City of
Bethlehem and the Lehigh Valley
The Arts Issue I S S U E N o 3 2 | FA L L 2 0 2 1 Celebrating local shopping, dining, arts, events, and community
Creativity with heart N AT I O N A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D for her exceptional desserts, Danielle Konya revolutionized baked goods in 2000 when she founded the first vegan bakery in existence. She built her company on a cruelty-free path that satisfies both palate and conscience, linking the business of dessert with the ethics of caring about animals.
D A N I E L L E S AY S ,
“ C ompassion starts with your fork.”
In a small but meaningful way, with each bite you take of delicious Vegan Treats, we are one step closer to a more ethical and humane way of living. Luckily for us, compassion has never tasted so delicious.
1444 Linden Street, Bethlehem
IN THIS ISSUE This fall, find inspiration all around as you live the local life in the Lehigh Valley.
Now’s the time to make your mark and get productive in the Lehigh Valley’s hottest co-working space.
“Lotus Squared” is a collaborative painting by four Lehigh Valley artists that represents their creative hope for the future. Read more on page 10.
The Future of Work
50 -51
Artistic Southside Find beauty and meaning in Bethlehem—on buildings, on pianos, and even on the street. Brought to you by SouthSide Arts District and Wind Creek Bethlehem.
The Power of Art Find artists from all over the Valley in our most robust, colorful, and impactful arts issue to date. Creativity is alive in the Lehigh Valley! 11 - 4 5
Fall 2021
Giving Back: Artist, musician, and blogger Elise Schaffer believes art is for everyone. 48
Fig Authentic: Artist Tyrone Webb is crafting worlds of fantasy and sci-fi. 57
Meet our 2021 Social Mission Partner: Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem 52
And of course great shopping, dining, arts, events, and community— as always. Keep Reading
L ehig h Valley, Pennsylvania
/ T he A r ts Issue
We are a curiously creative team of thinkers and makers who believe that one big idea can change everything. We design and deliver brands that people love. Meet our team at
PUBLISHER Fig Industries DIRECTOR Kate Hughes PHOTOGRAPHER Colin Coleman CREATIVE DIRECTOR Deborah Brandt ART DIRECTOR Jason James DESIGNERS Megan Flynn Emily Schlotter Kaylee Masullo Will Teodori WRITER Kate Hughes ACCOUNTING Matt Brandt
C O M M U N I T Y PA RT N E R S Southside Arts District Wind Creek ISSUE SPONSORS Christine Oaklander Kathleen Rosario Terry Wallace Rod Hughes Marcy Hake Repp Dr. Rebecca Miller Marlene Page S O C I A L M I S S I O N PA RT N E R Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem ALL THINGS SOCIAL Look for Fig Bethlehem on Facebook and Instagram for daily coverage of local entertainment, events, food, and community. A D V E RT I S I N G I N F I G To find out how you can strategically market your business through Fig, contact
SOCIAL MEDIA Cara Walker Fig Industries is redefining success through social impact and environmental accountability in the communities we serve. Learn more about our B-Corp certification at
Fig Industries, LLC has made every attempt to ensure that all information contained in this publication has been obtained from reliable sources, but all such information is provided “as is” with no guarantee of completeness or accuracy. The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Fig Industries, LLC. Fig Industries, LLC cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions contained in, or reliance made upon the contents of, this publication. Copyright: Copyright 2021 © Fig Industries, LLC. All rights reserved. Photography or page layout contained in Fig shall not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of Fig Industries, LLC. Contact 717.394.7737 or
My creative
A note from Fig
mural by Joseph Iacona
H I ! I ’ M K AT E . I have lived, learned, and worked in the Lehigh Valley for more than 20 years. Though not my native land, I feel deeply rooted in our community. And through a lovely twist of fate, I find myself here at Fig. Which totally rocks—because Fig feels like home. And more than anything in this world, I love my creative, welcoming, diverse home called the Lehigh Valley.
loving partner), Colin Coleman, has worked enthusiastically to create and capture the authentic spirit of everyone who stepped in front of his lens. Side by side, Colin and I have had the opportunity to experience firsthand some pretty spectacular and memorable moments—bearing witness to and participating in a community coming together to support and focus on their creatives.
The best part? I get to tell the stories of all the wonderful people who also choose to call this place their home—inspiring entrepreneurs, nationally acclaimed and emerging artists, award-winning actors, innovative startups, and impactful community organizations.
As the fall season unfolds and the world is ever changing, we can count on our creative community to bring us hope and inspiration as we fulfill Fig’s mission of connecting you with everything good, beautiful, and uplifting in the Lehigh Valley.
Fig prides itself on creativity, which incidentally, has been a lifelong mission of mine as well. The 2021 Arts issue you are currently holding in your hand (or scrolling through on your device) is—serendipitously—my very first issue. You will find Lehigh Valley makers, creators, and advocates of the arts showcased. We are celebrating the creatives who are crafting the future of our beloved community by always striving to achieve beauty in all they do, while encouraging the observer to do the same. Our genius photographer (and my local-
I am thankful for the opportunity to use my creative talents to help make our community a better place. Thank you for taking time with this very special Arts issue we crafted just for you. With much gratitude, I look forward to what comes next for our community. I have a strong feeling it will be equally as wonderful.
Fall 2021
Which also totally rocks. Creatively, Kate Hughes and the Fig Team (more about Kate on page 53)
L ehig h Valley, Pennsylvania
/ T he A r ts Issue
flavors to celebr ate
the season MAKERS OF WINE IN T H E L E H I G H VA L L E Y since 1975, Franklin Hill Vineyards is ready for the autumn season! Stop in the tasting room and toast to fall with Caramel Apple, Pumpkin Spice Cake, and Blackberry Cobbler sangrias.
559 Main Street, Bethlehem
There’s a reason Franklin Hill has won so many awards. The wine is produced with love, and there’s a taste for everyone— whether you prefer dry, sweet, or something in between.
7833 Franklin Hill Road, Bangor
the art of a well fitted frame. Mary Wright of TouchStone Theatre knows the benefits of a quality frame fitting from the Fox team!
S I N C E 19 9 8 , F O X O P T I C A L has been a leader in quality eye care. Dr. Tim Fox and his talented team will fit your fashion-forward frames to your unique face comfortably. They take the time to get to know you—your history, your habits, and your needs—to determine the best way to help you see clearly and fashionably. From traditional to trendy, conventional to hip, their frames offer something for everyone. 28 East 3rd Street, Bethlehem
Breakfast tacos made in-house with chorizo sausage or with tofu and Allentown-made vegan cheddar.
Chef Chris
Fresh, Organic, Made In-House U S I N G F R E S H , L O C A L LY- S O U R C E D I N G R E D I E N T S , Roasted offers a diverse menu chock full of house-made items that will have your mouth watering. There are plenty of healthy, vegetarian, and vegan options, of course—and if you’re feeling decadent, they’ve got that for you too. (Oreo or Bacon Encrusted French Toast, anyone?)
