Content: PresidentandEditorialvision 5-8 Questionsforofficials 9-10 Helsingborg 4 PresidentandEditorialvision 12-16 Questionsforofficials 17-18 Gothenburg 11 PresidentandEditorialvision 20-23 Questionsforofficials 24-25 Stockholm 19 2
Deadline?20thofSeptember Stockholm2022
Deadline?20thofSeptember 3
HeadOrganiser LovisaSkoglund(SE) HeadOrganiser Michaela Kralova (DK/CZ) President Kasia Myślińska (PL) Editress 4
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my academic vision. This vision will naturally only partially discuss my hopes for the session because, to embrace the session motto and obtain true balance, I need input from all individuals who will help me make Helsingborg happen. And that’s where I wanttostart. My aim is to work with the members of the team on an individual basis to discuss their importantto they end up failureisasim failedandsu have been en madeandlea Assuch,atHe yourdevelop
Maybe you won’t want to work on a strict personal development plan, maybe you will, this is a choice that will be left solely to you. I recommend that you work from your end goal, small or big. We can work together to discover the stepsthatcanhelpyoureachitinanambitiousyetcomfortableway.Thispoint isparticularlyimportantfortheVice Presidents,whomayalreadyhaveamore concreteideaofwhattheywanttoachieveintheirEYP(andnon EYP)future.
Helsingborgwillbeacosyandfamilialsessionatitscore.Thisbeautifulharbour cityalongsidetheenvironmentoftheeventwhichcanallowustogenuinelytake careofeachparticipant'sneedsoffersanexcellentbasisforasafeandfunEYP experience. T particular,peo timeortransit I’mlookingfo SeeyouinSw
The Helsingb experiencediversifyingth concept of l unknownarea Helsingborg w skills, visions focusing sole create a spa media. By co uniquemedia view.
DearpotentialApplicants, I couldn’t be happier about the fact that you’re considering applying as EditorialAssistantsorMediaTeamMembersofRSCHelsingborg2022.Coming back to southern Sweden, exactly one year after my first session there, I am beyondexcitedtovisittheareaagain,andIhopethissessionwillallowyouto fallinlovewiththeregionanditspeoplethesamewayIdid,creatingyourown traditionofattendingSwedishsessionseveryyear.
What traits will make you a great addition to the Media Team? Creativity, diligence,openness,anddesiretoovercomeboundaries.Whileeverysessionisa newchalleng db i i i h h ll b f h di Team will ap potential,yet
Further, referring to the session’s theme ‘Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries’,Iwishforthemediateamtoembodyabalancebetweenhardwork andskillsdevelopmentononeside,andexploration,freedomofexpression,and freedomtoshapeone’sworkindividuallyontheotherside.WhatIaimtoachieve in Helsingborg is for the Media Team Members to not only observe the session elements, but also start looking with the media eye on the wider spectrum, analysing the surroundings and reflecting on how the session’s theme and its locationimpermeateeachother.
I am looking Helsingborg! Yourstruly, KasiaMyślińs
Questions for VPs
Pleaseprovideuswithyouremailaddress. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Questions for Introduceyou You have 2 h evenfinished workingsoyo doyoudo?(up Bytheendof ortriedasaCh Pleaseprovide 1. 2. 3. 4.
What’syourgreatestsellingpointforthisposition?(Isitarevolutionary ideathatyouhave,specificskill,greatattitudeetc.)(Upto200words) When
HowdoyouunderstandtheroleofaVicePresident?Inyourmind,how isaVicePresidentdifferentfromaPresidentorChairperson?(Upto300
Introduceyourselftotheselectionpanel. words) leaving the session, what is the main thing you want the Chairpersonstohavelearnedandwhy?(Upto200words)
Ifyouhadtochooseoneworkofmedia(couldbeapainting,movie,song etc…)todescribeyouwhichonewoulditbe,andwhy? WhatpurposedoesEYPmediaserve,inyouropinion?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10
Please provide us with a link to your previous media related work (withinandoutsideofEYP,ifapplicable).
Questions for HoJ
Questions for EAs
Bearing in mind the session theme of “Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries”,whatwouldyouliketoemphasizeinyourvisionforthesession andhowdoyouplantoworktowardsthisasHeadofJury?
