Extra Newspaper Education Guide August 8, 2014

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guía Educativa | education guide

Friday, August 8, 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post


GUÍA educativa

Education Guide

Grado colegial asequible a alumnos latinos por Tracy Marks trad. Víctor Flores


n la secundaria pidieron a Claudia Hernández escribir un ensayo sobre sus metas. Al señalar que ella deseaba ser abogada, su maestra le dijo que lo olvidara, que sólo algunos ‘suertudos’ lo logran. En mayo pasado, Hernández obtuvo un grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Northeastern Illinois y ahora busca una maestría. “Desafortunadamente, la historia de Claudia no es inusual”, dijo María Luna-Duarte, directora de El Centro de la Universidad Northeastern Illinois, a donde Hernández fue a muchas de sus clases. Alumnos latinos con fuertes récords académicos ven obstáculos, no puertas abiertas, al buscar un grado colegial. Las responsabilidades familiares y las finanzas son sólo dos de las razones principales por qué se les dice a jóvenes latinos que busquen otro rumbo. En El Centro de Northeastern, poco a poco abatimos esos obstáculos haciendo realidad un grado universitario para miles”. La Universidad Northeastern Illinois lanzó el sitio El Centro en los ‘60s, cuando alumnos latinos ayudaron a abrir un centro de aprendizaje en su comunidad – un lugar donde

>> El Centro nuevo Foto cortesía de Northwestern University

emigrantes o inmigrantes de habla hispana pudiesen aprender inglés. A fines de este mes, un nuevo edificio recibirá a alumnos de El Centro – una instalación moderna amigable al ambiente, de 66,000 pies cuadrados en el barrio Avondale de Chicago. Hogar de programas de grado en Trabajo Social, Ciencia Computacional, Estudios en Justicia y Educación Especial, la inscripción de nuevos alumnos en El Centro ha aumentado 150 por ciento este año escolar, que iniciará el 22 de agosto. Para muchos alumnos como Hernández, servicios de apoyo facilitan la transición al colegio. El alumno de tercer año de Estudios en Justicia Erik Navas dice, “El Centro

me ha ayudado a cambiar mi vida para bien. Respondieron a todas mis preguntas, me mantienen motivado y me animan constantemente”. Arnold García de tercer año en Trabajo Social concuerda, alabando el programa de verano de seis semanas de la universidad como oportunidad de “Ir a talleres útiles y hacer nuevos amigos”. Muchos alumnos de El Centro son recién graduados de secundaria como Navas y García, pero otros son adultos que trabajan, iniciando o acabando su grado colegial. “Valoramos la experiencia diversa de vida de nuestros alumnos y nos comprometemos a hacer asequible un grado colegial a todos ellos”, dice Luna-Duarte. “La flexibilidad es es-

Affordable college degree for Latino students by Tracy Marks


n high school, Claudia Hernandez was asked to write an essay about her goals. When she stated that she wanted to become a lawyer, her teacher talked her out of it saying only a few ”lucky ones” make it. This past May, Hernandez earned her degree in social work from Northeastern Illinois University and is now pursuing her master’s degree. “Unfortunately, Claudia’s story is not unusual,” says Maria Luna-Duarte, director of Northeastern Illinois University’s El Centro, where Hernandez attended many of her classes. “Latino students with strong academic records see obstacles, not open doors, as they pursue a college degree. Family responsibilities and finances are just two of many reasons why young Latinos

are told to find other life paths. At Northeastern’s El Centro, we are slowly knocking down those obstacles making a university degree a reality for thousands.” Northeastern Illinois University debuted its El Centro location in the 1960s, when Latino students helped open a learning center in their community —a place where Spanish-speaking migrants or immigrants could learn English. Later this month, a brand-new building will greet El Centro’s students—a modern, ecofriendly 66,000-square-foot facility in Chicago’s Avondale neighborhood. Home to degree programs in social work, computer science, justice studies and special education, El Centro’s new student enrollment already has increased 150 percent this school year, which will start Aug. 22. For many students like Hernandez, supportive services ease the transition to college. Third-

