Session Vision Dublin Regional Session 2022

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SESSION VISION Our main vision for the Dublin Regional Session 2022 is ‘Demystifying and Expanding EYP. Having attended last year's AGM and read the CHOCs Annual Report, it became apparent to us the lack of delegate diversity at EYP sessions. We noticed that the Dublin RS, in particular, had the highest disparity between the ratio of public to private schools attending the session compared to the actual ratio in the region. Having done some research, we soon concluded that out of 185 schools in Dublin, only 37 are private, which amounts to 20%. There is a stark contrast between this percentage and the 64.5% private school attendance at the Dublin RS in 2019. We completely understand that it's extremely hard to introduce new schools to EYP in such a short amount of time with the usual date of the session being in October. However, this year's unusual circumstances have afforded us extra months of planning which we intend to utilise by really pushing for outreach to schools who have not participated before. As well as expanding to schools who don’t usually participate, we intend to make an active effort to reach out to students who might disregard EYP due to lack of experience or understanding, especially those who might not have participated in a debating conference before, to make EYP an even more inclusive and welcoming space where everyone can learn and grow. To alleviate any academic anxiety we intend to hold a Debating and EYP Skills Workshop for delegates of all experience levels either online or in the school during the week before the session. The aim of this initiative is not to imply that the session requires preparation work but rather to level the playing field to ensure all delegates enjoy the weekend as much as possible. We will invite EYP Alumni to come and share their positive experiences and share tips with the delegates as well as inviting debating coaches to teach the basics and welcoming any interested teachers to create long-lasting links in new schools.

As Head-Organisers, we want our organising team to follow a ‘flat hierarchy’ structure, which means that we want each of our three Cores to take charge of their own aspect of the session and lead a small team of organisers. We believe this will be beneficial to all involved as it gives you, the organiser, an opportunity to help shape and gain experience in a specific aspect of the session. It is also beneficial to us as it ensures that the people in charge of a certain aspect are 100% on top of everything going on within that element of the session. If you believe you’re ready to try out something new, we hope you apply to be one of our Organisers. Lots of Love, Esmée and Gabbie Head Organisers of Dublin Regional Session 2022

QUESTIONS FOR ORGANISERS 1. Introduce yourself in any format you would like! 2. Which of your strengths will be most beneficial in the role of organiser at this session and which weakness would you like to work on? (300 words) 3. During registration an unregistered delegate shows up. They say they registered two months ago and have paid but haven’t been receiving emails and got all of the information from their friend. The Head-Organisers are on the phone dealing with an issue and are unreachable, what do you do? (300 words)

ACADEMIC VISION Dear potential applicant, Welcome! Given that you find yourself here, you may be considering applying as a Chairperson and joining us in Ireland this spring. This document aims to describe how the Academic Board envisions Dublin 2022 to be and to become. We would appreciate your input and support to make this an EYP event with a unique footprint that differentiates itself from business as usual! ‘’Rising to New Heights. Exploring Undiscovered Horizons’’ will be the theme that the work of the Academic Team will focus on as means to compliment the Head Organisers’ vision of ‘Demystifying and Expanding EYP’’. To make this theme come to life, the Academic Board divided the vision into four pillars: Process over Product, Academic Support, Tailored Support, Inclusion. Process over Product Credits: Yannika Rönnqvist (FI/PL) A Regional session usually provides a platform for trying out something new or learning the basics since many Officials are filling their role for the first or second time. Therefore, we do not believe that the final product such as the academic quality of the resolution should take precedence over the process towards producing said resolution. While academic quality undoubtedly is important, the focus in Dublin RSC 2022 will lie on daring to make mistakes and allow them to develop you. Academic Support Credits: Martin Vekov (FI) For the chairpersons, the academic experience is at the forefront of the EYP session. The Board of Dublin 2022 believes in learning from experience and values the importance of well-planned training and workshops to ensure that the Academic team is adequately prepared and confident in their knowledge and abilities. With high levels of preparation, a high level of academic output is achieved, ultimately r resulting in a better experience for chairpersons and their delegates. As such, the Board will hold in-depth training and workshops touching upon the fundamental aspects of chairing, the structures and processes of the European Union, and take a tailored approach in assessing the needs of the team for specific training. The Board will actively ensure that all of the academic needs of the Chairs’ team are met, and provide guidance and knowledge where needed. The Board believes in a democratic academic process, where chairpersons have a degree of creative freedom and the constant possibility for constructive discourse with the Board, as to share their ideas and thoughts. This way, the result of the academic process is one that every chairperson is satisfied with and can truly call their own. Tailored Support Credits: Kacper Max Lubiewski (PL) Over our course in EYP, we noticed that, far too often, first-time Officials force themselves to adhere to some ideal model of what an Official is. These unrealistic, self-imposed expectations add unnecessary stress on them and hinder participants from enjoying the experience of being an Official to the fullest.

