Farmers Guide

The Best of British Farming

Farmers Guide machinery editor David Williams attended the Agrii Winter Conference at the end of January, which annnounced the results of the Leadenham iFarm direct drill demo which took place in 2022– the March 2023 issue will feature the full report. Pictured with David are representatives of some of the drill manufacturers and dealers involved in the trials, including Weaving, Amazone, Claas Eastern, Claydon, Dale, Opico Sky and Horizon.
AgVantage UK Ltd was on-hand at LAMMA to discuss the various brands it works with, including Dewulf, Miedema, Dezeure, Dammann and Holaras. Pictured (l-r) are AgVantage service manager Gary Ashton, managing director Andy Carse, sales manager Michael Gott, Edwin Roobroeck (Dewulf), territory sales manager Gary Halliday, accounts and admin support Laura Vincent, and Ruben Weltens (Dewulf).
The Mzuri team reported a very successful couple of days at LAMMA. Pictured (l-r) on the company’s stand are Adam Denford, Tom Collett and Dani Bond.
The Farmers Guide team had a busy couple of days at LAMMA ‘23, catching up with our readers and the trade. Check out machinery editor David Williams’ full review of the show on page 52, and you’ll nd more pictures and videos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@farmersguide) as well as on YouTube (@FarmersGuide1979).
the Agrii Winter Conference on 26th January are Agrii south region iFarm and tech centre manager Steve Corbett (right) with farmer Andrew Ward, who hosted the direct drilling demo and trials.
David Williams visited M Yardy Engineering Ltd’s new premises near Lakenheath, to discuss the company’s plans for growing the business. Find more information on page 68, which will be followed by a full report on the new franchises in the March issue.
David also had the opportunity to test-drive new Manitou ultra-compact telehandlers in mid-December – turn to page 71 to read more. Pictured (l-r) are David Williams, Manitou sales support manager James Hulme, area sales manager and UK product manager David Clark and marketing manager, Chloe Tapp.
A little old lady answered a knock on the door, to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.
“Good morning,” said the young man. “I wonder if I could demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners to you...?
“Go away!” snapped the old lady. “I haven’t got any money!” and proceeded to close the door.
Quick as a ash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open.
The annual new product open day at the Pecks Spalding depot returns this month, after a two-year break due to Covid-19. David enjoyed a sneak preview of what will be on show at the event. Pictured (l-r) are Pecks New Holland sales manager Tom Clark; Pecks director and JCB sales manager Jon Wareing; Pecks Case IH brand manager Graeme Matthews and David Williams.
“Don’t be too hasty!” he said. “Not until you’ve seen my demonstration!” And with that, he emptied a bucket of manure onto her hallway carpet.
“Now, if this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this manure from your carpet, I will personally eat the remainder,” he said The old lady stepped back and said: “Well, let me get you a fork, because I can't a ord my bills so they cut o my electricity this morning.”
Pictured atGoodbye paperwork! The new generation of Fendt tractors with FendtONE combines the driver’s workplace and office in a single operating system. This makes documentation simple, fast and intuitive. And you have more time for the essentials.
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anything this year, we make sure we have the courage to ask when we don’t understand.
As we progress through 2023, I wonder how many of you have already given up on your resolutions? So asks Open eld’s head of compliance, shipping and research, Cecilia Pryce.
But what about the childhood resolution (that infamous Scout motto) to ‘be prepared’ – two words many of us live by, whether it’s taking the right coat or making sure you have a spare for something, because you never know when it pays o – but how many of you use it when it comes to marketing your grain?
In my mind, it’s just as important as ‘don’t assume – check’ but, what are you preparing for and what are you checking? Over the last few years, we have seen the grain markets move in unprecedented ways, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t be prepared or check on things.
I agree that pandemics and wars are not what any of us would normally prepare for, but by knowing what you have to sell, what price you need for it and when you need any cash, is a good place to start. If you then add your, and the farm’s, risk pro le and as many details as you can gain on the market, you can make a marketing plan and be prepared to action it.
Similarly, if you spend time walking your grain and reading
your contract terms, along with sampling your grain and recording its quality etc. you are being prepared and assuming less. But sometimes we forget the basics and cut corners which, ultimately, usually leads to panic and a nancial cost – which no business needs.
business needs.
One such knowledge gap is about carbon. How many of you really know why your Red Tractor status says ‘REDII Compliant’ and what ‘NUTS2 UKF2’ (or similar) really means?
2023 will bring with it many opportunities, but consider whether
use the dark hours to be prepared to embrace what is
I believe that 2023 will bring with it many opportunities, but consider whether you are taking time to use the dark hours to be prepared to embrace what is thrown at us.
Similarly, how many of you are knowingly not checking something because you can’t be bothered? If these sentences hurt, I suggest you are not alone and furthermore I suggest there are many sitting in Westminster and positions of power who may feel the same!
In recent months I have unearthed a rather large number of ‘knowledge gaps’ created largely by not checking facts or even assuming – not checking. I urge that if we do
And, as such, how many growers know they have a default carbon number for their wheat and rapeseed? In this case, UKF2 would be 313gCO2eq/kg wheat or 770g if rapeseed.
Similarly, the RED stands for the Renewable Energies Directive – Section 8 on the crop’s passport, which most growers sign and is a legislation regarding carbon requirements for crops going into biofuels, the land they are grown on and was instigated back in 2018.
In conclusion, you have a ‘default’ carbon number for your crops, but the question is, how are you preparing to make it personal to your farm and what are you checking for in 2023?
Making use of the tools and services available, when it comes to helping
Feed wheat
Feed barley
Our weekly grain market report is available as a podcast.
Why not listen to ourlatest views* on the Wheat, Malting Barley, OSR and Pulses markets and get the latest prices too? Simply search for“Openfield – OpenView” on Spotify, ACAST, iTunes and Amazon Music.
*Content is updated every Thursday evening to ensure you’re always in the know.
with nitrogen use e ciency, can be a way of ensuring we are applying product in the most cost-e ective manner, comments Open eld’s fertiliser manager, Lucy Hassall. Not enough nitrogen leads to potential yield losses whilst over applying increases the risk of leaching.
Services such as the soil N-check allows growers to not only access the nitrogen that is currently present in the soil, but also how much will be additionally available during the growing season.
Comparing data so far for January with the same time last year, early indications show there is slightly less soil mineral nitrogen with 31kg N/ha in 2022 and 28.5kg N/ha in 2023.
With limited options on nitrogen products this season, some growers have switched away from traditional products and it is recommended that a tray test is carried out to determine the most e cient settings for your combination of machine and product for optimum application. FG
Unprecedented upheavals can’t be predicted – but this doesn’t mean you can’t be as prepared as possible, and assume less.
Our high-precision crop care technology provides targeted protection of the crops for reliable and healthy yields. BoomControl ensures precision spraying, less than 30cm from the crop at speed and over hilly terrain. Reduce drift and maximise inputs with BoomControl, available across the entire Leeb sprayer range.
A farmer from Forfar has maintained pro tability and improved soil health after introducing sheep to his arable rotation.
Hugh Black and four other farmers, make up the Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group, working alongside Farming For a Better Climate (FFBC), delivered by SAC Consulting, to establish how best to support, enhance and protect their farm soils.
Three years ago, Mr Black started working with a grazier to introduce sheep into his rotations and has been reaping a multitude of bene ts from the process.
SAC consultant Zach Reilly, who leads on the work with the Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group, said: “For Hugh, everything has been about striking a balance between improving yields, protecting his soils, while maintaining pro tability.
“Introducing sheep has proved a win-win. He has
been able to cut back on chemical fertilisers, improve his soil structure and it has allowed him to sow earlier to take advantage of establishing his crops in better weather.”
To hear more, growers are invited to attend an event at Backboath Farm on 9th February for an overview of the group’s progress, trials and experiences. For more information and to register for your free ticket, visit www. farmingforabetterclimate. org/about-us/events/
A new training scheme to promote best practice in the use of muirburn has been backed by Scotland’s estates. Organised by Lantra and recognised by NatureScot, Scotland’s nature agency, the training course is designed for those who will take part in land management activities that use re as a tool.
Muirburn is the controlled burning of moorland vegetation to encourage new growth (either heather or
grassland) for the management of moorland game and wildlife or for improving the grazing potential of the moorland for livestock or deer. Muirburn is also used to maintain moorland landscapes and habitats, and to reduce the risk of damage to habitats from wild res.
Supported by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, the online module will cover the requirements of the existing Muirburn Code including
A new event has been announced for 2023. The Future Farming Expo Scotland event will be held on 10–11th October 2023 at the P&J Live venue in Aberdeen.
With the fabric of primary agricultural production in Scotland – and elsewhere –being drastically reshaped in recent years, it is now more important than ever to help producers prepare
for the future, become more sustainable and manage innovation for change.
Future Farming Expo Scotland has been developed after in-depth research with Scottish farming businesses. The Expo aims to help Scottish farmers, advisors and rural businesses become more resilient, look at ways to re-think their businesses and face challenges head-on.
where and when muirburn can be carried out, restrictions on the practice and the required noti cations before muirburn can take place. Participants will then undertake a practical module. with assessment via direct observation and knowledge checks.
For more information, visit: www. uk/news/2023/january/newcourse-sets-the-standard-oncontrolled-burning-for-landmanagers/
Opico has announced that the Crawfords Group will be joining its established dealer network.
Wes Crawford, managing director at Crawfords Group, commented: “We are a family-run business. Maintaining our high level of customer service and company values is as important today as it was 40 years ago. We’ve found that Opico’s vision aligns with our own and, of course, it helps that they o er a premium machinery portfolio to complement our existing range! Our team are really looking forward to learning about the machines and can’t wait to demonstrate them to our customers.”
“Working with Crawfords is a win-win situation,” says Opico sales director, Charles Bedforth. “A cornerstone in our strategy is to partner with leading dealers throughout the country. In Wes and his team, we believe we will create a long-term relationship for the bene t of both companies but especially for Crawford and Agwood customers.”
Crawfords Group will sell Opico grain dryers, mechanical weeding, arable and grassland equipment, alongside He-Va cultivation and grassland machines, Sky drills (Agwoods only) and Strautmann forage and feeding wagons.
The Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland (IAAS) has welcomed three new fellows and three new associates into its membership.
“This will not be another run-of-the-mill conference where visitors will be talked at,” explains Emma Penny, event producer for Future Farming Expo. “Instead, it will be dynamic, practical and o er attendees the chance to bring their own issues forward for in-depth, one-to-one discussion with other farmers, exhibitors and experts.”
After four years of Covid-interrupted study, young auctioneers Ellis Mutch of Aberdeen and Northern Marts (ANM) and Aimie Bisset and Sam Ferguson, both of Dingwall and Highland Marts were all awarded the Certi cate of Higher Education in Livestock Market Operations and Management by Harper Adams University and, along with it, Fellowship of the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland.
Ellis Mutch was also awarded the MJ Thomson Award as the top graduating IAAS student.
The institute at the same time awarded three new associate memberships to Michael Craig of James Craig Ltd, Joel McGarva of Harrison and Hetherington and Murray Steel of United Auctions after all three completed their rst two years of study.
IAAS executive director Neil Wilson, said he was very pleased to extend these new fellowships and associateships.
Sabre Tines create a precise, permanent action, removing compacted layers, preserving organic matter and leaving weed seeds on the surface. Sabre Tines can be retro-fitted to update a wide range of machines. The patented technology effectively restructures soil with minimum surface disturbance.
- Soil conservation - Improved weed control
- Reduced fuel costs - Minimum disturbance
The Dutch Openers universal range provides the ultimate in versatility with a choice of tip options to meet your specific crop, land, season and fertiliser requirements.
• Lower draft, Tungsten tipped – designed to last
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• Saves time in the field – easy-to-change tips
Dutch Openers manufactured with TUNGSTEN TILES for longer life
The Processors and Grower Research Organisation (PGRO) has added three new varieties to its 2023 Descriptive List.
The varieties were absent from the list at its o cial launch in November while the breeding companies waited for UK National List status to be granted. This has now happened, meaning growers have even more information on beans to sow this spring.
Genius, LG Stego, and Futura went through the same PGRO trials at the same time as the other varieties on the Descriptive List.
Genius, from LSPB, is now the top yielding variety on the DL, with a yield of 110%. It has the same maturity as Lynx (6) and a good standing ability (8).
LG Stego, from Limagrain, has a yield of 106%, which is the third highest on the DL. It has an earlier maturity (7) than
Genius and Lynx (both 6), and has a good standing ability, similarly to Genius (8).
Futura, from LSPB, has a good yield of 106% and is a new low vicine and low convicine variety (LVC) adding an extra LVC option to the list alongside Victus. It has the same maturity as LG Stego (7) and is a tall variety at 111cm with a good standing ability (8).
The 2023 Descriptive List can be found at
Scottish sheep farmer Ian Duncan Millar has been presented with the NSA George Hedley Memorial Award for 2022 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the UK sheep industry.
Ian comments: “It is an enormous honour to be awarded the George Hedley Memorial Award. To think of all the folk who have been here before me is quite mind blowing. I have been
very fortunate to have had a number of interesting ‘jobs’ through my career, and throughout that time I have always been in my 'day-job', a farmer, and sheep are a big part of what I do, so I suppose I have seen things through that prism, and if as a result I have helped our fantastic industry along the way, that has been an immeasurable bonus. Thank you.”
Ian is regarded by many as one of the most
exemplary leaders within the UK sheep industry today. Through his support and early adoption of numerous programmes including performance recording in hill sheep, early co-operative breeding schemes and through his role as a highly valued adviser to researchers developing breeding indexes for UK hill sheep he has been instrumental in the multifaceted progression of the sector.
Quality Meat Scotland
(QMS) highlighted its plans to support and protect the growth of Scotland’s red meat industry at its recent parliamentary reception.
The event, which took place on 17th January, was hosted by QMS and sponsored by Jim Fairlie (pictured), MSP for Perthshire and South Kinross-shire, and highlighted the role that the Scottish red meat supply chain plays in the nation’s economy, wider society and
its sustainability objectives.
The reception welcomed 130 attendees from across the red meat supply chain and a number of MSPs from urban and rural constituencies and regions across Scotland. During the event, attendees learned about the work QMS has been doing to promote, protect, support and develop the Scottish red meat supply chain, with a focus on Scotland’s society, economy, environment, food security and public health.
Mairi Gougeon, MSP for Angus North and Mearns and Cabinet Secretary for Rural A airs, also gave an address to the audience.
For more information on Scotch Beef PGI, Scotch Lamb PGI or Specially Selected Pork, visit
The British Free Range Egg Producers Association (BFREPA) has announced a major shake-up to its popular annual conference and industry dinner.
Sponsored by ForFarmers, Elanco and Newquip, the event will become a one-day a air, with the Free Range Awards dinner taking place on the evening of the conference, rather than the night before.
BFREPA has also selected a new location – the Telford International Centre – following many years of holding the event in Birmingham.
The move will allow for even more professional trade stand exhibitors at the 15th November event, and exhibitors will be able to utilise the on-site shell scheme framework to create more exible and attractive stands upon which to meet farmers. Nearly half of the stand space has already been sold.
Any businesses and individuals wanting to secure stand space or book dinner tables are advised to act quickly in order to guarantee attendance.
The show is open to all producers – members and nonmembers of BFREPA – and any businesses connected to the sector.
For more information and to book stands and tables, visit
The number of agricultural tractors registered in the UK in December dipped back below the level in the same month of 2021. A total of 628 machines was logged during the month, which was 29% fewer than a year before and was also below the seasonal average. December gures can be in ated by upcoming regulatory changes, though, and this year's monthly number was well within the range seen in recent years. The latest registrations brought the total for the whole of 2022 to 11,580 machines. That is 4% fewer than in 2021 but in line with the average for the previous ve years. Strong growth in the previous two months meant that registrations in the nal quarter of 2022 were higher than a year earlier.
Month: 628 units -28.9% change (compared with December 2021)
Year to date: 11,580 units -3.6% change (compared with January–December 2021)
case, broadly speaking, ryegrass appears to be more vulnerable to post-ems but is more likely to develop pre-em resistance than black-grass.”
Responses to cultural controls are also di erent for ryegrass, with delayed drilling and spring crops not achieving quite the same level of control as against black-grass. With this in mind, Mr Chillcott cautions against simply replicating the black-grass template when managing ryegrass.
“In poorly established spring cereals, we see ryegrass causing lots of problems, simply establishing a crop in spring doesn’t guarantee good control. Wait until conditions favour good establishment and rapid development and eliminate any overwintered weeds beforehand with Roundup (glyphosate).”
In autumn-sown crops, farmers can use ALSchemistry such as Atlantis Star (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron + thiencarbazone) and Paci ca Plus (mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron + amidosulfuron) or they can use pinoxaden (Axial), depending on resistance status.
Tests on 197 ryegrass populations showed that post-em resistance is not as common as feared. Results from the Bayer/NIAB ryegrass survey found nearly half of samples are still susceptible to post-em chemistry; either ALS-inhibitors or pinoxaden.
“The results from the survey are supported by what we have found in our own testing,” says Bayer’s Tom Chilcott (right). “45.6% of samples in the survey were susceptible to ALS. In 2021 and 2022, Bayer tested a further 17 ryegrass samples for resistance; 10 of these were susceptible.” (see Table).
Mr Chillcott points out that in both situations, farmers and agronomists generally send in samples when they are having problems controlling ryegrass. So, the overall level of resistance across the whole country is probably a little lower than the results of these tests. Where farmers have a susceptible population, applying a post-em this spring is a good option to improve yield and reduce seed return.
Agronomist Ian Johnson (right) of Agrovista sent in three samples to the ryegrass survey from farms in the North East. Two samples from elds near Sedge eld came back as ALS resistant and susceptible to pinoxaden. But another sample, from six miles away, showed 80% susceptibility to Atlantis and 35% to pinoxaden.
“The survey was a good opportunity to have samples resistance tested to see what some of the more challenging elds would show. I wasn’t surprised at the results showing some resistance, but the elds at Sedge eld showing almost total resistance to Atlantis was a surprise and a shame as the Atlantis-type products still do a good job on bromes which are also plentiful in this part of the world. The other result showing a di erent resistance pro le is a surprise being quite close to Sedge eld. It is very useful now knowing what works and what doesn’t.”
Where ALS-chemistry is still e ective, there are quite a few product options. According to Mr Chillcott, the best e cacy on all grass weeds is given by Atlantis Star because it contains three actives with grass weed activity, with a good broad-leaf weed spectrum. Paci ca Plus is also a good option and has a di erent broadleaf weed spectrum so will suit some situations better.
“Many farmers have struggled with postem ryegrass control, even where there is no resistance. The most likely explanation for this is application timing and conditions. Irrespective of which product you use, there are some fundamentals that have to be right to get good control.”
a di erent resistance pro le is a surprise
East Midlands agronomist Ian Holmes (right) of Strawson was also surprised by the results from the ve samples he sent in. “Ryegrass samples all came back with ratings of susceptible to the contact herbicides Atlantis and Axial. This suggests we should still be able to get control of these populations with a contact herbicide with good application conditions.
“We have generally moved away from applying contact herbicides for grass weed control due to variable performance as we felt we were selecting for resistance. It looks as though some of our performance issues have potentially been more related to conditions and timing rather than true resistance.”
job on bromes which are also plentiful in this conditions and timing rather than
Tom Chillcott comments: “There is an expectation that the patterns of resistance we face in ryegrass are the same as black-grass. But that isn’t the
Mr Chillcott highlights three key things; active growth, drying time and spray quality. Without active growth, the herbicide will not be taken in by the plant, so it won’t provide any control. Likewise, if there is not enough time to dry it will be washed o the leaf by rain or dew. Apply post-ems in a ne–medium spray quality which allows the active to land and settle on the target leaf. FG
Without active growth, the herbicide will to land and settle on the target leaf.
Many ryegrass populations remain susceptible to post-ems
Mechanical weed control is becoming an increasingly popular option among cereal
Hoeing has been common practice for vegetable and sugar beet crops for many years, where the row spacings are naturally wider; today there are many seed drills available which sow at a wider row
spacing, making hoeing a practical option for growers, says KRM. The drill needs to have a minimum row spacing of 16cm, although wider still is preferable, and as well as accommodating various row widths
KRM is able to o er Econet Hoes to work with drills up to 12m wide.
As you would expect, there have also been technological advances on the hoeing machines – the majority of the Econet machines sold by
KRM are SGI, with camera guidance to ensure the hoe follows the rows precisely and they have hydraulicallyraising elements with ‘Section Control’ to automatically raise the elements at the headland which is particularly useful in irregularly shaped elds.
One key bene t of hoeing is the ability to destroy resistant weeds and those which are closely related to the crop being grown that can be di cult to target with chemicals. In addition to removing weeds there are further bene ts of hoeing; these include removing capping and opening up the soil, thus improving aeration and the soil’s ability to hold water; and moving the soil and darkening its colour will cause the soil to warm up more quickly in the spring, resulting in better growth.
Alongside hoeing, there is increased interest in companion cropping, and many customers choose to mount a seeder on the Econet – allowing two operations to be carried out in a single pass. So, while it used to be seen as an organic-only practice, mechanical weeding is growing in popularity across the arable sector. FG
Interest in mechanical weeding has grown significantly over recent years as the legal requirements on crop care chemicals became more stringent and crop resistance to chemicals increases. In addition mechanical weeding meets the demand for reduced chemical use in crop production.
Stainless steel metering unit
Galvanised chassis with integral weight frame
High output fan
Multiple outlet options – Front boom or front to rear transfer Garmin GPS rate control
A winning combination of actives that make a true difference to the grass-weed programme
5% more grass-weed control than the next best contender*
DEBUT FOR TCM a superior weed active*
Coming soon to a field near you. Springtime: the weeds return! In the battle against black-grass, Italian ryegrass and brome, there’s a new active. Thiencarbazone has joined forces with mesosulfuron and iodosulfuron to create a new, more effective, post-emergence herbicide: Atlantis Star. Together, they take on a wide range of grass and broadleaved weeds, delivering strong performance against resistance and reducing the scourge of seed return.
Univoq, the new cereal fungicide from Corteva Agriscience, has demonstrated its consistency in delivering a signi cant yield advantage over its popular counterpart for the second year in a row, the manufacturer claims.
Results from in-house trials from the crop protection company in 2022 reinforce the ndings from work done by AHDB over the same period.
Both projects produced data from sites across the UK, focusing on overall yield and septoria control.
Corteva carried out plot trials at 42 sites and found that in 36 cases, Univoq outperformed Revystar XE in terms of yield. It compared Univoq applied at 1.25-litres/ha to Revystar XE at 1-litres/ ha – rates which are comparable in terms of the cost to a grower.
The uplift in yield from using Univoq is calculated to be worth £60/ha to growers, assuming a wheat price of £250/t, Corteva claims.
AHDB’s independent annual work comparing fungicide performance across all main UK arable crops showed a similar advantage for Univoq at a range of application rates.
Corteva’s cereal fungicide category manager, Mike Ashworth, said the ndings mirror the results seen from similar trials in 2021, as well as the indicative work carried out during development of the novel active.
“What we’re seeing is consistency across two very di erent years in terms of weather conditions and disease pressure. In 2021 we had a high
disease pressure year, and we know that Univoq’s major strength is septoria control, so it gave the fungicide the chance to really show what it is capable of.
“We saw a strong yield response then, and that has continued in 2022 which was an extremely hot, dry growing season for the vast majority.”
During 2022, some complaints were received from sprayer operators who used Inatreq in the UK and Ireland, relating to the failure of some parts – principally anti-drip mechanisms.
Corteva immediately investigated why a minority of sprayers were being impacted, committing a huge amount of resource and engaging expertise from inside and outside the organisation.
Mr Ashworth said: “Good sprayer hygiene and maintenance is one of the best ways to prolong the life of a sprayer, but I would urge all operators planning to use products containing Inatreq active this year to familiarise themselves with our advice.
“There is a clear bene t to using Inatreq, both in terms of disease control and yield response, and the best practice guidance we have set out will help growers get the most out of what is an extremely robust, e ective product.” FG
• Ideally, Inatreq should be sprayed in a minimum water volume of 200-litres/ha. If lower volumes are used, the spray concentration should not exceed 0.7%
• Inatreq spray solutions should not be left in the spray tank overnight – follow the recommendations on the label – and operators should rinse the sprayer tank, pump and lines through at the end of each day’s spraying
• Inatreq should not be used in sprayers equipped with pulse width modulation technology
• Corteva recommends replacing pump diaphragms annually, ideally with NBR or Blue ex parts, and to keep to the pump manufacturer’s service recommendations
• For anti-drip diaphragms, EPDM parts are recommended, or operators can modify air shut-o antidrip valves to use Te on replacements. If neither of these options are possible, Corteva recommends replacing all existing pneumatic/automated anti-drip diaphragms/pistons with new before spraying products containing Inatreq. It is also important to check these after use
• If your sprayer has a Ramsey box, you should replace the diaphragm seal during winter maintenance.
• Nitrogen protected from leaching and volatilisation losses
• Encourages increased uptake of nitrogen
• Improves crop dry matter content
• Stimulates protein production For more information, visit
ADAS researchers have discovered that using Caryx can o set the increased lodging risk caused by cabbage stem ea beetle (CSFB) larvae damage inside the stem.
In replicated trials in North Yorkshire and Norfolk last year, the pest’s activity increased lodging risk from 33% to 60% but the use of Caryx reduced that risk below the baseline to 20%.
“CSFB larvae reduce stem strength and stem diameter. They may also reduce height slightly, but not enough to compensate for the decreased stem strength. CSFB larvae damage lowers overall wind resistance, and the crop is more likely to lodge,” explains Pete Berry (left), ADAS head of crop physiology.
“Caryx reduces plant height and consequently, has a positive e ect on increasing wind resistance,” he comments.
Mr Berry has typically seen Caryx reduce OSR plant height by 10cm in trials. “That will reduce lodging risk substantially,” he says. “We’ve also seen reductions of up to 20cm. How much you get, depends on the growing conditions at time of application but Caryx is probably the most e ective PGR for reducing height.”
Further research looked at the the relative impacts of reduced nitrogen applications. Conducted in spring 2022, the trial compared the e ects of the PGR alongside a standard nitrogen regime and a reduced programme.
“The crop was forward and had high CSFB larvae pressure of 14 larvae/plant in the March. Otherwise, it exhibited normal development,” recalls Mr Berry.
The standard nitrogen regime (in accordance with RB209 guidelines) saw a total of 140kg N/ ha applied to the crop. An initial 40kg N/ha was applied at the end of February, 60kg N/ha at green bud and 40kg N/ha at yellow bud. The experimental reduced nitrogen regime omitted the rst dose.
“Under both nitrogen regimes, Caryx signi cantly increased wind resistance and therefore reduced lodging risk,” explains Mr Berry.
“Despite previously nding reducing nitrogen can lower lodging risk, in this trial it did not. This may have been caused by the dry March and April, which could have a ected uptake. Yield was reduced as expected.”
For growers looking at managing crops this spring, Mr Berry says delaying the rst split can be useful for those crops with a large canopy (a GAI of 2 or more) in February. A more drastic option is to reduce the overall rate of nitrogen, but this may also reduce yield and can only really be justi ed where the lodging risk is very high and/ or fertiliser prices make it a more viable option.
“Ultimately, the most consistent and e ective way to reduce lodging risk comes from using a PGR such as Caryx,” he comments.
This latest advice comes in a season where growers are potentially facing a higher than usual risk of lodging as a result of good establishment,
a mild winter and moderate CSFB pressure last autumn.
“Generally, growers held out for moisture, and OSR was drilled into decent conditions,” notes BASF agronomy manager, Matt Keane (left). “It has been a mild winter so far and OSR crops are looking as good as perhaps they ever have.”
far and OSR crops are looking as good as the
According to Mr Keane, any crops with a GAI above 0.8 at the end of February, just before stem extension, warrants an application of Caryx. “Usually, we recommend application rates of 0.7-litres/ha to 1-litres/ha, but where crops are very large, you can go up to 1.4-litres/ha,” he says.
Optimum timing of applications is green bud to yellow bud when crops are actively growing. Mr Keane advises growers to aim for green bud rather than yellow when facing a larger canopy. “Also look at the nutrient status of that crop. Where the land is very fertile, consider upping the rate of Caryx.”
Receive the latest press releases from BASF via WhatsApp on your smartphone or tablet. Register for the company’s news service at FG
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The 16th Agronomists’ Conference took place on 6th December 2022, with speakers livestreaming from a venue close to AHDB’s headquarters in Warwickshire. Rachel Hicks reports.
Steve Foster, research entomologist from Rothamsted, was one of the rst speakers at the conference, and he kicked o with the Jurassic Park quote that “life will nd a way” – commenting that this is true of insects and insecticide resistance.
So what is the answer to increased pest resistance? According to Mr Foster, a calculated approach to IPM is needed – new cultivars/ variants that are inherently resistant to pest pressure are undoubtedly helpful, but a well-rounded approach is key, including cultural and safe chemical control options.
Following Mr Foster, Mark Ramsden, of ADAS explained that the more information you have on pest and disease risk, the more informed your decisions can be when it comes to managing that risk.
Mr Ramsden has been working on Horizon 2020 projects around Europe, and stressed the bene ts of using decision management tools in order to support growers’ agronomic decision-making processes. He did, however, say that these tools should not replace personal knowledge, training and experience or the site-speci c needs of a crop in any season – instead they should be used alongside this for optimal crop management.
According to Mr Ramsden, infection risk and management tools help to inform decisions rather than make them, such as AHDB’s BYDV management tool, light leaf spot
forecast, phoma leaf spot forecast, sclerotinia infection risk tool and so on.
Most are forecast systems that use weather data in predicting when pests are likely to become a problem for the crop.
There are a number of these in use across Europe, designed to help growers with pest management. One such system is VPS, which has been providing decision support for over 30 years, and AHDB is extending this across Europe with the EU-funded IPM Decisions project, which is designed to be one well-rounded platform which covers every pest risk.
It’s being developed using the input of agricultural consultants, crop protection scientists, weather scientists, software developers, DSS developers, advisors and researchers. Currently, around 50% of the available systems on the platform are relevant to UK growers, and this list will grow in the near future.
For more information visit https://
Diseases: What’s next for variety choice?
AHDB’s Paul Gosling (right) highlighted some of the trial ndings that don’t actually make it into the RL – including the yellow rust variety watch list, lemon wheat blossom midge and clubroot.
The yellow rust population has become very diverse and dynamic, particularly over the last decade, making genetic resistance vulnerable and resistance ratings potentially unstable.
The RL ratings only tell you what happened last year – they are not a predictive tool so won’t always match up with what happens in the coming season.
Launched in winter 2021 and based on RL trial data, the wheat yellow rust variety watch list aims to highlight varieties that may be vulnerable to falls in resistance in the coming year. It has a scale from ‘most resistant’ (against the rust races present in all trials across all sites) to ‘least resistant’ (highly susceptible to one or more races present in at least one trial on one site).
• Most of the varieties classi ed as most resistant had stable ratings
• The largest falls in ratings were seen in those classi ed as least resistant
• Not all of those classi ed as least resistant see falls (highly
to one or more races present in at least one
Results last year suggested it worked in identifying varieties at risk – but Mr Gosling asked, how does it look after two years?
The majority of the varieties classi ed as ‘most resistant’ had stable RL ratings, while the largest falls in ratings were seen in those classi ed as least resistant. However, not all those classi ed as ‘least resistant’ saw falls. (See Figure 1)
So, is the wheat yellow rust variety watch list worth paying attention to? Mr Gosling says yes.
The last two years of data suggest the list is highlighting varieties at risk of falls in ratings.
The advice by AHDB is therefore to monitor the varieties identi ed as least resistant on the list more frequently, and be prepared to increase use of rust-active fungicides.
Anecdotal reports on-farm suggest LWBM (Contarinia tritici) is being seen more frequently in crops. However, it appears earlier than OWBM, so may not be seen in normal crop walking as it may already have been and gone.
LWBM larvae feed on the owers, preventing pollination and thus reducing yield. However, there is little information available on how damaging it is to yield in the public domain.
AHDB has seen LWBM in RL trials. In 2022, a second wheat trial in North Yorkshire was badly a ected.
One of the breeders scored the crop for damage on a scale of 1–9 and took the trial to yield to see how yield loss would be impacted. The yield loss in crops rated 9 compared with those rated 1 was around 2.14t/ ha. None of the control varieties were signi cantly a ected by LWBM, so
Arizona*folpet Multi-site
Proline 275prothioconazole DMI**
Myresamefentri uconazole (Revysol) DMI**
Imtrex uxapyroxad SDHI
Elatus Plusbenzovindi upyr (Solatenol) SDHI
Peqtigafenpicoxamid (Inatreq) QII
Ascra Xprobixafen + uopyram + prothioconazoleSDHI + SDHI + DMI**
Elatus Erabenzovindi upyr + prothioconazoleSDHI + DMI**
Revystar XEmefentri uconazole + prothioconazoleQII + DMI**
Univoqfenpicoxamid + prothioconazole QII + DMI**
A further seven unregistered products were tested in 2022. Data on these will be released upon registration
*Arizona tested at full dose (100%) only **Azole Check labels prior to use: Imtrex, Myresa, Peqtiga, Elatus Plus shoild be used in mixtures with at least one fungicide with an alternative mode of action that has e cacy against the target disease.
…from previous page
provided a good comparison.
Mr Gosling was keen to point out that this was based on a single trial, so any results come with the caveat that more research is needed.
However, the results of this rst trial suggest that LWBM can have signi cant yield impacts.
While the life cycle of LWBM isn’t 100% clear, it probably needs similar conditions to OWBM – warm and wet in May, with soil temperatures above 13ºC. However, eggs are laid earlier than OWBM, at around GS 51–55.
There is no varietal resistance known, but some breeders are currently working to nd it. No crop protection products currently have LWBM on the label.
One good thing is that LWBM seems to be less persistent in the soil than OWBM – up to three years but maybe as little as two, so rotation should be e ective at helping to control it.
AHDB has seen clubroot in a couple of trial sites which had no previous history of clubroot over the last two years. In both cases, the clubroot became evident in the autumn and, rather than abandoning the trials, the team took them through to yield to see what impact the infection had.
At the Berwick RL trial in 2021, the site had a medium soil texture, with winter OSR grown four years previously.
The eld was limed prior to drilling, which happened on 20th August.
By 20th October, clubroot symptoms were discovered fairly uniformly throughout the trial. Galls and clubbing on the roots were obvious, with some plants becoming
stunted and failing to ower. The symptoms were scored and the trial taken to yield.
Crome, being the only clubrootresistant variety being trialled at the site, was the only variety in the trial to not be signi cantly, a ected, yielding approximately 1.5t/ha above the average.
Autumns seem to be increasingly warmer and wetter – and infection is most likely to occur in warm, wet soils, which helps zoospores to disperse (optimum temperature being 16–25ºC).
Crops are most susceptible to infection from August–midSeptember, and most vulnerable at one to two leaves unfolded.
Delayed drilling minimised the potential window of infection and helps the crop to avoid clubroot. Crops drilled earlier to avoid CSFB will be more vulnerable to clubroot. Mr Gosling does pose the question of whether the widespread use of cover crops could be making the clubroot problem worse.
With some cover crop mixes having brassicas in, Mr Gosling says he hopes growers who include OSR in their rotation are making sure to keep away from such mixes, but he also points out that other mixes could potentially be hiding brassicaceous weeds.
Rebecca Joynt (right) of ADAS explained that the fungicide performance project aims to evaluate different
fungicides and their relative performance against different diseases to provide independent data to support decisions when creating a spray programme.
When it comes to choosing fungicides, the key points are:
• Match fungicides to the primary disease risk, which depends mainly on variety, sowing date, location and local weather/ microclimate
• Mixtures and alternations of fungicides with different modes of action, from different fungicide groups, are often the most effective and reduce the likelihood that fungicide resistance will develop in pathogens
• Resistance poses a significant threat to the performance of fungicides. Therefore it is essential to take resistance management into account when planning fungicide programmes.
The trials are designed to create high pressure scenarios, including high risk locations, highly susceptible varieties, and evaluation using a single spray timing. Both protectant and eradicant activity are evaluated separately.
In the 2022 wheat fungicide trials, 10 di erent fungicides were tested, six of which contained a single mode of action (straights) and four were mixtures containing di erent modes of action (see Table 1).
A further seven products, which aren’t currently commercially available, were also tested and data will be made available upon registration.
As a summary of the results, the 2022 sensitivity monitoring data shows no significant shifts, and all isolates tested were within previous ranges. Mefentrifluconazole and fenpicoxamid are the leading actives, with mixtures containing these (i.e. Revystar and Univoq) giving the highest levels of control.
Septoria populations are heterogenous and individual samples vary considerably by site and season. However, ADHI and azole isolates with reduced sensitivity are slowly accounting for an increasing proportion of the population. These less sensitive isolates are becoming more complex, carrying an increasing number of mutations.
Pre- and post-application monitoring shows a single fungicide application is sufficient to drive changes in the septoria population, so it remains critical that resistance management measures are built into spray programmes: mixtures, alternation and multi-sites are key components of this approach.
In the yellow rust trials, Elatus Era was particularly effective but all mixes performed well. Meanwhile, mefentri uconazole and SDHIs tested were highly active on brown rust, with fenpicoxamid and prothioconazole showing useful activity.
We have found the holy grail.
when used protectantly,
Fiona Burnett (left) of SRUC explained that prothioconazole, uxapyroxad and mefentri uconazole gave e ective rhyncosporium control, particularly when used protectantly, although a mix of actives (as in Ascra Xpro and Revystar) was more e ective than straights and also make for a good antiresistance strategy.
Prothioconazole and mefentri uconazole gave reductions in ramularia. Fluxapyroxad was less e ective than the azoles tested.
Brown rust was well controlled by all fungicides tested while for mildew, SDHIs uopyram and bixafen add a useful protectant activity (seen in Ascra Xpro). For net blotch, azoles add useful activity to SDHIs.
Moving on to OSR disease control, there are various e ective azole and non-azole options for phoma stem canker control. Yield responses ranged from 0.4–1.0t/ha in 2022, with little bene t from applying greater than 50% of full label rate (as part of a two-spray programme).
Product di erences in canker control and yields became more evident when disease pressure was high.
In terms of light leaf spot, azoles and non-azoles are both e ective and producing similar control of disease and yield.
All modes of action available for sclerotinia control can now be used elsewhere in the fungicide programme.
To watch the full conference, visit: FG
• Easy to grow – very stiff with excellent standing and earliness
• Good specific weight
• More sustainable than current leading spring malting barley varieties
Rediscover your land and �nd ways to drive revenue.
Developed by Surrey farmer Tim Hopkin, Land App has proved popular with farmers since its launch four years ago, o ering a quick, easy way to spot opportunities for improving land pro tability. Among its many functions, the app can be used to submit Countryside Stewardship applications. Land App talked us through the process...
As an alternative way to submit Countryside Stewardship applications, Land App o ers some key bene ts –from providing a quicker, easier way to complete applications, to avoiding the risk of human error, to allowing collaboration with land agents and other third parties.
In-app guidance is also available in the form of a search bar linking to useful help articles, or a chat function with a response time of 5–10 minutes during o ce hours. Additionally, the app links up with up-to-date stewardship guidance from the government, which users nd very useful, Land App says.
All that’s required is to sign up for a free account with www.thelandapp. com and you can click to create a base map, choosing from over 50 data layers. Users can then create a new plan and select the relevant template. Land App has a live link-up with the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) so users simply enter their SBI number to import their data and they will be taken to a map of the area in question. You can then click on land parcels and select options from a drop down or use the search bar.
Simple drawing and editing tools are available to split or merge land parcels if needed and a bu er tool allows you to add wild ower bu ers etc. The maps show how di erent areas intersect with one another,
helping users to make informed decisions and get the most out of their land.
The ability to collaborate using the app is a key feature, Land App explains. Just by adding the email address of their land agent, ecologist or other third party, farmers can share the map and, if required, give permission to edit and/or publish it too.
A report function gives a full breakdown of the options and payment rates available in a table format, which automatically updates every ve seconds and can be exported as an Excel le. A paidfor version of the app provides a longer report with all layers selected, highlighting further opportunities without the need for a survey.
Documents can be added, as well as pictures from the eld using the soonto-be-released mobile app.
Finally, codes can be switched on to show the options selected on the map, and the completed map can be downloaded as a PDF or printed to send to the RPA, with a farm logo and header added if required.
Land App aims to save farmers time and make the application process as quick and easy as possible. With margins tighter than ever, o ering a free, simple way to highlight opportunities for further revenue has proved highly popular with farmers, Land App concludes. FG
n Taking top-quality spring breadmaking yields to the next level
n UK yield 7% ahead of Mulika
n Excellent disease package including a 7 for Septoria tritici
If you want to take your spring wheat yields to the next level, then take a closer look at KWS Ladum. It’s the rst of the next generation of spring wheat varieties for the UK market that brings top milling and baking quality with highly productive yield levels, a massive 7% ahead of the market leader Mulika when spring-sown.
Scan the QR code to nd out more
Essex-based farm manager rates Vari-Scary MkII bird scarer as one of the best buys for controlling grazing birds.
With so many di erent types of bird deterrents currently available to farmers, choosing the right option from a long list that includes pole-mounted kites, gas cannons, traditional replica hanging crows or even sophisticated, and often expensive, bio-acoustic sound dispersal systems can be a timeconsuming process, according to farm manager Nigel Clayson (pictured) at RS & WR Gosling, a 607ha arable farm, based at Takeley near Stansted Airport.
“All deterrents have their respective fan bases, but ultimately, as with most farm equipment purchases, it comes down to reliability, price and performance. Wind-powered bird scarers are great when it’s windy, but not so great when there’s no wind, so reliability and investing in a deterrent that can consistently do the job in all weather conditions has to be a major
consideration,” con rms Mr Clayson.
Out of all the options available, and based on previous experience, Mr Clayson favours the propane gas cannon as the best and most reliable solution for most farms, given they neither rely on wind or high visibility to provide reliable levels of protection against pigeons, crows and other pests.
are limited to between 5am and 9pm to avoid anti-social night noise disturbance, and with good positioning, one Vari-Scary gas cannon can cover a decent eld size of 13–16ha.
“I’ve tried many di erent gas cannon bird scarers over the years, but the one that stands out was the Vari-Scary MKII that I purchased at the LAMMA event in 2019.
over the years, but the was the Vari-Scary MKII LAMMA event in 2019.
It’s lightweight, with an integral handle for easy transportability, has a tough weather-proof polyethylene plastic body with waterproof seals to protect the battery compartment, and takes about 10 minutes to set up using a simple control panel to programme when the gun res throughout the day. Settings
integral handle for easy
“The key is positioning the bird scarer with the wind following in the same direction, allowing the gun re sound to carry as far as possible to achieve maximum range. The Vari-Scary has an electronic ignition system that creates a multiple spark in the steel combustion chamber of the cannon’s barrel reducing any possibility of a mis re. This gives it a signi cant advantage over older gas cannons that often rely on a single spark from a spark plug. The older models are also far more susceptible to damp, making them vulnerable to multiple mis res.
“With normal daily use, the VariScary’s battery should last just over a month between charges – however, you can upgrade to a solar panel charger option that will trickle charge
the internal battery, potentially doubling the battery life between charges, given a reasonable amount of sunlight.
“Having successfully used the Vari-Scary MkII to reduce bird grazing damage on both oilseed rape and spring peas, it’s a proven and coste ective system for protecting crops,” concludes Mr Clayson. FG
Despite a bone-dry August, later sowing than many planned and the highest levels of ea beetle pressure since 2019, British winter oilseed rape establishment this season has been remarkably good, according to the fourth year of Dekalb national grower polling.
This, and the marked increase in plantings con rmed by the late October survey, suggests the area of crop coming into next spring is set to be a good 10% up on 2022.
Reports from over 290 growers, responsible for more than 30,000ha of 2022 plantings well-spread across the main oilseed rape growing areas of the country, show the vast majority of this year’s crop going into the winter was in particularly good condition.
Almost 80% of plantings were, indeed, rated at 7.0 or more on the 0–10 scale (where 0 = complete failure and 10 = perfect establishment) with just 7% rated less than 5.0 (see Figure 1).
“Barring major winter or early spring issues, these ndings point to an overall crop survival to owering similar to the past two years at
around 90% of plantings,” says Bayer seed campaign manager and poll co-ordinator, Lizzie Carr-Archer.
“This is a vast improvement on the 67% survival to spring we recorded in the last particularly challenging establishment season of 2019/20. And it’s certainly not what large numbers of growers were expecting as recently as September.”
With almost two thirds of respondents reporting very or fairly dry conditions at sowing and only just over a third considering them at least reasonable, this year’s poll shows moisture levels at sowing were actually worse than 2019.
Together with sowing delays prompted by the very dry conditions, this left many crops particularly open to the normal late August/early September cabbage stem ea beetle challenge.
While noticeably higher than the past two years, however, overall CSFB pressure proved to be well below the level of 2019, with only just over 20% of growers reporting substantial and intense challenges from the pest compared to more than 50% three seasons ago (see Figure 2).
This and the fact that over 80% of growers reported receiving enough rainfall between sowing and late-October almost certainly accounts for the very much better position of the current crop going into winter.
“As ever, our study shows
Source: Dekalb National OSR Studies 2019 to 2022, Bayer
Source: Dekalb National OSR Studies 2019 to 2022, Bayer
considerable di erences between the regions in CSFB pressures and moisture conditions both at and after sowing,” Ms Carr-Archer notes. “Even those areas faring worst in terms of pest pressure and dryness, though, have generally better average establishment scores than 2019.
“Not surprisingly perhaps, the very much drier August led to a clear reversal of the trend to earlier drilling we’ve been recording over the past three seasons, with only around 40% of crops being sown before August 20th compared over 50% in 2021 (see Figure 3).
“Unlike recent years too, it also meant that earlier sown crops didn’t necessarily establish better than those going in at a more traditional late-August timing, despite what continued to be higher CSFB pressures at this time. This reinforces the fundamental importance of the balance between pest pressure and moisture conditions in determining OSR establishment.
“Our latest data show CSFB pressure continues to have a greater impact on establishment than soil moisture,” she points out. “Crucially too, they underline that the real clincher in moisture terms is the amount of rainfall received after sowing rather than conditions at drilling. Indeed, the di erence in average establishment score between the extremes here was
Unsurprisingly, greater CSFB pressure meant a higher proportion of growers spraying insecticide at establishment this season – 54% compared to 45% in 2021.
Encouragingly, though, this did not lead to a decline in the proportion of those deliberately avoiding spraying to encourage predators. If anything, indeed, this increased slightly – from 33% last season to 36%.
far and away greater than between the extremes of moisture at sowing (Figure 4).”
With drilling conditions so dry, it is not surprising that this year’s poll shows few, if any, overall di erences in establishment success between di erent variety types, establishment regimes or establishment management techniques.
Despite coming under greater CSFB pressure than pure lines (by virtue of being sown rather later on average) however, hybrids showed their value by establishing every bit as well.
There is a suggestion that subsoiler seeding was more successful than direct drilling, in particular. Once the fact that fewer direct drillers employed an insecticide at establishment is taken into consideration, though, any real di erence here is questionable.
While no management technique showed any marked establishment score di erence from the average either, those spreading organic manures reported the greatest success for the second year in a row.
When employed in the absence of any other main technique, spreading organic manures and seedbed fertilisation stood out as the only techniques giving noticeably higher establishment scores (see Figure 5).
“Direct drillers are clearly leading the way here,” Ms Carr-Archer observes. “Almost half (48%) are now avoiding insecticide spraying at establishment and only 44% actually used a spray this season. This may re ect a more ‘conservation-focused’ approach on the one hand and less need as a result of better conditions for crop establishment on the other.
“Those avoiding spraying did experience slightly less good establishment than the rest. So, insecticide use is clearly still having a positive e ect for many; especially where CSFB pressures are higher.
“Even so, two thirds of growers overall and more than three quarters of mainstream hybrid growers deliberately not spraying recorded establishment scores of 7 or more. What’s more, greater predation may mean they gain from lower levels of larval damage.”
“This season’s poll gives particular con dence to those not letting the very dry early autumn put them o sticking with or increasing their winter OSR growing for 2023,” she concludes.
“There’s a lot of water to go under the bridge yet, of course. Having said that, the critical importance of establishment quality to crop performance and
the extent to which both good crop establishment and later sowing are known to reduce the impact of CSFB larvae leaves us quietly con dent of a substantial year-on-year increase in the crop going to harvest.
“After all, even in the particularly damaging CSFB season of 2019/20 growers only recorded an average crop loss of around 6% between early spring and harvest.” FG
Nutrient use e ciency (NUE) is the term on everyone’s lips this season, driven by continuing high fertiliser prices and the need to maximise crop productivity.
Agronomist David McLellan says growers should think about how to maximise NUE well before they start spring applications. “One thing you can do easily is measure and correct your soil pH,” he says. “Anything less than 6.5 and you’re potentially wasting valuable fertilisers by reducing the availability of NPKs to the crop. Bear in mind that a pH of 5.5 is 10 times more acidic than the optimal pH of 6.5 so it won’t just a ect nutrient availability, it will compromise biological activity too.
“Many growers use agricultural lime to manage soil pH, which
is ne if you have very acidic elds and plenty of time to correct them, but to make rapid adjustments in time for spring or to maintain pH over the season, you need much ner material.”
According to David McLellan, the quickest and most e ective way of managing pH is to use regular applications of a granulated lime. “Omya Calciprill granules break down quickly in moisture and are rapidly incorporated into the soil. They are made from ultra ne particles of calcium carbonate which reacts quickly with the hydrogen ions in the soil, making a di erence to pH within a few weeks. Once you’ve achieved an optimum pH you can maintain it annually by applying smaller amounts to ensure optimum NUE and yields.” FG
Many farmers will be planning to sow spring crops in 2023 as they offer a cost-effective option to autumn sown crops. Spring-sown crops only have a short growing season and are more vulnerable to dry, hot weather. Good establishment is, therefore, the key to getting good yield and quality from spring sown crops.
The first thing to aim for is to sow high germination seed with high vigour. This is best achieved by using a NAAC mobile seed processor who can remove small seeds, weed seeds and any inert material that might block the drill.
Large, dense seed tends to be both higher in germination and vigour resulting in crops which
grow away rapidly in the spring, and gravity selection/gravity separation helps with this.
The next thing to consider is crop nutrition and how to deliver it to the crop. Seed treatments are available to give your crop enough nutrients to get going and sustain the crop until it can find what it needs using its root system. Your NAAC mobile seed processor will have options to apply various combinations of manganese, phosphite, amino acids and other bio-stimulants to ensure a good root system and vigorous growth.
To help get your spring sown crops off to the best possible start, visit for more information. FG
Nottinghamshire arable farmer Ross Joyce made the decision to switch from granular fertiliser to a liquid system in 2019. Three years on and he has seen output improve, better utilisation of farm equipment and has started a new contract spraying operation and holiday letting business.
Wheatcroft Farms near Retford is a 180ha family farming partnership that grows winter wheat and barley, winter linseed and spring beans, as well as some rotational and permanent grass for a beef enterprise. The medium-toheavy clay soils produce feed wheat yields that average 10t/ha.
Mr Joyce has had experience of liquids and Omex P:K suspension fertilisers, having worked at a nearby farm, Loates Bros. “Working for a very good neighbour prior to coming home to the farm, opened my eyes on how to manage fertiliser regimes and inputs,” he says. “On our farm we were spreading the cheapest granular fertiliser – urea and sulphur blends –through a 24m spreader. We would make sure the machine was calibrated correctly and serviced each season, but we still got stripes two weeks after application.
“We thought we had it right, but after seeing how our neighbour was managing their fertiliser regime, we decided to go back to the drawing board.”
Once back on the family farm, Mr
Joyce says that the rst stage was to improve the quality of the granular fertiliser being applied, but what followed was a price increase. The nal nail in the co n was having at crop between the tramlines and uneven crop on the edge of the eld.
“We had no GPS either, and our John Deere 24m trailed sprayer was not GPS compatible,” he explains. “At this point, we decided to go with liquid fertiliser for the rst time, so I contacted Omex for advice. In our rst season of using liquid fertiliser, which was 2019, we used a contractor, which happened to be Loates Bros, who used their 24m self-propelled Househam with GPS and section control.
“Interestingly, despite switching to liquid fertiliser, we initially got a yield variation; but this was because of the build up of nitrogen in the soil pro le. This really brought it home to me how inaccurate granular fertiliser systems are, and ultimately its impact on pro tability.”
Mr Joyce explains that switching to liquid fertiliser has simpli ed
the whole delivery and application operation, and is putting his money in the right place. The farm has since had two 30m3 bunded liquid fertiliser tanks installed, which are positioned at the main farm. The buildings vacated from storing bagged fertiliser have allowed the farm to further diversify having been converted into a holiday letting business.
“There’s no comparison between a granular spreader and liquid application, especially at wider boom widths,” he says. “There is an argument to say that a boom granular spreader can be as accurate as a liquid applicator, although I don’t believe the section control option is really there yet.
“I think a key point is in the nitrogen uptake, which is immediate with liquid, whereas without rain or moisture a granular prill will just stay on the surface. There is also the issue of volatilisation with granular fertilisers.”
Mr Joyce adds that with liquid fertiliser there are no bags or storage or waste disposal issues.
In the second year, Mr Joyce employed the farm’s own John Deere sprayer, which saved on the contractor costs and despite the
sprayer only having four section control and manual shut o , it proved to be more accurate than the granular spreader.
“Last year we bought a 24m Bateman self-propelled to bene t from the section control, and increased capacity from 2,500-litres to 4,000-litres,” he says. “It means we have increased our output by 70%, which is due to needing fewer ll ups, and an increased forward speed. With our extra capacity, we have been able to start a whole farm sprayer contracting service and last year we sprayed 100ha for Loates Bros.”
Fertiliser application at Wheatcroft Farm is now a one-man operation. Switching to liquid means no forklift requirement and the larger capacity tank removes the need for a bowser.
From a product cost perspective, Mr Joyce says that he is able to purchase liquid fertiliser through Omex when the price is competitive.
“Chris Pacey at Omex is always following the market and he helps us make the right nancial purchasing decision before prices increase. He also nds ways to maximise nitrogen e ciencies by applying di erent products in the programme such as foliars and urease inhibitors.” FG
Lincolnshire grower Edward Knight of James Knight Farms near Folkingham, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, was very pleased with how the large blue pea LG Aviator coped with the challenging dry conditions of 2022.
“They stood up nicely to combine and yielded 3.7t/ha,” he says.
“This is the first year we have grown LG Aviator which will go to Limagrain UK for seed. We are impressed with it as a variety - it’s clean, vigorous and with the dry conditions we didn’t have to spend too much on it. We also bale the straw as the cattle like pea straw, so it’s a good value crop for us.”
“We have grown pulses on and off for the last fifteen years, depending on where they fit in the rotation. We work the soil in the autumn with a Sumo trio, and then drill in the spring once soils have warmed up enough. For the first time, we direct drilled the peas using a Mzuri in an attempt to conserve as much soil moisture as possible - which worked well.”
At a time when farmers are looking carefully at crop inputs, a variety like LG Aviator should provide some much needed varietal security as it offers the best disease resistance package of any large blue pea variety, including powdery mildew resistance,” says Corrie Dekker, assistant pulse breeder for Limagrain UK
“The variety also exhibits a unique architecture with most of the pods near the top of the plant, which keeps them off the ground and makes for easier combining.”
For these reasons Ms Dekker believes that LG Aviator will feature in generations to come and is why it has been significantly taken up by the industry.