year justice studies student Eric Navas says, “El Centro has helped change my life for the better. They answered all my questions, are keeping me motivated, and constantly encouraging me.” Third-year social work major Arnold Garcia concurs, lauding the university’s six-week summer program as a chance to “attend helpful workshops and make new friends.” Many El Centro students are recent high school graduates like Navas and Garcia, but others are working adults either beginning or finally completing their college degree. “We value all of our students’ diverse life experiences and are committed to making a college degree achievable for each and every one of them,” says Luna-Duarte. “Flexibility is essential to these students’ success, as many are balancing their courses with a job and family responsibilities.” “Students can be intimidated by the process of choosing, enrolling and succeeding in col-

encial al éxito de los alumnos, ya que muchos balancean sus cursos con un empleo y responsabilidades de familia”. “Alumnos pueden intimidarse en el proceso de escoger, inscribirse y triunfar en colegio, en especial si son el primero en su familia en obtener un grado”, dice la Dra. Sharon Hahs, presidenta de la Universidad Northeastern Illinois. Lun-Duarte agrega, “Los allumnos y sus familias pueden estar nerviosos por las barreras culturales y del lenguaje, y alumnos pueden tener más presión por apoyar financieramente a sus familias. Peleamos continuamente esos obstáculos y mostrando a esos alumnos brillantes sus opciones educativas”. A la par del compromiso con el éxito estudiantil, la Universidad Northeastern Illinois ofrece políticas generosas de transferencia de créditos, preparación para graduarse del colegio y ayuda financiera para suplir las necesidades de alumnos adultos que regresan. “Nos enorgullece haber sido nombrados la sexta mejor inversión entre las universidades norteamericanas y la No. 1 en el Estado de Illinois”, dice Hahs. El nuevo El Centro de la Universidad Northeastern Illinois se ubica en el 3390 N. Avondale en Chicago, cerca de la Vía Rápida Kennedy. Para más información, visite www.neiu. edu/academics/el-centro/ o marque (773) 442-4080. n

lege, especially if they are the first in their family to pursue a degree,” says Dr. Sharon Hahs, Northeastern Illinois University’s president. Luna-Duarte adds, “Students and their families may be nervous of language and cultural barriers, and students may even have pressure to financially support their families. We are continually fighting these obstacles and showing these bright students their education options.” In line with its commitment to student success, Northeastern Illinois University offers generous transfer credit policies, graduate school preparation, and financial aid to meet the needs of traditional and returning adult students. “We are proud to have been named the sixth best investment among all American universities, and No. 1 in the state of Illinois,” says Hahs. Northeastern Illinois University’s new El Centro is located at 3390 N. Avondale in Chicago at the Kennedy Expressway. For more information, visit www.neiu.edu/ academics/el-centro/ or call 773-442-4080. n


guía Educativa | education guide

Viernes, 8 de agosto del 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

16 de Agosto

Marcha de Regreso a la Escuela y Feria de Salud 824 N. Av. Hamlin | 12 a 4 pm | Gratis La YMCA Kelly Hall proveerá refrigerios, cortes de pelo y útiles escolares en su evento de Regreso a la Escuela. Aug. 16

Back to School Rally & Health Fair

13 de Agosto

Feria de Regreso a la Escuela WGN-TV 2501 oeste de Bradley Pl. | 6 a 9 am | Gratis Disfrute la Feria Anual de Regreso a la Escuela de WGN-TV. Servicios incluyen: pintar caras, una visita del StoryBus, exámenes de salud y consejos de seguridad.

egresar al ritmo escolar es bastante difícil, pero para muchos incluso comprar útiles escolares y planear exámenes médicos les causa más preocupación antes de que llegue el primer día de clases. EXTRA ha compilado algunos eventos públicos gratuitos que Chicago ofrece con el fin de asegurarse que todo estudiante esté listo para la temporada de regreso a clases. etting back into the school rhythm is stressful enough, but for many even purchasing school supplies and planning health screenings brings more than enough worry before the first day of school even arrives. EXTRA has compiled a few free, public events Chicago is offering in order to ensure every student is equally prepared for the back to school season.

824 N. Hamlin Ave. | noon - 4 p.m. | Free The Kelly Hall YMCA will be providing free refreshments, haircuts and school supplies at their back to school event. 30 de Agosto

Feria Vacunas de Regreso a la Escuela Casa de Campo Parque McKinley, 2210 oeste de Pershing Rd. | 10 am a 3 pm | Gratis El Concejal Cárdenas se asocia con el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago y otras agencias para proveer útiles escolares, vacunas, exámenes dentales y de visión a niños.

