Visby 2023 - Call for Officials

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NO MAN IS AN ISLAND - Reducing isolation and increasingcommunicationforajointEuropeanfuture.

Our goal for this session is to emphasise the need for connection through open communication and reducing isolation, both societally and in the session environment. To do this, we have emphasised three essential values welfare, inclusion, and innovation. We can achieve more together - so join us in building thissessionandourcollectiveEuropeanfuture.

Thesessionwelfarevisioncanbedefinedas“welfareinpractice-not theory”.Whileawarenessabouttheimportanceofphysicalandmental welfare has been growing in the network, welfare measures can sometimes sound fantastic on paper but fall short in implementation; oftenduetotheintensenatureofsessions.Ourcommitmentistomake sure that our welfare measures are effective and effectively implemented. To this end, we will be focusing on creating a dynamic andengagedsafeteam. showingthatallregionsofSweden,andbyextensionEurope,cantake partinbuildingourcollectivefuture.Inorderforourfuturetobetruly collective,everyoneneedsachancetotakepartinitscreation.AtVisby 2023,wewanttoencourageactivecitizenship,breakingbarriers,and sing communication through building a climate of true on. SESSION VISION


OneofthereasonswewouldliketobringyoualltoVisbyistohighlightthe diverse nature of Sweden as a countryandtoshowthevalueofincluding our non-metropolitan areas in activities like EYP, that build engaged citizenship and advocacy skills. Gotland is a beautiful island in both nature andculture,andwelookforwardtoshowingthatallregionsofSweden,and byextensionEurope,cantakepartinbuildingourcollectivefuture.Inorder forourfuturetobetrulycollective,everyoneneedsachancetotakepartinits creation. At Visby 2023, we want to encourage activecitizenship,breaking barriers,andincreasingcommunicationthroughbuildingaclimateoftrue inclusion. Visby is known as a mediaeval city surrounded by an ancient stone wall, however, this quaint historical city is also home to ground breaking innovation. Within the areas of agriculture, tourism, and sustainable development,thisislandispavingSweden’spathintothefuture.Visbyalso housesAlmedalsveckan,acentrefordemocraticgrowthandinnovation.It is the world's largest meeting place, bringing together representatives from allSwedishparliamentaryparties,businesspersons,andparticipantsfromall walks of life for a unique annual political conference. We wish to bring this atmosphere to Visby 2023, allowing room for delegates and officials alike to grow,problem-solve,andinnovate.

- Mikaela & Sofie Head Organisers of Visby 2023


Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on when and where you read Gthis! ood morning, afternoon or evening, depending on when and where you read this!

My name is Eirik, and I am the President of Visby 2023. Very glad to see that you’re interestedinjoining!I’lltrytokeepthevisionstatementasshortaspossible,Ipromise. For the Academic Team, I’ve selected two core concepts the session will focus on: Inclusivityandacademics.Don’tbealarmed it’smuchlessscarythanitmaysound.

InclusivityisacorevalueofEYP,andVisby2023inparticular.TheleadershipandIarein full agreement when I say that a team that’s well integrated and where people feel heardandincluded,isateamthathasenormouspotential.Thatpotentialiswhatwe wishtounlock,toensureanunforgettablesession!

Iamawarethatinclusivityisoftenmentioned,butsadlyratheroftenforgotten.Assuch, wewillstrivehardtomakesurethattheAcademicTeamoperatesasone,withlessfocus on the President/Vice President/Chairperson distinctions. It should be easy and comfortabletoreachouttotheotherpeopleinyourteam,bothaboutacademicsand yourpersonallife andjustforachat.

We’realsodedicatedtoensureinclusivitywiththeotherparticipants.Oneofthegreatest things I witness as a President is when my team finds people to talk to within and beyond our team, and someone to spend time with. I’m sure several of us have experiencedsessionswherepeoplejoincliques andIcanassureyouthatwewilltryto do otherwise! Strength and close cooperation forms bonds and better work environments.SomeofmybestfriendshavecomefromEYP,andIwishforeveryoneto beabletonurtureandgrowexistingandnewfriendshipsduringVisby2023.


Asfortheacademics,Iamaimingforeveryonetoreceivechallengesbasedontheirlevel of experience. Whether you’re a newcomer or you’ve chaired or VP ed multiple times before, our team will strive towards giving you fun and meaningful challenges before and during the session tailored to your level For the Vice Presidents, I can offer you a very hands on or quite relaxed co operation style, depending on what you prefer. I also wishforBoardtaskstobemeaningfulandflexible

Though we are focusing on academics, I am very much committed to making a fun session.SomeofmybestmomentsinEYPhavebeenlearningaboutforeignculturesand topics in an engaging manner to the point where you forget that you’re learning! That’s what we will strive to achieve, that effortlessandfunlearningexperience both forourBoard,theChairpersonsandtheDelegates.

