Content: JuryandEditorialvision 5-8 Questionsforofficials 9 Helsingborg 4 JuryandEditorialvision 11-14 Questionsforofficials 15 Gothenburg 10 JuryandEditorialvision 17-20 Questionsforofficials 21 Stockholm 16 2
-12SouthernRegionalSessionofEYPSwden When?10-13ofNovember Who?JuryMembers&MTMs Deadline?20thofSeptember Gothenburg2022 11WesternRegionalSessionofEYPSwden When?17-20ofNovember Who?JuryMembers&MTMs Deadline?11thofOctober Stockholm2022 12EasternRegionalSessionofEYPSwden When?24 27ofNovember Who?JuryMembers&MTMs Deadline?11thofOctober 3
Heleen Vanagt (BE) Head of jury
(FR) Editor 4
Helsingborg2022 HeadofJuryVision
I am beyond delighted to have the opportunity to be Head of Jury for the RegionalSelectionConferenceofHelsingborgandwanttothankyoufortaking the interest in applying to be my Jury Member. The theme of the session, Obtaining Balance and Overcoming Boundaries, provides the perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to venture into the role of Jury for the first time. Withthethem and trying ou theme, it wil session will b minuteslong these 20 min JuryMember
Regarding the boundaries element of the theme, I want the session to be an opportunityforeveryonetogetalittleoutoftheircomfortzone.IwanttheJury Memberstobeabletoworkonskillstheydonotfeelalltoocomfortableinand develop them during the session. By providing this balanced environment, I hopeeveryonefeelssafeenoughtotryoutnewthings!
whoarewillingtojoinmeinHelsingborgfor afunandexcitingsession.Iaimtogiveyoutherighttoolstothriveintheroleof Jury Member and facilitate an environment where we can come together and learnfromoneanother.Iwillsupportyouateverystepalongthewaytothebest ofmyabilities.
Ihopeyoujoin LoveandHug HeleenVanag 6
Editorialvision DearpotentialApplicants, Icouldn’tbehappieraboutthefactthatyou’reconsideringapplyingasMedia TeamMembersofRSCHelsingborg2022.Finishingmytourofthethreebigger nordic national committees with Sweden is truly something unique, one year aftermyfirstsessionupintheNorthofEurope! The Helsingborg’s Media Team welcomes EYP-ers with different levels of experience diversifying t the concept unknownare Helsingborg skills, visions encompassin photography believeweca interests,and 7
Boundaries’, I wish for the media team to embody a balance between hard work and skills development on one side, and exploration, freedom of expression, and freedom to shape one’s work individually on the other side. What I aim to achieve in Helsingborg is for the Media Team Members to not onlyobservethesessionelements,butalsostartlookingwiththemediaeye onthewiderspectrum,analysingthesurroundingsandreflectingonhowthe session’sthemeanditslocationimpermeateeachother.
What traits will make you a great addition to the Media Team? Creativity, diligence,openness,anddesiretoovercomeboundaries.Whileeverysession is a new challenge and brings new uncertainties, I hope that all members of theMediaTe theirfullpote
I am looking Helsingborg! Yourstruly, Théo,Editor 8
Questions for Jury Member
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduce yourself. What is your life like? Talk about one obstacle you overcame recently.
Takethe16personalitiestest(,whywouldyoumakeagoodjurymember, andwhatmakesyouabadjurymember?
Whatisoneaspectoftheroleofjuryyouhavetheleastconfidencein?Howwould youwanttoworkonthisinHelsingborg2022andovercomethisboundary?
If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional sessions, please stateyourorderofpreference.
**Note:Ifforaccessibilityreasons,youwouldliketosubmittheapplicationinanon writtenformat,you arewelcometodoso!Allmediumswillberegardedequallyintheselection.Usewhichevermediumis mostaccessibletoyou!
Questions for Media Team Member
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
If you had to choose one work of media (could be a painting, movie, song etc…)todescribeyouwhichonewoulditbe,andwhy?
WhatpurposedoesEYPmediaserve inyouropinion?