• Family Farm & Contracting
• Rotation
• Peas/Beans
• Wheat
• Wheat/Spring Barley
• Linseed
• Wheat
• Wheat/Spring Barley
LG Aviator in summary
• Good yield performance
withconsistentfloweringand even maturity
• Excellent tolerance to downy mildew and powdery mildew resistant
• Multi podded type with a condensed pod set at the top of the plant
• Suitable for micronizing,feed and human consumption markets
It is fair to say that events over recent years have changed the way we think about nitrogen.
Firstly, the high cost of N fertiliser has focused our attention on maximising the return on a major investment.
Secondly, incoming legislation on urea-based fertiliser has highlighted risks associated with the use of urea as a fertiliser.
Thirdly, there is a broader recognition that N fertilisers are the largest contributor to the carbon footprint of crops where N fertiliser is applied –providing further impetus to look at N di erently in pursuit of mitigating climate change.
Finally, we have experienced a number of dry springs which have presented challenges in managing N applications to maintain crop uptake. Starting 2023 optimistically, let’s look for the positives that we can take from the current situation.
This is not just about N fertilisers; the value of N in manures has also tripled. Such a valuable resource should be managed with that in mind. An average tonne of poultry manure is now worth more than £50 in available nutrients alone. Applying manures accurately at the right time, and minimising ammonia losses – it’s a win: win; better use of manures and less additional N needed to meet crop requirement as a result. Two economic bene ts, and two environmental bene ts, a reduction in ammonia emissions and lowering the carbon footprint of the growing crop.
Ensuring N is available to winter cereals as they start growing again has proven to increase tiller survival which maintains yield potential. The soil will typically supply around half the N required, but mineralisation of organic N is temperature and moisture dependant – meaning it is unwise to rely on the soil supplying too much
early N (especially if the soil temperature is below 5ºC at rooting depth).
Ammonium nitrate supplies readily available nitrate N, as well as slower release ammonium N. Urea once in soil solution will supply ammonium N. For those using urea for the rst time, it is worth knowing that, as urea must undergo chemical change to become plant available, it is advisable to apply it earlier than you would ammonium nitrate – once conditions allow, urea can be applied without any major risks attached. Increasingly we nd the best and most consistent results come from front-loading N applications. An application of 80kg once conditions allow helps to meet the early crop demand. Once winter cereals begin rapid growth – they will need nearly 20kg of N per week to keep up with demand. If we continue to experience dry Aprils – the risk of N loss via leaching diminishes and the speed at which applied N gets to the roots can be impeded.
The legislation referred to earlier is the impending restrictions on the use of urea-based fertilisers. These restrictions will be audited from the spring of 2024 – meaning that fertiliser used in the spring of 2024 will need to meet the new guidelines. Of course, this doesn’t stop anyone from following the guidelines from now on though...
Urease inhibitors are e ective at reducing the risk of ammonia losses from urea. From 2024, these will need to be used from 1st April each year. Volatilisation cannot be e ectively managed by the calendar though.
If we experience warm dry conditions in March, there could still be signi cant N losses from urea.
For liquid N users it is simple to respond to the
conditions and include an inhibitor if needed. Not so simple for granular urea, which needs to be protected before it is delivered. More people are opting for protected urea – with a urease inhibitor impregnated or applied to the fertiliser prior to bagging. Protected urea o ers bene ts in terms of performance over untreated urea – increased e ciency of N will inevitably reduce the amount of N needed to meet the optimum N supply.
Therefore, the fact that legislation is telling us that urea can be ine cient – gives us the opportunity to learn how to make it as e ective as possible. This is important, given the reduction in the amount of ammonium nitrate that is available for the UK farmer.
The use of methylene urea products as a source of foliar N is a very e ective way of maintaining N uptake through dry periods. Bypassing the soil and supplying a source of N that is safe and highly e cient o ers further opportunities to rely less on conventional N fertilisers.
Green ammonia – produced without the need for fossil fuels – will be arriving soon. Using fertilisers produced from green ammonia has a signi cant impact on reducing carbon footprint – the main argument against it has been cost. The gas price looks to have hastened progress in this area.
Fixing N from the air. Air is nearly 80% N, so if we can get more direct biological xation by plants – like legumes – we can further reduce our reliance on N fertilisers. We are currently reviewing three products that all x N in di erent ways. This could be a real game changer if the products prove e ective.
There are lots of reasons to think positively about the future of N – which is good news given we are now o cially needing to feed more than eight billion people! FG
The AMAZONE FT front tank, you wouldn’t even know it was there
With the AMAZONE UF sprayer, its reputation goes before it. That well-proven formula of induction bowl performance, boom ride and nozzle control coupled with its exceptional build quality and reliability has made the UF what it is today.
When you are looking for increased work rates from a wraparound sprayer combination, there’s adding
just extra capacity and then there’s adding AMAZONE convenience and comfort. All that connects the AMAZONE FT to the rear-mounted UF sprayer is just a cable and 2” feed and return pipes. After that technology takes over and you don’t even know a front tank is there.
Simplicity, performance, capacity, AMAZONE.
myAMAZONE for higher output
The perfectly balanced extended capacity
•Broad spectrum weed control
•Unique SX® formulation
•Faster, safer washout
•Broadest tank mix compatibilities supported with the widest range of approved ALS tank mixes and sequences
•Consistent quality, reliability and traceability
Continually increasing environmental and legislative measures mean that blanket application of agrochemicals is under constant pressure to justify its usage. However, in its 50-odd years of sprayer development, Amazone says it has always been at the forefront of technology when it comes to minimising environmental impact and also in reducing unnecessary chemical wastage during application.
From day one, those fundamentals of spraying have never varied. The tank contents need to be homogenously mixed to ensure an even application. The boom needs to be kept at an optimum 50cm above target height on a 50cm nozzle spacing with 110-degree nozzles, or lower with a 25cm spacing, to get the perfect overlap between nozzles and the correct nozzle needs to be selected to give the right droplet size at the right application rate. In the eld, the driver has historically been responsible for ensuring that the boom was at the correct height, that the tank mix had reached all of the nozzles and that the sprayer was switched on and o at the appropriate point.
With regard to using technology to handle some of that responsibility, Amazone’s DUS pressure recirculation system makes sure the boom is purged and primed with the correct mix and so ready to spray from that rst corner. The automatic boom shut-o system, GPSSwitch, which came onto the market in 2007, enables pin-point on/o accuracy of the sprayer boom section when coming in and out of the headlands –not only helping to reduce the stress on the driver, but also generating savings of 5% in chemical usage by stopping excessive overlapping and preventing any resistance risk by ensuring full coverage.
This major breakthrough was followed quickly by DistanceControl,
where a combination of ultrasound sensors, potentiometers and gyroscopes kept the boom at the target height above crop, keeping drift to a minimum and ensuring optimum coverage.
Fast-forward to 2023, and Amazone sprayer technology continues to o er a responsible and sustainable approach. Nozzles are controlled individually meaning that sprayer overlap is reduced to just 15% of a standard sprayer, giving further savings on chemical usage.
The new boom control system, ContourControl, uses a combination of clever hydraulics and electronics so that the boom maintains the target height at speeds of up to 20kph with both negative and positive geometry automatically compensated for. Switch from 50cm nozzle spacing down to 25cm, and the boom target height is automatically set. SwingStop eliminates boom tip sway caused by in uences of the tractor movement to ensure the same dose rate across the full boom width.
Take also the new Amazone DirectInject system; here, an on-board 50-litre reception tank carries an additional neat product with a highaccuracy pump that injects this directly into the nozzle body on demand. The system is plumbed directly into the
Isobus software so the operator can turn the DirectInject system on and o at will.
DirectInject is then ideal for spraying headlands with a selective tank mix that complies with any bu er zone requirements with the additional product then being added at the nozzle for the remainder of the eld where it can be legally applied.
Alternatively, a base rate of an active ingredient cam be blanket sprayed across the eld but which can be topped up on demand for areas where disease or weed pressure is higher or, in areas such as weed pockets, a new ingredient can be added to the nozzle mix just for that split second of spraying. Any unused chemical is not wasted, but is returned to the container and the system washed out through the automatic cleaning cycle. No cross-contamination of the main spray mix is possible through the use of two separate spray lines. This application process will be automated in the future by the use of application maps. The system in practice has seen better utilisation of the sprayer by reduced passes through the crop, cutting operator time as well as better pest, weed and disease control.
We all know the importance of droplet size when it comes to drift
reduction, and Amazone’s unique electric nozzle selection system – AmaSelect – o ers accuracy of application by ensuring the correct nozzle size is automatically chosen on the move to suit forward speed and application rate.
Spray rate controllers increase the ow of liquid to match the speed of the sprayer and thus maintain application rate but this is generally achieved through one nozzle and so increasing the speed generates more ow at the nozzle and thus a smaller droplet size and so more drift.
AmaSelect picks the optimum nozzle, or combination of nozzles to keep droplet sizes the same, irrespective of speed or rate. The AmaSelect system can also be used for other bene ts. CurveControl uses acceleration sensors to calculate the boom speed at any point along its width and then selects the right nozzle at that point to maintain the dose rate across the full boom.
AmaSelect Row means that the sprayer can switch between band spraying and full width spraying at the press of a button – ideal for targeting row crops such as potatoes, maize or sugar beet, again with savings of up to 65% on chemical usage being achieved.
AmaSelect Spot means that the sprayer can spot spray to a weed map to increase sprayer output by targeting chemical application as well as reducing the overall usage. FG
With the new spraying season not far away, now is a good time to be thinking about rainwater harvesting and storage. MJP Supplies can provide a wide range of tank sizes, all available from Enduramaxx which are produced locally to the company at Baston in Lincolnshire.
Rainwater has a lower pH than hard mains water, meaning spraying e cacy is greatly improved and water softeners and conditioners don’t need to be used – so saving money and time when lling sprayers.
Rainwater is also free, and most farms have large roof areas ready to collect from. The water can be ltered before storing, using one of MJP’s self-cleaning lter systems which prevents any debris or grit getting into the storage tanks. The company can o er multiple tanks joined together to provide extra storage for dry times of the year,
and has a rainwater calculator available.
Another way of improving spraying e ciency is to mount one of MJP’s transport tanks in an existing grain trailer or on a at trailer, making an instant and cost e ective bowser that can be used to transport water or fertiliser safely and e ciently to the eld. MJP can o er transport tanks of up to 13,000 litres but says the 10,000 litre is the most popular as it can be used in an existing 12 or 14t trailer and still be safe if used with liquid fertiliser with an sg of 1.3.
For more details or free quotes and advice contact Marcus at MJP Supplies directly. FG
Life Scienti c has launched two new, cost-e ective herbicides.
Laya is a water-soluble granule formulation containing 200g/ kg metsulfuron-methyl and is a reverse-engineered Ally SX. Laya can be used for spring-applied broad-leaved weed control in wheat, barley, oats and triticale.
Leash contains 200g clopyralid and is a reverse-engineered Dow Shield for controlling perennial and annual broad-leaved weeds in a range of di erent crops.
“With wheat prices as high as they are, this presents a good opportunity for growers to push for higher yields and pro ts. It is certainly not the time to scrimp and hold back on inputs that will detract from the crop achieving its full potential,” says Ruth Stanley, Life Scienti c country manager for UK & Ireland.
However, she also recognises
that a balance between expensive inputs and pushing for yield has to be struck, and this is where she believes the new herbicides will t into a cost-e ective spraying programme very well.
“It is important to use sulfonylureas in programmes or tank-mix with herbicides with alternative modes of action. Laya can be applied as a joint application with one of the following ALS herbicides: Barton WG, Boxer, Cintac, Eagle, Galaxy, GF-184, Hatra, Horus, Hunter, Niantic and Othello.”
Leash is a selective systemic herbicide, which is e ective mainly by foliar uptake, and belongs to HRAC Group 4 (Auxin mimics).
Whilst Leash is approved for use in many important UK crops, Ruth advises checking the label as not all the crops have approval for the same timing, or individual or maximum dose. FG
A mild winter, forward crops and good conditions for sprayers to travel have conspired to o er many arable farmers an early opportunity to get ahead with weed control.
Corteva Agriscience says crop protection products targeted at eliminating key problem weeds could be applied earlier than usual where active growth can be identi ed.
But the crop protection company is advising growers to ensure programmes cover the full spectrum of weeds.
Met O ce data shows temperatures in September, October and November – the key months for winter cereal drilling and emergence
– were above the long-term average.
Some parts of the UK saw some unseasonably warm weather; the highest recorded temperature in November was 21ºC in North Wales.
However, December and January saw cold snaps, frosts and localised ooding, which has checked some crops.
“The net result is that most winter cereals went in the ground in favourable conditions and emerged well,” says Alister McRobbie, cereal herbicides category manager for
“Farmers who avoided the worst of the recent heavy rain and ooding will be pretty happy with how their elds are looking.”
Alister reckons autumn residuals had the environment to do a good job, but that a spring clean-up of weeds will still be necessary.
He said: “Those who have used cinmethylin-based products for the rst time last autumn will have been predominantly aiming to control black-grass and ryegrass.
“But it is important to look out for the other key weeds which may already be present, or will emerge in the coming days and weeks. Cinmethylin will not control every weed that grows in amongst the crop.”
Broadway Star is a mainstay of spring weed control programmes, and will be among the rst products applied if an early opportunity to get sprayers working appears in February.
It gives excellent control of brome species, ryegrass, wild oats and a range of broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat and also has approval for use in spring wheat.
“Early applications for sterile brome control will bene t from tank mixing with pendimethalin to provide some residual control where there is potential for further germination,” Alister added.
Broadway Star also controls a range of di cult broad-leaved weeds, including cleavers, charlock and cranesbill, so there is usually no need for a broad-leaved weed followup spray.
The product label speci es a maximum rate of 265g/ha and a single application per crop. It can be used on crops between growth stages 11–32 inclusive. FG
We supply a wide range of sprayers suited to horticulture, amenity and agriculture along with a wide range of PPE for all spraying needs
Our range of rainwater harvesting and storage tanks are ideal for lling sprayers as e cacy is improved when using rainwater for chemical applications
Precision farming and drift reduction are two important issues when it comes to sustainable and environmentallyfriendly agricultural solutions.
Claiming to be one of the leaders in tackling this challenge with innovative crop sprayers and cutting-edge technologies, Agrifac has introduced what it calls the nal piece of the Condor product range puzzle; the Condor Vanguard – ready for the future and compliant with all European regulations.
With a tank capacity of 6000 litres and a driving speed of up to 50kph, it gives the market exactly what it needs, Agrifac reckons.
More high-quality yield is achieved more e ciently, due to the fast lling, fast cleaning technology and fast folding
booms. Like all self-propelled sprayers available from Agrifac, the Condor Vanguard is equipped with the most innovative and high-quality options, which Agrifac says makes it the ‘vanguard’ of precision farming and drift reduction.
A stable boom and higher capacity are the basis for optimum coverage, minimal drift, variable spraying technology and spot spraying at plant level. The Condor Vanguard can be used exibly thanks to a 75cm adjustable track width and is available in two variants of track widths: 180–300cm.
With a maximum vehicle width of 255cm and its signi cant tank capacity, the Vanguard completes the Condor range. Contact the company for more details. FG
J&S Industries Ltd has added SmartStriker camera technology to its range of Isobus application products.
SmartStriker works in conjunction with Hawkeye PWM in three di erent modes:
• Green-on-brown intercrop weeding
• Green-on-green for targeted weeds in crops
• Modulation for real time application of fungicides and fertiliser.
Thanks to its embedded arti cial intelligence system, SmartStriker takes control of the sprayer’s PWM to apply the correct dose in the right place.
During the operation, SmartStriker maps the application for traceability. This also gives better monitoring of infestation over the years.
As with all variable application systems, you cannot pre-calculate the quantity required for the job. This, says J&S Industries, is the perfect opportunity to use the Raven Injection Pumps to add the correct quantity of pesticide into the spray lines while only having water in the main tank.
including constant droplet size over an extended speed range while maintaining the application rate; individual control of up to 192 nozzles, giving excellent headland management; and the ability to quickly change section widths to suit di erent requirements such as bed work.
The Raven Rate Control Module (pictured) o ers many embedded Isobus options, such as:
• Spraying with 16 sections standard
• Lime spreading
• Air seeders
• Planters
• Hoes.
For more information, contact J&S Industries Ltd directly. FG lines
Raven Hawkeye Nozzles o er various bene ts when spraying,
Seaweed extracts have risen in popularity, driven by environmental pressures, the soaring cost of fertilisers, improved knowledge of their functions in plants and soil health, and their natural ability to support metabolism in plants through the provision of amino acids, hormones, sugars, nutrients, and phytohormones.
Croptek Bio Ltd supplies a range of high-quality seaweed extracts which are a complex broth of bioactive compounds that act as elicitors of the plant defence response. Timely applications of seaweed extracts are an e ective tool in increasing the amounts of exudates produced by the plant which in turn boosts the soil condition, as well as improving the control of disease management – resulting in cost savings in crop protection products.
Early application of 1-litre of SeaPhyte at GS0 will stimulate
the rooting system, increase the plant immune system, and create a healthier plant ready for the rst nitrogen dressing, early fungicide and nal herbicides in cereals, Croptek Bio says.
Seaweed extracts should be included, not simply as ‘ re ghters’ when plants are under stress, but as part of a programme when, in combination with other products, they will enhance the e ectiveness of the other components, alleviating stresses that occur as a result.
Croptek Bio Ltd o ers a range of products made by specialists to work in all types of crops. SeaPhyte at 1-litre/ha should be the rst application to winter cereals as spring emerges, and to a spring crop once it has su cient leaf cover to absorb the product. This is followed by further applications of SeaFol at 1-litre/ha, maintaining the plant and soil health, and improving crop tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. FG
The new 7-Series GRIM 3000 self-propelled sprayer from Italian rm Grim, distributed in the UK by Merse Agriculture, has proved popular with farmers since its UK debut at Cereals 2022.
Merse is UK dealer for Bargam sprayers but began importing the Grim sprayer after the popular 3,000-litre model was discontinued.
The Grim machine has already been getting positive feedback from customers, Merse says. It’s powered by an Iveco FPT 4-cyl 170hp Stage 5 engine. Transmission is a Danfoss hydrostat and drive motor and it has mechanical drive with Dana Spicer axles and two-speed reduction box.
Other bene ts include:
• Eco drive and cruise control for reduced fuel consumption
• Self-loading air suspension over hydraulic dampers, making for an incredibly smooth ride
• Class 4 pressurised cabin with heater box and fridge, with the main armrest
containing the joystick for the drive and all the machine controls within easy reach of the operator.
The 7-Series comes with a 2,500-litre tank and 3,000-litre option, with the latter being very light considering the spec, at 6,700kg. Regarding the spray pack, Merse can t a range of steel or aluminium booms to suit the customer’s needs. The technology available on the machine is also completely customised to individual requirements.
The machine is available up to 5,000 litres and there is the option of hydrostatic drive with wheel motors instead of mechanical drive. FG
The Apollo CM-40 sprayer implement controller provides auto-section and variable rate control for more than 100 sprayer sections and up to eight products and is compatible with almost all self-propelled, trailed, and mounted sprayers.
LH Agro says the Apollo CM-40 adds exibility to how a sprayer is used and operated. It is fully Isobus compatible via an ISO-UT (universal terminal) connection which enables it to be used with a wide array of third-party Isobus displays. It can also be operated via Topcon’s proprietary Horizon OS interface and the full range of Topcon X and XD-series of consoles.
Available as an aftermarket upgrade, the Apollo CM-40 provides a variety of futureproofed functions including headland-speci c nozzle control
calculator. It is also compatible with Pentair’s Hypro ProStop-E valve system which enables sprayer operators to individually control more than 200 spray sections on a nozzle-by-nozzle basis. It o ers o ers autoswitching of up to four separate spray lines to give the operator even greater levels of control and spray pattern customisation, thus allowing for improved precision when applying liquid fertiliser or crop protection chemicals.
The Apollo CM-40 is fully compatible with the Topcon Agriculture Platform (TAP) through which operators can upload and share various data elds including soil, seed and yield information as well as ‘asapplied’ application data. TAP also allows users to create and share prescription application maps which can be sent wirelessly to the sprayer or tractor cab for easier control of all spraying, spreading and drilling operations. FG
spreading operations.
With the ability to minimise environmental impacts by eliminating drift and preventing under and over-dosing, the Hardi PulseSystem is the future of application technologies, the company says; currently available on the conventional Delta Force boom on Aeon and Navigator, plus the Twin boom on Aeon.
Together with the Twin boom con guration on the Hardi Aeon, which already has superb drift reduction and penetration characteristics, the Danish in-house manufactured pulse-width modulation system, Hardi PulseSystem, is an essential additional step forward in controlling where pesticides are deposited directly from the driver’s seat.
Combining two innovative drift-reducing technologies, Hardi says it has developed an application
solution with the potential to deliver spray directly into the crop where the plant needs it, with the least amount of drift, improving e ciency and reducing costs for the grower.
By opening and closing the nozzles, the Hardi PulseSystem can keep the nozzles open from 30–100% at the same pressure ow while ensuring the droplet size is una ected, regardless of working speeds. Drift is also minimised while the ow rate is optimised, as the desired droplet size can be maintained throughout spraying operations.
In addition, the PulseSystem works with a single nozzle on/o –at a width of 36m, control of all 72 nozzles at a single nozzle level. This can be done via a digital eld map –and savings of up to 90% are possible by treating only the desired areas within the eld. FG
Trusted by growers and agronomists up and down the UK, Broadway® Star delivers an outstanding performance in winter wheat against yield robbing grassweeds as well as troublesome broad-leaved weeds.
Broadway Star is my go-to spring product for ryegrass and wild oats with the added bonus of enough activity on broad-leaved weeds to be able to forget any further need for herbicides. ”
Matthew Copley, Farm Manager, North YorkshireIt’s an essential part of our whole rotation approach to controlling brome grasses with the added advantage of hitting cleavers and wild oats. A flexible and very e ective herbicide. ” “
Michael Hambly, Farmer, Cornwall
Great spring clear up of grassweeds and di cult broad-leaved weeds. There’s a lot more tame oats to control now and Broadway Star fits this situation perfectly. ”
Mark Bellamy, Agronomist, LincolnshireI’ve used Broadway Star for over 10 years. It works on a good range of weeds - especially wild oats and cleavers. In a lot of fields it is the only herbicide needed for spring weed control. ”
David Short, Agronomist, HertfordshireRye grassWild oats
Broad-leaved weeds Brome
Broadway® Star gives excellent control of brome species, ryegrass and wild oats in wheat. It is also e ective against a wide range of broad-leaved weeds. Apply for cost-e ective and proven control.
Hit your problem hard. Talk to your advisor or find out more at
When it comes to e cient and accurate performance, British sprayer manufacturer Team Sprayers says the on-farm set up is vital to ensure you’re getting the best out of your sprayer, which is why it guarantees personal set up with every GPS section-controlled sprayer it sells in the UK.
The Ely-based company is a family business and prides itself on manufacturing simple but easy to operate sprayers, yet says that it believes o ering personal set up with every sprayer service is one of the key reasons for e cient performance of its sprayers.
East Lothian farmer Willie Robertson recently bought a Team Leader 4 sprayer and said the after sales service was one of the key
reasons he went with Team.
Mr Robertson commented: “I was keen to buy a British sprayer as we had experienced di culties getting parts for our previous European machine.
“Our agricultural engineer recommended Team and I’ve been really impressed with the machine and the service; they were great at coming back to us with any queries and Phil even came up to commission it for us.
“We opted for the 32m boom and a 4,000-litre tank, and it’s got everything we need such as GPS and variable boom geometry, but it’s simple to use and easy to get to the parts, which are all o the shelf.
“I’m really pleased with it and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Team Sprayers.” FG
New trailed and self-propelled sprayers are being speci ed with more application technology than ever before, claims Joe Allen, Chafer Machinery’s marketing manager. “All Chafer sprayers are custom built for each user, so we can gauge where demand is for tech that aids both application accuracy, alongside things operators are specifying to streamline their jobs.”
Over the last two decades, automation of the spraying process has continually advanced. “Features such as auto section control and auto boom levelling have been followed by further advancements in all aspects of the spraying process,” states Joe. “Automated plumbing systems such as our own ePlumbing system o er users auto lling, rinsing and dilution systems, to streamline liquid control processes both in the eld and at the yard.” Their
popularity is certainly in evidence, with Chafer stating over 90% of the self-propelled machines are tted with these systems, while over 70% of trailed also bene t.
The company’s sprayers’ application e cacy has also bene ted from new technologies in the market. Chafer is the UK importer for Raven Hawkeye Pulse Width Modulation systems, with the setup available on both their trailed and self-propelled ranges. “PWM allows the operator to not only specify the droplet size from the cab, but also to maintain it over the whole eld, o ering the best application possible,” explains Joe. Improvements in the quality of application rate control, turn compensation and individual nozzle control have resulted in over a third of self-propelled machines being delivered with PWM, with just under a quarter of trailed sprayers. FG
The boom is very compact when folded away, which is great for us as we move around a lot between farms. It’s brilliant in the field and very easy to operate. I have been really pleased with it and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
The Benefits of Boom Height Control
Reduce Operator Stress
• Operators no longer have to continuously look at the boom
• Allows operator to focus on drive path
• Operator can go faster
Cover More Acres
• Work day and night – sensors do not need light to “see”
• Take advantage of low wind conditions at night
• Spray faster – no manual boom adjustments
Other Benefits/Features
• Boom height control systems may offer other features such as Headlands Assist so that the boom can be automatically lifted and lowered at the end of the field
• Satisfaction guaranteed
Derek Johnston +44 (0) 1228 580372
Cote House, Wetheral Carlise, Cumbria CA4 8HZ
Maintain Proper Spray Tip Height
• Increase application efficiency – get the most from your spray
• Too low = Streaking
• Too High = Drift Issues
• Ensures chemical application is not wasted due to improper boom height
Protect Sprayer From Damage
• Accurate control
• Avoid ground strikes
• Prevents downtime from repairing bent booms and broken spray nozzels
Hybrid Mode™
• An advanced crop sensing feature for in-crop spraying that eliminates the need for the operator to take manual control of the boom in a row crops or adverse situations such as lodged, thin and uneven crop Patented
Precise Solutions
Custom built in the United Kingdom, Chafer trailed crop sprayers are engineered to o er excellent spraying output and performance, combined with absolute precision and control. Each machine is packed with innovative features and systems to increase e ciency and spray timeliness whilst safeguarding the operator and environment. For more information call Chafer Machinery on 01427 838341 or visit
In the 2023 model year, the Jaguar 900 and Jaguar 900 Terra Trac forage harvesters from Claas will bene t from an optimised pick up drive, while the Jaguar 800 series is expanded with new and more powerful models. The Cemis 1200 terminal with the new GPS Pilot will also become available for all models.
The drive system for the front attachment on the Jaguar 900 and Jaguar 900 Terra Trac, will be enhanced with functionality that automatically adjusts the pick up speed to the ground speed above 5kph. This results in an even more consistent crop ow, especially where there are frequent and signi cant changes in swath thickness, Claas reckons.
Also new is the automatic chain lubrication for the left-side drive of the intake auger and pick-up reel.
Meanwhile, the Jaguar 840 will receive the larger Mercedes-Benz OM 471 LA Stage 5 6-cyl engine already used in the Jaguar 850. Its ample displacement of 12.8 litres means that engine output for the smallest forage harvester in the current Claas product range is increased by 27hp, taking the maximum output to 435hp at 1,600 rpm.
The Jaguar 840 has a 730mm wide feeder unit with four precompression rollers as well as a 750mm wide chopping cylinder with a diameter of 630mm. As an option, it can be equipped with the MCC roller corncracker with a sawtooth pro le, the MCC Max with the particularly durable BusaCLAD coating or the MCC Shredlage cracker. It is therefore possible to select the right technology for intensive crop processing across the entire length-of-cut spectrum.
Additionally, the Jaguar 900 and 800 can now also be equipped with the new Cemis 1200 terminal with the newly developed GPS Pilot. As well as representing an alternative to the row sensor when harvesting maize with the Orbis and the CAM Pilot when harvesting grass, this automated steering system can also be used when harvesting whole crop silage or other types of forage crops. The Cemis 1200 has a 12in screen that provides a 2D and 3D display with a splittable screen, as well as online task management and documentation with data export by means of telematics or USB stick.
Another new development is the two-stage activation of Auto Pilot/GPS Pilot and Cemos Auto Performance or Cruise Pilot. After
turning and entering the next track, the operator rst activates the steering system at the touch of a button and accelerates up to the speed at which the machine is able to make optimal use of the
available power; with a second push of the button on the CMotion lever, Cemos Auto Performance or Cruise Pilot – depending on the system tted – takes automatic control of the ground speed. This enables
faster adjustment to the set engine speed, the most e cient power level and a suitable ground speed. If the pushbutton is pressed down somewhat longer; both functions are activated simultaneously as usual. FG
The Unimog U 435 Implement Carrier is king of the crop. Equipped with an impressive 350 bhp, hard work is a walk in the park for this mighty machine, and with a top speed of 56 mph** on the road, it’s not just better than a tractor, but faster and more fuel efficient too.
With more muscle for mowing and power for pulling, the Unimog U 435 is the ultimate farmhand. And it works as hard as you do. With 1,380 Nm of torque, and optional LED headlights, the Mighty ‘Mog is always the last one to leave work after dark.
Interested? We’ve put together a competitive finance package, especially for you. Initial rental of £6,683 followed by 59 monthly rentals of £2,228*.
UK vegetable handling equipment manufacturer Tong Engineering has been appointed UK distributor for Dutch palletising solutions manufacturer Verbruggen.
The announcement comes in line with Tong’s commitment to supply vegetable growers and processors with the complete handling solution, from post-harvest to pack – adding advanced end-of-line box and bag palletising systems to its high-quality range of equipment.
“Like Tong, Verbruggen is a family business who are committed to manufacturing innovative, custom-built handling solutions that save labour and maximise throughput,” says Simon Lee, Tong sales director. “Verbruggen is renowned for manufacturing rst-class palletising and stacking solutions with excellent product support. We have successfully collaborated on a number of projects with Verbruggen in the past, so we are experienced in the capabilities of their machines and are delighted that we can now o cially o er their range of palletisers to the UK agricultural industry.”
Manufactured to ensure quick, e cient and uniform stacking of bags, boxes and crates on pallets or sheets, Verbruggen palletisers o er precise product stacking capabilities at any speed, resulting in a palletiser for every throughput. With various automatic and semiautomatic options, a Verbruggen palletising system not only brings a signi cant reduction in labour costs and downtime, but also utilises loading space in the most e cient way, Tong reckons. In addition to its comprehensive palletiser range, Verbruggen solutions also include wrapping machines, strapping machines and check weighers, all of which will be part of Tong’s o ering as UK distributor.
“Verbruggen palletisers are very versatile, with options to handle both bags and boxes, as well as the ability to handle any product that needs to be stacked, from potatoes and onions to carrots, parsnips and more,” says Simon. “In synergy with our experience in handling all types of vegetables, this makes Verbruggen solutions the ideal endof-line product to add to our range, which can be supplied as a standalone system, or fully integrated within a Tong turnkey handling line.”
Of the new partnership,
Verbruggen account manager Ton van ’t Hof, commented: “We are very pleased to expand our sales and aftersales support network in the UK by establishing a new partnership with Tong; a highly respected and experienced UK manufacturer who we know will work closely with customers to understand their exact
requirements and determine the right Verbruggen solution for their needs. We look forward to Tong taking care of our existing UK customers as well as progressing our relationship and customer base,
to bring more e cient palletising systems to more vegetable producers throughout the UK.”
For more information on the Verbruggen range contact Tong Engineering’s sales team. FG
With working widths of 2.75m-5.25m, the Combi-Disc brings together subsoiling and disc elements in one frame and HE-VA’s clever design allows all the components to be adjusted hydraulically on the move.
• Subsoiling legs - restructure soils to 16” (40cm) deep.
• 510mm discs - cut and mix to 5” (125mm) deep.
• Long leg stagger - reduced soil squeeze means lower HP requirement.
• Shearbolt or hydraulic auto reset leg protection.
• 600mm or 700mm single or 600mm twin V-profilepressroller.
• Mounted and trailed models.
• Optional Stealth, low disturbance legs & points.
There was plenty to see at LAMMA 2023, even though the previous event was only seven months before. David Williams reports from the machinery lines.
Increased automation featured strongly at the show – but most was included within practical improvements to machine speci cations rather than revolutionary new products. Achieving more with less was the general theme, as awareness grows that there is no quick solution available to the agricultural labour shortages, and that reducing costs
of production while maintaining or increasing outputs is a priority for livestock and arable farms.
Feedback from farmers who attended the event was generally positive, with most con rming that their visits had been worthwhile. Machinery shortages remain, so even if visits result in orders being placed –the appearance of the new products on farms might not be for a while. FG
Updated Merlo
Multifarmer telehandlers were displayed.
Multifarmer models combine features of farm telehandlers with a rear threepoint linkage and PTO so that conventional tractor implements to be used.
There are four new models. Multifarmer 44.7 and 44.9 models lift 4.4t to 7m and 9m respectively, and a 170hp FPT engine provides the power. Multifarmer 34.7 and 34.9 models have a shorter wheelbase, power from a Deutz 136hp engine and lift 3.4t to 7m and 9m respectively.
Larger models have a CVT transmission, but Multifarmer 34.7 and 34.9 machines can be speci ed with CVT or traditional hydrostatic transmissions.
Merlo attachments were also featured on the stand. Marketing coordinator James Knight explained that these o er advantages over aftermarket versions, including automatic attachment recognition when used with Merlo machines. “Relevant load charts are automatically installed, and characteristics of operation are activated – such as making maximum break-out force available for digging,” said James. “Recent investment in the factory has almost doubled production capacity for Merlo implements, helping owners achieve maximum output and e ciency from our handlers.”
Pictured are Merlo team members at the show, (l-r) regional sales manager Henry Nash; area service manager, Graham Watkins; marketing coordinator James Knight; regional sales manager Jim Chapman; national sales manager Owen Buttle; national aftersales manager Robin Cooch; marketing assistant Ellie Avery; product support specialist Matt Gledhill; regional sales manager Gavin Smith and general manager Shaun Groom.
McArthur Agriculture featured a vibrating seed cleaner from JK Machinery, available on its own or installed ready for use within a mobile unit. Scott McArthur explained that interest in the machine was primarily from farmers with home-saved seed to prepare, or with companion crops to separate grown within regenerative farming regimes. The unit displayed separates 3-4t of seed per hour, depending on the crop. A vibramotor provides movement for the spring-mounted cleaning unit.
“Using vibramotors produces a more e cient cleaning action than traditional reciprocating versions, so higher work rates are available from more compact machines,” stressed Scott.
Pictured are members of the McArthur team at the show (l-r) JK Machinery representative, Karel Bednar, with McArthur team members Scott McArthur, Sarah Williams, Terry Royston, John McArthur and Andrew Smith.
CB Biomass manufactures biomass boilers from 30–106kW. “They are extremely e cient and need wood fuel added only once or twice per day during the winter,” explained technical installation specialist, Tyler Sutton (pictured). “During summer, when they are ‘ticking over’ just heating water, then they usually operate for two to three days without attention.
“Our most popular model is the 30kW version which heats typical farmhouses easily and costs just under £13,000, but for very large, older houses, the 106kW model has plenty of capacity. Installation is simple and customers either do this themselves or we recommend that they employ a plumber, but we always attend to commission the units and provide initial instruction. Demand has been especially high recently as homeowners and businesses invest in coste ective alternatives to conventional fuels.”
Manitou displayed its new MLT850 high-capacity telehandler for the rst time in the UK, following its launch at the German Agritechnica show in November. The MLT850-145V+ is the latest model to join the NewAg XL range with a load capacity of 5t and 7.5m maximum lift height. Manitou claims work rates are the best in the handler’s size class –and up to 18% higher than competitors. The engine produces more than 600Nm of torque and break-out forces are up to 9,160 daN. Cycle times are fast from a 200 litres/min load-sensing hydraulic pump. M-Vario Plus CVT transmission allows operating characteristics to be matched to the task, and innovative joystick steering reduces operator fatigue.
The new model is available from late spring.
Members of the Manitou team (l-r): Richard Felton, Jason Davis, Neil Johnson, Matthew Campbell, Craig Dicker, David Clark, Anthony Hogben, Chloe Tapp, George Stanhope, Therese Hayward, Gavin Neate, Glyn Wallace, James Hood, Colin D'Arcy Burt, Richard Brocksopp, Arnaud Sochas and James Hulme.
The busy Vaderstad stand featured several new products announced late last year, including Carrier XT and Cultus HD cultivators. However, the star attraction was the Pro Seed precision drill with proven Tempo drill technology and o ering exible seed row spacing of 250, 500 or 750mm, making it suitable for a wide range of crops. “Obvious applications include maize and beet,” suggested marketing manager Andy Gamble, “but the seed row spacing options mean corn growers can bene t too.
“Seed are accurately spaced within the rows, and precision planted with the surrounding soil consolidated ensuring e ective seed to soil contact. Planting this way gives the best chance of germination and growth, so seed rates can be reduced by up to 30% without yield loss.
“Seed row spacing is adjusted from the cab at the ick of a switch. The drill o ers high work rates and great exibility, and the wide seed rows can reduce reliance on chemical weed control by using mechanical solutions instead.”
Andy is pictured with Vaderstad marketing director Maria Cornelius.
New products from Weaving Machinery included the Energiser shallow cultivator. “We received customer requests for a cultivator less aggressive than our ShortDisc compact disc cultivator, but which achieves more soil movement than a straw rake,” explained sales director Simon Weaving (pictured).
The Energiser has four rows of heavy-duty coil tines quipped with 40mm points. Weaving’s unique cast V-rim roller packer – the same as used on the ShortDisc and Low Disturbance Subsoiler, is at the rear. The cultivator, in a 6m working width, is priced at £22,800.
Krone displayed four new products. These included a BigX 980 forage harvester – lling a gap between the BigX 880, powered by a V8 engine producing up to 898hp and the BigX 1180 with a 1,156hp V12 power unit. The new BigX 980 shares all the features of the larger model, but has a de-rated V12 engine producing 980hp, although up to 200 additional hp can be ‘rented’ for use when required.
A new GX-series multi-purpose trailer was shown for the rst time. There are two versions with 44m3, and 52m3 capacity. The sides can be raised and lowered hydraulically. A conveyor load bed allows unloading without tipping, and rubber seals allow transport of small seeds such as oilseed rape. The bed conveyor can be reversed for loading large items such as pallets through the rear tailgate, and a unique unloading feature allows the user to set a bed speed to match the required travel distance. A hydraulic rear underride guard deploys and folds up automatically. Options include a remote-controlled grain hatch allowing adjustment from outside the tractor cab. Krone territory sales manager for the north of England, Craig Bryson (pictured) explained that the new GX trailers will allow Krone access to potential new markets, including transporting products such as woodchip for biomass, and their versatility allows year-around use by larger farms and contractors.
Other new products included a baler wrapper and a rear mower. “Krone is currently the market leader in terms of UK market share for mowers, tedders and rakes,” explained managing director Marcus Oliver. “Our aim is to increase sales and become number one for additional products too.”
Sencrop customers bene t from access to current and historical weather data from a network of connected stations across Europe, including many on farms across the UK. Customers can install any number of Sencrop weather stations on their own land and access the data through the Sencrop smartphone app. Farming operations with multiple work sites report considerable bene ts, including the ability to con rm whether conditions are suitable for working at locations away from the yard without having to travel to check. Customers pay subscriptions based on the number of weather stations on their network, as well as the number of sta needing access. Information is available from anywhere with a network connection.
Pictured are Sencrop team members at the show (l-r): Back row – Thomas Lemaire, Tom Ostheimer, Anais Deveseleer, Kelly Stevens, Leon Gardener, Mark Heriman. Front row – Romain Knockaert and Julian Taylor.
10,500 – 12,500 – 14,000 – 15,500 – 18,500 Litres Tandem Axle
24,000 Litres Tridem Axle
• Monitoring of Rainstar operation
• Optimize your irrigation management
• Automatic Error messages
• Irrigation control via mobile devices
• Team management
• Automatic reports
Röhren- und Pumpenwerk BAUER Ges.m.b.H. 8570 Voitsberg, Austria +43 3142 200-0,,
Farmtrac compact tractors
Distributed exclusively in the UK by Reesink Agriculture
Your advantages:
• Low Ground Pressure
• Minimum Compaction
• High Capacity Pumps
• Heavy Duty Galvanised Chassis
• Strong Non Corrosive Tank
• Wide range of Distribution Systems
Contact: Adrian Tindall UK & Ireland Sales Manager 07708 919597 93069
Designed to deliver incredible productivity and manoeuvrability, the Farmtrac FT6050, with its 47hp three-cylinder diesel engine, is known for its agility and excellent turning radius that makes quick work of tight corners.
An agricultural machinery partner with great service and great value. Great Choice. Great Performance. Great Value. Great Results
Simple service access 47hp diesel engine
Rear mounted spool valve
Rear three point linkage
• 3,200 and 4,100 litre tank options and 18 to 38 metre boom widths
• EQUILIBRA boom suspension system
• Precision spray system with smart nozzle technology
• Ensures accurate application over a range of operating speeds simply by setting droplet size and dose
Despite being relatively new, the Ascenso tyre brand is enjoying great success in the UK. Early users are reporting excellent performance and impressive wear characteristics. UK importer, Bush Tyres, displayed the agricultural tyres for the rst time at LAMMA last year.
“We have 462 product codes already available, and the range is growing rapidly,” explained Bush Tyres director, Tom Bush. “We have high speci cation VF tyres joining the line-up this spring.”
Part of the company’s success is due to its ability to respond quickly to demand. Ascenso is one of only a few brands which manufactures its own moulds in-house, and that makes it easy to create just what customers need. “From our point of view, as a UK supplier, it seems very strange not being restricted to a list of tyres determined by users in other countries. Instead, we have an input into what is produced, and if there is enough demand for a particular pattern or size, then it can be available just a few months later. Ascenso recognises the advantage of working closely with dealers and customers.”
Bush has established a network of partner dealers around the UK which o er and support the Ascenso range, and a seven-year manufacturer warranty on all radial tyres is particularly attractive and gives new users the con dence to try the brand. “After trying the tyres and being impressed by the performance and low wear rates, one very large vegetable grower went on to t Ascenso tyres to a eet of more than 200 tractors,” continued Tom. “The use is intensive and quickly highlighted advantages over the previous brand. The performance is similar, but the cost is signi cantly less. For them, Ascenso tyres make a lot of sense.”
New VF tyres will soon be available in popular sizes such as 600/60R30, 710/55R30 and 420/85R24 along with a host of other sizes including 560/60R22.5 trailer tyres which are expected to be particularly soughtafter. Rowcrop tyres with VF technology will also be available soon, including 380/90R46.
Additional tyres in the range include earthmover, industrial, forestry and turf. “From our perspective, Ascenso o ers the complete package,” stressed Tom. “The growing product line-up already includes tyres with load ratings and wear characteristics equivalent to or exceeding the most popular tyres in many size and type classes, including some premium brands. Warranty claims are extremely low compared to the industry average, and prices are very competitive. We’ve had situations when a pair of Ascenso rear tractor tyres have cost less than a single rear tyre of a premium brand, and when farmers are trying to save money while maintaining machine performance, the Ascenso option becomes especially attractive.
“When we started importing Ascenso tyres the shipping costs were at an all-time high, but these have fallen in the past year, and we’ve been able to reduce our prices twice as a result.”
Tom said that Ascenso has opened up additional markets to Bush Tyres. “It’s a very forward-looking company and that creates interesting opportunities. We didn’t do much with earthmover tyres previously, but with a great range to o er in the right sizes at the right prices, we are receiving more enquiries and gaining sales.”
Tom Bush with the popular 560/60R22.5 trailer tyre, which proved an immediate success as soon as it was launched last year.
Kymco o ers utility ATVs from 300cc to 700cc, although smaller models for leisure use are also available. Recent strategies to increase the range’s appeal for farm applications have proved successful, and the Kymco UK team has received many additional enquiries from dealers keen to represent the brand.
Those buying Kymco ATVs this spring will bene t from industry approved EASI operator training included free of charge, as well as theft protection through the addition of the Datatool tracking system.
“We have good availability across the range – including the latest models, and back-up through a growing network of excellent dealers,” explained Kymco UK national sales manager Neil Keeble, who is pictured with members of the Kymco UK team. (l-r) Neil Keeble, Northern area sales manager Pat Bevan, and managing director Mark Hermolle.
Bauer exhibited a ready-made slurry pump for the rst time. The unit is three-point linkage mounted and has a PTO drive. Six-inch suction ttings are standard. Bauer UK area sales manager Adrian Tindall said that the new pump was added to the range in response to requests from dealers for a convenient, ready-made solution.
Bauer also displayed its liquid separators. Demand is growing for models with higher capacities and whereas only a handful of the largest current models was sold each year a few years ago, now these account for the highest number of sales. Adrian said that up to half of sales are to farmers replacing other brands, and Bauer separators more than 20 years old continue performing with no problems, after having only the screen and other wearing parts replaced.
“There is strong demand from farmers needing to reduce their liquid storage, and separators are a cost-e ective option,” continued Adrian. “Also, for farmers and contractors applying slurry through dribble bars, the bres are a common cause of blockages. Using separators removes these bres, simplifying the operation.
“Green bedding separators remain very popular, providing green matter removed from slurry to use in preference to sand or sawdust. Availability of traditional bedding materials is often unreliable, and prices are volatile. Green bedding is more comfortable than sawdust or sand and reducing numbers of lorries transporting supplies into the yard from other areas reduces the likelihood of importing infections and diseases.”
A new Kongskilde rotary grain cleaner was displayed by BDC. The KDC 4000 Plus has a large outer rotor, a smaller internal rotor, and a built-in aspirator, allowing two-stage separation from a compact machine. The KDC 4000 Plus has a rated output up to 40t/hour, and there is also a larger 8000 model with outputs up to 80t/hour.
“Having supplied individual Kongskilde products previously, we recently became the main UK distributor. These rotary cleaners are in demand from cereal growers for pre-cleaning, grading and dressing as it reduces reliance on others to provide the service,” explained area sales manager for Scotland and northern England, John Wilson. BDC also displayed its new Grain Balance device, which measures the amount of grain coming into stores through intake elevators. “As well as knowing how much grain is in store, advantages include being able to record performance of di erent varieties, crops and elds,” continued John. “The unit attaches to the belt and bucket elevator and monitors the working load. It’s accurate to within 3% and just needs calibrating with a known weight and product each season.”
Pictured with the grain cleaner are (l-r) technical director Andrew Lee, John Wilson and sales director Andrew Head.
Franz Hauer displayed its high speci cation front loaders, and a new, optional central lubrication system. Sales director Franz Reisner (pictured) said that the system is the only one of its type available as a factory tted option. Bene ts include reduced downtime for intensive applications on large farms and within contracting operations, especially where multiple users mean recommended lubrication intervals might otherwise be missed. Central lubrication is available only for XB Bionic series loaders with lift capacities up to 3.1t and maximum lift height up to 4.8m. The option is available only for new loaders and can’t be retro tted. It costs approximately £5,000.
New higher horsepower tractors in the Farmtrac line-up will arrive in the UK this spring, with Perkins engines up to 120hp meeting Stage 5 emissions standards. “They retain the simple and reliable design that our customers value,” explained importer Reesink area sales manager for the north, Andy Hayhurst. “Electronics are minimal, and they can be repaired and serviced using traditional tools.”
Andy is pictured with the Farmtrac battery-powered tractor which has proved popular for a wide range of applications since its launch three years ago.”
Members of the Claydon Drills team reported a very busy and successful show.
Pictured (l-r) are Mike Bywater, Denis Stoica, Oli Claydon, Je Claydon, Spencer Claydon, James Owen and Taig Norman.
Agriweld displayed its Multi-Till 5T 4m cultivator for the rst time. Available initially only in 3m working widths, the new 4m version was recently added to the range. The Multi-Till 5T has ve functions, allowing quick selection of tines only, discs only, discs and tines, and with the rear packer up or down. The trailed 4m version folds for transport and comes with the Agri-Packer rear press standard, to leave a weather-proof nish. The machine displayed was ordered by a farmer who trialled the 3m version last year.
Pictured with the new 4m Multi-Till 5T are director Dawn Foster and marketing manager Brett Johnson.
Increased interest in grain maize resulted in a very busy show for the Abrey Agricultural team. Harvested by conventional combines equipped with a maize header, it o ers an alternative to traditional break crops, and there is a growing market for the maize kernels in the UK. New varieties are being bred, for earlier autumn harvesting.
Advantages compared to maize grown for energy include most of the plant remaining in the eld. Stems are chopped by knives below the combine header creating a thick mat of organic matter, and this is easily incorporated during subsequent cultivations. Only the cob enters the combine, and kernels are easily separated. Abrey Agricultural is the o cial importer for Ziegler headers and header trailers, and o ers headers up to 12 rows harvesting width, for the largest modern combines.
Pictured (l-r) are Abrey Agricultural representatives, Lewis Thake, director Toby Abrey and Kevin Lock.
Bullock Tillage showed its new Grass-Plus grass harrow for the rst time. Available in 3m and 6m working widths, it is available with a mounted 200-litre seed hopper capable of handling a range of seed sizes and types through exchangeable metering rollers, and there is also a new control box. The 3m version comes with a rear packer and costs £8,000, the 6m version has no packer and costs £10,995. The seeder and fan distributor are compatible with both versions and the unit costs approximately £3,500.
Barrett Steel is a family-owned national steel supplier. The company supplies steel products for a range of applications including laser-cut components for leading machinery manufacturers and into the construction sector. It also o ers a wide range of Safety and Access products including GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) options. The business operates from over 30 locations, delivering daily across the UK and Ireland. As well a as supplying major customers, bespoke components are fabricated for smaller businesses, including farmers. “We have invested in advanced processing equipment in recent years, including a laser cutter capable of cutting tube up to 600mm diameter,” explained commercial development manager Nik Baines. “Demand for laser cut components has increased recently due to labour shortages, as these are semi- nished, and less time is needed for nal preparation. We carry 120,000t of stock, and most of our steel is British sourced. We know the UK agricultural industry prefers to buy UK-made products when possible.”
David Harrisons specialises in palletisers and weighers, and supplies new, rebuilt and secondhand products to agricultural and industrial users.
“Since 2000, we have sold 110 palletisers,” commented sales representative Gary Palmer (pictured). “Labour shortages have greatly increased demand.”
Two sizes of new palletiser are supplied. Smaller units handle sacks from 10–50kg and will stack 25kg bags at the rate of 9.5t/hr, and the larger model handles sacks from 5–50kg, and stacks 48 sacks per minute of any size.
Formerly known as Gibbons
Agricultural, Plug&Cool specialises in the manufacture and supply of aluminium grain cooling fans, grain cooling pedestals, as well as grain spears and control panels. “Everything is assembled in-house, including the electronic control panels,” explained marketing manager Rael Bearman. “Our latest generation fans use highly e cient motors, and the fans are designed to create air ow e ciently without wasting power. Energy costs are signi cant for UK businesses, and testing is completed in-house to ensure the best design is achieved.”
Temperature probes are also supplied, and axial fans for installation in buildings are being added to the range later this year. “We supply direct in the UK and Ireland, and demand for our products overseas is growing too,” con rmed Rael.
The Pro table Farming Company (PFC) was recently appointed as a distributor by seeder and spreader manufacturer, APV. The APV implement range includes the Tined Weeder Pro with sprung tines with adjustable operating intensity which remove weeds from growing crops. “The harrow provides opportunities to tackle resistant black-grass and we have rotary tine as well as the spring tine options allowing users to select the system which will perform best in their soils and crops,” explained director, Andrew Snell (pictured).
“The seeders complement our current Awemak cultivator line-up, and provide opportunities for one-pass grass, cover crop and cash crop establishment.”
Mastek promoted its new trailing shoe slurry applicators, available in 7.5m or 9.2m working widths. “We don’t supply tankers but specialise in manufacturing applicators for retrotting to almost any make and model of tanker,” explained UK technical sales representative Mark Roberts. “Most demand is from farmers replacing splash-plate applicators, and as well as meeting environmental requirements there is increasing awareness that e cient applications make better use of the valuable nutrients in the slurry.
“Fibres in the slurry can become hooked on leaves when the liquid is sprayed from above, then ingested by livestock during grazing, or when they eat bales or silage made from the grass. Using trailing shoes ensures slurry is placed at ground level, between the blades of grass. It’s more quickly incorporated, and livestock bene t from cleaner feed.”
The Micro-Shoe 7.5m working width model costs approximately £16,500, and the 9.2m Eco-Shoe version costs £23,000.
Mark is pictured (left) with sales representative Ben Willcox.
Lincolnshire-based Scotts Precision Manufacturing specialises in potato eld machinery. The family business manufactures the Evolution Separator cleaning system, as well as windrowers, harvesters, haulm toppers and a tractor-mounted mower-collector for commercial grass maintenance.
The Trinity 6000 front- and rear-mounted folding topper is one of the company’s best-selling products, but managing director, Derek Scott, said: “There is also increasing demand for a more a ordable, rigid 6-row option, so we are launching an additional model. It retains most features from the agship machine but there is a rm focus on weight saving and mass centralisation.”
The new Trinity 54B, shown for the rst time at LAMMA, is designed to be front- or rear-mounted. The gearbox is mounted centrally at the top making it easy to adapt for use in front of, or behind, the tractor. An uprated (and heavier) gearbox option is available for operators wishing to run higher power tractors up to 250hp. The Trinity 6000 ve-belt drive is retained, and a new compact belt guard opens without tools. Inspection hoods across the width can be secured in the open position for easy access to the rotor and blades. The two-section rotor has T blades in the centre to minimise the uncut gap. Remote greasing ensures e ective lubrication and takes little time. For transport, the rigid machine has a tow hitch at one end and wheels at the other. Hydraulic depth wheels are an option. The list price is £25,000.
Also displayed for the rst time – the Micro Lift Pro addresses growing demand for a single bed onion lifter. “The trend has been to have wider multibed lifters, but work rates are slow and problems are common,” explained Derek. “Our single row machine has a high working speed, and operating two of them 50% faster than a three-row unit achieves similar work rates with greater reliability and exibility. Wear plates are standard and there are large full-size potato disc coulters on both sides of the lifter. A oating ba e ensures even ow up the cleaning webs. The rear cross conveyor can discharge to either side, allowing the lifted crop from two machines to be deposited in one windrow.
“There has been massive interest from potential users in the UK and overseas.”
Pictured are service technicians Lukasz Kaniowski and Casey Lambley, Derek Scott, and his daughter Trinity who provides sales support.
Contract managers Colin Webb (left) and Andrew Wright are pictured on the Miles Drainage stand. The company o ers drainage services across East Anglia, Rutland, Bedfordshire and the southern counties. “In spite of last year’s drought, our teams remain busy as there are many farms and estates which look after their drainage systems on a rotation, and budget to complete di erent areas each year,” explained Andrew. “Fen land is constantly moving, and we install new drains between existing pipe networks to ensure that soil moisture levels are maintained.
“We also o er a mole draining service, but dry weather last year meant that conditions weren’t suitable for channel creation. We expect to receive enquiries when wetter conditions return. For forward thinking farmers, looking after the land and particularly the drainage systems is always a priority, and we carry out inspections and provide advice as to the best strategies to ensure good results.”
Several sprayers were displayed by Chafer. Sales and marketing manager, Joe Allen said that the company’s team at LAMMA were kept busy dealing with enquiries from customers considering sprayer purchases within the next two to three years. “People are clearly planning ahead and optimistic for the future,” he observed. “A lot of people we spoke with were at the early stages of the decision-making process as to what sort of sprayer they will need and which one to buy. There was equal interest in trailed and self-propelled models, although two thirds of our sales are now for 36m spray widths.”
