Gaze Into The Future
Booklet created by Artemis Vatikioti (GR)
Kassel Regional Selection Conference of EYP Germany 2021
Technology that works for the people Today, technology has improved the standard of the quality of living of the people to a great extent and has given a new dimension to the development of the world. It has been able to transform innovative ideas into gadgets and devices that are useful to us as human beings. So with that in mind, Ι would like to introduce you to the topic of this booklet which is “How do you imagine technology will evolve in 10 years from now and where would it help out the most?”. Participants from the Kassel Regional Seletion Conference of EYP Germany 2021 were asked to answer this question and they responded with very interesting ideas.
Laurin Stange (DE) CULT It will be easy to access technology and there will be a lot of cheap throwaway technology on the market. Also this new technology will help in the transportation sector (selfdriving cars etc.)
Bilge Su Aksu (TR) FEMM I Technology will affect food and clothes. It will reduce the consumption of animal related nutrition.
Eric Chen (DE) EMPL I think more and more will become automated (increasingly autonomous cars, smart homes which can be controlled via a smartphone etc.). Possibly, there will also be more „cloud processing“. Also, I‘ve heard of a new material made out of carbon which is actually stronger than diamonds. I imagine that this specific technology can be used for vehicles or casings for electronic devices. Maybe there will also be more „androids“, people with technology built into their bodies. Maybe we can stream Spotify onto our brains in the future?Lastly, I think it might become possible to replicate certain neural signals so that we can „stream“ smells and emotions in our brains.
Greis Selimaj (AL) DROI
I think that life will be much more different than it is today. Firslty, I suppose we will be able to travel much faster, and more efficently. Secondly, I think education will have a great change too: the pandemic taught us so much about virtual education, and I think it will become better and better as the years pass by. I think it would help out the most in science and education, but also in our everyday life eg: domestic chores.
Levin Spitta (DE) ENVI I I think many things will get more automated. (Self driving cars, robots, self checkouts etc.) In the health sector it can provide benefits for medical workers and patients, by saving time and money, which can be spend to increase healthcare provision.
Lenya Geßner (DE) FEMM II Our everyday school and work life will be digitalized (working with computers and eBooks). Our lifes will become even more convenient. As technology facilitates all our lifes, access to technology will become a fundamental requirement, which should be available to use by everybody. Technology already helps cure deseases, interconnect people and enable us to visit other planets (at least as robots). We will enhance technology in these fields. New technology will help overcome the climate crisis (generate electricity, filtering greenhouse gases etc)
I would like to thank everyone for participating to my media project and also my team of wonderful individuals for being there every step of the way. Until next time, see you somewhere in Europe.