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Introduction We created a marketing-communication plan for Paaspop with an innovative concept that will increase the clients and make his national statement in Holland. Paaspop will become one of the iconic festivals like Noorderslag, Pinkpop, Extrema and Lowlands after using this concept. By inventing this concept we considered the brand values of Paaspop, and put an experience to it. The concept needs to create more brand awareness, bigger audience and experience to Paaspop. The subject of our assignment is: ‘How can Paaspop retain their " Brabant roots" , but yet become nationally known and attract nationwide audience by putting extra experience and community to their festival’. So how can the new concept ensure more binding, experience and brand aware ness, nationally, while containing their " Brabant roots".
This plan is made by group 25: Guus Jeucke Peter Koreman Farah Souiri 2148487 Jenny van Vliet 2168474 Koert van Lieshout 2145122 Tom Smets 2156146
The following items will be discussed in this plan:
Analysis Paaspop; Target Group; Creative development; Marketing communications; Marketing Budget and planning; Conclusion
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Chapter 1.
Internal Analyze Paaspop
Chapter 2.
EXternal Analyze Paaspop
Chapter 3.
Creative Development
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Communication Activities
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Source list
Chapter 8.
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Chapter 1. Analysis Paaspop 1.1. Internal analyze Paaspop Paaspop is a three-day trip of Brabant sociability. The annual festival is held every year at Schijndel (North-Brabant) in the Easter weekend in April (6-8 April). The music festival provides a big choice of music genres for local and not locals. Paaspop was launched for the first time at 1978 and has grown ever since. This year (2012) Paaspop reached here 34 th edition, which is visited by 51.000 visitors. This is a new record for Paaspop who lined up 150 acts on 13 stages this 34th edition.1 The tickets of the festival are sold on their website ( and by 420 Primera-stores. When Paaspop is not sold out, they also have a box office at the entrance of the festival. Tickets are sold between the prices of €39, - and €69. - per day, and a combo ticket for all the days is €89.Underneath you see the timetables of Paaspop. That gives a visual impression about the festival during the weekend of April.
Paaspop has its unique selling point being a unique experience to visitors and have a wide variety of music genres at every festival. The festival offers a lot more than the name ‘Paaspop’ will suggest (more choices in genres, comedy, cabaret and especially experience). 1
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It doesn’t matter what the silent force will be, there is created a world for visitors, that goes beyond a tent with several stages and the silent disco. Just to name some performers who performed at Paaspop 2012: Apster, Kane, Racoon, Blackbone, Guus Meeuwis, Mala Vita,Rattlesnake and on the ‘Serious Talents’ 3FM stage they have Chagall, Chef’Special, Dotan Kensington and Gers Pardoel. They all play in the different areas like you can see in the timetable underneath.
Paaspop is open for guests from: Friday 6 April, 18.00 till 24.00 hour Saturday 7 April, 13.30till 02.00 hour Sunday 8 April, 12.00 till 01.00 hour The camping is open from Friday from 6 April 12:00 till Monday 9 of April 12:00.
The decoration and environment will be turned into an inviting entity where visitors arrive in a complete different atmosphere for a while. Their proposition is: ‘We offer three days of the ultimate festival experience.’ Mission Paaspop wants as opener of the festival season, the tone and position acquire in the line of iconic festivals like Noorderslag, Pinkpop, Extrema and Lowlands. Thereby cherish the loyal supporters of the Brabant audience, but is by deepening and challenge in the programming sought a nationwide audience. Vision Paaspop originated from lovers who like to party wanted to organize and become an event for more than 50,000 visitors and 1.5 million TV viewers, etc. Although you can no longer speak of a hobby, passion and commitment to the core values of Paaspop. The festival is annually co made possible by many villagers voluntarily, that the 'sense of Paaspop' wish hear and part to part of the festival. This involvement also see back to partners, sponsors, artists, managers and media. Within the context of
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increasing interactivity and digital and social communication also applies a greater involvement of the visitor, who now has the opportunity to self-as ’artist' part to become part of the program. Objectives
• • • •
Public Valuation on all elements grow (program, marketing, camping, food, experience, facilities etc.) Becoming to rural festival visitors and media From basic programming 'tickle' with innovative programming Strengthening of identity by propagating societal and social involvement
In this chapter we first discuss the problem of Paaspop; what exactly is the problem we want to address in this plan? Before you can define a problem you need to research where and what the problem is.
1.2. Target Group The research will be held for the target group of Paaspop. But before you can start the research you need to know who the target group is. The target group will decide how successful your festival is. So it is necessary to know your target group very well. The primary target group are men and women with an age between 16 and 30 years, whom often visit music venues (pop/rock) and pop/rock/dance festivals and whom developed a taste for pop/rock music, dance, theatre, comedy and cabaret. The secondary target group are men and women with an age between 31 and 60 years, whom developed a taste for pop/rock music, dance, theatre, comedy and cabaret and especially still feel young. By giving your target group “media names” makes it easier to adjust (sell) your product. Only the primary target group will be named.2
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Young connectors Demographic data THIS GROUP IS AVERAGE 16 YEARS OLD, 53% ARE WOMEN, IS TRAINED AND HAS A LOW INCOME. - Young Connectors are for the most part still on (secondary) school and they live for the most share with their parents at home. Connectors are often relatively young living in the south of the country and in the suburbs to the big cities. Since this group is for the most part of school-aged children exists, the personal income of this group is very low. The income of the families of the Young Connectors lies significantly higher than average. Beliefs and values BOTH THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA AS IN REAL LIFE IS FINDING OF YOUNG CONNECTORS VERY IMPORTANT. - Connections explain about the Young Connectors in the blood. This means both connect with a social group (at school, sports, etc.), as well as the are 'always connected'. Facebook and MSN are among the standard repertoire of the Young Connector. Their cell phone is vital. Connection also means finding the right clothes and accessories carry the good music and the good scooter. Young Connector means looking for your own identity and to connect with a group. Interests and leisure LEISURE INTERESTS: FASHION, NIGHTLIFE, GADGETS. - Young Connectors are very interested in fashion, festivals, sports, entertainment and gadgets. These interests play an important role in finding and joining a group. Young Connectors have much free time: besides school remains sufficient time for friends, sports, events and entertainment. This group spends a lot of time at home as well as outside the door. Activities outside the door: cinema, disco, club visits, festivals. At home playing games, listening to music and chatting online. Media Needs MEDIA FOR YOUNG CONNECTORS IS ESSENTIAL FOR LEISURE, ENTERTAINMENT AND SOCIAL CONTACTS. - Using media means to young connectors, amusement, sharing(friends), experience, and relaxing. Their media behavior is a relatively individual matter: choose where to look or listen plays an important role for them. In addition, this group is also able to smaller media content providers to find them. - Young connectors are light TV viewers, radio listeners and readers. If they use radio and television, is that predominantly from commercial suppliers. Internet plays an important role in their media menu. These are the 'digital natives, they know good online to find what they are looking for and with many different activities active online gaming, social networking, streaming video.