“ 8
22 West Fourth Street, Bethlehem
Making our dishes from scratch highlights our unique menu and also challenges us to be creative as we work seasonally, sourcing through our local partners. Using locally-sourced pork, we marinate it in a blend of peppers and spices to make our chorizo sausage. All of our eggs are organic local eggs from The Nesting Box delivered weekly, so you know they’re fresh. Our seasonal pancakes are made with blueberries from Bernard’s Green Valley Farm, peaches from Bechdolt’s Orchards, even our maple syrup is processed in PA from G&M Maple.” –Chef Chris
The Modern
Face of Homelessness T H E A L L E N T O W N R E S C U E M I S S I O N is a non-denominational, social services organization, providing critically needed goods and services to homeless and impoverished men, without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, or religion. Providing hope, renewal, and second chances to homeless men of the Greater Lehigh Valley, the Allentown Rescue Mission has been changing lives since 1900.
355 Hamilton Street, Allentown
Give to the Cause
Tyrone Webb
Michael Lebson
Anthony Smith
Michelle Neifert
An Artistic Collaboration THE STORY OF A COVE R . . . Four artists walk into a garage… Sounds like a one of those “guy walks into a bar” jokes. It’s not. Not to say there wasn’t a bunch of good humor and laughter while creating this piece. There was. What began as one artist's idea of lending his work to collaboration ended in something quite remarkable. Calls were made, and these four Allentonians got to work. Michael Lebson took great care to measure the piece —locating exactly where each of his blocks would be placed, where each artist would leave their mark, and even down to how the final image would be cropped.
Layers and figures formed from mixed media is how Anthony Smith, as he does, approached in his illustrative style. Intuitively following the rhythm and flow of the painting, like a beautiful piece of music, Smith brought together all of their melodious voices. It was Neifert’s keen vision that informed the decision to reconnect the petals of the lotus flower—signifying undeniable connection through diversity. From inception to completion, nearly a calendar month of deep conversation, observation, camaraderie, A LOT of painting, and several aha moments occurred. “Lotus Squared” is more than a painting.
And so began the very first Fig artist collaboration cover.
It is more than a collaboration.
Lebson was the first to put brush to canvas, painting his signature blocks.
It is a sign of hope for the future. A project built on an idea of combining forces to emphasize individuality while maintaining inclusivity, the love of creation, and uplifting others through art and culture.
Tyrone Webb did that thing he does with spray paint and that otherworldly vision he has. Webb painted around Lebson’s blocks, creating a sense of floating through a magical space.
Next came Michelle Neifert. She burst onto the canvas boldly, in waves—thick brushstrokes of color forming a brightly deconstructed lotus flower.
Fall 2021
L ehig h Valley, Pennsylvania
Learn more about these talented artists on the following pages. / T he A r ts Issue
THE POWER OF ART. ◊ ART, FOR CENTURIES, is how all humans have communicated. Music, with its beats and rhythm—either heard or felt—reaches everyone, eliminating speech barriers. Dance has been used throughout history as narration. A perfectly curated plate of food delights the palate, with aromas possessing the distinct ability to transport us to different places in time, almost immediately. Colorful, textured, and patterned fabrics stitched together, have always aesthetically woven unspoken words. Even the cavemen drew and carved on walls to tell their stories. Art is, and has always been, our universal language.
Art doesn’t show people what to do, yet engaging with a great piece of art can connect with the senses, body, and mind. It can make the world felt. This feeling can spur thoughts, further creativity, and elicit change. And that is exactly what’s been happening in the Lehigh Valley. Art and music centers, theatres, galleries, restaurants, outdoor art with colorful murals, glistening mosaics, hand-carved stone, and metal sculptures, all adorn and highlight this creative community. We encourage you to find an artist that speaks to you, support their art, and communicate their story to others. On the following pages, meet some of the artistic trailblazers of the Lehigh Valley. They choose to live creatively, openly, and with bravery, ensuring the artistic legacy of the Lehigh Valley continues to adapt and thrive while uplifting those of us who live here. 11
Paintbrush Wielding, Smile Maker Roey Ebert
When someone looks at Ebert’s art, she wants them to smile. “I want them to look at my paintings and have them evoke a happy memory. Maybe it’s a flower their mother used to like or a wildflower field that they saw on a family trip. It’s all about happiness for me. Painting brings me so much joy, and I feel blessed to have an outlet for my creativity.” For Ebert, experiencing that shared sense of happiness is what being an artist is all about.
At Ebert Furniture Gallery at 3602 Broadway in Allentown, or online at or Instagram @roeyebertart
Stay colorful! @roeyebertart
Jacqueline C Agentis FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY 484.221.3930
A soulful interest in the history of the subjects she chooses to photograph—a building, a chair in a cafe, a busy or quiet street—is what compels Jacqueline to pick up her camera. She strives to convey a sense of history and time using color, architectural elements, texture, long exposure, and time.
Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a resident artist of Bethlehem’s Banana Factory in studio 347. His main goal is to help keep the creative energy flowing between his fellow resident artists and the community in the Lehigh Valley. Al also offers art coaching and mentoring program workshops in both fine arts and commercial arts communications. All this while exhibiting his artwork worldwide, he stays connected to the accomplishments created.
His Colorful World § WHERE TO VIEW MY WORK
Painting in Reverse Ward Van Haute
Ward is the director/curator at Bethlehem House Gallery and resident artist at Studio 945. These works are a study of continuous line paintings on the back of glass panels mounted on painted wood. Created with a single line and using vibrant color fields to complete the subject, then mounted over deep black voids. This series observes the duality of light and darkness while highlighting the continuity of humanity.
Bethlehem House Gallery at 459 Main Street, Bethlehem Studio 945 at 945 Bethlehem Drive, Bethlehem
Artwork on the walls by Cody Abrachinsky
Ward Van Haute, Director/Curator
Home is where the art is AT B E T H L E H E M H O U S E G A L L E R Y, original contemporary artwork by regional artists is displayed in a real-world, home-like setting. Their innovative approach walks you through beautifullystaged spaces designed to look like a living room, dining room, bedroom, or bar—and helps you imagine the art in your home. With four unique exhibitions a year, there’s always something new and surprising at the gallery. Stop in and find a piece that speaks to you!
"Ostara" by Adam Capone
"la For del Caribe" by Rigo Peralta
Rachel Bell, Assistant Director
Summer Show Closing Reception October 2, 6-9pm
2021 Holiday Show October 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022
459 Main Street, Bethlehem 610.419.6262
The IceHouse is back and humming
W I T H T H E F U L L E X P EC TAT I O N of putting the pandemic behind us, the IceHouse Tonight looks forward to a season of over 130 performances. Join us and our featured performers, Poor Man’s Gambit, as they bring the music of Ireland to the IceHouse Tonight stage. There, they will compliment a rich slate of local artists and regional art organizations. Among them will be some great dance companies as we explore the power of dance from India, Latin America, and Africa. And for the creative audience, there will be a great collection of monthly weeknight programs which now include magic, comedy, and international music! So come on in and be part of the local culture. Meet and engage with the artists who live, work, and create here in your hometown arts community.” –Doug Roysdon, Executive Director
ICEHOUSETONIGHT.ORG @ICEHOUSETONIGHT Follow on Facebook and Instagram for schedule and updates
Baby Don’t Cry: Moving Meditations on the Female Experience –DanceLink September 10 and 11
56 River Street, Bethlehem
Lara Bly Owner/Designer
All that glitters is...right here!
