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Il magazine di news, business e trend


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International Festival of Fashion and Photography at Hyères Première Vision Prize Céline Méteil Ragne Kikas Grand Jury Prize Première Vision Satu Maaranen Kenta Matsushige Annelie Schubert Wataru Tominaga

7-9 Feb. 2017


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© Julien Weber/Agent Mel


02/12/2016 20:46

FAIRS 2017

In copertina Le tendenze dei tessuti per la primavera-estate 2018, di scena dall’1 al 3 febbraio a Milano Unica On the cover Spring-summer 2018 fabrics trends, under the spotlight at Milano Unica from 1st to 3rd February 2017

FAIRS 2017

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13/12/16 12.31

Fashion Il magazine di news, business e trend Edizioni Ecomarket Spa Redazione, Amministrazione, Pubblicità Piazza Pio XI 1, 20123 Milano Telefono 02 806 20-1 Direttore Marc Sondermann Garanzia di riservatezza per gli abbonati in ottemperanza alla legge 196/03 (tutela dati personali) È possibile richiedere gratuitamente la rettifica o la cancellazione dei dati scrivendo a: Edizioni Ecomarket Spa - Servizio abbonamenti - piazza Pio XI 1 - 20123 Milano Abbonamento annuale Euro 185,00 c/c postale n. 16879207 intestato a: Edizioni Ecomarket Spa - Fashion – piazza Pio XI, 1 – 20123 Milano Stampa: Vela Web Srl - Binasco (Mi) Distribuzione per l’Italia: Messaggerie Periodici Me.Pe. Via Ettore Bugatti 15 - 20142 Milano È vietata la riproduzione anche parziale Articoli, disegni e fotografie, anche se non pubblicati, non verranno restituiti Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Milano n. 389 del 6-11-1970 Iscrizione n. 1418 al ROC Registro Operatori della Comunicazione Direttore responsabile Gianni Passavini Dati aggiornati al 12 dicembre 2016. La redazione non è responsabile per cambiamenti di date o sedi o soppressioni di saloni/Facts and figures are updated to 12 December 2016. The editorial staff is neither responsible for changings of dates or locations, nor for suppressions of exhibitions. Tutti i dati relativi al numero di visitatori ed espositori delle fiere, contenuti nella parte redazionale della Guida, si riferiscono all’ultima edizione del 2016. All facts and figures about the number of visitors and exhibitors at the fairs, published in the editorial texts of this Guide, refer to the last edition of the year 2016. © Fashion 2017 - Edizioni Ecomarket spa, Milano


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2017 C A L E N D A R





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+ P R E-C O L L E C T I O N S












05/12/16 15:02


CREARE VALORE DURATURO In times digital, making things happen still necessitates that people meet beforehand. This, however, cannot be left to chance alone. Digital tools are more necessary than ever. For trade fairs, this means adequate instruments need to be provided.

I Marc Sondermann Editor-in-Chief

FAIRS 2017

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n un’epoca dominata dal matchmaking virtuale, portare le persone a incontrarsi fisicamente presenta più opportunità che mai. A livello di business, per chi vende aumentano le probabilità di chiudere. Per chi compra, invece, lievitano le possibilità di comprendere appieno la controparte, ivi inclusi i rischi connessi e annessi al fattore umano, che certamente necessita di una ponderata valutazione prima che si arrivi al ‘deal’. Ecco dunque già elencati i motivi per cui la globalizzazione ha portato con sé un deciso proliferare di fiere, nonché di variegati formati d’incontro. L’attuale, seconda ondata di grande interconnessione mondiale, quella digitale, porta a un’ulteriore maturazione del fenomeno. Oggi, il mero incontro personale, appaiato a un’ispezione approssimativa del campionario, non può più essere considerato sufficiente. Diventano, invece, sempre più importanti le fasi di pre- e post-vendita. Sia una selezione più approfondita dell’offerta, sia una risposta più particolareggiata alle esigenze del cliente, anche in termini di tempistica, diventano vantaggi competitivi che vanno affiancati sistematicamente all’interazione personale. È in questo senso che un assennato utilizzo dello strumento-fiera diviene più centrale che mai - ma solo se accompagnato da un’intelligente set di servizi digitali, quali app ‘ready-to-order’ o marketplace b2b. Altrimenti, la perdita di tempo e di risorse è dietro l’angolo.


13/12/16 12.30

Fairs scenario

SEE NOW, BUY NOW… CHANGE NOW? Le fiere stanno vivendo una fase evolutiva molto spinta, sia nelle tempistiche che nelle modalità di svolgimento. Ecco le più significative novità del 2017 di/by Elena Azzola

La rivoluzione digitale ha imposto nuove tempistiche ed esigenze all’industria della moda, vedi alla voce “see now, buy now”, con le aziende sempre più propense ad accelerare il timing di presentazione delle nuove collezioni e a far sfilare insieme la donna e l’uomo. Una trasformazione che sta investendo necessariamente anche le fiere di settore, in una fase evolutiva molto spinta, sia nelle tempistiche che nelle modalità di svolgimento. Pitti Immagine Uomo di Firenze assume sempre più i connotati di una vera e propria fashion week dedicata all’uomo, con sfilate ed eventi speciali dentro e fuori la Fortezza. La donna a Milano si compatta, grazie al lavoro del Comitato per la Moda sotto l’egida del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: da settembre 2017 la lunga fashion week si apre con i saloni degli accessori TheMicam e Mipel, per proseguire con le sfilate di Milano Moda Donna, accompagnate dalle rassegne White, Super e TheOne Milano. Quest’ultima debutta a Fieramilanocity a febbraio 2017, raccogliendo l’eredità di Mipap e Mifur. Un modello che dovrebbe essere replicato anche a febbraio 2018. Novità anche sul fronte tessile: dopo aver condotto una sperimentazione sulle tempistiche più giuste per il settore, grazie all’appuntamento d’anticipo Prima Milano

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Who’s Next - Premiere Classe

SEE NOW, BUY NOW …CHANGE NOW? The trade fairs are experiencing a dramatic evolution, both in terms of timing and structure. Here we discuss the most significant developments for 2017. The digital revolution has imposed new timelines and requirements on the fashion industry - see the heading “see now, buy now” - and companies are increasingly tending to speed up the timing of their new collection presentations and to combine their women’s and men’s fashion shows. This transformation is inevitably also affecting the trade fairs, which are experiencing a dramatic evolution, both in terms of timing and the way in which they are structured. Pitti Immagine Uomo in Florence is increasingly resembling a true fashion week dedicated to men, with parades and special events inside and outside the Fortress. The women’s fashion show in Milan has become more compact,


14/12/16 11.51

Fairs scenario


Unica, il salone rappresentativo del tessile e degli accessori tessili made in Italy ha deciso di anticipare a luglio l’edizione di Milano Unica di settembre. Per completare il quadro delle news nello scenario fieristico italiano si deve citare il varo del Salone del Mobile. Milano Shanghai, la cui prima edizione si è svolta lo scorso novembre nella metropoli cinese e la fusione di Fiera di Vicenza con Rimini Fiera. In Germania, a Berlino, spicca l’acquisizione da parte di Premium Group, che già controlla Premium, Seek e Bright, di Show & Order: una scelta determinata dalla volontà di assumere una posizione di leadership. Intanto nel 2017 decolla il nuovo Bread&Butter by Zalando sulle novità tecnologiche legate alla moda, dopo l’edizione zero del 2016. A Parigi si segnala invece l’arrivo del manager fieristico di lunga esperienza Etienne Cochet alla guida dei saloni moda che fanno capo a WSN Developpement,Who’s Next e Premiere Classe, bisognosi di trovare nuovo slancio alla luce dei rivolgimenti in atto.


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thanks to the work of the Comitato per la Moda (Fashion Committee) under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development: in September 2017, the long fashion week will open with the accessories fairs TheMicam and Mipel, proceeding with the Milano Moda Donna fashion shows, accompanied by the White, Super and TheOne Milano fairs. The latter is making its debut at Fieramilanocity in February 2017, following on from the legacy of Mipap and Mifur. The model is also expected to be repeated in February 2018. There are also new developments on the textile front: after conducting an experiment regarding the right timing for the industry, thanks to the early event Prima Milano Unica, the fair that represents Made in Italy textiles and textile accessories has decided to bring forward the September edition of Milano Unica to July. To give a complete picture of Italian trade fair news, we should mention the launch of Salone del Mobile. Milano Shanghai, whose first edition was held last November in the Chinese metropolis and the merger of Fiera di Vicenza and Rimini Fiera. In Germany, in Berlin, the acquisition of Show & Order by Premium Group, which already controls Premium, Seek and Bright, is worth noting: a choice determined by the Group’s desire to take on a position of leadership. Meanwhile, the new Bread&Butter by Zalando will be held in 2017, focusing on new technological developments related to fashion, following the first edition in 2016. In Paris, the highly-experienced trade fair manager Etienne Cochet will be directing the fashion fairs Who’s Next and Premiere Classe, organized by WSN Developpement, which need to find new momentum in light of current upheavals.

FAIRS 2017

14/12/16 11.51

International fashion trade show

Cordialement. x Fakepaper x A. Pazoumian

Paris, Porte de Versailles



20-23 jan. 2017

whosnext.com @whosnextdotcom

International fashion accessory trade show

20-23 jan. 2017

Paris, Porte de Versailles, hall 3


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@premiereclasseparis #premiereclasse

30/11/2016 11:18


Italia/Italy Milano Moda Main 5 Gennaio/January-9 febbraio/ February e/and giugno/June- luglio/July Milano/Milan Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna, uomo, bambino/Women’s, men’s and children’s ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Piazza Duomo 31 20122 Milano Tel. 02/7771081 Fax 02/77710850 cameramoda@cameramoda.it www.cameramoda.it

Modaprima 19-21 maggio/May e/and 17-19 novembre/November Firenze/Florence Stazione Leopolda Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e uomo, accessori Womenswear, menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 modaprima@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 100 Visitatori/Visitors: 1.500 FAIRS 2017

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Ready to Show

White Man & Woman

8-10 marzo/March 11-13 ottobre/October Milano/Milan Superstudio Più Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori moda da tutto il mondo/Clothing and fashion accessories from all over the world Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tortona Design & Fashion Via P. S. Mancini 10 20148 Milano Tel. 02 83241528 info@tortonadesignandfashion. com www.readytoshow.it

14-16 gennaio/January e/and 17-19 giugno/June Milano/Milan Via Tortona 27 e/and Via Tortona 54 Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo e donna, pre-collezioni donna, accessori, calzature Womenswear and menswear, women’s pre-collections, accessories, footwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: M.seventy Via Tortona 27 20144 Milano Tel. 02/34592785 Fax 02/57407553 info@ whiteshow.it www.whiteshow.it Espositori/Exhibitors 450 Visitatori/Visitors 13.000

Vintage Selection 25-29 gennaio/January e/and 28-30 giugno/June Firenze/Florence Stazione Leopolda, winter edition Fortezza Da Basso, summer edition Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori, oggetti vintage e remake Clothing, accessories and vintage designers objects Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Stazione Leopolda srl Via Faenza 113 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/212622 Fax 055/212551 info@stazione-leopolda.com www.stazione-leopolda.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 70 Visitatori/Visitors: 13.500

Francia/France Apparelsourcing Paris 6-9 febbraio/February e/and 18-21 settembre/September Parigi Paris Le Bourget Parc des Expositions Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori moda conto terzi/Fashion and fashion accessories for third parties Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt France 1 - 3 Avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris


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Abbigliamento e accessori Tel. 0033 1/55268989 apparelsourcing@france. messefrankfurt.com www.apparelsourcing. messefrankfurt.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors 500 Visitatori/Visitors 13.591 (insieme a Shawls&Scarves, Texworld Paris, Avantex e Avanprint)

Made in France Prémiere Vision


20-23 gennaio/January e/and 8-11 settembre/September Paris - Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Ready-to-wear donna Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: WSN Developpement 27-29 rue Guénégaud 75006 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/40137474 Fax 0033 (0) 1/40137480 info@whosnext.com www.whosnext.com

6-9 febbraio/February e/and Parigi/Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Accessori/Accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt France 1-3 avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris Tel. 0033 1/55268989 apparelsourcing@france. messefrankfurt.com http://apparelsourcing. fr.messefrankfurt.com/ paris/en/visitors/welcome/ shawlsandscarves.html Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 80 Visitatori/Visitors: 13.591 (insieme a Apparel Sourcing Paris, Texworld Paris, Avantex e Avanprint)


29-30 marzo/March Parigi/Paris Carreau du Temple Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori di alta gamma/High-end apparel and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Premiere Vision 24 rue Saint Victor 75005 Paris Tel. 00 33 (0) 1/70607370 Fax 00 33 (0) 1/70607371 www.salonmadeinfrance.com

Who’s Next

Paris sur Mode Tuileries 2-5 marzo/March e/and 29 settembre/September 2 ottobre/October Paris - Place de la Concorde Prodotti/Products: Ready-to-wear donna Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: WSN Developpement 27-29 rue Guénégaud 75006 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/40137474 Fax 0033 (0) 1/40137480 info@parissurmode.com www.parissurmode.com

Premiere Classe Premiere Classe Tuileries 20-23 gennaio/January e/and 8-11 settembre/September Premiere Classe Paris - Porte de Versailles 2–5 marzo/March e/and 29 settembre/September 2 ottobre/October Paris - Jardin des Tuileries Premiere Classe Tuileries Prodotti/Products: Accessori moda Fashion accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: WSN Developpement 27-29 rue Guénégaud 75006 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/40137474 Fax 0033 (0) 1/40137480 info@premiere-classe.com www.premiere-classe.com

Germania/Germany Asia Apparel Expo-Berlin 14-16 febbraio/February Berlino/Berlin Berlin ExpoCenter City, Messe Berlin, Messedamm 22, Hall 9 Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, bimbo, denim, tessuti e accessori Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, denimwear, fabrics and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Kenfair Exhibition Limited Rm 701, Honest Motors Building, 9-11 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2700 6828 Fax: (852) 2700 6709 cs@asiaapparelexpo.com www.asiaapparelexpo.com Fairs 2017

Clothing and accessories Ethical Fashion Show Berlin 17-19 gennaio/January e/and 4-6 luglio/July Straße der Pariser Kommune 8 10243 Berlin Prodotti/Products: Moda etica e sostenibile Ethical and sustainable fashion Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Ludwig Erhard Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0049 69 7575 5855 contact@ ethicalfashionshowberlin.com www.ethicalfashionshowberlin.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 133 Visitatori/Visitors: 2.200

Greenshowroom 17-19 gennaio/January e/and 4-6 luglio/July Postbahnhof Berlin Straße der Pariser Kommune 8 10243 Berlin Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori Fashion and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Ludwig Erhard Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0049 69 7575 5855 contact@green-showroom.net www.green-showroom.net Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it FAIRS 2017

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Espositori/Exhibitors: 39 Visitatori/Visitors: 2.200

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin 17-20 gennaio/January e/and 4-7 luglio/July Berlino/Berlin Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna e uomo e accessori/Women’s and men’s ready to wear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Img Fashion Europe Invalidenstrasse 35 10115 Berlin Tel. 0049 (0) 30/88922890 Fax 0049 (0) 30/889228920 office.mbfwb@imgworld.com mbfashionweek.com/berlin

Panorama Berlin 17-19 gennaio/January e/and 4-6 giugno/June Berlino/Berlin ExpoCenter City Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori di tendenza/Design-oriented collections Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Panorama Fashion Fair Berlin Kurfürstenstrasse 12 10785 Berlin Tel. 0049 (0) 30 275956040 Fax 0049 (0) 30 275956041 office@panorama-berlin.com www.panorama-berlin.com

