As we turn the calendar page to a new year once again, many of us go through the exercise (or at least the thought) of making New Year’s resolutions. For many who make such resolutions, a high percentage fail to stick with them. One study shows that as few as 8% of people fulfill their New Year’s resolutions. One reason we fail is because we are too ambitious. We want to see big changes, so we set big goals. We may resolve to have a thirty minute quiet time every day or read through the Bible in a year - when we haven’t been doing these things at all! While these are laudable goals, if we are starting these habits for the first time, they may be too ambitious to keep!
A better way is to make small changes each day that, over time, add up to big changes. For example, instead of the thirty minute quiet time goal, maybe resolve to wake up one minute earlier each day and spend the time reading the Bible. In a month, you’ll be at thirty minutes and can decide whether to continue adding a minute each day! Or instead of trying to read through the entire Bible in a year, just pick a book of the Bible to read through, starting with small books like Ephesians or James. When you finish, start another one. Another great practice is to listen to an audio version of the Bible as you exercise or drive to work.
Whatever you do, focus on making small, gradual changes that you will be more likely to stick with. One great change may be to listen to Faith Radio consistently during your day. You will be amazed at how filling your mind with Christfocused praise and worship music can change your thinking. It will truly help you “set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.” Colossians 3:2.
Here are some featured songs played on Faith Radio throughout our local musicoriented programs:
Pat Barrett Beautiful Life
Caleb and Kelsey You’re Not Done Yet
Ryan Ellis Without Jesus
Danny Gokey I Got You
LO Worship Open
Mosaic MSC
This is How I Thank the Lord Mack Brock Time and Time Again
Naomi Raine & Tasha Cobbs Leonard In the Room
Voices of Faith Radio
“The weaker I am, the harder I must lean on God’s grace; the harder I lean on him, the stronger I discover him to be, and the bolder my testimony to his grace.”
- Joni Eareckson Tada
“Passing on a spiritual heritage to your children takes more than simply teaching God’s Word; it takes living out God’s Word. Fathers and mothers must become a picture of Jesus to their children.”
- Jack Hibbs
“God’s Word is very clear that we are sinners in need of salvation, and we cannot help ourselves. But he sent his Son into the world to live a perfect life and to die as the full payment for our sin. God’s holiness and our guilt have been satisfied completely. By faith, we accept the sacrifice of the Son of God and live by the power of his Spirit.”
- Chip Ingram
“Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, pain, fear, and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He’s sufficient for all of our needs. When I accepted this as an absolute truth in my life, I found that my worrying stopped.”
- Charles Stanley
“We’re going to be faithful to the Lord and we’re going to leave the results to Him. Whatever happens is going to be what He allows to happen. But He will be on our side because we will be obedient and faithful to His word.”
- John MacArthur
“Our unleashed words can be every bit as damaging and destructive as any other kind of aggressive outburst.”
- Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Mark Williams President
Mike Murphy Vice-President
Laurie Peterson Secretary
John Lucas ................ Treasurer
John Albritton, Jr. ........ Director
Shan Stallings Director
Glenn Cook Director
Deanne Jones Director
Chad Smith Director
Bob Crittenden
Director of Special Projects
Billy Irvin
Director of Ministry Relations
Wiely Boswell
Chief Engineer
Jeremy Smith
Operations Manager
Kim Sauce
Ministry Relations Assistant
Kelly Treadwell
Editor, Host of “FaithSongs”
Kim Hendrix
Host of “Shine”
Mary Kirkland
Host of “Praise”
Ken Senes
Host of “Praise Through the Night”
Main Office Numbers
(334) 271-8900 or (800) 239-8900
Fax Number (334) 260-8962
Comment Line (334) 271-8988
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 210789 Montgomery, AL 36121
E-mail Address
By Billy Irvin, Director of Ministry Relations
Billy Graham once shared: “I am convinced the greatest act of love we can ever perform for people is to tell them about God’s love for them in Christ.”
At Faith Radio, we are telling people about Jesus all day every day. Over the airwaves, the love of Christ is shared in the songs we play, the sermons we air, and the short 60-second messages we play, all without distracting commercials. We also dedicate space on our website and our free app with links for people to know more about God’s immeasurable love for them.
A new feature on the Peace With God website is the ability to “chat” with someone about spiritual matters. When a visitor to the site activates the chat feature, a trained counselor will respond and engage in a live, real-time discussion. They may explain more about a relationship with Jesus, offer to pray with the person, or simply be a listening ear. We want our listeners to know more about this feature, and we invite you to use the below QR code to check it out.
