Munster Regional Session 2022 Vision Booklet

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SESSION VISION The Munster Regional Session was the place where our love for EYP was fostered, and in this way, our vision revolves around ensuring all participants leave the session with a passion and confidence in themselves to continue their journey in EYP. Our vision for the role has a very simple aim: to ensure delegates and officials alike experience all that EYP Ireland truly stands for, by coupling exceptional academic quality with an unforgettable sense of belonging, in whatever format this may be. We understand that the responsibility of a HO lies not only in organising a successful session, but leading a group of people in this common goal. We aim to utilise the different experiences and talents of our future organising team, and hope our Official’s Team will leave Munsters feeling like true members of the family of EYP Ireland. We understand that we cannot guarantee a complete return to normality by the time of the session, however, we are committed to ensuring an exceptional quality session, and hopeful that 2022 will mark the return of in-person events for EYP Ireland. We want to incorporate our theme of ‘Understanding our Past, Building our Future’ into all aspects of the session, from CJO to GA. We will be incorporating features of digital sessions, such as Discord as a method of broadcasting schedules and announcements to all participants. We will also be developing an inclusivity policy for the session, to help ease and address the many struggles faced by people in participating in EYP. We want Munsters 2022 to be a session where all feel welcomed and accepted and offer participants a platform to thrive and create real change.

The vision of Munsters 2022 reflects on the past, both as an organisation and a nation, and looks to the future. On the centenary of 1922, we aim to celebrate all elements of Irish culture and history in the cultural programme of the session. In our vision of accessibility, inclusivity and sustainability, we aim to burst the bubble of EYP for the delegates of Munsters, and inspire them to craft change in the world around them, long after the session closes. Help us to make this session an unforgettable one for Officials and Delegates alike and apply to Munsters 2022, Ali-Maeve and Stephanie Head Organisers of Munster Regional Session 2022

ACADEMIC VISION I am beyond excited to return to the beating heart of the EYP Network, Cork, for one of the largest sessions this year: the Munster Regional Selection Conference 2022. My first time chairing was at an Irish regional session and, for this reason, my vision for Munster's 2022 session, above all, is for each member of all teams to feel as welcome and safe as I was made to feel in this NC many years ago, in a setting of informal professionalism. What this concretely means for you as a - contemplating - applicant is that Munsters 2022 will be an event for you to try out something new, in a safe environment. So if you have never been an official before and want to try your hand at chairing, are interested in trying out solo-chairing for the first time, or just want to try out a new chairing idea and get feedback on it, Munster's will be the ideal session for you. Alternatively, if you are looking for an opportunity to make the jump from chairing to Vice-presiding, or want to take on some extra responsibilities and be properly challenged as a VP at a large session, this team has been and will be designed with you in mind. The academic board will likely consist of members with varying levels of experience. This means that your expectations and responsibilities will be customised to fit both your preferences and the board's needs on a whole. This last point will be true for chairpersons and vice-presidents alike. To create a space where everyone can learn and develop, chairpersons and board members will receive proactive guidance and attentive feedback. What is more, I will clearly communicate to each team member individually my expectations of you for the session. The academic and team-management expectations will be high, but you will be given the tools and the guidance to live up to them. This has two concrete implications. Firstly, members of the team will be expected to fulfil their responsibilities seriously and sincerely, with an eye for the session and the people around them. This, of course, takes into account that we all have other responsibilities in our non-EYP lives, which will be reasonably accommodated. This brings me to the second implication, which is that nobody will be expected to do more than they have to. If you want to go the extra mile and have the time and energy to do it, there will be the right support to help you along the way. However, physical and mental health, including stress management, will be the highest priority in this team, and taking on more than you can handle will be actively discouraged. At the session, there will be a particular focus on promoting active citizenship. Building on the output of the EYP Citizenship Lab, the session will actively accommodate discussions and reflections on this topic. For the academic team, this will mean closer interaction with committee experts before, during, and after the session. These experts will act as committee mentors, offering an insight to the real world behind the topic to delegates and chairpersons.

In summary, as a chairperson or vice-president in Munsters, you will be part of a professional, social, fun, informal, academically challenging, encouraging, and safe team. If you have any questions about, or just want to chat about anything, send me a message on WhatsApp (+31 6 29558099) and we can discuss it! Hope to hear from you soon! Thanos President of the Munster Regional Session

QUESTIONS FOR VICE-PRESIDENTS There are no word limits on any of the questions below. Use as many words as you like but as few as you can. Longer answers are not necessarily better answers! 1) What do you want to take away from Munster 2022? 2) How do you aim to achieve your goal(s)? What is valuable to you in a chairs team? What is valuable to you in a board? How can you contribute to both of these? 3) Who (fictional or not) inspires you? Why? 4) Please leave your phone number below.