Inyouropinion,whyisthejury teamanessentialpartofanEYP session? While assessing the delegates, what do you personally find most important andwhy?
IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalSessions,please stateyourorderofpreference.
Pleaseprovideuswithyouremailaddress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
WhatissomethingthatyouhavelearnedfromyourEditorialAssistantor Editor when you were a Media Team Member, and what is something youwishtheydiddifferently?Howdoyouwishtoapplytheselearnings inHelsingborg?
ExplainyourmotivationforwantingtojointheleadershipteamatHelsingborg 2022?Whatdoyouwishtogetoutofthisexperience?
Editress 11
ThomasMusie(SE) HeadOrganiser Mammadov (AZ) Lau Berggren (SE)
President Tracie
Dearprospectiveapplicant, Cheersfordedicatingyourtimetoreadingthesessionbooklet.Isupposeyou have at least a slight interest in joining Gothenburg 2022 and learning more about the academic vision. I am Samir Mammadov (he/him), and as a President IwillhappilyleadtheAcademicTeamforthissession So let’sget
One of our objectives throughout the season is to initiate and encourage the curiosity of participants in regards to brainstorming, sharing and exploring innovative ideas. Hence, the exchange of real life examples from your hometownorrecenttechnologicalupdatesyouheardonthenewstomitigate the energy crisis and climate change will be prioritised Here everyone is
Regarding the dynamics and ambience of the Academic Team, I envision the accomplishmentofthefollowingconcepts:
Gothenburg2022isregional,sotheAcademicteamneedstoensurethatdelegates are warmly welcomed to EYP and introduced to its values. Additionally, I want to ensurethatthetopicofgreeninnovationthattailorsdiscussionsonenergycrisisand national integration is smoothly comprehended by participants. We are primarily responsible for showing newcomers how discussions are facilitated and ideas formulated which would allow them to step into our shoes. When it comes to Vice presidents and Chairpersons, I will guarantee that your vision and approach are incorporatedintoyourwork.Idonotreinforcetheconceptoftheideal“chairing”or
Thank you for taking interest in applying to Gothenburg 2022 11th Western RegionalSessionofEYPSweden.Mygoalwiththemediateamistobringback thecreativeaspectofanEYPsessionafteryearsofitbeingdigital.Manylook back at their time at a session through the creative content created by the
Gothenburg2022 EditorialVision
With this, I want the creative output from this session to be a gift to the participants but also to this wonderful city. Gothenburg is known for its innovative community and culture which I wish to showcase and why I want potential applicants who want to expand their prior creative knowledge. Growth is the main focus of this session and I see that understanding one’s owncapabilitiesinordertogrow,isasimportant.
If you wish to show your passion for your work while expanding your prior creativeknowledge,Ihighlyencourageyoutoapplyandjoinmyteam.
Questions for VPs What would be your personal contribution to the board, and how can youensuredynamicworkflow?250max AsaVicePresident,whataspectswouldyouwanttoworkonorfurther exploreintheAcademicTeam?250max To what extent do you relate to the concept of green innovation? Feel freetosharepossibletopicideasthatalignwiththetheme.200max Whatisyouranthemsongatthemoment,andwhy?100max Pleaseprovideuswithyouremailaddress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Questions for Chairs What excites you the most about chairing? Explain with examples. 250 max What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leading the committee?250max Proposeoneormoretopicsthatsupportthethemeofthesession.Why didyouchooseit?200max Ifyouhadtodescribeyourdayinonecolour,whatwoulditbeandwhy? 100max Pleaseprovideuswithyouremailaddress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 17
Questions for EAs Describeyourselfandwhyyouwanttoparticipatein"ActualisingGreen Innovation"Gothenburg2022asanEA(inaformatofyourchoice) What area of media do you have a preference for (photography, videography, journalism etc) and how would you bring this to the session? What project/ideas, with focus of the theme for the session, would you wanttocreate? If you could describe your media aesthetic with at least one cinematic film,whatfilm(s)woulditbe? Ifyouhaveanypreviousworksoraportfolio,pleaseshareitbelow. Pleaseprovideuswithyouremailaddress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Questions for HoJ Please introduce yourself in any format you’d like! (max. 150 words - 1 minutevideo) What motivates you to apply as Head of Jury for Gothenburg 2022? (approx.200words) What steps will you take to limit biases in the jury selection process? (approx.250words) Howwouldyoudescribeyourleadershipstyle?(approx.250words) What are the main qualities you look for when selecting a delegate? (approx.200words) IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalSessions, pleasestateyourorderofpreference. Pleasestateyouremailaddress. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 18
