, David Grell, Michael Griffis, Donnita Hill, Kathy Hobbs, Kyle Kickham, Roger Kopernik, Amanda Lumley, Krista Martin, Curt Najdzion, Richard Reid, Mark Seamone, Shelley Skidd, Tim Smith, Tatyana Sturm, Jeramie Taber, Michelle Terry, Maggie Tessier, Carl Vasile, Jorge Vazquez, Kathy Vetten, Gary Watson, Ron Young

Gold (75+ sides closed)

Jennifer Allman, Shawn Arbeau, Pierre Basque, Aimee Beausoleil, Alison Boone, Chris Breneman, Randy Bricker, Santiago Carrera, Ronda Cole, Paul Cormier, Jeremy Cowan, John Dableh, Art Dadson, Daniel Danyus, Lynne Desjardins, Anthony Domathoti, Bruce Evans, Robert Farrell, Josh Foster, Barbara Frye, Gregory Goff, Kristen Graves Kuiack, Randa Haug, Andy Hubba, Jeffrey Isom, Jackie Kimball, Kim Kreiss, Ann Levy, Nick Libert, Sherri Lonar, Patricia Macleod, Susan Meyer, Vicky Pineda, Marcella Poitras, Carrie Poyser, Janice Purdy, Slawek Rachmaciej, Nick Rendleman, Kristal Saenz, Kristi Shorts, Cheryl Smith, Jeremy Stansbury, Andrew Stephens, Suzanne Stockstill, Cindy Strait, Courtney Thompson, Gary Trembinski, Stephanie Verderose, Glenda White, Samantha Wood, Justin Wrigley, Steve Yoston

Volume 10 Issue 2 29


Silver (50+ sides closed)

Humberto Alcazar Jr., Tom Alflen, Scott Allison, Clarissa Azevedo, Lana Barnes, Simon Bedard, Brittany Bekkers, Renee Belong, Joshua Berngard, Betsy Boudreau, Andre Boudreau, Carl Bougie, Katelyn Bourgoin, Chris Boylan, Michel Brissette, Dennis Buchheit, Lori M Buck, Christina Burns, Lynn Butkus, Angie Carle, Charles Chang, Christina Charbonneau, Sallie Chester, Francine Comeau, Clint Conner, Jason Conrad, Antonio Costa, Judy Cox, Suzanne Darling, Christie Daugherty, Tony Dean, Holly Deavers, Shaly Dhanjal, Kynan Donovan, Kathy Dove, Kerri Dowling, Heather Driscoll, Guy Duguay, Dave Edgar, Jackie Edmanson, Mohamed Elgoarany, Elias Elizaldez, Donna Fairchild, Mary Lou Fairweather, Tonya Farris, James Ferguson, Robert Frey, Marylou Frost, Lauren Fus, Barbara Gallo, Joe Garcia, Carol Gartland-Bateman, Andy Gerron, Brent Gieseke, Jay Goyal, Elli Grabow, Boyd Grainger, Kay Graves, Jennifer Gray, Jennifer Greenmun, Vickie Grimes, Annie Grondin Dube, Wendy Hallihan, Rob Hamel, Tamara Harrald, April Harrington, Joel Hartman, Kristin Hawley, Austin Healey, Marc Hedlund, Daniel Hickman, Chauncey Hilliard, Beth Hoyt, Sara Hrono, Michael Hunter, Cindi Infiesto, Michael Jackson, Maysa Jad, Jack Jardine, Cindy Jardine, George Jones, Lori Kabrick, Margaret Karahuta, Brian Kasper, Mary Keough, Jae Kim, Geri Knighton, Kinga Korpacz, Cathy Korpi, Corey Lancaster, Jeannot Landry, Teal Levick, Josie Livingstone, Angeles Lomeli, Tina Long, Lori Lopez, Shelley Low, Jonathan Lum, Morgan Lunn, Margaret Luongo, Jamie Lynch, Karen MacMillan, Sandra MacNeil, Jayson Maguire, Gary Mailman, Aleya Majid, Jenn Maling, Mark Maraglia, Mike Matt, Mary Ellen McCamus, Larry McCauley, Jr, Nancy McGrath, Rosamaria McGuire, Alberto Mejia, Wade Mitchell, Trisha Mitchell, Kim Moore, Crystal Mulherin, Gary Naeyaert, Heather Nauss, David Nelson, Lamoura Nettles, Angela Newcomb, Nwabueze Okwodu, Kyle Olson, Patty Olson, A. Omar, Cindy Parniak, Martha Perez, Kenny Pierman, Karlie Pond, Kim Porco, Boo Reitz, Bob Rich, Kelly Richter, Johanna Rivera, Katelyn Rodas, Dan Rollings, Cameron Rubel, Tracey Rutkauskas, Brad Sanderson, Jill Santandrea, Erica Schultes, Timothy Schutte, Robert Schwendel, Sherry Sheldrick, Craig Siphers, Kelly Sitter, Beth Smith, Kane Smith, Nicole Smith, Bethany Snowden, Kyla Stanick, Tom Stanton, Kari Stave, Ranae Stewart, Kaleb Streeter, LaGail Teel, David Tessier, Elias Thomas III, Brock Thompson, Rob Trembinski, Kristen Trembinski, Louise V. Beaulieu, Corky Vetten, Amanda Wade, Jadwiga Waloch, Brandon Webster, David Wheeler, Megan White, Timothy White, Jackie Willis-Denton, Stacy Wilson, Michael Wright, Eleanor York, Cheri Young, Stephanie Zarr, Susanne Zimbelman

Bronze (25+ sides closed)

Mina Abusafe, Charles Acoba, Tammi Adams, Kimberly Walker Adams, Lisa Addy, Sonia Ahmed-Rollins, John Akers, Jr., Jeff Alexander, Sheila Allaire, Rebecca Allen, Ricky Alvarenga, Albert Amalfitano, Jennifer Anderson, Marygail Anderson, Trish Antonetti, Richard Arce, Jorge Arellano Gonzalez, Rosalind Arnold, Cynthia Arriaga, Christien Arsenault, Neil Ashenbrenner, Ken Autrey, Nancy Ayres, Tony Bahou, Kevin Bailey, Bob Baird, Carl Ballard, Eric Banks, Brent Barlow, Diane Barnett, Bridget Barrieau, Wayne Beals, Carol Beatrice, Ron Becker, Tasha Beckman, Adam Bedenbaugh, Juana Beede,

