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Readers are advised that the Find Geelong accepts no responsibility for financial, health or other claims published in advertising or in articles written in this newspaper. All comments are of a general nature and do not take into account your personal financial situation, health and/or wellbeing. We recommend you seek professional advice before acting on anything written herein.
By Warren
AboutStrybosch the Find Geelong
The Find Geelong acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where Geelong now stands, the Wadawuarrung peo ple of the Kulin nation, and pays repect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within our community.
Lastly, we want to ask you, the local community, to support the fundraising initiatives that we will be developing
The Find Geelong is a community paper that aims to support all things Geelong. We want to provide a place where all NotFor-Profits (NFP), schools, sporting groups and other like organisations can share their news in one place. For instance, submitting up-and-coming events in the Find Geelong for Free.
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 1300 88 38 30,FindGeelongTeam.
and rolling out over the coming years. Our aim is to help as many NFP and other like organisations to raise much needed funds to help them to keep operating. Our fundraising initiatives will never simply ask for money from you. We will also aim to provide something of worth to you before you part with your hard-earned money. The first initiative is the Find Cards and Find Coupons – similar to the Entertainment Book but cheaper and more localised. Any NFP and similar organisations e.g., schools, sporting clubs, can participate.
ADVERTISING RATES (INCLUDE GST) NEXT ISSUE Next Issue of the Find Geelong will be published on Friday October 7, 2022. Advertising and Editorial copy closes Monday October 3, 2022. Available Sizes: Rates: Double Page Spread (408 x 276mm) $1650 • Full Page (198 x 276mm) $1100 • Half Page Landscape (198 x 138mm) $715 • Half Page Portrait (95 x 276mm) $715 • Third Page (189 x 90mm) $550 • Quarter Page (97 x 137mm) $440 • Business Card Size (93 x 65mm) $275 Ads Smaller than (85 x 55mm) and Below $121 We can create your ad for you. Prices start at $77 for the very first hour and $22 for each hour thereafter.
To help support the paper, we invite local businesses owners to sponsor the paper and in return we will provide exclusive advertising and opportunities to submit articles about their businesses. As a community we encourage you to support these businesses/columnists. Without their support, we would not be able to provide this community paper to you.
EDITORIAL ENQUIRES: Warren Strybosch | 1300 88 38 30
The Find Geelong was established in 2019 and is owned by the Find Foundation, a Not-For-Profit organisation with is core focus of helping other Not-For-Profits, schools, clubs and other similar organisations in the local community - to bring everyone together in one place and to support each other. We provide the above organisations FREE advertising in the community paper to promote themselves as well as to make the community more aware of the services these organisations can offer. The Find Geelong has a strong editorial focus and is supported via local grants and financed predominantly by local business owners.
POSTAL ADDRESS: 248 Wonga Road, Wararnwood VIC 3134
PUBLISHER: Issuu pty Ltd
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We do not proclaim to be another newspaper and we will not be aiming to compete with other news outlets. You can obtain your news from other sources. We feel you get enough of this already. We will keep our news topics to a minimum and only provide what we feel is most relevant topics to you each month.
Follow us on facebook
We will also try and showcase different organisations throughout the year so you, the reader, can learn more about what is on offer in your local area.
The City of Geelong is one of Victoria’s largest regional capital cities. Geelong had a population of approximately 230,000 as at the 2019 Report which includes 16,000 businesses. Geelong’s location is in strong growth corridor, making it an ideal location for businesses to explore options outside of the capital city.
We invite local council and the current council members to participate by submitting information each month so as to keep us informed of any changes that may be of relevance to us, their local constituents.


The Royal Geelong show is the largest regional show in Victoria attracting more than 100,000 competitors, visitors and spectators over four days of competition.

The line up on the main arena features all the Show favourites; Monster Trucks, Whipcracking and Fireworks (Friday & Saturday night)

With Royal Show status, the competition side of the Show attracts a wide range of exhibitors from across the country. Showcasing a large variety of events including equestrian, cattle, sheep, poultry, arts, craft, cookery, donkeys, goats, budgerigars, dogs, shearing, alpacas, rabbits, school exhibits and school bands.

When Various dates from 13 October 2022 to 16 October 2022 Where Geelong WadawurrungShowgroundsCountry,79 Breakwater Rd, East Geelong, Victoria, 3219 Email: Phone: (03) 5221 1707 Website:

Gate entry closes Thursday at 3pm, Friday & Saturday nights at 8pm and Sunday at 3pm.
Back bigger and better with more smiles than ever!
It was so great to see the adoption of First Nations names for two more facilities in our region at our August meeting.
And if using First Nations names for some of our buildings and facilities can help that process then it is a positive thing for the whole community.
These are not the first buildings to be given names with First Nations heritage and they certainly won’t be the last.
And significantly, it acts as a talking point for the entire community and provides an opportunity for growth.
This will accommodate a range of early years and family services, including sessional kindergarten, maternal and child health, family support consulting rooms, and flexible community spaces.
The first of these, the Boronggook Drysdale Library, will be a gamechanger for the town of Drysdale and neighbouring suburbs Curlewis and Clifton Springs.

by Mayor Peter Murrihy
photo created by -
Scarred trees are named for the long scars in their trunks left behind from when First Nations people have traditionally removed bark for a variety of purposes, including canoe making.
The construction of the Boronggook Drysdale Library is being funded by Council ($8.156 million) and the Victorian government ($1 million) and is scheduled to be completed in February next

The other facility whose name was unanimously voted for was the Poa Banyul Mount Duneed Community Hub.
The beauty of these buildings receiving First Nations names is that it helps us recognise our past. 5SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG 5SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

house civic and social infrastructure for the community and will provide access to a library service, community spaces, outdoor spaces and an adult changing places facility, as well as staff offices, a City of Greater Geelong Customer Service contact point and multi-purpose activity spaces.
For many people, the services offered within these buildings is what matters most, which is an entirely reasonable position to take.
It enables us to celebrate our shared history.
And at the heart of this facility is a scarred tree, which is believed to predate European Settlement of our region and has been carefully restored and relocated.
But to know where we are going it is important to understand where we have come from.
In fact, this month will see City employees move into the new Civic Precinct Wurriki Nyal.
If the advisor has not passed the exam and is not likely to meet their education requirements by 2026, then you need to consider whether they are the right advisor you want to be dealing with. Otherwise, you might start off with the first advisor only to find you have no choice but to move onto another advisor. This is not an ideal situation for anyone especially retirees. Also, moving to another advisor might require you to start all over again and who wants to pay all those initial fees again?
At Find Wealth, all our advisors have passed their FASEA exam and either have completed all their studies or will have well before the 2026 deadline. You can have peace of mind when dealing with Find Wealth that you won’t have to start all over again.
By Warren Strybosch
Of those who have passed so far:
Has your Financial Advisor passed their Exam? If not, they CANNOT provide advice from October 2022 onwards until they meet new requirements
• Over 3,300 unsuccessful candidates have re-sat the exam, with 74% passing at a re-sit.
The latest sitting was the last opportunity for advisers who are operating under the nine-month exam extension to pass the exam. From 1 October 2022, all financial advisers must have passed the exam to continue to provide personal advice.
ASIC confirmed that 76 per cent of the candidates were resitting the exam for at least the second time.
• Over 15,800 are recorded as current financial advisers on ASIC’s Financial Adviser Register (FAR), representing 95% of current advisers on the FAR.
• Over 700 were new to the industry.
new laws that was introduced for all financial advisors, existing as well as those entering the financial planning industry, was to sit the FASEA exam. Since the introduction of the exam and the requirement to update financial planning qualifications from a diploma to at least a bachelor standard, the profession has seen a steady increase in the numbers of those leaving. No longer is this a place for salespeople.
Authorised Representative (example provided).
ASIC has confirmed anyone eligible for the extension who has not passed in any of the three cycles this year will not be able to provide personal advice from 1
advisers who are eligible for the exam extension, but have not passed the exam in 2022, there is an opportunity for you to take steps with your Australian financial service (AFS) licensee to limit the effect of this outcome,” ASIC said in a statement.
licensee does not cease your authorisation on or before 30 September 2022, it will cease by operation of the law and you will no longer be able to provide personal advice. To become reauthorised and re-commence providing personal advice you will need
to complete a professional year and obtain an approved degree in addition to passing the exam.”
It is important as consumers to ask the following questions of the advisors you sit down with:
1. Have you passed the FASEA exam?
Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) is a Commonwealth entity that was established in April 2017 to set standards for the ethical conduct, educational qualifications and ongoing training of licensed financial advisers in OneAustralia.ofthe
The pass rate of the FASEA exam has been on a downward trend since the inaugural sitting in June 2019 which had 90 per cent of 579 candidates pass. That dropped down to 79 per cent in April 2020 (the first to include remote proctoring), 69 per cent in May 2021, and only 328 candidates (52 per cent) passed in July and August exams.
Note: Currently, you cannot view who has or has not passed the FASEA exam. All you can do is check the ASIC website to see if the advisor is still registered as a financial planner. Go to and selecting the ‘Professional Registers’ on the right. You then type in the Surname of the advisor and choose the appropriate registry e.g., Australian Financial Services

• Over 2,500 are ceased advisers on the FAR and may be re-authorised in the future.
“If your licensee ceases your authorisation on or before 30 September 2022, you will still need to pass the exam before you can become re-authorised and recommence providing personal advice. However, you will not need to complete a professional year and you will have until 1 January 2026 to obtain an approved
2. Have you completed your education requirements or are on track to do so?
“By providing more pathways and incentives to education, we’re giving our nurses and midwives the practical support that they need to continue caring for Victorians.”
Quote attributable to Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education Gayle Tierney
Quote attributable to Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas
10,000 students will have the cost of their nursing or midwifery undergraduate studies paid for, while scholarships will be available for thousands more who complete postgraduate studies in areas of need including intensive care, cancer care, paediatrics and nurse practitioner
In a $270 million boost to the health system, more than 17,000 nurses and midwives will be recruited and trained as part of a massive hiring and upskilling initiative – building an army of homegrown health workers to care for MoreVictorians.than
• More than $20 million to provide more support to the growing numbers of graduates and postgraduates as they transition to working in our hospitals – ensuring they have access to the clincial educators, preceptors and study time they need.
Media contact:
students enrolling in a professional-entry nursing or midwifery course in 2023 and 2024 will receive a scholarship of up to $16,500 to cover course
The package recognises that the cost of study is a financial burden for prospective and existing nurses and helps our health services maximise the recruitment of new nurses and midwives in key areas of need.
“Every health system in the country is under enormous pressure due to the pandemic. The best thing we can do to support our hardworking staff is give them more support on the ground –that’s why this package will train and hire more nurses than ever before.”
• Scholarships for postgraduate nurses to complete studies in specialty areas such as intensive care, emergency, paediatrics and cancer care – worth an average of $10,000

The Andrews Labor Government is backing Victoria’s healthcare system with free university and specialist training for thousands of nurses and midwives.
Studentscosts.will receive $9,000 while they study and the remaining $7,500 if they work in Victorian public health services for two years. 7SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG 7SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
• $11,000 scholarships for enrolled nurses to become registered nurses, covering course costs and boosting the number of registered nurses
• $12,000 scholarships to support training and employment of 100 new Nurse Practitioners in both acute and community settings
Jamila Fontana 0409 741
“If you’re in Year 12 and you’ve been thinking about studying nursing or midwifery – go for it.We’ve got your HECS fees covered.”
“You can’t deliver a health system with empty hospitals, which is why we are investing in hardworking nurses and midwives that are helping Victorian patients every single day.”
More midwives will join the workforce through an expanded postgraduate midwifery incentive program, which will provide scholarships to cover course costs and salary support for 150 existing nurses to continue working while they complete their specialist studies in Themidwifery.initiative, together with the $12 billion Pandemic Repair Plan brings the number of nurses and midwives being supported to more than 20,000, including funding 13,000 nursing and midwifery positions and scholarships, and funding the upskilling of 8,500 nurses.
Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews
The package also includes:

Our Donate Blood app is app-solutely the easiest way to manage your appointments!
Scan the code below with your smart phone to download the Donate Blood app from your device’s app store.

