1 minute read

Business Model Canvas

Distance Learning

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is an internationally recognized tool that helps entrepreneurs, managers or change agents, summarize their business models in a format that is compact and transparent. In doing so, the BMC serves as an effective instrument to critically analyze how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. This seminar familiarizes participants with the concept of business models, its key elements and introduces the BMC through direct application to their current business cases.

Seminar content

> introduction of the business modelling and the Business Model Canvas (including the nine key elements)

> identifying Customer Segments and defining Value Propositions

> identifying the desired Customer Relationships and the appropriate channels to service them

> identifying viable Revenue Streams as well as the Cost Structure

> identifying Key Activities of the business venture, the Resources that sustain it and the Partnerships that support it

Target group

This seminar is targeted to entrepreneurs, regardless if they are experienced or novice, or any Change Agent in an existing organization (i.e., engineers, sales and marketing professionals, or any members of management, who are tasked with creating new product or service lines that will lead to new or improved business models).

Your benefits

You are able to design a comprehensive business model that aligns all key elements of value creation using the Business Model Canvas.

You learn to communicate your Value Proposition in a clear and persuasive manner.

You learn to use the BMC framework to analyze your current Business Model and realign/redesign ineffective elements of it.


07.06., 08.06., 09.06.2021, 5.30 p.m.-8.00 p.m., 14.06.2021, 5.30 p.m.-7.00 p.m.

Seminar fee

€ 350,00 (exempt from VAT)

On the lecturer

Chris Newman

Completion of the seminar

Certificate of Attendance

Information & Registration

FH Campus Wien Academy GmbH Favoritenstraße 226 1100 Wien T +43 1 606 68 77-8800 F +43 1 606 68 77-8809 academy@fh-campuswien.ac.at


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