Joe is pictured with Chafer’s Horstine Farmery products, including a new control unit. “Previously, many applicators we supplied had a simple but reliable control box that had to be mounted in the tractor cab and controlled independently,” he explained. “Now many tractors have Isobus, and we’ve developed a controller which can be retro tted to any Horstine product previously controlled by an RDS Wizard control box, allowing operation through the tractor’s Isobus connection. It’s still just a simple controller, but there is no need for the extra box and cables, and operation through controls on the armrest or joystick is more convenient.”
The Walrus Pump was added to the product list by Wox Agri Services a few years ago, and the latest version features improvements suggested by early users. The redesigned unit is shorter and more compact. Valves operate using the tractor’s air system, and pump units from di erent manufacturers are available to suit operator preference – without a ecting general machine operation. Flow rates up to 300m3/hr are easily obtained, with power from tractors of 200hp+. An integral hydraulic pump drives the charge pump and macerator. The unit weighs 3.2t and an articulated arm with up to 9.5m reach, can extend over the sides of a tank or into the depths of a slurry lagoon.
Barnstaple, Devon-based contractor, Rickie Stevens specialises in slurry handling. Trading as RAS Contracting, he invested in a Walrus Pump which he operates behind a New Holland T7.270. “My previous slurry machinery was due for updating, and I wanted something that would last. The Walrus Pump wasn’t cheap, but it’s well made and has reduced what I spend on maintenance and repairs.
“For anyone involved in slurry handling, once you have had a Wox Walrus Pump, you wouldn’t have anything else.” Rickie is pictured with managing director Geo rey Wox.
Can-Am celebrated the launch of a new Traxter 6x6 UTV at the show. This is the only 6x6 model in the Traxter line-up, and demand is expected from many market sectors, especially where heavy loads are carried or towed across challenging ground. The rear load bed can carry 450kg, and towing capacity is 1,360kg. Power is from a Rotax 976cc, 82hp, twin-cylinder petrol engine. Users can select 4wd or 6wd and there is an automatic locking front di erential. Pictured with the new model, which is priced at £20,082, are (l-r) district commercial manager for the northern area, Richard Gregg; district commercial manager for eastern Ireland, Mike Loach, and district commercial manager for west of the UK, James Dalke.
A Strip-Till Preparator was displayed for the rst time by Grange Machinery. Trials of the UK-built machine have been progressing for two to three years, and demand is expected from growers of maize and cover crops. The design objective was achieving one-pass ground preparation for seeding, and the company is o ering 3m, 4m and 6m working widths, with 0.45m, 0.5m or 0.75m row spacing. Liquid or granular fertiliser application is an option allowing nutrients to be incorporated without needing an additional pass.
A wide range of adjustments ensures best results, including hydraulic front disc depth, and the cultivation discs are available with shear-bolt or auto-reset hydraulic protection. An exclusive feature is hydraulic linear adjustment of the catcher discs either side of the cultivation leg, keeping loosened soil within the row width, while also adjusting for the volume of trash to prevent blocking. Two o set discs with adjustable working depth run behind the legs, and ensure soil is well tilled within the narrow strips. The rear packer breaks up clods and leaves a weatherproof nish.
“We are very pleased with the design, and the performance is just what customers tell us they need,” explained managing director Rhun Jones. The 3m version is priced from only £24,000.
The Kaweco display featured high-capacity slurry applicators. The company manufactures silage trailers, small wheeled loaders up to 3.5t, as well as the slurry injection and application equipment. Mounted 16,000-litre tanks for tting to Claas Xerions, and gooseneck coupled trailed tankers with twin or tri axles and capacity up to 30,000 litres are manufactured. The macerators are made in-house, and most pumps for the UK market are Vogelsang.
Pictured on the stand are (l-r) Claas UK tractor and material handlers product manager Michael Ives, Kaweco sales support UK specialist Wilfried Buiel, and sales manager for the UK and Ireland Nick Selmen.
Farmers Guide attended the Deutz-Fahr launch of new 6.4-series models in Germany in early autumn, and the tractors were displayed in the UK for the rst time at the show. The three new models are the 6130.4, the 6140.4 and the 6150.4 with up to 136, 147 and 156hp, respectively. Transmission options include the RVshift – based on the Deutz TTV in nitely variable transmission – with virtual steps representing powershift gear ratios. The fully functioning TTV CVT stepless transmission is the higher speci cation option.
Fendt UK retail manager, Richard Miller said that the new Fendt 700 Vario Gen 7 models attracted considerable interest as they were displayed in the UK for the rst time. The ve-model line-up includes the agship 728 Vario, with up to 303hp. VarioDrive transmission is standard, which automatically distributes power between the front and rear wheels to achieve maximum grip and operating e ciency.
The examples displayed were both pre-production machines, but many UK dealers have already taken orders for rst deliveries due to start later this year.
On the Valtra stand, the recently launched Q-series tractors were the star attraction, but an optional camera-based safety system also generated considerable interest. The cameras sense movement and highlight moving objects on the in-cab display. The cameras can be attached anywhere on the tractor or on implements, and they o er signi cant safety bene ts when positioned on front-mounted implements, where they can detect and warn of oncoming vehicles including cyclists when the tractor is pulling out of eld gateways onto the road. Dana Ann Whittaker demonstrated the system on the Valtra stand. She works within AGCO’s SmartAG division and was involved with customer clinics where tractor users suggested that a device warning of approaching vehicles would o er signi cant bene ts. She is pictured explaining the system to Valtra UK product specialist Seth Bradford.
Opico displayed a new Maschio rotary cultivator for the rst time. The SC Pro Bio is designed to achieve thorough mixing of soil and crop residues, cover crops and green manures while working at a controlled shallow depth. Plant debris is thoroughly mulched and mixed with ne soil in the top few centimetres, for rapid decomposition and the creation of compost-like material.
Four control wheels ensure accurate results even when working to just a few centimetres depth and allow operating speeds up to 10kph.
The rst LAMMA appearance by Austria-based manufacturer, Goweil attracted considerable interest. Goweil manufactures high speci cation round balers, wrappers and baler-wrapper combinations for intensive use, and the company is keen to recruit UK dealers to represent the brand in the UK. Static balers for baling chopped material are also manufactured, and applications include forage, bedding and waste products.
“We manufactured wrappers rst, and in 2015 produced our rst round balers,” explained Goweil sales manager, Reinhard Leimhofer. “Our chopping units have 30 reversible knives for exceptional chop quality, and the baler-wrappers come with a double binding system with lm binding standard. Users can switch between net and lm binding from the cab.
The bale chamber has 18 reinforced rollers and for us the priority is cost-e ective operation and low cost per bale through reliability and a long working life, rather than producing cheap balers.”
Reinhard said that combination machines have independently mounted bale wrapping platforms, and the operating angle constantly adapts while working on slopes to ensure performance remains reliable.
“We have customers who have made up to 60,000 bales without any breakdowns or failures and believe that our products will appeal to professional users in the UK.”
A strip-till cultivation leg featured for the rst time on the Edwards Farm Machinery stand. A at, notched cutting disc creates a slot, then a pair of disc row cleaners move trash from either side. A wa e disc creates a tilth in the cleared strip, and a subsoiler leg at the rear works between 8–11in depth, with hydraulic auto-reset overload protection. Spring-loaded discs run either side of the leg to keep loosened soil within the narrow strips and ensure an even seedbed.
Pictured is Edwards Farm Machinery director, Rob Edwards with the new strip-till unit. Rob said that a 10-row version has already been sold to a grower who tested a pre-production version. “Most demand will be for maize production, but the 10-row unit we have sold is for preparing land before transplanting vegetables,” he explained. “A key point of our design is having the leading disc ahead of the row cleaner. The cultivated strip remains free of trash, resulting in ideal conditions for seed germination and plant growth.”
The Vantage ASC display featured a new security device. The S5 Deadlock can be retro tted to any powered vehicle and uses coded key fobs to identify users. As well as immobilising machines to prevent unauthorised use, the device also allows tracking, and a geo-fence can be set through which the owner receives alerts when boundaries are exceeded. The device is available exclusively through Vantage ASC at £449 – which includes a three-year subscription.
Pictured are Vantage ASC area sales manager Paul Thompson with Meta Trak representative Tony Rook.
With innovation at the core of its ethos, global manufacturer Auger Torque launched the cone crusher bucket to ll a gap in the market for a simple, e cient and cost-e ective way to re-use on-site rubble. The company is kicking o a UK-wide roadshow in February. product presents across all our locations.”
The cone crusher bucket allows farmers to reprocess and recycle small volume construction rubble and debris into useable aggregate and hardcore – saving money, time and hassle. So much so that one customer says he is saving up to £1,000 per day on his farm, Auger Torque says.
It’s engineered to work with, and has been tried and tested on, excavators (3–10t), skid steers, backhoes, mini loaders and telehandlers. With an output of 5–10t per hour (depending on your material), the cone crusher bucket saves on transport costs of removing onsite waste, material costs of importing hardcore to site, and minimal site tra c, delays and hassle.
It can be used to crush material to an output of up to 70mm, ranging from general clay construction brick, light concrete walling blocks, hollow concrete ‘breeze blocks’, concrete pavers, asphalt and more. The produced output material can be used in applications including: track and yard surfacing, landscaping, roadways and farm roads, foundations or using as a base layer below poured concrete or lling a disposal skip most e ciently.
Key features include:
• Easy to use and compact for small working sites as a single person operation – compatible with excavator, backhoe skidsteer, telehandler and mini loader machines
• Bucket mouth for e ective scooping and sorting
• Seven-sided rotating cone inside a cylindrical drum
• Grinding faces made in steel and tungsten carbide
• Output material from dust to 70mm
• Built around a series 3.5 sub gearbox
• Auger Torque’s industry-leading warranty.
Global engineering manager, Matt Hencher, says: “The cone crusher bucket is a great product to add to our portfolio, perfect for construction, agriculture, farming and estates. It removes the hassle factor of arranging skips to take rubble away and waiting for hardcore to be delivered. With sales already in the UK and Europe, we’re really excited for the opportunities this
Contact the company directly to sign up for a demo. You can watch the cone crusher bucket in action on YouTube or TikTok:
• watch?v=o7uajB9VUv0
Much more than consolidation...
HE-VA’s hydraulically folding rolls adapt to the contours to efficiently consolidate and level and can be used for much more.
All HE-VA rollers have the unique SAT system as standard, so that weight is transferred evenly across the full working width.
All HE-VA rollers also feature market leading NG Cambridge or Cambridge and Breaker rings in 20” 22” or 24”
Add shattaboards, slicerboards, top-cutter or straw tines to Tip or Tip XL rolls and create a multi-purpose cultivator.
• King rolls 12.3m to 20.3m
• Tip XL rolls 12.3m – 15.3m
• Tip rolls 4.5m – 10.2m
West Suffolk-based M Yardy Engineering Ltd has relocated into new premises, providing much needed space for the growing business. David Williams visited the new site.
The depot, near Lakenheath, is not far from the previous premises but o ers better access for customers from throughout East Anglia. Proprietor Marcus Yardy built his
business adapting and repairing agricultural machinery - specialising in machines for root crop and vegetable harvesting, and turf production. The engineering services
will continue in the modern, larger workshops, and customers will bene t from a new showroom stocking a range of agricultural supplies. Carefully selected implement brands will also be represented.
Hydraulic hoses and ttings are made up on site, mainly using Kiowa
components. A wide range of Fuchs and Exol lubricants are stocked, and there is a good selection of tools, parts, hitch and linkage ttings, lights, bearings and trailer components from brands including Granit, Kramp, Gwaza, TVH and Sparex.
The dealer has taken on implement franchises including Nardi ploughs, drills, disc harrows and tine cultivators; Ca ni mounted, trailed and self-propelled sprayers; Eurospand fertiliser applicators and Irriland irrigation equipment. “These are quality brands, and we will provide a full spares and service back-up,” explained sales manager, Gavin Haverson. “As well as catering for arable farms, we will specialise in machinery for orchards and vineyards, and have already received enquiries from potential customers across the UK.”
Previously the premises was used by potato machinery manufacturer, ScanStone and the considerable parts stock will remain on site – with M Yardy Engineering taking on local parts supply, servicing and repairs for the brand. FG
6R 185
6R 250
#1: John Deere 6250R / 6R 250¹ 348 + 16 349 + 14
#2: John Deere 6R 185² 358 + 28 363 + 31
#3: Case Puma 220 MC³
#4: Valtra T254 Versu⁴
#5: Fendt 724 Vario⁵
Since 2018, the John Deere 6R 250 is leading in the DLG-PowerMix-Transport Test 2.0 (Transport application)¹ – at 348 g/kWh Diesel and 16 g/kWh DEF, the 6R 250 delivered the lowest fuel consumption compared to all competitors tested so far¹. 6R 250 saves you more fuel on transport.
371 + 15
g/kWh (FUEL + DEF)
¹ Profi Test Results, Tractor-Test “John Deere 6250R: More Vario”, 06/2018; DLG-PowerMix-Transport Test 2.0 (Transport application): page 10 to 16; lestorage/0618_John_Deere_6250R.pdf
² DLG-PowerMix Test Nr.7369; (
³ Profi 09-2019 page 10 to 16 (
⁴ Profi 08-2018 page 10 to 16 (
⁵ Profi 11-2021 page 14 to 20 (
A new range of ultra-compact telehandlers, capable of being transported between work sites on trailers behind conventional farm pick-ups, has been added to Manitou’s line-up. David Williams enjoyed an early test drive.
The new handlers are available in the UK in traditional Manitou red, and Gehl yellow. They are manufactured at Manitou’s Lille, France factory and come with the same build quality and high standard of nish as larger models in the Manitou range.
There are two models in each brand – including the ULM (Ultra-Light Manitou) 412H capable of lifting 1,250kg to 4.3m and the ULM 415H with larger diameter lift rams which can lift 1,500kg to 4.3m. Equivalent Gehl versions are the GCT 3-14 and the GCT 3-14+. Weight without an attachment is from only 2,550kg for the ULM 412H, and from 2,700kg for the ULM 415H.
The machines are approximately 30cm narrower than the popular compact MLT625 model, at just 1.49m wide, and 1.92m high. Full lift capacity is available to maximum lift height, and then the boom can be extended forward up to one metre, allowing attachments to reach over the sides of high-sided trailers.
For transport, a conventional 10x6ft trailer can be used with the boom projecting over the drawbar; but a 12x6 trailer is the best option, suggested the Manitou UK team at
the mid-December demonstration.
Target markets include equestrian businesses, dairy farms, hobby farms, horticultural, and livestock rearing enterprises – but the nimble handlers are ideal for operation anywhere space is limited and will have special appeal to businesses with multiple sites.
The ground clearance is 29cm, and 4wd is standard with limited slip di erentials front and rear.
The boom has duplex construction made from two U-shaped sections and there is a choice of three headstock options including a fourpoint carriage, a skid-steer carriage and a Euro carriage. A Manitou-style hitch isn’t available.
The cab is narrower than on standard models. At 66cm the internal width is compact but adequate. Controls are on a oating armrest and, like other Manitou machines include double switch buttons which can be moved around the control panel to suit the user and application, and pop-up screen noti cations. Manitou versions which are likely to be the most popular for agricultural applications have the JSM joystick. Gehl models, more likely to be sold for industrial and construction site
use, have a traditional joystick design.
Even though the cab is smaller than a typical farm handler, there is good all-around vision from the seat. There are no roof bars, and a polycarbonate roof window provides a clear view when handling loads at maximum height. The dashboard and windscreen base are low, so the view to the front is good. The engine hood and boom are low, and hoses are routed internally to maximise the view to the right.
The cab features ROPS and FOPS protection.
Power is from a Yanmar 3-cyl diesel engine with 35.1hp and meeting Stage 5 emissions standards using a diesel oxidation catalyst and a diesel particulate lter. The transmission is a two-speed hydrostatic. Additional features include ‘inching’ using the braking pedal and an automatic
parking brake.
Hydraulic ow is from a standard 48-litres/min gear pump, or a larger 62 litres/min version is an option giving extra ow for auxiliary functions. A ow sharing hydraulic distributor allows operation of multiple functions without sacri cing cycle times. A small 39-litre hydraulic oil supply tank has an anti-aeration lter to remove air bubbles – so that oil returned to the tank is suitable for immediate re-use.
A new electronic carriage angle compensation system uses an angle sensor at the rear of the boom and a carriage rod length sensor inside the bucket cylinder, removing the need for compensation rams and pipework and reducing weight. Advantages include extremely precise operation and reduced carriage drift.
Manitou models come in three speci cation levels – Essential, Comfort and Classic. Options include LED lighting with poultry lights available, a reversible cooling fan, and air conditioning which adds 3cm to the overall height. Fuel savings are provided by an automatic stop/start system, which switches o the engine after idling periods from 1–30 minutes. To restart, the user has only to move the joystick or activate the throttle. The manufacturer said that handlers used in construction can spend up to 45% of the time idling, and that specifying the new option saves fuel, reduces emissions, extends the period between servicing and increases residual values, and it has proved popular on other machines in the line-up since it became an option in mid-2021.
Popular tyre options include Mitas TR07 31-15.5-15 agricultural, and Trelleborg 11LR16 industrial –additional options are available from Michelin, Alliance and Camso.
A range of 20 dedicated attachments is available with a range of bracket types, and Manitou expects early demand from poultry enterprises where advantages over skid-steer machines include greater lift capacity and height.
There is no homologation for pulling trailers, but a rear hitch provides limited towing ability around the yard.
Manitou telematics are standard, and free for the rst two years. Machines are covered by a standard two-year or 2,000-hour warranty.
A look around the machine con rmed that although it is very small, it isn’t short of useful features.
The cab is compact, but with the seat fully back and the steering wheel
suitably adjusted, taller drivers can work in reasonable comfort. The upper section of the door can be removed for operation in good weather, and this increases space for the driver’s left arm.
The cab feels much larger than its dimensions suggest – mainly due to the large glass area and excellent visibility. There is no B-pillar on the right-hand side so the view across the boom and engine hood to the front, side and rear is unrestricted.
The test area included a steep slope, and the opportunity to re-
From simple Visser palletisers to the Symach’s “all singing, all dancing” alternatives and from the incredibly accurate Manter weigher baggers to the tough and reliable Sack Filling Company stitching line they will, along with expert back-up, help to keep your packhouse both profitable and fully operational. David Harrison Handling Solutions Ltd are proud to have possibly the UK’s largest stock of used and refurbished potato handling equipment.
Gehl and Manitou-badged versions are almost identical apart from the colour and di erent controls. The 1.25t and 1.5t capacity models will both lift their maximum loads to 4.3m high, and then reach forward by up to 1.0m, allowing them to ll highsided hoppers and trailers.
Fuel consumption figures for the Musso range in mpg: combined: 30.2-33.8. CO2 emissions: 220-245 g/km. *Model featured is a Musso Saracen at £32,835 ex. VAT inc. optional metallic paint at £575 ex. VAT. Prices are correct at the time of going to print but may be modified or changed at any time. *All Ssangyong vehicles come as standard with a 5-year/100,000-mile warranty except for Korando e-Motion, which attracts a 7-year/90,000-mile warranty. **The special offer price of £400 (inc VAT) covers a comprehensive 4-year SsangYong Service Plan for all models/derivatives in the SsangYong range with services to be carried out at a SsangYong dealership. †6% APR representative Hire Purchase finance minimum deposit 35% available, at participating dealers until 31st March 2023 through SsangYong Financial Services, a trading name of Northridge Finance, BT1 5LR. Finance subject to status, availability, and terms and conditions. Applicants must be 18 or over. Offer only applies in the UK (excludes Channel Islands & I.O.M). Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time. SsangYong Motors UK Ltd is a credit broker not lender. Commission may be received. The 6% APR representative HP offer is available independently of the other offers listed. Alternative finance options are available. ††Includes an additional 2-years RAC breakdown cover above the 1-year standard, totalling 3-years, free of charge. ºIncludes the vehicle’s first MOT, free of charge. The 4-year service plan, 3-years RAC breakdown over, and 1-year MOT is administered by EMaC, Electra Way, Crewe CW1 6GU. This offer is available and redeemable at SsangYong participating dealers. All offers valid until 31st March, 2023. For full details, terms and conditions, please contact your SsangYong dealer or visit
M RANGE An exciting range of precision fertiliser spreaders available with hydraulic or electronic aperture control, in 2000 to 4200 litre capacity, and spread widths from 18-45 metres
Simple Configuration
Con guration of the machine is made easy via the free APP downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
Adjustable Vanes
Easily adjustable vanes allow total exibility of working widths from 18-36 metres as standard without the need for changing discs.
Simple integration to tractor systems allowing electronic aperture control and weigh cells with no additional licence fees
Section Control
Up to 16 section working width control for optimum spreading precision without wasting expensive fertiliser.
handle aggregate making full use of the potential power and capacity.
Even working hard, the quoted 76dB noise level was reasonable, and the handler performed well. The automatic parking brake is a handy feature and makes it easy to stop and pull away again on slopes and achieve controlled operation when loading on uneven ground.
Like larger Manitou models, the JSM joystick has a capacitor sensor which detects when the operator’s hand is present, so there is no need to operate a safety trigger or button before operating the boom.
The overload protection system uses a rear axle sensor to monitor weight reduction on the rear wheels and doesn’t interfere with normal operation. As well as Standard mode, there is Bucket mode which allows maximum break-out force to be achieved, and Suspended load mode which reduces the lift capacity for added safety.
There is a handy lifting point below the attachment carriage for under-slung loads which is standard on all three carriage types, and an external pressure release button makes it easy to swap hydraulic connections for di erent attachments and implements.
The engine has plenty of power, and cycle times are reasonable, but for basic handling operations faster boom and attachment movements from a slightly more powerful engine and larger pump would increase productivity.
For a small machine, the maximum reach and lift height are impressive, and superior to a skidsteer model for loading high sided trailers or large feed mixers.
Four-wheel steering ensures very good manoeuvrability, and two-wheel steering and crab modes are also available. The steering components are sealed for life reducing the need for routine maintenance.
Manitou has designed its new ultra-compact handlers from scratch, with build quality and features which are expected by those used to the brand.
Demand for these smallest models will be limited, but there are many farms where the ability to share a machine between work sites by moving it behind a pick-up on a trailer will appeal.
For its size it is quite comfortable and easy to use, and with back-up available through a network of excellent UK dealers it is an attractive proposition. FG
• Up to 4 separately metered hoppers
• Unique tandem seeding line
• Separate air circuit for grain and fertilser
• Optional blockage sensors for both air circuits
• Up to 250kg coulter pressure to ensure correct seed placement in any system
• Fully adjustable coulter and press wheel pressure to suit soil / weather conditions
• Low hp requirement (from 35hp/m)
• ISOBUS ready
The annual G&J Peck Ltd New Product Open Day is one of the most popular events in the spring calendar for eastern counties-based farmers and contractors. Following a two-year break due to Covid-19 restrictions, the eagerly awaited dealer show returns to its traditional Spalding depot location this February. David Williams found out what will be there.
Trading as Pecks and Pecks Agritrac, the long-established dealer operates from ve depots looking after customers in Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Su olk. Main franchises include New Holland, JCB and Case IH, complemented by
premium brands including Amazone, Krone, AVR, Larrington Trailers, MacDon, Claydon Drills, Teagle, Cousins, Knight, Garford, StocksAg, Monosem, Horstine Farmery, CTM, Martin Lishman, Trimble, Stihl and Honda.
Traditional slot and location
The open day, on 15th February, will be at the dealer’s Spalding depot, and machinery and equipment from all brands represented will be displayed, with manufacturer and dealer representatives on hand. Previous
events attracted up to 600 visitors, and this year is expected to be particularly well attended after the extended break. Special o ers will be available for those placing orders on the day –on a wide range of items from tools, parts and clothing to tractors.
Refreshments will include the traditional Pecks hog roast, for those attending after mid-afternoon and into the evening.
Pecks director and JCB sales manager, Jon Wareing said that JCB highlights will include several new Loadalls seen for the rst time at a UK dealer event.
The new 530-60 Agri Super replaces the popular 527-58, with a 3.0t lift capacity and 6m maximum lift height, power from a 130hp engine, and 40kph hydrostatic transmission.
The completely new ultra-compact 514-40 is the rst of a new lightweight range suitable for towing behind typical double-cab pick-ups - with an unladen weight of just 2,695kg. It is 1.8m high, and 1.56m wide, lifts 1.4t and has a maximum lift height of 4.0m. The engine is 24.7hp.
Built with tried and tested KRONE innovations such as the SmartCut mowerbed which gives maximum disc overlap for the cleanest of cuts, and SafeCut protection which keeps impact damage and repairs to the mowerbed to a minimum. KRONE DuoGrip gives EasyCut mowers a unique centre of gravity mounting allowing for the best ground contouring and minimal soil contamination. Why wait to upgrade your 2023 silage season?
The 542-70 Pro has 174hp and uprated steering and brakes, and it is the rst telehandler with a 50kph transmission.
The Fastrac Icon was launched last year with a new cab layout and controls, and this is expected to attract interest from both existing Fastrac users and those looking to compare it with their current machines.
Larrington Trailers will be promoting a new bale trailer, with solid front and rear headboards, and sheeted side guards to contain the load and prevent loose straw blowing away, ensuring compliance with the latest road transport regulations.
New Holland products expected to create excitement include new T7-300 long wheelbase (LWB) tractors. With up to 300hp available, these feature the latest Horizon Ultra cab, and a host of smart features including Integrated Large Square Baler Control, which reduces cab rock by 15%
and fuel consumption by 12%. Two demonstration T7.300 tractors are expected to arrive in early summer. Customers have eagerly anticipated the new generation of T7 LWB tractors, and demonstrations will be in high demand as soon as the rst of the tractors arrive.
The new T4-120F narrow tractor for fruit orchard work is also completely new, with a revised emissions control system which ts under the bonnet and avoids obstructing the driver’s view. The completely at cab oor is unusual for this type of low tractor, and the all-around view from the seat is superb. “There are many fruit growers in our trading area,” explained New Holland sales manager, Tom Clark. “The new larger cab, meeting Cat V ltration standards, is a big attraction in this specialist market sector.”
New Holland harvesting products will include the new Pro-Belt round baler, the completely new 1290HD large square baler and a agship model combine.
For the rst time at the event, small group seminars will allow new and existing CNH users to nd out about bene ts o ered by the latest telematics, mapping and GPS guidance systems. “These seminars will o er real
bene ts for visitors as understanding what is available as well as what can be achieved using the latest technology is key to selecting the right machinery and getting the best productivity and e ciency from the eet,” stressed Tom.
New Case IH products will include the LWB Puma 260CVX, with a cab like latest Optum models, tyres up to 42in and up to 302hp available with boost. Case IH brand manager Graeme Matthews said that this model is likely to become the best seller in the new Puma LWB range, as it replaces the current most popular 240CVX agship. Many existing Puma owners have expressed interest in trying the new model as soon as demonstration machines arrive, and the tractor displayed at the open day will clearly be an event highlight.
The latest Optum AFS will also be on show and is available to order now.
Quadtrac AFS models with the 2023 speci cation all come with a revised rear linkage as standard, plus bolt-on track idler rollers which are easier to replace if damage occurs.
Limited numbers of Axial Flow combines are still available to order from Pecks for this harvest, although
it isn’t yet known if stock will arrive in time for the February event. Latest models with AFS Connect can be speci ed with Opti-Drive – allowing automatic control of an AFS Connectequipped tractor and grain trailer by the combine driver during unloading.
Other AFS updates include the optional AFS Pro 700 Plus 12in terminal making it easier to utilise the full precision farming capabilities of the latest machines.
The smaller Vestrum CVX has quickly become a best seller for the dealer in the lower horsepower segment. There are four models from 100–130hp, and Case IH brand manager Graeme Matthews described the tractor as a real ‘pocket rocket’, with strong appeal for owner operators and family farms.
New models which won’t be at the event, but which are expected to attract interest and enquiries include
Quantum V- and F-series specialist narrow tractors for vineyard and fruit farming applications.
MacDon combine headers have been o ered by Pecks for several years as an option for Case IH, New Holland and competitor-brand combines. The dealer’s demonstration header for the coming harvest will be displayed at the open day, and manufacturer representatives will be on-hand to discuss advantages it o ers over conventional headers.
Amazone sprayers are expected to include the latest Pantera 4504 as well as a trailed model. A Cayena drill and a Cayros plough with slatted bodies will also feature in the display area.
The new VariPack 165 round baler, a
rear mower, as well as single and twin rotor rakes will be included in the display of Krone equipment.
As the main UK importer for the full product line from AVR, Pecks will show a range of potato and root vegetable cultivation, planting and harvesting equipment - including the Ceres 440 mounted planter and front mounted cultivator, Spirit 9200 Bunker Harvester and various 3.8m rigid and 5.48m folding GE-Force cultivators.
The Claydon team will support the day showing their all-new Evolution M drill. Straw rakes will also be displayed.
A new high output Teagle straw chopper/spreader will feature. The Tomahawk 500FS (Feed Slide), has capacity for two round bales at a time, making it suitable for larger livestock units. Also from Teagle will be a rear-discharge manure spreader, which Graeme Matthews commented competes easily with competitor machines.
Other exhibitors include Knight, which will exhibit a self-propelled sprayer, and the Cousins team will
show a selection of products from the 2023 line-up. Monosem precision drills will also be displayed.
Ensuring safe fuel storage and transport is a priority for those in agriculture, and Pecks o ers the Atlantic range of portable and static fuel and AdBlue tanks and accessories. Special o ers on products from the line-up will be available at the event.
A wide range of groundcare and estate maintenance equipment is stocked, as well as country clothing from brands including Castle Clothing and Hoggs of Fife, and a wide range of manufacturerbranded protective clothing for adults and children. Special o ers on tools, accessories and the clothing ranges are bound to prove popular, and additional stocks have been ordered to ensure demand can be met. FG
Where and when:
G & J Peck Limited Elsoms Way, Wardentree Park, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3JG
Wednesday 15th February 2023 10am – 8pm.
20,000 to 35,000 litres
The Claas Eastern team enjoyed a very successful open evening in late November, attended by large numbers of customers from across the Ulceby branch trading area. David Williams was there.
The new state-of-the-art Ulceby Cross branch has been built on a green eld site, adjacent to the previous premises which the dealer had long since outgrown. “The location is absolutely ideal,” explained Claas Eastern sales director, Will Tuxworth. “We considered several alternative locations during the years prior to purchasing the additional land at Ulceby, but kept coming back to here. It’s in the centre of our trading area, on a roundabout with major roads providing superb access for suppliers and customers. It couldn’t be better.”
When the original building opened in February 1996, much less space was needed. “Trading as RW Marsh at that time, we had a team of only six, and the workshop with space for one combine and two tractors was quite adequate,” continued Will. “Business has increased, we have larger machinery, and the new premises has a workshop more than six times the size and open plan. There is also a showroom with space for tractors and implements, plus a dedicated parts area and large o ces for sales, service, parts and administration sta . There is lots of space for parking and storage outside and room for future expansion when we need it.”
The new branch construction started in April 2021, and the Ulceby team transferred from the previous building during summer last year. There were
15 sta at the time of moving, but by the time of the open evening in late November three more had joined, and Will said that more will be taken on as the right people become available.
“As we sell more products we must be able to back them up, and limited space and the working conditions were the main issue previously. Even though we needed more service sta , we lacked the space to accommodate them. This business was built on providing the very best aftersales service. We have 12 service technicians, but are keen to recruit more – some with experience and others starting out through the Claas UK Apprenticeship scheme.”
Farming within the 20-mile radius serviced by the branch is mainly arable, but also includes mixed farms with livestock. Most of the land is at, including black fen, but there are also steep hills in the Lincolnshire Wolds.
The open evening also marked the Ulceby branch’s o cial opening and Will said that the level of interest and support from customers was incredible.
“It was a fabulous evening and an ideal opportunity to introduce our team members and showcase what we do. We have an excellent portfolio of major franchises to complement Claas and enjoy strong customer loyalty with a high level of repeat business. Our caterers supplied more than 450 bread rolls for the hog roast,
and they ran out much earlier than expected. The attendance was well in excess of 400 people.”
Claas senior vice president (Western Europe & Oceania), Trevor Tyrrell performed the o cial opening by cutting the ribbon. He explained that customer support for the Ulceby Cross branch had been strong since trading started at the location 26 years ago.
“It was one of the rst newgeneration dealer outlets to exceed £10M turnover – and that was back in 2012,” he stressed. “It remains one of our top performing branches and the strong relationship with
customers in the area has allowed Claas to purchase this site and invest in the state-of-the-art facilities. With room for future expansion, Claas will continue reinvesting pro ts as the business continues to grow.
“Will and his team provide excellent service, and the Claas UK Apprentice programme will ensure that the right people join the business going forward. Looking after customers and their machinery is always the priority, and approximately 70% of the new branch area is dedicated to aftersales service.
“Ongoing investment in property, vehicles and, most importantly, people re ects our on-going commitment to our customers. They invest in us when they buy Claas machinery and, in return, we invest our pro ts to ensure the very best after-sales service is provided.”
The event was also used to announce that Pichon slurry tankers have been added to the dealer’s list of carefully selected suppliers. Pichon was bought by Samson in 2019, but until now the brands were supplied through separate dealers in the UK.
“We have represented Samson since 2017 and, with the very highest speci cation and a premium price tag, these tankers appeal mainly to large-scale farmers and contractors handling slurry and other liquids intensively,” Claas Eastern franchise manager, Richard Sharman told Farmers Guide
“Pichon tankers are also very good quality, and for those who don’t require quite the same high performance of the Samson products, they o er a cost-e ective alternative. Our sales teams are very
The Pichon slurry tanker franchise is new to Claas Eastern and will complement the existing Samson tanker franchise, providing an a ordable alternative for those who want top build quality, but who don’t need the higher-level speci cation and fastest cycle times. Pictured are Samson and Pichon export sales manager Lars Poulsen (left) with Richard Sharman.
…from previous page
pleased to have two such respected brands to o er their customers.”
Established franchises including
Horsch and Lemken were also represented at the event and product specialists were busy throughout, discussing features and bene ts with interested customers.
Will said that the open evening success was due to the e orts of the Claas Eastern team members and representatives from the major suppliers. “Our unit managers and their teams made the arrangements for the evening and enjoyed the opportunity to entertain customers and showthem around the new premises.
Many visitors complimented the new facilities during the evening, and since the event. This investment by Claas con rms that we are a successful business and will be staying in business –supporting customers in this area in the future.” FG
Claas invests heavily in its EASY precision farming products and services, and Claas Eastern machinery demonstrator and installation specialist, Will Stamp explained that the latest Cemis 1200 terminal has made it much easier for customers to obtain maximum productivity from their machines.
Will has been in the role for three years and works at the Claas Eastern Brigg depot looking after customers in the area south of the Humber.
“Before starting here I hadn’t used Claas, but I know now that our tractors will compete with anything else in the market,” he said. “The CMatic CVT transmission o ers real advantages over competitor versions, and when we’ve had two tractor brands in the same eld doing the same task – the Claas Arion and Axion tractors are clearly superior.”
Lemken area sales manager Craig Brown enjoyed a busy evening and said that Claas Eastern has recently added Lemken fertiliser applicators to the product lines available, replacing a competitor brand. He said demand for ploughs and power-harrow drills remains constant from growers in the area, and that Steketee hoes and interrow cultivators are also selling well. “The Steketee brand is well known to Lincolnshire farmers, and as continuing labour shortages create problems for weed control in vegetable crops, more growers are considering our tractormounted hoes as an alternative. Recent interest has been in inter-plant hoes for pumpkins, brassicas and salad crops too. Automation increases the work rates possible dramatically, and we have guidance systems using multiple cameras where the best image is automatically selected to use.
“A new weed harrow was shown for the rst time at the Sima show in November, and this is a practical option for larger-scale operations and crops with narrow seed spacings, as an alternative to chemical weed controls.”
Horsch sprayer specialist Ian Gri n (left) is pictured with sprayer after-sales service specialist Lawrence Gould. “Claas Eastern took on the Horsch sprayers franchise three years ago, and year-on-year sales continue to increase,” said Ian. “The sales and service teams are very familiar with our products, and the support available for customers is superb.
“Our sprayer range includes types and capacities to suit all types and sizes of farm in the trading area, and the partnership with Claas Eastern works well.”
Horsch seeding and cultivations specialist, Gareth Burgess (not pictured) was also at the event. He explained that the Avatar drill continues to sell in large numbers to farmers in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire through all the Claas Eastern branches. “It’s ideal for farmers heading towards zero-tillage, but who still want the exibility to establish crops after cultivations which can be essential for weed control, soil loosening or following root crops.
“There is a de nite emphasis on shallower cultivations and the Joker remains very popular – including operating with a subsoiler as a system. For those needing intensive cultivations, we have products for them too –including the new Fortis tine cultivator for working at greater depth.”
Connected services specialist, Mark Palmer advises on telematics, remote services and GPS steering systems – looking after customers of all seven Claas Eastern depots. “I was previously in the workshops at the Ulceby Cross and Sleaford branches, so had a good understanding of the product line-up,” he explained. “Many Claas customers are forward thinking and keen to use technology to help them get more from their machinery investments.
“Bene ts of Claas telematics include remote diagnosis of technical problems through error codes which can help our workshop teams to be proactive – identifying issues before they cause downtime by rectifying potential faults during routine servicing.
“Combine telematics accurately monitor yields for each farm location, and the data can be analysed whenever it is needed, including at quieter times after harvest.
“Customers can also use telematics to monitor and analyse eld and transport operations and identify opportunities for time and fuel savings. The Claas system is very user-friendly. It provides all the data customers need without being overcomplex.”
Sealey tools have been available from Claas Eastern branches since spring 2022, and East Midlands area sales manager, Robert Kenyon said that the range has been well received by customers. “A large proportion of sales are seasonal, so LED lighting and battery booster packs are in demand currently,” he explained. “Lithium-ion battery packs have made a real di erence to the size and convenience of these electric products, and we have a hand-held battery booster which will start a 6-litre petrol, or 4-litre diesel engine up to eight times between charges. These also include a phone charger and light and are small enough to keep in vehicles, and we have two versions – the RS800 costs £74.95 and the RS1200 can start even bigger engines and costs £119.95.”
Auto-Level Series
Self-levelling technology
Advanced electronic proportional controls
5.5m or 6.8m telescopic reach
Flail & Rotary head options
Andy Wilson
Tel: 07966 428632
Adrian Harrison
Tel: 07825 267080
New to our range of produce handling equipment is the Bradley Engineering Agristack Palletiser
• Available in single and twin cell format
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• Can handle bags, trays or bales
Ring us with your requirements
• Single conveyor with lowering end sections 1575mm long, centre section 1800mm
• Microprocessor controlled via probes
• Automatic box detection
• Auto plug and socket
• For boxes up to 1200mm high
• Doorstop bell for gentle crop handling
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Please call for our best price
“We bought a second-hand Claas combine from this dealer in 2000, and when it broke down Will Tuxworth and his team looked after us well beyond the terms of the warranty,” explained local farmer, Andrew Pritchard. “Since then, almost every machine we have bought for our farm has been light green.”
Trading as A & AW Pritchard, Andrew farms at Red House Farm, Waddingworth. The family farm is mixed arable and livestock, and includes a new sheep enterprise using New Zealand Romneys as part of a strategy to diversify cropping including cover crops and herbal leys.
“We deal mainly with Will when we buy anything, and Andy (Smith) the service manager for servicing and breakdowns. Darren Coupland and his colleagues in the workshop are all very experienced and quickly solve any problems. Claas Eastern has very high standards when it comes to selecting dealer sta , and it helps when young, inexperienced sta are recruited and then trained in the Claas ways.”
Two Claas tractors, a combine and a Scorpion telehandler are used on the farm, and a third Claas tractor with a loader will join the eet in the spring. “We considered other brands but were fairly con dent that we would end up buying another Claas.”
Andrew is pictured on the right with his son, Edward (left) as well as Claas Eastern engineer Darren Coupland (centre).
Gavin Bowser and his wife farm near Skegness and have been dealing with the Claas Eastern team for at least 25 years. Trading as Croft Marsh Ltd, Gavin bought his rst Lexion combine and a Challenger 55 rubber-tracked crawler with a plough, when land which had been rented out was returned and farmed in-hand again. Crops include winter wheat, spring barley, oilseed rape and spring beans, and the current combine is the third Lexion to have been used on the farm. “It’s a 2019 model, and we looked at changing it last year, but instead chose to upgrade to a new Convio header replacing the previous Vario version. It made a tremendous di erence, especially in matted and laid spring barley as we can almost shave the ground to reduce losses.”
Tractors include an Arion 660 CMatic and an Axion 870 CMatic, plus an older Arion 650 with a Hexashift gearbox which was recently purchased from the dealer. Gavin said that the Arion 660 will be used for general tasks, but that the other two tractors do the spraying and drilling – both jobs for which he wouldn’t have anything other than CMatic transmission in future.
The farm drill is a Horsch 6m Sprinter, and the sprayer is a Horsch 6GS with 42m booms, both supplied and looked after by Claas Eastern.
Pictured (l-r) are Claas Eastern workshop manager Andrew Smith, Horsch representatives Ian Gri n and Lawrence Gould, with Gavin Bowser.
Trading as Pridgeon Farms Ltd, and based at Hogsthorpe, David Pridgeon and his son James were at the open evening. The farm is arable, and crops are mainly cereals as well as beans. The machinery eet includes an Axion 870, two Arion 650s, a Lexion combine and an elderly Caterpillar 75 rubber-tracked crawler and a Horsch Avatar drill, which were all supplied by the Claas Eastern Ulceby team.
“We are moving towards a reduced tillage crop establishment regime,” explained David. “It helped that the purchase of the Horsch was grant-aided, but the main reason we chose it was for the build quality and the exibility to operate in a wide range of conditions. This branch is the nearest machinery supplier to us, but we deal with the team because the products and service are so good.
“It’s great to see Claas investing heavily for the future. It demonstrates con dence in our industry and con dence in this area.”
David said he started receiving Farmers Guide four years ago and nds it useful. “I always see something of interest which isn’t covered by other magazines,” he con rmed. “We receive so many magazines, but Farmers Guide is the one we look forward to reading. The FarmAds section is good too – and whenever we have advertised surplus machinery the response has been good.”
Pictured (l-r) are Claas Eastern eld sales manager Jon Baxter, David Pridgeon and his son James.
The Portek product range is available from all Claas Eastern depots. Sales representative Stephen Butcher commented that bird scarers are always in demand. “The new Raptor is stocked which uses a range of audible distress calls to deter birds from damaging crops,” he explained. “We have a selection of kites, and our Cropgards provide a visual deterrent. The Laser Strike torches project laser beams which are also highly e ective and these sell in large numbers.
“We are very impressed by the new premises which is a huge improvement on the previous Ulceby Cross branch. It’s attractive and welcoming and there is plenty of room to keep products and accessories in stock. It re ects the dealer’s professional image.”
Stephen (left) is pictured with sales director Morgan David.
Claas Financial Services was represented at the event by sales director, Paul Baker (left), sales coordinator Kim Hall and regional nance manager Bob Taylor – who moved to his current role 10 years ago after previously working for RW Marsh.
“We are busy arranging out of season combine business currently,” explained Bob. “As well as providing attractive nance solutions for Claas machines we also nance other brands for existing Claas nance customers, and for those purchasing additional products from Claas dealers.”
Please contact your local CLAAS Western branch or call WESTERN Cirencester (Head Of ce) on Tel: 01285 863190
Please contact your local OLIVERS branch or call OLIVERS Luton (Head Of ce) on Tel: 01582 727111
4 rows of tines at 16,6 cm row spacing and 60 cm underbeam-clearance for perfect trash flow in min-till conditions.
2800 ltr seed hopper with radar-speedcontrolled metering for precise seed rates.
Only 140 hp needed to haul the 6 m working width using 5 ltr/ha fuel.
Front cross-board for best levelling on ploughed fields.
Unique Double-STS-roller gives targeted reconsolidation of the soil just where the seed sits.
A late autumn sale at Swa ham Prior, Cambridgeshire, attracted large numbers of bidders online as well as on-site.
David Williams reports.
The sale was arranged by Che ns on behalf of Pennard Hill Farm Ltd, as a result of the farmer giving up his tenancy. There was a strong selection of modern, premium brand tractors as well as potato growing and grading machinery and Che ns auctioneer, Oliver Godfrey said that the successful auction was one of a run of good sales which took place in late autumn.
“Although our sales team hadn’t worked with the vendor previously, our colleagues in the Cheffins land agency department had
provided professional services, so we were very pleased to be instructed to organise the dispersal of this quality kit,” explained Oliver. “This was a sale where our online platform helped generate extra interest and contributed to the high prices achieved – as it opened the sale to potential buyers for this specialist potato planting, harvesting and handling machinery further away in the UK and overseas. The sale location was near to our Sutton Machinery Sale yard too, making it easy to clean machines to the high standards required for export.”
Tractors starred
Oliver commented that sale highlights included the tractor line-up, especially a John Deere 7810 which was one of only a few ‘included’ lots, and which achieved £45,200. “There was a good crowd on the day even though the weather was very unsettled, but it was a genuine dispersal sale and the
vendor was a long-standing potato grower with a good selection of equipment to o er,” he stressed. Members of the Che ns on-site team included auctioneers; Oliver Godfrey and Charles Wadsley, with Bill King, Tom Godsmark, Mary Freeman, Ted Shepherd, Angie Ware, Paul West and Cameron Balderson. FG
New in 1999, this Farmet G380 NS 4.2m hydraulic-folding, nine-leg, heavy stubble cultivator achieved £2,200.
bidding by buyers on-site, as well as online
Modern potato machinery from the longestablished grower attracted enthusiastic bidding by buyers on-site, as well as online in the UK and overseas. This 2020 Standen SP-300 three-row potato planter with a space selector, hydraulic depth control, electric agitation, rear hood and Team Amistar applicator made £7,800.
This 2011 John Deere 6630 with PowrQuad 40kph transmission was in good condition for its age. It carried its Ben Burgess supplying dealer stickers, had a 900kg front weight, cab and front axle suspension and was on Firestone 520/70R38 rear, and 420/70R28 front wheels and tyres. On an 11-plate, it had worked 8,715 hours and sold for £30,000.
Locally produced Team Sprayers have a great reputation, and this 2019 Team Arian 1800 24m mounted sprayer with GPS-controlled six-section shut o and a touch-screen control box made £8,500.
Another John Deere tractor, this 6830 4wd was a 2011 model, and had an AutoPowr 50kph transmission. It had a front linkage and PTO, cab and front-axle suspension and was on Firestone 520/85R38 rear, and 420/85R28 front wheels and tyres. Carrying a 61-plate and with its original Ben Burgess stickers, it had worked 4,848 hours and remained very tidy. It made a well deserved £42,000.
was a 2018 model, with DirectDrive 50kph transmission and Premium speci cation. It had a front linkage and PTO, front-axle and cab suspension and was on Michelin MachXBib 650/85R38 rear, and 600/70R28 front wheels and tyres. Like most of the other tractors it had been supplied by local dealer, Ben Burgess and was in tidy condition. On a 68-plate, it had worked 3,699 hours and made £74,000.
Two Underhaug UN4217-S soil separators were available for bids, both carrying their Pecks dealer stickers. A 2004 model with a multi-blade share and intake rotor, a 40mm rst web, six rows of stars, a 35mm rear web and 20mm cross conveyor, top scrubber web and a steering axle sold for £1,200. A similar machine (nearer the camera), but a year newer and with a 35mm rst web, and a 30mm rear web sold for £1,100.
This selection of four 14t steel monocoque trailers included (inset) a 2008 Easterby ET14 14t tandem axle model, with sprung axles and drawbar, a hydraulic tailgate and 385/65R22.5 wheels and tyres which sold for £6,700, and three ECE 14t tandem axle trailers with 385/65R22.5 wheels and tyres, sprung axles, rigid drawbars and hydraulic tailgates, which made £4,000, £3,800 and £3,900.
with a headland sprayer, had a home-built cab and had worked 1,540 hours.
In very tidy condition, this John Deere 6195R Premium, with DirectDrive CVT 50kph transmission, a front linkage and PTO, front axle and cab suspension and on Mitas 800/70R38 rear, and 600/70R28 front tyres was registered on a 19-plate and had worked 2,328 hours. It achieved a very impressive winning bid of £81,000.
This rotary cultivator/bedformer combination included a 1999 Standen Cultibed single bed tiller with a rear linkage, to which a Pearson Bedformer with standard bodies was attached. It made £500.
Baselier haulm toppers are always in demand, and this 2019 BLKB610 mounted rigid three-bed model had an end towing kit, hydraulic transport wheels, and bed ails with centre plate de ectors. It made £11,000.
An ‘included’ lot, this Heath SuperChaser bale collector and transporter with capacity for 10 large bales was equipped with flotation tyres
A second John Deere 6830 with AutoQuad 40kph transmission was also available for bids. Fitted with a 900kg front ballast weight, and equipped with cab and front-axle suspension, it was on Continental 520/85R38 rear, and 420/85R28 front wheels and tyres. Registered in April 2009, it carried a 59-plate, had worked 7,744 hours, and sold for £32,500.
Speaking at a webinar during GB Calf Week, Tim Potter of Westpoint Farm Vets o ered advice on how to get the most out of your building potential – as well as practical steps to improve calf health and growth rates. Sarah Kidby reports.
In a time of dramatically increasing feed and energy costs, getting optimal calf growth from the energy supplied is key. Tim advised farmers to look to treatment records and growth rates to get an idea of where improvements could be made. Points to consider include risk factors for your farm and the age and time of year at which disease is occurring. While disease is multifactorial, the webinar focused on environmental impacts on calf immunity and growth – beginning with understanding what space is available. A good shed can be ruined by overstocking, Tim
said. As a guide, he advised 1.5m2 space for 50–84kg calves and 1.8m2 for 85–140kg calves.
In a warm calf, the majority of its energy goes towards growth, but in cold, sick animals it’s reserved for keeping warm and ghting disease, meaning growth rates will be impacted. Measuring and monitoring temperatures in sheds helps to detect changes over time, and if the temperature falls below target, the options are: providing extra heat (bearing in mind the nancial
implications of doing so); providing extra feed to maintain growth; and minimising heat loss.
When it comes to the latter, a dry environment is essential and deep, dry straw on concrete will help prevent heat loss – therefore it’s important not to skimp on bedding after cleaning, Tim advised. Nesting scores can also be useful for giving a more objective view of bedding, with a recommended score of 3/3, where the calf’s legs are generally not visible when lying down.
Jackets have become much more universally adopted across UK farms. Measuring temperatures in the shed, particularly overnight is important to inform decision making on when to put on and remove jackets, Tim noted. A protocol should be in place on the temperature at which jackets will be put on and removed; and whether jackets will be used for all calves or just sick animals. Calves must be dry when the jacket is put on and when the time comes to remove it, this should be done rst thing in the morning, not at night when temperatures are falling. Jackets should also be thoroughly washed and disinfected between calves to avoid disease spread.
Trying to minimise unnecessary water sources in calf housing is another worthwhile endeavour, as humidity allows pathogens to survive in the environment and transmit from animal to animal, Tim continued. We can’t change the weather or stop calves urinating and defecating, but some water sources are within our control. Leaks can be repaired, feed and water troughs kept in good condition, and buildings designed to prevent ingress of water. Feed and water troughs can also be relocated (e.g., placed away from bedding, slightly outside of the pen, with any piping well protected so calves can’t damage it). Water troughs should be emptied outside the shed down a drain. Likewise, consider preparing milk feeds and washing equipment etc outside the shed. Investing in drainage in key areas (such as near troughs and milking machines) is also important – as is regular cleaning out to avoid clogs.
Ventilation will become more important as we experience increasingly extreme weather – the very hot temperatures in summer 2022, for instance, caused real di culties. Additionally, just as we saw with Covid, maximising fresh air into the shed helps to disperse bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing calf disease. However, there
is always the challenge of fresh air vs draft and the need to avoid wind chill. Tim advised looking at what your calves are telling you – are they huddling together to keep warm? Are they avoiding certain parts of the building? It’s important to ensure the shed is evenly ventilated – an anemometer can be bought online for as little as £10 and gives an objective measure of wind speed in the shed – aim for a speed of less than 0.2m/sec.
Putting yourself at calf level is also key: “It’s very easy as a vet or a farmer to look in a pen and think the temperature is right, but in cold weather you might be wearing rubber boots, waterproofs and a heavy jacket. [...] You won’t pick up drafts at ankle level so get into the shed and think about what your calves are actually experiencing,” he said.
Another factor to consider is if calves are in a draft, the lower critical temperature (below which animals must burn extra energy to keep warm) increases. For example, a newborn calf in a sheltered environment will have an LCT of 10ºC, but wind speed of 2m/sec brings the LCT up to 17ºC. “That means for a large proportion of time in the UK calves will be burning additional energy to keep warm, which will negatively impact the growth rate.”
There are some simple, coste ective solutions, however. Sheeting gates at calf level and quarry belting at the bottoms of gates not only prevents drafts but also prevents animals such as badgers entering, with potential bene ts for disease prevention. Alternatively, bales may be put into sheds for calves to nest behind. These are minimal investments with big returns, Tim pointed out.
Available from most plumbers’ merchants, smoke bombs are often used to visualise how rapidly air changes within the shed and how quickly the smoke is eliminated. Precautions should be taken to avoid res and it’s important to be aware that an empty building won’t provide much information as we are reliant on stock to impact the shed’s ventilation properties.
Signs of poor ventilation to look out for include cobwebs, tiger stripes and condensation.
Additionally, as calves don’t generate enough heat to drive the air movement needed for the ’stack e ect’, especially in larger environments, tube ventilation systems can provide a relatively coste ective solution – bringing fresh
Boosts trace minerals during high demand periods, to help improve calf immunity and reduce instances of diarrhoea and pneumonia.1
Provides e ective control against cryptosporidiosis.
Containing probiotics, lactose, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, this palatable formula aids in the rapid and complete recuperation of calves with diarrhoea.
...from previous page air into the building without causing drafts at calf level, Tim added.
One area the industry needs to focus on going forward is ensuring su cient outlet, as many UK sheds are lacking in this area, Tim believes.
The ridge can be raised to allow air to leave the shed, taking with it moisture, bacteria and contamination, and putting the cap back in place reduces the ingress of water.
Tim added: “We are seeing more and more light ridges which are a great way of bringing additional light and energy in to heat up the air so it rises better, but still provides an outlet for air to escape. As a rough target we’re looking for 0.04m2 per calf in terms of an outlet. For most calf buildings, if they are relatively stocked at around 2m2/calf, you’re generally looking at a gap in the roof of 15–20cm.”
Inlet should be at least four times the outlet; don’t rely on opening and closing doors or inlet from gable ends, especially in long buildings, Tim added. It’s also worth noting that space boarding (a single line of boards) is often incorrectly referred to as Yorkshire boarding (two lines
of boards that are o set). The big advantage of true Yorkshire boarding is it still maintains the air inlet and the same air ow but the second line of boards stops the ingress of moisture, rain, snow etc and helps to break up the wind. This is especially important if the sides of the shed are facing into oncoming weather.
Farms should have a protocol on the frequency of disinfection, product choice, concentration and drying times, for example, but this is often overlooked, Tim said.
“We have a lot to learn from our pig and poultry colleagues; they really get on top of disease control through all-in, all-out systems. They allow buildings to rest, be fully cleaned and disinfected before new batches come in. I know this challenge is really felt by the all-year-round calving herds where you’ve constantly got that trickle of calves coming through the shed. Trying to nd a way to have some point in the year – even if it’s just during summer – when calves are housed outside or in hutches to allow you to properly clean and disinfect, will help control disease such as scours,” Tim explained.
Amid reports of iodine supply issues and cost increases, research suggests that an aerosol spray could o er a safe and e ective alternative for navel care of newborn calves.
