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Randi Lothe Flemmen · Bjørn Sørheim

A New Scoop 5 inneheld desse komponentane:

A New Scoop 5 · English Textbook

Textbook Workbook Basic Workbook Teacher’s Guide CDs Nettstad: http://scoop.fagbokforlaget.no

Randi Lothe Flemmen · Bjørn Sørheim

English Textbook ISBN 978-82-521-6740-5

Randi Lothe Flemmen Bjørn Sørheim

English Textbook

Copyright © 1996 by Fagbokforlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 2. utgave 2006 / 6. opplag 2014 ISBN: 978-82-521-6740-5 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg AS, Bergen Omslagsbilde: Getty Images/David Woolley Omslagsdesign: Mette Plesner grafisk tegnestue, København Grafisk formgiver: Hvarings AS / Anne Berit og Siri Acknowledgements: It has not been possible to identify the sources of all the material used or trace all the copyright owners. In such case the publishers would welcome information from copyright owners. The publishers are grateful to the authors, publishers and others who have given permission for the use of copyright material. (See list page 156) Spørsmål om denne boken kan rettes til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 Faks: 55 38 88 01 e-post: fagbokforlaget@fagbokforlaget.no www.fagbokforlaget.no Materialet er vernet etter åndsverkloven. Uten uttrykkelig samtykke er eksemplarfremstilling bare tillatt når det er hjemlet i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.

Contents Warming up

Do you know?............................... ................... 5 UNIT 1: Me and my family ................................. 6

Hello! Who are you? ......................................... 8 Sing and dance ................................................. 9 My family....................................................... 10 Houses ........................................................... 12 Gina and Eric ................................................. 13 Find my “sister”/ “brother”! ............................ 14 Where’s Kathy? ............................................... 15 There were ten in the bed ............................... 16 Meet the Jaws family ...................................... 17 Goldilocks and the three bears ....................... 18 I’m the youngest in our house ........................ 19 Calvin and Hobbes......................................... 20 “Smile, Calvin!”.............................................. 21 UNIT 2: Friends and pets .................................. 22

I’m new here................................................... 24 An untidy room ............................................. 26 Together ......................................................... 27 Good friends in Baker Street .......................... 28 The dog and the polar bear ............................. 30 Ramani from Sri Lanka .................................. 32 On the telephone ........................................... 33 My boyfriend / Calvin ................................. 34 St. Ives............................................................ 35 About pets ...................................................... 36 How do(g) you do?......................................... 37 The lion and the mouse .................................. 38

UNIT 3: Hobbies and everyday activities ......... 40

Kookaburra / Ev’rybody loves Saturday night ....................... 42 Maggie’s week................................................. 43 The sport and activity centre .......................... 44 Olympic Games ............................................. 46 My hobby....................................................... 48 My favourite things ........................................ 50 It’s early in the morning at No 4 Baker Street . 51 Housework ..................................................... 52 When I was one ............................................. 53 Belling the cat ................................................ 54 UNIT 4: Shopping ............................................. 56

To buy or not to buy ...................................... 58 Family in England .......................................... 59 Lesley / Calvin talks business .......................... 60 English money ............................................... 61 I’ve got sixpence ............................................. 62 At the shopping centre ................................... 63 In the fashion shop ......................................... 64 In the shoe shop / In the sweet shop ............... 65 In the toy shop ............................................... 66 Funny toys ..................................................... 67 Watermark ..................................................... 68 The man, his son and their donkey ................. 69 UNIT 5: Time and travel ................................... 72

Rock around the clock ................................... 74 At the watchmaker’s ....................................... 75 What time ...? / Calvin – Bath time ................ 76 three 3

A Chinese clock.............................................. 77 Modern transport ........................................... 78 Excuse me, when’s the next ...? ....................... 79 The Channel Tunnel ....................................... 80 Beautiful Sunday ............................................ 81 Travel game .................................................... 82 The first men on the moon ............................. 84 The solar system ............................................. 86 Right and wrong ............................................ 87 UNIT 6: The year - weather and seasons ......... 90