Premium 17-19 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July Berlino/Berlin Station-Berlin Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo e donna, accessori, scarpe, denimwear, giovani brand, pre-collezioni Womenswear and menswear, accessories, shoes, denimwear, young brands, pre-collections

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Premium Exhibitions GmbH Tempelhofer Ufer 36 10963 Berlin Tel. 0049 (0) 30/6290850 Fax 0049 (0) 30/62908550 info@premiumexhibitions.com www.premiumexhibitions.com

Premium Order Munich 10-12 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Monaco/Munich MOC Lilienthalallee 40 Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo e donna, accessori, scarpe, denimwear Womenswear and menswear, accessories, shoes, denimwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Premium Exhibitions GmbH Tempelhofer Ufer 36 10963 Berlin Tel. 0049 (0) 30/6290850 Fax 0049 (0) 30/62908550 info@premiumexhibitions.com www.premiumexhibitions.com/ munich

Gallery 28-30 gennaio/January e/and 22-24 luglio/July Düsseldorf Areal Böhler, Hansaallee 321 Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori di tendenza/Design-oriented collections Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Igedo Company Messeplatz 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/4396-01 Fax 0049 (0) 211/4396345 info@igedo.com www.igedo.com www.the-gallery-duesseldorf.com

Gallery Evening & Occasion 28-30 gennaio/January e/and 22-24 luglio/July Düsseldorf Areal Böhler, Hansaallee 321


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Abbigliamento e accessori Prodotti/Products: Cocktail ed eveningwear (all'interno di Gallery Düsseldorf)/Cocktail & eveningwear (inside Gallery Düsseldorf) Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Igedo Company Messeplatz 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/4396-01 Fax 0049 (0) 211/4396345 info@igedo.com www.igedo.com

Show&Order 17-19 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July Berlino/Berlin Kraftwerk Berlin-Mitte Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo e donna, accessori/Womenswear and menswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Show & Order Bregenzer Str. 3 10707 Berlin Tel. 0049 (0)30 577 041 81 Fax 0049 (0)30 577 041 82 susanna@showandorder.com www.showandorder.de

Supreme Women&Men Düsseldorf 28-31 gennaio/January e/and 22-25 luglio/July (to be confirmed) Düsseldorf B1, Benningsen Platz 1 Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, accessori e scarpe/Womenswear, menswear accessories and shoes Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18 D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/42044790 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com


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Supreme Women&Men Munich 11-14 febbraio/February e/and 5-8 agosto/August (to be confirmed) Monaco/Munich MTC world of fashion, Haus 1 Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, accessori e scarpe/Womenswear, menswear, accessories and shoes Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18 D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/42044790 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com

Austria Tracht & Country 24-25 gennaio/January e/and 18-19 luglio/July (Premiere Ed.) 24-26 febbraio/February e/and 1-3 settembre/September Salisburgo/Salzburg Fiera di Salisburgo/Salzburg fairground Prodotti/Products: Costumi tipici, casualwear, maglieria, sportswear, capi in pelle e pelliccia, tessuti naturali Tracht, alpine lifestyle, knitwear, sportswear, leather and fur clothing, natural textiles Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Messe Salzburg Am Messezentrum 6 Postfach 285 A 5021 Salzburg Tel. 0043 (0) 662/44770 Fax 0043 (0) 662/44774809 info@reedexpo.at www.messe.at www.trachtsalzburg.at/premiere www.trachtsalzburg.at

Espositori/Exhibitors: 270 Visitatori/Visitors: 4.250

Regno Unito United Kingdom Moda 19-21 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Birmingham Nec Birmingham Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, calzature, accessori, intimo e moda mare Womenswear, menswear, footwear, accessories, underwear and swimwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ite Moda Ltd The Old Town Hall Lewisham Road Huddersfield HD7 5AL Tel. 0044 (0) 1484/846069 Fax 0044 (0) 1484/846232 marketing@moda-uk.co.uk www.moda-uk.co.uk Espositori/Exhibitors: 1.450

Pure London 12-14 febbraio/February e/and 23-25 luglio/July Londra/London Olympia London Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e accessori Womenswear, menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ascential Events Plc The Studios - 2 Kingdom street London, W2 6JG Tel. 0044 (0)20/3033 2397 Pure.London@ascential.com www.purelondon.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Fabrizio Lombardo Tel. 39 031 6871597 Fabrizio.Lombardo@ascential.com FAIRS 2017

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Clothing and accessories Danimarca/Denmark Ciff-Copenhagen International Fashion Fair 1-3 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Copenhagen - Bella Center Copenhagen Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, giovane e accessori, pelle e scarpe Womenswear, menswear, young fashion, accessories, leather and footwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Bella Center Copenhagen Center boulevard 5 Tel. 0045 (0) 32528811 Fax 0045 (0) 32519951 2300 Copenhagen www.ciff.dk

Revolver 1-3 febbraio/February Copenhagen Oksnehallen Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, calzature e accessori/Clothing, shoes and accessories

Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Fashion SVP 27-28 giugno/June Olympia Central, Level 2 Hammersmith Road, London Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori moda per private label/Clothing and fashion accessories for private label Ente organizzatore/Organizer: IDEX Exhibitions Ltd. Foresters Hall, 25-27 Westow St. London, SE19 3RY, United Kingdom Tel. 0044 (0) 208 771 3555 info@fashionsvp.com www.fashionsvp.com Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel. 0039 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail.com

Olanda/Netherlands Modefabriek 22-23 gennaio/January Amsterdam Amsterdam Rai Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, calzature e accessori/Clothing, shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Modefabriek BV Gedempt Hamerkanaal 29 1021 KL Amsterdam Tel. 0031 (0)20-4421960 office@modefabriek.nl www.modefabriek.nl

Spagna/Spain Momad Metropolis 3-5 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Madrid Feria de Madrid Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e uomo Womenswear and menswear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ifema - Feria de Madrid Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Casilla 67067 28042 Madrid Tel. 0034 (0) 91/7223000 Fax 0034 (0) 91/7225801 metropolis@ifema.es www.ifema.es Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Ifema Italia Tel. 02/58318181 Fax 02/99988026

Polonia/Poland Poznan Fashion Fair

Revolver Copenhagen

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27 febbraio/February-1 marzo/ March e/and 5-7 settembre/September Poznan Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie (Poznan International Fair)


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Abbigliamento e accessori Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo, donna, teenager, bambino, scarpe, accessori, pelletteria e intimo Clothing for women, men, children, teenagers, shoes, accessories, leather and underwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Poznan International Fair Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie Sp. z o.o. ul. Głogowska 14, 60-734 Poznań fashion@mtp.pl www.targimodypoznan.pl/en

Rep. Ceca/Czech Rep. Styl & Kabo 20-22 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Brno Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Moda uomo donna e bambino, taglie più, sportswear, tessuti intimo, accessori e pelletteria Menswear, womenswear and childrenswear, plus-size fashion, sportswear, fabrics, underwear, accessories, shoes and leatherware Ente organizzatore/Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno Výstaviště 405/1 60300 Brno Tel. 0042 (0) 5/41152951 Fax 0042 (0) 5/41153060 styl@bvv.cz www.styl.eu

Marocco/Morocco Maroc in Mode & Maroc Sourcing Ottobre/October Marrakech Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, moda uomo, moda bimbo, maglieria, sportswear, accessori, intimo e tessuti conto


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terzi/Womenswear, menswear, kidswear, knitwear, sportswear, accessories, underwear and fabrics for third parties Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Association of Moroccan Textile and Garment Industry 92, Bd. Moulay Rachid Casablanca Tel. 00212 (0) 522 9420.84-86 Fax 00212 (0) 522 940587 amith@amith.org.ma www.textile.ma

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Marisa Pizziolo Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it

Russia Cpm - Collection Première Moscow

12-14 marzo/March e/and settembre/September Almaty Atakent Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo, donna, sportswear, jeanswear, bambino, lingerie, pellicceria e accessori Womenswear, menswear childrenswear, sportswear, jeanswear, lingerie, fur and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Catexpo Kazybek bi Masanchi str 117/86. ofis 707 050004 Almaty Tel. 007 727/3527074 Fax 007 727/3384269 info@catexpo.kz www.catexpo.kz

20-23 febbraio/February e/and 30 agosto/august-2 settembre/ September Mosca/Moscow Expocentre Fairgrounds Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori, intimo Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories, underwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Igedo Company Messeplatz 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/4396-01 Fax 0049 (0) 211/4396345 info@igedo.com www.igedo.com www.cpm-moscow.com

Italian Fashion @ Collection Première Moscow 20-23/February e/and 30 agosto/august-2 settembre/ September Mosca/Moscow Krasnaya Presnya Expocenter Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori, intimo/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories, underwear

Kazakistan Kazakhstan Central Asia Fashion

Italian Fashion @ Central Asia Fashion 12-14 marzo/March e/and settembre/September Almaty Atakent Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo, donna, sportswear, jeanswear, childrenswear, lingerie, pellicceria e accessori Womenswear, menswear and childrenswear, sportswear, jeanswear, lingerie, fur and accessories FAIRS 2017

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Abbigliamento e accessori Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it

Ucraina/Ukraine Kiev Fashion 8-10 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Kiev Kyiv ExpoPlaza Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento uomo, donna, bambino e accessori Womenswear, menswear childrenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Kyiv International Contract Fair Ukraine, Kyiv, 17-21, Bahhovutivska Str., 4th floor Tel. 0038 (0)44/4619342 info@kmkya.kiev.ua www.kmkya.kiev.ua www.kyivfashion.kiev.ua

Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 30 marzo/March-1 aprile/April Kipsala International Exhibition Center, Riga Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori moda e tessuti/Clothing, fashion accessories and textiles. Ente organizzatore/Organizer: SIA BT 1 psalas iela 8, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia Tel.. 00371 67065000 info@bt1.lv www.balticfashiontextile.com www.baltictextile.eu Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel. 0039 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail. com


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Baltic Fashion & Textile Vilnius 19-21 ottobre/October Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Lithuania Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori moda e tessuti /Clothing, fashion accessories and textiles. Ente organizzatore/Organizer: JSC “Lengvosios pramones centras” Saltoniskiu str. 29/3, LT-08105 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. 00370 5 2790339 +370 5 2790669 info@baltictextile.eu www.baltictextile.eu Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel:+39 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail. com

Israele/Israel Gindi - Tel Aviv Fashion Week 29 gennaio/January-1 febbraio/ February Tel Aviv – TLV Fashion Mall Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori Clothing and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Gindi Group www.gindi.com Press Contact : Déborah Sebban deborah.sebban@sfr.fr Tel +33(0)6 77982256

Stati Uniti/Usa MAGIC - Sourcing at Magic Footwear Sourcing Wsa@Magic 20-23 febbraio/February (WSA@Magic 21-23) e/and agosto/August Las Vegas

Las Vegas Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda uomo, donna, bimbo, lifestyle, accessori/Menswear, womenswear, childrenswear, lifestyle, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel. +39 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail. com

New York Fashion Week 9-16 febbraio/February e/and 7-14 settembre/September (Tbc) New York Lincoln Center Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna e uomo Women’s and men‘s ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Img Fashion 304 Park Ave. S NY 10010 New York Tel. 001 (0) 646/8712400 Fax 001 (0) 212/2461596 media.registration@img.com www.nyfw.com

Off-Price Specialist Show 14-17 febbraio/February Las Vegas Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, sportswear, denim, bambino, accessori, gioielli e calzature Womenswear, menswear, sportswear, denim, childrenswear, jewellery, footwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: 175 North Patrick Boulevard FAIRS 2017

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Clothing and accessories Suite 180 Brookfield 53045 Wisconsin USA Tel. 001 (262) 7821900 Fax 001 (262) 7821601 info@offpriceshow.com www.offpriceshow.com

Project 17-19 febbraio/February e/and Agosto/August Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento contemporaneo e accessori uomo e donna Contemporary apparel and accessories for men and women Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Apparel Sourcing USA 23-25 gennaio/January New York Jacob Javits Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Soluzioni e servizi per il sourcing Solutions and services for sourcing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Inc. 1600 Parkwood Circle, Suite 615 Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel. 001 770 984 8016 twusainfo@usa.messefrankfurt. com www.texworldusa.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt Espositori/Exhibitors: 108 Visitatori/Visitors: 566 FAIRS 2017

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Brasile/Brazil São Paulo Prêt-à-Porter 15-18 gennaio/January e/and 8-8 giugno/June San Paolo/São Paulo Expo Center Norte Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori, gioielli Garments, fashion accessories and fashion jewellery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Couromoda Trade Fairs Rua Padre João Manuel 923 6º andar 01411-001 São Paulo Tel. 0055 (0) 11/38976100 Fax 0055 (0) 11/38976161 international@couromoda.com www.saopaulopretaporter.com

Cina/China Chic Spring & Autumn 2017 15-17 marzo/March e/and 11-13 ottobre/October Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: China National Garment Association China World Trade Center Sub-Council of Textile Industry CCPIT n. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Room 515, Level 5, China World Office Beijing 100004 Tel. 0086 (10) 65050546 Fax 0086 (10) 65053260 www.chiconline.com.cn Info in Italia/In Italy: Seint - Servizi Espositivi Tel. 02/8253326 Fax 02/8255019 seint@seint.com www.seint.com

LaModaItaliana@CHIC 15-17 marzo/March e/and ottobre/Ottobre Shanghai National Exhibition Convention Center di Hongqiao Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori donna, uomo e bimbo made in Italy Made in Italy women's, men's, children's clothing and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it

Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week 25-31 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Pechino/Beijing Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, moda uomo e accessori/Womenswear, menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Organizing Committee of China Fashion Week A Building, D·PARK, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Beijing Tel. 0086 (10) 84562288 Fax 0086 (10) 64375099 www.chinafashionweek.org

Mode Shanghai Aprile/April e/and ottobre/October Shanghai Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, moda uomo e accessori/Womenswear, menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Shanghai Fashion Week Committee 1001, F, 625 Chang Shou Rd. Shanghai


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Abbigliamento e accessori Postcode: 200060 Tel. 0086 (021) 32530463 Fax 0086 (021) 32530455 mode-sh@sifc.org.cn www.mode-sh.com

Hong Kong Hong Kong Fashion Week 16-19 gennaio/January e/and 10-13 luglio/July Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori, tessuti/ Apparel, accessories, fabrics www.hktdc.com/ hkfashionweekfw www.hktdc.com/ hkfashionweekss Info in Italia/in Italy: HKTDC Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 milan.office@hktdc.org

Centrestage 6-9 settembre/September Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Marchi di abbigliamento e collezioni moda/Branded fashion apparel and Designers' Collection exhibitions@hktdc.org www.centrestage.com.hk Info in Italia/in Italy: HKTDC Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 milan.office@hktdc.org

menswear, accessories, footwear, lifestyle Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Hub (Hong Kong) Ltd. 1702 One Peking, 1 Peking Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong www.thehub.hk

Moda Italia Tokyo 7-9 febbraio/February Belle Salle Shibuya Garden Tokyo Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori moda donna, uomo e bimbo, lifestyle Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear e accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ice Agenzia Via Liszt 21 - 00144 Roma tokyo@ice.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 172 Visitatori/Visitors: 2.144

Giappone/Japan IFF Magic Japan 26-28 aprile/April e/and settembre/September Tokyo Big Sight Prodotti/Products:

Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Japan Co.Ltd - Fashion Division Kanda 91 Building 1-8-3 Kaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0044 Tel. 0081 (0) 3/52961026 Fax 0081 (0) 3/52961018 s-iffmagic-jp@ubm.com http://www.iff-magic.com/en

Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 20-25 Marzo/March e/and 16-21 ottobre/October Tokyo Shibuya Hikarie & Omotesando Hills Prodotti/Products: PrĂŞt-Ă -porter donna e uomo Women's and men's ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Japan Fashion Week Organization 8th Floor, No.5 Kanou Bldg. 3-2616 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku 150-0002 Tokyo Tel. 0081 (0) 3/32428551 Fax 0081 (0) 3/32428552 http://amazonfashionweektokyo. com/en

The Hub 8-10 aprile/April (during Shanghai Fashion Week) Shanghai Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo, accessori, calzature, lifestyle/Womenswear,


Hong Kong Fashion Week

Fairs 2017

Clothing and accessories Fashion World Tokyo 5-7 aprile/April e/and 6-8 Novembre Tokyo Big Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, accessori, tessuti Apparel, accessories, fabrics www.fashion-tokyo.jp Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Rooms 15-16 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Tokyo Yoyogi National Stadium Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: H.P. France S.A. 2-22-6 Higashi-Ueno Taito-Ku 110-0015 Tokyo, Japan www.roomsroom.com

Corea/Korea La Moda Italiana a Seoul 1-3 febbraio/February e/and luglio/July Seoul Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it

India India Fashion Forum 8-9 marzo/March Mumbai Rennaisance Hotel Mumbai Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori, calzature, tessile per la casa, design e soluzioni IT/Apparel and accessories, shoes, home textile, design and IT solutions

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Images Group S-21 Okhla Phase II New Delhi Tel. 0091 (0) 11/40525000 Fax 0091 (0) 11/40502501 www.indiafashionforum.co.in

Australia International Sourcing Expo Australia 15-17 Novembre/November Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori moda per private label/Clothing and fashion accessories for private label Ente organizzatore/Organizer: International Exhibition & Conference Group Pty Ltd Level 1 197 Bay Street Brighton Vic 3186 Australia Tel. 0061 (0) 3 9596 9205 www.internationalsourcingexpo. com Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel. 0039 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail.com

Italian Fashion @ Rooms 15-17 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Tokyo Yoyogi National Stadium Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it FAIRS 2017

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The “place to be” for Russian market Ai blocchi di partenza la 28esima edizione di Cpm - Collection Première Moscow, in calendario dal 20 al 23 febbraio. Ci si aspetta una buona partecipazione a questa sessione invernale: più di mille marchi da 33 Paesi e oltre 20mila visitatori professionali da tutta l’Europa dell’Est. Fra le aziende che si sono già registrate per la fiera non ci sono, infatti, solo espositori abituali ma anche esordienti, desiderosi di fare centro nel mercato russo. André Baum dell’agenzia Ceder è soddisfatto dell’edizione dello scorso settembre: «La partecipazione a Cpm è più importante che mai. Non ci saremmo aspettati un incremento dei fatturati del 30% per tutti i brand rispetto alla stagione precedente, considerate le condizioni avverse della Russia. Le basi di questo successo stanno nella fiducia dei partner nel nostro lavoro e nelle nostre collezioni, negli stretti legami con i clienti, nella ricerca di nuovi contatti e, non ultimo, in un lavoro di team senza pari. Pensiamo che, soprattutto in un momento come questo, Mosca dovrebbe essere rafforzata e crescere ulteriormente come location della moda». Potendo contare su una superficie espositiva lorda di oltre 45mila metri quadri, Cpm sarà ancora una volta il prossimo febbraio l’“hot spot” della moda internazionale a Mosca. Oltre a più grandi padiglioni dalla Germania, dall’Italia, dalla Francia, dalla Spagna e dalla Turchia, ce ne saranno di più piccoli, come quello dal Portogallo, che ritorna nella capitale russa dopo un periodo di assenza. L’esperienza mostra, infatti, che il numero di metri quadri occupati aumenta sempre nella stagione autunnoinverno e questo si riflette già nell’attuale forte domanda di spazi.

INFO Sede/Location Expocentre Fairgrounds Mosca Date 20-23 febbraio/February 2017 Prodotti/Products Moda donna, uomo e bambino, accessori, intimo/Womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, accessories, underwear Per informazioni/For information Igedo Company Messeplatz 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/4396-01 Fax 0049 (0) 211/4396345 info@igedo.com www.igedo.com www.cpm-moscow.com


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The 28th edition of CPM - Collection Première Moscow from 20 to 23 February 2017 is already “in the starting blocks”. Registration documents have been sent out and a well-booked event is anticipated. Once again for the coming season the organisers expect over 1,000 national and international brands from 33 countries to attend the next edition, alongside more than 20,000 trade visitors from all over Eastern Europe. The companies already registered include not only existing exhibitors who will present their collections but also first-time exhibitors keen to win over the Russian market. André Baum of agency Ceder looks back on the last event in September with satisfaction: “Participation at CPM is as important as ever - a 30% increase in turnover across all brands against the previous season could not have been expected considering the current, adverse conditions in Russia. The basis for this success is our partners’confidence in our work and collections, close customer ties, the canvassing of new customers and - needless to say - a team performance without par. We feel especially in the current climate that Moscow should be strengthened and further expanded as a trade fair location.” Boasting gross exhibition space of over 45,000 square metres, CPM will once again become the international fashion hot spot for Moscow this coming February. In addition to the biggest country pavilions from Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Turkey, there will also be many smaller group participations like the one from Portugal, returning after a longer absence. Experience shows that the number of square metres always rises for the Autumn/Winter season and this is already reflected in the high demand for space. FAIRS 2017

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& fashion industries


Italia/Italy AltaRoma 27-29 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July Roma Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Alta moda donna Women’s high fashion Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Alta Roma Via dell’Umiltà 48 00187 Roma Tel. 06/6781313 Fax 06/69200303 altaroma@altaroma.it www.altaroma.it

Milano Moda Donna 22-28 febbraio/February e/and 20-26 settembre/September Milano Fashion Hub e altre sedi Milan Fashion Hub and other

locations Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna/Women’s ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Piazza Duomo 31 20122 Milano Tel. 02/7771081 Fax 02/77710850 cameramoda@cameramoda.it www.milanomodadonna.it www.cameramoda.it

TheOne Milano Mifur Mipap 24-27 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Milano/Milan Fieramilanocity, viale Scarampo Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ente Fieristico Mifur Corso Venezia 38 20121 Milano Tel. 02/76003315 Fax 02/76022024 pec@mifur.com www.theonemilano.com

Modaprima Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Ready to Show Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Sì SposaItalia Collezioni 19-22 maggio/May Milano/Milan Fieramilanocity, viale Scarampo Prodotti/Products: Accessori e collezioni moda per la sposa, lo sposo e la cerimonia Accessories and collections for bride, groom and ceremony Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fiera Milano Strada Statale del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Mi) Tel. 02/49971 Fax 02/49976582 sposaitaliacollezioni@ fieramilano.it www.sposaitaliacollezioni. fieramilano.it


Milano Moda Donna - Gucci


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25-27 febbraio/February e/and 23-25 settembre/September Milano/Milan The Mall - Porta Nuova Varesine piazza Lina Bo Bardi FAIRS 2017

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Womenswear and accessories Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori donna/Women’s clothing and accessories Enti organizzatori/Organizers: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 142 Visitatori/Visitors: 5.000

White 25-27 Febbraio/February e/and 22-25 Settembre/September Milano/Milan Via Tortona 27/35 e/and Via Tortona 54 Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, accessori, calzature, beauty Womenswear, accessories, footwear and beauty Ente organizzatore/Organizer: M.seventy Via Tortona 27 20144 Milano Tel. 02/34592785 Fax. 02/57407553 info@whiteshow.it info@mseventy.com www.whiteshow.it Espositori/Exhibitors Oltre/More than 1.000 Visitatori/Visitors Oltre/More than 42.000

the area of Carpi Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Expo Modena - Consorzio Expomodena Via Ganaceto 113 41100 Modena Tel. 0039 059 208 546 Fax 0039 059 208 548 www.modamakers.it segreteria@modamakers.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 44 Visitatori/Visitors: 1.000

Francia/France Who’s Next Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Haute Couture Paris 22-26 gennaio/January e/and 2-6 luglio/July Parigi/Paris Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Alta moda donna Women’s high fashion Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fédération Française de la Couture 100-102 Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/42666444 Fax 0033 (0) 1/42669463

info@modeaparis.com www.modeaparis.com

Made in France PV Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Sfilate donna Parigi 28 febbraio/February-8 marzo/ March e/and 26 settembre/September-4 ottobre/October Parigi/Paris Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna/Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fédération Française de la Couture 100-102 Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/42666444 Fax 0033 (0) 1/42669463 info@modeaparis.com www.modeaparis.com

Tranoï Paris: Women’s 3-6 marzo/March e/and ottobre/ October Parigi/Paris Citè de la Mode et du Design, Palais de la Bourse, Carrousel du Louvre Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories

Moda Makers Maggio/May e/and Novembre/ November (date da definirsi) Carpi Prodotti/Products: Creazioni femminile di confezione, maglieria, tagliato, camiceria e capispalla delle aziende manifatturiere del distretto tessile carpigiano Italian knitwear and womenswear prompted by the manufacturing companies from Fairs 2017

TheOne Milano Mifur Mipap


Moda femminile e accessori Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tranoï 29/bis rue des Francs Bourgeois 75004 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/53018490 Fax 0033 (0) 1/42710703 woman@tranoi.com www.tranoi.com

Vendôme Luxury Trade Show Marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Parigi/Paris Hotel Le Meurice Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Vendôme Luxury contact@vendomeluxury-paris. com www.vendomeluxury-paris.com

Paris sur Mode Tuileries Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Capsule Paris Women’s 2-5 marzo/March Maison de la Mutualité Parigi/Paris Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori donna Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Capsule Show 80 8th Ave/Ste #202 New York NY 10011 Tel 001 212 206 8310 info@capsuleshow.com www.capsuleshow.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it


Regno Unito United Kingdom London Fashion Week 17-21 febbraio/February e/and 15-19 settembre/September Londra/London The Store Studios e altre location The Store Studios and other 23-26 febbraio/February London Fashion Week Festival The Store Studios e altre location The Store Studios and other locations Prodotti/Products: Prêt-a-porter donna/Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: British Fashion Council Somerset House South Wing, Strand London WC2R 1LA Tel. 0044 (0) 20/77591999 exhibition@londonfashionweek.co.uk www.londonfashionweek.com www.londonfashionweekfestival.com www.britishfashioncouncil.com

Scoop 12-14 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Londra/London Saatchi Gallery Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento donna, calzature, accessori e lifestyle/ Womenswear, shoes, accessories

and lifestyle Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Scoop International Fashion Shows c/o ITE Group PLC 105 Salusbury Road London 105 Salusbury Road Tel. 0044 (0) 20/7596 5154 karen@karenradley.co.uk www.scoop-international.com

Spagna/Spain Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 25-28 aprile/April (Fashion Shows) 28-30 aprile/April (Professional Trade Fair) Barcellona/Barcelona Fira de Barcelona Prodotti/Products: Accessori e collezioni moda per la sposa e la cerimonia Accessories and collections for brides and wedding Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fira de Barcelona Av. Reina Mª Cristina, s/n 08004 Barcelona Tel 0034 (0) 902 233 200 Fax 0034 (0) 93 233 21 98 info@barcelonabridalweek.com www.barcelonabridalweek.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 260 Visitatori/Visitors: Oltre/more than 18.000

London Fashion Week - Paul Smith

Fairs 2017

Womenswear and accessories Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid 17-21 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Madrid Fiera di Madrid/Madrid Fair Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ifema - Feria de Madrid Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Casilla 67067 28042 Madrid Tel. 0034 (0) 91/7223000 Fax 0034 (0) 91/7225801 www.ifema.es Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Ifema Italia Tel. 02/58318181 Fax 02/99988026 info@fieramadrid.com

Momad Metropolis Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Turchia/Turkey Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul Marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Istanbul Zorlu Center Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: IMG Dogus Group Istanbul Tel 009 (0) 212/334 3030 alara.unuvar@img.com http://mbfashionweek.com/ istanbul

Russia Cpm-Collection Première Moscow Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Rep. Ceca Czech Republic Styl & Kabo Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Stati Uniti/Usa Accessorie Circuit Intermezzo Collections 8-10 gennaio/January e/and maggio/May New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna, gioelli, calzature e accessori/Womenswear, jewels, footwear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Tranoï New York: Women’s & Jewelry 21-23 febbraio/February (During New York Fashion Week( New York The Tunnel 269 11th Avenue Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tranoï 29/bis rue des Francs Bourgeois 75004 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/53018490 Fax 0033 (0) 1/42710703 newyork@tranoi.com www.tranoi.com

Italian Fashion
 @ Project Womens 21-23/February e/and Agosto/August Las Vegas Mandalay Bay

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Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori made in Italy/Made in Italy womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it

Coterie 27 febbraio/February-1 marzo/ March e/and settembre/ September New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com/shows/ coterie

Italian Fashion @ Fashion Coterie 27 febbraio/February-1 marzo/ March e/and settembre/September New York Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori made in Italy/Made in Italy womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: E.M.I. - Ente Moda Italia Via Faenza 109 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/214835 Fax 055/288326 firenze@emimoda.it www.emimoda.it


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Moda femminile e accessori Magic Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

New York Fashion Week The Show Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Moda Manhattan 8-10 gennaio/January febbraio/February maggio/May e/and settembre/September New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Fame 8-10 gennaio/January febbraio/February maggio/May e/and New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Salone moda donna e youngwear contemporanei/ Womenswear and youngwear contemporary show Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Accessories The Show 8-10 gennaio/January febbraio/February maggio/May e/and New York

Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Salone moda junior e youngwear/Junior&Young Contemporary show Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Stitch 21–23 febbraio/February e/and 14-16 agosto/August Las Vegas Mandala Bay Convention Center 27-28 Gennaio/January e/and 17-19 settembre/September New York Jacob Javits Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Edit 21–23 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September New York Jacob Javits Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda donna e accessori Womenswear and accessories www.editshows.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it


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Capsule New York Women’s RTW and Accessories 24-26 febbraio/February Skylight Clarkson Sq. New York Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori donna Womenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Capsule Show 80 8th Ave/Ste #202 New York NY 10011 Tel 001 212 206 8310 info@capsuleshow.com www.capsuleshow.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Brasile/Brazil São Paulo Prêt-à-Porter Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Australia Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia 14-19 maggio/May Sydney Carriageworks Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter donna Women’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: IMG Fashion 179-191 New South Head Road Edgecliff NSW 2027 - Sidney Tel. 0061 (0)2 9285 8000 Fax 0061 (0)2 9285 8001 mbfwa@img.com mbfashionweek.com/australia FAIRS 2017

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Italia/Italy Milano Moda Uomo 14-17 gennaio/January e/and 17-20 giugno/June Milano/Milan Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter uomo Men’s ready-to-wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Piazza Duomo 31 20122 Milano Tel. 02/7771081 Fax 02/77710850 cameramoda@cameramoda.it www.milanomodauomo.it www.cameramoda.it

Modaprima Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Pitti Immagine Uomo 10-13 gennaio/January e/and 13-16 Frenze/Florence Fortezza da Basso Prodotti/Products: Moda uomo e accessori Menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 uomo@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 1.220 Visitatori/Visitors: 30.000