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Carefree conscious trend seekers Demographic data THIS GROUP IS AVERAGE 21-27 YEARS OLD, 79% ARE MEN, IS TRAINED AND HAS AN AVERAGE RELATIVELY LOW INCOME. -
Carefree conscious trend seekers often still live at home, they live alone or with a partner. They are often from one of the big cities but born and raised in small villages. Carefree conscious trend seekers have relatively often a technical or economic education and direction they are - recently - worked. Although the income of this group is not so high is the disposable income of this group just very high.
Carefree conscious trend seekers life in the here-and-now. This means that this group is not very actively engaged in social issues that are not directly concern them. Carefree conscious trend seekers have no great trust in politics, for example skeptical towards Europe and development. Tolerance, independence and enjoyment of life are very important values for this group, their motto is: "Live and let live '.
Carefree conscious trend seekers are in the phase between study and mortgage. This means a lot of time, freedom and unfettered life. The interests of this group reflect this life: fashion, festivals, cars and motorcycles, music, entertainment, technology & gadgets and holidays. This group has an active leisure also largely outside the door occurs: bar, club / disco and cinema are important starting points. Music and sports play an important role in the life of this group.
The unbound, free life of Carefree conscious trend seekers translates into media needs mainly entertainment, recreation and fun time. For carefree conscious trend seekers is also relatively strong that the media use individually: this group decides to which they are watching or listening, is quite familiar with the offer through television, web or radio and determine its menu. Heavy online, Average radio listeners, light TV viewers, public channels, online gaming, streaming video and social media play a relatively large role in media use of this group.
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Research Paaspop
Paaspop mentioned that they wanted national awareness/audience combined with an feeling; experience to the festival (see goals). With this as a goal, we researched first what their current image is nationally. Doing a survey by their target group clears up their current image nationally. 3 The survey resulted that Paaspop is mostly known by their current target audience in Brabant and Limburg. So they don’t have a national brand awareness yet. The experience that they combine in the festival is judged positively by the target group, but it is not their main reason to visit Paaspop.
The results of the survey leads us to the problem. Although Paaspop is a successful, sold out, festival that attracts many visitors every year from mainly Brabant audience. It is not well known in other parts of Holland. So to enlarge their target audience, they have to expend with their festival nationally. To resolve the problem we put a (question) subject to the marketing and communication plan, to clarify the problem even more. How can Paaspop retain their " Brabant roots" , but yet become nationally known and attract nationwide audience by putting extra experience and community to their festival?4
For resolving a problem, you need to know what the strengths and weaknesses are of Paaspop, and also the opportunities and threats. 5
Survey Image Debriefing 5 4
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Strength -
Large variety in activities History/ Experience Opening of festival season
Oppertunity -
Lacking brand awareness Low penetration rate outside Brabant and Limburg
Increase in popularity of festivals in the Netherlands Reducing footprint on the environment Large amount of data of the target groups, on social media and through building community
Governmental cuts on arts and culture and increase in VAT 60 annual festivals a year in the Netherlands People stop spending money and start saving money.
Central problem Weakness
Lacking brand awareness Low penetration rate outside Brabant and Limburg
Cuts on culture, increase in VAT. 60 annual festivals a year in NL. People stop spending money start saving money
Options -
During your communication with your target group emphasis the large variety of activities. No matter what you like Paaspop has something for you. Clearly celebrate the opening of the festival season.
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Chapter 2. External Analysis Paaspop 2.1. DESTEP A broad analysis of macro factors that may impinge upon an organization's business and operations.
Demographics Products and services are made for the population. It is important to know the growth, size and structure of the market. The Netherlands counted 16.738.836 inhabitants at the last measurement in May 2012. The economic growth has dropped to -0,4% Last year. Our primary target group, people between 15 and 25 years old. Has a population of 998.095 fifteen till twenty year olds, and 1.049.537 twenty till twenty five years olds. This makes a total of 2.047.632 people in The Netherland. Whereof 2.463.686 habitants in Brabant and 23.016 habitants living in Schijndel (NorthBrabant) where the annual Paaspop festival is hold. In Holland pop/rock is the most common music genre at live venues/stages.
Economic The national income plays a big role in the how big the sale of products are. But also the international developments are playing a big role. The currencies are changing 24/7 and look at the Asian countries, in the last years there has been a big change. The Netherlands is going through a crisis at the moment (started 2008). The crisis has a big influence on festivals because of the savings on grants for the cultural sector. Like said before, the economic growth dropped and the purchasing power also dropped. Lots of people save their money in crisis time, in mind that they need this money later. The crisis affects the whole entertainment branch because people making priorities. First the physiological needs will be fulfilled (food, health, and sleep) after that people need to pay their shelter and monthly based costs (Internet, Telephone, etc.). Lots of people don’t even come to the third layer of the Maslow pyramid (which shows this layer approach) or just have a less money left to do something with it. The third layer of the pyramid of Maslow is called belongings. This is where festivals are implemented (love, affection, and being part of a Group). At the 27th of April the minister of finance announced to increase the VAT rate in Holland at the first of October from 19% to 21% on luxury goods. Buying a festival ticket is one of that. So for lots of economic reasons festival organizers are deterred. Big annual festivals fight the 6,3,6,9,12&D2=129-132&D3=699&D4=(l-1)-l&VW=T).,3,6,9,12&D2=129-132&D3=699&D4=(l-1)-l&VW=T
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economic problems by adding USP’s and creating tricks to attract customers. Big trends in the Dutch economy are environmental care, responsive web design, and “experience economy”. Environmental care Thinking “green” gets a lot of attention by the government because the environment damage has an influence on the whole world. Global warming is an issue that needs to be solved by environmental care. Companies get stimulated to work on the problem by getting free support from the government and sometimes even get grants if they decide to go “green”. Augmented reality Augmented reality is an upcoming trend in The Netherlands. This trend can be described as adding a world to your “world”. Augmented reality is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Lots of festivals will integrate this trend during the following years because a festival is all about experience.
Experience economy The trend experience economy is still very popular at the festival branch and will be living on the next couple of years. Experience economy means that festival organizations want to add extra value to their festival to let the visitor remember it. The memory itself must be the product. A memory will bind people to a product and make them come back next year. In the following years this trend will spread to more branches at innovate to new manners to reach the goal of experience economy (creating memories).7
Social cultural The behavior of the consumers is getting more and more important. To make them feel stronger they are going together in different kind of associations. You have to analyze them and see what interesting things are going on. In The Netherlands cultural events are “hot”. There are over 60 annual cultural festivals in the Netherlands at the moment. Brabant decided to participate for the Dutch cultural award called: Culturele hoofdstad 2018. Which means they want to change Brabant to the most cultural and social place in The Netherlands. Brabant is well known for his social character. People born in Brabant should say “Brabantse gezelligheid” which basically means: Brabantse (local) sociability.