30 Volume 10 Issue 2

Anna Beigelman, Eric Bekkers, George Bell, John Beltramea, Dennis Bentley, Jr., Melanie Besemer, Emran Bhuiyan, Luc Bilodeau, Robert Bir, Laurie Birch, Lori Black, Ralph Blanton, Christina Block, Michele Blundell, Dallas Boerm, Vicky Bouchard, Daniel Bourque, Felix Bourque, Serge Bourque, Kelly Boutilier, Staci Braga, Amy Bragdon, Kim Branch, Rosie Branco, Tanya Brandes-Plackis, Wanda Branson, Glenn Breen, Luke Brenning, Leslie Bridge, Justin Britt, Jenise Brocks, Josh Brokiewicz, Heidi Brown, Jodi Brown, Nathalie Bruce, Joselyn Brunelle, David Buchman, Lynn Buckway, Randy Buff, Benji Buie, Rebecca Bulluck, John L. Burg, Melissa Burge, Mark Burgess, Renee Burgett, Toni Burns, Tyler Burzese, Christine Callender, Nino Cardoso, Letty Cardozo, Andrew Carlson, James Carragher, Crystal Carrette, Jacey-Kay Carter, Rob Carter, Regenia Carter-Pride, Ashley Cavalier, Maria Cazalas, George Chorey, Jeff Choyce, Sr, Jennifer Chu, Kristen Clem, Deon Clewis, Jimmy Coates, Walter Collins, Thomas Comegna, Val Connell, Ryan Cook, Jordan Cooper, Melanie Cormier, Laurise Cormier, Denise Cortez, Lindsey Coughlan, Dorothy Coulter, Candido Couto, Heather Cowart, Mandy Coyle, Pamela Coyne, Cody Craig, Sara Crawford, Trishia Crema, Shannan Crescente, Dean Crocker, Dona Cronin, Sommer Crosby, Gordon Crouse, Samantha Crowley, Mark Crutcher, Emi Crutcher-Chrisman, Lisa Cundal, Heather Cunningham, Katherine Cyr, Jaclyn D’Andrea, Keith Daniels, Trenton Dankos, Jackie David, Steve Davis, Kristen Davis, Patrice Davis, Beth Davis, Roman Davydov, Solomon Davydov, Carlos De Jesus, Charisse Decalongne, Hunter Deegan, Joanne DeFrisco, Laura DeLuca, Luke Den Herder, Jonathan DesRoches, Heather Devermann, John DiBlasi, Meghan DiBrita, Sue Dickinson, Pollianna Dickinson-Jones, Stephanie Dickson, Lynda Dinner, Robert Dipiero, Charlotte Distefano, Jason Dodd, Brittany Donnelly, Dave Doran, Stephanie Doran, Harold Douma, Shelley Doyle, Aneta Drab, Dan Drechsler, Desiray Drinning, Mary Driscoll, Christie Drury, Johnny Dulong, Renee Duncan, Nancy Durelle, Henrietta Duvall, Marian DuVall, Vada Dwaileebe, Robert Dyson, III, Jennifer Earp, Lance Eaton, Kim Eggiman, Vincent Ekuban, Valerie Ellsworth, Zelda Elwood, Joe Emerson, Rob Erdmann, Marlene Erismann, Carla Evans, Jake Evans, Michael Everhart, Heather Faircloth, Lisa Fannin, Jean Fast, Shana Fellows, Janice Ferrera, Tim Field, Beata Fil, Jessie Fisher, Genna Fleming, Adrian Flores, Gaby Flores, Ben Fonte, Mark Fontenot, Jessica Foran, Denise Ford, Marie-Pierre Fortin, Blake Fowler, Zach Frail, Brian Fraser, Katie Friars, Natalie Frodsham, Mark Fuller, Johnnie Gabehart, Joey Gabriel, Diane Gagnon, Jennifer Gaines, Dan Galati, Manon Gallant, Corrine Galligan, Nadine Garcia, Larry Gardner, Jocelyn Garrison, Sharon Gaul, Laya Gavin, James Gedge, Andrew George, Jeffrey George, Kimberly Gibbs, Esmeralda Gil, Greg Gilbert, Ben Gilmore, Jeff Giuliani, Mike Glass, Jason Goette, Alberto Gonzalez, Noemi Gonzalez, Ken Gorman, Eric Gossard, Kimberly Gossett, Steve Gourley, Michael Graham, Shelly Grant, Justin Grant, Lisa Grassi Bartlett, Robert Graves, Jessica Graves, Robert Graves, Shelly Gregory, Bonnie Grice, Michael Griego, Madison Griffin, Kirk Groombridge, Perry Grosz, Caryn Gusefski, Ninfa Gutierrez, Melonie Haag, Brittany Hachey, Holly Hack, Wayne Hall, Ryan Halsey, Joshua Harris, Wayne Harris, Chris Harrison, Rich Hartsock, Brittany Hathorn, Lucas Haughn, Teresa Havens, Bernice Henderson, Kerry Hendrie, Eddie Henke, Joshua Hill, Darlene Hirth, Chris Hochstedt, Candice Hodges, Scott Hodges, Mary Jane Holland, Bill Holloway, Wendy Holmes, Ann Holtz, Judy Hooten, Denice Hooth, Molly Hoskins, Dawn Houlf, Darrin Huggins, Cathy Hughes, Ramona Hull, Mindy Huls, Shannon Humphrey, Camellia Hurt, Yolana Isham, Al Jacabacci, Tim Jacklin, Pamela Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Anita Jakubowski, Cynthia James, Sherry James, Kelly Jankovsky, Kyle Jean, Alex Jesus, Michael Johnson, Rosa Johnson, Nick Johnson, John Johnson III, Sylvie Jolicoeur, Christy Jolly, Anna Jones, Sabrina Jones-Schroeder, Billy Joyce, Karla Jusko, Melissa Justice, Krystsina Kananchuk, Stephen Karas, Carol Karas, Mohammed Karim, Jaroslaw Kaszuba, David Kaufmann, Ali Kazinetz, Beverly Kean, Tina Keene, Jenna Kelley, Monique Kelley, Andrea Kelly, Holly Kennedy, Debra Kimball, Anna King, Heath Kingsley, Sheila Kirkpatrick, Bill Kiser, Kris Klair, Tonya Klingaman, Saul Kloper, Stacy Knispel, Ashley Koch, Benjamin Kono, Gwen Kosel, Warren Krahn, Howard Kronthal, Marie Kumar, Betty Kunkel, Christopher Lake, Susan Lambert, Krissie Lamoureux, Sarah Lane, Ken Langdon, Randy Larken, David Larkin, Amie Larsen, Franco Latimer, Andy Laubenthal, Carmella Laudando, Bobby Lawrence, Linsey Lawson, Brian Lawton, Randy Lawyer, Christa Leal, Josette LeBlanc, Renee Ledbetter, Laurent Leger, Rob Leger, Kim Lendman, Paula Lescano, Steve Leventes, Fern Levesque, Jared Levy, Kim Lewellen, Tina Lewis, Simon Liang, Terry Lindstrom, Faye Linkinoggor, Shannon Linton, Maggie Lofgren, Joe Lopez, Krystle Lounsberry, Janet Lovato, Melissa Lovett, Amy Lucenti, Laura

Volume 10 Issue 2 31
“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you’ll need for tomorrow.”

