Life is full of surprises and the same can be said about the fastener and fixing industry. Recent years have shown that even the most stable supply chains can be impacted by external factors, which are out of any company’s control. Whilst the market might be getting back to some sense of normality, the next anomaly that turns everything upside down is just around the corner. So, what has your company done to add further support to its supply chain?
Alot of companies have taken steps to ensure at least some of its production or suppliers are based close by, with the ability to step up if needed. With that in mind, we have a special Made in eastern Europe feature that showcases some of the companies that can do just that.
Companies involved within the feature have a wide array of machinery and capabilities that enable them to cover a range of products, including nylon and steel anchors, construction fasteners, screws, wood connectors, bolts, pins, threaded rod, HV and SB bolts, nails, hinges, latches, brackets, garden fittings, self-forming and self-taping screws, rivets, as well as special parts and even heat treatment lines, plus much more.
The feature underlines that these businesses have been investing in their machinery capabilities and capacity in order to further support existing European customers and become a vital part of new customers’ supply chains.
Alongside this insightful feature, as always, we have several articles that you will just not find anywhere else. Firstly, there is an exclusive interview with Dr Daniel Bossard, CEO of Bossard Group, who discusses how the group works with customers to provide the optimal fastening solutions
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and services. Next up, we have an intriguing article from SCHNORR® GmbH that highlights the growing enquiries it receives for a DIN standard that simply doesn’t exist and how the German manufacturer is trying to educate customers. To add to this, there is another exclusive interview, this time with Johannes Wilfried Huber, senior vice-president for the diamond systems business at Hilti Group, who talks about the crucial role of productivity and process improvements within the construction sector and how Hilti can provide solutions and support.
Our Cover Story focuses on Ambrovit Srl and how the Italian leader in fastening systems has doubled its warehouse and service – enabling the company to further raise the bar of efficiency when it comes to the supply of fasteners.
There is still so much more, including an interview with new EIFI President Paolo Pozzi; ECAP and CFE, in separate articles, discuss some of the complications with the impending new Construction Products Regulation, and what it will mean for the construction sector; and SurTec International GmbH explains how it aims to become a single source for matched coating systems; plus an excellent European Technical Assessment feature and Rail application feature. Enjoy.
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Fit bolts, plugs, knurled thumb screws, square head bolts, flat headed screws, hexagon set screws, brass screws and specials.
Würth Group remains on course for growth, albeit at a much slower pace than in the previous two years, with the company reporting sales of €10.5 billion in the first half of 2023 – corresponding to an increase of 5.9% compared to the same period last year. Adjusted for currencies, this is equivalent to 6.6%.
For the first half of 2023 the operating result of Würth Group amounted to €680 million, which is slightly below the same period last year (2022: €720 million). Apart from higher personnel expenses, this development is due to increased costs for mobility and maintenance, as well as the ongoing price pressure.
Robert Friedmann, chairman of the central management board of Würth Group, commented: “After two years of record sales and operating result, the economic slowdown is becoming apparent.”
However, after almost three years of the Covid-19 pandemic and related supply chain problems, the supply situation is improving for the Group. Although, at the same time, interest rates remain at a high level, which, in turn, hampers the demand in the construction industry. Geopolitical challenges such as the smouldering conflict between China, Taiwan and the USA, as well as the war in Ukraine, and the associated high energy prices, has influenced the economic growth in Germany. “Against this backdrop, we are very satisfied with the development in the first half of 2023,” emphasised Robert.
The companies of the Würth Group in Germany generated sales of €4.2 billion and, with almost double-digit growth (+9.6%), reported a positive development overall. Well established companies of the Würth Group, such as Würth Industrie Service,
tool distributor HAHN+KOLB and electrical wholesaler FEGA & Schmitt have made a decisive contribution to this successful result, which was achieved without acquisitions. Adolf Würth GmbH & Co KG, the largest individual company in the Würth Group, generated sales of €1.5 billion including intra-group sales.
The Würth Group companies abroad generated sales of €6.3 billion, which was a 3.5% growth compared to the same period in 2022. Growth drivers were the companies in southern and eastern Europe.
Whilst it is difficult to predict how the many conflict hotspots and their consequences, such as high energy prices, will affect Würth Group, Robert Friedmann was still optimistic about opportunities within the market. “On a positive note, the transport markets have clearly recovered and the Covid-19 pandemic is not as prevalent as before. In general, it can be said that supply chains have stabilised significantly again, which means that availability has almost reached the pre-crisis level. Procurement prices, which are still well above the pre-crisis level, however remain problematic. Provided conditions do not deteriorate drastically, we expect mid-single-digit sales growth and a slight decline in operating result.”
Bossard Group has reported that the first half of 2023 was marked by a heterogeneous development in demand in its three market regions. Gratifying growth in America contrasted with the economic slowdown in Europe and in Asia, especially in China. Overall, Bossard’s sales, as well as EBIT and net income, fell slightly compared to last year’s records.
Bossard’s sales in the first half of 2023 declined by 1.5% to CHF 577 million (2022: CHF 586 million), while growth in local currency was 3.1%. Organic growth amounted to 1.2% and net income fell by 16.7% to CHF 49.9 million (2022: CHF 59.9 million).
The challenges for Bossard have shifted in the last six months. With the lifting of the strict Covid-19 restrictions in China, demand started to normalise in the consumer goods and electronics industries, as well as in medical technology – the industry sectors that benefited from the pandemic. At the same time, decreasing demand and shorter delivery times during the second quarter led to a normalisation in the procurement market.
In Europe, Bossard recorded a decrease in sales of 3.2% (in local currency: +0.4%) to CHF 321.2 million (2022: CHF 331.7 million). This result is the consequence of the economic slowdown and normalisation of demand. In an environment marked by a shortage of skilled labour and inflation, Bossard’s Smart Factory services drew even more attention from customers.
In America, Bossard again posted solid and broad-based growth in the first half of the year, although it began to slow down towards the end of that period. Sales increased by 9.9% (in local currency: +13.8%) to CHF 161.6 million. Organic growth in local currency amounted to 6.4%. The Group’s expertise in the electromobility sector, built up over the last several years, has led to further expansion of its customer base.
Owing to the uncertain economic environment, geopolitical tensions, and increasing trade conflicts, Bossard believes the outlook for the rest of the year remains marked by uncertainty and risk. Based on observations of current developments, Bossard expects moderate economic demand in the second half of 2023. This expectation is also based on its customers’ continued inventory reductions and, in a best case scenario, stable purchase prices. Notwithstanding the above, the consistent implementation of Strategy 200 in the first half of the year has further improved conditions for sustainable, profitable growth and Bossard views the future with optimism.
NORMA Group grew slightly and improved its profitability in the second quarter of 2023. A marked increase in demand from the automotive industry and targeted price management were key growth drivers, more than compensating for lower demand in the water management sector.
Figures showed that NORMA Group sales were up 1.9% over Q2 of 2022 to €324 million (Q2 2022: €317.9 million). Organically, the company grew by 4% from April to June 2023. Negative currency effects in connection with the US dollar reduced sales growth by 2%. Net operating cash flow was €31.9 million in the second quarter of 2023, an improvement compared with the same quarter last year (Q2 2022: €26.4 million).
Guido Grandi, CEO at NORMA Group, commented: “We delivered a successful second quarter and launched the first initiatives from our ‘Step Up’ growth programme. We improved our profitability both versus the prior year quarter and compared to the first quarter of 2023. We also managed to cushion the impact of inflation. Our global presence and broad-based portfolio of joining technology for vehicles, water management, mechanical engineering, and other industries, make us extremely robust –and that is proving beneficial in what is currently a sluggish overall economic environment.”
In the EMEA region, the growth trend experienced in the first quarter of 2023 continued. Sales in the second quarter of 2023 showed a significant increase of 12.4% over the prior year to
€136.6 million (Q2 2022: €121.6 million). Negative currency effects reduced growth marginally by 0.3%. The strong organic growth of 12.7% is primarily attributable to a strong recovery in the automotive industry and an upturn in demand for joining solutions for all types of passenger cars. Sales also increased in the area of industry applications.
In the Americas region, sales in the second quarter of 2023 fell by 6.9% year-on-year to €144.5 million (Q2 2022: €155.3 million). Organically, sales decreased by 5.2%; currency effects reduced sales by an additional -1.8%. Sales of joining technology for cars and commercial vehicles were lower following a strong prior year quarter. Business with water management products was also lower following a very strong prior year quarter, but improved compared to the first three months of 2023.
In the Asia-Pacific region, sales grew by 4.5% year-on-year to €42.9 million in the second quarter (Q2 2022: €41.1 million). Organically, sales showed strong growth of 12.5%; negative currency effects reduced sales growth by 8.1%. Demand for joining technology from Chinese automotive manufacturers in particular increased compared with the lockdown quarter of the previous year – leading to higher business volumes in the region. By contrast, sales of standard joining technology for water management and industry applications were lower than in the prior year period.
SFS Group reported sales of CHF 1.58 billion (€1.65 billion) for the first half of 2023, along with a renewed strong sales growth of 29.2% – driven by the inclusion of Hoffmann. At CHF 189.9 million, operating profit (EBIT) rose by 16.6% year-on-year.
Whilst SFS Group benefited from opportunities arising from its broad positioning across different end markets and regions, it still felt the impact of challenging regional and global developments. Business in the first half of 2023 clearly reflects this by a mixed performance and effects from de-stocking.
Consolidation effects led to growth of 32.7%, stemming from the inclusion of Hoffmann as of 1st May 2022. Currency effects reduced sales growth by 4.3%. On a like-for-like basis, a slight organic growth of 0.8% was achieved.
Profitability was impacted by a mixture of factors, including uneven capacity utilisation from new programme ‘ramp ups’ and partially increased cost basis. The Distribution & Logistics segment developed positively and contributed significantly to the increase in operating profit.
To guarantee a strong customer focus and better leverage cross-selling potentials, as well as both operational and application oriented synergies, the current Automotive and
Industrial divisions are being complemented with the respective end market specific business areas of the Riveting division. This change will be implemented within the organisation as of 1 st January 2024. The growth and profitability targets of the EC and FS segments will remain unchanged.
Looking forward, SFS Group has updated its outlook on the 2023 financial year and expects sales of between CHF 3.1 billion and CHF 3.3 billion, including the first time consolidation of Hoffmann for the full year. This corresponds to an expected sales growth on a like-for-like basis along the mid-term guidance of 3% – 6%. For the SFS Group as a whole, an EBIT margin of around 12% is expected, at the lower end of the mid-term guidance of 12% – 15%. The outlook is based on the assumption that there will be no significant deterioration in the underlying economic conditions or geopolitical, energy or pandemic related restrictions.
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After 10 years with the company, working alongside her father Stefan Bülte, Fanny Bülte has officially taken over the reins of Bülte Group.
Bülte Group has been a family business since it was founded in 1956 by Norbert Bülte –who, after 8 years’ experience in the polyamide parts industry, decided to set-up his own assembly parts and fasteners company, with offices in Lüdinghausen, in north Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
In collaboration with companies in the sector, and specialists, Norbert Bülte invented the Bülte polyamide safety/sealing washer. In 1979, he was joined by his son, Stefan Bülte, who contributed to the company’s international development and set up Bülte Plastiques in France in 1986.
In 2013, Fanny Bülte, granddaughter of the founder and daughter of the CEO, joined the family business and modernised its working and marketing methods. In particular, Fanny was behind the digitisation of processes and the communication strategy.
Now the head of the company, following her father’s retirement, Fanny Bülte is determined to preserve the family heritage and perpetuate the values and expertise that have been the company’s strength for almost 70 years. The company will also continue to preserve its culture of customer proximity, thanks to its team of international experts.
Fanny concludes: “We will continue the family culture of the company, while remaining attentive to the environmental and social challenges of production, such as the climate emergency; the rational consumption of raw materials; the decarbonisation of the industry; and the need for more responsible management and governance.”
Hilti Group has recently announced its intent to acquire 4PS Group, which specialises in providing business management (ERP) solutions for the construction industry. Through this acquisition, Hilti hopes to expand its software portfolio and help drive the digital transformation of the construction industry.
Founded in 2000 in the Netherlands, 4PS is a leading player in its domestic market and has expanded its presence to include the UK, Belgium and Germany. With over 70,000 daily users in the building construction, civil engineering and installation sectors, 4PS has gained a strong reputation. With this acquisition, the 4PS solution will allow Hilti to expand its software offering beyond the ON!Track and Fieldwire solutions already available in the company’s portfolio.
Both parties have signed the acquisition agreements, subject to approval by oversight authorities. Hilti states it is committed to retaining the more than 350 existing team members, including management, in their current roles, where they will continue to develop new solutions. The shareholders of the company, Wim Jansen, André Overeem, and Martin Westerink, will remain on the board of directors to support the integration in the coming years.
“As a company that closely works with customers, and with a focus on supporting the digital transformation of the construction industry, 4PS Group is a perfect fit for Hilti. We also share the conviction that there is enormous productivity potential for construction companies in optimised business processes,” explains Thomas Hillbrand, member of the Hilti executive board. “Construction projects are complex and administrative tasks take up a large amount of time. All the more reason for us to digitalise processes and make information easily and quickly available.”
“We are looking forward to joining forces with Hilti,” says Johan Bakker, director sales & marketing at 4PS Group. “Like Hilti, we understand our customers’ challenges and offer direct advice and support in implementing our innovative software solutions. It is an important next step to be able to take a leading role in the European market.”
“Our customers, partners and employees will benefit from this acquisition. By integrating our services and Cloud solutions into Hilti’s portfolio, we can together fully focus on becoming the trusted digitalisation partner for the construction industry,” adds Paula Middelkoop, director product & development at 4PS Group.
Bulten Group has reported net sales amounted to SEK 1.41 billion (€118.4 million) for Q2 of 2023, an increase of 40.8% on the same period the previous year (Q2 of 2022: SEK 1.006 billion). Adjusted operating earnings totalled SEK 58 million, equating to an adjusted operating margin of 4%.
Bulten highlights that its operating earnings have been charged with transaction costs of SEK 8 million –attributable to the acquisition of Exim & Mfr Holdings Pte Ltd (for more read page 16). The corresponding quarter of the previous year was adjusted by approximately SEK 10 million, related to winding-up costs for Bulten’s operation in Russia.
“Demand has been strong over the past quarter. High sales volumes combined with the product mix, however, forced extraordinary measures that had a negative impact on operating profit. Shortly after the end of the quarter we signed an agreement to acquire Singapore-based Exim, which will provide a good platform for Bulten to grow in new sectors,” reported Anders Nyström, president and CEO at Bulten Group.
PEM® Europe, a leading provider of self-clinching fasteners and precision engineered components, has announced a new distribution partnership with Rivit Srl, which will enable the Italian distributor to offer PEM® Europe’s range of self-clinching fasteners and Haeger ® insertion presses to its customers throughout Italy.
Mary Ann Fleming, president at PEM® Europe, commented: “We are excited to announce Rivit as an authorised distributor and bring our range of PEM® self-clinching fasteners and Haeger ® machines to a wider audience throughout Europe.”
Gerard Quaid, vice-president of sales and marketing EMEA at PEM® Europe, added: “Rivit’s extensive experience in the distribution of fasteners and industrial supplies, combined with our precision engineered products, will provide customers with the fastening solutions they need to succeed.”
PEM® self-clinching fasteners provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for attaching components to thin sheets of metal and other materials, including PC boards. They are widely used in the automotive electronics, consumer electronics, medical, and telecom industries. Haeger ® insertion presses provide automated and high-speed insertion of PEM® fasteners, making them ideal for high volume production environments.
“We are thrilled to partner with PEM® and offer their range of self-clinching fasteners and Haeger ® insertion presses to our customers,” said Francesco Montanari, assistant director at Rivit (pictured). “We believe that this partnership will enhance our offering and help us better serve our customers’ needs.”
Rivit has been serving the European market for over 40 years and is committed to offering its customers the best products and services. It believes this partnership with PEM® Europe reinforces that commitment and ensures the company continues providing customers with a reliable and efficient solution for their fastening needs.
Bulten Group has announced that the acquisition of Exim & Mfr Holdings Pte Ltd has been completed. Closing of the transaction follows the announcement in July that Bulten had signed an agreement to acquire Exim for a purchase sum of approximately SG$66.3 million (€45.3 million) on a cash-free and debt-free basis.
Established in 1982 and based in Singapore, Exim distributes fasteners and other c-parts, along with related services from more than 1,800 manufacturers and suppliers for American, European, Indian and Japanese companies operating in Asia. The company has more than 1,000 customers in a range of sectors including telecom, electronics, energy, medical technology, aviation, and other industrial manufacturing. Exim has approximately 140 employees in Singapore, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and annual sales of about SG$40 million.
“I am delighted that we now have completed the acquisition of Exim. It is an important milestone as we are now broadening our business within the distribution chain and thereby creating future opportunities for us to grow within new customer groups,” commented Anders Nyström, president and CEO of Bulten Group.
Felix Lian, newly appointed managing director of Exim, will be responsible for leading and developing the company further.
Italian industrial clamp and cabling solutions innovator, Clamp Srl, is celebrating its 40 th anniversary after four decades of excellence in the European industrial clamp market.
Clamp Srl has made remarkable strides during this time in manufacturing and engineering, earning a well deserved reputation for quality and reliability, innovation and craftsmanship.
“Since our 1983 inception, we have been at the forefront of technological advancements, consistently pushing boundaries and revolutionising various sectors,” stated the company proudly. “From precision engineering to sophisticated manufacturing processes, we have displayed our expertise across diverse industries, including automotive, aerospace and energy. By consistently embracing innovative technologies and fostering a culture of creativity, we have not only stayed relevant, but have thrived as a leader in a competitive market.”
One of the cornerstones of Clamp Srl’s success has been its unwavering commitment to delivering superior quality products and exceptional customer service. Throughout its 40 year journey, it has prioritised customer satisfaction, tailoring its solutions to meet specific requirements. This customer-centric approach has cultivated strong relationships with clients throughout Italy and Europe.
“As we celebrate our remarkable 40 year milestone, the team is setting its sights on the future with confidence. Together with Tridon Europe and Ideal Tridon Group, we remain dedicated to innovation, service and continuing to exceed customer expectations,” concluded Clamp Srl.
Bugle Head Fine Thread Black Phosphate
Diameters: 3.5-4.8mm
Lengths: 25-100mm
Bugle Head Fine Thread BZP
Diameters: 3.5-4.2mm
Lengths: 25-75mm
Bugle Head Coarse Thread Black Phosphate
Diameters: 3.5-4.8mm
Lengths: 32-50mm
Bugle Head Self-Drilling ZYP
Diameters: 3.5-4.2mm
Lengths: 25-75mm
Collated Bugle Head Fine Thread Black Phosphate
Diameters: 3.5-3.9mm
Lengths: 25-55mm
Collated Bugle Head
Coarse Thread ZYP
Diameters: 3.9mm
Lengths: 38mm
Wafer Head BZP
Diameters: 4.2mm
Lengths: 14mm
Bugle Head Fine Thread ZYP
Diameters: 3.5-4.2mm
Lengths: 25-75mm
Bugle Head Self-Drilling BZP
Diameters: 3.5-4.2mm
Lengths: 25-75mm
Collated Bugle Head Coarse Thread Black Phosphate
Diameters: 3.5-4.2mm
Lengths: 25-75mm
Collated Bugle Head Fine Thread BZP
Diameters: 3.5mm
Lengths: 25-55mm
Wafer Head ZYP
Diameters: 4.2mm
Lengths: 14mm
Collated Bugle Head Fine Self-Drilling BZP
Diameters: 3.5mm
Lengths: 35-45mm
Wafer Head Self-Drilling BZP
Diameters: 4.2mm
Lengths: 13mm
Wafer Head Self-Drilling ZYP
Diameters: 4.2mm
Lengths: 13mm
Berner Group has carried out a survey of over 1,227 decision makers within the wood, stone, metal processing and installation technology sectors in a cross-nation barometer, which shows that whilst the outlook for the building trade is certainly not brilliant at the moment, many companies are not dissatisfied with the business year to date.
Thomas Eikel, head of segment management construction at BERNER Group, explains: The start to 2023 has been solid and has cooled off less dramatically for most trades than was feared in the second half of 2022.” Due to the generally challenging framework conditions, including shortage of skilled workers, interest rate increases, and persistent inflation, 10% of construction professional who were surveyed in 2022 had assumed that business would be ‘worse’ or even ‘significantly worse’ in the first of half of 2023. In fact, only 5% have now confirmed that this has come true, where more than 15% of professionals said that business was better than expected.
In the country ranking, Italy in particular stood out. “The mood of Italian companies is still at a high-level compared to other European countries,” points out Thomas Eikel. This is mainly due to the fact that order books are shrinking, as is the case everywhere, but are still full as a result of the Italian government’s ‘super bonus’ subsidy programme. “Despite many uncertainties, just 5% of the Italian companies, and thus fewer than in any other of the markets we surveyed, expected their order situation to deteriorate in the first half of the year. With the exception of the installation sector and metalworking trades, the reality then looked even better in the end,” highlights Thomas. More than 25% of the respondents said that their business had developed more positively than expected in the first half of the year.
“In Germany and Austria, there are significantly fewer orders coming in and people are drawing on their existing stock,” reports Thomas. “However, around 10% of construction professionals predicted the first half of the year to be significantly weaker than they assess it from today’s perspective. The situation in both markets is basically similar. However, if we carry out a more detailed analysis of the data, quite interesting deviations are discernible. In contrast to Germany, construction professionals in Austria were very cautiously optimistic.”
Differentiated according to trades, the following picture also emerges for the construction industry:
Wood: In the last sector barometer in the second half of 2022, around 11% of companies with a focus on wood (window construction, carpenters, joiners, roofers) expected a weaker
order situation in the first half of 2023. In the current survey, by contrast, only 6% now said this had occurred. 13% said that their order situation had developed more positively than in the previous period. The front runner is Italy, where 23% of the corresponding companies said that their business was better. Stone: In the last sector barometer in the second half of 2022, around 9% of companies with a focus on building construction expected a weaker order situation in the first half of 2023. In the current survey, on the other hand, only 5% now said this had occurred. More than 16% said that their order situation had developed more positively. The pole position here also goes to Italy (30%).
Metal: In the last sector barometer in the second half of 2022, around 10% of companies with a focus on metal (metal construction and SHK/installation technology) expected a weaker order situation in the first half of 2023. In the current survey, on the other hand, only 5% of respondents now said this had occurred. More than 16% said that their order situation had developed more positively. Italy and France share the top position; in both countries, more than 20% of the respective companies confirmed a better business trend.
The question of how business will develop in the coming six months is assessed differently depending on the country and the trade. “We do not see a uniform picture here,” says Thomas. “There are many fluctuations in the sentiment index, which are influenced by a wide variety of factors – both positive and negative. For example, the trades that contribute directly or indirectly to the energy efficient refurbishment of buildings and climate change are currently the drivers of a more confident outlook, whilst the stone building contractors tend to be more pessimistic because they are particularly attached to new construction and are also feeling the cooled demand before everyone else.”
He concludes: “In total, the future expectations of companies in the European building trade are about 4 percentage points lower than in 2021, the Covid-19 catch up year in the sector. With the exception of June, which showed a downward trend in all countries and trades, construction professionals were at least somewhat more optimistic than they were six months ago.”
US-based Martin Fastening Solutions has announced the sudden and unexpected passing of its executive vice-president of fastening solutions – Marc Strandquist.
Aseasoned global executive leader, Marc brought to Martin more than 35 years of valuable experience in the C-class component industry, overseeing companies across Europe, South America and North America.
In his illustrious career, he held executive positions for over 24 years, driving value for parent organisations, from smaller entities with annual sales of US$40 million to US$50 million to industry giants such as Würth Industry North America and Optimas Solutions – with sales of US$850 million and US$650 million respectively.
Marc had recently joined the Martin family in January 2023, operating out of the Jackson, TN, location. “In the short time he was with us,” said Douglas Ruggles, co-CEO at Martin Fastening Solutions, “his impact was significant, enhancing the strategy and operations of our Fastening Solutions division. His passion, dedication and invaluable insights will be deeply missed by both colleagues at Martin and professionals in the broader fastening industry.”
Located in Barcelona, Spain, Proton Fasteners is a company dedicated to the supply of a wide range of products, including high strength bolts and screws – providing quality products with a first-class service.
Proton Fasteners has looked to develop its infrastructure, services/ products, customers and sales area – both nationally and internationally – year-on-year, using the experience and knowledge of its team to grow and continue to meet the needs of its customers.
The company is able to supply a range of products, including hex bolts, structural bolts, nuts, washers, thread rods, studs bolts and screws and pins, which are available in a variety of materials, such as steel (8.8, 10.9 and 12.9), stainless steel (A2 and A4), duplex, super duplex and brass – in sizes from M2 to M80 and in lengths from 4mm to 1,000mm.
“In order to meet the needs of our customers, we have looked to invest in expanding our product range, with recent additions including structural bolts and hex bolts in Class 10.9,” reports Proton Fasteners. “We always ensure our products are to the relevant DIN and ISO standards, according to the needs of the different sectors, and we only work with factories qualified by our quality department.”
Through its collaborating factories, Proton Fasteners is also able to guarantee the quality of its products and can work with customers in improving projects and providing ideal solutions. “Thanks to our direct personalised customer support, as well as our ability to offer products in all types of materials, we can offer full support to our customers and grow alongside them,” underlines the business.
Due to its recent success, the company has looked to expand its capabilities with further investment in material stock, additional employees and a new warehouse. “Our business plan is to develop our sales across Europe and North America,” states Proton Fasteners. “We have a presence in countries such as in Spain, Portugal, France, and México, and have developed our online store to include different languages – so we can provide an even better service to our international customers.”
Belgian manufacturer of threaded rods, Bodegraven Metaal, has opened a new entity, Bomet UK, in the West Midlands, to supply threaded bar to UK customers in a move to overcome the challenges, beauracracy and costs associated with BREXIT’s impact on its business.
The Belgian company had a previous UK production unit in Willenhall, which it closed in 2007. “Since BREXIT, transport costs to the UK have risen enormously,” states Bodegraven Metaal. “Due to the extra import and export charges, but also due to the disappearance of many transporters who, because of known start-up problems, chose not to ship to the UK anymore.”
Due to these challenges, Bodegraven Metaal decided to set up Bomet UK and ship its threaded rods (DIN976-1), which are 60° thread angle, directly to the UK subsidiary – meaning that customers can now buy their studding from an English supplier, saving them a lot of time and cost.
“Bomet UK was actually opened earlier this year, but is now ready to meet the sector’s demands from its new branch in the West Midlands,” explains Bodegraven Metaal. “We have also invested in new cutting machines in Belgium, which means that special lengths can be delivered quickly and inexpensively to the company’s warehouse in Birmingham.”
Bomet UK works together with Paul Ponsonby Warehouse, located on the M6 north of Birmingham, to handle orders.
Jergens Inc, a US-based global manufacturer of workholding, lifting, and specialty fasteners, has appointed a new commercial business director for Europe, Spencer Wills, as the company looks to further expand its customer base and support in the UK and Europe.
Although Jergens, with its headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, has had a strong reputation in Europe for many years, this is the first time the company has employed directly in the UK and within proximity to the EU. The initiative has two aims, the first to develop and expand a distribution network for workholding solutions, specialty fasteners and lifting solution product groups – with a focus on high-level competencies and experience within target market sectors. The second, to increase support for major OEMSs and end users within the aerospace, defence, motorsport, marine, oil and gas, as well as general industry sectors – where high-quality and strict standards, such as ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100, are requirements.
Scott Halfhill, international director at Jergens, said: “It’s a necessary and strategic move for further growth and support, and one that we have been exploring for several months.” He added that Wills had the experience, both technically and commercially, to establish Jergens in the European market. For his part, Wills said, of the company’s UK and European customer base, that: “As we have customer relationships here, we feel it is a must to have a local presence – with technical and commercial support and available products – within the EU to meet growing needs.”
The FIN Fastener Stock Index (FINdex) continued to improve in the second quarter of 2023, rising 6.1% compared to a 5.2% increase by an index of related industrial stocks.
Double-digit gains were widespread among fastener businesses in Q2 despite an uneven economic performance that caused share value declines for four FINdex companies.
Park-Ohio Holding Corporation achieved the highest percentage gain during Q2, rising 58.3% during the period after recording a 1.2% stock value decline in the opening quarter of the year.
Other FINdex companies achieving stock increases of 10% or more during Q2 included Carpenter Technology (up 25.4%), Grainger (up 14.3%), Howmet Aerospace (up 17%), MSC Industrial (up 13.1%), Simpson Manufacturing (up 26.3%) and Stanley Black and Decker (up 16.3%). FINdex companies losing share value during Q2 included Chicago Rivet (down 13.4%),
Dorman Products (down 8.6%), Tree Island Steel (down 1.9%) and TriMas Corporation (down 1.3%).
During the first six months of 2023, the FINdex grew 24.2%, more than doubling gains by an index of related industrial stocks. Three FINdex companies achieved 50% or more in share increases during the period.
Simpson Manufacturing topped the list with a 56.2% gain in stock price during the period, followed by Park Ohio (up 55.3%) and Carpenter Technology (up 52%).
FINdex companies losing share value during the first half of 2023 included Chicago Rivet (down 10%), Dorman Products (down 2.5%) and TriMas Corporation (down 0.09%).
The FINdex rebounded in the opening quarter of 2023, jumping 17.2% after losing 11.5% of its value during 2022.
ITW reported revenue rose 2% to US$4.1 billion (€3.79 billion) in the second quarter of 2023, boosted by 3% organic revenue growth and dragged down by divestitures. Operating income grew 9% to a record US$1.01 billion, while operating margin improved 170 basis points to 24.8%.
CEO E. Scott Santi stated: “Organic growth was three percent, as resilient demand in many of ITW’s industrial end markets was partially offset by inventory reduction efforts by our end customers and channel partners in response to stabilizing supply chain performance, which we estimate to have impacted organic growth by 1% to 1.5% in the quarter.”
He added: “While customer and channel inventory normalization will continue to be a factor for the next several quarters, we expect stable underlying demand and continued strong margin and profitability performance through the balance of the year.”
Automotive OEM revenue, including fasteners, increased 16.2% to US$826 million in Q2, with operating income of US$139 million and operating margin of 16.8%. Six month Automotive OEM revenue totaled US$1.62 billion, with operating income of US$267 million and operating margin of 16.4%.
Construction Products revenue, including fasteners, declined 6.8% to US$526 million in Q2, with operating income of US$154 million and operating margin of 29.3%. Six month Construction Products revenue totaled US$1.05 billion, with operating income of US$299 million and operating margin of 28.4%.
Blue Ribbon Fastener (BRF) has implemented a new wireless warehouse system that integrates with the company’s proprietary warehouse picking processes to maximize productivity and reduce costs.
Located in Shandong Province, the 1.6 million square foot factory – complete with automated production workshops and an 86,000 square foot smart warehouse –will manufacture products for the electronics, automotive, medical, equipment manufacturing and aerospace industries.
By introducing the new wireless warehouse system, the Skokie, IL-based full service distributor gets ever closer to creating a fully digitized Class-C component distribution workflow.
“Today’s buyers expect a fully digitized experience when ordering fasteners,” said Ben Lussier, vice-president at Blue Ribbon Fastener. “This new system allows for more efficient
inventory management, a paperless picking process, and reduced possibility of human error. It’s a win-win operational upgrade that will help us keep costs down as we grow, and pass savings on to our customers.”
Built by Computer Insights Inc, the wireless warehouse system digitizes warehouse picking by combining barcode technology, wireless networking and handheld wireless scanners.
Founded in 1985, BRF supplies fasteners and hardware to North American OEMs out of Chicago.
Fastenal Co has entered into a scrap supply agreement with composite decking manufacturer Trex to repurpose plastic into outdoor building products. The entire portfolio of Trex composite decking is made from 95% recycled and reclaimed materials, including a mix of polyethylene (PE) film and industrial wood scrap.
Through the partnership, Fastenal is collecting used PE film in its distribution centers, branches, and onsite locations, and shipping it to Trex. PE film (known as pallet wrap) is used by Fastenal and its suppliers to secure boxes and other packaging to pallets for shipment. “Pallet wrap is vital to our daily operations, but once the product is unwrapped, we have no use for it,” says Dave Olson, director of EHS & sustainability for Fastenal. “Working with Trex to turn all that potential waste into sustainable outdoor building products is a win for both organizations.”
To support the program, Fastenal has invested more than US$300,000 (€277,480) in equipment and infrastructure in its US distribution centers to efficiently bale and consolidate used PE film for recycling by Trex. In the first year of the program, Fastenal expects to divert an estimated 600,000 pounds (272,155kg) of plastic from landfills – through material collected within its distribution centers (where a high volume of pallet wrap is received as part of inbound shipments from suppliers).
In addition, more than 2,500 US Fastenal branches and on-site locations can participate by using Fastenal’s regular truck routes to back-haul used material to the nearest distribution center for baling, consolidation and shipment to Trex.
Each year, Winchester, VA-based Trex repurposes in excess of one billion pounds of reclaimed materials, including approximately 400 million pounds of plastic film – making it one of the largest recyclers of PE film in North America.
