July / Aug Newsletter

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July/Aug 2008 Volume #8, Issue #4

First Unity Campus | 460 46th Ave. N. | St. Petersburg, FL 33703 | (727) 527-2222 | UnityCampus.org

What’s Happening pg 5

pg 8-11

pg 14

Exploring the Sacred with Mary Manin Morrissey

We’ve got hot summer classes in our Spiritual Education Program!

Yes, You Can Change the World, with Aman Motwane

From Your Board of Trustees


Our mission is “To encourage awareness of Spirit within and inspire a way of life that brings love, freedom, peace, and joy.” Being a member of the Board of Trustees at First Unity Campus means incorporating this mission into all that we do, say and experience. Your Board of Trustees are members of the congregation whom you have selected to serve a three-year term. Each year, three of the trustees’ terms end, and they are replaced by three newly elected trustees. The nominating and board development committee nominates members from the congregation in the fall. If you would like to serve, or know any member of our church who you think would like to serve on the board, please contact any of our current board members. We are your representatives in policy and business matters of the church, and we always welcome your input. With so many new members and new faces at First Unity, we have yet to meet each one of you and are looking forward to that opportunity. Do not hesitate to greet us in Friendship Hall or at a class at our campus. We want to connect with you!

Alan Armstrong Assistant Secretary

Nancy Devlin Treasurer

G. Van Gils Assistant Treasurer

Laurie MacDonald Assistant Treasurer

Nelah Parker Member

Jim Swayne President

Mark Thielmann Secretary

Daybree Thoms Vice President

Earl Wardrum Member

“Thank You, God, for Your unlimited abundance, which ows through Unity and creates new paths of growth for our service to the world.” Each month First Unity Church tithes to: Association of Unity Churches, Association of Unity Churches Living Curriculum, Silent Unity and Southeast Unity Ministries.

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Year to date 04/30/08 Total Revenues $227,823.12 Total Expenditures $225,856.45 Net Total $1,966.67

Time to Fully Wake!


Zen Buddhists say: “Before enlightenment, chop wood and haul water. After enlightenment, chop wood and haul water.” The pathway of self-discovery is a strong desire of a truth student. And to support you — our truth students — it is important that Unity Campus continues to be a space for individuals to learn and grow. It is important for all of us that we practice chopping wood and hauling water. There is no doubt that classes which o er the experiential element to occur tend to be more e ective than classes which teach at or instruct the student. I feel strongly that if a person tells me what they have heard and experienced, then they are learning it. If I am telling them, then I am more into “lecture physics,” and after the class is over there are a few “ah-has,” yet perhaps not enough material digested in the mind and heart of the student. Metaphysics is spiritual psychology — the ability to transform through process, knowledge and movement. Creating and supporting an educational campus within our Unity church o ers several di erent positive elements. 1) Our church makes a statement which says, “We believe in our spiritual development.” Spirituality is an ongoing process and is so much more than a Sunday experience. Growth comes from community and from learning over periods of time. In a classroom setting, a student has an opportunity to explore on many di erent levels and discover more of the journey within. 2) An educational program will attract a lot of people who do not necessarily come to our church. However, over a period of time many of the same people see the tremendous value of Unity and the principles we teach and begin to participate at a deeper level. We have had a number of people start attending within a classroom and over time become very active members of our church. It is our commitment, as stated in our vision, to share the Unity message with as many people as we can.

3) Our church will continue to grow — not only externally but internally, because we are bonding with each other and many core groups form. When small groups of people begin to bond, we become more involved in the campus and community. We mirror to each other and learn more about our spiritual awareness due to the involvement of like-minded friends. At the beginning of the year, I attended an art class on Wednesday evenings for several weeks and was amazed that through guidance, love and patience, I could actually draw. The setting was spiritual, and new friendships were formed. Classes allow us the opportunity to discover new ways of expressing ourselves. We have world-renowned authors coming to be with us in July and August. Mary Manin Morrissey will be with us July 13 (see pg 5), at both Sunday services and an afternoon workshop. Aman Motwane will be with us August 17 (see pg 14) at both Sunday services and an afternoon workshop. In September, when we kick o Spirit Expressing (see pg 15), we’ll be sharing the fun with our friends at Tampa Unity and Unity of Clearwater! We’ll all be using the same study materials for seven weeks, and the banquet, at Matheos Hall, will truly be a Unity celebration with all three churches. Let’s get ready to chop wood and haul more water, beautiful enlightened ones!