This site from our ministry partner, BEGA, also has links to many common questions people ask. Let us encourage you to know and share about this tool linked from our website,
And of course, for those who want to talk with someone, here are two more phone numbers that may help you or a friend.
Prayer Line 24 hours (888)388-2683
Talk with someone about Jesus: 1-800-633-3446
There are multiple versions of various hymns contained within the Faith Radio playlist. Here are some of the notable arrangements that you can hear on Faith Radio:
Blessed Assurance – Calvin Hunt – Album: Mercy Saw Me
Calvin Hunt, who has been a soloist with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and Christ Tabernacle Choir in New York City, recorded this hymn, the lyrics of which were written by famed hymn writer Fanny Crosby. Crosby, who was blind due to an eye infection as a baby, wrote the lyrics with her friend, Phoebe Palmer Knapp. Knapp played the tune during a visit with Crosby, and upon hearing it, Crosby related the phrase, “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.” The two ladies then wrote the remaining lyrics. Other Faith Radio artists who have recorded a version of Blessed Assurance include The Katinas and Cheri Keaggy.
It is Well With My Soul – Act of Congress – Album: The Hymns that Made Us
This is an arrangement by Birmingham-based acoustic-folk group Act of Congress of the famous hymn written by Horatio Spafford. Spafford, a Chicago attorney, experienced great tragedy in his life. He invested substantially in real estate, most of which was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. His son died around that same time. Two years later, his four daughters perished when their ship sunk in route to England. Spafford, aboard a ship to meet his wife, who survived the shipwreck, reportedly wrote the lyrics as his ship passed near the site where his daughters died. Phillip Bliss, a musician involved with evangelistic crusades, wrote the music. Other artists on Faith Radio singing this song include 4HIM, Larnelle Harris, and Ginny Owens.
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee – Michael W. Smith and Anointed – Album: My Utmost for His Highest: The Covenant
The lyrics to this hymn were written by minister and professor Henry Van Dyke. In the book, Be Still My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved Hymns, Randy Petersen relates that Van Dyke was asked to speak at a college in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts, which inspired him to write the words to the hymn. Van Dyke gave the words to the president of the college, saying, “Here is a hymn for you. Your mountains were my inspiration. It must be sung to the music of Beethoven’s ‘Hymn to Joy.’” Faith Radio plays renditions by Brenton Brown, Casting Crowns, and Jean Watson.
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing – Heather Payne – Album: Sweet Exchange
The lyrics of this hymn, recorded by Heather Payne, one of the founders of Point of Grace, were composed by Charles Wesley, who wrote over 6,000 hymns. This one was inspired as the result of an illness, which challenged his faith, and was a hymn of celebration for his spiritual renewal. On Faith Radio, you can hear a version by the David Crowder Band, as well as a version by Laura Story.
Our ministry was very blessed by a group of 9th grade girls from Trinity Presbyterian School on their service day. They helped us with our mailings. We had an opportunity to share with them how we share Jesus with others!
A Bible study in the boxing ring of a workout facility!? Yes, we were invited to BBS Fitness Systems in Enterprise to lead a Bible study for this great group of folks who are as concerned about their spiritual strength as they are their physical strength!
We are thankful for the opportunity to minister to families who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss. October 15th is an International Day of Remembrance, and Billy Irvin emceed the event in Montgomery.
To make hundreds of Christmas crosses requires an army of volunteers! We are thankful for some talented young men from Trinity Presbyterian School who cut all of the wood and made the crosses. We had a group of men from First Baptist Montgomery provide the final assembly!
It’s always a fun day when we distribute Christmas crosses at our studios! We get to meet new friends who are faithful listeners and supporters of our ministry work!
Heritage Baptist Church in Montgomery had a fabulous missions fair, and we were thankful to participate and share how we touch thousands of lives each day.
Celebrating Hymns THE Incorporating Hymns Into Our Worship
By Bob Crittenden, Director of Special Projects
When we look into the Scriptures, we find that we are instructed to sing to the Lord. Music can be an incredible part of our Christian experience. While Faith Radio is committed to presenting solid Bible teaching in our programming lineup, we also provide times in which you can enter into worship through songs. In fact, over half of our broadcast day is devoted to providing uplifting music.
