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Contents Project Managers Practical Information Helsingborg 2022 - Vision - Call Gothenburg 2022 - Vision - Call Stockholm 2022 - Vision - Call Contact Information

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Helsingborg 2022 - 12th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHAT: The 12th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Hlsingborg, Sweden WHEN: 10th to the 13th of November for Officials WHO: Presidents, Editors, and Organisers Deadline: 18th of July 23:59 CEST

Gothenburg 2022 - 11th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHAT: The 11th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Gothenburg , Sweden WHEN: 17th to the 20st of November for Officials WHO: Presidents, Editors, and Organisers Deadline: 18th of July 23:59 CEST

Stockholm 2022 - 12th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHAT: The 12th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Stockholm, Sweden WHEN: 24th to the 27th of November for Officials WHO: Presidents, Editors, and Organisers Deadline 18th of July 23:59 CEST

Project Managers Helsingborg 2022

Goteborg 2022

Stockholm 2022

HEAD ORGANISERS' VISION Helsingborg 2022 - 12th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries

As of now, European society is on the edge of several tipping points, where decisions made today will directly impact the near and distant future. These decisions are in turn exacerbated by the difficulties of our time and have resulted in Europe experiencing imbalance and uncertainty. This imbalance is an obstacle when trying to find solutions for contemporary issues, such as environmental challenges, economic inequality, and social segregation. If immediate action is not taken, Europe risks accelerating further down an unwanted trajectory, causing irreversible damage. Additionally, in the tide of contemporary crises, it has become clear there still exist substantial boundaries that hinder the European standard that we strive to achieve. These boundaries are at play in several matters. Issues such as social discrimination and geopolitical instability become barriers to advantageous development on our continent, obstructing peace and preventing prosperity, cooperation, and development. Evidently, we need to take an active stance and initiate actions in order to obtain balance and overcome boundaries. Therefore, we aspire for Helsingborg 2022 - 14th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden to become a forum for young Europeans to freely voice their opinions, experience personal development, and discuss these important issues. Facing the tipping points, we believe that young Europeans have what it takes to lead us through critical times of change — consequently, moving the tide towards a more desirable future.

Questions for Presidents 1. Introduce yourself in a format of your choosing 2. Explain your motivation for wanting to join the leadership team at Helsingborg 2022? What do you wish to get out of this experience? 3. Bearing in mind the session theme of “Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries”, what would you like to emphasize in your academic vision for the session and how do you plan to work towards this as President? 4. In your opinion, what makes a good session, and how would your leadership approach contribute to achieving this? 5. When leaving the session, what is the main thing you want your VPs and Chairs to have learned and why? 6. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 7. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 8. Please state your email address

Questions for Editors 1. Introduce yourself in a format of your choosing 2. Explain your motivation for wanting to join the leadership team at Helsingborg 2022? What do you wish to get out of this experience? 3. Bearing in mind the session theme of “Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries”, what would you like to emphasize in your editorial vision for the session and how do you plan to work towards this as Editor? 4. Please submit a portfolio of your previous work (pictures, videos, any projects you would like to show us) 5. Describe your approach to leadership, and how that contributes to the personal and creative development of the EA:s and MTM:s? 6. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 7. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 8. Please state your email address.

Questions for Organisers

1. Please introduce yourself to the selection panel (max 150 words) 2. What motivates you to apply as an organiser for RS Stockholm 2022? max 250 words 3. What do you consider to be the most important part of an organising team to ensure quality and cooperation in the work? (max 200 words) 4. The catering company booked for committee work calls you, the organiser in charge of food, and says that there has been a delay, and the food will arrive 5 hours later than intended. Both project managers (HOs) are busy and unreachable. How do you approach this situation? (max 250 words) 5. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 6. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 7. Please state your email address.

HEAD ORGANISERS' VISION Gothenburg 2022 - 11th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden Actualising Green Innovation - From Innovative Ideas, to a Sustainable Future

The EU is being confronted with an energy crisis. Electricity and oil prices have risen to alarming heights, affecting not only the larger economy but ordinary households as well. Transitioning away from the overreliance on natural gas has quickly become a priority for many EU Members States, with volatile political landscapes putting the sustainability of the EU’s energy sources in question. Governments across the continent are now facing the impossible task of balancing the socio-economic welfare of their state with the pursuit of a sustainable future. With European citizens yearning for stability and long term security, Member States are looking to the EU for guidance. Since Sweden has taken a leading stance in the mission for carbon neutrality, even exceeding the EU Renewable Energy Directive set goal for 2020, it has evolved into a beacon for innovation and sustainability. As an award winning EU “smart city”, Gothenburg has continued to establish an innovative front, with sustainable development and resources at the core of the city’s many infrastructure projects. Looking towards the future, the renewed 2030 energy targets will demand a shift in the current balance of energy sources, a task that cannot be completed without actualising green innovation. A task that cannot be completed unless we start now. The 11th Western Regional EYP Session of Gothenburg 2022 - “Actualising Green Innovation; From innovative ideas, to a sustainable future” strives to encourage the curiosity of young European minds through emphasising the green, innovative and sustainable ideas flourishing within the city.

Questions for Presidents

1. Please introduce yourself in any format you’d like! (approx. 150 words - 1 minute video) 2. The academic team has a tendency to become isolated during sessions. How would you tackle this problem and make sure that everyone’s spirits are up? (approx. 150 words) 3. Describe your vision for the session and how you would incorporate both your own and the session’s vision into your team’s work? (approx. 250 words) 4. How would you describe your leadership style? (approx. 250 words) 5. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 6. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 7. Please state your email addre

Questions for Editors

1. Please introduce yourself in any format you’d like! (max. 150 words - 1 minute video) 2. How do you plan to incorporate the vision into the media team’s output/work? (approx. 250 words) 3. How would you describe your leadership style? (approx. 250 words) 4. Describe your favourite project that you have worked on. (300 words or less) 5. Please share your media portfolio (can be both EYP and non EYP related). 6. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 7. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 8. Please state your email address.

Questions for Organisers

1. Please introduce yourself in any format you’d like! (approx. 150 words - 1 minute video) 2. What is your motivation for applying to Gothenburg 2022? (approx. 200 words) 3. Do you have any previous experience in organising, in or out of EYP? (approx. 250 words) 4. Why do you think you’ll be a good fit for this organising team? (approx. 200 words) 5. Would you consider applying as a Core Organiser? If yes, why do you think this role would be a good fit for you? (approx. 150 words) 6. It is the first day of committee work and you get a call that something went wrong with the catering order. The delegates and officials are hungry, but there’s no food on the way; what do you do? (approx. 300 words) 7. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 8. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 9. Please state your email address.

HEAD ORGANISERS' VISION Stockholm 2022 - 12th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden Strengthening the European identity: the need for solidarity, communication, and peace

The European Union has been consistently tested, thrusting solidarity and intercommunication into light. Economic instability, external critique, and distrust have challenged the principles of our union. However, when our unity was believed to quaver, the member states have come together in persistent accordance with our foundations, showing the strength of European solidarity. With this in mind, we would like to invite the participants of Stockholm 2022 to reflect on the challenges targeting the European Union, consider past criticism of our interconnection, such as Brexit, and discuss the stepping stones of a prosperous future. To highlight this theme, Stockholm 2022 will focus on creating an open and inclusive environment, where all participants are able to freely communicate their ideas with one another. Due to the topic’s complexity, it is important that the issue is approached with a united front and an understanding that potential solutions will be equally complex. The session’s value cannot solely be seen in the final products of the session, but in the journey towards understanding. The European identity is our unified shield against injustice. Injustice, whether in the past, present or future, is a further challenge for us to face together. Together, we define the values of the European Union and pave the path for solidarity, communication and peace.

Questions for Presidents 1. Please introduce yourself to the selection panel, without using your name, nationality or occupation (max 150 words) 2. What is your vision for this session, and how will you approach this position and its duties with this vision in mind? (max 300 words) 3. Some themes of RS Stockholm 2022 are peace and solidarity. How would you ensure that this is practiced within the academic team, as well as encouraged throughout the entirety of session participants? (max 250 words) 4. What is a successful and enjoyable session to you, and how would you work as President to achieve that? (max 200 words) 5. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 6. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 7. Please state your email address.

Questions for Editors 1. In case you are submitting a joint application with someone else, please state their name. 2. Please introduce yourself to the selection panel, without using your name, nationality or occupation. (max 150 words) 3. What is your vision for this session, and how will you approach this position and its duties with this vision in mind? (max 300 words) 4. Some themes of RS Stockholm 2022 are peace and solidarity. How would you ensure that this is practiced within the media team, as well as being a focus of media outputs? (max 250 words) 5. Please provide us with a portfolio of your previous work (could be both within and outside of EYP) 6. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 7. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 8. Please state your email address.

Questions for Organisers

1. Please introduce yourself to the selection panel, including where you are based (max 150 words) 2. If you could compare yourself to an animal, what would it be, and why? (max 150 words) 3. What motivates you to apply as an organiser for RS Stockholm 2022? (max 250 words) 4. What do you consider to be the most important part of an organising team to ensure quality and cooperation in the work, and how would you contribute to this? (max 200 words) 5. The catering company booked for committee work calls you, the organiser in charge of food, and says that there has been a delay, and the food will arrive 5 hours later than intended. Both project managers (HOs) are busy and unreachable. How do you approach this situation? (max 250 words) 6. If you have participated in any sessions not on your members platform profile, and wish to include them in your application, please state the session(s) and your role in the event(s) here. 7. If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional Sessions, please state your order of preference. 8. Please state your email address.

Contacts In case you have any questions regarding the session themes, the application questions or anything else related to the application process, do not hesitate to contact us. Jack Nassri

NC contact person

Vera-Linn Lanängen

Association Secretary +46 70 034 68 11

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