Health Protection Report Establishment Convictions
Name and Address
Type of Establishment
Offense Date
Conviction Date
99 CENT PIZZA 40 Stadacona St Winnipeg
Food Service Establishment
Aug 16/17
May 29/18
Fail to maintain safe internal temperature of potentially hazardous food.
99 CENT PIZZA 40 Stadacona St Winnipeg
Food Service Establishment
July 24/17
May 29/18
Fail to provide an accurate thermometer for a refrigerated area.
99 CENT PIZZA 40 Stadacona St Winnipeg
Food Service Establishment
July 24/17
May 29/18
Fail to store wiping cloths in a sanitizing solution.
99 CENT PIZZA 40 Stadacona St Winnipeg
Food Service Establishment
July 24/17
May 29/18
Fail to maintain safe internal temperature of potentially hazardous food.
MINIOTA MOTOR INN 177 Miniota Road South Miniota
Food Service Establishment
Feb 13/18
May 14/18
Operate a food handling establishment with inadequate lighting.
MINIOTA MOTOR INN 177 Miniota Road South Miniota
Food Service Establishment
Feb 13/18
May 14/18
Operate a food handling establishment with poor general sanitation, namely fail to keep clean.
Food Service Establishment
Jun 19/17
Apr 30/18
Operation of a food handling establishment without a permit.
SHAWARMA QUEEN 908 Rosser Ave Brandon
Food Service Establishment
Feb 20/18
Apr 11/18
As an operator fail to ensure that a food contact surface is thoroughly washed and sanitized.
ROBLIN MOTOR INN 236 Main St Roblin
Food Service Establishment
Apr 10/18
Fail to provide approved sinks for use in manual washing and sanitizing.
Manitoba Health