Citizen Participation in Historic Cairo (CPHC)
Figure 42 Illustration of the proposed vision for al-Khalifa. 55
The numbers on the map correspond to the following: A) Already implemented or under construction projects: 1) Ahmad Kuhya Mosque open space rehabilitation (open space, monument); 2) Darb al-Husr playground (recreational, sports); 3) Yarim Agha open space improvement (residential); 4) Shajar al-Durr rehabilitation (monument); 5) Al-Khalifa Community Centre establishment (services); 6) Al-Ja’fari and ‘Atika Mausolea (monument); 7)Al-Sayyida Ruqayya Mausoleum rehabilitation (monument); 8) Al-Sayyida Ruqayya new Mosque and service centre; 9) Al-Khalifa Heritage Environmental park; 10) Restoration of Gayer Anderson Museum (monument); 11) Ibn Tulun Mosque (monument). B) Proposed projects: 1) Rashwan open space improvement (residential) ; 2) Darb al-‘Akrat street opening (accessibility, services, residential); 3) Darb al-Husr Market improvement (commercial); 4) AlKhalifa Market improvement (commercial); 5) Safiyy al-Din Jawhar Mausoleum rehabilitation (monument); 6) Sabil al-Amir ‘Abd Allah Katkhudha rehabilitation (monument); 7) Fatima Khatun Mausoleum rehabilitation (monument); 8) Al-Ashraf Khalil Mausoleum rehabilitation (monument). 55