RSC Nauen 2017 | Session Issue

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or: Why is the Media Team obsessed with shoes? A picture says more than a thousand words. This is the mindset with which we have approached this issue. You have concluded your first EYP session, you have met loads of new people and made friends among them, you have researched a topic and discussed it extensively. Discussion is a keystone of EYP, but it is also important to occasionally take a step back from that. Cultural exchange is another keystone of EYP, and it is one that does not need words, that can cross barriers of language and transcend the confusion of academics. Communicating through pictures instead of words brings a new challenge, it opens up a space for new ways of expressing yourself as well as interpreting and understanding others. Being part of the Media Team lets you experience the world of an EYP session in a more visual and abstract way, and we want to present that world to you. Also, we just really like cameras. However, dear bookworms, do not fret! We have not forgotten you and included some more wordy parts for you as well. As with all things in life, it is all about balance after all. We hope you enjoy!

Lea Pfau (DE) Cian Horgan (IE)Iida Ahvo (FI), Capucine Briand (FR), Diogo Capelo (PT) Thuy Anh Ngyuen (DE), Victoria Saad (DE), Lea Wiedmann (DE)

Content Meet the Committees

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EYP Back to the Roots

Page 6

Picturing the EU

Page 7

The (only slightly legendary) PPAP Resolution

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Without Words

Page 11

Meet the Committees A picture says more than a thousand words, so if you are one of those people who can never be bothered to read Topic Overviews or Resolution Booklets, we present to you all committee topics in visual form.

CULT „Culture and art are what makes us human, so the image portrays evolution from primates to artists.“

EMPL II „We portray blind people during job interviews in which they have equal employment possibilities as able-bodied people.“

INTA „The trade-off between industrialised and developing countries often leads to disadvantageous and unfair trading conditions for developing countries.“

SEDE „On the left side the smuggler is taking the refugee‘s last resources (carrot). After crossing the Mediterranean Sea (flipchart) they get to the EU‘s borders where there is security (in the back) but also friendly people who offer water in EYP cups.“

ENVI II „Sustainability is important as well as sharing our resources, which is why we are sharing our carrot, re-using the flipchart as a dress and the cup as a hat. With ENVI II, nothing goes to waste.“

ECON I „The EU (which is obviously the carrot) should close legislative loopholes (EYP cup) to stop tax evasion by multinational companies.“

ECON II „The only way for every person to have access to drinking water is if we work together. That is why we are all forming the drop of water falling out of the EYP cup.“

ENVI I „Mental health affects the employee‘s performance at the workplace, therefore it is more important than ever for individuals with poor mental health to get tailored care.“

EMPL I „The unfair regulation regarding parental leave and childcare support to parents in the workplace leads to precarious living conditions among families.“

EYP Back to the Roots While taking a look at those pictures, you may notice that not a lot has changed. Your shoes might have become bigger, and nowadays you probably pick out your shoes yourself - but at this RSC you still have to leave your shoes in front of the door. While normally perfection is a result of constant training and experience, this is obviously not the case with arranging your shoes. But at least seeing them there does mean that you followed the order and took them off. Bravo! What is the reason behind this? Keep the gym area clean and instead of sleeping in the dirt that now covers the entrance, all of us are able to sleep in a nice clean gym and do not have to smell those shoes as well.

Are those shoes racks the only thing that remind you of kindergarten / elementary school? Probably not, since teambuilding might be the dream come true for a lot of children. Whether you play rock-paper-scissors, aram-samsam, ninja, or 1,2 or 3, it is all about childhood déjà-vus. Nevertheless we have a lot of fun. In my opinion, this is due to the child that lives in all of us.

Luckily we are not limited to that child and can achieve much more regarding the academic input. With participating in EYP you can explore where your limits are and broaden your horizons at the same time. Shy people hold two attack speeches during the GA, others are attentive throughout the whole day and are able to deliver six direct responses. Even though one can say that you never experienced real sleep deprivation until you’ve done EYP. Like kindergarten you get a lot of rewards for it. People applaud your speeches, your committee says well done to all the other points made. In the end you feel like a family (and do not only play mother-fatherchild as in kindergarten). And want to cry when you have to leave - or cry for real.

Picturing the European Union The European Union is a supranational and partly intergovernmental actor on the global plane unique in its political and economic setting.

