Bids to Host a Regional/National Session in EYP Sweden's National Selection Process

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A letter from the


On behalf of EYP Sweden, it is with great pleasure that I now officially open the process of submitting bids for hosting a regional/national session in the National Selection Process (NSP)2020/2021 Serving as a project manager in this organisation, not just once but twice, provided me with fantastic opportunities for self-development and the acquirement of professional experience. Not only is it an honourable and exciting task to host a large scale conference for young individuals, providing them with a platform for dialogue and cultural exchange; it is also a task which provides every project manager with the possibility to manifest their contribution to democracy. Moreover, if that is not enough, it is the perfect opportunity to greatly contribute to an organisation which may have had a positive impact on your life. EYP Sweden encourages both new and old members to make a bid to host a session in theNational Selection Process 2020/2021. Some of you may notice that this year’s call is different from last year’s. We are no longer calling for project managers. We are calling for bids to host a session from individuals who, in turn, will be appointed as project managers. This allows us, as an organisation, to optimise and adapt to the circumstances which each years presents. It also allows us to shift the focus from the role of project manager, to the project in itself. Therefore, you are not applying for a role; you are applying to host a project. This is a key difference which I, as well as theNational Board, hope will provide project managers with an even increased sense of ownership over their projects. Furthermore, I wish to highlight that this process of bid submissions opens much earlier than last year’s call for project managers. The organisation has for a long time had the intention to open the call as soon as possible; and, I am delighted to finally see that happening. It will allow project managers more time to plan their projects and that will be beneficial from a wide range of perspectives. Not least will it generate the possibility to secure venues in the spring, allowing for aless intense summer and autumn; but, it will hopefully also enable even more volunteers (officials) to take part in our projects. Finally, the National Board of EYP Sweden hopes to see your bid to host a session and we are very excited about the potential opportunity of working together with you. Should you have any questions about the submission of your potential bid, the bidding form or project management overall; please do not hesitate to contact me. We are with excitement awaiting your bid submission and hope to be in touch shortly after the deadline. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you. On Behalf of the National Board of EYP Sweden,

A Letter from the Paul Stone Vice-President of EYP Sweden


WHEN WILL THE SESSIONS TAKE PLACE: All regional sessions will take place in November 2020, and the National Session within the first three months of 2021.

SUBMIT HERE: The bids to host a regional/national session in EYP Sweden's National Selection Process (NSP) 2020/2021 will be submitted through the following form:

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: 12th January 2020, 23:59 (CET).

QUESTIONS? Should you have any questions about the National Selection Process 2020/2021, or the bidding process, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Stone, Vice-President of EYP Sweden, on

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