Bronze (25+ sides closed)

Luedtke, Dixie Mabe, Brian Madsen, Joanne Maillet, Kelly Major, Shannon Malcom, Donna Malone, Alexandre Maltais, Tiffany Mangler, Brandy Maples, Nichole Maricle, Renee Marshall, Tina Marshall, Patrick Martens, Grace Martinez, Clara Martinez, Jen Martinson, Michelle Masse, Phyllis Maves, Amanda May, Chrissy McAfee, Robin McCann, Jeanne McCorkle, Rebecca Mccoy, Brandon McGee, Shane McGuigan, Kathlene Meadows, Julie Meggs, Charlene Meister, Corwyn Melette, Erik Melloy, Cristian Melo Rozo, Chris Messecar, Michele Meyer-Burch, Scott Miller, Kim Milligan, Joanne Mills, George Mitchell, Sheila Moir, Mo Molla, Ruben Monsanto, Luis Montes De Oca, Omar Mora, Shannon Morgan-Leonen, Cheryl Morlock, Ronda Morrison, Lori Moses, Jake Mossman, Eric Muller, Jonah Mumphrey, Ashley Murdock, Debbie Murdock, Martin Murphy, Karen Mussmann, Shron Nathan, Linda Nelson, Dorothy Newman, Carolyn Nicholson, Jon Niemeyer, Pamela Norman, Bobbye Nothnagel, Beata Nowak, Mike Nystedt, Michael Oates, Judy O’Connell, Twig Ogletree, Andy Ogorzaly, Peterson Oliveira, Stephen Orlando, Marlin Ortez, Nicole Osburn, Tina Osterhaus, Monique Ouellette, Marina Owens, Michelle Oznick, Alicia Painter, Rochelle Paquin, Ashley Parker, Jeremiah Parker, Bruce Patterson, Paul Pavon, Cindy Payne, Shirley Peacock, Rachelle Peake, Lena Pepaj, Kelly Percival, Jose E. Perez, Tanner Perrigo, Rowshon Perveen, Greg Peterson, Christy Peterson, Joanna Petrun, David Phan, Arden Pickles, Christine Pinsent, Jason Pletsch, Kimberly Plourde, Francois Poirier, Yitz Pollack, India Pope, Lee A. Porter, Angela Powell, Derek Power, Deanna Powers, Theresa Powers, Ken Purdy, Pierre Quesnel, Keith Quigley, Desiree Rachford, Tracey Radcliffe, Jane Radell, Trish Rafuse, Tammy Ragone Ballan, Merassa Rawald, Sree Rayalla, Arielle Reece, Cathy Reed, Kate Reichard, Thomas Reid, Lona Reiling, Nicole Reimer, Colleen Reimer, Dana Reinders, John Rennels, Rebecca Richards, Barry Richards, Sarah Rigdon, Bayleigh Rigdon, Denise Ripnick, Crissi Rivera, Johnny Roberts, Norbert Robichaud, John Rockey, Amberia Rockwell, Lety Rodriguez-Flores, Wendy Ronberg, Kirsten Rose, David Rossetti, Danielle Rossow, David Rothermel, Kendall Roth-Sukach, Alicia Rowland, Korey Rowlson, Van Royal, Mary Ruffo, Helen Russell, Hailey Russell, Nicole Ryan, Shirley Ryan, Steven Saljanin, Angie Sanchez, Jerry Sandifer, Carlos Saramago, Eric H Sater, Sandra Sauceda, Gustavo Saucedo, Paul Savoie, David Sawler, Devin Schlaufman, Kelly Schoeffler, Shawn Scott, Marissa Scott, Karen Scott, Dominique Seguin, Gurdeep Shergill, Nima Sherpa, Ursula Shine, Dan Shoemaker III, Debbie Shorten, Alice Sibree, Lenny Simonetti, Valerie Simpson, Willie Singleton, Gerine Skamarak, Peter Skowronski, Lindsay Smith, Adam Smith, Kelly Smith, Carey Smith, Mathew Smith, Stacy Smith, Ms. Cass Sneed, Noel Solum, Amy Somerville, Li Song, Laura Spears, Donnell Spivey Sr., Marian Stallings, Rich Stancato, Bill Standiford, Joanne Stanton, Tommy Stanton, MichaelRoss Steffen, Gina Steger, Kelly Steichen, Jacky Stephen, Shalla Steuer, Marty Stevenson, Kimberly Stewart, Roch St-Georges, Angie Stumbo, John Sullivan, Ken Sullivan, Jami Sweet, Misty Szczech, Allen Tang, Marilyn Taylor, Olga Telesin, Candace Temple, Christian Theriault, Rolande Thibodeau, Stephanie Thomas, Cheryl Thompson, Peter Thornton, Craig Tischler, Katie Tomberlin, Gabriella Travaglini, Bill Tretiak, Justyna Trublowski, Becky Tucker, Becky Tupper, Shirley Turner, Chris Turner, Mendi Twedt, Ipek Ulkucu, James Ultimo, Meagan Vance, James Vanderknyff, Donna Van’t Hof, Wally VanVoorhis, Amelia Vasquez, Jason Vennard, Kelly Vessels, Joanne-Claire Vickers, Sara Vink, Dragica Vlahovic, Robyn Voisey, Jennifer Vucetic, Kina Wald, Darrell Walker, Mike Walls, Rhonda Walters, Heather Walthers, Donna Ward, Jennifer Watson, Wendy Weeden, Kelly Weiler, Yisroel Weiss, Ali Werger, Renita West, Nicole Wheatly, Kristie Wheeles, Linda White, Tina White, Scott White, Monica Whitney, Matt Wielgos, Danielle Wiggins, Stuart Wight, Cindy Wilberding, Lindsay Wilbraham, Tricia Willenborg, Angela Williams, Ben Williams, Kel Williams, Andria Williams, Bob Williamson, Phyllis Willoughby, Stephanie Wilson, Harry Wilson, Rob Wilson, Nicole Wilson, Rod Windjue, Art Winsor, Justin Wisner, Naomi Wisnewski, Debbie Wold, Sharon Woods, Julie Wrigley, Paula Wynn, Pam Yegge, Andrew Young, Tina Marie Young, Lisa Zaat, Agata Zabludowska, R. Karl Zandt, Jona Zepaj, Lulzime Zhilli, Susan Zhou, Ashley Ziviello, Morgan Zwicker

32 Volume 10 Issue 2



The value of capable, reliable, and conscientious help is immeasurable. Just ask Franchisee, Brad Sanderson, who recently lost his loyal office Administrator, Leah Brevik, to illness after 15 years of service. As the office grieves and re-groups, he takes comfort knowing she was recognized with EXIT Realty’s highest administrative honor, mere weeks before her passing.