Likewise, we observed that this behaviour also constrains their creativity and ability to reach their full potential. As such, we aim to make Dublin 2022 to its core an event actively celebrating, motivating and praising diversity. We intend to set elaborate buddy group systems to foster a growth-stimulating and supportive environment personalised to the individual chairperson’s needs, emphasising tailored support. We want to give every individual the space and means to set their unique, academic, personal development goals, track them, and finally implement and reflect upon their progress. Inclusion Lastly, we do not want to limit our vision only within the scope of the Academic team. Instead, we want to transmit our vision and values to all session participants, especially delegates. As a network, the EYP aims to inspire and empower the youth of Europe. Within that statement, we can gather that there is no discrimination to who EYP attempts to inspire and involve. Everyone is welcome. With a plethora of digital events occurring the past two years acting as outreach events to those who may otherwise not have participated, we must carry on this inclusive element of EYP to our physical events. Therefore, by bringing on the best practices of physical and digital EYP into Dublin 2022, we hope to make this an event that is accessible and enjoyable to all of the event’s participants on a social and academic scale. The Academic Board appreciates that people perceive and process knowledge differently. Thus, we are considering ways to cater the academic processes and output to different learning styles and types. In addition, we aim for the Academic team to actively engage with all event participants ensuring focusing quality over quantity with our impact. Ultimately, the Academic Board of Dublin 2022 seeks to set an inclusive environment that alleviates academic stress and prioritises participant experience above all. With that said, we are looking for 10-12 motivated individuals of variable experience to solo or co-chair chair at the RSC Dublin 2022. If any of the above sounds appealing to you, we would love to receive your application! In addition, should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact any Board member; we are more than happy to chat with you! We hope to see you in Ireland! All the best, The Board of Dublin 2022

QUESTIONS FOR CHAIRPERSONS 1. What are you hoping to learn both academically and personally from this experience? (max 250 words) 2. A well-rounded team requires different people who possess complementary skills and strengths. What makes you a strong performer for the role of a chair? What weaknesses would you need other team members to help you with in order to perform at your best? (max 300 words) 3. Is the role of a chairperson more about the product (the academic output) or the process (the personal development of delegates), and why? (max 200 words) 4. Please provide us with your active email address.

EDITORIAL TEAM VISION Dear potential applicant, My name is Annelou and I will be the edities of Dublin 2022! I am so excited to share my vision for this session with you and I hope that you will consider joining me in Ireland. The Head-Organiser’s vision for Dublin, “Demystifying and expanding EYP,” ties into what I would like to focus on with our media team. Let’s use our output to expand EYP and portray it to people who may not know about EYP yet. In terms of output, I hope for us to think about what we are creating, why we are creating, and for who we are creating content. Together, we will ensure our media output is meaningful and serves a purpose. Working together, we will think about what this means and place emphasis on developing a coherent project structure together. Rather than all going off into different directions with different projects, the team will start out by laying a concrete foundation and intention to our work before we start. The EAs would be working with me to shape exactly how we are going to do this. My strength lies with team management & project development, and I hope my EAs can complement this by bringing in other skills that I may lack. I am open to any input from my EAs and would really like to shape the team atmosphere and vision together, rather than doing it on my own. I would like to have our team find a nice balance between work and fun. By forming a cohesive vision on our output as a team, we will be able to limit ourselves in order to make space for fun. Rather than having everyone overwork themselves to create a large volume of products, I hope we can reflect and see the media team also as a team that can support others and bring joy. I want to give my team members the opportunity to lead energizers, get to know the delegates and other officials, and learn what they would like to learn from the session. If this all sounds like music to your ears, it’s time to start writing your app! Hope to see you in Dublin, Annelou Editor of Dublin Regional Session 2022

QUESTIONS FOR EDITORIAL-ASSISTANTS 1. What do you think is the role of a good EA? How do you fit that description? Please include your strengths and weaknesses. (300 words) 2. What is something you would like to learn at Dublin 2022? And what could you teach me? (300 words) 3. If possible, please provide some examples of your previous work. 4. Please provide your e-mail address.

Call for Chairpersons, Jury Members and Media Team Members are now open. Members Platform: c6b-80b1-4367-8615-bd14d4286709

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