OUR FORMULA. YOUR ASPIRATIONS. DREAM IN EXIT 3D WITH SR. VP, SUSAN HARRISON AND ASPIRE COACHING Everything starts with a dream. Every invention, achievement, and advancement, whether personal or professional, starts as seedlings of a dream in someone’s mind. We all have dreams, and our dreams are our dreams for a reason. In business, dreaming is the very thing that propels us forward, yet we chastise people for daydreaming and often reject our own dreams as out of reach or unreasonable given our present circumstances. We trade dreams for the tangible and focus on setting goals instead. The gogetters concentrate on timelines and tactics and this makes sense. Achieving what we want in life comes from developing the right mindset, preparation, opportunity, deliberate intent, good habits, and hard work. But it all starts with a dream. Many dreams have a financial component. If you dream of having a better relationship with your sister, you probably don’t need money for that, but if you dream of starting a charity, being debtfree, or building a real estate portfolio, you’re going to need a buck or two. That’s where EXIT’s Aspire Coaching comes in.
Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash
I believe that EXIT’s purpose – the reason for our company’s being – is to help people find and live their life’s purpose – their why. We just happen to be a real estate company. Our Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, invented an ingenious business model allowing all associates to have the opportunity to earn an additional income stream for helping to grow the company, now, through life’s twists and turns and into retirement with the added benefit of leaving a legacy for loved ones. This is called “sponsoring” at EXIT. Aspire Coaching helps identify what you truly want in life, and then develop action plans that include sponsoring to achieve it. By first discovering (or rediscovering) your dreams, narrowing down your list to those you want to achieve, focusing on the person you need to become in order to achieve them, and utilizing EXIT’s unique business model to help pay for the ones with a financial component, Aspire Coaching can help create a life that supports your why. Anyone at EXIT who can sponsor is welcome to participate in Aspire Coaching, which is offered
Volume 9 Issue 2 17