To Brad, Leah was the anchor that saw his Spirit Lake, Iowa office through its conversion to EXIT Realty Midwest back in 2015, saying, “She demonstrated an outstanding ability to adjust and adapt to our growing company with ease through challenging personal and business changes over the years. Without her leadership, character, and charisma EXIT Realty Midwest would not be where it is today. She was the catalyst behind the scenes and in the trenches and is greatly missed.”

EXIT Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris has always valued the powerful role a good administrative staff plays within an office, and built a reward system into EXIT’s unique Formula that gives administrators a real piece of the action for being an integral part of the team; a benefit that Leah enjoyed over the last six years and helped through her health battle.

Each year, Derek Stephenson, Manager of EXIT’s Franchise Support Department receives nominations for EXIT’s Administrator of the Year Award. He not only helps choose the winner, but also works closely with many administrators like Leah, knowing just how vital their role is within a real estate brokerage.

He and EXIT’s Franchise Support Team were thankful to recognize Leah for the indelible mark she has left on the office saying, “With Leah’s guidance and supervision EXIT Realty Midwest added two additional locations and their offices have grown to more than 50 sales associates and staff. Without a doubt she aided EXIT Realty Midwest in the right direction,” he shared, in awe that she did all of it while dealing with her own health concerns. “We offer our heartfelt condolences to her family and EXIT family in the wake of her loss. She was a true professional with whom we were privileged to work.”

Volume 10 Issue 2 33


Over the last two years real estate professionals have been there for clients through demands for more space, new lifestyles, and better futures. For EXIT’s VP of Broker Services, Sharron Richardson, who also happens to be a licensed agent, Newton’s third law of motion comes to mind as does being prepared in times like these.

“As our Founder, Steve Morris, would say, ‘The fish were jumping in the boat.’ Clients were coming out of the woodwork and when almost every listing is a bidding war, it’s easy to forget what goes up must come down. If you’ve been in the business long enough, you know real estate has a natural cycle, and eventually things ebb, and you’ll need to rely on your skill and persistence.”

An often-overlooked fact is that the agent is as much part of the merchandise package in real estate as the listing, which is why EXIT Realty strives to offer countless resources to ensure their agents are business ready anytime, anywhere, but also to build the person behind the agent and the tech that services the transaction process.

Annette Anthony, EXIT’s VP of Technology Engagement knows it all starts within, saying “Your mindset is the driver of your life. Affirming that you’re already the best version of yourself is key to winning every day. Become the person you’ve always desired to be with Prompter!™ and start setting goals. An annual plan is best when casting your vision for success and the best plan is one that excites you to achieve and kickstart your dreams.” Sharron suggests EXIT’s expanded business plan and including scheduled time and strategies for prospecting as part of it saying, “Even with all the digital disruptors and virtual brokerages out there, they haven’t changed the fact that real estate is about relationships. Being a secret agent will ensure your failure.” And unless you make the effort to nurture genuine connections and be the trusted advisor with whom clients and investors want to navigate the process and keep their best interests at heart, you’ll become invisible.

“I had a client who wanted a corner unit in a low-rise where none were listed. I mailed handwritten notes to each of the 16 corner units stating I had a willing buyer, and I scheduled three listing appointments and secured one listing from that effort,” Sharron explains. “The business is out here – it’s your job to let your sphere know you’re ready, willing, and able to help them or anyone they know who wants to make a move.”

This list of EXIT’s must have tools can help you get started and in control of your business:

34 Volume 10 Issue 2
Real estate has a natural cycle, and eventually things ebb, and you’ll need to rely on your skill and persistence.”

 EXIT Realty Connect A powerful real estate app enhancing EXIT agents’ business connectivity and customer search experiences. Download it from Google Play or the App Store, or text APP to 85377

 Smart Signs™ Ensure no lead is left behind through vanity text codes, providing real-time access to listing information, and geolocation enhanced searches. Learn more by texting EXITSIGN to 85377

 Mobile Business Card™ Technology puts your business card conveniently on every prospect’s phone so they have your expertise - and contact info - in the palm of their hand

 Expert Marketing Suite™ A dynamic collection of tools to promote every property. Invite clients to text LISTWITHEXIT to 85377 to see how choosing EXIT helps put their property in front of more people

 Seller and Buyer Guides Perfect for starting (or restarting) a conversation with clients, these digital presentations provide info on each respective process in a convenient, portable format

 EXIT Promo Shop Create seller- or buyer-oriented pieces and customizable newsletters to send to your sphere, in addition to both digital and printed drip campaigns.

 EXIT Ad Center Assure your potential sellers that their listing will be presented to a targeted demographic to increase the pool of buyers through Facebook and Google ads

 Shareable Content Show prospects the kind of company you work for and its values by sharing content from EXIT’s YouTube channel, The EXIT Achiever magazine, the Focus on Good Health site, and our blog


Contact Annette Anthony by texting ENGAGE to 85377, or connect with your office’s in-house Engagement Leader.

If your digital prospecting needs a next level, face first boost, contact MIND-SET Trainer, Erica Nasby, whose Field Day and Online Performance Training take you right to the doors.

Volume 10 Issue 2 35
It’s not the market that dictates an agent’s success, it’s knowing your strengths, creating a multi-channel strategy, being consistent, and tracking your progress to adapt when necessary. There’s no greater time than now.


CONNECTED it’s a two-way street, and the EXIT Realty Connect app helps clients and real estate professionals keep in touch, share ideas, and vital information with the touch of a button. Find your dream agent and home while on the go, or maintain your real estate business no matter where you are. Text APP to 85377 today!


Vickie Grimes brought in her first sponsor just over a year after joining EXIT Realty in 2013, and the trouble is, once she started sponsoring, she just couldn’t stop and recently celebrated welcoming her 100th sponsor over the course of her career.

“EXIT Realty most definitely has a unique approach to real estate,” Vickie explained of why she finds it so easy. “It’s a never-ending cycle of personal and professional satisfaction while building positive relationships.”