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The Netherlands is known as a hospitable country, friendly folks, with lots of immigrants. At the first of January 2012 The Netherlands had 34 94193 immigrants. Besides that The Netherlands spends lots of money on charity and donate to developing countries like Colombia, Ghana, and Bolivia. Really upcoming trends in The Netherlands are: Fair Trading, Environmental care Urban Nomad, and Rising of the social web. Fair Trading Like said before The Netherlands spends a lot of money on charity and donations. The Netherlands want to connect with other countries and have a warm bound if possible. Fair Trading is an example of building a good image and bound for the government but also for companies. Some people only buy fair trade products like the products of “Max Havelaar”. It’s good for companies to have a fair trade image. This way other potential groups will be attracted and maybe cooperation or new contact will contact you for it. Urban Nomad Urban nomad is an upcoming trend in The Netherland what means people don’t work on standard times in standard places. People will be more flexible in their work and can have more social contact then behind their desk at the office. Social Media The rising power of social media has a big influence in The Netherlands. Just like in other countries Dutch people like to express themself and show which group they are part of. With social media people can stay in contact with everyone they want and share what they want with who they want. Experiences and opinions are two of the most common objects to share with their network. We can be sure that festivals will be discussed before, while, and after they take/took place. Responsive web design Because most of the people have internet these days (at home or mobile) a lot of research will be done at websites of company’s / brands. This is where the trend Responsive web designs come in. Making websites easy to read and navigate with a minimal of resizing, makes sure the visitor having a clear view and can have a quick look.8
Technological 8,137,152,215,232&D6=0,4,9,(l-1)-l&HDR=G2,G1,G3,T&STB=G4,G5&VW=T
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The two most important effects on technological development is the renewal on production processes and the new coming products. And also the communication technological has a big influence. The influence of smart networks With every new smart device and every new intelligent software application that is added to the network, all computers and devices within that network will get smarter. All these devices will exponentially benefit from each new connection. Whether it is to make connections between people and between machines: there will be new opportunities that offer a solution to social problems. Examples are the use of ICT for reducing the high cost of healthcare and solutions for smart power. For the importance of the network, each form of interruption has his consequences. That is why the demand for carefully designed and effectively managed network connections within the global IP backbone and high-speed wireless networks will keep growing exponentially. To the enterprise cloud and back The enterprise cloud will reach maturity stage and will provide significant benefits, such as a drastic reduction of the investment costs, bigger business efficiency and saving resource usage. Cloud computing services companies will provide powerful new possibilities to easily move workloads between their internal data center and the cloud of an external service provider. Whether it is a public, private or hybrid cloud, the enterprise cloud will play a crucial role in the 'mobilization' of business applications. This will allow staff mobility greatly improved and paved the way for new business applications. Large data volumes, large insights With the right tools available for the management of huge data collections, companies tap into vast amounts of information to increase their tempo of innovation. The role of Chief Information Officer will turn into Chief Innovation Officer. The CIO will be given the task to assess the quality of data and strategic applications to develop new business opportunities and a fact-based decision making. This improved decision will have a positive impact on the operating result. Predictive analysis based on massive amounts of data from different sources will become an increasingly important tool for businesses. Companies that navigate on the right way, with the knowledge in their data, will significantly improve their competitiveness. The social company Companies have embraced the internet in the meantime, but will get an even more social character. The capacity at all levels of the organization to tap knowledge will be the new standard. Using the right tools, such as HD video for a better collaboration and intelligent crowdsourcing, companies can quickly, easily and effectively generate, find and exchange than ever. This allows them to increase their tempo of innovation and improve productivity, so that the benefits will heat up. A workforce that spans several generations will enable the
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deployment of technology that can handle a truly boundless work style. Work will be considered as an activity that is no longer tied to a specific location. Video Technology is the future Video technology will show good in the following year because of its popularity among users and the ease which it is available on tablets, mobile phones and laptops. Thanks to the availability of ultra-high bandwidth and the combination of global IP networks with wireless 4G LTE networks, video technology will become the preferred medium of business communication. This technology will be used for everything from team meetings to quarterly reviews and information on demand on strategic projects. The emergence of contact centers using video technology and business-to-consumer application to support customers, video technology will finally emerge. Social media A few years ago, many trend watchers said that the new possibilities with social media could maybe destroy the "normal events". By now we know better: with social media, the organizer has an almost inexhaustible source of new opportunities to strengthen the power of his/her event. Energy savings provide business and social benefits For many companies; energy will be an important objective. And that’s absolutely necessary. In 2012, public and private sectors will invest together, in more efficient lighting, energy efficient air conditioning, ventilation and heating systems and other energy efficient technologies. Companies will look for flexible energy sources, which provide on-demand capacity for peak loads and reduce power once the usage reduces.
Ecological With the ecologic variables you can think of environmental regulation, good and responsible social marketing concepts, labels for products . Climate change The Dutch climate is changing: The average temperature in the Netherlands over the past century has risen by 1.7 degrees Celsius and the number of annual summer days increased with almost 20 degrees. The total annual precipitation increased by about 20 percent and the frequency of heavy rainfall increased significantly. The measured temperature rise in the Netherlands is approximately two times higher than the world average and in the Netherlands there hasn’t been a weakening of this rising trend in the past 20 years. According to current knowledge, climate change in the Netherlands in the coming centuries set to continue, though the extent and tempo of this change is uncertain. The annual precipitation in the Netherlands until the end of this century may be
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decrease with 5 percent, but also increase by 6 percent. This makes it difficult to adapt to climate impacts. CSR Corporate Social Responsibility, also is focused on economic performance (profit), with respect for the social aspect (people) and environmental conditions (Planet). Also called the "Triple-P". The trend of CSR is a logical and social requirement for entrepreneurs. Where the triple P approach (people, planet, profit) in general sense, is used to focus on describing areas of CSR, the festival sector can also use the fourth P of ‘Pleasure’. With the addition of ‘Pleasure’, the areas of CSR will be complete and balanced. Obviously, a festival must be fun with an interesting artistic offering in the program. A number of festivals are considering the possibilities of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Some find it natural to do 'the good thing' without having the need to publicize it, while others just choose to spread the message widely as a contribution to the awareness of social and environmental issues while others haven’t been able to explore the possibilities. Green entrepreneurship With green entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur wants to show the rest of the world that he is thinking about the environment. The survival of good business is no longer only dependent on a good financial policy. It is also very important that you have a good operating efficiency combined with protection of the environment. That is green entrepreneurship. Companies have a major impact on the quality of water, soil and air. The use of hazardous substances and waste production ensure a high concentration of harmful substances in air, water and soil. This has a negative impact on human health and biodiversity of animals and plants. That is why many consumers, businesses and CSOs think the environment is a very important issue. Companies can respond by taking their business environment into account by reducing the emission of harmful substances, waste and recycle it.
Political-legal9 Cuts on art and culture The Dutch government has a big budget deficit. That is why the government must cut in the following years. That means that there is less money for grants for art and culture. From 2013, € 700 million stays available for culture each year. There is € 200 million savings.