Aug. 13

WGN- TV Back to School Fair 2501 W. Bradley Place | 6-9 a.m. | Free Enjoy WGN TV’s annual back to school fair. Services range from face paintings and a visit from the StoryBus to health screenings and safety tips.

Aug. 30 13 de Agosto

Día de Distribución Back 2 Back 3959 N. Av. Lincoln | 8 am a 5 pm | Gratis Se espera que este evento sea el mayor reparto de útiles escolares alguna vez tenido

saint patrick high school

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154th year, all-male in heritage Academic scholarship opportunities Tuition rate guarantee program iPad curriculum Earn up to 36 college credits with an average college tuition savings of $24,000 per year 16 competitive athletic programs with 30 clubs and activities Proud to be drug free, bully free and gang free

por La Fundación Caritativa Casa de Cambio de Illinois. Se calcula que se donarán más de 750,000 útiles escolares. Se incluirán también artesanías, artes y experimentos de ciencia.

Be a part of our

Shamr ck Tradition! Join us at an

Open House Thursday October 16

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Aug. 13

Back 2 School Distribution Day 3959 N. Lincoln Ave. | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Free This event is expected to be the largest school supplies distribution the Illinois Currency Exchange Charitable Foundation has ever hosted. An estimated 750,000 + school supplies will be donated. Arts, crafts and science experiments shall be included as well.

Pepinillos Pickles

Sunday November 9

5900 W Belmont Ave Chicago IL 60634

McKinley Park Field House, 2210 W. Pershing Rd. | 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. | Free Alderman Cardenas, the Chicago Department of Public Health and other agencies will provide school supplies, immunizations, and dental and eye exams for children. >> Asegúrese también de chequear Kitz for Kidz, organización que busca proveer apoyo a familias de bajos ingresos. Sus productos incluyen mochilas y útiles escolares, entre otros. Marque 1-800-975-5487 para más información. >> Be sure to also check out Kits for Kidz, an organization geared towards providing support for low-income families. Its products include backpacks and school supplies kits, among others. For more information, call 1-800-975- 5487. n


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1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

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Back to School Immunization Fair



Green Beans

Llame primero para saber qué estamos Call First for What’s Picking! recogiendo Closed Cerrado Monday! los lunes M a V: 8am a 3:30 pm; T-F: 8-3:30 Weekends: 8-5 fin de semana: 8am a 5pm

Frambuesas y zaramoras Red & Black Raspberries


GUía Educativa | Education Guide

Friday, August 8, 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

¡Puedes regresar a la escuela! compilado por Periódico EXTRA trad. Víctor Flores Si no estás en la escuela y buscas una opción diferente, puedes obtener tu Diploma de Secundaria en escuelas afiliadas a Conexión Juvenil Escuelas Chárter (YCSS, por sus siglas en inglés). Servicios Familia Rincón se asoció con YCSS para proveer a jóvenes en edad 16 a 20 la oportunidad de obtener un Diploma de Secundaria. Solicitantes no deben estar inscritos en la escuela, haber desertado la escuela y ser residentes de Chicago. Actualmente reclutan a más

de 300 jóvenes desertores. La YCSS está compuesta de seis campus en el Lado Noroeste: Sec. Alternativa Antonia Pantoja de ASPIRA, Inc., Asociación Casa El Cuarto Año, Sec. Puertorriqueña Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos, Sec. Juventud Latina, Colegio Medio Truman, y Academia Sec. West Town. Servicios Familia Rincón es una agencia de servicio directo que ayuda a familias necesitadas en un amplio rango de programas. Recién lanzaron su Programa de Empleo Juvenil de Verano y contrataron a 128 jóvenes de 16 a 24 años. El programa inició hace un mes y ha abierto camino para que la agencia se involu-

You can go back to school! compiled by EXTRA Newspaper If you are not in school and you are looking for a different option, you can earn your high school diploma at area Youth Connection Charter School (YCCS) affiliated schools. Rincon Family Services has partnered up with YCCS to provide youth between the ages of 16-20 the chance to earn their high school

diplomas. Applicants must not be currently enrolled in school, recently dropped out and residents of Chicago. They are currently recruiting 300 out-of-school youth. The Youth Connection Charter School network is composed of six Northwest side campuses: ASPIRA Inc., Antonia Pantoja Alternative High School, Association House-El Cuarto Año, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School,

cre más en educación, primordialmente enfocada en jóvenes de la minoría no privilegiada. Alumnos prospectos pueden llamar o enviar un email a Edson Ramírez al (844) 587-3648 o eramirez@riconfamilyservices.


org para fijar una cita para inscribirse. Rincón vista hogares, pero estudiantes y/o familias pueden ir a la agencia ubicada en el 3710 BN. AV. Kedzie. El período de reclutamiento acaba el 31 de agosto. n

Servicios Familia Rincón y YCSS actualmente reclutan 300 jóvenes que hayan abandonado la escuela para obtener Diploma de Secundaria. Foto por John Vergara Latino Youth High School, Truman Middle College and West Town Academy High School. Rincon Family Services is a direct service agency that helps families in need through a wide range of programs. They just recently launched their Summer Youth Employment Program that hired 128 youth ages 16-24 years old. The program started running a month ago and has paved the way for the agency to become more involved in educa-

tion, primarily focusing on underprivileged minority youth. Prospective students can call or email Edson Ramirez at 844-587-3648 or eramirez@ rinconfamilyservices.org to set up an appointment to register and apply. Rincon does home visits but students and/ or families can also come to the agency located at 3710 N. Kedzie Ave. The recruitment period ends on Aug.31. n

Examen físico para el regreso a la escuela ¡Programe ahora el examen físico de su niño del regreso a clases para

recibir una mochila gratis! ¡Es el regalo perfecto para el regreso a la escuela!

Sinai Medical Group - Antillas 3109 W. Armitage Ave. Illinois All Kids, Chicago, IL 60647 Aceptamos: seguros médicos privados, (773) 384-4933 tarjetas de crédito y efectivo

Cantidades limitadas a las primeras cien citas, ¡una mochila por examen físico!

Mejorando vidas


GuíA Educativa | Education Guide


Essay Contest 2014 SCHOLARSHIPS There will be two winners for: Freshman thru Senior in College (including adult education classes)

$500.00 Award

The first 500 essays entered will received a family pass to one of the museums of Chicago.


Requirements: Write an essay

• 600-700 Words 1. Essays may be written in English or in Spanish 2. Essays will be judged on: • Originality and creativity • Cultural knowledge and research • Organizational structure and clarity • Spelling and grammar 3. All essays must be accompanied by an “Entry Identification Form”. 4. All Illinois students in college, freshman thru seniors including those in adult education classes, are eligible to enter the essay. 5. 2 winners will be selected by a panel of bilingual judges. 6. All essays become the property of the HISPANIC HERITAGE ORGANIZATION. 7. Essay winners will be announced on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at the Opening Ceremony of Hispanic Heritage Month. 8. Typed essays must be in a legible 12-point font, no bold letters and on blank white paper. Essays may be written in cursive or printed, but they must be legible.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Phone Number; ( _________ ) ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________ Grade: _______ Age: ___________ School: ____________________________________________ School Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ______ Zip: __________ Phone Number; ( ______ ) _______________________________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________________________

For more information call: At Your Service Personnel (312) 819-1502 Entries must be submitted on or before Friday, August 29 2014 to: HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH ESSAY CONTEST: P.O. BOX 81230 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60681 Or E-Mail to: hho-org@sbcglobal.net ATTENTION: MANUEL J. MEDINA, ESSAY CHAIR

Viernes, 8 de agosto del 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

Oportunidades de beca en la Organización Herencia Hispana compilado por Periódico EXTRA trad. Víctor Flores La Organización Herencia Hispana (HHO, por sus siglas en inglés), fundada en 1994 para elevar la consciencia educativa y cultural de hispanos y no hispanos, celebra cada año el Mes de la Herencia Hispana (15 de septiembre a 15 de octubre) con una serie de eventos. La HHO tendrá su concurso de ensayo Herencia Hispana 2014. El tópico este año es, “¿Cómo pueden involucrarse más latinos en la mejora de su comunidad?”. El ensayo se escribirá en español o inglés. El concurso está abierto a todo alumno de 4º a 12º grado, tanto como de colegio o educación para adultos. Las obras deben entregarse con una forma de ingreso el o antes del 29 de agosto. Se escogerán 14 ganadores. Serán anunciados el 3 de octubre durante la Ceremonia de Apertura. Habrá dos ganadores en cada categoría. El Ensayo para la categoría Elemental ganará $125-$500 dependiendo del grado. Ganadores de Educación Colegial recibirán $500 cada uno. Los requisitos específicos de cada categoría pueden hallarse en las formas en las págs. 16 y 19 en la Guía Educativa de EXTRA. Patrocinadores este año: Planetario Adler,