Starting as a sales representative turned owner of EXIT Realty Heartland in Elizabethtown, KY, Vickie knew nothing of real estate or the brand when an EXIT associate connected with her via social after she posted about her financial concerns in the face of her mother’s failing health.

“Anytime is the right time to talk about the EXIT Formula and sponsoring opportunity,” Vickie urges. “It starts with asking. Agents don’t need to over-complicate it. I’m a great example of how a simple invitation can change a life.”

As an owner, Vickie values the remarkable opportunity sponsoring creates for building office culture as well as activating agents. In fact, she uses a systematic approach that helps those she introduces to EXIT come full circle and realize their professional goals of ownership as well. Here’s how it works:


Whether it’s real estate schools, associations, or social media groups, be in the room or following conversations and engage. Vickie runs a real estate school, which gives her a good pulse on who would make what she calls a “great EXITeer.”

Volume 10 Issue 2 37


- All it takes is 3

- You’re probably holding yourself back

- Ambassador Training helps conquer fear

- You invite, the broker can explain details



Like-minded individuals who share EXIT’s values of mentoring, sharing, and caring are a great start, but they don’t just have to be in real estate. Vickie looks for professionals, often admin staff or sales agents who are customer-service driven, but she also finds those active in their communities are a great fit reminding, “it’s not just about real estate sales.”


Staying in-touch to ensure your sponsors are plugged into EXIT’s resources and their respective offices is natural so you both succeed. Vickie recalls Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, saying, “Agents who learn more, earn more,” so she always points her sponsors toward the Resource Center, encouraging them to utilize all the amazing tools, tech, and brokerage relationships at their disposal at EXIT.


Vickie says, “I want to be at the top, but I don’t want to be there alone.” With EXIT’s Formula she has bought a franchise, built agent count through sponsoring (paying expenses via the office income), then sold the office to one of the top agents already plugged into EXIT’s five pillars of success.


38 Volume 10 Issue 2
with the EXIT REALTY RESIDUAL CALCULATOR Text 4MM to 85377 today!
people see you’re happy, successful, and proud they naturally want to check out the “why” for themselves



Whether it’s time to downsize your empty nest, finally break out on your own, make room for a new addition, or get closer to your family it’s time to connect with your local EXIT real estate professional to help make your dreams of home ownership come true.

Not sure who that is? Visit , or text EXIT to 85377 to start your search today, or download the EXIT Realty Connect app to share info and stay in touch with your agent from anywhere, at any time.



Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, but most home buyers typically don’t want to gamble on one of the largest investments they ever make. And yet, over the last year that’s precisely what many felt they had to do.

A change in work environment was all it took to thoroughly shake up real estate. Hot spot metropolises were seeing a decline in rental markets with many of their residents heading out of town, driving housing markets in lesser active, nearby states and provinces. Inventory growing pains, and rising prices in typically affordable markets created a flurry of activity many real estate professionals had never seen or experienced before, but as time passed, the effects of this began to show. Before you step into a rapid-fire market, avoid tight spots and common missteps by taking these points into account to help ensure you don’t suffer from buyer’s remorse.

Take stock of your personal priorities and truly ask yourself what you need and want. Just because you can work from home, does it mean you truly want to, or do you want to work wherever you may roam? Will you work remotely indefinitely? Do you have health concerns requiring regular visits to professionals, or the need for unlimited internet and high speeds? Population density drives access to things like quality healthcare and communication technologies.

If relocation is what you want, then plan a stay in the area you’re interested in before you make it permanent. See what it’s like to actually live there. Talk with locals, look at their school systems and infrastructure. See it through the eyes of a resident, not just a tourist. Does this new community feel like a good fit for you, and can you find some homes on the market that you could see yourself in?

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I’m not just referring to all that comes with prepping to sell and/or move. Sit down with your financial institution or planner and have a real conversation about your economic plans for the future and what your options are. Everyone’s risk level is different, and it’s good to understand whether you can live mortgage free, or where interest rates and markets are trending so you’re not biting off more than you can chew in the long run.


Preferably, your real estate professional will have experience or contacts in your area of interest, to work within your priorities and budget to find a home that’s just right for you and the lifestyle you want or have. A quality agent will be able to tell you when pricing margins don’t add up, whether or not it’s worth bidding in that war at all, and why. If you’re unable to take that trip mentioned before, a good agent will be able to fill in some of those blanks about schools, local businesses, and infrastructure so be sure to ask.


Even when time is of the essence, conditions, appraisals or home inspections, and real estate lawyers exist for a reason. Removing or skipping steps can mean the difference between home sweet home and the money pit. Appraisers can tell you what a home’s “book value” is, compared to what inflated market prices may dictate. Conditions and lawyers ensure you’re protected and have recourse should anything turn up in the process or the contract, and a thorough home inspection will catch many things hidden from the naked eye, or layman’s perspective.

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House hunting, buying, and moving, are meant to be a positive PROCESS. You don’t want to double back years, if not months after what was supposed to be a change for the better because it didn’t feel right or wasn’t actually what you thought.


We’re about to close the book on another year of challenges, and while no one can predict what 2022 will bring, you can be the change you want to see in your financial success by making key money moves to be as prepared as possible.

The current concern, as EXIT’s C.O.O., Erika Gileo, points out is that “Interest rates are very low but combined with the high housing prices in many Canadian and U.S. markets, it suggests some people are taking on a concerning amount of mortgage debt as interest rates begin to rise again.”

Laura Roussel, a CPA and VP of Regional Services, has some prudent financial strategies to share that she says are always on trend to provide added security no matter what the economic forecast may look like:

Tell your money where to go so it grows with a budget

 Review expenditures (monthly for individuals/annually for businesses)

 Use systems like Quicken, Quickbooks, spreadsheets, or apps like Mint

 For more tips check out Laura’s Aspire Coaching Session

Be ready for dire situations with an emergency fund

 Ensure you don’t have to rely on credit cards or other debt

 Keep in safe, liquid investments like savings or certificates of deposit

 Individuals should have 3 - 6 months of fixed expenses in funds

 Businesses should have 9 - 12 months

42 Volume 10 Issue 2
article is for informational purposes only. Not intended to replace or substitute any professional financial, real estate, investment, technology or other advice. EXIT Realty Corp. International makes no representations or warranties and expressly disclaims any and all liability concerning any action by any person following the information offered or provided within this article. If you have specific concerns or questions, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.