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New cultural policy 2013-2016 Most cultural offer is already established without government grants. If the government does help, this is mainly to help institutions that can’t survive without grants. Cultural institutions should focus more on entrepreneurship. More than ever companies have to gain their own income.
VAT increase The VAT increase from 19% to 21%, is a loss in purchasing power for the consumer. Per household, the VAT increase will cost about 15 euros per month in 2013. To introduce the VAT increase earlier, the Dutch Senate and the Dutch House must have agreed with the bill for VAT increase before 1. October. According to calculations made by the coalition parties, the Dutch government will provide about 4 billion euros with the VAT increase. The VAT increase from 2013 will be increasingly compensated by a lower income tax.
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2.2. Customer analysis The customer analysis gives a picture of how the customers of Paaspop look like. The customer analysis is used for the external environment and to map an enterprise. The output of the customer analysis serves as input for the SWOT analysis. Doing a customer analysis gives Paaspop the opportunity to respond to the opportunities and threats that the customers bring. This will be analyzed on the basis of the 6 W of Ferrel et al (1999). Through market research (desk research) on the internet, these customers can be mapped. Who? Paaspop is for people whom often visit music venues (pop/rock) and pop/rock/dance festivals and whom developed a taste for pop/rock music, dance, theatre, comedy and cabaret. Paaspop cherishes their loyal fans from the province of North-Brabant but also tries to reach the national public. What? Paaspop is a three day trip of Brabant sociability. The annual festival is held every year at Schijndel (North-Brabant) in the Easter weekend in April. The music festival provides a big choice of music genres for local and not locals. Paaspop was launched for the first time at 1978 and has grown ever since. This year (2012) Paaspop reached here 34 th edition which is visited by 51.000 visitors. This is a new record for Paaspop who lined up 150 acts on 13 stages this 34th edition. Where? First of all, the customer can buy a ticket at ticket service Paylogic. Paylogic works with the well-known payment methods Ideal and Credit card. Beside online ticket buying, customers can also buy tickets at regional sales offices in the province of North-Brabant and at 420 Primera-stores spread in the country. Once the customer bought a ticket, he/she will come to festival park De Molenheide in Schijndel, a small village in North-Brabant. That is where the festival is held. During the festival the customer buys tokens to spend at the festival. When? The festival is held every year in the Easter weekend in April. Early bird ticket sale starts 4 months earlier at December and regular ticket sale starts in January, 3 months before start of the festival. Why? The ‘total experience’ is the main reason why people come to Paaspop. It is not only a music festival. People can also enjoy theatre, comedy, cabaret etc. In short, there is so much to see and to do at Paaspop. It can be seen as a small city that exists for 3 days. Besides that, music
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is the second reason people come to Paaspop. With a high-quality line up of the best bands and DJs at that moment, Paaspop is the ideal way to open your festival season. Which way? Most of the customers of Paaspop visit the website They came in touch with this website through the several advertisements that Paaspop has spread. The advertisements refer to the website or the ticket service where tickets can be bought. Once they bought a ticket, customers have the permission to come to the festival and spend their money there.
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2.3. Industry analysis With the industry analysis, the event sector is mapped. The main objectives of branch analysis is to gain an insight into the opportunities and threats from the industry and the attractiveness of the market in which Paaspop operates. What influence does the industry have on Paaspop? The event industry can be divided into 2 parts: Corporate events and public events. Paaspop is a typical example of a public event. A public event is defined as: "A public event is a freely accessible to the public, temporarily organized event, often tied to licenses, aimed at an audience with a consciously chosen shape and an escape of everyday life and so not a routine occasion."
Public events can be categorized in different ways. In for example visitors, large, shape / type, distribution, etc. The following types / forms can be distinguished:
- Festivals; - Exhibition / exhibitions / fairs / demonstrations; - Concerts / music performances; - Manifestations; - Sporting Events; - Attractions; - Markets; - Memorials and ceremonies; - Parades / parades / marches; - Demonstrations
Below is an explanation of the different types / forms of festivals A festival includes several shows, where besides drinking, people also can eat. There are various types of festival: - Music festivals (such as dance, jazz and multi-cultural); - Film festivals (like Dutch and international); - Theatre festivals (such as street theater and theater-on-site); - Arts Festivals (mix of theater, dance, music, visual arts, film and new media). ďƒ PAASPOP
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2.4. Competition analysis The competitor analysis is a part of the external analysis and is used to map the external environment of a company. What influence do competitors have on a company? The opportunities and threats that come out serve as input for the SWOT analysis on which the final choice of strategy for Paaspop is based on. The Five Forces of Porter: The force of suppliers Suppliers can have a big influence on festivals. If they don’t reach the deadlines, a festival can get in big trouble or even can be executed. Suppliers also have an influence on the quality of the festival by deliver low quality, damaged, or broken supplies. The force of the customer The strongest force is the force of the customer. They can make or break a festival even before it’s executed by word of mouth. In other words if you make them happy or give them a unique experience they will spread that positive message. To hold an annual festival you have to make the customers come back. The customer ensures the money which you need for costs, expenses, and the mostly next edition of a festival. The force of substitutes and complementary goods There are lots of substitutes for the “festival feeling”. This need can also be fulfilled by Campings, Recreation parks, and amusement parks. Besides that there are lots of other events and festivals based on the same entertainment values as Paaspop. Direct competitors of Paaspop are Pleinpop at Alphen and Prilpop at Sevenum. These festivals are on the same day in the same weekend as Paaspop. Visitors can only visit one of those three at once and most of them can spend their money only at one festival a month. This in mind, Neterpop, Durbuy Rock Festival, Rock Herckenrode, Dranouter aan zee, Groez Rock, and Mosterdpop also are direct competitors. Indirect competitors in the same month are Sunsation Dance Event and of course Queensday. The force of new entrants There is a small force of new entrants. Because of the global economic crisis, lots of starters are deterred. Also there is a cut in cultural subsidy. New entrants are possible but not a dangerous competitor to Paaspop who is already known by a big audience. The force of other market players (Internal competition) There is no big competition to Paaspop, because they are the biggest event during the easter weekend. There are lots of big annual events with all their own type of audience. That is why there is not a strong competition going on in the festival branch, however they all want to attract as much visitors as possible.
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2.5. Distribution analyse The distribution analysis gives a picture of what kind of distribution forms are possible. The distribution analysis is a part of the external analysis, and is used to map the external environment of a company. The opportunities and threats that resulting from this, serve as input for the SWOT analysis on which the final choice of strategy for Paaspop is based on.