Bacteria such as Streptococcus sp and E. coli can easily enter the bloodstream through a calf’s naval and studies have suggested 29% of illness in calves can be attributed to navel issues. This can be mitigated through proper management of the navel after birth, with iodine applied in a navel cup being the traditional method. However, this can present certain practical and hygiene issues as navel cups should be (but rarely are) cleaned and refreshed between each use, according to a whitepaper: ‘Intra Repiderma: The new green standard for navel care of newborn calves’. There can also be some wastage and run o into the environment, and in its concentrated form it is dangerous by inhalation and can irritate the skin and eyes.
In eld trials carried out on a French dairy farm in 2021, 100 calves were given a single application of 4% iodine (navel dip), while another 100 calves received a single application of Intra Repiderma, which is a skin protection product supplied as a pressurised aerosol spray. The ndings revealed that in the second week, four out of 100 calves in the iodine group had one or more navel problems, while none in the Intra Repiderma group did. The trial explored four parameters after treatment, evaluated by the farm vet: non-dry navel, navel discharge, pain reaction and navel issues. Researchers say all parameters deteriorated towards the second week in the iodine group but improved in the Intra Repiderma group. Additionally, product waste
He recommended the following cleaning and disinfection method:
• Remove all stock and muck out
• Wash pens/fencing etc with a detergent to lift dirt and debris
• Rinse away detergent
• Allow to dry
• Apply appropriate disinfectant at the correct concentration
• Allow to dry
• Rebed with clean bedding.
and run o into the environment is avoided as Intra Repiderma is sprayed directly onto the navel; and only 10ml is required per application compared to 35ml of iodine, the whitepaper noted. Iodine was additionally estimated to be 25% more expensive per application than Intra Repiderma – though there are reports that the cost of iodine has soared recently, says AgriHealth, the wholesale supplier of Intra Repiderma in the UK.
Intra Repiderma is also an antibiotic-free product which sprays micronized powdered organic minerals –meaning the product is in a dry form. It has strong adhesion for at least three days and doesn’t run o ; and is sprayable upside-down for convenience when spraying navels.
Finally, avoiding the handling of concentrated iodine is safer for the user, and as a single-
Choosing the right product for the pathogens you want to tackle is also important – cryptosporidium and coccidiosis, for instance, will be harder to target. Your farm vet or adviser will be best placed to advise on product choice. Finally, it’s important to practice good hygiene in all areas the calf goes from birth – not just the shed, Tim concluded. FG
use aerosol spray, the risk of contamination and development of resistant pathogens is minimised, the whitepaper concluded. FG
Fencovis® is a new vaccine that stimulates immunity against key scour pathogens in pregnant heifers and cows, so that calves receive added protection via the colostrum. Fencovis® prevents diarrhoea caused by bovine rotavirus and E. coli K99 while also reducing the incidence and severity of that caused by bovine coronavirus.
A new vaccine from Boehringer Ingelheim is the rst to have a prevention claim against E coli F5 (K99) and bovine rotavirus. Sarah Kidby spoke to veterinary adviser Becca Cavill for more information about the vaccine, and wider prevention strategies.
Calf scour is known to cost the cattle industry around £11 million a year, equating to a signi cant £58 per a ected calf. It’s thought that just under 50% of dairy heifers are a ected and vaccination rates in the industry are relatively low.
New vaccine Fencovis o ers passive immunity to calves through the cow’s maternal colostrum. Administered 12–3 weeks before calving, the one-shot intramuscular vaccine stimulates the development of antibodies against bovine rotavirus, bovine coronavirus and E. coli expressing F5 (K99) adhesin – and increases the level of passive immunity of calves against neonatal diarrhoea caused by these infections. In calves fed with colostrum and milk from vaccinated cows, these antibodies prevented diarrhoea caused by rotavirus and E. coli expressing F5 (K99) adhesin – and reduced the incidence and severity of diarrhoea caused by coronavirus. Viral shedding in calves infected by rotavirus and coronavirus was also reduced by the vaccine. Laboratory testing showed none of the calves from vaccinated animals had clinical disease due to rotavirus or E. coli, whereas all of the controls su ered from neonatal diarrhoea. It is the rst calf scour vaccine to be able to make a prevention claim. Field trials, meanwhile, showed there was no impact on gestation, number of calves born or stillbirths.
The vaccine also uses an oil-free adjuvant, which is bene cial from a human and cow safety standpoint, Becca said. Accidental human inoculation with an oil-based adjuvant results
in a trip to A&E and a potentially severe reaction lasting weeks or even months; but although medical attention would still be required for an oil-free adjuvant, the reaction should be small and quickly resolved. In cows, using an oil-free adjuvant also reduces pain and lumps on the neck around the injection site – which in TB testing areas also helps to di erentiate between reactions to the vaccine and TB testing, she added.
The vaccine comes in pack sizes of 25, ve and one dose to allow farmers to purchase the number of doses they need, rather than having to open a vial and store the remainder in the fridge, risking contamination and the potential for reduced e cacy. The vaccine o cially launched in October and was presented to the dairy industry at Total Dairy on 23rd and 24th November 2022 and Dairy-Tech on 1st February 2023. Boehringer is also o ering support including lean management training for vets, to help their clients put protocols in place to ensure the vaccine is as e cient as possible.
“Calf scour will have important impacts on production further down the line – a ecting days to conception, age at rst calving and growth rates. Production in the rst lactation will also be reduced if age at rst calving is outside the optimum 23–35 months.
“There is also the cost of investigation, diagnosis and treatment – as well as the fact that
it’s very demoralising to spend so much time feeding and treating sick calves. Plus, calf scour increases susceptibility to BRD, so there is a lot of fallout,” Becca pointed out.
As calves can su er scours from such a young age – E. coli infection can occur within just a few hours of birth – vaccinating the dam is a vital measure in prevention. Whilst vaccination is important, disease is multi-factorial, and no inoculation is a silver bullet. It’s worth noting that as Fencovis o ers passive immunity from the dam, good colostrum management is essential for its e cacy, she added.
Alongside vaccination, other critical components of scour prevention include: Biosecurity/hygiene: As calves are immunologically naïve, being born into a heavily contaminated environment will not give them the best start. Sheds and feeding equipment should be properly cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis, not just swilled out, and the correct disinfectant is also important and will vary from farm to farm – not all disinfectants will work against cryptosporidium, for example. Hygiene in all calf areas is key, including the cow’s environment pre-calving.
Colostrum management: Colostrum quality can be measured quickly and easily on the farm using a Brix refractometer. Harvesting, hygiene and storage should be considered and blood sampling at 1–7 days of age will help to measure the passive transfer of immunity, so you can identify any problems and make adjustments accordingly. Transition cow management will also a ect colostrum quality.
Stockmanship: Vigilant observation and good stockmanship is important for detecting problems earlier and giving a better chance of prevention and treatment of disease – rather than just looking in twice a day when feeding.
“Calves are our biggest investment – they are the future of our herds, so we need to think of them as an investment and consider the longterm impacts of early disease prevention,” Becca concluded. FG
Cosy Calf’s Mandy Turner o ers advice on the proper use of calf jackets...
The thermo-neutral zone describes the range between lower and upper critical temperatures (10–25ºC in 0–4-week-old calves and 0–23ºC in month-old calves). Calves require 2% more energy for every 1ºC below the thermo-neutral zone. A calf’s actual LCT is a ected by factors including genetics, birth conditions, health, nutrition, air speed and dry bedding. Suggested protocol for putting on calf jackets:
• Jackets must be breathable
• Put a max/min thermometer in the shed. Reset it every morning during autumn/ winter housing
• Agree a protocol for sta on when to start using jackets, e.g., after three consecutive nighttime temperatures below 10ºC
• Most of the afterbirth should be wiped from calves. Once dry, put a clean jacket on all calves below one week of age and on entry to the calf house.
When removing jackets, consider each calf’s condition and refer to weather forecasts and recent night-time minimum temperatures. Agree a temperature protocol with sta for healthy calves (e.g., one week old: >10ºC; four weeks old: >5ºC). Breathable jackets can be left on even with daytime temperatures up to 19–20ºC if night-time temperatures fall below 10ºC. Jackets can be left on for four weeks or longer, assuming they t comfortably. When removing jackets permanently, remove in the morning to allow calves to acclimatise before night-time temperatures. FG
With the use of calf jackets you can make significant savings on feed, medication and bedding costs, by better conversion of energy to growth rather than warmth and reduce the risk of pneumonia and scours from chills and draughts
• Breathable and water repellent
• High quality for long life
• Easy to use
• Machine washable at 50oC
• Available in two sizes
• One chest closer, two adjustable leg straps
Material: Outer shell 6000 Oxford, 200g filling, 2100 lining
Price: £22.00+VAT
The rst eight weeks of a calf’s life are critical for pro table success and future development. Whether calves are reared as replacement heifers, rearing contracts or as part of a beef unit, a healthy start will accelerate and in uence a number of performance indicators. These include daily live weight gains, reaching bulling weights rapidly, increasing dry matter intake postweaning and reducing mortality rates overall.
ear sucking behaviour and the need for gorging.
The Heatwave Milk Warmer is a low cost, labour reducing system that can be used with either whole or powdered milk, Shearwell says. The milk is mixed cold and warmed on demand as it travels through the pipes on a gravity fed system. The heatwave can feed up to 30 calves at a time, is easily set up and takes minutes to clean daily.
For more details please visit: FG
and often, compared to in a short time period
Replicating a natural feeding environment with an ad-lib system aids calf development through socialising in groups and imitating their feeding patterns with their mothers. A calf with its mother will feed for a total of 45 minutes per day little and often, compared to the large volumes fed in a short time period under once- or twice-a-day feeding systems. A calf on an ad-lib system will limit its own intakes by knowing that warm milk is readily available; generally reducing navel and
Our extensive knowledge and understanding of Bull Pens and Livestock Handling Systems allows us to create bespoke systems manufactured by us to suit your individual needs
All our systems are designed, manufactured, and installed to be safe, efficient and welfare friendly and because they are made in-house, they can be made to fit any space.
AMTRA Registered Animal Medicines Advisor (RAMA) Mark Pass, who works for the Willows Veterinary Group based in Cheshire, has recently completed his MSc thesis, which explored farming industry stakeholder attitudes to lungworm and the understanding of e ective,
sustainable disease control. He believes the industry needs a reset.
“Mass prophylactic treatment of groups of animals with long acting anthelmintics must change. This is often the main driver of resistance in parasitic worm populations and continuing such practices will ultimately create long term welfare problems in the future,” he says.
Despite the continued, widespread use of long acting anthelmintics, lungworm incidence in cattle continues to rise, with many farmers seeing more disease in adult cattle and two-year-old dairy heifers once they have joined the milking herd. Mr Pass concludes that the increased prevalence of this costly disease is a worrying scenario, and is due potentially to a lack of herd/animal immunity to lungworm and under use of vaccination.
“Management practices, including grazing and housing, have changed signi cantly over recent years – with youngstock being housed a lot more than they once were. It is also more unusual for young cattle to graze at pasture for only a few months of the year, with the same trend seen with older
lactating cows. Consequently, many cattle – and heifers, in particular – are often ill-prepared immunologically for a lungworm challenge when they enter the milking herd,” he says.
Vet Tom Warboys from Synergy Farm Health agrees. As a practising vet, he says he and his colleagues are seeing more lungworm outbreaks in cattle towards the end of the grazing season each year. “Unless they have had some opportunity to develop immunity, cattle that have been treated with long acting anthelmintics are particularly vulnerable to lungworm infection once the wormer cover wears o . This partly explains why we see so much disease around housing in the late autumn and early winter.”
Consequently, Mr Warboys says Synergy Farm Health is now encouraging all their cattle farmer clients to change their worming mindset. “Habitually worming cattle during the autumn and at winter housing (aiming to clean out residual gut or lungworm burdens) may give you peace of mind, but it’s time to think more sustainably,” he says.
He adds that wormer resistance is growing rapidly in the UK, particularly against ivermectins. In addition, there is increasing concern that widespread and continued use of valuable worming treatments is also harming vital insect populations in the dairy farming environment. “Ivermectins are fantastic products, but to preserve them we must use them more judiciously – and only when we absolutely have to,” he stresses.
“We probably underestimate the negative impact frequent worming with ivermectins has on soil health. For example, dung beetles are highly bene cial for farm productivity, but do not tolerate these wormers. Whilst moving 500x their own body weight of organic material, they reduce dung levels and therefore potential lungworm burdens left on pasture, improve soil health and make more grass available for future grazing. It is
now time to think di erently about habitual worming and focus on making a sustainable parasite control plan for every farm,” he adds.
Synergy Farm Health is recommending cattle farmers work with their vet to adopt a ve-point parasite management plan in 2023, with the focus on reducing the need for expensive blanket worming when cattle are housed for the 2023/24 winter.
• Reduce stock vulnerability. Focus on immunity-based disease prevention. Disease-free cattle (e.g. free from BVD, IBR etc.), fed a high plane of nutrition and vaccinated against lungworm prior to turnout in 2023 are far less likely to need worming at all.
• Know your pastures. Assess pastures for risk, based on the stock that was grazing the ground during 2022. This could be done by colour-coding (e.g., red for previous grazing by youngstock, amber for adults and green for no previous grazing such as new leys, aftermath or grazing by other species) – and remember which elds contain lungworm.
• Adopt faecal egg counting. Worm egg counts are exceptionally useful indicators for group worming treatments.
• Assess cattle before any worming treatment. Liveweight gains, body condition scores, cleanliness of back ends, number of grazing seasons etc., are all there to guide you and are reliable indicators.
• Use the right drug for the bug. White or yellow drenches are usually adequate if you need to worm and do less damage to the environment.
However, Mr Warboys stresses that parasite control should not be considered in isolation.
He recommends that it should always form part of herd health planning when you can discuss it fully with your vet. FG
Cattle farmers are being encouraged to think di erently about lungworm in 2023 and to develop strategies to prevent production losses rather than treat infections.
Oxi-Tech is a British start-up company with state-of-the-art disinfection technology; it’s powerful, super-clean, and very environmentally friendly.
What’s so special about this technology?
A: Well, it’s not only powerful and clean, but it’s also beautifully simple. We only need water and low voltage electricity to generate as much disinfectant as you require; you no longer need to get barrels of acid manufactured in mainland Europe, and delivered to your farm, nor do you have the hassle or cost of disposing of them. The planet bene ts from all the associated carbon savings from the chemicals’ production and transportation; it is a step-change and the future of disinfection.
How do you make disinfectant from water? It sounds biblical...
A: We create the most e ective disinfectant available. ‘Dissolved Ozone’ is oxygen by another name and has three oxygen atoms instead of two. It’s perfect for a disinfectant as it’s incredibly fast at oxidising.
This is achieved by splitting the water molecules, which are then reformed into triatomic oxygen (Dissolved Ozone). This is an incredibly powerful disinfectant and it works by physically attacking bacterial cell walls, unlike chlorine and other disinfectants that poison vital cell functions. Ozone physically destroys it, like a mini bolt of lightning at a cellular level. Unlike other disinfectants, no pathogen bacteria, etc can develop a resistance to ozone. It’s just a matter of concentration and time.
When disinfection has taken place, the triatomic molecule becomes diatomic as, in the air, we breathe, leaving no residues to accumulate in the soil, water, or on surfaces. It’s also safe and pH neutral so it can’t burn your skin or blind you, and any spillages simply revert to oxygen.
A: Well, to be honest, this is where we had an ideal opportunity to challenge and trial it. The technology has a huge range of global applications, everything from Legionella control, cleaning-inplace systems, water storage, aquaculture, pharmaceutical, and medical applications. Anything that needs disinfection, including water. With Oxi-Tech you no longer need to add harmful chemicals to the water to keep it safe and pathogen free.
A: We are currently a very small team. Graham Axford is our chief executive and formally MD of an investment bank James Capel + co; Robert Misselbrook is our FD who is ex-Lehman Brothers and used to y helicopters in the army; Gerard Hickie, who was the general manager of L’Oreal in Korea; and Luke Rutterford with a background in forensics, who used to run the UK technical department for Rentokil Specialist Hygiene and Initial Medical.
We also work with consultants and contractors but are actively looking to grow the team.
A: We’ve had three years of successful trials on a dairy farm, with very low bactoscan readings, and rates of contagious mastitis at an all-time low.
We received the UK runnerup position in the inaugural excellence award from the Agriepicenter, a site funded by the government to showcase and trial new agri-tech.
We’ve generated data at the National Bio lms Institute
and other institutions demonstrating our technology is e ective against planktonic legionella and bio lms. Our technology gained the attention of Defra and it was included in the FETF 2022 grant scheme which was a real achievement. Having developed the technology over the last few years, we made our rst commercial sales in the UK and are actively selling in the Middle East through our distribution partner Reza Hygiene, where we are carrying out trials at some mega-farms and have had amazing results, reducing their bacterial levels by 75%, which are the lowest readings they have achieved. We are also actively working on a government-funded project for a robotic dairy with DeLaval at Harper Adams University.
A: We are continuing with our innovation and patent IP program, learning from our development farms and moving forward into some other key applications which is very exciting indeed, particularly as there are global opportunities that are presenting themselves.
approximately 60 days.
For dairy cows, the ESey Breeder bolus aids in a quicker recovery after calving, boosting milk production, colostrum quality, and productivity. The ESey Finisher bolus o ers similar bene ts to nishing beef cattle, optimising daily liveweight gain to hit target weights quicker and helping meat quality and redness.
Technical manager Callum Harvey (pictured) says: “These shortfalls in vitamin E and selenium are a bit of a hidden problem but they are hugely important to cow health. Research has shown that cows rarely get up to the recommended levels and this means both the cow and the calf aren’t ful lling their maximum potential.
Agrimin has developed a new solution to signi cant shortfalls of vitamin E in UK cattle, after research showed 75% of dairy cows su er a shortage at some point in the production cycle. This rises to as much as 97% in very early lactation dairy cows, and 89% of grazed grass was also found to be de cient in selenium.
Both vitamin E and selenium are crucial antioxidants that are critical for cattle health in periods of stress.
Agrimin has developed a new slow-release bolus range – ESey Breeder and ESey Finisher – to
provide dairy cows and beef cattle with the recommended levels of vitamin E and selenium for periods of stress, such as transition and calving. They supply the animal’s full daily requirement of each for
“For dairy and suckler cows, an imbalance means she is slower to recover and get into milk production and the calf won’t be getting everything it needs from the colostrum, slowing its development too. In nishing cattle an imbalance can reduce growth rates and so cattle will be slower to nish.”
The ESey range contains a combination of vitamin E, selenium and grape extract and is intended for adult cattle on grass or forage-based diets with a liveweight over 400kg.
Antioxidants protect cells from
oxidative stress which is key during recovery in periods of stress –including hot weather, changes in the diet and calving. The antioxidants in the bolus optimise the cow’s immune system and colostrum quality, accelerating calf development and reducing the incidence of scour, as well as optimising liveweight gain and meat quality, Agrimin says. Half of all antioxidant activity comes from vitamin E and the grape extract in the bolus multiplies the e ect of the vitamin E.
Callum adds: “Farmers face incredible pressure, and this bolus range is a simple and easy solution to making sure you get the most out of your cows.
“It can take 100 days for cows to restore vitamin E levels following pregnancy and that means they are not fully recovered and operating at their full potential.”
The bolus can be used at any time of year but is designed for periods of stress, including transition, precalving, at calving or periods of heat stress too.
Agrimin is planning further product launches in the coming months, focusing on three key elements: resource e ciency, animal welfare and the environment. FG
Careful cow selection and management, coupled with the latest technology, is driving annual average milk yields of 11,500 litres at the high-input, high-output dairy enterprise, Lower Lee Farm, located near Lee Brockhurst to the north of Shrewsbury.
The 180-cow herd of pure Holsteins is run by Je and Judith Lester, in partnership with their son George, with the support of their daughter Izzy, at their state-of-the-art 350-acre farm.
The Lesters had originally planned to build a new dairy unit with two robotic milkers, however the plans evolved while the family waited for the housing market to improve. After trialling a milking robot on the old site and being impressed with its performance, they decided to install three robots at the new site – two Lely A4s and one Lely A5 – as well as the company’s Vector automatic feeding system and automatic scrapers.
“The custom-made dairy set-up is perfect for what we need,” says Je .
He says the robotic feeder wagon feeds little and often, which helps reduce waste and ensures the cows always have fresh food in front of
them. “It took a long time to get over the shock of seeing very little food at the feed fence, but it’s better presented and reduces the stress impact on the cow,” adds Je . “You get an increase in dry matter intake because they eat more silage.”
The Lesters believe a close focus on the genetic potential of the cattle is key to ensuring they achieve yield potential.
“We genetically test every heifer, and we’re part-way through building a picture of the whole herd,” explains Je . “When we’re testing, we look at yield potential and Production Index (PI), as well as speci c robotic milking traits, like long rear teats, and wide placement of the teats.”
He says the aim of genetic testing is to ensure only the best cattle are being used to breed replacements, and to help nd any “superstars” in
the herd, that can be ushed and bred from further.
The Lesters run a 25% replacement rate and sexed Holstein semen is used on heifers who score highly in genetic testing, as well as cows which have bred well in the past or previously scored highly during genetic testing when they were heifers.
Everything else is bred to British Blue genetics using AI, and all dairy beef calves are sold at market before they reach 42-days-old.
An all-year-round calving system is run at Lower Lee Farm to ensure continuous supply of milk to Tesco, via Muller. And while genetics play an important part in ensuring optimal milk production, the Lesters also believe a close focus on transition cow management is key to ensuring cows reach their yield potential.
The milking herd ration contains a mix of home-grown forage – roughly two-thirds maize, and one-third grass – and a blend, whereas the transition cow diet comprises mostly straw, with a small amount of maize and grass silage.
“We keep the dry cows together so they’re in the same group from when we dry them o until they calve,” says Je . “They’re in cubicles with sand, which are slightly longer and bigger to make them more comfortable, and there’s lots of feed space so there’s no competition for food.”
He says Kexxtone – a monensin bolus – is given to at-risk dry cows to prevent ketosis and any related health problems after they have calved. This is given to any cattle based on the SOFT analogy – this means giving the boluses to any sick, old, fat, thin or twin bearing cows.
“We’ve been using the boluses successfully for around ve years now,” says Je . “We chose to start administering these because we believe if your cow doesn’t calve down and get o to a ying start, she is never going to reach her yield potential.
“Our cows are like Olympic athletes, or Formula 1 racing cars – they’re at the top of their game, but it doesn’t take much to knock them down. Prevention is key and hopefully we don’t get as many transition problems because we use the boluses sensibly.” FG
Coccidiosis and Cryptosporidium, both diarrhoea causing infections common in young calves, can be fatal and are hard to treat.
Using Target Powergel and GPC8 in your cleaning and disinfection programme, and following our calf pen cleaning routine, will help to reduce cases.
This routine has been tried and tested and is shown to be e ective in destroying the oocysts which enable infections to spread.
Find out more and read the full article on our website
Forage Analysis Assurance Group
Feed Adviser Register
To get the best out of your feeding resources, it’s vital to understand their nutritional quality and use that information to formulate feed rations. That will optimise livestock productivity and ensure feed production e ciency while minimising adverse e ects on the environment.
Professional support and provision of quality feeding advice for farmers is available from members of the Feed Adviser Register (FAR).
There is strict entry criteria to join FAR, based upon training and experience. Advisers must complete the core training and competency
tests in all species for which they o er advice before they become full members of the register. FAR membership renewal is annual, requiring continuous professional development to be maintained.
Over 1,100 feed advisers from all over the UK are registered to provide advice for cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry. To nd out more information about FAR and how to nd sound advice from a competent professional near you, visit www.
FAR advisers rely on consistent information from nutritional analysis of feed materials, including silage throughout the feeding season. Forage from grass, whole crop or maize is one of the most economic feeds for all ruminants and especially dairy and beef cows.
The Forage Analysis Assurance (FAA) Group works to ensure accurate and consistent analysis of silages to support farmers and feed advisers in formulating rations. Silages are naturally variable materials and FAA Group members commit to achieving the best level of reliability of results currently available by taking part in regular pro ciency tests to ensure quality and conformity of analysis
across a range of methods.
NWF Agriculture technical manager Abbi England commented: “Forage makes up a large proportion of ruminant diets, therefore, accurate silage analysis is a basic fundamental need for rationing on farm. Being a member of the FAA gives me con dence in our onsite laboratory forage analysis and allows me to advise the best ration for both animal performance and business productivity. With many farmers currently facing low forage stocks, accurate silage analysis will play a vital role in allowing stocks to be optimised over the winter.”
Visit to nd out more about FAA members, check their analysis performance and learn safe and correct farm sampling techniques for silage bales and clamps.
Make sure your forage analysis service is an FAA member and has achieved the FAA quality mark so that you and your feed adviser can have con dence in the results.
Contact for further information. Animations are also available to watch here:
• FAR: watch?v=cQTEBEgZZn4
Almost 50% of total lamb losses occur in the rst 48 hours of life and several sources of UK data from the past 30 years show average mortality rates of 12–23%. Vet, pharmacologist and independent consultant Dr TB Barragry explains the importance of gut health and the bene ts of probiotics.
Newborn lambs have virtually no immunity and a key organ in developing this immunity is the gut microbiome. This consists of a population of billions of commensal organisms (good bugs) which provide many bene cial e ects for the body. In fact, the gastrointestinal tract is now known to be the largest immune system of the body.
This repository of gut-derived DNA is now established as the principal driver of immune health in the lamb. A clear immunological link exists therefore between the gut microbiota, the immune system and the presence or absence of neonatal disease.
The gut microbiome is highly underdeveloped in the lamb at birth, so it is no coincidence that newborn lambs have low immunity and are highly susceptible to infection. Boosting this gut microbiome with probiotic/bene cial bacteria organisms at birth is one way to help enhance immunity and prevent E. coli infection. The short window period after birth is a critical time for the neonatal gut to be populated with bene cial bacteria probiotic organisms, which will then replicate and promote gut protection and strong immunity.
Any outbreak of neonatal enteric disease in calves and lambs (coliform scours and watery mouth) is the result of an overwhelming imbalance between the environmental contamination pressure and the low immune status of the newborn animal. An absolute and direct correlation exists between low immunity at birth and watery mouth or E. coli infection.
The gut microbiome and the immune system are connected. However, this system can only work if it is attended to by the routine prophylactic use of probiotics and bene cial bacteria immediately after birth. Waiting for
disease to occur and then endeavouring to deal with it by antibiotic ‘ re ghting’ is a waste of time, money and of the animal’s health and long-term productivity.
Provita Lamb Response is a bene cial bacteria based oral formulation which acts preventatively to augment the gut commensal population of the newborn lamb with protective bacteria, thereby generating gut health, and helping to prevent the establishment of E. coli by boosting local immunity. The product also supplies protective egg powder and vitamins B and E to further enhance gut protection and stimulate early protection against E. coli, and to stimulate metabolism and growth. Readily available energy is also provided in the product.
Lamb Response contains a combination of four highly e ective and unique ingredients, not present in other commercial products, which directly combat E. coli, and enhance the much-
needed immunity status of the newborn lamb.
It contains bene cial bacteria which naturally diminish E. coli bacteria, enhance immunity, and ‘seal’ the newborn gut. Lamb Response contains a potent strain of live organisms, which is one of the primary active ingredients of the rst, EU-licensed probiotic (Provita Protect POM-VPS), which is clinically proven to prevent scour and has antibacterial activity against E. coli. This ultra-fast replicating bene cial bacteria will seed the gut, expanding the young lamb’s gut microbiome, which is the basis of the overall immunity. In addition, tight junctions in the gut will be sealed, crowding out and neutralising E. coli pathogens and preventing their establishment within the lamb.
The product also contains egg powder which provides high concentrations of unique IgY proteins; these are more potent against E. coli than usual colostral antibodies. These IgY antibodies have a higher binding a nity for E. coli antigens than conventional colostral antibodies. Thus, the combination of bene cial bacteria plus IGY proteins provides a powerful immediate protection against E. coli, which has been established in scienti c literature.
Additionally, the product contains high levels of the vitamins necessary for the young animal’s metabolism and supplies, especially vitamin E, which stimulates the lymphocytes in the underdeveloped immune system, thus adding a further layer of protection.
Lastly, Lamb Response supplies high energy to stimulate appetite, helps prevent hypothermia (a very common fatality factor in young lambs) and stimulates blood ow through vital organs.
Bene cial bacteria in lambs have been proven in the scienti c literature to have the following e ects:
• Augments general immune function and increasing antibody levels
• Reduces E. coli diarrhoea by 50%, numbers of E. coli in the gut and promotes weight gain
• Trials have shown that lambs given bene cial bacteria had statistical improvement in terms of weight gain, pre-weaning growth rate, and general health when compared to control lambs.
UK sheep farmer James Warwick recently spoke about the e ectiveness of Lamb Response in addressing his issues with watery mouth: “We have had trouble with watery mouth this lambing and Lamb Response was recommended by our vet. Since we’ve been using it, we haven’t lost any lambs to watery mouth! A fantastic product!” FG
disinfecting the navels of newborn lambs.
Navel dressing is an important tool to prevent disease in neonatal lambs, however research shows most cases of joint ill or similar conditions follow bacterial invasion via the tonsils or intestinal tract. This occurs when the newborn lamb is exposed to a heavily contaminated environment and/or has inadequate colostrum intake.
If you are lambing indoors, good ventilation and drainage can reduce the bacterial load in your shed. Keep group pens well-bedded and ensure individual pens are cleaned, disinfected and rebedded between ewes. Lambing outdoors, if managed appropriately, can help reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
With a possible strong iodine shortage on the horizon, it is more important than ever to go back to basics and ensure your lambing protocols are up scratch ahead of the busy season, writes Emily Collins-Wingate
After a year of shortages and supply issues with vaccines, consumables and veterinary products, the Sheep Veterinary Society has warned that there is a risk of reduced availability of strong iodine for navel dressing of lambs this spring.
Production of strong iodine (10%) has ceased at the main source in Chile, causing some prices to quadruple. Lower iodine concentrations (below 7%) may be more readily available, but these are less e ective at drying and
Lambs need 50ml/kg of good quality colostrum within two hours of birth, followed by 200ml/kg in the rst 24 hours. “Colostrum is gold” and it cannot be overemphasised how essential this rst feed is. Newborn lambs have no antibodies, so are dependent on those contained in the ewe’s colostrum to provide protection against disease. This is arguably the most important time in a lamb’s life, so it is always worth reviewing your colostrum policy
ahead of lambing.
The body condition and nutrition of pregnant ewes plays a vital role in the quality and quantity of colostrum they produce. Seventy- ve per cent of lamb growth occurs in the last six weeks of pregnancy, so correct nutrition in this period is essential for good lamb birthweights and quality colostrum production.
Tools such as forage analysis and metabolic pro ling can be used in late pregnancy to check the ration being supplied is meeting requirements. Metabolic pro ling should be completed 3–4 weeks before lambing; this assesses whether the energy and protein levels in the diet are su cient. The target body condition score six weeks pre-lambing should be 3–3.5 for a lowland breed. Contact your vet to discuss how these tools can help prepare your ock for a successful lambing.
Blanket antibiotic treatment is not appropriate, even in the event of an iodine shortage. Tetracycline antibiotic sprays should not be used to dress navels as they do not dry them e ectively. Oral antibiotics should not be used prophylactically. Speak to your vet if you see an increase in disease in your newborn lambs. FG
For a new approach to feeding lambs visit:
“Energized Lamb Milk allows our lambs to reach their full potential.”
Natalie Ingman TNGB Key Accounts Manager & Sheep Farmer
of Westpoint Farm Vets.
Providing Lifeline Lamb and Ewe in the nal six weeks leading up to lambing made a signi cant impact on short and long-term ock health and performance by lling critical nutrient gaps, according to independent trial work by SAC.
It was found to increase colostrum immunoglobulin IgG content by 25% more than a
standard energy bucket. IgG content is an important measure of colostrum quality that infers passive immunity of antibodies from the ewe to newborn lambs to ght o bacterial and viral infections. Furthermore, in a farm trial, feeding Lifeline Lamb & Ewe with Zinpro Availa Zn was found to reduce neonatal mortality rates by 7.5%.
According to Dr Alison Bond, nutritionist for Rumenco, this increase in IgG was in uenced by balanced energy, protein, minerals, vitamins and trace elements formulated in the lick bucket.
“In the last six weeks of pregnancy, over 70% of foetal growth occurs. For context, a lamb weighing 4.5kg at birth only weighs 800g in the eight weeks before being born. It has a huge amount of growth and development to do in a very short space of time to get to a lamb ready for birth,” explains Dr Bond.
During this time, ewes are under a lot of stress as large amounts of nutrients from their diet are partitioned to rapid foetal development and colostrum production – increasing their protein and energy requirements and doubling them when carrying twins. This high energy demand remains postpartum as 38% of milk production occurs during the rst four weeks of lactation.
“Lifeline Lamb & Ewe provides ewes with 13MJ ME/Kg DM to ll those high energy requirements. It also contains quality sources of by-pass protein to ensure protein makes it through the rumen to support colostrum quality, milk yield and udder development,” says Dr
Bond. “A balance of calcium helps protect ewes from hypocalcemia and the inclusion of key trace elements, vitamins and minerals support lamb development, ewe and lamb immunity and lamb vigour.”
Lifeline Lamb & Ewe now includes Zinpro Availa Zn, a highly available, organic zinc that is proven to support the lifetime performance of both ewes and lambs.
“Compared to typical inorganic trace mineral sources found in feed supplements, Zinpro Availa Zn is far more metabolically available, leading to greater absorption in the small intestine – therefore increasing utilisation,” explains Dr Bond.
When fed to ewes in late pregnancy, Zinpro Availa Zn has been shown to increase dry matter intake, early lactation milk yields and improve mothering ability. It has also had a signi cant impact on hoof condition, with ewes fed Zinpro Availa Zn for 60 days over the lambing period found to have a 43% decrease in foot lesions compared to ewes not supplemented. Zinpro Availa Zn also contributed to gut development in lambs which led to increased diet utilisation and increased growth rates. FG
As pioneers in the development and manufacture of high-performance milk formulas, Volac created the first instantised milk replacer for lambs: Lamlac® For over 50 years we have taken our passion for animal nutrition and continued to research formulation and processing developments, ensuring Lamlac® remains the UK’s number one selling formula. We understand, we’ve done the science.
UK lamb prices are expected to continue the trend of the last couple of years, remaining rm in 2023 due to the low domestic supply combined with solid demand within the EU. Sheep industry commentators believe it will still pay farmers to rear as many healthy lambs as possible come lambing time. This will also mean e ectively rearing healthy orphan lambs and any taken from triplet and twin-bearing ewes to preserve breeding sheep condition, according to Volac R&D manager Dr Jessica Cooke. “However, farmers tell us that when they purchase a ewe milk replacer product to do this, they want to buy one validated by independent feeding trial data.”
Volac’s most recent independent lamb rearing studies (spring 2021) showed both small numbers and large groups of surplus lambs can be reared highly successfully on ewe milk replacer, Dr Cooke added.
Trial work conducted at Harper Adams University (HAU) and Reaseheath College, con rmed that there is an opportunity to make a margin from surplus lambs, and to
increase the number of lambs reared from ocks with a high proli cacy rate, Dr Cooke said.
“While lamb prices remain strong, it makes sense to rear as many as you can. Indeed, when well- nished lambs have been commanding more than £100 each – as they have done for a large part of the last two years – there’s certainly still a signi cant payback on an investment in good quality ewe milk replacer,” Dr Cooke said.
At HAU, 20 Su olk Mule cross Texel surplus lambs were reared o the ewe on Lamlac using a Volac Ewe2 thermostatically-controlled warm milk bucket.
After early life colostrum feeding (50ml/kg birthweight), lambs were fed on restricted warm milk from 24 hours of age until trained to feed
independently from the feeder, then received Lamlac ad lib thereafter.
“Intakes and growth rates were good, with lambs consuming on average two litres per day up until weaning, with a mean total intake of 73.7 litres. On average, the lambs weighed 16.9kg on abrupt weaning at 35 days of age and achieved an average daily live weight gain up to weaning of 0.34kg per day.”
At Reaseheath College, 59 surplus third lambs (largest lamb removed; leaving a balanced pair on the ewe) from triplet-bearing North Country mules were reared on a computerised Volac Eco Feeder machine.
“Here, the farm reported fantastic pre-weaning growth rates of 0.353kg
per day on average, with the lambs fed Lamlac achieving a mean 16.8kg at abrupt weaning at 35 days of age,” says Dr Cooke.
On both units, surplus lambs were also given access to fresh water, creep feed and forage ad lib throughout the trial feeding period. Lamlac was mixed at the rate of 200g of powder plus 800ml water to give one litre of mixed milk.
Post weaning, all lambs transitioned onto a forage-based diet along with lambs that had reared naturally on their mothers. All lambs graded similarly at slaughter with no discernible di erence between those reared on ewe milk replacer or on the ewe. FG
LG Seeds is o ering a free app that promises to cut through the confusion over maize seed selection, by aiding decisions on the best varieties for speci c uses and locations.
A free app from LG Seeds can help farmers to choose the most appropriate varieties for their speci c use and location, maximising the performance of their maize crops and o setting the cost of purchased feed.
“When it comes to choosing which variety to grow, the rst port of call should be to study the
With the number of self-propelled forage harvesters constantly increasing, and their cutting and chopping capacity increasing in the same way, being able to transport this silage volume in the fastest and safest way is critical.
Joskin says it has, for over 20 years, managed to guarantee this with its Silo-Space silage trailers. And now, the Silo-Space2 brings this to a higher level, Joskin reckons.
The hydraulic driven four-chain oor system allows the operator to unload without tipping. Thanks to its tapered body, which is 40mm larger at the back, and the rear door with large clearance, unloading is even easier and faster.
The hydraulic hinging front wall helps by pushing the load and at the same time breaking the material. The front wall in low position is also useful when
independent data provided by the BSPB/NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List,” explains LG Seeds maize manager, Tim Richmond (pictured above). “Beyond that, growers can also use the free LG Seeds Maize Manager app to determine which variety or varieties are best suited to their speci c location and to ensure their 2023 crop delivers a reliable
return on investment.”
The Maize Manager app uses the latest trials data and compares the energy output and milk, meat or biogas production potential of individual varieties within a similar maturity range. Suitable for Android and iOS phones, it is designed to simplify decisions about which varieties to grow for forage, grain or AD purposes.
“The Maturity Manager tool within the App uses postcodespeci c Met O ce data to calculate Ontario Heat Unit accumulations for
the speci ed location and processes this information to recommend relevant varieties,” Tim says. “In doing so, growers can select the optimum variety for their location and purpose.”
The app also has a Feed Value Manager tool, which allows users to calculate how much their chosen variety will save by o setting purchased feed costs – either as a result of the variety’s ability to increase milk output from homegrown forage, or in the case of beef rearers and AD plants, how much it contributes to improved daily liveweight gains or increased biogas output.
Another tool helps growers to calculate the optimum seeding rate for their chosen variety, while another determines the optimum date for harvest. Furthermore, the app’s new LG Animal Nutrition (LGAN) tool highlights the cost savings associated with using one of these high yielding, high energy varieties – either in terms of increased milk yields, higher liveweight gains or increased biogas (AD) output.
The LG Seeds Maize Manager app can be downloaded for free from the Apple and Google Play stores or by visiting FG
loading at headlands.
These silage bodies, which have a capacity from 48–59m3 with heap, are made of galvanised shaped steel sheets with an outer plastic paintwork, which stands for a lighter but durable construction.
The hot-dip galvanised chassis comes standard with a hydraulic suspension of axles, which means a maximal stability on the elds and on the roads, even at high speed. It also ensures a 240mm clearance and perfect weight distribution.
Other options like a DuoCover covering system, hydraulic extensions, shredding beaters and more allow each customer to spec the Silo-Space2 according to their needs. FG
With the variable costs of bought-in feed, it’s never been more important to build a resilient future for your farm. Elsoms’ extensive spring crop portfolio includes high performing Maize, Fodder Beet, Rye and Triticale varieties, giving you the widest choice for your livestock. And with many of our varieties also suitable as energy crops, there’s the opportunity to feed your bottom line too.
Speak to your seed merchant today about availability or discover more at
With the Azurit 10, LEMKEN sets a new standard in precision seeding. Counter the drought and give your plants more standing space with the LEMKEN DeltaRow. The triangular formation o ers the highest possible access to water, nutrients and light for each individual plant.
■ 70 % more space for each plant
■ Up to 10% greater yield
■ Central fertiliser placement
■ Central 600 l seed hopper for quick lling
Lemken’s Azurit 10 is now also capable of drilling soy beans and sun ower seeds, as well as applying microgranules.
Lemken has introduced the latest update to its precision seed drill, the Azurit 10, which became available from September and features a number of bene ts compared to the predecessor model.
Apart from the proven four-, six- and eight-row variants with row spacings of 70–80 cm, the new Azurit also comes with six or 12 rows with a 50cm row spacing. A furrow former has been added to the seeding coulters to improve the quality of seed placement. The drill pipe has been updated and now comes with an inlet that can be replaced once worn.
From the coming season, the range of applications of the Azurit 10 comprises not only the previous crops, but also soy beans and sun owers. Another new feature is automatic seed singling for maize with a system that monitors and adjusts the quality of seed singling. This system can be retro tted to older machines. A new fertiliser monitoring system in the Azurit 10 automatically alerts the operator if individual fertiliser coulters become blocked.
Another advantage of Azurit 10 is the MicroHub 5 spreader unit, which allows microgranule to be applied in the direct vicinity of seeds. Microgranules contain water-soluble nutrients, which are rapidly available to plants and therefore generally produce excellent juvenile crop development. This is particularly important in cold, dry spring seasons. The initial nutrient needs of crops can be easily covered by relatively small amounts of microgranules. The MicroHub 5 puts a deliberate spotlight on fertiliser e ciency, a topic gaining increased relevance in public discussions.
Bernd Valtwies, Lemken’s head of design for precision seed drill technology, comments: “We o er this option for our Azurit with up to eight rows. This unit is not only available for new machines. Depending on the year of manufacture of previous Azurit 9 machines, matching retro t kits will be available.
“The system is controlled via the Azurit on-board terminal. The MicroHub holds 200 litres of fertiliser, which can currently be applied at rates ranging from 1–40kg/ha. The metering unit is operated electrically, and granules are pneumatically delivered to the seed furrow. This is the ultimate in precision.”
The bene ts of DeltaRow sowing with the Azurit 10 compared to conventional single-row drilling were outlined in a recent bachelor’s thesis submitted to Osnabruck University. All trial variations showed greater yields, energy and gas production but the e ects were most pronounced at a seed rate of eight seeds/m2. At this rate researchers observed increases of 4.5% in maize yields, 8.2% in net energy lactation, 7.9% in metabolisable energy and 5.4% in gas yields.
DeltaRow gives plants about 70% more space to develop compared to conventional single-row approaches, meaning each plant has more space to absorb water and nutrients and therefore more room to grow. FG
• A top performing variety for DM yield
• Massive energy yield per hectare
• Excellent feed quality
Resolute ticks all the boxes. We are able to achieve the 30% starch we need along with good digestibility
Chris Withecombe, Devon
No two years are the same in farming, so when growers review stubble management plans each year, they can be assured the Major Cyclone can reliably cope with any programme, Major Equipment reckons. Three farmers share their experiences of using the Cyclone.
Peter Wombwell and his family in Saffron Walden farm some 3,000-acres along the Cambridgeshire and North Essex border. They run under the Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) scheme and are conscious about being environmentally responsible.
They purchased the 4.2m Major Cyclone to replace the flail mower on their diverse cropping regime.
“It handles all kinds of material – we’ve used it on maize stubble, cover-crop, grassland, and one particularly difficult application down the tramlines in oilseed rape; it just whizzed over that!” explains Peter. “Some of the plant breeders have trial plots situated on our land so we have to clear stubble effectively. The Major Cyclone makes short work of that task.”
Meanwhile, Home Farm Nacton uses the 5.6m Major Cyclone to enhance overall field performance and maintain soil health on 4,800-acres of land along the Orwell Estuary near Ipswich. “We are getting much higher output from the Major Cyclone,” says farm manager Andrew Williams. “It covers twice the area compared to the flail in the same amount of
time, enhancing our overall field performance while saving at least 25% on fuel consumption.”
The gear-box driveline powering four blades per rotor processes vegetation into a finer mulch, which encourages faster regrowth. “The direct drive transmission produces a much better finish to all kinds of crop stubble,” Andrew points out. “That was one of the big failings of the flail mower, leaving uneven clumps behind wherever it went.”
Additionally, agricultural contractor and NFU Cereals Board member Jamie Burrows used to use ail mowers on 2,500-acres of arable ground around St. Albans in Hertfordshire. Since acquiring a 4.2m Major Cyclone, he hasn’t looked back. “Compared to ail mowers, the Major Cyclone is very competitively priced, uses much less fuel and leaves an excellent nish,” say Jamie. “I’m very pleased with how the machine is working. And the maintenance is so simple, there’s hardly anything we need to do other than a bit of regular greasing.”
For further info, visit www. or contact the company directly. FG
“Saxon’s improved vigour meant it was greener at harvest and it out-performed our other varieties.”
Nigel Harper, Cheshire
3 x faster - rodents stop feeding 24hrs after consuming a lethal dose
No resistance unlike some anticoagulants
Cost saving – stops damage to machinery and feed being eaten
Stop feed effect - rodents stop eating and also moving around the farm which prevents damage, contamination, spread of disease and stress to livestock
According to BASF, you can prevent costly rodent damage and control infestations in as few as seven days this winter.
Farmers can stop rats and mice from moving around their site after 24 hours and gain complete control in as few as seven days, just by choosing the right rodenticide, according to pest control manufacturer BASF.
When signs of rodents are spotted, it’s important farmers act fast to reduce the risks posed by these common pests. Having rats and mice active on farms comes with a host of issues, including:
• Damage: Rats and mice need to gnaw, and often choose to do so on electrical cables which can result in damage to expensive equipment and machinery, and in some cases even cause res to breakout.
• Disease: Rats carry up to 45 diseases, posing a serious risk to the biosecurity of the whole food chain. Salmonella is an ever present (and possibly increasing) risk within pigs and poultry and rodents are a contributing factor to the spread of this disease.
• Loss
It is estimated that one rat can eat and contaminate 100kg of stored grain and feed annually, so 200 rats will destroy a massive 20 tonnes per year.
• Spread of infestation: In the right conditions, rats and mice can reproduce every three weeks and from one breeding pair it is possible for over 1,500 o spring to occur within six months.
A recent national rodent control survey showed that 92% of farmers have used rodenticides on their farm in the last year, but with so many rodenticide baits on the market, how do you choose which bait is best?
From anticoagulants to nonanticoagulants, and hard blocks, soft blocks, pellets, paste and grain available, it can be di cult to decide which is the most e ective solution.
One of the most important factors to consider, though, is the speed of control. Anticoagulant rodenticides usually take 21–28 days to control an infestation, which means that these risks of damage, loss and contamination continue to occur around a site for some weeks after the initial treatment. BASF has introduced a new non-anticoagulant rodenticide, Selontra, to combat this, using the active ingredient cholecalciferol to stop rodents in their tracks.
The soft block bait causes
death from hypercalcaemia; the accumulation of too much calcium in the blood. This results in rodents stopping feeding, on both the bait and any available food on the farm, 24 hours after consuming a lethal dose, quickly putting a stop to disease, contamination and damage to the site.
Sharon Hughes, BASF pest control solutions specialist, commented: “Not only does Selontra have a stop feed e ect, causing rodents to cease feeding once a lethal amount of bait has been eaten, it is also e ective on rats and mice with rodenticide resistance, non-bioaccumulative and readily metabolised by rodents, balancing performance and environmental impact.
“Thanks to these fast-acting results, Selontra o ers the added bene t of reducing the time the bait is in the environment as it is applied on site for shorter-periods of time –typically no more than seven days. This also means that farmers’ valuable time can be spent focusing on their many other daily tasks!”
To help raise awareness of rodenticide resistance and encourage best practice across UK farms, BASF has launched a new digital portal o ering farmers the chance to gain CPD points through an interactive rodent control training programme. Find out more about Selontra and gain CPD points at www.basf-ruralhygiene. com/rodent-course
With the use of all pesticides, reading and following the product label is a strict requirement. With rodenticides, however, it is also essential to complete an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). Think Wildlife’s
Use (CRRU) reported that routine monitoring from 2016–2021 found rodenticide traces present in nearly 90% of barn owls, demonstrating that more needs to be done to reduce the risk to all nontargets.
If all non-chemical preventative methods have failed, an ERA should be completed before applying rodenticides. This ERA should focus primarily on non-target species, those being animals which may consume any baits applied (known as primary poisoning) that are not rats and mice, and those which may consume poisoned rodents through predation or scavenging (known as secondary poisoning).
Which active ingredient to use is an important consideration as part of a planned approach to minimise and prevent both primary and secondary poisoning. Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) have been termed ‘bioaccumulative’, simply meaning there can be a buildup of these rodenticides within the body, which occurs with repetitive feeding on the rodent bait or poisoned rodents. The non-anticoagulant active ingredient, cholecalciferol, which is used in Selontra, is neither bioaccumulative nor persistent in the environment.
It also goes without saying that all non-target species should be prevented from accessing the rodenticide bait, either by using a securable bait in a lockable bait box or by using the covered and protected approach, that is attaching bait to an object and covering with a sturdy item such as palettes, timber or tyres. Frequent searching for and disposing of dead rodents throughout the rodenticide treatment helps to prevent secondary poisoning, and ensuring all bait is removed following the treatment plan is essential. FG
of applications beyond cereals; for example, it has been used to move coal, wood chips, biomass, animal feeds, salt, silage, animal waste and aggregates.
It is available in a large variety of lengths, from 3.5–16 m, and built to order to suit your telehandler or loading shovel, whatever bracket con guration you may have. All models of the Barn-Stormer are also available as an expandable version, which allows the length of the implement to be extended by the addition of extra sections of tube, thus increasing the versatility and longevity.
The Ceres Barn-Stormer grain pusher o ers an e cient and reliable method for controlling your cereal storage, the company says.
The 2.5m wide blade is shaped to propel your materials e ortlessly; its smooth design without grain traps provides clean operation to avoid the risk of cross-contamination, both inside and outside your buildings. The blade is tted with a long-lasting, hard-
wearing rubber-nylon replaceable wear strip which glides e ciently over wooden, vented and polished or tamped concrete oors with ease.
The large, centrally-mounted tube is not only light and robust, it also increases visibility and manoeuvrability
around doorways, ducts, vents and beams. Su ciently braced from the blade and the headstock, this gives the Barn-Stormer the best strength to weight ratio in its class, Ceres comments.
The Barn-Stormer has a variety
The Ceres team can advise on the optimum length of grain pusher for you, to increase the speed and e ciency of this task, so that with practice, large trailer loads can be elevated in two or three pushes, with less shunting backwards and forwards, and booming in and out, saving time during the busiest season. This also increases the lifespan and fuel economy of your telehandler/loading shovel, and preserves the grain store oor, reduces tyre wear and increases traction through better weight distribution of your machine. FG
Farmers Guide heard from a number of farmers who have done exactly that via BDC Systems Ltd.
W E Foers & Son Ltd replaced its ageing grain drier and grain handling system with a Svegma continuous ow drier and Skandia grain handling equipment from BDC Systems Ltd and partner McArthur Agriculture. “The Svegma drier quickly started to deliver a return on investment,” said William Foers, who farms in the Doncaster, South Yorkshire area. “The Skandia handling equipment has improved our e ciency and productivity. Together McArthur Agriculture and BDC Systems have delivered a futureproofed plant that will allow W E Foers & Son Ltd to quickly and easily process our grain for many more harvests to come.”
Farming in Co. Meath, Ireland, the Hobson family increased revenue by expanding their grain cleaning, drying and storage business with a Svegma drier, a Soby aspirating pre-cleaner, a Zanin rotating drum cleaner and Cimbria and Skandia grain handling solutions from BDC
Systems and partner Irish Grain Handling Services Ltd.
“The new plant allows us to not only meet our customers’ needs by separating and cleaning di erent varieties of grain to the highest standard, it has enabled us to focus on organic and regenerative farming practices. We have experimented with combi-cropping, growing cereal crops alongside legumes to promote symbiosis and productivity and we needed a system that could handle the di erent grain,” said David Hobson.
Alistair Robertson of Bonnington Mains Farm, Midlothian, has sped up harvest by one week with a new grain processing plant which includes a Svegma drier, BDC Systems’ Moisture Monitoring System (MMS), an Aagaard Aspirator pre-cleaner, a Zanin rotary cleaner and Skandia grain handling equipment from BDC Systems and partner d.m.i Mechanical Engineers (now part of McArthur Agriculture).
“BDC and d.m.i. have delivered a new processing plant that ‘bangon’ delivers what we needed,” said Mr Robertson. “Harvest was easier, quicker, more productive and e cient handling increased capacity – we shaved one week o the time it would previously have taken us.”
Robert Huddlestone of Huddlestone Produce, East Yorkshire, worked with BDC Systems and partner McArthur Agriculture to take advantage of the change in planning regulations, and speed up harvest, when upgrading the business’ grain drying and storage plant.
Mr Huddlestone installed a Svegma drier and Skandia grain handling equipment. The Skandia range of section lengths and curve options allowed the new plant to keep to the 1,000m2 footprint, which under the 2018 change, removes the requirement to submit a full planning application.
“Before the installation of the new
plant the previous ve harvests had, on average, taken around 100 hours. Last year we had our biggest yield yet and harvest took just 70 hours!” said Mr Huddlestone. “I am con dent that the plant will continue to meet our requirements for many harvests to come.”
For expert advice, speak to the BDC Systems team. FG
BDC Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers – the winning combination:
BDC Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers – the winning combination:
BDC Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers – the winning combination: ◆ Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
◆ Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
BDC Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers – the winning combination: ◆ Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
◆ Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
◆ Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
◆ Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
◆ Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
◆ Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
◆ Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
◆ Fully automated, energy efficient
Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
◆ Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
◆ Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
◆ Dust control Turboclean fans
◆ Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops ◆ Dust control Turboclean fans
Not giving due consideration to site ground conditions can be “extremely problematic” when undertaking any building project. Johnstruct Ltd managing director Mark Allen o ers some guidance on soil stabilisation solutions.
“Considering the ground/soil conditions and ensuring that the foundations are correctly designed for your steel frame building will make a big di erence to the stability, longevity, and use of the site. Due consideration equally applies to the drainage and underground support conditions for concrete oors and aprons in and around the building,” Mark explained.
Steel frame building company Johnstruct Ltd, has many years’
has recently been successfully using modern sub-base/soil stabilising solutions to address poor ground bearing soil issues.
“Far too often, the ground/site preparation and the associated costs are overlooked or seen as a nonperformance bene t to the overall structure/project. A good percentage of the time, particularly on clay, a mechanical sub-base consisting of the topsoil removal, with an applied geotextile and a 200mm+ mechanical hardcore sub-base, is used to support concrete oors/slabs and
Equally, designed mass concrete pad foundations in clays/chalk are more than su cient. But things get more complicated when poor ground load bearing properties are present, e.g., with gravel, sand and/or a high water table/high shrinkage rates.”
Mark continued: “As with all projects, there’s a balance between initial cost, the likely longer-term use of the building, and risk. Being held to ransom at certain times of the year when using imported materials, e.g. crushed concrete/hardcore, limestone, and chalk, can often result in a cost con ict before your building gets out of the ground.
“Further, the environmental impact, time and cost of importing ‘foreign’ materials/hardcore into any site to form a working sub-base is often subject to quality, performance and material reliability issues. These issues are more apparent in the wetter months when demand is high.”
Modern soil stabilisation methods are often a cost-e ective alternative that should not be discounted by landowners, Mark said. “The main bene t is that it negates the need to remove/relocate as much material/ spoil from a site and importantly, it
reduces the need to import large volumes of expensive new material back into the site in the form of hardcore etc.” Large land areas can be addressed extremely cost e ectively and quickly when compared to using traditional imported hardcore, chalk, or limestone, he added.