Pay yourself first with savings goals

 Strive for 10 - 15% of earnings saved each month, and the earlier you start the better

 Start small with automated transfers from checking to savings aligned with pay periods

 Ensure you’re contributing enough of a match for any RRSPs or 401Ks with matching

When to up your coverage

 Rapid appreciation could affect homeowner’s insurance when based on lower value homes (applies to both personal or rental)

 Add significant purchases to your coverage and check your liability coverage as well

 Most home/auto coverage is limited; an umbrella policy can protect all assets

 Starting a family or taking on new debt? Life insurance coverage looks after both should anything happen to you

Checking in on your beneficiaries

 Remember to make beneficiary changes to match updates in marital status or deaths

 Check retirement plans, life insurance policies, investments, and bank accounts

 A will is subordinate to beneficiary designations; make sure the two are coordinated

Don’t wait for denial to do a credit check

 Credit history plays a big life role. Check it annually, especially with identity theft on the rise

 Federal legislation requires the three large credit bureaus to provide free, annual reports

 For more info visit

Get your estate planning in order

 Good estate planning includes a living will (advanced directive), a durable POA, and a medical POA or proxy

 Wills are critical for naming guardianship of children and important when you own significant and/or complex assets

 Take advantage of annual gift exclusions to transfer assets and reduce your taxable estate

Safeguarding and organizing records

 Applies to tax records, deeds, trusts, wills, and other financial documents and ID

 Ensure your “safe place” is known by a trusted friend, family member, or attorney

 Include copies of passports, driver’s licenses and/or credit cards in case of loss

 Proven, safe cloud services offer an excellent digital option

Setting meetings with your advisors

 Schedule appointments with both your tax and financial advisors before year-end

 Discuss items listed here/assess your overall situation to take full advantage of tax codes

 Address any anticipated changes to make necessary adjustments

 Not using professionals? Think of them as coaches who help strategize and hold you accountable

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EXIT associates are often the catalysts for bringing their neighbors together to serve the common good. By choosing to buy or sell with EXIT, you’re also choosing to give back to the greater good.

When Lauren Puryear, CEO of For the Love of Others, first learned of EXIT Realty Corp. International’s matching program, she was elated. She heads one of many community organizations benefiting from the selfless work of EXIT associates like Januari Coates, Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Leading Edge in Stafford, Virginia.

“Because of the financial contributions made on Januari’s behalf and EXIT’s matching program, we were able to support over 850 children with backpacks of school supplies, clothes, shoes, and PPE for the school year,” she said.

EXIT associates’ fundraising activities are amplified by the company’s philanthropic initiative called The Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to our charitable fund. Through the Program, EXIT offices and associates can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to EXIT’s head office to have those funds matched from the company’s pool of funds.

Organizations receiving a boost from Spirit of EXIT include those in the support sector like food banks and shelters, health and wellness organizations such as the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and Pathways to Independence, those focused on children such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Make-A-Wish, animal welfare groups like Cannonsville Critters and Second Chance Animal Services, and those supporting our veterans on both sides of the border such as Wounded Warriors Canada and Operation Combat Bikesaver (OCB), to name but a few.

“About a year ago, Mark Keene, a REALTOR® in our office, approached me about OCB,” said Jaclyn D’Andrea, Broker/Owner, of EXIT Realty Solutions in Griffith, Indiana. “It provides a workshop, general safe haven, and comradery-filled stomping ground for veterans suffering from PTSD, TBI, and/or depression. Over the past five years they’ve been operating in Crown Point, Indiana, they’ve had a 100% success rate of preventing suicide with every veteran they’ve worked with.”

Determined to help OCB, Mark hoped to raise $2,500 by having the brokerage sponsor a motorcycle run, but when the office team caught wind of his plans, the initiative blossomed into Home of the Brave Fun Day, including not only the motorcycle run, but also a 5K run, raffles and sponsorships. They reached out to the Spirit of EXIT for support and the seeds of a $2,500 dream grew to a combined $26,425 donation to OCB. We as a corporation are grateful for the transactions closed by our associates company-wide that allow us to proudly support them in their efforts.

Volume 10 Issue 2 45
Read more about how EXIT is changing lives at

A New Lease on Life

Two years ago, Shari McKinnon, wife of EXIT’s Director of Leadership, Bob McKinnon, started feeling unwell. She was a highly active woman and imagined she just caught the flu. Two months in and she was only getting worse. Upon going to the ER, she was immediately sent to the Baylor Scott & White T. Boone Pickens Cancer Hospital where she was diagnosed with leukemia, and told she’d be staying for 30 days. She had 24 hour care while in the ICU. Days were spent filtering out white blood cells filling up her lungs and treating her for kidney failure. After her release, she’d return every two weeks for rounds of chemo but ultimately, doctors said she was going to need a transplant.

“I didn’t even understand why I would have to have a transplant. What kind of transplant? This is blood cancer,” Shari recalled thinking. “The doctors let me know this was not going to be a sprint, it’s a marathon and they had a plan for me.”

Shari underwent multiple treatments over five months, when Bob met Earl Young, an Olympic gold medalist and fellow blood cancer survivor. He explained all about his initiative and the DKMS program, which is a German bone marrow donor center where swab kits are used to match donors with those in need of stem cell transplantation for blood cancers.

With Earl’s help they set up a virtual donor drive since it happened during the beginnings of social distancing. EXIT Realty Corp. International shared the initiative through their social media platforms as well, and word spread quickly.

“The people from EXIT, you can just see they’re so caring and it’s just a different kind of company, but when you see it play out in your own life it’s amazing,” Shari said. “I had people sending me cards and messages on Facebook all throughout the year. It was really so heartwarming. It really makes a difference knowing that you have people out there supporting you. It really helps with your healing process.”

On June 23rd Shari found her match and on August 15th, 2020 she received the life-saving marrow stem cells, with a new immune system, donor blood type, and is now cancer free. A year and a half later and she’s feeling like she’s on the other side of the mountain ready to get back to normal, but with a new lease on life.

To learn more about testing to see if you’re a lifesaving match visit to order your swab kit today!

46 Volume 10 Issue 2
“I’ve got a sense of peace about me, and when I wake up, I’m happy and thankful for today. I just want to share that. I want to bless others and live my life in a way that helps make an impact. I’m so grateful for everybody who has helped me on this journey.”


$6,800,000 TO CHARITY

Choosing EXIT Realty means helping organizations in need across North America. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to charity. Through the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program, EXIT associates can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to have those funds matched from the company’s pool of funds.

Read our stories online at



In 2018, Sales Representative, Brent Gieseke, was in search of community involvement in Kansas City, Missouri, to pay forward some of his top grossing success and million-dollar production he achieved in his first few years with EXIT Realty. Little did he know, what he would find would change his life forever.

