Fiesta may 2014

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What are you doing tonight?

May / 2014 $ 2.95










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photography by Eduardo Sandoval

Travel & Destinations PUERTO RICO *Private parties *The best local events

2 - / May 2014

May 2014 / - 3

4 - / May 2014

May 2014 / - 5


The rich heritage of Virginia vines.

pag 10

6 - / May 2014

“5 de Mayo” celebration. EBLO Baltimore

pag 19

Puro Tamgo Gala Theatre The sensational Argentine dance pag 22-23

images courtesy of

2014 / ISSUE 49

May 2014 / - 7




Tony Montana Legal Advisor Claudia Ordonez MANAGING EDITOR Alex Cabrera CFO / MARKETING Sabrina Perez DESIGNER James Forhan Patricia McDougall Simon Bechara Eduardo Sandoval PHOTOGRAPHERS Angel Mansilla WEB MASTER Tania Ramos Marvin Campos SALES REPRESENTATIVE Contact us for Advertising MD: 443.683.7223 DC : 202.706.0011 VA : 703.587.7095 Download our free mobile app or visit us at

–© 2014 Fiesta logo design Magazine and what are you doing tonight? is protected by copyright under U.S. copyright and other laws, is a published of the Twelve times a Year by FM Advertising, LLC. All rights reserved, use or reproduction of any materials contained herein is strictly prohibited without express prior of written. Consent of the publisher.

Well, we’re all heating up now. By the time you read this, summer will be at your doorstep, ready to burst in, turn up the temperature and melt your popsicles our visit your favorite places for drink and eat. Anyway, in this Summer Guide issue, we’ve collected some of the coolest events from Maryland and Washington DC area to keep you busy through the summer months. Fairs, Fourth of July celebrations, gastronomic reviews, photoshoot and many more!! all for the pleasure of our readers. As of this issue, we no longer follow a ‘theme’. Now, our content will be based on arts, music, destinations, interviews and culture and the stories

8 - / May 2014

that make us laugh, smile, think and even cock our head to the side with a smirk. We have actually taken a few months off to reflect and reposition the magazine and restructure the business after an extremely challenging year. Thank you for supporting our magazine over these last 5 years and we look forward to celebrating our 50 issues in 2014! Sincerely,

Frank Mareno editor & chief

The Amazing Journalist Ella es Divalizeth Murillo, es periodista internacional nacida en Colombia, donde consolidó gran parte de su experiencia laboral en periodismo, producción y presentación.


JOURNALIST & HOSTESS Hace dos años viajó a Estados Unidos, donde ha sido reportera de noticias para Suramérica y Washington D.C., además produce y presenta su show de TV “Amazing People”, y ahora para Fiesta DC Magazine dirige la nueva sección “Travel &

Destination”, ofreciendo cada mes un nuevo destino para el deleite de nuestros lectores. Así que será todo un placer y gusto explorar el mundo de la mano de nuestra nueva Diva.

Contacto Facebook: Divalizeth Murillo Youtube: Divalizeth Murillo @Divalizeth

May 2014 / - 9

Local Festival

Great Grapes! is Northern Virginia’s premier casual wine tasting with HUNDREDS of wines available for sampling. Take your souvenir tasting glass as you enter the festival and stroll from tent to tent and table to table tasting and sampling the rich heritage of Virginia vines. As you sip and savor the afternoon, relax in the beautiful setting of the Reston Town Center. You are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy the great LIVE music on the Main Stage.

Social Scene is a new and exciting way to view and share the world around you. 10 - / May 2014

Private Party FIESTA magazine promotes belly dance nights Dewan Cafe offers a place to enjoy coffee, tea, and traditional Middle Eastern drinks. Throughout the cafe, people smoke shisha with hookah pipes and more! 3403 Payne St, Falls Church, VA 22041 Keep your friends close with Facebook, Twitter and more on your mobile phone. May 2014 / - 11

coming soon new artistic talents...

