Visby 2023 - Vision and call booklet for leadership and organisers

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SESSION VISION NO MAN IS AN ISLAND - Reducing isolation and increasing communication for a joint European future. Our goal for this session is to emphasise the need for connection through open communication and reducing isolation, both societally and in the session environment. To do this, we have emphasised three essential values - welfare, inclusion, and innovation. We can achieve more together - so join us in building this session and our collective European future. The session welfare vision can be defined as “welfare in practice - not theory”. While awareness about the importance of physical and mental welfare has been growing in the network, welfare measures can sometimes sound fantastic on paper but fall short in implementation; often due to the intense nature of sessions. Our commitment is to make sure that our welfare measures are effective and effectively implemented. To this end, we will be focusing on creating a dynamic and engaged safe team. showing that all regions of Sweden, and by extension Europe, can take part in building our collective future. In order for our future to be truly collective, everyone needs a chance to take part in its creation. At Visby 2023, we want to encourage active citizenship, breaking barriers, and increasing communication through building a climate of true inclusion.

SESSION VISION One of the reasons we would like to bring you all to Visby is to highlight the diverse nature of Sweden as a country and to show the value of including our non-metropolitan areas in activities like EYP, that build engaged citizenship and advocacy skills. Gotland is a beautiful island in both nature and culture, and we look forward to showing that all regions of Sweden, and by extension Europe, can take part in building our collective future. In order for our future to be truly collective, everyone needs a chance to take part in its creation. At Visby 2023, we want to encourage active citizenship, breaking barriers, and increasing communication through building a climate of true inclusion. Visby is known as a mediaeval city surrounded by an ancient stone wall, however, this quaint historical city is also home to groundbreaking innovation. Within the areas of agriculture, tourism, and sustainable development, this island is paving Sweden’s path into the future. Visby also houses Almedalsveckan, a centre for democratic growth and innovation. It is the world's largest meeting place, bringing together representatives from all Swedish parliamentary parties, businesspersons, and participants from all walks of life for a unique annual political conference. We wish to bring this atmosphere to Visby 2023, allowing room for delegates and officials alike to grow, problem-solve, and innovate.

- Mikaela & Sofie

VISION FOR OFFICIALS At Visby 2023, we envision an officials’ team where all participants feel integrated in and connected to the entire team. We aim to create a close and collaborative atmosphere that will permeate the session. To achieve this, we want to provide plenty of opportunities for inter-team collaboration through both pre-session work and throughout the session elements. In order to foster this, we hope to build a team full of individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds who share our vision of coming together to build a team that is even greater than the sum of its parts. In order to make sure we make the most of the diverse experiences you will all bring, we have chosen to emphasise inclusion as a key theme for this session. Diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and opinions is part of what makes EYP great and we will strive to create an open and inclusive team with a high ceiling, where we all build on each other's experiences and perspectives. Given that part of our theme is ‘increasing communication’, we will be placing significant emphasis on open communication both between and within teams. We will ensure that there are good channels for communication between all teams and hope that all participants will join us in striving to make this a truly collaborative session. Part of this ideal is also that there should be plenty of opportunities to socialise with all session participants outside of strictly working together. We believe that the best and healthiest teams are built by bonding and relaxing together as well, and we will do our best to provide that environment for all participants. We will also be looking for team leaders who take an active involvement in session welfare, building welfareminded teams from the ground up.

LEADERSHIP APPLICATION QUESTIONS President 1. Introduce yourself in the medium of your choice 2. Present your vision for the Academic team, and for how your team can be included as part of the larger Officials’ team 3. What makes you the best candidate for this position? What skills or experience, from within or outside of EYP will help you take on this role? 4. How will you uphold the session values of communication and welfare within the Academic team, given the stress inherent in academic work, both pre-session and during the session? 5. On the second day of Committee Work, two committees are severely behind schedule. At the same time, at least one board member is needed for an emergency leadership meeting. How do you handle the situation? 6. Please state your email address

Head of Jury 1. Introduce yourself in the medium of your choice 2. Present your vision for the Jury team, and for how your team can be part of the larger Officials’ team 3. What makes you the best candidate for this position? What skills or experience, from within or outside of EYP will help you take on this role? 4. How do you envision the role of the Jury team at the session? Where should the jury’s focus lie - feedback, selection, evaluation, or something else? 5. Given that each delegate is different than the other and has their own unique strengths, what do you consider an “ideal delegate”? 6. Please state your email address

Editor 1. If you are applying as a coediting pair, please state the name of the other person 2. Introduce yourself in a medium of your choice 3. Present your vision for the Media team, and for how your team will form part of the larger Officials’ team 4. What makes you the best candidate for this position? What skills or experience, from within or outside of EYP will help you take on this role? 5. How do you balance the need to document the session elements with the Media Team Members’ need for time to edit and work on projects, as well as time to rest and recharge? 6. The Academic team is feeling time pressure and your team is not being let into committee rooms or allowed access to delegates for projects. How do you handle the situation? 7. Please provide us with a portfolio of your previous work, within and/or outside of EYP 8. Please state your email address

Organiser 1. Introduce yourself in the medium of your choice 2. Why this session, why this team? 3. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Please elaborate 4. During General Teambuilding, you get told by the HOs that there has been a mixup with a delivery and there are no materials for the chairpersons or MTMs. The needs channel in slack is filled with messages asking for materials for teambuilding. How do you deal with the situation and help the other teams? 5. Please state your email address

Photos By: Jerker Andersson/

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