ECON I „The European Union has many symbols of which the flag is one of the best known. It features a circle of twelve golden stars representing unity, solidarity and harmony amongst the people of Europe.“cv

ENVI I „European citizenship is a complement to national citizenship and aims at forming a closer union among the nationals of different Member States. It empowers dignity as well as granting different rights and duties to all.“

EMPL II „European unity is recently expressed through various marches and demonstrations encouraging citizens to stick together and resist populism. Eurovpeans should unite and enjoy common values while also preserving their individual identity.“

Various treaties, such as the Maastricht Treaty (1992), the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) and the Treaty of Lisbon (2007), called for and established more cooperation and a coordinated strategy between national governments in different policy fields. The initial goal of establishing an internal common market expanded and developed into multi-faceted objectives encompassing a wide range of values.

INTA „The single market provides for the free movement of goods, services, capital people across the borders of all 27 Member States. This implies also the right and the freedom to live and work in any EU Member State.v“

SEDE „The Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) enables Member States to present a unified position in international diplomacy towards crisis management. Conflict resolution is an integral part of the interaction of all European national governments.“

CULT „European solidarity includes the European Solidarity Corps which gives young people the opportunity to get work experience within the community to gain job skills and contribute to the formation of socially-minded future generations.“

The European Union’s aim as a normative power is amongst others to promote peace, solidarity, respect for human rights, equality, rule of law, freedom, sustainability and diversity throughout Europe and the world.

ECON II „The European Union gives Europeans a voice in the world and tackles social exclusion by implementing the legally binding Charter of Fundamental Rights in all Member States.“

ENVI II „The EU seeks to establish equality on grounds of gender, religion or origin across Europe. Though Member States differ in their size regarding population or economic power, equality among the nationals of different countries is pursued.“

EMPL I „Diversity is a key feature of the European Union and an important pillar on which European unity is build. Promoting diversity and fighting discrimination is central to EU policies.“

M OTION FOR A R ESOLUTION BY T HE C OMMITTEE ON P EN , P INAPPLE , A PPLE AND P EN Does pineapple belong on pizza? While the call for fruit-based toppings to be banned continues, many point to the pizza’s own tomatosauce as proof that the two can coexist peacefully. Bearing in mind the contentious nature of the topic, what stance should the EU take in order to protect its citizens’ health while still respecting the right to choice? Submitted by:

Iida Ahvo (FI), Capucine Briand (FR), Diogo Capelo (PT), Thuy Anh Nguyen (DE), Victoria Saad (DE), Lea Wiedmann (DE), Cian Horgan (IE, Chairperson), Lea Pfau (DE, Chairperson)

The European Youth Parliament, A.

Alarmed by the fact that half of the pizza sold by delivery companies all over the world do not have any fruit or vegetables on it apart from tomatoes,


Noting with concern that ‘pineapple-lovers’ are victims of discrimination and marginalisation,


Recognising the importance of pineapples in the diet of vegan and vegetarian pizza eaters,


Noting with deep concern the increasing unemployment rate of farmers, especially in the pineapple market,


Encouraging EU citizens to encounter the extraordinary combination of sweet and salty as well as the unique and underestimated colour combination,


Aware that 78% of EU citizens are disgusted by the thought of pineapple on pizza;


Urges the European Commission to include ‘pineapple on pizza’ as a goal in the new Strategic Agenda;


Calls upon the Member States to create institutions that support pineapple-lovers;


Fully appreciates the anti-depressive effect pineapple can give to consumers by reminding them of sun;


Calls upon the European Central Bank to offer a larger share of the European Fund for Structural Development to European Pineapple Farms;


Calls for the creation of Ananas International, a Special Interest Group to better represent pineapple-lovers in the European Parliament;


Requests the European Space Agency to foster research aiming to improve Northern Europe’s exposure to sun;


Urges the Media Team of the 2017 Nauen Regional Selection Conference of EYP Germany to create an awareness campaign in order to reduce the stigma surrounding pineapple on pizza.

Without Words What does the gym smell like?

Describe your country of origin!

How do you feel about the future of the EU?

How do you feel about the session so far?

Who is your favourite official?

What do you think about the Media Team?

In Kooperation mit der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland

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