Distribution method
Above is the method of distributing of Paaspop described. Question is how does the product end at the customer? Paaspop has a collaboration with Paylogic. People can buy tickets on a very safe way with the Ideal paying system. Besides that, Paaspop contracts with suppliers once they made a compromise about price and delivery. Three weeks before the start of the festival, suppliers start to deliver to Paaspop for the building of Paaspop. The customer can buy a ticket for Paaspop at ticket service Paylogic. The customer can surf to the website en from here the customer will be referred to Paylogic. It is also possible to go to one of the regional sale points in the province of North-Brabant or at one of the Primera stores, what are spread in the country. Once arrived at the festival, customers can buy tokens to spend on food, beverage, attractions, merchandise etc. The distribution process can be damaged if suppliers make breach of contract, when customers do not appear at the festival because of bad weather, private issues or other circumstances. The main objective for the chosen method of distributing of Paaspop is to make profit.
Distribution functions The distribution process Paaspop includes transport, storage, disclosure, promotion, negotiation, ordering, financing, risk taking and paying. Paaspop first always examine whether the offer of entertainment consistent with the objectives of the festival and whether it has a positive influence on the course of the festival.
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Distribution forms and distribution position Paaspop distributes its products indirectly through a traditional channel. There are two links before and that is the manufacturer and supplier. Paaspop uses exclusive distribution, because the unique offer what Paaspop has to offer, is only obtainable at Paaspop . Distribution concentration There are power relations within the distribution channel of Paaspop. The festival orders to suppliers who also supply at other festivals.
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Chapter 3. Creative Development Associations with the MOODBOARDS
Moodboard 1
Mood board 2
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Result of combining the 2 mood board
Picture 4
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Introduction to the concept To come up with the total concept, we went through a lot of steps. At first we made a brainstorm about the festival Paaspop itself (brainstorm1). In here we found out that Paaspop isn’t very well known for ‘outsiders’ people how haven’t been to Paaspop before. But one of the associations was Las Vegas and we figured out that that would be a really great theme. So we made another moodboard to figure out what Las Vegas stands for (mood board 2). We combined the two mood boards and so we came up with the idea of the whole Las Vegas area. We made combinations with the two mood boards to recreate order in the chaos of all the words. This way a result was created with big main subjects (see picture 3&4). The Las Vegas Strip was born and so our total concept! We hope you enjoy our creativity and maybe we will see our concept back in 2018. Concept objectives: With our concept we would like to achieve the following objectives. -
By using our innovative Las Vegas concept we would like achieve 10 000 more visitors on top of the 50 000 we had in 2012, to Paaspop during every year, from amongst our target group, people between 16-30 years old, between the years 2012 and 2018, to increase the size of the festival and the size of the market share. Through our increased promotion and word of mouth, from our increased visitors, we shall increase Paaspop`s brand awareness by 20% nationwide, during the period 2012 to 2018, to increase the active awareness of Paaspop. Through more visitors generated by our concept and increased brand awareness we will increase Paaspop`s net income by 5% every year in comparison to the year before, between the years 2012 and 2018, so that Paaspop can maintain financially healthy. By using our Las Vegas concept we should have at least 4 more activities in 2018 in comparison with 2012, to increase customer satisfaction.
Main objective our main objective is to increase the number of visitors and increase the brand awareness and customers satisfaction, so that Paaspop can grow into a national festival with a great financial viability.
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Concept name: What happens in Schijndel, stays in Schijndel 3.1. Concept 1. Spuiten en Slikken on Tour @Paaspop (BNN, Try before you die, drugs, seks, feesten, rock ’n roll, tv) a. Interviews As ever the crew of Spuiten en Slikken interviews the audience, dj’s and other artists during their show. In the live special of Paaspop that stays the same but the change is that all questions and stories are linked someway to the festival. Frequently visiting artists will be questioned. b. Camping (sex-)tips Within’ this theme there will be built a small podium at the campsite and comical tips will be given regarding sex on the campsite. Topics for this can be for example: - Not getting caught in your tent. - One-nightstand do’s & don’ts - In the tent with that hot guy (In die tent met die lekkere vent) c. Testbus In co-operation with the GGD (Unity) making a small bus possible for advice and deed, test (STD’s, drugs e.o.). Possibly two busses, one for the festival site and one for the campsite. d. Sex-panel Inviting specialists during the broadcast of Spuiten en Slikken, like Goedele Liekens and Cora Emens (in the field of sex) to answer questions of the audience. (This could be done in combination with A & B) e. Ill-luck & blunders Visitors of the campsite can drop their blunders that happened on any festival before anonymously in some kind of a mailbox and their story will be told in the show. f. Burlesque show On ‘The Strip’ will be a Burlesque tent and from here visitors will be interviewed about their fantasies and experiences regarding stripteases and the sex-industry. g. Try before you die A well-known part of BNN in which ‘once-in-a-lifetime activities’ will be undergone. Here you can think of activities like crowd surfing, giving a peepshow/ burlesque show in the burlesque tent, giving a performance on the main stage. 2. Camping Deluxe (camping, samen, slapeloze nachten, luxe, the city that never sleeps, spa, hotels, monumentale bouwwerken) For this part we chose to change the concept of the festival campsite. In one of the objectives was stated that there is an uncertainty about the way visitors want to pass the night at the campsite. If they really want to stay the entire festival in tents… That’s why we created Camping Deluxe. The total campsite will be expanded with the camping deluxe, this
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is a part where visitors do not have to bring their own tent but can stay at the temporary Paaspop hotel. This hotel is built through big containers and can be built in only a week. This containers do have windows, they will be built in the form of the Bellagio hotel, Las Vegas. (see impression below). In the middle will be a winding staircase and at the back of the ‘hotel’ will be the hallway as well as the entrance of all the ‘rooms’. In total there are 80 containers that can house 320 people.
To keep the whole Las Vegas Bellagio hotel feeling we created a fountain. As you can see on the image above, this kind of fountain isn’t possible to place but an alternative can be a ‘Fountain-bar’.
These containers are about 9 meters long and 2,4 meters wide and will be furnished like the plan below:
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Four people can be housed here, and two bunk beds will be placed in the bedroom. There is a small kitchen counter and a small bathroom with shower, toilet and sink. For the extra Luxury feeling, guests can choose to opt-in for the breakfast-service. Extra costs will be accounted of course.
3. Entertainment = Las Vegas in Brabant (Las vegas in het klein, entertainment, try before you die, goochelen, sterren, hologram, Elvis, games, magic, little white chapel, trouwen, gokken, casino’s, nep-nep, striptease)
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a) The Strip Paaspop wants to fit in the same street as Lowlands, Pinkpop as well as Noorderslag. To reach that kind of status, the capacity of the festival needs to grow. Paaspop already has the looks similar to Las Vegas, but what is Paaspop without The Strip? The festival site will extend with one street containing 5 different stages. Four stages will have the same capacity as the Jack Daniels stage. The biggest one on the end will have the same capacity as the Extreme stage. In The Strip are: The little White Chapel, Burlesque, Casino, the Magician and Blast from the Past. The Strip will be build up, using lots of neon lights, spectacular high displays, fast moving things and a lot of visuals just like in Las Vegas. You don’t know where to look and every time you see something new in this area.