13 14 95
give blood
4. You’ll be with us for about an hour, but the actual giving process takes just 15 minutes (sometimes less!). Our team will be on hand to help the whole way through, so if you’re feeling unwell or uncomfortable, let someone know straight away.
2. Before we get going, you’ll be asked to have two more glasses of water and we’ll give you some information on easy muscle tensing exercises that can help stop you feeling faint during your donation.
Can I donate?
There is a chance that you’ll get a bruise or feel faint after your donation. To help stop this from happening, be sure to follow the advice below.
• eat regular meals
Find out more at or give us a call on 13 14 95
Avoid strenuous exercise (e.g. riding, jogging, or going to the gym) or hazardous activities, including activities or jobs where public safety may be affected. You should check any employment or safety requirements you have. If unsure, please ask us at your interview.
December 2020
You’ll have done something genuinely life-saving and we hope you’ll be feeling great about it. However, it’s really important to relax, refresh and follow ourRestadvice.inthe chair for five minutes and, when you’re ready, sit up with your legs dangling over the edge. Take a seat in our refreshment area. It’s important to rehydrate and have something to eat, so help yourself to a cool drink and a savoury snack. You’ll need to stay at the donor centre for at least 20 minutes (even if you feel fine). It’s a great time catch up on some reading, listen to music, or make the most of our free Wi-Fi.
If you start to feel unwell, or if you’re worried about anything at all, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 13 14 95
3. You’ll then have a private, confidential interview with a trained staff member and we’ll check your haemoglobin level (a protein that carries oxygen around your body and contains iron) and take your blood pressure. If it’s your first time donating, we’ll also ask for your height and weight. Safety is our top priority, so these health checks are for everyone.
To do the most good, every donation needs to be as safe as possible for the donor and the person receiving it. You should be good to give if:
Donated blood can be used in many life-giving ways. The person receiving it could have cancer, be going through a difficult pregnancy, or they could be someone who relies on regular transfusions to live a healthy, happy life — or even to live.
Your guide to giving life
For the next 2 hours: keep the bandage on your arm, and stay hydrated.
Learn how blood donation makes a genuine difference
Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands. But so you know what to expect, here’s a walk-through of what’s involved:
• you’ve completed the Donor Questionnaire and met any eligibility criteria, and you’ve been assessed at the blood donor centre (we’ll check you have suitable veins and haemoglobin levels).
For at least 8 hours: don’t do any heavy lifting
• don’t stand up for long periods stay cool — avoid hot showers, sitting or standing in the direct sun and choose cold drinks rather than hot drinks, and don’t drink alcohol.
Straight after you donate
Unsure if you can give blood?
What happens on the day?
There are some cases where we may have to re-schedule. Like, if you take certain medication, you’re pregnant, you’ve travelled recently, you’ve had dental treatment in the last week, or you’ve had a tattoo in the past 4 months. However, if the tattoo was done on licensed or regulated premises in Australia (like a commercial tattoo parlour or a cosmetic clinic) and is healing well, you can book in to donate plasma instead.
Giving blood has got to be one of the most rewarding things you can do to help another person — there’s no other feeling like it.
• you’re aged 18–75, if it’s your first time (you can be older than 75 if you’ve donated in Australia before) you feel fit and healthy, and don’t have a cold, flu or any other illness you weigh at least 50 kg you’ve got your photo ID, donor card or the Donate Blood app on the day before your donation, you’ve had 8 glasses of fluid if you’re a woman and 10 glasses if you’re a man, as well as plenty to eat you’ve had at least 750 mL (3 large glasses) of fluids in the 3 hours before your donation
After you’ve left the donor centre
An introduction to blood donation
• drink plenty of water (at least another three large glasses)
Let us know how you go
1. When you arrive, you’ll need to complete our Donor Questionnaire. It’s totally confidential and designed to protect you and the person who receives your blood.
For at least 12 hours
What it means to give blood
We’ll always check that you have enough haemoglobin to give before you donate. However, this test is different to checking your iron levels (you can have normal haemoglobin but low iron), so if you’re worried, speak to your doctor before donating.
Women aged 18–45 are especially susceptible to becoming low in iron, which is why we recommend a short course of iron supplements after each donation. For more about looking after your iron levels, head to 11SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG11SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
• 4% help pregnant women, new mothers and young children
An introduction to blood donation
• Treating brain disorders
What do we test for?
• 18% heart surgery and severe burns
Over time, giving blood can contribute to low iron levels, so we’ve put together some helpful tips on replacing your iron at
many different life-giving medical treatments — with a third of all donated red cells going to people fighting cancer.
To find your nearest donor centre, book a donation, or learn more about giving blood, get in touch on 13 14 95 or head to
Plasma Used in 18 life-giving ways, including:
When someone is given blood (called a transfusion), it’s best to give them the same blood type as their own.
Treats serious bleeding, often in patients with leukaemia and other cancers.
about your blood type and how it can help at
• Protecting people with immune Protectingdeficienciesagainsttetanus
• 34% cancer and blood diseases
After you give blood, your body needs iron to help replace the haemoglobin and red cells you give in your donation.
O- 9% O+ 40% A+ 31% A- 7% B+ 8% B- 2% AB+ 2% AB- 1% O-9% A+31% O+40% A-7% B+8%B- AB+ AB13 14 95 give blood December 2020
Most people give less than 10% of their blood volume in one donation, which is usually replenished in just two days. But, because it takes longer to replace the iron in your blood, you’ll need to wait 12 weeks before you can give again.
• 19% anaemia
Some blood types are more compatible than others, and some are universal, like O negative. Because it can help people with any blood type, O neg can save the day when there’s no time, or it isn’t possible, to find out a patient’s blood type — like in a life-threatening Learnemergency.more
One Yourdoesdonationwondersbloodcanbemade
• Protecting newborns against Rh disease
• 13% heart, stomach and kidney diseases
Your guide to giving life
Red cells
We work hard to protect the people receiving your blood and test every donation for blood type as well as HIV, human t-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), syphilis and hepatitis B and C. Remember, we’re testing to protect the people who receive your blood donation. We’ll tell you if we find anything, but for your personal health, you need to get checked by a doctor.
Donating blood is a very safe process
• 2% road incidents and trauma
We use brand new equipment for every donation — that includes the needle, tubing and bags.
Each blood donation you make is separated into three parts, each used in different ways.
Does my blood type matter?
• 10% fractures and joint replacements
Australians overwhelmingly want governments to splash cash on a fast transition to green transport options that will save them money and fight climate change, a national survey shows.
Thetransport.Climate Council head of advocacy Jennifer Rayner says Australians clearly grasp the full suite of benefits that green transport will provide.
Easing hip pocket pain is one of them, with Australians who commute via public transport standing to save $8000 a year compared with car travel. It’s more like $12,000 for those who cycle or walk to “Australianswork. are really struggling with cost of living pressures and rising fuel prices are at the top of that pile,” Dr Rayner says.
Tracey Ferrier
“It’s clear from this survey that Australians are thinking about how they move around, the role it has on our climate, on the congestion in our cities, and on our health through air pollution.
Earlier this month, Energy and Climate Minister Chris Bowen announced plans for a discussion paper to develop electric vehicles strategy that will range over options for the introduction of fuel efficiency standards.
“If we can get people out of their cars and onto a clean, quiet electric bus, or onto walking and riding their bikes for their commutes, then we’ll be making a huge difference to all of those individual car trips.”
A YouGov poll of 2160 Australians, commissioned by the Climate Council, found 80 per cent want more investment in public transport and 70 per cent want an electric national bus fleet powered by solar and wind energy as soon as Two-thirdspossible.

Dr Rayner says Australia’s lack of fuel efficiency standards is a big hurdle that must be overcome if the nation is to slash its transport related emissions.
“Getting those standards in place is a really important policy lever to incentivise manufacturers to bring more electric vehicles to Australia.”
are about 18 per cent from the transport sector, and personal transport accounts for about 10 per cent of that. The lion’s share is people’s individual cars.
“Big manufacturers sold about one million cars into the Australian fleet last year. and the majority of those were dirtier and less efficient than the ones they sold overseas because we don’t have fuel efficiency standards,” she says.
(Australian Associated Press)
Dr Rayner says there’s a national imperative to decarbonise the transport sector – the second largest source of Australia’s carbon emissions behind power
for non-drivers, easy and affordable transport, and more jobs in the sector.
The top reasons respondents offered for wanting more public transport investment included enhanced mobility
“They are looking at that whole picture and saying you know what, I’m ready to do something else. What’s missing is the investment from government that will support them to do that.”
of poll respondents also want more footpaths and bike lanes to encourage emissions-free private
The top reasons people gave for wanting electric buses powered by renewables included improved air quality, reduced dependence on foreign oil, and lowering Australia’s use of fossil fuels.
We are proud that Women’s Health Week attracts the support of organisations, high profile ambassadors, businesses, community, sporting and media groups across the country.
Every September, for one week, Women’s Health Week is a reminder to set aside time for your health and wellbeing. Make an appointment for a health check, get active, join an event or simply connect with other women. You don’t have to do it alone.
Women’s Health Week is recognised as the biggest week for women’s health and wellbeing in Australia and takes place annually in the first week of September.

In 2013, realising that there was no event dedicated to women’s health in Australia, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health ran the very first national Women’s Health Week. Thousands of women across Australia subscribed to take part in a week of events and online activities, learning more their health. 13SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG13SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all women across Australia to make good health a priority.
Now in its 10th year, Women’s Health Week is a celebration of women in Australia, women from all walks of life. In 2021 (despite a second year impacted by lockdowns and restrictions), more than 128,000 women participated in 2277 events, over 54,000 women subscribed to the online campaign and we reached over 3.6 million people via social media.
It’s all about you
Women, communities and workplaces are encouraged to get involved by hosting an event, sharing the health information and encouraging women, girls and gender diverse people from all corners of Australia to put good health first.
What’s involved?
Then, on each day of Women’s Health Week, we focus on an important women’s health topic. You’ll receive a daily email with videos, recipes, quizzes, articles and tools to help you unlock your own powers for good health. All the health information we produce is based on research and reviewed by our expert medical team.
Why Women’s Health Week?

Women’s Health Week is a nation-wide campaign of events and online activities – all centred on improving women’s health and helping you to make healthier choices.
In the lead up to the week, you’ll receive helpful information on how you can participate. Either getting together with friends, community and colleagues or maybe hosting an online event.
Source Link:
5 - 11 September 2022 Visit the Jean Hailes website
Susan McDonald enjoyed an illustrious career cooking for the likes of Queen Elizabeth and Julia Gillard.
Wheels volunteers deliver more than a meal – we also provide essential wellbeing checks which allow older Australians to maintain their independence.”
Volunteering has enabled her to make valued social connections with both customers and fellow volunteers, with her new friendships extending beyond the Meals on Wheels kitchen.
By Warren Strybosch
The second time failures are the Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund Lifetimeone product, the Energy Industries Super Scheme-PoolA Balanced (MySuper) product, the BT Super MySuper Retirement Wrap and the AMG Super, AMG MySuper product.
The number of failures is lower than was expected from the performance test, the criteria for which is now subject to review by
IfTreasury.youare a member of one of the above superannuation funds who is approaching retirement, we encourage to you speak to Warren Strybosch of Find Wealth t/a Find Retirement. Warren is a retirement planning specialist who has one of the best superannuation offerings in Australia especially when it comes to fees. He has helped pre-retirees and retirees save thousands in fees each year without sacrificing on service and advice.
But she gets her greatest satisfaction delivering food to vulnerable members of her community while volunteering with Meals on Wheels.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) announced today the five funds that failed included four which had failed for a second time.

The four funds which failed a second time are therefore no longer able to recruit new members.
vulnerable Australians, especially the elderly, remain socially engaged and connected to the community, increasing their wellbeing.
the better customers knew their volunteers, the higher the level of wellbeing they reported.
Ms McDonald, 76, said her interactions with her customers are the “highlight of their “Mealsday”.on
Lasting connections are especially important for older Australians who are most at risk from experiencing social Mealsisolation.on
Wheels Australia President Sharyn Broer said the last two years had caused unprecedented levels of loneliness and isolation.

Her experience backs up a new report from consultancy firm Huber Social, which finds people who help others are also helping
APRA have announced that Five superannuation products have failed the latest superannuation funds’ performance test, with four of them doing it for the second time in a row.
Four super funds fail for the second time in a row
She urged Australians to volunteer both for their own benefit and to give back to their community.
“The Meals on Wheels service enables both vulnerable Australians and volunteers to remain connected to their communities at a time where it is needed most,” she Increasingly,said.policy makers are taking into account the social outcomes of Australians, with Treasurer Jim Chalmers set to unveil the country’s first wellbeing budget later this year.
Jacob Shteyman
One big ‘key’ to lonelinesssolvingcrisis
(Australian Associated Press)
The first-time failure was the Westpac Group Plan MySuper Retirement Wrap.
You can call Warren Strybosch, one of Australians most reputable financial planners, on 1300 88 38 30.
The report, released ahead of National Meals on Wheels Day on Wednesday, found the group’s volunteers had 10 per cent higher wellbeing than the broader Itpopulation.alsofound 15SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG15SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Find Aged Care Services is seeking professional ‘aged care’ accredited financial planners to provide advice to those seeking aged care advice in their local area. Are you accredited and can help work with clients to find the best aged care options? Are you able to work with their loved ones and help make the process of transitioning into aged care less daunting and complex? If so, consider listing on our website. List with us, and we will get you promoted through our website, social media, and local community Whypapers.not consider joining the Find Network as a specialist Aged Care advisor and obtain referral leads from the rest of the Find Network members in your area? To learn more about these new opportunities, contact Warren on 1300 88 38 30 or email visit our website at Are you a Financial Planner looking for more clients? Grow FinancialyourPlanning Business with great integrity and sensitivity by providing advice to those requiring Aged Care Services. List in our Find Aged Care Services Are you an Established and experienced Financial Planner providing Aged Care Advice?

Period Super guarantee rate 1 July 2002 - 30 June 2013 10.00%9.50%9.25%9.00% 10.50% 12.00%11.50%11.00% 1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2021 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 1 July 2025 - 30 June 2026 and onwards Contributions:GuaranteeSuperannuation Who should be receiving it?
the rules around SGC were made a little simpler, with most employees able to receive it.
For most people who retire in the next 20 to 30 years, their superannuation balance will likely be their largest asset, apart from the family home, and provide an income stream for them in retirement. Will ever increasing uncertainty regarding the age pension, it will be an important asset to have.
Current SG rate
aged under 18, or those classified as a private or domestic worker (like a nanny), must work for their employer more than 30 hours per week to qualify for SG payments.
If you are a full-time, part-time or casual employee, and over 18 years of age, you are Employeeseligible.
The Superannuation Guarantee contributions (SGC) have increased since 1st July 2022. However, there are many employers who don’t know what the correct amount is that they should be paying and who should be getting SGC.
There is no minimum amount you have to earn. Prior to 1st July 2022, you had to earn more than $450 per month to be eligible. This has now been removed.
introduced mandatory 3 per cent contributions (or 4 per cent for employers where their payroll was above $1 million) into an employee’s superannuation fund. In the early days, the employer would set up the superannuation fund on behalf of the employee, whereas now the employee can choose their own superannuation fund and provide that information to the employer. The employer ‘must’ place the SGC into the employee’s superannuation fund if the employee so directs.
Superannuation Guarantee: What is it?

is not required to make SG contributions if you are a non-Australian resident and are paid to do work outside Australia, are an Australian resident but paid by a non-resident employer for work done outside the country, a senior
Most employers choose to remit the SGC on a quarterly basis when they do their BAS however some employers will pay it monthly or even fortnightly.
Currently the SG rate is 10.5% and increasing over time until it reaches 12%. SG payments is paid as a percentage of an employee’s salary and wages or ordinary time earnings (OTE). Ordinary time earnings (OTE) is the amount your employees earn for their ordinary hours of work. It generally includes leave (annual, sick or long service), commissions, allowances and shift loadings, but doesn’t include overtime payments.
By Warren Strybosch
is eligible to receive SG contributions?
SG contributions is a legislative requirement that all employers must pay to most employees. It is contribution of money, paid by the employer, on top of the employee’s salary or wages, into the employee’s superannuation account of
Temporary residents are also entitled to receive SG payments into their super Youraccount.employer
SGC is an important part of every person’s financial position. It represents, for most people, the key asset they will have leading into retirement. As such, it is important to understand if you are entitled to it, if your employer should be paying it and how much you should be
Superannuation Guarantee rate: 2002 to 2026Who

You can call them on 1300 88 38 30 or email’tapplytopersonalmadetoyourSMSFbyitsFindAccountant,weprovideSMSFtaxadvice.Oursenioraccountantisalsoanfinancialadvisor.IfyouSMSFadviceorareconsideringwhetherornottowindupyourSMSF,thenspeaktoWarrenStryboschatFindAccountantPtyLtd.