Three crows .................................................... 92 The year ......................................................... 93 Who loves the trees best? ................................ 94 In winter I get up at night .............................. 95 Days to celebrate (St Valentine’s Day) ............. 96 Halloween ...................................................... 98 The big surprise .............................................. 99 Discovering Santa ......................................... 100 Carol singing ................................................ 101 What’s the weather like where you are? ......... 102 The Wind and the Sun ................................. 103 The wind is passing by .................................. 104 Singing in the rain ........................................ 105 UNIT 7: Food and health ................................ 106

Bitter Butter Better....................................... 108 A picnic ........................................................ 109 The fox and the crow .................................... 110 The salt and pepper shake ............................. 112 My meals...................................................... 113 It’s time to go to bed..................................... 114 A cup of tea / Calvin Is hungry .................. 115 4 four

The bones in your body ................................ 116 Dem bones ................................................... 117 What’s the matter with you? ......................... 118 We are the champions .................................. 119 How are you today? / Calvin must stay in bed ................................ 120 I feel terrible ................................................. 121 Shake and twist ............................................ 122 The tortoise and the hare .............................. 124 A good summer ............................................ 126 Summer holiday ........................................... 127 Words, page by page ..................................... 128 Words, Alphabetical ..................................... 143

Warming up

Do you know?

– – – – – – – –

Find four things beginning with ‘p’. Find five things from the classroom. Find three toys. How many animals can you see? Find two yellow things. How many red things can you find? What time is it? What colour is the bike? five 5

Unit 1

Me and my family Who is in your family? What do you like doing with your family? Do you fight sometimes? What do you fight about?

6 six

seven 7

Hello! Who are you? What’s your name? Where do you live? How old are you? What is your favourite school subject? What are your favourite hobbies? What is your favourite sport? Who are your favourite singers/bands? Who is your favourite actor/actress? What is your favourite book? What is your favourite film? What is your favourite TV-programme?

8 eight

Who is ...? Who are ...? What is ...? What are ...?

Unit 1 – Me and my family

Sing and dance 1 I am Alice. Who are you? I am Brian. Who are you? I am Charlie. Who are you? Skip to my Lou, my darling. Chorus: Skip, skip, skip to my Lou. Skip, skip, skip to my Lou. Skip, skip, skip to my Lou. Skip to my Lou, my darling. 2 Hello Alice. How are you? Hello Brian. How are you? Hello Charlie. How are you? We are very well, thanks. Chorus

nine 9

My family We have asked four English-speaking children to tell you a little about their families. Hello! My name’s David Myeni and I’m from Norwich in England. My grandparents come from India. I’m eleven. I have three brothers. They are John, Jeremy and Robert. My brothers are all older than me. I didn’t like being the youngest when I was smaller, but it’s okay now. We live in a block of flats. Our flat is on the 3rd floor.

Hello! My name is Sue Grant. I’m ten years old and I live in Scotland. I have a baby sister. Her name is Katherine, but we call her Kathy. She’s cute. When she isn’t crying – that is! We live in a small house in the country together with our Mum and Dad and Granny, that’s my grandmother. 10 ten

Unit 1 – Me and my family

Hi! I’m a ten-year-old girl from Atlanta, USA. My name’s Tiffany Scott and I’m in the fifth grade. In my family there are two girls and one boy. My sister’s name is Tracy and my brother’s name is Michael. We live in a big house. My grandparents live in the same house. There’s a swimming pool in the garden. It’s not very big, but I think it’s lovely.