What is something that yo EditorwhenyouwereaMed theydiddifferently?Howdo Howdoyouenvisionthere (Editor+EAs),whatelemen
Ifyouhaveappliedtomore stateyourorderofpreferen Pleaseprovideuswithalin outsideofEYP,ifapplicable
GosiaKupiec(PL) HeadofJury 10 TracieLauBerggren(SE) Editress GothenburgHeadofJuryandEditress
be our
HeadofJuryVision Dearpotentialapplicant, MynameisGosia(she/her)andIhavethepleasureofleadingtheJuryTeam oftheRSGothenburg2022. The Jury
is a small team with a big task It will
duty to fairly
Assuch,Iwillbelookingforindividualswhovaluehonestyandtransparency, and who feel comfortable with expressing their own opinion or asking questions.Together,wewilldiscover,orre discover,thefreshperspectiveof EYPthatbeingajurymembergives,byfosteringahealthyfeedbackculture andopenspaceforlearning.
Lastly, on the note of togetherness, I find it important for the Jury Team to putemphasisoncreatingpositiveinter teamrelationships.Asweallcometo Gothenburg with the purpose of exploring relatively new roles, a support
EditorialVision Dearpotentialapplicants, Thank you for taking interest in applying to Gothenburg 2022 11th Western RegionalSessionofEYPSweden.Mygoalwiththemediateamistobringback thecreativeaspectofanEYPsessionafteryearsofitbeingdigital.Manylook back at their time at a session through the creative content created by the 13
With this, I want the creative output from this session to be a gift to the participants but also to this wonderful city. Gothenburg is known for its innovative community and culture which I wish to showcase and why I want potential applicants who want to expand their prior creative knowledge.
Growth is the main focus of this session and I see that understanding one’s owncapabilitiesinordertogrow,isasimportant.
If you wish to show your passion for your work while expanding your prior
Questions for Jury Member
for Media Team Member
What is your motivation to be a Jury Team Member in RS Gothenburg 2022? Think back to your first time as a delegate. What feedback would you giveyourself? What traits do you possess that you think could positively impact the juryteam? IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalsessions, pleasestateyouorderofpreferance. Pleaseindicateanemailtowhichtheselectionpanelcanreachyouwith theoutcome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Questions
Introduceyourselfinaformatofyourchoice What fields of media do you feel more comfortable with? What skills do youhavethatmayhelpyoubeingaMTMatthissession? What is your dream creative project? How does your current skill set supportthis?Whatareyoulacking? Whatdoyouhopetolearnfromthisparticularsession? If you have applied to more than one of the Swedish Regional sessions, pleasestateyourorderofpreference. Pleaseprovideuswithalinktoyourpreviouswork(itcanbebothwithin andoutsideofEYP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15
AlonsoCíscarTaulet(ES) HeadofJury Malou Laffay (FR) Editress 16 StockholmHeadofJuryandEditress
Stockholm2022 HeadofJuryVision Dearpotentialapplicant, MynameisAlonso,andIamthrilledtosaythatIwillbetheHeadofJuryof 17
and other participants,
with the teams,
the Jury
in the leadership is critical,
the academic team.
Being aware of the distance there usually is at sessions between
the implication
to not
break any possible separation with
but to
delegates,theteamshouldbeprofessionaltokeepupwiththestandardsof 18
Stockholm2022 EditoialVision Helloeveryone! IamveryhappytobetheEditressofStockholm2022andtohavethechance 19
Secondly, the theme of the event is: "Strengthening the European identity: the need for solidarity, communication, and peace". We will give an important place to the academic aspects in the media work, so that these thematic elements can also be memories to cherish. However, it is more in the way we work together as a team that I would like us to implement the
for Jury Member
for Media Team Members
TellusaboutyourselfwithoutusingEYP,andshareasongthatresonateswithyou. Whatdoyoudowhenyouneedsomeinspiration/motivation? Whatchallengescanajurymemberfaceatasession? How do you believe a jury team should work to overcome the aforementioned challenges?Arethereanyinnovativesolutions?(150words) IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalsessions,pleasestateyour orderofpreference. Pleaseindicateanemailtowhichtheselectionpanelcanreachyouwiththeoutcome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Questions
Pleaseintroduceyourselfintheformatofyourchoice(video,presentation,poemetc.) WhatisyourmotivationtojoinStockholm2022? Howwouldyoudescribeyourexperienceinthemediafield(mayitbewithinoroutsideof EYP)? Whatissomethingcreativeyouwouldlovetoworkonduringthesession,asaMediateam member? IfyouhaveappliedtomorethanoneoftheSwedishRegionalsessions,pleasestateyour orderofpreference. Pleaseindicateyouremailaddressforselectionpurposes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 21
Contact: In case you have any questions regarding the session themes, the application questions or anything else related to the application process, do not hesitate to contact us: Nicolas Vardon - NC contact person: Jack Nassri - NC President: 22