2021, you can only rollover into or out of your SMSF using ForSuperStream.SuperStream, you will need:
• an Australian business number (ABN), and
• an electronic service address (ESA) – you can get an ESA from an SMSF messaging provider
The founder of the Find Group of companies draws on his diverse background, which ranges from teaching, to serving in the army, to taxation and accounting, to coach and help clients live their best financial lives. A multi-award winner, Warrens’s innovative approach in business means he was a champion of virtual financial advise long before the pandemic. Warren established the Find Foundation, which owns and operates acroos Victoria.
• to ensure your SMSF’s details held by the ATO are up to date, including your SMSF’s unique bank account.
If you are employed by your family business and your super guarantee contributions go to your SMSF, these related-party employer contributions are exempt from the SuperStream standard.
Is there a limit on the SG contribution I can receive?
The financial advisers featured in this guide are a diverse group: some specialise in responsible investment advice, some provide financial advise to specific professions, and some focus on addressing market gaps, mwith several finding themselves on the list for the very first time. But they all have one thing in common: they all wield influence that can create the blueprint for the future of financial advice in Australia. Not all of them are faniliar names but just because they are not making a lot of noise doesn’t mean they are not making waves. Meet our Power 50.
foreign executive on certain visas, or temporarily working in Australia for an overseas employer and are covered by super provisions in a bilateral social security agreement.
All SMSF must now be registered via SuperStream. Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) must be able to receive employer contributions and the associated data electronically using the SuperStream
Find Group

If you’re a trustee of a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) it is important to make sure all members of the SMSF are receiving their required SG contributions and they are being allocated correctly.

The current SG contribution rate is 10.5% of your gross earnings up to a limit called the maximum super contribution base (MSCB). If you earn above that amount in a particular quarter, your employer does not have to make SG contributions for the part of your earnings over the limit.
The MSCB for 2022–23 is $60,220 per quarter ($240,880 per year), which equals a maximum SG contribution by your employer of $6,323 per quarter ($25,292 per year).
• Data-Driven Actions
5. Improves Time Management
Decision-making skills are used by leaders to analyse a situation and identify steps on how a business should move forward. It involves aspects such as understanding the challenges, weighing options, formulating solutions, and implementing the decision.
Good decisions help employees move forward with their tasks while saving time and resources. This boosts productivity and drives long-term growth. Decisionmaking begins with planning and calibrating workers to work on projects with the implemented action plans. In the process, the business takes effective steps that bring in desired results.
• Developing new offerings
• Creating new policies and development plans
Business leaders have the responsibility to guide their teams to success. To make this happen, leadership requires good decision-making skills that will impact the whole team. Good decisions bring value to the organisation, and wrong decisions can disrupt the company’s Let’sworkflow.discuss
So why else do leaders need good decision-making skills?
Implementing effective and efficient decisions helps leaders show their workers that they prioritise the team’s best interests. A leader that devotes time to analysing and providing details of their decisions showcases trustworthiness. This gives employees an idea of what to expect and provides direction for what the business needs to do.
1. Implement Effective Action Plans for Unexpected Situations
Making critical decisions is crucial for cases like:
Formulating effective solutions requires creativity. Open-minded leaders consider both traditional and out-of-thebox action plans the team can benefit from. This approach can also lead to results that may exceed the company’s expectations.

Why Do Leaders Need Good Decision-Making Skills?
3. Drives Growth
• Implementing organisational goals
When a leader leaves the decisions to his or her team, without an outline or direction, chances are conflicts will arise between employees. Uncertainty about the direction may lead to multiple members trying to take over and impose the solutions they have in mind. There is, of course, a time and place for the team to make decisions, but this is certainly a scenario where a leader’s good decision-making skills can prevent feuds while providing reasonable solutions for the business overall.
Understanding What Decision-Making Is
• Branding/Rebranding
One study shows that more than 95% of organisations are dealing with datadecision issues. This holds the company back from using data to implement effective decisions.
4. Reduces Risk of Conflict
• Critical Thinking Leaders are encouraged to utilise their critical thinking abilities to assess the situation and weigh options. Identify the benefits and risks that come with each choice on the table. An effective process is to use a variety of visualisation techniques to foresee the results of every
how important decisionmaking is for business leaders.

Image Source:
2. Builds Trust and Confidence
As a leader, it’s important to gather essential data that will help implement educated decisions that can help achieve valuable results.
Any worker, including leaders, can do more if they can make the most out of their work hours. Making quick and wellcalculated decisions allows the whole team or organisation to implement actions for faster results. This allows everyone to devote enough time to all important tasks.
By SallyLEADERSHigoe
Leaders are required to make fast and efficient decisions during emergency and challenging situations for damage control. This dictates how the team will operate given the situation. It’s important for business leaders to understand the needs of the business in unexpected circumstances.
• Budget allocation
thinking also helps leaders evaluate if decisions are realistic and aligned with the business’s values, standards and goals.
Essential Factors for Decision-Making
• Creativity
There’s no denying, that being a leader can be challenging at times. People depend on many decisions that you will make, and they trust the steps you propose to produce desired solutions.
• Understand critical aspects that might affect the results
Create a record of activities in your team and the results each of them brought. This
• Confidence and Self-Awareness
Tips for Good Decision-Making

Encourage your employees to participate in open discussions. This will give you a clear understanding of the unique views of your workers. Organising forums will help you assess where your team is at and how you can lead them to success.
It’s important to point out that a leader needs to have confidence when making critical decisions. Aside from that, leaders should have the self-awareness that they can commit and have what it takes to lead their team through their decisions. This will motivate the whole team toward the direction a leader intends to go.
Great interpretive and analytical skills are important when making important decisions. Identify all factors involved and how they can impact the results. This also helps in determining the issues that should be resolved.
HIGOE Leaders Resilience Coach Team Resilience Method

In terms of making good decisions as a leader, another option available is to seek insights from experts outside your

• Conclusion

• Monitor progress
Sally Higoe 19SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG19SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Leadership and Team Development .....Imagine a team where each individual is so strong in self that their focus is how to move together as one.... SERVICES LEADERSHIP COACHING & DEVELOPMENT TEAM COACHING & DEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOURAL PROFILING BUSINESS GAP ANALYSIS IN-HOUSE & ONLINE WORKSHOPS/WEBINARSTRAINING 0490 388 017 Leadership coaching that connects your team and drives results

can help you determine which previous actions worked and which ones didn’t. Doing this will help you make decisions that avoid committing the same errors again and again.

• Facilitate internal discussions
company. Bouncing ideas, hearing assessments, and having the solution tailored to your needs from an industry professional can greatly assist to help you make efficient decisions that ultimately produce a sustainable outcome.

Team/Leadership Coach Team Resilience Method

c Radio can be effective in certain categories not all check for the timing you are paying for. Make radio loud and interactive to get listeners attention.

d Seek collaborations with appropriate stores to support each other.
c Can you afford the financial investment and the storage space to carry it through to next year?
c Ensure the products are in line with your values.
e When marketing, pick your target market carefully and relate to their needs. Choose one type of marketing for each client group. When selling items such as Xmas that covers all age groups, design
Planning - Purchasing - Sales –Marketing - Clearance
e Which items reacted to your marketing?
b What were the best selling items and WHY?
By DebBUSINESSFribbins
a Allocate adequate space on the floor by range, colour or theme.
e Ensure stock is delivered at least 3 weeks before any marketing.
a Marketing plans incorporate branding, displays, and updated displays, presentations, packaging, themes, demonstrations, signage all tying with any advertising.
a Carefully examine all the history from last year which categories worked
b Use all media relevant to your customers and the products promoted. Which social media sits best, Facebook, Instagram. LinkedIn, TikTok?
h Did you have money tied up for 10 months?
* Right Quantity in the
Seasonality occurs in different forms in businesses depending on the type of business. Fashions are affected by the climatic seasons summer, winter, autumn or spring. Toy shops, games shops, school shops and children’s wear stores are all affected by the school holidays. Special events such as the racing carnival affects fashion and accessory stores. Xmas / Easter and other religious holidays affect most stores. Know your customers, their spending habits and why they shop with you.
f How much stock was marked down?
a As Xmas approaches sales escalate into December. The big department stores start discounting to get rid of stock as they do not carry it through for 9 -10 months. This usually starts by Mid December. The key is to analyse when you need to discount if at all
b Display in accordance with customer needs and wants.

your ads for each group, as you would address them individually. You would relate to a 30 year old mum with a young family differently to your own mother and your grandmother. The needs in each case vary.
b Analyse how well your stock is selling, how different it is to your competitors. Do you have the:
* Right product at the
i Select carefully colours than can be sold all year round like Gold, Silver and plain colours.
* Right price in the
a Select a specific theme for the year, colour or style.
d Spread the deliveries out over the months for good cash flow.
Addressing each of these issues, putting plans in place for each stage will achieve two key objectives – Increased sales and maximised profits.
d Print media can also be effective dependent on the products.
d The first discount is the best. Make it significant enough to entice customers to buy.
c Was there sufficient profit margins on the best sellers?
* Right Quality for your customers?
e Staff rosters are crucial to maximise sales.
f Staff Knowledge re future deliveries and availability and end use, may require some training.
If you are not sure how to do that in your business contact Deb Fribbins on 05400524451 or make an appointment at optionsstrategy-session
g Have regular small drops rather than one big drop.
Small Business Checklist for the Seasons

g What was the clearance strategy?
* Right place at the
e If you have significant stocks can you have a one off event to invite your core customers with a Gift with Purchase or Gift wrapping or discount for these special customers.
h Look at products that could possibly be unpackaged to sell all year round if needed.

The Christmas season is fast approaching. There are many factors to consider:

f Ensure you have the space for storage of extra stock.
d Where the deliveries too early or too late?
c Ensure the consistency of presentation standards over the season.
b Cater to a couple of tastes over that theme throughout the season that reflect your customers.

Sounds obvious but what you paint in spring won’t need to be done in summer. In the holiday months, when you’re spending time on your deck barbecuing or hosting a backyard picnic, you’ll be pleased that you did it in spring.
exterior of your house is hard work but it will make a difference to the overall feel of your home and will preserve your home’s exterior for many years to come.
Spring is the time when vegetation gets a boost. Trees, shrubs and other wallhugging plants will suddenly produce shoots, leaves and branches. Gardeners also use spring weather to plant flower beds. Painting your house early – before you plant, prune or mulch – will protect your vegetation from being trampled by ladders and footwear.
PAINTING AND DECORATING Dahllof Painting services 0407 365

Spring, The Best Time To Paint HouseYourExterior
Paint and bad weather do not go well together. Rain, hail and fog can have adverse effects on your home’s exterior: your paint could stain or grow mildew on the surface due to the moisture content of the surrounding air. Conversely, if the weather is too hot, your paint could dry too quickly, causing it to blister and crack later on. Too hot, too cold – the “Goldilocks” season for painting outside is spring. The weather becomes warmer yet temperatures are not as extreme as on a hot summer’s day.
Stress-free summer
It’s a beautiful sunny day. You step outside and look around. You notice that next door’s house looks a bit shabby and could do with a coat of paint. What about yours?
Paint before planting
Prepare the surface properly before painting. Scrap away peeling old paint, sand uneven surface gently and apply suitable primer before brushing on your first coat of paint. Choose long-lasting paint; many brands supply paint that will last 10 to 15 years, saving you time, energy and money. Apply at least two coats for the most beneficial weather
Spring is the best time to refresh your home, inside and out. Although outdoor painting can be done in all seasons, spring is the perfect time. Here are some benefits to painting the exterior of your home in spring.

Steve Dahllof
Pick a day that is not windy – just a light breeze will do. Like the heat of the sun, wind can cause paint to dry too quickly, preventing optimal paint film formation, and can stir up dust and other contaminants that imbed in the paint. Check the weather report to see if it’s going to rain in the afternoon after you’ve chosen to paint in the morning.
Over time, your home’s exterior has been exposed to storms, strong ultraviolet rays, dust, debris and more. The paint begins to peel, fade, crack and blister due to sun damage from hot summer. With exposure from these elements, it can change the colour of the existing exterior paint. With the weather not being too hot or too cold in the spring, it’s the perfect time to fix these issues.
Renew its appearance
Increases the value of your home
Thinking of moving in the near future? With mortgage rates in the rise, you need to look for ways to add value to your home before selling it. Painting the outside of your home is an easy way to dramatically increase the value of your property by improving its appearance. Unless your buyer is a knock-it-down developer, potential home buyers will be on the lookout for not just a block of land but their dream home. A newly painted house makes an immediate good first impression and could add tens of thousands of dollars to the sale price.
How and when to paint
It’s actually quite a simple process to offer this to your employees if you partner with a salary packaging company. In terms of paperwork, you’ll need to sign a novation agreement where you agree to make repayments on the employee’s behalf, as long as they are working for you. When it comes to arranging the car and pay deductions, your salary packaging provider will handle this for you as well as keeping your employee updated about the balance of their car running costs. They will also arrange fuel cards and be the go-to when it comes to claiming maintenance, servicing, insurance and other car-related expenses that are covered within the lease.
misconception that Novated Lease is only for cars used for business purposes. In the past there were mandates on car leases that required employees to drive a certain number of businessrelated kilometres, these stipulations are long gone. There is now flexibility that a novated lease car may be used as part of a business arrangement, or it could simply be a personal use car.
Dan Nicholls
If your employee is worried that they will be paid significantly less by having a car through their pay, the news gets even better. As you know, your employees are taxed on their gross salary at each pay cycle. If they are using their pay to make novated lease repayments, they will be taxed less on their remaining pay. This means more tax-free income in their pocket.
Are You An Employer? Here’s Why You Should Offer Novated Leasing
You can claim tax on leased cars!
time, being able to offer a car benefit that saves your employee money is a massive

A Novated Lease frees up part of your employees’ pre-tax income to pay for the lease and the car running costs. Your employee has the choice of car, whether it be a new one or second hand. The lease is ‘Fully maintained’, which means that car costs such as fuel, maintenance, servicing and insurance are all covered, hence their popularity.
Offer Novated Leasing with The Salary Packaging People

Your obligation to pay a novated lease is only while your employee works for you, or the lease is current. Therefore, if your employee finishes working for you, it is their responsibility to pay for the lease and all the car running costs. If they are able, they can transfer the lease to their new employer, only if the new employer offers novated leasing. Because not all employers allow their employees to have a novated lease, they have been proven to help retain staff. In other words, you won’t be the one stuck with the bill if the employee decides to leave or is terminated.
Unlike other salary packaging benefits, a Novated Lease is available to all employers. Even if you just have a few staff, or even one, offering a novated lease can offer an employee the chance to drive their dream car and save on tax! Let’s take a look at how a novated lease can benefit you both.
As Western Victoria and Geelong’s first choice for salary packaging solutions, we’ll help you attract and reward staff with novated leasing options for your employees. Contact us or call 03 5229 4200 and talk to a real person today.
More take-home pay in your employees’ pocket
Imagine attracting new employees (or rewarding your current ones) with a shiny new car, and it doesn’t cost you any more than their current salary. If you’re an employer who is struggling to find new staff but don’t have the extra budget to match the demands of savvy job market candidates, we have a solution for you. Novated leasing benefits both employers and employees for a multitude of reasons.
Because novated lease cars are effectively leased through your company, you can claim on the lease and the running costs of the car for a healthier, happier tax outcome at the end of the financial year. These savings can be significant if you have multiple employees that take advantage of this benefit. Novated leases are a particularly attractive incentive to reward and retain employees and remember, you don’t have to have an FBTexempt status to offer it.
What happens to the lease if my employee leaves?
Salary Packaging Services 03 5229