Rev. Temple Hayes

“If God had any intention for man, if God did, it would be to leave man alone in order for him to discover himself.” -Raymond Charles Barker

Loving life, Temple


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Why We Named It Wings


The following is a true story. The names have NOT been changed; that’s how true it is. You may already be acknowledging and relying on co-incidents to help guide your life… For those who may still believe that we live in a random Universe, this is just a story of ffiying books.

This was the second time it happened. I’d heard the expression, “The book just ffiew offi the shelf! It was exactly what I needed! The solution to my problem! The answer to my question! The confirmation I wanted!” But Sharon Jebens, when it happened to me 12 years ago in a health Bookstore Manager food store in South Pasadena, I realized that the expression was literal. I was experiencing a longterm, seemingly hopeless health challenge, when this little red book fell at my feet. It contained exactly, specifically, what I needed to move to the next step in my healing. I’m still in awe and gratitude to the Help that gave me that book in that store. The second time it happened was an early spring day, just a few weeks ago. But let me back up a week prior to that: Joyce Claffiin was in the bookstore, offiering to do an angel reading for me, which I eagerly accepted. What was revealed to me was that I was very connected to color. Color was an important element in my life, and I would be teaching a color class (I Keep up-to-date! was shaking my head Sign up for our eNews - no more teaching for at WingsBookstore.com. me!) Using color for healing? It’s something about color! Interestingly, I recalled that the subject of color also came up in a pre-healing interview with Dr.

Patrick Price a few months ago. Hmmm. Susan and I were both at our desks in the Wings office, when simultaneously we rose to walk out into the store toward the front desk. At the perfect moment, a book jumped (ffiew?) from one of the top shelves and landed in the center of the store, right in my path, face down. Since Susan was walking immediately in front of me, she witnessed what happened, along with a couple of surprised customers. Imagine my expression when I picked up the book and saw it was, How to Heal with Color. Now I was paying attention. Shortly thereafter, Lore Raymond visited the store, enthusiastic about having met Jami Lin, the famous author and Feng Shui master. They would be spending some time together at a publishers’ conference, and Jami has a wonderful new book coming out in June called…Color Alchemy. Lore asked, “What if Wings and First Unity could be involved in the launching of Color Alchemy and premiering Jami Lin’s book tour and workshops?” So, save the dates: September 12 - 15, 2008. Book signings, a Color Alchemy workshop and a masterful Feng Shui workshop. Details to follow. And watch out for those winged books.

727-52BOOKS (522-6657) | 4500 4th Street North | St. Petersburg Monday–Friday, 8 am–9:30 pm | Saturday & Sunday, 8 am–6 pm

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Keep reading, Sharon





Mary Manin Morrissey Sunday, July 13 Exploring the Sacred, 9 & 11 am services Mary Manin Morrissey is a minister, teacher and author of two best-selling books — No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams. Her lessons focus on how to use connection with the Divine to create miracles in our lives. Mary travels the world sharing inspirational messages of hope and the power of possibility within every individual. She joins us Sunday, July 13 as our guest speaker and will present an afternoon workshop.

Mystery and Magic: Living the Amplified Life, 1:30 pm Journey into the landscape of your own unlimited potential, and discover your most wondrous life. Experience and activate the ancient three practices that lift you into a realm. Begin to truly live with new ease, grace, freedom and ful llment! You will leave with a deeper clarity, purpose and passion for the possible that is yours for the asking.


The Magical Kingdom of Childhood


Hello, fellow Floridians. My name is Steve Krugler and I am the new Youth and Family Ministry Director at First Unity Church. I come from Detroit, Michigan – having lived there for the past 30+ years of my life.

Steve Krugler, Youth & Family Ministry Director

Help our youth raise money to

attend their next

retreat. Bring your car to church for a car wash Sunday, August 24 from 8 am to 1 pm for a love offering!