Howmet Aerospace reported Fastening Systems revenue rose 19% to US$329 million (€304.3 million) in the second quarter of 2023, boosted by growth in the commercial aerospace, defense aerospace, industrial and commercial transportation markets.
Fastening Systems adjusted EBITDA gained 14% to US$64 million on volume. Segment adjusted EBITDA margin decreased approximately 70 basis points to 19.5%. During Q2, the fastener segment added approximately 215 net headcount and approximately 430 net headcount in the first half 2023. Fastening Systems’ capital expenditures during the quarter dropped 44% to US$5 million from the previous quarter.
Consolidated Howmet Aerospace Q2 revenue rose 18% to US$1.65 billion, driven by a 23% jump in commercial aerospace. Net income improved 31% to US$93 million.
“The outlook for Howmet Aerospace continues to be strong and supported by the extraordinary backlog of commercial aircraft orders at Airbus and Boeing,” states CEO John Plant. “Our key defense aerospace and industrial end markets continue to be solid, while the commercial transportation end market remains healthy.”
Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Howmet Aerospace’s primary businesses focus on jet engine components, aerospace fastening systems and titanium structural parts for aerospace and defense applications, as well as forged wheels for commercial transportation.
In a monumental stride towards excellence, Schmid Schrauben has achieved a significant milestone by receiving ICC certification for its RAPID line of screws.
This certification not only solidifies Schmid Schrauben’s position as one of the industry’s leaders but also underlines its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation and safety in the world of construction and woodworking. For over a century, Schmid Schrauben has been at the forefront of driving innovation in timber screw technology. From its humble origins rooted in traditional craftsmanship to its present day state of the art manufacturing facilities, the company has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible in fastener solutions. The ICC certification serves as a testament to Schmid Schrauben’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its dedication to meeting the highest standards of performance and reliability.
With ICC certification in hand, Schmid Schrauben has positioned itself well for the boom of timber construction in North America that it says is beginning to take shape. “The certification serves as a symbol of our commitment to advancing the construction and woodworking industries through innovative and reliable fastener solutions,” states Schmid Schrauben. “Whether it’s a towering skyscraper, a resilient wooden bridge, or a finely crafted piece of furniture, Schmid Schrauben’s ICC certified screws will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of modern construction.”
Fastener World Magazine has compiled the revenues and growth of major Taiwanese fastener companies and published the following table of results:
With the war between Russia and Ukraine still ongoing, and the fastener industry in Taiwan having hit relatively low levels in terms of orders received during the same timeframe, Taiwanese business owners have become very concerned about future wire rod prices, as well as global market developments.
With such concerns in mind, leaders from these businesses converged in early June on the large port of Kaohsiung for a conference with Taiwan CSC (China Steel Corporation), the nation’s largest steel mill.
In terms of statistics on wire rod, the conference highlighted that in the first four months of 2023, Taiwan’s imports of high, medium and low carbon steel fell significantly in weight by 41%, 34% and 19%, respectively. In the same period, Taiwan imported the largest proportion of wire rods from Indonesia, accounting for 48%, followed by South Korea and Vietnam, each accounting for 17%. The main types of steel imported were low carbon steel and alloy steel, accounting for 50% and 35%, respectively.
In terms of fastener prices, Taiwan’s exports of screws, bolts and nuts in the first four months of 2023 amounted to 440,000 tonnes, down 25% year-on-year, with an average unit price of US$3.88 per kilogram, up 4.4%. In the same period, Taiwan’s top five export destinations for these products were the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, and Canada, of which only the weight of exports to the Netherlands had slight growth, while exports to the other four countries had a more than 20% decrease.
Taiwan’s export weight and price of several fastener types Jan – Apr of 2023 (Source: TIFI)
Taiwan’s export weight of screws, bolts and nuts Jan – Apr of 2023 (Source: TIFI)
Taiwan CSC explained that the decline in the number of orders from overseas is due to the global macro-environment. Fastener inventory in overseas countries remains high and thus the demand for Taiwanese fasteners has decreased. Taiwan CSC suggested focusing on energy saving and carbon reduction activities while there are less orders. This sentiment was echoed by the chairman of the Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute, Mr Tu-Chin Tsai, with a message to business owners that the EU carbon tax will soon affect the fastener industry in Taiwan, so it is time to prepare in order to be able to receive orders when the tide of carbon tax sweeps in.
Ming Tang (Weng Yang) Machinery, a Taiwanese specialist manufacturer of bolt parts formers, has been at the forefront of R&D in its sector for nearly 45 years and is committed to improving machine stability and operational efficiency – with its latest development a centrifugal feeder to replace the conventional vibration feeders.
Ming Tang explains that conventional vibration feeders using vibratory/vibrating plates are prone to many problems, including the noise they emit and potential damage to product surfaces. However, by using centrifugal alignment for the feeder it can significantly reduce noise, as well as prevent the coatings from peeling off the feeder and/or damage to the plating layer.
Ming Tang’s centrifugal device is made of stainless steel, which is highly resistant to wear and rust and is durable, having been coated with 10mm thick PU oil. The design of the
by Abhijat Sanghvi, president,centrifugal structure also includes a removable inner tray, which can be easily removed by maintenance personnel to clean up chips and oil stains, saving time and effort.
Ming Tang points out that its centrifugal feeder consumes just one tenth of the power compared to a conventional vibratory plate; is suitable for long screws; and its feed speed can be adjusted via a frequency converter. The company is continuously improving and upgrading its centrifugal feeders and expects to launch larger and more powerful models in the future.
AssociationThe Indian Government has implemented mandatory quality norms for nuts, bolts, and fasteners, to elevate local manufacturing and shield consumers from sub-par goods.
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) issued a notification on 21 st July, announcing the ‘Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners (Quality Control) Order, 2023’. This order places a firm requirement: ‘Unless they bear the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) mark, these products can’t be manufactured, sold, traded, imported, or even stocked, and non-compliance with BIS certification is no light matter; it could mean imprisonment and hefty fines’.
The Quality Control Order 2023 is set to be effective six months from the date of publication of the notification and aims to fortify India’s quality ecosystem; prioritise consumer health and safety; and stimulate the growth of domestic micro and small industries. The order accommodates certain relaxations to ensure a smooth transition and uphold the ease of doing business in the country. Exemptions have been granted for domestically manufactured goods meant for export; items imported as part of finished products or components; and imports by domestic manufacturers for producing goods intended for export.
Sundram Fasteners Ltd has displayed a remarkable performance, outperforming the Nifty50 index with a striking 47% year-on-year return. Analysts are now pointing towards a potential 10% – 22% upside for the stock, supported by a consensus view from most brokerages.
Producing a diverse range of critical components, including fasteners, powertrain components, and more, the company boasts a well-rounded revenue mix of domestic OEMs, aftermarket, and exports, at 52%, 13%, and 35%, respectively.
With a positive outlook from both technical and fundamental viewpoints, the momentum for Sundram Fasteners stock seems to be riding high, capturing the attention of investors and analysts alike.
Indian aerospace suppliers are poised to benefit from a surge in orders for jets placed by major carriers Air India and IndiGo, boosting domestic parts manufacturing and aircraft repairs.
The increasing air traffic; efforts to diversify sourcing away from China; and substantial orders for almost 1,000 jets; have solidified India’s significance in the aerospace market.
Small and medium suppliers are attempting to capitalise on the demand for locally supplied parts, but they urge that the government provides more help to boost manufacturing.
The expansion of India’s civil aviation industry is predicted to boost maintenance and overhaul activity. Deloitte expects the industry to grow from US$1.7 billion in 2021 to US$4 billion in 2031. While the civil aviation ministry acknowledges the positive impact of these orders on aerospace manufacturing, local production requirements cannot be mandated as they are in defense deals.
The growing fleet of aircraft in India underscores the need for enhanced maintenance services, prompting suppliers to seek proximity to customers. Indian companies like PTC Industries aim to meet global demand for alternate sources of Russian made titanium and Chinese production.
SUNCO will run a booth at IFE in October.
Booth No. is 1876.
Metalurgica FEY S.A, a leading Brazilian fastener manufacturer, has reinforced its market positioning and adopted a new visual identity through a branding innovation.
One of the most important fastener manufacturers in South America, and a global international fastener supplier, the FEY portfolio of products includes bolts, screws, nuts, and similar items, which are provided to industries such as agricultural and road machineries, as well as the automotive sector.
FEY has an annual revenue of R$500 million, 8% of which come from exports, and has a production capacity of 3,200 tonnes per month – with more than 750 employees. In addition to the already consolidated portfolio, it also develops tailor-made projects, especially for customers such as large car manufacturers and agricultural equipment. FEY is also present in the distribution area, in the aftermarket and other sales channels.
Now almost totally under management of the second family generation, and with a focus on the future – especially its overseas operations, the company announced in July the conclusion of a branding process. “The new branding process was not just about updating the company’s visual identity. It was about going beyond this and translating what we believe, and the steps we are going to take to help the business move forward,” explained Bruno Maia, marketing and new business manager at FEY. “This means
seeking solutions together, through both cold and hot forming processes, to achieve formidable results. The brand adaptability, with a presence already in several countries, means we are able to achieve the Portguese slogan: ‘Dando forma ao que o mundo precisa’, which translates as ‘shaping what the world needs’.”
The branding reinforcement work is part of a series of investments that FEY has been carrying out over the last four years, which add up to more than R$80 million (€15 million) and includes areas of technology and people preparation.
Another area that the company intends to strengthen in its market positioning are the three factors that
mark its performance – sustainable development, innovation movement and strength of the brand.
For sustainable development, FEY is already a partner of the UN (United Nations Organisation) and signatory of the ODS Movement (Sustainable Development Goals). When it comes to its innovation movement, the company is reinforced with development and its own laboratory, which enables it to create products and verticalised production. Finally, the strength of the brand is characterised by being a family business, reinforced by a complement of professional leaders, investment in technology and sustainable growth.
After finishing the first half of 2023, Brazilian exports and imports of fasteners – bolts, screws, nuts and other types of fasteners –have fallen in both value and volume when compared to the same period in 2022.
For H1 of 2023 the export value of fasteners was US$86.33 million, down 3% when compared to the US$89.05 million in 2022. Export volumes were also down 24.17% with 15,110 tonnes of fasteners exported in H1 2023, compared to 19,929 tonnes in 2022. When it comes to imports for the first half of the year, the value of fastener imports reached US$498.21 million, which is 2.88% down on the US$513 million achieved in 2022. However, this could partly be down to the fall of the US dollar against the Brazilian Real.
The Brazilian fastener industry is hoping for things to improve within the second half of the year, especially with a probably drop in interest rate from the Banco Central do Brasil (the Brazilian Central Bank), which is currently at 13.65%.
At Ambrovit, the future is already here, thanks to the company’s latest investments in quality, logistics and service. All distinctive features that differentiate Ambrovit from its competitors in Italy and Europe – with the investment including the doubling of its automated warehouse.
Founded in 1997 by the initiative of two entrepreneurs from the fastener industry, Ambrovit SpA has become a leader in fastening systems and the ideal partner for both industry and distribution. The recent doubling of the warehouse enables the company to further raise the bar of efficiency in the supply chain, as well as in the management of large volumes of products – whilst also reducing waiting
times and consequently improving the operational efficiency of its customers.
Today, Ambrovit’s automated warehouses in Garlasco occupy a total area of 24,000m 2 and boast numbers that speak for themselves. The new warehouse is 104 meters long, 40 meters wide, and 28 meters high, and is interconnected to the existing warehouse thanks to a 26 meter long connecting bridge, which guarantees maximum integration in the handling of products.
The company has completed the enhancement of the fully automated warehouse, which doubles the storage capacity and offer in fixings.”
“Thanks to the investment in the new automated warehouse, and the doubling of our storage capabilities, we are able to focus on new markets and new segments in the world of fasteners,” emphasises Mattia Sozzè, quality manager at Ambrovit.
Through this investment, Ambrovit has been able to significantly grow its storage capacity, with an increase that, including automatic warehouses, as well as operational and logistics units, is close to 100,000 pallet places – guaranteeing prompt delivery in 24/48 hours. “As a business we currently ship approximately 2,500 tonnes every month, whilst being able to increasingly meet customer needs,” highlights Mattia.
The logistics centre is a fully automated facility, managed by 16 stacker cranes for the storage and monitoring of palletised products. This results in picking activities, and operational flows, also increasing to new levels. “Ambrovit is a young company
that pays great attention to future projects, in particular technological evolution,” continues Mattia. “Thanks to the original foresight of the business to include logistics in a fully automated environment, we have been able to continue on this path of efficiency and improvement of automation processes,
and the new warehouse is another significant step forward.”
Mattia continues: “Quickly-achieved, operational excellence goals, which will push the company towards a path of renewed visibility, will be revealed in the coming months.”
Thanks to this latest development, Ambrovit intends to focus on new markets and new segments in the world of fasteners to respond to new customer target markets.”
Bossard Group is a company steeped in history and has established itself as a global leader within fastening technology. Here we speak to CEO Daniel Bossard about how the business is able to work with its customers to provide the optimal fastening solutions and services.
Bossard is known for its ability to work in partnership with its customers – providing bespoke answers to meet specialised requirements. Why has Bossard decided to take this solution-orientated approach and how does it work in practice?
“Our aim is to reduce the total cost of ownership for our customers. To do this, our engineers work with customers’ R&D departments to design the optimal products and assortments. In addition, our Smart Factory Logistics system enables us to partner with customers to set-up the most optimal, predominately automatic, C-parts management systems. By combining all of this into one service we can typically save customers between 30% and 40% of their total assembly costs.
At Bossard we do not look to stock commodity fasteners and provide standard services. Instead, we supply customised solutions and offer savings through our engineering and logistics capabilities. By doing this, we create stronger relationships with customers, we add more value and we help them reduce total costs.
A prime example is one of our key customers in the railway industry, for whom we are a strategic development partner and have set-up numerous Smart Factory Logistics systems in their global plants. Recently, we were even invited to be part of the set-up for a new plant in Johannesburg, South Africa. We were able to support them in planning the layout for C-parts management flow throughout the factory, which again helped them save considerable total costs, as well as optimise the entire production process.
This is just one example of how we can collaborate with customers, not just by providing products but supporting them
on selecting the correct products and the most enhanced logistics set-up. To do this, rather than speaking to a buyer, who is going to rightly be focused on getting the lowest price possible, we talk to managers, logistics, production, and engineering, and focus on the holistic point of view, by concentrating on total costs and finding the best solution to meet the requirements – whether it is an innovative or smart product. By doing this more and more, we can create longer lasting partnerships and add real value to customers. Our experience and knowledge in this type of service enables us to stand out from competitors and truly add value and step away from the low cost commodity product side of the business.”
What is Bossard’s current business strategy? What targets has the Group set for itself? How do you see the geographic and industry specific markets growing in the future?
“We have set a target for 2031, which is when Bossard will turn 200 years old, to bring proven productivity and
At Bossard we do not look to stock commodity fasteners and provide standard services. Instead, we supply customised solutions and offer savings through our engineering and logistics capabilities.”
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sustainability to every assembly operation in the world. Now that sounds a bit bold, but it’s what we are aiming to do. In numbers, this means growing sales organically 5% year-on-year, at an EBIT margin of 12% – 15% in the medium term – following a phase of increased investments.
To do this, we have four fields of strategic initiatives that will help us to achieve our targets. The first is a cultural transformation, which in essence means less hierarchy and more empowerment and coaching. Plus, the notion of how we attract new talent and retain these people, as well as how we apply more modern management technology.
The next initiative is sales transformation, where we want to move towards more digital lead generation instead of traditional outside sales pitches. This will involve looking more at digital content management and marketing. We will also look to align global sales roles within the sales verticals, which will allow us to have more leads and a higher pipe line conversion.
The third aspect is operational excellence, for instance we are introducing a new ERP system right now, Microsoft Dynamics 365, which will make us more efficient at every site across the globe. Finally, sustainability is the last initiative, where we will work on carbon neutrality on the environmental side. These are the four major fields of strategic initiatives we will be following. Of course, there are sub-initiatives as well that we will carry out to achieve the overall target by 2031.
During this period, we know there will be ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ within markets up to 2031, but this is our ambition, and we shall stick to the targets we have set. For instance, we had a decent first half of 2023 with a slight global sales growth, but we have already started to see economic weakening looking at the current PMIs. However, even in these potentially challenging times, there are always opportunities – especially in what we call the ‘sunrise industries’, such as the EV segment, renewable energy, healthcare, automation and robotics, as well as aerospace – which continues to be a growing segment.
Geographically, we still see a huge potential in the US market. Our market share in the USA is currently single digits and we see opportunities, particularly in the EV market, but also in electronics, and aerospace, to grow this even further. Within Europe, it is predominately eastern Europe where we see opportunities, such as Poland, which we believe is a great potential market for us to grow. In Asia, it is India that is benefitting a lot from the ‘China Plus One’ policy that many of our customers apply. We see numerous companies moving out of China into India. There is also a lot of railway business in India, as well as infrastructure and energy opportunities. Personally, I also think the Chinese market will also come back strongly. We still have a low
just invested into a new warehouse in Tianjin and we believe ‘China for China’ will be important in the future.
At Bossard we can take advantage of any geographic opportunities that arise thanks to the global structure of the business, which is organised by regions – America, Asia-Pacific and two European regions – with each offering the full range of products and service portfolio. For key verticals like electric vehicles, railway, healthcare, robotics, and aerospace, we have also installed global focus groups. This means we have global leaders for each vertical and they coordinate the activities within this sector around the globe, including regular meetings to discuss trends and developments, etc. In total, Bossard is represented in 32 countries and in 82 locations.”
“Our key investments have been opening new facilities in target markets, so we can continue to grow our market share around the world. For instance, roughly three years ago, with China in the ‘booming’ phase, we said it was important to be present in that market, so we could grow. We therefore invested in China – including the new warehouse in Tianjin, which I have already mentioned.
We have also invested in Taiwan, where we just opened a new facility in June, as we could see there was a lot of growth potential within ‘sunrise’ (growth) industries, as well. Our business in Taiwan has already grown double digits over the last couple of years, which is unusual as Taiwan is so well known for its fastener manufacturers, but business has been booming and with the new facility it will hopefully continue to grow.
We have also invested in a new facility in France, just one year ago, again because we want to grow in Europe and we see the potential in the market – with an estimated addressable market share in France of currently only 8%.
In fact, the only big market shares we have are Switzerland, at about 34%, and Denmark at 20%. The others are all single digit market shares, so wherever we see growth potential, we will look at the practicalities of investing in new facilities and people.
If we are to reach our strategic target for 2031 then we need to continue to invest in infrastructure, as well as continue our acquisition strategy – with a third of our growth ambition proposed to come through acquisitions. It is important to note that our acquisition strategy is to become better not
just bigger, which is why we typically look to acquire companies with a good profitability, as well as what new technologies and values they can add to Bossard Group.
We are also always looking at what is next and how we can help customers to become more efficient, which is why we have been investing in our Smart Factory Assembly system – the next step in the logistics chain that ensures optimal process control in manual assembly.
Through the Smart Factory Assembly system, we help customers through electronic work instructions that guide them step by step through each part of the process in question – what to do; what tool to use; the tightening torque required; which operator is installing the product, etc. If at any point something is done incorrectly, the system will alert the user. This helps create standardised workflows and creates maximum transparency and traceability of production processes. It also underlines to the customer that at Bossard it is not just about providing the right products, in the right qualities, and right place, it is about making sure the entire process, including the assembly and logistics, is completed to the highest standards and requirements.”
“There are different aspects when it comes to sustainability, firstly there is the environmental aspect, where we have already collected our global CO 2 footprint for each location, which we carried out in 2022. This covers Scope 1 and Scope 2, which is about our own internal usage – heating, cars, electricity, etc. We did this and now we have visibility on where and how we are using energy.
Currently, we are in the final stages of defining what our carbon zero target will be for the next 10 years and the key milestones on that path. We are also working on fulfilling all the governance criteria, which involves a lot of different aspects, such as CBAM, as well as various other standards. In fact, we have recently appointed two additional staff members who will be
responsible for collating and inputting all the data required when it comes to the governance of sustainability.
Besides governance criteria, we are also looking to be a preferred supplier with our customers when it comes to sustainability. We are therefore looking at things such as sustainable products and how we can help customers become more sustainable. For instance, if there’s a product or service we could provide that would help them with the disassembly of products for recycling.
The other aspect of sustainability is social. Whilst most companies tend to just look at the environmental aspect, the social side also has value. That is why we have defined inclusion and diversity targets to remain and become even more attractive to employees. These topics get talked a lot about by companies, and sometimes it is just talk, but at Bossard we believe it is a fundamental part of the business. We have been around for 190 years and have always looked after our employees and we will continue to do so in the future.
We are committed to sustainability in all forms and have produced a sustainability report where we show both employees and customers what we are doing from both an environmental and social point of view. Last year we also received an EcoVadis bronze medal for the work we have done so far, and we are working towards achieving a silver medal to show we are on the right path going forward.”
Through the Smart Factory Assembly system, we help customers through electronic work instructions that guide them step by step through each part of the process in question…”
TR VIC (Viterie Italia Centrale SpA) has been manufacturing fasteners in Fossato Umbria for over 50 years and is one of the most renowned manufacturers in Italy – with a history of product development and innovative design capability.
From its Italian site, TR VIC manufactures products for many well known global brands and distributes the products to multiple customer locations across four continents – becoming recognised for male threaded cold forged products, specifically to customer drawings, and in the development of products to enhance production assembly methods.
TR Fastenings, the parent company of TR VIC, was historically known as being a provider of fasteners to the electronics and tech industries and over the last 15 years its focus has diversified into the automotive sector – becoming a key supplier to tier 1 companies. To retain a balanced customer spread, TR Fastenings also focused on the health and home sector, which encompassed domestic appliances, and was already supplying this sector to a smaller degree before the acquisition of VIC gave it a much larger market share.
Another important reason for the acquisition of TR VIC, was the advantage of having a manufacturing facility in ‘middle Europe’ that could meet the needs for faster prototyping and shorten lead times compared to Asia supply. TR already had five manufacturing sites in Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan, and this acquisition significantly increased its manufacturing capability and footprint.
Inevitably, existing customers showed an interest in having a TR manufacturer in Europe and when TR VIC gained the IATF16949 accreditation it opened up further opportunities. TR VIC management also embarked upon an investment program that included a state of the art heat treatment plant; new automatic packaging machines; and the upgrading of machinery and facilities. This culminated in a recent £5 million (€5.8million) investment to increase TR VIC’s manufacturing footprint by 30%,
See TR’s latest investment in its manufacturing
by adding new forging, thread rolling and pointing machines. This included the addition of 6-die 6-blow machines from Carlo Salvi and SACMA Group, which has increased the diameter range TR VIC is able to produce. The growing portfolio of machinery also increases TR VIC’s capacity, especially for more complex applications within the sectors that it services.
Investments to the manufacturing location; a focus on environmental improvements; and a major facelift of the offices; has ensured that TR VIC is seen as a modern facility that is appealing to a discerning customer base. Additionally, the company has developed further warehouse capacity capable of holding 12,000 pallets. Plus, investment in training, initiated by Stefano Pisoni, managing director of TR VIC, has developed into a formal training academy, which has become key to recruitment and staff retention – with the headcount since acquisition almost doubling.
Investments to the manufacturing location, a focus on environmental improvements, and a major facelift of the offices, has ensured that TR VIC is seen as a modern facility that is appealing to a discerning customer base.”
strain on the team at TR VIC, but they met the challenge. This significant increase in demand was driven by people working from home during lockdowns, investing in new appliances, lifestyle products and making home improvements. This societal transformation meets with a rapid deployment of new technology to improve quality of life, from fresh ground coffee machines to clean air products and personal grooming, all of which have rich fastener content.
Another fundamental aspect of TR VIC’s success has been innovation, with the company winning several design awards, including the TR EPW screw for thin sheet metal, which picked up the Route to Fastener Innovation 2019 award at the Fastener Fair Global show. The transit fasteners for washing machines and tumble driers were also a design success some years ago –reducing four components to a combined recyclable component, which is still in high demand.
Another aspect is meeting the needs of the market, such as the new European legislation ‘Right to Repair’ which came into force
last year. This is already changing assembly methods as there is a move away from welded products to fasteners that can allow for disassembly. TR VIC is working with global brands who are focused on returning to core conventional fastener methods. Sven Brehler, engineering director at TR Fastenings, comments: “This is a very positive development that has been years in the making. While this is primarily about giving control back to the consumer, this is also a very strong environmental improvement case. It will significantly reduce appliances destined for landfill, which can now be repaired 1 .”
Another example would be a high volume part for an automotive lighting cluster assembly – where TR VIC produces 60 million pieces a year. The current part features a neoprene washer under the head of the screw to prevent water ingress. However, TR VIC has designed in a special screw, which it has patented, that has a unique feature under the head that negates the need for the washer. This has improved the integrity of the product, time to manufacture and has given a cost and recyclable environmental benefit to the customer.
TR VIC’s approach to sustainability is also highlighted in the cleaning of products through to researching environmentally friendly packaging materials, as well as the movement of product between manufacturing areas. This investment is seeing real benefits for TR with keen interest in the TR VIC facility shown by numerous customers, with nine audits taking place in the next two months. Due to geopolitical issues in other parts of the world, TR is also experiencing a high demand from customers to ‘near shore’ their product. The introduction of CBAM will also accelerate the need for products to be manufactured in Europe and therefore further investment to increase capacity is inevitable. Enhancing the technical support that the company can give to customers at the early design stages is crucial for the future.
For instance, the EV and EVB opportunities are an interesting example of new product for this growth industry. To meet new product requirements, TR VIC has invested heavily in developing product forged in copper, which will be a real game changer. “Supporting customer requests, particularly in emerging technologies is key to our future,” explains Andrew Nuttall, managing director for TR Europe and the UK. “Working together in these developments we can achieve our respective objectives and future proof our business.”
1 https://www.trfastenings.com/company/ newsroom-and-media/press-releases/the-right-to-repair
The introduction of CBAM will also accelerate the need for products to be manufactured in Europe and therefore further investment to increase capacity is inevitable.”
From the beginnings to the present day –Innovations at the highest level!
Founded in 1913, EWMenn is a technology leader, shaping the fastener industry through numerous technical achievements. Specialized on Thread- and Profile Rolling Machines, the High-Performance Machines meet the top-standards of precision, efficiency and reliability.
Paolo Pozzi, CEO at Agrati Group, was unanimously elected as president of the European Industrial Fasteners Institute (EIFI) during the recent EIFI General Shareholders’ Meeting held in May 2023 in Meissen, Germany. Here is an interview between Marco A. Guerritore, editor in chief of Italian Fasteners magazine, and the recently appointed president on his objectives for EIFI.
“Firstly, I would once again like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the EIFI members who elected me as their president for the period of 2023 – 2027. It is with great honour and happiness that I assume this position, particularly as EIFI is undergoing a significant period of transformation.
My hope is to make a significant impact in shaping a new era for EIFI and facilitating its adaptation to the challenges and profound changes currently affecting all industrial sectors. I believe that it will become increasingly crucial to address these new challenges at the European level in order to effectively represent and safeguard the fasteners industry and its unique characteristics in the years to come.
I have set myself three main objectives, firstly enhancing the recognition and visibility of the EIFI throughout Europe. I would also like to broaden the membership base and strengthen the organisation. However, the fundamental objective remains the same – to effectively represent and protect the interests and unique characteristics of the European fasteners industry.
This will necessitate an organisation capable of collaborating closely with national associations, while simultaneously expanding its operations and prominence at a European level. This can be accomplished by cultivating partnerships with institutions in Brussels – such as the European Commission and Parliament, as well as other trade associations (AEGIS, CLEPA, EUROFER, etc).
The present challenges cannot be addressed using the same approaches employed in the past.”
“The current structure consists of a board, which includes a president, two vice-presidents, six members representing the national associations and a general manager.
The term of office for the president and board has been extended to four years and can be renewed for an additional term.
There are also three market groups – automotive, general industry/ distribution and aerospace – as well as three operating committees –public affairs, legal, TDI and membership development; technical, quality and innovation; as well as marketing and communication.
Two new categories have also been introduced within the category of fastener manufacturers – affiliated members, comprising companies in the fasteners supply chain, and associated members, consisting mainly of service and consulting companies.”
“I would argue that because we have been living in a globalised world for more than 30 years, it is crucial to embrace the European dimension in order to tackle new challenges. This principle is applicable not only to trade associations but also to all EU Member States, who sometimes overlook the fact that they are part of a geographic region that represents the world’s largest market, renowned for excellence across all industrial sectors.
It is safe to say that Paolo Pozzi has earned his credentials in the field of fasteners.
With a degree in aerospace engineering, from the Politecnico Institute of Milan, he joined the Agrati Group in 1995, where he held various positions until becoming general manager of the parent company Agrati SpA and then a member of the board of directors. He was appointed managing director of the Group in 2008 and CEO in 2016.
Under his leadership, and in-line with the presidency, Agrati Group has undergone a transformation that is clearly visible today through the achievement of important goals. These successes can be summarised by an annual turnover exceeding €680 million and a staff of more than 2,400 employees – operating across 12 manufacturing establishments situated in Europe, the United States and China.
Paolo Pozzi’s innate talent for diplomacy, coupled with his engaging personality, has garnered him recognition and respect within the social sphere of his profession, both nationally and internationally.
Böllhoff is your partner for 360° joining technology with assembly and logistics solutions – worldwide. As a family-owned company we have been standing for long-term success through innovative capacity and local presence since 1877. We know the specific needs of our customers from all industries and support them in enabling successful connections.
Even in the case of fasteners, Europe maintains its position as the world’s largest market, representing 26% of the total value of US$90 billion, surpassing the Asia Pacific region, North America and China.
I believe it is worthwhile to try to defend and support this market, as well as the European companies operating within it.”
Are European nuts and bolts competitive at a global level? What potential risks does this sector face in the future?
“I would say that European nuts and bolts are indeed competitive globally, particularly when we compare ourselves to countries operating under similar regulations and conditions. Unfortunately, we are well aware that this level playing field is not always guaranteed.
I think that Europe’s position as the world’s leading fastener market can be attributed to the efforts of European manufacturers, and also to the supply chain, which over the years has adapted and evolved alongside market demands, offering manufacturers high-quality materials and services at competitive prices. Let us not forget that the competitiveness and expertise of European fastener manufacturers have allowed them to develop into global champions – who have also successfully invested in other regions worldwide. In fact, at least five European manufacturers rank among the world’s top ten fastener manufacturers.
As for the potential risks, these are partly known and partly new. The known risks include imbalances in relation to WTO regulations, which have led to the imposition of import duties to rebalance the system. The new risks stem from the disparities in the speed and approaches adopted by different regions worldwide to address sustainability concerns.
These concerns primarily revolve around the environment, with the first test case being the implementation of CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism). However, this issue extends beyond environmental considerations and encompasses broader decisions linked to ESG issues, with each country adopting different approaches in this regard.”
“In my view, small and medium-sized companies need to be part of an organisation that can effectively represent, defend and guide
them in navigating the immense challenges of today. Consider the three major transformations currently taking place in Europe –sustainability, digitisation and the electrification of the automotive sector, which remains a key market for fastener manufacturers.
These profound changes are having a significant impact on organisations and the fact that they are all happening at the same time makes their management very complex and burdensome for large companies, while posing an unsustainable challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises. By sharing these epochal transitions with associations that can provide valuable information, support and guidance on addressing these challenges, I believe we can foster more cohesive and harmonious growth throughout the entire supply chain. This collaboration can help prevent disruptions and discontinuities that could potentially lead to significant issues, as demonstrated during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“I believe that Europe’s environmental choices are correct, and no one, including companies, wants to oppose the transition. However, it appears that there has been an excessive focus on regulation, leaving little room for the development of a comprehensive strategy. While deadlines and potential sanctions have been set, the competitive landscape with American and Chinese companies
You mention sustainability, Europe stands at the forefront in the battle against pollution in general, but this inevitably means placing limitations on economic and production activities. How do you propose reconciling this contradiction in a positive manner?
…the fundamental objective remains the same – to effectively represent and protect the interests and unique characteristics of the European fasteners industry.”
With sustainability and close partnerships key within the market, now is the time for German manufacturers to promote their products and capabilities…
For more information please contact
seems to have been overlooked. The risk we face is that we are creating new rules for the game with highly skilled referees, only to find that others have taken the field ahead of us. This is true not only in the transition to electric vehicles, where Europe trails behind China, Korea and Japan in terms of accumulated battery technology, but also in the high-tech sector, where Europe faces a technological gap and lacks key players compared to countries like the United States and China. This contradiction could be resolved by greater collaboration between the European Commission and trade associations. Together they can work towards defining more comprehensive strategies that take into account the speed of transition and the negative effects it may bring in the short-term.
A prime example is the new regulations on car emissions with Euro 7 engines scheduled for July 2025. These regulations entail significantly higher costs than those initially estimated by the Commission, while providing limited environmental benefits.”