12 - / May 2014

Social Scene

Share with us your social events or private parties for free send us your pictures and synopsis to

May 2014 / - 13

This event was Bethesda Blues and Jazz 7719 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Office Staff Hrs: Mon-Fri 10-6pm Box Office Hours: Mon-Fri 12-8pm Show Hours: See Music Calendar

Five Things You Should Know About

WHISKEY VS. BOURBON 1. All bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is bourbon. Tennessee whiskey? Not bourbon. Canadian whiskey? Nope. Scotch? Definitely not bourbon... you get the idea. 2. Bourbon is all-American. In 1964, under President Lyndon Johnson’s administration, Congress declared bourbon America’s Native Spirit (LBJ sure enjoyed his bourbon.). 3. The only thing that can be added to bourbon is water (and only to bring it down to proof). Other whiskey makers can add colors and flavors to their products. 4. Whiskey can age in re-used barrels. By law bourbon must use NEW charred American white oak barrels. Scotch whiskey often recycles barrels first used for bourbon. Probably to try to steal some of the bourbon’s flavor! 5. It can’t say “bourbon” on the label if it’s not distilled in the United States. And it can’t be “Kentucky Bourbon” unless it’s distilled in Kentucky. Keep your friends close with Facebook, Twitter and more on your mobile phone. 14 - / May 2014

Social Scene is a new and exciting way to view and share the world around you.

FIESTA magazine Introducing Baltimore’s premiere nightclub located minutes away from the Inner Harbor. Paparazzi is the largest entertainment venue in the city. Experience two rooms of live music, four bars, and concierge table service. Let us entertain you!Located in downtown Baltimore,Paparazzi Nightclub provides three rooms of nightlife experience featuring some of the best Djs and promoters in Baltimore.

May 2014 / - 15

Take a sneak peek into the gorgeous collections of bikinis and swimsuits, coming soon!! Our next edition FIESTA June

16 - / May 2014

Entrepreneur of the month.

John Garcés Por: Divalizeth Murillo

Nadie hubiese apostado ni un centavo, hace 13 años cuando este inmigrante colombiano llegó a Washington D.C, huyendo de la inseguridad en su país a asilarse en Estados Unidos, y en medio de la búsqueda por sobrevivir en una tierra extraña para él, iniciar su idea de negocio adeudando 100 dólares al banco. Hoy, Hopeday Constrution está valorada en 2,5 millones de dólares, emplea 20 personas y tiene ubicada su oficina en Georgetown, la zona comercial mejor avaluada de la Capital de Estados Unidos.

Pensar en grande y sin miedo

Este es nuestro empresario del Mes, John Garcés un ejemplo de éxito, fe y entusiasmo.

Cuando John recuerda sus inicios, es alcanzado por una sonrisa y un destello en sus ojos que lo hacen sonreír instantáneamente, y es que recuerda, que en las difíciles condiciones que tuvo que pensar con cabeza fría, como producir a partir de la demanda que encontró en Washington, sólo tuvo claro que fuera lo que hiciese, debía consolidar un servicio a la comunidad. Y esa visión lo acompaña hasta ahora, actualmente busca expandir su negocio de construcción, para apoyar con recursos y asistencia técnica, en conjunto con el Gobierno Federal, proyectos que beneficien a comunidades pobres de Suramérica. Con la seguridad y entusiasmo que lo expresa, es un hecho que será otro logro para Hopeday en muy corto tiempo. Por ahora, en su cabeza solo tiene espacio para su Compañía y crecimiento profesional. A sus 35 años, se considera un ser espiritual y enamorado de Dios, a quien ve como su mayor guía en el recorrido de todos sus proyectos, tanto personal como laboralmente. 202 316 00 06 2421 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 200 NW Washington DC 20037

John visualiza y ejecuta proyectos privados para el gobierno local en Washington y Federal, en Estados Unidos. Tiene claro que a la par de las relaciones públicas en la Capital política, puede desarrollar su negocio, desde la renovación de una simple casa hasta la construcción de un complejo de viviendas o escuelas… Para él, los sueños solo son pequeños cuando no salen de la cabeza. Este es nuestro empresario del Mes, John Garcés un ejemplo de éxito, fe y entusiasmo.

