Vol. 56 May/June 2019

Page 77

M A Y / J U N E

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REDBLACKS Tyrone Pierre

on the intersection of music & football Tyrone “Hueso” Pierre grew up in Orleans, and moved to Montreal to play football at Laval U. Now, the wide receiver is back in the Nation’s Capital, recently signed by the Ottawa Redblacks, fulfilling his dream of getting to play in the big leagues right in his hometown. Alongside sports, music has also played a big role in his life.

"I want people in the city to know that no matter what it is, you never have to limit yourself to one thing."


he 24 year old is beginning his musical journey with the spring release of his new hiphop EP “OffSzn”.

Has music been an important part of your life from a young age?

I played piano when I was little, and then eventually wanted to play the drums because I thought it looked cool, so my parents got me a drum set. I took singing lessons, and my brothers were into music. It has always been a part of my life.

Tell us about the experience of producing your EP “OffSzn”. What were some challenges you faced during the process? Things can be really cutthroat in the music industry. People are always trying to do things for their own benefit. So finding the right pieces to work with is the hardest part. I've had help from Freddie Prince, my cousin and good friend, and Tino who is my engineer. They helped me face these challenges and have made it a lot easier for me.

What inspired the music on this album? Everything that is real for me. Heartbreak, family, challenged relationships, and even daily routines. I want people to hear me talking about real stuff that they can relate to. I want people in the city to know that no matter what it is, you never have to limit yourself to one thing. Whether it’s sports or school, you can always find time for your hobbies. It will be therapeutic regardless. It’s your little safe haven, and it’s worth doing.

Your EP is part of a five-part series. Tell us more about the reasoning behind that. I’m planning on dropping another EP sometime in July/August. I already have the music done, so it’s just a matter of putting it out. I recorded over forty songs. I just felt like it was perfect to split it up. As an athlete, we go through those seasons: off-season, training camp, game time, playoffs, the championships. I pieced it that way so I could drop it at different times.

How are you balancing time for both training and your music? FACES MAGAZINE | 77

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