“For quite some time now, I have believed that the transition to electric vehicles is irreversible. There is no turning back given the massive investments made by car manufacturers in Europe and globally. Recent growth figures have shown unexpected advancements not only in China but also in Europe, albeit at varying rates between northern and southern countries. The goal of achieving full electric private mobility in Europe by 2035, which may have seemed implausible a few years ago, has become more feasible. Since 2019, we have seen exponential growth in the market share of electrified vehicles, reaching 21% in 2022, with 9% being fully electric (BEV). Some northern European countries, such as Norway, have already achieved an impressive 80% penetration rate. Evaluating how these countries have been able to reach such levels today will provide insights into the 2035 sustainability target for the whole of Europe.
Uncertainty persists in the short-term regarding the overall demand for cars, which will undoubtedly be negatively impacted
by reduced credit availability, higher costs, the effects of a potential recession and relatively high price levels of electric vehicles, particularly in segments A and B.
When it comes to the evolution of the car, the EIFI will need to collaborate closely with other national and European automotive trade associations to address industry specific challenges that may arise during this complex phase. One key challenge lies in effectively managing larger quantities and varieties of products, particularly for fastener manufacturers. This will necessitate diverse skills and the development of new processes to create new materials, coatings and components. Additionally, broader knowledge in areas beyond mechanics and metal materials will be essential.
The demand for more diversified products will also lead to greater complexity in logistics management and distribution of products, as well as the need to converge towards standards that have yet to be defined. Lastly, over the coming years, components dedicated solely to internal combustion vehicles will gradually decline in volume, adversely affecting production costs due to diminished economies of scale, following a logic similar to what we have already seen for components used exclusively for diesel powertrains.”
“Unfortunately, wars and pandemics have always existed in the world and are part of human history and nature. Our generation has been fortunate enough to have avoided experiencing them directly. In particular, in the western world, we have managed not to have wars for over 70 years, with the exception of the Balkan War in the 1990s. However, we now have one in the heart of Europe that increasingly involves us and seems to be taking on the form of a clash between the west and the rest of the world. This situation is disconcerting and fills us with unease and uncertainty, but I believe that maintaining a healthy balance of realism and optimism is the most prudent approach.
The world is changing fast. It is no longer a question of big overpowering small, but rather of the fast outpacing the slow.”
The world is changing fast. It is no longer a question of big overpowering small, but rather of the fast outpacing the slow.”
elite structural rivets
Dutch-based STAFA Group has looked to invest in both physical and digital logistic solutions in order to continue to build for the future and meet customers’ ongoing needs and requirements.
Offering over 75,000 fastener items, including one of Europe’s widest range of hot dip galvanised products and structural bolts (HV bolts EN 14399 and SB bolts EN 15048), STAFA Group is able to offer a complete product portfolio and numerous value-added services that have enabled it to become a key player within the fastener market.
“Preparing for the future is an important condition for continuity for STAFA and its customers, which is why we strive for maximum optimisation and efficiency,” states Joep van Gool, operations director at STAFA Group. “Therefore, when we invest in the business it must offer clear added value to our business operations.”
A prime example is the recent warehouse expansion, which has given STAFA more space to stock all the necessary products requested by its customers. In addition, the company has installed four Kardex lifts to increase the picking speed of the smaller order lines. From a digital point of view, STAFA has also invested in the implementation of new ERP and WMS systems. “A lot of attention has been paid to ‘business intelligence’ and other forms of automation,” points out Pim van Leeuwen, commercial director at STAFA. “This brings a lot of new insights and has enabled us to make great strides through this data-driven approach. The processing of digital files such as orders, invoices, etc, has also improved significantly – thanks to a streamlined data flow throughout the business.”
The market challenges faced by every business in recent years has not only brought STAFA closer together as a business, it has highlighted not only challenges, but also opportunities. “In retrospect, we can certainly conclude that we have become much stronger from the experience,” states Pim. “We have a great
team of people who work on progress and satisfying customers and, thanks to the investments we have made, we have been able to further develop our products, services and capabilities.”
STAFA Group’s focus towards the market is also shifting, with it concentrating more on industrial customers in the manufacturing
understanding of products, markets, and applications, to good use in the trading sector, which is appreciated by our trading customers. This means we can work with both markets and respond to each with tailored solutions.”
Joep continues: “We have also recognised that customers are consciously and rightly becoming more demanding and STAFA must deal with this in a sensible way. Many of our customers rely on our expertise and knowledge of applications, and solutions, to match their wishes and needs. Understanding the processes and products is becoming increasingly important and as a business we are now a key function of our customers’ businesses. We can make a real difference to our customers, which is why we will continue to innovate and invest in people, resources, systems and sustainable solutions.”
To further meet the needs of both sectors, STAFA has looked to expand its product range, with more threaded rods in multiple fixed lengths – directly from stock, as well as a wider range of hook anchors.
STAFA is one of the biggest suppliers of threaded rods in Europe and stocks DIN 976-1 in 1000, 2000 and 3000 mm lengths. Grades 4.8, 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9 are permanently available. In addition to plain products, we also stock threaded rods and pieces in zinc plated (4.8, 8.8, 10.9) and hot-dip galvanised (4.8, 8.8). On request, we also supply our threaded rods with a certificate EN 10204/3.1.
Recently we have expanded our stock of threaded rods with multiple fixed lengths. In addition, we are always able to fulfil customer requests for fixed lengths within a few working days in our in-house sawing department. There is no limitation in order size, even small batches are possible. The deburring of the sawn threaded ends is always included.
To add to this, the company has also expanded its range of hot dip galvanised DIN and SB bolts, especially larger diameters and longer lengths.
“Our strategy is to continue to develop and invest in providing distinctive products and services of impeccable quality – with the highest possible customer satisfaction,” underlines Joep. “We believe it is important to streamline our business operations as efficiently as possible and to focus more on innovative automation and ‘business intelligence’, so we can continue to improve our performance towards our customers and the market. It is about exceeding the expectations of our stakeholders, partly through a unique approach and identity, with the aim of a profitable and sustainable future.”
Thanks to this strategy, STAFA has established a growing customer base around the world. “We do not want to be dependent on a certain sector, a few customers or countries. It is precisely this industry and geographic diversification that has always worked to our advantage and will continue to work in the future,” explains Pim. “Our main markets are the Benelux, France, the DACH region, the Nordics, as well as eastern and southern Europe. These markets remain steady, but we have noticed currently there is a lot of price pressure because of high stocks in warehouses –across Europe.”
Another topic at the forefront of the market currently is sustainability and what steps are being taken to meet the upcoming regulations and requirements. “At STAFA we are well aware of our place and responsibility in the world and we have already made several investments and set up activities to take on our responsibility,” points out Joep. “We have also visibly noticed our customers, and the market, are more actively involved in this and making demands on everyone in the logistics and industrial supply chain.”
Steps STAFA has already taken include the installation of 600 solar panels to its warehouse roof, which provides 265,000Wp and ensures the business is completely self-sufficient when it comes to energy supply. The company has also replaced all the lighting within its warehouse to LED and is working with suppliers on how it can also improve its carbon footprint.
“We think it is and will be vital to improve sustainability together in every way possible. Not only STAFA itself, but also our personnel, partners, customers, and suppliers, as together we can
make a difference,” mentions Joep. “Customers are asking more and more about what we as a business are doing to decrease our carbon footprint and it is becoming a bigger factor in creating a successful partnership. For instance, the demands for environmental friendly packaging is increasing, which is why we invested in a new and revolutionary way of kitting in paper packaging instead of the more common LDPE kits. We are one of the first to provide this type of packaging and by doing so we are helping our customers decrease the carbon footprint of their products.”
Through its innovative strength, distinctive character, ongoing investments, growing product range, value-added services, and focus on a sustainable future, STAFA Group can further develop and better serve its customers and the market. “There are always challenges, opportunities and threats as a business. However, the last few years, and the aftermath of Covid-19, have made us stronger. We have taken many challenges as opportunities and further developed STAFA in the broadest sense,” concludes Joep. “STAFA is a respected player in the market and we are financially a very strong, independent business. We invest in people and opportunities, which is why we face the future with full courage and 100% confidence.”
Ensuring that products meet required DIN and ISO standards is part of every fastener manufacturer’s responsibility. However, it can prove difficult to achieve if the DIN standard being requested by customers does not exist – such as DIN 9250.
SCHNORR ® is a washer manufacturer committed to meeting the very highest quality standards and requirements, with it establishing a leading range of disc springs, washers, load washers, as well as stamped, moulded and fine-blanked parts. However, when it received an enquiry from a customer for a safety washer according to DIN 9250 it faced an issue.
“There is no DIN 9250 standard, it just does not exist,” states Benjamin Buchfink, marketing coordinator at SCHNORR® GmbH. “As an experienced and knowledgeable washer manufacturer, we are well aware of all the standards related to washer products and DIN 9250 is just not one of them. No matter where you look when it comes to official DIN standards there is no listing or mention of DIN 9250. We replied to the customer and explained that the standard did not exist and if they had any details associated with it then to let us know, but of course they did not have anything – as there is nothing.”
Since then, SCHNORR® has been receiving more and more enquiries from customers requesting the DIN 9250 standard and each time the company explains that it is not a real standard and there are not details associated to DIN 9250. “At SCHNORR® we take quality standards very seriously and ensure our products meet all requirements, including vibration tests, as well as DIN 25201 and DIN 65151 where necessary,” points out Benjamin. “In addition, we regularly carry out internal tests throughout our production process to ensure consistent and reliable production. Thanks to our experience and knowledge, we have also established our own in-house standard that is continuously updated to ensure the highest quality products.”
This commitment to quality is underlined by the range of products SCHNORR® is able to supply, including the original SCHNORR® safety washers, which were developed as a reliable and economic bolt locking device – with the basic principle of a disc spring. This ingenious form combines the advantage of security through friction and mechanical locking.
“The original SCHNORR® safety washers are now used worldwide where secure fastening connections, to counter the effect of vibration, are required,” points out Benjamin. “The SCHNORR® safety washers take the form of a disc spring but with a trapezoidal cross-section and serrations on both sides. The outer diameter is matched to the head diameter of the pan head and socket head cap screws. Due to the conical form, optimal traction is achieved at the highest positive locking – due to the helical gearing.”
The SCHNORR® safety washers are available in two versions – the standard safety washer type S is available for screws of sizes M1.6 to M36 and of the property classes up to 8.8. For screws of property Classes 8.8 and 10.9, higher pretension forces might be necessary, which is covered by the reinforced washer type VS.
SCHNORR® is also able to supply a wide range of other products, including DIN load washers according to DIN 6796, as well as HS washers – which are load washers with a smaller outer diameter, plus a wide variety of disc springs according to DIN – available in special measurements and materials, as well as a selection of wave springs and other springs manufactured according to drawings or by working closely with customers’ engineers to meet specific needs.
“Thanks to our wide product range, and commitment to the very highest quality, we have been able to establish ourselves on the global market and can support customers through our subsidiaries based all around the world, including the United States, Mexico, South Korea, China, Italy, Spain, France and now a new subsidiary in Austria. Plus, we have 18 exclusive sales partners for other countries,” mentions Benjamin. “Regardless of where our customers are based, we provide the same high-quality products, service and support and ensure that our customers are purchasing the right types of products to existing and correct DIN standards.”
SCHNORR® is an international leader in engineering and producing safet y washers and disc springs for automotive, aerospace and mechanical applications
Original SCHNORR® safet y washers:
• Highly vibration-resistant
• Twofold effect from one component
• E x tensive range
Original SCHNORR® disc springs:
• Various applications
• Best price -per formance ratio
• Customized solutions
Please contac t us Together we will find your tailor-made solution.
Guided by a long history in the fastener sector, and an innovation-oriented approach, Growermetal is able to supply its products to international customers – combining a wide range of parts, coatings and in-house services.
When Virginio Cattaneo founded the first site of Growermetal back in 1950, the company was a family-run small business in the north of Italy. The first expansion phase started in 1962, with the transfer of the headquarter to the current site in Calco, followed by a further evolution in the late 1960s. The constant growth experienced by the Italian manufacturer led to the Growermetal name becoming popular within the sector by the beginning of the new millennium – resulting in two sales sites being established overseas in 2014 and 2016, respectively located in the USA and in Brazil.
Today, more than seventy years later, Growermetal is one of the leading washer manufacturers and suppliers, serving international brands in the automotive, aerospace, railway, power generation, electromechanics and construction markets, as well as various other industries. How does a business maintain such a reputation in a challenging and ever-evolving sector?
“It is no surprise that the standards and requirements of the market pay particular attention to the safety, competitiveness and performance of the fastening solutions available,” says Paolo Cattaneo, CEO of Growermetal SpA. “In a scenario characterised by constant change, we are committed to delivering the best possible services and products in order to boost the business of our customers.”
To answer the needs of the market, there are several forces in action. “Offering a solid heritage is one thing, but it is not enough. Our purpose is to combine the long experience gained as a washer manufacturer, with the ambition to explore new possibilities for the market – working side by side with customers and their teams to define the most suitable solutions for every application.”
In order to achieve these goals, Growermetal’s production processes provide different services – ranging from manufacturing
to storage, all developed in-house. This centralisation of resources brings many advantages, such as allowing Growermetal to deliver solutions in shorter times, operating with flexibility, and allowing interventions during manufacturing, in order to prevent problems and monitor every piece produced.
The proximity and synergy between the departments has also contributed to the expansion of the washer range, which includes more than 4,500 standard designs divided into two main families of products – blanked parts and products made of wire – which are suitable for different application fields. Nowadays, Growermetal’s portfolio includes teethed and toothed washers with internal or external teeth, safety washers, conical elastic washers, conical ribbed washers, flat washers, coiled spring washers, spring washers for railway applications, corrugated washers, electric terminal washers, spherical washers, sealing push-in caps and other designs – all available in different materials, including carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, bronze, copper and other alloys and raw materials upon customers’ requests.
In addition to the different types of washers, Growermetal offer is completed by pushing caps, metallic parts with EPDM inserts and special blanked and bended parts, as well as a collection of more than 2,500 washer designs produced exclusively from customers’ drawings.
Washers are often used in challenging environments, such as infrastructures subjected to extreme conditions, high vibrations and dynamic loads. In these contexts, long-lasting performances and secure joints are essential.
“Inside Growermetal we can handle and manufacture a great number of washers, according to the requests received, whilst guaranteeing full compliance to demanding standards,” states Paolo Cattaneo. “One of the most relevant benefits related
to our production is the opportunity to provide a full spectrum service to our local and international customers, which includes a number of coatings and special treatments aimed at improving the characteristics of the material used; the durability of the washers; and their resistance.”
In addition to outsourced processes such as galvanic zinc plating, zinc nickel plating, nickel plating, copper plating and phosphating, Growermetal also provides heat treatments and two extra in-house coatings – mechanical zinc plating and zinc flake coating – with two production lines specifically designed to process washers and flat parts.
Since 2009, Growermetal has carried out the mechanical zinc plating inside a modern plant and using exclusively original MacDermid® chemicals. The process earned Growermetal the ‘Technology and Innovation’ award at the Surface Expo in 2010 followed by another acknowledgment in 2016, when Growermetal was approved as a unique plater in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) markets for the mechanical zinc plating process, according to the automotive standard FCA PS.50042.
This allows Growermetal to add a superior quality to its range of washers and also to meet the needs of third parties –making the treatment available for its products. Talking about the characteristics of the treatment, this high-quality and high performance anticorrosive coating brings many benefits, including hydrogen embrittlement prevention; the absence of sticking parts; uniform coating; outstanding corrosion prevention; good electrical conductivity and low energy consumption during the process.
When it comes to zinc flake coatings, the fully automatic line at Growermetal enables it to merge a versatile range of high-quality zinc flake coatings with the ability to accomplish the requests of customers in shorter times. In order to ensure the best solutions, the company uses exclusively original DÖRKEN products, which include a choice of different solutions of basecoat (e.g Delta-Protekt® and DELTA® -TONE range) and top coat (e.g Delta-Protekt®VH range).
This leads to a coating characterised by high cathodic protection level, long-term corrosion resistance, thin and uniform layer thickness, high resistance to chemical products, protection from mechanical impacts and good electric conductivity, with the possibility to modify the friction coefficient according to the requirements.
Growermetal investments have also combined with a constant focus on innovation, an approach that has contributed to the company’s evolution from many points of view, as underlined by
Paolo Cattaneo: “Growermetal’s innovation strategy involves our equipment and process, but also new partnerships and products, with the creation of a branded line of exclusive designs developed by our R&D team. This process should not be seen as a radical change in our production – where our washer line still constitutes the core of the business – but as a strategy to bring greater safety, reliability, and efficiency, and keep up with the latest market trends and developments.”
One of the main effects of this approach was Growermetal’s entry into projects like the Joint Research Center MATT –Metal And Transformation Technologies in 2020. Born from the partnership between the Politecnico di Milano and other companies, the project is based on the concept of open innovation, with the objective of developing research through shared knowledge and tools.
Talking about the new opportunities, digitalisation is at the center of some of the most recent experimentations, which included both product development and data processing. With regard to the implications of digitalisation in process improvement, Growermetal is implementing new digital data collection systems at various production stages. Through the constant recording of data and monitoring of the activities, this system helps Growermetal’s team in preventing problems and non-conformities – improving the manufacturing process.
“Traceability helps during the different steps of the service from manufacturing to the storage and transfer of finished products, with different positive effects concerning productivity standards. In particular, in applications that require superior levels of safety, the integration of software improves precision and efficiency, boosting the business of our customers,” explains Paolo Cattaneo.
The adoption of these technologies opens up great opportunities also in facing the environmental challenges. When it comes to sustainability, digitalisation at Growermetal has contributed to lower the energy demand, reducing resource consumption whilst boosting productivity. “As a company increasingly focused on sustainability, it’s our duty to embrace change exploring the opportunities linked to digital transformation,” says Raffaele Motta, Growermetal’s HSE manager. “Our ambition is to align our conduct to the evolution of these technologies, finding new ways to create a more transparent, responsible and efficient productive model. Now we are already seeing the benefits of this digital evolution in Growermetal, with many sustainable positive results both from the economical point of view, through more efficient production, and the environmental side, with a remarkable reduction of our impact.”
For more than a quarter of a century Visimpex-Hungary has prioritised innovation as one of the driving forces in the development of its products, capabilities and business –enabling it to become a significant supplier within eastern Europe.
Established in 1997, Visimpex-Hungary Ltd specialises in the wholesale of fastening products and industry auxiliary materials both in Hungary and the eastern European region. “As a business we want to stand out from the competition,” states Visimpex-Hungary. “We have been able to do this by becoming a fastener wholesaler with one of the largest stocks in the region, as well as guaranteeing delivery within 24 hours in Hungary and ensuring fast shipping in neighbouring countries too.”
Since it was founded, Visimpex-Hungary has looked to innovate wherever possible, in order to continue to create new opportunities for the business to grow and develop. “We are constantly striving to innovate in the field of commercial fasteners,” explains Visimpex-Hungary. “A prime example was within the wood working sector where we introduced the Woodstar screw more than 10 years ago, which has become our trademarked brand. The screw, with a special design that ensures fast and accurate installation, is a popular choice among discerning woodworkers.”
The company adds: “The essence of innovation is that there is no time to stop or to sit back. Our developers are constantly working, and as a result, we have recently launched several products and solutions into the market.”
Another innovation within the company’s product range is the VISIMPEX SOLAR system, which was introduced to the market in 2010. “We were one of the first to design, manufacture and distribute solar mounting structures, and we have become one of the market leaders of this segment in Hungary,” highlights Visimpex-Hungary. “Another product that we have introduced to the renewables market is the adjustable outdoor heat pump and air conditioning unit brackets, which are proving popular.”
In the near future, Visimpex-Hungary plans to manufacture more products in-house, if the right opportunities present themselves. “As a business we will still import products from Asia, as neither Hungarian nor other European manufacturers can compete with Asian manufacturers when it comes to product availability and price,” states the business. “We are, of course, constantly looking for opportunities to find closer sources, because it is important for us to have a quick and stable supply of products. As part of this, we will continue to manufacture the VISIMPEX SOLAR system and look to add further products where possible.”
In addition to developing its product portfolio, Visimpex-Hungary has also looked to develop the services it can provide customers, including a highly user-friendly webshop, which is available in English, German and Hungarian. “The webshop has made a big impact on the market for us as it gives us a competitive advantage, as orders can be placed nonstop, in only a few minutes, with unprecedented flexibility,” underlines the company. “This means that customers can enquire about products
at any time and get immediate answers. Of course, if they prefer personal contact, we can also speak to them on the phone – in English, German, Hungarian, and Romanian, whether it be for a quotation, an order or expert advice.”
The next step for Visimpex-Hungary is to once again broaden its customer base to neighbouring countries across Europe. “In 2017, which was also the 20 th anniversary of Visimpex-Hungary, we decided that the time had come for the business to grow its clientele to the neighbouring countries and as soon as we did this, our export sales took off. Thanks to our large stocks, and favourable sales prices, we were exceptionally well received in the Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian, Slovakian and Austrian markets. Unfortunately, from 2020 onwards, the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative impact on our export sales. Whilst exports slowed, there was an increased demand in the domestic market, as our large stocks enabled us to provide a continuous supply of goods. However, now that the pandemic is over, we are once again looking at how we can grow our export sales and establish ourselves within local geographic markets.”
In order to continue to expand and meet the needs of its customers, Visimpex-Hungary is looking to build a new logistics centre, with the company already purchasing land outside of Győr, situed to the north of Hungary close to the boarder with Slovakia.
“In 2003 we built our current logistics centre in the industrial park of Győr, which is halfway between Vienna and Budapest. Since then, we have expanded the facility in two phases so that it now covers an area of around 3,100m 2 . However, the space is once again proving to be too small to work. So much so that since 2022 we have been renting an additional warehouse to accommodate our wide stock range. That is why we have purchased four hectares of land right outside of Győr, near the exit of the motorway that connects Vienna and Budapest. On the site we plan to build one of the most modern technology centres in the central and eastern European region, which will provide customers with even faster and more stable service than today, both within and beyond our borders,” concludes Visimpex-Hungary.
Here Massimo Generali, owner and managing director of FAR Srl, explains how the Italian specialist – based in Bologna, one of the most developed industrial regions in the world – has become a leader within fastening technology.
Founded in 1957, FAR has always been owned by the Generali family and today it boasts a presence in over 75 countries around the world – in very diversified industrial productions and sheet metal working sectors. With an annual turnover of over €22 million, and 132 employees, FAR focuses on the production of all fastening technologies and is ISO 9001 certified and approved by TUV. The company is considered an international leader thanks to its transversal skills on different and complementary products, such as blind rivets, threaded inserts, professional portable tools, assembly line tools, as well as semi-automatic and customised automatic systems.
One of the big focuses for us over recent years has been in the environment. Ever since I was a child FAR has been recognised for its high cleaning status and ‘clinic style’. When it comes to recent investments regarding the environment, we have converted the lightening systems into low energy consumption versions and our heating and cooling systems have been recently upgraded. Within our production, the cleaning processes at the end of the
lines now also include special filters and pumps for the recycling of water, oil and detergents. On top of that, a consistent volume of production is run overnight when demand for energy is lower, which we can do thanks to the high presence of automated technologies in our production.
As a business we are focused, and seen growth, in those sectors where there remains a focus on quality and safety procedures, especially the white goods, haulage and warehouse racking markets.
Our product range can be used in a wide variety of applications, including elevators, metal stairs, solar panels, flight cases, community and military systems, aerospace ground support equipment, maintenance and overhaul, car parking roof protections,
special vehicles and caravans, cockpits, seats and bumpers, ventilations systems, electrical cabinets, façades and roofing for covering buildings, as well as many other installations.
FAR aims to provide customers not only with quality technologies but also with a qualitative service and superior support for the needs of modern organised distribution, especially internationally. That is why we have created a capillary organisation for tool repairs, in Italy and abroad, to provide a flexible, incisive and well structured technical assistance service, as well as the supply of original spare parts – including fast deliveries. FAR also provides a programme of specific training courses on different technologies and for different customer profiles, in particular authorised repairs, system integrators and end users.
FAR is one of the very few global players in the sector that designs all these categories of technologies and proudly produces them in Italy. The DNA of a producer has always been the distinctive feature of FAR. The company has over 115 production machines, which are regularly maintained to ensure excellent quality production in compliance with high efficiency and sustainability standards.
FAR is also re-designing its own range of products with focused investments into automation and special machines, a segment of customised systems that is growing rapidly.
For 2024-25 FAR plans a restyling of some tools with the aim to reduce weight and increase performance. Concerning new tools,
FAR has designed and launched the new KJ46 for rivnuts, which grants the regulation of the force through a pneumatic valve and helps the operator avoid possible damages to tie rods. On the fasteners side, FAR has invested in services for clients, including the CADENAS portal – giving designers the ability to handle fasteners in 3D, before and after the installation.
New fasteners are also regularly under development, with FAR receiving approximately 250 – 350 new product enquiries every year – out of which 15% to 20% are developed.
Czech wholesaler MEKR’S is currently in the process of expanding its warehouse capacity in order to further improve the efficiency of its logistics process and provide a quicker service to customers.
Founded in 1994, MEKR’S s.r.o provides a range of fasteners and anchor equipment from its warehouse in Úpice, and its network of dealers, enabling it to supply services to customers in a wide selection of industries, such as mechanical and electrical engineering, metallurgy, as well as the automotive sector.
Through the current expansion of its warehouse, which is set to be complete in 2024, MEKR’S will add a further 7,500 pallet spaces to its existing capacity of 15,000 pallets. “We strive to stay one step ahead of the competition through innovation and investment, which is why we have decided to invest in increasing our warehousing storage,” explains Jan Melichar, managing director at MEKR’S.
In 2021 the company also acquired Pematex and its retail store network, with MEKR’S planning to develop its retail sales activity. In addition, the Czech wholesaler has continuously expanded its product portfolio to include products such as nails and building hardware, as well as a complete solar programme.
An area in which MEKR’S sees additional opportunities is the digitisation of its internal systems, such as integrating AI into its systems and automating logistics processes. “For instance, in order to further simplify the ordering process for customers we have launched a mobile App, as well as a brand new B2C eShop,”
underlines Jan. “This is in addition to the ongoing development of our B2B eShop, for which we are already realising 60% of sales.”
“At MEKR’S we are always looking at how we can develop the products and service we are providing customers,” highlights Jan. “Through the acquisition, additions to the product portfolio, and warehouse expansion, we will be able to continue to meet and exceed the needs of our customers.”
Yo ur pa r t n e r fo r all f a ste n e r s and f ixin gs !
Fastene r s and Fixin g s From s m all s c re w s to E TA a pp rove d co nst ruc ti o n bo lts From n y l o n p l ug s to seis m i c tested a nc h or s These a re the v isi b le or in v isi b le co nne c ti o ns tha t kee p bu ildin g p ro je c ts tog ethe r. Th ey a re indis p ensa b le links .
For pgb - Eu rop e and pgb - Po lska it is our dail y ai m to p rov ide ou r cu s tom e r s w ith qu alit y p ro d uc ts and a m at c hin g se r v i c e We h ave b een an esta b lished s upp lie r and m an uf a c t u re r of f aste ne r s and f ixin g s for mo re than 60 yea r s .
We b reathe f ixing s ®
More information: www.pgb-europe.com
6th International Trade Fair for Fastener and Fixing Technology
18 th -19 th October 2023, Krakow, Poland
● Conference: „Ecology and economy in the fastener industry –challenges and opportunities”
● Zone of products for the power industry, electrical engineering and renewable energy sources
● Meetings with experts
● Technological innovations
Scan the code and get your free ticket or register at:
We connect buyers from all over the
pgb-Polska, the production subsidiary of nylon and steel anchors for pgb-Europe – a leading supplier and manufacturer of fixings, anchors and tools, is a major eastern European player strongly committed to digitisation and modernisation, with customer service at heart. With recent investments in automated packaging lines and distribution capabilities, pgb-Polska promises high-quality materials with tailored packaging and labels for its customers.
Since 2021, pgb-Polska has increased its storage capacity from 10,000m 2 to 14,000m 2 to better address customer challenges. With an assortment of around 5,000 items constantly available from stock, the company offers a solution for almost every fastening challenge.
Investments in an automatic packaging line have also contributed to the company’s boosted distribution capabilities, a move which allows pgb-Polska’s private label customers to choose the right packaging options, as well as labels tailored to their requirements. “We are able to deliver products in any size of packaging, according to our customers’ demands. Our manufactured products can be packed in custom tailored packages, suited to a customer’s brand,” clarifies pgb-Polska.
Additionally, since 2020, the company has made several expansions to its product range, increasing its offer to customers while simultaneously gaining new markets. pgb-Polska’s range now includes new sizes of frame anchors and insulation plugs, according to market needs. Other additions include new types of fasteners for guttering.
“In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, staying competitive is essential for survival and growth. Investing in new technologies and innovative solutions helps businesses keep up with or surpass their competitors. Innovation often leads to process improvements, automation, and the development of more efficient systems. These enhancements can boost productivity, reduce costs and increase overall profitability,” pgb-Polska believes.
The complete anchoring programme of pgbPolska is distributed under the brand name SMART,
a product family which spans from standard wall plugs to heavy-duty anchors and includes a variety of high-quality and European approved mechanical and chemical anchors. At the company’s production unit in Zabrze, synthetic anchors, such as window plugs, nail plugs, insulation plugs, and universal plugs, are manufactured to the highest standards.
“We strive for high-quality materials through a proper purchasing policy, ensuring compliance with industry standards, such as DIN, ISO or customer specifications. We approve, provisionally approve, or reject suppliers based on their past performance and quality system evaluations. Random inspections of incoming goods are performed, with measurements taken and a standardised report made, depending on the product type. Various tools, such as the Fischerscope, thermo scientific X-rays, pull-out testers, go and no-go gauges, torque testers, sliding gauges, micrometers, hardness meters, profile projectors, and wire gauges are used in our inspections,” explains pgb-Polska.
Alongside being an ISO 9001 certified company, almost all pgb-Polska products have received ETA certification to guarantee safe and durable anchorage. pgb-Polska is also a proud member of the European Consortium of Anchors Producers (ECAP).
Currently, pgb-Polska has installed 550 photovoltaic panels, which amount to a total capacity of 250kW. Through this, the company is attempting to run on autonomous energy as much as possible – while also trying to reduce its carbon footprint. The company states these installations are already bringing results –hence the motivation to continue this reduction in energy costs for a more sustainable future.
Taking into account different ways of galvanisation, the company ensures that its screws are all galvanised with a Chrome-free coating and thus reducing potential pollution with the removal of hazardous substances. In addition, all pgb-Polska screws comply with RoHS guidelines.
pgb-Polska also pays close attention to its shipped goods. With a focus on recyclable packaging, like cardboard, while reducing the use of plastics, the company promotes a more sustainable supply chain. “At pgb-Polska, we keep our promises. ‘Sustainable business’ is not an empty statement. Our commitment to the environment is gradually taking shape.” www.pgb-europe.com
Here we speak to Maciej Strychalski, director of marketing at Klimas Wkręt-met, about how the Polish manufacturer has looked to continue to invest and innovate its wide portfolio of fixing solutions, and business, in order to stay at the forefront of the construction industry.
The magazine last focused on the eastern European fastener market in 2020, what have been the key developments at Klimas Wkręt-met over the last three years?
“The key is always commitment and having the right team as a business so you can build trust. Without trust, it is difficult to talk about development. Klimas Wkręt-met is, despite the size it has managed to achieve, a family company that is invariably guided by values. Among them, trust and respect occupy leading positions. Thanks to this, within three decades we have become known in the market as a manufacturer that provides the highest quality solutions. We have done this by firstly listening to the needs of the market – from DIYers to contractors and architects. We are also consistently pursuing our GO GLOBAL strategy of expanding into global markets. In recent years, we have opened several companies in different parts of the globe, including India and France, and our products today reach nearly 70 countries around the world.”
What investments has Klimas Wkręt-met made in recent years? Why did you decide to make these investments and what are the advantages to the business and to customers?
“An important and necessary step in the company’s development was the construction of a new site in southern Poland, near the city of Częstochowa, which covers a total are of 80,000m 2 . The new site includes four halls, a high storage warehouse, an automated conveyor system, and modern office spaces – enabling the company to spread its wings and, above all, significantly increase production. Today, up to 30 million screws a day come off the Klimas Wkręt-met production lines. Such efficiency is possible thanks in part to the fact that the production halls are equipped with one of the most modern machine parks in Europe, which includes the use of innovative automation and digitalisation across many of the processes.
In addition to the investment and innovation within the business, we have also listened carefully to the needs of international markets. Thanks to this, and the fact that we have our in-house laboratory, we have been able to invest in innovative fastening solutions, such as our latest fastener for fixing thermal insulation – ThermoDrive V-2.
This new generation fastener for fixing polystyrene, mineral wool, and wood wool, has an unprecedented tolerance to the inaccuracies of thickness and surface of insulation and substrates present in the realities of construction. Its creation is the result of a proper diagnosis of the needs of contractors and is thanks to our staff of specialists, whose knowledge and experience has created a truly innovative solution in the field of ETICS systems.”
You mention the new ThermoDrive V-2, what are the other types of products your business is able to manufacture? How do you guarantee the quality of your products?