Escuelas Católicas Arquidiócesis de Chicago, Orquesta Sinfónica de Chicago, Zoológico Brookfield, Toros de Chicago, Museo Infantil de Chicago, Museo de Historia de Chicago, Chicago Sun-Times, Clear Chanel, Periódico EXTRA, Museo Field, Acuario Shedd y más. Para más información u obtener una forma de ingreso marque 312-819-1502. n

Hispanic Heritage Organization scholarship opportunities compiled by EXTRA Newspaper The Hispanic Herirtage Organization, founded in 1994 to enhance education and cultural awareness for Hispanics and non-Hispanics, celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month each year (Sept. 15 through Oct. 15) by hosting a variety of events. Among the events is the hosting of its annual Hispanic Heritage 2014 essay contest. This year’s topic is “How can Latinos be more involved in the betterment of their communities?” Essays may be written in English or Spanish. The contest is open to all students in Illinois grades 4 through 12, as well as college and adult education students. Entries must be submited with an entry form on or before Aug. 29. Fourteen winners will be selected and announced on Oct. 3 dur-

ing the opening ceremony. There will be two winners in each category. The essay for the Elementary catgeory awards between $125 to $500 depending on the grade. The College Education winners will receive $500 each. The specific guidelines for each category can be found on the forms on p.16 and 19 in EXTRA’s Education Guide. This year’s sponsors are: Adler Planetarium, Archidose Chicago Catholic Schools, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Bulls, Chicago Children’s Museum, Chicago History Museum, Chicago Sun-Times, Clear Chanel, EXTRA Newspaper, The Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium and more. For more information or to get an entry form, call 312-819-1502. n

GUía Educativa | Education Guide

Friday, August 8, 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

Estudiantes latinos con alto rendimiento reciben becas de concesionario de autos local

>> Karen Medina

>> Maiyah Ocampo

>> Mariana Hernandez

>> Xiadany Ayala

compilado por Periódico EXTRA trad. Víctor Flores Un concesionario local de autos , Car Outlet, anunció a los 10 estudiantes que recibirán una beca de $1,500 para gastos relativos a su educación en el año académico 2014-15. Ellos fueron seleccionados de un gran grupo de solicitantes de toda la región y escogidos por un distinguido comité de revisión basado en: GPA, cartas de recomendación e historias personales de dificultad y sueños de un futuro mejor. “Siendo niña siempre soñaba en ser inspiración para otros, algo que me empuja a escoger mi campo educativo. Al perder a mi madre, el único padre que conocí, mis hermanas tuvieron que criarme; no creía que mi sueño se hiciera realidad. Esta beca es importante para mí ya que dice que a pesar de mi pasado, puedo lograrlo. Ahora, con ayuda de una beca como ésta y el apoyo de mi familia y mi comunidad, iré a la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana y seré una persona ejemplar”, dijo Maiyah Ocampo.

>> Abby Romo Los estudiantes de barrios y suburbios de Chicago, incluidos La Villita, Pilsen, Las Empacadoras, Waukegan y Wheeling irán a colegios o universidades del país en otoño. Un grupo de esos estudiantes son Soñadores y tienen poco acceso a otros fondos para su educación. Muchas de las jovencitas agraciadas escogen carreras en los sectores de Ciencias y Tecnología. El programa busca ayudar a las familias a quienes sirven en la comunidad latina en toda la región. El programa de becas seguirá en 2015; se aceptarán solicitudes a partir de diciembre de 2014 en www.drivingsucceessscholarship.com.n

