Leinster Regional Session 2022 Vision Booklet

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ACADEMIC VISION With the Leinster Regional Session being the first in-person event of EYP Ireland in two years, I aim for a purposeful transition from the digital events that took place in the past year and a half. Having to translate standard EYP processes to a digital format gave us the space to reflect on and reexamine the way we did things, welcoming fresh perspectives and ideas into our work. With this in mind, two main pillars of my vision for the session are purpose, and subsequently innovation. With regards to expectations for my team, I envision a team with inspired and curious individuals that are willing to go beyond ‘what’ we do, and strive to understand ‘why’. I hope for the Academic Team members to be willing to further develop their approach to and understanding of their role, through critically evaluating, rethinking, and finally innovating standard processes. Members of the team will have the space to go beyond the way things are supposed to be done, and develop an approach to their work that is tailored to their own individual strengths and working methods. With this in mind, I aim for every member of the Leinster Academic Team to fully embrace their uniqueness, and incorporate it into their work in a way that allows them to take advantage of their full potential. With the mindset of celebrating the uniqueness of every individual, I wish for a supportive and nurturing environment that will bring that to fruition. Therefore, my vision is predominantly built on participant welfare and experience, with a big focus on achieving a work-fun balance in the Academic Team. I place strong value in ensuring that every member of the Team feels comfortable, supported, and cared for, ultimately encouraging them to be the best and most productive versions of themselves. Creating a strong bond among academic team members regardless of their role in the team is crucial to achieve this environment, and therefore will be placed at the core of every step of the team’s work.

Lastly, with Leinster welcoming many people to EYP for the first time, I consider it necessary to introduce approachable and understandable topics that delegates will be able to easily relate to. This closely relates to making them aware of their power to shape and give back to their communities, through providing them with knowledge and experiences they can directly apply to their everyday lives. This is part of a responsibility I consider core to our role as officials; motivating and inspiring delegates to continue their involvement in EYP through empowering them. For Vice Presidents: In order to bring my current vision into life, and predominantly to build on and further develop it, I am looking for 3 Vice Presidents. An ideal Vice President for me is someone who is inspired and eager to learn and grow from their surroundings, while at the same time willing to share and explore fresh ideas and perspectives. Moreover, I am looking for someone who values participant welfare and experience, and is motivated to ensure a positive and memorable experience for all session participants. Thetis Georgiou President of Leinster Regional Session

QUESTIONS FOR VICE-PRESIDENTS 1) Tell us about yourself. What inspires you? (max. 200 words) 2) What did you learn from the pandemic? How will your work in Leinsters reflect these lessons? (max. 250 words) 3) What element of VPing are you most passionate about and why? (e.g academics, supporting your BG emotionally etc.) (200 words) 4) Outline your availability throughout the next year.

EDITORIAL TEAM VISION Our vision for Leisters regional session centres around each individual of the media team finding their own voice and their skill that makes them truly unique. The vision itself is separated into two individual pillars: Project Growth: Celebrating Change and Innovation With the session’s theme inviting a space for change, us – as editors, want to experiment in different ways of approaching a media team. We think that by promoting and fostering change within the media team, higher efficiency can be achieved without having to sacrifice the welfare of the team members. We think for instance that everyone having to carry out the same tasks within the team adds a lot of pressure to each individual that can otherwise be avoided. We truly value the wellbeing of each person as EYP is by and is for volunteers. In addition to this, something that will be a key aspect within this line of innovation will be using and adapting the materials developed as a result of the pandemic. With this being the first in person session of EYP Ireland in almost 2 years, whilst there’s a sense of relief in being able to return to in person sessions, Covid hastened the need for innovation and truly proved the effect minds thinking alike can achieve. So, we aim to take aspects from either side of EYP and start to lay the foundation of the future of EYP. Individuality Through the session we aim to highlight the differences in each of us. We recognise that qualities of a Media Team Member are not something that can be simply put in a box and applied to everyone. Because of this, this session will act as a platform that each person can find themselves in. We hope that as editors, we can offer you the chance to try yourself in varying aspects of media, so that you are able to then either truly narrow your skillset or start the development of all aspects within media. Either way, we want to push you to find what truly makes you unique, and why you’re essential to the team. We want you to be able to recognise what it is you want to achieve and let us assist you in getting there. We see our roles as Editors to support in the journey, and not the end solution. This then allows each person to have true ownership over one element of the session and to be able to look back and concretely see what you gave to the team. As the pair of us also have different areas of expertise, we find ourselves capable and able to share our knowledge with you, yet expect for you to also teach us. As a member of the media team, you will be given the space and resources to experiment with many areas within media but to also shape the way for the new age of EYP that we are seeing before us. As joint Editors we want to create a true sense of support amongst the team and to anchor trust as the foundation of everything. If this is a team that you can see yourself in, then we strongly encourage you to apply!

Please feel free to contact either one of us if you have any questions regarding anything media. Looking forward to reading your applications and wishing you well, Luke Bishop and Cameron Dunn Merelle Editors of Leinster Regional Session of EYP Ireland 2022.

QUESTIONS FOR EDITORIAL-ASSISTANTS We have chosen to hold our selection process through interviews, as this feeds into the theme of innovation and growth. This will be an opportunity for us to understand why you would like to apply to Leinsters Regional Session. Q1) What is your motivation to apply for the Leinster Regional Session 2022? (200 words) Q2) As we would like to hold a short interview with you regarding selection due to our theme of innovation and growth, please state your availability from now till the 14th of October.

SESSION VISION Our vision is one of collaboration and growth, ensuring wellbeing and personal development is at the heart of all decisions and processes. This ties in with our fundamental desire to effectively connect and communicate with people, something which has been taken away from us over the past year. We have all been isolated during this pandemic, but we believe the successes of EYP should be celebrated, such as our rapid change of events to create digital sessions. With this session hopefully being EYP Ireland's return to physical sessions, we want to create an exciting, dynamic environment for change, growth and inclusivity. We believe our session theme, Project Growth: Celebrating Change and Innovation fosters this environment, becoming an outlet for change-makers to explore new capabilities and rethink new solutions to timeless issues. The youth of today has exhibited resilience and adaptability throughout the past year, and this is something we want to highlight and celebrate. At our session, this theme will be the backbone of all session elements, from coffee breaks to inter-committee activities.

Zak Aboukrhes & Sara Ivers Head Organisers

Call for Vice Presidents, Editorial Assistants & Head of Jury are now open. Members Platform https://members.eyp.org/event/leinste r-regional-session-2022

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