”We manufacture construction fasteners, meaning screws or connectors, and our portfolio stands at around 6,500 products, including dowels for thermal insulation, frame fixings, SFX quick assembly dowels, as well as fixings for flat roofs or lightweight housing. The portfolio also includes hardened carpentry screws, among which it is worth mentioning two new products that have recently been launched – WKCH and WKCR, which are used to fix metal elements to wood.
To add to this, we are also continuously looking to expand our range, which is why we are in constant contact with our business partners and customers, so we can efficiently respond to their product and market needs.
Last year, we also developed a merchandising system, which we are gradually implementing in Polish, Czech, and Slovak stores. The system, based on ‘colour worlds’, allows the customer to quickly get an idea of the wide range of products presented on the shelves. In addition, pictograms have been added to the packaging, allowing retail customers to easily and quickly select products that serve a
specific purpose, such as hanging a mirror or attaching a TV set. We have also changed the packaging and livery, with the new version better suiting the needs of our customers.”
“First and foremost, we offer our customers and business partners top quality solutions in the field of construction fasteners. In total, we have around 6,500 products in our portfolio, so we cater to various market needs. Such a wide range of products also allows us to become known as one of the best recognised Polish construction brands.
There are several factors that make Klimas Wkręt-met the production leader of central and eastern Europe. With more than 30 years in the market, our customers have become accustomed to the high-quality of our products, which is monitored during the entire production process and tested in the laboratory and workshops of Klimas Wkręt-met. Thanks to this, we can ensure repeatable quality and our status as a manufacturer allows us to have an uninterrupted supply chain even during an unstable geopolitical situation.
It is also not without significance that we treat local retail customers with equal care as we do powerful international contractors or developers. Our high standards of service, the technical support of our consultants, and our strong commitment to our projects, mean that we are not afraid of competition.”
“It’s hard not to notice that all of Europe is in a difficult geopolitical position. Nevertheless, knowing the quality of our products, and the loyalty of our customers, we look to the future with optimism. What has become particularly important in the construction industry in recent years is sustainability and ecology in the broadest sense. Companies are looking for production solutions that will lead them to reducing their carbon footprint and at Klimas Wkręt-met we create solutions that contribute to environmental protection, so it is a perfect opportunity.
When it comes to sustainability, we have already taken into account aspects related to sustainable development, such as during the implementation and construction of our new headquarters. For instance, we heat our premises with the heat recovered from the quenching furnaces, while we recycle the leftovers from the production of plastic fasteners and use them to produce full value products. We are also taking further steps, by studying and modifying both the production process, and the entire company policy, so that we can continuously reduce our carbon footprint.
Another step we have taken is that we coat our products with innovative SQ Ceramic, a lamellar coating characterised by exceptionally effective corrosion protection – despite a relatively thin layer. SQ Ceramic provides 10 times the corrosion protection of electroplated zinc and 2 times that of hot dip galvanising (HDG). It maintains resistance to red corrosion for up to 1,000 hours in a salt chamber, while hot dip galvanising by comparison only offers resistance for 500 hours. Most important in this context, however, is the fact that SQ Ceramic’s formation process does not emit as much CO 2 into the atmosphere as traditional galvanising.
In addition, we strongly share the view that wood is the future of construction. Experts point out that wood is the most sustainable building material, due in part to the relatively small carbon footprint created during the production process. As a good insulator, wood also accounts for a building’s energy
efficiency, due to its low heat transfer rate, and it is also a renewable resource.
It is for these reasons that we actively promote timber construction in Poland and Europe, as we appreciate its environmental friendliness.
Klimas Wkręt-met is well aware that its portfolio must keep up with the changing world, which is why the portfolio includes screws; the quality and parameters of which allow them to be used in wood construction in the broadest sense. For instance, in the case of connections that require tightening of elements, the WKCP and WKCS screws are excellent, while in the case of structural reinforcement and angled connections, the solution from the portfolio will be the WKFC and WKFS screws. This shows that Klimas Wkręt-met and its portfolio, whilst vigilantly monitoring global trends, is ready for the inevitable changes in the construction industry.” www.klimas.com
Driven by a desire to elevate its products, reduce delivery times, and increase production capacity for its customers, Marcopol has invested in its technological capabilities, as well as in strengthening its quality control department.
APolish manufacturer and supplier of fastener and fixing elements, Marcopol has invested in both machinery and experts over recent years – so that it can tailor its solutions and services to various industries. “Thanks to our investments we can offer customers high-quality products at competitive prices and with short delivery times,” states Anastazja Janus, export and foreign markets business development director at Marcopol. “We are fully aware that the current situation in the global market has led to many changes, with one of the most important trends the breaking of traditional supply chains. In response to this crisis, many European companies began looking for alternative supply sources, preferring those that offer a short lead time. As a business, we see great potential for our company in this area, which is why we are intensely focusing on expanding our exports to meet the growing demand of the European market – helping companies to navigate new challenges effectively.”
Through investments in modern machines to produce carpentry screws for wood, with diameters ranging from 6mm to 12mm and lengths from 100mm to 320mm, as well as its strategic plans to expand its heat treatment facility, Marcopol will be able to increase its production capacity and better adapt to the requirements of customers. Furthermore, by strengthening its quality department team, the company will be able to meet the ever increasing challenges in the control and analysis of its products, ensuring that every fastener is a product from experts for experts.
“We have two production plants in Poland, which allow us to flexibly produce fastening elements according to individual customer requirements,” underlines Anastazja. “We have the capability to fulfil special orders, even for short runs, ensuring we can offer low minimum order quantities. Furthermore, our competitiveness is based not only on production but also on a comprehensive advisory infrastructure. Our team, consisting of technologists, quality control specialists, and technical commercial advisors, guarantees support at every stage – from design, through production, to close collaboration with the customer during and after product use. We are keen to collaborate with customers to develop optimal solutions for their needs.”
In response to the needs of its business partners, Marcopol also offers additional services. For those who want to distinguish their product, the company can produce personalised labels and packaging. Additionally, for industries such as furniture, it can provide the assembly of fasteners into dedicated sets. “These services are not just limited to production,” mentions Anastazja. “We are aware of how crucial logistics is in modern business. Therefore, we focus on supporting the client in this area as well, being not just a producer, but also a reliable supplier of fastening elements. This means we can optimise the delivery process, allowing clients to focus on their core activities – saving valuable time. Our aim is to be a partner who understands and responds to the individual needs of every client – regardless of their size and scale.”
Recent needs from customers include meeting environmental issues, which is an area Marcopol pays close attention. “We have implemented numerous solutions in our company aimed at minimising the impact of our activities on the environment, and we also invest in eco-friendly technologies,” highlights Anastazja. “One of the most crucial actions that our company has undertaken is the reduction of CO2 emissions, which we have done in various ways.”
This includes refraining from using large amounts of plastic films, which are difficult to dispose of and consequently contribute to environmental pollution. Instead, the company focuses on alternative solutions, such as using paper bags and environmentally friendly packaging. Marcopol also looks to use eco-friendly fillers for transport boxes and produces it in-house from wastepaper obtained in other logistical processes. To add to this, the company’s vehicle fleet, which consists of 100% hybrid vehicles, uses solutions from ecologic.io, which further allows the business to reduce its impact on the environment.
“At Marcopol, we strive not only for excellence in the production of fasteners, but also for continuous development and adaptation in a rapidly changing business environment,” concludes Anastazja. “Our ‘expert for experts’ approach forms the foundation of our operations, but behind it lie advanced strategies that have kept us at the forefront of fastener manufacturing in central Europe for over 38 years.”
SECO/WARWICK Group has a rich history in industrial heat treatment furnace innovation and is constantly developing – recently implementing innovative, ecological technologies that enable its customers to make pro-environmental changes in their industries.
From its headquarters in Świebodzin, Poland, SECO/ WARWICK has been shaping the global metallurgical and heat treatment industry for decades, delivering industrial furnaces to leading companies in the aviation, automotive, machinery, medical, tooling, power and commercial heat treatment industries.
“At SECO/WARWICK we want to make the world a better and greener place,” states CEO Sławomir Woźniak. “Our ecological approach makes us produce more efficient and more effective products, which translates not only into benefits for our planet, but also financial savings, which is a critical issue for every company.”
Sławomir adds: “We understand the ‘ECO’ prefix in our name as a combination of ecology and economy. This is not a trend for SECO/WARWICK, it is a real need and value thanks to which we will leave the planet in a good condition for the next generation. We believe that working in heavy industry does not have to mean devastation of what is most valuable – the natural environment. Heavy industry has a lot to offer to ecology and that is why we are constantly striving to offer innovative products, as well as care for even the smallest matters –making SECO/WARWICK one of the most pro-ecological companies in the metal heat treatment furnace industry.”
In order to deliver on this ecology promise, SECO/WARWICK is constantly investing in its technology development – with its R&D department, featuring a metallographic laboratory (SECO/LAB), working on solutions that will not only be ecological, but also cost-effective for the company’s customers. “For the regulations protecting the environment to be accepted, they must also bring real profits for the recipients in the financial sphere,” explains Sławomir. “That is why we do not approach SECO/ECO purely ideologically. With each project we make sure that the innovation brings additional advantages – such as shortening the process time, higher efficiency, or lower gas consumption. For us, being greener is also about being a more efficient company, achieving the same results at a lower cost. Our customers appreciate this and it is a typical example
SECO/WARWICK’s product portfolio covers five areas, and the one dedicated to fastener manufacturers includes the company’s signature Vector ® vacuum furnaces. “This is one of the most popular solutions and is perfectly suited to meet fastener companies’ heat treatment challenges and standards,” points out Sławomir. “The heating processes for these materials require extraordinary purity, which is why the presence of two gases is important – argon, used for partial pressure, and nitrogen, used mainly in the cooling process. Very short cooling times are also required in this industry, which is made possible thanks to the 15 bar abs pressure and gas blower utilisation, which are standard features of the Vector ® vacuum furnace.”
Other products from the SECO/WARICK portfolio that are dedicated to the fastener industry include an atmosphere furnace with a rotary retort – providing process flexibility and enabling the system to be used for both single and complex components. “This furnace can be built as a standalone oil quenching or annealing furnace, with a loading system and an integrated quench system, or as part of a complete production line with an annealing furnace, quench, washers, atmosphere generators, analysers, etc,”
mentions Sławomir. “Rotary retort atmosphere furnaces are used to process a variety of small items, such as bolts, nuts, screws, nails, washers, and coins. These furnaces are ideal for controlled atmospheres during quenching, nitriding and carburising in the temperature range of 840˚C to 955˚C. The furnace lines are also pre-designed in standard sizes, with production capacities from 225kg to 450kg.”
The final group of furnaces valued by the fastener industry are mesh belt furnaces, designed for heat and thermochemical treatment of small parts, as they provide homogeneous, repeatable technological results. “Mesh Belt solutions can be offered with both heating systems, electric or gas, and offer numerous advantages including low energy consumption, long muffle life and minimum part deformation risk,” adds Sławomir.
As a global company, SECO/WARWICK is able to fulfil orders all over the world. “Thanks to the cooperation between the companies belonging to the Group, we can efficiently not only deliver the furnaces themselves, but also execute service actions on a regular basis,” concludes Sławomir. “SECO/WARWICK is the first choice among metal heat treatment furnace suppliers and our solutions are in over 70 countries at leading businesses within the aviation, energy and automotive industries, as well as fastener manufacturers who find quality and reliability in our furnaces.”
With a wealth of experience and a track record of thousands of successful implementations, we are your experts for heat-treating technology We don't just offer solutions – we craft them, aligning with our customer's unique needs and exceeding expectations. We are your heat treatment partners.
Check out our solutions for the fastener market:
Mesh Belt – The furnace designed for heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment of small parts in the temperature range from 840°C to 955°C.
Rotary Retort – A solution designed to improve production and maintain the consistent heat treating and quench performance required for high-performance small parts like bearings and fasteners.
VECTOR® High Pressure Gas Quench – The single-chamber vacuum furnace that offers a wide variety of heat-treating process options.
Our service team offers consistent worldwide technical assistance aided by remote services. Count on us for seamless operation and support, wherever you are.
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Valenta has placed further focus on special lengths of threaded rods and long threaded parts, with the company making several investments over the last twelve months in order to meet the needs of its customers.
Established in 1995, Valenta ZT has become an important supplier for customers in the distribution chain of standard fasteners, supplying not only to the construction industry, but also to other sectors such as engineering, power engineering and civil engineering.
In the early 2000s, the company made the decision to start manufacturing threaded rod – as there was not much available on the market in the Czech Republic. Rather than manufacture the standard range of threaded rods, where there was a lot of competition, Valenta decided to focus on manufacturing the niche threaded rod products.
“We imported the larger volumes of standard threaded rod and instead focused on other grades like 5.6, 5.8, 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9, as well as specials such as trapezoidal threaded spindles and drawing parts, as well as larger diameters and lengths,” points out Štěpán Valenta, owner of Valenta. “We have also had a long-term focus on special lengths of threaded rods and have been able to supply good quality products with short lead times and at competitive prices. The standard lengths of threaded rods are one, two and three meters, but when we speak about special lengths they can be as short as 20mm and up to 6 meters, sometimes even longer.”
For the threaded rod its produces, Valenta uses thread rolling processes, as it finds this has many advantages – including an increase in strength by means of cold forming; very good surface roughness values; as well as high dimensional accuracy. “As part of our production we can offer thread rolling, cutting, bending, cold drawing, as well as CNC machining, which enables us to meet our customers’ needs,” mentions Štěpán. “If a customer
cannot find what they need within our portfolio, we can also work alongside them to offer customised production.”
To further improve the efficiency of its production, Valenta has recently added a fully automated line for blank preparation –with capacity ranging from 12mm to 66mm. “This new line helps reduce the need for manual labour, whilst greatly increasing the product quality, shortening production times, as well as providing more output and flexibility,” mentions Štěpán.
In addition, the company has also added an automated bar straightening machine, which not only reduces the cost of straightening but brings the product quality to new levels, as it provides complete control over the straightness of every processed part.
Valenta has also looked to invest in the production of special parts, such as trapeziodal thread spindles. “Trapeziodal thread spindles are actually linear movement components that fit to power transmission technology rather than fasteners,” explains Štěpán. “These are complex products with a range of possible requirement – such as straightness, pitch accuracy, surface roughness, tight diameter tolerances – and we have invested a lot of resources into the production of this product in order to guarantee the very highest quality.”
The key range of products available from Valenta includes standardised fasteners such as screws, bolts, nuts, washers, threaded rods, as well as timber connectors, pole anchors, fence components and nuts. “Most of the standard DIN products we import from Asia,” explains Štěpán. “We have built very good partnerships with the suppliers and we regularly check the quality of the products, as well as the production processes that are used.”
Štěpán continues: “When we first started producing threaded rod, we committed ourselves to the highest quality and this includes not only the products we produce, but also the products we import.”
Through its commitment to quality, manufacturing capability, and production range, Valenta has been able to establish itself within the market – with more than 90% of its products being sold to customers across Europe.
“Being based in the Czech Republic means we are actually very central within Europe and so we can cover a lot of different markets very easily,” mentions Štěpán. “Ten years ago exports accounted for around 30% of sales, but it now accounts for 60% and there is still further opportunity to grow. Our largest market is the Czech Republic, then come the neighbouring countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Austria and then other countries as well. We also have customers in other continents, but our main business remains in Europe.”
Štěpán concludes: “Thanks to our investment in our production we can provide a wide range of products, both in-house and imported – ensuring more flexibility with orders and reduce lead times. We look forward to continuing to develop as a company and supplying customers with the products, service and quality they have come to expect from Valenta.”
Thanks to continuous investment and modernisation to its Łańcut factory machine park, Koelner Rawlplug can guarantee the highest quality for its products – whilst incorporating sustainable practices to become a responsible business partner. Here, the company outlines the processes and innovations that makes it a leading manufacturer of fasteners in Europe.
The magazine last focused on the eastern European fastener market in 2020, what have been the key developments at your company since then?
“Investments in modernisation and development of our production are a key part of our long-term strategy as a company. As part of our development strategy, we are constantly working on further growing our production capacity of cold forged parts, by investing in new state of the art machines.
We are expanding our possibilities of manufacturing more complex parts, with additional operations such as turning, drilling, tapping and milling. All these operations can be performed in the Łańcut factory with our new and still growing CNC machining department, equipped with modern robotic machinery and a capacity of up to ten million pieces per year.
In the last decade, we have focused on modernising our machine park, investing in a thorough renovation of all manufacturing divisions, as well as the retrofitting of the existing equipment. By continuing to strategically invest in this modern machine park, and innovative production processes, we hope to meet increasing customer demands and attract more interesting projects.
We are also constantly working on growing the company’s product portfolio and manufacturing capabilities, with special focus on more technologically advanced, special parts.”
“The Koelner Rawlplug bolt factory in Łańcut specialises in the production of custom bolts, tailored to individual customer requirements. Most of the parts manufactured here are technologically advanced products, the recipients of which are world leaders in the automotive industry. In Łańcut we also produce bolts for many other sectors of the economy, such as the power industry or the construction industry.
Bolts with the ‘ŁF’ marking can therefore be found not only in cars, but also in agricultural and industrial machines, pressure equipment, steel structures and wind power plants. Each of these industries has its own specific requirements, and thanks to modern machinery, as well as research and development facilities, this production plant is able to meet them.
At Łańcut, we produce various parts from M5 to M24, with available lengths from 5mm to 260mm, depending on the shape of a specific element. We are also able to manufacture bolts in mechanical strength classes from 4.8 to 16.8.
We are one of the few companies on the market able to perform most of the production processes in-house. The constantly modernised and expanding machine park currently consists of 50 state of the art cold forging machines – able to produce more than 350 bolts per minute; 4 heat treatment lines in accordance with CQI-9 specifications; and a machining department for turning, drilling, threading and milling – which also includes modern, fully automatic CNC robots. These specialised machines and production lines are complemented by a wide offer of protective coatings, selected depending on the required corrosion resistance and intended use of the products – available thanks to the coating company operating on the premises.
The ability to perform all production processes in-house gives us independence, full control over all stages of the process and absolute certainty of maintaining the highest quality of the final product. While most of our production consists of ‘made to order’ parts, manufactured according to customer requirements, we have also broadened our offer by adding HV and SB bolts, available directly from our warehouse. The EN 14399 sets, available from M12 to M36, are one of the fastest developing products in our sales portfolio.
Most importantly, we do not simply offer another product like many others on the market – we provide a comprehensive solution, supplemented by full after-sales service. For instance, for the HV and SB sets, we can offer active technical support in the challenges related to the design and assembly of steel structures. Additionally, we have published a comprehensive user
guide on HV and SB bolts and created our own assembly guide for EN 15048:2007 products to provide our customers with support in choosing correct assembly parameters.
We understand that the connections made with our bolts must be reliable, with no room for compromise. In heavy snow, fog or rain our HV sets are resistant to even the harshest weather conditions, making them a safe choice even in the most challenging constructions, such as wind turbines at sea or bridges.
A team of qualified engineers and quality control specialists also ensure the high-quality of products and processes. The well equipped research and laboratory facilities in Łańcut include metallographic, measurement and chemical laboratories. A comprehensive range of tests carried out in our laboratories allow us to confirm the highest quality and compliance of processes and products with the relevant standards.”
“A business should not only be profitable, but also responsible. This is why we consider the well-being of our planet, its inhabitants, and our employees, in every business decision. We are ISO 14001 compliant, the most widely recognised international standard for environmental management systems. Its correct implementation is confirmed annually, through a positive certification audit. In accordance with this system, we continuously monitor the company’s environmental impact and implement solutions aimed at minimising our negative impact.
We are also looking to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, as we calculate our carbon footprint for scope 1 and scope 2. In 2022, we managed to reduce our emissions in the Łańcut factory by 4.4% from the previous year. Our goal is to learn the exact carbon footprint of our products at every stage of their lifecycle.
We are also expanding our solar power production capacity, as last year Rawlplug Group installed an additional 6,440m 2 of new PV installations around our production facilities. We are planning to add more PV panels and further increase the share of renewable energy. By installing LED lighting, we are also lowering our energy consumption. Plus, our natural gas consumption has been reduced – we used three times less natural gas in 2022 compared to 2021.
Our other projects include increasing water retention by implementing rainwater harvesting. We are also utilising our onsite sewage treatment plant and seeking solutions to increase the amount of recycled water. Using bailing presses, we are minimised the volume of waste, which allows us to adapt waste to direct recycling. Also, we are refraining from mowing green areas around our facilities and maintaining meadows that provide shelter for pollinating insects and helps retain rainwater in the soil.
Most importantly, we are looking to the future with further investments, including alternative energy sources as part of the company’s strategy, combined with the pursuit of maximum manufacturing independence – with care for the natural environment. The long-term measures underlying these efforts translate into the day-to-day work of all departments across the company, joining forces to create a well thought out sustainability strategy.”
Litnaglis has recently undertaken an investment drive in order to further improve key areas within its production department, including a new manufacturing facility, the introduction of numerous machines and production lines, as well as a new warehouse for its wire coils.
Based in Plungė, Lithuania, Litnaglis has established itself as a professional manufacturer of EPAL and construction steel nails in various lengths, diameters and head styles. The company’s diverse product range caters to the construction, packaging and pallet manufacturing industries, and includes EPAL nails, common nails, duplex nails, wire collated, plastic collated coil nails, as well as plastic and paper strip nails. These products are available in various shanks, heads, nail point types and coatings – providing customers with ample choices to suit their specific needs.
In order to continue producing the highest quality nails, Litnaglis started an investment strategy in 2020, which has seen it make significant improvements to its capabilities. Firstly, the company expanded its machinery assortment by acquiring 11 plastic strip nail machines, 5 wire nail manufacturing machines, as well as adding another wire drawing line to the existing two lines already in place. Furthermore, the company has invested in a new packaging machine, which enables accurate and efficient packing of nails for customers; a nail quality testing machine that utilises high-tech lasers and enables Litnaglis to separate defective nails from good nails; and a new nail welding machine, which is capable of welding hot dip galvanised nails into coils. In line with the machinery expansion, the business has constructed a new manufacturing facility and is currently working on a storage warehouse specifically designed to protect wire rod from environmental factors.
“Over the past three years, we have made substantial investments in nail machinery and product quality management,” states Martynas Vauras, marketing manager at Litnaglis. “We recognised an opportunity to scale our business and we have embraced the challenge with meticulous planning and strategic thinking. Despite the hurdles we faced, we have been able to successfully increase our production from 2,800 tonnes to 4,500 tonnes per month within a two year period. We are especially proud of this achievement given the scarcity of specialists and skilled operators in the nail manufacturing sector.”
To address this issue, Litnaglis has also established a comprehensive training centre for new employees, ensuring they have received three months of training before independently working on machinery. As the production volume has grown, the business has also bolstered its team of quality managers to ensure complete oversight of the production processes and to guarantee impeccable product quality.
“The primary advantages for our customers of these investments is they know they will be receiving 100% quality products at shorter lead times,” highlights Martynas. “In the fastener business, innovation is paramount for sustained success. Constantly upgrading equipment and providing continuous training to workers enables us to work in the most efficient way possible. As a business we regularly analyse processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to save time –because, as cliché as it may sound, time truly equals money.”
Martynas continues: “At Litnaglis, we offer decades of experience in the fastener industry and take pride in providing valuable advice, especially to those in pallet or packaging manufacturing businesses – helping them with equipment related challenges and choosing the most suitable products for their projects. Our team of talented customer service professionals possess strong problem solving skills and can assist clients with any issues they may encounter throughout the process. Additionally, our competent sales team and sophisticated logistics network enable us to deliver goods globally within a 2 – 3 week timeframe. When purchasing nails from Litnaglis, our clients can rest assured that they will receive top quality products. We never compromise on the manufacturing process or the high-quality raw materials – as we source them from trusted suppliers. We maintain close partnerships with companies providing us with the best components necessary to uphold our stringent quality standards.”
In the last three years Domax has made significant developments in many areas, including enlarging its product range, expanding into new markets, as well as improving its production and logistics processes.
Polish-based Domax Sp z.o.o is a manufacturer of wood connectors and can supply a wide portfolio of products including screws, anchors, hinges, latches and brackets. It also has a wide range of garden fittings – available in different coatings such as hot dip galvanised, electrogalvanised, powder painted, etc – and has recently added several new post supports to offer even more options to customers. For its core range of wood connectors, Domax has also introduced a variety of new products – available in different thicknesses and materials.
“We are continuously developing our production of carpentry screws and are always looking to introduce innovations that make it even easier to screw into wood,” explains Paweł Szczepaniec, head of marketing at Domax. “For instance, we have implemented a new double thread tip point to our screws, which offers a better installation process.”
In order to be closer to its customers, Domax has also invested in staff, with new sales representatives in several European countries able to visit customers every day and offer service of the highest level. Plus, the company recently made a strategic investment in the development of an innovative B2B sales platform. “The new platform facilitates smoother interactions,
streamlined ordering processes and improved access to product information,” highlights Karol Gliszczyński, international sales director at Domax. “This results in an elevated customer experience, making it easier for clients to engage with Domax and make informed purchasing decisions. The platform also generates valuable data on customer preferences, behaviours and trends –giving insights that can help guide strategic decisions and enable us to tailor our offerings to align with market demands.”
For Domax these investments and innovation are absolutely crucial and form the cornerstone of its business strategy. “Both elements play integral roles in driving growth, competitiveness and long-term sustainability,” states Paweł. “Investments are vital for Domax because they enable us to secure the necessary resources for expansion, development and operational efficiency.”
Karol adds: “These strategic investments not only ensure that the company remains current and competitive within its industry, but also helps to take advantage of emerging opportunities. Innovation also helps drive the creation of new products, services, and solutions, that meet changing customer needs and preferences.”
Polish manufacturer Solvera has taken the next step in its growth strategy with the company opening an office and distribution centre in the USA to serve the North American and Mexican markets, which it has highlighted as perspective growth markets.
Over the last 40 years, Solvera Gawel Technology S.A has established itself as a specialist in the field of fastener production and, over the last few years, has doubled its production capacity in order to continue to meet the needs of its customers.
Today, Solvera’s factory includes over 80 modern presses and 20 multi-operational machines, as well as over 60 thread rolling machines, which enable the company to produce a wide range of over 300 million pieces per month, from 1.7mm to 12mm in diameter, including bolts, self-forming and selftapping screws, screws for wood and plastics, as well as rivets and pins. These products are available in all types of materials, including carbon steel and stainless steel.
“We have high-quality, modern and efficient machines and our investments have allowed us to bring almost all production processes in-house,” explains Dariusz Kluz, CEO
digitalisation as part of Industry 4.0, with our aim to have one of the most modern factories in the market – allowing us to offer customers the best possible solutions.”
To add to its production capabilities, Solvera is also able to provide technical support for its customers, including its own R&D centre and fully equipped laboratory, which ensure it finds the most optimal fastening solution for every customer.
“After the events in the market over recent years, we are seeing more and more customers looking for local manufacturers within Europe in order to secure their supply chain of fasteners,” states Dariusz. “Thanks to the investments we have already made, we are in a strong position to meet the needs of these customers and we have further investment plans for the future in order to continue to grow our capacity and go on meeting every requirement.”
Transformed supply chains; the war in Ukraine, increased production costs; the introduction of CBAM; competition with countries with low production costs; investments in innovation and new technologies – these are the topics that manufacturers and distributors will discuss during FASTENER POLAND ®, the international trade fair of fastener and fixing technology, which will take place on 18 th – 19th October 2023 at EXPO Kraków, with a theme of ecology.
FASTENER POLAND ® is a key forum for exchanging experiences, learning about new products, as well as building effective trade relations between companies from around the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown very clearly that face-to-face meetings cannot be replaced in business, with FASTENER POLAND ® back to its pre-pandemic position.
In October, over 150 companies from 15 countries will present their companies and capabilities – presenting the most modern industrial fasteners and fittings (from screws, through rivets to nuts, pins or wedges), construction fasteners (anchors, concrete screws, fixing façades and insulation), advanced assembly and installation systems, as well as technologies for the production of fasteners and devices for their storage and distribution.
For 2023, FASTENER POLAND ® organisers have directed the promotional campaign especially to industries with the greatest potential, such as photovoltaics, automotive, aviation, and the medical industry, which all have increasing demands for all types of fasteners and fixings. “For instance, Poland is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the size of the photovoltaic market. In Europe, only Germany and Spain are ahead of us in this regard. The industry records continuous sales increases and is developing dynamically. Therefore, the demand for components is growing, in particular for specialised and quality fasteners,” explains FASTENER POLAND ®’s organisers. “The fasteners market responds to these needs by designing and delivering the best solutions – with enhanced resistance to difficult conditions in which solar systems are used. Several dozen manufacturers will present their solutions in a special zone at the show dedicated to this industry.”
In addition to inviting exhibitors and visitors to FASTENER POLAND ®, the organisers have created a programme that combines business travel with leisure –Trend Bleisure (a word created from the combination of the words ‘business’ and ‘leisure’).
“Participants of the fair will be inspired by a map of attractions,
which will include recommended accommodation, local restaurants, monuments, historic places and cultural centres,” mentions the organisers. “Since there is no shortage of interesting places in Kraków, we are sure that some customers will extend their stay to take in everything the city has to offer.”
A list of exhibitors, trade fair novelties, free registration for guests, hotel offers, as well as a list of recommended restaurants and places worth visiting, can be found on the show website.
Kraków, Poland
18 Oct – 19 Oct 2023
6th edition of the international trade fair for fastener and fixing technology.
Husum, Germany
12 Sep – 15 Sep 2023
Wind energy trade fair.
SchraubTec West
Bochum, Germany
13 Sep 2023
German regional trade fairs for screw connections.
Stuttgart, Germany
26 Sep – 28 Sept 2023
Leading international trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning.
Hardware + Tools Middle East
Dubai, UAE
2 Oct – 4 Oct 2023
Tools, hardware, materials and machinery.
UK Construction Week
Birmingham, UK
3 Oct – 5 Oct 2023
The UK’s largest construction event.
International Fastener Expo
Las Vegas, USA
9 Oct – 11 Oct 2023
Fastener manufacturers, distributors and users.
Friedrichshafen, Germany
17 Oct – 21 Oct 2023
International trade fair for plastics processing.
Taiwan Hardware Show
Taichung, Taiwan
18 Oct – 20 Oct 2023
Tools, building materials/DIY and houseware products.
International Hardware Fair India
New Delhi, India
2 Dec – 4 Dec 2023
Hardware and DIY sector.
The Big 5 Dubai
4 Dec – 7 Dec 2023
An event for the construction industry with its global hub in Dubai acting as the gateway between east and west.
Basel, Switzerland
16 Jan – 19 Jan 2024
National construction fair.
BUDMA – International Construction Fair
Poznań, Poland
30 Jan – 2 Feb 2024
Building technology, equipment and materials.
Here we speak to Johannes Wilfried Huber, senior vice-president for the diamond systems business at Hilti Group, as well as a member of the executive management team, about the crucial role of productivity and process improvements within the construction sector and how Hilti can provide solutions and support.
Our last interview with Hilti was in September 2022. What have been the key developments for the business over the last twelve months? What are the current challenges within the market and where do you see opportunities?
“Over the last 12 months there have been several internal changes, including the appointment of new CEO Jahangir Doongaji – who has been running the business since the beginning of the year. At the same time, we launched our new group strategy, ‘Lead 2030’, which is now defining our targets until 2030.
Other key developments include the successful conclusion of our biggest product launch ever – the cordless platform Nuron –which was rolled out globally. We have also recently announced another big software acquisition in the form of 4PS Group, a company that is focused on ERP systems. This is an important step
towards our digital transformation of the construction industry.
Regarding challenges, there are certainly enough. The rise in interest rates is not helping investment sentiment, especially in the residential sector, which leads to pressure in the market. There is also still a significant shortage of skilled labour and the availability of workers is a big topic. There are also still a lot of geo-political risks around us, which we will continue to monitor.
However, there is still good news within the market, with some good opportunities. The supply market is certainly back to ‘normal’ and some sectors are also doing very well, such as infrastructure, energy, renovation, etc – with good market development.
Last but not least, the pressure in the construction industry right now – driven by the shortage in labour and increasing inflation – is leading to more of a focus on productivity and process improvements and how to make the construction industry more effective.”
How important is continuous productivity and process improvement? What steps has Hilti taken in this area?
“The purpose of Hilti is to make construction better and productivity is at the core of this. A vital part of our ability to help customers improve their productivity and process improvement is our direct sales force, as they work directly with our customers every day. Thanks to this presence, we have the opportunity to really understand our customers’ requirements and also their challenges, which we can then bring back into product development and developing innovative solutions. The direct sales team can then take these innovations to the customers and show, and explain, how the new products provide the perfect answer.
We are very proud that we are able to bring productivity improvements to not only our hardware solutions, but also to customers through our service offerings. This is how Hilti was established in 1941 and how we have developed over the 82 years. Through the addition of new service offerings, such as fleet management – where we take care of the complete tool park of our customers – and more recently our expanding and growing software portfolio, we can offer solutions to our customers to manage their assets far beyond the Hilti relevant product categories.