May 2014 / - 17

more pictures visit 18 - /May 2014

The magazine FIESTA wants to share photos of “5 de Mayo” celebration. The annual festival seems to get a little bigger every year. For this year’s Cinco de Mayo Festival, there will be musical groups, traditional and contemporary dancing, folklore, authentic food and crafts and more. The block party takes place on the 100 Block of South Broadway at Pratt Street. Thank you everybody for coming to Cinco de Mayo Festival last weekend. I hope you enjoyed it as much we did. Feliz Cinco de Mayo.

May 2014 / - 19

Wishing you all the love and happiness you so richly deserve! 20 - / May 2014

May 2014 / - 21

Puro Tango 2 Conceived and directed by Hugo Medrano Musical Direction by Alvaro Hagopián June 5 – 22, 2014 In Spanish with English surtitles Following the huge hit of Puro Tango in 2012, GALA will delight audiences with its latest presentation Puro Tango 2, a dazzling ensemble of authentic dancers and singers from Argentina and Uruguay, the birthplace of tango. Puro Tango 2 is an homage to the creators and key ���������������������������������breaking role of women in tango music. The cast features renowned tango vocalists Nelson Pino and María de Los Angeles, and introduces lyric vocalist Elisa Cordova, who makes her highly-anticipated début in tango. Musical direction and arrangements are by pianist Alvaro Hagopián, with Nario Recoba on the bandoneón, and Dominic Martínez on bass. The sensational Argentine dance duo Jeremías and Mariela, founders of the Tango Axis Dance Company, will captivate audiences with their dynamic and sensual style. Charming GALA actress Cecilia de Feo will emcee this musical and dance extravaganza that originated in the River Plate region of Argentina and Uruguay. Hugo Medrano is co-founder and Artistic Producing Director of GALA. Among the musicals he has directed at GALA are El Bola-Cuba’s King of Song, Caribeaña Imperia, and Candombe: Tango Negro. He was nominated for a 2000 Helen Hayes Award for his direction of La dama boba by Lope de Vega, and received the 1994 Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Lead Actor for his role as Molina in El beso de la mujer araña. For tickets: call 202-234-7174 or purchase online at

22 - /May 2014


Puro Tango 2 Concebido y dirigido por Hugo Medrano Dirección musical de Alvaro Hagopián 5 junio – 22 junio del 2014 En español con surtítulos en inglés


Después del gran éxito de Puro Tango, GALA vuelve a deleitar a su público con una nueva presentación de auténticos exponentes del baile y la canción, directamente de Argentina y Uruguay, la cuna del tango. Un homenaje a sus creadores y protagonistas y al valioso rol de la mujer en la canción tanguera, con una deslumbrante selección de cantantes encabezada por el entrañable Nelson Pino acompañado por la destacada María de los Angeles y la joven cantante lírica Elisa Cordova, quien hace su primera e impresionante incursión por el tango. El acompañamiento musical está a cargo del maestro Alvaro Hagopian al piano, el nuevo talento uruguayo del bandoneón Nario Recoba, y el contrabajista local Dominic Martínez. La sensacional pareja de bailarines argentinos Jeremías & Mariela, fundadores de la Compañía de Tango “Axis”, cautivará al público con su estilo dinámico y sensual. La distinguida actriz de GALA, Cecilia De Feo, con su gracia y simpatía será la presentadora de esta espectacular presentación de tango auténticamente rioplatense.

Hugo Medrano fue nominado para el Premio Helen Hayes 2000 por su dirección de La dama boba, de Lope de Vega y recibió el Premio Helen Hayes 1994 al Mejor Actor Principal por su papel como Molina en El beso de la mujer araña. Entre los musicales que ha dirigido en ����� ������� ��� ������������ ����� of Song, Caribeaña Imperia, y Candombe: Tango Negro. Para entradas: llamar al 202-234-7174 o comprar por internet en

May 2014 / - 23

Health & Fitness

Here are a few words about chiropractic care from April Brady of Living Wellness Chiropractic

CHIROPRACTIC AND YOUR CAR Phone (443) 319-5770

Picture this: you’re driving down the road, singing along to your favorite song on the radio and suddenly the check engine light comes on. A sick feeling in the pit of your stomach hits. Thoughts begin racing through your head. Did I tighten the gas cap? When was the oil changed last? Prayers are whispered. Please, please, please let this not be serious or expensive to fix! At this point you may decide to drive a little longer, see if the light goes off on its own. Maybe you park the car overnight, hoping the light will turn off. When it comes on the next morning, you decide to drive to the local garage. You expect to see the mechanic look under the

hood, right? You’d be pretty mad if they just started looking at the dashboard, trying to get the little light inside to turn off. Why? You’re right. The warning light comes on over the dash, but it means the problem is somewhere ‘under the hood’. If the mechanic hopes to fix the problem, he has to search for the cause. Once the cause is found, you pay him to fix it. Once fixed, the light on the dash turns off. What does chiropractic have to do with any of this? Your body is your ‘car’. Symptoms are the ‘checkengine-light’. Medication, massage, stretching, exercise, diet, and surgery are all ways to treat the

LMT, Physique competitor. DonnaMcGinnAthlete

problem ‘at the dash’. Chiropractic doesn’t work on the light bulb. It searches ‘under the hood’ for what is causing the symptom(s) to be there. Many times this is a bone (vertebra) that has shifted slightly and is now putting pressure on the nerves (wires), which send the ‘warning light on the dash’ (the symptom). Why should you, the reader, be concerned by this? Well, just like driving your car with the warning light on would cause damage to the car, living every day with symptoms damages your body. Most times, the damage occurs under the skin and doesn’t become noticeable for 15-20 years. By then, it’s difficult to

For more information about the bene�its of chiropractic go to 24 - / May 2014

Donna McGinn

repair. Unlike a car, you can’t go out and buy a new body. The amazing thing about chiropractic is that it can stop the damage from getting worse simply by moving the bone back into place. This is done naturally, using no medication or surgery. Everyone can benefit from a chiropractic check-up, from infants to the elderly. If you or someone you know lives with a ‘check engine light’ on, give your local chiropractor a call to take a look ‘under the hood’.

April Brady is co-owner of Living Wellness Chiropractic in Columbia, Md. I’ve had the pleasure of working with April and Dr. Harry Derr as a patient and a massage therapist.

May 2014 / - 25

26 - /April 2014

Abril 2014 / - 27

Travel & Destinations

28 - / May 2014

Puerto Rico, el Estado Libre Asociado a Estados Unidos les da la bienvenida. Después de dos días explorando la isla, territorio de habla hispana, mi lugar favorito fue Playa Roja en la Isla de Vieques, paraíso terrenal. Bordeada de palmeras que bailan al vaivén del viento en un clima tropical muy agradable y una hermosísima vista de grandes olas aguamarinas que se pierden a simple vista, Playa Roja es mi destino recomendado de este mes.

Por Divalizeth Murillo Delicias exóticas Alcapurrias y el Mofongo tradicionales del lugar.

MUNICIPIO DE FAJARDO, ISLA DE VIEQUES Y PLAYA ROJA Hacia el Este de Puerto Rico, a una hora de camino desde la capital por carretera, mientras puedes disfrutar de un paisaje natural de montañas que bordean el horizonte y contrastan con pueblos y veredas alineadas por la autopista, llegas a uno de los 78 Municipios de la Isla, el municipio de Fajardo, conocido como el Pueblo de los Cariduros, porque sus habitantes son de carácter inquebrantable, y como La Ciudad del Sol Naciente, por ser el primer pueblo de la Isla que recibe el sol. Cuando llegas a Fajardo, más de una bandera estadounidense enarbolada en lo alto, te harán recordar que estas en suelo americano. Sobre todo la gran cantidad de extranjeros que se aglutinan en el Muelle, uno de los lugares que mueve la mayor economía del pueblo, por ser el punto de llegada o de partida de las mejores playas aledañas!!

Desde este muelle, tomamos el ferry para ir a hasta Vieques, una parte del Mar Caribe que forman el archipiélago de Puerto Rico, y al conjunto de Islas conocidas como las Islas Vírgenes Españolas. A esta, en una noche del 5 de agosto de 1816 arribó el Libertador Simón Bolívar. En esta oportunidad, degustamos el Monfongo, uno de los mejores y más populares platos típicos que distinguen a la comida puertoriqueña, hecha a base de plátano. Su historia se remonta a la masa que las africanas en tiempos de esclavitud, rehacían de las sobras, para servir a sus familias.Explorando el municipio de Vieques, observamos que es un pueblo con un diseño urbano tradicional, con un parque en el centro del pueblo, rodeado de la iglesia principal, el edificio de la Alcaldía, el colegio principal y todos los monumentos oficiales del lugar. La Isla Nena, como fue

bautizado este municipio por el poeta Luis Lorens Torres, está habitada por alrededor de 10,000 personas, organizados en ocho barrios, su actividad económica se basa en la construcción, el turismo y la pesca. Las costas de esta pequeña isla están bañadas por el océano Atlántico, y uno de sus principales atractivos son las hermosas islas que la rodean y se pueden ir a visitar a poco tiempo de la zona urbana por la carretera. Adultos, jóvenes y niños vienen desde lejos a disfrutar de los bellos paisajes que ofrecen las playas de Puerto Rico, como esta pintoresca Playa Roja, un verdadero paraíso tropical, donde los colores cristalinos del mar, hacen juego con el verde de las montañas, el reflejo de un permanente cielo radiante y el brillo que destella la suave arena. Bondades que se juntan como si fueran extraídas de alguna pintura Amazing que vale la pena vivir y disfrutar en PUERTO RICO! May 2014 / - 29

Guide to the best restaurants in Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia bars and the Food Scene!

Food and Drink, Fiesta Magazine section goes way beyond here eating and drinking We’re on a mission to find the most exciting places and new gastronomic experiences. Enjoy a romantic dinner with your lovely searching into our magazine excellent information about Bars Restaurants and more!

SCAN the best places to eat now


30 - / May 2014

JIMMY’S Family Owned Since 1946

Location:801 South Broadway Fells Point, MD. Phone:(410) 327-3273 Our stomachs were growling of hunger at the start of the day so we headed into Jimmy’s Restaurant in the heart of Fells Point, MD. Jimmy’s is a family owned restaurant that has been in operation at 800 S.Broadway since 1946. The atmosphere is warm, friendly and comfortable. Fiesta Magazine was able to taste many of the affordable dishes from the menu. The “BREAKFAST BOWL” is one of their homemade specialties which consists of a bowl layered with home

fries, bacon and scrambled eggs. It is warm and tasty with melted American cheese on top. We also tried Jimmy’s Cuban Style Sandwich with a side of French Fries. The sandwich consisted of a soft warm toasted cuban bun with grilled ham and cheese and your choice of toppings. This lunch special has a crispy texture with hot melted cheese that not only melts in your mouth but also warms your soul. Last but not least, we tried The Grilled Chicken Breast over Spin-

Taste of Fells Point MD

ach and Rice Pilaf. The amazing display of color combination and succulent taste makes this a favorite dish among customers. We also indulged in a big giant Belgium waffle with Apple Walnut Sauce with a side of soft vanilla ice cream. It is a delightful mix of golden brown waffle and sweet nutty flavor that gives a little kick to this combo. You will not be disappointed at Jimmy’s family Restaurant.

May 2014 / - 31

32 - / May 2014

May 2014 / - 33

Cocktails for Summer Meet the top 3 of the best!

Summer drinks in Miami In summer, Miami restaurants put their bartenders to work, preparing his own version of the Mojito, Martini and Mimosa for the hot summer months, so if you are in Miami, here are some tips to enjoy a summer drink and original. For a classic and high living environment is “Smith & Wollensky” not only known for its steaks, but also for its excellent drinks. Drinks to choose from in this restaurant are the “Smith & Wollensky Cosmo”, served with Grey Goose ($ 14.50) or “SoBe Mojito with Bacardi” ($ 12.75), both accompanying deliciously bar as mini burgers, oysters on the shell and flat bread. It is best to Smith & Wollensky is a chain has restaurants in many places around the country and always follow the latest fashion trend in drinks from Miami to New York.En summer, Miami restaurants put their bartenders to work, 34 - / May 2014

preparing its own version of the Mojito, Martini and Mimosa for the hot summer months, so if you are in Miami, we give you some tips to enjoy a summer drink and original. Another option, some lower profile, is “La Taqueria El Mexicano”. When you go in there, what you find is authentic and surreal, colorful piñatas and plastic plants hanging from the ceiling. While the walls dazzle you with bright, green and orange, whispering: take yourself a margarita, take a margarita ($ 4.00). Nowhere in Miami you’ll find better value for your money. We also have places of the latest trend, of which Miami is full. The trick is finding the delicious drinks that everyone gives you, without charging you cross the line more. Take a moment to Area 31, Caffeine, Asia de Cuba, Rosa Mexicano, among others.

June is definitely the month of summer , in Colombia but we have a tropical country and many live in warm weather , those who live in Bogotá can also enjoy the sunny days. Taking advantage of the weather, today I want to tell you a top 3 cocktails for summer are perfect for this type of weather is best and they are very easy to prepare. The recommendation is that prepare minutes before eating and enjoy with a good company. I hope you like.

Honolulu Ingredients 3 parts gin. 1 part orange juice. 1 part pineapple juice. 1 part lemon juice. 1⁄2 part grenadine. Preparation This is one of the most recommended cocktails when we are in summer, but does not carry ice, the taste is very natural, refreshing and perfect for a night out with friends. So what you should do is put in a shaker all ingredients and shake vigorously. Ready! It was served in a martini glass, you put sugar on the edge of the cup and decorate it with a small piece of pineapple and is ready one of the best options for summer cocktails.

Coco Loco Ingredients 1 part white rum. 1 part vodka. 1 part tequila. 2 parts coconut cream. 1 part lemon juice. Crushed ice. Preparation Crazy is not a coconut cocktail with a strong licorice flavor because the flavor is very similar to the pina colada, but it can easily drunk, so the recommendation is to enjoy the taste but sparingly. Then, in a shaker put all ingredients and shake hard, the idea is that the ice is cut into pieces.

Hurricane 1 part dark rum. 1 part white rum. 2 parts passion fruit juice. 1⁄2 part lemon juice. 1⁄2 part grenadine.

This is a cocktail that was born in New Orleans and the best flavors mixed white and dark rum with a delicious touch of passion fruit. It tastes sweet and is perfect for sunny afternoons and is ideal for those who have to withstand high temperatures. So what you should do is put in the shaker all ingredients, remember that it is vital that the ice is frosty. Once the mixture has a list, put it in a glass and decorate with a slice of lemon or lemon peel.

May 2014 / - 35

Queen of Carnival Cruceño USA

“No debemos olvidar nuestras Raices”

No nos queda la menor duda que la belleza de la mujer cruceña esta muy bien representada a traves de Maica Franco, ademas de ser un buen ejemplo para la juventud que emigra a los Estados Unidos, ella es una fuente de inspiración para todos los que sueñan con alcanzar nuevas metas en base a la disciplina, dedicación y mucho esfuerzo.

photography by Joselo Anzoategui

36 - / May 2014

Maica, nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia, un 19 de Diciembre de 1985 y hace 14 años vino con su familia en busca de nuevas y mejores oportunidades al pais del norte. Hoy esta bella señorita es profesional en Administracion de Empresas y trabaja exitosamente para compañía a nivel nacional, ocupando el cargo de Manager.

May 2014 / - 37

Cuestionario 1. Cuando la entrevistaron por primera vez, le preguntaron como se definiría así misma? Maica respondió Soy una persona Sencilla, Alegre y muy luchadora. 2. Cuales son tus hobbies? Me gusta viajar, conocer nuevos lugares, compartir con mis amigas, ver peliculas y bailar. 3. Esperabas este nombramiento? La verdad fue para mi una gran sorpresa de parte de la comparsa Fregonazos y de la Organización que es Agrobol, quienes son los creadores del Carnaval Cruceño en los Estados Unidos y que gracias al gran esfuerzo que realizan por mostrar nuestra cultura, hoy se celebra el Carnaval en diferentes Estados como ser: Los Angeles, Rhode Island, New York y Florida. 4. Que podemos esperar de Maica para este Carnaval 2014? Prometo dar lo mejor de mi persona, para mostrar la escencia y calidez que caracteriza a nuestra gente, asi como tambien representar dignamente el tema elegido por los Carnavaleros que va dedicado al Departamento del Beni, quienes sufrieron terribles inundaciones con incalculables perdidas no solo materiales, sino que tambien humanas.

38 - / May 2014

5.Como es la agenda de una Reina del Carnaval? Con una sonrisa, dice, casi no tengo tiempo para nada, entre mis obligaciones laborales, los eventos carnavaleros e invitaciones, mi agenda esta super apretada, pero quiero asistir a todos los que pueda, porque de eso se trata el carnaval‌ compartir y contagiar la alegria!!! 6. Que metas personales tiene Maica? Quiero complementar mi carrera y para ello estoy terminando dos aùos de Comercio Internacional, porque me gustaria ampliar mis horizontes en cuanto a trabajo se refiere. Luego esta en mis planes formar una familia, solo tengo que encontrar a la persona indicada con quien pasar el resto de mi vida, siguiendo el ejemplo de mis padres. 7. Quieres dirigir algunas palabras a la comunidad hispana? Me gustaria invitarlos cordialmente este proximo 07 de Junio en las calles del Condado de Arlington ( S. Four mile Rum ) zona de Shirlington, a partir del medio dia hasta las 3:00 de la tarde, para mostrarles un pedacito de nuestra cultura del Oriente Boliviano y recordales, que no debemos olvidar nuestras raices, al igual que Agrobol lucha por Transmitir nuestra cultura a las nuevas generaciones, yo espero que algun dia todos los hispanos podamos unirnos para mostrar y compartir nuestra rica herencia cultural.

May 2014 / - 39

40 - / May 2014

Miami Moda & Music Awards

The Miami Style Awards form a fall fashion event in which Miami’s most fashionable women are honored. This is an evening of fashion, music, food and bubbly co-hosted by Julian Chang and Beth Sobol to benefit student scholarships of the Miami Fashion Week Foundation.

The 12th annual Miami International Fashion Week presents a VIP screening of “Valentino The Last Emperor” on Thursday, September 24th at the Lincon Theater in Miami Beach. Special Guest, Matt Tyrnauer, the movie’s director will be in attendance to speak on his experience with the world’s biggest designer while making this spectacular film on the life of Valentino. The event is a fundraiser for the Miami Fashion Week Foundation to raise money for the scholarship fund in support of the student and emerging designer, photography, graphic artist and filmmaker competitions to be awarded at the March 2014 event.

Miami International Fashion Week kicks-off with a party and a benefit for the Miami Fashion Week Foundation Scholarship Fund. The event features a presentation by Miami’s most prestigious designers, celebrity chef’s tasting, champagne and cocktail reception, silent auction and live performance by renowned pianist Julian De La Chica.

42 - / May 2014

May 2014 / - 43

44 - / May 2014

2014 Award Winners International Rising Star Award – Kayce Armstrong for Art of Shade / USA Prêt-A-Porter Style Award – Dolcevita / Italy Excellence in Eveningwear Award – Nicolas Felizola / Venezuela / Miami Victoria Puig de Lange International Style Award – Itala Testino / Peru Designers Choice Award – Myke Sylla / Senegal / Paris Model of the Year – Adrienne – Ford Models Excellence in Accessories Award – Sol Felippe / Venezuela Celebrity Style Award – Norka International Designer of the Year – Carlos Miele / Brazil International Bridal Designer of the Year – Rosa Clará / Spain

May 2014 / - 45

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May 2014 / - 47

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May 2014 / - 49

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May 2014 / - 51

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