Call for Vice-Presidents, Editor(s) and Chairpersons to the Regional Sessions of EYP Sweden 2018

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Regional Sessions 2018 Call for Vice-Presidents, Editor(s) and Chairpersons

Table of Content An Introduction……………………………………….1 Practical information ………………………………..2 Malmö 2018……………………………………………3 Stockholm 2018……………………………………….5 Östersund 2018………………………………………..7

An Introduction Dear potential participant of EYP Sweden’s Regional Sessions of 2018. With great joy, the call for Editor(s), Vice-Presidents and Chairpersons have finally opened. This year, the regional sessions will be held in Malmö led by Christos Zois (GR), in Stockholm led by Yannick Léonard (BE), and in Östersund led by Fabian Eiden (DE). We are incredibly excited and honoured that these three individuals have decided to take on our regional sessions, and we are confident that they will go above and beyond to make them truly amazing and unforgettable sessions for our new generation. Each session has an individualised theme that has been developed by the Presidents together with their respective Head-Organisers, with a strong focus on diversity, innovation, respect and tolerance. If those are terms that greatly resonates with you, then we strongly encourage you to take a leap of faith and apply to our sessions. Practical information, along with the sessions’ themes and the presidents’ visions can be found in the next couple of pages. Please do take the time to read through them, as they have been carefully constructed by each president. For general knowledge, all officials are expected to arrive in Sweden by 12:00 PM CET on the CMOJ day, in order to partake in officials’ teambuilding and training. Each applicant will be informed of the outcome of the selection individually. The Selection Panel will be looking for energetic, ambitious and engaged applicants. The call will close on the 26th of August 2018 – please be sure to send in your application before 23:59 CEST. EYP Sweden will hold the right to disregard any and all applications submitted past this deadline. We wish you the best of luck, and are looking forward to reading your applications. On behalf of EYP Sweden, the respective Presidents and Head-Organisers, Heidi Park Project Coordinator of EYP Sweden

Practical information Information about the southern session WHAT: The 8th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden HO:s: Noor Al Hasseni, Joel Hultman, Lidia Forsberg WHERE: Malmö, Sweden WHEN: 8th - 11th of November 2018 for officials WHO: 1-2 Editor(s) 2 Vice-Presidents 12 Chairpersons DEADLINE: 26th August 2018 23:59 CEST The applications can be sent in through the Members Platform:

Information about the eastern session WHAT: The 8th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHO: Ivar Fagerfjäll WHERE: Stockholm, Sweden WHEN: 22nd to 25th of November 2018 for officials WHO: 1-2 Editor(s) 2 Vice-Presidents 7-8 Chairpersons DEADLINE: 26th August 2018 23:59 CEST The applications can be sent in through the Members Platform:

Information about the session WHAT: The 6th Northern Regional Session of EYP Sweden HO:s: Emelle Bayrak and Lucas Frisell WHERE: Östersund, Sweden WHEN: 29th of November to 2nd of December 2018 for officials WHO: 1-2 Editor(s) 2 Vice-Presidents 5-8 Chairpersons DEADLINE: 26th of August 2018 23:59 CEST The applications can be sent in through the Members Platform:

Malmö 2018

8th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden SESSION THEME “Empowerment, personal development and respect towards diversity” will be the core of Malmö 2018. Together with Joel, Lidia and Noor, we aim to establish an open space where everyone – regardless of their role, experience or background – will be given the opportunity to explore their own potential and contribute the maximum to the session. We firmly believe that everyone has something different, yet unique, to bring to the session and hopefully Malmö RS will be the perfect environment for you to cultivate these special traits you have. SESSION VISION Regarding the Chairpersons, the aim for the session is to become a learning environment; everyone, no matter of their previous experience, will have the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge in the field of chairing and broaden their horizons regarding team management and group dynamics. Seeking and providing honest and continuous support will be the main element of communication within the team; the goal is for everyone to feel comfortable and safe enough to ask for the necessary support in their effort to grasp their full capabilities. At the same time though, the Chairs’ Team as a whole will act as a supporting mechanism not only for its members but for the rest of the participants as well. Taking all these into consideration, we are looking for motivated and inspiring people who are committed to evolving and learning in a diverse environment. When it comes to the Vice-Presidents, they will act as co-presidents in the session; a sense of community in leading the session and the chairs’ team will be established. We are looking for 2 VicePresidents that will not chair any committee and this will give them the necessary time to be present throughout the whole session. The Vice-Presidents will provide support to the team, while at the same time they will be given the necessary freedom to form some elements, before and during Malmö 2018. With this trust and autonomy provided to them, they will also have the opportunity to explore their own potential, evolve personally and acquire new skills. It goes without saying that they will be supported in every stage of the session in order to fulfil their work. Lastly, we are looking for 1 or 2 Editor(s) to complete the Leadership of Malmö 2018. They will be an equally vital part of the session and contribute into shaping the very final version of the session’s vision while working closely with the rest of the “team leaders”, ensuring an enjoyable academic and social experience for all the participants. The Editor(s) will be provided with the necessary freedom to structure their own work and organise their team based on their individual vision. In order to do so and fully implement their plans they will be actively assisted in every stage of the session. If you think you are creative, inspiring and daring, do not hesitate to join us in November. Christos Zois (GR), President of the session

Malmö 2018

8th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden

Questions for Editor(s) 1.