In its most basic form, soil stabilisation requires the localised removal and reinstatement of the original sub-base/ground material. “The ground material is combined and mixed with a ‘cement’-like additive that changes the soil moisture and structural properties. This results in the reinstated material curing to form an excellent mechanical/structural bearing layer.”
This bearing layer is approximately 300mm thick for a typical steel frame building site area. Sites that have been stabilised normally have a ‘top’ or ‘wearing’ coarse directly applied e.g., concrete oor/apron or tarmac/ road plannings.
Johnstruct Ltd. covers Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, and Su olk. It o ers free initial advice on the planning of, and supply and installation of all aspects of steel frame buildings. FG
Mark Weatherhead Ltd
Telephone: 01954 210 355
Mobile: 07885 202 005
St Neots Road, Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7QL
Tel: 01954 210355
Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7QL
Pellcroft Engineering Ltd is looking back on over 35 years of manufacturing the ‘Typhoon’ range of crop drying and storage equipment, a trademark which was rst registered 55 years ago for the branding of fans exclusively used in the agricultural industry.
Father and son team, Peter and Steven Pell, acquired the assets of Cornercroft Agriculture in 1987 when they went into liquidation, and quickly set about restoring the Typhoon brand back into the market.
Peter focused on sales, while Steven was the engineering mastermind at the business and was vital in the company gaining
a reputation for manufacturing robust products that would stand the rigors of time served working away in a grain store. Steven sadly passed away in 2014, which was a blow to the business, but the determination of other family members and the dedicated team of brilliant engineers have kept his legacy of producing quality products going.
As well as manufacturing new fans, the team often assist farms with existing Typhoon fans installed over the last 55 years by rebalancing impellers, reconditioning fan cases and repairing and replacing motors.
The primary market for the products is mainland UK, championed by a network of loyal dealers and installers, but buyers from Australia and New Zealand and a few countries in between have discovered Pellcroft and taken shipments of grain tunnels, fans and stirrers, including two new stores in Tasmania which are nearing completion ready for their rst harvest in the next couple of months. FG
Norfolk farming business Stratton Streles Estates, based at Colby Hall Farm near Aylsham installed two Sukup stirring drying silos for harvest 2022 which were supplied through Sukup specialist dealer, Allfarm Installations of Wickham Market, Su olk.
The project consists of two Sukup 4808 drying silos with a total capacity of approximately 2,000t.
The silos are tted with fully perforated drying oors, drying fans and the renowned Sukup silo stirring system which not only increases air ow for drying, it also completely mixes and homogenises all the grain stored within the silos.
Stratton Streles Estates managing director Je van Poortvliet comments: “The Sukup silos are an ideal system for drying and storage of winter and
spring barley grown for the malting barley market. With our variable land types and climate conditions they provide the perfect solution to standardise the end product.”
The silos are lled via a tip-and-go intake bunker and 150t/hr Skandia I-Line handling equipment. The silos are then emptied through 100t/h vertical unload systems that discharge grain directly into lorry trailers, so there is no need for a telehandler.
The silos require a much smaller footprint area than an equivalent capacity building and Mr van Poortvliet adds: “With yard space at a premium, they provided the ideal t to centralise the storage where the weighbridge and solar panels are. The construction team are also worth a special mention for their speed and e ciency in the construction of the silos.” FG
With commodity and energy prices both high, it has never been more important to get the right balance between fan operating times and e ective cooling rates, says Evans & Pearce managing director, Rob White.
Don’t leave fans on continuously all autumn and winter, and don’t wait only for the cool, dry days. The key is the temperature di erential between crop and ambient air; every time the ambient air is 4–6°C cooler than the crop, operate the fans.
Humidity is largely irrelevant in a low volume system; by low volume we mean air ows of up to 6 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per stored tonne. This volume of air is not usually enough to introduce moisture back into the crop.
Do not be tempted to change the direction of air ow through the crop – sucking the heat to the pedestal is generally the preferred option. A good
quality pedestal fan will do either, so choose a direction and stick to it.
If you do not have a fan for every pedestal, fan rotation is important to ensure all parts of the heap are ventilated. This should be done every 3–4 days. If you use top caps on the pedestals that do not have a fan they should be checked. If condensation is present on the underside of the cap it means that a fan is needed on that pedestal to draw out the warm air that is rising from inside the bulk.
Regularly make sure leaking roof sheets are not allowing a back corner to start spoiling. Is your crop cooling evenly? If not, a screw-in Coolspear might be needed to sort out a problem area. Even with an automated control system crops must be checked – a sometimes tedious but necessary job. Seek advice if you are unsure; crops production costs are too high to let them spoil in the store. FG
system when planning a new crop store,” explained Martin Lishman Ltd managing director, Joel Capper. “It’s a hidden cost that can creep up unexpectedly if not accounted for. We work with farmers during the planning stage of their crop stores to ensure our automatic control systems are suited to their storage requirements and achieve
After two consecutive years of abnormally hot temperatures and soaring energy prices, getting the balance between ideal crop storage conditions and energy used can be a di cult task to achieve.
Crop storage specialist Martin Lishman Ltd has been a pioneer in crop cooling and automation since it entered the market in 1975. The company’s vast range of automatic fan controllers, including the wellknown Barn Owl Wireless control
and monitoring system can cater for any size of crop storage facility, saving at least 40% on energy costs when cooling grain, the company claims.
For those planning a new crop store in 2023, or re tting an old one, Martin Lishman says its control systems can easily be incorporated into the plans and will suit any storage situation.
“It’s easy to forget about the energy used to power the cooling
the desired outcomes of high-quality grain at the lowest cost.”
Martin Lishman says its handson experience and understanding of customer needs has helped thousands of satis ed users optimise their storage conditions, save energy, and maximise the return from their crop. The trend towards larger stores, coupled with an unpredictable climate has driven product development and emphasised the need for more e cient cooling systems. Contact Martin Lishman today to discuss your storage requirements for 2023. FG
Bloom eld Installations, formally M. Bloom eld & Sons, is a wellestablished company based in the heart of Su olk that has been serving the farming community for over 100 years.
In 2007, Bloom eld Installations joined Ben Burgess & Co to become part of the growing family rm based in Norwich.
Bloom eld Installations o ers a niche business of refurbished grain handling equipment to both the farming and industrial areas of agriculture, supplying not only across the UK, but further a eld into Europe, Africa and even as far as New Zealand.
Bloom eld Installations specialise in the supply and installation of second hand/used grain conveying and storage equipment, as well as the animal feed side of milling and mixing.
Since joining Ben Burgess, Bloom eld Installations has not only been supplying machinery for grain but also for biomass, wood chip and recycling plants across the UK. With an increased demand for capacity, Bloom eld Installations endeavours to nd more equipment to sell at a reasonable cost. The team take pride
in their work and in the ability to o er this unique service.
Under the management of Chris Coe, Bloom eld Installations has gone from strength to strength adding new customers to the company’s existing client base and providing them with the best service possible.
FGIn the current climate, with energy and fuel prices on the rise, can you risk incurring the extra costs of grain drying, or the return haulage of rejected loads due to inaccurate hectolitre weight or moisture readings?
Distributor Farm-Tec says the benchtop Dickey-John GAC 2500 and the hand-held Mini GAC 2500 have proved themselves to be the most accurate meters on the UK market. The Dickey-John Mini GAC 2500 moisture meter o ers the highest level of accuracy in its class, using the latest 149MHz technology plus it’s fast and easy to use.
Meanwhile, with the DickeyJohn GAC 2500-UGMA benchtop machine, improved mechanics and the easy-to-use touchscreen has reduced the analysis time, which enables more samples to be tested; key during busy seasons.
Annual servicing and calibration are critical for the accuracy and
reliability of your moisture meter, especially with the di erences in UK grain varieties, growing temperatures and conditions. All Dickey-John moisture meters serviced and calibrated by Farm-Tec are programmed with the latest UK-speci c calibrations.
With over 25 years’ experience of selling, supporting and calibrating moisture meters, Farm-Tec has a wealth of knowledge to ensure that your hectolitre weight and moisture meter readings are reliable and accurate, across a range of moistures and temperatures. FarmTec is proud to be an approved, Gold Dickey-John sales and service centre, o ering remote and on-site support, annual servicing, and calibration updates.
For more information on the Dickey-John range of moisture meters, service and calibration and hectolitre weights, contact Farm-Tec. FG
The novelty in testing technology is the AW-Wert measurement system, AW-Control for short. The system allows not only temperature monitoring but also simultaneous control of the bearing via the AW value. The availability of water for physical, chemical, microbial and enzymatic processes is described by water activity, the AW value, and is of great importance for the shelf life of the grain. The complete system is Plug n'Play i.e. you do not need electrical specialists for this. Simply plug in the required components, the measuring and control system is ready. You can monitor the warehouse from anywhere in the world via one device. Ventilation is fully automatic or, if desired, also manual.
• No storage losses
Rather than extend their existing grain stores, two Lincolnshire famers, David Casswell and Boo Parkes, invested in Sukup grain drying silos, supplied by McArthur Agriculture, in time for harvest 2022.
The Sukup silos cost-e ectively combine the capability to dry, cool and store combinable crops with minimal labour and eliminate costly re-handling.
“Needing more grain storage, I originally looked at extending my existing grain store but looking at the gures it worked out as an expensive option,” explained David Casswell, who has a family farm of nearly 2,000 acres growing wheat, barley, OSR, sugar beet, vining peas, onions and spring beans, at South Kyme in the east Lincolnshire Fens.
Mr Casswell then looked at ordinary silos but saw that a 4207 Sukup drying silo would deliver more exibility, providing the ability to not only store grain but to also condition grain for long-term storage, and in wet weather be used as a batch drier.
“Both McArthur Agriculture and Sukup did an outstanding job,” he continued. “Importantly, support has been readily available as required during our rst harvest with the new system. We now have approximately another 700t of additional storage and currently have 500t of spring barley in the Sukup, where it will stay until it is sold.”
Boo Parkes, who farms 520 acres of spring barley, winter barley, spring beans, wheat and OSR, at Weelsby Estates, Grimsby, north east Lincolnshire, was an existing McArthur Agriculture customer but needed additional storage and drying capabilities.
“I rst looked at installing a drier and grain handling kit in one existing shed and then upgrading the under oor drying system in another shed. On looking at the costings, they were very similar to purchasing two Sukup drying silos which would provide the extra storage I needed,” said Mr Parkes. “It was important that my grain storage and drying system was easy to operate as I have limited manpower – just me!”
Two 3607 Sukup drying silos, providing an additional 1,000t of storage, were supplied by McArthur Agriculture. The silos are fed by a Skandia trench intake, rather than an auger which would have meant tying up a tractor and, moving an auger from one silo to the other is a two-man job.
“My two Sukup silos are overall very coste ective. They have greatly reduced wear and
tear of machinery previously used to handle grain, particularly my telehandler, plus help to maximise my time,” continued Mr Parkes.
“The Sukup drying silos are a great t for me and delivered the extra storage and drying capacity I needed and they easily meet the additional demands of a larger combine. In a word, they are brilliant!”
For expert advice, speak to the McArthur Agriculture team. FG
Drying grain precisely is a complex process, but doing it correctly achieves the best grain quality for the best price. Relying on manual drying can risk either not attaining the desired moisture content or over-drying the grain – over-drying to 13% instead of 14% can typically add up to 20% to your energy bill, according to Allmet.
The company explains the Tornum Intelligent Drier Control (IDC) does all the hard work for you. The softwarebased control system continuously monitors incoming moisture content and physically controls the speed of the drier. Remote data includes the number of discharges per hour, chosen moisture content, drying air temperature, and a moisture tolerance – the latter is a reaction to uctuations with incoming moisture content, and
is a reference to the intelligent control. This lets the IDC counter any e ect of over-drying grain caused by sudden moisture content uctuations and is achieved by automatically releasing grain with a slightly higher moisture content, to average out in-store variations.
Labour hours are greatly reduced by not having to rely on basic monitoring systems and crucially over drying is always kept to an absolute minimum – thus having a huge impact on costs.
A recent installation of the IDC software at Laurence Kirkby Farms, near Lincolnshire, has received positive feedback from George Strawson of Active Business Partnerships who manages the 800ha estate: “Drying grain is now a very easy process that no longer needs a member of sta permanently watching what’s going on.” FG
Over the course of the year, Danagri-3s Ltd says it receives numerous calls from farmers asking if their current grain oor store can be upgraded into a drying oor store, and comments that happily, in almost all cases, the answer is yes.
Drive over Laterals and Rekord Floor Stirrers have been installed into many existing oor stores, giving the stores a new lease of life, Danagri claims.
Channels for the galvanised box section ducting can be cut into your existing oor with the top section consisting of a heavy duty welded frame with 2mm thick perforated metal plate, strong enough to withstand 10t of axle load. The sections are made with
male and female connecting anges which not only locks the sections together but stops any potential grain slipping down between the joints.
At the far end of the store wall, each lateral ends in a blanking plate whilst at the other end the laterals run into an air tunnel. By tting a heater in front of the fan you have the option of not only drying the grain, but also when switched o you can cool and condition the grain.
Fitting a Rekord Floor Stirrer can assist in drying all types of combinable crops as well as wood chip and pellets. As well as reducing the static air pressure it signi cantly increases air ow, leading to faster drying times through greater e ciency of your oor store. FG
Are you looking for a mobile drier?
A tote bin? Is it time to replace that old conveyor that just about limped through last year’s harvest? Maybe you want to expand and put in place a continuous ow drier and some silos? Whatever your need is, large or small, Perry of Oakley says it can help.
The UK-based designer and manufacturer holds stock in the UK, and says if it doesn’t have the part you need, it can manufacture it to order. Perry has a large team of experienced engineers who can help you look at your requirements (with more than 400 years of combined experience in the industry).
Perry o ers PLC control panels that allow you to run and monitor driers remotely, saving you time and manpower. The company also provides additional peace of mind with the two Grain Sentry systems covering drier moisture measurement and re detection. The PLC panel and the Grain Sentry re detection system can be retro- tted onto most makes of continuous ow driers.
The Perry storage range o ers solutions for capacities from 1t tote
bins through to 20,000t at bottom silos and everything inbetween, so Perry reckons it has something for all requirements, along with all the accessories you might need, including Perry–manufactured catwalks, grain monitoring, aeration, discharge systems and sweep augers.
Plus, there’s the new range of Agrex mobile driers. Contact Perry of Oakley directly for a free, no obligation quotation to get your farm ready for harvest 2023. FG
Jeremy Riley, the majority shareholder and founder of long-established Vervaet importer J Riley Beet Harvesters (UK) Ltd, has sold his remaining 50% stake in the business.
The company’s current sales manager, Matt Carse, has taken over as managing director with the full support of both Jeremy and manufacturer Frans Vervaet BV to take the company forward into the future.
Vervaet machines have been active in the UK since 1992. For the past two decades, the company’s sugar beet harvesters have been the market leaders in Britain, and recent new product introductions have seen the Dutch maker’s selfpropelled slurry application machinery achieving considerable sales success.
“The Vervaet product range has evolved massively over the years, and this company must move forward too,” explains Jeremy. “This business is all about the people involved, and I’ve been dealing with some customers for three generations, continuing relationships which go back to 1978 when I began selling Moreau harvesters with Fords of Salhouse. I rst met the Vervaet family in 1990 when Frans Vervaet came over with his son Robin. I liked them straightaway, and the fact that Vervaet was a family company meant you knew who you were dealing with. My relationship with Frans’ sons Robin and Edwin Vervaet has remained strong ever since. That we’ve never had a contract, with business concluded on trust, says it all, and we have become rm friends too.
“My children have gone their own ways, so I had to look outside of the family for succession,” explains Jeremy. “I believe that Matt shares the same values and ethos that we’ve had for the past 30 odd years; one of looking after and putting the sta and customers rst, and with his enthusiasm and background in our industry we believe that he is the right person moving forward. I would like to thank all of our customers for their support, and I want to visit as many as possible
over the next few months to personally discuss these changes. I’m very con dent that, with the expert Riley team behind him, Matt will continue providing the same level of service that we’ve strived to maintain over many years.”
Robin Vervaet, commercial director at Frans Vervaet BV, has fond memories of early visits to the UK and the subsequent relationship that developed between the two companies as Rileys pushed ahead to develop Vervaet’s market share.
“We’ve had machines in the UK for 30 years this year, and I’ve known Jeremy since the very beginning,” says Robin. “I started in our company in 1989, and met Jeremy for the rst time the following year. Jeremy was very convinced that tanker harvesters were the future, and although we didn’t necessarily have the perfect machine in those early days, his experience and the backup he provided made for the best overall package.
“In 1992 the rst machine was sold to John Orford, a pioneering contractor from Norfolk. In 1993 we sold seven machines, and in 1994 we sold 10. This was initially through Armer Salmon, where Jeremy was general manager. But they also sold Moreau and, as sales increased, there was a con ict of interest – so Jeremy decided to go on his own and we’ve never looked back.
“There can’t be that many manufacturers and importers who have enjoyed such a long-lasting and harmonious relationship. We always look forward to coming over to see Jeremy; it’s also a friendship which has stood the test of time.
“To take over from Jeremy, we needed someone capable of both running the business and visiting customers,” further explains Robin. “From the second I shook hands with Matt Carse, I thought that he was our man. He has been involved with beet harvesters for a long time and knows the whole spectrum of a business like ours.
Although Matt is obviously a totally di erent person to Jeremy, he shares the same values, and I can’t think of anyone better to ll his shoes. We have high hopes that he will keep the business successful, and look after the sta and customers. We are also handing over the reins to the next generation in our company too, although Edwin and myself are still involved in management decisions. With sugar prices now increasing I’m hopeful that farmers and contractors will continue investing in machinery.”
“Anyone who knows Jeremy Riley personally will understand the sheer devotion and passion he has put into building up the business over the past decades to become market leader,” points out Matt Carse. “The company has become the agship for the entire industry to look up to. I think that the team at Riley’s should feel very proud to be part of this success, and they are recognised across the industry for their high level of service and customer support.
“I’ve dealt with sugar beet harvesters and slurry tankers for all of my working life, so as soon as the discussions started it felt right,” explains Matt. “I’m extremely con dent that we have the most experienced team and the right products in both the beet and slurry sectors to be able to increase our market share even further. Our sta and customers can rest assured that it’s business as usual as we aim to maintain the same high standards that Jeremy has infused so well into the Riley team.” FG
Sugar beet growers wanting to see the latest in harvester innovation from Grimme UK can now take advantage of free, on-farm demonstrations.
Grimme is currently touring the new Rexor beet harvester around the country, allowing growers to see it operating alongside their current harvester.
The free in- eld demonstrations are designed to give prospective purchasers a chance to see how the new Rexor handles their unique conditions.
Grimme launched two new Rexor models at its Farm Days event in the summer of 2022 – the Rexor 6200 (pictured) and the Rexor 6300 – with the Rexor 6200 currently available for demonstrations.
Both models feature completely redesigned digging attachments,
which now possess seven cleaning rollers rather than six to ensure a more powerful and intensive clean. Thanks to the external frame, Grimme has ensured the driver always has an unobstructed view of the roller table and the entire digging unit.
Both new Rexors o er Oppel wheel and walking share digging units for harvesting in all conditions. They are also equipped with the CCI 1200 Isobus operator terminal and the Grimme SmartView video system, allowing the driver to easily display video images in real-time or slow motion to check the current work result. Up to eight camera images can be displayed on the 12in touchscreen monitor.
To book a demo with the latest Rexor sugar beet harvester, contact Grimme UK directly. FG
Garford Farm Machinery Ltd is a development, manufacturing and distribution company supplying high quality products to the UK and international agricultural market. It manufactures a range of robotic mechanical weed control products including Robocrop Precision guided hoes, Robocrop InRow weeders, Robocrop baby leaf hoes, Robocrop guided hooded sprayers, spot sprayers and side shifts.
The company was set up by the Garford family in 1986, and has since joined the Zurn Group, to continue to provide advanced technology within hoeing for progressive farmers.
Specialising in row crop equipment, Garford claims it is
is recognised as a world leader for its range of products which use cameras and image analysis software to locate the position of the crop and guide the tractor mounted equipment left and right to follow the crop row as necessary.
As well as servicing its customer base in the UK, the specialised Garford Farm Machinery products are sold worldwide. The company prides itself on listening to farmers and identifying their needs, then through the custom build manufacturing facility, provide unique equipment, speci c to its customers’ requirements.
If you would like more product information or to discuss weed control, get in touch with the Garford team directly. FG
The latest REXOR 6200 (20 tonne bunker) is available with either Walking Share or Oppel Wheel digging units. The new header is lighter, has a maintenance free drive, scalper and gives the driver an unobstructed view. Seven cleaning rollers are now standard for more powerful and efficient cleaning.
For the operator, everything is in sight and immediately accessible thanks to the latest CCI 1200 ISOBUS terminal and the GRIMME SmartView video system, which has a unique slow-motion format and zoom function.
The new 6200 is available with up to five years’ warranty and comprehensive service options.
VäderstadTempoisanewgenerationhigh-speedplanter,deliveringanunmatchedprecisionatdouble thespeedoftraditionalplanters.No-till,min-tillorconventionaltillage–Tempoperformsexceptionally inallconditions.Thecropsgetsthebeststartpossiblewhichresultsinanevenemergence.
own beet biogas plant on site.
The highlight of the day was seeing Mr Paintner himself driving and lifting sugar beet with the very rst unique machine from 1972. Powered by two V8 air-cooled Deutz engines, driven and steered by all six wheels, the six-row tanker harvester was an absolute revelation back when Mr Paintner built it 50 years ago for harvesting on his own farm.
Visitors ocked to the 27ha factory site to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Hermann Paintner, Ropa’s founder and owner, building his very rst selfpropelled sugar beet harvester. Despite being held during a busy campaign here in the UK, a group of 18 delegates – led by CTM and including Ropa owners
and contractors – travelled to the demonstration. They joined visitors from North America, China, Egypt and all parts of Europe. The event showcased ve Ropa Tigers and Panthers lifting on the heavy land elds surrounding the factory, with the beet then being loaded by Ropa Maus for use in the manufacturer’s
Robert Black from David J Black & Sons said: “We’re grateful to CTM for organising an excellent trip [...]. It was a fantastic opportunity to speak face-toface with representatives from ROPA, discussing onboard/remote telematics and to see the latest harvesting developments being tested in the eld. If Carlsberg did beet demos this would be it! The best food, beer and beet harvesters you could want.”
He added: “It’s great to see Ropa continuing to re-invest and working closely with customers. This, coupled with the service and support of CTM Harpley Engineering’s excellent team, enables me to run harvesters for multiple seasons without compromising reliability. They are simply rst class.”
Ropa produces around 50% of the world’s self-propelled beet machinery and is regarded in the industry as a premium brand. The
large site now employing 470 sta has developed to currently 47,000m2 of production and storage space and with a new 27,000m2 logistics building currently under construction.
CTM, also a leading UK manufacturer of sugar beet cleaner loaders, has successfully sold and supported new and nearly new Ropa machines over the past 20 years. Due to their reliability, new and used Ropa harvesters are very sought after in many countries and with good maintenance, provided by CTM, they give many years’ service.
A large area outside was transformed into an agricultural machinery exhibition, o ering interest to all areas of agriculture, from tractors and trailers, to implements and farm service industries.
The event also showcased 10 years of potato machinery production, with a demonstration at a nearby farm of the latest Keiler one- and two-row harvesters. After only a relatively recent entry into the market, Ropa now produces and sells well over 150 potato harvesters each year.
For more information visit or contact CTM directly. FG
Over 15,000 people attended an open house demonstration day at the Ropa factory in Germany in November – with many travelling from around the world to attend the event following a six-year absence.
as possible
using formulated mixes
With the loss of key active substances such as desmedipham, and core weed control strategies having to be re-thought, it has never been more important to know your weed species and crop history.
Another important point to consider is that when growing spring break crops in rotation with sugar beet, it is extremely important to minimise seed return, especially as there is a limited range of herbicides for use for control post those particular crops.
Beets are included as members of the Amaranthaceae family which also include species such as quinoa, fat hen (Chenopodium album) and orache. Fat hen in particular can produce considerable numbers of viable seeds (up to 70,000 seeds per plant) so it is critical to pay particular attention to the control of these species; especially as it germinates over a long period of time, thus can cause signi cant yield loss if present in large numbers and control is not achieved early and e ectively.
UPL beet herbicides are the
building blocks for e ective annual broad leaved weed control (ABLW), the company says. With products such as Betasana SC, Bettix Flo, Efeckt, Shiro, and Vivendi, the choice of tank mix partners can be chosen according to weeds present. There is also the consideration of a potential new EC formation being trialled by UPL, HBZ10, which contains active substances to be used post emergence of the beet crop.
In 2022, UPL UK conducted some trials in collaboration with the BBRO, which included the use of the coded product HBZ10. Its purposes were to focus on crop safety and obtaining information on the e cacy of a selection of tank mixes over a range of weed species. At a site in Cheal, the dominant weed was fat hen (see Fig 1).
With the economics of growing sugar beet in the UK always at the forefront of any grower's mind, consider the following key points when planning for your next beet crop:
• Know your weed population
• Start with as clean a seed bed
• Remember that rates of UPL beet products can be adjusted according to weed species present, size of weeds and weather conditions
• The use of ‘straights’ give exibility and possible cost savings but they will require more agronomic input than
• The choice of tank mix partners is exible and can be tailored according to weeds present
• The addition of an adjuvant from T2 onwards will be bene cial. In some situations, the inclusion of oil at T1 is also advisable, depending on crop growth stage. FG
• EFECKT and BETTIX FLO – flexible pre- and post-emergence use for black-grass and annual broad-leaved weed control.
• CENTURION MAX – black-grass control from the expanded cotyledon stage ofthe crop, effective against grasses resistant to fops and other dims.
• Different modes of action, proven formulations and reliable performance.
Now is the time to be critical of previous cropping, assessment of historical weed populations, and types of past cultivations, states Antonia Walker, technical specialist at UPL Europe Ltd.
LimeX – a pH amendment product with the nest particle size on the market, approved by the Soil Association for organic use – is available year-round from British Sugar Plc.
LimeX leaves British Sugar’s factory with inherent nutritional value equating to at least £23 worth of phosphate, magnesium and sulphur for every tonne of LimeX spread at current fertiliser prices, the company claims.
“With an additional bene t of a minimum 9kg of phosphate, 8kg of magnesium and 7kg of sulphur in every tonne, farmers can cut out a huge proportion of their fertiliser costs whilst keeping on top of their liming.”
You don’t have to grow beet to be a LimeX customer – the company supplies over 250,000t of product to farmers across the entire UK and Ireland every year.
“Careful management of your soil pH is the key to ensuring the best nutrient availability within your soil,” says Glenn Carlisle, LimeX business manager. “And, because our product has such ne and consistent particle size, it’s very fast-acting and more e cient at raising pH and available calcium levels than ordinary ground limestone.
Scan for quote
costs whilst keeping on top Save £££’s on fertiliser this year with LimeX
Over the years, J.J. Metcalfe & Son has taken in new or used sugar beet coulters for tungsten carbide application, extending the life of the coulters by up to six times in comparison to steel alone.
The durability of tungsten carbide minimises down time and the hard-wearing edge enables the coulter to stay the same shape throughout its long working life. This ensures the part is providing excellent performance throughout its working life and creates a consistent crop across the entire eld.
The precise, v-shaped track left by the sharp cutting edge of the tungsten carbide helps trap the seeds, stopping them rolling and preventing erratic spacing.
This shaped hollow also provides good seed-to-soil contact, leading to excellent
As this service has proved increasingly popular, J.J. Metcalfe & Son has designed and produced its own tungsten carbide tipped coulters to retrofit Kleine and Monopil drills. This means customers will no longer have to wait whilst their coulters go through the timeconsuming processes needed to fit the tungsten carbide.
These coulters are now in stock ready to send out o ering farmers the same highperformance results without the wait. FG
The Precision Seedbed Harrow from Cousins of Emneth o ers an e ective, single pass seedbed system and the “ultimate tool for sugarbeet establishment” – helping farmers to solve their problems in the eld, the manufacturer says.
Two rows of straight leading tines o er individual depth adjustment for penetration within tractor wheelings, followed by a full width, hydraulic springboard with springing elements. This is followed by a 450mm diameter tyre roller which crushes and rms any clods while providing depth control to the forward area of the harrow, consisting of a four bar
levelling section with sharp straight tines which further reduce and level the seedbed. It’s nished o with the 500mm ne nish crumbler. This leaves a well-drained seedbed that will stand up to weather in all seasons, according to Cousins.
It’s available as a 3m rigid model, and 4m, 5m, 6m and 8m trailed folding models, all with a 3m transport width.
If you're looking for something speci c, individual models can be modi ed to the operator’s preferences by optional components such as coils, toothed packers, razor rings and springtines. FG
> Replacement side shields
> Tungsten carbide mulch attachment
2 rows straight leading tines, individually adjustable for depth
Hydraulically adjustable springboard levelling system
450mm tyre roller
Followed by either - five rows of straight springtines, or four-bar levelling harrow section
500mm crumbler at the rear
Extra following roller option available to further enhance the rear finish
> Refurb option on other styles of coulters 01945 584600
and we have been able to see that with these Agri Star II tyres, we have never had any traction problems in terms of grip on the road and in the elds. It has gone very well – we have not had any particular di culties and we can see that the wear is appropriate for the amount of work we have had to do with this type of tyre on this tractor.”
As increasing e ciency remains a key objective for the contractor, Olivier is more than happy with the results achieved so far. “Thanks to these Agri Star II tyres, we have been able to optimise the working time and therefore have a very good quality:price ratio on this range of tyres,” he says, adding: “During these eight months of activity, we were able to carry out a lot of transportation tasks, in particular the transport of liquid manure, transportation services on earthwork sites as well as sowing.” So, his conclusion is clear: “It is a range of tyres which suits us very well.”
After eight months of testing Alliance Agri Star II tyres on his John Deere tractor, agricultural contractor Olivier Gayet says the tyres suit him well.
Farmers, contractors, and the agricultural industry as a whole are facing tough and, in part, uncertain times. One of the many challenges is to increase e ciency, i.e. to produce more with less input whilst reducing environmental impacts and maintaining viable incomes. In these times, looking beyond borders does help, which includes the local, national and even international level.
That’s why a view across the English Channel and into Brittany also provides interesting insights. In Pipriac, a community of 3,000 inhabitants that is located halfway between Rennes and Redong, Olivier Gayet (pictured) runs an agricultural contracting business. Founded in 1968 by his father, Olivier has managed the company since 2002. It o ers a broad range of services such as the application of liquid manure, the spreading of solid manure, planting maize, harvesting grass silage, hay and other crops as well as sowing wheat in autumn, for example.
Early in 2022, Olivier Gayet was
facing the need to replace worn out tyres on one of his tractors, a John Deere 7230R. Constantly trying to improve the performance and nancial outcome of his contracting business and machinery, Olivier did not simply go for a replacement of the worn-out tyres.
He explains: “As the liquid manure and manure spreading activity is quite important for the company, we have to change tyres regularly because there are three units that do this for 6–7 months of the year. That is a big and time-consuming job.” So, Olivier decided to test new – and potentially better – tyres to better make up for this activity.
Olivier’s own market survey and also hearing farmers speaking enthusiastically about their experiences with the Alliance Agri Star II helped with making this own tyre choice: “We wanted to change a little bit and try this new series of tyres from Alliance, the Agri Star II,” reports Olivier. When considering the acquisition of new tyres, performance on the road and in the
eld, comfort and particularly wear are decisive criterions. For Olivier, however, tyre choices are mainly made on the basis of the perceived quality/price ratio. Once chosen, tyres are put through their paces under the demanding conditions of long tough service hours on Breton roads and elds.
Following around eight months of everyday challenges, Olivier is more than satis ed with his decision all those months ago.
“We have done 1,000 hours of work with them, a lot of transport;
In addition to the excellent quality:price ratio, Olivier also marvels at “the low wear, the very good driving comfort, the very good grip in the eld and on the road”, and he is prepared to adopt the Agri Star II from Alliance on further tractors whenever new tyres are due.
And there is yet another piece of good news for Olivier as well as other farmers and contractors: with 800/70R38 and 210/95R18, Alliance added two more sizes to the already impressive range of Agri Star II sizes in the 65, 70, 85 and 95 series. The two new sizes are ready for production now and will add further highperformance tyre options for modern, sustainability-oriented agricultural businesses around the globe.
Find more information at FG
Tyre test: “The tyres definitely help to optimise working time”
Wheeled equipment like skid steers, wheel loaders, tractors, and telehandlers all aid in snow removal operations. Yokohama OHighway Tires o ers advice on the steps you can take to maximise performance and extend the service life of its tyres.
1. Operate at optimal in ation pressure
In ation pressure in uences everything from a tyre’s performance to its longevity – and as the temperature drops, so does the air pressure in tyres.
Under-in ated tyres can decrease the ability of snow removal equipment to push and lift, reducing productivity
and e ciency – not to mention making them less safe to operate. Running under-in ated tyres also increases stress and allows them to build up excess heat.
Get in the habit of checking the psi of your tyres regularly and in ate accordingly. The best time to check tyre pressure is rst thing in the morning after the equipment has
been sitting, when the tyre is cool, since in ation pressure increases as tyres get warm with use.
2. Radial construction
Under-in ation is bad for tyres, but the ability to run at low in ation pressures is good for snow removal – larger, more uniform footprints that put more tread on the ground and enhance traction. Radial tyres can operate at lower in ation, while radial construction also dissipates heat – which is important to tyre life even in extreme cold.
3. The right type of tread
While any tyre will work in the snow, the best performing ones in these conditions typically feature a block tread pattern. The numerous blocks found on a tyre like the Alliance 550 MultiUse provide a multitude of biting surfaces for excellent traction in slick conditions, while its low rubber-to-void ratio resists wear and self-cleaning design sheds snow and slush easily. One way to get a grip on equipment performance in snow removal applications is to choose tyres specially designed for winter work. The best winter tyres come with treads made with special compounds engineered to grip and ex in cold weather (like the Alliance 551 MultiUse) and feature sipes (like those found on
the Galaxy Mighty Trac ND) which add traction-boosting biting surfaces and provide channels to move snow and slush away from the tread’s surface.
4. Inspect tyres often
Cold weather makes rubber sti er than normal, snow conceals all manner of obstacles, and salt is highly corrosive. Before putting your machine away at the end of the day, make sure to clear the salt from all rims and tyres to prevent it from speeding up corrosion or deterioration.
When inspecting your equipment’s tyres, look for signs of impact damage (like a bubble) or badly abraded sidewalls. Make sure the tyres have plenty of tread left.
5. Educate your operators
Operators who place too much downforce while ploughing can cause uneven tyre wear and put themselves in an unsafe position. Operators should also avoid exceeding the speed and load limitations of their equipment’s tyres, which in the best case scenario will expedite wear and in the worst case will create an unsafe environment. Because snow is particularly adept at hiding obstacles, it’s important to educate operators on the location of any potentially hidden hazards like curbs, islands, and raised manholes. FG
Established 90 years
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Agricultural, Plant and Industrial Tyres • Next Day Nationwide Delivery Guaranteed
The British Rubber Co now offers a wide range of agricultural trailer wheels and tyres We offer full assemblies or separate units as tyres and wheels alone New and part worn tyres are available, depending on your needs and budget
AGRICULTURAL TRAILER WHEEL CONVERSIONS (subject to trailer directions and clearance)
215/75R17.5 (twin fitment) 245/70R17.5 (twin fitment)
235/75R17.5 (twin fitment) 245/70R19.5 (twin fitment)
possible conversion – 435/50R19.5 or 445/45R19.5 on 6, 8 and 10 stud wheels
11.5/80-15.3 12.5/80-15.3
possible conversions - 435/50R19.5 or 445/45R19.5 and 285/70R19.5 on 6 stud wheels
Available in 560 60 22.5 & 560 45 22.5 • Other sizes and options available
possible conversions - 550/45R22.5 and 560/45R22.5 on 6, 8 and 10 stud
possible conversions - 550/60R22.5 and 560/60R22.5 on 6, 8 and 10 stud
Many other possible conversions – please call the office on 01274 585427 email:
No matter how challenging your needs, RIDEMAX FL 699 is your best ally for trailers and tank trucks in road applications. RIDEMAX FL 699 is an All Steel radial tyre that stands out for its high mileage and extraordinary durability. Designed for 90% road usage, the tyre features a reinforced bead providing excellent stability at high speed plus great performance.
RIDEMAX FL 699 is BKT’s response to the needs of road transport applications in the farming, industrial and construction industry.
Tel: +44 0151 728 4171
Envirotyre UK Ltd was founded in 2002 to provide a reliable, competent collection and recycling service. Now well established as one of the leading tyre recycling companies in central and eastern England, it is the only waste tyre disposal business in Lincolnshire to have a full Environment Agency permit.
It processes all tyres, from bicycle to earthmover and everything in-between, as well as construction and agricultural tracks. The team has many years’ experience and says its eet of lorries and vans are ideal for any scrap tyre collection.
Waste tractor and truck tyres have been processed by Envirotyre since it started 19 years ago and it can manage contaminated and mixed loads, with any size
or weight accepted. Farmers and their consortiums are o ered daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly collection options. Envirotyre also provides highly cost-e ective rubber sidewall covers for silage pits.
It is one of the only UK companies that can collect the full range of agri tracks from any site in England, using its own eet. It has a fully calibrated weighbridge on-site.
Envirotyre claims its prices (per tyre or per tonne) are the best in its operating area. Discounts are given to customers who want bulk tyre disposal or deliver their used tyres to its site.
As a fully compliant and heavily invested business, Envirotyre says it o ers customers full traceability and peace of mind. FG
In 2022, Bush Tyres’ Kings Lynn Bushmobile team tted a pair of Ascenso XLR 880 tyres on a new John Deere R975i trailed sprayer. The John Deere R975i boasts features such as:
• 7,500-litre tank volume
• 1,200-litre/min with PowrSpray solution system and 98% precise application
• Selection of suitable nozzle according to the application speed with TwinSelect
• Individual nozzle control for e cient localised application.
John Deere says the R900i Series
sprayers are loaded with intelligent features and integrated solutions, including individual nozzle control, 25cm nozzle spacing and ‘AutoDilute' to make spraying operations faster, easier and more accurate.
The Bush team tted a pair of 710/70R38 Ascenso XLR 880 tyres to the sprayer; a tyre which features an optimum tread design to maximum performance in the eld and on the road. The XLR 880 is the rst in the industry with Dual Mud Breakers, which ensure better self-cleaning properties and maximum traction,
Bush Tyres says. The tyre has a greater lug overlap that provides a safe and comfortable ride at high speeds.
If you are interested in the Ascenso XLR 880 or the full range of Ascenso agricultural tyres, contact your local tyre dealer for more information. FG
Offering a wide range of agricultural and farm tyres, Ascenso aims to provide long-lasting tyres that are specially designed for a variety of farming applications, keeping everything in mind including vehicle type, terrain, weather and user needs.
For Ascenso Tyres in the UK, contact your local tyre dealer or visit
Trade enquiries: | 01205 743163
7year warranty
on Farm Radial tyres
5 year warranty
on Bias tyres
• Whole farm spraying contracts, one off applications and liquid fertiliser.
• LGP spraying with a 12m machine on floatation tyres.
• Fully insured, NRoSO registered and NPTC qualified operator with over 15 years’ experience.
Managing director Julie Goulding
Director Greg Goulding 01473 694454
Editor Rachel Hicks 01473 694459
Deputy editor/Livestock editor Sarah Kidby 01473 694450
Machinery editor David Williams
Sta writer Henrietta Szathmary
Sales director Zohra Mitchell 01473 691888
Senior sales executive Jana Moyes 01473 694457
Senior sales executive Joanna Blower 01473 694452
Sales executive William Taylor 01473 691888
Sales executive Sophie Smith 01473 691888
Sales executive Rosanna Sweet 01473 691888
Sales executive Chloe Fox 01473 794444
Classi ed sales manager Nicki Procter 01473 694456
Classi ed sales executive Samantha Wilson 01473 694455
Marketing manager Charlotte Harknett 01473 691888
Brand manager Liam Bull 01473 691888
To include: Tractors: 2020 John Deere 6215R , 6155R (4), 2020 Fendt 720 (3), 718 (3), 724 (2), 2020 New Holland T7.210. Loading Shovels: 2021 JCB 419S, 2020 JCB 435S, Forage Harvesters: 2020 Claas 950 Jaguar, 2016 Claas 970 Jaguar, 2011 Claas 960 Jaguar, 2011 Claas 940 Jaguar, 2011 Claas 870 Jaguar (2), 2010 Claas Jaguar 940 (2). Self-propelled Mowers: 2021 Krone Big M 450 (2), 2013 Krone Big M 420. Machinery: 2017-2008 Claas Orbis 600/750 maize headers (6), 2009 Krone 600 Easy Collect maize header (2), Richard Western/Bailey silage trailers (11), 2020 Claas Volto 1320 tedders (2), 2010 Claas Liner 2700 rotary rakes (2), Claas 3200 and 2200 Quadrant balers (2), 2021 Krone 1370 Swadro rake, 2021 Krone 1400 Swadro (2), 2021 Krone 1300 KWT rotary tedders (3). Also: slurry equipment, forage processors, machinery spares, wheels and tyres etc etc
For a full list of upcoming auctions, please visit www.che
Buyers from over 50 countries
30,000 registered bidders worldwide
Up to 500 tractors for sale every month
1,500 lots of agricultural and horticultural machinery o ered for sale
Southrop, Lechlade, Gloucestershire
Great Somerford, Malmesbury, Wiltshire
Near Wroughton, Wiltshire
Near Charlbury, Oxfordshire
Great Somerford, Malmesbury, Wiltshire
For further information, please see websiteor contact Kellie Gilbride: 01285 648103
On Instruction from WBA Gaze & Son, Grove Farm, Roydon, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 5RF
Wednesday 22nd February commencing at 10.30am
Viewing: 1pm - 5pm on Tuesday 21st February and from 8am on the morning of the sale
Extensive range of quality modern farm machinery, livestock equipment, building materials, tools, spares and sundries
Dispersal Sale of Farm Machinery & Livestock Equipment
5 Day Timed Online Auction
Viewing 25th February 10am – 4pm
On behalf of, Welby Grange Farm, Welby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire
MASSEY FERGUSON 6490 4wd tractor (2009)
TOYOTA HI-LUX (2005, Agri Licenced)
Ben Shouler
Oliver Arnold
For a full detailed catalogue and photographs visit
01664 560181 option 3
on behalf of
Thursday 16th February
Catalogues available from Friday 3rd February
Friday 10th Feb 2023 at 10.30am
MEDEN FARM, Warsop, Mans eld NG20 0ER
John Deere 9780i Combine (07’-1,237 Work Hours)
John Deere 7830 4WD (11) (7,775 Hours)
Case IH 956 XL 4WD
Manitou MLT 741-120 Telehandler and Attachments (60’)
John Deere 855D Gator (13’-1,346 Hours), Nissan 2.5 Di 4WD Pickup Bailey and Other Trailers, Arable and Grassland Machinery
Kverneland 3 Metre Combi Disc Drill Unit, Mounted Sumo Trio 3 Irrigation Reels and Pipes, Livestock Equipment
Spares, Workshop Items, Straw, General Sundries
Friday 17th Feb 2023 at 10.30am
MANOR FARM, Packington, Ashby De La Zouch, LE65 1UZ
John Deere 6120M c/w Quicke Loader (18’-2,928 Hours)
Massey Ferguson 3085 4WD Autotronic (L Plate-6,755 Hours)
Massey Ferguson 590 2WD c/w MF 80 Power Loader
Manitou MLT 633-120LS Handler c/w Attachments (00’ Plate)
Bryce Suma Pro Supreme Post Knocker (12’)
Arable & Grassland Machinery
9 Trailers, Ifor Williams Tri-Axle Livestock Trailer
Large Range of Sheep & Cattle Equipment
Workshop Items, Tractor Sundries,
FRIDAY 3RD MARCH - Genuine End of Tenancy Sale
New Holland Tractor, Kramer Loading Shovel
Machinery and Livestock Equipment-Sta ordshire
THURSDAY 9TH MARCH - Sale of Butchery Equipment and Catering Items, Fridge Vans etc
FRIDAY 24TH MARCH - Reserved for Large Dairy Dispersal
FRIDAY 31ST MARCH 3 Tractors, Telehandler, Claas Combine, Land Rover 90, Trailers, Arable Equipment and Range of Livestock Kit
SATURDAY 8TH APRIL - Large Sale of Tractors, Machinery, Sundries and E ects to include Collectables and Classic Tractors
Catalogues are available to download at
Or call 01889 562811/ Email:
01889 562811
Sandbraes Farm, Caistor, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN7 6SD
On ursday 2nd March 2023 at 10:30am
Including: Self Propelled: Vredo VT7028-3(17), Ploeger AT5105 LNMS(19), Challenger TerraGator TG84(13); Tractors: Massey Ferguson 8740S Dyna VT(20), 2 No. Massey Ferguson 8737 DynaVT(18&14), Massey Ferguson 7490 DynaVT(11), 8 No. JCB Fastrac 4220(6x22,1x21,1x19), 5 No. JCB Fastrac 3230(1x10,2x09,1x08,1x06), 7 No. JCB Fastrac 3200(2x10,1x09,1x08,1x07,2x06), JCB Fastrac 3185(02); Loading Shovel: Volvo L110F(08); Tankers and Trailers: Samson PGII28 tri axle slurry tanker with 36m Samson dribble bar(19), 8 No. Record P33T tri axle Surry tanker(2x18,2x17,2x16,2x15), 2 No. Record twin axle slurry tanker(11&10), 2 No. Rolland 6332 Rollspeed twin axle (15&11), 5 No. Rolland Turbo Classic 22-32 16t twin axle(1x08,4x07), JPM tri axle 6.7m with 1.5m beaver tail low loader, 2 No. JPM twin axle 6m with 1.5m beaver tail low loader; Spreader & Dribble Bars: 2 No. Vogelsang SSG1140 32m hydraulic folding umbilical dribble bar(18&17), Vogelsang 24m hydraulic folding mounted dribble bar(13); Implements, Applicators & Spreaders: Veenhuis Terraject 300(19), Veenhuis 7.2m hydraulic folding grassland disc injector, 2 No. Evers 7.2m tine slurry injector, Horsch Joker 6 CT 6m double disc injector(17), ILGI Arragon 600 arable land slurry incorporator(14), Wox Viper hose handler(19); Reelers: Storth 2,000m trailed(18), Alligator 2,000m trailed, Gissing 400m mounted, Storth 2,000m trailed (15), RM Super Rain 135 500m slurry reel(16); Pumps & Equipment: Gissing FE umbilical pump set, Aligator pump set, Don-Bur tri axle step frame curtain side trailer(05) c/w Storth Machinery pump set(17), 3 No. Doda L35 slurry pumps; Attachments: Agri Weld 1,500kg weight block, Sumo 1,500kg weight block, Zuidberg 900kg weight block, SFC general purpose bucket, Viby-Jern Danmark large hi-tip bucket, 5” Storz cow horn hose handler, Qty of buckets to fit 13t-16t excavators ranging from 2ft to 4ft dyking and ditching buckets; Numerous Wheels and Tyres: including pairs of new BKT 600/70R30, BKT 1050/50R32 tyre and wheel, pairs of new Ceat Farmax 540/65R30 tyres; Miscellaneous & Sundries: Storth Machinery 6m slurry stirrer & 4m extension, Reck Flussigmist mixer 6m slurry stirrer & 3m extension, 2 No. Fuel Proof trailed bowser(14&13), 3 No. Western TransCube 2,900l fuel station(15,12&06), Titan Blue Master 2,500l AdBlue storage and dispensing tank, Qty of new 5” lay flat and drag hose.
Viewing: Wednesday 1st March from 10am to 4pm
Humber Office: 01482 421234 | 07920 496350 | 07966 597930
Glebe Farm, White Post Road, Hanworth, Norfolk NR11 7HN
On Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 10:30am
Including: Tractors: New Holland T7.245 (17), New Holland T7.235 (13), New Holland T7.275 (18), New Holland T7.270 (17), New Holland T7.245 (19), John Deere 6175R (15); Material Handler: JCB Loadall 526 Tubo Farm Special (95), Hyundai 145 LCR 9
Excavator (11); Potato Equipment: Grimme Varitron 470 Self Propelled Harvester (16), Swift Lift Extendo SLEX150R (22), Herbert 6ft Contractor Grader, Grimme GB215 (14), 2 No. Grimme CS150 Combi Star Destoners (21), Standen BFT 4 Body Bedformer (20), Baselier 6LKB550 Topper (20), 2 No Grimme GT170 Potato Harvesters (07/10); Irrigation
Equipment: Netafim Trickle System For C.150 Acres (20), Irrimec ST8 110-600 Reel (13), Bauer E4 110-500 Reel (96), Bauer E3 110-470 Reel (00), Bauer E3 110-470 Reel (97), Bauer E2 110-470 Reel (00), Bauer E2 100-450, Qty. Irrigation Pipes & Fittings; Cultivators & Drills: Vaderstad Rapid RDA600 (03), Teagle 250 XL Vario-S Multi Disc (16), TWB 3 Leg Subsoiler, Kuhn Prolander 6000 (18); Implements: Bailey 20T Dump Trailer (21), Bailey 33FT Flat Bed (19), Transtacker 4100 Bale Chaser (20), New Holland 1290 Plus Baler (17), Mchale V660 Round Baler (15), Claas 3200FC Front Mower (19), Claas 3200C Rear Mower (19); Miscellaneous: John Deere X740 Ultimate Ride-On Mower (21), Green Crop 1000Ltr Fuel Bowser, 2 No. New Holland GPS Guidance Systems, Qty. New Holland Row Crop Wheels, Ifor Williams CT177 Car Trailer and Misc. Tool Boxes & Weight Blocks.