Who are the people in your family? Hi! My name’s Eric Powell and I’m from California in the USA. I live with my mother and my twin sister, Gina. We are ten. We sometimes fight, but mostly we are good friends! Gina has got a white rabbit, Snowwhite, and I’ve got two dogs and a parrot. The two dogs are called Blackie and Rocky. Guess what colour they are! We live in a terraced house, just outside San Francisco. eleven 11


There are houses Made of wood And houses made of sticks, There are houses Made of mud, And houses made of bricks. There are houses That are high, And houses that are low, There are houses That are single, And houses in a row. There are houses In the east, And houses in the west, There are houses All around me – But my house is the best! 12 twelve

Unit 1 – Me and my family

Gina and Eric Gina and Eric are twins. Sometimes their things get mixed up ...

Gina: Eric: Gina: Eric: Gina: Eric: Gina: Eric: Gina:

Where’s my calculator, Eric? I don’t know. You know. You’ve got it! No, I haven’t. Yes, you have. I know you’ve got it. It’s in your bag. That’s not your calculator. It is. It isn’t! It is! It’s the new one I got from cousin Frank.

What do you and your brothers and sisters argue about? Mum: Oh, Gina, there you are. I found this in the kitchen. It’s yours, isn’t it? Gina: What? Oh! Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum. Eric: Well?? Gina: Sorry, Eric. I was wrong – this time. thirteen 13

Find my “sister”/ “brother”! Her eyes are brown. Her hair is black and curly. It’s long. Which number?


3 2


His eyes are blue and he’s not wearing glasses. His hair is blond. It’s short and straight. Which number?

8 6 7






Can you describe your real brothers and sisters?

Straight 14 fourteen



She's got a pony-tail

He's wearing glasses

Unit 1 – Me and my family

Where’s Kathy? Sue’s little sister, Kathy, is full of energy. She can crawl and climb and move very quickly. Someone has to keep an eye on her all the time, if not ...

I can see her. She’s on the table! Which number? Now it is your turn: Can you see Kathy?

Where is Kathy? Can you see her?

... under the sofa

... on the table

... next to the cooker

... in front of the fridge

... in the bath

... between Granny and Sue fifteen 15

There were ten in the bed In the old days, families were bigger and houses were smaller. Children did not always have their own bed as most children have today. There were ten in the bed, And the little one said, Roll over, roll over. So they all rolled over, And one fell out. When he hit the floor You could hear him shout “OUCH!” There were nine in the bed, etc. There were two in the bed, And the little one said, Roll over, roll over. So they both rolled over, And one fell out. When he hit the floor you could hear him shout “OUCH!” “OUCH!” So! There was one in the bed, And the little one said, “Ah! That’s nice – I can sleep now. Good night, everybody!” 16 sixteen

Unit 1 – Me and my family









Rap an old tale:

Goldilocks and the three bears Once upon a time in a nursery rhyme, there were three bears. A mama and a papa and a wee bear. One day they went walking and talking in the woods. Then along came a girl with long curly hair. There were three bears. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” said the papa bear. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” said the mama bear. “Hey, mama three bear!” said the little wee bear, “Someone has broken my chair, yeah!”

! h a e Y

Goldilocks woke up and broke up the party. “Bye, bye, bye, bye,” said the papa bear. “Bye, bye, bye, bye,” said the mama bear. “Hey, mama three bear!” said the little wee bear, “Someone has broken my chair, yeah!” 18 eighteen

Unit 1 – Me and my family

I’m the youngest in our house I’m the youngest in our house so it goes like this: My brother comes in and says: “Tell him to clear the fluff out from under his bed.” Mum says, “Clear the fluff out from under your bed.” Father says, “You heard what your mother said.” “What?” I say, “The fluff,” he says. “Clear the fluff out from under your bed.”

So I say, “There is fluff under his bed, too, you know.” So father says, “But we’re talking about the fluff under your bed.” “You will clear it up, won’t you?” mum says. So now my brother - all puffed up says, “Clear the fluff out from under your bed, clear the fluff out from under your bed.” Now I’m angry. I am angry. So I say - what shall I say? I say “Shuttup Stinks, YOU CAN’T RULE MY LIFE!” Michael Rosen

nineteen 19

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1989 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK. All rights reserved.