202 East Third Street, Bethlehem 484.935.1025
Lara Bly Fashion Design Studio and Boutique offers H A N D M A D E , D E S I G N E R C LOT H I N G along with the bird’seye view of the creative process. With a new, choice location on the corner of Third and Webster Streets, this Southside Bethlehem boutique has added handpicked, stylish brands that compliment the Lara Bly collection and offers something for everyone, for every occasion. From wardrobe basics to tailormade evening gowns, this one-stop shop has it all. Lara’s work will be featured in this year’s annual Cocktails & Collecting at the Allentown Art Museum, November 6 and 7.
Society Arts (SOTA) OF THE
SOTA is a talented, engaged, hardworking, multigenerational, multicultural group supporting each other and the arts community in the Lehigh Valley since 1964. SOTA shares their passion for art with people of all ages. “We host virtual wine tastings, we lunch with published authors, and we design show houses. We have something for everyone.”
Luncheon with the Authors OCTOBER 7, 2021 AT LEHIGH COUNTRY CLUB
Tickets available at
Look for updates at
talented, engaged, hard-working, multigenerational, multicultural 19
paper on poplar wood panel, 2021
§ M ARU ICHIBAN • 16” in diameter,
Berrisford Boothe “I’ve arrived at a new juncture in my life. My past was a tapestry of familial blessings and responsibilities. It was also nearly three decades of passionate teaching and program building at Lehigh University, and eight years of collecting, curating, and exhibiting African American Art for the Petrucci Family Foundation Collection.” Berrisford also managed to build an art career of value including NYC and Philadelphia gallery representation, a major installation artwork at The Fabric Workshop & Museum, a decade as a traditional and giclee printmaker, a creator of short-format art videos, and another half-decade involved in improvisational performance and art-making. Berrisford also initiated and produced several bodies of artwork in his now familiar and ongoing circle format during the last 20 years—five as a Banana Factory Resident Artist and 10 at his current Karl Stirner Arts Building Studio. 20
30” in diameter, acrylic & emulsion
§ TOWARD THE FINITE AND THE ABSOLUTE on poplar panel, 2018
“Although my career to date can be considered successful, the majority of my time dedicated to making art happened in the margins of whatever time was available. Change had to come. I am transitioning. While I am proud of my output/career as a visual artist, I have never given myself opportunity or permission to fully immerse myself in art-making—until now.” Boothe’s work will be featured in this year’s annual Cocktails & Collecting at the Allentown Art Museum, November 6 and 7.
Art has value because it confirms and investigates what exists, and summons that which remains unimagined. It’s time for me to imagine more.
Abby Ogden, owner, with her family and two dogs.
AT F O X A N D F I N C H , it’s a family affair. Or a birthday. Maybe a microwedding. Perhaps engagement photos? Whatever the occasion, just schedule with one of Lehigh Valley’s best photographers and rent Fox & Finch studio! Bring friends, family, pets, or simply book a solo photo session and capture those fleeting moments. When it’s all about hosting that magical event or getting that perfect shot with just the right background, superb lighting, and the quintessential prop (like Linda...or Gertie), it’s time to play at Fox and Finch. Check out @foxandfinchstudio where fun, exemplary memories are archived daily. 502 South Clewell Street, Fountain Hill
Similar BUT Different Michael Lebson ABSTRACT ARTIST
Instagram: @michaellebson Twitter: @michaellebson
M Y M OT H E R , M A R I A N N E L E B S O N , my most important artistic influence, passed away earlier this year.” In a world where hardship and conflict affect everyone on both a global and individual scale, Lebson’s mother instilled in him the recognition of how important every individual is, how unfairly many are treated based on skin color or personal identity, how many are motherless, fatherless, or without a family at all, and how others deserve assistance whether they ask for it or not. “Creating art to showcase the beauty of uniqueness in people, nature, technology, and other vital topics in our world has always made sense and comes easily to me—thanks to her influence and others—which I feel fortunate for every day.” Providing simple and relatable subject matter in multiples that someone of any age, background, or worldview can find something to connect to is a theme in every work of art Michael makes. “I believe in the power of what art can do, and my pursuit of making a difference for those who need and deserve it will never go away.” Lebson’s show Similar But Different showcases his unique, artistic pursuit through a variety of forms. View the show at ARTHAUS, running from November 3–January 9.
§ WHERE TO VIEW MY WORK ARTHAUS at 645 Hamilton Street, Allentown November 3, 2021 – January 9, 2022 Artist reception: November 18, 5:30-7:30pm
The Joint Coffee Co. at 77 West Broad Street #18C, Bethlehem
Visioning the Future
THROUGH ART, TOGETHER TO U C H S TO N E T H E AT R E ’ S F E S T I VA L U N B O U N D is a civically minded, arts-based festival of music, theatre, dance, visual art, and conversation. The third year of this annual community festival runs September 29 through October 3, with a pre-festival opening weekend on September 17 and 18.
For more information on Festival UnBound or to get involved, call us at 610.867.1689 or visit
Instagram: @theno2show
§ J ohnny was clearly broken by 2020.
Watch his show to help rebuild his life.
The No. 2 Show is the perfect show to watch on the post lunch break bathroom trip! Instead of aimlessly scrolling, enjoy content tailored for toilet time. It’s Jimmy Fallon meets the bathroom! Just don’t forget to flush!
Sarah King, Bethlehem native and Hippie Momma Soap Co. founder, created her line of products that care for your skin, naturally. As a certified Aromatherapist, Sarah uses oils and herbs to infuse her products with the power of nature to soothe and repair.
METAL WORX JEWELRY 510 Main Street, Pennsburg 610.955.6587
Metal Worx Jewelry is dedicated to vintage inspired, upcycled, and hand-stamped jewelry that combines different colors & textures while utilizing unique materials—including vintage glass buttons, typewriter keys, and antique silverware. Metal Worx Jewelry’s brick & mortar store is located at 510 Main Street, Pennsburg, PA. The shop offers a beautiful collection of jewelry but also offers birthday parties and girls’ night out events. These unique party options allow guests to take home a one-of-a-kind party favor with the jewelry they create. 25
Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission BETHLEHEM FINE ARTS COMMISSION is a non-profit voluntary organization that celebrates the importance of the arts in Bethlehem. They offer a broad selection of free events throughout the year. Join in and get creative!
The Bethlehem Town Hall Rotunda Gallery at City Hall welcomes a wide array of visual media in our ongoing exhibitions free to the public. Hours are Monday–Friday, 8:30–4:30pm. The exciting roster of artists on display for this fall/winter will be:
BFAC Curated Exhibition ART NARRATIVES: COMBINING TEXT AND ART September 23 to November 5 (Reception: October 3, 2-4PM) Featuring the mixed media work of: Paul Deery • Lucy Gans • Domenick Naccarato David P. Richards • Maryann Riker • Barbara Schulman
Anthony & Florence Rodale PHOTOGRAPHY
November 10 to December 17 (Reception: November 14, 2-4pm)
Bethlehem Palette Club MEMBERS EXHIBITION
January 5 to February 13 (Reception: February 13, 1-3PM)
Elena Shackleton PAINTINGS
February 16 to March 29 (Reception: February 20, 2-4PM)
T H E A N N U A L D O W N TO W N F I N E A R T S & C R A F T S H O W. A two-day sidewalk show along Main Street with more than 80 juried artists and craft artisans is held on Mother’s Day weekend. A perfect celebration of the arts with the whole family! 2022 show dates: May 7 & 8
FREE LIVE CONCERTS. Enjoy free concerts in the City Hall Sculpture Garden next summer, together person. Until then, visit our Facebook page or our website at to watch virtual concerts from our recent Virtual Sculpture Garden Series.