Viewing: Monday 13th February from 10am to 4pm
Norwich Office: 01603 629871 | 07768 465744 | 07500 783360
We stock: R134A..................................POA
Air conditioning service equipment
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We accept all major credit cards
Tel: 01954 267215
JOHN Deere Gator XUV 865M, 2021, excellent condition, dealer serviced, 12,623mls & 1380hrs, miles & hours may increase slightly as still in use, lots of extras. £18,500+VAT. D Branson Tel 07976 264356 (Northants)
KAWASAKI Mule diesel, four seater, electric tip, heater. £6,500+VAT. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
CASE LB 434 XL baler, 2020, tandem axle, bale count 13,008, in excellent condition, genuine reason for sale. £80,000+VAT. M Fisher Tel 07976 622090 (Norfolk)
JOHN Deere Gator 855D, 2013, 1650hrs, road legal & regd, p/ steering, full cab & glazed doors, diff lock, manual tip, detachable f/& r/tow bar, alloy wheels, new tyres, beacon, LED w/lights, exc cond, light use, inspection invited. £10,150 no VAT. R Lintott Tel 01566 471493/07799 473374 (Cornwall)
HONDA quad 350cc, 4wd, 350hrs only, stored inside, just been serviced, very genuine machine, vgc, viewing recommended. £3,250. A Crawley Tel 07974 748588 (Hertfordshire)
HEAVY duty hydraulic bale squeeze, 2018, suitable for round & rectangle bales, f/w Merlo brackets, others could be fitted, excellent condition. £1,100 ono. A Towns Tel 07751 917839 (Lincolnshire)
NEW Holland 376 baler in working order. J Adams Tel 07812 367009 (Worcestershire)
CASE-IH LB 434, 2014, 120x90 bale size, moisture, bale weight, very well maintained. £45,000. L Rich Tel 07774 112211 (Gloucestershire)
WELGER AP83 baler in good working order, owned & operated by me for the last 15yrs & only baled a small amount of straw each season, regularly serviced & stored inside. £6,000+VAT. J Thomas Tel 07775 801580 (Norfolk)
LAWRENCE Edwards flat 8/big square bale grab, very strong. £450. T Fountain Tel 07725 844740/07851 732471/01889 590282 (Derbyshire)
CLAAS Rollant 374RC, 2014, bale count 18657, vgc. £10,750. A Lane Tel 07843 556790 (Gloucestershire)
JOHN Deere L1534 square baler, 2016, fully loaded with extras, only 8500 bales from new, as new condition. £65,000+VAT. S Thompson Tel 07760 284420 (East Yorkshire)
HONDA 450 Foreman S, 2002, very tidy & looked after, selectable 2/4wd, 15264km from new. £2,450. J Wood Tel 07719 471321 (Northants)
JOHN Deere 582 Premium Rotoflow round baler, 2007, very good condition, approx 30k bales, owned from almost new, cover edge system, c/w control box, adjustable bale size, density, net wrap & rotor reverse, more photos available. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
ALBUTT F110 bale spike, as new & hardly used, currently fitted with the two spikes but has the centre hole for another spike if needed. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
2019 Manitou MLT 741-140 V+ Elite 460/70x24 Michelin 90% good, trailer/air brakes, exceptionally clean machine throughout, V5 29/01/19, delivered to customer 01/04/19, 4460hrs, pin & cone headstock, forks & carrier, ex turf application
(new price £110k)
KAWASAKI Mule, diesel, 3 seater, front winch, new battery, all good. £6,500+VAT. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
MASSEY 2240, 2017, 31,000 bales, 1 owner, c/w 2018 Parkland 5 bale accumulator. £69,995. H Brown Tel 07764 477766 (Cambridgeshire)
SLEWTIC bale spike to fit Euro 8 carriage, nearly new & hardly used due to change in farm policy, photos on request if needed, excellent condition. £350+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
Case Puma CVX 240, 2022, 4 elec rear remotes, 540mm dyn front fenders, 2 x 110mm rear lift rams, front linkage, deluxe comfort pack, 540/65R30 adj & 650/65R42 fixed tyres 41030519
Ex demo Case 35' header, comes with 4wd trailer, complete with crop lifters and vertical side knives 41030430
JCB 542-70 Agrixtra, in stock, ex demo, PVSG ECU agri xtra with Dualtech VT, stage 5, Michelin xmcl 500/70 R24, q-fit carriage, 150HP 41029526
Ex demo Amazone Cayros XS 5 + 1 plough, 950 c/w 260HP headstock, catt 888 integrated lower link balls, hyd swivel frame system 21027975
Case Luxxum 120 3 years, 3000hrs warranty, 3 mech rear remotes, 480mm dyn front fenders, susp cab, stad rear fenders with extensions, 2 external telescopic rear wide mirrors, 6 high mounted headlamps
loading shovel, 2020, LED worklights, 4 front 4 rear 2 side, LED boom worklights, LED road lights, in cab stowage box with padded lid, hyd pick up hitch with trailer brakes and electrics 21029884
New Brian James Cargo Connect Compact trailer 2,700kg twin axle, 10" wheels, 3.3mx1.9m, cast steel coupling head, high security lock
valve protection guard as standard, weld on brackets included with the installation kit, bucket brush, Q-fit, 1.5m3 bucket 31031032
Swathing Service
East Hertfordshire and surrounding area
OSR, Borage, Oats & Grass
Seed Swathing Service
Reduce Glysophate usage and moisture loss whilst improving yield and ensuring an earlier harvest
tel: 01279 777 609 . email:
STANHAY 60 6 row cleaner, used for sugar beet, but can be adjusted for other crops, very clean equipment, selling as retiring. £1,800 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
COMMERCIAL HOK glasshouse, 20m x 20m, good condition, would need to be deconstructed by purchaser & moved, good. H Dale Tel 02073 184484 (Buckinghamshire)
Mountain Mob: 07785 972510 or Email:
MONOSEM drill cell wheels (5), with five 5mm holes, also 5 more with 5.3mm holes, one with 8 x 5mm holes, all unused in original packing. £100. P Beales Tel 07584 189359 (Suffolk)
2014 ROPA Panther 1 variable lifting unit with all round topper, 5600ha 6400 eng hrs, vgc
For all ROPA Machinery details Contact: Simon Peacock Mob: 07717 416178 or Email:
TWO-OVEN oil-fired Aga, white, dismantled. £250. J Witherow Tel 01954 267979/07889 058326 (Cambridgeshire)
USED timber/wood, various lengths, large quantities, widths of either 5, 4.5 or 3”, taken down from farm buildings, solid wood. £1.15/m. T Roberts Tel 01279 850293 (Essex)
07816 657099 (Cornwall)
All types of steel available new and secondhand
Posts for grain walling and silage clamps
Galvanised roofing sheets, box profile and corrugated Delivery service
STANHAY S981 drill, 12–15 row, sugar beet/onion, with numerous spares, c/w trailer, great condition. £800. I Rowley Tel 07860 735615 (Bedfordshire)
3-METRE shed, adjustable legs, new roof fitted recently. £650. B Colson Tel 07789 261067 (Suffolk)
MARSTON FF10 TRAILER grain chute, good tyres, body as new inside & out
EX DEMO BAILEY 20T TRI-AXLE FLAT DECK LOW LOADER air brakes, hyd Beavertail fill in
NEW Holland 1540, for spares or repair, 12' header & straw chopper, 6 cyl Ford engine, been parked under a barn for approx 15yrs, no longer runs, used condition, radiator has split due to frost damage. £2,500+VAT ono. N Foster Tel 07805 360318 (East Yorkshire)
APPROX 135 x 4'6" long concrete posts with 3 holes for wire fencing. Relisted as no contact from buyer. £120 for the lot. L Baker Tel 07879 885505/01406 330782 (Lincolnshire)
£500+VAT ono. J Tarry Tel 07775 622457 (Northants)
SPANISH polytunnels, 70 acres, mostly 8.25m wide, also 7.3m & 6.4m, 5 acres Cosy tunnels, 8.2m, 65,000m of metal strawberry tabletops. J Harrold Tel 07771 902808 (Cambridgeshire)
50% higher ultimate tensile strength than standard chain Available from Chain
94 10-92868
£24,000 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
Thames Valley Machinery
CASE 590 Super R 2004 digger, extending boom, 4 in 1 bucket, front forks, 4 various buckets, 6936hrs, quiet life on stock farm. £24,000 ono. R Morris Tel 01794 368191/07831 674522 (Hampshire)
HYUNDAI Robex 210 LC3 20t digger 2000, good working order, 7600hrs, c/w 6’ ditching/grading bucket & digging bucket, hydraulic quick hitch, always kept under cover, always starts & is ready to go to work. £12,000+VAT ono. R Taylor Tel 07764245035 (Northants)
BACKACTOR good working order. £3,000. B Colson Tel 07789 261067 (Suffolk)
07748 146139/01362 850381 (Norfolk)
KUBOTA U27 mini digger, top quality, 1300hrs, owner driver, 2019, 3 nearly new buckets, auto hitch, delivery possible by arrangement. £22,500 ono. A Potts Tel 07305 886769 (Norfolk)
DEUTZ 14 header c/w trolley. POA M Robson Tel 07801 885520 (North Yorks)
2010 CSX 7040 17’V 1986/1677 10-92669
CLAAS Avero 240, 2011, 800 front tyres, C540 header with auto-contour, 3D sieves, straw chopper, owned from new. £58,000. A Lane Tel 07843556790 (Gloucestershire)
2500hrs, full width
6 straw walkers, monitor in cab, adjustments from cab, air con, large grain tank, new r/tyres, stored under cover, good cond, price reduced. £16,000+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
Mark Hellier Tractors Ltd
Tel: 01580 291271 • Mob: 07836 723944
DIGGA trencher attachment, c/w a sliding backplate for Avant, can be adapted to fit other similar machines, skid steers, etc, professional quality, designed for digging trenches 1m deep. £2,000 no VAT. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
1166 Hydro 4 combine, 1993, straw chopper, 12’ header with trailer, 3193 engine hrs.
£15,000+VAT. F Cawkwell Tel 07840 284046 (East Yorkshire)
KVERNELAND UN2200 potato harvester, 50mm digging web, 40mm second & roller separator table, good working condition, simple & lightweight. £2,000+VAT ono. A Wilson Tel 07732 671320 (Greater Manchester)
JCB 85Z-1 8.5t digger, 2014, new engine, FSH, new bluetooth/ FM radio, 5760hrs (eng 1hr), new rubber tracks, offset boom c/w Tefra hyd quick hitch, piped, keypad immobiliser, w/lights & beacons, c/w ditching & 2 trenching buckets. £26,000 ono no VAT. B Daines Tel 07952 235161 (Essex)
T: 01953 688 323
Hire/Sales: 01953 688 211
Millpond Farm Garboldisham, Diss Norfolk IP22 2SP
24 hour 7 days a week callout Service plans available for all machines regardless of age or hours
Warranty packages available
Astrak distributor, Rubber tracks available from stock for most machines
Interpart JCB alternative parts distributor
Diagnostic capabilities for most manufacturers
Factory trained engineers
Replacement machine hire and transport available
We also specialise in
• Parts sales
• Machine sales, servicing, repairs and hire
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CLAAS DISCO 3050FC £3,950 2007 3m front mower conditioner, steel conditioner tines, fully floating CL-65103645
CLAAS R375 RC £12,500 2015 double roller crop press, rotor cut 16 blade CL-76401477.A
2003 8 rotor hydraulic folding, 5 tines per rotor
corn cracker to fit Claas Jaguar 491, new rollers 300 acres ago CL-SM211123
side shift
300 £19,650
3m power harrow combi box drill with disc coulters OT-JM98N0730/JG93A04
CLAAS QUADRANT 3300 RF £55,000
MAESTRO 12 CC £52,250
2004 cage roller, front eradicator tines CL-049890273
2017 40kph, 350hp, 3800 engine hrs, tracks, 4 spools SR00004121
2016 4 furrow plough, manual vari width, hydraulic front furrow, furrow press KU-G0950
bale count 38661, power feeding system, 710/40R22.5 tyres single axle CL-75700505.A
£4,500 2009 6 rotor tedder KO-757457
POTTINGER HIT 6.61 £6,750
2020 50mm points, spring wheel packer HS-FG37051356
2018 power feeding system pick up, roto feed rotor, 55000 bales SR00005699
DOWDESWELL DP 7 E 6+1 £1,950 1991 14” UCN bodies D4-911439307
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
Tim Smith Tel: 01529 303093 Mob: 07730 780510
2021 single leg c/w mole drain foot, mole drain expander, cutting disc OT-82746
CLAAS TUCANO 480 £125,000 2013 7.5 vario header, 1515 engine hrs, 1005 drum hrs CL-84006855
unit OT-A6300/13-2866
AGCO MT 755E POA 2018 40kph, 350hp, 1681 engine hrs SR00004137
CLAAS AXION 850 £75,000 2017 50kph, 268hp, 4488 engine hrs, 650/65r42 fronts, 540/65R30 rears, 4 spools CL-A4003229.A
TRAILER £13,600
2020, easy roll over sheet, air brakes, 10 stud axles, 385/65/22.5, hyd squeeze OT-07207196
KRM/KUHN PACK-XR/ HR 302 M £4,250
1997 Suffolk coulters, box drill, hyd top link, bolt on tines, clod board K1-1301C/940105
CLAAS LEXION 580 TT £66,000
2004 3706 engine hrs, 2631 drum hrs, yield/Q meter, yield mapping, unispreader CL-58600184.A
CLAAS ARES 577 £26,500
2007 40kph, 125hp, 7675 engine hrs, 3 spools, MX T12 loader CL-A0500893.B
2009 24’ potato box trailer, hydraulic squeeze, easy sheet, 10 stud axle OT-8298.10T
2013 9m vario header, 2155 engine hrs, 1799 drum hrs, yield/Q meter, yield mapping CL-C6500593
CLAAS LEXION 770TT £125,000
2012 10.5m vario header, 3133 engine hrs, 2725 drum hrs CL-C5900354.A
McHALE R68-78 £12,000
2018 electric individual rotor lift, 380/55R17 transport wheels 1X-1300015
2016 7.7 vario header, 1961 engine hrs, 1551 drum hrs, yield/Q meter, telematics CL-C6402908
LEMKEN ZIRKON 12 £21,000
2016 2 wheels eradicator tines, flexicoil packer roller SR00005866
1987 system tine, hydraulic fan conversion, smooth wheels QZ-059890153
CLAAS SCORPION 7044 £49,000
2017 4455 engine hrs CL-416110122.A
2008 5+1 C40 bodies, press arm, land & transport wheel LE-329639
LEMKEN ZIRKON 10/600 £19,500
2014 c/w trapeze packer, light bar, q/r new blades LE-K404573
SPECIAL L £18,500
2014 Kuhn HR3004, toothed packer, wheel erads, track markers, preems, disc coulter AM-9459/J0313
NEW HOLLAND T7.200 £43,000 2014, 50kph, 203hp, 4602 engine hrs, 4 spools, front suspension NH-ZEBN09918
DYNA 6 £30,000
2008 40kph, 157hp, 4700 engine hrs, 3 spools, MF 960 loader MF-T190005
NEW HOLLAND CSX7080 £65,000
2008 6m NH varifeed cutterbar header, 2328 engine/1939 drum hrs, Smart Sieve NH-371600005
Auto Steer is your family run online Asset Finance Broker. We have over 25 years experience in the finance industry. So if you’re looking to purchase your next new Digger, Truck, Tractor, Crane… you name it, we can probably finance it!
Looking for finance? Get in touch: Email: Telephone 07704 357 375
KUHN HR404 power harrow combination drill with Weaving tine drill, power harrow 2010, Q-Fit tines, MaxiPacker, levelling board, Weaving 4m 32 row tine drill, 2013, hydraulic fan, pre-em markers, very good condition. £13,000+VAT ono. P Woodward Tel 07747 864677 (Leicestershire)
JOHN Deere 750A, 2018, 3m, 555ha on non abrasive soil. £36,000 ono. J McKendry Tel 07710 122187 (Shropshire)
MASCHIO Sulky 3m combination, Maschio power harrow with packer roller & Sulky compact drill, good Suffolk coulters, bout markers, all in gwo, ideal for grass reseeding & cereals. £3,250+VAT ono.
J Foulston Tel 07773 915975 (Lincolnshire)
WEAVING 6m tine drill, 2010, in good condition, 1 owner since new, still in good working order, based near Stansted Airport. R McGowan Tel 07585 224196 (Essex)
Accord • Amazone Sulky • KRM • Vicon
Call Craig on 07977 208205 (T)
SUMO Versadrill 4m, 2009, hydraulic markers, new discs Aug 22, selection of spares including various seed metering rollers, good condition, always barn stored. £22,500+VAT. D Macaulay Tel 07802 813434 (Essex)
STOCKS Rotometer, good condition £750+VAT. M Abblitt Tel 07720 839253 (Cambridgeshire)
AMAZONE ADP 303 Special, 2011, 3m combination drill, in excellent condition, coupled with wheel track eradicators. POA. H Wroth Tel 01672 861040/07850 371844 (Wiltshire)
HORSCH CO4 4m drill, 2001, very tidy, can be used as a direct drill, c/w good Duett coulters, wheel eradicators, following harrow, bout markers, pre- em markers, a very tidy example of this increasingly rare drill. R Allan Tel 07786 964728 (Oxon)
SUMO Versadrill 4m direct drill, 2011, stored under cover, excellent condition for age, done 3500ha, new discs twelve months ago, paint good, c/w with a few spares, points, etc. £24,950+VAT. M Hewitt Tel 07775 618830 (Leicestershire)
harrow &
combi, always stored indoors, tramliners & markers, excellent condition. £3,800+VAT. T Sewell Tel 07977 908378 (Kent)
WEAVING GD 6m Direct Disc drill, 2017, 3t hopper, hyd markers, road lights, RDS electric controls, GPS forward speed sensor, hydraulic fan & oil cooler, 2 rows of coulters, hydraulic extending axles, Stocks slug pellet applicator. R Maddever Tel 07786 910597 (Suffolk)
WEAVING GD 6m Direct disc drill, 2017, 3t hopper, hydraulic markers, road lights, RDS electric controls, GPS speed sensor, hydraulic fan & oil cooler, 2 rows of coulters, flotation tyres, hydraulic extending axles, Stocks applicator. £49,000.
R Maddever Tel 07786 910597 (Suffolk)
VADERSTAD RD 300 S disc drill, 2009, 840ha from new, excellent condition. £19,750+VAT. J Stansfield Tel 07759 263212 (South Yorks)
HESTAIR Bettinson 4m 3D disc direct drill with end tow, in great condition, paintwork good, all discs/bearings very good, the best you’ll find. Offers over £5,500+VAT. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire)
KUHN Venta LC402 p/harrow/drill combi, 2016, owned from new, in excellent condition, pre-ems, hyd fan, following harrow, half width shut off, Suffolk coulters, Hector 3000 control box, hyd coulter lift (great for grass seed), exc cond. £16,500+VAT. R McAulay Tel 07919 387712 (Scottish Borders)
DALE 8m Eco L direct drill, 2010, 5t, split hopper, 710/55x30 tyres, 12.5 or 25cm row spacing, good wearing metal, upgraded 2013 with latest chassis & coulters, excellent condition. £40,000+VAT. A Abblitt Tel 07971 255264 (Cambridgeshire)
VADERSTAD Rapid 4m, 2004, excellent condition, always barn stored, pre-em & bout markers, covered 5778ha, selling following the purchase of a wider drill, central tyre packer not included. £13,000+VAT. T Sinnott Tel 07710 481806 (Leicestershire)
KUHN/ACCORD 4m combi. re-cond in 2019, Kuhn HR4004 4m ph c/w clod board, Maxipacker & wheel erads, f/w Accord 4m DAS drill c/w hopper ext, vert fold markers on ph, Suffolk coulters, 32 ceramic tips, pre ems, hyd coulter lift. £10,500+VAT. J Liddell Tel 07825 159262 (Essex)
JOHN Deere 750 4m direct drill owned from new in 2013, 3458ha, Isobus version, c/w bout markers, Guttler closing wheels, spoked depth wheels, extra weights, following harrow, good condition. £35,500+VAT ono. N Whitebread Tel
HYDRAULIC motor with Accord fan, good condition. £500+VAT. M Abblitt Tel 07720 839253 (Cambridgeshire)
KVERNELAND TS-drill, 2019, 4.8m, 5 rows of coulters, drilled 155ha. £19,500+VAT. H Kisby Tel 07768 903046 (Cambridgeshire)
VICON LZ401 Supaseeder mtd drill c/w Accord metering & wagtail hopper, Suffolk coulters w/HD springs, pre em marker & new 7-12 tyres, control box, original PTO & new PTO inc, barn stored, missing 1 bout marker disc, average condition. £450+VAT ono. T Moore Tel 07960 899209 (Nottinghamshire)
WEAVING 6m tine drill, 2010, owned from new, used as secondary drill for wet weather but have now bought another (with aid of a grant), good condition, used to drill 90% of the winter crops last year, has half shut off & tramline markers. £11,950. R McGowan Tel 07585 224196 (Essex)
42 / 600/65 x 34 90% , one owner from new, part ex
McConnel Discaerator 3000 2015, 5 auto-reset legs, 2 rows of discs, DD packer, hardly used, demo condition
Hubert 2145 7+1 Plough 2016, on land/in furrow, DD bodies, Cat 3 or 4 headstock, suit track or wheel tractor
Lemken 3m Zirkon 8/ Solitair 8 Drill Combination rst used 2019, quick t tines, disc coulters, only 127 hectares from new, demo condition
Kuhn HRB 302/LC302 Combination Drill 2013/2012, 3 rows Su olk coulters, bout markers, low acreage, mint condition
Krone Big X 1100 Forager 2013, 2621/1704 hrs, 14 row maize header, otation tyres, part-ex
SlurryKat Vacuum Tanker 2017, 18,000L/4000 gallon, 710/50 x 26.5 75%, air/hyd brakes, splash plate, docking station, 1st class
TWB 5 Leg Mounted Subsoiler 3.5m, working tines, 850mm DD type packer, new metal, excellent condition
Dalbo Heavy Land Hyd Folding Front Press 2020, 4 metre, 800mm rings, very heavy duty, demo condition
Stocks Dual Wheels 710/70 x 42, 710/85 x 38, 650/85 x 38, 710/70 x 38/ 650/75 x 38, 650/75 x 32, plus other sizes
Opico Grassland Subsoilers 2021 and 2014, 3 leg, 2.7m, hyd auto-reset, as new condition
Richard Western High Speed Flat Bed Trailer 2015, 24t tri-axle, ABS, air/brakes & suspension, excellent condition
Gaspardo Sara Maize Drill 2008, 6 x 75cm rows, bulk fertilizer hopper, disc openers, 80% wearing metal
Linkage Mounted Silage Compactor 2014, 3m wide, 3.8 tons, excellent condition
WEAVING 4m tine drill, 2008, 3 rows of coulters, following harrows, PTO fan (new last season, fitted by Weaving) hopper damaged 3 seasons ago & repaired & sealed, fully functional & used as our main drill since. £7,500+VAT ono. S Kerr Tel 07568 474519 (Essex)
GRIPPLE Torq tensioning tool, new & unused. £50. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
OVERUM Tive Drill-Jet, 2004, 4m pneumatic seed drill, in full working order, manual plus parts book included, average condition. £1,100+VAT ono. P Fillingahm Tel 07971 784910 (Lincolnshire)
18-92940 07813 182054 01536 771246
RYEGRASS haylage, 4' round bales (40), near Colchester, can deliver at cost. £40/bale. S March Tel 07860 835995 (Essex)
WOLSELEY electric fencer (3 strand wire system), needs 6V battery. £60. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire)
MEADOW hay in conventional bales, 5 mins from M25 Junction 28/29. W Chapman Tel 07931 313520 (Essex)
BENTALL Simplex PTO driven fan, barn stored. £350. J Ramsey Tel 01653 628366 (North Yorks)
Manufacturers of Typhoon Fans (0.5–120hp)
GENERATORS: diesel & PTO, quality used & new, est 25yrs. JSP UK Ltd. Tel 01432 353050 Mob 07774 742182 (Hereford)
DEWALT 18v nail gun, bare unit 50-90mm nails. £180. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
KRONE Big X 700 forage harvester, 2012, total 3415hrs, drum 2424/ header 1888hrs, 40 blade drum, rock protect, EasyFlow 300 pick up, very tidy machine, hitch, barrel carriers, additive systems, etc, will be removed before sale. £82,500+VAT. G Jones Tel 07775 803197 (Cheshire)
HAYLAGE for sale in square mini Hesston bales, ideal for cattle feed or outside horse feeding, Bury St Edmunds. £20/bale ex-yard. J Howell Tel 07503 488386/01284 830358 (Suffolk)
DORMAN diesel generator, 90kva, 3 phase, 32 & 16amp plugs & 240v twin sockets, 1150hrs, new coolant hoses, integrated diesel tank, used to power a grain dryer, in good working order, never let me down! Dry storage container avail. £3,000+VAT. M Burrough Tel 07860 246156 (Somerset)
t: 01526 342466 f: 343507 e:
JOSH ON: 07817 869762
ON: 01205 821313
SHIRE colt foal, fully registered, bay with four white socks, big foal with show or stallion potential, well bred. £2,500. K Smith Tel 07940 049960 (Derbyshire)
Similar to the Farmer 80, but the Multi will take taller wire up to 125mm, as well as rabbit netting. With the adjustable arm, other options inc single & double strand barb attachments, re-rolling machine, hoist & loader/ telehandler bracket adaptor.
John Brewer 07966 285240
BOSTICH air nail gun, good condition, fires 50-90mm nails. £180. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
STOCKADE ST400 contractor’s air stapler, very powerful, capable of using 50mm barbed staples, very good condition, c/w 2,000 staples. £350. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
ARROWHEAD R75 breaker & fence post driver, 2019, c/w 75mm spike, 120mm cup & 100mm dual lower & top hitches, suitable for excavators (6–14T) & 3CX, excellent condition. £4,500+VAT ono. A Towns Tel 07751 917839 (Lincolnshire)
CLAAS Jaguar 51 forager for spares. £600+VAT. G Bagg Tel 07779 601519 (Somerset)
PTO Generators Static/Linkage Mounted
Full range up to 200KVA 2 year warranty, UK built Ring Anthony for details
P. Cowell & Sons Ltd
Tel: 01772 653569 21-92543
MASTER Farm Driers hopper bottomed grain bin, in excellent as new condition, 3m x 3m, 4 sections tall, takes 19t to feed a drier, can be extended with more sections from Masters (see their website for details), help to dismantle to fit on trailer. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
NEW Way Benson drying fan. £20. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769 (Lincolnshire)
ARROWHEAD R75 breaker & post driver in excellent condition, suitable for excavators 6–4T & 3CX, c/w dual head stocks, 75mm spike & 2 driver cups, 120x80 and 100-80 rounds. £4,750+VAT. A Towns Tel 07751 917839/01427 754145 (Lincolnshire)
10KVA PTO single/3 phase generator. £650+VAT. R Holder Tel 07887 560979/01473 658475 (Suffolk)
ROUND bales of hay, barn stored near Colchester, can deliver at cost. £35/bale. S March Tel 07860 835995 (Essex)
RYEGRASS haylage, 80x90 4’ bales, good quality, 8 layer wrap. £30/bale collected could deliver locally. R Higgs Tel 07889 213416 (Hertfordshire)
HAYLAGE in 4’ round bales, triple wrapped, good quality. £35/bale. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants) 4-FOOT round bales of meadow hay (200), made June/July, suitable for horses. £30 each. R Haigh Tel 07968 215777 (Nottinghamshire)
PRAMAC Protech P6000 6KVA diesel generator, 4446hrs. £1,100+VAT. R Holder Tel 07887 560979/01473 658475 (Suffolk)
STRONGA grain bucket, large 2t plus, c/w Q fit JCB hitch. £1,850+VAT. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire)
CRITTALL grain bin sheets (56), 3m x 1m, ready to load on your trailer. £42 each. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
noliftingoffofthe clamp–fully automatic
2021 JOSKIN TORNADO 3 5513/14V 14T
MANURE SPREADER excellent condition
GRAIN/ROOT TRAILER grain chute, air-hyd-load sensing brakes. new flotation 560x22.5 wheels/tyres, a cracker!!!!
NEW HOLLAND T5-105 C/W MX LOADER 81hrs T7-210 72hrs T7-245 1200hrs
ROLAND V160 MANURE SPREADER a credit to its former owner
2008 LAND ROVER DEFENDER 110 Hyd enclosed tipping body, MOT, Igland butt plate/skidder winch as New
HYDRO 3050 LOADING SHOVEL 2020, Hydro 3050 Pivot steer 3.5T loading shovel, brand new. Its simple, its basic it will do the job, everything is not shoehorned into it
1997 NEW HOLLAND 7840 SLE 4wd, 100hp, c/w Fauchuex loader, 3rd service, manure grab, good condition
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
TRANSFER auger, 12' long, 6", with Kohler petrol engine. A Dunham Tel 07767 248412 (Cambridgeshire)
Main Agents for
Carier Elevators Conveyors and Spares
CAD fractionating cleaner, reduces seed borne diseases and increases vigor
Contact Robin on 01472 753936 07710 242015
Roy Edwards 07702 408833
Full engineering, installation & dismantling services
KUHN Triple mowers, front- FC 3125DF-FF, 3.1m working width, rear- FC 8830D-FF, 8.73m working width, hydraulic headland adjust, metal conditioning tines on both, good working order. £24,000+VAT. D Pither Tel 01452 864714 (Gloucestershire)
OVERSEEDING with 6m harrow comb seeder
SUBSOILER HIRE for sward improvement
P Ward 01986 785343
Mobile 07860 893058 North Suffolk area
Sales Spares & Repairs 22-92886
Tel: 01746 762777
791215 (Nottinghamshire)
VENTACROP 4 cylinder diesel fan. £550. J Witherow Tel 01954 267979/07889 058326 (Cambridgeshire)
KUHN GA13131 4 rotor rake, 2015, 8.4m–12.5m working width, hydraulically driven rotors via PTO pump, electronically adjustable rotor height & width, includes control screen, good working order. £25,000+VAT. D Pither Tel 01452 864714 (Gloucestershire)
STRIPE Agriculture Big Cutter Professional SMI 220 E, right hand offset, 2.2m cutting width, break back protection, wide angle PTO, large diameter roller, new hammer flails fitted, front metal flaps, rear flap. £3,950+VAT. O English Tel 07789 547987 (Lincolnshire)
HAYBOB centre board. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
QUANTITY of Lely Acrobat tines. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
MURITORI MR180 6' finishing mower, owned from new, good condition. £875. S Bygraves Tel 07973 117993 (Cambridgeshire)
2020 Talex Eco Cut 185 twin drum mower, quick fit blades, very good condition, barn stored, selling due to upgrade. £1,600 ono. W Goodings Tel 07938 556919/07561 806818 (Norfolk)
QUANTITY of grain store galvanised recessed floor ducting from a 50 x 60' grain store, to clear, along with galvanised grain tunnel & sheeting. Offers. J Jordan Tel 07535 990066 (Suffolk)
LANDMEC SIP 4.1m single rake, tidy, works as it should, 4 wheels, recent main bearings last season, can load. £1,950 ono. M Jeffrey Tel 07802 722408 (North Yorks)
VICON RC300 hay turner, in working order, used last season, c/w a few spare parts. £360 no VAT. D Baseley Tel 07927 386435 (Northants)
CLAAS Uniarm CM168 drum mower, 1 owner from new, manual & blade tool, runs brilliantly very quiet & no vibrations at all, video can be sent, top cover is dented hence price but doesn’t affect how it works, can load, very very clean. £750 ono no VAT. M Jeffrey Tel 07802 722408 (North Yorks)
SITREX haybob, all there & complete, needs a few new tines. £240 no VAT. D Baseley Tel 07927 386435 (Northants)
wheels & tripod, chain drive, 6”, 3 phase electrics, barn stored, real good order. £750+VAT. R Jones Tel 07785 583192 (Norfolk)
SIMPLEX outdoor grain silos (2), 120t, 18' diameter (7 rings high), stiffeners on outside. Free to dismantler. R Jones Tel 07785 583192 (Norfolk)
BOMFORD grass topper, twin blade, stored under cover, like new, call for more details. £1,250 ono. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire)
WOLSELEY 4' swipe, suits small Massey, good gearbox, frame needs attention. J H Withers & Son Tel 07947 684149 (Norfolk)
toppers new in stock & ready to go £1,175 each
New pallet carriages from £450
New Malone post bangers, side & t/l tilt...............................................................................£2,995
Choice of Gard 6m folding disc harrows £3,995 each
Maschio Aquilo 5m power harrows 2013/2015 from £10,950
Kubota GR1600 ride on mowers, choice £3,650
Perkins 6.354 powered irrigation pumps, choice of 8 POA
Claas Volto 770 6 rotor tedder £4,450
Claas Liner 350S single rotor rake £2,250
Kongskilde Delta 4m cultivator £3,750
Browns 3 leg sub soiler vgc £2,650
Knoche ring rollers 6.1m, vgc breakers £5,750
Honda Foreman 450 Quad 2014 ‘64 plate £3,995
2x Amazone Z-AM2200 SBS spreaders 2008 3700kg from £1,995
Krone Swadro 900 twin rotor rake Y11 £8,450
Warwick 14T trailer S/S hyd tailgate Y00 £4,750
McHale 998 bale wrapper 2002 Round Bale Kit £6,995
Howard Rotaspike 3M good order £2,995
Kverneland 5F plough new metal hyd vari width £4,750
Various 5m and 6m folding cultivators in stock POA
All prices + VAT
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
JOHN Deere X740 Ultimate ride on commercial mower, Yanmar diesel, 2018, viewing & testing welcome (NI), video available, new £4,000 commercial deck fitted, top spec, excellent condition. £6,995+VAT can deliver anywhere UK or Ireland (call for cost) S Martin Tel 07587 699437 (N Ireland) (County Down)
TAPS & DUAL models in stock
heavy duty, rated 200hp, well priced
Photos and full spec at
07748 004794
01245 442224
ISEKI SXG15, 2013, diesel, 40" cutting deck with rear mounted grass collector & deflector. H Montgomerie Tel 07860 592491 (Essex)
MCCONNEL F91 flails, set of 24, new & unused, Part no 7191320, can post at extra cost. £150. D McTurk Tel 07790 262216 (Essex)
BOMFORD Turner B467 hedge cutter/flail mower, owned from new, had v little use, 1.2m cutting head, boot flails 70% worn, alloy motor changed to cast iron, PTO joint replaced, otherwise all original, full w/o, no cracks or welding.
£5,000+VAT ono. R Shearwood Tel 07889 488036 (Lincolnshire)
BAUER E41 110-550 irrigator, 2011, 110mm–550m hose, only used on loamy soil, so minimal stone damage to the hose, always well looked after, winterised & dry stored over winter, excellent condition. £24,000+VAT ono. R Clarke Tel 01255 823031/07811 956789 (Essex)
LIMOUSIN bulls, polled Black & Red, Elite Health, TB4 semen tested, 2yrs old, ready to work, Bonshaw herd, Colchester; heifers & cows with calves also available. D Kinloch Tel 07748 786073/07718 786218 (Essex)
BOMFORD B468 hedge trimmer, good condition. £800+VAT ono. M Durie Tel 07810 293266 (Suffolk)
hedgecutter, 2019, clean & tidy, well maintained, digital joystick, hyd roller, parallel arm, rotor rev, powerslew, telescopic arm, independent hyds, debris blower, 3pt linkage mtd, finance can be arranged.
£18,000+VAT ono. L Smith Tel 07717 796470 (Essex)
The Hedging Specialists
Over 100 varieties of top quality hedge plants and young trees.
For a catalogue, advice or a competitive quote, contact Glebe Farm Hedging Langham, Essex CO4 5PP Tel: 01206 323200
MCCONNEL PA2060 hedge cutter, electric controls, axle mount, good working condition, can send more photos on request. £3,250 ono. T Allgood Tel 07762 267093 (Cambridgeshire)
Weekly Prime Cattle, Sheep and Store Cattle Sales
Monthly Poultry Sales
Pedigree Livestock Sales
Farm Sales and Valuations
Sale of Pigs twice a month
Annual Rare Breed Sale
PEDIGREE Hereford bull, Elwess Thunder(DH), born 10/03/2020, proven & registered, quiet, ran with first time calving heifers last year, all heifers calved easily with no problems at all. £1,800 ono. J Cotton Tel 07760 222028 (Lincolnshire)
LIGHT Sussex bantams, very correct. £12 each or £25/trio. K Smith Tel 07940 049960 (Derbyshire)
MARAN bantam pullets, POL, brown eggs, lovely birds. £12 each. K Smith Tel 07940 049960 (Derbyshire)
HEREFORD bull, full pedigree, excellent confirmation & fertility, too big for our dairy heifers. £1,800. K Smith Tel 07940 049960 (Derbyshire)
FERRI TS45 flail hedge cutter, cable controls, always looked after, most hoses replaced, whatever needed it’s had done, power slew to get into corners, purchase of newer machine forces sale, but absolutely lovely to use & operate. £2,950+VAT ono. J Pesterfield Tel 01347 889299 (North Yorks)
PEDIGREE Limousin bulls, 15/16 months old, well grown, with superb temperaments, out of two of our best cows, they are grandsons to Wilodge Cerebus, viewing welcome. A Keeling Tel 07714 329802 (Suffolk)
BOMFORD B577 hedge cutter, good condition & always barn stored. J Fowell Tel 01263 587356/07767 441111 (Norfolk)
hedge cutter, 3 point linkage, all works as it should, had one repair to arm but been done well (see in photo), cables all good.
£2,350 no VAT. S Peacock Tel 07799 412027 (Norfolk)
SS Engineering Professional Drain Jetter, 2018 model, 2018, in excellent condition, 600m hose with selection of nozzles, hand held remote control (operate from tractor seat), auto stop & retry
flush function, pipe out measure.
£12,500+VAT ono. A Towns Tel 07751 917839 (Lincolnshire)
CLAY land drain pipes for sal,. 150 x 3", 500 x 4" & 150 x 6". Offers, buyer to collect. R Hill Tel 07818 403422 (Suffolk)
WRIGHT Rain irrigation reels (2). Offers.
M Dales Tel 07836 541127/01790 752306 (Lincolnshire)
RHEA chicks for sale, whites, well socialised, with the increasing feed cost they they are very affordable.
A Javis Tel 07537 133714 (Hertfordshire)
GLOUCESTERSHIRE Old Spot X Duroc breeding boars & gilts; store pigs also available. J Sowter Tel 07561 637615 (Derbyshire)
Deadweight Cattle Sales
Straw and Fodder Sales 28-92711
Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1JY 01664 562971
ABERDEEN Angus bulls, top blood lines, Elite Health, TB4, semen tested, ready to work, choice of 4, 2–3yrs old, Bonshaw Pedigree Angus Colchester. D Kinloch Tel 07748 786073/07718 786218 (Essex)
BLONDE, White & Standard emu chicks, emu breeding season has begun & our birds have just started laying eggs, will be hatching our first batch of eggs in late January & will have Standard, White & Blonde chicks available. A Javis Tel 07537 133714 (Hertfordshire)
ANGUS bulls, ready to add value to your cows & heifers, closed herd, very quiet, mainly by genus AI sires. J Runciman Tel 07795 548648 (Norfolk)
BLACK Face Dorper sheep & other meat sheep, we have a total selection of 640 sheep for sale (Dorpers, Merinos, Meatmasters), top-notch healthy stock, Whatsapp us to place an order, thanks. £200+VAT ono. A Javis Tel 07537 133714 (Hertfordshire)
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
OSTRICHES six females & two males available, all are healthy & strong, all birds will be breeding age in summer 2023. £1,000+VAT ono. A Javis Tel 07537 133714 (Hertfordshire)
YOUNG pedigree polled Hereford bulls, good selection of quality bulls that will be ready for spring work, mainly sired by Pepperstock 1 Rebellious & Kinglee 1 Romeo, good pedigrees, shape, quiet temperament, BVD & IBR vaccinated, TB4. £2,200–£3,000. J Speirs Tel 07979 463480 (Bedfordshire)
PEDIGREE registered poll Hereford bull, 17 months old, well bred, outlier, quiet to handle. £1,250. O Bradbury Tel 01335 390286 (Derbyshire)
BATEMAN galvanised cattle creep feeder, tidy order. £500. T Fountain Tel 07725 844740/07851 732471/01889 590282 (Derbyshire)
CATTLE feed fences, 4 x 17', good condition. £150 ono. W Moseley Tel 07510 706385 (Cheshire)
PEDIGREE Aberdeen Angus bulls from the Park Wall herd, 19-23 months old, Johnes Level 1, BVD Accredited, IBr Marker & BVD vaccinated, TB4. J Musk Tel 01638 724831 (Suffolk)
21-MONTH old pedigree polled Hereford bull. good temperament, shape, size, ready for work on cows, IBR & BVD vaccinated, TB4 area, viewing welcomed. £2,500. J Speirs Tel 07979 463480 (Bedfordshire)
BUTLEY Herefords, registered pedigree bulls & females, quiet & easily handled, all bulls halter trained & guaranteed under Hereford Society rules, TB4 area. www. DC Smith & Sons Tel 07971 694912/07885 594143 (Suffolk)
WELSH weaner pigs, boars & gilts, from quality stock. P Swain Tel 01570 493284 (Ceredigion)
TURKEY/POULTRY feeders (16), 9' x 3'6", 150kg capacity, suitable for mash or pellet feeding, some may need small repairs. £30. T Roberts Tel 01279 850293 (Essex)
AG 175 Mk2 sand dispenser, only 2yr old, very little use, excellent condition. £4,500. J Gibson Tel 07931 930369 (Nottinghamshire)
APS Ltd are a well established professional agricultural and poultry farm cleaning business providing a wide range of services and support
07711 043650 • Barry 07712 434143 • Sean
PYGMY goat, handsome, vaccinated, castrated male kid, born on 27/11/22, will be ready for selling end of February, full of life & cute. £300. P Rutter Tel 07926 095493 (Lincolnshire)
PEDIGREE Hereford bulls, 14 to 18 months, quiet and easy to handle, from SAC High Health herd & 4yr TB area. R Fowell Tel 07947 126053/01263 587285 (Norfolk)
ANIMAL feed grade oat flakes, oat flour & oat bran, can deliver oat chaff in bulk. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire)
TWO 2021 hatched peacocks & six 2022 peahens for sale, kept indoors. Reasonable prices. C Grundy Tel 01406 330205 (Lincolnshire)
SIMMENTAL heifer, 12mths, lovely nature, walks with a halter, been in season, very reluctant sale, make a lovely suckler.
A Waspe Tel 07584 091901 (Suffolk)
07879 402246 01948 710662
KUHN/PRIMOR mounted straw bedding blower, vgc, blows straw up to 40'. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire)
FULLWOOD drafting gate, good condition. £1,750+VAT ono. R Gray Tel 07939 443353 (South Yorks)
ALFA Laval large 32kg (7 gallon) milk receiver jars, three available, £100 each; other odd parlour spares available. M Woodall Tel 07811 043362 (Gloucestershire)
SIMMENTAL bulls for sale, polled pedigree, High Health status, TB4, one 6yr old homozygous (all calves will have no horns), for sale due to a lot of daughters in the herd, selection of younger bulls polled & halter broken, 10/15 months. C Patmore Tel 07702 503081 (Essex)
NORTH Country Mule Theaves (100)
IN LAMB - due end of March, being scanned end of January, call for more details or email LBlackmanandsons@ visit www.lblackmanandsons. com. P Blackman Tel 07880 728341 (Cambridgeshire)
625016/07889 640199
FORSTER Technik Eco milk machine, purchased April 2021 & only used for 5 calves since, brilliant machine which can be used for calves or lambs, please call for more info. Will be cleaned off before collection. £2,500 ono. J Cotton Tel 07760 222028 (Nottinghamshire)
RITCHIE Continental cattle crush + Ezi Weigh, as new. £2,750+VAT. S Thompson Tel 07760 284420 (East Yorkshire)
CREEP feeder, barn stored, vgc, call for more details. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire)
KEENAN Classic feeder wagon, weigher, knives, barn stored, good condition. £2,200. T Payne Tel 07765 411361/07880 964982 (Norfolk)
CATTLE feed barriers, 14'6" long, 8 available, good condition. £150+VAT. C Blood Tel 07752 610172 (Leicestershire)
11-TONNE bulk bin, in good condition, collection only. £500 ono; also a selection of pig feeders for finishing & weaner pigs. M Durie Tel 07810 293266 (Suffolk)
ROOT chopper, 2018 model, little used & in gwo, ideal for fodder beet, etc. £1,950. W Graham Tel 07917 357932 (Suffolk)
LAMB shelters (2), galvanised, good condition. £240+VAT each. J Kerley Tel 07967 819294 (Cambridgeshire)
CALF hutches (17). £100 each. J Gibson Tel 07931 930369 (Nottinghamshire)
RECO/JEANTIL rear mounted straw spreader, tidy & clean condition.
£2,000+VAT. J Coxon Tel 07876 774404/07748 901482 (South Yorks)
SNOW blower, 3 point linkage, front or rear. POA. M Robson Tel 07801 885520 (North Yorks)
HI-SPEC V12 diet tub feeder, 2003, dual discharge, weigher, single auger, 2 speed gearbox, in working order.
£2,750+VAT ono. H Ward Tel 07880 200566 (Lincolnshire)
EX-COUNCIL snow ploughs (3), converted to use on tractors. M Dales Tel 07836 541127/01790 752306 (Lincolnshire)
New hands/foot control system, 2022, c/w LWC 5’ bucket, as new condition
FULLWOOD parlour parts – Fullwood 10/10 herringbone milk meters, £250 each; Auto ID, Crystal Management, Augermaster feeders, variable milk pump, excellent condition, sell whole or for parts. £1,234+VAT ono. R Gray Tel 07939 443353 (South Yorks)
MILKING plant & milk tank, GM.MR 2000, 8x8 plant, 16 units, ACRs, c/w milk meters, key pads linked to Uniform Agri program, vac pump milk pump, new Ambic teat sprayer, EB auto feeders, 12000L DX milk tank (may sell tank separately). J Gibson Tel 07931 930369 (Nottinghamshire)
CATTLE handling system – cattle crowder, premier crush & weigh platform, complete system or would sell items separately, all in excellent condition, purchased in 2017/18 & always kept under cover.
£5,800+VAT ono. J Massie Tel 07973 482993 (Derbyshire)
HYDRAULIC bucket brush, in working order. £395+VAT. S Andrews Tel 07778 014792 (Bedfordshire)
JUNGHEINRICH/MIC manual pallet truck, 2t capacity with wide arms, 980mm wide by 1000mm long, ideal potato/fruit boxes. R Statham Tel 07966422469 (Staffordshire)
JF Stoll VM24 feeder wagon, 2015, 24m3 capacity, steering rear axle, good working order. £14,500+VAT. S Wisson-Burton Tel 07776 184394 (Cambridgeshire)
IFOR Williams TA510G cattle trailer, purchased new in 2018, 3500kg
07973 482993 (Derbyshire)
SUTON PTO driven yard/road brush, 1996, various positions, depth wheels, good condition. £800+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
Thames Valley Machinery
31-93253 07764 835562
JCB Loadall 536-60 Agri Super, 2011, 4400hrs, 130hp turbocharged 6 speed powershift transmission with TorqueLock & kick-down, 460/70R24 XMCL Michelin tyres, excellent condition. £34,000+VAT. P Hirst Tel 07712 676012 (Lincolnshire)
TEREX T250 pivot steer telescopic loader, 08 model, 6000hrs, tyres 35%, good machine. £13,750 ono. R Edwards Tel 07967 828571 (Hereford)
ALBUTT toe tip bucket, 1.25cu/m capacity, 2014 model, euro brackets. £1,450. W Graham Tel 07917 357932 (Suffolk)
TOTE/FEED bin with hydraulic slider, has been used for feeding pigs, but could be used for filling a seed drill or fert spreader, holds about 1.25t of pelleted food in it, built in 2020 by local engineering company. £1,250+VAT ono. J Reeve Tel 07909 811561 (Lincolnshire)
07884 265202 (Essex)
Micron 6m tractor mounted weedwipers FOR SALE OR HIRE POA
Quantock 2.5m slitter aerator, shopsoiled, NEW £2,150
Teagle Tomahawk 4040 straw chopper £2,000
Caulkett HD twin bag lifter,
JCB brackets £600
Vaderstad Rapid A600S 6m grain drill, new discs, 2009 £14,000
Reekie Netago Speedstar stone & clod separator, web, stars, web, 2004, multi blade shares, vgc £3,500 ono
Standen FM2 potato tops pulveriser, 2015, variable length blades £3,500 ono Grimme tops pulveriser, two GL32B potato planters POA
We offer JCB and Manitou products
03333 202555
LOADER for MF 100, 200, 300 Series. POA. M Robson Tel 07801 885520 (North Yorks)
JCB TM 320S T4I IIIB pivot steer wheeled loader, 2014, 7575hrs, joystick control, air con, pin & cone headstock, option of JCB Q fit headstock available, Michelin tyres 460/70.R24 20% tread. £39,950+VAT ono. C Rich Tel 07570 103098/01749 326115 (Somerset)
JCB 2 man cradle, does not meet current legislation but in good condition with gate either end. £300 ono. D Wakefield Tel 07889 756705 (Cambridgeshire)
JCB 536 70 Agri Pro, 2016 66 reg, 4260hrs, tyres 90%, very good condition, LED lights. £52,500+VAT. R Lane Tel 07703 280255/01234 740241 (Bedfordshire)
J Witherow Tel 01954 267979/07889 058326 (Cambridgeshire)
All + VAT & delivery unless otherwise stated
07775 741720
MANITOU MLT 737-130 PS, 2017, only 3500hrs, top spec top machine, owner driver from new. £52,500. L Rich Tel 07774 112211 (Gloucestershire)
TAYLOR loader adapter, Euro headstock to pin & cone (Matbo), hydraulic locking, new condition. £750+VAT. D Beak Tel 01805 804292/07970 278860 (Devon)
MANITOU pin & cone carriage & pallet tines, carriage came of 68 plate 737-130 only done 2500hrs, c/w locking rams, tines & quick attach frame in excellent condition. £1,850+VAT. C Bacon Tel 07811 162299 (Derbyshire)
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
01531 820545 •
CRAWFORD bag lift for forklift, to extend height for loading seed into drills, 500kg capacity, photos on request, good condition. £300 ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
MATBRO TS280, 1996 P reg, 8700hrs, very straight & tidy machine. £8,950+VAT. C Bacon Tel 07811 162299 (Derbyshire)
BEECH table, never used, beautiful condition, black square frame legs, 111” long x 42” wide. POA. M Robson Tel 07801 885520 (North Yorks)
STAINLESS steel double sink, 8' x 2'+, very strong. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
Tel: 01280 705202 Fax: 01280 704163
Field Farm, Charlton Road, Evenley, Brackley, Northants NN13 5GH
JOZ slurry scraper system, unsuccessful trial in a pig building, virtually unused, two 1.5kw drive heads, twin controller, two corner rollers, approx 600m of chain, call for full specification. £20,000+VAT ono. J Stent Tel 07786 065 327 (Suffolk)
MUCK fork & grab, used with JCB fittings, useful for spares or repair, suitable for a restoration project. P Evans Tel 01787 227335 (Essex)
• Variable firing sequence
• 7 day - 24h clock
• Integral legs
• Opt integral battery
• Opt solar panel
MATBRO TS260 telehandler, 2.6t, 7m lift, 1996, 7200hrs, good tyres, tines included. £8,000+VAT. P Mahony Tel 07909 903391 (Suffolk)
SAMBRON AM252 rough terrain forklift, 1977, one owner since new, duplex mast, pallet tines, general purpose bucket, tipping carriage, tower mast extension, 3rd hydraulic service, 2wd, 2.5t lift capacity, 6552hrs. T Wilkinson Tel 07969 469465 (North Yorks)
NC slurry pump/loader, PTO driven slurry mixer/loader/pump, c/w top fill pipe. £750+VAT. A Simpson Tel 01738 840111 (Perth & Kinross)
• Unique silent Sunday option from £320 + vat
HOBART AE200 mixer, three 20qt bowls, mincer & slicer attachments, bread hook, whisk & beater, all in good condition. £450 ono. G Charity Tel 07889 316853 (Lincolnshire)
MAJOR tanker, one year old, in immaculate condition, for sale due to change in storage (North Norfolk). Phone for more details. £8,500. P Mutimer Tel 07788 585982 (Norfolk)
SLURRY tanker 3000L, on flotation tyres, full lights & brakes. £3,000; also 1000 gallon slurry tanker. £1,500. B Colson Tel 07789 261067 (Suffolk)
WEIDEMANN 1370 CX50 loader, 2016, only 1010hrs, c/w forks & bucket, flotation tyres 80%, vgc, must be seen. POA. D Dye Tel 01508 498169 (Norfolk) 07764 835562
JOHN Deere telehandler PUH, for spares or repair. £175+VAT. M Abblitt Tel 07720 839253 (Cambridgeshire)
SHELBOURNE Reynolds Powermix
Pro Express 13 mixer wagon, 2007, in good working order, new gearbox & only been used for 20hrs since, ready to go to work. £7,000+VAT. M Sharp Tel 07725 909986 (Essex)
BOX of 6" black flower pots. Offers. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406
330769 (Lincolnshire)
SINGLE phase glass polisher. Offers. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406
330769 (Lincolnshire)
SCHARMULLER towing eye, Cat 4, 40mm hole, good condition. £525+VAT. A Bentley Tel 07957 553028/01603 879709 (Norfolk)
TIPPING skips, heavy duty 2t, 4 way entry, not bent or twisted, some need patch in floor to make water tight £180, good watertight skips £285. P Mott Tel 07813 683410 (Nottinghamshire)
MERLO TF 35.7, 7m, 120hp 460-R70-24 60%, 3600hrs, boom suspension & pick up hitch, very genuine machine. £36,000+VAT. M Fisher Tel 07976 622090 (Norfolk)
TWO single phase electric motors. Offers. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406
330769 (Lincolnshire)
SELECTION of demijohns & equipment for wine making. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769 (Lincolnshire)
MUCK grab, good working condition, please call. £200 ono. W Moseley Tel 07510 706385 (Cheshire)
SLURRY vacuum tanker, 1500 gallon, in good working order, hydraulic brakes, good vacuum pump, always stored under cover. £2,750+VAT ono. R Taylor Tel 07764245035 (Northants)
t: 01493 733211 07880 552295
HI-SPEC 1000 muck spreader, had very little use, in as new condition. £5,650+VAT. H Haynes Tel 01793 762437/07711 488341 (Wiltshire)
PLOUGH discs & stalks, plus other parts, fair condition. £55. P Beales Tel 07584 189359 (Suffolk)
RANSOMES TS109 4 furrow reversible plough, used condition. £120. A Herbert Tel 07809 019830/01449 673613 (Suffolk)
DOWDESWELL DP8B 4 furrow reversible plough. J Adams Tel 07812 367009 (Worcestershire)
KVERNELAND double axle plough press, 2.1m wide. N Rossi Tel 07930 336534 (Norfolk)
DOWDESWELL 140 Series MA 5+1 plough, 2009, good working order, refurbished 2020 by Agrihire. £7,000+VAT. S Baker Tel 07585 442177 (Suffolk)
BUNNING 120 rear discharge spreader, 2 available, both in good working order, one with new chains & slats last year, other with half new this year, one is 2002 & other is 2004. £13,000+VAT ono.
J Robinson Tel 07725 810258 (Leicestershire)
KVERNELAND LD 100/300 6f plough, 300hp headstock, high clearance, 2012, 28 mouldboards, knock on points, 2295kg, little used due to system change, excellent condition, any questions please call. £12,600+VAT ono A Odell Tel 07763 853247 (Warwickshire)
Shelbourne Powermix Pro 9 McConnel Magnum Elite Kramer KT 357
JCB 526-56 Agri Plus
2012, fixed front conveyor, weigher, straw ring, man hyds, magnet
Paul Goodwin | 07970 805340
245M flail mower, 2020, hydraulic offset, rear roller, 2.4m working width
Stuart Dixon | 07506 595873
2017, Deutz engine, PUH, air conditioning, Manitou headstock, third service, boom lights, hrs Dec 2200
Graham Milner | 07885 243761
2018, 3710hrs, c/w left hand reverse, Q-fit carriage, third service, hyd locking pin, pallet tines, rear hitch, 460/70R24 tyres, boom lights
Roger Woolley | 07543 506421
Power Command, 50kph creep, 666hrs, 2 beacons, exhaust brake, 650/65R38 & 540/65R28 tyres, high vis, 4 remotes, radio, HTS1, 110L pump, 8 LEDs
Jim Nash | 07734 550400
2013, 1051 threshing 1617 eng hrs, yield & moisture, straw chopper & chaff spreader, 6.8m unloading tube, engine air comp, 24” Smartrax & 500/85R24
rear tyres
George Hall | 07951 326071
Sulky X40+ Econov New Holland
2018, 24-36m, weighing, Vision control, terminal with ISO link, wide hopper extension, R/L level sensor, hyd folding cover, immaculate
Britt Whitworth | 07543 506866
2019, 2868hrs, 50kph AC Eco, 4 remotes, EPL, front linkage to rear remotes, 4 speed PTO, 150L pump, AGR, radar, ISO rear breakaway, intelligent trailer braking, exhaust brake
John Mycroft | 07920 589737
4 string BB baler, 2002, single axle, 80k bales
Nev Kirby | 07970 805369
2019, steering tandem axle, LED service lights, 560/45R22.5, elec bale length, standard packer, 18353 bale count
Philip Maw | 07966 067240
2017, c/w single belt, 540 gearbox, 15 knives, hyd brakes, crop roller, 23729 bales
2019, 3885hrs, 50kph AC, exh brake, AGR custom steer, 140L pump, j/stick, 2 MMV, P/Beyond, 4 e/remotes, f/ linkage, PTO & couplers, 650/75R38 & 600/65R28 Vredestein basic telematics
Jim Nash | 07734 550400
Amazone ZA-M Profis
2011, hyd drive, 24-36m discs, hopper cover, hopper extensions, Amatron+ & GPS switch control box, road lights
Dave Bradley | 07977 480920
round baler, 2018, approx 35,000 bales c/w 15 knife chopper, brakes, crop roller, new style net system
07779 793039
LEMKEN Vari-Diamant 10 7f semimounted, on-land/in-furrow, hyd variwidth, W52 bodies, new metal fitted where re uired, c w large uantity of spare metal & parts. 2008 build, new turnover rams, ready to go. 11,500 T ono. artin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire)
GRIMME 32 planter f w granular applicator & 120 sprayer, manual pressure, covering hood, barn stored. arrison Tel 0 0 585949 orfolk
POTATO chitting trays, very good condition, thousands available. please call. 1 each ono. oseley Tel 0 510 06385 Cheshire
POTATO drill ridger, good working condition. 200 ono. oseley Tel 0 510 06385 Cheshire
DEWULF 2 3 row belt potato planter, 201 , current model, includes powder & granule applicators, cameras, self levelling, 2.5T auto tip hopper, steering, in excellent order approx 300ha . 39,000 T. Taylor Tel 0 909 52 235 orfolk
2018, 4500hrs, Autopower 50kph, 650/65R42 – 600/65R28, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready, Command
5009hrs, Autopower 50kph, 650/65R42 – 600/65R28, front & cab suspension, front linkage
2016, 5730hrs, Autopower 50kph, 710/60R42 – 600/60R30, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready, front linkage & PTO
2015, 6000hrs, Autopower 50kph, 600/65R38 – 540/65R24, 4 electric SCVs, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready, Command Arm
2016, 8022hrs, Autopower 50kph, 650/85R38 – 600/70R28, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready, front linkage & PTO
6155R 2017, 1957hrs, Direct Drive 40kph, 580/70R38 – 540/65R28, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready, Command Arm
2020, 3321hrs, Autoquad Plus 50kph, 650/85R38 – 600/65R30, front & cab suspension, front linkage
2018, 3349hrs, Autopower 50kph, 650/75R38 – 600/65R28, front & cab suspension, front linkage & PTO
2018, 5069hrs, Vario 65kph, 600/70R30, front linkage, AGRA GPS ready, LED lights, Field Pro pack
4924hrs, Autopower, 30” tracks, 4 electric SCVs, leather seat, swinging drawbar, Autotrac ready
1809hrs, Autoquad Plus 50kph, 650/65R42 – 540/65R30, front & cab suspension, Autotrac ready
Autoquad 50kph,
TopDown TD300
Väderstad TopDown TD400
Väderstad TopDown TD500
Väderstad Extensions to fit NZA Cultivator
Väderstad RST 550 Twin Press
Väderstad RST 630 Twin Press
Väderstad RST 830 Twin Press
Rapidlift RL 400 Cultivating Solutions £5,000
Rapidlift RL 600 to fit a Väderstad 6m Drill Demo Unit
He-Va Rolls 12m c/w 24" Diameter Rings 2011
He-Va Rolls 16.3m c/w 24" Diameter Rings 2012
He-Va Stealth 3m low Disturbance Subsoiler New
Köckerling All Rounder 6m New
Köckerling Allrounder Cultivator 7.5m
Köckerling Vario 4.8m Cultivator New
Köckerling Vario 4.8m Cultivator Ex Demo
Köckerling Vario 5.7m Cultivator
SEED potato storage boxes, 64 seed specific 1.2T available, bought new February 2020, used to store seed twice only, all in pretty much new condition, always dry stored. £85+VAT ono each. R Clarke Tel 07811 956789 (Essex)
All of our LED units come with a one metre lead and a 13 amp plug Lights can be leap frogged Available in sizes
5ft to 12ft
Options: Free standing or hanging
REEKIE 3 bed ridger, 2009, very good order, new points, not been used for 7yrs. £5,250+VAT ono. S Mann Tel 07852 981855 (Lincolnshire)
EXPERIENCED machinery operator required for family farm, 3 bedroom house available, pay negotiable. R Gates Tel 07801 567027 (Bedfordshire)
EXPERIENCED tractor driver seeks position, have worked with cattle, sheep, goats & horses, have tickets for 360 & chainsaw, looking for farm, estate or stable yard work, full time with accommodation, anything considered. B Grove Tel 07379 493966 (West Sussex)
ASSORTMENT of power shafts. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769 (Lincolnshire)
To suit most flail mowers and hedge cutters at competitive prices
Tel: 01427 718561
Fax: 01427 718016
LELY power tines (12), old type, straight shank, with nuts & washers. £60. P Beales Tel 07584189359/01284828360 (Suffolk)
INTERNATIONAL 955 or 1055 6 cylinder engine. J Adams Tel 07812 367009 (Worcestershire)
TWO John Deere 6910 s/h hydraulic arms. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
STANDEN PV150/70 potato bed tille bought new 2020, had very little use over two seasons (50 acres only), close to new condition, dry stored over winter, please contact me for details. £15,000+VAT ono. R Clarke Tel 07811 956789 (Essex)
REEKIE RMP2 cup fed potato planter. £800+VAT. T Smith Tel 07921568322 (Kent)
01621 828689
POTATO/ONION storage boxes, very good condition, most from 2010, approx 130, bought new, one trip with onions in from New Zealand in 2010, these have been used for potato storage only, in pretty decent condition overall. £40+VAT ono. R Clarke Tel 01255 823031/07811 956789 (Essex)
Also flail mowers for tractors and excavators from 15 to 200HP (Flails direct is a division of Engineering and Hire Ltd)
OIL filters to fit MX tractors, axial flow combines, 71 Series Magnums, 16 Series combines with Cummins engines. £10 each. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
STARTER motor for VW/Skoda 1.9 diesel pickup MkII, new condition, in box. £50; also hard top cover to fit same. £50. L Baker Tel 07879 885505/01406 330782 (Lincolnshire) JACK points (175), 8.5" long, c/w bolts. £175+VAT. J Stilgoe Tel 01328 738237 (Norfolk)
Tractor & Combine Controls
Material Handler
Joysticks & SLI's
Grain & Precision Drills
Balers & Wrappers
Mowers & Foragers
Sprayers & Fertiliser
Diet Feeder Weighing Systems
David King Electronics
GRIMME CS150 Combi Star destoner, in excellent well maintained condition, always dry stored over winter. £21,000+VAT ono. R Clarke Tel 07811 956789 (Essex)
POTATO chitting trays, wooden (17). Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
DOWNS Husky potato grader, 6', stars, coils, picking off belt, all in vgc. £4,500+VAT. R Ditch Tel 07789 700660 (Norfolk)
SCANSTONE windrower with Evolution cleaner, 2016, little used, very tidy machine, viewing welcome (HR81HA). £15,000+VAT. G Blandford Tel 07973 424473 (Hereford)
Pellcroft Engineering Ltd Coningsby, Lincs 01526 342466
with oil pump, top & bottom gasket sets & rear & front seals
For engine builds AA, AB, AC, AG, AH, AK, AM
STANDEN potato planter, 2004, excellent condition, viewing welcome. £900+VAT. G Blandford Tel 07973 424473 (Hereford)
GRIMME GL42K potato planter, 2011, excellent condition, liquid fert kit, in-furrow sprayer kit, only done 470ha, must be seen, ready to go.
