Revista ingles

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Systems Analysis

Informa on System System Feasibility

General Systems Theory From Development Systems Enginneering Approach to informa on

Informa on system type Transac onal Systems Streamline opera onal tasks of the organiza on. High Transac onability (inputs and outputs of informa on). Level calcula on.

An informa on system is a set of elements that interact with each other in order to support the ac vi es of a company or business. The informaon system in a company should respond to organiza onal goals in opera ng levels, tac cal and strategic. Example accoun ng ac vity of a company as providing informa on on the ac vi es, the provision of reports and record keeping is an accoun ng informa on system that meets the objec ve of the company. An informa on system is a set of elements that interact with each other in order to support the ac vi es of a company or business.

Systems Decision Support

Lower transac onal (inputs and o puts of informa on). High level calculus, and complex opera ons

What are Inform

“An informa on system is (base sses data in a form that can b purpose of making de


Importance of information systems

Informa on systems have increasingly become over me, in another func onal area of the business, such as accounng, ďŹ nance, marke ng, or produc on. Today any successful organiza on has raised awareness of the importance of managing informa on technology (IT) as an element that provides compara ve advantages over the compe on.

mation Systems?

ed on the computer) that procebe used by the recipient for the ecisions. "Senn (1978)

On the other hand it is important to have a basic understanding of informa on systems to understand any other func onal area in the company, so it is important also to have a computer culture in our organiza ons that enable and necessary condi ons for informa on systems achieve the objec ves men oned above. Strategic Systems The complexity of these SI is high. Usually in organiza onal implementa on preceded thereof. They point to "point" to other horizons the organiza on.

General Systems

This theory is an a4empt to explain, supplement and order all the systems tha panies, etc..), This is about ďŹ nding common proper es to en es, systems, p are tradi onally targets academic disciplines. Systems theory aims search real this way you can use the same terms and concepts to various systems and gene

The Importance of Gen

General Systems Theory was proposed, rather than founded by L. von Bertalany in the 1940s, in order to establish a prac cal model for conceptualizing the mechanisc reduc on phenomena of classical science could not explain.

General Systems Theory (GST), is proper es to en es that are pre mena also aims to show the kno grammer, engineer or systems an chines, can be applied to social sy niza ons in which they operate hu

s Theory

at are in reality (organiza ons, compresented at all levels of reality, but lity systems the same structures. In erate universal laws and ac ve.

What is a system? A system is a set of parts or related items organized and interac ng to achieve a goal

Input (input): the force boot the system, which provides the material or energy for the opera on of the system.

Output or result (output) is the purpose for which they met the system elements and relaonships. The results of a process are the outputs, which must be consistent with the objec ve of the system. Systems results are ďŹ nal, while the results of the intermediate subsystems.

neral Systems Theory.

s important because it is used to ďŹ nd esented in reality as things or phenoowledge acquired by a computer pronalyst, which are mostly aimed at maystems as businesses and other orgaumans

Process (throughput) is the phenomenon that changes, is the mechanism of conversion of inputs into outputs or results. He is generally represented as a black box, which comes out inputs and dierent things, which are the products.

Feedback or feedback (feedback) is the return func on of the system that tends to compare the output with a preset criterion, keeping controlled within one standard or criterion.

Environment: is the medium that surrounds the system externally. He is in constant interac on with the system because it receives inputs, processes and outputs performed. The survival of a system depends on its ability to adapt, change and respond to the needs and demands of the external environment. Although the atmosphere can be a resource to the system, it can also be a threat.

Features Informa on Engineering

Focused on businesses.

Intense involvement of users.

Implementa on of effec ve modeling techniques.


Engineering is an applied science, tha principles to solve problems related t ve ability of man to serve a par cular

The Informa on Engineering can be d processing and the construc on of fo


It aims to automa on systems developments.

Strategic Planning In

Proposes to the technology as "support" of business.

It consists of the study and defini o ma on requirements requiring the or to achieve its

Informa on Syste

At this stage defines the technical feature to support the needs of the project (syste hardware requ


at is an area of human knowledge that uses mathema cal and physical to the construc on of mills. A Ingenio is anything that produces crea r purpose

deďŹ ned as a discipline, ie a "body of knowledge" related to informa on ormal mechanisms for the construc on of the "Informa on Systems".


nforma on

Business Area Analysis (AAN)

on of inforrganiza on s objec ves

At this stage, do studies of "Business Areas" that gets the SI (trying to avoid technological aspects)

ems Project

res required em design, uirements)

System Construc on Involves the conversion of data models physical structures (soBware and hardware). Here we perform programming tasks (or automa c code genera on).

Feasibility of a Sy A feasibility study is a compressed version of the en re process of analysis and system design. The study begins by clarifying the defini on of the problem. It confirms or corrects the ini al definion of scope and objec ves, and iden fies any restric ons imposed on the system. Once you have generated an acceptable defini on of the problem, the analyst develops a logical model of the system. Then begins the search for alterna ve solu ons, using this model as a reference.

Economic feasibilit include analysis and benefits a with each project ve. With cost analy fit, all costs and b acquiring and each alterna ve sy iden fied and a co of them.


ty studies of costs associated alterna ysis / probeneďŹ ts of opera ng ystem are omparison

The technical feasibility analysis assesses whether the equipment and soBware are available (or, in the case of soBware, if you can develop) and if they have the technical skills required for each design alterna ve under consideraon. Technical feasibility studies also consider the interfaces between exis ng and new systems.

The opera onal feasibility studies comprising a determina on of the probability that a new system is used as supposed. Four aspects should be considered opera onal feasibility least. First, a new system may be too complex for users of the organiza on or system operators. If so, users can ignore the system or use it in a way that causes errors or system failures.

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