If you know anything about Michigan, you know the winters are cold and snowy, and the days are mainly overcast. I am excited about living in a much warmer climate and working again in Youth and Family Ministry. Since I am new to this community, I would like to share some background with you. After graduating from college with a degree in psychology, I worked for almost 20 years as a “milieu counselor” in a children’s state psychiatric hospital. I discovered Church of Today (a large Unity church in Warren, Michigan) in 1993 and began volunteering in the children’s Sunday program in 1995 after taking a 4T Class. I became the Youth and Family Ministry Director in 1998 and worked for five years under the leadership of Marianne Williamson, who was the senior minister, and then continued on as the director for three years after Marianne left. During most of that time, we were the largest Unity church, with an average Sunday attendance of 2,800 adults and a children’s program averaging 350 – 400 kids per Sunday. Over those years we developed a children’s spiritual program that was alive, creative, dynamic and interactive. It is our goal (the current teachers at First Unity and myself ) to create such a program here.

“Our vision is to create loving, safe, joyous, and fun-filled classrooms in which the children/ youth discover God within. Prayer and meditation, crafts, lessons and Bible readings occur each Sunday along with singing, dancing, play acting, and exploring. Spirit is so much alive and present in the classrooms that Sunday School has become the highlight of the week for all children and teachers. Youth and Family Ministry is now expanding throughout the week to meet the heartfelt needs of all through more child/family social activities, support groups, and informative classes for parents and children.” This is our vision! If you would like to “enter into the magical kingdom of childhood” and help us create a children’s program that is moving towards this vision, or if you would like to know more about our program for your children, please give me a call at 527-2222 x109. We truly want our children’s program at First Unity Church to be a beacon of light throughout the entire St. Pete community and beyond. Peace and Blessings, Steve Krugler

COFFEE NEWS Steve is also the Wings Bookstore coffee bar manager. He is bringing us some great new flavors and has recently introduced a frequent buyers card called the Heavenly Brew Club! Stop in and taste the difference of our new espresso beans and our specialty drinks.

Calling all baristas! If you have ever wanted to train as a world-class barista, now is your chance. For an easy way to sign up, visit firstunity.org and click on volunteer, or email volunteer@firstunity.org.

It’s Summertime!


What to do, where to go? Our summertime class offierings are like choosing where to go on vacation...should I go to the beach or to the mountains, ffiy to Europe or to the moon? If you are looking for something light and fun, come join our belly dancing or jewelry-making classes. For your health, learn holotropic breathwork or learn how to use herbal remedies that you can create yourself for healing. For emotional healing, there is a forgiveness class. Come experience a class where you move into deeper soul connection, or gather with the angels or learn to trust your vibes. Any one of these classes could take you on a fascinating inward or out-there journey. If you are on the Unity accreditation path or wanting to broaden your knowledge of Unity teaching, we are happy to have Rev. Prentiss

Davis teaching a Spiritual Education and Enrichment class. Spend an evening learning about Sai Baba. What choices you have! You don’t even have to pack a suitcase, stand in long lines or fill up your tank many times, just mosey on over here to First Unity and join with other like-minded people to learn, grow and celebrate life as a human and spiritual being. See you in class! Namaste, Rev. Helen Hornaday

Rev. Helen Hornaday Spiritual Education Director

“Learn about all of our upcoming classes on the following pages...”

Experiencing Oneness - Saturday, July12 Buddha & Bhavani Bourdreaux return to First Unity Campus Saturday, July 12 for a Oneness Blessing from 7 to 10 pm. Oneness Blessings, or Deeksha, bring a shift in perception and the realization that the sense of a separate self is an illusion. Oneness Blessing/Deeksha frees the senses from the constant chatter of the mind, resulting in clarity of perception and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace, and inner silence. It dissolves negative life patterns, releases traumas stored at the cellular and energetic levels, and facilitates deep emotional and physical healing. Eventually the process brings a permanent end to personal suffiering and full awakening to the very highest states of consciousness. Many of the area’s experienced Oneness Blessing-givers will join in this evening of teachings, Q&A, guided meditation and breath awareness. This event last year was very powerful. Many in attendance experienced instant healings. $25 at the door.


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Expand mind, body and spirit! Our Spiritual Education Program offiers various ongoing classes, workshops and support groups.

THE JOURNEY WITHIN: Embracing the Gifts of God

Registration is easy! Visit us online at www.firstunity.org, call us at (727) 527-2222 x101 or sign up in Friendship Hall. All of our classes offiered this summer are listed on the following pages.

