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Paola Palmaro interviews

Carola Kayen-mouthaan

Paola What is language of photography for you? A question of your creativity, an answer of your curiosity, a creation and storytelling of human lives, or part of each type of creative engine just quoted. Carola A part of each type of creative engine just quoted.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola Do you know and love the theater? What relationship do you have with painting and with extraordinary choreographies which appear to come out of paintings or describe scenes of daily life inspired by the past? Carola I don’t realy like theater but love old paintings, I try to revive the old paintings in my photos of now.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola When you create an image, is there a long preparation behind it, or do you already know what you want and just have to prepare scene and subjects which displayed with your mind? Carola I already know what i want and just have to prepare scene and subjects which displayed in my mind.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola Giving shape to your own suggestions and fantasies is like sculpting a scene. Photography sets forever gestures and emotions, events and daily or conceptual scenes of life.. What relationship do you have with time and memory? Carola I try to get the time back in my photos with sometimes a wink to the present.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola In a few words how would you describe yourself thinking about what you love to do, "Photography" is situated at first place or are there more interests in different fields of creativity and intellectual or practical activity? Carola My photography comes at the first place. and I love visiting flea markets looking for old stuff for my photography.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola What is youth and old age for you, what do you mean these moments of our lives? Can the photographic language give them a deeper meaning or their becoming is permanently fixed on the sensitive surface of a photograph, navigating in our commonplace? Carola Youth means an early stage of life and age means to me the beauty of life that is lived. Photographic language definitely has a deeper meaning of the beauty of live in youth and age.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Paola When shooting a photograph works is it for you a very precise technical process or also has some more unforeseeable aspect than suppose it is not predictable? Carol I go for the feeling and emotions in my photos. The technique side of the picture. Comes to me in the last place.

Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


Interview to Carola Kayen-mouthaan


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