By Dan
So how does a Novated Lease work?
How do you set up novated leasing for your employee?
Car prices are high, as is fuel, and the reports on living expenses continue to be dire. In such a financially challenging
If you want advice on what plants to grow and where, call Pristine Outdoor Property on 0468 485 122. We will be happy to answer all your enquiries.
Veggies and herbs can be grown in nodig veggie gardens, perfect if you are time-poor, don’t like bending over a lot or have pets who love to dig.
Prune for perfection
Fantastic fresh food
Nurture native plants
treats, especially now that food prices have risen.
veggies to plant now that will last till the end of summer include broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, eggplants, leeks, parsnips, pak choy and silverbeet.
Daniel Tomlinson
We often talk about spring-cleaning our homes but how about spring-cleaning your garden? September’s sunnier days provide the perfect opportunity to prepare your garden for summer growth.
There’s nothing quite like eating a salad made with home-grown veggies. Spring is the time to plant beetroot, capsicums, carrots, celery, cucumbers, endives, lettuces, onions, peas, radishes, rocket, snow peas, spring onion, sweet corn and Othertomatoes.tasty
Summer flowering shrubs and trees such as crape myrtle, conifers such as holly and vines such as ivy can all do with a good snip to shape and set the summer buds. For trees and shrubs, use thinning cuts back to the main stem to tame overgrown shrubs; for heading cuts, prune back to a branch that has needles or leaves on it so new growth can sprout. If your shrub is a springblooming variety, make sure to leave behind enough flower buds on the stems for a spring show. 23SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG23SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

Perennials are a great choice as you only need to plant them once for them to bloom each year. Try begonias (lovely “fillers” in shady, frost-free gardens), geraniums, dahlias, daisies, foxgloves, asters (daisy-like, with starry-shaped flower heads), sunflowers and their cousins, cinerarias and gazanias (similar to cinerarias in appearance and drought Forresistant).gorgeous splashes of colour, plant carnations, chrysanthemums, cornflowers, lavender, marigolds, pansies, petunias and snapdragons. Impatiens provide a brilliant display in hanging baskets.
Native plants have evolved for local conditions. With the right amount of water, they have already adapted to the soil and climate in your area and so need less maintenance than most other plants. They also attract local native birds and animals, helping the local ecosystem to survive. In Geelong, natives such as bottlebrushes, wattles and eucalypts can be planted until the end of spring.
After all that planting and pruning, it’s time to rewards yourself with some delicious
Festive flowers
Winter and early spring rains encourage a flourish of growth on trees and shrubs, which becomes a tasty smorgasbord for insects. Pruning is healthy as it cuts off straggly branches that the tree or shrub is feeding to no purpose as they won’t be the branches producing buds or fruit.
September is a great time in Geelong for planting colourful flowers.

Pristine Outdoor Property Services 0468 485
Why not accompany those veggies with some fresh herbs! Plant staples such as basil, chives, coriander dill, mint, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme.
Property Services
still in hand, clear away any deadwood and diseased branches; for instance, the remains of last summer’s hydrangeas and camellia blooms that haven’t dropped.
Young fruit trees also benefit at this time from a spring prune. This is the time to cut back lemon tree branches infested with
With all pruning, use sharp shears and secateurs and wash the blades before pruning each plant to minimise the risk of transferring bacterial or fungal pathogens.
Early spring is a good time to plant deciduous fruit trees like apples, peaches, pears and plums when they can be bought bare-rooted.
citrus gall. Bearing fruit spends a lot of energy for a tree so cut them into an ideal shape (round) where the branches can support each other. Herbs such as rosemary, sage and oregano can grow leggy and woody over time. Prune in early spring to restore their compact
Start by replenishing the soil with a nourishing dose of organic compost and mulch on your lawns and around flowers, shrubs and trees. Take care with new seedlings as the nutrients in organic compost can burn their fragile roots – mix the compost with soil from your garden.
• breach of a term in the loan agreement;
• take possession and sell secured property to repay the loan; or
It is important that a loan agreement considers situations where the borrower wants to repay the loan early. Early repayments should only be allowed at the end of an interest period to avoid any payment of breakage costs.
2. Early repayment
In certain circumstances, a loan agreement should also require mandatory early re-payment, such as on the sale of the borrower’s company or sale of a property the borrower owns.
Once an event of default occurs, the lender can:
Oral agreements, or an incomplete written agreement with vague or uncertain terms, are unlikely to be enforceable, and in Australia the loan is presumed to be a gift if there is no loan agreement in place.
• refuse to lend the borrower more money;
• where any non-payment of interest or principal; and
1. Interest
An event of default clause protects lenders from borrowers that do not repay their loans. If a borrower commits an event of default, they have defaulted under the loan agreement.
What Is an Event of Default?
• where the borrower is declared insolvent.
Another key term relates to the repayment provisions of the loan agreement. Is the facility to be repaid on demand? Or on a set date or schedule? Generally, you and the other party to the loan agreement will agree to a fixed repayment schedule. However, the lender may insist on an ondemand facility - this is particularly likely if the borrower has poor credit.
Some of the key considerations are as follows:
The interest clause sets out the interest rate on your loan. There are two main types of interest rates:
• floating fee rates.
By John Van LAWYERSBeveren
A floating fee rate is based on an interest rate margin added to a benchmark rate (i.e. 3% + the benchmark rate). It generally moves in line with the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate target.
3. Default Interest and Event of Default
Before taking out or providing a loan, it is crucial that you understand every aspect of your loan agreement. This will ensure that you are not signing yourself to be legally responsible for something that you were not prepared for.

• fixed fee rates; and

A default Interest will increase the interest rate that is payable on amounts which are not paid when they fall due. If the rate is excessive, there is a risk that it will be deemed a ‘penalty’ rate. Note that if this occurs, the loan agreement will not be enforceable if a dispute arises.
You can also choose whether the debt can be forgiven on your death by creating a Will to reflect this (which Van Beveren Lawyers can also help you prepare). Otherwise, the loan will remain owing to your estate.
The major events of default includes:
• request immediate repayment of loaned money;
Interest is normally payable at either the end of each interest period (generally a 3, 6 or 12 month period) or at the term of the loan.
You may want to help your children get into their first home or help them out with much needed home renovations. But what if you have lent your children money and thy partnered, only to have their relationship breakdown? Can you get your money back?
• cross default, which is where a default under any other on-demand facilities provided by the lender to the borrower will automatically cause a default under this loan agreement;
A formal loan agreement protects you and the borrower. It also increases the chance that you will get your money back if the borrower enters family law proceedings or bankruptcy.
4. Repayment – On Demand or Fixed Term
• ask any guarantors of the loan to repay it on the borrower’s behalf.
Lending money without a formal and valid loan agreement in place carries real risks.
You should also consider whether you want a secured or an unsecured loan agreement. Registering a mortgage or caveat over the borrower’s property provides different forms of security and careful consideration should be given to which is the right option under the circumstances.
A fixed fee rate is set at a given number, which will not change during the course of the loan (i.e. 8% fixed).
• No power of sale - You cannot, of course, exercise power of sale against a property until your mortgage of the property is registered. You run the risk that you could be refused consent to register the mortgage at a later date and could be forced to caveat the property and commence proceedings, which would cause you considerable added cost and delay.
The consequences of using an unregistered mortgage -

• Changes to title - In addition to the registration of additional dealings on title, the title itself could change by subdivision, amalgamation, or transfer to a new owner, which will render your mortgage un-registrable and possibility void.
both caveats and mortgages offer security for a lender against the Real Property of the borrower, a mortgage provides a higher degree of enforcement options if the borrower defaults on their loan.

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In some cases, a lender may obtain a signed mortgage but hold off on its registration pursuant to an agreement with the borrower to that effect. Whilst this is possible, and the mortgage will not expire per se, there are significant risks to this approach:
Equity can build up over time as the borrower reduces the loan amount with principal and interest repayments, and if the market value of the property
• Loss of priority - If the title is unprotected, there is the risk of registration of other dealings (including other mortgages) that will take priority.
is when borrower owes the lender more than what the property is worth. This can happen when property prices fall, and your house drops in value. When it comes to selling the property, the borrower won’t have made enough on the property to repay the loan. 25SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG25SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
The majority of loans are secured against an asset. For example, home loans are commonly secured against the value of the property itself. Therefore, this means that a bank might require the borrower to sell the property if they are unable to meet their repayment dates or are unable to pay back the loan.
Home equity is the difference between the market value of the secured property and the outstanding debt on the loan. For example, if your home is worth $500,000 and the current debt on your home loan is $320,000, then your equity is $180,000.
Is there enough equity in the property?
At Van Beveren Lawyers, we can assist you by listening to situation and take your instructions, provide independent legal advice, conduct the necessary searches over the proposed security, and draft the Loan Agreement and assist with correct execution. Our office is also able to register a Caveat or Mortgage over the secured property on behalf of the ComeLender.into

is similar to a Caveat but is a more secure and enforceable type of loan security. A mortgagee often retains the Title Deed to the mortgaged property, which means that in order for the registered proprietor to sell, transfer, or otherwise deal with the property, the mortgagee must consent and provide the Title Deed. Another thing to note that if there is already a Mortgage registered with a financial institution, the consequences of being the second
5. Secured or Unsecured
• Changes to mortgage form - Where the form of mortgage is changed by the relevant titles office, or more recently the Australian Registrars’ National Electronic Conveyancing Council, the mortgage may become un-registrable. This happened to lenders who entered into mortgages on titles forms that existed prior to the introduction of the National Mortgage Form and who failed to register within the grace period.
A caveat acts as a warning for third parties that the lodging party (known as the “Caveator”) has an interest in the land. A caveat prevents the owner of the land from transferring, selling, or otherwise dealing with the property without the prior consent of the Caveator. A caveat can be used to protect a loan by securing the interest noted in the
The most common asset that borrower’s offer security against is “Real Property” (meaning a house or apartment that the borrower owns). There are two main forms of security over Real Property, caveats and mortgages.
Get professional legal advice at Van Beveren Lawyers!

Van Beveren Lawyers and tell us your story and what you are hoping to achieve, and we will then provide you with your options and what steps you can take moving forward to achieve your desired outcome and ensure you are protected.
Therefore, as a lender it is crucial to ensure the mortgaged property has enough equity to repay the loan. Also, if there is already another mortgage with a financial institution registered on title, you also must consider if there is enough equity in the property to re-pay both loans.
By AllisonVIDEOGroot
When you are writing a script add a “call to action” to drive customers where you want them to go or what action to take. e.g call now or visit our website.
The value of video:

Talking camera…on
why should you do it?
Allison Groot Creative Director 0403 899

• Engages your audience
• Generates income
Your post doesn’t need to be long or overly salesy they can just be that you are excited about a new product you’re about to launch or some tips or tricks. All you need is a visual presence.
Talking or presenting on camera is something a lot of people don’t like to do and I often discuss with them about the issues and the value of it. Yes, there are pros and cons…..
The cons are mainly your discomfort but there are so many great benefits from being seen in your videos or social media content.
Be seen…by talking or presenting on camera you are offering your client base the chance to interact with you personally. You add trustworthiness and loyalty that you don’t get from a standard generic social media post. They buy you and the service you provide.
• Align their values to yours
So jump on your devices and start recording video content or give me a call and I’ll come and film it for you.
First of all, the more confident and at ease with the camera you are the better you will engage your audience. Presenting on camera can be daunting…however there are few techniques that you can learn to overcome the awkwardness you Practicefeel. makes perfect… the more you do it the better you will get at it…make sense
• Gives insight into who you are as a business
this will help you focus and not be
you want to say… write a script before you officially record yourself whether that is dot points or fully scripted. The scripting is critical, remember to break it down into who, what, when, where and how and you guessed it… practice, practice, practice.
• Peaks their interest in products and services

Recordright?yourself in front of either a device or laptop, do it over and over again and use the back camera versus the front camera. If using a device look directly at the lens…

• Eat bitter foods such as roquette (rocket), and sour foods such as fresh lemon juice.
Kathryn Messenger
Naturopathic treatment of hormonal imbalance often includes strengthening and detoxifying the liver. The liver is where hormones are metabolised, are transformed into different forms, and excess hormones are removed from circulation. If the liver is not functioning well, this process will be impaired. Prescription drugs, alcohol, exposure to toxins, and poor diet all contribute to reduced liver function. Herbal medicine is highly effective in improving the liver, but below are some tips to get you started.
Recreational lifestyle activities which reduce stress can also be helpful as chronic stress increases inflammation, leading to many disease states. Exercise can help by increasing blood flow and also reducing stress.

This advice is general in nature and not intended to be prescriptive. For individualised prescriptive advice, please see a naturopath or other health care practitioner.
To improve liver function:
Whole Naturopathy can treat your hormonal imbalance naturally with herbs formulated specifically for you, together with dietary changes that will best target your health issues.
Androgens are a group of hormones of which testosterone (the predominant male reproductive hormone) is the most common. Testosterone levels increase for young men in their late teens, and the excess androgens contribute to acne. The sebaceous glands which secrete oil onto the skin, produce androgens, along with other glands, and in excess are converted to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone which promotes acne. Research has found herbs such as Serenoa repens (Saw palmetto) effective in treating hormonal acne, especially when combined with other androgen regulating herbs is. As a naturopath, I would also address elimination of waste products, inflammation, the liver (as detailed below) and any other factors contributing to the acne.
• Increase dietary fibre, particularly through vegetables
health:Men’s &PubertyProstate
BPH is increasingly common in men as they age and is estimated to be present in 70% of men over the age of 70. Due to hyperproliferation (excess growth) of prostate tissue, the enlargement of the prostate gland obstructs urinary flow, resulting in poor urinary flow, increased urgency, and incontinence.
With Father’s Day this month, it’s a great time to talk about men’s health. We’ll take a look at two conditions: teenage acne and Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). These are both caused (at varying degrees) by male hormone imbalance.
• Increase ‘green leafy’ vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc
Similarly to with teenage acne, excess androgens are a major culprit in contributing to hyperproliferation of prostate tissue. This enlargement of the prostate gland also leads to BPH and prostate cancer. Once again Saw palmetto is an important herb in regulating androgen levels, and additional benefits have been found when used in combination with Urtica dioica (stinging nettle).
By Kathryn Messenger
Downsizer contributions to superannuation

Electric vehicles to be exempt from FBT
Currently, a self-education deduction is limited to costs above $250 each income year. This limitation, known as the s 82A limitation, will be repealed from the tax laws. This requires legislative approval. The announcement is somewhat related to a Treasury discussion paper released in December 2020. However, other matters addressed in the paper, such as deductions for expenses unrelated to current employment, have not been taken further at this stage.
Self-education removal of deduction limitation
Small businesses (aggregated turnover less than $10 million) will be able to apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to pause or modify ATO debt recovery action for debts being disputed in the AAT.
Downsizer contributions have been available to members of complying superannuation funds since 1 July 2018. From that date, a person aged 65 years or older has been able to make a contribution up to $300,000 from the proceeds of selling their main residence. A legislative amendment originally from the 2021 Federal Budget reduced the age limit from 65 to 60 from 1 July 2022. Further, another legislative amendment has been issued by the new government in August 2022 to reduce the age limit again from 60 to 55. The change will not come into effect until after the new Bill receives royal assent. To be eligible to make a downsizer contribution, an individual must have owned their main residence for at least 10 years. It is available to both members of a couple for the same home, even if only one is on the title deed.
Currently, small businesses are required to go through the court system to pause or modify ATO debt recovery action. Taxpayers are otherwise required to pay disputed tax liabilities by the due date or enter into a 50/50 arrangement with the ATO to defer recovery action.
2022 TAX
In the 2021 federal budget, it was announced that the AAT would be empowered to pause or modify ATO debt recovery action until the underlying dispute is resolved.
Individuals may soon have the ability to claim a higher deduction for self-education expenses from the 2022–23 income year. New legislation has been tabled into parliament following the original announcement by the former government in the 2021 Federal Budget.
An employer who provides an employee with an electric vehicle will not be liable for fringe benefits tax on the employee’s private use. The new legislation comes into effect for electric vehicle first held by employers on or after 1 July 2022. To be eligible for the exemption, the electric vehicle must be below the luxury car limit, which is currently sitting at $84,916.
The exemption provides a viable option for employees to reduce their tax bill by salary packaging.
AAT extended power to pause or modify ATO debt recovery
Downsizer contributions are in addition to existing rules and caps and are exempt from the: age test, and $1.7 million total superannuation balance test for making non-concessional contributions.