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Ready to Show Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Francia/France Made in France PV Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Sfilate uomo Parigi 18-22 gennaio/January e/and 21-25 giugno/June Parigi/Paris Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Prêt-à-porter uomo Men’s ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fédération Française de la Couture 100-102 Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/42666444

Fax 0033 (0) 1/42669463 info@modeaparis.com) www.modeaparis.com

Tranoï Paris: Men’s, Women’s Precollections & Parfums 20-22 gennaio/January e/and giugno/June Parigi/Paris Carreau du Temple (New Venue), Palais de la Bourse Prodotti/Products: Moda uomo e accessori Menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tranoï 29/bis rue des Francs Bourgeois 75004 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/53018496 Fax 0033 (0) 1/42710703 man@tranoi.com www.tranoi.com

Milano Moda Uomo - Giorgio Armani

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Menswear and accessories Capsule Paris Men’s

Pure London

20-22 gennaio/January Maison de la Mutualité Parigi/Paris Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori uomo Menswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Capsule Show 80 8th Ave/Ste #202 New York NY 10011 Tel 001 212 206 8310 info@capsuleshow.com www.capsuleshow.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Premium Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”

Regno Unito United Kingdom London Fashion Week Men’s 6-9 gennaio/January e/and 9-12 giugno/June Londra/London Prodotti/Products: Prêt-a-porter uomo/Men’s ready to wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: British Fashion Council Somerset House South Wing, Strand London WC2R 1LA Tel. 0044 (0) 20/77591999 www.londonfashionweekmens. com www.britishfashioncouncil.com

Moda Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories” FAIRS 2017

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Spagna/Spain Momad Metropolis Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Russia Cpm-Collection Première Moscow Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Capsule Show 80 8th Ave/Ste #202 New York NY 10011 Tel 001 212 206 8310 info@capsuleshow.com www.capsuleshow.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Stati Uniti/Usa



Chic Beijing

Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Mrket NY- Mrket LV 23-25 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July New York Javits Convention Center 21-23 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Las Vegas Mandala Bay Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Moda uomo e accessori Menswear and accessories www.mrketshow.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Universal Marketing Viale Palmiro Togliatti 1663 00155 Roma Tel. 06/40802404 Fax 06/40801380 universal@universalmarketing.it www.universalmarketing.it

Hong Kong Hong Kong Fashion Week Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”. Note/Notes

Capsule New York Men’s 24-26 gennaio/January Pier 94 New York Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e accessori uomo Menswear and accessories


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Italia/Italy Pitti Immagine Uomo Vedi “Moda maschile e accessori” See “Menswear and accessories”.

RiminiWellness 1-4 giugno/June Rimini Quartiere Fieristico Prodotti/Products: Fitness, benessere-bellezza, sport & fashion dance, wellness food, water wellness, riabilitazione/Fitness, wellnessbeauty, sport & fashion dance, wellness food, water wellness, rehabilitation Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Rimini Fiera Quartiere Fieristico Rimini Via Emilia 155 47900 Rimini Tel. 0541/744255 infovisitatori@riminifiera.it riminiwellness@gmail.com www.riminiwellness.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 400 Visitatori/Visitors: 266.048

Germania/Germany Ispo Munich 2017 5-8 febbraio/February Monaco/Munich Quartiere fieristico di Monaco New Munich trade fair center Prodotti/Products: Articoli per lo sport, l’active, l’outdoor e il fitness Sportswear, activewear, outdoor, fitness


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Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe München Messegelände D- 81823 München Tel. 0049 (0) 89/94911558 Fax 0049 (0) 89/94911559 www.ispo.com/munich Info in Italia/in Italy: Monacofiere Via B. Rucellai 10 20126 Milano Tel. 02/40042056 Fax 02/87369039 visitatori@monacofiere.com www.monacofiere.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 2.500 Visitatori/Visitors: 81.000

OutDoor 18-21 luglio/July Friedrichshafen Fiera di Friedrichshafen Friedrichshafen fairground Prodotti/Products: Sportswear e proposte per l’outdoor/Sportswear and outdoor proposals Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Friedrichshafen Neue Messe 1 88046 Friedrichshafen Tel. 0049 (0) 7541/7080 Fax 0049 (0) 7541/708110 www.outdoor-show.com www.messe-friedrichshafen.de Espositori/Exhibitors: 960 Visitatori/Visitors: 21.507

Performance Days functional fabric fair 26-27 aprile/April e/and Novembre/November Monaco/Munich MTC World Of Fashion Prodotti/Products: Tessuti funzionali, accessori e tendenze per la moda sportiva, l’athleisure e l’abbigliamento da lavoro Functional fabrics, accessories and trends for sport- and workwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Design & Development GmbH Textile Consult Mayerbacherstr. 32 85737 Ismaning Tel. 0049 (0) 89/93946060 Fax 0049 (0) 89/931134 info@performancedays.com www.performancedays.com

Premium Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Seek 17-19 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July Berlino/Berlin Arena Prodotti/Products: Jeanswear, streetwear e moda contemporary Denim, contemporary fashion, streetwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Seek Exhibition Tel. 0049 (0) 30/2088913400 info@seekexhibitions.com www.seekexhibitions.com FAIRS 2017

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Sportswear, youngwear, fitness Bright 17-19 gennaio/January e/and 4-6 luglio/July Berlino/Berlin Arena Prodotti/Products: Streetwear, skateboarding, abbigliamento sportivo e accessori/Streetwear, skateboarding, outwear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Bright GmbH Marco Aslim, Thomas Martini, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, Berlin, Germany hello@brighttradeshow.com www.brighttradeshow.com

Supreme Tracht&Country 12-13 marzo/March e/and luglio/July Monaco/Munich MTC world of fashion, Haus 1 Prodotti/Products: Costumi tipici, moda country e folklore/Tracht, countrywear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18 D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/42044790 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com

Regno Unito United Kingdom Londonedge 12-13 febbraio/February e/and 3-5 settembre/September Londra/London Business Design Centre, London N1 Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento casual, urban style e moda alternativa Lifestyle & contemporary subculture fashion collections FAIRS 2017

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Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Londonedge Hazel Drive Leicester - LE3 2JE Tel. 0044 (0) 116/2898249 Fax 0044 (0) 116/2631269 carole.hunter@londonedge.com www.londonedge.com

Cina/China Ispo Beijing 2017 15-18 febbraio/February Pechino/Beijing China International Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e articoli sportivi Sportswear and sport accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe München Messegelände D- 81823 München Tel. 0049 (0) 89/94911558 Fax 0049 (0) 89/94911559 info@ispochina.com www.ispo.com/beijing Info in Italia/in Italy: Monacofiere Via B. Rucellai 10 20126 Milano Tel. 02/40042056 Fax 02/87369039 visitatori@monacofiere.com www.monacofiere.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 650 Visitatori/Visitors: Circa/about 30.000

Tel. 0049 (0) 89/94911558 Fax 0049 (0) 89/94911559 visitorservice@ispo.com www.ispo.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Monacofiere Via B. Rucellai 10 20126 Milano Tel. 02/40042056 Fax 02/87369039 visitatori@monacofiere.com www.monacofiere.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 350 Visitatori/Visitors: Circa/about 19.000

Usa Agenda Las Vegas 15-17 febbraio 2015 Sands Expo at Venetian Palazzo Las Vegas, USA Prodotti/Products: Moda casual, jeans e lifestyle donna, uomo e accessori Lifestyle, jeans and casual, womenswear and menswear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Agenda HQ 110 E 9th Street Suite B445 Los Angeles, CA 90079 Tel. 001 213 2235111 Fax 001 213 4431249 info@agendashow.com www.agendashow.com Note/Notes

Ispo Shanghai 2017 6-8 luglio/July Shanghai Shanghai New International Expo Center Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento e articoli sportivi Sportswear and sporting goods Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe München Messegelände D- 81823 München


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Italia/Italy Pitti Immagine Bimbo 19-21 gennaio/January e/and 22-24 giugno/June Firenze/Florence Fortezza da Basso Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo e accessori Childrenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 bimbo@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 500 Visitatori/Visitors: 10.000

Francia/France Playtime Paris 28-30 gennaio/January e/and 1-3 luglio/July Parigi/Paris Parc Floral de Paris Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo, accessori, scarpe, design e decorazione, giocattoli Childrenswear, accessories, shoes, design and decoration, toys Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Picaflor 5 rue de La Plaine 75020 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/43727537 Fax 0033 (0) 1/43732842 hello@playtimeparis.com


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www.playtimeparis.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 500

Germania/Germany Kind + Jugend 14-17 settembre/September Colonia/Cologne Fiera di Colonia/Cologne exhibition centre Prodotti/Products: Carrozzine, passeggini, mobili, accessori, articoli tessili, giocattoli, abbigliamento per bambini e neonati, abbigliamento per la maternità Prams, children’s furnishing, accessories, toys, clothing for babies and toddlers, maternity wear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Koelnmesse Messeplatz 1- 50679 Köln Tel. (0049) (0)180/6117017 Fax (0049) (0)221/821991230 kindundjugend@visitor. koelnmesse.de www.kindundjugend.com

Supreme Kids 29-31 gennaio/January e/and 14-16 luglio/July (to be confirmed) Monaco/Munich MTC world of fashion, Haus 1 Prodotti/Products: Moda bambino e accessori Childrenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18

D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/4204479 0 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com

Supreme Kids Celebration 23-24 maggio/May Monaco/Munich MTC world of fashion, Haus 1 Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento bimbo da cerimonia e accessori Ceremony kidswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18 D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/42044790 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com

Regno Unito United Kingdom Bubble London 29-30 gennaio/January e/and giugno/June Londra/London Business Design Centre Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo, accessori, giocattoli, complementi Childrenswear, accessories, toys, gifts Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ite Moda Ltd The Old Town Hall Lewisham Road Huddersfield HD7 5AL UK FAIRS 2017

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Childrenswear and accessories Tel. 0044 (0) 1484/846069 Fax 0044 (0) 1484/846232 lindsay@bubblelondon.com www.bubblelondon.com

Danimarca Ciff Kids 1-3 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Copenhagen Forum Copehagen Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo e accessori Childrenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Bella Center Center boulevard 5 Tel. 0045 (0) 32528811 Fax 0045 (0) 32519951 2300 Copenhagen hr1@bellacenter.dk www.ciff.dk

Olanda The Netherlands Market.by Kleine Fabriek 8-9 gennaio/January e/and luglio/July Amsterdam RAI Amsterdam Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo, accessori, calzature, articoli per la casa e idee regalo Childrenswear, accessories, shoes and home and gift Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Modefabriek Gedempt Hamerkanaal 29 Amsterdam Tel. 0031 (0) 20/4421960 Fax 0031 (0) 20/4421961 info@modefabriek.nl www.kleinefabriek.nl

Spagna/Spain Fimi 20-22 gennaio/January maggio/May (Magical Day by FAIRS 2017

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Fimi)e/and giugno/June Valencia Fiera di Valencia/Valencia fairground Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo e accessori Childrenswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Feria Valencia Avenida de las Ferias sn 46035 Valencia Tel. 0034 (0) 902/747330 Fax 0034 (0) 902/747345 fimi@feriavalencia.com www.fimi.es www.feriavalencia.com

Russia Cpm Kids 20-23 febbraio/February e/and 30 agosto/august-2 settembre/ September Mosca/Moscow Expocentre Fairgrounds Prodotti/Products: Moda bambino e accessori Kidswear and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Igedo Company Messeplatz 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/4396-01 Fax 0049 (0) 211/4396345 info@igedo.com www.igedo.com www.cpm-moscow.com

Stati Uniti/Usa Playtime New York 12-14 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September New York Metropolitan Pavilion Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo, accessori, scarpe, design e decorazioni, giocattoli Childrenswear, accessories, shoes, design and deco, toys Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Picaflor

34 West 33rd Street, Suite 314 New York, NY 10001 Tel. 001 (0) 212/5637301 Fax 001 (0) 212/9473471 hello@playtimenewyork.com www.playtimenewyork.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 180

Children’s Club 8-10 gennaio/January 5-7 marzo/March Agosto/August e/and ottobre/ October New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo e accessori Childrenswear and accesories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Magic Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See ”Clothing and accessories”

Giappone/Japan Playtime Tokyo 21-23 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Tokyo Belle Salle Shibuya Garden Prodotti/Products: Moda bimbo, accessori, scarpe, design e decorazioni, giocattoli Childrenswear, accessories, shoes, design and deco, toys Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Picaflor Tel. 0081 (0) 3/37930057 Fax 0081 (0) 3/37930057 contact@playtimetokyo.com www. playtimetokyo.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 240


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Italia/Italy Anteprima 11-12 luglio/July Milano/Milan Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Pelli, accessori, componenti, tessuti sintetici per calzature, pelletteria, abbigliamento e arredo Leather, accessories, components, synthetic fabrics for shoes, leather goods, clothing and furniture Ente organizzatore/Organizer: anteprima@anteprima-fair.it www.anteprima-fair.it

Expo Riva Schuh 14-17 gennaio/January e/and 10-13 giugno/June Riva del Garda Fierecongressi Prodotti/Products: Calzature/Shoes Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Riva del Garda Fierecongressi SpA Parco Lido 38066 Riva del Garda (Tn) Tel. 0464/570153 Fax 0464/570130 info@exporivaschuh.it www.exporivaschuh.it

Lineapelle 21-23 febbraio/February e/and 4-6 ottobre/ October

Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Pelli, tessuti, accessori, componenti e modelli per calzature, abbigliamento e arredamento/Leather, fabrics, accessories, components and models for footwear, clothing and furnishing Organizzatore/Organizer: Lineapelle Via Brisa 3 20123 Milano Tel. 02/8807711 Fax 02/860032 milano@lineapelle-fair.it www.lineapelle-fair.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 1.200 Visitatori/Visitors: 21.000


Expo Riva Schuh Riva del Garda

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12-15 febbraio/February e/and 17-20 settembre/September Milano/Milan Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Pelletteria, valigeria, accessori moda/Leather goods, travelware, fashion accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Aimpes Servizi Viale Beatrice d’Este 43 20122 Milano Tel. 02/584511 Fax 02/00625813 segreteria@mipel.com www.mipel.com Ufficio stampa: Barbieri & Ridet


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Scarpe, pelle e pellicceria mipelpressoffice@barbieriridet.com Tel. 02/58328232 Espositori/Exhibitors 300 Visitatori/Visitors 14.000

theMicam 12-15 febbraio/February e/and 17-20 settembre/September Milano/Milan Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Calzature Shoes Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Segreteria Organizzativa theMICAM Via Monte Rosa 21 20149 Milano Tel. 02/438291 Fax 02/48005833 info@themicam.com www.themicam.com

Francia/France Premiere Classe Premiere Classe Tuileries Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Germania/Germany Gds International Event for Shoes & Accessories 7-9 febbraio/February Düsseldorf Fiera di Düsseldorf/Düsseldorf fairground Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori uomo, donna, bambino/Men’s, women’s, children’s shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Stockumer Kirchstraße 61 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/456001 info@gds-online.com www.gds-online.com

Moda Made in Italy 19-21 marzo/March e/and settembre/September Monaco/Munich M.O.C. Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori made in Italy/Made in Italy shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Assocalzaturifici

Viale Monte Rosa 21 20149 Milano Tel. 02/438291 Fax 02/48005833 info@modamadeinitaly.eu www.modamadeinitaly.eu

tag it! by Gds 7-9 febbraio/February Düsseldorf Fiera di Düsseldorf/Düsseldorf fairground Prodotti/Products: Private label di scarpe e accessori/Private label + sourcing, shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Stockumer Kirchstraße 61 40474 Düsseldorf Tel. 0049 (0) 211/456001 tagit@messe-duesseldorf.de www.tag-it-show.com

