EXIT Achiever Vol 9 Iss2

Page 21


“I first read A New Earth when it was published in 2005. I bought two copies, one for me and the other for my father. We loved reading it and swapping thoughts and ideas around the premise. At that time, I felt it was timely, today I feel even more so.”

The book A New Earth does a phenomenal job of explaining what the ‘ego' is, what it entails, and how it shows up in all people - or better, how it disguises itself in all people. Author, Eckhart Tolle, explains what he coins as the ‘Pain-Body,’ the part of us that’s governed by our ego. This concept is hugely valuable, forcing the reader to take responsibility for the role they play in their own negativity and to recognize the results of living in a pain body. It’s a read that truly brings consciousness to your everyday life. The fear that comes with change is not necessary through which to filter life. No matter what life brings there are positive choices. We don’t need to be bombarded by drama. It paints a very cool perspective of life and of death, realigning readers with their source, how to interact with this consciousness and how to return to it. Tolle’s description of how historically people have behaved poorly, maniacally and dangerously while unconsciously living in their egos really makes one realize the need to break this pattern and wake up and he gives you tools on how to do this. He touches on relationships, parenting, and life in general. It’s all encompassing and hopeful. Reading this book forces us to be more thoughtful of our own process; how to practice empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. It speaks to the ‘being’ in all of us, as opposed to segregating and alienating anyone. Join Erica Nasby during her recorded sessions where she breaks down her perspective of the book, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, for a truly enlightening and inspiring experience.

Volume 9 Issue 2 21

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