The skills and training boost is available from 7:30pm (AEDT) on 29 March 2022 until 30 June 2024.
Starting from 1 July 2023, operators of sharing economy platforms will be required to report transactional information to the ATO.
The individual must then provide the Commissioner with evidence of completion of the course in order to avoid financial penalty. The new directive will be available after the Bill receives Royal Assent.
The new directive will be initially limited to small business owners in order to assist them in keeping up to date with tax obligations.
Small businesses will get a bonus tax deduction on top of the allowable deduction for training their Businessesemployees.with aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be entitled to claim a 120% deduction for eligible expenditure. Eligible expenditure refers to external training courses delivered to a business’s employees by a registered training organisation in Australia.
Small business skills and training boost
Sharing economy reporting system to be implemented
A business with aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be entitled to a 20% bonus deduction for expenditure relating to a digital business adoption.
ATO to have power to make small businesses undertake tax education course
The Taxable Payments Reporting System already applies to some businesses in industries where noncompliance is deemed to be high risk. By adding operators of sharing economy platforms to the regime, taxpayers who hold or use assets for short-term lease or contract work will have their information collected.
The identification of users of sharing economy platforms means that, as an adviser, you should be informing taxpayers who earn income off these platforms of their tax obligations. This includes short-term accommodation, ride-sharing transport and food delivery platforms.
Also, other task or time-based service platforms will be required to report for income years beginning on 1 July 2024.
There is a limit of $100,000 of eligible deductions able to be claimed by a business each income year but can be claimed on both business expenses and depreciating assets.
The start date of the proposed changes have been delayed after the former Bill was prorogued at the last federal election.
The bonus deduction will be available for expenditure incurred from 7:30pm (AEDT) on 29 March 2022 (2022 Federal Budget night) until 30 June 2023.
Small business technology investment boost
The Commissioner of Taxation will be given new powers to direct a taxpayer to undertake a record-keeping education course in lieu of an administrative penalty.

Are you an NFP with an up-and-coming event? If so, email your event to and we will place it in the paper for FREE. Advertise your event for FREE on the following pages.


A community engagement project was undertaken in 2020 to determine whether the community wanted the name of the Centre to change and also what programs/events they would like to see happening. Quite a list was created of ideas and suggestions, a number of which are currently happening and the rest are in the planning. Other ideas come through discussion with community members, evaluation of programs run, and a suggestion box.
• Creativity – art and ceramics classes, photography classes
• Music – ukulele classes, looking at a community choir
This year has seen a new staff team employed, a new Committee of Management as well as a new 3 year strategic plan. With the support of grant funds through Give WhereYouLive, Geelong Community Foundation, Australian Neighbourhood Housesand Centres Association and COGG, there is a comprehensive program of different activities and events running and more planned.
Planting Workshops – how to grow food in pots.
The following are some of the activities and programs being run at the Centre on the basis of ongoing feedback:

2022 is an exciting year after the challenges of the past few when the Centre experienced restrictions and lockdowns due to Covid 19. Despite this, BLLC was able to continue to deliver food support to the community with the help of volunteers and learning continued on-line.
• Exercise - classes, yoga, a walking group, line dancing
• Events – BLLC recognises many nationally significant days with events held at BLLC. We recently held a morning tea for Wear it Purple Day with beautiful purple food created by encompass 3219 Eat café. For RUOkay Day, we have the McKillop students coming to make soup and toasties for the community. A community market is being planned for later in the year in collaboration with other organisations and services in the area.
• Food and nutrition – Foodbank including a food/seed swap, cooking classes, growing food workshops, BLLC plot at the Grinter Community Garden

03 5248 1926

Bellarine Living and Learning Centre (BLLC) is an active, vibrant and inclusive Neighbourhood House situated in Whittington. Since its beginnings in 1984, BLLC has provided a place for the community to connect, source support, learn new things, be creative, get involved and have fun.

Foodbank Food Swap Table of the
• Learning opportunities – A number of adult learning courses are run at BLLC including Horticulture, Write Your Own Life Story, Kitchen Operations, computers, Art and Personal Development
Not-For-Profit Month Mother’s Day morning tea and Neighbourhood House Day Minimal Waste Workshops - How to make 3 meals from one set of ingredients. September 2022 Christmas celebration 2021 – outdoors and Covid safe!

For further information, contact us on:

BLLC works in partnership with other services and organisations to ensure a community development approach is underpinning what we do. This is developing as the new staff team consolidate relationships and continue to make plans to work together with community.
BLLC also welcomes volunteers. We currently have volunteers in our Foodbank program, assisting people with tax returns, applying for the Power Saving Bonus and general duties. Volunteering provides a way for people to connect with others and to contribute in a meaningful way. Volunteers undergo a recruitment process and are well supported and recognised.

• Youth focus – COGG run 3 youth groups throughout the week. BLLC recently partnered with Gordon Youth Work students to undergo a short study of the opinions of young people about the area and the BLLC. The results of this study are being used to develop activities also of interest to young people in the area.
There are opportunities for students studying a range of courses to complete work placements at BLLC. We are currently supervising 2 Deakin University students studying Social Work and Public Health, who have undertaken a piece of research into our Foodbank program. The results of this research have already begun to be implemented and have made a significant difference in how the Foodbank program is run.
The BLLC is open from Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 3.00pm and people are welcome to come in, make themselves a cuppa and have a chat with staff, volunteers or other community members.
Kick off Grand Final week in style at 26 while raising funds for the Geelong Region Cancerians.
Bookings via Piano Bar
Piano Bar
In addition to the great Piano Bar Entertainment, Geelong’s own Dwayne Russell, a former Geelong Cats superstar and current media personality, and Tom King, broadcaster, commentator and the editor for football at Geelong’s home of footy: K-Rock, will talk about the 2022 AFL season and their predictions for the grand final.

Doors open at 12pm with entertainment from 12:30pm. Tickets include a selection of nibbles on the day and drinks can be purchased from the bar.
The vision of the Geelong Region Cancerians is to raise awareness of uterine cancer detection while raising funds that support research for all cancers.

26 Malop Street, Geelong, Sunday 18 September 2022, 12:00pm - 3:00pm The
Attendees are encouraged to wear their footy colours. The banter during the afternoon will appeal to everyone, even if they are not die-hard football fans. 35SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG35SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

36 FIND GEELONG | SEPTEMBER 2022 The Geelong muMEcations retreat includes accommodation at the new and stylish R Hotel Geelong located close to the waterfront and Westfield shopping centre, spa pampering treatment, restaurant dining and plenty of free time to explore the shops and popular Makers and Growers Market just minutes walk from the hotel. *All profits are redistributed towards providing funded places for Mums experiencing social, health or financial hardship and are in desperate need of a break. RETREAT INCLUSIONS: 2 nights accommodation at the R Hotel Geelong in a hotel room (2 x twin beds OR 1 x king bed) – with your own coffee machine! Breakfast daily Welcome drinks and nibbles on Friday afternoon 2-course restaurant dinner on Friday night 60-minute spa treatment of choice Mum-only gifts to take home Private Facebook group for attendees to connect pre-retreat All arrangements and bookings made for you Full support during retreat TWINCOST:SHARE | $800 p/person SINGLE | $1100 p/person A weekend in the gorgeous costal town of Geelong is the perfect opportunity for some R&R and to start your shoppingChristmasniceandearly. Friday 04 to Sunday 06, November 2022

Our children imitate these behaviours as they observe us displaying them what a responsibility! These pictures say it all.
The following are my top five parenting modelling tips: 37SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

1. Spend quality and quantity time playing and talking with children our children measure love by how much time we spend with them and as we love them, they learn love for themselves and others
My wife and I have four adult sons and I have to admit they are all largely ‘chips off the old block’.
3. Be open and honest about your own failings be prepared to say sorry and admit fault our transparency creates opportunities to connect emotionally with children
5. Display kindness and respect to people generally as children observe us caring for others, their perspectives broaden and they see the world as a place where they too can have a positive impact
Modelling Behaviour
In essence our children become what they witness in us, as parents. They copy our behaviours: our habits, our attitudes, our manner of relating to others, the way we react to situations, the means by which we deal with conflict and so the list goes on.

All the best everyone, Kindest Regards, Rob. LPS Chaplain.
I hope you’re coping okay with your present challenges. How we deal with our life’s challenges and struggles has a marked effect on our children. And what we model in all of our behaviour impacts our children more than we might imagine.
2. Show love and respect for the other parent even if we’re estranged from them the way relate to the other parent has massive impact on our children
4. Resolve conflict in the family calmly and respectfully find a suitable time to talk things through

• 20+ Vehicles from Vintage Cars to Big Rigs for kids to touch, honk horns & explore! (under supervision) • 40+ Market Stalls incl. Food Trucks • Pony Rides, Animal Farm, Face Painting • Jumping Castle, Sausage Sizzle and SO much more! includes Touch a Truck display & free animal farm Knaith Road Child Care Centre open from 10am – 12 noon for tours Come see us at: Knaith Road Reserve, Ringwood East VIC 3135 off Dublin Road


BY KNAITH ROAD 39SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG39SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Sunday September11th@ 9am Johnstone Park Geelong Join us in Spreading Awareness

One. Spot the signs:
Remind yourself to relax. Take a deep breath. Role model calm and composed.
• Increased alcohol and/or drug use, anger, aggression, irritability, crying, sadness, nervousness, anxiety
Don’t underestimate the power of social support. “How can I best support you right now?” Even if they don’t seem receptive to your support, simply being there for them can be extremely valuable. Each time you offer your support, it can be that metaphorical nudge they might need towards getting help.
Explore referral options together and explicitly ask what you can do to best support them. “I’m aware of some good support options, how can I best help you connect with someone? Let’s do this together.”
Remind yourself to LISTEN first. You’ve got two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you speak.
• Risk-taking and impulsivity, ‘wild’ behaviour
• Disrupted sleep, aches, and pains, declining physical health, looking and feeling run down
2. Lifeline – 13 11 14 – free crisis support 24/7
Two. A little bit of prep and kickstarting the conversation:
3. Trusted GP for a chat – ask about a Mental Health Care/ Treatment Plan and referral to a mental health professional
If you’re going to genuinely ask someone how they are doing, you need to be prepared for a range of responses including, “Not OK”.
Three. Let them know about support options:
No seriously, R U Ok?
Five. When looking to support someone else, it’s important to make sure you’re looking after yourself. ‘It’s hard to pour from an empty cup’.
The list could go on! Warning signs can appear in all shapes and sizes. But always trust your instincts! Look out for any change in behaviour or someone acting out of character.
Gently nudge, don’t nag. Follow up your conversation to show that you genuinely care (remember the power of social support) and to determine whether they are feeling any better. If they aren’t, re-explore some of the support options outlined in Step 3. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to improved mental health and well-being, so trying a few different things is important.
Keep it simple. Take the pressure off yourself to have all the answers. You can stumble and fumble your way through this stuff, there’s no perfect thing to say to someone who mightn’t be travelling so well.
Four. Check-in, again and again.
Plan for the conversation before acting. Have a loose script in mind. What are the observable behaviour changes you might comment on?
Self-support – encourage good self-care practices. “What have you done in the past to feel better about yourself? Alright, let’s start doing some of this stuff again.”
How to support those who mightn’t be.
Consider, are you feeling capable of providing support? Do you have time to listen? Have you got your own self-care and support in place? Practice self-care regularly to help YOU, but also so you can better help others.
• Challenging life events (separation and divorce, parenting difficulties, exam stress, work-related pressures, job insecurity, physical illness, social isolation, and loneliness)
To commemorate R U OK? Day on Thursday 8 September, our friends at Livin’ have shared some hot tips on how to identify and support a family member, friend or colleague who may not be feeling 100%. You don’t have to be qualified to make a difference. A simple conversation could just change a life.

“Hey *insert name*, you seem a bit off at the moment, how are you going? No seriously, how are you really going?”
1. Friends and family – social support
As the saying goes, prior preparation prevents poor performance. What are the environments/locations that may be less confrontational to kickstart a conversation? Over a coffee? Over a beer? While exercising?
If you’re finding life tough or need some extra support, it can help to talk about how you’re feeling with someone you trust. Family and friends can also call upon these services for advice and assistance on how to support someone who is struggling with life. View our directory of national helplines and services at
Limit throwing out advice or solutions too soon, even if a solution seems obvious. Work with them to come up with solutions together. 41SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG41SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Do you have an upcoming events? Place your EVENT AD here for FREE in our community online paper. SEND US YOUR NEWS! Simply upload your ad

If you would like to inquire call Warren at 1300 88 38 30 or email the Our Sporting Club Sponsors who submits their information and an interesting stories each month relating to their club/sports.

In 1971 a couple of locals, Len Lewis and Kevin Ash had an idea for a bowls club in Leopold. The idea took hold, a committee formed and money raised. A location was needed that would have enough space for two bowling greens and a clubhouse. Finally this was located in Kensington Road, our current location and 5 acres purchased for $8500.

There are so many people to thank over many years for their support, encouragement and voluntary help along with the the original crew that helped established the club.
Leopold Sporties, located in Leopold, Victoria, is a club based on sports. We offer Bowls, both social and Pennant, Golf, Racquet Ball and Squash.