We want to develop productivity significantly beyond our hardware and really help drive the productivity of our customers’ business processes. We are already working with customers on this aspect and we are receiving some excellent feedback, as we are helping them drive their digital transformation to work on process improvements.
We are very proud that we are able to bring productivity improvements to not only our hardware solutions, but also to customers through our service offerings.”
By helping our customers run their businesses more competitively, it helps them to improve their market position, as well as enabling them to make more money and grow. By being part of that we can form a strong long-term relationship.”
“When it comes to the implementation of automation and robotics in the construction sector it is not as straight forward, as it can be for a lot of other markets and sectors. Within the construction sector there are not many standardised processes, no two projects are the same. You have different types of solutions and the types of parties involved in similar projects can also be different. This makes it hard to standardised and industrialise construction.
However, there are some processes on job sites that you can either optimise or automate using robotics. For instance, that is why Hilti has introduced the Jaibot – a semi-autonomous mobile ceiling drilling robot that can help MEP installation contractors tackle productivity, safety and labour shortage challenges. The Jaibot carries out its tasks based on Building Information Modelling (BIM) data and is a completely cordless and easy to use system that doesn’t require expert skills.
If I look at my own portfolio, within diamond systems, we are also automating diamond coring machines, as well as diamond sawing machines, in order to drive the productivity of our customers through automation.
Finally, we also believe exoskeletons are a step into this direction as well, as they are able to support the workforce on the path to more robotic solutions. Exoskeletons are a very new topic for the construction industry, driven by the fact there are a lot of older workers or workers that suffer from bad health due to the manual aspect of the roles.
The exoskeletons are support systems that users can wear to make the work easier and to take the load away from the body –making work less tiring and safer. For example, the first product we have launched is the overhead exoskeleton, which supports customers whilst they work on ceilings above them. This exoskeleton, with its support structure, actually brings the load from the arms to the hips – helping to take the load away from the shoulders.
At Hilti we are looking to invest in all of these areas, to drive the productivity of our customers and also the attractiveness of the construction market for current and potentially new employees.”
“BIM is undoubtedly a significant part of the digital transformation and is a key part of introducing robotics onto job sites. Also, when you have a BIM system there is more information available – what to order, when to order, etc. You can also plan and execute your job sites more efficiently.
We believe that BIM will become even more prominent within the sector, which is why we have invested in a few different aspects. For example, we have a BIM Experience Centre in the Netherlands – where we invite customers and show them how they can transfer from a ‘paper world’ into a ‘digital world’ and how to make it tangible as a business. By having the centre we make it easier for customers to understand what it means for them and their customers to use BIM and how we at Hilti can help them during the process.
In addition to the BIM Experience Centre, we also have specialists in the field that help customers transfer data models into BIM systems to facilitate the move to a ‘digital world’. This allows for more pre-production, such as cutting and kitting, and helps bring everything to the job site in a much more organised manner.
Combined, the BIM Experience Centre helps customers to visualise what the digital future can look like and the onsite support is there to then help them transfer to the new digital system.”
What role does maintenance and preventive maintenance play in ensuring high levels of productivity?
“Within Hilti, preventive maintenance is standard. We always maintain our machines in production in times of low utilisation, so that when we go into phases of high utilisation, we have 100% up time and maximum output.
Regarding helping our customers with their preventive maintenance for power tools, it proves to be a bit more complicated, because a lot of the repairs we see are hard to predict, which is why our fleet management service is the solution. The fleet management system enables our customers to run their businesses with a leaner amount of assets – because with fleet management our customers don’t have to wait for a repair, they send us the tool and we can give them a loan tool to bridge the time, ensuring 100% up time and productivity.
As part of the fleet management, we also have the assets management software ON!Track – where we look to help our customers recognise the usage of assets and capital employed. By giving them a system to manage this more efficiently, the customer gets a better overview of what they have and they can judge more precisely what they need. In many cases we see that customers can run their businesses with a leaner set of assets, which again drives their productivity.”
You are responsible for the diamond systems business at Hilti Group. What recent developments have there been within Hilti’s diamond tools range? How has the range changed and how do you see this business area developing in the future?
“The most interesting development is the move towards cordless, especially with our Nuron range, which was rolled out globally in just 15 months. This was a huge endeavour for us as the range included over 70 innovations and launching the portfolio globally took a lot of work.
The special aspect of the Nuron range is that it has a battery system that has enough power and performance, and battery reach, to drive more high power solutions also within the diamond systems business unit. This is a great opportunity, as we are the only company in the market that can run diamond applications off a 22V platform, and without any compromise on performance or battery reach.
A good example is that we recently launched some battery cutters that provide the same performance as the comparable gas powered tools. This means that not only are we providing CO 2 free solutions, but any issues regarding two stroke engines are all gone.
For the Nuron range we develop both the hardware and the inserts in-house, which means we have been able to optimise the system. This is really important as for battery tools the available energy is limited and we therefore need to guarantee the system is completely optimised in order to have the same capabilities as traditional tools.
The next step for the Nuron range is to continue to outline to customers, and potential customers, the capabilities of the tools. When we say the battery tools have the same performance as the traditional two stroke engine tools, some customers are unsure
or they believe that it will be only for a few minutes and then the battery will run out. That is where having our direct sales force, who go on-site and can show the customers the products and give demonstrations, is a real positive for us. They can show that the tools have the capability to reach the same performance level and the battery reach is very good. This is how we have been getting customers to move away from their traditional technology and move to this new technology.
Another key area for us within diamond systems is providing virtually dust free job sites for our customers. That is why we are strongly expanding our portfolio of vacuum cleaners, both on the corded and cordless side. Beyond this, we have also introduced the first job site suitable air cleaners, which are light and transportable. There are always applications you cannot address with a vacuum cleaner, such as renovation job sites, where you cannot catch all the dust. That is where these new air cleaners can help.
We want to be the one partner that provides all the products and services our customers need and through our wide portfolio of products, direct sales team, and ability to support companies with productivity and process improvements, as well as additional value-added services, we can create long-lasting partnerships with customers and help the construction sector take the next step in its development.”
On 30 th March 2022 the European Commission (EC) published the draft of a new Construction Product Regulation (CPR). The draft document covers all construction products technically specified via harmonised European Standards (hEN) and European Assessment Documents (EAD).
The intention of the EC is to further develop the construction market in Europe towards more digital and environmentally friendly concepts – while maintaining a level playing field, e.g ensure a high level of harmonisation across member states.
The political process for the CPR in the meantime has progressed substantially. The draft CPR released by the EC has been reviewed and commented on by the EP (European Parliament) and by a Working Group of the European Council, which provides a consolidated input from member states. The final phase for releasing the CPR is called the trilog, which is the process to develop a compromise text for each and every article in the CPR. As of today, the trilog is planned to be finished towards the end of 2023 in order to allow the CPR to be released before the upcoming EU elections in spring 2024.
One important achievement is that, according to all three positions, the route to CE Marking based on European Technical Assessments (ETA) for products or intended uses, which are not (fully) covered by a harmonised European Standard (hEN), will be maintained.
Taking a closer look at the ETA related part of construction products, it can be noticed that the issuing of product ETAs is fast and efficient as soon as the respective EAD is published in the OJEU. For new or updated EAD this is not the case because those documents – after their final adoption by EOTA – are not published until months or years later, despite clear deadlines for publication (just a few weeks) in the existing CPR. Manufacturers therefore have found themselves in a situation where ETAs have been issued, which triggers the mandatory CE
Marking, but – from a pure legal point of view – CE Marking is not possible as the publication of the EAD in the OJEU is still missing. Despite such legal uncertainties, the availability of an ETA with high credibility for end users provides a value for the companies already in this phase. The major pain point for the industry is the unpredictability of the publishing date, which leads to legal uncertainty, major delays of market introduction of new products and the respective financial losses.
The detailed needs from industry on the general legal framework CPR is given in Figure One.
Key driver for hEN/EAD development should be: Ensure safety in construction, support productivity gain in all construction process
Strong support for technical harmonisation in construction
Do not eliminate respected and successful existing documents / allow continuity from past technical achievements and successes
Improve cooperation/communication of EU administration for the benefit of generating solutions
Establish real reliable, predictable and transparent processes for harmonised technical specifications (timing, decisions)
Stimulate innovation
Allow agile processes and documents to undergo changes as technology progresses (modulare concept EAD, change management concepts)
The current status (as of August 2023) of the CPR document will impact the ETA driven product qualification in some key areas:
1. The validity of ETAs is now limited to 10 years. This will lead to possible additional costs for reissuing the ETA on one hand, but also force a quality check after years of application and technical progress.
2. The European Assessment Documents (EAD) will also be limited for 10 years. This may create confusion towards the end of the 10 year period with manufacturers because of limited predictability. In the marketplace we also may see more than one version of ETA related to the same product type and same intended use.
3. The issuing of the first ETA, based on a newly developed or updated EAD, will only be possible after the respective citation of the EAD in the OJEU. Based on current experience with deadlines of publication (up to years instead of weeks requested in the existing CPR) expected from the European Commission, this will substantially delay the market introduction of new products in the construction sector. The expected delay and the unpredictability of EAD publication will make the ETA route unattractive for the industry. As a result, some manufacturers may prefer to apply for national product qualification documents in selected member states –because the predictability for publication is perceived to be much higher. This is clearly a momentum of deharmonisation, which is against the general targets of the EC.
4. Beyond this aspect the further delay of the publication will reduce the very sensitive topic of confidentiality on the EAD development. In future, manufacturers that applied for an ETA for a new product of intended use, which triggers the development of a new EAD, will be concerned to lose their advantage during the extended phase before their ETA is
issued. Reduced trust in confidentiality will again make the ETA route less attractive.
5. Last but not least, the current procedure to issue a first ETA before a new EAD is cited in the OJEU provides a final ‘reality check’ of the EAD content based on the experience gained with this first ETA. This check will be missed in future if the sequence is changed due to the CPR draft.
In summary the current status of the CPR development will bring few improvements and clarity to the ETA route for product qualification in Europe. On the other hand, the lack of predictability on timing – this estimation is based on more than 10 years of experience of unkept deadlines for publication – and the further delay of first ETA issuing, based on a new EAD, will most probable make the ETA route less attractive for the industry. This potentially will trigger a revitalisation of national product qualification streams and ends up in deharmonisation.
It is hoped by the authors that the identified critical dimensions in the draft CPR will be resolved during the trilog process in the months to come.
Manufacturers therefore found themselves in a situation where ETAs have been issued, which triggers the mandatory CE Marking, but CE Marking is not possible...”
Before getting to the subject of the title, I feel I have to do a quick summary of the previous articles on this topic – ‘Repetita juvant – repeating does good’, as the Romans would say, and I agree that it helps to continue to raise awareness.
The proposal for the new Construction Products Regulation is in the pipeline, with the final text expected by the end of the year. At the same time, the Member States, and the European Commission, are working to unblock the publication of the standards in the OJEU – The Official Journal of the European Union.
This work is called ‘CPR Acquis’ and can be followed from the European Commission website 1 . Here are the main concepts, explained with the words of the European Commission: ‘Simultaneously with the impact assessment and the preparation of a new CPR proposal, the Commission initiated dialogue with EU countries to plan for and organise future work to adapt the acquis (i.e the harmonised standards, the European assessment documents and the legal acts of the European Commission). Adapting the acquis is necessary in any case and irrespective of the final form the revision may take.
The original process for delivering harmonised technical specifications under the Construction Products Directive (CPD), and continued under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), lacks
coherence. The evaluation of the CPR also states that the current process of developing technical specifications is underperforming.
Existing harmonised technical specifications are mostly incomplete as they are CPD-based and fail to address the specificities of the CPR. To a large extent, they do not even cover most of the basic work requirements (BWR) set out in Annex I to the CPR. As a result, several product groups that could benefit from harmonisation are not covered at all, and those that are have incomplete coverage’.
What is our role in all this? Stakeholders are ‘invited to contribute’ to the process but, in fact, basically, the adaptation of the Acquis goes through Member States. The goal is to ensure that the legal basis for the standards contains all products and
The proposal for the new Construction Products Regulation is in the pipeline, with the final text expected by the end of the year.”
related characteristics that will be covered in the standards. The industry can suggest, but it is the Member States that have to vote.
For decades we were contributing at European level to the drafting of technical specifications on post-installed fasteners. But now, in the corridors of the European Commission, engineers who were used to dealing with the technical specifications of construction products shake their heads and feel lost, hissing between their teeth “lawyers, lawyers”. It is indeed the Member States’ lawyers and law makers that play the main rule now, and they should really play it well, to ensure a smooth recovery of standardisation in our sector. They have to ensure that a Member State should no longer be allowed to block a European standard because it does not contain or is incompatible with its national legal bases.
This blockage has unfortunately been going on for years and it is one of the aspects of the impasse of standardisation in the construction sector. One wonders where the Member States were when these legal bases were debated and voted on by their leaders in the past decades. Anyway, here we are, and once the new legal bases are ready, they will form the legal basis for harmonised standards in future years. However, because harmonised standard must be compatible with their legal basis, these should be ideally written before the standards – which was proven to be almost impossible.
Today we are doing the reverse process. There are many standards that have been technically updated, but which have not been published in the Official Journal of the European Union because they were not compatible with their legal basis – perhaps written still in the last century – and we are trying to update the legal bases partly also according to the new standards.
The challenge faced by regulators and associations that actively participate in the standardisation of their products is to involve and inform their members in order to draw up a list of products and characteristics, as exhaustive as possible, to be delivered to the Member States for their comments and observations.
The work is demanding, for each product family, which corresponds to an old legal basis (mandate), one needs to take into consideration the harmonised standards published on the OJEU, the non-harmonised standards published as CEN, any drafts under discussion, any national standards, any existing European Assessment Documents (EADs) and everything that is available at a standardisation and/or national legal level and that could be useful to include in the new legal basis. The detail of the discussion covers not only the intended uses, but also the materials, the diameters of the products, in short, everything that uniquely identifies a certain product. Finally, the list of products and their characteristics should be completed and drafted according to a format given by the European Commission.
The work is intertwined with that on the text of the new CPR, and the related discussion is not academic, as we will see now. The new CPR presents challenges for which it seems reasonable to consider moving as many products as possible into the area of standardisation. The challenge is given by the fact that the CPR text makes it clear that the EADs are outside the harmonised zone. However, if, as the CPR draft says, it will still be possible to CE Mark products with an ETA, what does it mean to be or not in the harmonised zone, and what does it imply? It seems that the difference lays in the fact that, in case of EAD-based CE Marking, a Member State can be allowed to add further requirements – e.g national certifications – on top of the CE Marking, which is not the case for CE Marking based on a harmonised standard.
The logic is that EADs, being covered by confidentiality, are not subject of an open European discussion, whilst a standardbased CE Marking is considered to be exhaustive, as the related technical discussion was discussed in European tables accessible to all interested stakeholders, and endorsed by Member States. In one word: harmonised.
Regardless of when and how the market will react to the new CPR, our sector has a priority – a rapid adaptation of the ETA format to the CPR and digitisation needs.”
This could imply as an example that, in case of an EAD whose seismic requirements do not fully satisfy the Italian requirements, Italy could request manufacturers that want to place their products in the Italian market to have a further seismic certification; similarly, Germany could ask for a Zulassung on top of the EADbased CE Marking for products that do not fully satisfy German requirements, and so could every Member State. If the final text of the new CPR will keep this approach, manufacturers who invest in ETAs will be exposed to the risk of returning to a national certification system – a system that is particularly penalising for SMEs who want to access the single market.
Regardless of when and how the market will react to the new CPR, our sector has a priority – a rapid adaptation of the ETA format to the CPR and digitisation needs. This change has not been made so far, even under the current CPR, exposing manufacturers to considerable obstacles and risks, and – let’s face it – to a certain creativity in drawing up the Declaration of Performances, almost none of which in our sector seems to match the legal requirements of the CPR. Why was this change not
made? On the one side manufacturers and EOTA like to maintain the status quo and to remain in their comfort zone, on the other side there is an ‘elephant in the room’ that cannot be ignored any longer. It is called Unique Identification Code.
The concept is already present in today’s CPR and is taken up verbatim in the new proposal: Unique Identification Code means that the declared performance of a product must refer ‘to the product that the final user has in his hand’, and not to the whole range of its diameters and possible applications, leaving to the final user the task to extrapolate characteristics from whatever table or graphic. Each single product shall have its own DoP, so requires the CPR. A nightmare for the fasteners sector, which is used to expressing performances in tables that include several diameters and several variations related to installation.
Having the European Commission confirm that there is no deviation from this concept for our sector, the only way out is through digitalisation, bearing in mind that, with the new CPR, Digital Product Passport, Digital DoP and Declaration of Conformity are coming, a mass of data that will necessarily have to be interchangeable with other databases and data models, e.g BIM. Producers are required to be aware of this reality, and to organise themselves in order to invest in ‘a common solution’, which will bring them back as soon as possible to a comfort zone. TABs are required to invest to provide their customers with EADs suitable for digital format, namely with EADs with characteristics expressed in a XML file.
Whilst TABs are reluctant to invest time and money in digitalisation, some product families, driven by other sectors of the construction industry, have already started implementing their standards with XML files to allow digital DoPs. This ‘common approach’ is very important for manufacturers, because it prevents the digitalisation of product families from being managed individually by big manufacturers, causing not only the fragmentation and proliferation of solutions at an IT level, and related high costs, but most of all causing dependency from some few IT sector parties.
For this reason, ECAP members began drafting the XML files of the three most common post-installed anchors (plastic, mechanical and bonded) about 3 years ago, and put the result of their work at disposal of EOTA and other manufacturers. However, to push the TABs to provide this essential service, awareness, participation to the work and the unity of purpose of the whole sector are required.
Word of mouth among producers is sowing awareness and developing working alliances between similar sectors. The latest initiatives bode well for the creation of a comprehensive working table for the development of digital files for the post-installed fasteners sector.
…there is an ‘elephant in the room’ that cannot be ignored any longer. It is called Unique Identification Code.”
Italian-based Bossong has introduced the E-Plus, a bi-component, styrene-free, pure epoxy chemical anchor resin, which is the newest version of the company’s original Epoxy from the 1990s – with its short new name said to encapsulate 30 years of R&D in the chemical anchor sector.
Akey characteristic of the E-Plus is its 100 year service life, which is twice that of the standard 50 years of other products and means it’s the ideal solution for major applications. Other key advantages of the new resin include its applicability for use in flooded holes, having passed submergence testing; and it is also fire resistant, meeting R24 requirements.
The E-Plus also has a natural ability to penetrate holes and hollow materials thanks to an effective combination of fluidity and adherence, which enable it to achieve up to 2.5 metres of extrusion, without expansion or shrinkage. All these characteristics make E-Plus suitable for use with masonry, wood, and concrete, under a range of temperatures up to +50°C, whilst still maintaining a strong grip on smooth surfaces, such as inside core holes.
The new resin has also achieved numerous certifications covering a number of important areas. For instance, in environmental standards – with all Bossong chemical anchors qualified according to the US LEED protocol (which includes the certification of the volatile organic compounds content of a product) – E-Plus has obtained the highest qualification level, with an A+ rating. The resin has also obtained EOTA approval for concrete bonding in accordance with EAD 330499-01-0601 and EAD 330087-01-0601. Its aseismic performance is especially notable, as it’s double that of the current product and has obtained the highest C2 rating for M12 and M24; this attribute is the jewel in the crown of this new 3:1 formula, making it capable of reacting efficiently to significant earth movements –the same trait as displayed by certified 12mm – 32mm aseismic rebar rods, under similar conditions.
While it has been developed to meet construction sector needs, E-Plus also respects the environment, reports Bossong, and offers safety and maximises structural consolidation, which the company highlight are distinctive characters of all its products.
E-Plus is the latest step in a journey that started decades ago. Between the 1960s and the 1970s, the company specialised first in the production of rivets and riveting machines for concrete anchoring, then mechanical anchors and plugs. The shift to chemical anchors was made by chemist and founder of Bossong SpA Italia, Luciano Taddei, and marked a decisive and fortunate change of direction. The formulation and filling of these bi-component chemical anchors to fix metal elements in concrete and masonry structures with epoxy, polyester, and vinylester resins, led to the company’s worldwide success.
At the start of the new millennium, the recently established EOTA certification body approved the products on a European and international scale, but at the same time forced the company to align to increasingly higher standards and face wider competition. Bossong says it accepted these new challenges by focusing on research and innovation, aware that each investment was a step towards
market leadership. Indeed, the strength of the company’s anchors, achieved over a full 60 years, is down to its endeavours in innovation and towards attaining the highest level of competencies.
Beyond E-Plus, the recent inauguration of a new logistics centre – with a completely automated and connected warehouse using latest technologies – has left more space in the company’s main building for additional production lines to be added. The premises are also connected using 4.0, next generation technologies and robotics – with 1,250m 2 of photovoltaic panels providing almost 200,000kWh of power, equating to approximately 200kW per year, all of which, Bossong says, highlights “the company’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint; a circular economy approach that benefits the entire community”.
A key characteristic of the E-Plus is its 100 year service life, which is twice that of the standard 50 years of other products...”
Generally, for any given construction product, there is a clear process to achieve a European Technical Assessment (ETA). That said, very different ETAs can be found for a common product, such as wood screws, and the question could be asked: ‘What distinguishes one wood screw ETA from another?’ Here specialist Austrian testing laboratory, AVVIO GmbH, with decades of experience in the field of testing wood screws, highlights some frequent questions in this regard and offers some qualified answers.
Why get an ETA to start with and not a CE Marking based on the harmonised standard EN 14592 instead?
“Generally, construction products that are fully covered by a harmonised standard, such as EN 14592, can and must have CE Marking based on that standard. Only if a product is not fully covered by it will an ETA be allowed. So, to choose the ETA option as a basis for CE Marking wood screws, an applicant needs to lay out why the product is not (fully) covered by EN 14592, but goes beyond, either in performance and/or use. So wood screw ETAs should describe these special, essential characteristics or applications.”
Will every wood screw ETA relate to a unique construction product and will EOTA offices only issue a new ETA if this is the case?
“Not really. As many ETAs are publicly available, AVVIO was able to screen and compare many different wood screw ETAs on the market and what we found was interesting. First, many ETAs are very similar to each other. It appears that, depending on the EOTA offices, notified laboratories, and experts involved, there is a way of writing them, particular to each, that can be seen in the various ETAs. Indeed, there can be quite significant differences between ETAs issued by the various EOTA offices in this space.
While all ETAs contain essential common declarations of tested or calculated characteristics of the products, it’s obvious that some EOTA offices clearly put a stronger focus on special usages of the screws and, therefore, go beyond the content of EN 14592. Other offices issue very sparse ETAs containing the bare minimum of regulatory requirements. These look much more akin to the cited standard EN 14592. This different depth of ETA content often correlates with a significant difference in the cost structure of those ETAs.”
“Something seen more and more that also contradicts the ‘uniqueness theory’ of ETA products is the so-called ‘Reproduction ETA’. This is where a prospective ETA holder, instead of going the usual, costly and time-consuming route of creating an entirely new ETA, enters into an agreement with the holder of an existing ETA to create a copy of that ETA. This is, by far, the easiest and fastest way to achieve an ETA and normally also gives a significant price advantage. Obviously, there must be a clear agreement between the existing ETA holder and the new ‘Reproduction ETA’ holder, regarding which pre-requisites a copy of the existing ETA is allowed. In order to take care of the particular interests of both parties.”
“All in all, the creation of an ETA is a clearly defined and regulated process. Nevertheless, it involves a lot of effort and requires quite some knowledge, not only various players in the process, such as the different EOTA offices, but also of the notified laboratories. Besides that, knowing different options to achieve an ETA and what it takes to correctly manage the respective ETA project is key.
It is, therefore, recommended not to take unnecessary risks and, rather, co-operate with experts who have a lot of experience. At AVVIO, an expert service is offered in this respect, which draws on more than 35 years of involvement in the production and approval of fasteners for structural timber engineering. We offer a complete service and our internal product testing helps ensure necessary performance parameters of a product are met prior to use.”
With yearlong know-how, we take care of all necessary steps for you - no effort, no problems
In today’s rapidly evolving market, where product offerings are diverse and consumer demands are ever-changing, TOGE ® firmly believes that ensuring product safety and quality is of paramount importance.
TOGE ® stands by the principle that products should undergo independent evaluation and monitoring to meet stringent safety and quality standards, which is how the company has established itself as a frontrunner in promoting quality and safety differentiation range.
Operating as a manufacturer in Germany, TOGE ® has proudly obtained product approvals from the German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBt), which not only reflects the company’s dedication to maintaining the highest quality and reliability standards but also a strategic choice, as TOGE ® considered DIBt’s esteemed reputation internationally. The alignment between TOGE ®’s values and DIBt’s reputation creates a seamless harmony that resonates with customers seeking quality and dependability.
TOGE ®’s dedication to progress and innovation is underscored by its ongoing investments in acquiring new certifications and expanding product lines. The latest addition to its impressive portfolio is the ETA certification for the TSM High-Performance Concrete Screw in masonry applications. This pivotal endorsement significantly broadens the scope of the product’s application, enabling its use not only in concrete but also across a wider range of substrates.
Responding to diverse customer needs, TOGE ® is also currently
developing a second line for its concrete screws, featuring a Basic range. This innovative approach, enabled by specialised production techniques, offers customers an economically efficient solution tailored to applications that do not require the highest load bearing capacities. Just like its existing product lines, this new range will be fortified with exceptional and high-quality approvals, reinforcing the company’s commitment to safety and excellence.
TOGE ® has also introduced a new innovative solution to its range in the form of the TSM multiground inner thread screw, which features flush installation in concrete surfaces and boasts several approvals as a multipurpose fastening solution in concrete – offering load recommendations for a range of diverse substrates and providing a swift, straightforward, and cost-effective
solution for applications such as ceiling suspensions, helping to significantly ease overhead tasks.
TOGE®’s commitment to quality and approvals remains a driving force for future endeavors. The upcoming approval of the Aerated Concrete Screw TSM PB demonstrates its unwavering dedication to continually meeting and exceeding high-quality standards, as demanded by its discerning customer base.
Additionally, TOGE ® has exciting plans for the stainless steel concrete screw TSM LT A4, with two new approvals slated for completion by the year’s end. These additions encompass integration into masonry approvals, as well as recognition as a multi-purpose fastener for both concrete and prestressed concrete hollow-core slab ceilings.
In conclusion, TOGE ® stands firm in its belief that independent product evaluations are essential to ensure safety and quality. The company’s steadfast commitment to rigorous approvals, combined with innovative solutions and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, cements its position as an industry leader in delivering products that meet the highest standards of excellence. www.toge.de
JCP Construction Products, Owlett-Jaton’s specialist supplier of construction fixings, has introduced the latest addition to the JCP resin range and now the highest-strength resin it offers – the J-Fix Ultra-Bond 100 epoxy resin, which features a 100 year anchor service life and a double shelf life.
J-Fix Ultra-Bond 100, available in a 585ml tube, is a formulation derived from pure epoxy with very high bond strength. It is used principally to anchor rebar, threaded studs, and internally threaded sockets into concrete, as well as in high performance structural applications where loading is critical. It is also ideal for rotary hammer drilled dry and wet hole uses. The two component injection system, in a 3:1 ratio, can also achieve high loads in cracked and n0n-cracked concrete.
The resin is ETA Option 1 approved and is suitable for high loads featuring large diameters and deep embedment. Longer working times also make it ideal for large holes and high temperatures. Plus, J-Fix Ultra-Bond 100 is approved for use under seismic conditions – meeting C1 and C2 performance categories. Offering high durability and resistance to chemicals, Ultra-Bond 100 is also a low emitting material and categorised as LEED v4 and v4.1 Beta, according to ISO 16000, EN 16516, ISO 11890-2 and ASTM D2369 testing standards.
When it comes to sustainability, which has grown considerably in importance in the construction sector – with more attention paid to building practices and the materials chosen, this has increased pressures to develop buildings with longer lifespans and has led to more sustainable decision making. With these societal changes, developers are nowadays looking to construct buildings with lifespans beyond 100 years, something which has been much lower for many years. As a result, Ultra-Bond 100 supports this approach and helps work towards a green economy with its 100 year anchor service life. In addition, the new resin also offers a shelf life of 24 months from the date of manufacture, double that of a standard resin – reducing the likelihood of wasted material due to chemicals expiring.
JCP has a comprehensive range of ETA/CE certified products including, throughbolts, ankerbolts, drop-in anchors, heavy-duty anchors, injection resins and nylon frame fixings. With recent changes in regulations, and an increased awareness concerning the impact of fire on construction fixings, having an ETA can assist in determining the correct fixings selection. To support its whole range, the company has also recently launched a new technical website to provide customers and distributors with easy access to all the technical information and support required about the full product portfolio, including detailed technical information for inclusion within specifications and installation instructions when on-site. The website also provides access to certification documents for ETA and CE certified products.
Founder Wilhelm Güde started in 1948 in Plettenberg. Today GÜDE is managed by the 3rd generation. Continuity is the cornerstone for solid development and the guarantee that GÜDE will remain a reliable partner in the future.
The new TXE fixing model for direct fixing on concrete, from INDEX® A Perfect Fixing, is manufactured with innovative bi-metal technology, which offers high resistance to both corrosion and wear during installation.
Firstly, the body of the fixing is made from A4 stainless steel, giving it anti-corrosive properties up to C5 corrosion classification level. The tip of the fixing, on the other hand, is made from hardened carbon steel, with its greater hardness facilitating the installation and grip on the base material.
The A4 stainless steel of the fixing body makes it suited for projects and applications in locations and regions prone to the effects of corrosion, such as coastal areas affected by sea salt, outdoor spaces where there is high industrial contamination, areas near roads where, again, salt, as well as general road traffic and highway maintenance pollutants will be factors, and, finally, in tropical and sub-tropical regions where high humidity will affect installations.
As for the hardened carbon steel tip of the TXE, this allows it to withstand wear on the tip, which makes installation easier –while providing maximum performance. The tip of the fixing actually has a key role during installation; it is the area that starts the threading of the fixing into the base material, generating strong friction and potential high wear. INDEX® A Perfect Fixing points out that this is the reason that this fixing cannot be made completely from A4 stainless steel, as this has a lower level of hardness than carbon steel.
The blue colour of the tip identifies the area where the fusion of both materials takes place – with an innovative production process allowing the friction welding of the two materials.
The new TXE fixing has also achieved key approvals, including ETA certification (ETA - 20/0046) for structural fixings in cracked concrete, CE certification, C1 seismic approval – making it suitable for certain applications in areas with seismic/earthquake risk, and fire resistance approval for installations exposed to high temperatures or at risk of fire.
The new bi-metal TXE model joins the range of TH/TF concrete screws, which comprise fixings with different heads, including hexagonal, countersunk, and panhead, as well as different coatings, such as Atlantis or zinc plated finishes.
G&B FISSAGGI, the Italian manufacturer of construction fixings, has once again expanded its product portfolio with the introduction of the XTR Extreme Hybrid chemical anchor.
Renowned for offering products of the highest quality and certified performance, G&B FISSAGGI has established itself as a manufacturer of nylon fixing systems, as well as steel and chemical anchors for many fields, such as ironmongery, hardware, construction building, engineering industry, electric, thermo-hydraulic and self-service stores.
The newest addition to the company’s portfolio is the chemical anchor XTR Extreme Hybrid, available in 300ml and 410ml cartridges, which is ETA certified Option 1 (EAD 330499-01-0601) for cracked and non-cracked concrete and is approved in seismic performance categories C1, for M8 – M16 threaded rods, and seismic C2, for M12 – M16 threaded rods.
The anchor is vinylester-based and guarantees maximum safety for structural applications and very high performance even in critical areas. It is approved also for post installed rebar connections and for application in water filled holes. Moreover, the XTR is ETA certified for masonry (solid brick, hollow brick, autoclaved aerated concrete), complies with LEED requirements and has the A+ category for low emission components (VOC). The XTR is the latest addition to the GEBOFIX CE option 1 approved range of vinylester-based and epoxy-based anchors, which are also available for applications at low temperature (GEBOFIX VE-SF NORDIC).
Another key aspect to G&B FISSAGGI’s product portfolio is its nylon anchors range, which includes the GX-L nylon CE, an ETA
The outstanding mounting system for rear ventilated facades. For mounting secondary aluminium or wooden substructures to the front of masonry/concrete. Easy-to-install, flexible and fully approved. Z-21.2-2130
REISSER-Schraubentechnik GmbH
info@reisser-screws.com • www.reisser-screws.com
When it comes to reliable fasteners, a European Technical Assessment (ETA) is the essential point of assessment for quality and performance. Here Mungo Befestigungstechnik looks at why ETA certifications are so important and the benefits they provide.
ETA certified fasteners are designed for a targeted range of applications and substrates and have usually undergone extensive testing and inspection to confirm their suitability for these specific applications and substrates. This helps ensure the fasteners deliver their promised performance in the field and ensure they comply with European standards and directives.
ETA certified fasteners are designed for durability and longevity, securing both the safety and sustainability of projects. That is why at Mungo Befestigungstechnik we are able to offer numerous fasteners with ETA certifications.