ILM Winter & Summer Style 4-6 febbraio/February e/and 2-4 settembre/September Offenbach Messe Offenbach Prodotti/Products: Pelletteria da tutto il mondo International Leather Goods

theMicam Milano


Fairs 2017

Shoes, leather and furs Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Offenbach GmbH Kaiserstraße 108-112 63065 Offenbach am Main Tel. 0049 (0) 69/8297550 Fax 0049 (0) 69/82975560 info@messe-offenbach.de presse@messe-offenbach.de www.messe-offenbach.de www.ilm-offenbach.de

India Leather Days Novembre/November Messe Offenbach Prodotti/Products: Pelletteria indiana Indian Leather Goods Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Council for Leather Exports (CLE) Chennai, India In collaborazione con/In collaboration with Messe Offenbach GmbH Kaiserstraße 108-112 63065 Offenbach am Main Tel. 0049 (0) 69/8297550 Fax 0049 (0) 69/82975560 info@messe-offenbach.de presse@messe-offenbach.de www.messe-offenbach.de

Polonia/Poland Poznan Fashion Fair Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”

Spagna/Spain Momad Shoes 4-6 marzo/March e/and settembre/September Madrid Feria de Madrid Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori Shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ifema - Feria de Madrid Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Casilla 67067 28042 Madrid FAIRS 2017

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Tel. 0034 (0) 91/7223000 Fax 0034 (0) 91/7225801 momadshoes@ifema.es www.ifema.es Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Ifema Italia Tel. 02/58318181 Fax 02/99988026

Regno Unito United Kingdom Lineapelle London 1-2 febbraio/February e/and luglio/July London Ham Yard Hotel Prodotti/Products: Pelli, tessuti, accessori, componenti e modelli per calzature, abbigliamento e arredamento Leather, fabrics, accessories, components and models for footwear, clothing and furnishing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Lineapelle Via Brisa 3 20123 Milano Tel. 02/8807711 Fax 02/860032 london@lineapelle-fair.com http://london.lineapelle-fair.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 40

Moda Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”

Russia Consumexpo 20-24 novembre/November Mosca/Moscow Expocentre Fairground Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento, pelletteria e accessori/Clothing, leather goods and accessories Enti organizzatori/Organizers: Zao Expocentre

14 Krasnopresnenskaya nab. 123100 Moscow www.expocentr.ru www.consum-expo.ru/en

MosShoes 24-27 gennaio/January, 14-17 marzo/March e/and 18-21 settembre/September Mosca/Moscow Crocus Expo Prodotti/Products: Calzature, borse, accessori Shoes, bags, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Mosshoes Organizing Committee Profsouyznaya str. 3 117036 Moscow Tel. 007 (0) 499/1246404 Fax 007 (0) 499/1246010 info@mosshoes.com www.mosshoes.com

Obuv’ Mir Kozhi 21-24 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Mosca/Moscow Expocentre Fairground Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori Shoes and accessories Enti organizzatori/Organizers: BolognaFiere SpA Via della Fiera, 20 40127 Bologna Tel. 051 282111 Fax 051 637 40 04 international@bolognafiere.it www.obuv-expo.ru/en

Shoes from Italy Almaty 5-7 Aprile/April e/and ottobre/October Almaty Palazzo Dom Priemov Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori Made in Italy/Made in Italy shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer Assocalzaturifici Area Global Trade Tel. 02/438291


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Scarpe, pelle e pellicceria info@assocalzaturifici.it www.assocalzaturifici.it e/and Ice-Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane

Stati Uniti/Usa Collettiva italiana a FN Platform 21-23 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Las Vegas Las Vegas Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori donna made in Italy/Made in Italy women’s shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Assocalzaturifici Area Global Trade Tel. 02/438291 globaltrade@assocalzaturifici.it www.assocalzaturifici.it

Ffany New York Shoe Expo 31 gennaio/January-2 febbraio/ February, giugno/June, agosto/August e/and dicembre/December New York Hilton Midtown Prodotti/Products: Scarpe/Shoes Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fashion Footwear Association of New York (FFANY) 274 Madison Avenue Suite 1701 NY 10016 New York Tel. 001 (0) 2127516422 Fax 001 (0) 2127516404 info@ffany.org www.ffany.org

SMOTA 2017 Shoe Market of The Americas 5-7marzo/March 25-27 giugno/June e/and settembre/September


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Miami Airport Convention Center, 711 NW 107 Avenue Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori/Shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Smota - Shoe Market of the Americas Corporate Office 4839 SW 148 Ave, Suite 517 FL 33330 Davie Tel. 001 (0) 786/3319000 Fax 001 (0) 786/3319955 info@smota.com www.smota.com

Sole Commerce 27 febbraio/February-1 marzo/ March e/and settembre/September New York Jacob Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori donna Women’s shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Lineapelle New York 1-2 febbraio/February e/and 18-19 luglio/July New York Metropolitan Pavilion Prodotti/Products: Pelli, tessuti, accessori, componenti e modelli per calzature, abbigliamento e arredamento Leather, fabrics, accessories, components and models for footwear, clothing and furnishing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Lineapelle Via Brisa 3 20123 Milano Tel. 02/8807711 Fax 02/860032

newyork@lineapelle-fair.com http://newyork.lineapelle-fair. com Espositori/Exhibitors: 100

Wsa@Magic 21-21 febbraio/February e/and luglio/July Las Vegas Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori Shoes and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: UBM Fashion 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, California 90405 Tel. 001 (0) 218/7406873 cs@ubmfashion.com www.ubmfashion.com

Hong Kong Fashion Access 29-31 marzo/March e/and settembre/September Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Calzature, pelletteria, valigeria, abbigliamento in pelle, accessori moda/Shoes, handbags, travelware and luggage, leather garments, fashion accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Aplf Ltd 17/F China resources Building 26 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong Tel. 00852 (0) 2827/6211 Fax 00852 (0) 2827/7831 sales@aplf.com www.aplf.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Patrizia Dell’Orto PD Fair Consulting C.so Matteotti 10 20822 Seveso (MB) Tel. 0362/546138 FAIRS 2017

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Shoes, leather and furs Fax 0362/1851370 patrizia.dellorto@ pdfairconsulting.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Marzo/March 361 Settembre/September 150 Visitatori/Visitors: Marzo/March circa/about 8.300 Settembre/September circa/about 2.300

Aplf - Leather & Materials+ 29-31 marzo/March Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Pelli, macchine per calzature e conceria, sistemi CadCam, prodotti sintetici, tessili, trattamenti e tinture, componenti e accessori Raw materials, tanning and footwear machinery, Cad-Cam, synthetics, textiles, chemicals & dyes, components accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer:

Aplf Ltd 17/F China resources Building 26 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong Tel. 00852 (0) 2827/6211 Fax 00852 (0) 2827/7831 sales@aplf.com www.aplf.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Patrizia Dell’Orto PD Fair Consulting C.so Matteotti 10 20822 Seveso (MB) Tel. 0362/546138 Fax 0362/1851370patrizia. dellorto@pdfairconsulting.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 1.064 Visitatori/Visitors: Oltre/more than 16.000

Cina/China All China Leather Exhibition 30 agosto /August - 1 settembre/September Shanghai

Shanghai New International Expo Centre Prodotti/Products: Materie prime e macchinari per i settori calzature e pelletteria Raw materials and machinery for shoes and leatherware Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Aplf Ltd and China Leather Industry Association (Clia) 17/F, China resources Building 26 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong Tel. 00852 (0) 2827/6211 Fax 00852 (0) 2827/7831 sales@aplf.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Patrizia Dell’Orto PD Fair Consulting C.so Matteotti 10 20822 Seveso (MB) Tel. 0362/546138 Fax 0362/1851370 patrizia.dellorto@ pdfairconsulting.com Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 1.167 Visitatori/Visitors: Circa/about 23.269

Lineapelle Asia

Lineapelle New York

Ottobre/October Guangzhou W Hotel Prodotti/Products: Pelli, tessuti, accessori, componenti e modelli per calzature, abbigliamento e arredamento Leather, fabrics, accessories, components and models for footwear, clothing and furnishing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Lineapelle Via Brisa 3 20123 Milano Tel. 02/8807711 Fax 02/860032 info@lineapelle-asia.com www.lineapelle-asia.com Espositori/Exhibitors 45

FAIRS 2017


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Scarpe, pelle e pellicceria LaModaItaliana@CHIC Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Giappone/Japan Shoes from Italy Tokyo 7-9 febbraio/February e/and giugno/Luglio June/July Tokyo Belle Salle Shibuya Garden Prodotti/Products: Calzature e accessori made in Italy/Made in Italy shoes and accessories Enti organizzatori/Organizers: Assocalzaturifici Area Global Trade Tel. 02/438291 info@assocalzaturifici.it www.assocalzaturifici.it e/and Ice-Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane

settori calzature e pelletteria Raw materials and machinery for shoes and leatherware, automotive, aerospace, textile and furniture Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Asociación de Empresas Proveedoras Industriales de México, APIMEX Av. Del Obrero No. 403 Fraccionamento Industrial Juliàn de Obregón León, Guanajuato, México 37290 Tel. 0052 (477) 710 7200 3909072 info@apimex.org Espositori/Exhibitors: Circa/about 350 Visitatori/Visitors: Circa/about 14.000 Note/Notes

Brasile/Brazil Couromoda 15-18 gennaio/January San Paolo/São Paulo Expo Center Norte Prodotti/Products: Scarpe, articoli sportivi e prodotti in pelle/Shoes, sports goods and leather goods Ente Organizzatore/Organizer: São Paulo Trade Fairs Rua Padre João Manuel 923 01411-001 São Paulo Tel. 00 (5511)/38976100 international@couromoda.com.br www.couromoda.com

Messico/Mexico Anpic La Feria de América 24-26 maggio/May e/and 25-27 ottobre/October Léon - Guanajuato Prodotti/Products: Materie prime e macchinari per i


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Couromoda San Paolo

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Promoted by

Associazione Pellettieri Italiani



Business and culture In vista dell’edizione in programma a Rho dal primo al 3 febbraio Milano Unica ha presentato a novembre le tendenze per la primavera-estate 2018: “Nefertiti a Ibiza”, “Kazimir Malevich a Sorrento” e “Carlo Mollino a Teheran”. I nomi fantasiosi dei tre principali trend individuati sono il frutto del lavoro condotto dal curatore Stefano Fadda, che è partito dal piacere del viaggio, dal sogno di un incontro tra civiltà diverse, dal gioco di collegare passato e presente e, infine, dalla volontà di recuperare personaggi storici di spessore estetico e culturale. Del resto, Milano Unica intende porsi non solo come salone, ma anche come aggregatore di stimoli culturali. Per la seconda edizione annuale si segnala invece la scelta di anticipare a luglio l’appuntamento di settembre. La decisione segna un altro importante “new beginning” per la manifestazione, dopo il trasferimento nel quartiere fieristico di Rho, il rinnovamento completo e il netto posizionamento nell’alto di gamma. «È una risposta ai cambiamenti che il mondo della moda sta vivendo», chiarisce il presidente Ercole Botto Poala. L’ultima edizione della rassegna, svoltasi a settembre per la prima volta a Rho, ha totalizzato 6mila aziende visitatrici. Un risultato che non consente un confronto diretto con la sessione di un anno fa, a causa di nuovi e più rigorosi criteri di selezione a inviti, messi in atto dagli organizzatori, ma la sensazione è stata che la ricerca della qualità abbia premiato, anche sul piano della quantità dei contatti avviati.


Ente Organizzatore/Organized by Milano Unica Sede/Location Fieramilano RHO (Halls 8-12-16-20) Entrances South TIM door (underground stop), West TIM door, East door, Cargo 1 Date/Dates 1-3 febbraio/February 2017 Per informazioni/For information Viale Sarca 223 20126 Milano Tel. 02/66101105 Fax 02/66111335 info@milanounica.it www.milanounica.it


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In view of the edition held in Rho from the first to February 3, Milano Unica presented in November the trends for spring-summer 2018: “Nefertiti in Ibiza”, “Kazimir Malevich in Sorrento” and “Carlo Mollino in Tehran.” The imaginative names of the three main trends are the result of the work conducted by the curator Stefano Fadda, who started from the pleasure of the journey, from the dream of an encounter between different civilizations, from the game to link past and present and, finally, from the will of retrieve historical figures of aesthetic and cultural importance. Moreover, Milano Unica intends to be not only as an exhibition, but also as an aggregator of cultural stimuli. For the second annual edition instead signals the decision to bring forward to July the September event. The decision marks another important “new beginning” for the event, after the transfer in the Rho exhibition center and the complete renovation and net positioning in the high range. “It’s a response to the changes that the fashion world is experiencing” explains the president Ercole Botto Poala. The latest edition of the fair, held in September for the first time in Rho, totaled 6 thousand visiting companies. A result that does not allow a direct comparison with the session, because of new and more stringent selection criteria in invitations, put in place by the organizers, but the feeling was that the search for quality, even in terms of the quantity of the contacts made. FAIRS 2017

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Italia/Italy Immagine Italia & Co

Fax 02/4699745 mfornara@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.com

11-13 febbraio/February Firenze/Florence Fortezza da Basso Prodotti/Products: Collezioni di intimo e lingerie Underwear and lingerie collections Ingresso riservato agli operatori di settore/Trade only Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Camera Commercio di Pistoia Corso Silvano Fedi 36 51100 Pistoia Tel. 0573/991483 Fax 0573/991470 immagineitalia@pt.camcom.it www.immagineitalia.org

Mode City

Francia/France Interfilière 21-23 gennaio/January e/and 8-10 luglio/July Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per l’intimo e la moda mare/Materials and fabrics for underwear and beachwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet 37/39 rue de Neuilly BP 121 92582 Clichy Cedex Tel. 0033 (0) 1/47563232 Fax 0033 (0) 1/47563299 www.interfiliere.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/4343531


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8-10 luglio/July Parigi/Paris Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Intimo, moda mare Underwear, beachwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet 37-39 rue de Neuilly 92582 Clichy Cedex Tel. 0033 (0)1/47563232 Fax 0033 (0)1/47563299 www.lingerie-swimwear-paris. com/ Info in Italia/in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/4343531 Fax 02/4699745 mfornara@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.com

Riviera by Mode City Settebre/September Cannes Palm Beach Prodotti/Products: Swimsuit, beachwear, accessori Swimsuit, beachwear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet 37-39 rue de Neuilly 92582 Clichy Cedex Tel. 0033 (0)1/47563232 Fax 0033 (0)1/47563299 www.lingerie-swimwear-paris.

com/riviera/ Info in Italia/in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/4343531 Fax 02/4699745 mfornara@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.com

Sil-Salon International de la Lingerie 21-23 gennaio/January Parigi/Paris Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Intimo, lingerie, loungewear, calze, intimo maschile Underwear, lingerie, loungewear, hosiery, men’s underwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet 37-39 rue de Neuilly 92582 Clichy Cedex Tel. 0033 (0)1/47563232 Fax 0033 (0)1/47563299 www.lingerie-swimwear-paris. com Info in Italia/in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/4343531 Fax 02/4699745 mfornara@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.com

MarediModa 7-9 novembre/November Cannes Palais des Festivals Prodotti/Products: Tessuti e accessori per il FAIRS 2017

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Underwear and beachwear beachwear e l’intimo/Fabrics and accessories for beachwear and lingerie Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Maredimoda Via Raimondi 1 22100 Como Tel. 031/4128637 info@maredimoda.com www.maredimoda.com