Ephesians 5:18-20 (NKJV) states, “be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” John MacArthur, whose program Grace to You, is heard weekday afternoons at 1:30, has elaborated on the words, “psalms,” “hymns,” and “spiritual songs” as follows: Psalms basically means a song played on a stringed instrument. Hymns, humnos, a song of praise, five times is used in the Greek Old Testament referring to the songs of salvation. So, we sing psalms, which are hymns of praise to God; we sing hymns, which
generally we could say are salvation songs that look at what God has done for us; and the spiritual songs are songs of testimony, like . . . “It is Well with My Soul.” That’s a spiritual song of testimony. I would assume that you would understand that most people sitting in Christian churches across our country are far away from the richness of what this experience is for us every single Sunday. This is a gift that is really beyond comprehension. God has so graced us.
Chuck Swindoll, heard on Insight for Living, weekdays at 9:00 a.m., wrote on his website, “[f]or me, music is a must. . . . This has resulted in my becoming a student of the hymns . . . the great hymns, those that have endured the test of time.” He added, “Like you, I have a few favorites, but I’m always thrilled to let whatever we sing at our church invade my thoughts. Most of the hymns I’ve memorized bring to my mind meaningful thoughts and grand, vivid memories that have significant events connected to them.”
The music you hear on Faith Radio is centered around the concept of wor-
ship, or as it is commonly called, praise and worship. And, in order to produce variety and complexity in our music content, we incorporate hymns.
Joni Eareckson Tada of Joni and Friends, heard on Sharing Hope with Joni Eareckson Tada, weekday mornings at 10:25 on Faith Radio, is devoted to the hymns of the faith. She has, on numerous occasions in the past, led hymn-singing times at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. She said in an interview with Dr. James Dobson Family Talk (weekday evenings at 8:30):
Well, I grew up with hymns, and hymns were a way that my mom and my dad connected me and my sisters to the historic faith. For me, whether I’m in an elevator or sitting around in a lobby in my wheelchair, biding time, or in the airport, or wherever, I love to be singing a hymn. For me, it’s a way of witnessing.
At Faith Radio, we carefully design our programming lineup to inspire and inform you. We desire for you to draw closer to the reality of our living Savior, and the presence of hymns during our music times can help facilitate a more complete worship experience.
Classic 20th Century
Hymn Reminds Us Of God’s Faithfulness
When I put together a list of 100 key songs from the 20th Century, at the top of the list was a hymn called, Great is Thy Faithfulness. The lyrics were written by a man named Thomas Chisholm. The website noted:
Thomas Chisholm was born in Franklin, Kentucky, in 1866, and—like Billy Graham— spent much of his boyhood on a farm. He wrote 1,220 poems over the course of his life, often sharing them with friends. This particular one inspired by Lamentations was written to a friend, William Runyan, who put the words to music.
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness” was published in 1923, but didn’t start rising in popularity until the 1950s. Canadian bass-baritone George Beverly Shea often sang it at Billy Graham Crusades. The website notes the inspiration for this hymn:
Thomas Chisholm was 27 years old when he penned this hymn. He was a sickly man whose favorite Bible passage is found in Lamentations—the part that ends in “great is thy faithfulness” (KJV).
Chisholm had plenty of reasons to be discouraged throughout his years of poor health. And yet, this song is a testament to the way God carried him — and carries us — through life’s hard places.
Thank you for being part of our ministry work! We are thankful God allows us to share HIS WORD, all day and night commercial free, with a mix of Bible teaching and Christian music. We have some frequently asked questions about our ministry work that we wanted to share with you.
Do you charge for announcing our church events on the radio and your website?
No, we do not charge for announcing church events on our radio station or website. We consider it a blessing to support our community by providing a dedicated calendar for churches and ministries to promote their Christian events— whether the event is free or requires tickets. If you have a church or ministry event, please submit your event information by visiting our website,, clicking on “events” and “submit an event.”
While there are internal costs associated with producing these services, we are thankful to God to help our local ministries and churches share the love of Christ with the community without the burden of fees. Your generous financial support of Faith Radio enables us to continue this vital service and foster communication within the Christian community. Together, we can spread the Good News about events that give glory to God.
Is there a way to give to your ministry through my will / estate or from my IRA?
Yes, we have many ways to give to Faith Radio, and we have found that perhaps one of your greatest gifts to help us share Jesus with others is to include us in your will by instructing your executor to include Faith Radio with the distribution of your assets. Additionally, if you are over 70 years old, and required by your IRA / retirement plan to take a distribution, there may be significant tax advantages to make a donation directly to Faith Radio from your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).
Christian Artists Provide Fresh Recordings of Classic Hymns
by Bob Crittenden, host of The Meeting House
Music has always been a significant part of my life. From a child growing up attending church in Georgia, to singing worship choruses in my college fellowship, to being involved in contemporary worship ministry in a number of settings, I developed a variety of musical tastes.