Currently,weareworkingonexcitingprojectstofacilitateeasierandmoredynamic communicationandco operationwiththedelegates.Ihopeyouwilljoinustofindout! Lastly, I want to highlight my fascination and deep respect of EYP Sweden and the delegates they recruit year after year. This will be my fifth EYPSE session, and there’s a reasonwhyIreturn.AhighlyexperiencedNationalCommittee,engagedandinterested delegatesandstunninglandscapesarethingstolookforwardto Icertainlydo Withthat,IhopeI’veengagedandinspiredyoutojoinus andthatIhaven’tdronedon fortoolong.HopetoseeyourapplicationandtoseeyouinVisby!

BBestfromsunnyOslo, estfromsunnyOslo, EEirik(SE/NO) irik(SE/NO) - Eirik President of Visby 2023


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vice-president

Please describe yourself in your preferred format writing is perfectly acceptable. (max. 3minlength/150words)

The Academic Team of Visby 2023 is going to have a focus on work life balance while retaining good academic standards. How do you manage having a work life balance in yourlife?(max.150words)

BeingontheAcademicBoardmeansworkingverycloselywithotherBoardmembers,the Chairsandtherestoftheofficials.Whatkindofpersonareyouinaco operationsetting? (max.150words)

Case:We'reapproachingthedeadlineforsendingtheAcademicPreparationKits,butone ofyourChairsisonlyhalfwaydone.Howdoyoumanagethesituation?(max.200words)

Are there any sessions you have attended that are not displayed on your Member Platform?



Pleasestateyouremailaddress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chairperson

Please describe yourself in your preferred format writing is perfectly acceptable. (max. 3minlength/150words)

Visbywillhaveyousingle charingacommitteewithclosesupportfromyourBuddyGroup. Howwouldyouliketoyourteammatestoreachoutandcommunicatetoyoubeforeand duringthesession?Andviceversa,howwouldyouprefernottobecommunicatedwith? (max.150words)

Case:YouhaveonehourleftuntiltheendofCommitteeWork,butyourclauseshavefew sourcesandneedtobehonedbeforesubmittingthemtoResolutionTyping.Youcan'tget aholdofyourBuddyGroupVP.Whattodo?

Are there any sessions you have attended that are not displayed on your Member Platform?

I am delighted to be writing this as the Editress of Visby 2023 19th National Selection Conference of EYP Sweden. It is a pleasure to be part of the Leadership of this wonderful session that I am sure will be a great success. I am looking for 2 Editorial Assistant and 10 MediaTeamMemberstobepartofthesessionwho,together,willbeabletounlocktheirfull potentialinanopen,friendly,andsafeenvironment. OneofmymainobjectivesisforthemembersoftheMediaTeamtofeelandreallyhavethe freedomtocreatetheirownprojectsanddevelopapersonalworkingstyle,beingabletoget out of the conventional and what we have already seen so far. I am looking for individuals willingtoinnovate,exploreandgrowaspeopleandasmembersofEYP. Soundsobviousright?Althoughitissomethingthatweallbelieveisessentialandpresentin ourevents,Iwanttoensurethatthisisoneofthemainpillarsofthedynamicsoftheteam.At everymoment,themembersoftheteamwillandcancountonthehelpandcollaborationof theeditorialteamandtherestoftheMediaTeamMembers.Becauseofthat,Iamlookingfor peopleuptocollaborateandworkasateamandnotasan individualduringtheevent. OneofthemainobjectivestoachieveasanEditressandalsoasateamisthewell beingofthe membersofmyteam,creatingasafeenvironmentnotonlywhenworking,butalsoduringthe wholesession.Iwanttocreateateamwhereeveryonefeelssafeandwheretheyfeeltheycan expresstheiropinionsandfeelingswheneveritisneededwithoutanykindoffear. EDITRESS VISION IIcannotwaittoreadyourapp! cannotwaittoreadyourapp! MartaEstallo MartaEstallo - Marta Editress of Visby 2023 Dear future Editorial Assistant or Media Team DMember, ear future Editorial Assistant or Media Team Member, FFreedom,CreativityandOwnership reedom,CreativityandOwnership Inter IteamCollaboration nter teamCollaboration WelfareandaSafeEnvironment WelfareandaSafeEnvironment



How do you envision the Media Team of this session? What dou think is a MUST insideateam?


Please provide us with a link to your previous work ( it can be both within and outsideofEYP)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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