A prime example is the MQL universal nylon frame plug, which is the result of intensive research and development, based on the latest European Technical Assessment. The MQL is an innovative plug with a 4-fold expansion, making it the optimal solution for a wide range of applications. It is also versatile and
can be used in concrete (cracked or non-cracked), masonry made of solid or perforated brick, as well as aerated concrete – ensuring that fixings remain secure and reliable.
The anchor sleeve of the MQL plug is made of high-quality polyamide PA6 and is characterised by its robustness and durability. The wide range of screw options, from galvanised to stainless steel, in lengths up to 300mm, guarantees that users will find the perfect solution for their needs.
It took just 23 hours to assemble the improved prototype of the aid house that stood in Lviv, Ukraine, opposite the container settlement for internal migrants – using Klimas Wkręt-met brand fastening techniques at every stage of the project.
The first building, designed using the Styrofoam Housing System (SHS) by Japanese architect, Shigeru Ban Architects, was assembled in 2022 by staff and students from the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology.
The Wrocław team explained: “The prototype modular building is a solution created for people affected by disasters or wars. The construction is based on prefabricated elements, lightweight and inexpensive to produce, which are then joined together to form the building – with no skills require to assemble. Due to its modularity, and the repetitive nature of the assembly elements, any shape of such a unit needed can be built. The structure can be connected, like any other building, to electricity or water supplies.”
Part of the team’s task was to adapt original designs to meet the climatic conditions and legal standards of both Poland and Ukraine. This included issues such as the angle of the roof, as well as the use of different insulation, which affect the thickness of the walls. It was also necessary to use materials other than those planned by the designer, as they were not available in Poland. The houses can be used as a temporary shelter for refugees, but also – due to their modularity – as an office or facility for other purposes.
The Klimas Wkręt-met fastening techniques that were used for the prototypes included self-drilling screws, self-tapping screws for wood substrate and flat roof waterproofing, in construction, with butyl tape and other tapes, mounting foams, and adhesives, as well as reliable LB foundation anchors.
The finished modules of the improved version were built in Wrocław and then delivered to Lviv. Compared to the first project, the method of prefabricating the elements was enhanced and the ceilings were reinforced. The house, built from polystyrene, epoxy resin, and fibre, has three types of elements: Long U-shaped elements; L-shaped elements to reinforce the corners of the house; and flat panels 1m wide, 2.5m long and 15cm thick.
According to Ukrainian officials, the house assembled in Lviv will accommodate a day-care centre for children.
In December of last year, SurTec International GmbH acquired omniTECHNIK Mikroverkapselungs GmbH – one of the top suppliers in the market for precoating materials in the field of fasteners and threaded parts, through its precote ® brand.
The precote ® product program serves a wide variety of applications in the field of thread precoating worldwide, including automotive, eMobility, mechanical engineering, aerospace, household appliances and other industries. The precote ® portfolio offers a variety of technologies to secure screws against unwanted loosening, as well as seal and reproducibly set desired mounting parameters.
With the acquisition by SurTec, and the integration into the Freudenberg Group, it is now possible for precote ® to exploit the market potential for innovative coating technologies even further. A prime example is the production of fasteners for components in eMobility. Not only are these fasteners optimally pretreated with SurTec solutions prior to treatment with precote ® ; they can be used in a variety of applications, such as in battery housings –where the surfaces are also excellently protected from corrosion by SurTec technologies.
This means that SurTec can now offer the entire process of surface treatment of components for battery housings from a single source. According to the company motto ‘Innovating Together’, the joint research and development of future solutions is also significantly easier; meaning that collaborations with sister companies, such as Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, can complete the partnership.
Starting with the wire, each of the process steps in screw manufacturing is critical to ensure the highest quality of the final product. SurTec is able to ensure the finished product meets the very highest requirements as it has a broad portfolio of products for every process step, guaranteeing all requirements are optimally met.
The majority of fasteners are manufactured via cold forming. In this process, a metal wire is first phosphated, then the wire is pressed into a screw over four to six stages.
Phosphating plays an important role in the cold forming of the fasteners, as it ensures the required forming behaviour of the metal parts. The phosphating forms a protective layer on the surface of the parts, which reduces friction and wear during the forming process. After cold forming, however, the parts must be freed of the phosphate layer to avoid brittleness and to allow further coating of the screw. The selection of the appropriate phosphating process, and subsequent dephosphating, are critical to the quality and properties of the fasteners.
Before the fasteners can be coated with precote ®, they must be protected from corrosion. This is done by means of galvanic coating of the screws or bolts, for example with zinc nickel. Depending on the area of application, different solutions, including the corresponding after treatment, are available. For example, SurTec 717 or SurTec 759 processes are excellently suited for bulk goods. Corrosion protection plays an important role not only in fasteners, but in the overall battery housing for eMobility.
Finally, there is the thread locking application, with the type of special precote ® thread locking dependent on the respective area of application of the fastener. For example, flange head screws are used in battery housings in eMobility, which are treated with SurTec and precote ® products.
Coatings such as precote ® 85 and precote ® 15 ensure a perfect combination. The microencapsulated precote ® 85 offers reliable thread locking under dynamic loads, as well as a seal in the thread. Therefore combining two of the most important
SurTec is able to ensure the finished product meets the very highest requirements as it has a broad portfolio of products for every process steps…”
precote 85 thread locking
precote 15 underhead & thread sealing
properties in the screw connection. The set low friction number also allows for constant assembly conditions and reproducibly high utilisation of the screw.
precote ® 15, applied thinly under the flange head, provides an additional seal of the connection under the head. The non-reactive material is stable yet soft enough to be pressed into the surface roughness of the joining partners during assembly and to fill them safely for a high sealing effect. Thus, a stable screw connection is made possible, which has almost no loss of clamp load even under the influence of temperature and dynamics.
In general, precote ® coatings have a high chemical resistance and are stable and safe up to a temperature range of more than 150°C. They are therefore suitable for a wide range of applications.
With the addition of precote ® coatings for fasteners, SurTec’s offer for eMobility is ideally complemented, with both SurTec and precote ® technologies ensuring screws are optimally prepared for use in battery housings, for example.
Also, within eMobility, the aluminium light metal is very interesting for the construction of battery housings. The battery of electric vehicles can weigh several hundred kilograms, so the use of aluminium can significantly reduce the weight of vehicles. The material also has excellent thermal conductivity, has high stability and excellent impact resistance. These properties make it the ideal housing material. However, since the electric car batteries are located in the underbody of the vehicle, due to their design, they are permanently exposed to various environmental influences. On the one hand, it must be absolutely ensured that no moisture
enters the housing. In addition, excellent protection against corrosion is of paramount importance here. While aluminium already has good native corrosion protection, it is shown that it is not sufficient under corrosive conditions and under continuous loading.
Choosing the right surface coating therefore enables state of the art, lightweight battery housings with reliable and long life. With its SurTec 650 chromium (III) containing passivation, surface treatment specialist SurTec offers a suitable solution that has already been proven in the surface treatment of bare aluminium surfaces. In combination with a seal, passivation prevents moisture from entering the battery compartment.
The technology provides low electrical contact resistance and electromagnetic compatibility. Passivation is therefore a suitable solution for surface treatment, including housings for batteries or for electronic control units (ECU). Due to the superior corrosion protection, additional e-coatings of the battery housing are considered unnecessary. The SurTec 650 passivation layer’s special surface properties are appreciated not only in the automotive environment, but also in the aerospace and 5G industries.
SurTec, like many other companies in the Freudenberg Group, has been a preferred partner for many years in numerous industrial areas from the design phase to prototyping and final high volume production. When developing new solutions, the company benefits from a lively exchange of experience from its sister companies, such as Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, and is thus able to deliver entire technology packages to users.
The functional coatings division at SurTec is constantly expanding. At present, the focus is on matched systems from a single source, such as zinc-nickel coatings from SurTec and precote ® thread locking for fasteners.
At present, the focus is on matched systems from a single source, such as zinc-nickel coatings from SurTec and precote ® thread locking for fasteners.”
A new system for alkaline zinc-nickel plating, certified by TÜV Rheinland, has been launched by MKS Instruments. The new Atotech Compact Membrane Anode (CMA) closed-loop system for alkaline zinc-nickel plating enables virtually wastewater-free operations while minimising waste generation and reducing carbon footprint.
Atotech is a brand within the Materials Solutions Division of MKS, which develops process and manufacturing technologies for advanced surface modification, electrolysis, electrolytic plating and surface finishing.
The new closed-loop system functions as an all-encompassing solution, covering every aspect of the alkaline zinc-nickel plating process, including rinsing. It features a CMA, custom chemical additives, a vacuum evaporator, and a freezing unit, all of which contribute to significantly reduced environmental impact, enhanced product quality and a longer lifespan for the electroplating line.
The new technology also prevents the formation of organic breakdown products such as cyanide, thereby substantially reducing sludge formation. Its integrated freezing unit also plays a crucial role in purifying the electrolyte by eliminating accumulated carbonate, which ensures exceptional quality and improved performance throughout the plating process.
Additionally, the system’s evaporation method separates the zinc-nickel electrolyte from water, at which point these products are recycled back to the plating tank and rinsing stations. As a result, the necessary disposal and treatment of zinc-nickel wastewater is reduced by an impressive 90%.
Sabine Sengl, global product director CP, MSD at MKS, commented that the new Atotech CMA closed-loop system is a “game-changer” for the zinc-nickel plating industry, adding that rather than relying on current expensive and unsustainable wastewater treatment methods, the new system eliminates waste generation from the very beginning. “With its exceptional performance and environmental benefits, this system sets a new standard for sustainable zinc-nickel plating.”
The new Atotech CMA system enables a higher cathodic current efficiency of 20% to 30%, with rack plating reaching 65% and barrel plating achieving 80% cathodic current efficiency. Energy consumption associated with the compact membrane anode technology can be reduced by 32%, significantly improving the carbon footprint. In addition, the technology brings substantial savings through reductions in NaOH, chemical and metal consumption.
Independent and globally renowned testing service provider, TÜV Rheinland, has recognised the performance of the Atotech CMA closed-loop technology through its recent certification. This was obtained as part of the evaluation of electroplating lines from MKS customers, and quantifies the wastewater and rinse water reduction, as well as the reduced CO2 footprint, and confirms the reliability and accuracy of the data collected on the new system by MKS.
With the DryLyte system Rösler Oberflächentechnik, a full service provider for surface finishing, states it is offering an innovative system for electropolishing metal components that must have a perfect finish.
Contrary to classical electro-chemical polishing methods, DryLyte is a dry process that utilises solid particles containing electrolytes –meaning acid baths or other process liquids are completely eliminated. Benefits of this revolutionary technology are an excellent surface finish; a high geometrical consistency of the work pieces; a lower CO 2 footprint; and lower costs for waste disposal. The costly and complex treatment of used process liquids is completely eliminated and the finished work pieces are discharged from the system perfectly clean. The fully automatic DryLyte system simplifies and helps standardise different surface finishing tasks such as deburring, surface smoothing, surface grinding, high gloss polishing and, even, post processing of 3D printed components. Depending on the initial surface conditions, and the specified finishing results, dry electropolishing can be utilised as a standalone process or in combination with known mass finishing, shot blasting and other pre-grinding methods.
The DryLyte technology is based on the principle of electro-chemical material removal from the surface of components. However, the technology does not use liquid electrolytes but a multitude of polymer pellets in different sizes – containing electrolyte media that are precisely adapted to the respective finishing task. In contrast to the traditional electropolishing systems, no hazardous vapours are generated – meaning there is no need for energy intensive exhaust systems or special protective gear for the operator. Since the materials removed from the work piece surface is absorbed by the electrolyte medium, no dust or metal particles go into the environment.
During the dry electropolishing process the work pieces, mounted to a fixture, are slowly moved through the dry electrolyte. This ensures complete coverage of the entire surface and the DryLyte method removes primarily the roughness peaks from the surface. This means the metal removal rate is minimal and the overall process is very gentle. Even in the case of delicate work pieces, with complex shapes, no damage in the form of scratches or breakage occurs.
Introducing the Atotech CMA Closed Loop System, a game-changing solution for alkaline zinc nickel plating. This revolutionary technology leads the sustainability transition by reducing the disposal and treatment of zinc nickel wastewater by 90%.
Experience exceptional performance and enhanced product quality. Maintain your competitive edge and achieve your sustainability goals faster through higher efficiency, lower energy consumption and savings with the Atotech CMA Closed Loop System.
To find out more about our surface treatment solutions, scan the QR-code to the right.
In an exciting collaboration, Angor-Intools is teaming up with the esteemed Italian-based Dimac Srl to showcase their cutting edge technologies and products at the upcoming International Fastener Expo (IFE) event – set to take place in Las Vegas, USA, from 9th – 11th October 2023.
Massimo Agrati, owner of Dimac Srl, and Andrew Dreger, owner of AngorIntools, both agree that IFE is a significant show within the US market, with it being a prime opportunity for the global supplier networking. The event is a cornerstone for establishing connections with key players in the international fastener industry supply chain, with a special focus on the United States market.
Speaking about their participation at the show, both Massimo Agrati and Andrew Dreger explain how the joint stand will be an immersive experience, showcasing the latest breakthroughs in inspection and sorting technologies. Among the highlights are 100% inspection machines for fasteners, material handling equipment, belt conveyors and automatic packing solutions – developed in collaboration with Dimac.
A key emphasis will be on the most recent developments in each company’s line-up, including the introduction of the latest line scanning camera stations and software upgrades at Dimac – available for a diverse range of applications, suitable for the detection of small hints and dents, thread chocks and small surface side damages. Other products that will be promoted include the Dimac MCVx software, known for its remarkable optical measurement accuracy, and the MCVx Remote, which facilitates remote inspection and sorting management. Dimac will also touch upon its advanced predictive maintenance control tool that enhances overall operational efficiency.
When asked about additional highlights at IFE, Massimo Agrati is eager to share Dimac’s latest innovations, such as the newly released MCV6, along with the MCV1 and MCV3 with side line scanning camera stations, which are making remarkable steps in side surface defects detection. These stations enable the inspection of various cold forged and turned parts with high-resolution optics and can be combined with advanced non-destructive testing devices for crack detection and heat treatment inspection.
In conclusion, the collaboration between Dimac and Angor-Intools at IFE promises to give visitors the opportunity to witness the latest innovations and advancements in inspection and sorting technologies and how these companies are poised to shape the future of fastener manufacturing.
Sacma SP670 and Ingramatic RP920 for heavy industries
The Six Die SP670 Large Part Former is designed to produce solid and hollow parts for a wide range of industries. The max. 650 tons provide the capability to form large components normally manufactured on vertical presses or other technologies with longer and slower production processes. The machine can be wire fed, equipped with a system to feed annealed blanks to the cutoff station or for re-feeding pre-formed parts in the various stations for maximum flexibility. The machine features automatic adjustments and quick tool change system driven by robotized manipulator.
The RP920 is the only large machine available in the world with advanced technologies including a heavy-duty frame, servomotor starter units and motorized die match adjustment. It can be used for Form Rolling and Thread Rolling, a wide range of large part shapes and bolts.
Ask for more information to : info@sacmalimbiate.it
To carry on our series of ‘Carlo Salvi Stories’ – a series of articles celebrating business collaborations, successes and shared goals – we focus on the relationship between Carlo Salvi and SFS France, part of the worldwide leading supplier SFS Group.
Founded in 1976, SFS Group SAS is a leading company in the production of self-tapping screws. With a rich history of over four decades, the company has consistently pushed the boundaries of excellence.
One of the most relevant moments in SFS France’s history came in 1988 when it became one of the country’s first factories to obtain ISO 9001 certification. This milestone demonstrated the company’s commitment to quality and laid the foundation for future success. In 2009, SFS France welcomed a new director, Alain Mangeard, who led the company on a path of growth and innovation. By 2015, SFS France had become the primary production site for the Construction Division of the SFS Group, confirming its position as a key player in the industry. 2017 proved to be another significant period for SFS France as it underwent a transformation, changing its name from SFS intec to SFS and introducing several important innovations such as irius ® , TUF-S rivets and adjustable screws for window installations, showing the company’s dedication to cutting-edge solutions.
With a dedicated team of 300 employees, SFS Group continues to evolve and innovate, looking confidently towards the future – aiming for further growth, success, and revolutionary advancements in the field of construction and fastening solutions. By focusing on delivering high-quality products, the company has expanded its presence to numerous countries, primarily focusing on EU countries and serving the United States.
Another significant milestone was the partnership with Carlo Salvi, which occurred in 2006 when SFS France received its first machine from the Italian company. This partnership marked the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between the two companies. SFS France relies on several machines provided by Carlo Salvi, including CS002, CS003 and CS246EWS. Known for their precision and efficiency, these machines play a crucial role in the production process, enabling SFS France to maintain high-quality standards in the production of self-tapping screws. These screws play a critical role in various construction applications, ensuring that the structures in which they are used maintain their integrity and withstand various environmental factors.
“The Carlo Salvi machines and the relationship we have with the company are part of a path towards Industry 4.0 innovation. We started 2023 with a digitalisation project – where we collect, analyse and utilise data from each machine to improve our Overall
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and our quality. This represents a fundamental step for our future and the Carlo Salvi machines are an integral part of this journey. They play a significant role in SFS France,” commented Laurent Cambianica, industrial manager at SFS Group SAS.
SFS France typically manages series and productions between 100,000 to 2 million parts. On Carlo Salvi machines, approximately 17 million parts are produced per month, accounting for 15% of the total production quantity. SFS France recognises the importance of advanced machinery to meet the growing needs of the construction industry. Therefore, the company has made significant investments. Through the purchase of Carlo Salvi machines, the production capacity has increased, enabling SFS France to meet increasing customer demands and ensuring that the production process remains efficient and up to date. In addition to the purchasing process, the partnership between SFS France and Carlo Salvi is built on trust and the assurance of relying on a company ready to respond to any needs over time. The French company has had access to technical support from the Italian-based company throughout the entire process, including machine installation and personnel training, to ensure proper operation. This aspect demonstrates a strong and continuous relationship between the companies, focused on process optimisation and ‘post sales’ excellence performance.
The introduction of Carlo Salvi machines has brought several benefits to SFS France. The new machines have improved production efficiency by reducing cycle times and increasing overall production capacity. Furthermore, the machines have ensured greater precision and quality in the produced parts, solidifying SFS France’s reputation as a reliable provider of fastening solutions. SFS France continues to invest in its production capabilities and collaborate with Carlo Salvi to ensure customer satisfaction and maintain a leadership position in the fastening solutions industry.
“SFS France is a leader in reliability, innovation, and attention to detail, allowing us to create a partnership built on trust and a shared commitment to shaping the future of the French company and the daily operations of Carlo Salvi. We are fully aware of the quality of our machines and have every confidence in our ability to continue collaborating in the future, supporting SFS France in achieving significant goals through an innovative journey that ensures impeccable quality standards,” stated Carlo Salvi.
Videx Machine Engineering Ltd is expanding its machinery range for fasteners aimed at the housing industry and has just supplied three fully automatic machines for production of stainless steel insulation studs.
The insulation studs are used in the European construction market for insulating homes and houses against heat and cold. With the fluctuating temperatures in the recent summers and winters, together with the desire to save energy, there is a growing demand for thicker insulation in housing. The thicker layers of insulation require longer and thicker studs than ever before – as well as featuring a spiral and chamfer on one end and a wave shape on the other end.
Videx’s range of automatic machines for the production of insulation studs, pulls the wire from coil, straightens it, cuts to length, threads a spiral and rolls a chamfer on one end, and then presses a wave shape on the other end. These stainless steel studs are usually in diameters of 4mm, 5mm and 6mm and in length of 150mm to 700mm.
The production rate in the new models is 40 – 60 parts per minute and the finished parts can be optionally collected in tray, counted, and sent for packing.
All new models are equipped with large HMI screens and process control safety features that assure safe operation and smooth production with no risk of bad parts.
An essential step in manufacturing processes, parts cleaning significantly contributes to product quality and adds considerable value. At parts2clean, taking place from 26 th – 28 th September in Stuttgart, Germany, Ecoclean will be showcasing a product portfolio optimally tailored to the highly different cleaning applications and requirements in the various industry sectors.
Ecoclean’s range of cleaning applications and cleanliness requirements has never been as broad as today. On the one hand, high technology industry sectors such as semiconductors, medical, sensors and analytics, as well as precision optical, are reliant on the efficient and dependable removal of ultrafine particulate contaminants in the submicron range, and of residual film-type contamination, some of which have a thickness in the nanoscale. On the other hand, the general industry, which encompasses a multitude of sectors, first and foremost presents a need for removing large amounts of chips and machining fluid. Between these extremes, there are countless cleaning tasks with product and sector specific cleanliness specifications.
For these many faceted applications and requirements, Ecoclean and UCM will be presenting an optimally tailored offering of products and services at parts2clean (hall 10, booth C38), which have been conceived to meet the respective cleanliness specifications not only in a stable and reliable but also efficient and resource saving manner.
One topical section of the Ecoclean stand will be committed to high purity cleaning and will be part of parts2clean’s ‘High Purity Lane’. As part of this area, a UCMSmartLine machine will be on the stand to demonstrate the possibilities of combining standardised modules for process steps – wash, rinse, dry, load and unload – and flexible part transport systems, into solutions capable of meeting even the highest cleanliness requirements.
Another focus for Ecoclean will be general industry, with the nearly endless variety of components – castings, machined workpieces, stamped parts, bent parts, pressed and deep-drawn parts, hydraulic or pneumatic fittings, as well as additively manufactured components – in various materials. Downstream processes such as joining, coating and assembling also call for specific cleanliness levels and reliable functioning of the products. For these tasks, ranging from pre-cleaning via intermediate to final cleaning and precision cleaning, Ecoclean will showcase chamber-type systems of standard and bespoke designs for aqueous and solvent-based cleaning, as well as multi-chamber immersion cleaning systems.
By way of example, an EcoCwave machine will be shown live on the stand to illustrate the various features and process options.
Ecoclean will also provide insights into its new virtual showroom, combining a three-dimensional environment with virtual reality. “The designation ‘showroom’ actually doesn’t do it justice, as nearly every company site can be visited,” explains Ecoclean. “Even the smallest details of the cleaning equipment and systems exhibited can be explored in a three-dimensional space with a VR headset.”
Among other things, this offers customers the possibility to attend cleaning trials live from anywhere in the word and to obtain additional information in the process. This innovative communication platform also conveys the impression that users are physically present.
By way of example, an EcoCwave machine will be shown live on the stand to illustrate the various features and process options.”
The T10-S and T10-HC Automatic Tapping Machines are equipped with n.2 or n.4 reversible spindles mechanically driven by lead screws with an output rate up to 200 pieces/minute. Internal threads, within the range M2 to M10, can be executed using standard taps in both technologies, cutting and forming
Modularity is at the core of the machines with the double spindles which is enabling one or two autonomous working areas.
Flexibility is maximized with the possibility to work two geometrically different parts in completely independent processes with the n.4 spindle machine.
Precision in operation is achieved using a structurally rigid design of frame, along with the engineered and innovative design of the positioning/clamping devices. Orthogonality and concentricity in conjunction with other dimensional/geometrical features, are lifetime guaranteed.
Ask for more information to : info@hsautomazioni.it
The automotive industry is in the midst of change and faces major challenges driven by the necessity to reduce emissions, which can only be achieved through electrification and consistent lightweight construction.
Most vehicle components must be designed to tolerate mechanical loading over the service life of the vehicle and reliably fulfil the component operational requirements. Mechanical testing systems support this requirement from the reliable determination of material characteristics through the functionality checking of components.
Compliance with strict statutory emission limit values requires that the automotive industry make vehicles more efficient and environmentally friendly. This will be achieved through drastic weight reductions, improved combustion technology and exhaust gas treatment, as well as through the use of alternative drives. Despite more stringent requirements for safety, efficiency, and comfort, it is now considerably easier for manufacturers to produce each new generation of vehicle. At the same time, this requires newer or improved materials, as well as intelligent material compounds that allow improved properties at lower specific weights in their area of application. In addition, weight reduction is systematically implemented in all components of a vehicle, which is required for optimal material utilisation.
Reliable determination of mechanical characteristics plays a vital role here. By using diverse mechanical testing methods, the various material properties are determined as realistically as possible. Universal materials and component testing systems can generally be expanded with measurement sensors, specimen grips, test fixtures and environmental simulations. As a result, it is important that the testing system can be adapted to accommodate modified or future test tasks.
In vehicles, various joining methods are used that all have to be characterised mechanically. Removable threaded connections are used in a range of applications within vehicle manufacturing and increasingly in safety critical applications. The quality requirements that must be met in tensile and fatigue testing are correspondingly high for screws. In the chassis, linear connections (welded joints) are used overwhelmingly where the
focus is on the service life of the component or joining connection.
Adhesive bonding has become a popular method for reliably joining various materials and continues to gain popularity in the automotive industry. Modern adhesive materials fulfil the requirements of lightweight construction optimally since they offer high joining quality at a low weight and can be implemented flexibly. The focus lies on a ‘crash safe’ design of components, while simultaneously ensuring the required service life is achieved. In addition, stiffness is a key criterion for designing components in the body shell, as well as in the chassis.
The mechanical properties of the joining connections must be determined under quasi-static, as well as under fatigue and impact dynamic loading. The data calculated during testing (quasi-static tensile tests, fatigue strength tests and dynamic impact tests) is used for quality assurance and as input for simulating service life and crash behaviour.
When using component-like specimens, these can also be used as validation for service life or crash models. The combination of various materials is becoming increasingly important in lightweight construction. Joining metallic and non-metallic materials presents challenges to the manufacturer that can only be solved by using various joining methods.
ZwickRoell is one of the world’s leading suppliers of materials and component testing systems. The company supplies both standard and tailor-made solutions to satisfy the most demanding requirements, in research and development, production and quality assurance, across more than 20 industry sectors. Privately held, the company’s consistent focus on innovation and commitment to outstanding quality has supported its growth in markets worldwide.
Provide SUPERIOR FRAME STIFFNESS and the DURABILITY needed for testing a broad range of fasteners.
Available now:
Rotech Laboratories has announced that it is now part of BES Group, an independent testing, inspection, certification and compliance company that is committed to providing its customers with the very best service in risk management solutions.
John Cross, general manager of Rotech Laboratories, explains:
“Rotech has an exciting future as part of the BES Group. They are focused on both their customers and their team, and this is evident in everything they do. We know our customers will continue to get the very best service and access to the most efficient ways of working from our team, as part of the wider BES Group, and we’re delighted with this move.”
He continues: “Both Rotech and BES Group offer trusted advice and guidance for quality compliance and safety, so it’s a natural fit for us to join the group and deliver even more support and specialist testing to our customers.”
John Campbell, CEO at BES Group, added: “This is another great acquisition for the BES Group. We’re delighted to once again be growing our team by welcoming some of the most skilled and experienced people in their field. Continuing to grow our company by acquisition means we can provide our customers with the very best end-to-end risk management solutions as a trusted advisor. Widening and reinforcing our specialist services is a focus for our company and adding Rotech to our group is a really great move all round.”
Oxford Instruments has launched Unity, an imaging detector to combine Backscattered Electron and X-ray imaging in a single technique –BEX, which enables users to achieve instant visual and compositional sample analysis simultaneously in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Traditionally, determining the elemental make-up and composition of materials in the SEM has been a repetitive, laborious process. This involves acquiring black and white electron images based on the secondary electron and backscattered electron signals. X-ray signals are then used to determine chemical composition. This is time-consuming, especially because users must replicate this process repeatedly until anomalies or areas of interest are located. However, with Oxford Instruments’ Unity detector and innovative BEX technique, BSE and X-ray signals are captured simultaneously, allowing users to instantly observe the microstructure and chemistry of samples in full colour, high resolution images.
The Unity detector combines the topographic, crystallographic, atomic number and elemental information in an immediate high resolution visual output. Users can effortlessly navigate around the sample – making sophisticated sample analysis simpler and faster than ever before.
The Unity detector is supported by Oxford Instruments’ AZtec software, with TruQ for accurate element identification and composition determination, including Pile Up Correction, TruMap for live deconvolution, AutoID for live detection of elements and AutoLayer for live optimisation of image colours.
to protect machines and tools with the latest hardware and software and to ensure the quality of series parts
Vision Engineering, a provider of innovative inspection, metrology and digital 3D visualisation solutions, has announced the launch of Mantis 3rd Gen, the latest addition to its best selling and award winning range of ergonomic optical stereo microscopes.
Vision Engineering Ltd is a designer and manufacturer of patented ergonomic stereo optical and digital instruments, used for inspection, manipulation, measurement and analysis of manufactured parts, by most of the world’s leading manufacturers and their extended supply chains.
The new Mantis 3 rd Gen incorporates the latest developments in optics, digital cameras and fully adjustable LED lighting, and was designed for precision engineering, electronic engineering, medical device manufacture, and a wide range of other applications that require high-quality images and superior ergonomics. It features a unique, patented, eyepiece-less design that delivers a large, high-quality optical stereo image directly into the user’s eyes – making it more comfortable and easier to view than traditional microscopes.
Mantis 3 rd Gen features long working distance and excellent depth perception, now with a choice of three magnifications, making it ideal for a wide range of
ASAHI OKUMA AT810 (2 machines) 8x100 mm, 200 ppm, 7 5 tons 1992
ASAHI OKUMA AT1010 10x100 mm, cutoff 125 mm, 200 ppm 1992
SALVI 243 (4 machines) 5x25 mm 350ppm bushing cutoff sound enc
CHUN ZU CBF83L 10x115mm, 140ppm, 25HP, 14 tons 2000
MALMEDIE K64 29x180mm, 90ppm 1981
NATIONAL 500 (3 machines) 14x50 mm, 100 ppm, Universal Transfer,
MULTIPRESS MP510S 12x100mm, 50-200ppm, 16 tons 2000
NATIONAL 625 S3 LS 19/16x100 mm 150 ppm 24 tons sound enclosur
SALVI PSV 3x25mm 600ppm 1980
NATIONAL M56 HS (2 machines) 6x30mm, 350ppm 1970
SACMA SP21 (3 machines) 8x80mm, 200ppm 1974, 1985 & 1986
HILGELAND CH3L (3 machines) 10x150 mm, 100 ppm 1978, 1980 & 1984
FENG PEI FW-40C-255 13x255mm, PKO, 40-50ppm, 30HP 1999 CE
CHUN ZU CH20S 20x150mm 35ppm 250 tons load 23 tons 2014 CE
E W MENN GW52 (2 machines) M6x80/40mm 600ppm 1980 & 198
SASPI GV6-50 M22x200/130mm, 90ppm, dies 305/280mm rebuilt
E W MENN GW160H M24x250/150 mm, 200 ppm, dies 305/280mm
TRANSCO AUDREMA 8032 4-6x15-100 mm, 45 ppm, vibratory bowl 1
NATIONAL BH141 (3 machines) 9 8X14 mm, 425 ppm 2004, 2007 & 2
WAFIOS FTU 4 3-98 (2 machines) CNC coiling & bending centre 1995
applications. It also now comes as standard with five different ways to illuminate the subject, giving the operator the flexibility to adjust the lighting to get the perfect image for their needs.
In addition to its outstanding image quality and ergonomics, Mantis also features a powerful digital imaging system that allows the user to capture, review, and share high resolution images. This makes it easy to share work with colleagues, document findings, and train new employees.
“As our customers have told us for the last 28 years, Mantis is an ideal solution for anyone who needs to perform precise work with small objects,” said Mark Curtis, managing director at Vision Engineering. “We invest substantial R&D time and effort in exploiting the opportunities that fast moving optic, digital and lighting technologies offer our dedicated customer base. Mantis 3 rd Gen offers the best of both worlds: superior ergonomics and optical image quality,
Since Chat GPT and other AI tools started hitting the scene, I have been fascinated with their potential use in the world of distribution. It has been a long time since something has made me this curious. In fact, you could say that I am in awe at the potential.
The current AI tools take me back to the day I received my first PC, the Apple 2e. I started experimenting with basic programming and spent hours making the computer flash and make sounds. I didn’t know what I had, but I knew that it was something. This wonder, without any regard for purpose, is where I find myself today with AI. Granted, I have the ability to see some logical applications, but I still feel like my experiments and queries are just the tip of the iceberg.
Now, some of you might be thinking ‘AI? Isn’t that the thing that’s going to steal our jobs and take over the world?’ And while I can’t guarantee that Skynet won’t become self-aware and launch a nuclear attack as happened in the film Terminator, I can tell you that AI tools can actually be incredibly useful in wholesale distribution. We just have to be willing to get past the fear and find our curiosity.
First of all, let’s define what we mean by ‘AI tools’. Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of wholesale distribution, AI tools are software programs that use machine learning algorithms to analyse data and make predictions or recommendations. Regardless of what the media might have you believe; this is not an overnight phenomenon. Several companies have been building tools using machine learning for the past 2 or 3 years. Some that come to mind in the distribution space are Proton.ai, Intuilize, and SupplyMover. No, I don’t get anything for plugging their names, I just like what they are up to.
One area where AI tools can be particularly helpful is in inventory management. By analysing sales data, customer demand, and other factors, AI tools can predict which products are likely to sell well and which ones are at risk of becoming obsolete. This can help distributors optimise their inventory levels
and avoid overstocking or understocking. Don’t get me wrong, the replenishment packages in current ERP packages have come a long way from the old min/max. However, when compared to AI powered replenishment tools, it’s like 2D versus 3D chess.
Another area where AI tools can be useful is in pricing optimisation. By analysing market data and customer behaviour, AI tools can help distributors set prices that are competitive and profitable. For example, they can analyse customer purchase histories to identify patterns and trends, and then use that information to recommend pricing strategies that are likely to be effective. Most distributors have a biased approach to market pricing. Their judgement gets clouded by the competitive items in their arsenal. Thus, everything is deemed more price sensitive than it really is. AI tools remove this bias and work squarely on logic.
AI tools can also be used to improve customer service. By analysing customer data, AI tools can identify patterns and trends in customer behaviour and preferences, allowing distributors to personalise their interactions with customers. For example, they
…AI tools can actually be incredibly useful in wholesale distribution. We just have to be willing to get past the fear and find our curiosity.”
can use chatbots to provide customers with quick and helpful answers to common questions or use predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and offer targeted promotions. Some of the items on our shelves are the best kept secret to our longest standing customers. We have evolved, but forgot to spread the word. AI powered CRM solutions can help our sales people suggest items that fit specific customer profiles.
When it comes to marketing, AI tools can be particularly useful in analysing customer data to identify patterns and trends. For example, they can analyse social media activity and website traffic to identify which products or services are generating the most interest, and then use that information to recommend targeted marketing campaigns.
Let’s say you’re a wholesale distributor of electronics and you’re looking to launch a marketing campaign for your new line of throwback VHS players. With the help of AI tools, you can analyse customer data to identify which customers are most likely to be interested in VHS players, based on factors like age, location and previous purchase history. You can then use that information to target those customers with personalised marketing messages, such as ‘Hey, Gen X-ers! Rediscover the magic of your favorite 80s movies with our new line of nostalgic VHS players!’
Of course, you’ll want to make sure your marketing materials are up to date and visually appealing. No one wants to see a cheesy 80s ad with bad graphics and synth music. However, with the help of AI tools, you can analyse customer preferences and behaviours to identify which design elements and messaging strategies are most effective, and then use that information to create marketing materials that really resonate with your target audience.
Of course, like any technology, AI tools aren’t a magic bullet. They require careful implementation and ongoing maintenance to ensure they’re effective. Also, as with any tool, it’s important to remember that AI tools are only as good as the data they’re fed. If the data is inaccurate or incomplete, the AI tool’s predictions and recommendations will be similarly flawed.
That being said, I believe that AI tools have the potential to revolutionise the wholesale distribution industry. They can help distributors make more informed decisions, streamline operations, identify new markets, and provide better service to customers. And, hey, if they do end up leading to a robot uprising, at least we can say we were ahead of the curve.
The most important thing is to be curious. No one can tell you exactly how these tools will fit in your business. Experiment and have some fun with this technology. Test the boundaries and work smarter, not harder. Find the balance between what can only be accomplished by the human mind and what would be better left to the machines. Before I let you go, you need to ask yourself this one question: ‘Did I write this, or did I leave it in the hands of an AI bot?’ The world may never know. Remain curious and know that I am always here to help.
Jason Bader is a holistic distribution advisor who is passionate about helping business owners solve challenges, generate wealth and achieve personal goals. He can be found speaking at several industry events throughout the year, providing executive coaching services to private clients and letting his thoughts be known in an industry publication or two. Last year, he launched his first podcast, Distribution Talk. Episodes can be found at www.distributiontalk.com and most podcast applications. He can be reached via email at jason@distributionteam.com
I believe that AI tools have the potential to revolutionise the wholesale distribution industry.”
Here Swiss company Timly looks at how Smart maintenance planning software can be another important factor in manufacturing, helping to ensure that machines and tools break down less frequently and run with a low error rate.
Planning the maintenance and repair of complex industrial production facilities can become a real challenge in practice. One reason for this is the large number of relevant laws and regulations, as well as possible internal requirements.
There are roughly three areas regarding the requirements, which are safety requirements, functional requirements and individual specifications. The safety requirements result from legal obligations such as the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the regulations of the DGUV, as well as other industry specific ordinances. Those responsible have little leeway – with inspection intervals having to be adhered to in order to avoid sanctions by inspection bodies.
The next area is functional requirements, which are maintenance and inspection schedules that are recommended or prescribed by the manufacturer in order not to lose warranty claims, for example. Regular
maintenance also contributes to the longevity of machines.
The final aspect is individual specifications, work processes in specific companies usually require certain recurring activities to be carried out on a daily basis. These can be cleaning work or the refilling of operating materials. Here, too, there is little flexibility if the operational readiness of the work equipment is not to be jeopardised.
Coordination is difficult if the upcoming appointments for this are managed in different systems. It is also helpful if the schedule management is directly linked to the documentation. In this way, it is easy to see what condition a machine was in during the last maintenance operation and what work was carried out. This is where Timly’s maintenance planning software comes in, resulting in only one solution being required for the topic of inventory and maintenance.
Planning the maintenance and repair of complex industrial production facilities can become a real challenge in practice.”
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Software-based appointment management is standard in all sectors nowadays. Automatic reminders, checking for collisions, and the simple creation of overviews, are functions that can be fulfilled in this way – saving time and avoiding errors.
However, in order to get by with a uniform system, the maintenance planning software used must be able to record a wide variety of assets. For this purpose, Timly offers dynamic profiles that can ultimately be adapted to parameters of almost any imaginable inventory item.
In practice, it is used to manage furniture, as well as complex machines and vehicles. For easier allocation, container objects can also be defined to which other assets are linked. In this way, a production plant consisting of many individual components is mapped logically.
With this model, dates and documents of machine components can be recorded in a fine granular way. It is then possible to display an overall view for a production area.
The use of maintenance planning software such as Timly can be seamlessly integrated into smart production, also known as Industry 4.0. The program is designed as a Cloud service. Set-up and secure connection in accordance with the requirements of the DSGVO (GDPR) are already included in the software package. Access is possible with any mobile device that has an internet connection. The integration of IoT sensors has also already been implemented and GPS trackers can be used, for example, to locate mobile work equipment.
In addition to the possibility of integrating a GPS device, interfaces have also been implemented for operating equipment control using distance measuring devices and smart sensors for temperature and humidity measurement.
Timly cooperates in this area with adnexo, the established Swiss manufacturer of high-quality IoT sensor technology. Measured values can thus be documented automatically and, if desired, coupled with notifications from responsible parties when previously defined events occur. This means time-consuming manual checks on machines are increasingly being eliminated.
To access information from the maintenance planning software from every conceivable work location, Timly also offers a web App for smartphones and tablets. Combined with the ability to tag assets with QR codes, this creates an intuitive way to access the profile of a work asset.
All that is required is to scan the QR code with the integrated barcode scanner. Employees can then call up all relevant information directly at the workstation and update it as needed.
In particular, regulations such as the BetrSichV require formal documentation of maintenance work and test results. The type and scope are based on industry standards such as DIN 31051 and DIN EN 13306. With its maintenance planning software, Timly offers the possibility of storing documents of all types in the digital file of a device. Therefore, a log can be filled out directly on the mobile device on-site and saved in ‘real time’ in the device profile.
If Timly is also used for personnel management, this applies analogously to qualification records and certificates of inspection personnel. In this way, maximum transparency is provided. Every employee can, if desired, reassure themself of the legally compliant condition of a machine. All required documents are available for inspections.
Before purchasing maintenance planning software, the question often arises in practice as to whether a comparable functionality can also be depicted with existing programs, such as Microsoft Excel. However, the requirements for modern maintenance planning usually exceed the possibilities of spreadsheet programs.
In particular, multi-user capability and poor manageability on mobile devices stand in the way. Smart functions, such as checking for scheduling conflicts and automatic reminders, can only be implemented with VBA scripts. Ultimately, maintenance planning with Excel generates a significantly higher workload compared to using specialised maintenance planning software. Timly’s software also has clear advantages in specialised sectors, such as wood processing or IT.
Timly’s maintenance planning software has become one of the market leaders in a short time. Customers include companies such as SodaStream, Siemens, Panasonic and Bayer. The diversity of the customer base shows that Timly’s universal approach to inventory management and maintenance planning meets ‘real world’ requirements. The functional scope of the maintenance planning software is also continuously expanded and adapted to current problems to ensure future viability.
In order to give those responsible at companies the opportunity to test the handling of Timly, on the basis of their own work processes, a free test phase – including all functions of the maintenance planning software – is available.
Timly offers dynamic profiles that can ultimately be adapted to parameters of almost any imaginable inventory item.”
For most industrial fastener suppliers, cert management is crucial in their approach to the fastener industry and business overall. This simple but essential process plays a key role in closing deals, keeping orders moving, and maintaining customer and vendor relationships. Seeking to ensure its customers have the best experience, WCL Company decided to modernise how it managed quality certifications, by using SmartCert.
AUS-based specialist in fastening solutions since 1957, WCL Company’s approach to technology is simple – if a solution improves customer experience, it considers it. Otherwise, it sticks with what works, an example of which is its continued use of the company’s legacy ERP system, because it’s yet to find a new one that works as effectively.
However, around seven years ago, WCL’s cert management process was found to be a ‘pain point’ for customers, a single cert package could total more than 15 sheets of paper, all of which needing time-consuming, manual interventions –so the company sought a new solution.
That search concluded with the adoption of an electronic system replacing the paperbased one. However, it, too, was relatively time-consuming, with such things as manual scanning and storing of digital certs required before sending to customers. It was also inflexible, making it ill-suited for clients with specific requirements. What was needed was a cert management system providing exactly what a customer wanted, quickly, without creating more work for the quality department.
When WCL’s sales manager, Holly McDaniel, first saw SmartCert, she could see immediately how it would strengthen the WCL brand, particularly with respect to customer responsiveness. While Holly internally championed the adoption of
SmartCert, WCL’s quality inspector, Marci Miranda, led the implementation and onboarding of WCL’s customers – having formerly spent years inspecting advanced electronics for military applications.
Marci commented: “For me, the biggest draw of SmartCert is that it’s easy to learn, even for non-technical colleagues. Nearly everybody is satisfied with the platform once they realise how simple it is to use. They’re especially happy when they find out they can send and receive certification packages for free, even if they initially pushed back.”
The SmartCert training and onboarding playbook and resources of templates, graphics, and other information, led 80% of WCL’s clients to adopt SmartCert without any
help, with the others requiring only minor assistance.
Through the use of SmartCert, WCL can now select an individual cert from the cert package and send it to customers more efficiently. Employees no longer need to manually scan and compile cert packages, a process that could delay customer certs. The new system has eliminated nearly all manual processing; centralised the company’s certifications for more efficient, effective management – so that sending a cert package now takes only minutes; and employees can even pull out individual certs easily to create tailored packages meeting specific customer requests.
Training time was also a significant draw for adopting the platform, with both customers and internal employees, even those intimidated by technology, picking it up quickly. This has made it easier for the company’s sales team to onboard new and prospective clients.
SmartCert’s tracking functionality also enables the company to see when it share certs with a customer, which makes its job considerably easier from a compliance perspective. This goes hand-in-hand with the platform’s built-in security, which both builds confidence and allows WCL to protect the highly sensitive information its cert packages often contain.
“We adopted SmartCert with the goal of providing more value, and in that we’ve succeeded,” concluded Holly.
...the biggest draw of SmartCert is that it’s easy to learn, even for non-technical colleagues. Nearly everybody is satisfied with the platform once they realise how simple it is to use.”
Infor, an industry Cloud company, has continued the momentum of its Infor Marketplace, which now showcases more than 150 software solutions – including partner-developed applications that extend the functionality of Infor enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, as well as Infor content that leverages Infor platform technology and OpenAI’s ChatGPT language model.
Several new partner solutions enable users to extend the capabilities of Infor’s M3 and LN ERP systems –serving the manufacturing, distribution and services industries. Plus, new Infor solutions leveraging Infor platform technologies (Infor OS, Coleman AI) and generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, will help improve the user experience with Infor CloudSuite solutions.
Massimo Capoccia, chief innovation officer at Infor, explains: “The Infor Marketplace showcases Infor’s large and growing partner network, with more than half of the solutions now consisting of partner-developed Apps. This expanding enterprise software ecosystem provides users with the convenience, flexibility and confidence to deploy solutions that make their businesses more successful.”
One of those partner solutions is the Accure Cloud for M3, from partner Accure AB, and is a complete and natural output suite for Infor’s M3 ERP solution that helps users monitor and maintain the process and distribution of all documents, forms, labels, reports and more, in printed or electronic format. It is a complete CloudSuite, delivered as a service, which manages all output management from M3, including a unique
transformation process for a safe and fast move to the M3 Cloud Edition.
Other Cloud-based solutions on Infor Marketplace include one from LeaseQuery, which simplifies lease accounting and facilitates compliance for organisations across all sectors. The solution transfers accurate journal entries, disclosure and accounts payable reports seamlessly, maximising time savings and eliminating mistakes. From Infor partner Providence Consulting Group, comes its FOREX for Infor App LN Edition, delivering accurate international budgeting and analytics, amongst other complex financial transaction functionality.
When it comes to AI, one new solution on the Infor Marketplace is an Ask ChatGPT Widget, which is an intelligent tool combining the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT with the business context information in the Infor Cloud environment, in order to help Infor customers effectively ask specific questions of ChatGPT. A customer can, for example, ask for ideas on how to promote products they sell, or obtain feedback on an item or business partner, based on the information available in the general domain. Such widgets help optimise overall efficiency and effectiveness of Infor CloudSuite environments.
Weighpack subsidiary, Karter, has introduced three new agile autonomous mobile robot (AMR) solutions with super fast charging capabilities, targeted at a wide range of applications – from intralogistics and manufacturing to agriculture and the transportation of heavy products and components.
Capable of operating for eight hours after just ten minutes of charging, the new Karter AMRs are highly agile and simple to integrate into a site’s existing operations and are the first result of the company’s close technical partnership with BlueBotics. The vehicles are driven by BlueBotics’ ANT natural feature navigation and, as a result, do not require any permanent changes to be made to a site’s infrastructure –such as the laying of magnetic tape, or installing reflective targets – for them to operate effectively.
Patrick van Tiel, commercial manager for AMRs at Karter, comments: “These Karter AMRs are the future of material handling. They reduce a company’s reliance on human resources to carry out repetitive, labour-intensive tasks, and they can help lower costs and increase safety, ensuring tasks are carried out predictably and reliably every time.”
The three Karter AMRs include the Karter Kompakt robot, which is an automated pallet truck, capable of carrying payloads of up to 1,500kg; the Karter Lyft is an autonomous low-lift (500mm) forklift robot capable of transporting pallets weighing up to 1,000kg; and the Karter Mono is a highly efficient AMR workhorse capable of transporting a wide range of payloads, such as roller cages and boxes weighing up to 1,500kg.
All the systems are also fully interoperable and can either be used alone, or as a fully-connected AMR fleet, even with ANT-driven vehicles that use BlueBotics ANT server software. Indeed, the ANT server’s API can be used to connect a Karter installation to a site’s existing WMS/ MES/ERP software and to seamlessly interface with equipment, such as automatic doors and elevators.
Dr Nicola Tomatis, CEO at BlueBotics, added: “These Karters bring a new level of flexibility and agility to the AMR market. They are highly compact, can recharge in no time, and thanks to the ANT navigation technology inside them they are accurate, reliable, quick to commission, and fleet-ready, immediately.”
Safety is a major issue when choosing a mode of transport. Most people think that flying is the safest, but actually it’s rail. Rail safety doesn’t happen by accident and the quality and integrity of the rail joints and fasteners are vital to it.
The UK went through a bad period in the early 2000s with privatisation and rail joint inspection and maintenance falling well below par. On 10th May 2002, a northbound train derailed at high speed when passing over points just south of Potters Bar station, killing seven and injuring 76. Part of the train ended up wedged between the station platforms and buildings.
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report released in May 2003 found that the points were poorly maintained and that this was the principal cause of the accident. The bolts that held the stretcher bars that maintain the distance between the two point blades had come loose or were missing, causing the point blades to move apart when the train passed over them. The points had been ‘fully inspected’ on 1 st May by a team working for the private railway maintenance firm Jarvis plc and there had been a further visual inspection on 9th May, the day before the crash, with no problems reported.
However, that evening, a station announcer was travelling on the northbound fast line and reported a ‘rough ride’ at Potters Bar whilst going over points 2182A. A Railtrack engineering supervisor was sent to make an inspection, but due to an apparent misunderstanding by the Kings Cross signal box staff, he was sent to the southbound fast line and so did not find the fastener problem that subsequently led to the accident.
Train accidents as serious as this are very, very rare in developed countries, but when things do go wrong, it can be catastrophic. That is why rail joints must be made well and inspected well.
Human inspection of rail joints is slow, expensive and dangerous. Poor observation can occur and inspectors have been killed by trains due to poor lookout and misunderstanding of which lines were active. Praneeth
Chandran of Luleå University of Technology in Sweden has published a paper on the automation of inspection using cameras and eddy current technology on normal trains rather than specific testing rolling stock – so the inspections do not disrupt normal train operations at all.
Firstly, a study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of automated visual-based solutions for fastener state detection. An anomaly detection model combining image processing techniques and deep learning algorithms was developed to detect the fastener state from rail images captured by a camera system. The model showed a high capability of detecting the fastener state from the rail images. However, it had difficulties detecting the fasteners when they were covered in snow or ballast stones and when the image brightness was low. In Sweden, particularly in the north, the fasteners are covered with snow for up to six months and this can inhibit regular fastener inspections that rely on such automated visual inspection methods.
To overcome the challenges associated with automated visual inspection systems for fastener state detection, an alternative inspection method using a differential eddy current measurement system was investigated. Controlled field measurements were carried out along a heavy haul railway line in the north of Sweden to determine the effectiveness of the proposed measurement system.
An anomaly detection model, based on a supervised machine learning algorithm, was developed to detect the fastener state from the controlled eddy current measurements. Further, to test the effectiveness of the eddy current sensor during ‘real time’ measurements, the proposed sensor system was mounted on an in-service freight train and measurements were carried out along the iron ore line of Sweden. An anomaly detection model using unsupervised machine learning algorithms was developed to facilitate fastener state detection and detect other anomalies from the ‘real time’ measurement data.
Rail fasteners fix rails to sleepers or each other. Generally, a rail fastening system consists of rail anchors, rail tie plates, chairs, fasteners, spikes, screws and bolts. There are strict criteria for producing rail fastening systems because safety must not be compromised. Chinese company Agico lists the following factors:
Rail clamping force: Clamping forces may change according to different kinds of fastening system and customer requirements. Generally, most fastening systems offer a clamping force between 7.5kN to 12.5kN with deflections of the clips toe between 10mm and 15mm. According to European standards, for most main line tracks, the minimum force to push the rail through the fastening system is 7kN and 9kN for high speed rail and heavy freight lines.
Anchor/shoulder: The anchor/shoulder is quite important in the fastening system. It has to withstand loads and vibrations transmitted to the sleeper to protect it from breaking or coming loose. Based on the European standard, all the parts of the fastening should be able to withstand a 60kN pullout force without breaking the sleeper.
Insulators: To stop the wearing of other fastening components, insulators are necessary, to work as cushions. This means the materials used must be resistant to wear, attack form chemicals and degradation from ultraviolet light. Rail pads: Bad joints, track irregularities and faults in rolling stock can increase loads. Rail pads come into play here. Usually the rail pad is made of rubber, some 10mm thick, with a plastic such as EVA between 5mm and 10mm thick. The typical stiffness of the pad is in the range 40kN/mm – 450kN/mm and the 5mm plastic pad can offer stiffness as high as 6,000kN/mm.
Rails have traditionally been joined by fish plates, but for a smother ride and greater safety, rail welding is becoming more common. There are four methods of rail welding – flash butt, gas pressure, thermite and electric arc welding.
In flash butt rail welding, the first step is to place the two rail heads together. A large current produces resistance heat (to produce a flash), so that the end faces are melted together. At a predetermined temperature the forging force completes the rail welding.
Flash butt rail welding has high automation, stable processes and excellent welding quality. The welded joint is a compact forged structure, the joint toughness is good, the mechanical properties are close to the steel base metal and the production efficiency is high. It is mainly used for factory rail welding or base rail welding, and sometimes for unit steel rail welding.
However, the flash butt rail welding machine is expensive, the one-time investment is large, the equipment is complicated, and it needs to be equipped with a high power supply and diesel generator set. The welding process parameters are stringent and the adjustment is cumbersome. Also, rail is consumed, so up to 50mm of rail is lost at each joint.
Gas pressure welding rail uses the heat energy generated by the gaseous fuel to heat the end of the rail to a molten or plastic state, and then a high pressure completes the rail welding. The one-time investment is lower for gas pressure welding, the welding time is shorter, the weld quality it is better and the welded joints are also compact forged structures. It is mainly used for on-site joint welding. The steel rail loss is reduced, about 30mm less on average. However, the gas pressure welding requirements are very strict. The welding process is affected by many human factors and the joint quality fluctuates greatly, and is difficult to control.
The other option is thermite rail welding, which uses aluminium and iron oxide (including additives) to produce a redox reaction at a certain temperature. The high temperature liquid metal forms and is sent into a special mould, melting the rail ends together.
Thermite welding has simple equipment, convenient operation, low production costs, no difficult processes, good appearance of joints and short joining time. It is also especially suitable for broken steel rail repair. However, thermite welding has lower strength, lower quality, a higher breakage rate and poorer overall performance. The weld is the weakest link in seamless lines.
Finally, electric arc welding produces excellent joints and sometimes the tensile strength and wear resistance exceeds the steel base metal. It’s less widely used because the welding process and technical requirements are strict.
There are several examples of rail developments around the globe, which underline that the market for rail fastening and joining techniques is expanding strongly and so is the market for the inspection and maintenance of those attachment techniques.
For instance, last January the European Commission announced it will support ten pilot projects to establish new rail services or improve existing ones. Together, they will improve cross-border rail connections across the EU, making them faster, more frequent and more affordable.
European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: “While demand for green mobility is growing, we need the rail market to respond much better and much faster, especially for long and crossborder journeys. This is why the European Commission now wants to help rail companies create new international train connections –by day and by night – by breaking down the many barriers to crossborder rail. I’m looking forward to working with the rail sector to make these ten pilots a success and to inspire many more to join!”
After careful evaluation, the European Commission has selected the following proposals for cross-border pilot services, in order of planned starting date:
Hungarian Ministry of Transport: New services connecting Hungary, Austria and western Romania.
Connection Germany – Denmark – Sweden: With the participation of SJ (new night train service Stockholm – Copenhagen – Berlin and day train Hamburg – Gothenburg (and potentially Oslo, in co-operation with DSB and DB), Snälltaget (enhanced night train service Stockholm – Copenhagen – Berlin), České dráhy (new service Prague –Berlin – Copenhagen, in co-operation with DB and DSB) and Flixtrain (new service Leipzig – Berlin – Copenhagen– Stockholm).
Midnight Trains: New night train service Paris – Milan – Venice. Flixtrain: New service Munich – Zurich.
WESTbahn: New service Munich – Vienna – Budapest, extension of existing service.
Nederlandse Spoorwegen: Enhancement of the existing Amsterdam – London service, in cooperation with Eurostar. European Sleeper: New night train service Amsterdam – Barcelona.
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane/Deutsche Bahn: New services Rome – Munich and Milan – Munich, with a possible extension to Berlin.
ILSA: New services Lisbon – A Coruña and Lisbon – Madrid. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya: New services connecting Catalonia and the south of France.
The proposals were submitted by the rail sector and relevant authorities in response to the Commission’s plan to boost longdistance and cross-border rail, adopted in December 2021. The Action Plan identified obstacles hindering the uptake and operation of cross-border passenger rail services, and measures to address them. One of these measures is the pilot services, which will help railway operators and authorities to break down remaining barriers in practice, with the support of the Commission.
Global engineering company Pandrol has also been central to the completion of a major 103km rail project in the Australian territory of New South Wales. The first section of the Inland Rail, which saw 98km of existing line between Parkes and Narromine upgraded and 5.3km of new track laid, cost A$110 million (€64.7 million) and took nine months to complete. A total of 365,000 rail clips from Pandrol’s Blacktown engineering hub in New South Wales were used to secure the tracks to 200,000 concrete sleepers.
At a ceremony attended by Australian Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, the Pandrol team fitted a special gold clip,
to mark the project’s completion. Pandrol is said to be one of the best known names in the rail industry. It has created rail infrastructure in more than 100 countries and its products, and services, extend to designing, developing and manufacturing equipment to make constructing and maintaining railways more efficient.
Michael McCormack commented: “History has been made with the completion of the Parkes-Narromine section of Inland Rail. 1,800 jobs have been supported and A$110 million invested with local businesses – a great example of the government’s record infrastructure spend, delivering for our regions – now and into the future.”
Eran Gartner, CEO at Pandrol, added: “Pandrol and the team, led by Pierre Barthram, were proud to attend and to provide the golden clip for this ceremony. It is a proud symbol of ‘Made in Australia’ from our Blacktown facility near Sydney, using Australian steel, securing long-term high-quality jobs and exporting successfully throughout the Asia Pacific region.”
The Parkes-Narromine section is the first of 13 projects which, when complete, will see a 1,700km rail line linking Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.
Another example of a major rail project is in the UK, with HS2 pushing on despite controversy. It has completed a ‘marathon’ construction operation at Streethay near Lichfield as part of an innovative project to pave the way for Britain’s new high-speed line. The operation, which utilised the latest low carbon design, involved excavating 14,000 tonnes of earth, building a 140 metre retaining wall and moving a 2,600 tonne bridge deck 130 metres into place under the South Staffordshire freight railway.
The work was carried out during a 10 week blockade. It was completed by HS2’s contractors in the West Midlands, Balfour Beatty VINCI and designers Mott MacDonald as part of a Design Joint Venture with SYSTRA, together with teams from 18 specialist supply chain companies.
At the end of July, the 2,600 tonne bridge deck, which had been cast on land adjacent to the railway was moved 130 metres into position using self-propelled modular transporters. Each side of the bridge was backfilled, the rail tracks were reinstated, with the railway line successfully handed back to Network Rail on Wednesday 16 th August and now reopened.
The 25 metre long and 18 metre wide Streethay overbridge sits within HS2’s Streethay cutting and will enable HS2 trains to travel under the existing railway between Birmingham and Crewe. Through design development, Mott MacDonald engineers were able to reduce the total length of wall structures for the railway at Streethay from 1.6km to 420 metres, meaning 80% less concrete was needed – saving around 420,000 tonnes of carbon and supporting HS2’s ambition to cut carbon on the project.
Caroline Warrington, senior project manager at HS2 Ltd, said: “This is a fantastic example of a project within a project at HS2, pulling together teams from 18 specialist supply chain companies from the West Midlands, as well as other regions, to deliver a complex construction operation. These are some of the many companies that are helping to build Britain’s new zero carbon railway, supporting thousands of jobs right across the country.”
These are just a few examples of rail developments around the globe, so the market for rail fastening and joining techniques is expanding strongly and so is the market for the inspection and maintenance of those attachment techniques.
To address the problem of critical assemblies becoming loose under extreme environmental conditions within the rail sector, J. LANFRANCO & Cie is able to offer a robust solution in the form of its THU self-locking nuts, which are effective in fastening rail joiners and contribute to enhancing rail safety.
Rail freight companies face numerous challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety and reliability of their equipment and vehicles during the transportation of heavy loads over long distances. Critical assemblies, such as splice-joint bars, are particularly susceptible to loosening under extreme environmental conditions, leading to potential failures and safety hazards.
Traditional fastening methods with multiple components can be unreliable under the demanding conditions faced by rail freight companies, but the THU self-locking nuts from J. LANFRANCO & Cie provide what the company calls “a superior alternative”, featuring a full height design with two slots on the same level – enabling the nuts to withstand high vibrations, heavy loads and extreme temperatures. Their self-locking mechanism also ensures that the nuts remain securely fastened, reducing the risk of loosening and subsequent failures.
The effectiveness of THU nuts has been demonstrated through their successful implementation in ‘real world’ scenarios. Since their initial installation, THU nuts have exhibited outstanding performance, even under extreme conditions and temperatures as low as -14°C. This reliability offers peace of mind to rail freight companies, knowing that their critical assemblies are secure and resistant to loosening.
By preventing such loosening and subsequent failures, the use of THU nuts also contributes to lower maintenance
costs and reduced downtime. This, in turn, results in increased profitability for rail freight companies. Traditional fastening methods often require regular tightening of fasteners on a daily or monthly basis. However, the self-locking nature of THU nuts eliminates the need for such frequent maintenance, saving valuable time and reducing labour costs. These nuts are also compatible with impact wrenches, eliminating the need for specialised equipment, like torque wrenches, in certain sectors. This compatibility simplifies the fastening process and ensures ease of use for rail freight companies.
J. LANFRANCO & Cie highlights, the success of THU nuts has made them the standard nuts for fastening rail joint bars in the extensive 1,000km New York transit network. As the largest transit network in North America, encompassing intercity trains and the subway, the company says this adoption speaks to the reliability and trust placed in the nuts. With over eight million passengers relying on the network daily, the use of THU nuts ensures the safety and stability of joint bars, thereby contributing to a more efficient and secure transportation system.
Following in the footsteps of the North American market, the South American sector is now also increasingly adopting THU nuts for fastening joint bars, with growing recognition and confidence in the product gained from its proven track record and successful implementation in the North American market. This trend signifies the positive impact the nuts have had on joint bars’ fastening practices, promoting safety, reliability and standardisation across both continents’ transportation networks.
Offering what J. LANFRANCO & Cie says is “exceptional performance in extreme conditions”, THU self-locking nuts provide a “reliable and cost-effective solution for fastening joint bars in demanding rail freight applications” – providing immediate benefits for rail freight companies, with adoption in the extensive New York rail network having established the nuts as a flagship product in the industry. By enhancing safety, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing operational efficiency, THU nuts, today, play a vital role in ensuring the reliable transportation of heavy loads across vast distances.
Vibrations, dynamic transverse forces, and high-speeds, require the highest safety standards in rail transport, which is why Dinghan SMART Railway Technology relies on fastening expert Böllhoff Group and Nord-Lock wedge-locking washers to fasten auxiliary power converters.
Dinghan SMART Railway Technology is a global supplier of onboard converters for rail transport. The company’s site in Kassel, Germany, supplies the world market with devices such as air conditioning converters and onboard converters for a wide variety of train types.
In fact, its SMARTconverters can transform the voltage of the traction current to suit auxiliary applications, such as air conditioning systems or onboard lighting – finding use throughout the entire field of rail transport, from long high-speed trains to metros, urban railways, and commuter trains that run continuously in metropolitan areas.
Dinghan SMART’s onboard converters have also been trimmed for light weight while maintaining high efficiency. They meet all European safety standards, but their modular design means they are also adaptable to the special needs of fast growing markets outside of Europe. Moreover, there are practically no limits to the placement and mounting of the systems, which weigh up to 700kg –meaning they can be supplied as roof mounted, underfloor or ‘open-frame’.
For the third generation of SMARTconverters, Böllhoff Group has developed a solution that focuses on reliability and absolute safety. Various securing methods were discussed with Dinghan SMART in advance, and on-site tests were carried out with a mobile Junkers vibration test stand. For example, under head bolts were tested meticulously, with the results unambiguous.
“The tests confirmed what we have known for a long time. Nord-Lock’s wedge-locking washers are the safest and most universal locking method for such safety critical projects,” says Christian Haase, a certified fastener engineer DSV® for the ECOTECH application technology at Böllhoff Group.
The decisive factor in this case was that the bolt connections that should be secured in the SMARTconverter are made of stainless steel, with hardly any solutions in this area that ensure sufficient anti-loosening under dynamic load.
“For example, under head toothed bolts made of stainless steel would be too soft to guarantee a durable tight fit,” explains Christian. “That is why we chose Nord-Lock’s stainless steel wedge-locking washers for Dinghan SMART’s auxiliary power converters.”
In rail transport, the challenges are particularly significant. High loads caused by vibrations and dynamic lateral forces must be mastered, and absolute safety must be guaranteed. After all, many people are transported around the clock and heavy goods are driven through sometimes densely populated areas. Failures due to material fatigue or loose connections can be disastrous.
“In the worst case, there is a danger to human life,” warns Christian. “For example, if components such as the winding material of the auxiliary converter come loose due to loosened fastenings, and fall onto the rails, there is a risk that the train will derail. Therefore, you should never underestimate the importance of the inverter fastenings.”
The danger is not just theoretical; it has been shown in real life. For example, in 2010 a door came loose on a Deutsche Bahn high-speed train. It happened during the passage through a tunnel when the fasteners could not withstand the negative pressure. As a result, the door was torn loose and crashed into an oncoming ICE (Intercity Express) train.
Safety requirements have always been high at Deutsche Bahn but have since been tightened even further. As one of the world’s leading rolling stock manufacturers for rail transport, they now only use Nord-Lock safety devices in Germany for connections of size M10 and larger – with the corresponding safety class according to DIN 25201-4 in outdoor applications.