£12,000+VAT ono. J Tomkins Tel 07798 668186 (Norfolk)
ENTHUSIASTIC person/persons wanted with a genuine interest & some experience in farming, initially to work alongside owner of 40 acre farm, consisting of a pig unit & suckler herd, with prospect of future tenancy, accommodation could be provided. G Shepherd Tel 01283 732275 (Derbyshire)
Tel: 01789 731365
GERMINATOR spares – 9 tines, 65 points c/w bolts. £120+VAT. J Stilgoe Tel 01328 738237 (Norfolk)
01489 896 626
WABCO palm couplings (42), 3m long. £150. C Bigley Tel 07909 910005/01406 540505 (Lincolnshire)
WATKINS 2500kg front weight with reflector lights, plus two integral tool boxes, 2017, good condition. £2,600+VAT ono. C Leggott Tel 01636 626229/07967 975638 (Lincolnshire)
air cooled, running, good starter, 224hp, 3700hrs, out of Matrot beet harvester. £2,750+VAT. M Pursey Tel 07890 686466 (Hereford)
Crop Sprayers
Demounts|Self Propelled
LQ Electrac 3000/24m
c/w sets of wheels
LQ demo InTrac 4200/24m
Self Propelled
LQ CV 4000 30m 4250hrs
LQ CV 3000 24m 4500hrs
both c/w sets of wheels
NSTS Testing
Umbrella Fertiliser Nozzles
Quadbike & Golf Course Sprayers
Orchard & Fruit Sprayers
Tanks of all shapes & sizes 75–8000L + replacement tanks for Knight/Gem/Team/Househam 01379 588286
Email: 47-92972
SANDS sprayer, 1988, 6128cc, 2 axle rigid body, 4413hrs, 4 spare tyres, for spares or repair. £4,500 ono. R Robinson Tel 07718 975043/07745 786278 (Monmouthshire)
Sprayer Specialists in the Eastern & Southern Counties
Sprayer Specialist in the Eastern & Southern Counties New and used sprayers and parts stocked for: Berthoud • Househam
BILLERICAY AutoStreamer, very good condition, used for one year, now gone back to solid fertiliser, enough for 36m. £1,100+VAT.
M Abblitt Tel 07720 839253 (Cambridgeshire)
HARDI Master 15m sprayer, 2007, 1200L tank, used condition. £3,500 ono. R Andrew Tel 07733 198772 (Cambridgeshire)
incorporating VASSGRO SPRAYERS
Agricultural Application Machinery Specialists
GEM sprayer, 1995, 2200L tank, 18m booms, test expired Nov 2022, new narrow tyres, new 6 cylinder pump, new flow sensor, good tank & booms, fully cleaned & ready to spray, reason for sale - bought a 24m. J Lewis Tel 07821 015358 (East Yorkshire) 47-92697
Hardi Commander Classic 2800L 24m, Hc2500 controller,2006 £11,000 + VAT
Contact Richard Dix 07770 331587
BOSTON 01205 722 240
WISBECH 01945 461 181
BEDFORD 01525 841 923
Chafer • Agrifac and most other makes
Hypro • Teejet • Lechler
Altek • RDS • Dual Pumps
Enduramaxx • Stocks Fan Jet
Robert Webb: 07860 801322
Anthony Williams: 07711 947189
Phil Ramsey: 07934 799628
Andy Gemmill: 07802 336880 01279 812727
2010 Househam AirRide, 3500L, 12/24m, auto section, GPS/auto steer, two sets of wheels, 3938hrs, but will increase as in use, available early April. £50,000+VAT. E Henshaw Tel 07793 462120 (Kent)
BERTHOUD Tenor 28-30 trailed tracker, 2014, 24m boom, 3000L, steering axle, auto boom height & spray control, handheld joystick, 2 sets wheels (70%), pump overhauled, tested Oct 2022, good condition. £2,640+VAT. A Ashwell Tel 07850 283812 (Hertfordshire)
BATEMAN RB25 with fertiliser skid unit & rowcrops, 1999, 11575hrs, 175hp, good condition.
£14,000+VAT ono. J Arnold Tel 07974 333464 (West Midlands)
Hardi Commander Classic
2800L 24m, HC2500 controller, 2006
MERCEDES Unimog U90 turbo forward control, 1998, c/w 2500L demountable Landquip sprayer, 24m aluminium booms, stainless tank, lightweight – go anywhere, very good clean condition, well maintained throughout, 5205hrs, 2 sets of wheels. £12,000. P Gywther Tel 07855 974020 (Pembrokeshire)
SANDS Lowline 3000, 24m gullwing booms, 32" rowcrop wheels with good recent tyres & in good tidy condition, tested. £14,000+VAT ono. R Gates Tel 07801 567027 (Bedfordshire)
CASE 3000L SP 24m, MOT Sept 2023, two sets of wheels, 4000hrs approx. £18,500 ono. R Davy Tel 07762 164552 (Northants)
MCCONNEL A280 Agribuggy 24m variable geo, 2018, 4ws, 2500hrs, GPS, 15-section shut-off fert spreader demount kit available, 5-way nozzles on s/s lines, 3 sets wheels, Michelin 540/65R24 LGP intermediates, 11.2xR42 rowcrops, exc cond. £98,000+VAT ono. M Richardson Tel 07709 544910 (East Yorkshire)
Too much spec to list! Ring for details! Excellent Condition
For more details visit our website or call 01362 687260 • 07771 972092
SANDS Horizon 4000, 2016, 30m boom (easily changed to 36m), 3380hrs, owned from new, no liquid fert, excellent condition, auto on/ off & height, Ag Leader mapping, night lights, 50k road speed, 2 sets of Michelin tyres, MOT Dec 22. £115,000+VAT. J Speirs Tel 07979 463480 (Bedfordshire)
SANDS Lowline 3000, 24m gullwing booms, 32” rowcrop wheels with good recent tyres & in good tidy condition, tested. £14,000+VAT ono. R Gates Tel 07801 567027 (Bedfordshire)
VEGCRAFT induction hopper, stainless steel, fast fill, mixing & rinsing aids, single phase high output pump, good condition. £3,000+VAT ono. A Wilson Tel 07732 671320 (Greater Manchester)
01449 737482 07860 618903
LANDQUIP Electrac trailed, 2004, 24/12m aluminium booms, 4x6m section control, 2600L tank, 150L clean water tank, rinse spray boom recirc, in cab on/off, pressure control, boom fold out & level, autotrac, steering, good cond.
£11,000+VAT ono. A Towns Tel 07751 917839 (Lincolnshire)
KNIGHT 2050 self propelled, 5000L stainless tank, Muller controls, electric tank level/fill ind hopper, 24m 4section, 380-46 tyres 4300hrs 400L pump triple nozzles, autolube, 4ws hydraulic track adjust, 2011, serviced by Knights, good clean order. J Claydon Tel 07831 642134/01440 820327 (Suffolk)
BERTHOUD Racer Ex DP Tronic, 2003, 24m booms, 2500L tank, 2 sets of nozzles, on good 9.5-R48 rowcrop tyres, 4 section boom control, no NSTS test, machine has not been used fully for 2yrs, reasonable condition for year.
£2,800+VAT ono. R McKenzie Tel 07768 904989 (Cambridgeshire)
AMAZONE ZAM fertiliser spreader, 2002, in very good order, c/w bout limiter & hopper cover, shot blasted & painted throughout in 2022 & not used since, for sale as now surplus to requirements. £1,600+VAT. W Potter Tel 07803 015471 (Nottinghamshire)
BATEMAN RB16, 1999, approx 11,972hrs, 24m boom, 3000L tank, partial chassis refurb by Batemans in 2020, maintained by us & Bateman, very tidy, well maintained machine for its age, 2 sets of wheels. £19,700 ono.
J Hues Tel 07812 186640 (Wiltshire)
VICON fertiliser spreader, 12–28m spread, headland limiter, lights, hopper cover, vgc. £1,800 ono no VAT. D Mardell Tel 01279 771283/07712 652260 (Hertfordshire)
Beet buckets – choice of standard & toe tip
BEET CLEANERS – CHOICE OF CTM & TODD with picking tables etc
Kverneland, Unicorn, Monopill, & Stanhay
Lemken Smaragd 9 hydraulic fold 4m terradisc cultivator
on Kongskilde Vibro Compact drillmate with packer etc
Dutch & combination harrows – 3 to 6m
Plough presses – Cousins, Lemken & KV for large ploughs
Reco hydraulic bag crane for fert spreader
Bunnings low loader hyd lowering for drill combination, etc
Pettit grain trailers 5 & 12 ton very old and very good
stainless steel water/fert bowsers
Flat artic trailer 30’ with 5th wheel dolly and hyd brakes
w/w from 2/3m, multi-fit system 3pt linkage or pallet tine mtd, loader or handler brackets, fully galv frame
10 rear discharge spreader 2022, slurry door, 580/70R38 tyres, 14mm chains, LED lights, wide angle PTO
NEW ProDig Shear Genius shear buckets & shear grabs 1.5/1.8/2.2m wide, plastic film retainer, wide opening, tempered serrated blades, nickel chromed hyd rams, PRV, h/d & robust
Storth Farmer Plus dribble bar 10m, 40 outlet, 250mm spacing, stone trap, breakback protection
straw bedder 2013, electric controls, straw bedder & silage feeder
Root chopper bucket 2m wide, 1.6cu/m cap, c/w loader or handler brkt, stone trap (option), also available as mixer bucket – will feed roots, maize, silage & meal
NEW Kidd 450 trailed bale shredder 4.5cu/m, swivel chute 270o, r/c to t/gate & floor conveyor, handles straw, silage, hay & haylage bales <1.54m wide
NEW ProDig shear grabs widths 1.3/1.5/1.8/2.2/2.5m, cap 0.85–3cu/m, hardox tines, brackets & pipes fitted
20t log splitter 3 point linkage mounted, 20t capacity, twin lever operated, 500/600mm clearance, dimensions 900 x 600 x 1800mm
Concept Agri SF TRIP rotor strip cultivator 3–6m working width, 750mm row spacing, 385mm row width, subsoils to 500mm, cultivates to 230mm, 150hp power requirement
NEW Storth 20’ and 25’ lagoon mixer
CORVUS TERRAIN DX4 DEALERS for Shropshire & Mid Wales 2yrs wty as std, Yanmar diesel 1000cc (24hp), 60kph, full homologation, 907kg tow/450kg cargo cap, full spec cab, p/steering
NETWRAPPED 4' round hay bales. T Smith Tel 07921 568322 (Kent)
LARGE quantity of good quality hay & straw in 80x70 bales, haylage also available in same size bales, local delivery possible. J Edwards Tel 07990 588174/07990 588175 (Norfolk)
AMAZONE 2701 fertiliser spreader, 2010 model, wide hopper, 24–36m discs, hydraulic on/off shut off, hydraulic headland limiter, access ladder, hHopper sheet, transport wheels in very good order.
£2,350+VAT. A Sleight Tel 07718 216209 (Lincolnshire)
2013 Amazone ZA-M Profis 3001, 24–36 discs, with weigh cells, immaculate condition. £5,500+VAT.
J Stansfield Tel 07759 263212 (South Yorks)
120X90 big bales of oat straw, 2022 harvest, sheeted stack, will load. T Catchpole Tel 01508 482450/07799
694270 (Suffolk)
STEEL plate tank 6'6" diameter, 10' long, 2000 gallons, low fill pipe, filter & delivery hose. £850+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
BALMORAL 2500L tank, slight blemish near top, perfectly good for water, eg sprayer back up. £55. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
TEAGLE/LELY SX3000 Centerliner fert spreader, 2014, c/w cover, std road lights, 12-24m, simple rate adj, 3000L hopper, headland tilt, excellent condition, not used for 2yrs, barn stored, sale due to change in policy/ill health. £4,400+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
FIRST class hay for sale. Offers. R Bailey Tel 01449 766350 after 6pm (Suffolk)
4-FOOT round bales of meadow hay, good quality, barn stored. £30/bale. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
MEADOW hay, good quality, in conventional bales, barn stored. £4/bale. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
1500-LITRE bunded fuel store with pallet tine frame, 2011, approved for highway use, 12V electric pump with metering, auto shut off nozzle & recoil hose, secure locking cabinet, excellent condition. £2,250+VAT. T Ireland Tel 07976 890191 (Lincolnshire)
AMAZONE ZAM 2800 fertiliser spreader, wide fill hopper with manual cover, holds 4x600kg bags, 24–36m discs, adjustable border limiter, road lights, left & right section shut offs, immaculate condition, owned from new. £3,500+VAT. R Dobson Tel 07780 664320/01754 890233 (Lincolnshire)
KRM fertiliser spreader, recent new spreading fins, sound working machine. Offers over £500+VAT. R Gray Tel 07939 443353 (South Yorks)
QUANTITY of hay for sale in mini Hesstons, loading available. Offers. G Gapp Tel 07979 495492 (Norfolk) ROUND bale hay & straw, 4', barn stored. F Howell & Sons Tel 01760 440297/07798 668239 (Norfolk)
4-FOOT round hay bales, 2022 crop. £25/bale, collection only from Stradbroke only, can help load. J Ayton Tel 07949 521341 (Suffolk)
WHEAT & barley straw available in 70x80 quadrants, 200kg, barn stored, conventional bales also available. A Thompson Tel 07884 480302 (Norfolk)
We stock new and recycled steel and plastic drums stock or nationwide delivery available Visit or call 01594 833308
KRM Bogballe M2 D fertiliser spreader, 2014, 3 bag hopper, hydraulic shut off, lights, hopper cover, 24m vanes, call for more details. £2,900+VAT. J Brocksopp Tel 07974 669997 (South Yorks)
CONVENTIONAL & round bales of wheat & barley straw. G Oliver Tel 01379 586368 (Suffolk)
HAYLAGE available, baled & wrapped 2022, good quality, ideal for cows, well wrapped, 230 available, located near Woodbridge, Suffolk. Please call for details. S Aldred Tel 07917 876572 (Suffolk)
BARLEY straw, quadrants, barn stored. £15/bale. A Pitcher Tel 07900 632163 (Norfolk)
WHEAT straw, 120x90, barn stored. £18/ bale. A Pitcher Tel 07900 632163 (Norfolk) SMALL bales of barley straw. £3 each. J Furze Tel 07816 285195/01799 584242 (Essex)
AMAZONE ZA-M 2010, hydraulic drive, section control, GPS switch, 24–36 discs, new hydraulic valve block, recent actuator repair, good working condition. £4,000+VAT. E Waters Tel 07825 641904 (Kent)
01284 810751
07768 353910
WATER bowser (4500L approx), good tyres, just been repainted, good condition, surplus to requirements. £1,000+VAT ovno. A Clarke Tel 07708 205708 (Norfolk)
MERRICK Loggin 12,000L stainless steel water bowser, tandem axle, new super single tyres, lockable chemical lockers. £9,750+VAT. P Skinner Tel 07711 405100 (Northants)
22" Cambridge & Breakers, good rings £5,350
more photos and full spec at
07748 004794
01245 442224(T)
VADERSTAD Carrier CR500, 5m disc cultivator 60% on discs, early model (734) average condition. £9,000+VAT ono. T Green Tel 07931 372095 (Norfolk)
AMAZONE ZAM MAX spreader with telescopic bag crane attached, not used for 5+yrs, stored indoors, washed & oiled, excellent condition. £2,800+VAT.
T Sewell Tel 07977 908378 (Kent)
BARN stored wheat & barley straw. J Pitcher Tel 07775 688875 (Norfolk)
HAY in conventional bales,
5-FOOT round wheat straw bales (250), stored inside, good quality. £10/bale. H Ward Tel 07880 200566 (Lincolnshire)
2000-GALLON steel plate tank, low fill pipe, filter & delivery hose, can load on your transport, average condition. £850+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359 (Suffolk)
KONGSKILDE 6m hydraulic fold rolls, c/w breakers. £1,750+VAT. R Chapman Tel 07860 401855 (Lincolnshire)
HIRE • NEW • USED 01502 710100
Fully searchable database at...
WATER bowser tanker, 25000L twin axle, aluminium, ideal sprayer bowser or liquid transportation, fair condition. £2,450+VAT ono. A Wilson Tel 07732 671320 (Greater Manchester)
COMBINATION harrow/field cultivator with roller, 3m, used condition, very good in spring work. £3,500 ono. R Andrew Tel 07733 198772 (Cambridgeshire)
865, 760, 750, 665, 504
DEUTZ FAHR: 6090, 4090, 4080,4075, M3630, M3610, M2780, M2680, M1002
LAVERDA: 152, M120.
CASE: 1660
JOHN DEERE: 8520, 8400, 8200T, 7800, 7530, 7430, 6930, 6900, 6800, 6430, 6110, 3650, 3130, 2140, 2040, 1640
JCB: 531-70, 530-70, 525-58, 520-4, 414, 926
CLAAS: Targo C50, K50 Ranger
MATBRO: Telestar, Teleshift, 280, 270, 250
MANITOU: 2600, MLT 633
MERLO: 40.7, 30.6 Multifarmer, 28.7, 26.6
JOHN DEERE: 3800, 3420, 3415, 3200
TEREX: 250
NEW HOLLAND: 1210, 1010S, D1000, BB940, 841, 835, 7070, 750, 740, 654, 650, 644, 640 JOHN DEERE: 680, 644, 592, 590, 582, 578, 575, 550, 342,
CLAAS: Quadrant 2200,1200, Rollant 255, 280, 180, 46, 44, Vari, Hesston 4900, 4800, 4750
VICON: LB12000, LB8200, MP800, RV1602
WELGER: D6000, D4000, 520, 435
AD27094BTS Challenger 50
AD35105BTS Challenger 50 3500kg, 10 x 5’6, ramp, bucket stand, ball hitch, spare wheel
750kg, 6’6” x 4’, mesh kit, ramp, spare wheel
AD35126BTS Challenger 50
3500kg, 12’ x 6’, spare wheel, ball hitch, mesh ramp, LED lights
FTL35146 £4,295
3500KG, 14’ x 6’, twin axle, spare wheel, ramps, sides
GT26085 2600kg goods trailer, ramp, 8’X5’ twin axle, spare wheel
Livestock Trailers
12-14’, twin/tri axle, sheep decks, slurry tank, side vents
RABE Corvus heavy duty 6m power harrow, recently reconditioned by main dealer at a cost of £6,500, including new oils & seals, only covered a small area since. Saving of approx £20K on new price. For sale due to lack of use. £11,750+VAT. P Skinner Tel 07711 405100 (Northants)
KNIGHT Raven cultivator, 3.5m, good condition. £5,000. R Wooddisse Tel 07976 418921 (Cambridgeshire)
KRONE rotovator, 3m. £1,200. B Colson Tel 07789 261067 (Suffolk)
RECO/MASCHIO power harrow tines. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
ABT 3m combination seedbed harrow, in good condition. J H Withers & Son Tel 07947 684149 (Norfolk)
For more information see
TWB Jester disc cultivator, 2020 8m, twin DD rings, hydraulic levelling board, hydraulics & electrics to the rear. £36,000+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland)
GREGOIRE Besson DXN 2 666/24 cultivator, 2005, c/w row of front discs followed by nearly new legs & winged feet, another row of discs, all followed up by a packer roller, does an excellent job. £4,750+VAT ono. C Leggott Tel 07967 975638/01636 626229 (Lincolnshire)
DOWDESWELL Powervator 130 rotovator, identical to a Standen, 70" twin depth wheels, had very little use from new, in excellent condition, barn stored all its life, instruction book, speed set adjustable gearbox, more photos available. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
07748 004794 01245 442224
RUBBER packer roller, 4m, from a Kuhn power harrow, great condition, hardly used. £950+VAT ono. D Morton Tel 07785 541282 (Essex)
MOLE plough, twin leg, on tool carrier frame, good legs & expanders. £1,950+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland)
FLEXICOIL front press for front linkage with A-frame, star wheel cleaners, good condition. £450 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
SIMBA X shape discs, 1990s, model B1, hyd folding & d/bar adjustment, 2 r/spool couplings & d/bar for trailed press, manual angle adj, think it’s 4.5 or 4m, f/discs a little worn but still lots of life left, always well greased daily. £4,000+VAT. J Spink Tel 07889 415028 (Suffolk)
LELY Roterra 3.5m, in very good working condition, tines 50%. £1,200. D Jackson Tel 07779 687408 (Essex)
RANSOMES spring tine 3m harrow cultivator with depth wheels, points in good condition, spares are also included. £350+VAT ono. T Moore Tel 07960 899209 (Nottinghamshire)
MCAVOY 6.3m hydraulic folding rolls, good solid set, rams/hydraulics are in good condition, plenty of life left in the rings, 1 ring is broken but I have a replacement, link arm mounted. £1,900+VAT ono. T Moore Tel 07960 899209 (Nottinghamshire)
OVERUM trailed discs, 3.5m, 23" discs, cutaways on front, plain rear, vgc, very good paint. £3,999+VAT. A Dunham Tel 07767 248412 (Cambridgeshire)
in stock to fit most tracked tractor models
Manufactured in the USA by Camso and Loc Performance. Undercarriage wheels also available.
COUSINS Contour rolls, 8.2m, 24" plain rings, c/w Stocks Pro 130 slug pellet applicator. £4,950+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland)
COUSINS 3 gang rib rolls, one 8’, two 4’. N Rossi Tel 07930 336534 (Norfolk)
EINBOCK 12m weeder harrow, very good condition, hydraulic folding, 4 depth wheels, complete set of brand new tines. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
KVERNELAND spring tine cultivator, 3m, just like Vaderstad NZ, f/w 30 Vaddy Agrila tines & Vaddy following harrow, front levelling boards, twin depth wheels, will go into stubble, ploughing or cultivated ground, makes an excellent seedbed. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
DALBO Dinco Classic 300 stubble cultivator, 2010, 7 legs, 2 angle settings, adjustable levelling discs, crumbler roller, tidy order, had little use, some new metal. £3,400+VAT ono. J Rush Tel 07736 383677 (Suffolk)
01263 711474
KUBOTA M110GX, 2016, only 1100hrs, Q46 loader, vgc, good simple tractor & loader. £37,500. L Rich Tel 07774 112211 (Gloucestershire)
TIM Howard 3m flatlift, 250 Series Maxilift, 5 legs, in good straight condition. £4,750. R Wooddisse Tel 07976 418921 (Cambridgeshire)
VADERSTAD Carrier 925 c/w levelling board, brand new discs fitted, in excellent order, only selling due to going for a wider machine, been stored inside all its life & only ever had one operator. G Todd Tel 07752 176353 (Berwickshire)
KONGSKILDE Howard HK25 3m power harrow, 2014, 1000rpm, c/w rear output shaft, rear crumbler roller, little used since new, retired due to ill health, excellent condition. £6,000+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
SUMO Trio 2.5m, 4 leg with hydraulic auto reset, Serial No 2098, new points fitted this autumn & some spare wearing parts, c/w 2006 Stocks Fan Jet seeder & Sumo 4 spreader outlet with radar speed sensor, rain cover. W Steel Tel 07980 929035 (Kent)
SUMO Quattro 4m, 2012, in excellent condition, discs/hydraulic auto reset legs/discs/large packer, no cracks or welds, c/w good legs, drawbar or 80mm ball hitch, Stocks seeder available at extra cost. £24,750+VAT. W Haag Tel 07850 729098 (Suffolk)
Hire, Sales, Servicing & Repairs of Compact Tractors & Mini Loaders - Fencing, Landscaping & Paddock Maintenance Machinery
JOHN Deere JD6210R, April 2014, Direct Drive, 3 spools, rear tyres 650/85/38 & front tyres 600/70/30 (both sets good), front linkage, clean & tidy tractor. P Till Tel 07814 018820 (Staffordshire)
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
TRACTOR weight, 400kg, concrete good condition, Cat 2 pins, centre tow eye. £400+VAT ovno. A Clarke Tel 07708 205708 (Norfolk)
2013, 3000hrs, Dyna 6 exclusive, f/links & PTO, f/axle and cab susp, Data 3, Eco PTO, multipad, 520/85/42 & 420/85/30 Michelin tyres
CHALLENGER 765B, 2008, 4800hrs, 30" tracks 50% worn, barn stored. £55,000. A Rose Tel 07890 305120 (Lincolnshire)
JOHN Deere 6130R 50k, 2016, 4900hrs, Autopower, owned from new, very good condition, Autotrac activation, cab suspension, 540 front Michelin & 600 rear Michelins, passenger seat, cool box. £53,500+VAT. R Lane Tel 07703 280255/01234 740241 (Bedfordshire)
JOHN Deere 6170M, 75% Michelin tyres, front linkage, roof hatch, no Adblue, only 2850hrs, genuine 200hp tractor. £57,250 ovno. R Edwards Tel 07967 828571 (Hereford)
4450hrs, excellent condition, front & cab suspension, front linkage, 50k, air brakes, 6 rear spools, hydraulic top link, autoguide ready, air seat twin beacons, 710/75R42 rears 60%, 600/65R34 60%. £52,000. R Goddard Tel 07878 917673/01663 750240 (Derbyshire)
CLAAS Arion 650 Cebis, 2013, 5728hrs, good condition, 3 electric spools, 50K, Hexashift gearbox, rear 650/65R38 70%, front 540/65R28 70%, not Adblue, front cab suspension, air/hyd brakes. £44,000. H Hunt Tel 07824 552305 (Bedfordshire)
NEW Holland 8240, 110hp, 1995, 2600hrs on the clock, good condition. £15,750+VAT. J Pitcher Tel 07775 688875 (Norfolk)
John Deere 6210
4WD Tractor
SELECTION of front weights, surplus to requirements, good condition. £200+VAT ono. R Wild Tel 01245 233555 (Essex)
NEW Holland TS115A, 2005, 9930hrs, air con, air seat, 4 spools, creep box, cab suspension, 460/85 back & 380/85 front tyres all 50%, owner driven, vgc, owned since 2006, weights not included. £19,750+VAT. A Fyfe Tel 07749 874905 (Northants)
2008 John Deere 7530 Premium, Autoquad 50K, 4 electric spools, climate control, 65065-R42, 540/6530 Michelin tyres, 3600hrs from new, immaculate condition. POA. J Stansfield Tel 07759 263212 (South Yorks)
JOHN Deere 6125R, 2015 plate, 3590hrs, 4 spools, 125hp, Autoquad transmission, 70% rear tyres, new fronts, only used for light work. £49,000+VAT. A Boyd Tel 07801 707801 (Kent)
6, 4296hrs, only 2 owners from new, very very good condition, well looked after genuine tractor, just had 4 brand new BKT tyres, 480/70/28 fronts, 580/70/38 rear. £44,000. M White Tel 07447 054544 (Neath Port Talbot)
07495 268088 (Suffolk)
£14,500 +VAT Finance available
40k box, 8400hrs in very good condition throughout very original tractor, everything works as it should 4 spools, trailer brake and 540/1000 PTO. Suitable trade-ins accepted.
Call for more info & prices 07496 734212 Norfolk
FENDT 828 Profi Plus 280hp, 68 plate, 4070hrs, Vado Grip, 65kph, front PTO, 5 rear 1 front spool, Topcon X30 screen with AGI 4 receiver RTK NTRIP, just had 4000hr service, excellent condition, owned from new. £120,000+VAT. T Herring Tel 07909091314 (Gloucestershire)
FRONT mounted tractor tool box, good. R Wild Tel 01245 233555 (Essex)
NEW Holland weights, 765kg total, excellent condition. £800+VAT ono. R Wild Tel 01245 233555 (Essex)
576362 (Lincolnshire)
AEBI TT75, 75hp, 2007, 3325hrs, c/w f/flail, double acting r/spool, 2 double acting f/spools, radio, heater, very clean inside & out in great overall condition, only selling as updating to a newer model. £27,995+VAT ono. L Shaw Tel 07949078781 (Bedfordshire)
MASSEY Ferguson 6480, 2011, Dyna 6, front linkage, 6000hrs, very good cond. £32,000+VAT ono. R Gates Tel 07801 567027 (Bedfordshire)
JOHN Deere 6250R Ultimate Edition, 2400hrs, 2018, highest spec, Command Pro joystick, a/t ready, f/ linkage, 5SCVs, Michelin 600 front & 650 rear tyres, owner driver from new & meticulously maintained, viewing on farm recommended. £119,750+VAT. W Skinner Tel 07711 405103 (Northants)
WEIGHT block, 3pt linkage, ideal for a loader tractor. £90. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire)
2005, 8500hrs, tyres 75% tread front & back, front & cab suspension, 3 spools, pick up hitch, air conditioning, tractor weight not included, good condition. £28,000+VAT. R Griffin Tel 01749 326115/07570 103098 (Wiltshire)
20 kph, 2998hrs, 2385 drum hrs, 650/75R32 fronts, 500/60R26.5 rears, straw chopper, chaff spreader, harvest ready, Cebis II CL-45301523.A
CLAAS LEXION 420 £49,500 2001, C540, 20kph, 2856hrs, 2340 drum hrs, 650/75R32 fronts, 500/70R24 rears, straw chopper, chaff spreader, harvest ready, vista cab, Cebis II CL-45302557.A
CLAAS LEXION 480 £55,000 2001, C900 auto contour, 25kph, 3686hrs, 3000 drum hours, 800/65-32 fronts, 600/55-28 rears, RH V knife, LH laser, yield/q metre, uni spreader, straw chopper, reversing camera, rape ext CL-46601576.A
CLAAS LEXION 600TT £95,000 2009, V1050, 30kph, 3243hrs, 2225 drum hrs, TT fronts, 500/85r24 rears, used 2009 Lexion 600TT, tracks, RH V knife, LH laser, dust extractor, yield/q metre, air comp, power spreader, straw chopper CL-58900893
CLAAS LEXION 600 TT £80,000 2008, V1050, 30 kph, 3620hrs, 2451 drum hrs, TT fronts, 500/85R24 rears, tracks, LH V knife, RH V knife, dust extractor, grainmeter, straw chopper, chaff spreader CL-58900746.A
CLAAS LEXION 600TT £90,000
2008, V1050, 30 kph, 2988hrs, 2309 Drum hrs, TT fronts, 500/85R24 rears, tracks, RH V knife, LH laser, dust extractor, yield/Q Metre, air comp, power spreader, straw chopper CL-58900693
CLAAS LEXION 670 TT T4I £165,000 2014, 30kph, 1779hrs, 1310 drum hrs, TT fronts, 500/85 R24 rears, Lexion 670 TT T4i, tracks, LH V knife, RH V knife, LH laser, RH laser, dust extractor, Yield/Q metre, air comp, straw chopper, chaff spreader, XXL unloading auger, grainmeter, 3D sieves CL-C6400928.A
CLAAS LEXION 750 MONTANA £101,000 2011, V750, 25kph, 680/85R32 fronts, 500/65R24 rears, Lexion 750 Montana, RH V knife, dust extractor, straw chopper, chaff spreader CL-C5100052.A
CLAAS LEXION 760 TT £167,000 2014, V900, 30kph, 2197hrs, 1671 drum hrs, 635 fronts, 500/85R24 rears, tracks, LH V knife, RH V knife, LH laser, dust extractor, Yield/Q metre, Grainmeter, air comp, power spreader CL-C6500990.A
CLAAS LEXION 780 TT £170,000 2015, V1230, 30kph, 3130hrs, 2120 drum hrs, 635 fronts, 500/85 R30 rears, tracks, LH V knife, RH V knife, LH laser, RH laser, dust extractor, Yield/Q metre, Yield mapping, air comp, power spreader, straw chopper, chaff spreader, reversing camera CL-C6601351.B
CLAAS TUCANO 320 £67,000 2008, V540, 25kph, 1984hrs, 1446 drum hrs, 650/75R32 fronts, 500/70R24 rears, straw chopper CL-83200280
CLAAS TUCANO 560 £220,000 2021, V770, 25kph, 220hrs, 140 drum hrs, 650/75R32 fronts, 500/70R24 rears, RH V knife, dust extractor, Yield/Q metre, Air Comp, straw chopper, chaff spreader CL-L3600146.A
CLAAS JAGUAR 860 4WD £200,000 2020, 28 blade cylinder, 800/65R38 fronts, 600/55R22.5 rears, 790hrs, 630 cylinder hrs, Jaguar 860, 4 wheel drive, auto shearbar, air con, corn cracker, 100/100 teeth, corn cracker, 4WD CL-49602954.A
2016, 40kph, 375hp, 4412hrs, 735 fronts, 5 spools, tracks, front weights, air con, electric hyd, GPS ready, linkage and PTO CP-765HFNCA1082.B
CLAAS AXION 920 £60,000 2013, 50kph, 320hp, AdBlue engine, 7490hrs, 600/70R34 fronts, 710/75R42 rears, 4 spools, front susp, front linkage, air con, air brakes, electric hyd, P.U. hitch, power beyond CL-A2300620.C
NEW HOLLAND T7.235 £57,000
2016, 50kph, 235hp, AdBlue engine, 4250hrs, 480/70 R30 fronts, 580/70 R42 rears, 4 spools, front susp, front linkage, air con, cab suspension, trailer brake, air brakes, P.U. hitch, datatag NH-ZFEZ10055
CASE PUMA 165 CVX £57,000
2019, 50kph, 165hp, AdBlue engine, 5047hrs, 420/85 R30 fronts, 520/85 R42 rears, 3 spools, Puma 165 CVX, front susp, front weights, air con, cab suspension, trailer brake, air brakes, P.U. hitch IH-165EKE251234.A
MASSEY FERGUSON 7718 £55,000
2016, 50kph, 180hp, AdBlue engine, 4425hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 4 spools, front susp, front linkage, front weights, eco PTO, GPS steering, air con, cab susp, trailer brake, air brakes, P.U. hitch, GPS steering, Isobus, belly weight, dyna 6 Trans MF-VKKMX72BLGB258024
MASSEY FERGUSON6718S £53,000 2017, 50kph, 200hp, AdBlue engine, 4485hrs, 480/65/R28 fronts, 600/65R38 rears, 4 spools, front susp, air con, cab susp, trailer brake, P.U. hitch MF-VKKMW65BLHB1600
CLAAS ARES 697 £25,000 2006, 40kph, 140hp, EGR engine, 420/85 R28 fronts, 20.8 R38 rears, 2 spools, Stoll- F36 loader, ares 697, air Con, P.U. hitch, loader, cab susp, Stoll/Robust F36 SR00005267
CLAAS ARION 630 £69,900
2018, 40kph, 165hp, EGR engine, 2000hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 3 spools, front susp, front linkage, eco PTO, GPS steering, air con, air brakes, electric hyd, P.U. hitch, cab susp, datatag, S10 RTK CL-A7600140.A
CLAAS ARION 650 £55,000 2017, 50kph, 184.hp, AdBlue engine, 4200hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 4 spools, front susp, front linkage, eco PTO, air con, air brakes, P.U. hitch, cab susp CL-A3606577.A
CLAAS ARION 650 CEBIS £69,000 2017, 50kph, 185hp, AdBlue engine, 3250hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 3 spools, front susp, front linkage, eco PTO, GPS steering, air con, Isobus, electric hyd, P.U. hitch, cab susp CL-A3608924
CLAAS ARION 660 £99,500 2019, 50kph, 205hp, AdBlue engine, 969hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 3 spools, Arion 660, front susp, eco PTO, air con, air brakes, electric hyd, P.U. hitch, cab susp, maxi care protect, maximum operating hrs 3000 CL-A7702248.A
CLAAS AXION 810 CIS £59,500 2016, 40kph, 215hp, AdBlue engine, 4168hrs, 540/65R30 fronts, 650/65R42 rears, 3 spools, front susp, front linkage, P.U. hitch CL-A4002408.C 92854
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
JOHN Deere 6930 Premium, 2009, 40K, 3625hrs, 650/65-R38 - 540/65R28 (50%), TLS & cab suspension, 3SCV, front weight & rowcrop wheels, excellent condition, one owner/driver from new. £49,500+VAT. J Forster Tel 07787516323 (Essex)
MASSEY Ferguson 6480, 2011, Dyna 6, front linkage, 6000hrs, very good cond. £32,000+VAT ono. R Gates Tel 07801 567027 (Bedfordshire)
JOHN Deere 6930 Premium, 2009, 40K, 3625hrs, 650/65-R38 - 540/65-R28 (50%), TLS & cab suspension, 3SCV, front weight & rowcrop wheels, excellent condition, one owner/driver from new.
£49,500+VAT. J Forster Tel 07787 516323 (Essex)
JOHN Deere 623R front loader,as new, taken off a 2019 6130R after only 180hrs, c/w all frames,brackets & pipework, excellent. £7,950+VAT ono. A Boyd Tel 07801 707801 (Kent)
KUBOTA B2530 25hp compact tractor c/w Kubota loader, 2012, pristine – won’t get a cleaner one, only 700hrs, one owner, runs on sniff of diesel, new Kubota Agri tyres, 4wd, hydrostatic spool valves, v quick, hi/low medium box. £14,500+VAT ono. S Martin Tel 07587 699437 (County Down)
JOHN Deere 6930 Premium, 2009, 40K, 3625hrs, 650/65-R38 - 540/65-R28 (50%), TLS & cab suspension, 3SCV, front weight & rowcrop wheels, excellent condition, one owner/driver from new. £49,500+VAT. J Forster Tel 07787 516323 (Essex)
JOHN Deere 6175R Ultimate edition 50K Autopower, 175hp, 2019, 5600hrs, autotrac ready, Command
Pro, prem seat, prem radio, c/ control, s/steel exhaust, hyd top link, 650/85R38 600/70R28 Trelleborgs, 5600hrs, vgc. £68,999+VAT. J Leadley Tel 07887 912646 (Norfolk)
TWELVE Case 895 front wheel weights. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
NEW Holland T7315 HD, 2021, 1000hrs, excellent condition, just had service,further pictures or video available,manufacturer's warranty till 28/02/24. £127,500+VAT ono. R Gray Tel 07939 443353 (South Yorks)
JOHN Deere 2520 27hp compact, c/w Lewis 4in1 loader, 1200hrs, 2010, 4ws, s/valves, 1200hrs, 1 owner, newer model, pristine, htd cab, w/wipers, scoop, road reg, 3pt link, lift arms, r/PTO, ball & pin hitch, trailer light socket, top spec. £13,500+VAT. S Martin Tel 07587 699437 calls only, no texts or private numbers (N Ireland) (County Down)
LANDINI 130 Legend 130hp Deltashift, 2003, creep gear, 50k, 4400hrs, tyres 60%, tidy tractor. £19,750+VAT. S Bygraves Tel 07973 117993 (Cambridgeshire)
TUNIT unit to fit a John Deere 7930, tractor has been sold, hence unit for sale, it improved fuel usage & more power at bottom end, excellent condition. £150 ono. A Lyle Tel 07889 303809 (Lincolnshire)
MULTIDRIVE tractor, 2005, 4ws, 185hp John Deereengine travels at 40mph, air brakes, diff locks, 6 hydraulic spools, average condition.
£12,500 ono. A Hoare Tel 07985 055250 (West Yorkshire)
FASTRAC front linkage & PTO unit, very good condition, removed from a 2135 Fastrac, but will fit other models, no wiring from cab & doesn’t include clutch inside transmission, but all is available from JCB. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
MASSEY Ferguson 2210, 55hp 4wd c/w Mailleux f/loader, self lev, starts first turn, heater, lights, road reg, 3pt linkage, spool valves, trailer hitch, hi/lo box, Perkins eng, shuttle, PTO, well serviced/maintained, radio, indicators. £16,000+VAT. S Martin Tel 07587 699437 calls only no texts or private numbers (N Ireland) (County Down)
MASSEY Ferguson 7726 Next ed, 2020, 1890hrs, 50kph, Dyna VT, f/linkage, f/axle/cab susp, f/& 4 r/spools, hyd toplink, LED w/ lights, Isobus, Power Beyond, air/ hyd brakes, Trimble ready, Tborg 650/75R38 & 600/65R28 70%, FSH with TNS, gc. £95,000+VAT. S Baker Tel 07585 442177 (Suffolk)
JCB 2170 Fastrac, 2014, 5500hrs, vgc. £51,000. A Pitcher Tel 07900 632163 (Norfolk)
UNIMOG U400, 2008, excellent tyres, front 3-point linkage, PUH & clevis hitch, roll bar, 3 seats, lots of extras, very good condition, phone for more details. £42,500+VAT. A Upson Tel 07980 807604/01245 380061 (Essex)
JOHN Deere 6150R, 150hp + boost, 63 reg, 6500hrs, Autopowr 40kph, cab susp TLS, Starfire 3000 with activation, rowcrop wheels, front box & weights, one owner from new, full service history, good condition.
£46,850+VAT. A Lyle Tel 07889 303809 (Lincolnshire)
MANITOU hydraulic locking headstock Cherry Products conversion, fits Massey Ferguson & Quicke loaders, de-mounting plate included. £1,875+VAT. R Allen Tel 07973 919378 (Nottinghamshire)
MASSEY Ferguson 7718S, 180hp, 2019, 2326hrs, 50kph, Dyna 6, f/ linkage, f/axle & cab susp, 1 f/& 4 r/ spools, LED w/lights, Isobus, Power Beyond, air & hyd brakes, Trimble guidance ready, Michelin Multibib 650/65R38 80% 540/65R28 80%, gc. £75,000+VAT. S Baker Tel 07585 442177 (Suffolk)
CASE Puma Puma 185, full Powershift, 2015, 4720hrs, 650/65R42 rear tyres 70% & 540/65R30 front tyres 20%, front linkage, 4SCVs, front suspension,cab suspension, very clean tractor.£55,000+VAT ono. A Boyd Tel 07801 707801 (Kent)
FENDT 5X85 f/loader, c/w brackets for 7 Series, 2016, had very little use, in very good condition. £7,000+VAT ono. R Howard Tel 07969 682180 (Nottinghamshire)
60%, r/80%, 6240hrs, v tidy. £24,750+VAT ono. C Baxter Tel 07742 078144 (Cambridgeshire)
JOHN Deere 6195R, 2019, 195hp, Autoquad 50K, air brakes, electric spools, Greenstar ready, 650/600 Michelin tyres, electric mirrors, front links, 3800hrs, excellent condition. T Clark Tel 07770 927690 (West Yorkshire)
FORD 6610, choice of two, both in off farm condition, one is registered in 1984 with 5251hrs, the other has 8320hrs & registered in 1981, average condition. T Schembri Tel 07919 624032 (Essex)
TRACTOR weight, from 3 point linkage. Donation to Lennox Children's Cancer Fund. R Anderson Tel 01366 728583/07887 484733 (Norfolk)
JOHN Deere 6820, 8859hrs, 2003, owned from new, A/Q 40K, f/w JD Autotrac (can supply with or w/o) also fittings for JD Greenstar & Starfire 3000, gwo, but some minor damage to plastic bodywork inc bonnet & roof. £23,999+VAT ono. C Bruce-White Tel 07810 620741 (Wiltshire)
K-TRAILER 10t twin axle, super single wheels & tyres 75%, sprung axles, grain & normal sides, livestock float kit, bale extension, hyd brakes & hyd failsafe brake, road lights & flashing beacon, tidy trailer stored inside. £2,998+VAT. A Simpson Tel 01738 840111 (Perth & Kinross)
CASEIH PUMA 240 CVX 50kph, 70 reg, 3100hrs, front linkage
Puma PowerShift tractors … 2012 140 Suspension, 50kph, 4859hrs, front link & PTO
2017 150 Suspension, 50kph, 2914hrs, front link
2016 160 Suspension, 50kph + Creep gears, 2931hrs
2022 165 Suspension, 50kph 361hrs, Full Accuguide, CaseIH warranty
2020 165 Suspension, 50kph 1973hrs, trailer air brakes
2020 165 Suspension, 50kph, 1928hrs, weight block
2020 165 Suspension, 50kph, 2956hrs, front weight
2018 165 Suspension, 50kph, 1757hrs, front weight
2016 185 Suspension, 50kph, 5988 hrs, front link & PTO
2013 200 Suspension, 50kph 7242hrs, front link & PTO
2018 220 Suspension, 50kph, 2861hrs, front weight
2018 220 Suspension, 50kph, 3357hrs, front weight
NEW 165 Suspension 50kph, MX loader
NEW 165 Suspension 50kph, front link
NEW 165 Semi PowerShift 50kph, front link
Puma CVX tractors…
2015 160 Suspension 50kph, 5373hrs, front link
2022 165 Suspension 50kph, 775hrs, front link & PTO
2020 175 Suspension 50kph, 1673hrs, full accuguide, front link
2021 175 Suspension 50kph, only 391hrs, accuguide ready, front link
2021 200 Suspension 50kph,1510hrs, full accuguide, front link
2019 240 Suspension 50kph, 4014hrs, full accuguide, front link 240 Suspension 50kph, 70 reg, 3100hrs, full accuguide, front link
2020 240 Suspension 50kph, 2183 hrs, accuguide ready, front link
2020 240 Suspension 50kph, 4835hrs, accuguide ready, front link
2021 240 Suspension 50kph, 1857hrs, full accuguide, front link
2021 240 Suspension 50kph, 993hrs, accuguide ready, front link
2021 240 Suspension 50kph, 643hrs, accuguide ready, front link
NEW 175 CVX 50kph, front link & PTO, accuguide ready
NEW 200 CVX 50kph, front link, accuguide ready, bar axle
NEW 240 CVX 50kph, front link, full accuguide, 710/70 x 38 tyres
AXIAL FLOW 7150 c/w 25’ Vario header & trolley
NEW ISUZU DMAX DL40 DOUBLE CAB manual gearbox, nice spec £33,999 + VAT
ISUZU UNUSED SET OF ALLOYS & TYRES 255/60 R18, set of 4 £440.00 + VAT + CARRIAGE
Your local East Anglian dealer for Graham Edwards
Complete range available:-
RICHARD Western SF14 trailer, 2007, Tilly tested August 2022, sprung drawbar & axles, roll over sheet & grain chute, hydraulic tailgate, 2007, tyres 550/60-22.51 @80% one @60%, two @40%, good condition.
D Pickering Tel 07979 757884 (Norfolk)
AW 6.5t dropside trailer, high sides, grain tailgate with grain chute, bale ladders, c/w frame & canopy, steps & rear door so can be used as gun/beaters wagon etc. £4,750. A Lane Tel 07843 556790 (Gloucestershire)
LOW loader plant trailer, 26t articulated, c/w dolly, hydraulic brakes & ramps, in good working order, ready to go. £4,250+VAT ono. R Taylor Tel 07764 245035 (Northants)
SINGLE axle car transporter trailer with ramps, support legs & winch, would be ideal for moving Gators, Mules, quad bikes, etc, between sites, bed/channels 62.5" wide x 132" long. £725 no VAT. G Howell Tel 07903 089391/01728 723683 (Suffolk)
McKEE 28' bale/low loader trailer, new, stored undercover, RHC metallic black twin pack paint, heavy duty, will carry 18t, c/w ramp brackets, sprung drawbar, 10 stud commercial axles air/hyd brakes, mudflaps, 1 year warranty. D Clayton Tel 07836 204646 (Derbyshire)
Bailey Lowloader 2
32' Tri Axle Trailer
202, as new condition, with aluminium ramps
01763 780440
MARSHALL 11t dump trailer, like new, ring for more details. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire)
TYRER Highlift trailer, 4t, twin axle, lights & brakes, choice of 2. £2,100+VAT ono.
AS Marston 12 Ace trailers, 2007, c/w roll over sheet, super single wheels, standard rear door, hydraulic brakes, 2 available, in very good condition. £10 500+VAT each.
N Gaunt Tel 07999 855169 (Derbyshire)
SMALL 2-wheel tipping hay trailer, 3t. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
AS Marston tipper trailer. £2,000+VAT. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
BATESON 3550 5m x 2m 3,500kg gross weight
Tri Axle Platform Trailer 2014, sides and ramps rarely used, rope hooks, LED side and front market lights, spare wheel and carrier, no off-road use, good condition.
