TIHG Decor
Organised Aesthetics!
Are you interested in creating a workspace more conducive WR SURGXFWLYLW\" %RRVW WKH FRRO TXRWLHQW RI \RXU ERULQJ RɤFH desk or study table with these beautiful accessories and add style to your work space R e s e a r c h : Yu k t i K a s e r a
Interesting off ice accessories can break the monotonous work routine by making the space more fun and quirky. Arranging everyday items like unique cardholders, designer diaries, sleek lamps etc. artistically, ful f ills essential needs while adding charm to your work space
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Post-It Whiteboard Film, `2,500, Post-It Easel Pad, `2,500, Post-It Super Sticky Notes `200 onwards, all from 3M; Pink Passport Cover, `595, Nestasia; Peek Table Lamp By Jonas Wagell, `23,795 approx, MENU; Leather Magazine Rack, `19,800, IOTA
64 |April 2020 The Ideal Home and Garden