Calvin and Hobbes – an American cartoon Calvin is the sort of child who sometimes drives his parents and teachers crazy. He is six years old, and he has no brothers or sisters. His best friend and playmate is a tiger named Hobbes. To everybody else, Hobbes is just a stuffed toy tiger, but when Calvin and Hobbes are on their own, Hobbes is a live tiger. They are always together, talking, playing and fighting, like real friends! Calvin’s father works in an office, and he is always busy. Calvin tries to teach him how to become the perfect father. Calvin’s mother works in the house. Both his parents try to be strict with Calvin, but that is not easy!

20 twenty

Susie lives in the same street. She is six years old and in the first class like Calvin. They are classmates, but Calvin does his best to make Susie hate him! He thinks he is smart, but very often Susie turns out to be the smarter of the two! Calvin hates school. He hates getting up in the morning and going to bed at night. He doesn’t like homework, cleaning his room, hot baths, dinners or baby-sitters! He likes desserts, cookies, cartoons and Saturdays. He is afraid of monsters under the bed and Moe, the big boy who bullies him at school. You will meet Calvin several times as you read through this textbook.

Unit 1 – Me and my family

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1988 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK. All rights reserved.

cooperate = samarbeide

sacrilegious = ugudelig/ugudeleg

combed hair = nykjemt hår twenty-one 21

Unit 2

Friends and pets What do you and your friends like doing together? What kind of animals are the most popular pets? Who do you tell your secrets to?

22 twenty-two

twenty-three 23

I´m new here

24 twenty-four

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

Have you ever moved to a new place?

twenty-five 25

An untidy room Hannah likes her new room. Her mother says it is untidy, but Hannah likes it that way. There is only one problem, though. She cannot find her things when she needs them! Then she must always ask Mum to help.

26 twenty-six

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

Together Smile A smile is quite a funny thing It wrinkles up your face And when it’s gone you’ll never find It´s secret hiding place. But far more wonderful it is to see what smiles can do: You smile at one, he smiles at you, And so one smile makes two!

The more we are together The more we are together, together, together The more we are together, The happier we shall be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we are together, The happier we shall be.

Make new friends (a round)

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold. twenty-seven 27

Good friends in Baker Street Good friends often like the same things. A good friend makes you laugh and feel good. Hannah and Tom have become good friends. Hannah doesn’t hate the new house and the new street anymore! They like riding their bikes together. Hannah has got a red bike and Tom has got a blue one. Topsy and Pluto love to come with them.

Have you got a bike?

Can you play an instrument? Maggie and Susan are best friends. They like listening to music together. Maggie is lucky. She has got a hi-fi stereo set in her room. They both take music lessons. Maggie plays the recorder and Susan plays the clarinet.

28 twenty-eight

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

Grandad and Tom are good friends. They like studying the sky together. Grandad knows a lot about the planets and the universe. They both think it is very fascinating! How many planets do you know about?

Have you got an animal friend?

Mrs. Roberts is blind. She’s got many friends, but she often says that Fido is her best friend! They like going for walks together. A dog can be a very faithful friend.

Have you seen Tom’s little sister, Nicole, animals who are has got a white cat. Her friends? name is Pussy. Pussy and Pluto are not like many other cats and dogs! They are good friends. They play and have fun together. Pussy loves to sleep on Pluto’s paws.

On the next pages you can read a true story about a very special friendship!

twenty-nine 29

The dog and the polar bear A true story

“Oh, NO! Is this the end for Hudson?” thinks Brian Ladoon. We are in the north of Canada in the middle of November. Brian is a hunter and a trapper. He has about forty Eskimo dogs, and Hudson is one of them. Now Brian sees an enormous polar bear coming towards Hudson and the other dogs. He knows that the bear hasn’t eaten for days, so he must be very hungry. Surely the bear is planning to eat Hudson for his next meal? The bear comes closer! What happens? Is Hudson frightened? Does he howl and try to flee? No, he doesn’t! On the contrary.