In case you are submitting a joint application with someone else, please state their


Please introduce yourself to the panel. (max 150 words)


How do you envision your role within the session’s leadership? How do you plan to
 ensure a smooth cooperation with the rest of the team leaders? (max. 250 words)


Please outline your vision for Malmö 2018 in terms of media output and the
 creation of an inclusive media team, emphasising on the integration of the
 session’s theme on your work. (max 400 words)


Taking into consideration that the main focus of Malmö 2018 will be making every
 delegate feel included, how do you aim to reveal every participant’s uniqueness
 and enhance diversity through the work of the Media Team? (max. 300 words)


Please provide us with 2 pieces of your previous work, preferably–but not
 exclusively–within EYP.

Questions for Vice-Presidents 1.

What is your motivation for applying to Malmö 2018? (max. 150 words)


Taking into consideration that the Vice-Presidents will not chair a committee, how do you envision your role within the session and the board in particular? (max. 250 words)


Which training modules do you think are the most useful for first-time chairs? Which module would you feel more comfortable to deliver and why? (max. 250 words)


What is your main strength and weakness? How do you plan to work on the latter? (max. 200 words)

Questions for Chairs 1.

What is your motivation for attending Malmö 2018? What do you hope your main learning point to be? (max. 150 words)


Taking into consideration that most of the delegates will be first-timers, how will you help them become further active in the session and in EYP in general? (max. 200 words)


What are one positive and one negative trait of yours? What do you think it will be the most challenging aspect of chairing in the session? (max. 250 words)


People-Process-Product: Which element of the session do you find the most important and why? (max. 200 words)

Stockholm 2018 8th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden

Session Theme “Discovering new perspectives” The 2018 Stockholm Regional Session of EYP Sweden will focus on discovering and exploring new perspectives. It will emphasise the three pillars of discussing overlooked issues, looking at issues from a new perspective, and innovative solutions. Delegates will be encouraged to discuss issues they are unfamiliar with, try looking at these in new ways, and come up with bold solutions. Session Vision Dear (potential) participant, welcome to Stockholm 2018. You are probably reading this document trying to figure out what kind of session you will get if you decide to apply, and I am afraid I can only partly answer that question. There is after all only so much I as a president can do. Most of the session atmosphere and experience is created by the many other officials after all. There are some things I can promise however. Should you decide to join me as an Editor, I promise to give you both the freedom to implement the vision you want, and the voice in leadership to make your mark on the session. You and the Media Team are on equal footing with the other teams and I want to create a leadership where the different teams are aware of what the others are doing, and trying out new things and taking risks are encouraged. Should you want to join me as a Vice-President I can promise you that you will be given an important role in leading the chairsteam. I want my board to support me, and I want to support them in return. I want to give you the chance to develop yourself in a leadership role, and I want to give you the skills you need to shine. I believe that becoming a good Vice-President is not just something that just comes naturally after chairing, it is a different role entirely. That’s why I aspire to have a training specifically for Vice-Presidents to prepare them for a role that is quite different from any other role in EYP. To give them the space to grow they will not be chairing a committee. Lastly, should you choose to join me as a Chairperson, I can promise I will create an environment where you have the skills you need to feel comfortable not only to chair, but also to try adapting and evolving your chairing style. Whether you are a first timer or a more experienced official, I believe you have the duty to try out new things and grow as a chairperson and an individual. I hope to see you in Stockholm. Yannick Léonard (BE), President of the session

Stockholm 2018 8th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden Questions for Editor(s) 1.

If you are applying as a pair, who is your co-editor?
 a) If you are applying as a pair, please submit one (1) application together


What is the perfect session like to you?


What is your vision for the Media Team output and structure in this session, and how would you include the three main pillars of the session in this vision?


The media team will most likely be relatively inexperienced. What are the most important skills they need to learn and how will you help them attain these skills?


Please answer the first question if you are applying alone and the second if you are applying as a pair.
 a) How would you integrate Editorial Assistants in your media team structure? And what role do they play in session leadership?
 b) How are you planning on cooperating and sharing the burden of leadership before, during, and after the session?