Germania/Germany Supreme Body&Beach 5-7 marzo/March e/and 23-25 luglio/July (to be confirmed) Monaco/Munich MTC world of fashion, Haus 1 Prodotti/Products: Intimo e moda mare, homewear, accessori Underwear & beachwear, homewear, accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Supreme Group munichfashion.company GmbH Bretonischer Ring 18 D-85630 Grasbrunn Tel 0049 (0) 89/42044790 info@munichfashioncompany.de www.munichfashioncompany. com

37/39 rue de Neuilly - BP 121 92582 Clichy Cedex France Tel 0033 (0) 1/47563232 Fax 0033 (0) 1/47563299 www.curvexpo.com

Cina/China Interfilière Shanghai Ottobre/October Shanghai Shanghai Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti, pizzi, ricami, accessori, macchinari, design tessile Fabrics, lace, embroidery, accessories, achinery, textile designers Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet Asia Rm 901, 9/F, Chao’s Building 143-145 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong shanghai@eurovet.fr www.shanghai-mode-lingerie. com

Interfilière Hong Kong Marzo/March Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products:

Tessuti per l’intimo e moda mare Fabrics for Underwear and beachwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet Asia Rm 901, 9/F, Chao’s Building 143-145 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong hongkong@eurovet.fr www.interfiliere.com/hongkong

SIUF - China (Shenzhen) International Brand Underwear Fairs 19-21 ottobre/October Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, China Prodotti/Products: Underwear, beachwear and fabrics for underwear. Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tarsus Room B1-B2 Floor 28, No.789 Zhaojiabang Road, Xuhui district, Shanghai, PRC Tel.: +86 (21)64392633 lfan@tarsus.co.uk www.siuf.com Agente in Italia/Agent in Italy: Georges Papa Tel:+39 320 6455072 internationalfairs2017@gmail.com

Stati Uniti/Usa CurveNV 21-23 febbraio/February e/and agosto/August Las Vegas - Mandala Bay

CurveNY 27 febbraio/February-1 marzo/ March e/and agosto/August New York - Javits Center Prodotti/Products: Intimo e moda mare uomo e donna/Womenswear and menswear underwear, beachwear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Eurovet FAIRS 2017

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Sil-Salon International de la Lingerie Parigi


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Italia/Italy Filo 22-23 febbraio/February e/and 27-28 settembre/September Milano/Milan Palazzo delle Stelline Corso Magenta 61 Prodotti/Products: Fibre e filati/Fibres and yarns Ente organizzatore/Organizer: AssoServizi Biella Via Torino 56 13900 Biella Tel. 015/8483271 Fax 015/403978 info@filo.it www.filo.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 80 Visitatori/Visitors: 2.500 circa/ about

Fieramilano Rho Prodotti/Products: Tessuti e accessori di alta gamma per abbigliamento donna e uomo/Top-end fabrics and accessories for womenswear and menswear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Milano Unica Viale Sarca 223 20126 Milano Tel. 02/66101105 Fax 02/66111335 info@milanounica.it www.milanounica.it

Pitti Immagine Filati 25-27 gennaio/January e/and 28-30 giugno/June Firenze/Florence Fortezza da Basso Prodotti/Products:

Fibre e filati/Fibres and yarns Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 filati@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 130 Visitatori/Visitors: 5.400

Simac - Tanning Tech 21-23 febbraio/February Milano/Milan Fiera Milano Rho Pero Prodotti/Products: Macchinari/Machinery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Assomac Servizi Srl

Intertex Milano 8-10 Marzo/March 11-13 ottobre/October Milano/Milan Superstudio PiĂš Prodotti/Products: Tessuti, filati/Yarns and fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tortona Design & Fashion Via P. S. Mancini 10 20148 Milano Tel. 02 83241528 info@tortonadesignandfashion.com www.intertex-milano.it

Milano Unica 1-3 febbraio/February e/and 11-13 luglio/July Milano/Milan FAIRS 2017

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Pitti Immagine Filati Firenze


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Filati, tessuti e macchinari

7-9 febbraio/February e/and settembre/September Parigi/ Paris Nord Villepinte Prodotti/Products: Fibre e filati/Fibres and yarns Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Première Vision 59 Quai Rambaud CS 30162 69432 Lyon Cedex 2 Tel. 0033 (0) 472/606500 Fax 0033 (0) 472/606509 pvfrance@premierevision.com www.premierevision.com

Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per abbigliamento Clothing fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt France 1-3 avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris Tel. 0033 1/55268989 texworld@france. messefrankfurt.com www.texworld.messefrankfurt. com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 961 Visitatori/Visitors: 13.591 (insieme a Apparel Sourcing Paris, Shawls&Scarves, Avantex e Avanprint)

Texworld Paris


6-9 febbraio/February e/and 18-21 settembre/September Parigi/Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Center

6-9 febbraio/February e/and 18-21 settembre/September Parigi/Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Center

Via Matteotti 4/A 27029 Vigevano (Pv) Tel. 0381/78883 Fax 0381/88602 exhibition@assomac.it www.simactanningtech.it

Francia/France Première Vision Paris

Texworld Parigi


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Prodotti/Products: Tessuti high-tech per l’abbigliamento High-tech textiles for clothing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt France 1-3 avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris Tel. 0033 1/55268989 avantex@france.messefrankfurt. com www.avantex.fr.messefrankfurt. com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 20 Visitatori/Visitors: 13.591 (insieme a Apparel Sourcing Paris, Shawls&Scarves, Texworld Paris e Avanprint)

Avanprint 6-9 febbraio/February Parigi/Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Stampa digitale su tessuti Digital textile printing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt France 1-3 avenue de Flandre 75019 Paris Tel. 0033 1/55268989 avanprint@france. messefrankfurt.com www.avanprint. fr.messefrankfurt.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 35 FAIRS 2017

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Yarns, fabrics and machinery Visitatori/Visitors: 13.591 (insieme a Apparel Sourcing Paris, Shawls&Scarves, Texworld Paris e Avantex)

Tissu Premier Maggio/May e/and novembre/November Lille Grand Palais Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per la grande distribuzione e le catene Fabrics for distribution and chains Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pv Manufacturing 24 rue Saint Victor 75005 Paris Tel. 00 33 (0) 1/70607370 Fax 00 33 (0) 1/70607371 www.tissu-premier.com

and knitted fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Well Link Consultants China Resources Building 26, Harbour Road Wanchai - Hong Kong Tel. 0085 (0)2 2824 8580 info@spinexpo.com www.spinexpo.com

Interfilière Vedi “Underwear e beachwear” See “Underwear and beachwear”.

MarediModa Vedi “Underwear e beachwear” See “Underwear and beachwear”.

Apparelsourcing Paris Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”.

Spinexpo Paris

Spagna/Spain Denim Première Vision

3-5 luglio/July Paris Cité de la Mode et du Design Prodotti/Products: Fibre, filati, maglieria, tessuti a maglia/Fibres, yarns, knitwear

26-27 aprile/April e/and novembre/November Paris Event Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti in denim e accessori Denim fabrics and accessories

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Première Vision 59 quai Rambaud - CS 30162 69285 Lyon Cedex 02 - France Tel. 0033 (0) 472/606553 Fax 0033 (0) 472/606559 info@denimbypremierevision.com www.denimbypremierevision. com

Germania/Germany MarediModa anteprima Monaco 31 gennaio, 1-2 febbraio Monaco (c/o Munich Fabric Start) Munich Order Center MOC Prodotti/Products: Tessuti e accessori per il beachwear e l’intimo/Fabrics and accessories for beachwear and lingerie Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Maredimoda Via Raimondi 1 22100 Como Tel. 031/4128637 info@maredimoda.com www.maredimoda.com

Munich Fabric Start 31 gennaio-2 febbraio/February e/and august/August Monaco/Munich MOC Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per abbigliamento e accessori/Clothing fabrics and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 17 80539 Munich Tel. 0049 (0) 89/452247-0 Fax 0049 (0) 89/452247-22 info@munichfabricstart.com www.munichfabricstart.com

Bluezone (by Munich Fabric Start) Munich Fabric Start Monaco di Baviera

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31 gennaio-2 febbraio/February e/and august/August


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Filati, tessuti e macchinari Monaco/Munich Zenith Hall Prodotti/Products: Tessuti in denim e accessori Denim fabrics and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 17 80539 Munich Tel. 0049 (0) 89/452247-0 Fax 0049 (0) 89/452247-22 info@munichfabricstart.com www.munichfabricstart.com

Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Amsterdam Denim Days info@amsterdamdenimdays.com www.amsterdamdenimdays.nl

Performance Days functional fabric fair

22-24 Marzo/March e/and ottobre/October) Istanbul Cnr Expo Prodotti/Products: Tessuti europei per abbigliamento/European clothing fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: 59 Quai Rambaud CS 30162 69432 Lyon Cedex 03 France Tel. 0033 (0) 472606500 Fax 0033 (0) 472606549 g.erkanli@premierevision.com www.premierevision-istanbul. com

Vedi “Sportswear e youngwear” See “Sportswear and youngwear”.

View Premium Selection Luglio/July e/and dicembre/December Monaco/Munich MVG Museum Prodotti/Products: Tessuti e accessori/Fabrics and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 17 80539 Munich Tel. 0049 (0) 89/4522470 Fax 0049 (0) 89/45224722 info@viewmunich.com www.viewmunich.com

Polonia/Poland Poznan Fashion Fair Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”

Turchia/Turkey Première Vision Istanbul

Russia Textillegprom 14-17 febbraio/February e/and 29 august/August-1 settembre/ September Mosca/Moscow All Russian Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per la casa e per l’abbigliamento, abbigliamento e accessori, lingerie, maglieria, tessuti tecnici/Home and apparel textiles, garment and accessories, lingerie, knitwear, technical textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: TextilexpoExpo Mytnaya street, 46, bld. 5 115562, Moscow, Tel. 007 (0) 495 7487147 Fax 007 (0) 495 7487134 tj@textilexpo.ru www.textilexpo.ru

Stati Uniti/Usa L.A. Textile 27 febbraio/February 1 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Los Angeles

Olanda/Netherlands Amsterdam Denim Days 18-23 aprile/April Amsterdam Blueprint Festival: 21-22/4 City Center Program: 18-23/4 Business Program: 19-21/4 NYC Denim Days: settembre/ September 2017 Prodotti/Products: Manifestazione dedicata al tessile per denim e accessori Denim and accessories show


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Amsterdam Denim Days

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87th edition 14.>17.01.2017 88th edition 10.>13.06.2017

Riva del Garda Fierecongressi SpA - Parco Lido Exhibition Centre - Via Baltera 20, Riva del Garda - Italy

T. + 39 0464 520000 www.exporivaschuh.it F. +39 0464 570130 #ExpoRivaSchuh

Filati, tessuti e macchinari California Market Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti/Fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: California Market Center 110 East 9th street Los Angeles Tel. 001 (0) 213/6303600 www.californiamarketcenter. com/latextile

Première Vision New York 17-18 gennaio/January e/and 18-19 luglio/July New York Pier 94 Prodotti/Products: Tessuti europei per abbigliamento European clothing fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Première Vision Per i visitatori/For visitors: Première Vision 147 West, 35th Street, Suite 1402 NY New York 10001 Tel. 001 (0) 646/3511942 Fax 001 (0) 646/2137373 t.langlais@premierevision.com e/and Première Vision 59 Quai Rambaud CS 30162 69432 Lyon Cedex 03 France Tel. 0033 (0) 472606500 Fax 0033 (0) 472606549 pvusa@premierevision.com www.premierevision-newyork. com

Spinexpo New York 18-20 luglio/July New York Brooklyn Expo Center Prodotti/Products: Fibre e filati per abbigliamento e maglieria, tessuti, tessuti a maglia, prodotti in maglia, macchinari/Fibres and yarns for clothing, woven fabrics


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and knitted fabrics, yarns for knitwear, knitwear products, creative knitwear machinery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Well Link Consultants China Resources Building 26, Harbour Road Wanchai - Hong Kong Tel. 0085 (0)2 2824 8580 info@spinexpo.com www.spinexpo.com

Techtextil North America 20-22 giugno/June Chicago McCormick Place, Lakeside Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti tecnici e tessuti non tessuti/Technical fabrics and nonwovens Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt 1600 Parkwood Circle, Ste. 615 Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel. 00770 (0) 9848016 Fax 00770 (0) 9848023 ttnasales@usa.messefrankfurt. com www.techtextilna.com

Texworld Usa 23-25 gennaio/January e/and 17-19 luglio/July New York Jacob Javits Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per abbigliamento Clothing fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Inc. 1600 Parkwood Circle, Suite 615 Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel. 001 770 984 8016 Fax 001 770 984 8023 twusainfo@usa.messefrankfurt. com www.texworldusa.com

Apparel Sourcing USA Vedi “Abbigliamento e accessori” See “Clothing and accessories”

Hong Kong Cashmere World Date da confermare Hong Kong Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Abbigliamento in cashmere, filati e fibre, accessori e componenti, tessuti in cashmere, sciarpe e scialli in cashmere, macchinari e tecnologia, tinture e colorazioni, test di laboratorio e controllo qualità/Cashmere garments, yarns, components and accessories, cashmere fabrics, raw materials, cashmere scarves and shawls, machinery for cashmere, process chemicals and dyes, cashmere testing Ente organizzatore/Organizer: APLF Ltd. - Cfna (Beijing) 17/F China Resources Building 26 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong Tel. 00852 (0) 2827/6211 Fax 00852 (0) 3749/7310 info@cashmereworldfair.com Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Patrizia Dell’Orto PD Fair Consulting C.so Matteotti 10 20822 Seveso (MB) Tel. 0362/546138 Fax 0362/1851370 patrizia.dellorto@ pdfairconsulting.com www.pdfairconsulting.com

Interfilière Hong Kong Vedi “Underwear e beachwear” See “Yarns, fibres and fabrics”.

Cina/China Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics (Spring & Autumn Edition) 15-17 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Shanghai FAIRS 2017

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Yarns, fabrics and machinery National Exhibition and Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per abbigliamento e accessori/Clothing fabrics and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Hong Kong Tel. 00852 28027728 textile@hongkong. messefrankfurt.com texpertise-network. messefrankfurt.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 3.155 (Spring) 4.642 (Autumn) Visitatori/Visitors: 71.000 (Spring) 66.000 (Autumn)

Milano Unica Cina 15-17 marzo/March Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Tessuti e accessori di alta gamma per abbigliamento donna e uomo/Top-end fabrics and accessories for womenswear and menswear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Milano Unica Viale Sarca 223 20126 Milano Tel. 02/66101105 Fax 02/66111335 mu.cina@milanounica.it china.milanounica.it www.milanounica.it

Prodotti/Products: Fibre, filati, maglieria e macchine per la lavorazione a maglia/Fibres, yarns, knitwear and knitted fabrics, creative knitwear machinery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Well Link Consultants China Resources Building 26, Harbour Road Wanchai - Hong Kong Tel. 0085 (0)2 2824 8580 info@spinexpo.com www.spinexpo.com

Yarn Expo 15-17 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Shanghai Prodotti/Products: Fibre e filati Fibres and yarns Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. Tel. 00852 28027728 textile@hongkong. messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurt.com.hk Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano

Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 309 Visitatori/Visitors: 20.527

Texcare Asia 27-29 settembre/September Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai, Cina Prodotti/Products: Sistemi e soluzioni di lavaggio e pulitura dei tessuti Laudry and dry-cleaning systems and solutions for textiles Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China Light Industry Machinery Association www.texcare-asia.com Info in Italia/in Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it

Spinexpo Shanghai 28 febbraio/February-2 marzo/ March e/and 29-31 agosto/ August The Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center FAIRS 2017

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Milano Unica Cina Shanghai


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Filati, tessuti e macchinari Espositori/Exhibitors: 153 Visitatori/Visitors: 10.267

Interfilière Shanghai Vedi “Underwear e beachwear” See “Yarns, fibres and fabrics”.