High achieving Latino students receive scholarships from local car dealership compiled by EXTRA Newspaper A local car dealer, Car Outlet, announced the names of 10 students receiving $1,500 scholarships towards their education-related expenses in the 2014/2015 academic year. The students were selected from a large pool of applicants from across the region and were chosen by a distinguished review committee based on the following factors: GPA, letters of recommendation, and their personal stories of hardship and dreams of a better future. “As a little girl, I always dreamed of being an inspiration to others, something that is propelling me into my chosen field of education. When I lost my mother, the only parent I have known, and my older sisters had to raise me, I didn’t think this dream would ever come true. This scholarship is important to me because it says that despite my background I

can make it. Now, with the help of scholarships like this one and the support of my family and community, I am going to attend the University of Illinois in Urbana and become that role model,” said Maiyah Ocampo. The students from Chicago neighborhoods and suburbs including Little Village, Pilsen, Back of the Yards, Waukegan and Wheeling are all headed to colleges and universities around the country this fall. A number of these students are DREAMers and have little access to other funding for their education. Many of the young women being awarded are choosing careers in the science and technology sectors. The program aims to truly assist the families that it serves in the Latino community across the region. The scholarship program will continue in 2015, and applications will be accepted beginning December 2014 at www.drivingsucceessscholarship.com.. n

Ganadores de la beca de Car Outlet. Foto cortesía de Alario Media



GuíA Educativa | Education Guide

Viernes, 8 de agosto del 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

Beca Fernando J. Pavón Sunrise compilado por Periódico EXTRA trad. Víctor Flores La Beca Fernando J. Pavón Sunrise fue establecida para animar a jóvenes latinos a cumplir su sueño de educación secundaria y ardua labor y restituir a la comunidad. La meta es proveer tres becas de $1,500 y tutoría vocacional a todo solicitante. Fernando J. Pavón, ávido líder comunitario y voluntario, falleció el 8 de enero del 2013 mientras trabajaba por establecer una beca para ayudar a jóvenes latinos necesitados. Amigos y familia de Pavón se unieron a LULAC y al Concilio Frankfort #5005 establecido para hacer realidad el sueño de Fernando. Él ayudó a la comunidad latina toda su carrera en el sector financiero y

bancario. La meta de la Beca Fernando J. Pavón Sunrise es proveer ayuda financiera a jóvenes hispanos en forma de becas colegiales y servicios de asesoría a todo solicitante de la beca. Fernando creía que con la guía apropiada, un buen alumno podría ser profesionista en cualquier profesión que él o ella quisieran. Todo donativo es deducible de impuestos y 100 por ciento de donativos irán a la beca. Pueden enviarse donativos a la beca Fernando J. Pavón Sunrise a Concilio Frankfort #5005, P.O. Box 1210, Tinley Park, IL., 60477. Únaseles en Facebook en Fernando J. Pavón Sunrise Scholarship. Sígalos en Twitter en @SunriseScholars. Para más información de la Beca Fernando J. Pavón, visite www.fernandopavon.com. n

El 13 de mayo se dio una beca de $100,000 a tres alumnos de cuarto año de la Secundaria Lincoln-Way North en Frankfort, Ill.: Frank González (en la foto), Natalie Estrada y Osvaldo Salazar. Foto por Fernando Scholarship

Fernando J. Pavon Sunrise Scholarship compiled by EXTRA Newspaper The Fernando J. Pavon Sunrise Scholarship was established to encourage Latino youth to pursue their dreams through higher education and hard work, and to give back to the community. The goal is to provide three $1,500 scholarships and career mentoring for all applicants. Fernando J. Pavon, an avid community leader and volunteer, passed away on Jan. 8, 2013 while working on establishing a scholarship to assist underprivileged Latino youth. Pavon’s friends and family partnered with LULAC and established Frankfort Council #5005 to make Payon’s dream a reality. Payon assisted the Latino community throughout his entire career in the financial and banking sector. The goal of the Fernando J Pavon Sunrise

Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to Hispanic youth in the form of college scholarships and mentoring services for all applicants of the scholarship. Payon believed that with the proper guidance, a good student could become a professional in whatever profession he or she pursued. All donations are tax deductible and 100 percent of the donations will go towards the scholarship. Donations for the Fernando J. Pavon Sunrise Scholarship can be mailed to Frankfort Council #5005, P.O. Box 1210, Tinley Park, Ill., 60477. Like them on Facebook at Fernando J. Pavon Sunrise Scholarship. Follow them on Twitter @ Sunrise Scholars. For more information on the Fernando J. Pavon Scholarship, visit www.fernandopavon. com. n