In May 1975 the club was officially opened as a family friendly sporting club by Brian Dixon, the then Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation. You can see the results for yourself on visiting our club.
FC Leopold was established in 2016 by Jared Larkins and Mitchell Vials. The club is based in Leopold, Victoria and played its first competitive games in 2017. In our first season we had over 100 registered players and expect those numbers to grow in 2018 and continue to grow into the future as the club continues to develop.
The club aims to provide a positive family friendly enviroment for our members to develop their skills off the field and to also become great people off the field.The club is run solely by volunteers and we are always looking to get members involved in helping the club grow and develop.
We are aiming to become a huge part of the Leopold community and look forward to growing the sport of football (soccer) in our beautiful town.
FC Leopold are looking for enthusiastic members of the community who would like to contribute to the clubs ethos and family friendly feel - whether that is through being a committee member, volunteer, coach or player.
Like the page to keep up to date with the clubs progress as exciting things are happening with lights and a massive COGG funded pavilion project. LEOPOLD
FC Leopold is a community club that fields senior mens teams, a senior womens team and multiple miniroos and junior teams in Geelong competitions.


Email your Rental Listings to Find Geelong each week and we will update your Listing in the online community paper for FREE. FREE RENTAL LISTINGS ADVERTISING If you have any questions, contact Warren on 1300 88 38 30 or email to: From Monday 5 September, we are excited to welcome you to Wurriki Nyal, our new Civic Precinct. Find us at 137–149 Mercer Street, Geelong. Our customer service team will be ready to assist you from Monday. The name of our new precinct, Wurriki Nyal means ‘to speak and talk together’ in Wadawurrung language, and this move brings together nine locations to improve the way we serve you, our thriving community. You’ll benefit from a tailored customer service approach in an inclusive and accessible space in the heart of our city. When you arrive, you can enter the building from Mercer Street, Gheringhap Street and Bayley Street. Our Brougham Street office is no longer open. While our address is new, our phone number has remained the same. You can continue to call our customer service team on 5272 5272 If you’d like to read more about our new civic precinct, visit We look forward to welcoming you at Wurriki Nyal soon! WE HAVE MOVED - SEE YOU THERE! Our customer service team, like Shona look forward to welcoming you at Wurriki Nyal

The region’s beach nesting birds have begun breeding and seasonal dog regulations are now in place to better protect the birds during this vulnerable
Residents can visit our website to confirm the dog regulations in effect.

More information on the endangered Hooded Plover and the Council’s conservation plan can be found here

on-leash’ advisory signage has been posted in the protected beach areas.
It is rare that chicks survive long enough to successfully fly.
• observing signs
Beach nesting plover species are much smaller than Masked Lapwing plovers which are found in suburban areas often nesting on lawns, nature strips or other grassy places.
• keeping your distance from signed fenced breeding sites.
“We appreciate dog owners adapting their behaviour each spring and summer on the few beaches where these birds remain. After the eggs hatch, chicks take another five weeks before they are able to fly. making them vulnerable to predators and dogs off leash.”

endangered Hooded Plovers breed between August and March on popular sandy surf beaches such as Breamlea Beach, Thirteenth Beach, Point Impossible and Collendina to the Point Lonsdale Red-cappedlighthouse.Plovers
Hooded Plovers and Red Capped Plovers each lay up to three eggs in a tiny scrape in the beach sand, above the high-water mark. The nests are almost invisible to the untrained eye.
• manage your dog according to the regulation signs; and
“Considerate actions of beachgoers, such as keeping dogs on leash and giving birds space, have a positive impact on the ability of the birds to successfully breed. Disturbance from unleashed dogs is one of the major threats to beach nesting birds, but also one threat visitors can control. Keeping your dogs on a leash gives plovers and other endangered local beach birdlife the best chance of survival.”
To help protect our plover nests and chicks, seasonal changes in some dog regulations on beaches are now in
have also been found nesting in recent years on bayside beaches such as Ramblers Road Foreshore, Portarlington.
Councillor Jim Mason, Chair of the Environment portfolio
Given they nest in the warmer months when the beach is busier, they can struggle to find undisturbed space to nest, feed and raise their young.
Help Protect Our Beach Nesting Birds
• walking along the water’s edge
Volunteers Help Green Shared Trail
You can help to protect beach nesting birds by:
Once the plovers lay their eggs, they take 30 days to hatch.
• Geelong West Community Garden, 129 Autumn Street, Geelong West
Gold coin donations to the community gardens are encouraged but optional.
Councillor Belinda Moloney, chair of the Circular Economy portfolio;
“The contamination rates are a small percentage of our overall collection, but the impact and the costs it has on our composting program are quite large.
Residents are encouraged to bring their own container, such as a bucket or old potting mix bag, to minimise the packaging needed at each site.
The City will donate any remaining compost to the participating community
• South Point Garden Supplies, 15 Boneyards Ave, Torquay
The production of high-quality compost from Geelong’s garden waste is a big win for the local circular economy, allowing us to take control of our waste and turn it into a valuable, locally-made resource.”
“This is a great way to show residents of the full value of disposing of their green waste properly, and to highlight the benefits of our volunteer-run community gardens.
• Springdale Community Garden, 276290 Jetty Road, Curlewis (behind the Drysdale Community Church)
Free compost on offer at community giveaway
The City-made compost is available for purchase at the following local outlets:
The City is converting about 35,000 tonnes of garden waste from residential green bins into Australian standard compost each year at a processing facility in TheAnakie.initiative
Educational materials will be provided to residents on the day, to help reinforce good habits around what goes into the green waste bins.
By putting the right thing in your green garden bin, you’re helping create a recycled compost product, divert waste from landfill and drive our push to a sustainable future.”
ensures household garden waste stays out of landfill, and provides high quality compost for City-managed sites, including the botanic gardens, sports grounds, and parks.
Residents will be able to pick up free samples of high-quality compost made from the contents of green waste bins.
Greater Geelong Mayor Peter Murrihy;
• The Mulch Centre, 72-80 Buckley Grove, Moolap
• Lara Community Garden, Scuti Court, Lara (next to the Lara and District Mens Shed)
• Norlane Community Garden, 39a Rose Avenue, Norlane
The information was part of a wider campaign to reduce the amount of contaminants in green bins.
•gardens:Grinter Garden,125 Coppards Road, Moolap (behind Splashdown)
• Wallington’s Water Rural Garden, 370 Grubb Rd, Wallington
To celebrate the success of the product, a community compost giveaway day will be held on Saturday 10 September.
• Elcho Garden Supplies, 180 Elcho Rd, Lara
Free locally made compost will be on offer when the City of Greater Geelong teams up with six community gardens for a sustainability showcase this week.

• Grovedale Community Garden, 4547 Heyers Road, Grovedale
The compost has proven popular among community gardens and garden clubs, with residents now able to buy it for their personal use via several local gardening centres. 49SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG49SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Lights shine brightly in Norlane
Geelong is seen as a leading Smart City that’s investing in its future through smart technology, open data and innovation.”
These events are really important for sharing our achievements and being inspired by smart city initiatives from across the globe.”
City joins local partners in Regional Renewable Organics Network
Greater Geelong is an innovative, pioneering city and we are proud to have a place on the world stage to highlight the way we’re using smart technology and digital innovation
Mayor Peter Murrihy
• Enhanced fibre installation to The Bellarine- future-proofing our City with digital infrastructure.

• Weather Together- a community weather data project to understand microclimates.
Councillor Sarah MansfieldInnovative Solutions Deputy Chair
• Hollow Hunt- a citizen science initiative to protect tree hollows.
We (City of Greater Geelong) have been recognised at the World Smart City Expo in Korea, winning the International Smart City of the Year award alongside Barcelona City.
“The award is recognition of joint efforts between Council, the private sector, the education sector and other levels of Government to create a more liveable, sustainable and thriving Greater Geelong.

• Urban Forest Dashboard - sharing data on city-managed trees
Smart City projects are all about making a difference to our community and environment. We’re using smart sensors to help protect native wildlife and sharing data on more than 165,000 trees we manage through our new Urban Forest Dashboard.
Examples of Smart City initiatives underway in Greater Geelong include:
• Public WiFi & Enhanced Broadbandto reduce the digital divide and stimulate business innovation.
For more information visit Greater Geelong, a Smart City.
• Internet of Things- using smart sensors to collect data and insights.
Geelong recognised globally as a leading Smart City

Wadawurrung Scarred Tree finds a new home at Wurriki Nyal

• Geelong Data Exchange- open data that anyone can access, modify and reuse.
“The award is recognition of the progress the City has made since the adoption of our Smart City Strategic Framework in 2021.
More news and updates
SEPTEMBER 2022 SEND US YOUR NEWS! Do you have photos from a local event or great story would like to share? Email your events to and we will place it in the Paper for FREE.


Immediately implementable,
About this event
In this kitchen, you’re not just there to create.
• 3 course gastronomic feast
Under pressure, you’ll be encouraged to;
• Think outside the box
You’ll receive
Cooking up a resilient
Leadership training for building trusted relationships.
• Personalised outline of your preferred behavioural style 51SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG51SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

our techniques will dramatically improve; • Productivity • Relationships • Performance AND our formula shows you how to eliminate; • Disengagement • Lack of trust Way more than just theory, this is a fun and interactive, premium training. Your leadership skills will develop as you gain a deep insight into why you do what you do; appreciating and understanding your very own uniqueness whilst developing the very best in effective communication techniques and building stronger relationships, across all areas of your life... Our training is usually only offered as a team package, so this opportunity truly is a rare one. Ticket price is also heavily discounted - at over 50% off reguar rate - for Leaders who wish to ‘try before you buy’ or get ahead of the pack! So if this is something you’re thinking about, NOW is the time to act... we guarantee that you will not be disappointed! Ticketing is strictly limited to 12 participants. Date and time Thu, October 6, 2022 3:30 PM – 8:00 PM AEDT Location St Mary’s Sports Club Latrobe AustraliaNewtown,TerraceVIC3220 View map Go to: Tickets • Prioritise as you go • Resolve conflict • Adaptability • Resilience • Areas of Conflict • Low confidence • Role uncertainty
Here, whilst experiencing the pressure and time constraints compared to a work environment, the kitchen becomes a self-evaluation tool for you to reflect - and act - on your communication strategy and view of others… in order to complete this gastronomic challenge.
• Support each other Unite in your common goal
In our training, led by a master of human behaviour and guided by a 5-star chef, you are placed in the intensity of a commercial kitchen environment, where you work together to create and dine on a 3-course absolute masterpiece (no cooking experience required)…OK, the small similarities end there ;-)

If you’re thinking ‘cooking class’, think again. This is not even close.
52 FIND GEELONG | SEPTEMBER 2022 1 & 1/2 DAYS | 2 EXPERTS | REAL EXPERIENCE Follow Us: @PresentingYourWayWorkshop Record A Professional Promotional Video Strengthen Self Belief Generate Income Due To Popular Demand We Have Changed Dates & Venues. Extra Seats Now Available. HOSTED BY: PRESENTINGYOURWAY! NEW DATES: Friday 7th of October Saturday 8th of October NEW TIMES: Friday - 5.30pm - 9.30pm Saturday - 9am - 5pm NEW VENUE: Volunteering Geelong, The Rodgers Room, 192 Myers Street, Geelong TICKETS: $180 per person To Purchase Your Tickets - Visit: To Purchase Your Tickets - Visit: Your Video & Business Experts: ALLISON GROOT Yes Today Media DONNA MORRISON Peak State Consulting DURING THIS EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP YOU WILL CREATE: 30sec Professional Recorded Promotional Video Create An Unstoppable Mindset Build Massive Confidence Gain Practical Film Crew Experience or call Allison on 0403 899 697 for more information LIMITED SEATS. Book Now…So You Don’t Miss Out. 53SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG53SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG FC Leopold presents, Trivia Night Hosted by “Trivia with a Twist” (Allan and Maureen) Doors open at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Get your “brain crew” together and book your table It’s,but,it’sback!!

Phone: +61 470 360 858
Kardinia Gala Night

When 17 September 2022, 05:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Dress code
Black tie (formal attire) with a black and gold colour theme.
Contact: Emeka Okwudishu
Website: M5pFq0RAnKHqZmfrZeK7tL-jBmHAR0dFE6xZUm7iaZasMpRbaDIBYFC21_night-tickets-403822021537?fbclid=IwAcom/e/kardinia-afro-australia-gala-https://www.eventbrite.
Where Geelong WadawurrungRacecourseCountry,99Breakwater Road, Breakwater VIC 3219
Associated organisation: Kardinia Hope Care Incorporated
Join us as we showcase and celebrate Africans in Australia. Come celebrate Afra-Australian communities rich and diverse culture through amazing music, food and dance.
Little Creatures Brewing and Pure Paws Dog Bakery bring you...

Whether you are looking to learn to sail, join a community of like-minded people or volunteer at our club, bring your family and discover what RGYC has to offer. The friendly members and staff will be on hand

Royal Geelong Yacht Club Community Open Day
Wadawurrung Country, 25 Eastern Beach Road, Geelong VIC 3220
Follow us: royalgeelongyachtclub
Contact : Circus Royale
Associated organisation: Circus Royale
Awarded the Australian Sailing Club of the Year and Community Clubs Victoria Regional Community Club of the Year awards in 2020, RGYC is home to the annual Festival of Sails and Biennial Wooden Boat Festival of Geelong.
Royal Geelong Yacht Club (RGYC) would like to welcome the Greater Geelong, Bellarine and Surf Coast communities to attend our free Community Open Day. 55SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG55SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Phone: +61 3 5229 3705
When 11 September 2022, 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Contact Email:
Associated organisation: Royal Geelong Yacht Club
Circus Royale’s first ever visit to Waurn Ponds All under the bright blue and yellow big top tent, Damian Syred’s 2022 Circus Royale features extraordinary feats such •as: The Globe Of Death. • Amazing Aerial Artistry. Circus Royal Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to showtime • Jaw-dropping Illusions. • The Wheel Of Steel. • Daredevil High Wire and so much more. When Various dates from 15 September 2022 to 9 October 2022
Phone: +61 410 669 253
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club
to show you around and showcase everything RGYC is about, including a free come and try experience in our beautiful St.Ayles Skiff rowing boats.
The Yot Café will be open from 9:003:00pm, providing breakfast, lunch and snacks, while our Members Bar will keep you hydrated during your visit.
Follow us: circusroyale

Contact National Wool Museum
Phone: 03 5272 4701
The Woolstore sits on Wadawurrung country on the site of an ancient water way, a place of cultural significance. With invasion, Wadawurrung peoples’ lives changed forever, but they continued to live on country and many of their stories are captured in this exhibition.
Where National Wool Museum
Bluestone: 150 Years of the Dennys Lascelles Woolstore

Bluestone: 150 Years of the Dennys Lascelles Woolstore is an honest account of the colonisation of the region and events leading up to the opening of the woolstore. Bluestone will tell the stories of those who have walked these halls and will explore the progress of Geelong and those who lived here through the ages.
•CostAdult: $10.00
Colac Herald, Tuesday 29 October 1895:
Bluestone will consider the many faces of CJ Dennys. On the one hand Dennys has been memorialised for his kindness and generosity, but on the other Dennys was a frontiersman who committed acts of frontier violence—a story that the Museum tells in their core exhibition On the Land: Our Story Retold, and one that will be approached again.
An employee at Messrs Dennys, Lascelles, Austing and Co’s grain store, Geelong named Arthur Ganly, 65 years of age, got entangled in the machinery while working a lift, with the result that his head was torn almost off. Death must have been instantaneous.