“We’re all meant to live a life of mission, however that may look,” he explained, having wanted to live abroad for a year himself. “For me, serving with Agape Pamoja has meant living life alongside refugee students and their families. It’s creating a ripple effect that we’re only starting to comprehend.”

The purpose of Agape Pamoja is to help serve the multi-faceted needs of refugees from war-torn countries residing in Kansas City. Brent’s involvement began with his opportunity to volunteer and use some of his contracting expertise to tile a floor in one of the organization’s Blessing Homes, and cultivated in his recent nomination and win of the Good Neighbor Award through the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

In his three years serving with this 501(c)3 organization, Brent has helped volunteer his time and money to provide housing, education, food, life skills, leadership development, and real estate services.

“I utilize my skillset to identify, acquire, and manage housing. Since I came onboard, Agape Pamoja has

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grown from four to 25 residential units plus an event center in just two and a half years. It has allowed them to serve hundreds more refugees in the Kansas City area,” Brent said, which is needed as Census Bureau data shows that more than 450 refugees settle in the area each year. His work helping those in need, mentoring youth, and helping to revitalize derelict properties in the area garnered him NAR recognition and a $10,000 grant for Agape Pamoja, after being selected as one of five winners through a criteria-based, multistage judging process. Brent was also recognized as one of this year’s Good Neighbor Web Choice Favorites, and as one of 10 finalists voted for by the public, he earned the charity an additional $2,500. “I’ve been taught to love my neighbor, but my neighbor doesn’t look like me and doesn’t live near me. My neighbor is anybody who needs help; anybody who wants to be a friend,” he shared in his emotional award video. And it’s a commitment he truly lives, mentoring students with their homework, and life skills like financial planning through a weekly get together he hosts at his home. He’s lovingly known as Papa Brent to the youth mentees, who he works alongside and has helped find success in their new lives.

“I’m amazed at how this has transitioned into living life and impacting the very people who reside in the homes,” he said. “In the beginning, many of the teens who came alongside the American volunteers to work on renovations had no skills using tools. Fast forward a year later and teens who’ve faithfully served with Agape Pamoja weekly are not only able to use basic tools but have transitioned to confident leaders on renovation projects overseeing American adult volunteers. You go into an experience like this thinking you are going to change lives. But my life has been changed more than anyone’s.”

Brent strongly believes a company’s values are exhibited by their actions. It’s one of the things he’s most proud of being part of EXIT which reaches beyond real estate through their Spirit of EXIT, Dollar-For-Dollar Matching Program where a portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is put into a charitable fund from which philanthropic offices and associates can apply to have funds matched in their own efforts with registered charities. If you know an EXIT associate who goes above and beyond with their charitable efforts, nominate them for a 2022 Good Neighbor Award before May 2, 2022. Let’s celebrate our EXIT champions who are shining examples of how REALTORS® can make their communities a better place to live.

Volume 10 Issue 2 49
“I’ve been taught to love my neighbor, but my neighbor doesn’t look like me and doesn’t live near me. My neighbor is anybody who needs help; anybody who wants to be a friend.”


A holistic agent approach to real estate is the hallmark of EXIT Realty’s appeal, attracting individuals like EXIT Realty Specialists Sales Representative, Li Song, who naturally seeks a better way of living, conducting business, and engaging her community by fostering culture.

She’s a changemaker on the east coast of Canada, who arrived at the University of New Brunswick over 20 years ago, on a cold winter’s day, questioning what she had gotten herself into. But the vast landscapes, rugged shores, and maritime culture quickly captivated her heart.

“I didn’t intend to stay. That wasn’t the plan,” she recalled of her early years and why she chose not to return to a bustling life in Beijing. “It was mostly the people. The longer I stayed, the more I fell in love, and then opportunities came and keep on coming.” Quickly dialing into the local Chinese celebration event and assisting as a Chinese interpreter as well as with event planning, Li met her future business partner, Sales Representative, Janice Purdy, who would open the door to real estate as a career opportunity and all the EXIT brand had to offer.

“I make decisions carefully,” Li explained. In fact, so carefully, she took three years to consider Janice’s offer. “In 2018 I thought about making a career shift. By that time, I had 10 years’ experience with newcomer settlement, management, and community engagement. I thought I could utilize my local knowledge and my understanding of the

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cultural diversity to bridge gaps and help more people settle here; most importantly people who wanted to put their investment value here.”

Li’s arrival in Canada came at a time when the east coast wasn’t even really on the national immigration map, however the population of New Brunswick alone made gains greater than the national average in 2021. She sees Federal Government trends, inter-provincial Covid migrations, and cost of living differences driving growth and diversity in the province today, but even in Canada there’s a struggle with racism; something Li confronts through education.

“I train people every year, delivering many sessions that talk about bridging cultural differences especially in the maritime provinces, which were very inexperienced in receiving non-European immigrants. It’s equality that we’re doing our best to achieve in this nation and that’s why I chose to be Canadian,” she explained. It’s a decision not taken lightly because China is one of few countries where you cannot have dual citizenship.

This perspective drew her to PRUDE Inc. (Pride of Race, Unity and Dignity through Education), during her university years, to later become one of the organization’s managing directors and tripling its growth. Because for Li, it’s about social connections (of which real estate has no shortage), and helping people see past the visible minority down to the core human being we all are.

“When people understand that I don’t want to be a lonely soul or the only one succeeding, they see I’m no different. I don’t want to live a wasteful life, and I think the connections are so important. Real estate allows me financial independence and to donate money, to learn new things and meet new people every day. As human beings, it’s not in our nature to be alone. We need to have communities where everyone is successful; everyone is happy. If I have bread on my table,” she said, “others should as well.”

Li feels a personal responsibility to further embrace and build diversity at EXIT. She’s a huge proponent of maintaining an upstanding reputation, learning early on relationships are the true residual value that come back to you in the future. Having the EXIT Formula makes sharing the EXIT opportunity a natural, organic process during a time when she says, “having more REALTORS® on the ground to help with sales wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

One could argue that Li’s success comes from being no stranger to transformation. With almost three years in real estate under her belt, she’s attained a six-figure income during these last two make or break years. She’s bearing witness to shifting population demographics and admits even she needs to catch up with technology trends as newcomers show increasing tech savvy in the area of global communications. Her dreams are big, and she looks toward the future with a certainty most with her tenure can only grasp at.

“I want to make some solid investments in real estate, because the more financial independence I have, the more I can invest back in this region,” she said, humbly unaware of the agent of change she has already been in making New Brunswick such a sought-after place to live.

