Corso di Teoria della progettazione architettonica a.a. 2014 - 2015 / Sara Marini / con Cristina Baggio, Verdiana Chiesatto, Sara Dotto, Chiara Paone
R&Sie{n}- IdentitĂ
Federica Caregnato
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«Tutti possono entrare in rete ma pochi possono controllarla e navigarvi con competenza. Andiamo verso il rischio che la città invisibile cancelli definitivamente la città visibile e ne prenda il posto con la propria struttura di rete indifferenziata che cancella qualsiasi gerarchia di spazi e rende impossibile la formazione di luoghi significativi dell'abitare. Si viene sradicati dagli spazi e compressi nel «nessun luogo» di una democrazia virtuale in cui gli incontri assembleari vengono sostituiti dalla telepresenza e i nuclei urbani sostituiti con un enorme periferia planetaria.» Franco Buncuga, saggio Piramidi ad aria condizionata, La città è nuda, Volontà- laboratorio di ricerche anarchiche
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Il non luogo
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«Tutto fa macchina. Macchine celesti, le stelle o l'arcobaleno, macchine alpestri, che si accoppiano con quelle del suo corpo. Rumore ininterrotto di macchine. "Pensava che essere toccati dalla vita profonda di ogni forma, avere un'anima per le pietre, i metalli, l'acque e le piante, accogliere in sé tutti gli oggetti della natura, fantasticando, come i fiori assorbono l'aria con il crescere e il calare della luna, doveva essere un sentimento d'un'infinita beatitudine." [...] Non c'è più né uomo né natura, ma unicamente processo che produce l'uno nell'altra e accoppia le macchine. Ovunque macchine prodruttrici o desideranti, le macchine schizofreniche, tutta la vita generica: io e non-io, esterno ed interno, non vogliono più dir nulla.» Deleuze e Guattari, L'anti-Edipo. Capitalismo e schizofrenia
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OLZWEG (Holzweg / Sentieri che non portano da nessuna parte / M.Heidegger)
The Olzweg animal takes part in the narration of the project, in its real, machinist and fictional inscription, in the continuation of “The Bride reveals herself as naked”, “the crushing of chocolate”, and other Duchamps protocols of transformation. The machine is the vector, the vehicle, for a constructive subjectivisation.
The landscapes are real and imaginary… to clash with these subjectivities duplicated… simultaneously to build them in the ambivalence of their two fields… in contingencies… on a narrative and procedural mode… at the same time interstices of blurred memory related to the Farmhouse-Media-Culture and inscriptions with the hollows of real situations…
Jean Pierre Raynaud , Container Zero (archivio Centre Pompidou)
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Hypnosis room
1) Enter in a 'heterotopian' cognitive room. 2) Let you dive secondly in a 'wake up dream', filled by vocal information on "I've heard about" urbanism. 3) Feel yourself as a nerve termination inside the organic and self-determination growing structure. 4) Keep the speculation and experiment alive as a possibility of transformation of your own biotope.
The hypno-chamber is produced as an indoor chamber, an immersion zone, where an hypnosis session has been registered and help citizen to escape from their alienated social condition.
Crash N° 02 : TV collapsus, la fin de la television? (archivio Centre Pomp
Slide to wake.
Dear FR,
I'm Federica Caregnato, an architecture student from Venice Institute of Architecture (IUAV). I'm doing a critical research project in order to editing a non-conventional monography about the group R&Sie(n) with Sara Marini (Theory of Architecture's professor in IUAV). We're doing a work on being an Author nowadays and I would like to do an interview with you. I would like you to answer with images if you prefer, rather than with words. I hope that we can expect a positive response from you. Federica Caregnato
Hi Why not…with pleasure To see works -Blog: -FB: -Props -Web site: François Roche, architect
Dear FR,
Thank you for your answer. As soon as possible I will send you 5 questions about identity, science, novel, trash and Venice. If you like to answer with images I would really appreciate. Sorry if we're not ready yet, but the work is in progress. Thank you.
Federica Caregnato
I need to know better What is the final editing of Monography Format / support / Color of B&W / number of page / with picture or not Graphism ? Printing Paper / web / blog / or just xerox bad copy ?
A book even not conventional … or specifically if it s not conventional should define a format… So before question… need to know more… about this format
Best Francois
Dear FR,
Of course you deser ve more info. It's a didactic experimental exercise so the final editing of the monography will be display in an exhibition in Venice and we hope (but it depends on how the final project will be) to transform it in a real book. It's a paper format a5, 40 pages total with the first five pages pre-imposted from the professor Sara Marini with the name of project (Sull'Autore - About the Author), a page with the academic symbol of IUAV, a page with name's professor and assistants of the course and also the subtitle of the work (R&Sie{n}), two pages with theoretical essais on your work. I will produce 5 of this 40 pages Monography (so 200 pages total) each one on a central theme. The work is based on both theoretical and artistic research on your work, a kind of mix of your images, book quotes , and images (like
collage or photography...) . The most important thing of this work is the narrative compositon of it. I think it will be both B&W and color, each book will work in a fictional way (with devices and gaps for the reader). Hope this explain better. Thank You.