When the Woolstore was opened it was an innovation in colonial architecture, with advanced design for lighting and ventilation. The bluestone came from Fyansford quarries (with the dressed portion from Ballarat) and the bricks came from the kiln in West Geelong.
Bluestone also explores forgotten storiesHave you ever felt Ganley’s ghost inside the woolstore? In 1895, Arthur Ganley was decapitated by the bale lift while working in the building. But there are other equally evocative stories, such as young female employees training for their basketball competitions on the top floor of the building. And there are stories we are still excavating, just like the tunnels that used to run under Brougham Street.
• Child: $6.00
The Museum tells the stories of this land by looking at the unique geology of the region and its deep past. It tells Wadawurrung stories and explores the many faces of our past.
“A shocking fatality
When Daily from 16 September 2022 to 23 April 2023, 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Associated organisation: National Wool Museum

• Family: including$30.002adults and up to 4 children
Wadawurrung Country, 26-32 Moorabool Street, Geelong 3220
The Museum has commission Wadawurrung emerging elder, Dr Deanne Gilson to create an exhibition that compliments the telling of the Bluestone story. Wadawurrung Dja: Awakening Country is on display until 15 November 2022.
On 1 August 1872 the CJ Dennys & Co Woolstore opened, adorning the corner of Moorabool and Brougham Streets, Geelong. At the time of opening, the basalt bluestone woolstore was the second largest store in Victoria and by many accounts the “most elaborate”. On the day of opening there was a banquet for 200 people on the third floor that was, of course, followed by a wool sale.
• Concession: $8.00

Kelly Sports Spring Holiday Programme

• Holiday programme - Suitable for boys and girls aged from 5-12 years old.
Early Bird child if book prior to 05 September 2022.
• Sports programme - An emphasis on fun, enjoyment and maximum participation. All participants are encouraged, educated and entertained during their time spent with their Kelly Sports coaches. Students require a hat, sunscreen, packed lunch and water bottle.
When Daily from 19 September 2022 to 30 September 2022, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Week 1 will be only open up to 60 spots so make sure to book in quick so you don’t miss out...! Programme options include: 57SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG57SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Where Geelong Sports Hub South Geelong Wadawurrung Country, 1 Crown St, South Geelong VIC 3220 Cost • Child: $55.00 Daily per child. • Other/More Information: $250.00 Per child for the entire week. Contact: Nicholas Clydesdale Email: Phone: +61 497 770 909 Associated organisation: Kelly Sports Website: Follow us: kellysportsgeelong/
Kelly Sports Geelong Holiday Programme is back...! We are very excited to be back up and running our school holiday programme these at the Geelong Sports Hub/ Christian College. What a great way to spend your school holidays with the team at Kelly Sports, participating in a variety of active, fun and engaging activities.
Special $45 per
Bookings are essential and places are limited.
• Adult: $19.00

Associated organisation: Port Phillip Ferries
ferry only ex Portarlington
Contact Port Phillip Ferries
Follow us: Group-434170896782789Bellarine-Vintage-Machinery-
Bellarine Vintage Machinery Group Vintage Rally
history and going back to your grass roots. When 25 September 2022, 09:00 AM
Fish Club (ages 6-13 incl).
Including free bottles of water each on entry
Wadawurrung Country, Boat Road, Portarlington VIC 3223
Thanks to the teams at Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre and Caring for our Bays – Bellarine Catchment Network the 2-hour interactive experience will allow your child to learn about marine creatures, caring for the environment and an introduction to responsible fishing.
Associated organisation: Bellarine Agricultural Society Inc
Wadawurrung Country, Portarlington Pier, Portarlington, VIC 3223
Phone: +61 3 9514 8959
Contact Graeme Brown
03:00 PM
• Companion Card
• Concession: $17.00
ferry only ex Portarlington (17+ years)
Follow us: portphillipferries/
Port Phillip Ferries FISH Club (school holiday departure)
2 Adults & 2 Children with Fish Club
Port Phillip Ferries Portarlington Pier
About the FISH (Ferry to Inspire Sustainability Heroes) Club.
• Child: $11.00
Where Portarlington Recreation Reserve
ferry only ex Portarlington
• Family: $97.00
•CostAdult:Including$10.00afreebottle of water on entry
Vintage machinery displays and Showingdemonstrations.visitors to the area and the community of the Geelong Region how farming was done in the past. Preserving

• Family: $20.00
Phone: +61 408 524 607
When Various dates from 21 September 2022 to 29 September 2022, 10:40 AM - 03:40 PM
• Senior: $17.00
ferry only ex Portarlington (4-16 years)
• Other/More Information: $34.00
• Adult: $10.50 (Admit One)
There are two age-based sessions available: one for Young Animators (children aged 7–12) and one for Teen Animators (children aged 13–17).
Phone: 1300 251 200
What is it?
Come join us for This Is Me, a FREE threeday animation workshop with Pillowfort Creative and Kiri Tawhai!
Wadawurrung Country, 81 Ryrie St, Geelong 3220
Choosing from a range of different stop motion animation mediums, teen animators will choose a moment in time, from laughing with friends to learning a new skatepark trick, that will share who they are through a short animation.

Are you looking for a creative and engaging activity for young First Nations people during the upcoming September School holidays?
This Is MeWorkshopsAnimationYoungerPeople
Teen Animators (children aged 13–17) 59SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG59SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
oin best friends Jude and Penny on a musical under the sea adventure! An
Phone: 03 5251 1998
Book online now! Or alternatively call The Potato Shed to speak to our friendly staff!
Email: parrwang@geelongartscentre.
Contact Geelong Arts Centre
Follow us: potatosheddrysdale
• No previous animation experience is required
Associated organisation: Theatre 3Triple2 4 Kids
• Young Animators will explore the traits that make up their identity and which animals share those traits in order to create larger than life animals for use in animation.
When Daily from 27 September 2022 to 29 September 2022, 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM
original story with songs both kids and grown-ups alike will love, including fan favourites like “Yellow Submarine” and “Octopus’ Garden”. The Submarine is making a splash these September school holidays! A fun adventure for all ages.

Tickets are available exclusively to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people by emailing parrwang@ information
Associated organisation: Geelong Arts Centre
• Family: $35.00 (Family of 4)
Where Studio 4, Geelong Arts Centre
Various dates from 27 September 2022 to 30 September 2022 Where Potato WadawurrungShed Country, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale 3222
Website: younger-people-workshops/au/parrwangcommunityarts/this-is-me-
Contact: Lisa Harvey or Rob MacLeod
This Is Me invites Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from across the region to engage in three amazing days of workshops. We will explore animation, from storytelling and construction of characters to the process of stop motion animation. Participants will create their very own short animation under the guidance of Creative Directors from Geelong’s only animation studio, Pillowfort Creative.
• Lunch is provided each day
Follow us: geelongartscentre/
• Young Animators (children aged 7–12)
Additional information:
in your email: Your Name Email address Phone number Your child’s name Your child’s age
Stop motion animation is animation that is captured one frame at a time, with physical objects that are moved between frames so that when played back rapidly, the sequence of images creates the illusion of movement.
When 11 September 2022, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Associated organisation: Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens Website:

Contact Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens

When 17 September 2022, 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Where Geelong Botanic Gardens Wadawurrung Country, Eastern Park, Geelong
Associated organisation: Lucid Neptune
• Courtney O’Reilly • Evoke My Senses • Lucid Neptune • Megan McInerney • Monnie Moo Design • Pash Unique • Tegan Crosbie • Vic Downey
Chinese Plants in Geelong Botanic Gardens
Phone: +61 420 496 931
Phone: 5222 6053
Follow us:
and Workshops
Wadawurrung Country, 17d Rutland Street, Newtown VIC 3220
China had the first Botanical Garden in 138 BC, an enormous park with 2,000 different plants and hot houses. 2nd emperor Yang Di in Sui dynasty (581-618AD) built the largest gardens in history and searched far and wide for rare and beautiful plants. 2,000 years of Chinese horticultural endeavour enrich gardens all over the world. You won’t believe how many of our plants have Chinese Meetorigins!your guide at the front steps. Gold coin donation requested.
The Pop Up Creatives Market showcases the work of local artists and makers inside the beautiful Space - Gallery + Workshops. Entry and car parking is free, the carpark located outside the Gallery (enter via Riversdale Road).

Where Gallery
The Space
Contact: Lucid Neptune
Stallholders include:
Children are grouped according to age and can request to be with siblings and friends. All participants will receive a Graduation Certificate.
When Various dates from 17 January 2022 to 27 September 2022 Where Ashby Primary School Wadawurrung Country, 1 Waratah St, Geelong West VIC 3218
Phone: 1300 130 313
Beat your friends (or the clock) in modelling speed comps or build the tallest tower in town...! Plus, use Lego’s tablet technology to explore a heap of fun games.
They will enjoy rotating classes over the 2 day program which are run by industry professionals, to improve their singing, dancing and acting skills. We also include additional classes such as science, arts and craft, fun with food, team challenges and self-motivation.
The workshop is suitable for boys and girls aged 5 - 12 years with any or no previous training who have an interest in performing or would like to develop their self-confidence. Our aim is to provide a fun, but educational experience for children. We encourage them to be part of the creative process, allowing them to feel important and proud of their efforts. 61SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG61SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Please contact us for more details or book through our website before places are filled.
They will perform a mini-concert on the second day to family and friends to showcase their new found talents.
Bop till you Drop’s professional entertainers have been running school holiday workshops in various locations around Australia for the past 14 years, with a focus on developing children’s self confidence through singing, dancing and acting in a 2-day intensive Performing Arts Workshop.

Contact Jennifer Borg
Follow us: events/369011903813954/?ti=icl
Contact: Centre Management
School Holidays - Lego Zone
Associated organisation: Bop till you Drop
Website: melbourne-2/melbourne/school-holiday-programs-home-melbourne/school-programs-
School Holiday Performing Arts Workshop in Geelong West
Cost This is a free event
Daily from 19 September 2022 to 22 September 2022, 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Phone: +61 3 5244 2580
Get ready to build, play and explore at Lego City… A world of free play where little Lego lovers can let their imaginations run wild...!

Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre Outside Target Wadawurrung Country, Cnr Colac and Pioneer Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216
Associated organisation: Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre Website:
Follow us: The stories behind street names
Maybe you will consider becoming a member on arrival if you are not already one and then you will be entitled to a ticket for half price...!
Email: festivalofglassdrysdale@gmail. com
The exhibition includes:
Please join us at the Point Lonsdale Hall for this interesting Museum Talk.
• Glass sales.
• Demonstrations and more. Contact Mercedes Drummond
Associated organisation: Festival of Glass Inc
Where Point Lonsdale Hall Country, 22 Bowen Rd, Point Lonsdale VIC 3225
AssociatedContact organisation:
Website: au
Festival of Glass Expo
Follow us: festivalofglass
The next Museum Talk is by former QHM researcher Jennifer Sherman who will tell us about street names of Queenscliff and those who are commemorated by them.

Everyone is most welcome and off-street parking is available in the paddock adjoining the hall.
Phone: +61 418 899 863
$5.00 $5 for
Monthly Talk -
Festival of Glass Expo is back on in the Bellarine again...! Advancing and promoting the work of glass artist and craftsman, especially of those on the Bellarine Peninsula to a diverse audience.

• $10.00 for non-members Information: Museum Members
• Glass art exhibits.
• Other/More
When 23 September 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
10.5 hours of programmed Coerver Coaching sessions delivered by Coerver Diploma accredited coaches.
• Certificate of attendance.
teachers from around the state will descend on the Geelong region for the 25th edition of the games from 19 to 22 September 2021.

The Victorian Teachers’ Games (VTG) is an annual event for education professionals, held in the first week of the September school
Phone: +61 3 9084 9002
• Adidas training shirt.
When Daily from 18 September 2022 to 21 September 2022
Contact: Adrian Leijer
Contact: Pieter Van Pinxteren
Given access to beaches, the bay and river, we expect some exciting water based events will be on the program in 2021!
Coerver Geelong Spring Holiday Camp
Where Various WadawurrunglocationsCountry,Throughout the Geelong area
Players who attend the tailored Coerver Coaching Geelong Holiday Camp receives:
Phone: +61 423 975 569
Associated organisation: School Sport Australia Website: http://www.victeachersgames. Follow us: victorianteachersgames/
Whilecompetition.theprimary focus for the event is on sporting competition, the Games also has a social and educational component.
Where The Geelong College Middle School Wadawurrung Country, 399 Aberdeen Street, Newtown VIC 3220
Associated organisation: Coerver Coaching Geelong Website: spring-holiday-camp-6-14courses/coerver-coaching-geelong-

Participantsholidays.have the opportunity to compete in over 40 sporting and social activities with almost 80 competition categories spread over four days of
Coerver Coaching Holiday Camps offer a fun filled soccer experience for boys and girls aged 6 - 14+ years. Each day will include ball mastery, 1v1 attack and defence, receiving and passing, small sided Coerver® games and mini Coerver Cup tournaments.
VTG is seen as a great way to extend what we do in schools to educate Victoria’s teachers of the value of sport competition, participation and the role being active plays in overall health and wellbeing.
• Home study programme online support. 63SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG63SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
When Daily from 19 September 2022 to 21 September 2022, 10:00 am - 01:30 pm
More information regarding registration, schedule and events will be released on April 28, and registrations will open on May 17.
Victorian Teachers’ Games
VTG also provides significant professional development and team building opportunities for whole staff and individual
This event is proudly supported by the City of Greater Geelong via Geelong Major Events funding.
• Home study programme.
Follow us: coervergeelong
Free Advertising Religious Groups and Churches Services Times Public Notices Geelong 1300 88 38 SEPTEMBER 2022

Religious Groups and Churches

Home to some of Australia’s best-known retailers including Myer, Big W, Target and Coles as well more than 160 specialty stores.
A great range of cafes, restaurants and lunch options.

A friendly Concierge team is available to help with: Westfield gift cards, personal styling sessions, hiring mobility equipment, Kiddy cars, mobile phone charging station, and parking information and more.

Eat Shop
Located in the heart of the city, Westfield Geelong is your one-stop hub for shopping, food, fun and relaxation. Geelong’s premier shopping destination for fashion and beauty.

There are plenty of amenities, a parent’s room on each level and an adult change facility; Changing Places. Located two blocks back from the water front, between Malop Street and Brougham Street.