I don’t think I am unlike Christian artists who have incorporated hymns into their repertoire. Recent Meeting House guest Chris Blue, a previous winner on The Voice, released an album called, Foundations: The Hymns of My Heart, and recounted for me how hymns were an important part of his life.
The group, Selah, from its very inception back in the 1990’s, has made hymns a significant part of their musical collection. They even recorded two albums of hymns, the titles of which included the phrase Greatest Hymns. I have had the pleasure of talking with them multiple times throughout the years about the role hymns played in their musical life.
There are a significant number of musical artists who have recorded hymns. Some of those you will be able to hear on Faith Radio.
So, what is it about the hymns that make them so popular?
Winner of The Voice, Chris Blue, was a guest on The Meeting House this past summer.
I think one reason is that for some of those who have been around for a while, it’s a part of our spiritual journey. If we grew up in the Church, these classic songs strike a chord in our hearts. I think there is a comfort level that is present through these musical selections.
I’ve also heard it said that hymns provide a certain depth of theology. We need to be grounded in God’s truth, and so many of these hymns can help us place truth within our consciousness through song. We can learn more about God as we sing about Him and sing praises to Him.
So, as you enjoy the musical variety that makes up our playlist on Faith Radio, I encourage you to allow the songs you hear to help you to grow in the Lord and to be more aware of His presence daily.
We have had an exciting 2024 at Faith Radio, and we have brought on more Bible teaching programs to grow your faith in Jesus. As you begin a new year, let us challenge you to take on a new Bible study perhaps in the evening time by tuning to hear one of these: 7:30 p.m. Phillip DeCourcy, 8:00 p.m. Gary Hamrick, 8:30 p.m. James Dobson, 9:00 p.m. Mary Kirkland, 11:00 p.m. David Jeremiah, 11:30 p.m. Skip Heitzig, and 12:00 a.m. Ken Senes (pictured left to right).
Prayer is a huge part of Faith Radio’s ministry, and praying for pastors is very important to our ministry. We gather each year to encourage and pray for pastors. We also participate in prayer events all throughout the listening area!
We are blessed to be out and about and invited to your events. We were blessed this year to be part of many mission conferences, including this great conference at Frazer Church!
The National Day of Prayer is an important day in our country and also an important day in our ministry. In addition to having pastors praying over the airwaves, we participate in a number of prayer events around the community.
We are thankful that Bob Crittenden includes many of our Faith Radio Programmers among his many interviews. A few that he Interviewed are shown here. Don’t miss the excitement of Jack Hibbs being a new programmer on Faith Radio!
gifts in memory and in honor of...
A memorial gift is a meaningful way to honor someone at the time of death by recognizing that person’s Christian faith and testimony. Similarly, an honorarium is a tangible way of honoring a living person’s testimony. We are thankful for individuals listed below who choose to honor friends and loved ones through a gift that extends the message of Christ through Faith Radio’s ministry.
Ben Adams
David Brown, Montgomery
Doug Bailey
Phillip & Gail Jones, Andalusia
Sarah Ballard
Janet L. Little, Eclectic
Gilbert Barrow
Innes & Mitzi McIntyre, Montgomery
Chris Beasley
Beverly P. Ming, Letohatchee
Kathy Beck
Steve Beck, Montgomery
Ken Blankenship
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
Billy Brooks
Jean Rae Cobb, Prattville
Gene Bussey
Robert & Jewel Wilkinson, Prattville
Louise Carr
Lou Ann Raughton, Montgomery
Ronnie Clayton
Gary & Carol Lowe, Notasulga
Kernice Daughtry
Rhon & Deanne Jones, Montgomery
John F. Dean
Billy & Gisele Echols, Wetumpka
Weldon Doe
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
Dr. Bill DuBose
Mary E. Wiggins, Montgomery
Aaron Kyle Echols
Mike & Carol Echols, Montgomery
Bryan Echols
Mike & Carol Echols, Montgomery
John Etheredge
Robert & Jewel Wilkinson, Prattville
Gifts made as of November 22, 2024
Jerry Forman
Kevin & Lana Spivey, Clayton
Kristen Franklin
Mark & Kellie Kelley, Elba
Virginia Frasher
Phillip & Gail Jones, Andalusia
J. D. Gray
Lee Ann & Danny Clements, Montgomery
Garry Gregg
Mary Parker, Wetumkpka
Arthur Joe Grant
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
Dr. Keith Green
Mac McGee, Pike Road
My Parents: Jack & Billie
Beth Poundstone, Montgomery
Kevin Gulledge
Kellie Weaver Kelley, Elba
Peggy Ham
Mark & Kellie Kelley, Elba
William Henry Harrison
Robert Harrison, Montgomery
Juanita Tankersley Haynes
Jennifer Aughtman, Montgomery
Maria Hill
Jean Anderson, Montgomery
Wilbur Hufham
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
Jimmy Jehle
Lee Ann & Danny Clements, Montgomery
Cheryl Jerrell
Greg & Von Colburn, Auburn
Curtis Jones
Jim & Deborah Pope, Montgomery
Dustin Knight
Ginger Knight, Millbrook
Mike Kolen
Kelly Kolen Roberts & Dan Roberts, Birmingham
Reverend John Lambert
Diane Walker, Millbrook
Brianna Lowe
Theresa Pryor, Montgomery
Sharon McGee
Mac McGee, Pike Road
Flora Milton
Bill & Ellie Ficken, Montgomery
Lindsey & Brylee Morgan
June Young, Andalusia
Thomas Fred “Bubber” Noland
Lee Ann & Danny Clements, Montgomery
Michelle H. Norsworthy
Cindy E. Hinton, Glenwood
Peggy Phelps
Julie Lash, Montgomery
Glenn Pruitt, Sr.