NEW ACQUISITION TO THE CIT Y OF BETHLEHEM ART COLLEC TION: Recently installed totem sculptures are now a permanent fixture in the Sculpture Garden at City Hall. Entitled “Stonehenge Series: Standing Stones,” these ceramic pieces were created by artist Nancy Steffy. Visit The Mayor’s Gallery in the City Hall lobby to see ongoing selected artwork from the Collection.
P U B L I C A R T: The South Side Arts Design Committee has beautified the city with various projects including “Urban Arts Trail”—33 sites of public artwork throughout the city. Discover locations here: This year, artists Sarah Karess and Mounir Mulhem added a street mural at all four corners of the intersection at Adams and Third Streets. The mural was painted in August and will be celebrated at September’s First Friday gathering. (Shown in progress)
Find out more at
Infinite Worlds Marlow Rodale OIL PAINTER Instagram: @wolram
“I have always felt anxious in this world, so I endeavor to create my own otherworldly spaces.” Each painting is meant to draw the viewer into an often calming, but not always, landscape of color and form creating a meditative space for emotional or intellectual reflection.
This page was sponsored by Christine Oaklander
“ 28 @asmithjrnyc 610.533.3110
In my work, I aim to create an orderly-butexotic universe that invites the viewer to play. I make overwhelming work because, for me, the world is overwhelming. Then from time to time, and as a respite from the noise, I paint over it all with a happy landscape that thinly masks the cacophony just beneath the surface.” Smith’s work will be featured in Moravian University’s Payne Gallery September 9–October 17, and at this year’s annual Cocktails & Collecting at the Allentown Art Museum, November 6 and 7.
O LLIE JEAN’S HYMN TO LOST BLACK BOYS • from “Crackers” series
Art viewings by private appointment Art available on
I feel it is important as a visual artist to convey that which cannot be fully expressed in words, that which is sacred to the self. Painting for me is a spiritual conversation with the canvas. It’s important to value what’s in front of you— to pay attention, immerse yourself, and respond...and for me, it’s all about color.”
This page was sponsored by Kathleen Rosario
SARA VITERI FILM, THEATER, YOUTUBE @saralaprincesa Sara is an Ecuadorian actress, producer, and writer. After years of being in front of the camera and learning what goes on behind the scenes in film and theater, Sara decided to launch her own production company. Through La Princesa Productions, she’s produced fashion shows at ArtsQuest, an original musical, as well as multiple skits for YouTube through Galga TV. In 2018, she wrote, produced, and starred in her first, award-winning short film, “Life Happens, Then You Cry.” Sara is seated on Lehigh Valley’s board of a film maker’s consortium, “FiFo” (Fade in/ Fade Out). Her plan is to help raise funds to produce independent films in the Lehigh Valley. “With all the talent and creativity that exudes here, Lehigh Valley can, and will, be a staple in cinema productions.”
Walk Slowly BUT Explore Loudly at the Allentown Art Museum T H E A L L E N TO W N A R T M U S E U M is going big this fall, expanding their popular Cocktails & Collecting mixer, hosting a major exhibition of wondrous washi and celebrating the return of their worldrenowned Rembrandt painting, which is, uh, yeah, kind of a big deal in itself.
AAM president and CEO Max Weintraub brings a fresh commitment to contemporary art and ideas from his last post as senior curator at the Aspen Art Museum (CO). He is seen here in Butz Gallery with the Museum’s 2017 commission Girl Balancing Knowledge III by British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare CBE.
Cocktails & Collecting NOVEMBER 6 & 7, 2021
This year the Museum’s signature fall fundraising event will span two days, November 6 and 7, doubling the exposure for artists, the opportunities for collectors, and access to all on Free Sunday.
Rembrandt’s Return: A Complement of Prints NOVEMBER 19, 2021 – MARCH 27, 2022
See a special exhibition of Rembrandt’s prints celebrating the return of Portrait of a Young Woman (1632) after a summer showing in Canada. Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of a Young Woman (detail), 1632, oil on panel. Allentown Art Museum: Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1961. (1961.35)
Kakuko Ishii, Musubu R, 2012, Washi paper (Mizuhiki) and pigment. Image courtesy of the artist, © Kakuko Ishii. Exhibition organized by Meher McArthur and toured by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC
Washi Transformed: New Expressions in Japanese Paper OCTOBER 10, 2021 – JANUARY 2, 2022
The 35 artworks and installations in this exhibition show the potential of a traditional medium in the hands of innovative artists who have made washi their own.
31 North Fifth Street, Allentown 610.432.4333
542 Hamilton Street 3rd floor, Allentown By appointment only
“Art is the unbridled expression of the human soul.”
(Owner of Lou Lou LeRoy Salon)
Ana’s work will be featured in this year’s annual Cocktails & Collecting at the Allentown Art Museum, November 6 and 7. Find her artwork on Instagram @lorifrohnheiser
DISTURBING TIME • Acrylic on canvas
ART MATTERS HERE The Banana Factory Arts Center is ArtsQuest’s hub of visual arts and education programming. The Banana Factory is more than just a collection of galleries and classrooms—it is an ecosystem of creativity and collaboration fueled by a community of Resident Artists. The Resident Artists are teachers, entrepreneurs, mentors, innovators, and community leaders. Their work, from conception to exhibition, is represented at the Banana Factory. The Banana Factory is part of ArtsQuest, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing access to art, culture, and educational programs for the diverse residents of the Lehigh Valley and others who seek access to our community. For information on Banana Factory classes, exhibitions, artist studios, and glass studio, please check out and follow us on social media.
Resident Artists featured in the “ArtsQuest Annual Resident Artist’s Exhibition 2021” and members of the ArtsQuest Glass Studio. Photo captured in the Crayola Gallery at the Banana Factory.
ArtsQuest: 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem
Banana Factory: 25 West Third Street, Bethlehem 610.332.1300
ART IS EVERYWHERE. The SouthSide Arts District, an initiative of the Bethlehem Economic Development Corporation, is committed to creating an economically thriving South Bethlehem Business District. For more information about our merchants, events, and opportunities, please visit
“Connected by Kindness”
New Street Mural at Third & Adams Streets The SouthSide Arts District’s Design Committee is tasked each year with one specific goal—how can we take public art to the next level on the streets of the SouthSide? In 2018, they added five new murals across the district. In 2019, they created the Greenway ArtsWalk. And in 2020, they added the SouthSide’s first public piano, along with an interactive guide on their website to help the public find all 33 public art works downtown called the “Urban Arts Trail.” This year, they’re at it again—only this time they are looking to not only beautify the streets, but calm them as well. With the help of artists Sarah Karess and Mounir Mulhem, they will do just that—with a street mural. Within the bump outs of all four corners of the intersection at Adams and Third Streets, art will be used to help slow traffic and allow pedestrians that frequent the busy intersection the ability to cross safely. “It’s a proven solution that’s been used in multiple downtowns across the country. Drivers notice the mural and slow down naturally to focus. We’re thrilled that it will not only help to calm the traffic downtown, but this mural will be the first of its kind in Bethlehem,” said Missy Hartney,
CONNECTED BY KINDNESS • Sarah Karess & Mounir Mulhem Located at Third & Adams Streets
the SouthSide’s Downtown Manager. “We’re thrilled to have Lehigh Valley Health Network, the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission, Northampton County, and the City of Bethlehem partner with us to make history in the SouthSide.” Over 15 artists submitted applications for the project, which asked for a mural that reflects the health and wellness of the community, while incorporating the signature colors of Lehigh Valley Health Network. A panel of art experts and Bethlehem enthusiasts took part in the final decision, and it was Karess and Mulhem’s design that wowed the crowd. Inspired by David James, an Australian who went viral for handing flowers to complete strangers as a random act of kindness—the design features hands offering various flowers to passersby. The artists noted, “Within
any community, the cornerstone to wellness and quality of life is driven by kindness, and we all have a hand in helping each other grow. This mural intends to remind the Bethlehem community to be kind to each other and to oneself. By doing so, we will be well together.” To help make future art projects possible in the SouthSide, please visit to make a donation today!
Urban Arts Trail The SouthSide’s Urban Arts Trail is a 2.75-mile path throughout the business district leading followers to all our public artworks! Visit our interactive map and guide online, detailing directions, artist information, and the history on each piece. What should you expect? Murals, sculptures, artist-designed bike racks, mosaics, artistic structures, painted flower pots, our public piano, and the brand-new street mural at the intersection of Third and Adams Streets. Artists from across the world and right here in the Lehigh Valley have made the SouthSide their canvas, and now we are thrilled to invite you to explore our downtown and community gallery. Plan your day in the downtown and get your tail on the trail. Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day for you to enjoy!
§ 34
REBUILDING & REMEMBERING • Devyn Leonor Briggs Located at Fillmore & The Greenway, the back of Victory House of Lehigh Valley
STAINED GLASS STEELSTACKS • Lauren Kuhn Located at The Tally Ho Tavern
SOUTHSIDE PROUD • Joseph Iacona Located at Molly’s Irish Grille & Sports Pub
§ YELLOW VIBRANCY (LEFT) & BONN PLACE TRIBUTE MURAL (RIGHT) • Amy Perdue, Denton Burrows & Key Detail Located at Bonn Place Brewing
THE LOVE OF MUSIC • Ramiro Davaro-Comas Located at Fillmore & Third Streets
DIVERSITY • Maltas Con Leche Located at Cafe the Lodge Courtyard
SouthSide Arts District Events The SouthSide Arts District is Bethlehem’s home for art, entertainment, shopping, and dining. From our unique boutiques, fantastic restaurants to special events, and public art—the SouthSide Arts District is one of the most eclectic places to live, work, and play! Whether you’re looking for fashion-forward threads, strong, vibrant signature pieces for your home, a delicious meal, or a slice of history, the SouthSide Arts District is truly the Art & Soul of Bethlehem. A RT & WI N E WA LK
LOVE • Christopher Colon Located at Third and Fillmore Streets
October 10 What could be better than an afternoon of wine tastings and art? Join the guided tour of the SouthSide’s Urban Arts Trail with manager, Missy Hartney, September 12 or October 10 from 1–3pm. Learn the story behind each piece, while stopping along the way at select retailers and restaurants for wine and conservation. Each location will be offering a variety of Franklin Hill wines, as well as specials and sales for shoppers! Tickets can be purchased online or that day. Wine Sampling
SOUTHBOUND • Matt Halm Located at Third and New Streets
There are five wine stops, with each location serving a different kind of wine. The walk is filled with a variety of red and white wines with some specialty selections like rose, sparkling, and port. While enjoying wine samples at each participating location, participants keep track of the locations they visit on their Art & Wine Walk passports and enjoy sales and discounts along the way.
Participants can turn in their passports at the end of the tour to be entered in a drawing to win a gift card to a SouthSide shop of their choice from the tour. Purchase Tickets
Art & Wine Walk tickets can be prepurchased online for $30, or purchased at the door for $35. Attendees who pre-purchase their tickets pick up their glass, passport, and wine guide using the express lane at check-in. Tour Stops Include:
“SouthSide Proud” Mural Installation by Joseph Iaconna at Molly’s Irish Grille & Sports Pub “Southbound” Mural by Matt Halm at New & Third Streets The New Street Mural by Sarah Karness & Mounir Mulhem at Adams & Third Streets “Blue Herons” sculpture by Virginia Abbott on the Greenway “LOVE” Public Piano by Christopher Colon at Third and Fillmore and more! The SouthSide Arts District, an initiative of the Bethlehem Economic Development Corporation, is committed to creating an economically thriving South Bethlehem Business District. For more information about our merchants, events and opportunities, please visit
BLUE HERONS • Virginia Abbott Located between Taylor and Webster Streets, on the Greenway
F O U N D E D I N 19 3 5 by Professor Garth Howland of Lehigh University, the LAA continues as an organization for amateur and professional artists in the Lehigh Valley. It stands as a cultural and educational entity for the community. Their mission is to support local artists with exhibition opportunities, enhancing the Lehigh Valley’s thriving art community.
LAA Fall Juried Exhibition Allentown Art Museum Community Gallery Thursday – Sunday November 18 – December 11 LAA Winter Holiday Exhibit Historic Luckenbach Mill Thursday – Sunday December 16 – January 16
Tracy draws inspiration from her surroundings in Pennsylvania as well as her extensive travels. She has a passion for depicting nature, which is derived from her early childhood memories of her grandparents’ estate.
Fooling the viewer into thinking they are looking at a photo is Meyerson’s ultimate goal. She paints in a photo-realistic style with great attention to detail, allowing the viewer to smell, taste, and almost feel the subject.
Barbara Greco is a contemporary artist specializing in portrait and landscape paintings. Working primarily in oils, she finds her passion and inspiration from nature, illustrating her interpretation of the subject.
As a Bethlehem native, Hutchinson gains inspiration from everywhere. She is always making note of places and objects that inspire her. Her passions include painting, drawing, and studying form and design.
Contact Elena Shackleton for information about LAA
Inspired by the landscape surrounding his studio near Hawk Mountian in Berks County, Bond loves to paint the rural countryside and all its elements. He works in egg tempera and oil paints to craft his pieces. Shackleton’s life passion is art. She paints realistically in both watercolor and oil in studio and plein air. She has taught art for over 30 years, and for the past four years, she has served artists in the region as President of LAA.
FINE ARTIST Elmore is a storyteller with clay—allowing her to constantly experiment. Her current series “Funny Talk” is a group of mostly figurative narratives that provide humor, celebrate ordinary connections, and give comfort in the familiarity of a rural language. Corpora is an awardwinning impressionist painter. Her work is in private and public collections in Italy, Canada, Norway, and the United States. Corpora’s work will be featured in this year’s annual Cocktails & Collecting at the Allentown Art Museum, November 6 and 7.
LAA WINTER HOLIDAY EXHIBIT EXPERIENCE CHRISTMAS WITH HISTORIC BETHLEHEM MUSEUMS & SITES! Explore the history of Christmas City, USA with walking tours, bus tours, carriage rides, shopping, and more. Fan-favorite exhibit Trees of Historic Bethlehem is back this year with the theme Cinematic Christmas and 20+ trees decorated to represent classic holiday movies!
Photo on left by Matt Ham
Syd Stauffer, Jenna McBreen, Kate Hughes, Sarah Cugini, Valynn Turkovich, Marcy Repp, Felecia White
the Regular Players
484.764.5202 |
In the last five years alone, Living Proof Pictures has produced three features, 10 shorts, and a 10-episode limited series involving hundreds of collaborators and local businesses. The films have traveled across the country and all over the world, developing a local and global fan base through inclusion at dozens of International Film Festivals. Festivals that have recognized Living Proof Pictures with 25 awards and over 30 additional nominations, including two wins and six nominations for founder Brandon C. Lay’s direction and eight wins and 11 nominations for performances from the Regular Players.
Living Proof Pictures is a Lehigh Valley based production company known for films featuring dynamic female leads and the unique voice of writer/director Brandon C. Lay.
Joshua Faturos, Torez Mosley, James Mason, Maria Sole, and founder Brandon C. Lay
In 2020 during the pandemic, the team created PSAs for NAMI-LV and the Northampton County Department of Mental Health and the Addy award-winning Rose the Sunflower commercial for Soltech Solutions. Their quarantine short Cueball was accepted to the Academy Award qualifying St. Louis International Film Festival, and they completed filming on their newest feature film Bitter Taste of Ginger. Bitter Taste of Ginger just received its first three Official Selections with more notifications coming in every day. Among the festivals is the local ReadingFilmFEST, which will be screening Bitter Taste of Ginger on Saturday, October 2 at 9:30pm in the Reading Movies 11 & IMAX Theater. Tickets available at
AUROLITE SHADOW Aurolite 23, crystal glass, steel
CRYSTAL COPPER Sonora sunset, shattuckite, crystal glass
Work on view at the Banana Factory Studio 337, 25 West Third Street, Bethlehem |
As a surgical oncologist, Riley has learned a great deal over the years from his patients.
“A cancer diagnosis crystallizes what is important in one’s life. My artwork blends glass, minerals, wood, and steel to convey those lessons in abstract forms.”
Calling All Makers and Artists 511 East Third Street | 610.332.8665
The Fab Lab at Northampton Community College offers access to machine training, software, and prototyping services. Their state-of-the-art facility is equipped with woodworking, metalworking, molding and casting, recording studio, electronic soldering, and programming and graphical printing equipment. With more than 190 classes, the Fab Lab teaches the processes required to create all your maker needs. The Fab Lab provides robust program offerings to the community, as well as services to businesses. Community and business memberships are available. For more information or to schedule a tour, go to DREAM.DESIGN.CREATE. 43
Find the nationally-acclaimed work of Rigo Peralta throughout Apollo. Also find his work on permanent display at Allentown Art Museum.
Champion of the Arts W H O I S R A C H E L G R I F F I T H ? She’s a mother, daughter, friend, business owner, and an advocate for the artists of the Lehigh Valley. Griffith adorns her restaurant’s walls with one-of-a-kind, local art. All art proceeds get paid directly to the artists. Rachel can be found smiling, flying around the Apollo Grill’s newly renovated and gorgeous space nearly every afternoon and evening. Outside dining—weather permitting— and curbside pickup available! 44
85 West Broad Street, Bethlehem
Thinking Through Drawing: Works on Paper, Drawings, and Sketchbooks from the Collection and Community LUAG MAIN GALLERY & SOUTH BETHLEHEM GREENWAY August 31–December 5, 2021 THE PR AC TICE OF DR AWING invites the brain to engage concepts and objects in new ways: mapping, problem-solving, observing, remembering, inventing—a process that unfolds dynamically across all spheres of human activity from engineering to illustration. José Clemente Orozco, Untitled, c. 1930
The art of drawing is the flourishing of this human capacity. Join us as we think through the many forms and functions of drawing, exploring examples from the museum collection and the community. The exhibition includes works by Natalie Alper, Keith Haring, Jose Clemente Orozco, Yingyi Cao, Maurice Prendergast, George Segal, Anita Weschler, and many others. Free education programs and events will invite everyone to make their mark—no prior training or experience required. Exhibition and programs supported by The Breen Foundation.
George Segal, Marisol II, 1996
Cao Yingyi, Home in Deeping Shades of Mist/Cloud, 1986
When you become a member of the Lehigh University Art Galleries, you will receive exclusive access to members-only receptions, programs, and behind-the-scenes events that feature LUAG’s collection of over 17,000 works of art from diverse time periods and cultures. Join dynamic curatorial talks, social gatherings, and exhibition previews— all while meeting fellow LUAG members who value the arts and see museums as places of possibility. L U A G E X H I B I T I O N S A N D R E G U L A R LY S C H E D U L E D PROGR AMS REMAIN FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Leslie Fletcher, Blue Curve and Straight Blue Lines, 2008
420 East Packer Avenue, Bethlehem
honoring the past while creating a
vibrant new future S O C I A L S T I L L U S E S Pennsylvania grains and corn to honor its rich agricultural history. Working with a few small family farms that produce amazing products, heirloom seeds and natural practices are at the core of what they do. “We source local corn, local wheat, local rye, barley, and other grains still being produced by the small family farmer. Mashed and fermented, right inside our distillery in Bethlehem. Just like our ancestors, we use a pot still to slowly distill our premium spirits. We make a product of Pennsylvania—grown here, produced here, blended here, and barreled here. We are Pennsylvania. This is the next great craft industry, and we are the pioneers. We honor everything craft.”
530 East Third Street, Bethlehem
BLOC Dispensary makes the juggling
a little easier
B L O C D I S P E N S A R Y I S A C O L L E C T I V E of cannabis enthusiasts on a mission to make people feel good. They’ve developed unique dispensary concepts that stock a range of best in class cannabis products, coupled with unparalleled customer service. Expert curation, honest connection, and a mission founded on the deepest respect for their customer are what make BLOC the best! Grown out of a simple concept, “Cannabis made good, to do good, to make you feel good.”
3650 Nazareth Pike, Bethlehem
CANNABIS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE . — B Y B R I T TA N Y “Like many, I no longer look at cannabis as a ‘high,’ but as relief, sleep for those who haven’t slept in days, the ability to eat a meal with family, or being able to play with their children pain-free. It meant the difference between functioning normally and a life in bed. Five years ago, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. It was a journey that took years and is still a struggle to find proper care. Endometriosis takes women an average of 10 years to receive a diagnosis while it effects 1 in 10 women. With no cure and no true treatment plan, my body often left doctors confused. With little help from non-narcotics treatments, I was left with little choice of how to function and live a normal life. Cannabis has given me so much of my life back that I never thought I’d have. Not only am I able to use products to relieve my pain, I am also able to treat the effect that living with chronic pain has on my mental health. I am able to use topical products which alleviate minor pains while I work and function daily with no side effects. Flower and concentrates are wonderful at relieving my nausea and moderate pain levels. The most effective product for me is RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) which I believe is more useful than opioid pain medications. I can honestly say that a plant has given me back my life. I do not know where I would be without the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program.”
Giving Back | Making a difference in the lives of others
Giving Back: Elise Schaffer, Art is for Everyone ARTIST, MUSICIAN , B LOGG E R and disability advocate, Elise Schaffer gives back in a big way. At the age of eight, Schaffer began playing the violin, kicking off a life-long love affair with the arts. The list of Elise’s volunteer work in the arts includes some familiar Lehigh Valley places like: El Sistema Lehigh Valley, Godfrey Daniels, JuxtaHub Creative Entrepreneurs + IDEAS Committee, as well as the evergrowing Lehigh Valley Arts Podcast. In her free time, Schaffer does freelance work building virtual tours for galleries and museums—assisting in making artfilled spaces available to the masses. Her blog (on shines a spotlight on “the vibrant art communities in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, and
beyond.” But what may make Schaffer a true pioneer in the art community is her ongoing academic research. Leading the charge is her project, Access and Adaptations in Public Art Destinations. The purpose of her research is to determine how forward-thinking art venues in the United States use modern technologies to create experiences for people with disabilities that are more accessible and inclusive while remaining specific to the organization’s overall function. Schaffer’s project, titled Accessibility in Arts Spaces: How Modern Technology and Creative Adaptations Promote Inclusion, explored the impact of arts spaces not being accessible to people with disabilities. In the past, Schaffer worked with Lehigh Valley Arts
48 Learn more about Fig Giving Back at
Council, becoming very connected with the topic of the research project. “Arts organizations should offer consistent, accessible options and accommodations for individuals of all abilities,” Schaffer said. “Arts spaces that build accessibility into their everyday operations are spaces that are truly embracing inclusion.” In April 2019, Schaffer won first place in the arts and humanities category at the Eastern Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium held at Penn State Hazleton for her research. In Schaffer’s new position as the Coordinator of Museum Experience and Access at Lehigh University Art Galleries, she hopes to incorporate her passion for arts accessibility and research into her work.
a healthy dose of
goodness S H E S TA N D S F O R S H E H A S E V E R Y T H I N G . It’s an after-school program that encourages girls to see the many possibilities ahead of them by developing life skills that promote self-esteem, personal well-being, resilience, healthy relationships, teamwork, leadership, and interest in academic success. SHE creates an educational and inspirational environment for 4th-8th grade students and is currently in the Allentown Area School District and Bethlehem Area School District.
Scan this QR code to donate to SHE
G E T I N V O LV E D ! Mentor students, join a committee, be a guest speaker, lead a workshop, shop our wish list, volunteer at events, and more! Contact Olga Torres at or 610.849.7805 to get involved today.
1337 East Fifth Street, Bethlehem
WHERE YOUR WORK IS YOUR ART VENTURE X provides world-class office space, amenities, and services that have been meticulously designed for your wellness and productivity…right here in the heart of the Lehigh Valley. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, small business, or global company with a local presence, Venture X delivers speed, quality, and flexibility with all-inclusive pricing. Venture in, grab a coffee with Terry, and take that tour.
Featured Artist!
TINA CANTELMI AGENTIS Contemporary Painter
Tina’s work can be seen at regional galleries and juried exhibits, including Modern Visual Arts Gallery, Studio 840, Bethlehem House Gallery, and her website at Her restoration work resides at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where Tina served as a master colorist, painter, stencil maker, and restoration specialist.
Tina paints primarily bright, dreamy, and optimistic abstract paintings in oil, acrylic, or watercolor. While preferring to paint enormous canvases and murals, Cantelmi also creates small-scale works. She is trained in restoration work and has restored historic church murals from scaffolds. Commission inquiries are always welcome.
Tina Cantelmi Agentis, Contemporary Painter
High tech conference rooms for large and small team meetings
This page was sponsored by Terry Wallace
306 South New Street, Bethlehem
Call to reserve your space
“Venture X is absolutely stunning! The staff is amazing! I highly recommend this place to anyone searching for office space!” A. TAVARES
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“This is the best office space I have ever seen. Amenities galore. Great community feel yet the privacy you need all in one space.” Terry Wallace, Owner of Venture X Bethlehem
Left: Our two-person team offices are private, yet face the community. Right: Our larger offices can incorporate up to 10 team members.
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Social Mission
Transforming the Community Together At Fig, we believe in the power of a community that works together to identify needs and find solutions —one that creates connections and is passionate about helping its neighbors. Each year, Fig partners with a nonprofit organization working to transform the community. Our 2021 Social Mission Partner is the Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem. Please join us in supporting them.
Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem The Boys & Girls Club Mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible individuals.
As our Fig Social Mission partner, 10% of every subscription in 2021 goes directly to the work of the Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem. Subscribe at
he Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem exists to help girls and boys of every race, economic level, religion, and ethnic culture develop the qualities to become responsible citizens and community leaders. Whether kids just need a secure place to hang out with friends or want to be involved in a variety of social or recreational programs, the Club provides a positive place to belong—where they can develop self-esteem, personal values, and life-affirming skills. The Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem builds character through everyday leadership and guidance in behavior and attitude. Young people of all nationalities, races, and creeds join together in wholesome recreation and companionship—guided by trained professional staff who serve as positive adult mentors and role models. Club programs help young people succeed in school, stay healthy, learn important life skills, pursue interests in the arts and sports, and explore vocational choices.
1430 Fritz Drive, Bethlehem
Most importantly, the Club shows youngsters that someone cares—and wants them to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. Follow along throughout the year as we highlight the impactful programs of the Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem.
A Fig welcome to Kate and Colin! W E C O U L D N O T B E M O R E E X C I T E D to introduce you to Kate Hughes, our new Fig Director in the Lehigh Valley, and Colin Coleman, our LV Fig photographer. They are a dynamic duo who represent all that is interesting, impactful, and inspiring in the Lehigh Valley. Kate lives and breathes creativity. You may have tuned in to her weekly radio show, or caught her one-woman performance at ArtsQuest, or met her at the gallery she represented for many years, or sat with her on a non-profit board. Wherever you ran into Kate, it was something artistic where she was connecting people and celebrating others. We know she will bring that same energy and brilliance to every issue of Fig in the Lehigh Valley. Colin has been capturing photos in the Lehigh Valley for many years. Owner of Moon Honey Photography, he cries at a good wedding (as he’s shooting it), loves kicking up a tune on his ukulele, and believes that paths aren’t always straight. We are honored to have Colin’s award-winning photography telling the stories of the incredible humans of the Lehigh Valley. And there’s more to come as we build our local-loving team of visual communicators, marketers, and connectors in this special place called the Lehigh Valley.
Kate and Colin spreading the local love and getting creative during the making of this issue: Colin and Kate in action, Marlow Rodale on the swing at Fox & Finch, Kate and our cover artists (meet them on page 10), and Fig Authentic Tyrone Webb with Kate in his studio.
Fig is created by Fig Industries. Find out more at
Making life a little greener D E S I G N E D A N D M A D E out of South Bethlehem, PA, Soltech Solutions’ unique series of growlights will grow any plant anywhere indoors while beautifully displaying them with ambient lighting. Since starting a few years ago, they have been able to give the gift of light and life to anyone from corporate offices like Google to countless plant enthusiasts worldwide. With their growlights you can now grow anything from variegated monsteras in your living room to a mango tree in your kitchen. Visit their website to learn how you can grow more plants in more places today.
Please contact ahead before visiting or reach out to Angie at Plants + Vintage to visit their showroom. Be sure to follow their Instagram @soltech_solutions for your daily dose of plant and design inspiration.
