25th National Session of EYP Ireland

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SESSION VISION EYP Ireland's sessions have gone from strength to strength in recent years, with tried and tested methods being built upon constantly. We want to really encapsulate the progress made over these last four years in order to make our session a “Flagship Event'' in celebration of the 25th anniversary of EYP Ireland and an organisational benchmark for the future. Our theme “Only the Beginning…” will celebrate our organisation’s 25 years of history throughout the event, while also looking forward to showcasing the great potential EYP Ireland possesses. We believe that this event can be a gateway to the next era of EYP Ireland. We hope to better integrate the international community of EYP and provide the next generation of EYP Ireland with an understanding of the true value and scope of the network. In order to achieve this we envisage running a 6 day session with a large international contingent, public health advice permitting, with international delegates in every committee. EYP Ireland has moved towards being far more open and we believe our sessions have the potential to demonstrate this open natures by showcasing the true breadth of the EYP network. We believe this session can be a capacity building event to bring the possibility of EYP Ireland hosting a large-scale international event back into focus. By holding every aspect of our session to an extremely high standard, we aim to continue to raise the bar of Irish sessions going forward. We strongly believe that our organisation needs a bright future, who is to say it couldn’t be you?

ORGANISING VISION We aim to structure our Organising team around a number of different subteams each taking responsibility for an element of the session for example; GA, Delegate Support, Evening Activities, Welfare etc. As an Organiser, you will be collaborating with other organisers on one or more of these teams and therefore will be focusing on and taking responsibility for that element of the session as part of the subteam. You will be constantly supported in undertaking this responsibility whilst also being challenged to grow in this role, whether you are an experienced organiser or a first time official. We will focus on our entire team’s development and growth at every stage of our event. We will aid you in fostering new valuable skills while constantly building on the skills that you already possess. We also want to be able to learn from our team just as much as we aim to share what experience we have with you.

We look to cultivate an environment where our organising team will be empowered with the skills, independence, and motivation we feel are needed to successfully organise a “Flagship Session”. This will include having the entire organising team involved in as many aspects of the session as possible in order to foster a collective ownership of the session. Aidan Mamo and Dara Golden Head Organisers of the 25th National Session

QUESTIONS FOR ORGANISERS 1) Introduce yourself in the most creative way you can. 2) What is your motivation to become an organiser at the 25th National Session of EYP Ireland? What do you hope to achieve in this role? (300 words) 3) A delegate from an unknown committee approaches you in the evening and tells you they have been feeling unwell since lunch time. Detail the steps that you would take to manage the issue as best as possible. (250 words)

ACADEMIC VISION Joining the Academic Team of Cork 2022 would mean meeting next April in Ireland, in a chance to celebrate 25 years of EYP Ireland, but also smaller and bigger things we really missed about EYP. As volunteers in EYP, we find it important to acknowledge that all of us dedicate a massive amount of time and effort to prepare for the session and aim towards a high-quality experience for everyone. We all want the first important thing about the 2022 National Session of EYP Ireland to be a call for a fruitful and relaxing environment for volunteers to gain and share knowledge, facilitate participant’s personal development and lastly, but definitely not the least — be kind and take care of each other and of the participants' well-being. With Chairpersons being the main and the closest representatives of EYP to their delegates, we wish to support you in portraying session vision and ideas within your work. As a Chairperson at Cork 2022, you would receive the most direct support from the session Board members. Cork 2022 Board believes in ownership you can take to shape your work, topic angle, environment and relations with others. You would work with Amanda, whose mission is to encourage critical thinking and self-reflection upon the epistemic and metaphysical basis of EYP; Anastasia, who will encourage and support you in setting personal goals for the session aiming at improving skills and boosting self-confidence; Ilija, who believes in the incredible impact of the EYP as a values-driven organisation and the role of such values in our everyday volunteer work, especially at the session; and Jarne, who believes that EYP’s strength is that it’s fully youth-led, and should aim to inspire and mobilise a generational movement of young people to take positive action. You will guide a group of diverse young people towards thinking of their own ideas for Europe. It is our goal that their ideas will have an impact beyond the event. Not only by sharing their ideas with decision-makers outside of EYP, but also by inspiring delegates to put their own ideas into practice and make some kind of meaningful change themselves. What we can offer is personal dedication to ensure our academic content is engaging, relevant and that it involves people in a conversation on active citizenship, on a more global and external level. I wish for the average session participant to bring this feeling to their community, wherever they come from, and share their incentive to research, debate, read and write about any topic that is close to their heart. The academic theme of Cork 2022 has been developed looking into what has been happening right now and what we wish for the future. Right now, the entire world is shaken by a global pandemic highlighting our fragility and the need for international cooperation. In parallel, the closing of the Conference on the Future of Europe, planned for May 2022, enables more strategic and long-term topical discussions on a variety of European matters. Theme “Only the Beginning… Planning the Next Generation’s Resilient European Future” would allow us to structure academic work around the Conference and the most important topics that require youth input. It would give us the chance to have structural guidance in The

Recovery and Resilience Facility, the largest component of “NextGenerationEU”. Finally, it would directly address the disruption of our lives and acknowledge the need for better protection from global hazards. Finally, on a more practical note, you should know that we are looking for between 12 and 14 Chairpersons to join the team, with each person chairing a committee on their own. While you are expected to take the ownership and explore the freedom of what is commonly referred to as “single charing”, we really wish to highlight the support and availability of the Board in the process - to advise, consult, bounce ideas back-andforth and enjoy the experience side-by-side. Topics for the session will be developed with your input and preferences of the angle, in close coordination with the Board and input from the session organising team. We really hope to see you in April!