Please include a link any piece of media, photo, picture, or anything else, you are proud of.

Questions for Vice-Presidents 1.

What is the perfect session like to you?


What are the most important ways in which a Vice-President supports the President? And what is their role in the session leadership?


We only have a short period for training before the session, and the chairs’ team is likely to be relatively inexperienced. What are the skills that are most crucial to chairs? How would you ensure they master them in a short timespan?


The session theme includes having participants innovate and look at issues from a new perspective. How can you support chairs in innovating and having their delegates be innovative?

Questions for Chairs 1.

What is the perfect session like to you?


What makes a resolution successful?


The session theme includes looking at issues that are more obscure or overlooked but no less important. Propose a topic that fits this description and explain why it is an important topic to discuss.


What should a delegate have experienced or learned by the end of the session?

Östersund 2018 6th Northern Regional Session of EYP Swede Session Theme Politics, it seems, has become more of a heated affair in the last few years: Wherever you look, debates are ardent and the future of Europe seems to be constantly at stake. The culture of our political debate has changed and it is time to consider how we want to interact with the people around us in order to maintain a functional, democratic society.
 Much like Östersund is located at the heart of Sweden, so respect and tolerance lie at the heart of democratic culture. At Östersund, we will debate questions about the limits of political discourse, our perception of others and what constitutes identity. Session Vision There are so many fantastic memories that I cherish and that I owe to the EYP: Brilliant debates, heartfelt laughs, inspiring ideas - all of these make the EYP a very special place. To me, they all come from the people I have met along the way. Therefore, what I would like to be the centre of our session in Östersund is exchange and interaction between young people from across an endlessly fascinating continent. To afford every participant a feeling of impact and ownership at Östersund, I want all officials’ teams to cooperate and be creative together. Not only does this require the ability to communicate, but also the willingness to break with previous habits.
 We are looking for 5-8 Chairpersons, who will introduce a new generation of participants to EYP. This is a fascinating opportunity, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. It is important that you enjoy learning new things and passing knowledge onto others. Co-Chairing, which will be implemented for some committees, offers the opportunity of greater knowledge-sharing and cooperating within the chairs’ team. The board, too, will pursue this notion: wherever you are in your learning process, the board will take you demands into account and provide you with support and trainings both before and at the session. 
 We are also looking for 2 Vice-Presidents, who will have the opportunity to shape support and training of the chairs. The board will feature flat hierarchies with open communication and a lot of room for creativity. The Vice-Presidents will not be chairing themselves, and will therefore focus on providing individual support to the chairs both in research and in practical aspects of chairing.
 Further, we are looking for 1 or 2 Editor(s), who have the ambition to lead their own team. In doing so, they will have great autonomy in shaping the work of the journalists and channel their team’s creativity. They will also cooperate closely with the board and HOs to adequately portrait not only the topics of the session, but also Östersund with its unique history and placement in Sweden. At the same time, they will be able to count on the board and the organising team to support them in their work.
 If the officials’ teams take genuine interest in each other’s needs and efforts, Östersund will be a project all of us realise together. So if any of the above sparked your interest, please do not hesitate and join Emelle, Lucas, and myself in Östersund, at the heart of Sweden!
 Fabian Eiden (DE), President of the session

Östersund 2018 6th Northern Regional Session of EYP Sweden Questions for Editor(s) 1.

Please state whether you are intending to co-edit and what the name of your co-editor is


Please introduce yourselves using a medium of your choice


Please detail your motivation for applying as Editor for Östersund


What are your guiding principles in leading a team? How do you intend to include team members with different levels of experience?


Please describe the relevance you attribute to cooperation between the officials’ teams. Feel free to give examples of opportunities for the Media Team to cooperate with Organisers or Chairs


Please add no more than three examples of previous work that showcases your qualification. This may include non-EYP projects.

Questions for Vice-Presidents 1.

Please introduce yourself without referencing EYP or your current occupation (e.g. school, university, job…)


Please choose any experience that motivates you to invest time and effort into EYP


Please detail what ‘responsibility’ means to you personally and how it relates to the way you want to perform as a Vice President


Please name what you consider a common shortcoming or inadequacy in the way chairs are prepared for sessions. How do you want to improve this at Östersund?


Please describe your schedule between now and the session at Östersund. Will you be involved with any projects that may interfere with this session?

Questions for Chairs 1.

Please introduce yourselves without referencing EYP or your current occupation (e.g. school, university, job…)


What motivates you to be a chair? What would you like to have learned or experienced once the session is concluded? (250 words)


Ideally, how would you like to be seen by your delegates? Do you think those expectations are realistic? In what areas do you believe that you will be challenged? (400 words)


Please describe your schedule between now and the session at Östersund. Will you be involved with any projects that may interfere with this session?

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