520 Evans Street Suite 3, Bethlehem
It’s hard not to sing about
hair this good A - L I S T S A L O N takes hair care to a whole new level. Founded on a customer-focused approach, their fun, friendly, and knowledgeable staff will leave you with the feeling of a beautiful song, inside and out. It’s time to make your way to the A-List. Careers available, apply online.
128 West Fourth Street, Bethlehem
LO C A L B U S I N E S S LOV E YO G A LO F T Self care to bring you back to you 521 East Fourth Street, Bethlehem 610.867.9642 x
M I SS I ON PL A N T C O. Interior plantscapes add life to your workplace 610.653.3414 x
Mission Plant Co. provides innovative indoor plant leasing with full maintenance services—including botanical design, installation services, and routine plant maintenance— for commercial settings both large and small. Get a free consultation and see how easy it is to enhance your space by bringing nature indoors!
Did you know that asanas ( yoga poses) are only 1 of the 8 limbs of yoga? Much more than a workout, yoga offers us a way to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Make the decision today to take better care of yourself and join us for a class! New to yoga? Beginner classes are a great place to start!
A A R DVA R K SPORTS SHOP Running and walking shoes and apparel Our friendly, expert staff welcomes you to shop safely in our award-winning Historic Downtown run shop serving ALL runners and walkers. We provide personal attention to each customer, with a fitting process and foot measurement to find the right shoes, apparel, and accessories for the road, gym, or trail. Online shopping is also available with at-store and curbside pickup plus free shipping options. 559 Main Street, Suite 122, Bethlehem 610.866.8300 x
Take the path less traveled! Stop in to try on shoes for trail adventures. 56
Authentic | Leading the way through innovation and example
Tyrone Webb, resident artist at The Banana Factory, Studio 218
Authentic: Tyrone Webb T Y R O N E W E B B , a single father and full-time artist at the Banana Factory, crafts worlds of Fantasy and Sci-Fi with spray paint as his only medium. In an effort to better serve the Banana Factory, his fellow resident artists, and the community, Webb has taken a leap into the world of Virtual Reality. Combining years of technical experience with his devotion to the arts, Tyrone has been working tirelessly to create new spaces for artists to hang, show, and sell their work. Partnering with a fledgling VR collaborative software maker (Spatial), he has been instrumental in the adoption of VR galleries as a suitable extension of real world gallery walls. Through hosting Virtual Gallery Openings, Tyrone continues to encourage new and established artists to
participate, selling and commissioning work through his virtual space. With NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) quickly finding their way as the latest art trend, Webb found himself a trailblazer for his fellow artists. Having already minted over 30 of his paintings with digital enhancements, he’s begun to assist other artists in navigating the alien landscapes of this new technology. The end result is teaching artists how they can increase their sales, utilizing this additional tool to engage with a much larger audience. Webb has sold some of his own NFTs, earning himself a spot among some of the most coveted marketplaces within the industry. With this experience, he is best positioned to become a subject matter expert and to hold the gates open for his fellow artists. The final step is including
this new catalog of works in a Virtual Gallery where clients and the general public can join from their computer, phone, or a VR headset like the Oculus Quest 2, spending time with the actual artists—seeing what they’re working on from the comfort of their own home. He has met distinguished, legendary artists in VR and has stood on equal footing when it pertains to the adoption of all this new technology. Through the VR world, Webb has received and shared advice on being a full-time artist from masters with decades of experience—opportunities that could only have presented themselves by traversing through the VR Metaverse. “Artists must use whatever tools they possess to ensure longevity in this industry, and adopting new methods to reach an audience and diversify one’s market is priority one.”
Learn more about Fig Authentic at 57
Hundreds of years of combined experience 58
74 West Broad Street #140, Bethlehem
Fall Events B ETHLE HE M FIRST FRIDAY September 3, October 1, November 5 ALLENTOWN THIRD THURSDAY September 16, October 14, November 18 C E LT I C C L A S S I C H I G H L A N D G A M E S & F E S T I VA L September 24 – 26 BETHLEHEM HARVEST FEST October 2 get-the-events/
A L L E N T O W N R U B B E R S TA M P & PA P E R A R T S F E S T I VA L October 30 Allentown Fair Grounds
THE MONKEES FA R E W E L L T O U R October 22 & 23
B E T H L E H E M H O L I D AY C O C K TA I L T R A I L November 13 & 20 get-christmas/holiday-cocktail-trail/
Ali Almasi, owner of Zaffrus
a little
Spice of Life B O R N F R O M T H E PA S S I O N of Lehigh University graduate Ali Almasi, Zaffrus educates and excites people about saffron—with the mission to bring the medicinal, healthy, and flavorful qualities of this precious spice to families in the Lehigh Valley and beyond. Ali has made Zaffrus the top organic saffron brand in North America. He introduced new delicious products like saffron honey while living out his dream to bring a taste of happiness to families and support hardworking farmers who make it possible. Visit to discover a world of saffron products, delivered right to your home. Follow along on Instagram @Zaffrus 520 Evans Street Suite 4, Bethlehem 833.923.3787 |
We make it so you can’t wait to come back B E A N B AT H C A F E is a family-owned business celebrating more than 10 years in Bath. Drop by for a quick beverage using the drive-thru, or stay to enjoy inside or outside dining alongside a breathtaking view of the nearby rolling hills.
2425 Plaza Court, Bath
Co-ed high school All faiths welcome
Recover.Succeed. Transform. B E T H L E H E M ’ S K O L B E A C A D E M Y is the first faith-based recovery high school in the nation, serving students in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions.
Kolbe Academy gives students the chance to have a wellrounded prospective of life and be free to change and grow. As a teacher, having this environment supports my efforts to enhance their logic and deductive reasoning skills to prepare them for life after high school.” V I C T O R I A S E E R Y, M AT H E M AT I C S T E A C H E R
We’ve created an amazing community. Each person who walks through these doors brings their own personal experience with addiction and can therefore offer a unique perspective on how to best help our students and their families. It’s immensely satisfying to see the result of so many people sharing a common mission and vision.”
Being a parent and an educator provides me a special connection with our students and their families. As the mother of a son who died from an opioid overdose, teaching at Kolbe is a way for me to honor my son’s memory.” WINNIE HOUK, ENGLISH, RELIGION & SPECIAL ED TEACHER
Call or visit online to learn more.
395 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem
Work. Learn. Live.
2124 Avenue C, Bethlehem
W E ' R E YO U R O N E - S T O P S H O P with awardwinning Internet up to 1 Gig (940 Mbps), Whole Home WiFi powered by eero, and 24/7 support for whatever you need. Want cutting-edge TV with the freedom to do more watching? We have that, too!
Special thanks to Fulton Theatre for hosting Garden Spot Village’s Destination photography.
Performing in
Community A S M E M B E RS OF THE HARRISBURG SCOT TISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIET Y, E RIC AND TINE M ACK AY, GARDE N SPOT VILL AG E RESIDE NTS SINCE APRIL 2020, travel all over North America dancing socially. Eric and Tine’s story is just one of the many stories that will be shared in The Performers issue of Destination Garden Spot Village. The magazine will be available online at in late September. Or you can receive your free copy by calling 717.355.6000.
433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland
103 South Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602
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