Kirsty Hamilton

This book looks at how Dane Certificate, an illusionist, performs tricks for an audience.
Look at the cover of the book together and read the title. Ask: What is the rabbit sitting in? (Answer: a top hat)
Read the blurb and talk about what you might find in this book.
Read the Contents list and talk about which words give you clues about the subject of the book (e.g. Illusions, Secret, Show, Special Effects)
If your child stumbles over a particular word, help them to sound it out. Break it down into sections and support them with tricky or irregular sounds. Tell them the whole word if necessary.
Tricky words in this book: special, Certificate, illusions, mysterious, audience, apprentice, atmosphere.
Some words that might be hard to understand are in bold. Those words are explained in the Glossary on p24.
… some tricks you can try out yourself! Can you turn water to ice in an instant?
Text © Kirsty Hamilton 2014
Rabbits, Hats and Secrets was originally published in English in 2014. This edition is published by arrangement with Oxford University Press.
Copyright norsk utgave © 2020 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved
1. utgave / 1. opplag 2020
ISBN: 978-82-11-03628-5
Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen
Omslagsdesign: Oxford University Press Omslagsfoto: Fabrik Studios; Hurst Photo Fotograf: Lindsay Edwards
Foto og andre illustrasjoner: s. 6 (fuglepinne): Margo Harrison/Shutterstock; s. 7 (belte): Elnur/Shutterstock; s. 8 (mynter): Dibrova/Shutterstock; s. 11 (n): M. Unal Ozmen/Shutterstock Bakgrunnsbilder: Jocic/Shutterstock; Scottchan/ Shutterstock; Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock; Yganko/ Shutterstock; Yoolarts/Shutterstock; Saiva/Shutterstock; Natali Zakharova/Shutterstock; B. Melo/Shutterstock; LiliGraphie/Shutterstock; Stocksnapper/Shutterstock With thanks to Dane and Scarlett
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Do you ever dream of being able to perform illusions?
As a young boy, this was my dream. I’m Dane Certificate –and I’m an illusionist!
One day I saw an amazing illusion being performed. The illusionist made sponge balls disappear into someone’s hand! I decided I wanted to learn tricks like that.
Today, I perform all kinds of tricks in my mysterious show. Kids love coming to see me perform. Sometimes they get to be in the show, too.
One of the first tricks Dane learned was how to use his fingers very quickly to secretly hide and reveal things.
bow tie can spin around unexpectedly For my shows, I wear a special costume. My costume looks simple but it has lots of hidden secrets.
inside pockets perfect for hiding things quickly bird perch where my dove waits until I need him for a trick
Many of my tricks include props. On stage, there is a red and black table with an old-fashioned suitcase on top. Inside the case are many different props. coins
I use these to hide and reveal things.
Some amazing animals appear in my tricks. They have special training to make sure they stay safe.
Jack the rabbit is the star of my ‘rabbit in a hat’ trick. Here’s what happens:
1. I show the audience the empty top hat.
2. I wave my wand over the hat.
3. Suddenly Jack pops out of the hat!
I also have a white dove called Ice Cream. In one of my tricks, I make him appear suddenly in my hands.
Ice Cream was named by a boy who came to my show. He thought the dove’s white feathers looked like vanilla ice cream!
Fagbokforlaget’s link Readers Mellomtrinnet is a series of non-fiction books created to improve comprehension skills and develop reading stamina. A broad choice of topics supports interdisciplinary learning, while varying difficulty levels, ranging from 1 to 8, ensure that each pupil will find the right book. Happy reading! ISBN 978-82-11-03628-5