Volume 10 Issue 2 51
“I don’t want to be a lonely soul or the only one succeeding. Real estate allows me financial independence to donate money, to learn new things and meet new people every day. We need to have communities where everyone is successful; everyone is happy. If I have bread on my table, others should as well.


A career in real estate means conducting business in many different places, but nothing could prepare EXIT Realty of Lubbock Sales Representative, Kristal Saenz, to work from a hospital bed. If that wasn’t indication enough of how tenacious she is, she also moved out on her own, went to school, and worked at the age of 16; completing the required reading to qualify for her local real estate course in one day, and walking into her future EXIT office after getting licensed with a sale ready for contract.

When Kristal puts her mind to something, she goes all in, with all heart. Throughout her life, real estate was always there in her passion for homes and interest in architecture, but “it was never one of those things where I was dabbling,” she admitted of her commitment to becoming an agent. From the moment she helped a friend translate a buyer’s contract, she knew it was going to be about earning people’s trust, never the money, but she also knew this wasn’t the typical real estate reputation. So, when she met with father/son Franchisees, Gene and Russell McGuire, in their Lubbock, TX office, it was beyond anything she had expected.

“EXIT made it seem like I had walked into a family’s home,” she recalled. “I felt welcomed in, like they cared about me and not just what I could produce for them.” And this is the same mentality she extends to all her clients, because family is paramount to her.

She joined EXIT early in 2016. Remarkably, she used her second commission check to buy her first investment property, of which she now owns 15. Her mother would buy her a bottle of champagne to celebrate every closing she made, but that support system would be rocked to its foundation when her mother was diagnosed with cancer that year.

Kristal’s fledgling career was so successful, it afforded her the ability to help support and partially care for her mother. But amidst her mom’s fight throughout 2017, Kristal would be rocked again when she was told in the same day that she reached her 15-year goal to cap at EXIT’s 90/10 split and also had cancer herself.

“Then came that rush of knowing you achieved one accomplishment, only to feel that sense of ‘what’s going on?’ In an instant everything changed,” she recollected.

52 Volume 10 Issue 2
EXIT made it seem like I had walked into a family’s home. I felt welcomed in, like they cared about me and not just what I could produce for them.”

Kristal continued to conduct her real estate career; all the while being worried about her clients. That made it possible for her to pay for both her and her mother’s insurance deductibles, help her sister who quit her job to care for both of them, pay off her cars, her house, cover incidentals, help her sister find her dream home, and purchase 20 acres for her mother, herself, and her in-laws to be able to retire on as well.

“I’ve been able to give back to the same people who gave to me,” she said when asked what she’s gained from a career in real estate. It’s a promise she made in her humble beginnings that she shared once with Gene, and he thinks she’s more than lived up to that.

“If there was one word I would use to describe Kristal, it would be ‘grateful.’ Anytime you talk to her, she gives all the credit to others for her accomplishments, and never fails to express her appreciation to everyone,” Gene proudly shared.

Kristal made a big impact at her office in a short time, and they rallied around her in her time of need. Agents sat with her through chemo appointments and filled in for her when she needed it. Some agents even shaved their heads in support during their Christmas party as she went through treatment.

“I’m truly honored to know Kristal and call her my friend,” Russell explained. “Her example helps us all focus on what’s really important, such as always valuing relationships and deliberately looking for opportunities to help others. We constantly see her put others above herself, and in turn her business continues to thrive.” She wouldn’t say it’s been easy, but when you derive the sort of purpose that Kristal does from her work, and you’re in it for the right reasons, that’s what makes you truly rich.

Volume 10 Issue 2 53
I’m truly honored to know Kristal and call her my friend. Her example helps us all focus on what’s really important, such as always valuing relationships and deliberately looking for opportunities to help others.”



The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

In finite games, like sports or chess, the players are known, the rules are fixed, and the endpoint is clear; the winners and losers easily identified. In infinite games, like business, politics, or life itself, the players come and go, the rules are changeable, and there’s no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers in an infinite game; there’s only ahead and behind. Sinek believes the ability to adopt an infinite mindset is a prerequisite for any leader who aspires to leave their organization in better shape than they found it. Any worthwhile undertaking starts with Why - the purpose, cause or belief that inspires us to do what we do and inspires others to join us. The leaders who embrace an infinite mindset build stronger, more innovative, more inspiring organizations. They have the resilience to thrive in an ever-changing world, and ultimately, are the ones who lead the rest of us into the future.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Researcher and thought leader Dr. Brené Brown offers a powerful new vision that encourages us to dare greatly: to embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly, and to courageously engage in our lives. Dr. Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability. Based on her 12 years of research, she argues that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement, and meaningful connection. This book sparks a new spirit of truth—and trust—in our organizations, families, schools, and communities.

The Dream Manager

Remarkable results begin with Matthew Kelly’s thought that a company can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the extend that its employees are becoming better-versionsof-themselves. Through this fictional business parable management uncovers the driving force behind employees, the connection between dreams we’re chasing personally and the way we all engage at work, and explores the dynamic collaboration that’s unleashed when people work together to achieve company objectives and personal dreams. Simply becoming aware of the concept will change the way you manage and relate to people instantly and forever.

54 Volume 10 Issue 2


A company intent on restoring camaraderie in the real estate industry.

A company growing from positive, enthusiastic word of mouth. A company not out to beat anyone, just enrich lives.

A company that sets its people up to succeed.

A company that can claim, “if you come here, you will do better.”

A company striving to have the most positive influence on members and clients.

A privately held company, free to do the right thing for all.

A company with a totally transparent business model.

A company believing we’re all in the same boat, and it’s best to row together.

A company encouraging every office to have a Chief Vision Officer.

A company improving both its associates’ and customers’ lifestyles.

A company that believes in no higher reward than helping people and the communities they serve.

A company eyeing the distant future, willing to take risks for the good of that unknown. A company commitment to vision rather than the strategy or path it is currently on.

EXIT is an infinite company seeking infinite human development amidst a very competitive, finite environment. Learn more during the Leader’s Path Thought Leaders series starting Jan. 10, 2022

Volume 10 Issue 2 55

EXIT Realty’s 2022 Annual International Convention is going to be an immersive experience for the senses at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort along the Florida coast. Imagine 3.5 miles of pristine, secluded beaches, marshlands and 36 holes of beautiful golf courses, which set the backdrop for our first extravaganza gathering together after more than two years of being at a distance.

Enjoy spectacular ocean views, treat yourself at the nearby shopping village with boutiques and French inspired deli and market. Indulge in a refreshing spa treatment or take in the surrounding natural splendor that is Amelia Island and embark on a guided adventure.



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