Rev. Prentiss Davis

Linda Lovejoy

Jesus Teachings


Facilitator: Rev. Prentiss Davis Wednesdays, July 9 - August 6 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Rm #300

Facilitator: Linda Lovejoy Thursdays, July 10 – August 21, 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #300

What did Jesus teach? Why did Jesus teach? How did Jesus teach? These and other questions will be answered and examined during this exciting class. The unveiling and true meanings of the most respectable sayings of Jesus will be inhaled and expressed. Requirements: A study Bible or red-letter Bible. A Study of the New Testament by Herbert J. Hunt is required if class is taken for credit. Rev. Davis has been the minister of Unity Temple of Truth Church for the last four years. He also served as assistant minister at Detroit Unity Temple for two and a half years. Suggested Love Offiering is $20 per class. $25 for credit.

This seven-session forgiveness group is based on spiritual principles and cognitive restructuring with the purpose of empowering individuals who have experienced heartbreak, trauma, or tragedy to move through and beyond their anger, pain, despair, hate and desire for revenge to acceptance, forgiveness, and finally triumph, by living an abundant life free of the encumbrances. Suggested Love Offiering is $25 per session or $175 for the entire series. Linda Lovejoy is a licensed mental health counselor and life coach, who takes a holistic approach in dealing with depression, stress, relationship skills for singles, overcoming fear, balancing your life, developing a healthy relationship with money and life transitions.

*DATES and LOCATIONS of classes may occasionally change. Please call the church at 527-2222 or Wings at 522-6657 or visit FirstUnity.org for up-to-date information.

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Intro to Soul Facilitator: Sheila Kaye Saturdays, July 12 & 26, 9 am to noon Location: Rm #301

Sheila Kaye

Kathleen Gould

Remember who you are! Reclaim your heritage! Revitalize all aspects of your life! This two-part seminar will spark the alchemy process for moving from a lackluster life into the vibrant spiritual nature of your pure essence. The intention of these sessions is to drop disguises and embrace true freedom, emerging from the void. The goals for this soul class are to recover your handbook of soul directions for igniting passion and to expand your heart ffiow to experience living fully as your true spiritual nature. Join Sheila in this experiential two-part seminar for a suggested Love Offiering of $60. Register early; limited to 20 participants. As a child, Sheila Kaye felt strongly connected spiritually to nature and her understanding of God. Her curious nature urged her to study traditional and complementary methods of human development and healing for the soul. Her enthusiasm and presence enables class participants to honor the journey of their life, as she empowers them to embrace their emotional wounds and recapture the truth of their own spiritual nature. In 1996, Sheila was ordained under the auspices of the Church of the Creator and this past year studied at Unity Village in Missouri.

Susan Rodrigeuz

Get Healthy Facilitator: Kathleen Gould Tuesday, July 22, 6:30 to 9:30 pm Location: Friendship Hall Get ready to raise your energy in this amazingly powerful seminar. Come and get expert advice from one of the top herbalist in the country and leave with information that will change you and your body forever. This seminar is herbal healing made easy! Kathleen Gould has been wowing audiences across the country with simple herbal Rev. Helen Hornaday

remedies everyone can create right in their own kitchens. She takes the mystery out of using herbs and teaches you how to incorporate them into your busy lives. Join us as Kathleen empowers you by sharing four simple herbs that you can begin using today to regain and maintain radiant health. wLove Offiering. Kathleen has studied, taught and lived herbalism for more than 25 years. Her passion and dedication began when her three-year-old son was diagnosed with ADHD. Since then she has been honored to have studied with internationally recognized herbalists such as Patch Adams, James Duke, Ph.D., and Rosemary Gladstar. Kathy has founded several herbal practices including SECHS in Florida, where she integrated cultivating herbs and teaching herbal health. She is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and a nationally recognized author and lecturer on herbal healing.

Beginning Belly Dance Facilitator: Susan Rodriguez Saturdays, August 2-30, 11 am to noon Location: Friendship Hall End your summer with Beginning Belly Dance! So you think you can’t dance? Then you haven’t tried belly dance! This ancient form of dance will help you get in touch with your inner goddess and enhance your mind-body-spirit connection. Through isolated movements of the hips, arms, and torso, you will express the mesmerizing rhythms and enchanting melodies of authentic Middle Eastern music, both classical and pop. In each beginning belly dance class, you will learn an assortment of basic belly dance moves and then put them together in short choreographies for a fun, invigorating, and complete workout. No previous dance experience required. Recommended attire is leggings and a midriffi or form-fitting top. Suggested Love Offiering is $12 per class or $50 for all five classes. ...continued on next page SPIRITUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM

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Susan was first drawn to belly dance in the fall of 2005. Motivated by the desire to embrace the divine feminine, she turned to belly dance as a fun way to exercise and celebrate her body — no matter what her shape or weight. She immediately fell in love with this joyous, sensual, and playful style of dance. In the spirit of the dance, she adopted a dance name: Kamila, which means “whole and perfect” in Arabic. She soon noticed that belly dancers come in all shapes and sizes, each one with a unique beauty all of her own. This affirmed the beliefs she has been adopting, which she would now like to share with others through the teaching of belly dance.

Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette. As a child, Rev. Helen Hornaday lived from a natural and magical place. Like many of us, she was not encouraged to express or share what she saw, heard or felt. Fortunately when she opened again to her guidance and trusted her vibes, life became wonderful, fulfilling and sweet. When she resists, life is harder. It has guided her to amazing places and connected her with teachers, led her into the ministry, sparked her creativity and guided her into the healing arts and so much more.

Creating Jewelry in Sacred Space Angel Gathering Facilitator: Sheila Kaye Saturdays, August 9 & 23, 9 am to noon Location: Sanctuary Open to the comforting love and healing awaiting you as you heighten your awareness of the angels as your spiritual support team. Participate in group energy as we expand our innate intuition and fine-tune our hearing to capture the whispers of the angels. Join Shelia in this two-part experiential seminar for a suggested Love Offiering of $60. Register early; limited to 20 participants. Over the years of studying spirituality, Sheila found herself collecting angels, speaking of angels, and being attracted to angel images and cards. Due to this fascination, she read stories of angel assistance, researched scripture references, and entered a program entitled “The Angelic Realm.” When she began acknowledging the presence of angels in meditations and healing sessions, she and her clients experienced vibration changes. The warm loving presence of angels entices her to share these opportunities with others.

Facilitator: Rev. Helen Hornaday Tuesdays, August 12 - September 2, 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #300 Do you want to learn to create and design your own jewelry? Would you like to join with others and create sacred space while you are learning and playing? This series includes: basic beginning jewelry making and designing, intermediate applications and design, wire wrapping, and creating fun projects that are not jewelry using the techniques you’ve learned. Each week you will go home with a completed piece. First class will provide supplies and a list of tools and supplies you will need in future classes. If you have beads and tools please bring them to class. Suggested Love Offiering of $20. Rev. Helen Hornaday is passionate about the creative process and believes everyone has an artist within them. She is a jewelry designer and teacher. Helen blesses all her work as she is creating and wants to share this spiritual practice along with practical applications.

Introduction to Sai Baba Trust Your Vibes Facilitator: Rev. Helen Hornaday Mondays, August 11-September 22, 10 am to noon & 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #301 Are you ready to awaken your intuitive sense or become more aware of your divine guidance? Learning to energetically uplift and live an easier, more fulfilling life is possible as you trust your vibes. This class is designed to be fun yet practical, with tools that will serve you. Your intuition-and we all have it-when activated will support your creativity and bring you peace of mind and harmony as you connect and trust your “inner voice.” Suggested Love Offiering is $15 per class. Recommended book is

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Thursday, August 21, 7 to 9 pm Location: Friendship Hall This workshop/worship experience is intended to introduce Sathya Sai Baba to those who attend this meeting: Learn about his phenomenal work: providing free medical care for hundreds of thousands of people in India; providing running water to millions of people who had none; providing education - kindergarten thru university (PhD); improving villages throughout India; miraculous healings and changes in people’s lives. Members of the Sai Baba center of Clearwater will share in this presentation by video and personal testimony. There is no charge for this meeting. Sri Sathya Sai Baba was born in 1926 in a small village in India. He

is considered an Avatar (God incarnate) and is so acknowledged by 50 million people across the world. He lives in Puttaparthi, India 100 miles north of Bangalore. His compound includes a university emphasizing human values; super specialty hospital with totally free services; meeting halls, residences and accommodations for thousands of people. For his 70th birthday, more than one million people were there - housed and fed - at no cost.