Federica Caregnato
THNKS for this explanation
‘I will produce 5 of this 40 pages Monography (so 200 pages total) each one on a central theme’
It s not so clear for me ? What mean 200 pages total ? if you produce 5 pages on 40 pages ? what is the relation between 40 pages and 200 pages ? and what is the other 195 p.
What means ‘collage or photography..’ Meaning you will use our own picture to make collage ? Could you send me in this case an idea of graphism you will use to create collage… It s rare to make collage, it was a practice in the
8ties in Fanzing and comics books… sometimes used in architecture but creating a lot of confusion… what is your model of collage ? (it referring to the practice of Antoine Grumbach / la ville comme collage / Bad in fact Or the polish pavilion at Biennale in 2008 / csome of the work was pretty interesting in a dystopia challenge//// The name is more ‘new-territories’ R&Sie(n) is a subname / as some others LAB M4 / FbutC / etc…
Best Francois
Dear FR,
I'm sorry for my bad english...anyway. I will produce 4 or 5 books (a5 format) about your work on 5 different main themes. Each book has 40 pages. So the total project has 200 pages total but divided in 5 books 40 pages each book. Every books has the first five pages "standard". The rest 35 will be images of your work (non postproduced or modificated), collage (conceptual collage, about vision of dystopic society we're in, non architectural specific but more of artistic collage), quotes from books and from your blog. I love fanzine and situazioniste aesthetics, cyberpunk culture... so the Monographies will be a kind of union of handcraft and analogic with multimedia and digital. I send you the first pages of the first idea of book so you could check
the style and understand better but remember the work is still in progress and also it may have some errors. Hoping for positive response and thank you for the interesting links you send to me. For the project I said to you R&Sie(n) because we woud like to focus on your work period with Stephanie Lavaux.
Federica Caregnato
Dear federica
Something is difficult for me… I ve two possibilities…
1)-Or to let you what you are doing… on your own responsabilities… and you take picture from internet…by yourself…without asking me any authorization for reproduction…. And in this case the ‘un-authorized – non-conventional’ monography is a personal research from you and your friends… I could agree or disagree… but that is not the goal.
2)-Or you ask me to work with me, with my pictures and text… and I give you full authorization at the condition a agree on the way you proceed in term of graphism, content, meaning… etc… and we will start a work collectively…where I could have the
right to refuse it… if it s not corresponding to the editing line of my strategy of appearing in term of design-content. In this case I will ask you to articulate what is done know with what was done before… with a logic of arrow of time… and You will be not able to limit the monography to a part of work (R&Sie(n))… as you proposed. ---------------------------------The position between the two hypothesis above doesn’t exist… So you need to make an editing choice… first. - first case you do what you want without requesting any thing from me... -In second case we need to sign a contract (without economy but with rules)
You understood that the works we did and do……….. has been always interdependent to the structure of decisions, structure of power as a systemism research…and practice. So I just apply the same system to your proposal, no more no less.
So… Tell me
Dear FR,
I'm so sorry that I didn't answer your last email but your proposal confuse me. I'm sorry but i have to refuse it. Anyway if this project remotely interest you, the first book of monography really change from last time that you saw it. And probably the final project could change from now. I send you the last version of IDENTIT Y so you could check it. I think this kind of things have to decant like a good wine to be a work of art in fact I wasn't sure to send you the proof copy. Anyway, I'm really focus on your critical work on Architecture and for this theory project I'm also really focus both on the contents and the container. Federica Caregnato
Are you able to read my email ? before ? I sent two proposal… I you refuse what,… the both proposal… one of them… or other ! ---------------So now my position will be clear I don t authorize you to use any picture from us in any condition. A glass a wine will never change my position Go at chicago next biennale … you will see what we are doing…
Welcome in your village
F Roche
Dear FR,
So I understand . Believe me I would die to go to Chicago Biennale and see your works. I refused the second proposal, I'm doing an historical work about you tryng to ennoble it the best, it's an university exham, I already have rules on this work. How can I do? Sorry for my limits of thought.. I can't say yes to the second proposal (but I woud like to) and jump in the unknow (already meet the unknow write to you these emails). If you check Identity you will see I used screenshots of your page not your direct image, isn't the internet public?
Federica Caregnato
It s not about importance of people or not… I m considering us as second league architect and it s convenient for me not to overvalue this position On your proposal…. It s a logic of work you refuse to understand. Or you use work legally or illegally… Or you ask to an author his approval or not… On the both cases… it s another attitude of work…of approach, of distance, and also critical tools…etc.. So take the risk to do it without my approval…on what I could precisely complain to your school That is the way how things are done…with risk and empathy Best francois 19.06.2015