EDITORIAL TEAM VISION Hello! It is my biggest pleasure to introduce myself as the editor of the Munster Regional Session 2022, and I am super happy that you are considering applying! Well, I would like to start talking a little bit about the session itself. The session's theme is “Understanding our Past, building our Future” and it is our goal to implement the theme into various aspects of the session. Furthermore, it is also a session where the biggest aim is to make sure everyone feels included and welcomed. Now, let's talk business! My biggest goal as an editor in this session is to get YOU to understand what is behind EYP Media, all our values and what structures it in the network. I really hope that throughout this experience I will be able to share my passion for EYP and Media with you and demonstrate how amazing it can impact our lives. When it comes to the media team, I am looking for people with varied experience ranges, who are open to learn and improve themselves. I am looking for people who are able to acknowledge their weaknesses (in and outside of media) and want to work upon them in order to overcome them. At the end of the day, the media team work is not about the outcome that we are putting up on social media, but about your growth both as an individual and in terms of media. I highly recommend you to read and familiarize yourself with the EYP Media Mission Statement as it will be our guide in terms of projects and content. Furthermore, I do want you to feel and understand that this session is also yours. This editorial team will be a place for you to share and implement all your ideas, even if you do not necessarily know how to put them into practice. This is the perfect opportunity for you to take ownership and learn something new! I really hope that this experience can be one that you can leave as a better EYPer after being able to try something new and explore your existing skills! As a team, we will be giving special attention to pre-session preparation and structure. The editorial team will focus on the preparation of both reading materials, recorded and live modules, as well as a detailed calendar for social media. Together, we will make sure to be prepared for all sorts of situations that we might face. The media team will develop their project ideas before the session, combined with detailed project planning to ensure that the time during the session is used wisely. Juliana Wong Editor of the Munster Regional Session

QUESTIONS FOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS 1) A journalist presents this project to you: . What pieces of feedback would you give to it? 2) Describe the best media project you have ever seen in EYP and explain how it is connected to the values from the EYP Media Mission statement: ( ). 3) How can you as an editorial assistant stimulate the media team to produce meaningful content?

QUESTIONS FOR MEDIA TEAM MEMBERS 1) Describe the best media project you have ever seen in EYP and explain why it is the best project you have seen. 2) Tell me about one or more area(s) of media that you are not entirely familiar with and describe how you would like to change that in the Munster Regional Session. (250 words) 3) Why media? (200 words)

JURY TEAM VISION Coming back to Cork for the Munster 2022 Regional Session means a lot to me. Not only was it the place where I had my first proper chairing experience a couple of years ago but I was also able to vice-preside a Munster session in 2018. Returning after all this time, I am eager to reconnect with old friends and thrilled to get to know new ones. EYP Ireland has always been welcoming and I am excited for new people to get to experience this unique organisation. As a Head of Jury, my work will especially focus on the personal development and empowerment of each team member. I plan to implement a “flat-hierarchy-jury” which will essentially mean that every Jury member will have the same amount of responsibility. This means there will be a lot of freedom to shape the Jury’s work from the first minute. Since we all have different experiences from inside and outside of EYP I want those experiences to find a place in our work so that we will learn from and with each other in a natural way. However, we also need to acknowledge that we live in a society where internal bias and subconscious preconceptions dictate the image we have of people, even if we are aware of them. We are not individuals living in a vacuum but we have had different influences throughout our lives that have shaped us as people and influenced how we see the world: where you were brought up, the school(s) you attended, the friends you had, the cultural influences you were exposed to (...) play a bigger role than you think! For this reason, I want the Jury to tackle those biases head-on with modules, workshops, and best practices and implement the outcome. After all, EYP is a learning environment. I hope to see you in Ireland this February - do not hesitate to contact me, or anyone else from our lovely leadership team, if you have any questions! Ricarda Pfingstl Head of Jury of the Munster Regional Session

QUESTIONS FOR JURY 1) What is your main motivation for applying as a Jury Member for the Munster Regional Session 2022? 2) How do you envision the work of the Jury, especially looking at the vision of a flat hierarchy? 3) Considering how bias plays a subconscious role in all our judgements and decisions, how do you plan on becoming aware of your biases and counteracting them to best perform your duties as a Member of the Jury er-regional-session-2022

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