Giappone/Japan Jitac 21-23 marzo/March e/and ottobre/October Tokyo Tokyo International Forum Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per abbigliamento Clothing fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: The Japan Imported Textiles Agency Council 3-6-12-405, Awajimachi, Chuo-ku Osaka Tel. 0081 (0) 6/62286229 Fax 0081 (0) 6/62286209 jitac@mac.com www.jitac.jp

Corea/Korea Preview in Daegu

16F, Textile-Center 944-31, Daechi2-dong, Gangnam-gu Daegu, 703-712 Tel. 0082 (0)2/5284016-22 Fax 0082 (0)2/5284050 kofoti@kofoti.or.kr www.kofoti.or.kr/Eng www.previewinseoul.com

Emirati Arabi/UAE International Apparel & Textile Fair UAE 2017 1-3 maggio/May Dubai World Trade Center Prodotti/Products: Salone del tessile Textile fair Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Nihalani Events Management Bur Dubai, Dubai UAE Tel. 00971 4 3827748 Mobile 00971 56 7636517 info@nihalanievents.com info@internationaltextilefair.com www.nihalanievents.com

Colombia Colombiatex 24-26 gennaio/January Plaza Mayor Medellín Prodotti/Products: Tessuti, filati, ricami e passamanerie e macchinari per l’inustria dell’abbigliamento Fabrics, textiles, findings & trimmings and machinery for clothing industry Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Inexmoda Calle 14 # 40 A - 173 Tel. 0057 4 4445086 Fax 0057 4 2662050 contactcenter@inexmoda.org.co www.inexmoda.org.co www.colombiatex.inexmoda.org.co Note/Notes

www.internationalapparel andtextilefair.com

8-10 marzo/March Daegu Exco - Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center Prodotti/Products: Fibre e tessuti/Fibres and fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: DTC 3F #302, 227, Palgong-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu Korea, 41028 Tel. 0082 (0) 53/9802023 Fax 0082 (0) 53/9802051 fair@previewin.com www.previewin.com

Preview in Seoul Agosto/August Seoul - Coex Prodotti/Products: Fibre e tessuti/Fibres and fabrics Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Kofoti


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Preview in Daegu

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Italia/Italy Francia/France Salone Franchising Milano - Franchise Expo Paris International Retail Expo 19-22 marzo/March Ottobre/October Milano/Milan Fieramilanocity Prodotti/Products: Franchising e nuove formule distributive/Franchising and new distributive formats Ente organizzatore/Organizer: RDS & Company Via dell’Annuciata 31 20121 Milano Tel. 02/4814110 Fax 02/4987809 info@salonefranchisingmilano.com www.salonefranchisingmilano. com Espositori/Exhibitors: 200 Visitatori/Visitors: 14.000

Mapic Italy 16-17 maggio/May Milano Superstudio Più Prodotti/Products: Soluzioni immobiliari e opportunità commerciali per il retail in Italia Real estate and commercial opportunities for retail in Italy Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Midem 27 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo CS 10026 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex 92513 Tel. 0033 (0)1 79 71 90 00 Fax 0033 (0)1 79 71 90 50 www.mapic-italy.it


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Parigi/Paris Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Franchising e nuove formule distributive/Franchising and new distributive formats Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Expositions France 52-54 quai de Dion Bouton CS 80001 92806 Puteaux Cedex info@franchiseparis.com www.franchiseparis.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 530 Visitatori/Visitors: Oltre/more than 35.000 Info in Italia/Info in Italy: Milena Veronesi Tel. 0039 348 9153830 veronesi.milena@alice.it

Mapic 15-17 novembre/November Cannes Palais des Festivals Prodotti/Products: Soluzioni immobiliari e opportunità commerciali per il retail nel mondo/Real estate and commercial opportunities for retail around the world Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Midem 27 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo CS 10026 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex 92513 Tel. 0033 (0)1 79 71 90 00 Fax 0033 (0)1 79 71 90 50

www.mapic.com Espositori/Exhibitors 700 Visitatori/Visitors: 8.000

Spagna/Spain Expofranquicia 20-22 aprile/April Madrid Feria de Madrid Prodotti/Products: Franchising e nuove formule distributive/Franchising and new distributive formulas Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Ifema - Feria de Madrid Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Casilla 67067 28042 Madrid Tel. 0034 (0) 902/221515 expofran@ifema.es www.ifema.es

Singapore Tfwa Asia Pacific Exhibition & Conference 8-12 maggio/May Singapore Prodotti/Products: Duty free, travel retail, prodotti di lusso/Duty free, travel retail, luxury goods Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Tax Free World Association 23-25 rue de Berri 75008 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/40740986 Fax 0033 (0) 1/40740985 visitors@tfwa.com www.tfwa.com FAIRS 2017

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Italia/Italy Homi 27-30 gennaio/January e/and settembre/September Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan Fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Bijoux e accessori moda, articoli per la tavola e la cucina, decorazione, essenze e home wellness, articoli regalo Bijoux & fashion accessories, table and kitchenware, home decoration, giftware, fragrances & home wellness, gifts Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fiera Milano Strada Statale del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Mi) Tel. 02/49971 Fax 02/49976591 www.homimilano.com

Milano Moda Design Aprile/April Milano/Milan Varie sedi/Various locations Prodotti/Products: Arredamento, collezioni casa dei fashion brand/Home design and textile collections of fashion brands Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana Via G. Morone 6 20121 Milano Tel. 02/7771081 Fax 02/77710850 cameramoda@cameramoda.it www.milanomodadesign.it www.cameramoda.it


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Proposte 3-5 maggio/May Cernobbio (CO) Villa Erba Prodotti/Products: Tessuti per arredamento, tendaggio e passamanerie Furnishing fabrics, curtains and trimmings Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Proposte Viale Sarca 223 20126 Milano Tel. 02/6434054 Fax 02/66119130 info@propostefair.it www.propostefair.it

Salone del Mobile.MIlano 4-9 aprile/April Milano/Milan Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero/Milan fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Salone globale del sistema casaarredo/Global fair for the homefurnishing sector Ingresso riservato agli operatori di settore, aperto al pubblico solo sabato 8 e domenica 9 aprile/Trade only, open to public only on Saturday April 8 and Sunday 9th Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Federlegno Arredo Eventi spa Foro Buonaparte 65 20121 Milano Tel. 02/725941 Fax 02/89011563 info@salonemilano.it www.salonemilano.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 2.407

Visitatori/Visitors: 372.151

Taste 11-13 marzo/March Firenze/Florence Stazione Leopolda Prodotti/Products: Food ed eccellenze del gusto Foods and taste excellences Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 taste@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 340 Visitatori/Visitors: 15.500

Packaging Première 16-18 maggio/May Milano/Milan The Mall Prodotti/Products: Packaging per il settore del lusso Luxury packaging Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Packaging Premiere Srl Via Oldofredi 43 20124 Milano Tel. 0039 (0) 02/39206217 info@packagingpremiere.it www.packagingpremiere.it

Francia/France Maison & Objet 20-24 gennaio/January e/and 8-12 settembre/September Parigi/Paris FAIRS 2017

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Nord Villepinte Prodotti/Products: Oggettistica, arredo, tessile per la casa/Objects, furniture, home textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Safi 4 Passage Roux 75850 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/44290200 Fax 0033 (0) 1/44290201 info@safisalons.fr www.maison-objet.com Info in Italia per i visitatori Info for visitors in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/43435326 Fax 02/4699745 mtajroldi@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.com Espositori/Exhibitors 3.200 Visitatori/Visitors: 80.000

Germania/Germany Ambiente 10-14 febbraio/February Francoforte/Frankfurt Fiera di Francoforte/Frankfurt fairground Prodotti/Products: Articoli casalinghi e per la tavola, articoli per l’arredamento e complementi d’arredo e idee regalo/Products for the table and kitchen sectors, interiors furniture and complements, houseware and gifts Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Ludwig Erhard Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0049 69/7575-0 www.ambiente. messefrankfurt.com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 FAIRS 2017

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20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 4.386 Visitatori/Visitors: 135.988

info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 2.867 Visitatori/Visitors: 69.000


Russia Heimtextil Russia

10-13 gennaio/January Francoforte/Frankfurt Fiera di Francoforte/Frankfurt fairground Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredamento e per la casa e contract business Furniture and home textile, contract business Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Ludwig Erhard Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0049 69/7575-0 www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt. com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781

20-22 settembre/September Mosca/Moscow Crocus Expo IEC Center Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredamento e per la casa/Furniture and home textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Rus Leningradsky pr-t. 39a 125167 Moscow Tel. 007 495/6498775 www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt. ru Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it

Salone del Mobile MIlano


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Tessile per la casa, lifestyle e arredo Espositori/Exhibitors: 229 Visitatori/Visitors: 17.656

I Saloni WorldWide Moscow Ottobre/October Mosca/Moscow Crocus Expo Prodotti/Products: Arredamento e complementi, apparecchi per illuminazione, tessili per la casa/Furniture and furnishing accessories, lightning, home textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Federlegno Arredo Eventi spa Foro Buonaparte 65 20121 Milano Tel. 02/725941 Fax 02/89011563 info@salonemilano.it www.salonemilano.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 300 Visitatori/Visitors: 30.000

Ucraina/Ukraine KIFF Kiev International Furniture Forum 15-18 marzo/March Kiev/Kyiv Kyiv Expo Plaza Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Arredamento, illuminazione, interior design, décor/Furniture, lighting, interior design solutions, décor items Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Kyiv International Contract Fair 17-21, Bahhovutivska Str., 4th floor P.O. box B-13 Kyiv, 01001 Tel. 00380 (0) 444619955 Fax 00380 (0) 444944251 furniture@kmkya.kiev.ua www.kiff.kiev.ua


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Cina/China Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (Spring & Autumn Edition) 15-17 marzo/March 24-27 agosto/August Shanghai Shanghai New International Expo Centre Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredo e per la casa Furniture and home textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Room 1503, 15/F, Taiping Finance Tower 488 Middle Yincheng Road Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120, P.R. China Tel. 0086 21 6160 8555 textile@hongkong. messefrankfurt.com www.intertextile.com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02 8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 182 (Spring) 1.158 (Autumn) Visitatori/Visitors: 12.080 (Spring) 37.779 (Autumn)

Interior Lifestyle China 14-16 settembre/September Shanghai Shanghai New International Expo Center Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredo e per la casa Furniture and home textile Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Shanghai 32nd Floor Shanghai Union Square 999 South Pudong Road Shanghai 200120 Tel. 0086 2161608555 interior@china.messefrankfurt.com

www.il-china.com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 384 Visitatori/Visitors: 21.420

Hong Kong International Home Textiles Fair 20-23 aprile/April Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Tessuti, tappeti e tessili per la casa/Fabrics, carpets and home textiles Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Hktdc-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 Fax 02/860304 alessio.pulsinelli@hktdc.org www.hktdc.com/ hkhometextilesfair Espositori/Exhibitors: 285 Visitatori/Visitors: 18.248

Salone del Mobile.MIlano Shanghai novembre/November Shanghai Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Salone globale del sistema casaarredo/Global fair for the homefurnishing sector Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Federlegno Arredo Eventi spa Foro Buonaparte 65 20121 Milano Tel. 02/725941 Fax 02/89011563 FAIRS 2017

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Home textile, lifestyle and furniture info@salonemilano.it www.salonemilano.it

Giappone/Japan IFFT Interior Lifestyle Living To be decided Tokyo Tokyo Big Sight Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredo, mobili e accessori per la casa, casalinghi, articoli regalo Home textile, furniture and house accessories, tableware, gift items Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Mesago Messe Frankfurt Corporation Maekawa Kudan Bldg. 3F., 2-3-7 Kudan-kita, Chiyodaku Tokyo 102-0072 Tel. 0081 3/32628443 info@ifft-interiorlifestyleliving. com www.ifft-interiorlifestyleliving. com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia

Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 431 Visitatori/Visitors: 17.999

Interior LifestyleTokyo 14-16 giugno/June Tokyo Tokyo Big Sight Prodotti/Products: Tessili per l’arredamento e per la casa/Furniture and home textiles Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Mesago Messe Frankfurt Corporation Maekawa Kudan Bldg. 3F., 2-3-7 Kudan-kita, Chiyodaku Tokyo 102-0072 Tel. 0081 3/32628453 info@interior-lifestyle.com www.interior-lifestyle.com Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5

20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 822 Visitatori/Visitors: 30.168

India Ambiente e Heimtextil India 20-22 giugno/June Pragati Maidan, New Delhi Prodotti/Products: Articoli e tessili per la tavola, arredamento, complementi d’arredo e idee regalo/Products and textiles for the table and kitchen sectors, interiors furniture and complements, houseware and gifts Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd. Tel.: 00 91 22 61 44 59 00 www.ambiente-india.in www.heimtextil-india.in Info in Italia/Italy: Messe Frankfurt Italia Via Quintino Sella 5 20121 Milano Tel. 02/8807781 info@italy.messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurtitalia.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 165 Visitatori/Visitors: 8.443 Note/Notes

Maison & Objet Parigi

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Italia/Italy Chibimart 19-22 maggio/May e/and 10-13 novembre/November Milano/Milan Fieramilanocity Prodotti/Products: Bigiotteria, accessori moda Costume jewellery, fashion accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Fiera Milano Strada Statale del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Mi) Tel. 02/49971 Fax 02/49976591 chibi@fieramilano.it www.chibimart.it

da vista, lenti, accessori, componentistica, macchinari Sunglasses, frames, lenses, accessories, eyewear-related products, machinery Ente organizzatore Organizer: Mido Via Petitti 16 20149 Milano Tel. 02/32673673 Fax 02/324233 mido@mido.it www.mido.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 1.214 Visitatori/Visitors: 52.835


Origin, Passion and Beliefs

25-27 febbraio/February Milano/Milan Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Milan Fairground Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Occhiali da sole, montature

11-13 luglio/July Milano Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero Prodotti/Products: Laboratorio espositivo dedicato all’universo dell’accessorio

Mido Milano


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fashion: designer emergenti, brand indipendenti, fornitori specializzati, produttori, istituti di formazione di moda, istituzioni della moda Lab exhibition dedicated to the universe of fashion accessories with emerging designers, independent brands, specialized suppliers, manufacturers, educational institutes and fashion institutions Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) Via Emilia 155 47921 Rimini Tel. 0541/744111 Fax 0541/7442000 info@iegexpo.it www.iegexpo.it www.originfair.com/it

Vicenzaoro The Jewellery Boutique Show January + T-Gold Vicenzaoro The Jewellery Boutique Show September 20-25 gennaio/January 23-27 settembre/September Vicenza Via dell’Oreficeria 16 Prodotti/Products: Oreficeria, gioielleria, bigiotteria, articoli in argento, pietre preziose e semi-preziose, orologi, attrezzature per oreficeria e preziosi, accessori, strumenti gemmologici/Gold jewellery, jewellery, silverware, silver costume jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, wrist and pocket watches, equipment for jewellery FAIRS 2017

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(T-Gold: macchinari e tecnologie della manifattura dei gioielli T-Gold: technological innovations and machinery for the jewellery industry) Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) Via Emilia 155 47921 Rimini Tel. 0541/744111 Fax 0541/7442000 info@iegexpo.it www.iegexpo.it www.vicenzaoro.com