HeadOrganiser IngridHayen(SE) HeadOrganiser Amanda Häkkinen (FI) President Maloe Laffay (FR) Editress 19
First of all, thank you for expressing curiosity to join the academic team of
The questions in the VP application are based on three skill sets I believe constitute the essence of Vice Presiding. In the context of the Session in general, the board’s most important task is to ensure academic quality, starting with Topic Overview writing and ending with chairing General Assembly. Within the team, however, conflict management as well as giving
Stockholm2022 EditoialVision Helloeveryone! IamveryhappytobetheEditressofStockholm2022andtohavethechance 22
Secondly, the theme of the event is: "Strengthening the European identity: the need for solidarity, communication, and peace". We will give an important place to the academic aspects in the media work, so that these thematic elements can also be memories to cherish. However, it is more in the way we work together as a team that I would like us to implement the
Ensuring academic quality: What do you consider to be your biggest strengths in EYP academics?Whatissomethingyouneedsupportin?(max.300words)
ThethemeofStockholm2022is“StrengtheningtheEuropeanidentity:theneedfor solidarity, communication, and peace”. With the theme in mind, please briefly elaborate on a topic that interests you and is appropriate to be discussed at a RegionalSession.Youdonotneedtophrasethetopic,whatisimportantisthatyou explainwhythetopicisworthdiscussingandwhyitinterestsyou.(max.150words)
Crisis management: At Regional Sessions, time pressure is often a relevant concern. ImagineasituationwhereaChairpersonisstrugglingwithalow energycommitteeand, withonlytwohourstogountiltheendofCommitteeWork,hasyettostartanyworkon OperativeClauses.WhatwouldyoudointhissituationtoensuretheCommitteeendsup witharesolutionwithouttakingawaytheChair’sownershipovertheprocess?(max.250 words)
Thinkingbacktoyourdelegatedays,whatdoyouthinkmakesagoodChairperson? (max.250words)
Questions for Chairs
If you have been selected to/attended events that are yet not visible on your Members’Platformprofile,pleaselistthemhere: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Providing feedback: Giving and receiving feedback is a major part of being a Vice President.HowdoyouenvisiontoprovidefeedbacktobothyourChairsandfellowBoard members?Andhowdoyoupersonallyprefertobegivenfeedback?(max.250words)
RegionalSessions’academicteamsoftenhaveChairpersonswithdifferinglevelsof experience. What are your goals for Stockholm 2022? You can think about this questionbothfromachairingperspectiveandonamorepersonallevel.(max.250 words)
Questions for VPs
Pleaseprovidetheselectionpanelwithyouremailaddress: Ifyouhavebeenselectedto/attendedeventsthatareyetnotvisibleonyourMembers’ Platformprofile,pleaselistthemhere: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalSessions, pleasestateyourorderofpreference. Pleasestateyouremailaddress. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
PleaseprovideyouremailaddresstotheSelectionpanel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Please introduce yourself to the selection panel, without using your name,nationalityoroccupation(max150words) SomethemesofRSStockholm2022arepeaceandsolidarity.Howwould you ensure that this is practiced within the jury team, as well as encouraged throughout the entirety of session participants? (max 250 words)
Projecting yourself in the role of Editorial Assistant, what is it that you wouldliketoworkonandachieveduringthesession?
ntroduce yourself to the Selection panel in the format of your choice (video,presentation,poetry…). What is your motivation to be part of the Media Team of Stockholm 2022?
How would you describe your experience in the media field (may it be withinoroutsideofEYP).Pleaseaddalinktoyourportfolio. Whenonvacation,whatdoyoutakethemostpicturesof?
Questions for HoJ
WhattraitsdoestheperfectJuryteammemberhave? How do you envision the Stockholm 2022 jury positively impacting the delegatesofthesession?
Questions for EAs
In case you have any questions regarding the session themes, the application questions or anything else related to the application process, do not hesitate to contact us:
Nicolas Vardon - NC contact person:
Jack Nassri - NC President: