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jacky suharto



indonesia fashion week

sebastian gunawan







motel rocks

rollercoaster of love

articles & SCOOP 24

to take care of... SLEEP


heart kingdom shoes galore


karma konversations The Age of Sinnocence




A Pop Of Colour vs The Interesting Detail






fit & tips by mel





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“To inspire and to be inspired”

The pressures of running the entire magazine and having to tap the entire team to come up with new fresh ideas; it’s not easy as it sounds. It’s astounding what desire, aptitude and creative individuals can do to transform themselves and others. It’s the people that make Fauve, and it’s the people that even humble me more. Fauve is nothing short of an infinite experiment through Fashion, Design, Multimedia, Photography & Art. It changes our lives and those who get in interaction with it, shows us healthier places we didn’t intent to see, sanctions us a chance to meet improved people and develop into better people, see the

FAUVE ADVICE: All Fashion Editorial images, created by an array of photographers and creative teams, printed within Fauve Magazine can also be viewed in their HIGHEST QUALITY online at www.fauvemagazine.com. Visit our website to see past and present shoots. Copyright © 2013 all right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from FAUVE, opinions expressed in “FAUVE” are the writer’s and not necessarily endorsed by FAUVE. FAUVE is not responsible or liable in any way for the contents (advertising included) – 9 –

fashion, the photography and art the way we didn’t intent to see it. Fauve is proud for having be able to approach THE indonesian Designer Sebastian Gunawan and THE Photographer that all Jakarta is talking about Jacky Suharto. They both filled with thoughts and ideas, illuminate Fashion and Fauve, and their world suddenly makes complete sense. Life’s work is at work, it’s panning out exactly like an imagination and right before us we experience a simulacrum. Xxx FAUVE

– interview / photographer –


I started out my photography career as a wedding photographer up until now, but I can’t deny that fashion photography has always been my first love and my passion. BY KATYA I have been following Jacky’s work for quite some time and it just keeps getting creative and exciting. He has a nack for fashion photography and it clearly shows. I decided to find out a bit about him and what his goals are for the future and current project. Jacky, Can u tell us a bit more about yourself? Where do you come from? Where do you live? I was born and raised in Jakarta, live in southern Jakarta for almost most of my life. What led you to a career in fashion photography? Do you have formal training in your background? I’m a self-taught photographer, and I think it’s the best thing because learning by doing is always been the best experience for me.

Could you name some of the photographers that have inspired you and helped to shape your approach to fashion photography? Mr. Edward Tigor Siahaan and Mr. Anton Ismael are some of the names that has been an inspiration to me since I first started out photography. And I always love Nick Knight & Paolo Roversi as well. What would we find in your camera bag for a typical assignment in studio or on location? My cameras, lenses, memory cards, and batteries. What is your approach to lighting? Do you prefer artificial or available light? In terms of lighting, I can be so random, I can shoot with big studio lighting, to continue lighting such as tungsten and daylight which usually for film production, LED lighting,

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Strobe, or can be simply just without lighting. It all depends on my mood. What are your most used light modifiers and why? As I said, random, depend on my mood. What style do you mainly shoot? I mainly shoot portrait, I love people. If not fashion photography and videography, what would Jacky is doing with his time? I would love to be chef =D What has been the best advice given to you by another photographer? Never give up, never surrender, and stay hungry! Coz’ one day or tomorrow, your work can be as big as your ambition. Who is your biggest Inspiration? My mom

THIS IS THE POINT WHERE WE ASK EXCITING AND ABSURD QUESTIONS. READY? If you were suddenly put totally in charge of Google, what’s the first thing you’d do? Take a tour to each and every Google office all over the world. If you were forced to sing every line you’d speak for the rest of your life, which singer’s voice would you choose to do it? Jarvis Cocker, the lead singer of Pulp the band. What’d you rather, not sleep for 3 days, or not bathe for 3 days? not bathe for 3 days If humanity appointed you as its ambassador for momentous first contact with aliens, how would you introduce our species? Hello… we are human. We rock big time and we come in peace.

If you were stuck in a plat of a book for 2 weeks, what book would you pick? The Holy Qur’an

The most important thing my mum taught me was… Always be strong and love the people who loves you.

If you were a Native American chieftain, what name would you give yourself? The Dancing Dust

The most important thing my dad taught me was… I should raise the toilet seat before and when done urinating. Lower the toilet seat to the ‘down position’, unless it was already up in the first place.


It’s not good to believe in… Hate

Today I feel so much better because… I’m gonna be a father in 4 days time

If I were to get stuck with Kate Moss in an elevator, I’d say… Let’s shoot right now!

Sometimes I forgot that I’m… a photographer

I hope that this year brings me more… Prosperity, good health and happiness.

When I watch the news, I feel… sad Coffee goes well with… ciggs I don’t like cats when they’re… I generally don’t like cats at all

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Thank you Julhenry & Fauve! :) www.jackysuharto.com


Le Jardin chinois de seba

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– interview / Fashion designer –


BY KATYA A few weeks ago, I interviewed Mr Sebastian Gunawan. It’s stunning Couture gowns, like the ones he creates, which inspired me and made me discovered and loved Indonesian Fashion Industry. The Indonesian Chinese designer dresses some of the most glamourous women in the world. How would you describe the ‘Sebastian Gunawan’ Woman? She is independent and very feminine, appreciates beauty and clarity. What are your basic design principles? Feminine, Elegant and Playful Where do you seek inspiration? Everywhere, anywhere, anytime Do you have a muse? No, I don’t have anyone in particular. Every woman who has looks, style and character is my muse.

le couturier de ces dames

What does your average day entail?

What do you love most about fashion?

Meetings with clients, working on new upcoming projects, preparing for the next fashion show. That’s my work from 9am to 6pm. I also swim for my exercise, attend events and enjoy dinners with friends

Fashion is a universal language, but at the same time it is very personal What do you hate most about fashion?

What message do you try to convey with each collection?

People who think they know and appreciate fashion, when they actually don’t.

For me each collection is a story by itself. It’s like writing a novel but conveying it through clothes.

What can we expect from your winter 2014/15 Couture collection?

Which is your preferred season, Spring or Fall and why?

Since we are in tropical Indonesia, we don’t really do Fall/Winter collections. We basically have just one season. The 2014/2015 collection is a work in progress at the moment, so it is still confidential.

Definitely Spring. Its more colorful, and its more adaptable to the Indonesian weather and its market. A lot of celebrities wear your gowns on the biggest events. Does what they wear influence an increase of interest in the particular gown worn, or in the Sebastian Gunawan brand as a whole? It influences the interest in the brand as a whole. What has been your most memorable moment to date and why? It was when I got to win the “ Young Designer Award 2004” in Barcelona, Spain. Because it has really caught me by surprise. I send my dress to sign up for the event but completely forgot about it. One day I got a call and they told me that I have won an amazing award. It was truly a blessing to find out that my work was recognized on the other side of the world.

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If you could give women one piece of fashion advice, what would it be? Don’t try too hard to be fashionable. Thank you very much Sebastian! And please, keep making us dream. ;) www.sebastiangunawan.com

– Spotlight –

Indonesia Fashion Week 2014 A Showcase

BY RAI At the first time you hear the name of Indonesia Fashion Week, what do you think you will see? The showcaseof Indonesia’s fashion, for sure. Maybe we expect more. In contrast to the European fashion week event which is determined by seasons like Spring/Summer or Autumn/Winter, fashion week that being held in Indonesia are based on trends. For instance, there are two big fashion week events in Indonesia at the moment, namely Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) and Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW). Each of them is still relatively new, JFW since 2008 and IFW since 2012. IFW was initiated by a number of designers that are incorporated in Indonesia Fashion Designer Association or APPMI. As the name implies, the IFW is carrying local value into the events. That’s why then, it is not surprising to see many fashion shows release the collections of batik, tenun (handwoven), or tapis (weaving style).

Besides bring ing out traditional material to the stage, IFW also provides one session specifically to moslem collections. Fashion for moslem collections in Indonesia uphill since two years ago. Not to mention, as the world’s most populous moslem country, Indonesia has high demand for clothing that emphasizing modesty for women. The stylish, colorful and cool outfit moslem collections then showed in IFW.

Indonesia in other hands, had a lot of designers who are reliable, but they are just not performing at the 2014 IFW. It could be because it has been performed previously in JFW or other personal reason. For some familiar names such as Tex Saverio, Barli Asmara, Albert Yanuar, Jeffrey Tan, Yosafat Dwi Kurniawan, Stella Rissa, Ardistia, Ghea Panggabean, Auguste Soesastro, Billy Tjong and Denny Wirawan.

Both of traditional collections and Moslem get more attention for this year fashion week. Several names of senior designers also appear as many as young and vibrant designer. The difference can be seen through the placement of show time. Mostly senior designer whom already recognized their signature shall be in the prime time, at 7 to 9pm.

Then, how was it the 2014 Indonesia Fashion Week?

Among the designers name is Sebastian Gunawan, who this time comes with his second line collection Votum, Itang Yunasz, Ali Charisma, Dian Pelangi, Lenny Agustin, Djojokartiko, Priyo Oktaviano, Sapto Djojokartiko, Jeanny Ang and Anne Avantie. The names of the other great designers, but not present in prime time; i.e. Nuniek Mawardi, Poppy Dharsono, Deden Siswanto and Putu Aliki.

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I noted the only one memorable scene in this fashion week is the show by Priyo Octaviano, one of Indonesian senior designer. On the stage, he gave his best new collections under named “Priyo Octaviano Couture” with a spectacular showcase. From visual, music, model and collections; all of them are adorable. Priyo used Tapis (Indonesian weaving style) as a material of his designs and make it modern look for men and women with black as dominant colour. Imagine this; before simulation started, a rumbling motor adorn stage and in the screen was presentation of the collections that indulges eyes. A collections that present on the screen then brought out by model with music and roar

still shake up the seat of audience. I must confess, Priyo really give an excellent presentation this time. And luckily, his collections are also interesting. In womenswear, he made dress, jumpsuit, blouse, skirt and sporty trouser. Meanwhile, for menswear, there is a boxy jacket with coutourier accent that look so loveable. The used of tapis, batik and also handwoven then seems become the main ideas that I found in the 2014 IFW. Some of them are stealing the scene and much more interesting to see. For example; batik and plastic design by Lenny Agustin or the noir collection by Ali Charisma. I adore their collection as well. Among other designers, I also spot Aliki (named Putu Aliki) whom release a ready-to-wear collection with dragon print that quite impressive. The idea is fresh and good looking. Not only for clothing, but also including the big hand bag with the dragon motif. Designer Deden Siswanto who this time presents a collection of Edwardian-themed can be so entertaining from the presentation, but unfortunately failed in presenting fashion collection. For some items, arguably altogether far from expectations. One of these

collection is a shorts jeans for men combined with stripes leggings. For women, mini dress fitting body lines are quite boring. Fashion is a cruel game for sure. You in or out. International designer 2014 IFW also bring some names of international designers; Steven Tach from Japan, Said Mahrouf from Morocco and Gabriel Lage from Argentina. I should say, none of the international designers give a good impression. Tach presents a collection of dress and mini dress with a predominance of black and white, without many accents. One or two designs are look great. But the rest, you might just want to enjoy the music and lighting of the stage. Then, Mahrouf. At first, since he is from Morocco, I think I will see more kaftan or moslem designs, but then i am wrong. He shows the evening gowns and cocktail dress. Nothing wrong with that, but unfortunately we have ever seen these kind of collections quite often in fashion event in Jakarta. And most of socialite ladies must have it one or two.

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Then, not so different with Tach and Mahrouf, Lage from Argentina presents his collections with evening gowns as well. Full of accents, feathers and tassel. For me, some designs just look the same. I might be lost impression. All in all, IFW that held by Indonesian Fashion Designer Association (APPMI) with showcase more than 200 designers in four days in a row from 20 to 23 February 2014 in Jakarta Convention Centre must noted a big succes this year with more than expected visitors. But, wisely, they need to make it much better and maybe could invite one or two famous designer to join the show. It must be more than triumph. And we can not wait for IFW 2015 next year for sure.



sl changes or jet lag. There are also drugs that cause as a side effects sleep disturbance. If you suspect a medication or drug is disrupting your sleep, you should see a doctor . This is a Decalogue of good habits easy to follow that will help your sleep:

by VERONICA Have you ever had any trouble falling asleep? Never had any sleepless night where a thousand thoughts come to your mind and nothing makes you stop and sleep? So you’re one of the few people who have not suffered from this common ailment. 70% of the population in developed countries suffers this situation sometime. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It is characterized by being unable to sleep or having a very light sleep, waking up frequently during the night or early morning. Sleep is very important be healthy and fit. Insomnia can cause you to have dark circles, eye bags and even make your skin looks wrinkled. It causes fatigue and irritability, daytime sleepiness and poor concentration provoking problems and poor quality of life. Several factors influence the occurrence of insomnia; most common are stress, anxiety and depression. But also it is influenced by our lifestyle and other environmental factors, such as schedule

1. Meditation. Meditation and relaxation help regulate sleep cycles. Learn and practice relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Yoga and deep breathing help on this goal. Try to have pleasant thoughts and images. 2. Music Therapy. Some music can help to improve your sleep, listen to music for at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The best music is the classical. New Age music also has shown very good results. 3. Use the bed only for sleep and having sex is also important. If you eat, you watch tv or use the computer, your mind will perceive the bed as a place where you have to be awake and not relaxed or asleep. In fact, it is better not watch TV before going to bed, it is too stimulating to the brain. Similarly, experts suggest not using the computer or texting before bed. 4. Use loose-fitting sleepwear. It is important to wear loose clothing and have a pleasant ambient temperature. Or better yet, do not use any sleepwear. It is scientifically proven that sleeping naked not only help you sleep better, but also raises self-esteem and better connect with your sexuality (and the bed partner’s ) ;)

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p 5. Exercise. Helps fight stress and anxiety, and it is helpful to improve the quality of sleep, but a few hours before bedtime, it may over stimulate and cause insomnia getting the opposite effect. 6. Do not solve problems in bed! If something worries you, write it down on paper before bed, it will help you feel calmer. Many people suffer from insomnia because they get to think about the events of the day. Do it one or two hours before going to bed  7. Clean your room. It is very important to have a proper place to sleep; if your room is messy you cannot relax and it can provoke sleep problems. The environment should be clean and well ventilated. 8. Respect your time. It is best to sleep and always wake up at the same time, to create a biological cycle that normalizes your sleep. 9. It is important to avoid taking a heavy meal before bedtime, as it can cause digestive problems and sleep difficulties. But it is not advisable to go to bed hungry either. It is best to have a light dinner. 10. Sleep Enemies: Snuff, coffee (caffeinated drinks like sodas) and alcohol. Avoid consumption at least 4 hours before going to bed. These substances tend to stimulate the nervous system and if you consume before bed it can affect the quality of your sleep.

There are also natural remedies and traditional recipes that will help you sleep more deeply: 1. Orange flowers or orange blossoms. They have a powerful anxiolytic and relaxing effect. Take an infusion of these flowers or inhale the essential oil for a few minutes before going to bed. Boil a cup of water in two grams of orange leaves, add sugar to taste, let it rest and drink warm. You can also use orange blossoms. Take half an hour before bedtime. 2. Hot Milk: milk contains a hormone called melatonin, which is associated with deep sleep. 3. The most popular plants to calm the nerves are passionflower, valerian and chamomile. Usually you can get as tea bags or capsules. Valerian root has sedative properties, help you fall asleep and to sleep more deeply. Take an infusion of this root or its extract, but beware not to exceed the recommended dose. 4. Linden Blossom is an effective sedative and anxiolytic. An infusion of this plant relaxes you and helps improve sleep quality. It also has antispasmodic properties and combats muscular tension. 5. Lettuce. A lettuce infusion may help you fall asleep and sleep better, in addition to relieving minor pain, it contains substances with sedative and analgesic effects. Boil three leaves of lettuce, cover and let it cool, take a half hour before bed time. 6. A grandma’s remedy is keeping your feet in a warm towel and rub almond oil feet (especially between the toes) before bedtime. 7. Put inside your pillow natural elements such as orange blossom, eucalyptus and chamomile. 8. Pour in a cup of water that is boiling a handful of chamomile flowers and

a handful of sage leaves. Cover for 7 minutes, strain and sweeten with 1 tsp honey. Drink a cup 15 minutes before bedtime. 9. Pour in 1 ¾ cup of water is boiling, 1 ½ teaspoon dried tarragon, let it soak for a few minutes and cover. Filter the liquid and take before it gets cold just before sleep. 10. Infusion of orange peel and lemon, do yourself a tea by boiling some orange peel and lemon in a cup of water. Do you like AROMATHERAPY? Then Lavender is for you, the most versatile of essential oils, helps relax the nervous system, combat stress and sleep. Freshen your room with lavender essential oil or add 10 to 15 drops of lavender in a warm bath. You can also add a few drops of chamomile essential oil in a warm bath to relieve stress and tension of the day. You can use a diffuser, two droplets inhaled directly from a tissue or applied on the wrists, several times a day as needed. Or apply 2 drops on the end of your pillow, 30 minutes before bedtime. If you have a diffuser for essential oils, you can put a few drops of any of the following oils : chamomile , jasmine , lavender , neroli , melissa, rose , ylang -ylang , sandalwood, sweet marjoram , benzoin, mandarin, valerian and spikenard , as they facilitate relaxation and induce sleep. For baths, as a dispersant for emulsifying the oil in the water, you can use some whole milk. Add a few drops (3-4 for babies, children 5-6 , 10 for adults ) of selected essential oil and pour the mixture into the water bathtub. Beware of sleep medications (sleeping pills). This type of drug helps at first, but then after few months, decreases its efficiency and exacerbates the problem by creating dependency. Never take

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this type of medication without medical supervision. If you cannot fall asleep within 15 minutes, it is advisable to make up any monotonous activity like reading (it works for me in most cases). When you feel sleepy again, go back to bed. If you still cannot sleep, repeat the procedure until reach the goal ;). Sometimes, electromagnetic fields can influence our sleep condition. Check that the bed does not match an undercurrent or a strong electromagnetic field. Nor is it recommended that the bedroom is on top of a garage, workshop or place with many electrical machines, transformers or there is a power line close to home, as this can also disrupt sleep. Try not to drink plenty of fluids right before bedtime, and not feel the urge to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It is recommended to guide the bed so that the head be facing north. Reduce the artificial light in the evening. According to research, prolonged exposure to electricity during the hours before night rest suppresses levels of melatonin, a hormone that is responsible for sleep-wake cycles and only starts to occur after dark. For this reason, it is recommended that, as of mid-afternoon, the artificial light is dim. Always consult your doctor before combining some of these plants or herbs if you are taking prescription drugs, especially sedatives or antidepressants. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should not take any of these herbs. Have a good sleep!

– interview / graphic designer –

MOODSCAPE Graphic Designer & Digital imaging artist

What led you into taking on multiple design career paths?

The life inside and out of a freelance graphic designer You & Your Career Tell us about your graphic design career. How did you break into graphic design, and how did you advance to where you are today as the founder of Moodscape? Haha its a long journey where do I start? It started from an internship programme in my college at Raffles Education in Singapore (formerly known as Raffles Design Institute). I applied to intern at CATALOG Magazine, and after the internship was over they offered me a position. Throughout the years working there, They’ve expanded from an indie-street magazine into a full functioning design agency. Although I’ve learnt tremendously from my time there, I felt I lacked a lot of skills that couldnt be thought from a full time position. I took a break, picked up photography moved to Bali. Where I got married and had kids. Ironically having children pushed me into pursuing a freelance role, where I balance between 2 career paths: One as a freelance graphic designer producing branding/layout/print work for my clients, and the other as my alter-ego ‘Moodscape’ where i’d create personal photography/ illustration/photomanipulation artworks.

I’m in the middle of a transition per se. When I first started freelancing I would do just about anything and everything design-related. Trying out all and slowly eliminating the fields I was weak in, building up the fields i excel in, and keeping the ones that pay the bills! So now it boils down two distinct paths, one feeds my belly and the other feeds my soul. But even then i’m still transitioning. What do you enjoy most about your career? The process of creating something, seeing the finished work out in the streets and getting paid for it! How important is such recognition to you, personally and to your career? The passion comes first, recognition is more of a byproduct. But considering that most of my clients find me via word-of-mouth. I suppose a little recognitian does help keep the jobs rolling. What has been your personal key to success? Well success has always been a journey rather than a destination. So as long as I keep going without giving up. Then I’m already holding my personal key to success. Who were the biggest inspirations for your career? My family and my kids! I wouldnt be standing here without them!

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What are some favorite projects you’ve completed and why? There’s a special place in my heart for all the photomanipulation artworks I create. Because ideally, I would want to cut down on other design tasks and pursue photomanipulation solely. What are some of your personal and/or professional goals for the future? See the previous question, I’ve got plenty of ideas and projects in mind. My goal now is to be able to fund them. Education Information & Advice Tell us about your graphic design education. How did you decide to study graphic design? Since I was a kid I knew I wanted to pursue my creativity, the interesting thing about the design industry is that its very wide and there’s plenty of different paths to pursue. Design school gives a sneak peak to every field. What can students applying to graphic design schools do to increase their chances of being accepted? Well the misconception about design is that you need to know how to draw and be talented etc etc... thats not really the case. Technical skill can be taught. Its all about the creativity, that X-factor, something that screams “you”

Right: Commercial work Below: Personal work

The Actual Work What exactly do you do? What are your key responsibilities? Commercially I design mostly printbased work such as magazines, lookbooks, brochures, namecards etc... I sometimes tap into webdesign, but rarely. My passion is still in print. For my fashion clients, I also take on photography and retouching jobs. As of lately I’ve been exploring textile prints. Personally, I love to do photomanipulation artworks, some of these artworks are also on sale. Describe a typical day of work for you. As a freelancer there’s no such thing as a typical day! Thats what makes it all the more fun. I could be up glued to my computer for hours, or i could be moving from one location to the next to meet clients, or i could be sipping on my tea watching dvd’s all day. What are the tools of the trade that you use the most? Adobe softwares (Photoshop, Indesign & Illustrator) + Macbook Pro + Wacom tablet + Canon 7d What are some common myths about your profession? “Oh what fun it must be doing such an easy job.” Designers make a living out of this & Its not some kinda fun side project.

We are as significantly important in managing your visual representation, as a denist is important in managing your teeth! What are the most challenging aspects of your job? Sticking to my design vision, or at least implementing them with the client’s. Not everybody has the same taste and understanding, so every new client presents a new challenge to synchronize aesthetics. What are the greatest stresses, what causes you the most anxiety? When I’m not being a designer while working. Especially since being self-employed means handling other tasks such as: sales, marketing, management, PR. Also when clients dont pay, pay late, negotiate ridiculously low, etc... Nobody wants to be cheated. Job Information & Advice What are the hottest specialties within the graphic design field over the next decade? Ah who knows? I wouldn’t even know where I’m gonna live the next decade! The rise of digital platforms has always appeared to threaten printed publication, but frankly I dont see print dying out anytime soon. What are we gonna do when our phone battery dies? ;)

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Do you feel that is important for someone to be passionate about graphic design in order to be successful on both a personal and professional level? Absolutely! Design isnt just business alone, It’s also an art. It takes a great deal of time and effort to produce work. Money alone wont be able to keep the standard if a designer is worn down. What other career advice can you offer graphic design school graduates? Keep on learning! As a designer, you can never know too much. And, if you have a wide range of knowledge, you’ll be surprised how many other awesome jobs you’ll have to choose from! But also dont over do the “coffee + redbull + no sleep” routine. This is unhealthy and can seriosly kill you, life is not worth sacrificing over a design award or a deadline. Take care! moodscape.blogspot.com

Photography: Diego Verges illustration: moodscape model: fernanda for perfect 10 make up & Hair: yeanne all garments: motel rocks location: artotel jakarta

w w w. r ac h e l m a n t i r i . c o m PHOTOGRAPHY / ILLUSTRATION / DESIGN


karma KONVERSATIONS The Age of Sinnocence

by SWATHIMAA Every now and then, the world begins again. Every day, when you come to think of it. With the new sunrise, the jungle outside your window seems to look the same but you know for sure, it isn’t. Certainly that’s the case here in beautiful Bali, where it’s literally a jungle. But, I have no doubt, wherever you’ve come from and wherever you’re going to there’ll be a new day, a new dawn, and new variations on your own jungle theme. If anyone is really beating a different drummer, it’s Mother Nature. Spring has sprung, which in Indonesia means we’re pretending the rains — and the volcanoes — will be less intrusive on our Mocha-tanning time. The seasonal new day transitions a bit more subtly here. We’re not blessed or cursed with Euro-American dramas like snow and sleet and other such things. But, we do have our

meteorological mood swings. And, as in nature outside our window, so it goes inside, as well — behind the windows of our perception, as old Aldous Huxley would say — which seems like a lovely topic to discuss on such a fine Spring morning as this. I’ll go first. New beginnings, birdies chirping, flowers and innocence blooming all sound oh so, well, innocent. But, dear hearts, the truth is new ‘beginnings’ are voracious, creative times. Kids and puppies and kittens aren’t wide-eyed and innocent, they’re wide-eyed and hungry… for everything, every sensual, sensational experience they can get…every minute of every sensual, sensational day and night. Life is like that. The main thing that distinguishes innocence from a more sober maturity is that, in the former, we look everywhere for what we want and are open to any and every opportunity to get it; whereas, in the latter, we pretend we know where to look. But, make no mistake, we

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all want something more than we already have. That’s the driving force. Sinnocence. Desire is natural. Yet, most of parenting seems to be about curbing desires — about not letting one’s greedy, little bundle of joy hurt herself in the pursuit of satisfying her insatiable hunger for more. Culture, society takes the same tack. But, as any social club knows, the real power of rules and guidelines is to channel the search for satisfaction, not deny it. So, what happens when you dam a lake and build a pipeline? The lake still looks placid on the surface but down the line, it’s roaring. Desires are like that. When channeled, they’re not only guided, they’re amplified. And, part of the nature of intensifying desires by channeling them is they also have a tendency to burst at the seams. When desires burst at the seams, they’re often perceived as antisomething. Stepping outside the lines is bad for the rest of us. Religion calls it a sin. Business calls it grounds for termination (if you get caught). The legal system calls

it grounds for incarceration (if you get caught). So, along with our desire for more, we gain a strong desire for not having less. For tons of perfectly delightful people, this form of desire becomes Life’s litmus test. And, life becomes a study in comparison. We don’t just take our own opinion on what may be the best satisfaction barometer on what we have in contrast to what more we want. We seek the opinion of others, too. Ironically, we turn to the characters, who try to curb our desires all along. If society says celebrity is cool, we want that. If we’re told great gobs of money are the building blocks of true happiness, we want them. And, if we’re told other people are our main obstacles, we want to step over, under, or around them to get what we want. If they’re a problem, it’s no problem to beat them to a pulp, if and whenever we can. It’s natural. There aint no life without conflict, at least not on this planet. ‘Up’ and ‘down’ may be innocuous enough

when they’re on their own, but by comparison, the interplay of these dynamic duos creates friction. Life is lived through relationships. They are the channels of our desires. And, there’s no getting away from this. We get into relationships, not only to satisfy our desires but, to channel them. We do this, in part, because, as a channel, relationships amplify our experiences of seeking everything we want. Infatuation is a natural outlet for channeling the emotions we attach to sweet love, whatever we think that must mean. Because our emotions and desires are intensified, it takes time to assess the reality of any relationship. But, once we get there, if there’s any chance of going on, any chance of committing to the thing, it’s based on the aforementioned litmus test: does it and can it give us what we want. If we think it can, we’re in for the long haul. If not, we jump ship. If we’re in it for the long haul, we assess and reassess ad infinitum until we’re satisfied that we’re getting what we want. No wonder relationships are so hard.

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The whole point of having desires is transformation. In the beginning, they may seem unlimited and unyielding yet, totally do-able. In the middle, satisfying them starts to seem close to impossible, if we don’t burst a few seams. But always, in the end, what we’re looking for is an eternal ocean of bliss. It’s literally a hell of a lot easier to find your bliss inside yourself than it is out there in the jungle. That’s the honest, natural truth. After all, what we’re all really looking for is intense, lasting, unbounded personal experience. Where we find it is irrelevant, except with regards to how long it takes. Why put so much stock in the place where lions and tigers and bears hold so much sway? Know your Self. The true Jane-within is a divine, allpowerful goddess. Trust me, Tarzan is just part of the jungle muzak. Darling, he’ll find you wherever you go. Happy Spring!


A Pop Of Colour


The Interesting Detail

And, generally speaking, I’m a big fan of this whole ‘classic with a twist’ concept. As regular readers will already know, I’m a huge proponent of menswear pieces that are simple, timeless and versatile, as well as stylish men who manage to add a dash of sprezzatura to their looks. So it’s only natural that the idea of taking something classic and making it more unique to your personality would appeal.

BY VICTORIA These days the world of menswear is all about designing clothes and creating looks that achieve the Holy Grail of ‘classic with a twist’. Whether it’s via the different designers you absorb into your personal style or how you incorporate patterns and trends, the way to really stand out from an already very stylish crowd is to put a subtle spin on what has gone before.

However, what I tend to find is that most guys get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to implementing this ideal. Generally, the twist either gets taken way too far and ventures into the fashionable but not very stylish realm of ‘high fashion’, or it’s translated into the message: the greater number of accessories you add, the more stylish you look. I don’t care how many rosary beads you wear or how much you look like a Rick Owens mannequin, more isn’t always better. Like most things that are sartoriallyinclined, the key to success is moderation and subtlety. And the

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easiest ways to pull off ‘classic with a twist’ that stick to those principles are the two methods that have been pitted against each other since Mark McNairy started wearing printed five-panel hats: A Pop of Colour or The Interesting Detail. A Pop Of Colour If you think adding a pop of colour might be your ‘thing’, there are a few simple rules you need to follow… First of all, pick one colour at a time. Like Nick Wooster told Details recently: “If you’re going to play with colour start with one. If you’re wearing yellow, everything else should be navy and grey. Yes, I’ve been known to wear bright green and pink at the same time but I don’t do that often – the bulk of my closet is grey, navy, white, khaki, olive, and a little black.” By keeping everything else you wear neutral and restrained, not only do you avoid any clashing but you also allow the colourful piece to shine. You can do this through

a small accent piece such as a tie or pocket square, which can really add life and depth to suits and other formal pieces. Alternatively, you can go with one bold piece such as a pair of trousers, a shirt or a jacket, but remember to make sure these pieces fit you properly – otherwise they will end up looking clown-esque. And don’t forget to make sure that you stick with colours that complement each other. If you’re ever in doubt, refer to the colour wheel. The Interesting Detail The flipside to a pop of colour involves keeping your clothing neutral but including a piece that features an interesting detail. This could be something as simple as picking an unconventional material for one of your garments, such as a corduroy jacket or a pair of seersucker trousers. Alternatively, the actual design of the piece could be what separates it from the crowd – think asymmetrical cuts or a more traditional, old-school fit.

Again, the key to pulling this type of item off is to make sure that the rest of your look is as simple and classic as possible. Too many unique items in one outfit can make a guy look like he’s arrived from the future or a comic book. Personally, I find that when it comes to wearing an item with an interesting detail, your best bet is to dress as straight down the middle as possible, so that the garment becomes the point of difference in your look. For example, I have a black denim jacket that I picked up in a charity shop a few years ago which has a slightly cropped cut and a large shearing collar. I tend to wear it when the rest of my outfit is very pared-down – a pair of jeans/ chinos with a t-shirt/thin knit – which instantly helps transform an otherwise run-of-the-mill look into something that is truly unique to me. Final Word Both of the techniques above are suitable for any guy at any stage

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in his sartorial development, but please remember to never try them at the same time. This might be the reason they’re usually pitted against each other but, as previously mentioned, moderation and subtlety are the key to pulling off ‘classic with a twist’ without taking it too far and looking like (God forbid) Will.I.Am. Actually, my best advice for people who want to look stylish these days would be to look at what he’s doing, and then do the complete opposite. So there you have it, my thoughts on the simple ways you can incorporate either a pop of colour or an interesting detail to separate your classic and stylish looks from the crowd. Why not tell me your thoughts in the comments section below? How do you add a twist to otherwise standard looks? Which ones will you be trying out in the next couple of months? Let me know…

– Spotlight / fashion brand –

MOTEL ROCKs Born from a love of vintage fashion, Motel is the must-have label for girls who want unique, edgy and eclectic additions to their wardrobe that are guaranteed to make an impact! Established in the late 90’s, Motel was created after the brand founders set out on a road trip of freedom, discovery and fun across the west coast of America. Inspired by the indie vintage shops and various thrift stores dotted along the Californian coastline, the Motel designers set about bringing these looks to the British, and now worldwide consumer and has carved a unique niche in the marketplace. Fifteen years later and Motel is now a leading Brit fashion label renowned for offering unique prints, form fitting silhouettes and trend-setting styles that are loved by fashionistas, style icons and celebrities across the globe. Motelrocks.com, is dedicated to bringing the hottest new trends and most coveted styles to the site each and every week. Alongside the latest Motel pieces, you’ll find a range of hand-picked accessory and beauty brands that are the perfect addition to any Motel outfit. With exclusive product offerings, trend advice and sneak peeks behind the scenes of the Motel world too, Motelrocks.com is the online destination for fashion that is sure to shake up your style! www.motelrocks.com

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B T S V ide o : a n d y si x st r i n g w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / wa t c h ? v = VE u 2 x u w 7 s g U


P h o t o g r a p h e r : p h o t o b y r ep o M odel : helene , G ina & nastia for F A U V E A G E N C Y S tylist : s . for motel rocks M ake U p & H air : jul





P h o t o s b y a n d y si x st r i n g



When spring and summer arrive, you want to be sure you have lots of color in your wardrobe. Color makes your wardrobe feel lighter and brighter and even cooler, and reflecting the colors of the season in your wardrobe can make you feel more stylish and ready for warm weather. Too much color can be overwhelming which is why you might prefer just fun pops of color in your spring and summer wardrobe, and colorful accessories can keep your professional clothes from looking drab and dull. Start with your shoes when you want to add some fun pops of color. Today’s sandals are available in far more than just black and brown! Look for a fun purple or yellow color to go with jeans or to add some color to your grey pantsuits and skirt suits. Cranberry red is also a neutral but warm color and hot pink is perfect for spring and summer. You

can even find high heels in these fun colors so your feet look sexy and sleek through the entire season. Handbags are also a great way to bring in fun pops of color this year. Like shoes, bags are available in more than just a few colors! A fun purple bag can make your dull suits feel light and breezy in the office, and something in yellow can make your casual outfits seem sunny and bright. Invest in a variety of colorful handbags for the season so you always have something to coordinate with every outfit, and don’t hesitate to try some fun patterns on your bags for the season. Colorful jewelry can also be a showstopper and is also a great way to bring in your favorite shades of purple, yellow, green, and blue for the spring and summer seasons. Don’t settle for plain crystal jewelry or just chain necklaces and earrings,

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but opt for bright gemstones in all your pieces. An oversized cocktail ring is a good way to make your jeans and tee combination seem very special and crystal earrings can dress up your suits. Because crystals are available in just about every color in the rainbow, you can have fun by mixing and matching your jewelry and coordinating. If you’re feeling very daring this season, try some pops of color in your makeup. A hot pink lipstick can make you look stunning at the beach, and some pink eye shadow can give you a glimmer of matching color. Try some green or blue nail polish on your fingers and toes. You can also try orange and yellow polish or just about any color that coordinates with your summer wardrobe. Bring in these pops of color this season no matter what you’re wearing.


SPRING COLORS THAT POP BY KATIE The leaves are falling; brown, gray, and orange hues are scattered everywhere, but these traditional autumnal shades aren’t the only tones you’re going to see this fall. This year, fall is all about bold color! Sure, you’re going to traditionally wear a lot of neutrals and darker shades with the cooling of the weather, but jewel tones and vibrant colors add spice to your autumn-wear that’s more than just a little nutmeg. Here are some popping colors to incorporate into your fall look. Fire-engine red Red always puts off a confident and sexy vibe, so should we expect anything less from the color this season? It’s a bold, fiery hue that is bright and cheery, which adds heat to any look. Wear it with simple silhouettes for some serious fashion results!

Mustard Put away your hot dogs and soft pretzels, this mustard’s for your clothes. The mustard trend is most seen in blouses and other flowy pieces. However, trench coats and other structured pieces are definitely sporting this color as well. Emerald Green Though the regular Fall greens such as army green and forest green are still in style this season, keep your eye out for the emerald hues walking around out there. This bold shade of green will turn heads and is sure to make other fashion-goers take notice. Plum It may not be Sugar Plum season quite yet, but purple is definitely in the air. Shades of plum hit the streets in jackets, pants, dresses, and tops. Matching these items with neutral shades equals excellence, as does emphasizing your look with a flattering silhouette. Violets are welcome as well.

Fuchsia We all know that pink says feminine, but a bright shade of pink like fuchsia says confident and no-nonsense. Even as just an accent, this color makes a statement. Touches of electric hues like this one are becoming more and more common this season, so get on the fuchsia train. Royal Blue Seriously saturated blues are in the house. They’re bold and bright and make any look acceptable for transformation into an after-hours outfit. Even with simple silhouettes, this color has a voice that rings loud and clear. Burgundy Wine colors are a great addition and a favorite when it comes to the wardrobe. It’s so easy to mix and match with other pieces, especially neutral shades. I’m sure you have a few items in this color already, but it wouldn’t hurt to stock up on a few more.

– shopping –


Kody & Ko, Cocky facebook.com/kod y.ko.7

Shivaloka, Ocean of OM Ring - www.om shivalok


Skull, Phone Case - fac ebook.com/skull bali

Bamboo Blonde, Stu d Clutch - www.ba mboo


Blamo, Pando - ww w.bla


69 Slam, Girl Boxer

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Bowtie from Yaz - ww w.69slam.com

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– style –


This article goes out to those shoe frenzies out there. Like myself. All the newest shoe trends you need to know about are here in one sexy line-up. Feast your eyes on some of my favorite picks. Get ‘em quick to stay haute in the heat! As expected, the 2014 Fashion Week runways were a visual cornucopia for shoe lovers everywhere. We saw it all this season—colorful loafers, cutout wedges, sleek pumps, and even clunky Platforms. You name it! Ready? Let’s get to it! *drum rolls*

#1 STEP INTO THE WILD SIDE Mix with tribal prints, stripes or pair with an LBD. Prints are making a roar louder than before! Animal print trend has recently exploded in the fashion world like never before. Shoes styles with zebra, cheetah and tiger prints galore make an outfit soaked in all colors pop, giving the ensemble the perfect amount of edgy flair. If you want to take a walk on the wild side and add some punch as in a really funky edge to your casual attire, try a leopard print loafers/booties wear it your favorite jeans, it instantly adds a little rock and roll to your step. Don’t get caught in the stampede!

#2 LET’S MAKE IT CLEAR… Forget cheap, nasty and tacky. The new plastics are sexy and classy. That’s right, ladies… This trend for women is clear heels with high heels. Once upon a time, clear heels where considered risque stripper shoes. Somewhere along the time, that changed. With brands like Diane Von Furstenberg and Jeffrey Campbell are embracing the clear heels. Guilty as charged, I just purchased this one, color-block straps with clear heels… Uh-may-zing piece! Yeah, nah, Cinderella… You ain’t the only one who can rock that clear heels, girl!

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#3 MONOCHROME MAGIC Sometimes it’s good to see things as black and white. They’re forever friends. If you like to keep things simple, this season’s monochrome trend is the perfect style solution. The color combination of black and white is as timeless as it is flattering. One of the best things about the monochrome trend is its versatility.

#4 RUN, GIRL... RUN! Sneakers go with everything. End of story. Sneakers took to the runways in the most daring and impromptu fashion. After years of women going along with the ridiculously high, impractical heels that dominate the runways, comfort is winning through. It’s a super hit on 2013/2014 runways for Chanel, Karen Walker, Dior and Marc Jacobs.

Blue Karma Senses will be open from April 2014. Daily scheduled activities; yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Treatments like acupuncture, therapeutic massages, detox and nutritional support, natural beauty and therapeutic essential oils. Private classes and sessions can be arranged, at the beautiful joglos or at your own villa or hotel. Also a space to share during workshops and seminars with wellbeing and self-empowerment as the main topics. Available for rental for your own workshop or retreat. Bali Ethnic Villa will host next Monthly Blue Moon Yoga Retreat 6-11 May 2014. www.bluekarmasenses.com

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GUSTO GELATO La crème de la crème

BY KATIE TRUMAN Bali finally gets an authentic Italian-style gelateria and artisan ice-cream like Mamma used to make………………. t seems it doesn’t matter what age, nationality or social status you are, from Rio and Syria to Bangkok and Russia and from time immemorial, everyone loves to indulge in icecream. Served from mobile vans or rustic parlours to the highest class restaurants, ice-cream is a universal treat that should never be set aside solely for kids. But there’s ho-hum ice-cream, decent ice-cream and then there’s seriously good icecream, which is what Gusto is all about. Gusto creates quality artisan icecream, home-made here in Bali with all-natural ingredients and zero synthetic products. This “uncompromised” ice-cream is the creation of Italian Manuela – who

comes from a family of Bologna icecream makers– and her French chef husband (a recipe for success before you’ve even started!). On moving to Bali, this Euro couple found it rather bizarre that this holiday island destination didn’t have any authentic ice-cream parlours or producers, only the big international brands with mass-produced icecream. Seeing a niche in the market, they took their time, taking traditional Italian gelato recipes and researching and adapting them to tropical Indonesia, resulting in around 18 gourmet flavours. With Bali’s omnipresent tropical abundance, Gusto focuses on the best, locally sourced exotic fruits and produce, but improvises with imported products if taste quality is compromised. Gusto’s ice-cream simply contains milk and cream, sugar –balanced in accordance with ingredients used – and no water, with added quality butter, pasteurized eggs and chocolate, etc, which explains why textures are so dense, luscious and creamy. Additionally, the use of fresh fruits and indigenous products (such as vanilla and cacao) that

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carry strong flavours, explain why these ice-creams are so flavourful; some, such as Ginger, hitting you with an unexpected tanginess burst in the throat. Previously based in Umalas, Gusto has relocated to the more accessible north Seminyak (in former Zen Garden premises), opening a smart, contemporary-styled gelateria, with air-con interiors or outdoor shady garden terrace. Choose from two showcase cabinets, piled cartoon-style high with trays of their sensational concoctions. The more “wickedly rich” ice-creams include Bounty and Snickers, both home-made replica style: the former with shaved coconut and latter, with house-made peanut butter and toffee. Or there’s outrageous Croccanti, with almonds and glistening toffee for a divine textured mouthful – not surprisingly, Gusto’s biggest seller. For a more unusual taste, try Chocolate Chili or Matcha (Japanese green tea), and for authentic Balinese flavours highlighting the island’s finest produce, Vanilla,

Coconut, Cinnamon, or perhaps local organic Yoghurt. Gusto’s sorbets and ice-creams carry no colourings, preservatives or flavours, however the all-natural fruit selection– including unsung star, Tamarillo and the exotic purplepink Dragon fruit – seem to exude such day-glo bright colours you’d think otherwise. But this is all purely Mother Nature’s work, not that of artificial colourings! There are also palette refreshing, delicately flavoured sorbets – like coconut milk and cacao – which as non-dairy, are perfect for vegans and lactose-intolerants. Feel free to taste first before choosing servings from home-made cones (Rp20,000) or four cup sizes ranging from small (Rp20,000) to one-litre tubs (Rp115,000) – the latter optimistically suggesting “for

eight sharing,” but I’d say this would be more realistically half of that. Gusto advise limited choices per cup, keeping it real for taste buds, as individual flavours are quite strong. Freshly baked pastries and fine Italian macchiato’s, cappuccinos and lattes (by Caffe’ Vergnano 1882) are also served. It was a rainy Monday when I visited Gusto, but patrons were still sitting out on the terrace leisurely enjoying their indulgent lunchtime treat. And I nearly got knocked over by a bus load of over-enthusiastic South Korean ladies, on the mature side but resembling excited school kids picking out ice-cream varieties and then photographing their rainbowcoloured choices. Forever stuck on a semi-permanent diet, maybe once in a while I should blow the diet and get stuck in like them, too.

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Open 8am-7pm Closed Sunday #46 Jalan Mertanadi, Seminyak, Kerobokan 0361 5522190 www.gusto-gelateria.com

– horoscope –


For one last time before Venus leaves your career sector in 3 weeks time, the Moon aligns with both her and Pluto, planet of change and revolution today and the planet that will take over once she moves on. As your professional instincts fuse with your professional desires and expectations this is likely to trigger a sense of impulsiveness and the courage to take some bold leaps of faith. If you’re going to make a big move or even make small changes, there is no better time than now.


With Mercury and Mars both slowing down ahead of their respective U turns over the weekend, there is a need to take a more slow and measured approach, especially on the professional front. With Mercury just 2 days away from turning direct in your career sector and Mars just 3 days away from turning retrograde in your work sector, they’ve reduced the speed limit considerably. This gives you a chance to measure twice and cut once, holding back until the tides turn and you see what they’ll bring in.


As the Moon makes his last visit to your financial sector before Venus leaves next week, it not only aligns with the planet of money, desire and attraction but with Pluto, planet of change and revolution as well. With Pluto the planet that will keep your financial desires and expectations on track over the long term and will make the changes behind the scenes needed to walk the talk, pay attention to the financial instincts, clues, hunches and insights this is likely to trigger today.


Just as the Moon aligns with both Venus and Pluto in your relationship sector, giving the planets of love and change the challenge they need to raise the bar Ceres, fellow goddess of the solar system is spending her last full day in direct motion in your romantic sector. This is bringing a magical romantic quality into play, especially when you slow down and listen to your heart, which can not only ease any personal and/or relationship tensions but give you the confidence to take any rise to any challenge.


As the Moon aligns with both Venus and Pluto in your work sector this month, there is a need to trust your heart, gut responses and a sense of impulsiveness this might trigger. You’re in the final days of putting your new working year on the course you want it to continue on and while it’s taken nearly 2 months you’re now in a position where you can trust your heart and your instincts. With this comes the confidence of knowing that you can finish what you start, with staying on track unlikely to be a problem.


In the lead up to a New Moon in your relationship sector in 3 weeks time and as you move into Venus, planet of love’s final days in your romantic sector, it’s more important than ever to have the communication lines open, but also that you don’t rush things. With Ceres, goddess of the solar system spending her last full day in direct motion in your communication sector, she’s putting the past and future aside for now, asking that you stay in the moment.


An important day for getting your bearings and fully appreciating the depth and context of home and family matters, what they mean to you and the journey ahead, is also an important day for looking at your own needs. This is a chance to take a new look at your value system, which has no doubt gone through some major changes over the last few weeks, as you wake up to what you really need, as opposed to what you previously thought you needed or wanted.


As the Moon not only makes his last visit to your communication sector before Venus, planet of love leaves next week but aligns with both her and Pluto, planet of change and revolution and your ruling planet, as well as the planet that will keep the momentum going over the long term, you have a chance to speak from the heart. It’s on the relationship front in particular that you have a chance to wear your heart on your sleeve, saying the words you need to say.

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As the Moon makes his last visit to your income sector before Venus is due to finally leave next week, wrapping up her longest visit in your lifetime, an alignment between both Venus and Pluto will bring both a nose for money and a chance to look to the short and long term. While Venus’ job is to update and redefine your desires and expectations it’s Pluto’s job to encourage the change required to turn desires into reality. This is a day for following your hunches.


There is a special quality in the air this month that allows you to tap into the laws of synchronicity, with your hunches having the power to put you in the right place at the right time, but also where you’re able to look directly into your heart, seeing what you really want and need. The biggest problem isn’t getting what you want, it is knowing what you want, with a chance to get closer to the real answer.


Embrace the romantic nostalgia in the air this month, even if you’re at a point where you’re starting to get frustrated with the past and its hold on you, for the past is giving you one last embrace before finally letting you go. After nearly 4 months in a nostalgic part of your chart Venus is finally getting ready to return to your sign next week, but as she aligns with the Moon this will bring one last surge of emotional and nostalgic sentiment to a head.


There is something magical in the air this month, as the Moon aligns with both Venus and Pluto in a social and serendipitous part of your chart. With Venus due to leave next week there is a sense of urgency in the air, with your emotional responses and hunches able to tap into the laws of attraction and synchronicity in play. With Pluto evoking confidence and impulsive responses this gives you the courage to take a leap of faith, which could in turn lead to some serendipitous moments or encounters.

– SPORTs –

FIT & TIPS 7 tips to squat with perfect form By MELANIE

Squats are the KING of all exercises because they are a “functional” exercise that affect your ability to live a full, healthy life. Anything from getting out of a chair, to squatting down to pick something off the floor requires squat strength. Especially as we get older, proper squat technique is absolutely critical to maintain health and longevity. While there are several different squat variations, here are the 7 tips in more detail to ensure you squat with perfect form every time: Trainer: Beto Saboya

thrown off, which makes the squat a very dangerous exercise, especially if you are using a lot of weight. Sometimes I pick a spot on the wall that’s in line with my eyes as I am standing straight, then as I squat down, I keep my eyes on that spot. My head is automatically in the correct position.

1) Hip Hinge When most people try to squat, the knees protrude far over the toes, the butt goes straight down, and the heels come off the floor. This happens because proper squat technique requires some hip flexibility, proper balance, and a “hip hinge”. Each time you squat you should hinge your hips so that your butt moves backwards during the downward phase of the squat, your knees will no longer protrude well over your toes (if you are tall, this may happen, but make sure it does not put pressure on your knees). Finally, the pressure of the squat will be on your heels instead of your toes and you will be able to get more depth to your squat.

3) Chest Out/Shoulders Back A key theme with the squat is to make sure your spine is in proper alignment. By keeping your shoulder back and your chest out, your lower back will most likely have the correct natural curve. If you instead round your shoulders and sink your chest in, your spinal alignment will be thrown off.

Breathing is very important for squatting in particular because it is a challenging exercise. Improper breathing can make you light headed, or nauseous, and in extreme cases, some people even black out. As you are lowering yourself, remember to take a deep breath in, then as you are pushing up, breathe out forcefully. Always keep this breathing pattern. Towards the last few reps, you may consider taking a few extra breaths at the top of the squat position as you are standing for some extra energy.

4) Slightly Arched Lower Back As you can see in the pictures, the bottom of the spine (known as the lumbar spine) has a slight arch. You should keep your lower back flat, to slightly arched as you squat. Hyper-extending your lower back by arching too much, or rounding your back can put significant pressure on the inter-vertebral discs, which are soft gel like cushions that protect each vertebrae. If the disc ruptures because of too much pressure, a portion of the spinal disc pushes outside its normal boundary, which is called a herniated disc and may require surgery to repair. I can’t emphasise enough to make sure your lower back is flat to slightly arched throughout the entire squat movement. 5) Athletic Stance, Toes Pointed Out Use an athletic stance for the squat so that your knees are slightly bent, feet are firmly planted on the ground, and toes pointed outwards slightly, which helps with stabilisation. The wider you put your feet, the more it works your glutes and hamstring (back of the leg), and the easier it will be to stabilise. The closer in you put your feet, the more your quadriceps will be emphasised (the front of the leg).

2) Straight Head Position One major mistake people make when they squat is rounding their necks, or looking down at the ground. The spinal alignment is automatically

6) Exhale Up/Inhale Down

One common mistake when people use too much weight is that one, or both knees will cave in towards their center. Make sure to keep your knees out and choose weight that is appropriate for your level.

7) Depth of the Squat The depth of the squat primarily depends on your hip flexibility. If your hips are very flexible, then you may be able to squat “below parallel” (hamstrings are below parallel with the floor) and if you have poor hip flexibility, then you will be “above parallel”. In general, try to shoot for your hamstrings about parallel with the floor, which deeply engages your thighs, hips, and glutes. Some power-lifters will squat “ass to grass”, which I think for most people is too dangerous. If you can go lower than parallel that’s fine, just make sure you don’t experience any pain in your knees, or lower back, and always keep your lower back flat, to slightly arched.

For more information check our webpage www.motionfitnessbali.com. If you need any equipment or you are interested in training with us call us on 08123 6108789.

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– catalogue –



magali pascal www.magalipascal.com

PALMA Australia www.palma-australia.com

69 slam www.69slam.com

7 SHORES www.7shores.com

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balithisweek .com Ultimate Guide

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Balithisweek.com is the first website that features many aspects of Bali life style such as restaurants, bar-clubs, shops, spas or activities, showing their ambiance, setting and style with a short video clip... The website also compiles in the calendar section main events and news of what is happening in Bali including parties, concerts, festivals, and much more. Looking for a party? a restaurant? Just Click, Check and Go!

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