30 thirty

He wags his tail, grins and bows his head as an invitation to the bear. With his body he says, “Hello and welcome!” The big polar bear answers in the same way! His face and his body show that he is friendly. To Brian’s surprise, the dog and the bear speak the same “language”: “Let’s play!”

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

And then the game is on! For a long time the dog and the bear wrestle and play-fight and have fun. In the end the bear lies down and calls for a “time-out”! He needs a rest. Every evening for more than a week the polar bear comes back to play with Hudson. But – one day – he has to move on to his winter homes.Will he ever come back to have fun together with his playmate, Hudson, do you think?

thirty-one 31

Ramani from Sri Lanka Ramani’s family comes from Sri Lanka. They live in Baker Street. Today is Ramani’s birthday. She has invited her friends to a party. The food is different and very good. The children love the filled pastries. They like the taste of ginger and chilli. The birthday cake is covered with pink icing and has 10 candles on top. Ramani must blow out the candles and they all sing “Happy birthday”. After eating and playing some party games like “musical chairs” and “I spy with my little eye ...”, Maggie says, “Oh Ramani, can’t you teach us a

Tikiri Tikiri Tikiri Liya Kaleth arann lindeta gia Linde vatekera kabaragoya Kakule kaapi diyabariya. 32 thirty-two

song from Sri Lanka?” “Yes, please do!” say all the others. “Okay, here is a little song I’ve learnt from my grandmother. It’s about a girl called Tikiri. She takes her clay pot to the well, but the well is surrounded by a monitor lizard. She is afraid - that’s why she doesn’t see the snake. The snake bites her leg.”

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

On the telephone – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Stonehaven 80 52 66 20. Hello, Mrs Taylor. This is Tom. Oh, hello Tom. How are you? I’m fine, Mrs Taylor. Is Hannah at home? Yes, she is, but she’s busy just now. Oh, what’s she doing? She’s taking a shower. I see. Well ... Do you want to call back later? Or – perhaps I can give her a message? Yes, give her a message, please. Tell her that I’m coming over. When are you coming? At four o’clock. Okay, I’ll tell her. See you later. Bye.

What’s your telephone number?

thirty-three 33

My boyfriend My boyfriend gave me an apple, My boyfriend gave me a pear, My boyfriend gave me fifty cents, And threw me down the stairs. I gave him back his apple, I gave him back his pear, I gave him back his fifty cents, And threw him down the stairs.

CALVIN AND HOBBES Š 1988 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK. All rights reserved.

34 thirty-four

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

St. Ives As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives; Every wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats; Every cat had seven kittens, Kittens, cats, sacks and wives. How many were there going to St. Ives?

thirty-five 35

About pets

The reporter gets ready for the interviews. Questions: – Have you got a pet? – What sort of pet? – Is it male or female? – What’s his/her name? – What colour is he/she? – How old is he/she? – Describe your pet in 3 words. – How often do you feed him/her? – What ...

36 thirty-six

Unit 2 – Friends and pets

How do(g) you do?

thirty-seven 37

The lion and the mouse

One day, the lion was asleep. The mouse ran across the lion’s paws. The lion woke up, and was angry. He grabbed the mouse and opened his huge jaws. “Don’t eat me!” the mouse begged. “Please! I’m sorry. Let me go, and maybe some 38 thirty-eight

day I can help you in some way.” The lion laughed. “How could you help me?” But he let the mouse go.




Side 1

Randi Lothe Flemmen · Bjørn Sørheim

A New Scoop 5 inneheld desse komponentane:

A New Scoop 5 · English Textbook

Textbook Workbook Basic Workbook Teacher’s Guide CDs Nettstad: http://scoop.fagbokforlaget.no

Randi Lothe Flemmen · Bjørn Sørheim

English Textbook ISBN 978-82-521-6740-5

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