Since gaining feedback from hot desking, I wanted to experiment with a different font. As I had changed it on my magazine advert I wanted to carry through a house style and change the font on my digipak also. I am happy with the results, as it looks clean and professional. I placed the text on photoshop, so that I could move the layers easily and get the spacing correct between each song name.
I  placed my barcode on on photoshop so that I could remove the white background as it stood out too much and altered the dynamics of the panel. It is also a convention to add text displaying the copy right laws of the CD and the producers of the product, so I added that in white small text at the bottom of the panel.
On the left you can see that I have placed my album name onto the digipak front cover. I used ‘Gill Sans Light’ as I had used it on my magazine advert also. I think it stands out well, and being the same colour of Flume’s official logo above helps the house style all tie together. This second image shows the placement of my social media buttons. I brought them onto the panel through photoshop so I could remove the background so I was left with a simple logo. Including these allows the buyer to access the artist online easily.
Above I have shown how I got my social media buttons. I simply searched for them on google, and then edited them on photoshop to comply with my theme. As i’m using an official music artist for my music video, to gain knowledge of his actual social media sites I searched online so I could write down the exact name for accuracy and professionalism.
This is the finished result of all my social media buttons. Originally they were all black but this didn’t tie in with the rest of my ancillary products and looked harsh on the pink background. So, instead I changed them to a purple colour that is the same as my main title. I wanted my logos and font to be larger than they conventionally are, so they are easy to spot and stand out for the buyer.
For the last part of my design, I produced a spine. I used a dark purple colour so that the font would stand out well. Conventionally I placed the artist logo on the spine along side the name of the album. I carried through the same house style and professional looking font. I was worried that the word ‘FLUME’ would look out of place as I have made it white, but I asked some of my peers for feedback, and they said it looked good, as “You would want it to stand out on your shelf & that white is easy to read”. Overall I am happy with the design, but I will gain feedback in my focus group to a typical audience.