What’s Happening...
Let’s welcome Gorman to Westfield Geelong Combining classic vintage styles and retro prints with a modern twist, Gorman’s range of women’s apparel and accessories has a unique whimsical flair. Visit Gorman at Westfield Geelong today for vibrant and captivating pieces, that are just waiting to

world’s largest retailer specializing in the sale of officially licensed and branded headwear. Every store offers a vast assortment of college, MLB, NBA, NFL and NHL teams, as well as other specialty fashion categories all in the latest styles and colours. Visit Lids at Westfield Geelong for the latest streetwear styles and personalised accessories. Let’s welcome Lids to Westfield Geelong

get to geelongknow
september 2022

This cosmopolitan and vibrant area is a hive of activity with restaurants and cafes, beautiful landscaped gardens, attractions and public art, all with amazing views of Corio Bay. It also provides a full events calendar, tourism, education and accommodation services: Our historic Carousel, Poppy Kettle playground and youth activities area is great for kids of all ages. See Geelong’s famous bollards.
A visit to Geelong is not complete if you haven’t seen our spectacular waterfront.
The Geelong Waterfront is one of Australia’s most stunning waterfronts. Having started from humble beginnings when Geelong was founded as a port in 1836, the Waterfront has now attracted a series of prestigious awards. 69SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG69SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
There are plenty of possibilities to explore and view the Waterfront: take a ride on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, ride the trackless train if you prefer a more leisurely look around, check out the view from the air in a helicopter or take a boat cruise along Geelong’s spectacular Waterfront.

This is one of the most perfectly positioned playgrounds for so many reasons. Situated on the Geelong waterfront, this park is jam-packed with awesome play elements, has beautiful sea views, has picnic facilities, and is a short walk away from cafes and other Geelong attractions. It makes for a beautiful day out for all ages, and is certainly a must-do in summer.

The interactive play equipment include a multi-coloured tubular slide that winds down the hill, a dragon emerging from the ground, a timber tower, swing, boat (atop the sand pit), bouncers, and a unique pyramid climbing net.
A trip to this playground can be combined with a walk or bike ride along Geelong’s famous Bollard walk or a visit to The Carousel. Geelong’s Youth Activity Precinct is located a stones’ throw away from the playground, and features basketball ring, seating areas, open multipurpose area, and skate ramps.

The playground is also well known for the interactive Poppy Kettle water fountains and miniature statues, situated amongst a rock area, which seem to be the main attraction for little ones. In fact, this feature was inspired by a children’s book written by local author, Robert Ingpen, and gives the park a magical quality. During the summer months the slide area has additional water play features.
Poppy PlaygroundKettle
We strongly advise the wearing of helmets and padding when using our Skate Parks, and enforce compulsory wearing of helmets at all skate events. 71SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG71SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
Looking to get into skating or want to know more about skating in Geelong?
Young people interested in joining in activities can call the Skate Program Worker on 03 5272 5272.
Skate Parks In Geelong

We have more skate parks per capita than any other municipality in Australia.
Skate parks in Geelong have a variety of facilities available for skate boarders, bladers and BMX bike riders including quarter pipes, handrails, funboxes, vert ramps, pyramids, banked ramps, and stairsets.
the paperoldmills
I stayed in a Vrbo in the Old Paper Mills (1878). In Victorian times, this bluestone mill pulped rags to make paper. The dramatic waterfall setting reminded me of the cover of George Eliot’s novel The Mill and the Floss. The present owner, Alex Robins, has lovingly restored what he refers to as an Industrial Cathedral.

Hubcaps To Creative Hubs is the title for a series of short films about creative Geelong. Hubcaps are a reminder of Ford as a major employer before pulling out in 2016. Vacant industrial spaces such as factories and wool mills have become creative villages.
The old mill is a labyrinth of galleries, studios, workshops, and boutique shops with handmade goods. Enjoy a coffee at The Door Gallery Cafe surrounded by antique Indian
has a cellar door and restaurant in the main building. Enjoy tastings matched with bite-sized food pairings. Rone painted one of his famous esoteric faces on the back wall. As street art is so transient, it’s great to see a lasting testament to his work.

Opening in the mid-1850s it was originally known as Railway Pier. It was an important part of the Geelong Port and you can still see the train lines that were used to transport cargo to the end of the pier.
Cunningham Pier fishing has always been popular and in keeping with tradition, local anglers continue to use it.
The pier stretches 250 metres out over Corio Bay and its bright white building is a standout feature of the foreshore.
The two-storey weatherboard building houses the Wah Bar and Asian food restaurant (bao buns!), Wah Wah Gee. The Pier Geelong function centre is also located here.
Cunningham Pier is one of the most recognisable structures on the Geelong Waterfront.

A large part of this Geelong pier is dedicated to car parking and a convenient covered walkway provides shelter as you walk along the train tracks. 73SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG73SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
currently seeking funds for a radical overhaul of the precinct where the current facilities will receive a substantial redevelopment. There are also plans for some pretty innovative landscaping and street works which will bring the area into line with the rest of our recently rejuvenated city. This massive renovation will make the precinct one of the best arts and cultural precincts in the state. The scale of the project put the cost of the whole redevelopment in the vicinity of over 130 million dollars.
The area between Johnstone Park and Ryrie Street to the west of the shopping and business district of Geelong is known as the Geelong Arts Precinct. This area is also home to the Geelong Town Hall, which is the main council offices of the City of Greater TheGeelong.cityis

The Geelong Art Gallery is attached to the Geelong Town Hall, and it houses a magnificent and varied collection of artworks. Two paintings in particular are extremely special to our Gallery, first being the “View of Geelong” which was painted by Eugene von Guerad in 1856. This painting was bought recently by the museum from legendary English musical creator Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. “A Bush Burial” by Fredrick McCubbin, painted in 1890 is another of the gallery’s most precious works.
geelong arts and cultural precinct

Today the area is rarely used for swimming, but it’s still a popular stretch of foreshore connecting Rippleside to the rest of the Waterfront.
Here you’ll find the Boat House restaurant (Geelong’s best spot for fish and chips), the Poppykettle Playground, a designated fishing area, and the marvelous Western Beach

over the water the boardwalk has well-placed seats where you can sit back and watch the sea birds duck dive for fish. In the early morning, it’s perfect for watching the sun come up over the bay.
People have been swimming, boating, fishing, and playing at Western Beach Geelong since the 1840s. 75SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG75SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
In those days there was an unwritten rule designating Western Beach for men’s bathing and Eastern Beach for women. But some ‘dastardly gentlemen’ would disregard the agreement scaring respectable women away.
Overlooking the whole area is the bright and spacious Ripples On The Bay cafe. This stunning cafe serves excellent coffee and has huge windows with to-die-for water views.
Tucked in next to the reserve is tiny Rippleside Beach where you can bask in the sunshine or splash around in the water.
Popular with locals, Rippleside is less well-known to tourists who drive past en-route to more popular areas.
The huge wooden structure has ramps, walkways, steps, and plenty of nooks and crannies to
kids tire of the playground the reserve has wide-open spaces to run around in. Don’t forget to bring your footy!

Other amenities include picnic and barbecue facilities, toilets, and plenty of car parking spaces.
Located on the western edge of the Waterfront, Rippleside Park Geelong is a pretty grasscovered foreshore reserve.

The park has magnificent bay views and is particularly appealing to families with young children who love the adventure playground.
There are some interesting art sculptures dotted around the park. Be sure to check out the Volunteer Rifle Band bollards and The Buoys sculpture, a group of former channel buoys that have been turned into a powerful piece of artwork.
Located right beside the water Steampacket Gardens Geelong is a big rectangle of lush lawn that’s perfect for a relaxing picnic or a game of frisbee.

steampacketgardens 77SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG77SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG
A path on the northern edge connecting the gardens to the bay has seats where you can enjoy the sea breeze and watch the nearby helicopter toing and froing.
On the eastern side you’ll find the Wharfshed Cafe serving yummy meals and to the west sits the delightful historic carousel.
The Geelong Waterfront Makers and Growers market (Steampacket Market) is held here on the first Sunday of each month. This popular market offers local produce, beautiful art and handicrafts, and lots of tasty treats.
Entry into the pavilion is free. Tickets to ride the Carousel are $5.00.
Housing a beautifully restored Carousel, this competitively priced, exclusive all-weather venue is available for private hire seven days a week from 3:00pm.
The Carousel Pavilion can be booked for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, photo shoots, and private or corporate functions.

Housed in a modern steel and glass enclosure the pavilion has an old-world carnival atmosphere that’s enhanced by a pipe organ playing Dixieland melodies.
a few in the world this beautifully restored carousel is considered by many to be the best that’s still in use today.
The Carousel Geelong is a rare 1892 Armitage-Herschell hand-carved wooden
A ride on this enchanting carousel is a magical experience for children of all ages and abilities, with a mobility lift that assists wheelchairs onto the attraction.


The Geelong Gaol Museum is housed in the 170-year-old Geelong Gaol, the third oldest prison in Victoria. Opening in 1853 and closing in 1991 it housed male and female Overprisoners.itshistory, it has been used as an industrial school for young girls, a hospital gaol and a military detention barracks. It was the site of 6 executions.
Today it houses display illustrating not only the history of the Geelong Gaol but the history of the corrections of Victoria.
It features displays on the Hulks, Colonial Prisons, Executions and Saga Behind the Armour along with some of the prisoner stories who have spent time behind the bluestone walls.
The Geelong Gaol Museum is open on weekends, school holidays and public holidays.

RETIREMENT SEPTEMBER 2022 We will look after your financial affairs so you can enjoy your retirement. WHO WE ARE Find Retirement is a part of the Find Group of companies offering Retirement Planning, Accounting, Super, and Insurance service to our clients. WHERE WE WORK We service clients throughout Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong and surrounding areas. With access to the internet it does not matter where you live. WHAT WE DO We don’t sell proucts but provide simple retirement planningBendigosolutions.|Geelong | Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm Sat: 10am -1pm Sun: CLOSED This information is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it is not guaranteed. You should obtain professional advice before acting on the information contained in this publication. Superannuation, tax and Centrelink and other relevant information is based on our interpretation and continuation of law current as at the date of this document. The information contained in this document does not constitute legal or tax advice. You should seek expert advice in this regard. Warren Strybosch, Find Wealth Pty Limited ABN 20 140 585 075 trading as Find Retirement, Corporate Authorised Representative No. 236815 of ClearView Financial Advice Pty Ltd ABN 89 133 593 012, AFSL No. 331367. Find Aged Care Services is seeking professional ‘aged care’ accredited financial planners to provide advice to those seeking aged care advice in their local area. Are you accredited and can help work with clients to find the best aged care options? Are you able to work with their loved ones and help make the process of transitioning into aged care less daunting and complex? If so, consider listing on our website. List with us, and we will get you promoted through our website, social media, and local community papers. Why not consider joining the Find Network as a specialist Aged Care advisor and obtain referral leads from the rest of the Find Network members in your area? List in our Find Aged Care Services Website. Grow your Financial Planning Business with great integrity and sensitivity by providing advice to those requiring Aged Care Services. Are you a Financial Planner looking for more clients? To learn more about these new opportunities, contact Warren on 1300 88 38 30 or email visit our website at Are you an established and experienced Financial Planner providing Aged Care Advice? 81SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG81SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Help the local community know you exist and what sets you a part compared to other aged care facilities, Financial Planners and other providers in the local area. We have developed Find Aged Care Services ( so you can promote your facilities and services to the general public. You can also place any job vacancies on our website that is available in your facilities. For more information, please contact us at 1300 88 38 30 or email List Your Aged Care Facilities with Find Aged Care Services Today.

We invite a representative from each Sporting Club to submit team selections, results and any interesting stories relating to your club/ Forsports.inquiries call 1300 88 38 30 or email the Free Advertising

McDonald, who is a two-time winner over the overall Geelong AFLW MVP Award (2021 and Season 6), again caught the eye of fans after her Round 2 performance against Fremantle at Fremantle Community Bank Oval on Saturday, drawing 39 per cent of the vote.

McDonald again led the way in a strong midfield unit, bringing the pressure and winning the ball against Fremantle.
The midfielder racked up a career-high 29 disposals, five clearances, five tackles, six intercepts and four score involvements.
The votes are in, and the fans have chosen Amy McDonald as their Round 2 Geelong AFLW MVP, presented by Geelong Dairy.

After every home and away round this season, Cats fans will be able to vote in the Geelong Cats AFLW Fan MVP Award, presented by Geelong Dairy.
The overall winner of the award will be presented at the Cats’ Season 7 Best and Fairest Event. Eligible entrants who vote throughout the season will go into a draw to win a 2022 AFLW Team-Signed Football. Terms & Conditions apply
It’s been a strong start to the season for McDonald, continuing to build on the form that has seen her claim the Cats’ past two club Best and Fairest awards.
Vote for your player of the match! Latest News View All News Training WednesdayGallery:Session Podcast | Steve Hocking Joins To The Final Bell 85SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG85SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG

With the addition of new members to the squad, they have fitted in perfectly.
Since the division split earlier this season, they have dominated the league with only a draw to blemish their perfect record, but we all know that playing in finals is a cut throat situation, anything can happen on the day.
We would love to see the FC Leopold family come out in force and cheer the lads on.
Sunday morning sees FC Leopold take on Drysdale. Many of these players have moved through the miniroos together with Rick and this is their first season of juniors (under U12s).
86 FIND GEELONG | SEPTEMBER 2022 87SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG87SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG Do you have an upcoming events e.g. fair, sausage sizzle, production? Place your EVENT AD here for FREE in our community online paper. SEND US YOUR NEWS! Simply upload your ad or email to

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93SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG TRADIES - FREE ADVERTISING *Available until your category is taken when a Tradie joins the Find Network Team. Are you a Tradie? Need referrals? Consider joining the find Geelong Network group. If you have any questions, contact Warren on Warren Strybosch 1300 88 38 30 PROFESSIONALINDEX SERVICES • Painting Services-------93 • Electrician---------------94 • Heating & Cooling---------94 • Building Inspection • Nursey • Flooring DAHLLOF PAINTING SERVICES CONTACT US 0407 365 We are lacated in Geelong, Victoria! Stephen Dahllof Painting Services Servicing Geelong and Surrounding Areas OUR SERVICES PAINTING SERVICES INTERIOR PAINTING Concept to Creation - Perfect From Start to Finish PAGES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

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95SEPTEMBER 2022 | FIND GEELONG CLUTTERBUCK has everything you need in a master electrician, whether it be for your home, office, business, or an area outdoors. PAGES HEALTH & BEAUTY PROFESSIONALINDEX SERVICES • Hair Dresser • Osteopath • Chiropractor • Beauty Therapy • Gym • Massage Therapy BUSINESSES Do you provide Health and Beauty services in the Geelong region? If you have any questions, contact Warren on Warren Strybosch 1300 88 38 30 Advertise Here


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