Eyes Magazine Issue 8 - Bar Refaeli for The Luxury Journal

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MIRROR OF THE SOUL Design by Peter Pichler P. 30

​​T H E L U X U R Y J O U R N A L​​​

PRICE - CHF 3,50

luxury pleasures

spa retreat

Day at the track

The king of black diamonds P. 22

Modern Nostalgia P. 32

Aston Martin Vulcan P.26


This is the story of a silk thread unaware of its luck. And just like in a fairytale, it

C’est l’histoire d’un fil de soie qui ne sait pas sa chance. Telle issue d’un conte de

is its destiny that helped it transform. Born into an extraordinary situation, inter-

fée, sa destiné l’a transfiguré. D’une origine improbable, stoppé net dans sa fonc-

rupted in its very function, this silk thread would not contribute to the birth of a

tion, il n’aura pas permis de voir naître un papillon, et pourtant! C’est à une toute

butterfly. However, it will participate in a completely different type of miracle in

autre sorte d’émerveillement qu’il va participer pour passer à la postérité.

order to become immortal. Bar Refaeli - et non pas Rafaeli comme on l’entend trop souvent - s’avance dans Bar Refaeli – not “Rafaeli” as too often heard – enters the forty-first floor’s suite of

la suite du quarante-et-unième étage de l’hôtel Four Seasons de New York.

the New York Four Seasons Hotel. The bright light, shining through the huge panes

La lumière rayonnant par les immenses carreaux de verre surplombant les quartiers

of glass overlooking the prestigious Manhattan district, allows her staff to get her

chics de Manhattan permet à son équipe de la préparer. Tous s’affairent à parfaire cette

prepared. All of them focus on perfecting our magazine’s cover icon, although the

icône des couvertures de magazines alors même que son

brightness of her smile, complexion and blue-eyed glance are already enough to

sourire, l’éclat qui illumine son teint et son regard bleuté,

make her look exceptional. (page 10)

suffisent à la rendre belle (page 14)

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