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b) The Little White Chapel At The Strip visitors have the opportunity of getting married. This wedding contains an altar with a priest, visitors can put on wedding clothes and this whole ceremony is getting photographed by a polaroid camera (of which Polaroid could be a sponsor) and digital photos. After the festival people can download their photos on the Paaspop website with a code which will be handed out after the ceremony. In the chapel visitors can get condoms (of which DUREX could be a sponsor), wine and grilled cheese-sandwiches. Grilled cheese sandwich aka Tosti’s for the “white bread weeks”.
c) Burlesque The Burlesque will look like Moulin Rouge, both the interior and exterior. At Burlesque visitors can watch shows of a variety of genres on a theatrical base. - Burlesque: Nearly nude women in big cocktail glasses performing dance-acts. - Rocky Horror Show: Scary and weird looking freaks performing a play or play in a band like Lordi in fifties tuxedos. - Contortionists show Hostesses will also serve champagne and cocktails in this chic tent.
d) Casino The façade of this tent will be a great slot machine, so that the visitor immediately knows what kind of activities there will be held. At the casino visitors can play similar games to casino games, such as life-size roulette, of which you must throw or shoot a ball in a
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rotating wheel. No real gambling or poker will be played. With these games you can win Paaspop merchandise or tickets for other performances at music venues. This has to be in collaboration with other venues and festivals.
e) The Magician In this showbiz tent illusionists and magicians will show their skills interactive with the audience, for example: a fake elephant, a person or watch to disappear.
f) Blast from the Past The development on the technique of holograms is going very strong in recent years. At the Coachella festival in America Tupac occurred in a performance with Snoop Dogg this year. We all know that Tupac died years ago, but they’ve managed to let the master of the rap perform using visual effects. In 2018, this technique will be further expanded; enabling other deceased celebrities to occur on the stage of Paaspop. Think: Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Nirvana, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and so on.
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4. (VIP) Lounge (VIP-Lounge, eieren, vet ontbijt, ontnuchteren, kater, spa, champagne) At the festival there will be a (VIP) lounge area. In this lounge, visitors can get a massage from nurses from Coca Cola, drink anti-hangover shakes to wake them up, relax in hammocks, benches, large pillows and so on. It will be an oasis of tranquillity. This area of tranquillity is a nice place to network, meet people and socialize with your friends.
5. The Strip (drank, attributen, veel mensen, lichtjes, bier, feest, VIP-Lounge, theater, partners) This part has already been explained in part 3.a).
6. ‘Gezelligheid’ with a soft ‘G’/Gezelligheid met een zachte ‘G’.
7. Middle of Nowhere: Schijndel (vrijwilligers, samen, gezellig& gemoedelijk, Brabant, Schijndel, vrije dag, zachte ‘G’) Because Las Vegas is built in the desert in the middle of nowhere like an oasis, so is Pinkpop built in the small village Schijndel. For some people Schijndel is the middle of nowhere as well. But most of the Dutch people know Brabant and that’s where Schijndel is located. So we’re using the image of Brabant in Paaspop. Brabant is known as a Burgundian, sociable and cosy part of the Netherlands. And these characteristics are perfect to use for Paaspop. In the map of the existing festival terrain, an extra terrain is added as the
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Las Vegas area. To come there a bridge is placed to go over the ditch. This bridge is about 6 meters wide and 10 meters long and on both sides small stands will be selling typical ‘Brabant’ foods en drinks. Examples here are worstenbroodjes, eierkoeken, Bossche bollen and Schrobbelèr. Those stands can be designed by students of the Sint Lucas school in Boxtel and the Sint Joost academie in Breda.
This is a great way to save on costs for Paaspop and appreciating the Brabant youth by letting them design a part of Paaspop. This is a great opportunity for the students to finally design something for a real client. On the edges of the bridge big signs will be placed with signs like: ‘What happens at Paaspop, stays at Paaspop’, ‘Welcome to fabulous Paaspop’ and ‘Brabants voor beginners’ (see opposite).
8. Renewal
(entertainment, vernieuwend, transformerende beleving, betaalpas, hologram, camping, trouwen)
To stay ahead of our competitors you have to keep on renewing on all levels. That’s why we chose for holograms on the ‘Blast from the Past’-stage, this is a technique that’s still evolving. But by 2018 this should be a more mainstream thing on festivals.
a) Paypass In the near future financial transactions will be a lot easier and safer. That’s why the company META developed a festival card. The festival card was developed to make payments on the festival easier, safer and faster. We think cashless payments are a good thing – keeping all your festival money and change on a card is safer and easier than carrying cash, and transactions taking up 3 seconds makes it definitely faster too.
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b) Paaspop-pass You can get a Paaspop card at Paaspop card top up points. You can upload any amount, of cash. Now you have nothing else to do, but to leave your wallet and belongings in a luggage locker. At het festival you can pay anything you want with the pas. After you ordered your beer, there is nothing left to do but to tap your card to the card reader, hold it there for 1 second and that’s it. Of course if you want to give a tip for the waitress, you can do that too.
Why is the Festival Card so easily? The festival card is easy because the card isn’t registered by name, but protected by a pin code. Visitors will experience a safer and more reliable payment method. You can party without any cash in your wallet. This also makes it less significant that someone has his / her lose money. If you lose the card (after a simple registration card) you can immediately block your card. The money will be transferred to a new card. Issues with coins and banknotes remain saved. Easier service: all you need to do is hold the card for the card reader. Each payment only takes 2-4 seconds to complete
Watch The same payment method can be integrated in a watch. So that makes it even possible to pay with a watch. c) Campsite This part has already been explained at no. 2.
d) Marrying at Paaspop This part has already been explained at no. 3.b)
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Chapter 4. Budget concept For the budget we made a estimate what the concept is going to cost. If you do this lightly every year then the concept will “survive” through the years. In 2018 will the concept be in his highest peak en then all the cost should have been made. If this concept expands you can make Paaspop bigger and bigger after 2018. 1. Spuiten en slikken (PARTNER)
Tips for camping sex Test car (SOAs) Try Before You Die Tent Aggregates Stage Costs: € 18.000,-
2. Camping deluxe
Sea container Breakfast service Decoration Vegas-style Tent Aggregates Stage Costs: € 59.000,-
3. Entertainment: Las Vegas in Brabant
Magic show Casino Holograms at area ‘Blast from the past’ Street artists ‘Elvis and stars’ Little White Chapel Striptease Tent Aggregates Stage Costs: € 73.000
4. VIP lounge
Care Lounge seat, hammocks, Champagne bar Anti-hangover drinks Tent Aggregates Stage Costs: € 7.500
5. The Strip
Long street with characteristics of Las Vegas
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Costs: € 200.000 6. Gezelligheid met een ‘zachte G’
Meeting point ‘Brabants’ for beginners ‘Worstenbroodjes’ ‘Bossche bollen’ ‘Schrobbelèr’ La Trappe Costs: €8.000
7. Communication tools
Website rebuild (responsive webdesign) Phone app Drukwerk Costs: €2.200
Total €359.700
Although an estimated amount of €359.700 looks allot, but like we said before, if you implant it bit by bit every year, then you can spread the costs over the years. By doing this gently every year the effect on the entrance prize shouldn’t be affected. The purpose with this concept is to create the stages with the volunteers, and if you divide the total amount over the years it should not affect the entrance price. Also the price for the camping will stay the same. But if you choose the “Bellagio” camping part then you just pay a bit more, around €80,- but then for all the days per living container for 4 persons per container. The profit of that can be put in to create the strip.