Ongoing Classes Energy Medicine for Healthy Living Study Group Facilitator: Melanie Smith, DOM, AP First Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Sanctuary Explore deeper realms of Energy Medicine in a practical hands-on environment. Learn to use a variety of ancient healing systems to balance your own energy. Discover your body’s miraculous design for natural self-healing. There is a deep wisdom locked into the energies that ffiow through your body—much like the blood that courses through your veins. Energy Medicine allows you to tap into this wisdom. It teaches you how to work with your body’s energy to increase your everyday zest and vitality, overcome chronic health problems and enhance the simple pleasure of living in your own body. Open to everyone interested in better health. $10 per class at the door. Recommended text: Energy Medicine by Donna Eden (available in the bookstore.)

Qigong Facilitator: Lisa Rathgeb Mondays, 6 to 7 pm Location: Rm# 200 QiGong (pronounced chee-gong) is a form of martial arts for ultimate healing. It includes advanced breathing techniques and slow movements to expand your magnetic “Qi-Energy.” This Qi-Energy has a profound effiect on blood circulation, longevity, strength and deep levels of awareness. On a spiritual level, it awakens your evolutionary process and deepens our God connection. It is an ancient scientific system of healing that awakens, aligns and directs the body’s own electromagnetic healing force. Only an open mind and heart is required to experience the immense benefits of this exercise. It is important to wear comfortable clothing while doing this practice in order to allow for maximum Qi-Energy ffiow. QiGong shoes are nice and can be purchased from any martial arts store. A yoga mat or blanket may be required at times. Suggested Love Offiering is $10 per class.

Yoga Facilitator: Aria Brunson Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:45 pm Location: Rm# 401 Are you looking for a workout program that’s easy to learn, requires little or no equipment, and soothes your soul while toning your body? If strengthening your cardiovascular system, toning and stretching your muscles, and improving your mental fitness are on your to-do list, then this ongoing yoga class is for you! Bring a mat and enjoy the benefits yoga brings to mind, body and spirit. Love Offiering.

Nonviolent Communication Facilitator: Mark Thielmann 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #200 This group is a forum to practice reframing how we express ourselves and how we hear others, participating in an honest dialogue where everybody’s feelings and needs can be identified and met. As a practice group for individuals who have read or are reading the book Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg, our goal is to resolve conffiicts by focusing our consciousness on what we are observing, feeling, needing and requesting. For more information, contact Mark Thielmann, 735-5811.

Many classes require pre-registration, so we have made it easy for you! SIGN UP online at www.firstunity.org, in Friendship Hall or call 527-2222 x 101 Payment for classes can be made in advance at the church or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted.


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Following the 11 am service will be an outdoor Family BBQ,

will begin with the 9 & 11 am Sunday services. Rev. Temple’s message will be “Too Blessed to

featuring lunch for sale (including vegetarian options); live musical entertainment by Chris Foster; a Kids’ Zone with games, prizes, a clown, face painting and art; and vendor booths featuring local businesses.

Be Stressed,� and music will be by Kansas City musician Chris Foster (former music director of Unity of Naples, FL).

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All proceeds from this sizzling summer event will CFOFĂśU 'JSTU 6OJUZ $IVSDI 8IBU B HSFBU UJNF UP CSJOH your friends and family and enjoy a Sunday full of fun!



ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY at ďŹ rstunity.org Advertise your business or services to our First Unity Campus. Visit us online at www. rstunity.org for rates. Our website averages 1,200 unique views a month with 90% from the greater Tampa Bay area, and our advertising rates are ridiculously cheap! Each listing includes a title line, your contact info, a description of up to 50 words and a link to your website.


Advertising with us is a great way to reach a targeted local audience while supporting First Unity Church.

Email newsletter@firstunity.org or call (727) 527-2222 x103 to place your ad.


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Yes, You Can Change the World with Aman Motwane There is a way for you to heal all your relationships, heal yourself, and heal the world — all at the same time! You can learn how at this powerful workshop.

“Simple” and “profound” are the two words that will spring to your mind when you read Aman Motwane’s powerful book. A word-ofmouth sensation, it won Aman the prestigious RS International Peace Award. Pick up your copy at Wings Bookstore.

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The key to cultivating deeply satisfying relationships and taking them into a realm you never imagined possible.

How to see everyone — even difficult people, even needy people, even demanding people, even people who are abusive, even people who lack confidence — in a whole new way that transforms your relationship with them ... and also, transforms their life and the world.