Dinghan SMART Railway Technology, a long-standing Böllhoff customer, focuses exclusively on international rail transport. For example, SMARTconverters are used in Alstom’s Metropolis trains in Barcelona, Spain, Deutsche Bahn’s double-decker trains, Dutch ICM trains and the Naples metro in Italy.
“When secure bolted connections are required, the company consistently relies on Nord-Lock washers, even when there are lower-priced fasteners available on the market. Because at the end of the day, what counts most is safety and durability under heavy loads,” states Christian.
In particular, this goes for the third generation of SMARTconverters, which are primarily used in public transport, whether for long or short distances.
“Safety was the decisive reason for choosing the wedge-locking safety washers from Nord-Lock,” emphasises Christoph Engemann, group manager mechanical engineering at Dinghan SMART. “As a supplier of onboard power converters, Dinghan SMART is also concerned with customer satisfaction.” www.nord-lock.com
In July 2023, Dr Bill Eccles of Bolt Science presented a paper titled: ‘The Goldilocks Zone and the Coefficient of Friction of Threaded Fasteners’. Here, Bill summarises the paper while also adding some background.
hen a nut is tightened, the bolt is stretched and resisted by a tensile force within the bolt – this is known as the preload. This preload is triggered by a clamp force that pushes the joint plates together and, in most applications, it is the clamp force acting on the joint interface that is the critical parameter.
There are currently no low-cost means of measuring or controlling the clamp force, so some other easily measurable quantity is needed – controlling the torque value applied to the nut being the most popular approach.
Most of the torque that is applied when tightening a nut is used in overcoming friction. The pie chart below shows the case for a M12 property Class 8.8 bolt being fully tightened with the friction coefficient being 0.12. The torque value is very specific to the coefficient of friction, as friction is needed since otherwise the nut would spin off when the socket was removed following tightening.
When a nut is tightened, besides the tensile stress, the bolt is also subjected to torsion. This arises from the thread friction torque and the torque that is needed to stretch the bolt. Accordingly, the higher the thread friction, the higher the torsion in the bolt will be.
Yielding of the bolt is a consequence of the combined effects from the tensile and torsional stresses. The effect of a high thread friction is to lower the tensile stress present in the bolt at yield, as it is from the tensile stress that the preload arises. Consequently, a high friction value reduces the maximum preload that can be achieved.
Although friction can be controlled, to some degree, by the use of wet or dry lubricants, some amount of scatter still occurs. For a given percentage utilisation of the strength of the bolt material, a lower friction value will produce a higher preload. This is due to the reduced torsion being present with a lower friction value. Therefore, from a tightening aspect, a low friction value is desirable since it will allow a higher preload to be achievable at a low torque value.
For more information on this topic and other bolt related challenges visit www.boltscience.com
When a nut is tightened, besides the tensile stress, the bolt is also subjected to torsion. This arises from the thread friction torque and the torque that is needed to stretch the bolt.”
DELO has designed its DELO DUALBOND HT2990, a new dual-curing, high temperature adhesive for electric motor applications that can be used in multiple processes, including magnet bonding and magnet stacking in electric motor manufacturing.
With the increase in the production of electric vehicles, durable adhesives to bond electric motors, as well as efficient processes that help streamline production and meet high demand, are critical. That’s why DELO has developed its DUALBOND HT2990, a first of its kind for the company, and according to DELO, the first heat-resistant adhesive capable of light fixation. This supplemental method of curing helps electric motor manufacturers speed up assembly processes and optimise efficiency in their production, achieving light fixation in 5 to 10 seconds.
In magnet bonding, while heat is the standard method of curing, complementing it with light fixation creates an already cured outer
layer that helps keep everything in place; the adhesive does not seep outside, or onto the motor laminations. In magnet stacking, for example, supplementing heat curing with light fixation avoids having to keep magnets under a jig in the oven to reach the desired bond-line thickness.
Final curing with heat takes 30 minutes at 150°C or 60 minutes at 130°C. If exposure to heat occurs later in electric motor assembly, for example via heat shrinkage, there is a possibility for the heat curing step to be skipped. In addition, induction curing offers an alternative to oven curing.
At room temperature, DUALBOND HT2990 can achieve a compression shear strength of up to 70 MPa on steel, which compares to 45 MPa achieved by standard, high performance heat curing epoxies. It also has a high-glass-transition temperature of 165°C. In addition, at temperatures as extreme as 180°C the adhesive still exhibits a tensile shear strength of 7 MPa on aluminium, which is equivalent to 70 kg/cm² of force, i.e. a very secure bond.
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As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, one thing that will be essential is keeping down costs for consumers. The battery world within the EV sector is maturing, and with these changes comes the need for innovative solutions to improve efficiency in the production process.
One of the many steps that can help achieve this goal is improving the fastening process associated with EV components – both in terms of improving overall production time and lowering end user costs, while also maintaining a focus on improved sustainability.
At ARaymond, we work on solutions for a wide range of automotive fastening needs, and we continually work to develop the next level of fastener technology that will improve our ability to serve the automotive industry.
As battery packs are produced at a larger scale by automakers with the growth of EVs, one trend that is worth noting is the use of new clipping solutions as an alternative to traditional fasteners on EV batteries. This process change can reduce the complexity of battery manufacturing while also lowering the costs to automakers in the EV space.
One benefit of clipping alternatives is improved sustainability versus traditional fasteners. Clips made of steel are 100% recyclable at the end of the battery’s life, so these clipping solutions for battery lid closures are designed to ensure quick serviceability – while keeping in mind its reusability or recyclability. Using clips also creates an opportunity to use a smaller quantity of materials for overall fastening – with the removal of all nuts, screws and welding. The savings on time, transport, and increased serviceability of the batteries, all contribute to a more eco-friendly approach to manufacturing.
Most batteries being produced today rely on the traditional fastening solutions of the past — aka screws and bolts. However, as automakers ramp up their production scale for EVs, they must reduce costs and look for savings wherever possible to keep vehicles at affordable prices.
One method to help achieve this goal is to rethink their approach to the dozens of fasteners used on the battery itself and limit the amount of assembly time
needed by moving away from traditional fasteners and toward the use of clips.
At ARaymond, we have discovered the use of a clipping solution makes a lot of sense for automakers. It can help reduce components, makes closure of the battery tray quicker, and saves time on assembly. With mass production of batteries set to grow in the years ahead, this adds up to larger savings.
Time is saved due to the simplified process of pushing down a clip versus securing a threaded fastener, a process which can be multiple times faster for the employee or robot on the line completing the task. Also, by using clips, the design of the battery tray itself can be simplified.
Clips are a solution that have been proven in recent years they are up to the task that threaded fasteners have typically been assigned, even for the safety critical elements of today’s vehicles.
Metal clips being used on EV batteries have also proven effective to support other important elements of vehicle safety –including air bag systems, which had previously been secured with weld nuts.
Another benefit of the clips is an increased ease of addressing any assembly quality concerns. For example, if something goes wrong with a threaded fastener on a battery in an assembly line, you must remove the battery and do repair work on the side. But, if
something is wrong with a clipping solution, it’s much quicker to replace the faulty clip and keep the assembly line moving without working outside the line. That’s because the process is more complicated to fix a misthreaded screw versus fixing the clipping solution in a non-threaded hole.
The change in fastening solutions is not without its challenges. Each automaker features its own unique battery tray designs, so suppliers must be versatile and work with each automaker to deliver tailor-made solutions – to make sure all needs are being met and safety is always ensured.
ARaymond has worked with many key players in the market and maintains this individualised approach with all its customers.
Alongside simplifying the production process, there can also be a significant cost savings for automakers who adopt clipping solutions. In addition to assembly time savings, there is a lower cost per part with clipping solutions versus traditional fasteners. One of the biggest barriers to
mass adoption of EVs is the overall vehicle cost, so lessening the costs associated with production is essential.
Current estimates are that between parts savings and assembly time savings, clipping joint solutions will offer significant savings versus bolted joint solutions, the exact amount depending on the custom solution developed for each manufacturer. As innovation continues, the number of fasteners needed in each vehicle will also lessen, offering further savings to automakers and car buyers.
Improved efficiency from the assembly process with the clipping solutions can also lead to a reduction of stations needed at the plant. There is less length of floor space needed for the purposes of closing the battery lid, which can lead to millions in investment savings for manufacturers.
Between these financial benefits, as well as the positive impact of sustainability, the use of clips offers enough benefits for automakers that they should be part of the discussion –as automakers and suppliers continue to streamline the production process for EV batteries.
From airports, railways, subways, and industrial plants, to crane manufacturers, and even for the engines on ships, the applications for the new, smart, control and safety fastening systems from technology start-up, TOKBO, are diverse and numerous.
TOKBO was created as a result of a research project partnership, launched in 2018, between world leading Agrati SpA, and start-up accelerator, e-Novia, with the Industry 4.0 aim of adding electronics and ‘intelligence’ to its bolts. Now, after testing and validating the first prototypes, the outcome of the research project is that TOKBO has developed a new generation of products, which are already on the market.
These include structural bolts that also act as sensors for ‘real time’ monitoring of clamping force, vibration, and temperature, as well as screws and nuts, which, when positioned at critical points that customers want to monitor, transmit data on tension and elongation, any acceleration undergone, and existing inclination. This ‘intelligence’ allows ‘real time’ understanding of the operating conditions within structures and enables the interception of anomalies in good time; while the product patent developed allows for wireless operation, a direct wiring solution that also provides power has been opted, at this time, for first applications of the products, in order to avoid maintenance related to battery replacement.
By directly monitoring the operating status of the products, in situ, data is collected, which enables users to foresee and anticipate any potential problems, thereby allowing for predictive maintenance to be undertaken, improving overall safety. The singular monitoring
points are potentially a first step towards widespread and modular control; control units, which can manage up to 250 ‘smart’ bolts, collect the data, which is then conveyed to the Cloud.
Ivan Moroni, CEO at TOKBO, explains: “We have focused on the ‘big’ world of infrastructure and transport networks, because it is there that the need for control is most evident. If a bridge vibrates when a train passes, for example, the acceleration of the bolt indicates how the structure is reacting, which can also be followed, over time, by comparing it with past data.”
Under the control of parent company, Agrati, whose CEO, Paolo Pozzi, is also president of the European EIFI association, the start-up is currently unlimited in size, but within three years the target is for it to exceed €1.5 million in revenues.
Mr Moroni continues: “While the initial phase is gradual, with customers starting on a limited basis to test these tools, the possibilities of rapidly scaling up the business are real. Think, for example, of a railway operator that has asked us to monitor a specific turnout, a movable piece of track that allows a train to change direction without stopping, if this first step is adopted on the entire network, we can quickly scale up to hundreds, or thousands, of pieces supplied.”
About 10 systems are already active in the field at airports, machinery manufacturers, metro and railway operating companies, and with crane manufacturers. By the end of the year, it is projected there will be 20 applications on the market, again including airports, railways, subways, cranes, ships and industrial plants. However, there are even more potential applications, such as for the monitoring of landslides, buildings, bridges, and signposts crossing motorways. Another possible application is on ships, as is the case at two Ligurian ports to monitor possible spills at sea, with the control ship’s engine suspensions monitored by TOKBO’s system.
Mr Moroni reiterates that the company expects to have “at least” the 20 systems active at customer sites by the end of 2023, with the aim of becoming a reference point in Italy for the monitoring of joints for infrastructure and industrial systems. He added that the company also has contacts abroad and expects to begin cooperation with a partner for Latin America, soon. www.tokbo.it
One year ago, what is currently the sharpest image of the remote universe was revealed, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Bossard, as one of the principal suppliers of various fasteners for the Ariane 5 rocket, which transported the James Webb space telescope into space, is delighted to have played a key role in understanding the cosmos.
Daniel Bossard, CEO of Bossard Group, explained: “We are proud to contribute to researching the universe with our fasteners for the Ariane launch rocket. Thanks to its unprecedented abilities, and potential for revolutionary discoveries, the James Webb Space Telescope will expand our horizon and inspire generations to reach for the stars.”
Since 1980, Bossard and its subsidiary Interfast AG, have been supplying fasteners to Swiss technology company Beyond Gravity, which has been producing the payload fairings for all missions since the first Ariane flight in 1979 and also supplied the structures for Ariane 5. These fairings play a crucial role in protecting payloads such as satellites or spacecraft, as well as in optimising performance of the rockets during the initial launch phases.
Bossard’s engineers and specialists have maintained a close collaboration with Beyond Gravity and provide advice on individual fasteners and drawing parts. Bossard supplies screws, nuts, special washers, clamps, nipples, and specially designed rivets for the payload fairing’s separation system and has supplied Beyond Gravity with more than 1 million fasteners over the course of the collaboration. At the end of 2023, the Zurich-based company was tasked with producing the payload fairings for Ariane 6, the next generation of European launch
rockets. In the future, Bossard will continue to play a key role in supplying fasteners to Beyond Gravity.
“At Beyond Gravity, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We will continue to do our utmost every day to exceed our customers’ expectations in terms of industrialisation of our products, as well as in the area of supply chain. In doing so, we rely on reliable partners who continue to stay one step ahead with us. Thanks to many years of successful cooperation, Bossard knows our requirements and we are pleased to continue our joint journey thanks to cost-effective standard components and smart special solutions,” says Franz Straumann, senior manager manufacturing engineering at Beyond Gravity.
Here Bill Eccles, of Bolt Science, focuses on the reduced loadability of DIN nuts when compared to ISO nuts and how important it is to check nut markings to ensure the products are the correct property class.
Some years ago, on a Bolt Science training course given to largely design engineers at a major manufacturer, they spoke about a thread stripping issue they had on one application – the nuts were stripping, and they didn’t know why.
Looking at the nuts which had a |8| marking on them, they had assumed that they were property Class 8 to the relevant ISO standard (ISO 898 Part 2). They thought that the vertical bars at either side of the 8 was just decorative and of no significance. In fact, they are essentially a separate property class, property class |8| to a withdrawn DIN standard. Such nuts have what is referred to as reduced loadability, the nut’s proof load is lower than that of an ISO nut. The reduced strength of the DIN nut was a likely cause of the thread stripping issue that they were experiencing.
Many of the modern fastener ISO standards were developed from original DIN standards, with the relevant ISO standard subsequently superseding the DIN standard. Effectively, the DIN standard becomes frozen at its last update. For example, August 2023 celebrated the 40 th anniversary of the last update of a standard that is still used today in the manufacture of millions of nuts. In my experience most engineers
are unaware of the reduced loadability of DIN nuts when compared with nuts manufactured to the latest ISO standard. That is, they are unaware that they are weaker and more prone to thread stripping.
A relevant modern standard for nuts is ISO 4032, this provides details of the dimensions of the nuts and refers to the standard ISO 898 Part 2 for the mechanical property requirements. A property Class 8 nut, as shown in the image below, has defined specific strength properties. A proof load is how much load a nut can sustain on the threads without failing, this is specified in the ISO standard. For example, the proof load of an M12 property Class 8 nut is 74,200N. The latest issue of the ISO 898-2 standard (2022) increased the proof load of some of the larger thread sizes to reduce the risk from thread stripping. This further increases the disparity between DIN and ISO requirements.
A historic DIN standard for nuts is DIN 934, like the ISO standard this standard defines the nut dimensions and refers to another standard, DIN 267 Part 4, for the nut’s required mechanical properties. To differentiate from an ISO property class, such nuts have bars at either side of the property class marking, such as |8| as shown in the image below. In this
DIN standard, an M12 property class |8| nut has a specified proof load of 67,000N. Significantly less than that of an ISO nut. The reduced proof load requirement is also the case for other thread sizes. The term used in standards for such reduced strength characteristics is reduced loadability. Both the DIN 934 and DIN 267 Part 4 standards are withdrawn and no longer updated. The rub is that it is often stated by fastener suppliers that they are equivalent to the ISO standard; they are not.
If a bolt is over-tightened, for whatever reason, it is desirable that the bolt should fail by tensile fracture rather than failure occur as a result of the nut or bolt thread stripping. If the bolt breaks on tightening, it is obvious that a replacement is required. Thread stripping tends to be gradual in nature. If the thread stripping mode can occur, assemblies may enter into service which are partially failed, this may have disastrous consequences. Hence, the potential of thread
In my experience most engineers are unaware of the reduced loadability of DIN nuts when compared with nuts manufactured to the latest ISO standard.”
stripping of both the internal and external threads must be avoided if a reliable design is to be achieved. When specifying nuts and bolts it must always be ensured that the appropriate grade of nut is matched to the bolt grade.
For example, if a property Class 8.8 bolt is to be used, a property Class 8 nut, or better, should be used with it. The proof load requirement is the means by which to ensure that the nut has sufficient strength. The specified ultimate tensile load requirement for an M12 property Class 8.8 bolt is 67,400N, which is higher than the DIN nut proof load of 67,000N but less than that of an ISO nut of 74,200N.
In most instances, since the bolt is tightened to loads well below the nut’s proof load, the DIN nuts perform satisfactorily, but not always. Thread stripping is more likely with a DIN nut than with an equivalent ISO nut. This is not just of academic interest; thread stripping failures and accidents have occurred as a result of DIN nuts being used rather than the appropriate ISO nuts.
The last issue of the DIN 267 Part 4 standard was August 1983, 40 years ago. The standard consists of 8 pages compared to 29 pages in the latest (2022) ISO standard (there are many other differences between the standards, just the strength aspect is being highlighted here). The sentence at the top of DIN 267 Part 4 standard is worth repeating: ‘Property classes as defined in DIN ISO 898 Part 2 shall be used for new designs’. There are lots of nuts marked |8|, |10| and |12| that are on designs that are less than 40 years old. Most engineers, in my experience, are unaware of the reduced loadability of DIN nuts. If they were aware, most would likely opt for the stronger ISO nut.
There are other differences between the ISO and DIN nut standards. For example, both the height of the nut and the width across flats dimension can be different. One reason why withdrawn DIN standards are continued to be used on existing designs is that there is a difference in the across flats dimension on certain sizes between DIN and ISO standards. This is true for M10, M12 and M14 nuts, with DIN nuts having a 1mm greater
width than the equivalent sized ISO nut and a 2mm difference for M22 nuts.
Bolts and nuts are proof load tested independently. This allows different manufacturers to make nuts and bolts and allows separate checks to be completed, yet for the nut/ bolt assembly combination to function as intended when made to matching standards.
For example, ISO 898-1 for bolts and ISO 898-2 for nuts. Nuts are proof load tested using a hardened steel threaded mandrel. This effectively strengthens the nut so that when used with a bolt, thread bending, and nut dilation effects, can reduce the thread stripping load. Some suppliers state that their DIN nuts are proof load tested to ISO requirements. A DIN nut is slightly thinner than an equivalent ISO nut and so results in an increase in the shear stress on the bolt thread that can reduce the stripping strength.
I’ve asked engineers why they are using DIN nuts instead of ISO nuts; the conversation tends to go along the lines that they are available now whereas we have to wait for ISO nuts, and we’ve been told that they are equivalent. Ask the fastener supplier and they say, it is the customer, they want DIN nuts, and we give them what they want. Is the use of a standard that is 40 years old, that was long ago superseded by an ISO standard, be regarded as ‘state of the art’, especially considering their reduced strength? This is more than just an academic question when considered in the light of the latest requirements of the Machinery Directive.
Progress often consists of many small steps, small developments that result in safer and more reliable products. A great deal of effort goes into the continued development of ISO standards. The persistence in the use of withdrawn DIN fasteners on new designs freezes progress in fastener standardisation.
Last words: Check your nut markings, are they what you expect them to be? www.boltscience.com
If the thread stripping mode can occur, assemblies may enter into service which are partially failed, this may have disastrous consequences.”
The sentence at the top of DIN 267 Part 4 standard is worth repeating: ‘Property classes as defined in DIN ISO 898 Part 2 shall be used for new designs’.”
Under the well known and trusted Unifix brand, Owlett-Jaton offers over one hundred lines of drywall screws – the biggest range available from a single UK wholesaler.
Owlett-Jaton’s comprehensive range covers numerous diameters and lengths, head styles (all with a Phillips drive), finishes, threads, and points, and has recently grown – with the introduction of three new ranges of BZP drywall screws, including collated and collated self-drilling drywall screws.
Held together with a durable strip, Unifix’s collated drywall screws are ideal for use in auto-feed screw guns. They are designed to enable fast and efficient installation of plasterboard to timber stud work, drywall and ceiling track systems. Available in bugle head fine and coarse thread, in black phosphate, BZP, and ZYP, there is an option for every application.
The new BZP bugle head self-drilling fine thread collated range features a self-drilling point to aid in fixing into metal up to 2mm in thickness. Used to fix plasterboard to drywall and ceiling track systems, the bugle head sets the screw to the correct depth without tearing plasterboard paper.
Including UKCA and CE Marking, Unifix drywall screws are available boxed and in trade bags, all in stock, and available for free next day delivery. www.owlett-jaton.com
The RIVNUT Neo P107 not only adds to the established range of tools from Böllhoff Group, it is also the fastest setting tool within the RIVNUT family – making it perfect for demanding production challenges.
The RIVNUT Neo P107 has been developed and validated for use in medium and large series and can process steel RIVNUT fasteners (blind rivet nuts and studs) ranging from size M3 to M8. The tool features pneumatic-hydraulic technology for high power at lower weight (2kg without exchange units) and the pneumatically assisted piston return stroke also allows optimised cycle times.
The tool can install up to 36 RIVNUT blind rivet nuts per minute and is compatible with the existing RIVNUT exchange units (threaded mandrels and anvils). Böllhoff has developed this force controlled procedure, which is efficient because just one setting force must be set for each RIVNUT size (e.g. M6). The fastener is spun on through simple axial pressure on the threaded mandrel and automatically spun off upon reaching the setting force. Should it be necessary, it can also be spun off
manually at the push of a button, as in the case of a blocked threaded mandrel.
The Neo P107 tool was developed in close cooperation with Böllhoff’s customers to ensure very user-friendly handling in demanding industrial environments. It features an ergonomic handle, which is comfortable to hold, and it is easy to use since only one button is required for operation during the entire riveting cycle.
The tool is available in a transport case, including operating instructions, a quick start guide, a hydraulic oil refill and bleeding kit, as well as a spanner and hexagon key. The respective exchange units (threaded mandrels and anvils), as well as further accessories, are to be ordered separately. www.boellhoff.com
Swedish tool maker, Kamasa Tools, has introduced a set of eight extra long reach screwdrivers, part number 56149, that feature soft-grip handles, black magnetic tips and strong chrome vanadium steel shafts.
Kamasa underlines that the new tools are particularly useful for reaching restricted access fixings and with all the new drivers having 325mm shafts, they enable users to reach screws deep in an engine bay or under a dashboard easily. The magnetic tips also grip screws securely for safe retrieval.
The driver sizes included in the new set are PzDrive Pz1 and Pz2; Phillips Ph0, Ph1 and Ph2; and flat 5.5mm, 6.5mm and 8mm. The screwdrivers have strong polypropylene handles, which are designed for comfort, and thermoplastic rubber inserts offer an excellent grip.
The UK’s Accreditation Service (UKAS) has expanded the scope of Atlas Copco’s UKAS calibration accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, which will enable the industrial tool manufacturer to provide calibrations for electrically powered and controlled torque devices from just 0.2Nm up to 2,000Nm – at its dedicated calibration facility in Wolverhampton and at customer manufacturing sites.
In 2022, Atlas Copco says it became the first and only organisation in the UK accredited to UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017, enabling it to provide on-site calibration for measuring both the torque, to BS EN 7882:2017, and, crucially, angle parameters to VDI/VDE2648-1, for torque transducers up to 1,400Nm and 360 degrees, respectively. Additionally, the company secured accreditation for the on-site calibration of torque wrenches to BS EN ISO 6789-2:2017, up to 1,500Nm.
The additional UKAS accreditation covers wide torque ranges for the full portfolio of Atlas Copco electric assembly tools and any other tightening tools that are electrically powered and electronically torque controlled. These include Micro Torque screwdrivers for low torque applications – such as electronics; cordless Tensor IxB assembly tools with integrated digital controllers for industrial assembly and vehicle production; and SRB HA smart battery nutrunners that provide traceable high torque bolt tightening, for critical applications in the energy sector.
Approval from UKAS to provide on-site calibration allows a customer’s electric tools to be calibrated by Atlas Copco at their location, as a flexible alternative to sending the tools to a laboratory. Providing a cost-efficient and more sustainable solution for unscheduled calibration, this approach saves on production downtime, packaging, and logistics, as well as the need for reserve tools. On-site measurement and traceability assurance is an essential asset for manufacturers, which supports the collective ambition to continuously improve quality and production efficiency by minimising the need for re-work.
The increased scope of the UKAS calibration accreditation also reflects Atlas Copco’s corporate strategy of ensuring that appropriate ISO standards are consistently met across all of the organisation’s global production locations and customer centres.
Nicolas Van Zyl, calibration manager at Atlas Copco UK, commented: “Calibration is a key component of Atlas Copco’s ‘Smart Integrated Assembly’ concept, ensuring the accuracy and process reliability of assembly tools. Providing UKAS accredited calibrations makes a real difference for manufacturers, allowing electric assembly tools to be quickly re-calibrated and put back to work on the production line straightaway.”
Italian maker and distributor of fasteners and tools for sheet metal working, Rivit, has introduced a flower-shaped rivet – Fioriv – to fasten soft and composite materials with a secure and long-lasting fastening, thanks to its four, petal-like pressure points.
Rivit Srl explains that these petal-like pressure points are created by four notches placed under the head of the mandrel that, in the pulling phase, cut and deform the rivet body to create the pressure points. As a result, the Fioriv rivets adapt to different types of surfaces, even those requiring minimal clamping pressure, such as non-metallic materials, fibre glass, plastic products and drywall –so that fastening takes place without damaging them.
The new rivets come in different formats to suit different length and diameter requirements, but also to suit different materials and applications. Indeed, in order to meet the differing
Blind Rivets
Stainless Steel
Wood Screws
Stainless Steel(A2/A4)
Bi-Metal Self-drilling Screws
Stainless Steel (A2/A4)
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Have you heard our exclusive interview with Hilti Group?
Johannes Wilfried Huber, senior vice-president for the diamond systems business at Hilti Group talks about the crucial role of productivity and process improvements within the construction sector and how Hilti can provide solutions and support.
A new and compact, versatile electric screwdriver, part number 7985, has been introduced to the market by UK hand tool company Laser Tools. The company believes the new tool will change perceptions about electric screwdrivers, with the new product designed to meet the diverse needs of both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.
Laser Tools’ new screwdriver has a compact and comfortable design, which features a rubber coated handle for enhanced grip and control. It uses a quick-chuck system and is supplied with a quick-chuck bit holder together with eight 25mm long ¼ inch drive bits. Included within these are PzDrive Pz0, Pz1, Pz2, and Pz3; flat 7mm; and TORX® T15, T20 and T25 – offering the versatility needed to tackle various screwing tasks.
Powered by a rechargeable li-ion, 3.6V 900mAh battery, the company claims the screwdriver offers “much more than just cordless convenience”; the battery can be easily recharged through a USB socket on a PC, or USB adaptor, with a charging time of just 60 minutes. Once fully charged, the screwdriver provides an operating time of approximately 40 minutes. A red light indicates charging, while a green light signifies a full charge and a USB charging cable is included in the pack.
The initial torque when using electric power is set to 3Nm to prevent over-tightening of screw fixings. However, if ‘really tight’ is required, or for unscrewing, up to 15Nm of torque can be manually applied, offering even more versatility for a range of applications.
To illuminate a work area, the screwdriver is equipped with an LED torch that automatically turns on when in use. This feature ensures visibility in dark and hard-to-reach areas.
The new Laser Tools electric screwdriver is available now from stockists.
In a world filled with bolts, screws, and rivets, PEM® a leading brand from PennEgineering – states it has introduced a revolutionary fastening solution, PEM® GHOST™ magnetic fasteners, which provides tight security, sleek aesthetics and an ‘air of mystery’.
Jay McKenna, global technical marketing manager at PEM® , explains: “Imagine assembly and reassembly with near-instant release, thanks to a specialist magnetic tool. It’s like magic, but with more pinch seals!”
Using the powers of magnetism, a magnetic release tool is all an operator needs to unlock the PEM® GHOST™ concealed magnetic fastener. “The internal components spring into action, releasing the pin from its grip faster than a secret agent escaping an evil lair,” explains Jay. “Only those authorised with the proper tool will possess the knowledge to unleash this supernatural force. It’s like a secret handshake, but with pinch seals.”
Jay continues: “Not only does PEM® GHOST™ magnetic fastening technology offer cosmetic benefits, making your project look smoother than James Bond’s charm, it also takes security to new heights. If anyone dares to tamper with your assembly without the mystical tool, they’ll need the strength of Hercules himself. With a whopping 130N of force required to separate each pin from its retainer, the would-be meddler will be left in awe.”
With the PEM® GHOST™ magnetic fastening technology, industries across the board will be able to explore new design avenues.
Two new cordless, brushless rivet tools for fastening aluminium, steel, and stainless steel blind rivets has been launched by Stanley Black & Decker brand, DEWALT.
The 20V MAX XR® brushless, cordless 3/16 inch (DCF403) and ¼ inch (DCF414) rivet tools have been designed to maximise productivity, are lightweight yet powerful.
Both sets of tools feature tool-free, nose-piece changes for ease of use in pre-fabrication, assembly, HVAC, roofing, and automotive applications. The new 3 /16 inch (DCF403) has a brushless motor that delivers up to 2,100lbf with a 0.98 inch stroke length and can tackle up to 800 3/16 inch stainless steel rivets per charge. The ¼ inch (DCF414) rivet tool, on the other hand, boasts up to 4,500lbf of pulling force with a 1.18 inch stroke length and fastens up to 300 ¼ inch stainless steel rivets per charge.
For user convenience, and easy clean-up, both rivet tools are designed with on-board, nose-piece storage and a mandrel collector to catch rivets after each shot. Each tool is compatible with multiple size rivets, including 3 /32 inch, ⅛ inch, 5/32 inch, and 3 /16 inch rivets. The DCF414 is also compatible with ¼ inch rivets, as indicated in its description.
UK maker and supplier of standard parts and components, WDS Components, has introduced a new range of aluminium clevis forks, with fork attachments able to create a strong linkage for applications requiring a lightweight design.
Introduced following demands from WDS’ customers for a more lightweight version of the brand’s existing heavy-duty range, the lightweight aluminium design of the new forks makes them suitable linkages for aviation and automotive applications, with significant weight saving also possible when larger thread sizes, such as M12 diameter, are required.
The aluminium construction also saves significant weight for OEM machine builds and the new clevis forks are also suited to go-cart design and build, as well as other hobbyist applications.
To install a clevis fork linkage, the fork head attachment is screwed onto a connecting rod, with available thread diameters including M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12. When a connecting clevis pin is inserted, the forks are secured by a choice of e-clip, as well as a c-clip, or circlip, and/or, for additional reinforcement, a safety-spring clip.
The forks’ anodised coating adds protection against corrosion and the black finish is ideal for installation in optically sensitive environments. This enables the new clevis forks to blend in
with engine bays and machines; the linkages are also ideal for installation on theatre sets, where the black coating obscures them from audience view.
The new products extend WDS’ existing line of heavy-duty steel clevis forks, with full specifications on the new aluminium clevis fork range (part number WDS 451) available on the company’s website, including free to download CAD files in a range of formats.
At October’s BondExpo fair in Stuttgart, Germany, Panacol will be introducing its new, extremely fast-curing adhesive, Structalit® 5604, which has been specifically developed for bonding surface mounted devices (SMDs) to printed circuit boards.
The new red coloured adhesive is a one component epoxy resin that contrasts well with green PCB material – making it possible to ensure visual in-line inspection and, despite its high viscosity, it is also suitable for jet application. It can, therefore, be dispensed in production through jetting, as well as valve dispensing or screen printing. In fact, its ideally adjusted viscosity and high thixotropy index enable high-speed dispensing, precise dot profiles, and non-slumping wet adhesion prior to curing, which takes place with heat. The thermal cure actually occurs within minutes, even at low temperatures. When fully cured, the adhesive is extremely temperature resistant, it can withstand short-term temperatures of up to 270°C – making it suitable for reflow soldering processes.
The new Structalit 5604 is also particularly shock resistant and durable, adhering to FR4 printed circuit boards, metals and epoxy-based moulded materials. Due to its high glass transition range of >115°C, the adhesive is ideal for electronic component assembly. It does not lose adhesion or soften at elevated temperatures. As it was developed specifically for use in electronics, the adhesive has high ionic purity and thus provides optimum protection against internal corrosion.
Panacol will be at the BondExpo fair in Stuttgart, Germany, in hall 5, stand 5417, from 10 th – 13 th October 2023.
The red Structalit ® 5604 is ideal for fixing SMDs and electronic components
With 150 years of experience, we are a leading developer of high-tech fasteners for the global automotive industry and we are constantly expanding into new segments – always with focus on innovation and sustainability. We are also one of only a few fastener manufacturers that can offer a full responsibility of fastener solutions for entire industrial platforms.
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