Svizzera/Switzerland Baselworld 20-23 marzo/March Basilea/Basel Fiera di Basilea Prodotti/Products: Orologeria, gioielleria e settori affini/Watches, jewellery and related brands Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Mch Fiera Svizzera CH-4005 Basel Tel. 0041 (0) 58/2062525 Fax 0041 (0) 58/2062190 visitor@baselworld.com www.baselworld.com

Francia/France Bijorhca Paris 20-23 gennaio/January e/and settembre/September Parigi/Paris Porte de Versailles Prodotti/Products: Bigiotteria, argento, accessori moda, gioielleria di design Bijoux, silver, accessories, design jewellery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Expositions France 54-52 quai de Dion Bouton CS 80001 92806 Puteaux Cedex Tel. 0033 (0) 1/47565282 FAIRS 2017

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Fax 0033 (0) 1/47562492 info@bijorhca.com www.bijorhca.com

Stati Uniti/Usa Jkc Las Vegas


5-8 giugno/June Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Prodotti/Products: Orologeria, gioielleria e settori affini/Watches, jewellery and related sectors Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Reed Exhibitions 383 Main Avenue 06851 Norwalk (Ct) Tel. 001 (0) 203 8405684 inquiry@jck.reedexpo.com http://lasvegas.jckonline.com www.reedexpo.com

6-9 ottobre/October Parigi/Paris Paris Nord Villepinte Prodotti/Products: Ottica e occhialeria Optics and eyewear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Silmo 185, rue de Bercy 75012 Paris Tel. 0033 (0) 1/43462760 Fax 0033 (0) 1/43462762 silmo@silmo.fr www.silmo.fr Info in Italia/in Italy: Saloni Internazionali Francesi Via Caradosso 10 20123 Milano Tel. 02/43435327 Fax 02/4699745 adelpriore@salonifrancesi.it www.salonifrancesi.it Espositori/Exhibitors: 900 (marchi/brands: 1.350) Visitatori/Visitors: 33.771

Germania/Germany Opti ‘17 28-30 gennaio/January Monaco di Baviera/Munich Quartiere fieristico Monaco New Munich trade fair centre Prodotti/Products: Ottica e occhialeria/Optics and eyewear Ente organizzatore/Organizer: GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen Willy-Brandt-Allee 1 München Tel. 0049 (0) 89/94955-151 Fax 0049 (0) 89/94955-159 contact@opti.de www.opti.de

Vicenzaoro. Italian Passion. Made With Love. JFK Las Vegas 5-8 giugno/June Las Vegas Mandala Bay Prodotti/Products: Oreficeria, gioielleria, bigiotteria d’argento industriale e artigianale, pietre preziose e semi-preziose, perle, coralli, cammei, orologi da polso e da tasca Fine and commercial gold jewellery, jewellery, industrial and hand-crafted silverware, silver costume jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, corals and cameos, wrist and pocket watches Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) Via Emilia 155 47921 Rimini Tel. 0541/744111 Fax 0541/7442000 info@iegexpo.it www.iegexpo.it www.vicenzaoro.com


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Orologi, gioielli e occhiali Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2-6 marzo/March Hong Kong Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Gioielli/Jewellery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Hktdc-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 Fax 02/860304 alessio.pulsinelli@hktdc.org www.hktdc.com/ hkjewelleryshow Espositori/Exhibitors: 2.502 Visitatori/Visitors: 49.294

Hong Kong Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show 28 febbraio/February-4 marzo/ March Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport Prodotti/Products: Gioielli/Jewellery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: HKTDC Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 milan.office@hktdc.org www.hktdc.com/hkdgp

Tel. 02/865405 milan.office@hktdc.org www.hktdc.com/hkopticalfair

Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair 5-9 settembre/September Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Salone degli orologi/Watch fair Ente organizzatore/Organizer: HKTDC Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano Tel. 02/865405 milan.office@hktdc.org www.hktdc.com/hkwatchfair

Vicenzaoro Hong Kong T-Gold + Mets 2-6 marzo/March Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Prodotti/Products: Macchinari, tecnologie, attrezzature e servizi per la produzione di gioielli e orologi Machinery, technologies, laboratory equipment, supplies and services for the entire jewellery and watches production process Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) Via Emilia 155 47921 Rimini Tel. 0541/744111 Fax 0541/7442000 info@iegexpo.it www.iegexpo.it www.vicenzaoro.com

Hong Kong Optical Fair

Emirati Arabi/Uae

8-10 novembre/November Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center Prodotti/Products: Salone degli orologi/Watch fair Ente organizzatore/Organizer: HKTDC Via Orefici 2 20123 Milano

VOD Vicenzaoro Dubai Dubai International Jewellery Show


15-18 novembre/November Dubai Dubai World Trade Centre Prodotti/Products: Oreficeria, gioielleria, bigiotteria,

articoli in argento, pietre preziose e semi-preziose, orologi, attrezzature per oreficeria e preziosi, accessori, strumenti gemmologici Gold jewellery, jewellery, silverware, silver costume jewellery, precious and semiprecious stones, wrist and pocket watches, equipment for jewellery Ente organizzatore/Organizer: DV Global Link P.O. Box 9846, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel. 00971 (4) 308 6431 Fax 00971 (4) 318 8607 info@vicenzaorodubai.com www.vicenzaorodubai.com

India Vicenzaoro. Italian Passion. Made With Love + T-Gold IIJS Mumbai 4-8 Agosto/August Mumbai, India Bombay Exhibition Centre Prodotti/Products: Oreficeria, gioielleria, bigiotteria d’argento industriale e artigianale, pietre preziose e semi-preziose, perle, coralli, cammei, orologi da polso e da tasca/Fine and commercial gold jewellery, jewellery, industrial and handcrafted silverware, silver costume jewellery, precious and semiprecious stones, pearls, corals and cameos, wrist and pocket watches Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) Via Emilia 155 47921 Rimini Tel. 0541/744111 Fax 0541/7442000 info@iegexpo.it www.iegexpo.it www.vicenzaoro.com Fairs 2017



Italia/Italy Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 17-20 marzo/March Fiera di Bologna Bologna fairground Cosmopack 16-19 marzo/March Fiera di Bologna/Bologna fairground Prodotti/Products: Profumeria e cosmesi, profumeria selettiva, estetica, attrezzature e spa, packaging, produzioni à façon, private label/Perfumery and cosmetics, selective perfumery, beauty, equipments and spa, tools, packaging, contract manufacturing and private labels Ente organizzatore/Organizer: BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. Sede legale: Via Maserati 16 40128 Bologna Sede amm. Via Cappuccini 2 20122 Milano Tel. 02/796420 Fax 02/795036 info@cosmoprof.it www.cosmoprof.it

EstethiWorld by Cosmoprof Ottobre/October Fiera di Bologna Bologna fairground Prodotti/Products: Profumeria e cosmesi, profumeria selettiva, estetica, attrezzature e spa, FAIRS 2017

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packaging, produzioni à façon, private label/Perfumery and cosmetics, selective perfumery, beauty, equipments and spa, tools, packaging, contract manufacturing and private labels Ente organizzatore/Organizer: BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. Sede legale: Via Maserati 16 40128 Bologna Sede amm. Via Cappuccini 2 20122 Milano Tel. 02/796420 Fax 02/795036 info@esthetiworld.com www.esthetiworld.com

Fragranze 8-10 settembre/September Firenze/Florence Stazione Leopolda Prodotti/Products: Profumeria artistica e selettiva e accessori per la casa e la cura del corpo Selective perfume-making, exclusive essences, wellness products, and accessories Ente organizzatore/Organizer: Pitti Immagine Via Faenza 111 50123 Firenze Tel. 055/36931 Fax 055/3693200 fragranze@pittimmagine.com www.pittimmagine.com Espositori/Exhibitors: 270 Visitatori/Visitors: 3.800

Stati Uniti/Usa Cosmoprof North America 9-11 luglio/July Las Vegas Mandala Bay Prodotti/Products: Profumeria e cosmesi, profumeria selettiva, estetica, attrezzature e spa, packaging, façon, private label/Perfumery and cosmetics, selective perfumery, beauty, equipments and spa, tools, packaging, contract manufacturing and private labels Ente organizzatore/Organizer: BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. Sede legale: Via Maserati 16 40128 Bologna Sede amm: Via Cappuccini 2 20122 Milano Tel. 02/796420 Fax 02/795036 info@cosmoprofnorthamerica. com www.cosmoprofnorthamerica. com Note/Notes


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INDEX Accessorie Circuit Intermezzo Collection Accessory The Show Agenda Las Vegas All China Leather Exhibition AltaRoma Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo Ambiente Ambiente e Heimtextil India Amsterdam Denim Days Anpic La Feria de América Anteprima Apparelsourcing Paris Apparelsourcing USA Aplf-Leather & Materials Asia Apparel Expo Berlin Avanprint Avantex Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga Baltic Fashion & Textile Vilnius Baselworld Barcelona Bridal Week Bijorhca Paris Bluezone by Munich Fabric Start Bright Bubble London Capsule New York Capsule New York Men’s Capsule Paris Men’s Capsule Paris Women’s Cashmere World Central Asia Fashion Chibimart Chic Spring & Autumn 2017 Children’s Club Ciff-Copenhagen Int. Fashion Fair Ciff Kids Collectiva italiana a FN Platform Colombiatex Consumexpo 72

GD SA 2017 Index.indd 72

31 32 37 45 28 22 65 67 56 46 41 13 21 45 14 54 54 20 20 69 30 69 55 37 38 32 35 35 30 58 18 68 21 39 17 39 44 60 43

Cosmoprof North America Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna Coterie Couromoda Cpm - Collection Première Moscow Cpm Kids CurveNY- CurveNV Denim Première Vision Don’t Believe the Hype Edit EstethiWorld by Cosmoprof Expofranquicia Expo Riva Schuh Ethical Fashion Show Berlin Fame Fashion Access Fashion SVP Fashion World Tokyo Ffany New York Shoe Expo Filo Fimi Fragranze Franchise Expo Paris Gallery Gallery Evening & Occasion Gds Gindi - Tel Aviv Fashion Week Greenshowroom Haute Couture Paris Heimtextil Heimtextil Russia Homi Hong Kong Int. Home Textiles Fair Hong Kong Int. Jewellery Show Hong Kong Fashion Week IFF Magic Japan IFFT Interior Lifestyle Living ILM Winter & Summer Style Immagine Italia & Co

71 71 31 46 18 39 51 55 30 32 71 62 41 15 32 44 17 23 44 53 39 71 62 15 15 42 20 15 29 65 65 64 66 70 22 22 67 42 50 FAIRS 2017

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Index India Fashion Forum India Leather Days Interfilière Interfilière Hong Kong Interfilière Shanghai Interior Lifestyle Cina Interior Lifestyle Tokyo International Sourcing Expo Australia Intertex Milano Intertextile Apparel & Textile Fair UAE 2017 Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles I Saloni WorldWide Moscow Ispo Beijing 2017 Ispo Munich 2017 Ispo Shanghai 2017 Italian Fashion @ Central Asia Fashion Italian Fashion @ Cpm Italian Fashion @ Fashion Coterie Italian Fashion @ Project Women’s Italian Fashion @ Rooms Jkc Las Vegas Jitac KIFF Kiev International Furniture Forum Kind + Jugend Kiev Fashion LA Textile La Moda Italiana @ Chic La Moda Italiana a Seoul Lineapelle Lineapelle Asia Lineapelle London Lineapelle New York London Fashion Week London Fashion Week Men’s Londonedge Made in France Première Vision MAGIC Maison & Objet Mapic Mapic Italy MarediModa FAIRS 2017

GD SA 2017 Index.indd 73

23 43 50 51 51 66 67 23 53 60 58 66 65 37 36 37 18 18 31 31 23 69 60 66 38 20 56 21 23 41 45 43 44 30 30 37 14 20 64 62 62 50

MarediModa Anteprima Monaco Market.by Kleine Fabriek Maroc in Mode & Maroc Sourcing Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Istanbul Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid Mido Milano Moda Design Milano Moda Donna Milano Moda Main Milano Moda Uomo Milano Unica Milano Unica Cina Mipel Moda Made in Italy Moda Birmingham Moda Italia Tokyo Moda Makers Moda Manhattan Modaprima Mode City Modefabriek Mode Shanghai Momad Metropolis Momad Shoes MosShoes Mrket NY - Mrket LV Munich Fabric Start New York Fashion Week Obuv’ Mir Kozhi Off-Price Specialist Show Opti ‘17 Origin, Passion and Beliefs OutDoor Packaging Première Panorama Berlin Paris Sur Mode Tuileries Performance Days functional fabric fair Pitti Immagine Bimbo Pitti Immagine Filati

55 39 18 21 32 15 31 30 68 64 28 13 34 53 59 41 42 16 22 29 31 13 50 17 21 17 43 43 35 55 20 43 20 69 68 36 64 15 30 36 38 53 73

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Index Pitti Immagine Uomo Playtime New York Playtime Paris Playtime Tokyo Poznan Fashion Fair Première Classe Première Classe Tuileries Première Vision Istanbul Première Vision New York Première Vision Paris Premium Premium Order Munich Preview in Daegu Preview in Seoul Proposte Project Pure London Ready to Show Revolver RiminiWellness Riviera by Mode City Rooms São Paulo Prêt-à-Porter Salone Franchising Milano - Int. Retail Expo Salone del Mobile.Milano Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai Scoop Seek Sfilate donna Parigi Sfilate uomo Parigi Shawls&Scarves Shoes from Italy Almaty Shoes from Italy Tokyo Show&Order Silmo SIL Salon International de la Lingerie Simac - Tanning Tech Sì SposaItalia Collezioni SIUF - China SMOTA 2017 Sole Commerce Spinexpo New York 74

GD SA 2017 Index.indd 74

34 39 38 39 17 15 15 56 58 54 15 15 60 60 64 21 16 13 17 36 50 23 21 62 64 66 30 36 29 34 14 43 46 16 69 50 53 28 51 44 44 58

Spinexpo Paris Spinexpo Shanghai Stitch Styl & Kabo Super Supreme Body&Beach Supreme Kids Supreme Kids Celebration Supreme Women&Men Düsseldorf Supreme Women&Men Munich Supreme Trach&Country tag! it by Gds Taste Techtextil North America Texcare Asia Textillegprom Texworld Paris Texworld Usa Tfwa Asia Pacific The Hub TheOne Milano theMicam Tissu Premier Tracht & Country Tranoï Paris: Men’s, Women’s Precollections Tranoï Paris: Women’s Tranoï New York Vendôme Luxury Trade Show Vicenzaoro Hong Kong T-Gold + Mets Vicenzaoro. Italian Passion. Made With Love. JFK Vicenzaoro. Italian Passion. Mumbai Vicenzaoro T-Gold Vicenzaoro The Jewellery Boutique Show January Vicenzaoro The Jewellery Boutique Show September View Premium Selection Vintage Selection VOD Vicenzaoro Dubai Int. Jewellery Show White White Man & Woman Who’s Next WSA @ Magic Yarn Expo

55 59 32 18 28 51 38 38 16 16 37 42 64 58 59 56 54 58 62 22 28 42 55 16 34 29 31 29 70 69 70 68 68 68 56 13 70 29 13 29 44 59

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ORO Consulting


24022 Alzano Lombardo (BG) Tel. +39 035 42 85 511 info@oroconsulting.it www.oroconsulting.it


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