Ilija Jerković President of the 25th National Session & The Academic Board

QUESTIONS FOR CHAIRPERSONS 1. As the Chairperson of Cork 2022, what would you like to gain from this National Session and what would be your main learning goal(s) during this event? (250 words) 2. Cork 2022 will take place under the academic theme “Only the Beginning… Planning the Next Generation’s Resilient European Future”.. Please, share an outline of the topic of your interest and elaborate a) how it fits into the academic vision for the session; and b) why it would be impactful and engaging for delegates. (300 words) 3. Please describe how do you plan to approach your role as a Chairperson at Cork 2022 and what chairing means to you. (250 words) 4. Please provide us with your email address for selection purposes.

MEDIA TEAM VISION The 25th National Session of EYP Ireland marks lots of new beginnings, especially with its theme "Only the Beginning...". The calls for the media team members opening at a festive season like the beginning of 2022, the session will keep the joyful atmosphere. The session already has a special place for EYP Ireland and it will be even more memorable on an international level with the contributions of its participants. The media team will create and add value to the EYP community and the whole world with the projects we carry out. The 25th National Session of EYP Ireland will be a revolutionary session in terms of EYP Media as it will be one of the first sessions of such a large scale to take place in person. The media team will not go back to the media structure that the EYP was used to seeing three years ago, but we will initiate the change towards the new era of media at this session. Therefore the media team will work with the vision "Only the Beginning... Opening the Gateway to What Lies Ahead". Within the session, we want to enable the MTMs to experiment with new and different types of projects, either creating a new format for said projects or taking the classic ones and adding a unique twist to them. With this we also want to be able to offer the MTMs an opportunity to receive critical but constructive feedback from the editorial team at regular intervals as they work on the project, rather than at the end. This will hopefully enable the MTMs to build off and expand upon the base idea of the project. We also want to combine the best practices of both digital and physical media, learning from both and taking more of a hybrid approach rather than just sticking with one form or another. Through this we hope to help make an impact on EYP media on a wider scale and help to develop new formats for session projects to use. Accessibility and inclusions will be at the core of every media project as we strive to provide our audiences with a unique and impactful experience. By interacting with us, we hope the session participants will gain something such as knowledge, new skills, a space to unwind, etc. Furthermore, as we transition into physical sessions, reconnecting with individuals can be a challenge. Our goal is to surpass that barrier and create a safe space where participants can engage with each other. Additionally, our engagement will not be limited to individuals at the session, but we wish to connect with people from the public. This will be achieved by extensively utilising various social media tools, which we have familiarised ourselves with during our digital sessions. If you are looking for an exceptional way to experience EYP and media while rebuilding it together for the new beginnings, then good news! The 25th National Session of EYP Ireland is the perfect match for you if you desire to unleash your creativity, see the influence and the impact of your work, collaborate with others and be supported by the editorial at all times. Apply to the 25th National Session of EYP Ireland as a media team member to join us opening the mysterious gateway to what lies ahead of us! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Hope to see you very soon joining our team and seeing you in person in Ireland this April! Güneş, Katie & Stylianos Editorial Team of the 25th National Session

QUESTIONS FOR MEDIA TEAM MEMBERS 1. Introduce yourself using any platform of your choice, make sure to mention what you could contribute to the session and what you would like to gain from it. (max 300 words / 3 minutes) 2. Give us an example of one of the media projects that you like the most, tell us why you like it and what you would do differently if you were recreating it (it can be both EYP and non-EYP related) (max. 300 words) 3. Outline your commitments between now and the session. How do you intend to balance these alongside the responsibilities of the role? 4. If you have a portfolio with your previous work, please link it here. (Both EYP and non-EYP related) 5. Please provide us with your email address for selection purposes.

JURY VISION Dear applicants, Cork 2022 National Session marks the 25th anniversary of EYP Ireland and an important milestone. The session theme “Only the Beginning…” showcases the will to renovate, innovate and build upon the existing structures to develop new approaches and embrace creativity. The Jury team will concentrate on three aspects in particular: enhancing different learning styles, providing one-to-one feedback, and promoting self-development. The Jury will offer the delegates feedback sessions to improve their performance throughout the event to help them reach their full potential. Considering that every person learns differently and has different inclinations, our job will be to identify strengths and points of development in each participant to foster personal growth. The main aim will be conveying the values of teamwork, flexibility, and cooperation by encouraging delegates to become more self-aware and confident. The relations within the Jury team will be based on openness, positivity, and honesty. Relying on each other will be crucial to achieve the goals set as a team and successfully carry out the Jury’s vision. We will undeniably be an important part of the Officials team, by providing support and spreading positivity amongst all the participants at Cork 2022. I hope you will consider applying to this session and become part of this ambitious project! Vicky Formicola Head of Jury of the 25th National Session

QUESTIONS FOR JURY TEAM MEMBERS What is your motivation to be part of the Jury team, what aspects of yourself do you wish to develop? What criteria would you apply to assess delegates’ performance, taking into consideration different learning styles and the various roles one can take on in EYP? Reflecting on your personality, how do you envision yourself within the Jury team and the Officials’ team more in general?

CORK 2022 25TH NATIONAL SESSION https://members.eyp.org/event/25thnational-session-eyp-ireland

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