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Chapter 5. Communication activities Internet/website One of the problems facing Paaspop is that, based on our survey, the brand awareness in the Netherlands is fairly low. Therefore increasing this brand awareness is a key focus point for the communication activities. We want to focus on one of the strong points of Paaspop, their variety in festival activities. This is already done on the Paaspop website. Each stage has its own website with all the bands performing there. In the near future it is vital to maintain a strong website. Trend watchers predict a decline in the usages of smartphone apps and an increase in responsive web design. This responsive web design focuses on an optimal viewing experience. And reduces the need for panning and scrolling. These new designs of webpages and the increasing processing power of computers offers great possibilities. So by making a social platform on the Paaspop page, you make it more interactive with the customer. Here you can put on a poll for customers, so they can decide which stage will come that year on Paaspop. Also you get free publicity when more people are joining the community.
Augmented reality Augmented reality will be a new and innovative way to stay in touch with your audience. Imagine taking a glance at a business card, poster or leaflet and seeing a 3 dimensional image of Paaspop entrance or main stage etc. with this you can get a world of information to the customer. From this card the customer can immediately go to the Paaspop website to look up more information. All of this will be possible within a short period of time. In 2013 Google will start selling their augmented reality glasses to developers for 1500 dollars. In 2014 private consumers will be able to buy this product, however this product will be significantly cheaper. At this moment Google has not mentioned a price for the 2014 product release. In the year 2018 augmented reality will be more integrated into our society, because the availability of the product that makes it possible such as Google`s augmented reality glasses. These products will be widespread and a lot cheaper than they are now.
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Poster, flyers and leaflets Poster flyers and leaflets are still an important part for communication, however it will no longer be as prominent in 2018. One of the reasons they will remain a part of marketing is because they give people something tangible to hold. An important weakness of the poster and flyers is that the amount of information a poster or flyer can hold is limited, this in a society where people continuously want more and more information. A away to counteract this weakness is by integrating poster and flyers with augmented reality. Someone looks at a flyer, he becomes interested in Paaspop, and using his smartphone or augmented reality glasses on the flyer he can instantly access the Paaspop website and all the information he wants. The distribution of posters and flyers will still be done as it is done today. Either by the use of volunteers, or by leaving them at specific locations so people can pick them up. Community In the last couple of years the Netherlands has been a strongly divided country. With a mentality of, me against them, and a strong sense of individualism. We know that different aspect of the festival will appeal to different target groups, however it is also important to notice the social change currently happening in our society. This individualism is making room for a more social person. People no longer think only of themselves, but realize that they can do something positive for the society. People are looking for their own unique input into (a) society. Therefore creating a strong community for Paaspop is very important to maintain customer loyalty. This can be done by creating the possibility for your customers to join a Paaspop community and creating a forum on your website. This will allow direct interaction with some of your loyalist customers. Other people can be pulled in by creating a possibility for people to exchange ideas for the Paaspop festival and other improvements. Certain challenges can also be presented to the customer, such as, who has the coolest caravan or tent, and the winner will be decided at the festival. People will come to your website to communicate either with Paaspop or with others. This is a concept similar to the ‘join us’ stage only the difference is that it is easier for people to join the community, without having to have a great fully realized concept for the festival. A person can have a nice concept and post it on the website, where other visitors can offer other ideas to create a stronger concept that is realizable. The community also functions as a meeting point for people. Just as Paaspop itself is. The purpose to all of this is to make people be more involved with the festival itself. The visitors must realize they are not just consuming the product (Paaspop), but they can play an active role in its development and the experience Paaspop has to offer. The people want to be a part of something bigger. Art competition
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We also want to show people that Paaspop has an interest them and their artistic sides. We want to declare a nationwide amateur art competition. In each of the provinces of the Netherlands Paaspop will declare a winner, these winners will then be invited to showcase their art at Paaspop. This will not only function as a way to bond with our customers, but it will also generate a lot of attention from the local media.
Representatives The people representing Paaspop should have a strong and clear message. One of the aspects they should have in their message is the Las Vegas experience. The bigger, better and crazier experience Paaspop would like to offer. Another aspect they should focus on is the variety Paaspop has to offer. No matter what your preference is, there will be something in Paaspop that you will enjoy.
BNN BNN has done a report on the 2012 edition of Paaspop and letting BNN report on the future editions of Paaspop is a smart move. It will grand Paaspop a welcome boost in marketing and brand awareness. With BNN Paaspop can be assured that a lot of potential customers can be reached. It also offers the possibility for Paaspop to show the BNN audience what Paaspop is all about. Paaspop can show their great and diverse line-up of artists and activities.
3FM 3FM is an important partner for Paaspop. With their partnership both parties benefit when there are as many visitors in Paaspop as possible. 3FM is able to strengthen its image among the Paaspop audience, Paaspop will gain a valuable partner. 3FM can freely choose to invest marketing and commercials on their radio station. This radio’s air time is important because it is a nationwide radio station. If Paaspop wants to increase in size then they will need this national coverage. It is also a smart investment to grand 3FM a stage, this will increase their involvement in the festival. This increased involvement will also mean that on their part they will increase radio airtime, which means more nationwide attention for Paaspop. This airtime will reach a lot of listeners. In November 2011 3FM was the second largest radio station in the Netherlands with a market share of 9,8%. Which results in more than 3.1 miljon listeners.
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Chapter 6. Conclusion Paaspop main hurdle to become a national authority on festivals is brand awareness outside the south of the Netherlands. We have recommended using the newly available technology such as holograms and augmented reality in their marketing plan. We also advised them to create an online community to increase customer brand loyalty. In 2018 not only new technology , promotion and an online community will help Paaspop conquer the Netherlands. Our Las Vegas concept will give Paaspop`s target audience exactly what they want: to celebrate live. Las Vegas is always improving but still remains their main core values; experience and amusement, so this is what Paaspop can take as an useful example for the future. You can’t take Paaspop to Las Vegas but you can take Las Vegas to Paaspop.