GUía Educativa | Education Guide

Friday, August 8, 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

McDonald’s da becas compilado por Periódico EXTRA trad. Víctor Flores Uno de los pilares básicos de McDonald’s es la educación y ayudar a estudiantes hispanos que no tienen recursos económicos a ir al colegio. Por eso es qué por segundo año consecutivo McDonald’s dio becas a estudiantes hispanos locales. Es importante que la comunidad sepa que este recurso está disponible y hay estudiantes hispanos que por esfuerzo propio tratan de obtener una educación superior y restituir a su comunidad. La Asociación de Dueños Operadores Hispanos de McDonald’s (MHOA, por sus siglas en inglés) da becas colegiales RMHC®/ HACER a 13 estudiantes latinos. Otros siete reciben su beca colegial RMHC®HACER de

$3,000 de la MHOA. Algunos de los estudiantes recibieron la beca por segundo año. Los estudiantes fueron escogidos ya que demostraron pasión por la educación, evidenciada por sus logros académicos y un deseo sincero de ayudar a sus comunidades. Los otros premiados con beca fueron Juan Castrejón, Miguel García, Edgar Plaomino, Enriqueta Rodríguez, Lizbeth Sánchez y Rachel González. En la foto se ve a representantes de la MHOA durante la cena de premiación que tuvo lugar en la Casa Ronald McDonald en Chicago. Los estudiantes fueron acompañados por su familia. Para más información de la beca HACER y otras becas de McDonald’s, visite www.rmhc. org/rmhc-us-scholarships. n

Deneb Zavala (2014), Daniela Torres (2013, 14) Enriqueta Rodríguez (2013, 14) y Stephanie Rodríguez (2014). Segunda fila: parados, Cynthia López (2014), Juan Méndez, Edgar Herrera, Laura Herrera, Carmen Solano, Alonzo Gamboa (2014) y Jill Sterling (MHOA). Foto cortesía de McDonald’s

McDonald’s awards scholarships compiled by EXTRA Newspaper One of McDonald’s basic pillars is education and helping Hispanic students that don’t have the economic resources to make it to college. That is why for the second year McDonald’s awarded scholarships to local Hispanic students. It is important for the community to know that this resource is available and that there are Hispanic students who by their own efforts are trying to obtain a higher education and give back to their community. The McDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators Association awards RMHC® /HACER college scholarships to 13 Latino students. Another seven students received their RMCH/HACER college scholarships of $3,000 from MHOA.

Some of these students received the scholarship for a second year. All the students were selected because they demonstrated a passion for education as evidenced by their academic achievements and a sincere desire to help their communities. Others students awarded scholarships included Juan Castrejón, Miguel García, Edgar Palomino, Enriqueta Rodríguez, Lizbeth Sánchez and Rachel Gonzalez. Pictured are various representatives of the McDonald’s Hispanic-Owner-Operators Association (MHOA) during the awards dinner that took place at the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago. The students were accompanied by their families. For more information on HACER and other McDonald’s scholarships, visit www.rmhc. org/rmhc-us-scholarships. n


Essay Contest 2014 SCHOLARSHIPS There will be two winners in each category: Grades 4-5 ($125.00 Award) Grade 10 ($250.00 Award) Grades 6-7 ($150.00 Award) Grade 11 ($300.00 Award) Grades 8-9 ($200.00 Award) Grade 12 ($500.00 Award) The first 500 essays entered will received a family pass to one of the museums of Chicago.