Joyce & Charles Lee, Montgomery
Rhon & Deanne Jones, Montgomery
Betty Barrett Ratlift
Joan Johnson, Prattville
Mark Raughton
Lou Ann Raughton, Montgomery
Verdelle Robbins
Sid & Barbara Adams, Wetumpka
Rev. Danny W. Rogers, Sr.
Joy Rogers, Elmore
Kendall Shehane
Innes McIntyre, Montgomery
Pastor Hubert J. Spann
Larry & Ellen Spann, Opp
Howard Upchurch
Lee Ann & Danny Clements, Montgomery
Barry Vaughn
Max & Elizabeth Vaughn, Pike Road
Jim Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Lothar Zell, Montgomery
Dr. Thomas G. Wells
Leslie Wells, Montgomery
Dr. Mark & Mrs. Chris Anderson
Barbara Christenberry, Montgomery
Rev. Mark Bethea
Gene & Cindy Bonner, Pike Road
Ken Brothers
Innes McIntyre, Montgomery
Pastor Billy & Sharon Cardwell – Faith Assembly of God
The Pates - Enterprise
Travis Coleman
Reginald & Syble Strickland, Prattville
Glen and Cindy Cook
Mark & Eegee Williams, Pike Road
Jyl Eickmann
Jennie Goodman, Bonifay
Larry and Jennifer Epperson
Mark & Eegee Williams, Pike Road
Faith Radio
Inez Hall, Opp
Faith Radio Staff & Programs
Geraldine Cole, Deatsville
Gwen Hall
Jennie Goodman, Bonifay, FL
Jesus Christ
Carlyn S. Howell, Prattville
Lance Maddox – First Baptist Church
Neal & Jennifer Dansby, Red Level
Chris Montgomery – Frazer Church
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Brown, Montgomery
Dr. Chris & Emily Montgomery – Frazer Ministry
Sam & Sandra Carnes, Montgomery
Dr. Guin Nance
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
New Home Church – Loango, AL
Larry & Cheryl Newton, McKenzie
Guy & Ginger Phelps
Mike & Twyla Williams, Dothan
Jesse Poage
William Poage, Elmore
Elizabeth Poole
Jenelle Jones, Andalusia
Ms. Daphne Simpkins
John & Frances Bricken, Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ward
Ziba & Pennye Anderson, Andalusia
JoAnn West
Linnie & Debbie Dickson, Montgomery
by Billy Irvin, Director of Ministry Relations
It’s a new year, and with it comes new year resolutions. You may be making the resolution to get healthy or give up a bad habit. But friends, Jesus is the solution to your resolution! Let’s start a new challenge in 2025 – in this world of selfish takers, let’s be Christ-like givers. When you become a Christ-like giver, you give hope to a world in need. So many around us feel overwhelmed as we start another year. Some may feel unsure of what’s coming in this new year. No matter how the season unfolds, God holds us in His hope. Our resurrected King went to great lengths to rescue you and be your hope!
At Faith Radio, we are sharing God’s hope with thousands all day every day. Your financial gifts to this ministry help share the comforting and powerful hope of Jesus Christ with those who need an anchor to hold onto. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us at the beginning of this new year? You can also help us start 2025 financially strong! Our world is craving for even an ounce of hope, and at Faith Radio, your financial gifts help pour God’s hope onto the hearts of our listeners.