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Chapter 7. Source list Websites o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o http:// http://,137,152,215,232&D6=0,4,9,(l-1)-l&HDR=G2,G1,G3,T&STB=G4,G5&VW=T
Literature o Cees B.M. Riel, (2010). Identiteit en Imago. Rotterdam: uitgeverij Sdu Uitgevers. o Erik Reijnders, (2009). Interne communicatie, aanpak en achtergronden. Zeist: uitgeverij Gorcum B.V. o N. Verhoeven, (2010). Wat is onderzoek? Den Haag: uitgeverij Boom Onderwijs
Remains o Online survey Paaspop
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Chapter 8. Appendix 8.1. Debriefing Paaspop
Debriefing Pagina 43
Made by: Guus Jeucke Peter Koreman Farah Souiri Jenny van Vliet Koert van Lieshout Tom Smets
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Index Brand platform………………….….………………………………………………………………………………………….…3 Problem & comand………………………………………….……………………………………….………..………….…...3 Objectives…………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………………..…....4 Target group……….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...4 Product……………………………………………………………………………………..…………….………………………….5 Proposition & proof………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………5 Tone-of-voice & Mind sets…………….…………………………………………………..……………………………….6 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….…7 Contact information………………….….…………………………………………………………………………………8-9
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Brand platform Paaspop is a three day trip of Brabant sociability. The annual festival is held every year at Schijndel (North-Brabant) in the Easter weekend in April. The music festival provides a big choice of music genres for local and not locals. Paaspop was launched for the first time at 1978 and has grown ever since. This year (2012) Paaspop reached here 34 th edition which is visited by 51.000 visitors. This is a new record for Paaspop who lined up 150 acts on 13 stages this 34th edition. Paaspop has it’s unique selling point being a unique experience to visitors and have a wide variety of music genres at every festival. The festival offers a lot more than the name ‘Paaspop’ will suggest (more choices in genres, comedy, cabaret and especially experience). It doesn’t matter what the silent force will be, there is created a world for visitors, that goes beyond a tent with several stages. The decoration and environment will be turned into an inviting entity where visitors arrive in a complete different atmosphere for a while.
Problem & comand Problem Paaspop is a successful festival that attracts many visitors every year mainly from Brabant. Despite being such a success in Brabant , Paaspop is still not in the line of iconic festivals like Noorderslag, Pinkpop, Extrema and Lowlands. This is where Paaspop have to go to work. They want their Brabant "roots" but retain their name as a national festival opener confirmed, so they get a nationwide audience. Question How can Paaspop retain, their " Brabant roots" and social responsibility, but yet become nationally known and attracting a nationwide audience?
Command We will ensure that Paaspop gets more attention in the Netherlands so they get a nationwide audience. We will develop a concept that is close to the Brabant "roots" state of Paaspop, but that will give national prominence.
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Objectives • • • •
Public Valuation on all elements grow (program, marketing, camping, food, experience, facilities etc.) Becoming to rural festival visitors and media From basic programming 'tickle' with innovative programming Strengthening of identity by propagating societal and social involvement
Target group The primary target group are men and women with an age between 16 and 30 years, whom often visit music venues (pop/rock) and pop/rock/dance festivals and whom developed a taste for pop/rock music, dance, theatre, comedy and cabaret. The secondary target group are men and women with an age between 31 and 60 years, whom developed a taste for pop/rock music, dance, theatre, comedy and cabaret and especially still feel young.
Product Paaspop strives to national prominence and wants to achieve a unique addition to the festival, because with a focus on target groups, innovation, interaction, crossover programming and copying successful formulas are no longer obvious. As a group we deliver a marketing plan + concept. For this plan, we take into account the dynamic constraints in terms of licensing, safety, CSR and sustainable production. Paaspop wants to present itself as part of the European Capital of Culture in 2018. The ambition Eindhoven with it pulls for Paaspop very interesting. The involvement of the public can be encouraged by active plans and ideas to make them known to achieve this ambition. Many innovative elements are developed by our own team of Paaspop, but the desire of the visitor is becoming more important. We're gonna find out what lives below the target, both Paaspop as other festivals, in order to get into a creative concept.
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Proposition & proof Proposition Paaspop is a three day (music)festival which is held every year during the `Paasweekend`. Paaspop is held near Schijndel. Paaspop wants to provide entertainment to a large variety of people. Spread across the festival area are different stages, each with their own theme. Paaspop offers a lot of different kinds of music, which vary from Heavy Metal to Dance. There aren`t only music stages but there are also areas devoted to theatre or the rest lounge. Above all Paaspop is about delivering the “Brabantse gezelligheid”. Their Proposition is: We offer 3 days of the ultimate festival experience Proof One of the unique selling points of Paaspop is that it`s the unofficial opening of the festival season. This is also celebrated in a spectacular way on festival grounds. The large variety offering of theatre comedy, cabaret and large variety of music styles is very impressive. The festival grounds itself is also beautiful designed with a fantastic atmosphere.
Tone of Voice The organisation of Paaspop would like to make potential ‘Paaspop-goers’ enthusiastic about Paaspop. This is to attract a larger audience to Paaspop and to give a lot more publicity as well as local (Brabant) as nationwide. The typical ‘Brabant’-feeling ensures a lot of cosiness (gezelligheid met een zachte g). As an opener of the festivalseason Paaspop is the ultimate festival with 3 days and nights party with the best topacts, the most brutal guitar-string pickers and the latest dancefloor-fillers. Besides that there are theatrical surprises on the menu, as well as eating houses with theatre and exotic surprises.
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Mindsets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Generate more interest of ‘not-Paaspopgoers’ To maintain the Brabant-feeling & cosiness and transfer it to guests. Develop Paaspop to a nationwide festival. Rise public appreciation. Social responsibility
Conclusion We are going to set up a marketing communication plan and a (visual) presentation with a new innovative concept. This has to generate national attention from the public, and make sure the public comes from every corner of the Netherlands. This brand awareness needs to be generated so that Paaspop will be in the same line as Noorderslag, Pinkpop, Extrema and Lowlands.
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Contact information Jenny van Vliet 06-47140054 Tom Smets 06-27112790 Peter Koreman 06-41959865 Guus Jeucken 06-25296581 Koert van Lieshout 06-38208828 Farah Souiri 06-46461786 Client: Paaspop Heikampen 5, Schijndel (Festivalterrein De Molenheide) + 31 (0) 73 611 04 60
Tutor: Eric Frey 06-5393 4384
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8.2. Image survey Paaspop online 1. What is your gender? * man x wife 2. Which age group do you belong to? * 15 t / m 20 years 21 t / m 25 years x 26 t / m 30 years 31 years or older 3. Do you recognize this logo? * Yes, x no, 4. How many times have you been to Paaspop?* 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times or more x
5. What is your opinion about Paaspop formed? * By volunteering Paaspop by myself By volunteering Paaspop by a known By festival visit Paaspop by myself By festival visit Paaspop by a known otherwise, I work there. 6. Has your opinion changed after you had visited Paaspop? * Yes, x no,
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7. How have you experienced Paaspop? * Super! x Good Ok Nothing special 8. Do you think that there is sufficient is variation in Paaspop? * Yes, x no,
9 Have you ever advertising (posters, flyers, commercials) or Paaspop seen or heard? * Yes x no
10. Do you think the price-quality ratio of a Paaspop ticket order? * Yes, X no,
Do you want to see more of the image survey of Paaspop online? Then please visit this website:
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8.3. Planning
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