Requirements: Write an essay • 500-600 Words (Grades 9-10) • 200-300 Words (Grades 4-5) • 700-700 Words (Grades 11-12) • 300-400 Words (Grades 6,7,8) 1. Essays may be written in English or in Spanish 2. Essays will be judged on: • Originality and creativity • Cultural knowledge and research • Organizational structure and clarity • Spelling and grammar 3. All essays must be accompanied by an “Entry Identification Form”. 4. All Illinois students in grades 4-12 are eligible to enter the essay. 5. 12 winners will be selected by a panel of bilingual judges. 6. All essays become the property of the HISPANIC HERITAGE ORGANIZATION. 7. Essay winners will be announced on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at the Opening Ceremony of Hispanic Heritage Month. 8. Typed essays must be in a legible 12-point font, no bold letters, and on blank white paper. Essays may be written in cursive or printed, but they must be legible.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Phone Number; ( _________ ) ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________ Grade: _______ Age: ___________ School: ____________________________________________ School Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ______ Zip: __________ Phone Number; ( ______ ) _______________________________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________________________

For more information call: At Your Service Personnel (312) 819-1502 Entries must be submitted on or before Friday, August 29 2014 to: HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH ESSAY CONTEST: P.O. BOX 81230 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60681 Or E-Mail to: hho-org@sbcglobal.net ATTENTION: MANUEL J. MEDINA, ESSAY CHAIR



GuíA Educativa | Education Guide

Viernes, 8 de agosto del 2014 :: Extra Newspaper | Leader Post

La Casa mejora tasas de graduación latina por Diana Pando trad. Víctor Flores Familias latinas han entendido siempre el valor de la educación como forma de mejorar la calidad de vida de sus hijos. Las buenas noticias son que la población crece y a la vez aumenta la inscripción de estudiantes en colegios y universidades locales. En un estudio reciente el Centro Pew reportó que alumnos latinos no se gradúan

del colegio ni reciben grados de bachillerato. Eso significa que es crítico a alumnos latinos tener acceso a recursos e información para animarlos el primer año de colegio. En Vivienda Estudiantil La Casa, iniciativa del Proyecto Resurrección, el personal entiende esto y crea programación para dar a alumnos las herramientas necesarias para su éxito académico. Durante todo el año, alumnos tienen acceso a talleres de pláticas colegiales gratuitos en La Casa que van de cómo

llenar las formas FAFSA a manejo de dinero y creación de résumè. La meta es asegurar que cada alumno residente tenga un lugar asequible para vivir durante sus años en colegio, pero también un lugar que les dé recursos para lograr su sueño de graduarse del colegio. Alumnos tienen también acceso a información de becas, interinatos, noches de mentor y laboratorio de computación. Tales recursos ayudan a alumnos a reforzar su sistema de apoyo para que puedan

vivir, aprender y triunfar en sus años en colegio. La Casa tendrá varias Sesiones Informativas para que alumnos recorran las instalaciones. A todo interesado en solicitar para vivir en La Casa se le exentará la cuota de solicitud. 8 de agosto – 10 am a 5 pm 11 de agosto – 10 am a 5pm 20 de agosto – 10 am a 5 pm 29 de agosto – 10 am a 5 pm La Sala Residencia Estudiantil La Casa se ubica en Pilsen en la esquina de las Calles 18 y Paulina. Para más información, visite www.lacasastudenthousing.org o marque (312) 880-1889. n

La Casa improves Latino college graduation rates by Diana Pando Latino families have always understood the value of education as a means to improve the quality of life for their children. The good news is that as the Latino population grows so does the enrollment of students in local colleges and universities. In a recent study, the Pew Center reported that Latino students are not graduating from college and receiving their bachelor’s degrees. What this means is that it’s critical for

Latino students to have access to resources and information to get them through the first year of college. At La Casa Student Housing, an initiative of The Resurrection Project, the staff understands this and creates programming to give students the tools they need to succeed academically. Throughout the year, students have access to La Casa’s free college talks workshops, which include topics such as how to fill out FAFSA forms, money management and resume building.

The goal is to make sure student residents have an affordable place to live during their college years, but also a place that gives them resources to achieve their dream of graduating from college. Students also have access to information about scholarships, internships, mentor nights and a computer lab. These resources help students strengthen their support system so they can live, learn and thrive during their college years. La Casa will be holding several open hous-

Perspectives is home to the A Disciplined Life® education model providing students a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and character development. •

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es for students to take a tour of the facilities. All attendees interested in applying to live at La Casa will have their application fee waived. August 8 – 10a.m-5 p.m. August 11- 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. August 20 – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. August 29 – 10 a.m. -5 p.m. La Casa Student Housing Residence Hall is located in Pilsen at the intersection of 18th Street and Paulina. For more information, visit www.lacasastudenthousing.org or call 312-880-1889. n



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