Enters the Tabletop Scene years ago, Hyper Light Drifter entered the inSeven die video game scene, bringing beautiful pixel-art
graphics and an expansive and immersive world. We grew to love the Drifter, a lone red-caped figure fighting against the darkness of the past to find a cure to their sickness, or at least a brighter future.
Seven years later, Metal Weave Games invites us to come back and revisit this beautiful, dangerous, and melancholy world. Building from pixels Taking a look inside, the first thing to greet us is the beautiful pixel-art, most of it brand new and original, but also reminiscent of the game. “Given the game is known for its pixel art, I don’t think I can imagine this using any other art style,” says Metal Weave’s founder and Creative Director Andreas Walters, most notably known as the creator of the beloved Baby Bestiary Handbooks. He describes how difficult it was to find a process that would consistently deliver the pixel art from illustration to print layout. He mentions, for instance, that to keep everything in scale, they need to manually build each page and overblow the size 1000x using specific exports, so that the PDF and Print books would be consistent. The game Looking at the game you see that Drifter features its own original system, which blends
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strategic crunch with indie shared-narrative sensibilities. It features the following. • A robust resource management system including energy, woe, components, and ingredients. • An ability bar where players can equip and swap abilities; creating meaningful choice, collaboration, and synergies between players. • A player-facing resolution system. After making a roll, you compare the result against stats on your character sheet. • A new way to teach and run RPGs! Gameplay is broken down into manageable phases: Combat, Exploration, Travel, and Downtime. • A fight against time. You will slowly accumulate Corruption to lead to your drifter’s eventual end. If you’re looking to get started, the Basic Rules – free on the Metal Weave Games’ website – will show you everything you need to play, including free delve tokens, combat boards, character sheets, and more! If you’ve never played the video game, fear not: this evocative, broken, post-apocalyptic world will draw you and your players in for hours at a time. The game is slated for a full-digital release on December 14th, 2021, including the gamebook, ancillary tools, a digital soundboard for audio effects created by the original game’s sound designer Akash Thakkar, and an EP created by the original game’s composed Disasterpiece. A physical release, including a Beginner Box, is slated for sometime in Q1 2022, given international production. Please contact info@metalweavegames.com for distribution inquiries. Metal Weave Games is an ENnie award-winning tabletop games developer and publisher. metalweave.games
11/17/21 10:30 AM