01263 711474 54-93363
IFOR Williams trailer with sides, good floor, tyres all good, brakes very good, no play on hitch. £2,200 no VAT. S Peacock Tel 07799 412027 (Norfolk)
10,000L tandem axle water/liquid bowsers, hyd and/or air brakes, side lockers, super single wheels, pacer pumps and valves, front platform for IBC
Chassis kits for your tanks
Loggin Trailers
01280 702725 Mob 07799 836590
BALE trailer, in good working condition. £1,500 ono. W Moseley Tel 07510 706385 (Cheshire)
HERBST 18t 20' low loader, beaver tail with sprung ramps, twin axle, two tool boxes & rear clevis hitch, fixed drawbar & hydraulic brakes, one owner. £6,395+VAT. N Rush Tel 07748 982003 during office hours (Suffolk)
INDESPENSION plant trailer, 2017, 12x6, ramp, LED lights, hitch lock. £2,750. S Bygraves Tel 07973 117993 (Bedfordshire)
WARWICK SD14, 2008, 14t, sprung drawbar, locking hyd rear door. £8,500. L Rich Tel 07774 112211 (Gloucestershire)
ROLLAND 6935 Rollspeed trailer, 2016, excellent condition, previously used for silage & grain haulage, any questions please ask. £21,000+VAT. S Lee Tel 01884 860384 (Devon)
TRI-AXLE low loader trailer, 2015, good condition. D Dye Tel 07778 547601 (Norfolk)
AS Marston 10t dropside trailer, 1990, used with or w/o sides or combination, refurbished & sprayed MF red, road lighting, hyd brakes, manual tail door c/w grain chute, all sides straight, barn stored, viewing advised. £4,800+VAT ono. B Anderson Tel 07887 802628 (Lincolnshire)
very tidy condition, price for both trailers. £9,000+VAT. B Wilson Tel 07875 622600 (Hertfordshire)
KTWO Compact & Push 1800, 2021, not done much work at all, 560/60R22.5 BKT tyres still like new, air/hydraulic brakes. £32,500+VAT. M Hill Tel 07799 267920 (South Yorks)
BAILEY 14t trailer, 2001, hydraulic tailgate, sprung drawbar & axles, hydraulic tailgate, grain chute, 4 new Nokian tyres fitted 18 months ago, vgc, used for grain only. £11,000+VAT. A Abblitt Tel 07971 255264 (Cambridgeshire)
STAINES plant trailer, as new, 26' long. tri-axle with electric winch, hydraulic rams, beaver tail, 445-45R19.5 95%. £24,000+VAT. M Fisher Tel 07976 622090 (Norfolk)
RAVEN low loader, 25' top, 4' beaver, wooden bottom, 12 new tyres, air/ hyd brakes, good strong trailer, 2 strap lockers, 1 timber locker, LED lights. £8,800 ono no VAT. S Mann Tel 07852 981855 (Lincolnshire)
SET of rowcrops for John Deere 6175R, fixed centres, rears Firestone IF380/105 R50 70%, fronts Mitas AC85 340/85 R38 60%. £3,250+VAT ono. M England Tel 07880 726401 (Norfolk)
STOCKS rowcrops of a Fendt 700 Series with Mitas tyres, fronts 320/90-R32 90% tread, rears 340/85-R48 90% tread, vgc, had little use. £4,500+VAT. G Putterill Tel 07702 946910 (Lincolnshire)
DISCOUNTS FROM 25% All makes sold
Part exchange welcome Telephone: 01328 863 331 or email:
NARROW wheels for Fendt 516, front 320/85R34 tyres 80%, rear 320/90R50 tyres 40%, welded rims, painted in Fendt red, good overall condition. £2,950+VAT ono. M Naylor Tel 07970 576362 (Lincolnshire)
650-85-R38 Michelin tyres, 20%, one good, one needs side wall repair. £250+VAT. O Sadler Tel 07803 281030 (Essex)
ALLIANCE 14.9R46 rear rowcrops & also Michelin 14.9R28 suitable for a John Deere 6620 or similar. £400. T Stevenson Tel 07796 178950 (Essex)
SET of rowcrops for John Deere 7530, fixed centres, rears Alliance Agri flex 345VF380/9 R50 80%, fronts Firestone VF380/85R34 50%. £3,250+VAT ono. M England Tel 07880 726401 (Norfolk)
2019 Ford Ranger Wildtrak alloy wheels & tyres (4), alloys excellent condition, 265/60/R182 tyres 50%, even wear, 2 tyres bald on one side. £450. D Wadsley Tel 07740 255697 (Cambridgeshire)
WHEELS & tyres, Goodyear Terra tyres (4), 54x31x26NHS wheels, fit all bolt in centres. £1,500+VAT. R Howard Tel 07866 232402 (Nottinghamshire)
Contact COLIN SIMS 07831 805080 01205 460081
SET of rowcrops for John Deere 6175R, fixed centre, rears BKT VF388/105/R50 80%, fronts BKT Agri Max 340/85/R38
70%. £3,500+VAT ono. M England Tel 07880 726401 (Norfolk)
Farm Machinery Sales Specialists
ROWCROP wheels, Mitas 380/85R30 & Mitas 380/90-R46, excellent condition. £2,500+VAT. B Chandler Tel 07747 623384 (Norfolk)
SAM sprayer wheels, Trelleborg 680/55R26.5, good tread, paint is a bit flaky on rims, 8 stud, good condition, will fit other sprayers. £2,650+VAT ovno. A Clarke Tel 07708 205708 (Norfolk)
FEND rowcrops to fit 820/724, etc, BKT Agrimax 380/85R30 fronts, BKT Agrimax 380/90R46 rears, all about 30–40% tread, fronts will run at 72" or 80" if turned around, but rears will only run at 80". £2,750+VAT. D Seaman Tel 07771 925247 (Norfolk)
MICHELIN 600/70/R30 (pair), 45% good. £950+VAT. M Hewitt Tel 07775 618830 (Leicestershire)
PAIR of tractor/combine wheels & tyres, had little use, slight cracking in treads on one tyre only, side walls are excellent, as are 8 stud rims, wheels are approx 55’’ tall. £300. J Kitchen Tel 07940 181591 (Norfolk)
GOODYEAR 900x60x32 flotation wheels, 95%, two sets of John Deere wheels 8 stud & 10 stud, replaces 650 or 520x42. £3,000. D Murrell Tel 07850 724139 (Norfolk) FORD 3000 rear wheel centre. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
400/80-24 BKT tyre, in good condition. £140 ono. J Witherow Tel 01954 267979/07889 058326 (Cambridgeshire)
For more details visit our website 01362 687260 07771 972092
7.50-16 Ford front wheel & tyre, as new. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
STOCKS dual wheels, 20.8/R42 c/w clamps, good condition. £1,200+VAT. A Bentley Tel 07957 553028/01603 879709 (Norfolk)
John Deere wheels, 520/70 R38 wheels & tyres, tread condition good, these were fitted to a John Deere trailed sprayer. £2,500+VAT ono. M Naylor Tel 07970 576362 (Lincolnshire)
a set of wheel shims. £350 ono. P Waudby Tel 07961 558831 (East Yorkshire)
STOCKS rowcrop wheels, 14.9-R46 (380/90-R46) 14.9R30 Alliance tyres, came off JD 6930, good condition, barn stored. £3,000+VAT. A Bentley Tel 07957 553028 (Norfolk)
TWO 380/85R24 tyres, slightly worn, one BKT, one Firestone. £450 the pair. T Payne Tel 07765 411361/07880 964982 (Norfolk)
OPICO dual wheels with clamps, (size is 18.4xR38) rims very good condition, tyres decent 30%. £500 ono. J Jordan Tel 07535 990066 (Suffolk)
2021 Case Puma 240 CVX, 2911 Hours, GPS ready, Front Linkage
2020 Case Puma 175 CVX, 5452 Hours, Front Linkage+PTO, GPS ready
2016 Case Puma 165, 6323 Hours, Powershift, Front+Cab Suspension, Front Linkage
2017 Case Maxxum 150, 6579 Hours, Powershift, Front+Cab Suspension, Front Linkage
2011 New Holland T7.200, 6430 Hours, PowerCommand, Front+Cab Suspension
2019 New Holland T7.225, 7997 Hours, AutoCommand, Front Linkage, Front+Cab Suspension
2015 Massey Ferguson 7718, 6939 Hours, Dyna 6, front+Cab Suspension, Front Linkage
2019 Massey Ferguson 5713 + FL38.19 Loader, 2320 Hours, Dyna4, Cab Suspension, Loader service, Push out hitch, 2 manual spools, Sun Roof, Air brakes
2015 John Deere 6115R, 9370 Hours, AutoPowr, Front Linkage, TLS, 3 Speed PTO, 3 Spools, Heated seat
2015 John Deere 6115R, 8097 Hours, TLS, PowrQuad
2009 John Deere 6330, 11402 Hours, PowrQuad, TLS
2009 John Deere 5820, 8877 Hours, PowrQuad
2014 John Deere 6115R, 10646 Hours, PowrQuad, TLS
2007 John Deere 4520, 7036 Hours, 2 Speed PTO
2013 JCB JS130, 9171 Hours, QuickeHitch, Immobiliser, 30% Under Carriage .....£23,000
2012 JCB JS130 8153 Hours, Immobiliser, 90% UnderCarriage .................................£44,000
2002 Fendt 926 Fendt 210F
2011 Valtra T162V, Front Linkage, 50kph STOCK DUE IN:
2014 JOHN DEERE 6115R
2019 CASE MAXXUM 150
2013 CASE PUMA 160
We have our Customs Agents & DEFRA in place to produce our paperwork for tractor exports/imports within the EU & the rest of the world
NEW FORD 4610 & 4630 short motors – genuine Ford engines Part No: 84227819..... £1,750 each
2 x New Holland FX Forage complete engine
2 x New Holland TD5 complete engine Quadtrak 450 Cummings short motor
3 x Case Magnum 380 engines – complete in box
1 x New Holland T5040 engine – new complete in box
1 x New Holland TSA 110 short motor – new in box
1 x factory re-con TM155 Range Command gearbox – still in box ............................... £5,000 BRAND NEW TYRES
We are expecting more tractors to arrive in our yard shortly – Keep an eye on the website!
2016 Deutz 6130, C shift with loader, 5000hrs – a nice example
2009 Deutz 610, 140hp, this is tidy and ready for work £29,500
2016 McCormick X6-430, 130hp, 4700hrs, full spec/nice condition £37,000
2018 Dieci 40-7 teleporter, 2800hrs, JCB head, 4t/7m
1984 Ford 7710 4wd, still a very useful tractor – drives well £6,750
2020 Deutz 7250 Warrior, 243hp, GPS, 2950hrs pristine condition. This must be seen, well cared for, full spec, not to be missed
2019 New Holland Boomer 25 compact, turf tyres, immaculate
International 434/ loader, a good yard tractor, drives well
Bunning 10t Agri-Dumber trailer – average condition and cheap
Bunning 9t Hi-Lift trailer, auto tailgate – surplus on farm
4t Trailer/ auto tailgate, wide wheel – ideal for horse yard
Bredal F2WS weigh cell fertiliser spreader 3200L – really nice
Lely Tulip SX4000 spreader, 2200L capacity – tidy throughout..............................£2,950
2013 Dalbo 8m Culti-Max seed bed harrow, lovely example.........................................£14,000
12 Row hyd fold Monopil’s beet drill, full rebuilt – super condition
6 Row Stanhay 690 beet drill with applicators – a bargain
ea ing m flail mower, hyd sideshift, new blades ery good condition £2,750
2021 Chapman TH200 grass harrow electric controls for ATV £1,880
KRM 6m SM-P Direct Drill with Isobus controls, 2022, demonstration model, 40 acres, unbeatable price £36,500 (New price £52,200)
2017 McConnel Topper 9, heavy duty, 9’ topper/ wheels – as new condition £3,250
Demo Rabe 6 furrow variwidth plough, press arm – bargain £18,750
Fuelproof fork lift mounted bowser 1000L, manual pump £1,350
Ferguson 3t rebuilt trailer (full dismantle) £1,975
McHale balers, new and used models – Ring for details
Deutz stock tractor – beat the price increase!! Superb deals now waiting at our depot!!
Hayer/ Stihl/ Stiga – mower season coming soon VISIT OUR STORES FOR OLD-NEW STOCK AT KEEN PRICES
NEW Marshall Bale trailer
Brand new trailer with 560 floatation tyres, toolbox at the rear. Still at old price!
Kubota M7151 3040hrs, front linkage, electric spools, good tyres. An absolute BARGAIN!
Kverneland EG85/300, 6 FURROW,28 bodies,auto reset, V.tidy ..........................................
Kverneland ES85/200, 5 furrow, 28 bodies (2 available) ...................................................
Kverneland 150B Variomat, 5 furrow, 28 bodies. Clean, tidy machine ................................
Kverneland LD85/200, 5 furrow, 28 bodies, Clean, tidy machine.........................................
Kuhn 4m Combination Drill- Suffolk’s (Tidy Machine) .......................................................
8 row trailed Kverneland maize drill c/w section control unlocked.................................
KUHN Axis, 40.2, hydraulic drive, hopper cover, ISOBUS machine, tidy and local machine....
Vicon RO-M, 3 bag, hopper cover, lights, border spread.....................................................
Vicon RO-XL, 5 Bag, hopper cover, lights, border spread, immaculate.................................
Choice of two KRM Fert spreaders (one basic, one weigh cell)...................................
Shelbourne Reynolds 25cu c/w steering axle, Tub Relined (V. Tidy)..................................
Siloking 22cu, twin auger, front left door + elevator, very straight.......................................
McConnel PA6085, 1.5m TwinCutt head, Revolution Controls, 3pt linkage mounted............
Kubota MK5000, 1400hrs......................................................
Kubota L1501, 50hp, 4wd, scraper frame fitted, Tidy Tractor..............................................
Kubota M4062 ROPS, scraper special!, 3700hrs, 1000 hrs warranty remaining...................
Kubota M7151 66 Plate, premium, 4000hrs, 50kph, front & cab sus, elec spools................
Kverneland Trailed 4232 Mower Conditioner..................................................................
Kverneland FXJ 3M
Battlefield Machinery Ltd, Knights Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, SY1 3AB Tel: 01743 464100
8.3-32 narrow wheels, tyres new last springtime. D Jackson Tel 07779 687408 (Essex)
LAZY Bed hand weeder, 9 rows, for organic vegetable & root crops.
£2,500 ono. S Green Tel 07798 611712/01621 779500 (Essex)
of 680/55R26.5 Trelleborg flotation tyres c/w centres (4), twin radials with 8 stud centres, v little work, great cond, used on Househam Air Ride 3600L s/p sprayer, selling as retiring, pic not great but can send more if interested. £3,900 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
FLOTATION wheels (4), 8 stud, to suit Househam Air-ride 3000 or similar, good condition.
£1,500+VAT ono. K Burgess Tel 07762 173415/01954 267615 (Cambridgeshire)
ROCAGRAF mechanical clipper net bag machine stapler with a quantity of net bag sleeves & staples, floor/ free standing model, for bagging up produce, etc, footplate slightly bent but works. £180 no VAT. Collection preferred but can assist with pallet. J Waters Tel 01787 222378 (Essex)
SCANIA R520 V8, 2015, 660,000kms single line hyds, MOT Nov 23, Griffin spec, new turbo last year, DPFs changed, new batteries, perimeter kit, Durabrights, sliding jost 5th wheel, double bunk, manual 3 over 3 gearbox, good condition. £47,500 ono. S Clark Tel 07873 914822 (Bedfordshire)
TOYOTA Hilux Active, 2018 model, 57000 miles, very tidy, recent service & MOT, excellent tyres, one owner, load liner, tow pack, etc. £15,750+VAT ono. B Robinson Tel 07740 683113 (Gloucestershire)
FORD Ranger, 09 reg, MOT, good tyres, slight engine problem. Would part exchange for another Ranger or money – either way. £1,750 ono. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire)
2002, 150,000 miles, 2495cc diesel, 5 new tyres, brand new HD battery, service history and invoices available
MITSUBISHI L200 Warrior, 2018, auto, full dealer service history, new AT tyres & spare alloy with decent tyre, excellent condition, reliable, genuine reason for sale.£16,000+VAT. D Wadsley Tel 07740 255697 (Cambridgeshire)
FERRARI F4 block planter, 5 planter units. £800 ono. S Green Tel 07798 611712/01621 779500 (Essex)
FOUR 2019 Ford Ranger Wildtrak alloy wheels & tyres, alloys excellent condition, tyres 265/60/R18, 2 tyres 50% worn evenly, 2 tyres bald one side. £500. D Wadsley Tel 07740 255697 (Cambridgeshire)
TRELLEBORG TM900 710/75 R42 (pair), 70% tread, good condition, one tyre has had past puncture repair with a patch, viewing welcomed.
£5,500+VAT ono. M Ockendon Tel 07889 736637 (Essex)
GARFORD Robocrop in row camera guided weeder, front mounted, side shift, inter-row software, 60" wheel track, 3 rows, new 2017. Offers. S Green Tel 07798 611712/01621 779500 (Essex)
STOCKS dual wheels, Michelin 710/70-42 & Firestone 600/70-30 tyres 80% tread, c/w clamps, vgc. £4,250+VAT. A Abblitt Tel 07971 255264 (Cambridgeshire)
Unimog Vegetable Picker + John Deere Tractors 56-93298 01948 667700
VOLKSWAGEN Caddy Max Life C20 1.6 TDi, DSG automatic, 63 plate, LWB, alloy wheels, air con, service history. £6,995. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
to be included in the PREES PLANT/ AGRICULTURAL AUCTION THIS FRIDAY 3rd Feb from 9am
with 29x8 wheels, old but hold air. £40. J Witherow Tel 01954 267979/07889 058326 (Cambridgeshire)
ACCORD Exacta vegetable/module planter, good order. £300+VAT. A Glover Tel 07767 768697/01354 638064 (Norfolk)
DAF 7.5t tipper lorry, 2002, 180K km, full year’s MOT, regularly serviced. £3,800 ono. R Morris Tel 01794 368191/07831 674522 (Hampshire)
PEUGEOT 504GL pickup, F reg, 109k mls, one owner, f/w r/hood & towbar, orange, not been used/run for a few years but a remarkably sound & rust free survivor, not had farm use needs recommissioning & some body repair, interior v good. £3,995 no VAT. G Howell Tel 07903 089391/01728 723683 (Suffolk)
CHERISHED personal number plate, A403 KAY, on retention, £80 registration fee paid. £1,000. E Calcott Tel 01827 62265 (Staffordshire)
LAND Rover Discovery HSE
Sport TD4 auto, black, Dec 2016, 2.0L, diesel, emissions 139g/km, 48,500mls, 7 seater, leather seats, sat nav, park sensors, camera, many features, full MOT, full service, plates changed back to original. £19,500 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
LAND Rover Freelander HST, 58 reg, 100,000 miles, very good condition, year's MOT, service history, automatic, one owner from new. £6,450. R Chapman Tel 07860 401855 (Lincolnshire)
TRUCKMAN Series 7 hardtop to fit Isuzu D- Max (2012–2017), exterior good condition, interior a little worn from work use. £350+VAT ono. S Eglington Tel 07770 567956 (Suffolk)
MITSUBISHI L200 Warrior, auto, 2018, excellent condition, new AT tyres all round, full dealer service history, high spec, 78,000mls, genuine reason for sale. £16,000+VAT. D Wadsley Tel 07740 255697 (Cambridgeshire)
ISUZU Dmax 1.9 TD Yukon double cab pickup, 4dr, diesel manual 4wd. 63,500 miles, 2018 (18 reg), FSH at local dealer, one owner driver from new, good condition. £13,500+VAT. D Morley Tel 07907 997124 (Leicestershire)
SILVER Carryboy Series 7 hard top canopy, opening tinted windows, fits Isuzu DMax. £300 S Eglington Tel 01379 870872/07770 567956 (Suffolk)
TUNIT Advantage 3 diesel performance, taken off a VW Touareg, but can be fitted to any diesel tractor or vehicle, excellent condition. £175 ono. A Lyle Tel 07889 303809 (Lincolnshire)
MF 7722S
2019, 2300hrs, Dyna VT, new tyres all round been on row crops
MF 7724S
2018, 3200hrs, Dyna 6, exclusive, auto guide ready
MF 7718S
2020, 3700hrs, Dyna 6, 50kph, front linkage
MF 7716
2017, 3600hrs, front linkage, 50kph
MF 5S 125
2022, 250hrs, CW MF Loader
MF 7618
2014, 1900hrs, 50kph, front linkage
MF 7620
2013, 3000hrs, exclusive, front linkage & PTO
MF 7618
2015, 4600hrs, 50kph, air brakes
MF 7616
2013, 5900hrs, front links, 50kph
MF 6480
2006, Dyna 6, 6500hrs, front & cab suspension
MF 6480
2004, 7000hrs, front linkage, cab suspension Dynashift
MF 8670
2012,7000hrs, 50kph, front linkage, front axle and cab suspension, guidance ready
New Holland FX50
2005, grass machine, straight & tidy
Kuhn FC-303 centre pivot mower
2012, very little use
John Deere 1365 trailed mower
2011, very good condition
Moore Drill close Spacing, ex demo, as new Manitou 1050R skid Loader new hands/foot control system, 2022, c/w LWC 5’ bucket, as new condition
email: llansilintractors@hotmail co uk
For a full list of our stock please go to www llansilintractors co uk
6 air brakes 50K 7500hrs
13 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna 6 7500hrs 50K air brakes
15 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna VT 50K 7500hrs
12 reg MF 7616 4x4 Dyna 6 40K 5300hrs FL CS FS
08 reg MF 6499 4x4 Dyna 6 FS CS 50K 7700hrs
11 reg MF 6499 4x4 Dyna 6 FS CS FL 7400hrs mint
11 reg MF 6495 4x4 FS CS FL 6900hrs Dyna 6
11 reg MF 6490 4x4 50K 7100hrs
P reg MF 6160 4x4 Dyna 4 with Quicke power loader
18 reg MF 5710s 4x4 Ess Spec wth MF loader 3870hrs
06 reg MF 5470 4x4 MF 965 loader 5600hrs Dyna 4 FS
55 reg MF 5465 4x4
14 reg MF 5612 4x4 CS air seat 115hp mint 2977hrs
T reg Manitou teleporter 4x4
1964 Fordson Super Dexta
J reg MF 135
R reg Ford 6600 with loader
Samsung 13T digger 7900hrs
2010 Todd beet cleaner
Marshall 10T tipper trailer Rowcrop wheel for MF 6480
Richard Betts 4x4 Ltd • Lincolnshire Based • Please see website for more stock • All prices +VAT 92640
CLAAS Arion 630 Cebis, 50kph, GPS steering, S10 terminal, front linkage POA
CLAAS Scorpion 741 Vari Power telehandler, 4.1t, 7m, demonstrator POA
ALPEGO DK Top 6m power harrow, c/w 600mm packer roller, 350hp drive line, Twin Force rotor assembly with quick fit tines......................................................................................................£34,000
JPM low loader trailer, 24’ long, loading skids, sprung drawbar, air & hyd brakes
ALPEGO TL33-220 verge mower 2.2m working width, hydraulic right hand offset, wide angle PTO £7,700
ALPEGO TR46-280 front/rear 2.8m flail mower, hyd offset headstock, demo £7,700
CLAAS Liner 420, single rotor rake
CLAAS Volto 800 6 rotor tedder/spreader
HE-VA 3m Stealth, 5 leg low disturbance cultivator c/w 600mm V-Profile roller..............................£13,000
HOMBERG Blitz Drain Jetter c/w 300m hose, electric remote control
CLAAS Axion 830 CIS, 2019, 1600hrs, 50kph Hexashift transmission, suspended front axle, air brakes, cab suspension, very good condition
CLAAS Arion 620 CIS, 2014 (64) 1800hrs, 40Kph Hexashift transmission, front linkage, cab suspension, excellent condition,
CLAAS Ares 617 ATZ 2006, Quadrishift transmission, cab suspension good condition
COUSINS 6m pressure harrow, hydraulic folding
VICON RO-XXL Geospread, 3900L hopper with cover, section control & variable rate licence, 2 side steps, 2 seasons use
5TH wheel trailer bogie, hydraulic brakes, mudguards
SUTON ELCS 80 rehandling bucket, Merlo brackets
VOGEL & NOOT XMS 5 furrow manual variwidth plough c/w press arm
BERTHOUD Gamma 1000L sprayer, 12mmanual fold booms, manual controls, induction hopper
QUICKE 6’power grab for front loader c/w euro brackets
HOMBERG Junior drain jetter, 2020, good condition........................................................................£7,250
LELY Roterra 3,5m, 45 series power harrow, rear packer roller, clod board, rear towing hook
VIGOLO DSA 220 verge mower, 2,2 metre cutting width, hydraulic offset to the right, good condition
FERABOLI 3.5m power harrow, packer roller
BREVI MASTER 2.2mmaster XL offset verge mower, right hand offset, heavy duty flails, large rear roller, good condition
COUSINS6.3m Contour rolls, 24” plain rims, good condition
WHEATLEY10tTrailer, fixed sides, twin axle, grain chute..................................................................£4,000
Brian Cornwell 07899
Barroway Drove, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 0AL
T: 01366 324256/324311 E:
Out of hours: 07795 845308 •
Deutz 3060 4wd c/w roll bar
Deutz 5125 loader ready
Deutz 5125 c/w FZ30 Stoll loader
Deutz 6135 RV shift
Kverneland 6m tine seeder drill full spec
Kverneland 2828 mounted mower
Kverneland 8590 8 row hay tedders in stock
Kverneland FRO 2.8m grass topper front & rear
Kverneland 863 Pro straw bedder
Redrock 24t tri-axle low-loading trailer
McHale 691BH & R5S round bale handlers
McHale 991 high speed bale wrapper
McHale 2 x V6750 round balers
McHale 691HB bale handler, several
McHale R5 soft hands bale handler, several
Walter Watson 8.3m Cambridge rolls with breakers & shatterboards
Teagle TAPS 2.5m verge mower
Teagle 8500 Chief feeder bedder
Moulton FY4 yard scraper
Kawasaki Mule Pro DX
Deutz 5090D c/w loader
Deutz 6185 RC shift 2019 low hrs (as new)
Deutz 6160 2013 4000hrs only air brakes, front linkage, excellent condition
Deutz Agroplus 410 DT on turf tyres
Deutz Agrotron K110 6 cylinder 2008
Deutz 7250 2015 low hours
Case Optum 300 2016 4200hrs
McCormick 2008 MC135, front suspension
Bomford 3m heavy duty shaft drive topper
Bomford SR15 tri-wing heavy duty grass topper
Twyman 10’ flail mower
Lely Roterra 4m power harrow
Lely 360M mounted mower good condition 2014
Lely 2.4m mower conditioner
Lely 770 6 row tedder – 2 in stock
Claas Volto 1050 tedder
Amazone ZAM300 fertiliser spreader, tested 2020, good condition
Dowdeswell 4 furrow good condition
Kuhn 700G11 disc mower
Kuhn FC243 mower conditioner with lift control
Kuhn MDS1141 QL fertiliser spreader
Kverneland Taarup 9578C twin rotor rake
Kverneland 8590 8 row tedder
Kverneland 3m CTS stubble finisher c/w DD packer
Kverneland FRO 2.8 topper
Teagle 40/40 tub feeder/bedder
Teagle 80/80 SC feeder/bedder
Teagle 2010 80/80 SC feeder/bedder good condition
Kidd Mk3 Professional Post Bumper as new
McHale Fusion 2016
Welger RP445 2013 round baler 46,000 bales
Welger RP445 2012 e-link
McHale 991BE bale wrapper approx 30,000 bales
McHale HS2000 high speed wrapper (2009)
Claydon 4.5m direct drill
McConnel 5 leg Shakaerator
Bailey 16t low loader, air brakes, hyd rams, twin axle, never been used
Fleming o set 8ft grass topper
Twose 6.3m Cambridge rolls c/w breaker rings
mole plough £1,500
Peter Allen trailed rota feeder, c/w petrol blower, ideal for quad bike £1,000
3 Hesston claw grab to fit on Manitou fittings £1,800+VAT
Saddington Road Nr SHEARSBY
Leics LE17 6PX
Agricultural Engineers
01162 478 999
Sales: Dave Gri in – mobile 07712 509869 Ian Hollingworth– mobile 07720 100165
ISUZU Rodeo 2wd single cab pickup, 2009, 2.5TD, c/w Ifor Williams canopy, lovely truck, powerful & reliable, 80,000 miles, 2 owners from new. £8,750+VAT. T Wright Tel 07795 484100 (Norfolk)
GARDINER 6LW engine, gwo. POA. M Robson Tel 07801 885520 (North Yorks)
Caterpillar operators instruction books and parts catalogues - POA
Call: 07775 741720
F Milk NR11 7LN Norwich
INTERNATIONAL 885 tractor, c/w with Quicke 3360E extendable hydraulic loader & rear wheel weights, only 3000hrs, nice genuine machine. £5,500 ovno no VAT. R Bailey Tel 07790172354 (Northants)
VINTAGE hand-operated cast iron mangold grinder. Stallard Farms Ltd Tel 01531 890350 (Gloucestershire)
GRASS seed harrow required with seed box 6+m wide. E Jones Tel 01954 250818 (Cambridgeshire)
New Holland TC, TX, CX
Deutz Fahr - all models John Deere
1177, 2056, 2058, 2256, 2258 Claas Lexion
410, 420, 430, 510, 520, 530
Bateman and Sands self propelled sprayers
Tel: 0035 3862782479
FORDSON Super Major, 1961, diesel, V5 present, has been resprayed, mechanically sound, differential lock. £6,000. S Wisson-Burton Tel 07934 730061 (Cambridgeshire)
SOUND 620/70/42 Michelin Omnibib 160D rating part worn tractor tyres required. J Claydon Tel 07831 642134 (Suffolk)
ROLLER mill/grain mill, must run on single phase, with or without motor. J Ramsey Tel 01653 628366 (North Yorks)
LATERALS, drive over type approx 315mm X 27mm X 1000mm or similar. B Reynolds Tel 07836 643155/01263 833281 (Norfolk)
We are suppliers of used parts for Antique, Vintage and Classic Tractors
1949 Allis Chalmers HD5, good tracks, original paintwork, drives well. £5,750. T Nicholls Tel 07747 781233 (Buckinghamshire) 58-92544
British & American, built 1920's - 1980's
VARIOUS zig-zag harrows. Offers. J Ramsey Tel 01653 628366 (North Yorks)
CASE tractor magneto, large, part number 37938, 4 bolt fixing, baseplate measures 5 5/16" x 3 5/8", seized - for spares or recon. £75. G Howell Tel 07903 089391/01728 723683 (Suffolk)
WATER pump for IH 4 cylinder engines, from 585 to 885, c/w gasket. £25. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
FERGUSON TE 20, petrol, starts & runs, in working order. J Adams Tel 07812 367009 (Worcestershire)
FORDSON Power Major with loader, starts & runs. J Adams Tel 07812 367009 (Worcestershire)
FORD 4000 genuine power steering kit, in very good working condition. £250. J Kitchen Tel 07940 181591 (Norfolk)
3-POINT linkage rear mounted loader, c/w dirt bucket & muck fork, in working condition. J H Withers & Son Tel 07947 684149 (Norfolk)
JCB Robot skid steer loader, modern machine in good working condition for busy farm, any model considered. O Gronning Tel 01926 843460 (Warwickshire)
Good Quality Woodland
Grown Oak Required. (Not Hedgerow Trees)
VINTAGE trailer, requires restoration, bed size 10' x 6'. £175. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
RENAULT front weights (8), 6 normal & the 2 centre ones. £55 each no VAT. C Flatters Tel 01775 640112 (Lincolnshire)
VINTAGE dreadnoughts two plus one spare, vertical stone mills, 1920s, 20hp motor engines. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire)
INTERNATIONAL B275 Hi Clear, good running order, very rare tractor, PUH, lift arms, original aluminium number plates, supplied by Johnson Bros of Spalding. £3,250. H Ward Tel 07771 537155/01485 571020 (Norfolk)
OLD ford weights, surplus to requirements, good condition. £500+VAT ono. R Wild Tel 01245 233555 (Essex)
FORD 6600 in original condition with 5406hrs, registered in 1979, only selling as I need the space in my shed, it's a nice tractor, any questions please ask. T Schembri Tel 07919 624032 (Essex)
BUCK rake, 7' wide, 3 point linkage with manual trip, in good condition. J H Withers & Son Tel 07947 694149 (Norfolk)
We can help with woodland management schemes and felling licences - must be good quality.
Whatsapp photos to 07848 459863 or email to
Call 01763 208966
MST egg washer required, also black (outdoor) poultry slats. O Gronning Tel 01926 843460 (Warwickshire)
VARIOUS parts – PTO caps IH £10, pickup tines for Class Dominator baler, chamber crimp for same, turbo kit parts by Fram Tractors £35, Suffolk coulters (29), valve block double acting or stand alone, points for breaker gun. £10 ono. P Beales Tel 07584189359 (Suffolk)
THREE horse drawn mowers, one Bamlett, one Bamford & one Deering. £150 each or £450 for all 3. E Calcott Tel 01827 62265 (Staffordshire)
VERY old pillar drill. Offers. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769 (Lincolnshire)
FORD 4000, 1973, gearbox & back end rebuilt, fully serviced, decoke & valve grind, genuine example, good tinwork, rev counter, charging & oil lights work, one door glass missing, lights & wiring complete but inoperative & need work. £4,500 ono. J Kitchen Tel 07940 181591 (Norfolk)
SELECTION of Ransomes TS103 reversible plough parts. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769
FORDSON Major belt pulley. S Mackman Tel 07599 526060/01406 330769 (Lincolnshire)
FORDSON Diesel Major, 1955, V5 present, mechanically sound. £2,500. S Wisson-Burton Tel 07934 730061 (Cambridgeshire)
1948 petrol Fergi in excellent condition. £2,750 ono. G Barker Tel 07939 031597 (Hampshire)
WOODEN 3/4t Adams of Old deer trailer, hydraulic tip, needs new wooden floor. £300. J Furze Tel 07816 285195/01799 584242 (Essex)
JOHN DEERE 3765 trailed forage harvester & any associated pickups or maize headers, etc. G.Howell 07903 089 391 & 01728 723 683.
JOHN Deere lightweight forklift carriage & tines for John Deere 420 fore end loader. P Waspe Tel 07462 472289 (Suffolk)
HYDRAULIC lift link arms with Cat 2 linkage, small tractor, eg MF 135 or similar size. P Waspe Tel 07462 472289 (Suffolk)
LOOKING for a complete Ransomes
Subtiller leg assembly with bracket & front disc. P Bromley Tel 07971 521655 (Shropshire)
JCB 520-50 Farm Special Loadall 4x4x4 required, please email pictures & details to or call. J Murrell Tel 01603 712222 (Norfolk)
NORDSTEN NS3040 4m seed drill, piggyback type, to work in combination with a 4m power harrow, etc, Suffolk coulters only. P Rice Tel 01366 328787 (Norfolk)
NEW Holland 8060, 8070, 8080 combine harvester, if you have this model & you want to sell for a good price contact me. M Khan Tel 07305838261 (Lancashire)
linkage, Eco PTO, a/c, cab susp, trailer brake, air brakes, P.U. hitch, Hexashift (powershift), power beyond free flow return, Isobus ready, GPS pilot ready (GPS not included)
2017, 50kph, 185hp, 4360hrs, 540/65/R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 4 spools, f/susp, f/PTO, fr/linkage, Eco PTO, a/c, air brakes, electric hyd, PUH, cab susp, 24/24 gear HEXASHIFT with HEXACTIV plus CSM, Isobus equipment
CLAAS ARION 630 CIS £68,950 2019,50 kph, 165 H.P, AdBlue Engine, 2305hrs, Michelin MultiBib 540/65 R28 fronts, Michelin MultiBib 650/65 R38 rears, 3 spools, front suspension, Eco PTO, A/C, cab suspension, trailer brake, air brakes, PUH, creep speed, HEXASHIFT
CLAAS ARION 650 50K £66,750
2016, 50kph, 185hp, 5200hrs, CEBIS, new 540/65R28 fronts, Firestone 650/65R38 rears, 4 spools, front linkage, GPS steering, a/c, cab suspension, trailer brake, air brakes, PU hitch
2019, 50kph, 189hp, AdBlue engine, 3000hrs, 540/65 R30 fronts, 650/65 R42 rears, 4 spools, front suspension, front Linkage, GPS steering, a/c, Isobus, air brakes, electric hyd, PU hitch, power eeyond, cab suspension
2019, 50Kph, 205hp, AdBlue engine, 3480hrs, Trelleborg TM800 fronts 540/65 R30 & 650/65 R42 rears, 3 spools, front suspension, front linkage, eco PTO, GPS steering, a/c, Isobus, air brakes, electric hyd, PU hitch, power beyond, cab suspension
2006, 40kph, 132 hp, 9945hrs, 480/65 R28 fronts, Good Year OptiTrac 600/65 R38 rears, 2 spools, front weights, a/c, trailer brake, PU hitch
2018, 50kph, 235hp, AdBlue engine, 3500hrs, 540/65 R30 fronts, 650/65 R42 rears, 4 spools, front suspension, front weights, eco PTO, GPS steering, a/c, Isobus, air brakes, electric hyd, PU hitch, power beyond, cab suspension
JOHN DEERE 3130 £5,850 20kph, 95hp, 6985hrs, 2wd, 420/85 R38 rears, 2 spools, 2 wheel drive, hi-lo, power steering, 2 spools, OPU cab, genuine tractor, straight machine and runs a drives well, ideal project
CLAAS JAGUAR 840 POA 2019, 3m pick up, 4wd, 20 blade cyl, 650/75 R32 172 A8 Trelleborg fronts & 500/70 R24 164 A8 rears, 2115/1698hrs, r/crop press, auto shearbar, auto lube, a/c, corn cracker, hyd trailer hitch, additive carrier, weights
CLAAS JAGUAR 950 4WD POA 2018, 40kph, 24 blade cyl, 710/70R38 fronts, 600/65R28 rears, 2978hrs, 2058 cyl hrs, 4wd, r/crop press, auto shearbar, auto lube, a/c, corn cracker, V-Max 24-knife chop unit, multi crop cracker classic, PU300 I36 grass pick up header, not included pick up hitch and rear weights, air horns and Orbis in picture
CLAAS TUCANO 440 £84,500 2008, 6.6m vario header, 25kph, 2807/2135hrs, Cont 800/65R32 fronts, Cont 500/85R24 rears, RH V knife, yield/Qm, straw chop, chaff spreader, straw walker with ball bearings, side risers for straw walker fitted, ISS inten sep with straw guide system, chaff spreader, sieve adjust mech, combine yr: 2008, Cutterbar yr: 2015
2007, 7.5m vario header, 25kph, 2995/2375hrs, 800/65R32 Michelin XM28 fronts, 500/85R24 rears, LH laser, dust extractor, yield/Qm, grainmeter, straw chop, chaff spreader, 3D hillside sieves, CEBIS
2017, 7.7m vario header, 30Kph, 1372/1035hrs, Terra Trac 635mm, 500/85R24 rears, RH V knife, dust extractor, yield/Qm, Telematics, air comp, power spreader, straw chop, chaff spreader, reversing camera, APS threshing system, side risers for straw walkers, 3D hillside sieves, GPS S7 steering system, quantimeter
2013, 10.5m vario header, 40kph, 2451/1630hrs, Terra Trac 635mm, 500/85R24 rears, LH V knife, RH V knife, LH laser, dust extractor, Yield/Q m, grainmeter, yield mapping, cruise cont, power spreader, straw chop, chaff spreader
2017, 3m pick up, 710/70R42 fronts, 620/70R30 rears, 2650/1750hrs (appx), 4wd, R/crop press, a/c, corn cracker, Hyd trailer hitch, additive carrier, 12 row maize extensions, AD plant drum (maize header in pictures not included but is available separately)
2013, appx 14000ha, 8m, bout markers, pre-em markers, 8000sw seed cart, twin hopper, side walkway/platform, Firestone 620/75R30 steering seed wagon tyres, grain and fertiliser (can be used grain only), twin distribution towers, half width, shut-off, Horsch Duett Coulters, Following harrow, Inter harrow, air brake
CLAAS SCORPION 7035 2017, vario trans, 4,095hrs, Manitou hyd carriage, 4wd, a/c, Tlr brake, PUH, boom suspension, 40kph, Immobiliser, front power supply, smart handling POA
CLAAS VOLTO 1300T 2016, hyd headland lift, Hyd curtain, 10 rotor, MAX SPREAD............................................£19,950
CLAAS LINER 3500 2012, 12.5m w/w, Manual height adjust, ctl box, Load sensing line POA
CLAAS LINER 3600 2019, 9.9-12.5m w/w, Ctl Line for LS, ISOBUS cable, ctl terminal, Manual height ctl, 4 rotors, ProFix arms £34,950
KRONE SWADRO TC880 2017, 7.6-8.8m w/w, Rear steering, Hyd width ctl, 13 tine arms per rotor, Twin rotor POA
CLAAS QUADRANT 5300 FC POA 2021, 6682 Bales, fine cut chopper, 120x90 bale size, air brakes, full width power feed pick up auger, large 620/50/R22 tyres, K80 ball hitch, tandem steering axle, moisture sensor, weighing tailgate, hyd bale ejector, hyd ramp, hyd knotter blowers, LED worklights, Load sensing
CLAAS QUADRANT 5300 POA 2022, cut rotor, 51 knives, moisture m, weigher, 3 roller chute, folding caster wheels, 620/50R22.5 steering axle, LED work lights, auto lube, 80mm ball hitch, approx 3,500 bales
KRONE 1400 SWADRO 2015, 13.5m w/w, Manual height adjust, ctl box, 4 wheel under carriage, 4 rotors £26,500
HORSCH LEEB PT 280 2017, 18/32m, GPS steering & section control, Sprayer operating terminal, Induction bowl, 285hp, 50 kph, 2.25m track width, 480/80 R50 Alliance tyres, 8000 litre stainless steel tank assembly with CCSPOA HORSCH LEEB PT 280 2017, 18/36m, GPS prepared, Sprayer operating terminal, Induction bowl, 285hp engine, Comfort Touch 1200 terminal, 50 kph, 2m track width, 8,000 litre stainless steel tank assembly with CCS POA
REDROCK 3500G & AGQUIP DRIBBLE BAR 2017, New 710/50R26.5 wheels, 8” hyd side load arm, mudguards, Air/hyd brakes, Rear steering, Krohne flowmeter, high lights, Fr sight tube, JUROP pump 2019, 8” Top fill, swivel hitch, Agquip 12m dribble bar, Rear linkage,sprung drawbar, Pipe & rack, 3500 gallon £37,750
wheels & tyres 800 & 520 Trelleborg 75% tread, 30kph, premium cab, air con, radio, 4 speed transmission, 25’ power�ow header
Lely 535
baler control e box 550/55-20 tyres at 80%
Deutz Fahr £85,000
warrior black edition, f/linkage, full susp, air con, air brakes, Trelliborg 540/65 R34 75% Trelliborg 650/65 R42 75% guidance c/w 12” monitor 21054033
hi speed,air pressure set, f/axle susp, pneumatic brakes, trailer socket Iso7638 for abs, four valve package & power beyond, pump output 160l/min, f/linkage from f valves, pick up hitch, valtra guide submetre (novatel), 650/65R42 F & 540/65R30 F Trelleborg TM800, twin beacons
50kph vario, susp f/axle, f/linkage, f PTO, 2 f spools & 4 rear, hyd top link, power beyond, load sensing, Isobus, air & hyd brakes, susp cab, air seat, all elec spools, data 4 screen, data 5 screen, trimble guidance, Mitas 600/65R28 & 650/65R42 70% tread
Pro� plus, 65kph vario, f/linkage, f/axle susp, 1 f & 4 r spools, Isobus, air & hyd brakes, power beyond, susp cab, halogen work lights, air cond, air seat, 10“ screen, trimble guidance, continental 600/70R30 at 80% tread & Michelin 710/70R42 at 60% tread
40kph power shift, f/ linkage, f PTO, �xed f/ axle, 1 f spool and 3 rear, hyd brakes, susp cab, air seat, air con, bluetooth radio, on Firestone 420/85R38 & 340/85R28at 60% tread
50kph vario, f/susp, f/inkage, f PTO, 2 f/spools & 5 rear, power beyond, load sensing, Isobus, air & hydr brakes, hyd top link, susp cab, air seat, air con, guidance ready, Trelleborg 600/65R34 & 710/75R42 at 90% tread, full warranty till 27.02.2024 or 6000hrs
FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 236
WANTED (cont)
INSTRUCTIONS/USER manual required for a W L Holland Ltd Adelphi mash mixer. C Coe Tel 07938 804802 (Suffolk)
VICON DMP3200 hydraulic folding mower required in good condition.
J Radford Tel 07784 586267 (Cambridgeshire)
thinning clear-fell or coppice
All species & grades
Payment over weighbridge
References supplied or view previous jobs
Assistance available for woodland management schemes & licensing
D J Davison & Sons Ltd
01359 230075
07932 668303
AS Marston 10t dump trailer. A Rose Tel 07890 305120 (Lincolnshire)
BEEF Shorthorn pedigree heifers or cows & calves required, any area. H Catlin Tel 07931 524599 (Lincolnshire)
TEMPERATURE control box for Alvan-Blanch DF8 grain dryer (80s model). J Forster Tel 07816 104407 (Northumberland)
a good machine. H Farms Limited Tel 01926 843460 (Warwickshire)
MUCK price. M Chapman Tel 07971
940087/01673 843663 (Lincolnshire)
JCB 531-70 Loadall, low hours. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977
912970 (Shropshire)
STORE cattle, any age, any breed, TB tested or TB restricted. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire)
PIG farrowing ark, preferably with a front pen, must be in good/tidy condition & large enough for a Large White sow to farrow in. N Arrowsmith Tel 07825 260666 (Northants)
all ages or condition cash paid and collected
01277 822001
07831 422138
BOX profile sheeting with 200mm pitch, any quantity, length or condition considered. S Hill Tel 07881
786690/01603 759536 (Norfolk)
TOPCON AGI 3 with RTK module. M Scarborough Tel 07836 257363 (Leicestershire)
GALVANISED pea bins or seed bins.
M Scarborough Tel 07836 257363 (Leicestershire)
GEARBOX required for DB 880
Implematic tractor (6-speed livedrive), note this was the transitional 880 model immediately prior to the Selectamatic range, will collect or arrange haulage. B Clark Tel 01768 779315 (Cumbria)
ANYTHING made by E&H Roberts Deanshanger Iron Works required, cast iron nameplates, cast iron seats, catalogues, bill headers, etc, in good condition. M Burgess Tel 07958 381278 (Buckinghamshire)
OLDER type concrete mixer, 5/3.5cu/ft, on 4 wheels, on fast tow. R James Tel 01263 837569 (Norfolk)
WALTER Watson or similar end tow flat roller, condition more imperative than age. J Pesterfield Tel 01347 889299 (North Yorks)
TUB mixer, Redrock, Abbey, Fleming or similar, mechanical condition more important than looks, anything considered, under 11cu/m if possible.
J Pesterfield Tel 01347 889299 (North Yorks)
HOWARD power harrow. J Doe Tel 07860 314240 (Suffolk)
FRONT linkage, ie Farm Force or similar, to fit Ford 10 Series tractor. R Baker Tel 07801 557640/01953 850238 (Norfolk)
CORRUGATED roofing sheets, the longer the better, any pattern/type. R James Tel 01263 837569 (Norfolk)
FASTRAC engine side panel required to fit a 2135, but a panel from a 1000 or 2000 Series would also fit, anything considered. C Shaw Tel 07900 048303 (Gloucestershire)
AGRICULTURAL cast iron nameplates, plaques, etc from vintage farm machinery required, in good condition. M Burgess Tel 07958 381278 (Buckinghamshire)
650/75-R32 336534 (Norfolk)
07785 937779 01953 454462
MATROT M41 beet harvester, 1995 machine for parts, or a working machine would suit, also looking for spare parts. Contact me with what you have (based in Ireland). P Healy Tel 0035 387 6681545 (County Galway)
WOOD processor, petrol or PTO driven, wheeled or tractor mounted. D Elvidge Tel 07771 690254 (Lincolnshire)
HYDROCUT Farmer linkage mounted hedge cutter. J Doe Tel 07860 314240 (Suffolk)
RACK & pinion saw bench for ripping tree trunks into boards & posts, may consider Forrestor type bandsaw, single or 3 phase. R James Tel 01263 837569 (Norfolk)
OLDER type concrete mixer, 5/3.5cu/ft, on 4 wheels, on fast tow. R James Tel 01263 837569 (Norfolk)
ideally off farm condition. A Parkinson Tel 07592 614051 (Gloucestershire)
CATTLE must be able to accommodate all cattle sizes & preferably with a head scoop. T Wright Tel 07810 656374/07795 484100 (Norfolk)
pair needed, in good condition. J Easy Tel 07879 645209 (Suffolk)
PUSH out hitch for Massey Ferguson 5455, 2006, Call with details. G Ulley Tel 07798 872221 (South Yorks)
Claas 46/240/340
Krone KR125/KR135/1250
McHale 5400/5500 07836 540559 59-92729
PAIR of 23.1x18-26 tyres suitable for Claas Dom 106 (or complete wheels), up to £400. S Hill Tel 07881 786690/01603 759536 (Norfolk)
FENDT 10 stud wheel weight starters or swap for 8 stud starters. M Scarborough Tel 07836 257363 (Leicestershire)
PLASTIC storage bins, length 280mm, width 205, height 140mm, large quantity available. £1/bin. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
EDGEWICK No2 vertical milling machine, 3ph, barn stored since removal from workshop in 1987, in working order then, complete & original. £275 no VAT. J Cargill Tel 07754 793725 (Essex)
MCCONNEL Allwork PTO driven circular saw, (yellow & black model - triple vee belt), Cat 1/2 linkage, recent blade sharpen & set. £795 no VAT. G Howell Tel 07903 089391/01728 723683 (Suffolk)
RDS Lift Log 100 weigher, excellent working condition. £500+VAT. A Abblitt Tel 07971 255264 (Cambridgeshire)
METAL storage bins, heavy duty construction, sliding lids, sloping floor with a removable front panel, channels for pallet tines, 3 available, 700 x 700 x 1100 high. £100 each. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
Not getting that job satisfaction where you are currently working and looking for a new career opportunity?
If so, why not come and join the team at R C Setch eld Ltd based in Grantham, Lincolnshire. We are currently recruiting for two additional roles.
R C Setch eld Ltd is a family run agricultural engineering business established in 1982. We are primarily known as used materials handler specialists. This specialism is complemented by a range of new equipment franchises to cover the demands of today’s professional farm business.
We are recruiting an additional individual to support our accounts department on a part time basis (3-4 days). The role is o ce based at our headquarters in Grantham. As an Administration Assistant (Part-Time, 3-4 days) your key responsibilities will include the following:
1. Inputting purchase ledger invoices and performing month end reconciliations;
2. Facilitating monthly purchase ledger payments ensuring accurate and on time payment;
3. Generating sales invoices and performing month end reconciliations;
4. Control of petty cash, ensuring accurate record keeping and cash management;
5. Preparing and entering journals into the system;
6. Helping with other month end tasks;
7. Processing franchise warranty claims; and
8. Other general and nance administration duties including answering phone calls, ling and printing.
You must have:
1. Experience in the above duties;
2. Strong written and verbal communication;
3. Willing to be onsite, 100% o ce based;
4. A basic understanding of fundamental accounting concepts;
5. Ability to build and maintain good relationships with sta and stakeholders; and
6. Down-to-earth and happy to get involved.
Setch eld Ltd
We are recruiting an additional individual to support our Sales Department due to business demand. The role is based at our headquarters in Grantham, with regular working hours throughout the year. The role is varied from valeting and cleaning to preparing used and new machines for sale.
Experience of operating agricultural equipment is required alongside a good knowledge of agricultural farming practices. Must have a full driving license.
Cash Health Scheme, training and competitive salary o ered. For further details visit our website www.setch or contact Hannah Setch eld on 01476 560784.
Growth Through Service 93219
Malcolm Harrison Auctions Ltd is looking to recruit an experienced and competent supervisor with a good working knowledge in the haulage and/or plant sectors. The position requires a high work ethic, selfmotivated individual with a capacity to deal with site issues effectively, liaise with customer and vendors professionally and be camera/computer literate. We shall work with the right person to further his/her leadership ambition within the company.
Start Date: ASAP
Applications & CV’s to by the 28th February 2023.
Norfolk Farm Machinery Club (Normac) is an educational organisation whose roots stretch back to the immediate post-war era and the need for increased mechanisation of farming.
Due to a forthcoming retirement, the Normac committee are seeking a motivated, ideas-driven individual who is passionate about farming, modern techniques and technologies, embracing change at a time of significant industry upheaval whilst retaining a connection to the past.
The Normac County Organiser’s position is highly rewarding, relies on good organisational and networking skills and is based on approximately 2 days’ work per week, with all out of pocket expenses reimbursed. Its main responsibilities include –
• Planning and execution of events including Norfolk Show stand, Cultivations demo, farm walks etc., utilising member volunteers where required
• Maintaining and growing the club’s presence with relevant content and ensure that the club’s profile is constantly visible in the public domain
• Member engagement and membership development through providing content for Top Link magazine and other forms of communication
• Chair and manage regular committee meetings, working closely with the County President, County Chairman, Treasurer, and other committee members
All interested individuals should contact the County Chairman, Malcolm Greves07917 878226 or
• Hold an HGV license and must be able to operate forklifts/plant.
• Good knowledge of the haulage/plant industry.
• Camera/computer literate.
• Be able to self-manage.
• Managing workflow and site set-up working alongside the Directors, Auction Manager and set-up team.
• Creating and managing a set-up team to timescales and meeting auction deadlines i.e., cataloguing items & checks; photographs; item descriptions.
• Good communication skills essential.
• Professional & positive attitude.
• Maintain & gain new customer relationships.
• Willingness to work away from home and available to work Saturdays as the auction calendar requires throughout the year.
Wendy Houston, previously vice chairman, was appointed chairman of the cooperative at the recent Fram Farmers AGM, succeeding Andrew Read who stood down from the role after three years.
Doug Inglis, who has been a board member since 2020, was appointed vice chairman, bringing with him considerable experience and a wealth of knowledge of the arable sector from his time at Velcourt, plus his continued role as an agronomist.
Wendy, who became a board director in 2015, is energised at the opportunity to lead the board and continue the progress made by Fram Farmers.
The cooperative has also appointed Michael Muncey, former UK managing director of Bayer Crop Science ,and David Sheppard, former managing director of ADM, to the board during the past 12 months, along with farmer members Mark Williams and Frans de Boer.
Additionally, the AGM saw the retirement of Su olk farmer John Parkinson from the board following 11 years of service, and Chris Packshaw, who retired after six years’ service.
Origin Fertilisers has added to its national team of in-house nutrition agronomists with the appointment of Julia Andrews, based in Stirling, to cover Scotland and the Borders.
Ms Andrews brings Origin’s team of nutrition agronomists to six, covering all corners of the UK and providing balanced nutrition advice to farmers. Hailing from New Zealand, she studied for a BSc in Agricultural Science at Lincoln University in New Zealand.
She gained experience working as an arable advisor for one of
New Zealand’s largest agricultural distributors and input suppliers, and her extensive knowledge of production systems, both arable and grassland, will o er UK farmers the opportunity to learn about di erent techniques. Ms Andrews says the many similarities between UK and New Zealand farming will allow her to help farmers become more productive with their fertiliser use.
“The right crop nutrition has never been more essential, and farmers require a deeper understanding of what di erent nutrients can o er, so our advice needs to make the most of any investment the farmer is making,” Ms Andrews said.
Che ns is strengthening its position within the rural sector across the East Anglian region, with the appointment of Jonathan Purkiss as rural surveyor.
Jonathan joins Che ns from the Valuation O ce Agency, where for the past seven years he held the position of senior surveyor. At Che ns, Jonathan’s focus will be valuations, agency and professional work within the rural team.
Led by Simon Gooderham and Jonathan Sti , Che ns’ rural professionals team has gone
from strength to strength with a number of signi cant projects in the past year. Che ns manages an impressive portfolio of rural holdings as well as being involved in a series of some of the region’s key land and property sales.
Mr Purkiss commented:
“Che ns has a diverse mix of clients, and I am looking forward to getting involved in a series of projects across the region. Within my new role I will be able to use my experience gained in the public sector to advise clients on rural matters. The rm has a fantastic reputation, and I am pleased to join this already well-established team.”
British cultivation equipment manufacturer Sumo UK Ltd has appointed Steve Ridley as its new managing director.
With over 30 years of experience in the agricultural machinery sector, including roles in engineering, technical, sales and product training, Mr Ridley will lead the team as the company continues to provide first class cultivation and drilling equipment.
“I’m delighted to be joining Sumo, a leading manufacturer with a great team of people that is easy to do business with and
has a mindset of continuous improvement,” he said.
“My objective is to make Sumo a leading manufacturer, building on over 20 years of expertise in designing and manufacturing topquality innovative equipment.”
Sumo chairman, James Sweeting, added: “Steve joins Sumo with a record of success and proven leadership skills, having worked for a global agricultural machinery manufacturer and a large dealership group,” he says.
“He’ll be a great asset to the business as we move through our next phase of growth.”
To find out more about Sumo contact 01759 319900 or visit
Machinery has recruited Gordon Logan to the company’s regionally deployed sales team.
Gordon specialises in bedding and feeding equipment, as well as Kuhn’s range of hedge cutters, and will manage the north of England and Scotland. This appointment maintains Kuhn’s expanded product sales support function that has now been in existence for over a decade and complements the ongoing investment that the company is making in technical personnel.
“We’re continually building on
our commitment to deliver the very best sales support to our dealers and customers,” explains Kuhn managing director Siân Pritchard. “Our investment in people mirrors our success in increasing sales and growing market share in priority product areas.
“Having skilled and dedicated people on the ground is an important part of building strong relationships with our dealer network and is becoming an important di erentiator for the business. It’s a crucial factor in ensuring that we provide a more complete, e cient, and thorough service to our UK customers and, as a result, are able to push UK sales gures to new heights.”
Matt Shand has been appointed to the role of commercial manager for Limagrain UK. This new opportunity will see him developing and implementing the UK commercial strategy for the seed business, whilst also leading the UK sales team.
Limagrain is a fast growing, farmer-owned international cooperative group, specialising in both agricultural and horticultural seeds, as well as cereal products. As the fourth largest plant breeder and seeds marketing company in the world, it employs 10,000 people
with a turnover of more than €2.5 billion annually.
Mr Shand brings a wealth of experience to the position; he began his career in the seed industry at Woodhead Seeds in Yorkshire, before joining Limagrain as sales manager in 2016.
He commented: “Limagrain is at the forefront of bringing varieties to market that o er increased yields, stronger agronomic characteristics and better disease resistance, whilst end-users also bene t from added value, improved quality, productivity and processability.
“[...] I am very much looking forward to being a key part of the team taking this forward,” he says.
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All of our spreaders are manufactured by ourselves in the UK and combine heavy duty construction with top quality components. Standard specifications include 20mm chain, 70mm shafts and bearings, commercial axles, wide angle PTOs.
the only British built plough on the market, uses a combination of well proven genuine Dowdeswell parts and modern updates From 5 to 10 furrows to suit horsepowers up to 600hp, in furrow and on land options with a choice of bodies including DD, DDS, UCN, SCN and Slatted
... supply a wide range of new PTO shafts and spares nationwide and also carry out servicing and repairs on most types of shaft.
A huge range of parts are available including U/Js, tubing and guards. We also supply gear boxes and hydraulic motors for a wide range of machines including mowers. spreaders and toppers.
Our parts department offer’s a comprehensive range of oils, filters, wearing parts, batteries, bearings, belts, and tools.
Now the UK’s largest Dowdeswell parts supplier
01386 49155
Ask about our pay as you farm plans.