How to BE and BECOME Namaste — where the Divine in you sees the Divine in everybody else — as a way of life and living.

You already have the power to manifest all this. DON’T abdicate your power. Become part of an international movement to make your world — and at the same time, the world — a better place! So, say YES and mark your calendars for Sunday, August 17 from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.Tickets are available at Wings Bookstore and are $20 advance/$25 door.


Spirit Expressing starts soon!


Spirit Expressing is a seven-week program of spiritual self-discovery with an emphasis on growth in awareness, involvement, and commitment. It includes Sunday messages based on an inspiring book we have chosen for our study, and weekly prayer/study groups. Sherry O’Dell will be leading this year’s Spirit Expressing program – and she is very excited! This year we have some new additions to our program: Spanish-speaking group(s) facilitated by Hulda Lorente, and two Bay area churches will be celebrating Spirit Expressing with us (Tampa Unity and Unity of Clearwater). You can sign up to host and/or facilitate a weekly group. Hosts open

their homes and their hearts to study groups. Facilitators are trained by Rev. Temple to lead meditations, prayers and discussions based on this year’s theme. Sign up to attend a prayer/study group. Groups meet in many locations and at many times, so it’s easy to ďŹ nd one that will ďŹ t into your schedule and be close to home. Volunteer to be on one of our “dream teamsâ€? for one of the many Spirit Expressing activities. For more information about how to get involved, watch Sunday bulletins, and read your emails from First Unity Church.

IMPORTANT DATES Dream team volunteer sign-up

Sundays, July 20 - August 10

Facilitators and/or host sign-up

Sundays, July 27 - August 3

Study group sign-up

Sundays, August 10 - 31

Facilitator training

Wednesday, August 20

Spirit Expressing banquet

Sunday, October 19


Spirit Expressing is a great way to get involved and make new friends!

Turn your vacations into donations at


Purchase flowers Golf excursions

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Cruises Group vacations

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Concert tickets Theater tickets and more!

Every time you use firstunitytravel.com, you are supporting First Unity Campus! SPIRIT EXPRESSING NEWS

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Ê Unit

Listen to Rev. Temple’s messages

online at FirstUnity.org!

Just click on the podcast icon in the upper right corner, choose a message to listen to and hit play. It’s that simple! You can also help support this online ministry by giving a donation—right on the podcast page.

Joint Statement for Peace Unity and the Association of Unity Churches

Unity stands for peace in the presence of conflict; for love in the presence of hatred; for forgiveness in the presence of injury. Unity honors the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways to worship God; for there is only one power and presence of God and that God loves each one of us equally.

VWXYZ[\ It is therefore the position of The International Association of Unity Churches and Unity to urge all nations, their leaders, and their people to turn to God by whatever the name for guidance during these challenging times and pursue peace, not war, for this is what honors the God of all our faith traditions. Unity stands for peace in our lifetime.



Ongoing Groups

The following groups meet regularly at First Unity Campus. Newcomers are always welcome! A Course in Miracles (ACIM). Offered both morning and evenings, this group meets at 10 am on Wednesdays, or at 7 pm on Thursdays. ACIM is a modern-day expression of the demonstrations and teachings of our beloved brother Jesus. This study group reads and discusses the book, which invites us to open to a richer, deeper experience of our spiritual nature. The course focuses on forgiveness (letting go of thoughts and pictures in our minds that cause us to suffer) as the path to happiness, love and joy. Suggested Love Offering is $5 per class. Rm #300.

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Al-anon. This always-open meeting happens every Thursday from 7 to 9 pm. Rm #205. CommUniteam. Want to help others in our church family, community and the world? Join the CommUniteam! If you are looking for a way to get involved in outreach at First Unity, come to our meetings every second Monday from 6 to 7 pm in the Conference room. Darshan/Meditation/Science of Spirituality. Meets at 1:30 pm on the 1st through 4th Sundays. Rm #300. Ladies Auxiliary. Share lunch, fellowship and ideas at 11 am every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Everyone is welcome. Various guest speakers present monthly. Rm #301. (2nd Friday only June through August.) The Next Generation of First Unity (NGU). Our purpose is to empower ourselves through service, prayer and personal education to embrace our spiritual potential. Service to our church and community enriches the lives of all involved. Prayer and meditation help us throw off those pesky adult stresses and reconnect with our inner mystic child. And every so often we do stuff just to have fun and be with friends. We invite everyone from the ages of 18 to 35 to join us on Wednesdays at 7 pm in Rm #301. Sober Spirits. This Alcoholics Anonymous group meets at 7:30 pm every Wednesday in Rm #200, and 10 am every Thursday in Rm #300.* No smoking, please. * non-handicapped accessible

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LOOKING FOR SPIRITUAL COUNSELING? Visit us at FirstUnity.org and click on “Prayer & Care” for direct links to our counseling team.

Contact Us

Our mission: To encourage awareness of Spirit within and inspire a way of life that brings love, freedom, peace and joy.

Sunday Schedule

First Unity Staff

Services ......................................... 9 and 11 am “Upper Room” Meditation ................. 10:30 am

Rev. Temple Hayes, Minister, x 106 reverendtemple@firstunity.org

Youth Education

Connie Barrett, Office Assistant, x 100 office@firstunity.org

Nursery through age 2 ................... 9 and 11 am Sunday School, ages 3 -10 ....................... 11 am Uniteens, ages 11-13 ............................... 11 am

Ami Bowen, Communications and Design, x 103 newsletter@firstunity.org

Wednesday Schedule

Steve Krugler, Youth and Family Ministry Director, x 109 youth@firstunity.org

Silent Unity Prayer Service ............... 12:10 pm Prayer & Healing Service .....................6:30 pm Youth of Unity, ages 14-19 ........................7 pm Next Generation Unity, ages 18-35 ...........7 pm

Church Information Office Hours .......... Mon – Thurs, 9 am – 5 pm Website ....................................... FirstUnity.org Phone ......................................(727) 527-2222 FAX ........................................(727) 526-1277

Dianna Collins, Administrator, x 107 admin@firstunity.org

Helen Harvey, Hospitality and Guest Services, x 110 newmember@firstunity.org Rev. Helen Hornaday, Spiritual Education Director, x 101 spiritualeducation@firstunity.org Sharon Jebens, Bookstore Manager, (727) 522-6657 bookstore@firstunity.org Andrew Mayes, Webmaster, x 103 website@firstunity.org Garry Miller, Choir Director, x 108 choir@firstunity.org

Recorded Prayer .......................(727) 525-1757

Jamie Norman, Audio/Visual Director, x 351 av@firstunity.org

Silent Unity ..............................(816) 969-2000

Sandy Cromp, Communications & Design assistant, x 103

Bookstore Information Website ........................... WingsBookstore.com

Laura Watts, Creative Arts & Programming Director, x 108 music@firstunity.org Barbara Zagaria, Bookkeeper, x 104 bookkeeper@firstunity.org

Phone .......................................(727) 522-6657 Hours ................... Mon – Sat, 8 am – 9:30 pm ..............................................Sun, 8 am – 6 pm

Unity Chaplains Daybree Thoms ................... chaplain@firstunity.org

Board of Trustees Jim Swayne, President, board@firstunity.org Alan Armstrong | Nancy Devlin | Daybree Thoms | Nelah Parker Mark Thielmann | G. VanGils | Earl Wardrum | Laurie MacDonald Rev. Alan & Rev. Kathryn Rowbotham, Ministers Emeritus

Licensed Unity Teachers Linda Carney Lynn Colt Nancy Joy Hudnall Gloria Paul

Diana Rankin Patricia Starwyck Mildred Tyler Joyce Volz

The editorial staff has made every effort to ensure that the information in this newsletter is correct; however, we reserve the right to make changes to times, locations and teachers should the need arise. Please check our website www.firstunity.org regularly for updates about upcoming events or classes, and visit our home page to sign up to receive important emails about all of the exciting things happening here at First Unity Church.


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Wings Bookstore, located on the Unity Campus, is open 7 days a week, features a gourmet coffee bar, covered patio and offers a schedule of many in-store activities. Check out the latest best-sellers and featured gifts at


Coming Soon! Unlock your greatest potential by mastering the colors of the body, mind, and spirit with Jami Lin. Watch for details. September 12 — Meet Jami Lin at Wings September 13 — Color Alchemy workshop all day September 14 — Book signing at Wings September 15 — Masterful Feng Shui workshop

Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St North St. Petersburg, FL (727) 522-6657

First Unity Church 460 46th Ave North St Petersburg, FL (727) 527-2222

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